The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1902, Image 2

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.I"" .-- S, at- -.-.. .Li' .""J
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BSS 33.'rS.Vt..
Mat 11,1m.
u 5iy "awammi iwseaaa.
PA MH... ...... ..............
SaYWS BeBBSae...... .. .... .. .... ....
awTe taVBsue rm jouaji
Bepublicaa State coaveatioa, Liaeoln,
Jane 18.
IMmki State Fair, LsbcoIb, Aagast
at to September 5.
Graad Amy encampment, Waahing
toa, D. CL, October 6-1L
State High School Declamatory coa
tsst, Grand Islsad, Friday, May 23.
First Cuban congress convenes. May
10. Gabaa Independence Day. May 90.
Nebraska Epwortb assembly, Iiaeola.
August 6 to 14 inclusive.
Bepublicaa CoagrassioBsl coBvaatioa,
Third district, Fremont, Jaae 10, 10
o'clock, a. m.
Sixth dietrict repubticaa wingressionsl
eoaveatioa at Crawford, June 12; num
lisrct delegates, 207.
Dishonest legislation is always con
cealed. The burglar chooses the iiight,or
the absence of his victim -for his time of
action. J. L. Quinby.
The Nebraska Fanner baa a sensible
article oa potato raising in Nebraaka.
At this season wien the fanner looks
oisr an idle piece of ground, wondering
what to do with it, or when the good
bousswifew the city gazes on an adjoin
ing Tacaat lot, to what better nee can the
ground be pat than raisin this always
and ever wekxMne vegetable?
Sir Walter Raleigh of blessed
the alleged discoverer of tins
useful escaleat, the tuber eolsross, intro
duced it to the Britons he conferred a
greater benett npon mankind than the
imperial civilisation of Borne. True' the
honor of the discovery has been attrib
ated to the Spaniard of Peru, and like
wise to Sir John Hawkins, the infamous,
bat tradition lingers fondly around the
of Balajgh, aad Ireland has special
for cherishing him in gratefal
s Mnawmui awii. I
leanhlieas Canty CsarsaUsa.
Bepablicsa electors of Matte cxmaty are hereby
called to Meet ia their respective votjae; pre
eiacta aad wards Tharsday. Mir , MB, at Z p.
U for the parpoae of eelectiac dnlsaataa to the
eeaatr eoateatioa, to be held at Hamphrejr, at
1 o'clock, p. bl, Tharsdajr. Jaae 5. 1982. far the
pentose of eelectiac delegates to the repaalieaa
rnacwInaal coaTeaUoa. delegates to the repab
Ueaa state coareaUoa, dwlajatea to the 24th
district repweatatite coareBtioa, daleaaiai to
the Ma district aeBatorial oobtmUob, aad to
aoadaate candidates for ooaatr sttnroaj aad
lepramatetive for diatriet No. 24, aad for the
traamrtioa of each other hnsiaass at may prop
erly came before them.
The township meetiaga will ako aomiaete
Tae aeveral towaehlpa will be eatitlad to the
feUewiac aaaber of delesatee to the eoaatjr
nawward. 6 Batler 4
ward......... IiOBD... ...... 2
o lt Craek ... 8
4 GraaTille. 6
4 Iraiiuwa.. ....... 4
5 Moaroa. s
4 oft. BefaMra.... ... 5
5 Woodtille. 4
Ebwoi Hoabs, Chainaaa.
K.G.8TBOTBXB, Secratarx.
CofciaA towaahip..
Ofaad Prairie
Mas. Makt A.L1VZRXORK, it is feared,
atay become totally blind.
AonnuL W. T. Sampson died at Waaa
iagtoa,D.a,Mayo;at 5 p. ax, ia the
sixty-third year of his age.
Obobok W. Ambbosk, formerly jadge
of the district eoart at Omaha, died of
paeamonia at Wesley hospital, Chicago,
May 6.
Bum have been introdaoed for pro
vidiag govenuaeat baiknaga at Grand
lalaad aad York for $100,000 and $75,000
F. Bkct Haktb, the American aathor,
died at London, the aight of MayS, sad
denly, from hetnorrhsge by an affection
of the throat He was born at Albany,
Glxk TAUBOTTof Tecnmseh wss chop
piag Bear a clothes line when his ax was
eaagfat on the line, resalting in a false
stroke, the blade of the ax entering the
calf of hie leg full width and to a consid
erable depth.
Mas. HKTTncGKKEir.tbe noted woman
of aaaaoe, has been granted a permit to
carry a revolver, by the police depart
ment of New York City. Sheexpectato
aseare pistol permits in all the large
cities ia which she does buaiaess.
The estate of the late J. 8teriiag Mor
toa ia estimated at about 9100,000, the
will providing for an annuity to Jaws
Eauaa Morton, sister of the deceased,
the reauuader in equal shares to his four
soas. Joy, the oldest son is to have
"Arbor Lodge."
Ms who are discredited by the people
are aot the proper ones to decide that
the people shall be prevented from audt-
rownBOBUBatioaa. Recent per-
oaly show the aeedof imme-
reform in the nrimarv svateaa.
Mebraska State Beeord.
Bat for the failareof the potato crop
ia xrelaad maay years sgo in the last
ceatary the United States would not
aow possess some of its brightest names
aad splendid internal improvements
that have done so much to make our
country what it is.
Nebraska is one of the favored homes
of the potato. As the Nebraaka Farmer
in 1870, we produced 739,984 bushels; in
1880, 2,150,893 bushels; in 1890, 9,19873
bushels; in 1900, 9,664,446 bushels.
Although not in the general sense a pop
ular crop in Nebraska, the potato of
Utah, Colorado and other atates being
much more prominent in the markets.
yet the fact is that Nebraska is one of
the nine atates producing three-fifths of
the crop in 1899 and 1900, and among
these nine states, sixth in yield, exceed
ing that of Ohio, Michigan, Missouri,
Kansas, and standing next to Pennsyl
vania in 1899.
The World-Herald believes, with the
Nebraska Farmer that because of the
many uses to which the potato may be
pat, more attention ought to be paid to
its production by the people of Nebraska.
The soil and climate of the state are
adapted to it, and in the irrigated sec
tions it flourishes with unusual vigor,
quality and growth. Omaha World
Herald. .
Thbbx are a great many republicans
who prefer that Hon. A. E. Cady should
be the republican nominee for governor
than a candidate for congress. The
party needs one of its strongest and best
known bmb as its candidate for governor,
and Mr. Cady woald fill the bill com
pletely. Kearney Hub.
The republican party has a large num
ber of good men whose names have been
suggested for the high position of chief
executive of the state of Nebraska.
Those who know Mr. Cady know that he
ia honest, capable aad efficient on gen
era! principles, and are sure that, whether
governor, or congressman, he woald
do the right thing, and, having a clear
conception of duty ahead; if elected, he
woald have a fitting andadequate realiza
tion of the duties of a representative of
his party in a campaign of education"
in principles, in' this good year, 1902.
Several people have had reason to know,
in an experimental way, that Cady is so
well equipped in national and state poli
ties, and so ready in debate, that he who
contends against him must be prepared
for a demonstration of the fact that
-Whea valor
the sword it fight mTU."
A Nebraska company with a capital
stock of $40,000 has been organised for
the purpose of auaiag for coaL It is
apposed their first venters will be four
miles south oT Milford, aad ia Saline
county where coal was discovered a
abort time ago. At Dorchester, some
twenty-five years ago, coal waa supposed
by mining experts, to be under the sur
face, bat no special effort was made to
ascertain. It ia claimed that when the
discovery north of Dorchester, in Saline
county waa made recently, an applica
tion was filed with the governor for the
state reward of $4,000 for a veia twenty
six inches thick. Before any payaaent
will be made by the state, the discoverer
must pay the cost of an examination. It
has been demonstrated ia certain por
tions of Platte county that there ia
artesian water here. Possibly in other
portions, by going down deeper, coal or
oil, and probably at least artesian water
may be found.
Senator Millard on Wednesday last
"introduced a bill for the purchase of
sites and erection of public buildings at
West Point, Cuming county, and Colum
bus, Platte county, each to cost forty
thousand dollars." Such is the sub
stance of a paragraph, in news from
Washington. It is not only possible but
very probable that the bill may pass
through all right If so, doubtless the
government will transact the business of
location to suit its present aad future
needs for ten to twenty years, as nearly
as may now be estimated by the depart
ment. The water power that is certainly
available here in some form, and which,
soon or later, is sure to be utilized, illus
trates the fact that there is no good
reason why there should be a disturbing
difference of opinion 00 "matters that are
clearly solvable 00 a more general prop
osition, satisfactory to all lot interests,
street interests and sectional interests,
because there is always an exact way
to do right.
From a distance comes the following
"local," which will be of interest to many
Jodxhal readers: One of the prettiest
home weddings of the season took place
at 230 p. m. April 27, at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Ous Keaseher of Salem,
Oregon, the ocession being the marriage
of Mrs. Keosehsra sister, Miss Clara
Lerie to Mr. BoyOoboon of Portland.
The ceremony was performed by Bev.
Ronald McKillop of the First Baptist
church of Salem. Only relatives and a
few friends were in attendance. The
house was prettily decorated in ferns,
Oregon grape and lilies. After congrat
ulations, refreshments were served. The
bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvia
Levie of Edison, Nebraska, and a former
resident of Columbus, Nebraska. The
groom is a highly esteemed young man
of Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs.
Cohoon left for a trip down the Willa
mette river. They will be at home to
their friends st 828 Esst Lincoln street,
Portland, Oregon, after May 10.
: J
the SBowdowa the sJias f the aWaa
taaasl the steam froseoa the ear wJa
dowa. Thsslsvsrtoa was 7Ja7tnt above
sesleveL Watts we were sewdag evsr
the Boekiss froatOsaoa Oft, weraaehsd
aa elevation of 1490 BMstiU there was
near so mash saow thsra as wa
as you
through this
tioa is much greater than further
ftftir rawing TTwriit. in ttrrmmsaosd to
which was pretty to look si, we eaate
right ;by where gold was first daMovered
ia California, ia gold raa or Dutch fiats,
aad a good aaaay thousand yards of dirt
have been handled tbere in the last fifty
years, lookiag for the yellow mta!, aad
I supposes good maay poor fellows have
gone broke in the mssntima, A good
many Chinese are paaaiag away there
now, bat did aot leara how it seas out.
Down the gulch we came, the govern
ment have quite lwirrigatiag ditches
and water duots, aad it looks to ass as
though water was gmd aaoasy ia this
country. As wa 0104 lower down the
Baouataias .aad Beared Ssenuaeato wa
began to get into the fruit belt which all
along near -the foothills is grand aad
well improved. Ws passed ths Earl
Fruit Company's hsadquarten
cards you often see oa fruit oars
esetoa ths U. P. sad they look to be s
very large concern. All the vfrom
the aide of the BKmntein raage to Saera
asento the country looks very fiae, bat
after you' leave -Ssersjaeato fer-Friseo
ths & P. B. R passes through miles aad
nuleeof very poor laad, good for aothiag
bat for raising dacha, and than yoa
woald have to dip their wiaaa so they
could not fly away. What we have seen
of California it looks aa tboagh it was
about five bad to one good.
lieaka ami Yifiaity.
Mrs, Ora Hill ia confined to her room
with sickness.
Miss Simpson of Schuyler speat San
day with Miss Jennie Paiator.
Bev. M. Anderson drove to Monroe
Saturday to bold services at that place
The Epworth lesgae carried oat aa
exceUent program Sunday evening. The
house was flljed and the best of order
prevailed. "'
Brother Bart Stevenson oooapied the
pulpit here Sunday in the sbsenoe of
Bev. Anderson. Mr. Stevenson received
the congratulations of his friends and
feels encouraged in the work he hopes to
carry out We feel proud of our Colfax
oounty boys.
Celuahas Ptfclic fefcert, Afrit,
Mm. Wa.-Murray visited
L Ghwk was a visitor to Haashrey
J. a Martin of darks was ia towa
Mia. D. a Kavaaaagh was ia Liaeola
Mm Bowmen of Schuyler visited Mrs.
Paal Hoepen 8aaday.
Mm. Dr. Goer went to Graad Island
today for a abort visit.
Mr. aad Mm. F. H. Robert of Geaoa
wars ia towa Tharsday.
Prof. B. M. Campbell of Humphrey
visited ia towa over Saturday.
Peter McFaydsaof Genoa visited his
Brother, W. MeFayden, Sunday.
Mrs. Freak Eiassrs of Humphrey vis
ited the Misses MoMahoa last week.
Mia, Tessa' Loekaer House of Omaha
visited friends in the city over Sanday.
Editor Toaag aad wife of Geaoa were
ia towa Tharsday, oa their way hosts
aa People's Normal School
If there is f anion in Nebraska this
year the candidate will not be 8precher
or say other populist; he will be n dem
eerat. People's Banner, David City
(republican, formerly a populist psper.)
It will probably all depend upon what
aoaae ssptring politicisn wants next year
or the.yesr after. The succession of
Jadge Salfivsa on the supreme bench,
will boob come oa, and that will eater
into the cslculstions, too. Fremont
Taa county board has spent most of
k wrestling with n proposition
ittod by L. D. Richards, of Fre
mont, to refund the a & A P. railroad
beads ever which there has been each
costly sad futile litigation. Principal
mtorest combined the old original
1 of WtofiOO bow. amount to $198.-
wL Yesterday the board voted to
asespt the offer of Mr. Richards to ref aad
far $136,131. About 9100400 will be
takea by the state treasurer at 3 per
coat. Blair Republics.
Tuesday morning's dsihes gave tekv
grams -A the dsy before of the situation,
the effects visible of the invisible but
tremendous forces of n volcano. From
the Omaha Bee's account we reproduce
the leading paragraph and the headlines:
"Fort De France, Martinique, May 12.
It now seems to be generally admitted
that about 30,000 persons lost their lives
ss the result of the outbreak of the
Mount Pelee volcano. American Consul
Aysas of Guadalope reaches scene of the
volcano. Spot where metropolis of Mar
tinique stood is n complete waste. Late
details confirm early reports. Grim dis
aster of Fridsy forecasted Thursday by
clouds and cannonading. Land and sea
strewn with thirty thousand corpses and
wreckage of buildings, and ships form n
areeseded vary slowly lest week, the drill
but rock of
day. The total
whiles exactly knows.
is theaght to ha 218 lest, or about seven
ssst below the surface of the coal layer
ws'ewnssfaB waarJ pQBVvCwHMel 4 I0vef
Harry Brewa who m msssging the drill
iagisaetia the least dieoouraged be
st the additional depth, bat
i win bo
up are exactly the
saasalBBt that coal
sunk as taa drill aast pssitriti at the
ealyfceaalteSfsstpsrday; watts ia
Da. FoKDTcs, in n lecture at Univer
sity Place recently, says the Lincoln
Journal, talked upon important influ
ences in the life of womankind and
pointed oat the dangers arising from
over-pressure in the school room and the
home, aad from the attending irregular
ities of society lu daring tbe period of
rapid physical development A
as Biade between the Amer-
girl of eighteen aad her English
of the same age. in which he nave
ss a reason for the superior vigor of the
lsttor, a more tranquil life, more regular
aleep and rest periods, and plainer and
store nutritions food.
J. BuwUac Morton.)
He has aot eaaaad to be; mv. drj joar taara.
Teateald not aorraw that the mora appcara.
Ta awald aot arhwafaeaaati the aowia aafold
sprias froai eat the dewy wold.
ha ia. bat loathe
AadatmsKiawHteSaeaaaia pathway, too.
Oat of arm's
1 triad.
waaUa filalatrt?
A. J. Gaona of
tetely lectured acainet eaual
Brooklva,N.T. She is reported as say
sag. "IK coarse one mas the risk of
oeooauag very uapopular by
woman teat fear plaee ia ia the
" m ajlana ia inllil .
Ma. George out of piece ia giving lse-
m wwaNnwa SSUSB swnv rmaa Bar
M&Gesrgespsads aaore than
r travehng about tbecouatry
aot only seeinst saffraee bat
n varietv of other 6-- tU. it
to perform sll her polit-
a law lima. U aao
Citizens of Columbus on Wednssdsy
morning last were very much concerned
over the rumor that a fire which had
started at 4 o'clock, had destroyed many
business houses of St. Edward, Boone
oounty, waa still unsubdued at 7 o'clock,
and threatening destruction to the town.
Inquiry brought the truth, and quieted
uneasiness. The facts ss furnished in
n telegram to the Omaha World-Herald,
are: "8even business buildings were
burned to the ground. The fire started
in the Eagsa block and consumed that
building aad Bornman's meat market;
Harry Biehsaoad, restaurant; W. De
graw, barber shop; A. D. White,-drag
store; F. B. Bozell, drag store; Robert
Hardy, dwelling; Nels Hsssslbseh's old
store building and the Key wood build
ing. The firemen were unable to cope
with the fire. The beat waa so intense
that the big plate glass fronts in ths
Hssselbsch brick block, Mstocsce sad
Guntner, Needham A Cos. buildings,
though f sr from the fire, ware broken
oat A number of people roomed up
stairs in the Eagaa block and barely
esesped with their lives by using electric
light and telephone poles. Tobe Ellis'
photographic rooma were rained also.
The electric light and telephone com
panies suffered loss. F. H. Rossell lost
heavily. The streets were piled up with
the goods that the firemen carried from
tbebarningbaildiaga. iBSuraace light."
Field School
land 2 60
Sand 4 87
6 and 7 41
Williams School,-
land2 62
Sand 4 34
6 and 7 37
. s : 44
land 2 '66
Sand 4 43
High School,
land 2 45
Sand 4 42
6 and 7 44
H.8. 83
Highland 41
Band. 15
Total 746
Number of visitors 67.
.. Percent 0
Enrollment. Attendance.
Mrs. Paal Krsaseof Albion spsat Sat
arday ia the city, oa her war hoses from
Graad lalaad.
Miss Mary E. Dugan, who has been
ia Ossaha for aosoe tisss, re-
MissWiaaie Msteoa of Grand IsUad
visited hsr friend. Miss Louise Davis,
bstwesn trains Saturday.
Mrs. Hsary Robiaeoa and daughter,
Miss Clara of Geaoa were ia the citj a
few days visitiag the Baker family.
Will Willard, Miss Margaret Willard
and Miss Jeaaie Wissman drove down
from St. Edward Friday to visit a few
Miss MyrtieGrUith, a former milliner
with Mrs. Jay, who is now in York, spsat
Sanday here; the guest of Miss Louise
Jesses Naylor, jr and his two ohil
drea srrived here Friday from Bocbes
ter, N. T aad will nuke their bosse with
James Naylor, sr.
Mrs. J. B. Meagher and daughters,
Misses Ida' and Minnie, attended the
wadding of Miss McConiff at Lincoln
last Thursday afternoon.
Leo Kramer, son of Max Kramer a
former Columbus citizen no w of Chiougo,
was iatowa Monday on hia way to Idaho.
Leo is a nephew of Carl Kramer.
Joe Mahaffsy, who now has a position
in the News-Joaraal ofitoe at Fullerton,
waa ia the city over Sanday. He is
planned with his new surroundings.
D J - h O C f" Vyi OHO f modern Blke shying course of steamers from point to point
1 Mvl VfOl I f lCt-0 and distances, teaching the youag as no book can by showiag
cuunw ui riy explorers ana aaie 01 voyage; presenting ail lands aad the attributes thereof.
Oa all Qf ofjetipe '8howU,S the range and numbers of the .religions of the world,
1 Llll OvdLIoLIL'O the amount and character of products yielded by laad aad
Biblical Map of Holy Land.
History of every race and nation, all fresh and of modem thought.
Population of every country, city and town, omitting not the most insignificant poetoftce ia the
United States. A census that just cost the United States millions of dollars.
oa a
woald take her
nam hosss lor am taakfc 1mU
SbBbBbBK BBBB'BBT ftaaSa SBSBjShsaataWSB. wBaaaawmsaaat f ah i aAaV.
E.H. Jenkiaa, under date of May 6,
writes from Oakland, Calforaia, to his
son Levi: "Having aboat two hoars here
before we start soath for Los Angeles,
we take the tisse to write ap to oar last
letter from Salt Lake. Wo left the lat
ter place oa D. k B. G. for Ogden on
their train No. 5 aad caught the U. P.
train of the aaase number at Ogden.
From Ogdea we started wsst aad soath
around the great Salt lake, which we
could ass for a kmg tisse or aatil after
dinner. Yesterday or Monday the 6th
ia the afteraooa we traveled for miles
and miles through the desert, for which
IwoaMaotgivalOB perlflOecrss; it is
a thoassad times worse than the sand
hills of Nebraska, ia fact wa ware goiag
through the sago brash still at dark,
aad could aot ass aay more aatil saors
teg. Wo wars oHmbiag b good away
hOla aad got s helper sagiae often to
pat thetraia apthehilk. This bmtb
iag whoa wo wsksd ap wo ware on a
aloe river in Nevada sad thiaga looked
a good deal better for ia this westera
coaatry where they have bo water, it m
ao good aad whoa thsra is water yoa
tad somaoaa thsra asiag it. Wo fol
lowed apthe Toakee river for a
distaaee, or toshoatite soaree,thsa
for about forty aulas over taa men
aut I was told that the anew a
Becher, Hockenberger k Chambers,
real estate ageata, report the folio wins-
real estate traasfsrs filed ia the osaoe of
the oounty clerk since oar last report:
State of Nebr. to Bern. Hanck,
nwsel64&3wtwd ,.f 300 no
C W Spivut toF JOampbeUs2
awlands2se2-90-lw. 7500 00
J W Ward to Max J Sceoele,
sw ne 19-30-lw (ex. afa.) 1900 00
tt f j ttocaaaiMWger to Carl
Krause,lote7,8,bU67. 30 00
CKDavies to LE Mitchell, pt
n2swnw 13-171 w,wd. 500 00
u r uotisoaaiK to jsl Kouer
Miiisptlota7.&bl83 aaiim
a a wa WVav . - ww
wonn x atoms to rrsa u Zell-
er,s2Bel8-aO-le,wd 4000 00
L A Taylor to Ned E Davis, lot
2.blll.Crsston,wd. -725 00
8 C Terry to 8ehool Dist 78,
lot A bl 1, Terry's add to
Monroe. 296 00
i i cwnreK to uanst Bcaap-
bach, lota 7. 8, bl WW, Wd....
Qua Dahlia to 8waa Swaaaoa,
w2ee 13-19-4 w,wd
S L Holmsn to H 8 Elliott
J Weaneckamp to O Baam-
gartner, lot 2, bl 908, wd. . . .
Joel Warner to Mollie BalL lot
7,bll51,wd 1000
CCHardyto WASchroeder.
D D Lynch to John Moffett,
lot 2, bl 16, PI Center, wd...
Lizsie C Lehman to C A k Geo
H Whalsy, w2 as 6 and lota 1,
2,8-17-2w,qcd -loo
CA Lata to 0 A Whalsy, pt
lot2.bl86.wd . 100
Bcnooi UfSt of uolambaa to - -John
Wigter, lots 5, 6, bl
250. ood.... ................ 35 00
Sarah B Rice to PFLaehsia-ger.ptswne29-17-le.wd....
895 00
School Dist of Oolambas to
Anton Lss, lot 4, blasts, lot
8,bl272 4000
School Dist 78 to B B Hoi. ,
comb, pt ss aa 6-17-Sw, wd. . lOO 80
H F J Hookenberger to Aatoa
Las,lot2,bl9a5,wd '90 00
Maria Coffey to J A Kflbora,
lot3,bll50tdssddwd 100 60
D T TJMkeasea to Hsary -
Pruesch,lot 8, bl 10, Ottie
850 00
3175 00
15 00
345 00
100 00
late via The "Urnim Faaiic.
Meeting Mystic Shrine, San Francisco
June 10-Hth.
Travellers ProtectiTeAesociation, Port
land, Otsx, Jaae 3.7th.
Ancient Order United Workmen, Port
laad, Ora, Jane 10.20th.
Tickets on sale May 27th to Jane 8th,
inclaeive, $45.00 for the round trip, stop
overs earoato, divsrse routes, faal liaut
sixty (60) days.
Society of the United Presbyterian
church, Taeoma, WbsIl, tickets oa sale
July 16th to 21st, inolnaive, $45.00 for the
roand trip, stopovers enroute, diverse
routes, final limit, Sept. 15th.
Bi-eaaial meeting. Knights of Pythias,
Ssa Francisco, CalifL, tickets on sale
Aagast2ad to 8th, 845.00 for the roand
trip, final -limit September 30th, with
privilege of stopovers, diverse routes.
Graad Lodge Order of Elks, Salt Lake
City, Utah, tickets oa sale August 7th to
10th, iaelaaiva, 89500 for the roand trip,
stopovers at Denver and west, diverse
routes, final limit Sept. 30th.
815.00 for the roand trip to Denver,
Colorado Springs,' Pueblo, on sale June
22-24. inclusive, July 1-18, iaclusire, Aug
ust 1-14, 23-24, 804, September 1-19,
final limits October 31st, other dates
tioksts on sals to these poiato at one
fare plas two dollars roaad trip. For
farther information, call apoa
W. H. BmHKAat, Agent. ,
$3.40 S
tys ror Tne
Journal one
year in advance, and one of
these $1 2.00 Atlases.
Come in and carry one of
these books home with you.
'Every instructor should have one, every business man, farmer, min
ister, statistician, professional man, statesman, orator.
Notieo to aoa-reaideBt defeadaata:
ELIZABETH PFKIFEK aad Jobaaa Schmidt,
aoa-raaidaata. will takn notice, that oa the
2Ka dar of March. IMS. William A. McAl
liatar aad Wflliaai M. Corariiaa. partaera doiaa
baauMesaadertbe stjlaand frraof MeAlliater
Coraaiiaa. pbdatiBa baraia. Sled their petition
ia the diatriet court of Platte coast j. Nebraaka.
aaaiaat aaid defaadaata, Klizabeth Pf oif er aad
Johaaa Hchaudt. the object aad prayer or wiuctt
iatoneoTartaeaamof SMOSdae foraarriceaa
attoraera. and expaaaea iacorrad ia the caae of
the estate of John Araold Schmidt, deceaacd.
aader aad bj Tirtae of a written coatract to
racorer yoar diatribative share of aaid eetate.
Said plaiatiffa have canaed aa attachatent aad
ajarswhmaat tobe iaaaed froai aaid eoart. aad
hare attached roar monies la the Firat Natioaal
Baakof Colnaibaa, Nebraska, and ia the hands
of Anderson & Boen.aa holders of monies aad
emUta lor too and each of xoa. aad beina; ia
dented to voa and each of too. and we hare
aaraiahead said First Natioaal Bank aad Aader.
&Boeaas yoar debtors. That there is aow
dae the aaid pUiatiffs. from yoa the earn of
fXaOQ, for which som plaints' pray jodgae&t.
Yoa are required to answer said petition oa or
before the ad day of Jaae, IMS.
Dated April Mth.MS2.
Wixxiax A. McAixtsTxa,
aapH Wiixia M. CoKMxrca,
bk j iBuavlBaavaar i K' I
Vft ArutMnmLmmmKSUmW EHrl I
ONT FORGET that I have for
sale, eggs for setting, so that
jou can raise your own barred
or Buff Plymouth Bocks, SUrer-
laced White Wyandottes, Partridge and
Buff Cochin and Cornish Indian Games,
by buying the eggs of me.
tWl am also agent for the Humphrey
Jt Sons bone-cutter, five different sizes.
See me, or write me before buying.
12mch4 Columbua, Nebr.
Eferjthimf; te oir 11m
bhw e?ei-jthiig gnaraattee).
Wasraaa waaa1a Sa
BMt iBrse-skweisi; ia thi
A tae liae f
Carriages, etc.
un ageat for the old rslishle
Colambus Baggy CbmpaBy, of Coli
baa, Ohio, which ia a saaVieat
tee of strictly first-clsss geods.
raoraiBToa or
Are yoa iatereeted in ths Big Horn
of Wyoming?
It's a rich but andereloped portion of
North westera Wyoaung.
It eoatajas aaarfeloua openings for
ssaall rsnnhss along good streams ia the
valleys, with one million acres of gov
The oaly graduated
Dr. Deader, the celebrated Eye. Ear. Noae aad
Throat Specialist, has for the past twelve years
made a specialty of the Kye. Ear. Nose aad
Throat aad aaeceaafally treats all these diseases.
m or correcting error 01
er vision to hundreds aad
Hia woaderfal system of rorrectias; error of
t ImmA onaa to anttlnmsnf nnoW I "Sht baa a1ea better vwioa to buadreds aad
T Tr . sswismmw anaer 1 3 m" from Miad,,,. Cures Knmalated
Bmla Meal Marlfit
wBsawBammj awasvaww ssaawsw btJts a
Fresh and
Salt Meatss
wheWeUid Fish uSiswitiiL
the Uaited SUtes land laws.
ma a : 1 . . iran. etc
ne DBnwgioa aouw use jaae pan-1 dafeeta of visi.
I lida, iaffamed lids, pink ere. pterygium, cata.
me doctor am aiaseee 10 correct iu
a folder descriptiTs of the
Horn Basin. It is illustrated aadoon
tsias aa aoeurate map. It tells aboat
the lay of the land, character of the soil,
prodacts, yield, irrigation aad opporta-
4th add to Humphrey, wd...
Henry Prassh
Berwlst add to Humphrey,
600 00
1000 00
Hyou'ro interested, better write for a
copy. It's free. J. Fbakcbs,
Osaeral Passenger Ageat,
apr8 ' Omaha, Nebr.
America ia a tolerably free coaatry
whsa yoa think right dowa to the f oaa-
datioa of things, aad act accordingly.
Taa Joubjui. has had thirty yesre'ex
perieace ia asadhsg legal aotiess of all
descriptioaa, aad takes thisnecssioa to
aay that it is thoroughly equipped for
thiessrtof work.
We desire that yoa remember as whea
yoa hars work of this sort tobe done.
Whsa yoa do the. payiag, yoa hare the
right to place the work. Special attea
tioa gjTsa-to saail orders. Call on or
Joaraal Omoe, Oolambas, Nebr.
ion. enrea and reiieree neadacae.
iadmaatioa aad drsneaaia. Cross eyes ia chil-
drea straiahteaed without the knife. Satiefac.
tioBaaaraateed. AllcoaaBltatioaaadezamiaa-
ttoa free. The doctor taathw oatce 01
Thirteenth Street, one block west of park.
VM afTsT
vara eamJBBW awaa awc.ea' a
wFHigheet market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
soath of Chicago ask your local
tieket ageat to route you bet weea Omaha
and Chicago ria the
of the
the aa
as ths nsacial route of
Mystic Hhriaers, to thelmpsrisl ConacQ
Nobles of Mystic Shrine at 8aa Fraa-
Two sweeial ears hars already assa re-
by TiBgtsr Tsmals, aa
ears will bs ptorklsd as
MdaV ItaSamWWtBBt mat all
Bhriasrs who wifl attend tarn eoatsa
tioa BMke tssir rmrrstiias at aa sarty
The Sariasrs wfll
statioa. Omtha, i p. m Jaae 4.
far wui aa rsseead taa
aad aa satire day sseat
OtrwiUhersiBSiilea the awsraiW e
Jaaa eVaad that day airwa ever teass
iag the uiainful amy af ssb. The
aartr will Brrivain Ssa sVassaaaa am aSS
vaJaaat, Ifaattl
One fata' for the roaad trip to
burg, Pa, May 14 to 19. Bstara limit
Jaaa 80. Tkfeats good ria Chicago or
BtLoaia, A great opportuaity to Tieit
ths east. Half rstes from Hsrrisbarg
to peiate ia Peaasylrsaia, Mary lead aad
District of Oolambis, May 21 to 34.
. AsktheBarhagtoasgeat. aOaptS
Whsst, old
ewt. ..
tOt 6 70
SMS) 4 09
lew IX
MO 18
Union P jlciftc
From Missouri River
$15.00 Tg2S'gr ""
June 22 to 34, inclusive.
July ltolS, "
1 19.00 Ta. Daavsr. Cat. Serins,
aswwJ VVtswWf wilws
June 1 to 21, iaclusrre.
Jaae 25 to 30, M
$25.00 JtfwJL? Ci
August 1 to 14; iacluaiTe.
OR OO Te Olsawad
40W Ssriafs.Cele.
June 22 to 24, inclusire.
Jury ltolS, "
30.00 ajy- City
June 22 to 24, "inclusive.
July ltolS, "
iQl no Ta Glenwaad
vv Sprints, Cola.
Jaae 1 to 21, iBdusrre.
Jaae 25 to 3a "
$32.00 &?&!? Cityai,-0i
Jaae 1 to 21, iadasivs.
Jaae 35 to 30, -Jalyl4to31,
nVlfa OO Ta Saa Frastiies or Lee
W'W BamaAaa. Cat.
May 27 to June 8, iaclj
Aagast2toiu,iacii OO T Psrwend, Ore T
BwUtW saama BYaafe.
aawawaj ammmmwaa aajswmaawm
May27 to Jaae 8, iaelasife.
JsJy 11 to a, iaclusrre.
FaU iafotmatioa canrfaUy farawasd
W. u. BwsnuM,
Bt. Joseph,
St. Louis sad all
polata mast aad
TBAiss BarAST.
No. 22
alt Lake City,
aa FraacJaco
all polata
. daily ezeeat Haadav. 7:ISa.i
No. S2 Accommodatioa. datlj azespt
TBAias Aaarrs.
the ehorteet liae betwesa the two cities
Trains ria this popular road depart
from the Uaioa depot, Omaha, daily.
coaasctiBg with traiaa from the
Msgaiaceatly eqaipped traiaa,
sleepers sad free recliaiag ehair
DiaiBg cars sad buaVt, libraiy
amokug can. All traiaa lighted by
electricity. For fall isftrmstiea aheat
rates, etc address
Geaeral Westera Ageat, 15M Faraaat
St, Omaha.
H. W. H0WBX&,
No. SI AceommoaatioB. daily
Baaday. 9e.m
KAarsocao. BAijr its.
84 Colamhaa Local lr.
lwCa SreBBWa AawawU
wV smBBBwanaa aUlrawsa.
2.Qfaflaad L&itad
.... SJBa. m
.... lsKa.m
... 2JS. m
... SJSa. m
.... Mi.a
IwO. eVJu AsjVBaTssa wisaw mj, bbjs
ar0 eaaa arawSpWa aWIeTer y sas
No. 1. Orerlaad Limited. 123M p. m.
awO Mrl aTaawC swawhU Sa9aV as awl
No. J. Califoraia Express 7Ma.m.
No. S, Facile Express ldSa.m.
No. 7, Colambae Local 8.-4Sp. m.
No. 23, aTmaaaC.... ...... .... sstta. m.
No. St,
No. 71,
No. at.
Mo. 72.
. 7iMp. m.
. 7JS a. m.
Also doss typs-writisg aad
will oarsfally attend to all
the bnsJBSSB iatrustsd to hiau '
awTWould respectfally solicit a
oe yoar
Over First Natioaal Beak, 1st dear ta
the left. laamrtf
of Flaw
jraBSBBflBa atPiPi sBBa
jwUSsvO VSwav sb awJ
Waa.v na
arawaawawaaawmT sem aw aws
OSarsv y saa
Naiftii, ,aawaar traiaa raa daffl.
IMetmiaaeaiAlhoeaad Tiaii Baalls saaasa
"oSm'aai Laeal dailigea4 Bsaiay.. ,
We SBBaBBSSawftsSt emfwawH,
a. IS.
Me. M, Mixed
1J-. - w
b' -
PS F-tjjif
- -, if jf-
A. - ,'
.-v . .-.J
? . VJ&- -s - "' ? A.44-x--?!L.
iC KX JtfcS
iJij!Xi3ivi .. t-i a J j.vaaua.Bt Xtdu. j tfa3ftt0fM airL.'imVC
- .
V .
- I
-. "f-
. i