VTV7I tt -t ifr k , i VI! e i1. 1 f r I j1 : - i Al-'Xf,,' L. . - Ha-m?J Of s1 U A - !;v t VOLUME XXXIII. NUMBER 6. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. 1902. WHOLE NUMBER 1.670. . - - ,av -'- it: Commw Sto jBj. Sjj4AB Munral. t : w fc li, - lr -. rw fcav. CITY ISJN RUINS ST. PIERRE AND 40,000 INHABI TANTS DESTROYEa 1WEH1Y KSIPEHTS SUMK Appalling Disaster Said to Be With out a Parallel Except Pompeii Eighteen Vaaaela Devoured ay Flame and All on Board Parish. ST. THOMAS. D. W. I., May 10. It Is now estimated that 40.000 per- sons perished as a result of the vol canic eruption in the island of Mar tinique. ' SAN JUAN, P. R., May 10. The ca Me oflcials here have received ad Tices from the island of Dominica that a schooner which has arrived there from the island of Martinique reports that over 40.000 people are supposed to have perished during the volcanic disturbance in Martinique. The ca ble repair steamer Grappler. belonging to the West Indian and Panama Tele graph comfpany of London, was lost with all hands during the eruption of Mount Peele at St. Pierre, Martinique. Grappler was one of the first ships to disappear WASHINGTON, May 10. A cable gram has been received at the state department as follows: "POINT-A-PETRE, May 9. To Sec retary of State. Washington: At 10 o'clock a. in., on the 8th inst, a storm of steam, mud and fire enveloped the city and community. Not more than twenty persons escaped with their lives. Eighteen vessels were burned and sunk with all on board, including four American vessels and a steamer from Quebec named Roraime. The United States consul and family are reported among the victims. A war vessel has come to Guadeloupe for provisions and will leave at 5 tomor row. AYME, Consul." The consul at Martinique is Thomas T. Prentice. He was born in Michigan and was appointed from Massachu setts as consul at Seychelles Island in 1871 and later served as consul at Port Louis. Mauritius, Rouen. France, and Batavia. He was appointed con sul at Martinique in 1900. The vice consul at Martinique is Amaree Testart, who was appointed from Louisiana in 1898. The latest available figures show the total population of the island of Martinique is 185.000 people, of whom 25.000 lived in St. Pierre. PARIS. May 10. The commander of the French cruiser Suchet recently telegraphed to the minister of ma rine from Fort de France. Island of Martinique, under date of Thursday, May 8, at 10 p. m.. as follows: "Have just returned from St Pierre, which has been completely de stroyed by an immense mass of fire, which fell on the town at about 8 in the morning. The entire popula tion, about 25.000 souls, is supposed to have perished. I have brought back the few survivors, about thirty. All the shipping jt the harbor has been destroyed by fire. The eruption continues." It is feared that M. L. Moutteli. the governor of Martinique, has perished. He telegraphed May 7 that he was proceeding to St. Pierre. Senator Knight is also supposed to have been at St Pierre. BILL FOR STATES PASSES. Measures Admitting Oklahoma, Ari zona and New Mexico Successful. WASHINGTON, May 10. The op position in the house to the bill for the admission of Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico collapsed at the last minute 'yesterday and the bill was passed without division as it came from the committee, except for a few verbal amendments. The real test came on an amendment offered by Mr. Ovcrstrcet of Indiana to join New Mexico and Arizona and admit them as the state of Montezuma It was beaten. 28 to 10G. and all opposition then ceased. Rebels Bombard a Town. HONG KONG, May 10. Advices re ceived from Wu-Chou say the rebels bombarded Nan-Ning-Fu for three hours, April 27, using modern field 'guns. From 300 to 400 of the inhabi tants were killed. James H. McMillan Dead. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., May 10. James H. McMillan of Detroit son of United States Ssenator James McMillan of Michigan, died in this city tonight of consumption. Discuss Rathbone Case. .WASHINGTON. May 10. At the cabinet meeting yesterday the appeal which is being made by Senator Han na in behalf of a new trial for Estes G. Rathbone was discussed. Wilhelmina Improving. THE HAGUE. May 10. Queen Wil helmina had a quiet night with no rise in temperature. She is taking sufficient nourishment, and her con dition is satisfactory. Becker Puts in Appearance. DENVER. May 10. Abe Becker, the live stock commission man who was reported to have departed suddenly for Mexico, walked into' the Brown hotel and spent half an hour meet Sag acquaintances. He was in seclu sion for several days past at the home of a friend on Capitol Hill. Becker says the stories as to his extrava csoce have been exaggerated., but no statement is being aaade concerning . tae company's easiness. ( SARPY MAY LOSE HATCHERY. FWi Commission Objects to Boimj Tied Down to One Location. WASHINGTON. May 12. Commis sioner Bowers of the department of .'fisheries, in explaining why the bill jfor the establishment of the fish 'hatching and fish culture station in Sarpy county bad been changed so as to include the state of Nebraska, in stead of locating the station near 'South Bend, as Representative Mer cer's bill indicated, said congress had not heretofore limited the department -of fish and fisheries in the selection of a site. He stated that the estab- bshment of a fish culture station in 'Nebraska was most desirable, but to be compelled to locate it at some point named by a bill would be detri mental to the interests of the de partment and he had therefore recom mended that the bill be made general in character, so as to provide that a site should be selected by the fish commissioner without limitation in the state of Nebraska. It was stated today that the com mittee on merchant marine and fish eries of the house, of which General GroBvenor is chairman, would bring in an omnibus appropriation bill pro viding for all fish cultural stations that have been recommended by the committee and it is thought the bill to locate a station in Nebraska will be included in that measure. W. B. PRICE IS NAMED. Succeed J. Sterling Morton on the Purchase Commission. LINCOLN, Neb., May 12. Gover nor Savage has appointed W. B. Price of Lincoln to succeed J. Ster ling Morton on the Louisiana Pur chase commission. Mr. Price was deputy insurance commissioner dur ing the latter part of State Auditor Cornell's administration. He is a populist The commission is non-partisan in character, all political par ties being represented. As the St Louis exposition has been postponed until 1904 the incom ing governor and the next legislature may provide for another commission. If this is done the present commis sion will have nothing to do. The gentlemen now serving have held several meetings, but have done little toward representing Nebraska at the fair. May Be Nebraska Horse Thief. WHEATLAND, Wyo., May 12. The authorities believe that in the arrest of O. J. Young they have secur ed a notorious horse thief. It is al leged that last March Young stole fourteen head of horses from.F. M. Troy, a prominent ranchman of Ger ing. Neb. The horses were driven to Sidney and there sold and shipped to various points. Young's father lives near Gering, Neb. Nebraska Homeopaths. OMAHA, Neb., May 12. At the regular annual meeting of the Ne braska Homeopaths in this city the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President Dr. E. B. Finey, Lincoln; Dr. F. E. Way of Wahoo, first vice president; Dr. H. R. Miner of Falls City, second vice president; Dr. E. Arthur Can of Lin coln, secretary, and Dr. O. S. Wood of Omaha, treasurer. Nebraska at Washington. WASHINGTON, May 12. Senator Miliard has introduced bills appropri ating $40,000 for the purchase of sites for public buildings at Columbus and West Point Neb. Representative Mercer has intro duced a bill aiming to repeal the law approved July 23, 1888, providing for the sale of the site at Fort Omaha, and the purchase of a new site and construction of buildings. Big Pension for Nebraskan. WASHINGTON. May 12. Congress man Stark has the honor of having secured one of the largest back pen sions ever granted to residents in Nebraska Hiram J. Kietland of Ar borville. York county, has just had a pension allowed, dating back to March, 1865. and which gives him up ward of $2,700. Coal Near Fremont. FREMONT, Neb., May 12. A sec ond prospect hole has been sunk on the Remele farm to a depth of 218 feet The same coal vein was struck as in the first hole and at about the same depth. The comptroller of the currency has issued a call for the condition of na tional banks at the close of business Wednesday, April 30, 1902. Under Christian Science Treatment. OMAHA. Neb.. May 12. Donald, the 15-year-old son of Judge J. W. El ler, died at his father's house under Christian Science treatment which was being administered by C. W. Chadwck, first reader of the church in this city, assisted by Judge Eller himself. No physician had been call ed on the case and the boy died in intense agony, after a struggle of hours, without having had medical asisstance. For Roads and Bridges. WASHINGTON, May 12. The In dian appropriation bill, which has been adopted by both houses and sent to the president, contains an appropriation of $10,000 for bailding roads and bridges on the Winnebago and Omaha reservations in Thurston county, but provides that the expen diture shall come from the reserva tion funds on deposit in the treasury. Senator Millard could not obtain the aapropriatioa ia any. other way. BOTH LYING DEAD NOVELIST , FORD 18 KILLED BY HIS BROTHER. BMTttflTHEH KILLS HIMSELF Tragedy Occura in the Author's Li brary and ia Attributed to Mental Aberration of Malcolm W. Ford Trouble About Father's Will. NEW YORK, May 9 Paul Leicester Ford, the novelist, was shot and killed yesterday by his brother. Malcolm Webster Ford, writer and athlete, who immendiately sent a bullet into his own breast, dying instantly. The shooting occurred at 10:20 a m., in the handsome new -mansion which Paul Leicester Ford had built at 37 East Seventy-seventh street, and had occupied for about a year. At the time of the shooting there were in the house besides the two brothers, Mrs. Paul Leicester Ford, Elizabeth R. Hall, the novelist's sec retary, and the servants. The novel ist was sitting at his desk in a cor ner of his library. It is supposed he was busily engaged in some literary task. Miss Hall was at her desk, in another corner of the room, about thirty feet from Mr. Ford. Mrs. Paul Leicester Ford was in her own room at the front of the house on the third floor. Malcolm Ford called as he had often done and went to his brother at his desk. Words were exchanged in a tone so low that Miss Hall could not hear what was said. Suddenly there was a revolver shot, and Miss Hall, jumping up, darted from the room. Then, according to the statement of the police. Miss Hall said to herself that she must act more bravely and re enter the library. Meanwhile Malcolm Ford had called her. As she turned toward him he placed his revolver to his heart, fired and fell, dying instantly. When Miss Hall turned to look at Paul he was still standing at his desk. but rapidly losing strength. She help ed him to a soft and then ran to the next door for Paul Ford's physician. Dr. Emanuel Baruch. In less than five minutes Dr. Baruch arrive'! and the dying man, still conscious, was carried up to a room beside his wife's and placed on his bed. He spoke to his wife and asked the doctor for bis opinion, showing that he expected death and was going to meet it calmly and bravely. A few moments later, about twenty minutes after he was shot, Mr. Ford died. The bullet which killed Paul Ford just grazed the top of his heart and passed through a large artery ascend ing from it The bullet which killed Malcolm Ford was fired with the same accuracy of aim, for it made a wound scarcely an inch lower than the one which killed his brother. In fact, the wounds were almost identi cal. Just what disposition of Malcolm Ford's body was made immediately after the shooting could not be ascer tained, but it appears from the state ment of certain persons acquainted with the details of the tragedy that the body lay where it fell on a rug in the library for some time, possibly several hours, so great was the ex citement in the house. In fact the murder and suicide was not known to the coroner until 2:25 p. m., and not to the police until 4:25 p. m. Much of the time was occupied in trying to telephone to the father of Mrs. Paul Leicester Ford, Edward K. Kidded of Brooklyn, who was the first person to arrive after the physician. To Get Clara Taylor Home. WASHINGTON. May 9. The ma chinery of the law has been set in motion to secure the return to the United States' for trial of Clara Tay lor, the Cincinnati woman who is charged with kidnaping her niece, Margaret Taylor, and is now a fugi tive in Italy. Instructions have been sent to the American ambassador at Rome to secure the preliminary de tention of the woman, pending the arrival of extradition papers, and from that point on the proceedings will be purely routine. lowans Will Bank in Minnesota. IOWA FALLS, fcL, May 9. The well known real estate firm of Ells worth St Jonese of thi3 city will en gage in the banking business in Crookston, Minn., and the latter part of this month will open a private bank in that city, making the fourth banking institution in that place. Carnegie Scholarships Awarded. LONDON. May 9. At this morn ing's session of the iron and steel institute it was announced that the Andrew Carnegie scholarships to car ry on researches in metallurgy for this year had been awarded to a Mr. Campbell of New York; to three Eng lishmen, to a Parisian and to a resi dent of Berlin, Three scnolarships were awarded in 1901, but Mr. Car negie was so gratified with .the re sults that he doubled his donation. Anti-Beef Eating League. LYNN, Mass., May 8. An anti-beef eating league is being organized among the 5.C00 employes of the Gen eral Electric company here.- Between 1,500 and 1,700 names have been se cured, representing 3,500 consumers. President to Choose the Route. WASHINGTON. May 8. Senator, Hoar today introduced a new isth mian canal bill, leaving to the presi dent the selection of a route. COPELAND CASE GOES TO JURY. Specialists Testify to the Belief that Accused Was Insane. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May . The case of Ned Hartley Copeland, for merly, of Omaha, who' killed A. C. Rogers of St Joseph on a train near Wamsutter last summer, was given to the jury, late tonight after lengthy arguments by the prosecution and defense. Early in the trial the de fense admitted everything set up by the 'prosecution and the case practic ally developed upon the question of the sanity of the accused. Eminent physicians from Denver, Rawlins, Rock Springs and the superintendent of the state insane asylum testified that they believed Copeland was in sane at the time the deed was com mitted. Dr. McGhee of Rawlins, who was on the train with Copeland waeja the shooting occurred, said he thought Copeland was drunk. This evidence seemed to have little weight with the jury and the belief is gen eral that Copeland will be found in sane and committed to the state asy lum. ME88AGE FROM POPE LEO. Expressions of Sorrow from Vatican on Corrigan'a Death. NEW YORK, May 9. The Rev. Dr. Ferranti, Italian secretary to Archbishop Corrigan, tonight made public a cablegram which was receiv ed at the archiepiscopal residence from Cardinal RampoUa, pontifical secretary of state at Rome, express ing the sorrow of Pope Leo at the demise of Mgr. Corrigan. The ca blegram was addressed to the Rev. Dr. Ferarnti and is as follows: "The holy father with great sor row learns of the death of the grand archbishop, whom he hoped to see in Rome very soon. His holiness, who appreciates very highly the es pecial merits of the dead prelate, ex pressed his sympathy from the depth of his heart for the metropolitan church of New York, and he prays God to give to the soul of the great archbishop the repose of the just and the premium of eternal glory. (Signed.) "RAMPOLLA, "Pontifical Secretary of State." GRAVE TROUBLE IN HAYTI. Revolution in that Island la Now Said to Be in Progress. SAN DOMINGO, Santo Domingo, May 9. The United States minister, William F. Powell, owing to the sit uation of affairs here, has suspended all intercourse with) the revolutionary government and is preparing to leave San Domingo for Hayti, to which country he is also accredited. His departure is due to the grave differ ences existing in Hayti, where a rev olution is said to be in progress. The change of government here has put a stop to the steps taken by Mr. Powell to arrange a settlement of the claims of the Dominican Improve ment company of New York against Santo Domingo. These claims were being favorably considered by the government which has just been overthrown, and were in a fair condi tion for settlement The Dominican congress has been dissolved and a provisional govern ment has been formed. Gone for Twenty-Five Years. NEW ULM, Minn., May 9. Mrs. Odie Ella Wood returned here today after having been adjudged dead and her estate administered more than a year ago. Mrs. Wood and her hus band left New Ulm for California twenty-five years ago and have since resided there. Her relatives gave her up for dead and when, m August, 1899, her father, Thomas E. Chute, was killed, his estate was divided be tween three of his children known to dd living and Mrs. Wood's share also went to them. Mrs. Wood, it is said, has fully established her identity and the judgment of the court prob ably will be set aside and ner claim allowed. Senator Money's Worry .Ends. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 8. The cases of alleged assault against Sen ator Money of Mississippi, Orpha H. Shaner, a street car conductor, and Joseph E. Hooper, a truck foreman in the fire department, all growing out of a street car altercation about ten days ago, were nolle proseed and formally abandoned in the police court yesterday. The only issue which the court permitted to be argued .was as to the right of the assistant district attorney to nolle pros, a case without the consent of the court, which Judge Kimball finaly sustained. Tramp Killed in a Wreck. DES MOINES, la., May' 9. A wreck occurred on .the Chicago & Northwestern at Ames at 1 o'clock yesterday. A tramp was killed and Mail Clerk Griffin of Des Monies was seriously injured. Mail Clerk Graves of Chicago was buried under mail sacks and badly bruised and Mail Clerk Alexander Turk of Chicago had his .arm and. hand injured. Train No. 10 was just approaching the town limits when the accident occurred. Will Rest at Arlington WASHINGTON, May 8. According to present arrangement funeral cere monies over the remains of the late Rear Admiral Sampson will take place Friday morning at the Charch of the Covenant The remains will then be taken to Arlington for interment, ac companied by a military and naval escort The naval regulations pre scribe that the pall bearers for the funeral of an officer shall be as near the raak of the deceased aa possible, j PHILIPPINES BILL DISCUSSION IN SENATE TAKES SENSATIONAL' TURN. TIUIIAI DEFENDS SLAVERY Ho Reverts to Civil War Issues in an Excited Debate McComas Joins in . Defense of the National -Administration. WASHINGTON, May 8. Discussion of the Philippine bill in the senate took a sensational turn yesterday. Jir. McComas of Maryland, referring yB the alleged cruelties of American Dldiers' ia the Philippines, which he deeply deplored, told of some of the cruelties which had occurred on both sides during the civil war. Neither aide, he said, was to be held respon sible for those regrettable occurrences, aa neither side approved them. In this connection he suggested that sen ators from South Carolina and Mis sissippi, "where there is less popular liberty than in any other states, were shouting the loudest for constitutional liberty in the Philippines." This drew a sensational reply from Mr. Tillman, who declared that it was no longer possible to sneer away the responsibilities for the infamies committed by the Americans in the Philippines. He said that if it had been in the south that if the reins of government were to be given to the negroes the civil war would have been prolonged indefinitely. He insisted that in order to maintain their self respect the white people of the south bad been obliged to subdue the negro by whatever means, using the shot gun as one of the means. He frankly described how the ne groes had been defeated at the polls, admitting that the whites bad gotten just such majorities as were neces sary. "When we get ready to put a nigger's face in the sand," he shouted, "we put his body there, too." He declared the people of the south never would submit to negro domina tion and he hoped republican senators would turn from their "game of devil try in the Philippines and assist the south to rid itself of threat of negro domination. While Mr. Tillman was speaking many of the democratic senators left the chamber, his audience on the floor being largely on the republican side. Mr. Burton of Kansas vigorously ar raigned Mr. Tillman for his utter ances. He asserted that the senator who could defend slavery and govern ment by the shotgun could not be ex pected to carry good government to the Philippines. He was astonished that a senator should in one breath make an appeal for unsullied govern ment in the Philippines, and in the next boast of crimes almost unpar alleled in history. Mr. Burton followed with a warm defense of the government's policy in the Philippines and became involved in a heated colloquy with Mr. Rawlins of Utah, because he had denounced eome of .Mr. Rawlins statements as false. He paid a brilliant tribute to General as one of the great heroes of the army. After declaring that the war with Spain had been forced upon the United States by the democrats and that the Philippines had come to this country through the war, Mr. Mc Comas asserted that in the debates on the Philippine question the democrats ignored all history and ignored the treaty which they helped to ratify. He said they proposed to undo the glori ous work of the last four years, to de nounce our treaty, to disgrace the army and navy, to throw away the sover eignty over the Islands, to defy the verdict of the people, to reverse the supreme court and to scuttle ,amid the flouts and jeers of all the na tions of the world. Colonel Sharpe to Manila. WASHINGTON, May 8. Colonel Henry Sharpe, assistant commissary general, has been relieved from duty in this city and ordered to Manila, where he will be come chief commis sary of that division, relieving Colo nel Charles A. Woodruff. Senor Valdez Banished. MANILA, May 8. Senor Valdez, editor of Miau. as a result o the sec ond libel suit brought against him by Neito Legardo, the Filipino member of the United States commission, has been sentenced to six months' ban ishment Funeral of Potter Palmer. CHICAGO, May 8. Hundreds of Chicagoans of high and low degree at tended the funeral of Potter Palmer here yesterday. Services were held at the palatial Palmer residence on Lake Shore drive, when many of the friends of the dead millionaire and Chicago pioneer viewed the remains at the house. Rev. James S. Stone, rector of St. James' Episcopal church, conducted the services. The burial jraa at Graceland cemetery. Surrender of San Domingo. MONTE CRISTI, Santo Domingo, May 7. Farther confirmation was re ceived here today of the surrender of San Domingo, capital of Santo Do mingo, Friday last to the revolution ary forces commanded by Vice Presi dent Vasquez. The provisional gov ernment established there will retain power -antil new elections have bee'n held. Peace is completely re-established In. the southern part of Santo Domingo. Jimiaez is a refugee. NEBRASKA HAS CANDIDATES. Circuit Judge Caldwell ia About to Retire. WASHINGTON, May 10. There is a well defined rumor current in Wash ington that Judge Henrv Clay Cald well of the Eighth United States cir cuit, is shortly to retire rom the bench, in which event there will be a most interesting contest for the va cancy thus created on the part o men well known in the west Already Juoge Smi- B. Mcpherson oi .own has announced himself as a candidate for the position and it is understood that Judge William Cather Hook, United States judge for the district of Kansas, will be a candidate, while Nebraska will in all probability pre sent two aspirants for this very dis tinguished position, Geneo M. Lam bertson of Lincoln and Charles J. Greene-of-Omaha -It-is -stated that Mr. Greene, should he desire to be a candidate, as now seems possible, will bring to bear upon the appointing power the very strongest recommen dations possible. Judge Caldwell was appointed in 1864 United States judge for the eastern district of Arkansas by President Lincoln and in 1890 was appointed by President Harrison judge of the Eighth United States cir cuit Judge Caldwell went out from Iowa to the war and became major, lieutenant colonel and colonel, and en tered Little Rock, Arkansas' capital, booted and spurred to take his posi tion upon the district bench. He is now 70 years of age and believes that he has reached the retiring period. WAS GENERAL AND COPIOUS. Nebraska's Rainfall the Heaviest of the Season. The recent rainfall in Nebraska was the heaviest of the season. It is regarded as the salvation of the win ter wheat, which this year is the most extensive in acreage in the history of the state. Nearly every station re ported rain and nearly every one re ported at least one inch, but at Cur tis the gauge showed two and one half. Only three stations reported, less than half an inch of rain. The record in inches is as follows: Arap ahoe, 1.00; Ashland, 1.18; Aurora, 1.50;' Benkelman, .50; Bluehill, .74; Burchard, .86; Burwell, .80; Central City, 1.26; Chester, .60; Columbus, 64; Curtis, 2.50; Edgar, 1.10; Eric son, .60; Fairmont, 1.44; Grand Is land, 1.32; Greeley, 1.00; Hastings, 1.58; Hickman, 1.10; Holdrege, 1.50; Imperial, .10; Kearney, 1.22; Lincoln, .92; Loup City, .74; McCook, 1.20; Ne braska City, $1.14; North Platte, .40; Omaha, .94; Palmer, .94; Plattsmouth, 1.00; Ravenna, 1.16; Rulo, 1.04; Sa lem, 1.00; Schuyler, .70; Seward, -.90; Strang, .98; Superior, .52; Syracuse, .80; Tecumseh, .78; Valentine. .44; Wilber, 1.10; Wilsonville, .44; Wy more, .50. Fire at St Edward. ST. EDWARD, Neb., May 10. The most destructive fire that ever visited St Edward occurred, resulting in the loss of five business houses and two unoccupied store buildings. The fire started in the restaurant and dwelling of Harry Richmond, who lost all of his household effects and stock of goods. In all seven buildings were burned. The total loss will reach $15,000. Lively Reception to Burglar. GRESHAM, Neb.. May 10. Burg lars were given a warm reception at Hylton ft Clem's store. Fred Van Gorden, who sleeps in the store, heard a noise and discovered the vis itor helping himself to a pair of new shoes, and opened fire on him at short range, but his aim was poor and the thief v er raped, leaving his hat and hose behind. Coal Prospecting Progressing. FREMONT, Neb., May 10. The second prospect hole for coal on the Remele farm at Jamestown is now down over 218 feet The same vein which was struck in the first hole was struck in this one at a depth of 218 feet Bright Prospects in Chase County. IMPERIAL ,Neb., May 10. Chase county has been blessed with a most copious rain. Small grain is looking fine and the farmers are bu3y put ting in corn. The indications are that the crop outlook will be unusu ally large in this county this year. Cut Worms Injuring Wheat TAYLOR, Neb., May 10. Prospects for spring wheat in Loup county are quite flattering, but it is said that cut worms are doing considerable dam age to fall wheat and rye. Ex-Convict Held for Robbery. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 10. Chief of Police D. W. McCallum ar rested John Armstrong, a former res ident of this city, who returned but a short time ago after a protracted ab sence. The arrest was made upon the request of the authorities at Des Moines, who allege that Armstrong robbed the home of his brother at Chcrchville, a suburb of Des Moines. He has confessed to the crime and will be extradited Dragged by Horse and Injured. KEARNEY, Neb., May 10 C. F. Schroeder, a bachelor who lives on an island near the Black celery farm, met with a serious accident while leading a horse. The animal became frightened and dragged him some dis tance, his foot being entangled in the halter. His left leg was broken and he sustained internal injuries. It was aa hoar before his cries for help were heard and six hoars before med ical assistance was procured. Wtttf TOf OtAMS. I 'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f'K-K'I-X 1 1 1 II i if A great many settlers are pouring into South Dakota. Very heavy rains have recently oc curred in Oklahoma. Fire at Davenport. Ia, destroyed $250,000 worth of property. Announcement was 'made at New York that Mrs. Marie H. Tiffany had been granted an absolute divorce from Perry Tiffany. Eight or ten thousand women are in Los Angeles attending the biennial convention of the General federation of Women's clubs. President J. W. Springer of the Na tional Live Stock association has sent a telegram to President Roosevelt asking him to veto the oleomargarine bilL "THeBolivianmSnTsterat Washing-" ton, Senor Don Fernanda E. Gua chlale, has been granted by his gov ernment permission to proceed to Eu rope. Ex-Governor Morrill's apple or chard in Kansas now contains over 64,000 trees, and is said to be the largest single apple orchard in the world. Postmaster H. W. Harris of Lytton Springs, twenty-five miles south of Austin. Texas, was shot and killed by Joe Halden, also of that place. Halden was arrested". Admiral Dewey. Rear Admirals Coghlan and Entwistle and others cel ebrated the fourth anniversary of the battle of Manila bay at a banquet ity of accident The royal family of Greece has been safely landed at Chalkis, Euboa is land, thirty-five miles from Athens. The royal yacht Amphitrite has not yet been floated. A cablegram received at the state department from Minister Conger states that there are scnous disturb ances in the southern portion of the province of Chi Li. The -Associated Press understands that J. Pierpont Morgan gets 2.500. 000 in stock of the shipping combine, in return for his services in organiz ing and financing it The bill for a commission to in vestigate the status of the colored race caused a warm discussion in the house committee on labor, but no ac tion was taken on it Somewhere about a hundred mem bers of congress are base ball cranks of deep or shallow dye and over half of them were at the opening gome of the season in Washington. The Neue Frie Presse of Vienna says that as the result of systematic persecution, 3,000 Jewish families, comprising 12,00 persons, will leave Roumania for the United States in a few days. Congressman J. J. Butler of Mis souri is made the defendant in a suit for $10,000 damages instituted in the district court at Washington by Au gust Scholz, a waiter at a local hotel. He alleges assault A dispatch to the London Central News from Rome says Princess Be atrice Borrone, daughter of Don Car los, the Spanish pretender, attempted suicide by throwing herself into the Tiber, but was rescued. Emperor William has ordered Direc tor Fritz of the government shipyard at Kiel to proceed to the United States to study the methods of Amer ican shipyards, particularly as re gards labor saving machinery. At Youngstown, O., May 1, two thousand men employed in the build ing trades went on strike for an eight hour day and increase of wages, all efforts to settle their differences with the contractors proving unavailing. It is reported in Liverpool shipping circles that the Britisn government has intimated its willingness to sub sidize British shipping in the event of the Atlantic shipping combine prov ing really harmful to the mercantile marine of Great Britain. The magnificent silver service made from silver coins taken from the Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon, to be presented to Admiral Winfleid Scott Schley by his friends in his own state and In Washington, has been completed and is on exhibition. There is no truth in the story that Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy has decided to enter a convent. At his own request. Ambassador Meyer has been granted a leave of absence of sixty days from bis post at Rome. Carroll D. Wright, United States commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics, has been elected by the trustees of Clark university, president of the new collegiate department to be established in connection with the university in Worcester, Mass. Representative Foster of Illinois has Introduced a bill to place all live stock on the free list A. J. Drexel, son of the late An thony J. Drexel of Philadelphia, was caught for $4,000,000 in the crash of International Power stock. Two hundred pilgrims became en gaged in an altercation with some cab drivers in Naples on account of dis puted cab fares. Weapons were drawn, and only the interference of the police to protect the pilgrims pre vented the mob from attacking them. Joseph H. Hoadley, president of the International Power company, receiv ed a letter from Dr. W. Seward Webb, tendering hi3 resignation as a mem ber of the board of directors cf the company. Action on the resignation was deferred. The Amsterdam (N. Y.) Central La bor union, composed of twenty-five subordiantc unions, with a tots! mem bership of 5,000. has adopted a resolu tion to abstain from the use of meat bandied by the sc-ccllcd meat trust for the cert ttirty days. totootoooooooa XJ000Q00Oy00 IIC W bWMHBm o Cotarims o State Jta. ! o s tae Stat o o o o fcr Deposit AND S ! o Real I o o j SKINT DRAFTS ON HtW iBnu o o o Asm AB Focoigai SdkSlcamiliipTkBcti. jBiys (Bood Holts, t t t t md bcIm to tfttYftce BcfcX o omeim and dimct LIANOan RftMD. mas. aer mantvn. vicb-mms. M. NUeaVN. CA3MHR. MANY L. MCMNT. ARRBTT HULST. o o o , &04 $o4 OOAOOOOOAOAOOOA V SO 0&0$0&00$0$0jOvfO$00& o Columbus JournaJ, A eddy Republican Newspaper Devoted to tbe Best Ibtefestsof X X Columbus, THE County of Platte, The State of .Nebraska.. THE United States, and the RUt If MiUM 7, V Jt JB Has Unit off Measure with Us is $130 per Year, iff Paid in Advance. ' i n awtoOTUaalt of Uaefataoas to aot Carra wrrBisil ay DsHars aadCeata. Sample Copies Sent free to any Address. HENRY GASS. ...UNDERTAKER... Coffins and Metallic Resak&ag of all lUads of Upholstery Goods. Columbuat Nt ...The ooo Columbus Journal. Is prepared to Furnish Any' thing Rsajuirsd off a CLUBS WITH THE Beast Papers OF ITS COU1NTRY. i T ISSUES iM& one Im t JffKf. J 1 ft ' o o Q. o . - o o o o 5 o o s o . i its-S1 i." tl Si. , -i ,-- rV.?3F' ""if - r !', " "&') ..-" r$x-c-Jt -'"s ? v . A3skK?".Ja -. .tt. ffr -V- .n i .- :h-.&fl-y:,r,.,