The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 07, 1902, Image 1

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He Denies Holdings in the Island by
the American Sugar Refining Ciw
pany Says the Trusts Make Ne
Advances to Cuban Planters.
"WASHINGTON, ilay 3. Arthur
Donner, treasurer of the Ameritan
Sugar Refining company, testified be
fore tlie senate committee on Cuban
relations concerning American hold
ings of Cuban sugar.
He said that 3lr Havemejer's state
nr yesterday to tbe effect that his
company had purchased i3,imti- tona
cf sugar since the first of January
last was correct. No more Cuban su
gar could have been bought, as none
could have been purchased without his
knowledge as the treasurer of the
company. He promised Senator Piatt
to send to the committee a memo
randa showing the purchases made
and giving dates. All the sugar which
had been purchased had, he said, been
paid for.
Senator Piatt called attention to the
discrepancy between Mr Havemeyer's
statement as to purchases amounting
to 93.Gn) tons and the returns made
by the 'War department, placing the
American company's option at 3.2S5
tons up to March 25, but Mr. Donner
was net able to explain it.
Responding to questions by Senator
Teller, Mr. Donner confirmed Mr
Havenieyers statement, that of the
trust's purchases of Cuban sugar 4a,
000 tons still remain in Cuba. He also
scid that his company dealt entirely
with brokers, principally with Zaldo
Co.. Francke & Co. and Czarnokow
c Co. of Havana and New York, and
did not know the names of the pro
ducers. The American company had
made no advances to the Cuban plant
ers and had not advanced any money
to the Cuban banks for the planters.
While he did nor know, he said, he
presumed there were other purchasers
. of Cuban sugar besides his own com
- pany in the field. Asked as to realty
holdings In Cuba, he said that the
.trust had none there. He knew noth
ing of the private holdings of stock
holders of the trust.
"You have taken some interest in
securing a reduction of sugar duties
by congress, have you not?" asked Mr.
I have not," was the reply.
Senator Piatt asked:
"So far as you know, has the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company taken
any interest whatever in forwarding
or opposing the reduction of the duty
on Cuban sugar?"
"No, sir; I don't think so."
Senator Teller You spoke of it as
a corporation?
"Do you know whether the stock
holders have taken any interest as
such in the reduction?"
"I do not; I know nothing about
Henry C. Mott. purchaser of raw
sugar for the trust, was the next wit
less. He said he had acted in that
capacity for the last five years and
that he buys all the raw sugar for
the company except the Louisiana su
gars. He confirmed previous state
ments that the trust had bought 93.
000 tons of Cuban sugar since January
1. He said that in the course of the
year the American company pur
chases 30 per cent of the Cuban sugar
product and that he supposed the
other 50 per cent is secured by other
sugar refiners in the United States.
Secretary Hay Sends Letter to Senate
Stating Necessity for Delay.
WASHINGTON May . Secretary
Hay today sent to the senate a letter
stating the necessity for postponing
the Louisiana. Purchase exposition
from 1903 to 1904.
Enclosed with it was a letter from
Chairman Carter of the government
commission and a telegram from Pres
ident Francis of the exposition com
pany, showing the necessity for the
Senator Cockrell had the letter
read in the senate and then offered
an amendment to the sundry civil
appropriation bill, now pending in the
senate, providing for the postpone
ment of the exposition in accordance
with the request.
Ten Million Dollar Read.
PORTLAND. Ore.. May C. Articles
cf incorporation have-been filed for tne
Great Central Railroad company, with
a capital ctock of S10.0v0.000. The in
corporators are J. Thobum Ross. John
K. Kolock and John E. Atchison, all
of Portland, bet it is understood that
eastern capital is back of the move
ment. The articles of incorporation
state that the proposed railroad will
run through Idaho. Utah and Oregon
to the Pacific coast.
Marching en Snn Domingo.
SAN DOMINGO. Republic of Santc
Domingo. April 29. A revolution
headed by the vice president. Horace
Tasquez. has broken out. The revolu
tionists in strong force are march in g
on this city, the capitaL The govern
ment is raking serious steps to de
lend the city. Telegraphic communi-
'cntion with, the interior has been. cut.
.No further news is obtainable. The
capital is quiet while awaiting
peered stirring events.
Hifh Winds and a Lack ef PrecieHa
tisn Reparted.
University of Nebraska The seat
week has been dry, with nearly nor
mal temperature. The daily sens
temperature averaged one degree
above normal is the eastern eoaaties
and two degrees below in western.
Frosts were general the test days of
the week.
The precipitation of the past week
was below normal is southern coun
ties and above normal in northern.
Heavy snow occurred quite generally
the first part of the week in westers
The high wind of the past week
was very unfavorable for the growth
or vegetation. The soil was dry asd
seed was blown out of the ground
in some fields, while in other fields
the grais was covered with. dirt. Win
ter wheat has continued ro deteriorate-ia
condition is most parts of tks
state. In some southern counties
considerable damage has been done
and the crop will be very light under
the most favorable conditions for the
rest of the season. In most counties,
however, generous rain soon would
place the crop in good condition.
Oats are a poor stand generally. The
past week was especially unfavorable
for the crop; besides the damage
from wind and dust the frost in cen
tral and northern counties did some
damage to oats. Grass and small
grain have grua-u slowly, but the con
ditions were much improved is the
counties north of the Platte river by
the generous rain.
What is Set Forth in Auditor Wes
ton's Monthly Statement.
LINCOLN, Neb May 3. The
monthly statement of Auditor Weston
shows that the uninvested portion of
the permanent educational funds in
creased during April from $131,000 to
approximately 5265,000. This change
in the condition of the funds was due
to the extremely heavy disbursements
from the general and current funds,
upwards of $200,000 being paid on
warrants during the month. Over
half of this amount is made up of
warrants held by the permanent edu
cational funds. The showing follows:
On hand On hand
March 31. April 30.
Gtmeral SWOSaJn. J 4S.322
Permanent school .... 105.:n3.3; rfi.2E.14
Temporary school ....373 223.99 3.-4JW
Permanent university.. 6&H.50 S.315J3
Agricultural college en
dowment 2J.540.13 30.0C43
Temporary university. C3.32J.S) 3S.973JIG
Tniversity cash 16.0T7.fi4 1134.13
Hospital for Insane S2U2 S22.31
Normal interest 346.33 2.2M.23
Normal librarv 3J99J0 Z299.10
Normal endowment 32.40 S12.43
State library 6.63u.) 5.3S3.S7
Pentlentiary sp'l labor. 5.4S7.4T Z.SDL35
Agricultural and me
chanic art fund 4.443.30 -i.o43.o0
Agricultural experi
ment station fund.. L114.SS 4.139.25
Pentlentiary land fund 3.433.00 3.423.00
Total 53.717.30 J719.735.S6
State Board Will Commence Fixing
Valuation for Assessments.
LINCOLN, Neb.. May 3. The State
Board of Equalization will meet Mon
day to begin the work of fixing the
valuation of railroad, telegraph and
telephone property for the purpose of
taxation. Some headway may be
made at this early meeting, but it is
not likely that the task will be finish
ed before May 15.
"All the railroad, telegraph and
telephone companies have reported
on their property and we nave their
figures prepared in tabulated form
for the consideration of the board,"
said Auditor Weston recently. "The
various companies have listed their
property on prescribed schedules, but
only a few of them have submitted
figures as to valuation. That is what
the board must determine."
Will the valuation of railroad prop
erty be raised?"
"I cannot say anything as to that.
We intend to consider the matter thor
oughly, but further than that I have
nothing to say."
The Board of Equalization is com
posed of Governor Savage, Auditor
Weston and Treasurer Stuefer.
Sergeant Werner Home Again.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May 3. Ser
geant William Werner of the Eight
eenth United States infantry, who has
been in the Philippines for the last
three years, is home on a visit.
Married for Fifty Years.
TABLE ROCK. Neb- May 3. The
golden wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles V. Dhnon was cele
brated here.
Militia Encampment in Doubt.
LINCOLN. Neb- May 3. The state
military authorities are undecided as
to whether or not to have as en
campment of the Nebraska National
guard held this year. The funds
available are not sufficient to meet
the necessary expenses of such a
meeting of the reserve military forces,
asd because of this condition it is not
likely that as encampment win be
held. The State Military beard will
soon discuss the matter.
Fear Scourge from Worms.
FARNAM. Neb- May 3. The farm
ers of this sectios of the cousty are
much annoyed and dismayed because
cf the dtsVedatians or ravages of a
worm. Specimens of it have bees
sect to Prof. Bruser of the Usiversity
of Nebraska, who pronounces it a
"species of army worm." Quite large
areas of winter wheat and rye have
been ruined. The worms multiply in
numbers very rapidly. Corn planting
is being delayed for fear of the worm.
it to Be Advised to Ordain
Fwataonement tc the Year 1904 Be
fore Final Passage of the Civil Sun
dry Appropriation BilL
ST. LOUIS. May 2. The following
statement was gives cat last evening
by President David B Francis of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition com
pany: "The sundry civil appropriation bill,
which passed the house several weeks,
ago asd is now going through the
senate, .contains as approisnatioa of
i.iMo.wJU to proviae tor a goTeru
mest exhibit, a special Indian exhibit,
and the additional cost of the gov
ernment building at the Louisiana
Purchase exposition. It was deemed
advisable to have the date of the fair
defisitely fixed in that bilL in the
event any change from 1903 should be
decided upon.
"For many months past the fair has
virtually bees postponed for one year.
A decided majority of the directors
prefer 1904. asd have for six mosths
or more. The repeated request of
business, domestic asd foreigs exhib
itors for postponement; advices from
foreigs governmests to the effect that i
they had net sufficient time to make
preparations for a representative ex
hibit is 1903; the statemest cf Gov
ernor Taft that the Philippines would
not be able to install their exhibits is
a creditable manner if the exposition
should not be postposed to 1904; the
expressed fear of the governmest ar
chitect that he could not procure
material for a government building by
1903, asd the fact that the general
public has for months past considered
postponement a foregone conclusion,
were some of the reasons that mov
ed the executive committee to author
ize me to inform the national com
mission that any action of congress
changing the time cf the exposition
from 1903 to 1904 would be accept
able. Senator Cockrell wired me this
afternoon that the sundry civil ap
propriation bill would pass the sen
ate on Saturday, and if a change of
date was to be incorporated therein
congress shculd be immediately ad
vised of the wishes of the local cor
poration. The executive committee au
thorize me to express its wishes to
the effect that a postponement should
be ordained by congress.
"Up to this hour over fifty of the
directors have been consulted and
without exception every one favored
postponement. I have therefore re
plied to President Carter of the na
tional commission to that effect, and
have asked that our conclusions be
submitted to congress asd to the
president. I think there is no doubt
as to the action congress will take,
or that it will be in favor of post
ponement." Fire Again Hits Aberdeen.
A3ERDEEN, S. D., May 2. The sec
ond disastrous fire within a week
visited this placo early yesterday
morning when flames, aided by a gale
destroyed the opera house.
The strong wind threatened to
drive the fire into the business por
tion of the city, but the fire depart
ment, aided by a falling rain, confined
the blaze to the structure.
The origin of this conflagration, as
well as the fire which destroyed the
grain palace at this place a few days
ago, is no doubt incendiary.
Henderson Renominated.
DES MOINES. la.. May 2. Con
gressman D. B. Henderson, speaker of
the house of representatives, was re
nominated for the eleventh successive
time at the Third district convention
in Waterloo yesterday. The nomina
tion was unanimous, Mr. Henderson's
opponent having withdraws.
Called to Meet the Pope
PHILADELPffiA. Pa.. May 2. Car
dinal Marunelli. apostolic delegate to
the United States, stated today that
he had bees recalled to Rome by Pope
Flags at Half Mast.
WASHINGTON. May L By direc
tion of the presidesr, the Sags on all
the executive departments were dis
played at half mast yesterday in hon
or of ex-Secretary Morton.
Heroes cf Manila Bay Meet.
WASHINGTON May 2. The fourth
anniversary of the battle of Manila
bay was celebrated here tonight at a
disser at the Raleigh hotel by those
officers now in the city who partici
pated is the esgagemest. They in
cluded the following: Admiral Dewey, !
Rear Admirals Coghlan. asd Estwistle,
Captains Ford asd Lambertos, Pay
master Gait. Lieutenant Commanders
Bagloy asd Ransom. Commanders
Briggs. Rees and Isch.
Sues for Millions.
WASHINGTON. May 2. Messrs
Egbert Jamiesos. Dudley asd Mich
ener asd Robert Christy, as attorneys
for John Celestis Lasdreau. have filed
with the secretary cf state a petition
against the goversmest of Peru,
clnrrM-zg a cse-half interest is the re
gard, amounting to-S12.04,oOO. prom
ised by that government to his broth
er. J. Thecphyle Lasdreas. the orir
inaf discoverer of valuable deposits
or ruanc
United Stales Net CsiiiialUwd by Ra
tion of T reaps Any Pwttey.
WASHINGTON, May 2. Majer Gen
eral MacArthur yesterday continued
his testimony before the senate csen
mittee on the Philippines. Answerhae;
a question by Senator Cnlbertaoa, the
general stated that Aguinaldo and the
Filipino people were justined in cost-'
eluding that the actions of the United
States army are sympathetic. "
The Filipisos, he said, were in a re
sentful asd vindictive opposition "ta
Spain and any active foree on their
part against Spain naturally helped the
United States, and vice versa, but. he
said, there was a distinct purpose.,
through the istercourse between the
Americans and the Filipinos to re
pudiate the idea cf direct co-operajott
which in any way committed dtej
Usited States to a policy- f , f
General ap-. he snid,. L.
the strictest orders sot to commit the
government, but Aguinaldo was anxi
ous to make as artificial record which
would oblige Geseral Merritt to do
somethisg he did not wast to do. "The
Filipiso," said Geseral MacArthur,
"has quite a comprehensive knowledge
of Latis diplomacy."
Aguinaldo was landed at Manila
aboard as Americas warship because
he was a useful individual, who could
be employed is a manner that would
contribute to Americas success.
Depot and Several Dwellings Demol
ished and Other Damage Done.
DES MOINES, la., 3Iay 2. A torna
do struck Bayard, la., at 7:30 last
night. Two elevators, the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul depot and a
number of dwelling houses were de
stroyed. The agent of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul is missing and
is supposed to have been killed or
injured. Telegraphic communications
with Bayard were paralyzed by the
storm. Derails of the disaster are dif
ficult to obtais.
At Vanwert a funnel-shaped cloud
dropped down on the town. The high
wind blew dows houses asd barss
asd uprooted large trees. Several
people were reported injured, but
none killed.
At Weldon a farmhouse was blown
down and three children were injured.
The tornado was seen from the town
of Leroy, but that town was not in its
path. All these towns, except Bayard,
are is Decatur cousty.
Former Congressman Now the Secre
tary of tne Navy.
WASHINGTON, May 2. Wm. Henry
Moody, the new secretary of the navy,
took the oath cf office at the navy de
partment yesterday morning. The
oath was administered by E. P. Has
na. solicitor of the department.
Those present besides the retiring
secretary, Mr. Long, were Assistant
Secretary Darling, former Assistant
Secretary Hackett and Representatives
Roberts, McCaU. Lawrence and Green
of Massachusetts.
The entire personnel of the depart
ment was then presented to Mr.
Moody, the clerks at the same time
bidding Mr. Lonz farewell.
Army of Consuls for Cuba.
WASHINGTON, May 2. The house
committee on foreign affairs today of
fered a favorable report on the bill
of Representative Hitt of Illinois, es
tablishing a United States diplomatic
and consular service in Cuba, with a
United States minister at 110,000;
secretary at $2,000; second secretary,
51.500; consul general at Havana, $5,
000; consuls at Cienfuegos and Santi
ago, $3,000 each. The bill differs
from the plan proposed in the sen
ate, which allows the minister a sal
ary of $12,000 asd adds a consulate
at Matanzas.
May Soon Get Together.
WASHINGTON, May 2. Senator
Hanna. chairman of the conciliatory
committee of the national civic feder
ation said tonight that he had not yet
received the report of the meeting of
the representatives of the operators
and the United Mine Workers, which
has just bees held is New York.
Pending its receipt the senator is us
able to say when a meeting of the
conciliation committee will be held.
Extension of the Katy.
tractors of Chicago and Terre Haute
tinned a contract to construct 265
miles of railroad in Oklahoma, an ex
tension of the Missouri, vTiyg
Budget in British Columbia.
VANCOUVER, B. C, May 2. The
debate on the budget is the provincial
legislature was continued until 10
o'clock Wednesday, the members of
the opposition talking against time to
prevent the house from going into
committee of supply. They were suc
cessful in defeating the object of the
government, which was to rush
through the debate. The debate had
not been completed when the house
adjourned for executive work.
White Star Line Gets Large Part.
.LONDON. May 2. Accordisg to the
"Liverpool Post, ose-tsird of the 34.
COO.OOO capital of the shippisg com
bise will be required to liquidate the
White Star line isterests. The paper
also says that a substantial propor
tion of the preference shares will be
handed ever to the owners of the
White Star Line, who will also get
3,0004)00 in cash from the sale sf the
debentures, which will be
early date.
ef Ord Haet ki the
GKKELaTT CENTER Neb, April 30.
Wilson, horse thief, is dead.
Houck of Ord is wound-
a result, of two battles" with two
Hoeves near North Loup. Geo.
Msskesv Wilson's partner in crime, is
is jaiT in this city. Wilson was shot
m the head by hiu pursuers in the
serqssi Battle. Haskell was captured-
uxxa. after without resistance. Houck
was shot in the foot asd is the hand.
His injuries are sot serious.
The battles resulted from a chase
after horse thieves is Greeley, Sher
man and Valley counties. Thursday
night six horses were stolen, two each
from Farmers Prichard. Peterson and
Giles, living about seventeen miles
northeast of Greeley Center. Tae trail
of the thieves was at once takes up.
The pursuers were aided by Detec
tive C. M. Franklin asd Malone's
bloodhounds from Lincoln. The posse
pursued the thieves until ex-Sheriff
Houck and Sheriff Eake came upon
them in the sand hills. The horse
thieves turned on their -pursuers and
a battle ensued is which Houck was
wounded, being hit twice. Many shots
were fired by both sides. Finally the
thieves escaped. The chase contin
ued asd is the afternoon Meyers and
the Hutchins brothers again got with
in range of the fugitives. They at
ones reopened fire.
The shooting attracted other sec
tions of the pursuing party, scattered
over two or three miles of sand sill
territory and they began closing in on
the thieves. When they reacheu the
first party they found that Wilson
had been killed and that Haskell had
been taken prisoner.
From near Spaulding, where the
horses, were takes, the thieves took
a southwesterly directios isto Sher
man county. Then they moved north
westward into Valley county, where
the pursuers, by cutting across coun
try, soon overtook them. They passed
through Loup City with tne x horses.
Whes they reached the sand hills they
apparestly thought they were on safe
ground and proceeded more leisurely.
The six horses were recovered, the
two men having them in their pos
session. .They have been-idestined ey
their owners. Haskell admits that he
and Wilson stole them.
Pay Tribute to Morton.
WASHINGTON. D. C, April 30.
Officials of the department of agri
culture adopted resolutions on the
death of Former Secretary Morton at
Chicago. Dr. O. E. Dyson of the Chi
iago headquarters of the bureau of
inimal industry; H. J. Coxz of the
Chicago weather bureau, asd Dr. D.
C. Ayer, of Omaha, were appointed a
committee to attend the funeral as
representatives of the department.
Cherry Duchess is Dead.
ASHLAND, Neb., April 30. Ths fv
mous show cow, Cherry Duchess No.
49178, owsed by the Riverside ranch
it Ashland, Neb- died April 27. Cher
ry Duchess met with an accident on
April 1L and her owner, in order to
relieve her of her suffering, ordered
her killed. Cherry Duchess was sot
only a show cow, but a first class
breeder also. She died at the age of
12 years.
New Corporations.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 30. Th
Provident Land Investment company.
Incorporated by C. II. Chitresden asd
O. H. Davidson of Omaha, has an au
thorized capital stock of $100,000.
Thomas R. Ashley of Decatur has
applied to the state basking board
for permission to start a private bank.
But Nine Cases for Trial.
FREMONT, Neb.. April 30. Judge
Hollenbeck is district court called
the cases which will be tried at the
May term, sise is number. This is
.he smallest list which has been mad
up for any term in Dodge county for
the last ten years. Nose of the cases
are of special importance.
Farmer Nebrasfcan Dead.
YORK. Neb., April 30. A telegras:
was received here stating that Charles
F. Dillos. a former residest of thi
place, had died at Lead City, S. D.
The Town in Mourning.
.NEBRASKA CTTY, Neb April 30.
The news of the death of J. Ster
ling Morton has caused the tows to
take on the garb of deepest mourning
Long streamers of black crape are
hanging from the frost of both public
and private buildings. Telegrams oi
condolence have bees comisg is from
Mr. Mortos's friesds all over the cons
try, brisgisg additional evidence of
the great regard is which he was held J
in this city.
Working the Farmers.
RANDOLPH. Neb.. April 30. Masy
fanners in this vicinity are wiser but
poorer for confidesce they placed is
W. 6. McKay. He came here as agesr
foe a Chicago grocery house, but later
organized the Farmers' Trading asso
ciation, the members of which ere
to receive la cests per dozen for ergs
and 20 cents a pound for butter is
eash the year round. A membership
fee of $10 wae coU-cted. From thi
essxc McKay got about $206.
I m
wmb mzsvm.
m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i m 1 1 1 : 1 1 a ill
The. Denver Times has been sold for
American troops in Case, are being
John Field, an old-time Omaha cost
tractor, died in Dubuque. la.
At Pittsbarg. Pa., Michael Connelly
ccarreltii with asd khfcd .lis Bftothex-in-law.
Reports from, the sealing T fPTt
indicate that the season's catch, win
be 270,000.
So far forty bodies have been re
covered from the City of riitsburs
wreck at Cairo, IIL
Miss EHen M. Stone has been em
gaged to lecture at the Iowa Chautau
qua meeting in June.
Mayor Cntne of Denver. Colo., has
1 just invented a rotary ore-working ma
chine for use in goid -minrs." --
James M. Humphreys of Frasklis,
Neb., has been admitted to practice
before the isterior departmest.
Goversor Yates of Illisois was re
cently in a wreck os the Illinois Cen
tral, but was sot much injured.
Colored women of Iowa will meet
at Ottumwa os the 23d asd 24th of
May to plan a permanent organization.
Congressman Mercer has secured a
favorable report en his bill for a $25.
000 fish hatchery for Sarpy cousty, Ne
braska. Thirty ladrones, armed with Mau
sers, ambushed five of the constabu
lary sear Manila, killing one man asd
injuring another.
Secretary of Agriculture Wil3os es
tertaised Presideat and Mrs. Roose
velt and a number of other guests
at a reception and dinner party.
W. D. Lowell of Des Moines. la..
was the only bidder for the erection
of the tank and pumping plant for the
Fort Bartholdi Indian agency, N. D., at
The somisatioa was asnounced by
the president of R. M- Withrop of
Massachusetts to be secretary of the
Usited States legation at Brusssels,
Alfred Smith, colored, was strangled
to death officially in the Moyamensisg
prison at Philadelphia for the murder
of his wife last spring. She refused
to live with him.
The King's Daughters' home, a
charitable institution at Oakland. Cal..
was destroyed by fire. William Bray,
as ex-New York editor, lest his life is
the conflagration.
Every white laundry is closed in
Portland. Ore., on account of a strike
of the employes, who demand recog
nition of their union and an 8 per cent
increase is wages.
While J. P. Glass, cashier of the
Bank of Brownsville. Ore., was at din
ner a robber effected as entrance to
the bank and escaped with $1,300,
which was left outside the vault.
According to dispatches to the Co
lombian revolutiosary junta is New
York. Rio Hacha, a city on the north
ern coast of Colombia, has been cap
tured by the revolutionary forces.
Manufacturers of burglar proof
safees will test their safes with high
explosives before the coming meet
ing of the South Dakota Baskets' as
sociation, to be held in Huron. May 21.
Bishop Frank R. Millspangh of Kan
sas will continue in the charge of the
Episcopal missiosary diocese of Saline
until alL on account of tae refusal
of Rev. Nathaniel Thomas to take the
The senate has passed the Flynn
resolution, which has already passed
the house, directing the printing of
5,000 additional copies of the last re
port of the governor of Oklahoma ter
ritory. It is reported that the Santa Fe ha3
purchased the St. Louis, Kansas City
& Colorado line. This would give the
Santa Fe valuable connections for the
coming world's fair, and St. Louis an
additional Use to Kansas City.
The president has signed rhe legis
lative appropriation bilL Under it3
provisions the LOOQ or more clerks
who were temporarily appointed dur
ing the war with Spain are gives per
manent employment and placed with- t
is the operations of the civil service
The discovery of copper ore is
rush of prospectors from Guthrie, OkL
The report that he will resign is
vigorously denied by 3isnop James
Conaty, rector of the Catholic univer
the Wichita mousraiss has caused a
sity of America.
The machinists' strike os the North
ern Pacific in Minnesota is at an
Morris Hickey, aged 77, is dead at
St. Joseph. He was a railroad con
structor and one of the originators of
the Hannibal read in MissourL
A $50,000 fire destroyed the man
ufacturing district at Glen Falls, N. Y.
At Boston the international cable
chess tournament between Americas
nnri Fgiigh college teams esded in
a sweeping victory for the American
A wisd storm worked havoc at
Pittsburg, destroying an immense
amount of property.
It is estimated that 2.000 delegates
will attend the meeting of the German I
Lutheran syrodicai conference to be
held at Milwaukee June 23.
Rev. H. J. Burleigh, a pioneer Iowa '
missionary, is dead.
The British cruiser Thames Tts re
turned to Greenock. England aitcr hav
mg covered 3300 miles ic a. fruitless
search for the missing iLSes Imer fia
ronias. The first regular contract ever made
is the world to pick cotton by ma
csisery was closed is Greenville, Ala
bama, a few days since asd the first
experiment with the machise will be
made os a plantation in Washington
At a smoker recently given by X
Bnrrwood Daly to bis colleagues of the
Democratic executive comiittfe of
the Twenty-eighth ward one of the
speakers related the following
About a week ago three members of
our committee whom I will algebrai
cally designate as X. Y and Z. wound
up a night of it with a bet that each
would do the first thing his wife
asked of him. whatever it might be. or
pay for an oyster supper far the three
the following Sunday night.
When they met. X said: 'When
I got in my room I tried to pour flat
a drink of water, but in doing soviet
the glass fall and it broke.
-There!" called out my wife.
"Now. throw the pitcher out of the
1 immediately raised the window
and heaved out the pitcher, the crash
of which on the sidewalk aroused the
neighbors; and-'evee. kewsght- the po--liceman
of the beat from under cover
asd thereby made as esemy of him." "
"T was cautiously walkisg across
the dining-room to find the gas," said
Y. 'and knocked over a chair. My
wife called down from the second
story front very gently:
"My dear, get an ax and desaoliah
the chair properly.'
T got the ax and hewed that chair
isto kindling wood of the finest de
scription. I got in all right, 3aid Z. took off.
my shoes and was going up stairs as
quiet as the sight before Christmas,,
when I awkwardly stumbled asd my
shoes rolled to the bottom, bitting
each step at least oace os the way
" "That's right!' called out Mrs. Z.
"Fall dows asd break your seek!"
"'And you didn't do it!' chimed is
X and Y.
" 'Not on your life! That's why I'm
here, to order the oysters." Phila
delphia Times.
Wealthy Tmflm Sat Extrw
t lm
Fsacrel Zxseaaea.
"Mcst persons. I suppose, have the
idea that the rich are buried in ex
pensive coffins." said a man who has
spent twenty years in the undertaking
supply business, to a New York Trib
une reporter, "but. according to my ex
perience, it is generally people who
desire to be thought wealthy who in
vest much mosey is coffins. You see.
mcst rich people have their secretaries,
whose busisess it is to keep dows ex
penses all the time, and the underta
kers have found to their sorrow that
they are just as strict when it comes to
funeral expenses as in anything else.
They want the best always, but they
won't order anything that is extrava
gant or ussecessary.
"It's the people who are not so rich
that put money into coffins." he con
tinued. "I remember the costliest one
our firm ever turned-out. It was for a
mas is Brookiys,asa was supposed to
cost $2,000. but it didn't. Nothing
would do the family but that plate
and handles should be of solid gold.
The undertaker who had the order told
us to put on plated ones instead. He
managed to spend about $1,000 on the
coffin. The rest, I suppose, west into
his pocket. There is one thing certain
the family sever ksew the differ
ence. There are some undertakers in
New York who are willing to give peo
ple what they pay for, but the most of
them are not. An undertaker seldom
pays more than $230 for a coffin, no
matter Low much money the family is
willing to expend. Almost any one in
the business will tell you that when
you get beyond $250 you are throwing
away money."
Petto Pro poii Ulna.
Senator Pettus of Alabama is one of
the young octogenarians of the coun
try. He does not look like a man in
his eighty-first year, and says he dees
not feel half the years he has piled up
to his credit.
An Alabama represeatative. himself
well aioag in years, suggested to Mr.
Pettus the other day the possibility
that he might live to be 100 years old.
and asked him if he would consider it
right to hold his senatorship twenty
years longer.
"Why notT demanded Mr. Pettus.
"Think of the others." was the re
ply. "There are a lot of aspirins
younssters down in our state. Don't
you want to give them a chance?"
"Never thought cf that," mused Mr.
Pettus. "Say. I tell you what I'll do.
I'll make a trade with you. If you will
die I will resign, and so we will give
two of those aspiring youngsters their
political opportunities."
"What a noble young man you are.
Pettus!" fervently ejaculated the gen
tleman who had bees invited to die.
Ecs Talaoe br CoUeeti
A peculiar fact is collectisg birds'
esgs is the wide difference in value of
eggs of the same family of birds. For
instance, there is the great family of
hawk3. Some hawks eggs are worth
only a few cents each, asd other
hawks' eggs fisd a ready sale at $3.
35 and 7 each.
It makes a $100 bill look dilapidated
to buy a complete set of seven west
ers hawks eggs, while a full set of all
knows hawks' eggs costs upward of
$600. The eggs of a marsh hawk, a
red-headed hawk and a. copper hawk
may be bought for 20 cents each, and
the broad-winged hawk's eggs will
bring $4 each the world over.
The eggs of Swaissos's hawk asd
the buff-breasted hawk are worth $L50
3foolty te Weddlas Coatoats.
A aovelty is wedding customs con
sists in accompanying each note cf
Th-TTir" for a wedding present with
some small tokea is return. Is this
way the original giver profits some
what by the affair. A recent bride in
every such sote of acknowledgment in
closed a silver bodkin; another, a
small silver umbrella tag esgraved
with the recipiesf s name. Such a pro
cedure takes a little trouble and ex
pense, perhaps, but it is & gracious
courtesy asd must relieve the bnde
from Tn!lt sesse of overwhelming o'ti
ligation that in masy cases she must
otherwise feeL
Indifference is the devil's favorite
! States!
CMo NewHrtL
Siys Good sfeto !
A Wccttr
Derated to the
of X X
Columbus, .
County of Platte,
The Stale of
United States.
Rest iT mm.
TTie Unit of Measure with
Us is
xr Year, if Paid in Advance.
set sear Usstt of UscfeJwess is sot
sad Cents.
Sample Copies Sent Free to
any Address.
Coffins and Metallic
cf all aiaas of Upholstery
Columbusi tob.
see aClWeee
af presetted to Furanh Any
thing Required f a
I it m Mtaut. i
f sa c o
. e
Mite Lew ob Rctlo
1 ' t
ear avMrrra. vica-mea.
av eauaeew. coaaiee.
aawaai i must.
mssk It
I JffKLl
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