The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 19, 1902, Image 2

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BnABuaasB Mat U.1S7S.
Calumbti5 gaurttaL
Columbaih fotr
ruetoSVae. Colama , Msbr.. I
.H. Z. SRSB A H.
Rtpiblicii City TieM.
For Mayor,
For City Clerk.
For City Treasurer,
For Police Judge,
For City Engineer,
For Member Board of Education,
For Councilman,
Fust wrd-G. W. YTEBQUTZ.
Seooad " C. & EA8TON.
Third " C.J.GARLOW.
Ciig Iramta.
Nebraaka Press Association, Lincoln,
May G and 7.
J. E. Sedqwick baa been appointed
postmaster of York.
Fifteen thousand men participated in
St. Patrick's day celebration in New
York City Monday.
After considerable debate the ship
subsidy bill passed the senate Monday
by a vote of 42 to 31.
It is said that within a few daya A. F.
Enoa of the Picket will be in charge of
the Stanton postoffice.
At the Ryan k Sons' sale at Omaha,
Thursday, the first three head of Short
horns sold brought a total of $1310.
The net earnings of the railroads in
Nebraska are about $8,000,000 yearly
and that of the manufactures $50,000,000.
Tan recent cold weather and the snow
hare been the cause of loss of life, both
sen and beasts, in the Dakotas and in
An Iowa saloon keeperand his bonds
men are being sued for $2,986.78, by the
father of a minor son, for selling the son
intoxicating liquor.
It is reported from Constantinople
that the town of Kyankari, northeast of
Angora, in Asia Minor, was destroyed by
as earthquake March 12. The town had
20,000 inhabitants.
It seems that it is a crime to convert
the school money in the state treasury;
but the money may be placed at interest
sad the interest pocketed by a "reform"
trsssuier with perfect impunity.
Schuyler Sub.
The populist editors are to have a
estisg at Lincoln today. They do not
wish to be swallowed altogether by the
democracy. They at least hare individ
ual life enough remaining to kick while
' they are going down.
It is rumored that the Union Pacific
have secured the St. Joseph k Grand
Island railroad, after a bitter fight for
more than a year. It is one of the pio
neer roads in the west, and an important
acquisition for the Union Pacific.
A township in Kansas goes into court
asking the privilege of liquidating now a
a bonded indebtedness of $23,000, con
tracted in 1887, due in 30 years from date
at 6 per cent. The decision of the court
may make interesting reading for the
tax payers, if not for attorneys.
Talking from the pulpit during a re
vival meeting at white Cloud, Kansas,
aad while adjuring his hearers to pre
pare for death, because they know not
the moment when they may be sum
moned, Bev. J. Bnsscman was stricken
with paralysis, and the stroke may prove
The Portuguese are occasionally ad
ding their mite to the progress of the
world. Government troops recently
attacked twelve strongholds of the slave
traders, near Pemba bay, Portuguese
East Africa, aad after a desperate and
prolonged fight, drove out the traders
aad liberated 700 slaves. Hurrah for
little Portugal
Isabwtch as the state of Nebraaka
paid in full the cost of the bond given
by ex-state treasurer Meserve, it would
seem that the state really had the most
right to the interest money. Having
practically admitted that he took the
interest money, he should now step up
aad plead guilty and let the matter be
settled up as soon as possible. Blair
At St. Petersburg Sunday there was a
students' riot in which more than ten
thousand people participated. Probably
MP arrests were made. No fatalities are
Carriages of the nobility, aad
i of the imperial household were
ms mixed up in the melees.
The whole police fores were called out
and the entire military force held for
Usdeb date of March 13, a dispatch
"A sudden change for the worse
the condition of
Oeust Tolstoi, who has bean 01 for some
at Yalta, Crimea. His weak
uore pronounced today and
of pleurisy have developed.
feeble and frequently
cannot sleep and is
fraternity in Nebraska
deeply sympathise with Freak sad Boss
the loss of thetr prating
it by ire Tuesday afternoon
of the fire is
ataa a mystery, but withm aa hoar aftsr
tna bssUiaarwas noticed to be oa tea,
taaamasarewMdaaa. The total loss is
to $5M$0, with tSnjBIB
wffl ho
ILrflMNlMkat tln)4loao fHH
ymMMM tmo ! of yon
JODBKAI. r 0 aM(imr TMB
IWI1B1I Up to this em, yew
linlilliB to friiiriiiiirtii Bar.
aMsaAMM, the Tribwao is being printed
The public good should be
the controlling sentiment of
all who represent the people.
Jon Okxsby and Henry Wilson of
Omaha are organizing a company to
incorporate under the name or ine
nki Goat-Growing company. The
following particulars we clip from the
Omaha Bss: "Only fools ana maws
work," said Ormaby in discussing the
nmiML "Wo have a scheme tnat wiu
make us rich. Our plan is to buy 400
acres of land near Florence, which we
caa secure for about $30 an acre. It is
not such fine land, but will make good
onciitf. On una we miena u wra
3000 goata as a starter. They will not
be the common, back-alley variety, due
high-grade animals. After a long inves
tigation ws have decided to mix Angora
and Siberian goats. The former have
wonderful coats, but are small. The
East India variety will make up for this,
belay rery large, while their drawback
is the coarse tecture of their hair. Our
revenue will come from selling milk,
hair, fur and manure. We expect also
to be able to develop the least pices of
farming land for market gardening pur
poses iin Nebraska."
It would seem that it is best, in any
case, to obey the laws of the land.
When men are elected, and it becomes
their duty as servants of the public, to
do their best to enforce the laws they
are sworn to execute, they should con
sider the possible results of the non
enforcement of the law. Take, for
instance, the Carrie Nation episode in
KsnriT The decision of the Kansas
supreme court is that the cities where
she used her hatchet with auch destruc
tive results, are liable to pay the hotel
men and saloon keepers for the damage
done to their property; that because
property is used in violation of law is
no warrant for its destruction by some
unauthorized person.
Judge Baxter, of the criminal 'court
of Douglas county, has held that under
the law the state had no claim on the
interest derived from the permanent
school fund, and, while it is practically
admitted that Meserve got $3,000 from
the one bank in South Omaha, he is
turned loose. It is said that in his four
years' term be got about $00,000 of in
terest, all told, and the state paid for his
bond. Great is reform and great are the
reformers! No wonder that Meserve is
at the head of a bank. Blair Pilot.
The Dsutschland, from New York
March 11, having on board Prince Henry
of Prussia and his suite, passed the
8rilly islands at 830 Monday morning.
The steamer arrived at Plymouth, Eng
land at 1230 p. nu, and proceeded for
Cherburg and Hamburg. The voyage
waa nlaaannt and uneventful. The
nrinee is reported as saying: "I have
had a charming time, and geographically
have seen a third of the United States.
Ism glad, of course, to get home."
WauAX Ijeese, formerly attorney
general of Nebraska, died Friday even
ing at his home in Lincoln, aged 62
vears. He had Buffered for a month
with nervous prostration.
IcftUkaa City Csaraitisa.
Saturday night, delegates elect to the
republican city convention met at the
council chamber to nominate a city
The meeting was called to order by
Chairman C.C. Gray of the central com
mittee, after which John Wiggins waa
elected chairman and C. C. Sheldon,
No committee on credentials waa ap
pointed, but instead, a motion prevailed
that a list of accredited delegates be
read, and if there be no objections, the
delegates be declared entitled to seats
in the convention.
The list wss ss follows, and no objec
tions were made:
First ward C D. Evans, George Fair-
child, J. D. Stires, W. M. Cornelias,
Thomas Wilson, Wrn Ragatz, John
Wiggins, Gas. Viergutz, O. C. Shannon,
M. K. Turner.
Seooad ward J. H. Galley, E. P. Dus
sell, D. M. Newman, Israel Gluck. John
Hoffman, Robert McCray, Ed. Hocken
berger, Wm. Hewitt, D. N. Miner.
Third ward-W. A. McAllister, E. H.
Funk, C. C. Gray, C. Kramer, M. Whit
moyer, G. A. Scott, Robert Lewis, J. G.
Reader, C. C. Sheldon, J. K. MoFarland,
Cash Jonas, D. Martyn, jr.
The ticket aa nominated appears in
another place in today's Jodbkal.'
There waa no contest on any of them,
in fact, the convention waa enthusiastic
throughout. When the nomination for
members of the school board was reach
ed, it was decided to nominate but one
candidate, if the democratic convention
will do the same, and that a committee
of two be appointed to interview the
democratic convention. The iiiynnn
appointed E.C.Hockenberger and M.K.
Turner aa committee for the purpose,
who afterwards reported the action of
the democratic convention, in the nomi
nation of W. N. Hensley. The present
members, whose terms expire this spring,
are J. H. Galley aad C. H. Davis.
The committeemen selected for the
several wards are: George Fairchild, J.
M.Curtia and J. G. Boeder with aa
Grav committeeman at huge, aad they
wore given power to fill any vacancy
that aught occur oa the ticket.
Lag! Wstkat.
America ia a tolerably free country
yoa think right down to the foun
dation of things, aad act acoordiagly.
Taa JooaxAK has had thirty years ex-
re handling legal notices of all
and takes this occasion to
say that it ia thoroughly equipped for
this sort of work.
Wo desire that yoa remember as whan
you have work of thw sort to be done.
Whoa you do the paying, yoa have the
wimkt in mlaim tkrn mark. fTiarisi attm-
tioa ghroa to mail orders. Call oa or
ss, sm.A.XDsanBuoi,
Journal Oaten, Columbus, Near.
l " 1
I MtfmI msI. 1
2 ferstftxl Aevtftw. $
I11I1I1M J Slljtjj,m;l jW
John Dawson of Oconee was in town
Robert C. Anderson of Genoa waa in
the city Saturday.
Gerhard Asche of Sherman township,
was in the city Thursday.
J. H. Galley returned Friday from a
business trip to St Joseph, Mo.
W. If. Cornelius snd Mm. D. a Ksvan-.
augh went to Lincoln this Tuesday
Mrs. W. H. Randall returned Satur
day from an extended visit with friends
in New York.
Arthur Pool of Springfield has been
Tinting his old home. He looks in ex
cellent health.
Mus Bessie Yickors of Virginia City,
Montana, is' in the oity visiting st the
a A. Lindatrum returned Thursday
from, Rockwell, Iowa, where he was
called by the death of his father.
John Henggler.son of George Heng
gler, returned Saturday from a ten
weeks' course in the Fremont Normal.
Mis.. Wm. Randall, formerly of Dun
can now of Gibbon, visited Miss Hattie
Baker over Sunday, on her way home
from Omaha.
Mrs. M. K. Turner and daughter
Gladys went to Cedar Rapids Friday to
visit for a few days with the family of
G. W. Brown.
J. W. Tanner of the Fullerton Post
was in the city today, Tuesday. He was
returning from n three weeks' trip to the
western country, going as far as Arizona.
Mrs. Paul Timra visited her old home
several dsya last week. Most Journal
readers will more readily recognize her
individuality when we say she was, until
recently. Miss Bertha Zinnecker.
Baal Irtata Transfers
Becher, Hockenberger k Chambers,
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed in the office of
the county clerk since our last report:
John J Redick to G G Becher, -
lots 1 and 2 bl 40. Col, qcd.. .$
First Nat Bank, Col, to J J Sul
livan, e2 ne21, w2nw22-18-le
A Cunningham to Wm W Bivin,
75 00
1 00
w2ne33-19-4w.wd 3000 00
W H Campbell to J W Bender,
e2sw23.20-lw.wd 4480 00
M A Nelson to Niels Johnson,
e2nw(18-19-3w,wd.-. 3200 00
N C Nelson to Nieb Johnson,
n2mr 18-19. 3w,wd. 2725 00
Clara F Speice to Herm Sand,
awot32-20-3w,wd. 5400 00
Peter Salestrom to C A Ander
8on,s2nel8-194w,wd 2500 00
L F Gottschalk to G E Davis,
lots 7 sad 8 bl 180, 1, wd . .
U P R B to John Try ha, nw ne
lvll"lWf WQ
Sophia Paprocki to Mary Bar
nas, pt ne ne 14-19-8w, wd. . .
C D Hellbusch to Geo Kerk
man, e2 nw ne 2-19-1 w, wd.. .
John Chechon to John Cohon,
jr, n2 n2, aw aw 22-17-2w, wd
225 00
248 75
1000 00
800 00
1 00
Jac Cieloha to Peter Uii
lots 4, 5, Obi 123, Col, wd..
150 00
C E Campbell to W S Dixon,
neof26-20-lw,wd. 0500 00
H F J Hockenberger to E M
Wolf, lot 8 bl 9, Becher PI, Col 325 00
Michael Welch to F W Welch,
lot3bll88,Col 100
Mary H Williams to Rose Stein
baugh, lot 8 bl 2, Becher PI,
CoL 60000
J F Buhman to H C Bruening,
nwne,neaw,n2ael2-20:le,wd 19000 00
Jos Bothleitner to Aug Oaten,
nw of 12-19-lw, wd
7000 00
L C Draper to A D Cattle Co,
e2 se. sw se, se sw6-17-2w, wd 7500 00
G H Hnsman to Fr Haschke,
s2se,n2ne 28-20-1 w.wd 7200 00
Chaa Stone to C A Stone, e2
nw of 1219-4W, wd 2800 00
Job Schefeik to Frank Ryba,
lota 5 and 6 bl 162, Col, wd.. 125 00
G B Speice to V Nohel, lot 7 bl
114, Col, wd. 20000
Anna Wilken to Aug Wilken,
pt 9-18-le, qcd
H F J Hockenberger to J E
Hoffman, lot 4 bl 256, Col, wd
15 00
H F J Hockenberger to W F
Scott, lots 1 snd 2 bl 4, Bech
er PI, Col 22500
FredFangmah to Aug Kiol-
bases, sw ne, ee nel-19-3w,wd 3120 00
John Hollatz to Anton Jawor-
aki,w2awll-19-2w,wd. 3200 00
Wm Steeblow to Anton Jawor-
aki, w2 nw ll-19-2w, wd 3200 00
Esther Hardy to Kat A Lach-
nit,lot7bll82,Col,wd 900 00
H S Elliott to Rich H Jones,
e2se22,e2ne,nwne 27-19-3 7000 00
Wm B Jones to A W Lamb, ne
n2nw25-19-3w,wd. 10600 00
W C and TC Davis to Pat Rod- -
dy, no of ll-19-3w, wd 5C00 00
John Master to Louise Fodder-
to Humphrey 1212 00
E A Garrard to Job Knob, pt
e2nwof 24-19-2w,wd 3550 00
Garaar mad Character of Aankaa
An address by Joseph Canute, Ambas
sador to Great Britain, on the career and
character of Abraham Lincoln hia early
life-hm eeriy struggles with the world
his character as developed ia the later
years of his life aad his adauaiotratioa,
which placed his name ao high oa the
worlds roll of honor aad fame, has been
puhlishsd by taa Chicago, Mflwaukoe k
QL Paul Railway aad may be had by
sending six (6) coats ia postage to F. A.
Millar. General rsssnnsai AcmL
Chicago, HL 3
You caa bay blank farm leases at
Taa Jopswit. olns, good form, two for
5 coats: five for 10 cents.
- mt 2k
s f! f" ft-
Our notes this week begin with The
JouBXAfc of November 17, I860, and dose
with that of January 12, 18SL
Lorenzo Clark fold a team of trotters
for $400.
Born,' Nov. 28, to Mrs. W. T. Rickly, a
daughter. -
Born, to Mrs. John George, December
3, a daughter.
Charles A. Brindley waa appointed
deputy sheriff.
G. B. Bailey, aa justice of the peace,
advertised some estrsys for sale.
In the year ending Jan. 1, 1881, 319,937
immigrants arrived at New York. -
Died, Dec 4, of scarlet fever, Frank,
son of W. T. Rickly. sged 2 years.
Weber & Knoble purchased a car load
of corn, 22 eta a buahel, at yiyaamv -
Wendell Phillips was appointed execu
tor of the will of Ljdiu Alaria Child.
John B. Finch, the noted temperance
advocate, lectured at the opera house.
During the month of October 61,312
immigrants arrived in the United States.
The asylum for the insane' waa put in
telephonic communication with Lincoln.
Gen. Longstreet presented his creden
tials to the Sultan as minister to .Turkey.
November 19, Gen. Garfield celebrated
the forty-ninth anniversary of hie birth
day., .... - r.
The post-office department of London
ordered 20,000 telephones for postal
The amount of gold, from England
reaching 'New York December 13, was
George Henggler erected one of the
best cattle barns then in the county.
24x75 feet.
All persons imprisoned for debt, in
Scotland, were released at midnight
Jan. 1, 1881.
Rev. Dr. Chapin, the celebrated Uni
versalis! preacher, diet! December 26,
aged 62 years.
Among Ohio friends visiting Columbus
were Craig Moore, Will. C. Rowles and
James B. Jamison.
A lengthy description was given of the
silo, and the value of ensilage in the
production of cheese and butter..
An addition to the Becker & Welch
mill on Shell creek sunk several' inches
Dec. 26, it having been undermined.
Francis Kerr, who had been on a six
weeks' visit in Canada, 6aid there was
still some complaint of hard times there.
John Huber and Charles Wake arrest
ed a man charged with stealing $55 from
a man on Cedar river. The money was
The light house board at Washington
were investigating the electric light
before adopting it for general use in
light houses.
John A. Steele, A. N. Burgess and
John Routeon, while hnnting on Christ
mas day in Heintz's timber, ran across a
wild cat and killed it
John L Redick recovered a verdict of
$6,013.32 against the First National
bank of Omaha ou account of illegal
interest charged by the bank. , t -
The total vote on State Senator for
District 14, was as follows: Guy a Bar
jium, democrat, Colfax 386, Platte 773;
M. K. Turner, republican, Colfax 702,
Platte 922.
On Thanksgiving day G. W. ITnlstand
A. J. Arnold started out in the morning
and returned in time for dinner at 2
o'clock, with four deer as the result of
their morning's work.
David Anderson bought, the last week
of November, hogs from .six different
counties, and that were hauled to Colum
bus, then said to be the best market in
the state for fat hogs.
John M. Honahan had an attack of
rheumatism lasting through eleven
weary weeks, the pain being, at times
unbearable, but for the injection of mor
phine into the affected parts.
At the firemen's ball Dec. 24 Miss
Freddie Speice was voted to be the neatest-dressed
lsdy snd Charles Wake, jr.,
the most popular young man. Each
received a handsome present.
Elder A. J. Cudney delivered a course
of lectures st the Bean Bchool house, his
themes being: prophecy; existence of
Satan; modern spiritualism; the millen
ium; final abode of the saints.
At sn evening meeting of the Maen
nercnor, their new piano, bought of F.
Brodfuehrer, was inaugurated by E.
Pohl and John Wermuth, accompanied
by G. A. Schroeder on his violin.
Would It be possible for the counties
along the Platte, north and south, to
combine in asking the state to establish
state roads, taking in the bridges already
constructed as a part of the scheme?
Oehlrich k Bra started a grocery the
last week of November with ajstock'of
goods, giving them Linooln wholesale
prices. This is one of the many indica
tions' of the kind ofbusineeaS men ,we
have among us.
Died, Nov. 2, aged 4 years, J3 months,
John, and Nov. 5, aged 9 years and 5
months, Hannah, son and daughter of
Henry and Hannah Carrig. Both were
suddenly taken away by that dreadful
disease, diphtheria.
Christmas morning J. a McMahon,
chief of police, was presented a purse of
reasonably good dimensions, the gift of
a large number of the principal business
men of the city, as a mark of their appre
ciation of his faithful services.
The installation of officers of Lebanon
lodge A. F. k A. M. took puce at- their
hall. The list, in order, was: C. A.
Speice, J. D. Brewer, J. Ritmnssen, J. P.
Becker, J. F. Wermuth, H. P. Ooolidgo,
L J. Mattery, J. W. Early, G. Lockner,
M. Weaver.
Among those who received patents on
land were: Henry Guiles, Wm. Con
nolly, Pat Docey, Jas. Ducey, Joan Boss,
J. Bodmer, F. Weodt, A. Ivereoa, T. K.
Mataon, & J. Wheeler, E. Ahreas, P. J.
Schauta, B. W. Ellis, G. Lossko, James
Weber k Knoble had thirty beeves,
butchered in nice weather, fro-sea, aad
laid away ready to be brought forth at
any time for the market, thus saving
of food oa fat beeves, work in
(other, besides which the
meat ia said to be better. They have a
splendid collar at their market
Here are samples of the eurroat jokes
of those days: Paper, which is already
high, is bound to go higher when kite
time comes; the selfish man cares for
No. 1, and often ao oae cares for aim;
one of those men who chest others on
mining shares and make their living by
swindling was shot dead in Leadvflle
last week. Death loves a mining shark.
The case of Kenward Philp, charged
with the libel of Gen. Garfield, in con
nection with the. Morey Chinese letter
reached a decision from Chief .Justice
Davis, Sept 13, the judge holding that
ao newspaper had the right to publish
as genuine any forged or false instru
ment The Morey letter is a forgery,
and the editorial article calling Garfield
a liar is libelous.
Between 6 and 7 o'clock a. nu, Dec 15,
a train coming from the west on the
Union Pacific, ran into another one'
standing oa the track in the yard here,
the engine striking the rear end of an
emigrant car, which happened to have
no occupant the car waa smashed into
kindling-wood about half its length.
Passengers said that the engineer bad
whistled, wildly for "down breaks," bat
the call waa not answered by the sleep
ing brakemen.
On the proposition in the state senate,
to place with Lieutenant Governor Cams
the naming of the committees, Senator
Turner expressed -the -following senti
ments:' It is the correct rule for a leg
islator to determine each question before
him upon its merits. The committees
of the senate are its organs, because it is
through these or by these that' the legis
lative functions, are exercised.1 Consid
ered ss an entirety, the committees
should be of like mind with the senate.
It might veiy readily happen that the
lieutenant governor would not represent
the will of the senate, but the contrary.
Why should he name the committees
the most important act in the organiza
tion of the senate? It is not a question
of mere personal like or dislike for him
whom the constitution makes the pre
siding officer, but it is s question whether
the senate should abrogate an inherent
right, and establish or continue a bad
precedent The principle is the same no
matter who occupies the chair."
Mweoti 'tae fcy GamMera.
Habitual gamblers are perhaps tha
most superstitious persons In the world.
They invariably carry little portable
mascots in their pockets, and it would
be impossible to persuade them to en
ter Into a game of chance If, by some
Inadvertence, their mascots were not
with them. Lumps of lead, coins,
anake rattles, locks of hair, coals, bits
of bone, hairpins a pile of these things
would be shown If the players In any
stiff poker game were required to re
veal their mascots.
And each amulet has a story con
nected with It. A bullet for instance,
which one man carries was extracted
from the brain of a woman who killed
herself on his account A gold hairpin
that Is the mascot of a broker fell from
a lady's hair In a theater aisle. He
picked It up and returned It and the
acquaintance begun thus Informally
culminated in a marriage. A lawyer
of Wissahlckon has for a mascot a
coin that was given him by a murderer
on the day the man was hanged. The
mascot catalogue could be continued
thus Indefinitely. Philadelphia Record.
Mawalea aa tke Stork,
Once, when Joining a shooting party
in England, the German emperor hap
pened to see a. magpie fly right over his
head. Turning round to the Duke of
Cambridge, who was with the party,
his majesty said: "I have Just seen a
magpie. Now, I'm not a particularly
superstitious kind of a man, but I don't
like to tumble across these wretched
birds, I don't, Indeed."
The duke laughed and said cheerful
ly: "Does your majesty know our old
saying concerning the superstition
about magpies? One for sorrow, two
for mirth, three for a wedding, four for
a birth.' Your majesty must look round
for a second or a third or a fourth mag
pie." "Oh, Indeed!" thoughtfully replied
the kaiser. "A fourth magpie means a
birth, does It? But supposing there Is
a fifth magpie, what then?"
"If you see a fifth magpie," answered
the duke, very solemnly, "It means
TmttVm Bmmm
This is the way that Adellna Pattl Is
said to have at one time summed up
her good points in accounting for her
success on the operatic stage: "I am
not beautiful, but I am pretty; that'a
one. I am tolerably graceful, that's
two. I am an effective dresser, that's
three. I have a way with me that Is
piquant thaf a four. I like my public,
for my public like me because I like
them and never tire of pleasing them;
that's five. I have a good voice, that's
six. I know how to sing well my own
way that's seven. I always know my
music that gives comfort to my audi-ence-thatfs
eight I act fairly well
with the roles I sing, that may count
as nine."
" The laaiaa CalM.
In tepee life the Indian child is
unique. It Is given nothing to play
with except the toads that hop about
the tepee doors. It has no playmates
except those of Its own relation, and it
receives but few caresses from Its par
ents. The squaw mother la In the habit
of putting her baby to bed at dark
Hhey sleep In little sacks then she
goes away to a dance or something of
that nature, leaving the child to Its
own resources. If It cries, no one
comes to sooth It So crying has corns
to be almost unknown among these
flnca Chi
The green color of certain kinds of
Italian cheese Is due to the milk hav
ing been kept standing in copper ves
sels. The milk takes up quantities of
copper, and it Is customary to estimate
the degree of activity attained by tha
milk by noting the gradual disappear
ance of the brightness of the highly
polished metallic surface.
A writer in The Cornblll
that In the early part of last century
a maa waa a man at twenty or so, a
middle aged man at thirty and old at
fifty. At the present time ho Is a boy
up to about thirty-five, a young maa up
to fifty and is hardly regarded as old
until he has exceeded David's maxi
mum of life by six or sevea years."
The Maoris of Now Zealand cook
their potatoes aad other vegetables la
volcanic heat There are 'a fow vol
canoes la New Zealand, aad some of
the Maoris live up ia the
near taisj. They make the
do sovscal useful things for them, bat
to taa cooking.
fist city iacorporated ia this
with a charter and privueges
waa New York, which waa granted Ka
papora In 1864.
In both provinces of Ontario and
Quebec the birth rate is steadily de-;
creasing. I
The highest point to which- man can
ascend without his health being rery
seriously affected Is 16,500 feet
The state which has the smallest
Investment In Its cspitol building ia
Alabama; New York has the largest.
A German wine Journal warns Its
readers against the large number of
swudUag concerns at Malaga. Spain.
Holland acquired all the remaining
private railroads In 1880. They are,
however, operated by two private eom-
Faahlonable Moscow Ispdogs are now
handpalnted In decorative designs, ac
cording to the St. Petersburg Novoe
The earliest mention of wheels la
the Bible Is in Exodus xlv, 25, when
the chariot wheels of the Egyptians
were taken off by tho Lord. But char
iota are mentioned in Genesis xll. 43.
But there were older nations than the
Egyptians. The Chaldeans used char
iots, and the Greeks Homer's, poems
date from about 900 B. C. had char
iota at the siege of Troy, 1500 B. C
Probably in reality the wheel is about
as early a piece of machinery as any
now existing. Of course it haa-been
developed, but the bicycle wheel of to
day la a lineal descendant of tho sec
tion of a log of wood used by the ag
ricultural peoples' thousands of years
to. .
Beaeats mt tat aUrafc.
The cane should never be used as tho
ordinary Instrument of school pualsa
.ment A cane may possibly bring
about irreparable damage, and caning
on the bands Is the most senseless and
cruel form of punishment Imaginable.
The birch is the best implement of
punishment for small boys. First it
hurts; secondly, if applied In reason.
It doea no harm. Loudon Lancet
A DMtereace.
One of the college weekly papers
makes the following comment on the
difference between football at Tale
and Harvard: "At Harvard a coach,
being surrounded by 'literary Influ
ences,' must cry. 'Pierce the line with
fierceness, gentlemen!' At Ysle a coach
says: 'Dive Into 'em, you lobsters!
Dig in your toes and sock It to 'em! "
AwmlMt PreeeOeat.
Doctor I congratulate you. sir.
are the father of a fine girl.
Subbubs Oh, my! We'll never raise
Doctor Tut. tut! Why do you say
Subbubs It seems utterly Impossible,
to keep a girl here more than a week.
Philadelphia Press.
Mever Kellaaalafces the Chair.
"A woman has acted as speaker of
the Colorado house of representatives."
said KUduff.
"Mrs. Tiff acts constantly as speaker
of my house,'' added Mr. Tiff. Detroit
Free Press.
ONT FORGET that I have for
sale, eggs for setting, so that
you can raise your own barred
or Buff Plymouth Rocks, Silver-
laced White Wyandottes, Partridge and
Buff Cochin and Cornish Indian Games,
by buying the eggs of me.
S3TI am also agent for the Humphrey
k Sons' bone-cutter, five different sixes.
See me, or write me before buying.
12mch4 Columbus, Nebr.
IkTOTICE ia hereby given that whereas, ia aa
JM actios pending ia the district eoort of
Platte county, Nebraska, in which Matthew W.
Thoaiaa ia plaintiff and Hnmnna ThonwajJoaeph
F. Thomas, Susanna C. Thomas, John P.Thomas,
PhUomina Thomas. Oominick N. Thomas and
Hoaora Thomas wera defendants, jodaatent was
oa the 15th day of February, 1902. entered for the
partition of the real estate hereinafter described,
and appointing; the ondersianed as referees to
make partition thereof, and whereas upon report
that said real estate cannot be partitioned with
oat meat loss to the owners, the nnderafatned. as
referees, were by said court ordered to sell said
real estate as upon execution, at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, aad bring
the proceeds of said sale into court for distribu
tion, the ondereigned referees will oa the 21st
day of March. 1902. at t he hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, at the front door of the court house
ia the city of ( 'olumbus. Platte county, Nebraska,
sell to the highest bidder for cash ia hand, the
following desrribed real ewtate as set oat ia the
petition, to wit: The southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section Hi v. in township
seventeen north, range onf east in Platte county,
Witness our hands this 17th day of February,
Kdwin II. CHtXBxaH.
OaLANDO ('. Shasxom,
AroufTCS W. Clabx,
19fet Referees.
Salt Lako City,
Ban Francisco
aad all poiats
St. Joseph,
aTaasaa City,
St. Louis and all
paints Baat aad
No. 22 Passeager. daily except Saaday.
Jjs i
No. 92 Accommodation, dally except
Batarday. 430 p. at
TSAiaa Aaarvs.
No.n Passeager. daily except Saaday. 940 p. m
No. SI Accommodation, dally except
Saaday 130 p.m
No. 84 Colambas Local lv. J8a. m.
Ho. 102, Vast Mall 1 P. -
Mo. 8, Eastern Express.. 2:Wp. m.
No. 2, Overland Limited 5:18p.m.
No. 4. Atlantic Express. 4ia. am.
No. zS, Freight.. ...... ...... sfli t. n.
No. 22. Freight;...... .......... .......Hhl9 p. m.
wist sotnro. mux use.
No. 1, Overland Limited. 12:01 p. m.
No. ML Fast Mail 11:49 a.m.
No. a, California Express 7:40 p.m.
No. 5, Facile Express 140 a.m.
No. 7, Columbus Local 8:49 p.m.
MO ZSf a7sW0lat at Vat
W aff SB
m 0UUW B Ssa
sxnj d, an
72, Mixed MS p. m.
Jao BJBjLj AaamWJasvBVa am
BlO 4I0V amlXmO BZavaaami
xvO 0 mBsmwJaWpSar "
Ho 7a Hlzcd vWb,
RnUkMamMFtnlii rem dellr.
No traiasoaAttioa and Cedar Naaids
Colamaas Local daUrexeept Saaday.
W. H. awjnux. Agent.
Magazines far
From Omaha three tiaes a week. Tfcrnfh a Sm Fwcmco
ami Uk Angeles, folder giving fuH iakxmnmaa Hailed o reqaest.
Write for one.
J. Fbaxcis, General Itaneuger Agent. Omaha. Neb.
Wheat, old 600
Corn, shelled V bushel . . . 50
Cats, $f bushel. 37
Bye V bushel 47
Hogs V owl. S4O0 5 75
Fat cattle V owt 2 Q0 4 00
Potatoes-V buaheL 1 000 1 26
BatW-V 170 20
Eggs dozen. 100
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. . C. CASSIN,
raoraiKToa or tbs
Omaha Meat Market
WoaWomraV aaawwaw aamnaj awaj
Fresh and
Salt Meats-
Game and Pish in Season
J0THighest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
The only graduated
Dr. Daasler. the celebrated Eye. Ear. Nose ami
Throat Specialist, has for the past twelve years
made a specialty of the Eye. Ear. Nose aad
Throat and successfully treats all these diseases.
His wonderful system of correcting error of
sight has given better vision to haadreda aad
saved many from bllndaesa. Cures graaalatsd
lids, iaSasied lids, piak eye. pterygwm. cata
ract, ete. The doctor nta glisses to correct all
defects of vision, cares aad relieves headache,
indicestioa and uvsneosia. Cross eves ia chil.
area straigbteaeu without the anile. Hattsrac
ttoa guaranteed. All eoBMUitatioa aad examina
tion free. The doctor is at his oaace ia the
Berger Block.
Every day during the months of
March snd April, 1902, the UNION
PACIFIC will sell Colonist one-way
tickets at the following rates:
$20.00 T 0f4jsn aad Salt Lake
$20.00 T Batte' Aascaaaa "
$22.50 To Spokane.
$22 SO To Poiats 9m the Qreot
?. v northern Ry Saoksae fa
Woaatcaee inc., via Haatiwgtoa aad
$25 OO T '" " to ""-
cm To Far!
OfHand, Tocoma aad
ww a. .m.
9K fU To AtMaad.
w.ww T.I. .. JT.. ---- I
cludiaf Branch Linos aa S. P. Co. south
of Partfaaw, via Partlsad.
$25 OO T " Frsacisca, Las Aa-
w,w tales aad other Cafrfar
aia Points.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to:
W. H. Bbxham.
Cimyiicir aid
Nitir, Pit-lie.
Also does type-writiag sad
will carefully attend to all
the business intrusted to him,
rjyWould respectfully solicit a share
of your bunneat.
Over First National Bank, lat door to
the left. lHaprtr
OHvs St, fearta deer aorta of First I
fJsllfSiSiiBmM KamT
coi?rjmua. hibbj hi,
In every Burlington
tourist sleeping; car you
will find hall a docen
magazines and as many
illustrated aspen.
It at but oae of
several features that
snake the BurUnctoei
Overland Excursions
popular with CaWor
aia travelers.
Others are: econo
my; cleanliness; scenery,
and the fact that the
excursions are in charge
of experienced excursion-
BlKUsttt ari
Everything in anr Han
aad DTerytaiar guaranteed.
Ware made t order,
lest rseheine ia tha
A fne line 'Baggie,.
Carriage, ete.
am agent for tho old reliable
Columbus Buggy Company, of Colum
bus, Ohio, which is a susaoieat
too of strictly irstclass goods.
or south of Chicago ask your local
ticket agent to route you between Omaha
and Chicago via tho
tho shortest lino between the two cities.
Trains via this popular road depart
from the Union depot, Omaha, doily,.
connecting with trains from the west.
Magailcoatly equipped trains, palace
sleepers aad free reclining chair cars.
Dining cars and buffet, library aad
smoking cars. All trains lighted, by
electricity. For full information about
rates, etc, address
F. A. Nash,
General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam
St,, Omaha.
II. W. Howaxx,
Trav. Freight aad Fass. Agt.
Now is Ibe Time
We are prepared to
make the following-
clubbing rates :
Chicago Inter Ocean (semi
weekly) aad Columbus Jour
nal both for one year. $ 3 10
Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly)
and Columbus Journal lxlh
one year for. 175
Omaha Weekly Bee and Co
lumbus Journal one year....
Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly)
and Columbus Journal, one
year for.
.... 2 15
Subscribe Now.
atBanmrnrJavmaVJ SJ
. r
; y
r5" ' jt x