The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 05, 1902, Image 1

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Enftieh Claim an Important Victory
in Recent Encounters with Fellew-
.crs af Oam Paul Kroner Conflict-
LONDON. March 1. The war secre
tary, Mr. Broderick, anaoanced in the
aoase yesterday that daring the last
two days 609 Boers had been killed
or captured and that 2.000 horses aad
X.000 head of cattle had faOea into
the haada of the British troops. The
prisoner's include General Dewet'e aom
' aad the general's aecretary.
Mania Botha, the Boer leader, was
killed and thirty-five dead Boers
were found on the ground. Over 10
horses were killed and .090 head of
cattle were left in car hands. Other
small attempts to break oat were
made and in two cases succeeded. On
the last day, 450 Boers, with rifles aad
horses, were captured. All the col
umns hare no: yet reported and the
operations have been wide, but over
00 Boers have been either killed or
are prisoners in our hands, also 2.000
horses. 28.009 head of cattle, 200
wagons, 60,009 sheep, 6H) rifles and
ft), 000 rounds of ammunition.
In response to an inquiry made by
the government aB to the fate of an
escort convoy of empty wagons, which,
according to a dispatch from Lord
Kitchener made public February 36.
was attacked and captured by the
Boers southwest of Klerksdorp. Trans
vaal colony, February 24- Lord Kitch
ener has cabled the following:
"'Report has just been received that
sixteen officers and 451 men were
taken prisoners. Of these one officer
and 105 men have been released. Col.
Anderson of the Imperial yeomanry,
who commanded, is still a prisoner.
Major Enderby. who commanded the
infantry, was wounded. Hence the de
lay in obtaining definite information."
Lord Kitchener says nothing in his
report about the two guns that the
Boers captured from the convoy, and
Mr. Broderick. secretary of state for
war. announced in the boose of com
mons that the government had no in
formation beyond that contained in
General Kitchener's report.
A dispatch from Harrismith also
says that Colonel Rawlingson made
the biggest success of the drive. He
completely surrounded a laager of
109 Boers and gave them one hour in
which to decide whether they would
surrender or fight- The Boers, finding
escape impossible, surrendered at dis
cretion and net a shot was fired.
A casualty list published gives the
names of US men who were wounded
in the convoy affair. The list of the
killed has not yet been received.
Twenty-Five Million Marks as Result
cf Sugtr Convention.
BERLIN. March 1. The German
government will save 25.000.0C" marks
a year as a result of the convention
agreed upon at the international su
gar congress and set forth by the
metropoie of Antwerp. In view of
the budget deficit, this is no inconsid
erable item. Furthermore, the gov
ernment "has long been wanting to
get- rid of the bounty system if it
could do so without giving other
states an advantage. The bounties
began when Germany did not export
They grew without design to inor
dinate proportions through the word
ing of the law. which did net antici
pate the improved process of sugar
production. The abolition of boun
ties gives general satisfaction
throughout Germany except to the ss
gar interests.
Germans Decide to Make Money en
Maine Imported frem America.
BERLIN. March 1. At today's
session of the tariff committee of the
reichstax the government proposed to
make the doty on maize 4 marks per
1.000 kilograms, instead of 2 marks.
the present duty. The committee
eventually adopted a duty of 5 marks
per 1.000 kilograms on maize.
The duty on millet was SjSo fixed
at 3 marks per 1.000 kilograms. A
duty of 1U marks per 1.000 kilograms
as proposed by the government on oth
er grains not specially mention, was
agreed to.
To Enforce Sanitary Law.
TOPEKA. Kan.. March 1. The
State Live Stock Sanitary commission
adopted a rule requiring all persons
shipping southern cattle into Kansas
to make an affidavit that the cattle
were intended for immediate slaugh
ter and not' for sale as stackers aad
feeders. It has been the practice of
the shippers from the Panhandle coun
try to bring cattle into the state os
tensibly for sale to Kansas City pack
ers and then sell them to stockmen.
To Buy Street Railways.
NEW YORK. March X It
learned here that the occasion for ,
the large transfers of gold from New j
York to San Francisco to the treasury I
department ia the fact that a syndi-
cate of bankers, which includes Brawn j
?"!JmSl2?'tI! L? He mm nCeatlT
?' . y.f10?1""1 " 3miMM " H"ta"' '
f V ."""try,1- Where nljr
mreet inwwnys of Sn. Frnncmec, j nhont two month, ago. It i. feared'
""aW anauatMSsr-BsnV mnamM-MYnTanl im amfJ sm Vm f A - - - -- v.. - --. -
-. ,-- w ;
An Appeal ta the Supreme from the
Lower Court.
LINCOLN. Neb., March L William
proprietor of the Nonpareil
laaadry of Omaha, has appeal
ed to tiie supreme court from a deci
sion against him by Judge Baker, as
Tsefwa; a generous fine for alleged vio
lation of the female labor law. It was
charged that Wenham employed wo
men more than eight hours a aay, con
trary to the provisions of the statute.
A brief was fled with Attorney Gen
eral Front today by Wenham's attor-
aeya in which it is argued that the
law is nacoastitational for the follow
ing reasons
First That it is in violation of that
provision of the constitution which
provides that no one shall be deprived
ef life, liberty or property withowt dne
process. It is nrgned from tMe basis
that'ta prevent the women, frem con
tracting to work for more than eight
hours a day is depriving them of the
liberty guaranteed by the constitu
tion: and that to prevent the owner
of the laundry from employing women
in this way causes a loss to his prop
erty, preventing him from getting out
of it what is constitutionally his.
Second That the title of the act is
not broad enough to cover its provi
Charles Shull Sends a Bullet Into Hia
TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 1.
Charles Shull. a prominent citizen of
this place, committed suicide by fir
ing a bullet from a rusty revolver into
his brain. No cause is as yet as
signed for his self-destruction.
He retired early in the evening, but
subsequently arose about 11 o'clock,
and dressing, started down town. Ap
proaching the court house, and in the
open space just to the north of the
north entrance, he suddenly stopped,
drew forth a rusty revolver, and tak
ing "deliberate aim. palled the trigger,
which snet the bullet plunging into
his brain, causing almost instant
The deceased was a member of sev
eral local lodges and stood high in
the estimation of the people. He
leaves a considerable amount of life
insurance, besides some real and per
sonal property. There is a general de
mand for an inquest, but it is not
probable that one will be held.
Hia Money Restored to Him.
HEBRON. Neb.. March 1. About a
month ago L. E. Holmes of Chester
lost on the streets of Hebron a wallet
containing S20 in bills and a draft
on the Chester bank for $210 $470 in
all. Every effort was made to locate
the money, and a liberal reward was
offered, but no response came, and it
was believed the unfortunate loser
had parted permanently with his pos
sessions. But strange to say. the
other day. nearly a month after the
occurrence of the incident, which had
been forgotten, the wallet was drop
ped into the postoffiee box. with no
address, but the ownership was
quickly established by means of the
name on the bank deposit check. The
money was all there, and it is believ
ed that a disturbing conscience caused
the return of property which had been
jealously guarded in' secret for several
weeks. The incident has caused con
siderable local comment.
Woman Awarded Damages.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., March 1.
The jury in the case of Mrs. Rena
Nesbitt vs. John Manes and some
other saloon keepers, after being out
thirty hours, brought in a verdict for
$400. The plaintiff sued these men
for $10,000 on the charge of selling
her husband liquor and causing him
to become a drunkard and to neglect
his business.
Serve Notice on Saloons.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. March 1.
The members of the W. C. T. TJ.
have served written notices on ali of
the saloon keepers of this city to take
down all of the screens in front of
their bars and the front doors and
to fally comply with the Slocnm law
Guarding the Court House.
CREIGHTON. Neb., March 1.
Threats have been made that as soon
as completed the new court house at
Center, the new county seat, would
he burned. The Knox county com
missioners have placed a close watch
on the building.
Mrs. Conner Badly Scalded.
REYNOLDS. Neb, March 1. J. T.
Conner arrived in town, en route to
Atwood. Kan. Mrs. Conner, while
preparing coffee for dinner, was seri
onsiy scalded.
Free frem Smallpox.
AURORA. Neb March L The ru
mor has gone abroadthat Aurora was
n hot-bed of smallpox. People from
Iown ant Illinois have written to
friends here that such a rumor is cur
rent in their localities and desire to
know the facts, and even the stats
press has imbibed the idea that all
who did not have the disease
suffering with vaccinated arms. There
is not a
in. .uik. mueray
.11 ; .i. -. l
at present.
Nearaakan Disappears.
ALEDO. DL. March L Hayes C
jjooL n highly respected young
Mysteriously disappeared from thi
pace on February 11. He has been
traced as Jmt as Burlington. Ia bat
no farther trace of aim can be obtain
wmmt. wKxmKm. mm ikuim aim.-
He Alae Pays a Visit to the Old Home
stead ef the First President Plant:
a Linden Tree en the Grow
Dines with the President.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Frina
Henry of Prussia journeyed to Ml
Vernon yesterday afternoon and plac
ed two wreaths on the tomb of Wash
ington. He approached the grave ol
the first president with bared head,
and that there might be nothing; irrev
erent in the ceremony, asked the hold
ers of a dosen cameras, who -steed
around, to refrain from photographing
The royal visitor and his party were
taken to Mount Vernon by special
train over the Washington, Arlington
& Mount Vernon railway. Two large
observation cars were provided, and
from them the prince saw the long
bridge and the headlands of northern
Virginia, historic to Americans sines
colonial days.
It was 2:30 o'clock when the special
departed and the run to Mount Ver
aon occupied fifty-five minutes. Prince
Henry walked to the Washington
some and was driven from there down
the slope of the hill to the tomb.
When the iron gate of the tomb wai
spened he removed his cap and en
tered. Two large wreaths, made at Wash
ington at his order, had already been
sent to the tomb. and. taking them
sp, he formally set them in place. A
group of over 100 men, who stood in
the approach to the grave, uncovered
and with their silence added to the
spirit of solemnity
Fifty feet down the sward that falls
away from the tomb. Prince Henry
planted a linden tree. The tree had
been set in place prior to his arrival,
nd taking a spade the prince filled
in aroand its roots. The prince was
taken to the old Washington house by
Superintendent H. H. Dodge, and
there met a delegation of the Mount
Vernon Ladies' association, headed by
Mrs. Justice Van Raensalaer Town
send of New York.
He spent a few minutes locking at
the Washington relics and departed
for Washington. Large crowds watch
ed for his return to Washington.
Many of the people of Alexandria
mistook Lieut. Commander Schmidt,
von Schwind for the prince and their
error led to an amusing incident.
There is some general resemblance
between the two and when the crowd
singled out the young naval officer and
cheered him the prince was delighted.
He called Chief Wiikie of the secret
service and laughingly gave him this
"Mr. Wiikie, please tell Mr. Schmidt
von Schmind to be very careful what
he does now. for he must remember
that I have a reputation to sustain."
Prince Henry, accompanied by Am
bassador von Holieben, dined at the
white house last night with President
and Mrs. Roosevelt. The dinner was
entirely unofficial and of a personal
family, character and owing to the
McKinley exercises making this day
one of mourning, there were no formal
toasts or exchanges. -the purpose being
to permit a more intimate persona!
exchange than was possible during
the formalities of official interchange
last Monday. Others present at the
dinner were: General von Piessen of
the prince's staff. Miss Roosevelt. Miss
Crow and Senator and Mrs. Ledge.
Roosevelt May Not Reply.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. Although
non-committal on the subject, there is
reason to believe that no response is
likely to be made to the letter of
Lieutenant Governor Tillman of South
Carolina to the president requesting
him to withdraw his acceptance of the
invitation to the presentation exer
cises of a sword tn Major Micah
Jenkins at Charleston. The incident
may result in President Roosevelt not
attending the Charles exposition.
Frem Stoker to Bank Robber.
GLENCOE. Minn.. Feb. 28. Will
iam Matthews, a railroad fireman, to
day put on a mask, entered the bank
of Plato, overpowered and locked up
the cashier and took $1,500 from the
safe. He was arrested.
An lewa Woman Kills Children.
HARLAN. la-. Feb. 25. Mrs. Anna
Rasch. wife of Andrew Rasch, admin
istered morphine pills to two of her
children today, causing their death.
Wool Growers in Session.
CHEYENNE. .Wyo.. Feb. 28. Rep
resentatives of the several county
wool growers associations m the
state met here today for the purpose
of organizing the Wyoming Wool
Growers association, but. owing to
the absence of a number of the lead
ing spirits, the organization was not
perfected. A temporary adjournment
was taken until July 15 next at Chey-
nA . Tosolntion was 1oTitM- nm.
testing against the land leasing bill
Ratify Castro's Election.
WTLLEMSTAD, Island of Curacas,
Feb. 25. According to advices receiv
ed here from Caracas, the Venezuelan
i congress has ratified the election of
General Castro as president of vene-
rola fnr fv T-ears hrinniav rah.
I-T20I-L The congrens nh rati-
d the election, of Senorez. Ayala
Gomex - presidents of the
Mt ft n hm ,
Cmm that tfe mmhrim
bistro lanlns STnemd dnfly
Impressive Memorial Services in tM
House ef Repreeentativea
yesterday in the great ball of repre
sentatives, in the presence of Pre
dent Roosevelt, Prince Henry of PnaV
sia. brother of the German emperor;
the members of the cabinet, the jus
tices of the supreme court, the gen
eral of the army and officers of the'
army and navy who have received
the thanks of congress, the niTnasa
dors and other diplomatic representa
tives of foreign countries, the senators
and representatives in congress and
large number of distinguished guests,
Hon. John Hay, McKinley s secretary 4
of state, pronounced a eulogy upon
his dead chief. Four times before nav
tional memorial "services for prenK
dents who have died in ofllce have
been held in this hall, two
like this, in commemoration of chief
magistrates who have fallen by the
hand of assassins. George Bancroft,
the historian, pronounced the eulogy
on Lincoln, and Blaine was Garfield's
orator. It was eminently fitting that
the last public ceremonial of sorrow
for the lamented McKinley should
take place in the forum which had
echoed his voice, in the arena where
he had won his spurs. By a strange
coincidence this was the twentieth
anniversary of that on which the peer
less Blaine, in the same hall, deliv
ered his eulogy upon the martyred
Garfield, and stranger still- the sub
ject of today's memorial service was
the chairman of the committee that
bad charge of the arrangements on
that occasion. Who then could have'
dreamed that the man who escorted
the then president of the United
States ana the orator of the day to
their places was destined to be hon
ored, like Garfield, with the highest
place in the gift of his country, was
to meet his sad fate and was himself
to be the next martyred president
above whose open grave the nation
would bow its head?
Only one year ago, less than five
days, at the head of an imposing civic
and military procession. McKinley
passed triumphantly along Pennsylva
nia avenue for his second inaugura
tion. Six months later the tragedy
occurred at Buffalo and another but
different sort of procession tenderly
bore his body through the streets to
the rotunda of the capitol. where the
brief funeral oration was delivered
over his coffin and the tributes of the
nations of the earth about bis bier
bespoke the universal sorrow. Yes
terday once more, with uncovered
head.' the nation paid its last tribute
of respect-aad publicly 'expressed its
living grief.-
In a Dangerous Condition.
28. O'Donovan Rossa. the noted Irish
agitator and Fenian, is critically ill of
blood poisoning at St. Francis hospital
in this city and death may occur any
day. A week ago. while paring a
corn or calloused spot on his right
foot he cut deeper than he intended.
The wound was slight, but neglect
soon developed blood poison. For
two or three days he has been deliri
ous from fever. Gangrene finally set
in. His condition last night was so
grave that City Physician Richardson
was called and he was removed to the
Kitchener May Modify Terms.
LONDON, Feb. 28. The colonial
secretary. Mr. Chamberlain, made an
interesting statement in tfie house of
commons today to the effect that the
proclamation providing for the banish
ment of the Boer leaders did not pre
clude Lord Kitchener or Lord Milner
from accepting the surrender of the
Boer leaders on modied conditions.
Lord Kitchener, on his own authority.
had already accepted the surrender of
some of the minor leaders, on the un
der standing that the provision of the
banishment proclamation would not be
French Cruiser Visits Cuba.
French first-class protected cruiser
Tag. of thirty-six guns, flagship of the
North Atlantic squadron, with Admiral
Servan and' twenty-six officers and 560
men on board, arrived here this morn
ing. General Whiteside, the com
mander of the Department of the East.
and the admiral exchanged official
calls and the French officers visited
points of historic interest. Admiral
Servan does not know how long he
will stay here, or what his next point
will be.
"Jack" Doyle, captain cf last year's
National league base ball team of Chi
cago, was released by Manager S. E.
Henry Cannot Visit Canada.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Prince
Henry has been invited to visit Can
ada, where he would be the guest of
the Dominion government. While the
courtesy of 'the invitation is fully ap
preciated it has been found impossible
to accept the invitation, as every hour
of the prince's time up to the moment
of his sailing for Germany already.
, , ! icuj.j
has been fixed. He will, however, be
on British soil when he makes the
visit to Niagara FUs.
Holds Turkey Responsible.
understood that the United States will
soon take steps to obtain n reim
bursement of the sum (S720t) paid
to the brigands aa a ransom for Mies
Ellen M. Stone aad Madam Taffies,
holding Turkey responsible, inasmuch
as the capture of the smiasionnries
was effected on Turkish aoiL This
question of responsibility may nave
serioas developments, aince Turkey
disclaims responsibility.
lit Can Be Dane by Her Agricultural
Statistics Mr. Buchanan Givea
'Painters as to How as Go Absut the
fcNear the close ef the meeting of the
i Estate Convention. Fremont, Neb
the evening of February 14th. the
lowing resolutions were offered by
Leach, of Antelope County, and
Kesolved. That we favor a State law
,s provide for the gathering of agricul-
U statistics by the State Labor Bu-
covering .substantially the fol
lowing points:
let: The acreage seeded to grain,
hay and other crops. officially gath
ered and reported to the head of the
Bureau, on or before the first of June,
and by him compiled and published by
the first of July of each year.
2nd: That a census shall be taken
on or before the first of November,
uhich shall be compiled and published
by the first of December of each year.
showing the yield of grain and other
crops, and the value and number of
live stock of all kinds.
As the time was short, the resolu
tions could not then be discussed. Sub
sequently, at the banquet table. Mr
Buchanan recurred to these resolutions
and expressed the regret that the tinn
was too limited-for a full discussion ol
them, suggesting that they were of
vital importance. He stated that he
had listened with interest to all the
discussions, resolutions, and addresses,
and had discovered how it was Dro
posed by the real estate men to attracr
the emigrant when he arrived, how
they were going to secure his payments
cf delayed Indebtedness, and all of thf
other matters pertaining to his car
after he arrived; but they had failed
In the most important feature of thp
discussion, which was. "how to get
him." These resolutions, adopted at
the close of the evening session, em
bodied practically all that had betn
said upon tnat subject: and, as it was
vital to catch the rabbit before you
skinned him or could eat him. it was
equally vital to get the emigrant be
fore you could treat with him on uii
question of selling him land or gettl.-g
his money. Hence, it seemed to hi-n
most important that some mean
should be devised by which a systemat
ic effort to entice the people of the
neighboring states to come to Nebras
ka and see. and then buy. He further
stated that if the resolutions as passed
were carried out in good faith and
actively, they would supply the over
sight. The resolutions recommended
the passage of a law which shall mairr
it the duty of the Statistical Burea.i at
Lincoln to provide the requisite blanks
and to have certain representative per
sons in each township in the agricul
tural portion of the State, (sav east of
the 99th or 100th Meridian), gather
statistics from the 1st to the 15tn cf
May. showing the acreace olanied to
the various crops, the acreage devote-3 II
to nay. tfie number of cattle, horses
hogs, sheep, etc. in each township.
This report should peremptorily be in
the hands of the Statistical Bureau b
or before the 1st cf June. This would
show the expectation for the States
products. Then, the more important
features was the gathering by the
same local statiscians under the same
jurisdiction, between the middle of Oc
tober and the 1st of November, show
ing the artual products of the various Jr. fortune-tellers from Alsatia,
cereals, of hay. and the stock industry I tramps from Turkey and scads of all
throughout the same period. Thes"'- ' eTees from the despot-ridden and
statistics should be peremptorily in the bankrupt principalities of the Medlt
hands of the State Statician in timp ' rra112- America has done marvel
10 have them compiled and publish! ' oi:s t13 in assimilating foreign tyes
by the Is: of December at farthest and convertiE them into a homo
The reasons he gave wre firt that ' Beneous citizenship, but she is now re
the farmer in the neighboring 'tate ' ceirin5 at the rate of half a million a
whom we are seeking to influence i- ' year oi TZW material "hicb bids fair
come to Nebraska is" prscticailv idk- to tax the assimilative power of the
during the winter months frem the 13th j
cf December until the middle of Feb
ruary, and will read anything placed in
his hands. Second, he will not rea-1
anything after that time, because his
spring work will have commenced oi
be commencing, or he will be arrans-
ing for it to commence. Third, if h?
is a renter or if he is not a property
owner in the neighboring state, h'-s
will make his arrangements by or
about the 1st of March for the" suc
ceeding year. Hence, matter placed in
his hands after that date could nor
and would not influence his movemen 1
for another year at best. Fourth, if '
tnts information is not placed in hi s
hands within the time mentioned, as
he will not read it and cannot read ir '
unui me succeeding winter, it win o
ancient history to him. and ha will no;
read it at all. So that it is vit3l to
the interests of Nebraska immisrs-
tinit(oHiii.t;,:A i
essential to inSnence immigrati-m cloTer fcr a ?f w,to,,d try
placed in the hands of the prospective OTr3as nc if we, zi. si:ch a f03
settler as current historv of thTvear ?r "e wo?M p7e n? the ,dea
just closed. It is nseies's for him ioL1!?? T aakf -e;th!r pat,ni" T
be supplied with this information
year late. Again, it is important for
the reason that when we have a lee
the Governor to submit to that U ,
islarcre a message which shall cove.-
such recommendation!! ? fc pst havr
to make on the various subjects" of in- i
terest to the State. If he has not thes-
statistics in time to make t e rer- j
SSw'JS C(rfV -V-eIe---- 1
iO make them alL But if ha has cur j
rent statistics or the statistics cu. tent
for the past year just closed, he can j
study them during the month oi Be-,
r..i tv, w,t . ui u -
message upon the 1st of Januarv. Tne:
again, if these statistics are published
and are placed in the hands of the
prospective legislators during th.-;
month of December, he will come to
the Legislature posted, and with the
statistics properly digested. He will
be prepared to submit suggestions or tc
endorse recommendations by the Gov
ernor as to what should be done to
encourage immigration, whereas, if he
!Si?S5' 5? deiei?dent '?
imaginary necessities and the immed-
late interests of his own
21 1
township or localitv.
Mr. Buchanan further stated that - s
there were some 260 real estate m-r.
from the various localities in the state
Present, if they coincided in the view- J
of tne resolution for which they had
Ted,.it certainly would be desirable
and was important that thev should
iuc ue pains to inoculate tneir sev
eral communities with this idea, acd
when their legislator, of prospective
legislator, was nominated and elected.
that he should be influenced to realize
that this sort of a law was of vital j
'ymnre id ice siaxe. ana seeK ;o
secure its passage, and it certainly
oJd rest with the real estate agent?
present to exert their influence locally
uw oh. vriuoui suca a law ana
vU. . ..r , .
-!. wa aiswucs aaa esorzs oi t
ths real estate convention jnst kett
would be of minor importance. Thl
is certainly the key to the sitantiss
and ought to be impressed upon every -bcy
One thing further Mr. Buchanan sug
gested as an aid to the end sodgnt.
which was that, as there are some five
hundred or more papers published
throughout the State, if the real estate
men would take it upon themselves t
provide their newspaper each wee'e
with one example of successful farm
ing or stock raising in his community.
it would no doubt be published read
ily, and as there were some copies o!
every paper in the State sent to former
homes of the editors in neighboring
States. thM Item af actual results in
fanning throughout the agricultural I
portion or the state would necessarily
be read by men in neighboring State
where it was important this informa
tion should go. Thus, with five hun
dred such examples being publishei
throughout the State every week, on?
in each newspaper, and there being 32
weeks in the year. It meant more than
25.000 examples of this kind through
out the year being given to foreign
States of successful work in Nebraska
by the farmer and stock raiser, and
that it would seem that it would be of
immense advantage that these 25,000-for-a-year
examples should be given.
and their influence must necessarily bo
felt on the immigration to the State.
These remarks by Mr. Buchanan were
well received.
Don't allow draughts in your loft as
pigeons are very susceptible to cold.
Be sure to furnish your birds n shal
low tub to bathe in. and they will not
trouble your water bucket.
Don't feed new grain to your pig
eons, as in many cases evil results
hare been known to follow this prac
tice. A handful of hemp several times n
week will be relished by the birds, and
is also beneficial to their welfare.
Try tobacco stems for nesting. They
are grand for keeping down vermin.
Don't breed both lice and pigeons.
City fanciers are troubled by the
plumage of their pigeons becoming
soiled with tar. Sweet oil will re
move It.
New beginners in pigeon culture
constantly Inquire which Is the best
frit for pigeons. Our experience
teaches us that no better grit can he
provided than old mortar.
In arranging your aviary see that
the perches are arranged low. If the
birds have no high perches to fly to
when you enter the loft they very rap
idly get accustomed to your appear
ance among item, and therefore he
come tamer.
Young fanciers are sometimes at n
loss to know where to buy, and pro
cure their birds at bird stores. Our
advice is to write a reputable dealer
and send him your order. They may
cost you a little more, but when pur
chasing always buy the best, as they
are the cheapest In the end. OrtTs
Fam and Poultry Review.
An Irish Preposition.
The condition of Ireland agricultur
ally iB steadily improving, owing to
the more liberal land laws. The per
cent of Irish immigration to this coun
try is steadily decreasing, largely due
j to this improved condition. This is
a distinct loss to America, as Pat more
than any other man has contributed
to the splendid system of internal im
provements of which America is so
proud. In place of the son of the Em
erald Isle we are getting beggars from
country to uie utmost, w nen we say
mat oaij oy per wai oi iais crowa.
can either read or write, it is easy to
understand what a job we have on
our hands.
Plant it to Evergreens.
A friend who has a few acres of
quite sandy soil on a ridge on his
farm which was poisoned with sorrel
wrote us last year wanting to know
how to get rid of the sorreL He did
it by plowing twice during the drouth
of last August and September, and
now wants to get the iand into clove-
with a view to enriching it as the soil
i5 very thin and r"OJ". This is a hard
proposition unless he is sure of abun
dant moisture, for an August sun will
abot cook clover. thcut rain, under
seen conainons oi sen. insxeaa oi
uiuaie ian-j ouu oi it asc wouia set u
uui nu atuitu ?iiju biw puie or ce-
dar. It ticuid then look nice and
would cease to bother even if it could
! "
as a legacy for our
Wants a Ctock Ranch,
A gentleman living in Chicago writes
us that he has f 20.000 which he wishes
to invest in a stock ranch and wants
to k0'"r whe:e to locate. He can gc
to the range territory of Oklahoma or
Texas and find good openings for in-
TKtnit nr hi- rn tt-r th
country of the Western Dakotas with
almost equal promise of success, or he
can take up tne breeding of blooded
stock on the higher-priced lands of the
Mississippi valley in the corn and clov
er country and perhaps do just as welL
If the question of healJi for himself
enters into the matter, as in this case
it does, we would recommend lh
Dakota plan as best. A five year bout
with Dakota range conditions will
make the rundown, wheezing Chicago
business man feel like a three year
old corn-fed Dakota steer make him
all over of such good stuff that he win
sot care a cent whether school keeps
or cot.
-The Shah ia --It." v
One of the mast absolute of the
world's monarch is the shah of Per
sia, who is master of the lives and
goods of all his subjects. The whole
isicuuc ui ue vuuniry ueng ai n.15
disposal, recent shahs have been able
to amass large private fortunes. That
of the present occupant of thethrone
is reported to amount to f25,00S.0C9 or
$30,090,000, most of it represented by
wnen some men fail at tmm'iiar
!... . ---.rf- e.
eise iney try marriage.
Thin Will Leave Thirty-Twn Theu
nand Abread Mevement Will Se
Slow, Troops Returning in Order f
Seniority of Service,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. Secretary
Root in conformity with assurances
recently made to various committees
of congress has arranged for a grad
ual reduction of the military force
ia the Philippines to about 32,000 men.
Orders havebeen seat to General
Chaffee, commanding the division af
the Philippines, to arrange to send
heme all the regiments under his com
mand that were sent to the Philip
pines in 1S90. About 13,000 troops are
affected by these orders.
The movement will be -made very
slowly. a regiment at a time, in the
order in which they arrived in the
Philippines, and in each case only
when the regiment can be spared with
out embarrassment and without im
pairing the military control of the
situation. All the troops sent oat in
1898 already have been recalled to the
United States with the exception of
those who re-enlisted for service in
the archipelago.
When all the fresh troops in the
United States under orders to the
Philippines have arrived there it is
calculated that General Chaffee will
have an effective fightlns force of
nearly 32,000 men. which are to be
brought home at his earliest conveni
ence. It is not believed that it will be
possible for the first of these troops
to leave the Philippines for at least
three months.
Energetic Filipino Leader a Prissner
of United States.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. General
Chaffee notified the war department
that Lieutenant Striber of the Philip
pine scouts had captured Gen. Luck
ban on the 22d inst. The prisoner is
confined at Laguan.
The officials of the war department
regard the capture of Luckban as the
most important military event since
the Aguinalco capture. He was run
down on the Island of Saxsar. The
place of his confinement is a tiny
island in -a bay on the north coast or
Luckban is one of the most ener
getic and ferocious of rebels. He is a
half-breed, a mixture of Chinese and
Filipino stock, and he has been an
irreconcilable from the first. He had
various fastnesses in the mountains of
Samar from which he would descend
upon the coast towns, and his reign of
terror was so complete that the en
tire population of the island paid
tribute to him as the price of freedom
from attack. Ordinary campaign
methods failed in his case, and his
capture now is believed to be the nat
ural working oat of the system of
dividing the island into small squares
by military garrisons and making it
impossible for the insurgent to obtain
food or shelter.
New Cases of Smallpox.
STERLING. Neb. Feb. 27. Several
new cases of smallpox have developed
in and about Sterling the past ten
days. The entire Pettem family south
of town are afflicted. They are occu
pying the seme house formerly used
by the Ileckman family, which had
the disease just a year ago. which
tends to show that the premises at
that time were not thoroughly fumi
gated. Railroad Mm Promoted.
CEDAR RAFIDS. Ia.. Feb. 27.
George A. Goodell, superintendent of
the Burlington. Cedar Rapids & North
ern, has become general superintend
ent of the Chicago Great Western,
with headquarters in 3Iinneapolis.
President Bounces Noyes.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. President
Roosevelt, acting upon the recom
mendation of Attorney General Knox.
has dismissed Arthur B. Noyes. judge
for the Second district of Alaska.
Booker T. at the V-'hite House.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Booker
T. Washington was at the White
House today and had a conference
with President Roosevelt, lasting fif
teen minutes.
Murdered While in Bed.
Woodford Hughes, a prominent citi
zen of Scottville, a suall town north
west of this city, was murdered in
his bed at 1 o'clock in the morning
by three unknown men. Hughes was
spending the night with Bariar Sey
motir. and when the three men enter
ed the honse he arose in bed startled,
only to be filled full of bullets. The
men made their escape and blood
hounds were at once put on ths traiL
King Attends the Races.
LONDON, Feb. 27. For the first
time since his accession King-Edward
today appeared on a race course. He
went to the Kempton Park steeple
chases to see his grand national can
didate. Ambush II, rur. in the Strand
steeplechases. This was Ambush Hs
first race in public since the horse
won the Grand National in 2900 and
the first appearance of the King's
colors oa n course since the death
f Qneen Victoria.
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