it - Jp f" ---$? "S -"Vr ' Kntv-ZHZf KT S lffiYi-mri r '"'Sr' fe" ' , x - JT V-g S'-crT?- ts - CJ'. z?&;i OS."" " 2t .-S V- - i "&!?. - r fee; m : v . c f 3fc- W" Spring Goods Arriving Ewery Day ... " We take pleasure in calling your attention to the finest line of Spring Goods that has ever been brought to Columbus. Come in. and examine our many bargains in white Dress Goods, ready-made Skirts and Skirt ing and especiallyour Silk Waist patterns, which are extra good values. BL S3.50 Per patters, w aa yon would hare to pay FIT BSCWfeER Call and see what you get with every $3.M cash pur chase in Dry Goods. Hulst Adams, Columbus fonrttalL WEDNESDAY. UASY. SEEDS THAT GROW We have devoted a great deal of time in making a careful selection of our Garden and Field Seeds for this season's trade, tmd guarantee strict ly first-class stock, both as to quality and germi nating properties, but we do not guarantee a crop. We will duplicate prices of any reputable seed house so bring in vour catalogues. WE HAVE ON HAND Red Clover, ftlsike Clover, White Glover, Alfalfa, Tlmothu, Red Top," Orchard Grass, English Rue Grass, Meadow Fosgiio, Hard FosGiie, Tall Foscue, English Blue Grass, Kentucky, Blue Grass, Rape, Bromls Inermls, Cane and Millet ....... Mon varitiea and a larger stock of GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK... Planet, Jr. Hand Drills and Cultivators at GRAY'S. Dr. PaL demttet. Mietenz f or best Blaake's Coffee at Gray's. Dr. Nauu, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Horns.-to rant" Inquire of John Eusden, Eleventh Street -Jay, no of A.R. Leedom, ha. th. scarlet fever. Albiom Dr. Haas Peter eurgeoa,omee Olive atreet. tf Dr. C. H. Gtetsca, dentist, in Ber ber block. TtirUeatk street, la An equity term of the district court will be held, beginning March list. The McKinley memorial fund in Nebraska is nearing the $2,000 nark. Tony Schafik,a farmer aoath of the Loop, has moved to Whsatlaart, Wyo. For fine watch impairing; call on Carl Frosmel, 11th St, Columbma, Kb. -Dm Martyn, Evans Gr,omce three doora north of Prisdhofs store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Coxvucs Joubsal, one year, in advance SL75. tf Born, recently, to Mrs. Angelo Pick ett of Riverside, Calif a son, the foarth child. Some of the merchants of the city report an unusually large business Sat urday. Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Dnasell k Son. tf Frank W. Wake has been nominated for postmaster at Hartington; John Peters at Albion. Dr. McKean's method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. Dr. L. CToan, Homeopathic nhyai- Columbn.Neb. -Hon. Geo. D. MeMejohn ma. a Columbus visitor Satarday. First-class baggies, carriages, road wagons, eta, at Louis SehretberTs. Ber. Luce will begin next Sudsy homing a series of revival services. A. Cue want to Omaha Monday, and it is reported he wfll return with abode Small, choice farm for sale, under irrigation, joining town. BLE.Babeoek. Will Sehram could not stay away from the Hookiss' dance and waa hat. early. At Charms Moras, sale Friday, everything put up waa sold, bat at pretty low prices. amateur, a at In Jmcuwai. asnea. E. L. Ibwavie ecpeeted liver a tectum, of Burhngkm, March 14, to de- th.ana.aess of the in is well He His wfll be mall worth tol Th. of Colfax eomnty has f tawTJi iag taxae amounting to $6, da. school district No. 2, the comnaaj thsm to b. BTrmwiia. The cisims isms ta. levy of s mum m i. ex cess of the legal rate. The sns war day wfll be March 34. vCv5B sEISa ! if wr rnin n prhvf " - ""' """-J To your entire satisfaction that it is to your advantage to do your fall and winter trading in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes with us, would you not say: YES, WE WOULD? Well, that is just what we can do, and all that is necessary for you is to look over our stock and get our prices. WILL YOU DO IT? Mschholz Bros. L- , seyTTTyy Ww-ts--esccacwegeg; XgOOpOaOOOOOOQCXXXXXXXXXXXS r HEADQUARTERS Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies; Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons; Bock Island plows and cultivators; Bock Island cornplanters; Cadet cornplanters; Little Engine, the new lister, where the operator can see the corn drop while planting; Jones' Lever binders; Jones' Chain mowers; Jones' Self-dump hay rakes; Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes; Walter A. Wood's mowers; Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills; Jmck-of-mU-Trades gasoline engines; and all other machinerv needed on the fkrm Call and see for joursel We wish your trade. HEKRY LUBKER, Charles Matthews is still in Omaha, suffering from internal injuries received by a street car accident. Miss HattieSelzer is now in Chicago in the interest of J. C. Ffllman's whole sale and retail millinery business. Samuel E. Bell, who went to Okla homa last fall, has returned thinking more highly of Nebraska than ever. Richard Ballard of Madison return ed home Friday from Pueblo, Colorado, where he invested $6,000 in city property. Dr. Dassler, eye and ear specialist, wfll be here March 1 to 9. Spectacles scientifically fitted. Office, Berger block. For sale or rent, eighty acres of good hay land; two crops a year on part of it. Four miles east of Columbus. B. Mc Teggart. 1 The provident farmer is looking I carefully over his machinery to see what needs mending, and is getting it in read iness for work. The first couple joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by County Judge Ratterman, were F. Craig and Miss Elsie Noah, on Saturday last. Dr. Haughawout, formerly of this city, now at Genoa, was quite badly burned on the face one day last week by the explosion of an alcohol lamp. Louis Held of this county was appointed as one of the committee on needed legislation at the recent meetings of the county supervisors at Fremont. Eggs should come down at ones, as they have a big German Hennery in New York this week, is the latest at tempt at wit of a Columbus gentleman. Sam Harris, the young man who was quarantined in the Buachman boose for smallpox, was released Sunday and want to Lincoln. His parents live in Central City. Seward county is canvassing the tel ephone situation, and the probability is that before long all the small towns, at least, will be connected with the county seat. Charles Whsley purchased some land back of his building on Nebraska Avenue the other day at the rate of $100 for a tract 16x22 feet. How much is that an acre? Licenses to wed were issued last week to Andrew John Eng and Miss Anna Mary Larson; John Bupp and Miss Mary Eisenman; Win. H. McGamn and Mrs. Ellen A. Chase. Farm lands near Central City have lately been sold at from $35 to $45 an acre one eighty-acre tract bringing $&L50 an acre. Several large offers at good prices have been refosed. O. G. Oteson of Omaha, a former painter in the Echols ahop hen, and who is well acquainted with many of our readers, was married February 11th, to Miss Anna Powers, of Osaian, Iowa. Mis. Homer Bobinson of Columbus visited in Clarks this week at the home of her brothers, Fred and George West. George has been very ill but is much better now. Central City Nonpareil. Miss Ida Ceder, cousin of Mrs. Chris From, and Mr. Barclay Jones, engineer on the Union Pacific, were married Thursday morning, by Ber. G. A. Luce, at the residence of Mr. and Mm. From. At C. E. Morse's sal. Friday last Prof, Garlicha purchased North Star, who has a record of 2:18Jf. The pro fessor evidently dont intend to take the dust from any of the roadsters here abouts. The friends of Mm. Ben Hske were not surprised when they received word here from Denver last week to the effect that the charge, trumped np against her were false, and that she had been releas ed from custody. Miss Bos. Coghlan is doiag an enor mous bsinem everywhere with her revi val of that brilliant sodsty drama, "Forget Me Not," which will receive its first presentation nan Marcn Cat ta. North opera house. If yoa are afflicted with what your friends or. yourself have heretofore re garded as an incurable disease, dont give up. See Dr. Chan. L White; con sult with him; he has cared peoplsworss afflicted than you are. tf Mrs.LH.BriteU and Miss Martha Turner entertained about forty teams and gentlemen of the Methodist church, Friday evening in honor of Miss Bsrtha TiaBAekar.who will be aaarried Thurs day morning of this week. - A numhmr of people m thm viaaity have got the Oregon lever pretty bad this spring, and ami al are gettmgready to go ap isto that state the first af name to meats asm wttsn t. George Mentzer has moved his ily from Richland to the Batter farm, north of town. The road, are getting good now, and you will enjoy a fin. new baggy. Ss. Louis Schreiber. Miss Alice Lath was aaable to teach her pupils the first of last week, on ac count of sickness. ' H. D.Bescroft will move hi. famflr and stock of merchandise to Colamba. next week; so says the Genoa Leader. Two new dwelling house, for sal. on the installment plan, a bargain for some one. Becher, Hockenber Jb Chambers. Ground green bone for chickens, ground daily. The greatest egg pro ducer in the world. At Duffy's feed store. The White City Show company waa here Monday between trains, bound for Silver Creek. They had been at Madison. The dance of Saturday night is regarded on all hands ss a good test of the strength of the Orpheus opera house. Wm. Schilz make. boot, and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf E. vou Bergen went to York Thurs day to attend the annual Y. M C. A. convention, which met there from Thurs day to Sunday. Deputy Grand Master Workman, B. B. Wilson, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen is in the city in the interest of the order. "Doodge" Plath leaves the State bank the first of March, to take a posi tion in the hardware department of the Gray Mercantile company. J. E. Nichols started Friday for Marseilles, Illinois, where he was called by the death of his father, who passed away on Wednesday, aged 87 years. Thursday evening was the seven teenth anniversary of the birthday of Bert McOwen, and the occasion was duly celebrated by a number of his friends. The general meeting of the Woman, club will meet Saturday afternoon with Miss Minnie Becker. The household economics department have prepared a good program. J. D. Stiree goes today, Tuesday, to Denver where he is sent ss a delegate by Governor Savage to the Interstate Irrigation congress which meets a few days in Sterling, Colorado. George Window's sale two weeks sgo today amounted to some $2200, horses bringing from $50 to $120; cattle $20 to $31; hogs about 5c a pound; farm machinery, fairly good prices. Wm. McGamn of Bell wood, editor of the Gazette, and Mrs. Ellen A. Chase of Fallerton were married at the parsonage of the Methodist church by Rev. Luce, last Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Bev. Chute of South Dakota, preach ed in the Baptist church Sunday, morn ing and evening. Next Sunday Ber. T. H. Graves of Cedar Bapids will preach in the church, morning and evening. This Tuesday evening at the Or pheus opera house, see the moving mcture entertainment. it is most ex cellent. The exhibit Monday evening was highly pleasing to those present. The JocbsaXi is in receipt of No. 2, YoL viii, of Forestry and Irrigation, a magazine published at Washington, D. C and filled with very interesting dis cussions, concerning subject, treated of. A. H. Ives moves bis family today (Tuesday) to Carson, Iowa, where they will make their future home. Mr. Ives has lived near Columbus for twenty years, and the community will miss a good citizen. "Standing room only" is the pleas ing sign which has been displayed nearly every night during Miss Boss Cogh lan. tour in "Forget Me Not," which will be seen at the North opera house on March 6, for the first time in this city. Rev. Munro will preach next Sun day morning the second of a series of sermons on the advent of Christ, the text being "We have found him;" in the evening, the theme will be, "The Higher Criticism, what it island what it is not." The following line, are credited to Budyard Kipling, who wrote them in a girl's album: "There was a null boj ia Quebec Frank Clark i. patting in wood some ideas of Judge Henawyia regard to an automatic railroad coupler, which has the appearance of being a success, snd ha. been pronounced a good thing by several an isaiml railroad men who have examined it. W. hop. that th. judge may hare am hi. device a batter thing than a gold ten in "Forget taaM braa wawai aw ... ; Wfc.m" tenref Me Net" f it to Oeghlan. slaboraf eoataaung tk aannt note. worthy. Hsrmipeisoastioacf Stepasate, I MarqamsdaMohrivact, which aa played tan. hsadred times at the Fifth A venae Theatre in New York, aaariMfi conceded by all prominent critics to be the most faithful ptetar. of a tigisss lirs advaa laiass im I he niiari sfsgs Tickets a0e,$LQ0and$15a Friday last, on three special trains, nearly L00O regular aoldiera paaaed through thiaeity en th. Union Pacific, en rente to Sam Franciseo, where they th. Pafliaaiaas They had at Fort Shendaa, BL, of the Twenty-ninth U. & In fantry, GaL Evan, in charge. Thar, war. 885 eulmted mam, thirty-six omosrs, and thamgaal aorp. accompanying con- of four cancan aad twenty-firs former ly of thm dry, nephew of th. Turner brothers, was among th. soldiers of D h:: I HENRY BAGATZ k CO New Store, Opened for business, WEDNESDAY, JMNMRY I OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF t' I Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Woodenware, Etc. Who wm boned ia aaow to th meek. Wbea asked, 'An job. OUT He amid. Yea, I ia? Bat thiaisrt cold ia Qoebee." The government has sent three sol dier', tablets to this place to be erected at the grave, of Myron Stearns. Chester Adam, and C. C. BidelL The tablet, will be placed in position ss noon ss th. frost is out of the ground. Fulterton Post. Harlan Dussell and Clyde Frazell have recently taken examinations for positions as government mail clerks. Harlan will take a thirty-day run on the Columbus and Norfolk, and Clyde on the 'Columbus and Albion, begiaaing March 15. Last Sunday waa one of the many perfect, or almost perfect daya that am so aumerou. in this region of Unci. Samuel', domain. During th. 365 day. of the year, our ratio of such weather is probably not exceeded anywhere on the footstool. Prof. E. E. Blackwan of the State historical society was in the city Thurs day on mia way to Genoa. White here, he received aa a gift to the society from Hon. J. E. North, a type-written manu script life of Major Frank North, of 308 pages written by AL Sorenaon. Notwithstanding the cold wast her of the past few weeks, building goes right along in growing Cotumhaa In one block ia Beeher Place addition im the art of th. city work is pro- on four dwelling mommm far the William Kerssnbroek of this dtvis branching out quite .xtemaivaly in 'th. fancy chicken basis sss. Bsosntly he purchased a bone-cutter aad i. now feed ing thrsekundred chicks sneajtoe each of the meal per day, which has increased thf laying proclivities wonderfully. The young man think, he ahould have purchased the cutter long ago. Louie Schreiber, at bia place on Olive street, ha. for aate the Hapgood Hancock Diac Gang, the best in the market. Among the guarantees on this implement are these: against wear or breakage for twelve months; to cut a furrow 2A inches wide, six to eight inches deep, with one-third to one-half lean draft, and do better work than any other disc or mould-board plow on earth. 4 No society play of the pest decade has proven so entertaining and dramati cally atroog aa Rose Coghlan'a "Forget Me Not," which will beseen at the North opera house on March 6, with Boas Cogh lan as Stephanie de Mobrivart, a role possessing every requirement from airy comedy to passion nts declamatory emo tional scenes necessary to display the wonderful talent of America's greatest actress in parts of this class. About sixty of Henry Backenhua' friends cams in upon him last Saturday, at his home seven miles northwest of the city, and constituted a veritable sur prise party for him, it being the 61st anniversary of bis birthday. A long table was spread, and the eeeta were occupied for the fifth time in aosommo dating the company. The occjsion was a very snjoyable one. F. Brodf aehrsr was the only representative present from the county aeat. Myron J. Brown of Polk county via ited a couple of daya last week with C. E. Morse before Charley atarta for hi. new home in Waahington. Mr. Brown has labored long and patiently with trotting horses, and it is a source of great pleasure to old friends to bear him speak of bis promising filly, "Lilly B," who with very little training last year. was one of the best in the state. Myron certainly deserves success, and bate's hoping that it comes to him in abundance. A. H. Gould, the defaulting bank cashier, plead guilty to the forgery of about $15,000, in the district court at David City. Judge Sorenberger sen tenced him to the state penitentiary for eight years, also to pay the cost, of th. court. When the length of term was announced there were hisses in the courtroom, and the strong feeling of those who were wronged by Gould's act. was plainly expressed. The limit of sentence was twenty years, and many looked to see it imposed. The time of Justice Hudson's court was taken up Tuesday afternoon last by a jury trial, charges having been mad. against Charles Gerrard of Monro, for violating the fish laws of the state. It was proven that he had in his possession and disposed of some twenty carp and suckers, but as the law don't seem to favor much protection to these specie, of the finny tribe, it took the jury only a few minutes to return a verdict of not j guilty, and the cost, of suit war. tazsd against the complaining witness. This Wednesday, Feb. 26, is the day appointed for the Platte Valley Wolf hunt. If the weather ia very atormy, the hunt will be on March 6. David City and Bell wood will meet five miles west of Bellwood on the eest line; Rising at the Carpenter hill for the south line; Shelby and Silver Creek at Rochon for the west line; Columbus and the river sports at Clear Creak mill, and take ear. of the north line. Be at the appointed place at 1030 a. ql, sharp. No rifles allowed, or shot larger than BB. r- rTwo attraction, in Lincoln next weekrill doubtless draw large number. ofNebraskana to the capital city to wit ness the entertainments. On Monday, March 3d, John Philip Souaa, jast returned to thi. country from a highly successful European concert tour, will appear with his famoas bead, and on Friday evening, March 7, Jan Kubetik, the great Bonemitn violinist, will give on. of his unrivaled recitals. Spseisl rates, we understand, can be assured on railroad trains. Several friends of Mm. H. B. Musnsr gave her n surprise Friday evening to celebrate her birthday anniversary, gueste eame'mssksd in all aorta of turns, and ststassgu. face all nationalities aad type, of the race. Mrs. Masser was tsken completely with baskets of lunch. Then, present wen: Mr. sndM&Yoan,iaiktt, Spates, Farrand, Barney, McFaydea, Rothleit ner, Hohl and Covsrt, Misses Ethel Raiser, Todd, HohL and Mr. Louie Baiaey. 'Monday of teat week when M. a counted the porkers in his yard. of the city he had 52 head which he intended to put upon the butcher's block. -Died Sunday morning, February 23, at 7 o'clock, of dropsy. Christian Boss, b yearn Mr. Boss was bora in Camtom Bern, Switzerland, to Asaerisa ia th. spring of 1869, settling at Groetli, Loup township, about 13 mites west of Caluaibua. Besides his widow h. leave, two daughters, Mrs. Mike Btesssr, Mrs. Paul Blasssr, five sons, and a brother John Boss. Funeral cervices at the family residence this Tueeday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Bev. Braun omViating. burial in Groetli cem etery. Mr. Boss was n good man and highly respected in his community. Yitaopathy, or magnetic treatment, has cured thoasaads of case, when other methods have failed. If a sufferer with disssseof the eyes or chronic disease, why not consult Dr. Cans. L White at hia oUc at Mrs. Merrill's on Fourteenth street back of the Thurston hotel, or drop him word through the mail? Con sultation and examination free, and ev ery cans treated under a guarantee, if not benefited or cured, no charge for treatment. No knives, no drugs. Just nature's own remedy. No matter what the nature of the disease, magnetic treatment will give relief at once, tf America', greatest actress and cer tainly the moat regal looking woman on the American stage is Rose Coghlan, who will appear here March 6, in "Forget Me Not," one of the most sensational plays of high society life ever staged. All the men and women of the play are chosen from th. highest and best grades of society actors and actresses in New York, and Miss Coghlan as Stephanie de Moh rivart often receive, as many aa nine curtain call, for her magnificent emo tional tour de force in the fourth act of the play, which is creating a tremendous sensation and evoking unstinted praise from the critics and public This waa on. of the news paragraphs in teat Wednesday's dailies: "Judge Mungsr, in th. federal court, decided that the city of Columbus, Neb., could not bring an injunction suit against the Union Pacific Railway in the court of Platte county. The railroad proposed to erect depot, and other building, at Columbus, which th. city restrained it from doing by injunction. The city moved to have th. came tried in the county court but Judge Monger decided that tii. railroad company was a foreign corporation and that the case was triable only in the federal court,'' We suppose that the merite of the case will now be tried. amrlt kma neem tsneeisJIr ttleetrm1 witk a Tie tv the I frets ef mmr p resjaeetiTe emmtvamers. The seem, are all 1 aew aa ires. Tier aave leem Mmgat ay as ta maaait ties, at faTerahle prices, which fact we aarfeae shall he ef heaeft te ear easterners. A Yery e.rmial iaTitatiea ia externM te the feeale ef Celeaahas aai Tieiaity te call aai see as ia ear'aew stere. HENRY RA8ATZ CO. J sjwmnmtwm Specials in Ladies' Coats. A lot of New Samples at Bar gain Prices. OUR SEWING E MACHINE SENSATION. A fine, drop head Oak Machine, with all the lat- B aa- est improvements, warranted for 10 years. In- -9 s - troductory price, only $15.00. J F. H.LAMB & CO. 3 TaesdsT when A- H. Gould before the court Judge Sorenberger in formed him that he must not look for a light sentence; that a short time ago he sentenced a fellow to ten years in the pen for stealing a set of harness. It waa the fellow's third offense; but A. H. Gould had eleven offence, filed against him, confssssd that b. had been forging note, for fifteen years and yet the same judge only ordered him eent to the pen for eight years. O, how glorious it is to be atag thief. It is rumored that a peti tion is going to be sent to Sorenberger asking him to resign, as the people in m. vicinity and throughout Butler county, have no more use for him. Bell wood Gazette. Our Coal Wagon IMwgpiS H Ht a jar. IMisti coli water Cars tMat We are aleliferiae; Pa. Hard Ceal either Seraatoa er Lehigh for $10.50 aer tea. Hard Coal per ton at shed $10.00 Ouita " " u " 9.00 R. S. Lump " " " 7.25 R. S. Nut " " " 7.00 HannaLump " " u 6.25 C.C.Lump " " 7.25 Jackson Hill " " " 7.00 Trenton " " " .....' 5.75 School oameers will law ia the ahere list the hest aai stroagest heating coal ia the worU. W. J. Hughe, of Newman Grove met her death Thursday night of test week as the result of an accident. It aeemed that, white using a sewing mahinjL a temp, which was on the C. A. SPEICE. found he uv Seott, Wm. Lahr ami BL G.rriaks a re-count two head short, aad he-discovered two track, which ted to the outside of th. yard, where it was they had beam loaded into a wyhJM, fell forward, breaking the bowl, spilling oil over the unfortunate woman and setting her clothing on fire. She started for the outside door, but fell, or laid down to smother the flames before reaching th. door. She then opened the door and flung herself down the stairs, rolling nearly to the bottom, but her foot caught in the railing, where she was hanging whsn Marshall Mack reached her. 8b. directed his attention to the fire, and th. fact that the baby was in the room, snd it wan rescued all right, but the woman died daring the night from the effects of her burns. Newman Grove Herald. Pioneer Hook k Ladder Company No. 1 are congratulating themselves on th. success of their twenty-eighth an nual maak ball Saturday night last. The resent was the largest in ten and there were about a hundred Th. galteriss were crowded fulL Two hundred and thirteen dollars cash had been taken ia up to Saturday night, snd, $60 worth of tickets were sold at th. door. Dancing began early and quit much earlier than usual. It ia euppossd that the net amount cleared by the enterteinmsmt may reach $130. Th. afternoon', parade headed by the Ceiumbme City Band was a special fea ture of the day which kept the public mind apprised of the evening's doings. Th. Orphans orchestra furnished delect able music for the dances. The decora tion, of the hall war. in line with the bast that ia don. on such occasions, and th. work of the various committees in looking after the comfort and enjoyment of tmmr posts for the evening waa aim ply without fault of any sort. Every body was higMypteased, and the general vmrdiet is -the best ever." Boy McEee, night clerk at the Me- naian nocei irom ovemoer qui udui a few days sgo, was arrested in David City, brought to Columbus, and had a hearing before County Judge Ratterman Monday morning, charged with stealing letters from the private mail box of the hotel. For about a month past letters mailed from the hotel and addressed to parties at a distance failed to reach their destination and complaints had been made, but no trace could be found until recently, when the missing letters, which had been onened. were found in the commode drawer of the room occupied bv McEee. Checks to the amount of $68, $100 snd $140 had been removed from the letters. McEee pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge Batterman, and was given time to se cure counsel. Date for the preliminary hearing has not been set. Richland aad Vicinity. Who says we are not preparing to I entertain Prince Henry? Mrs. Hoppe returned Saturday from a two weeks visit with Columbus relatives. Bev. Anderson, Jerry Grady and Oran Poole transacted business in Columbus Saturday. John Wacha has purchased the old Nelson farm of Oscar Peterson for $30 per acre, and takes possession March 1. Miss Wertx from Dublin has been employed to complete the term of school in Dist. 23, left vacant by the resignation of G. W. Mentzer. Owing to the illness of Bev. Anderson, Lincoln's anniversary service waa post poned until next Sunday night, when an excellent program will be given by the Epworth League. G. W. Mentzer and family shook the Colfax county dust from their feet last Thursday and left for Platte county where they will make their future home north of Columbus. lufgisa! luffiss!! Just received, at Louis Schreiber's place on Olive street, a carload of bug gies, road wagons, carriages, spring wagons, etc Anything in our line will be sold to you at very reasonable prices. Call and aee oar stock. HIGH-BRED CHICKENS. .THOSE me- siriag eggs for set tiag ef the Barren er Baff Hym eath leeks, SilTer-lacem White Wynawettes, FartrMge aad Baff Ceehia, aai Ceraish lamina Gaaaes, shealm heofc their eriers at eace. Ammress, WM. KEBSENBBOCK, Columbus, Nebr. WABiro-amauLPnaoxs of caaa- l tm each atata (oa im wagon amd carted away. Mik. a mmmmm of who theraltvsmrtVH. which tfcJa eaaatr isaaaiad) to npnaaa aad attracts eM lUialTii ai wmtj s iaaaa wsmm of aalid aanaaaaaai eaawavmneni awamaaA van aaaasiaa amaki Salt or Exctage. R.G-T.MEEKS grad uate under founder Dr. A. T. Still, and American School of Osteopa thy, Kirksville, Mo. Take this opportu nity to team Nature's way of caring dieses, other than artificial treatment, (a ecience). Learn about Osteopathy and its principles from the Osteopath, not at second hand. Make thia one thing to do today, not I tomorrow. I Chronic dmmme. a specialty. Litem- . . 1 tare free, uoaeultattoarree. Immocmwat of Mttawmmt church. I HATE eae Urge, black Belgiaa Stalliea, eae large Clerelnam Baj Stalliea aa eae large Clya'ese'ale Stalliea, for sale ea reaseaahle ternms; er will exchaage fer life stock. Call aam see before yea ear chase x ttEO. H. WttSLtW. i L 'l J 'J "ST n fA 1 I .; c . . - V- a j IN c w -."" V .. '! - , . M ft . -- - vt JVi. st - " -i-'r'-f's-.jt&s: lf 7W-.,- - -. 154 -Be -.i