The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 26, 1902, Image 2

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XMN BHHI mm ena
tlTa nlMrli in rfTMK QO-
VSjmHTmm tho mm rf F
MIIAL Up to thle ehves, yen
jleatvfBann is fBaMevaaaeaataai anr.
; Nebraska Emm Association, Lboo1b.
May 6 and 7.
Gbaxd Iblaxd, Aurora aad St. Baal,
1 have namber of caaaioC mmIIbox
ffibHd. m
Bbkk on jjrutn that the (JBtted
Statea awap off the Philippines to Eng
land for Oanada.
Oct of a population of 30,000 daring
the Civil war, thia atate gave 307 ol
diera to the union.
Tb bmm temperature of .Nebraska ia
wwter ia90; in epring 47; ia eumBer
72! aad in aatanari 49.
Mm. Kkcboek, the Boer preeident, it ia
auppoaed, will make a toar of thia ooan
trj, in the interest of the Boer oaaee.
The first trading post in Nebraska
established at Bdlevue in 1805, where
eoauneroe was carried on with the
Indians. .
The Davenport Denocrat believes less
publicity in divorce proceedings ia far
better than more, as provided ia a bill
which has passed the Iowa senate.
Booth Tucker, commander of the Sal
vation Army, took the oath of allegiance
as a citizen of the United States one day
last week in New York. He had long
since adopted this aa his ooantry.
The McCagae block and premier at
Fifteenth and Dodge streets, Omaha,
with the twenty-two-foot adjoining to
the west, was sold last week to the Bay
State Trust company, whose bid was
President Roosevelt withdrew invi
tatioa to dine with Prince Henry from
8eaator Tillman of South Carolina, who
regards it as a persons! insult to him.
The senator made a lengthy comment on
the matter.
Da. James Nichols Vans of Goshen,
N. Y who is looking for his fourteenth
wife, ia bow 94 years old, is wiry, nervous
aad very nimble. He was once a famous
haater aad devoted years to the capture
of wild animals for Dan Bios, the circus
The Syracuse Journal ahoald not fail
to dastiagaiah between Platte county,
Missouri, and Platte county, Nebraska,
even whea disooarsing upon democratic
politicians there is a very perceptible
dafereaoa, Give the differeat latitudes
their dae.
Da, Hansen's candidacy for eoagreES
is saeeting with warm approval. The
assa who kaow him best are his moat
earaest supporters, because they kaow
that whea he goes after anything he does
not kaow any such word as faiL Mon
roe Republican.
. Attorney GenebalPbobt says he haa
discovered evidence which shows to a
certainty that no part of the interest
moaey paid to former TreaenrerMeserve
by the Union Stock Yards bank on the
SOQgOOO deposit of trust fands, was ever
paid iato the treasury. O. Bee.
Thursday last the pope entered apon
the twenty-fifth year of his pontificate.
Three hundred representatives of Cath
olic assoftutionn, the Italian and foreiga
representatives of the religious order aad
9MXX) spectators listended totbeaervice,
conducted by Cardinal Rampohv.
A man named Fisher living aear
HebroB, this atate, has osptared estrange
looking animal somewhat similar to the
pocket gopher, which has been a matter
of maeh internet to the people of that
viaaity, no one so far having decided
the identity of the little creature.
When Postmaster Partridge of Keae
saw, Nebraska, was confronted by a
shortage of $1,500 he committed suicide
by shooting himself in the head. His
friends said, there was not a particle of
rsasoa for his doiag so, as they would
have helped him through his troubles.
John & Hats of Norfolk who
repabUcan candidate for congieaansa in
. this district, does not care to 1m a osadi-
date again, bat, it is understood, will be
postmaster. It is generally
1 that if hohs J leeeiml at home
the aapaort he deserved, he would have
been elected to
ParNCBHENEYot Prussia reached New
Yerk Saaday. The. lead batteries that
gaardthe outer harbor soaaded the first
greeting by a salute of tweaty-oae gaaa.
There were verbal greetings from the
lapceseatatives of Praavdeat Roosevelt,
the army, the aavy aad the city of New
York, aad a great crowd lined the way
iate the city.
Mas. Bbna Nbbwt aues Joha Mattes
aad a aamber of other saloon keepers of
NiihraBTB City, allegiag $10,000 dsmsges
far beiag deprived of the earaiaga of the
for herself aad family.
that he neglected his
he took to driak aad
.raised theeame.aad the fam
ily ware thereby deprived of his sapaert.
ia the reeiaisatof
oa Um success of his aetioa
aad she dens
Usethd States
ialisalisithohrin fMhr-iainm
keaata the releeseaf theeeptiTes, Maw
7 1 M. 8toae aad Madam Sauk.
Taes stop was asaoh iiTlfiliil by Mr.
TgsaajsjUMJdjM(B OfavSavsaTCWsWaTa aawarv WMavaT BaaveKewMi
pMaWaartof taaeaatoakaawelesiisaaw
eaaaldsrad by the aaalsaaata to be a
Uncle Sam giyes hearty
greeting to Prince Henry, who
here finds many friends.
"There not goiag to be the usual love
ia the faaion parties in the next
ipaiga in this congressional district.
It is doabtfal if the populiata and demo
crats gat together except to. quarrel.
r Allen has his knife out and
iateada to have the scalp of John S.
Robinson dangling in his belt before the
rar is over. Robinson was at one
time a law partner of Allen, and the two
worked together in business and politics
aatil the former became ambitious to
ispieseot his district in congress. Then
iceberg floated between them and
chilled the warm atmosphere of brotherly
love. The eeaior member of the political
atkm, kept his knife publicly
sheathed while drawing salary as a
United States senator, but when his
term expired he tamed his attention to
journalism and established the Madison
Mail in opposition to Robinson's organ,
the Star. Aad now the fur has com-
The foregoing is from .the Genoa Times.
Whether the editor is giving his indi
vidual belief of the situation or is trench
ing closely upon actual facts, it looks to
be the present state of affairs, as seen
from a distance.
Tillman and McLaurin, U. S. senators
of South Carolina, had a fiat fight in the
senate Saturday, in the afternoon near 3
o'clock. Tillman had said in debate
that he knew of the federal patronage of
a atate having been used, parceled out to
a senator since the ratification of the
Paris treaty. He averred that the state
as South Carolina, that McLaurin voted
for the treaty and that improper influ-
eaoes were brought to bear. Afterwards
McLaurin arose to a personal explana
tion, and with great heat declared that
Tillmsn's statement regarding him was
a "willful and deliberate and malicious
lie." Tillman jumped over chairs and
struck McLaurin in the face, and a
vicious encounter ensued. No serious
damage was done by either man, the
contestants were duly separated and
quiet restored. Just what action the
senate will take has not been fully de
cided upon, but it is supposed that the
unprecedented occurrence will evoke
very strong censure and full apology.
Miss Ellen Smith, who for nearly
twenty-five years has been with the Ne
braska atate university as instructor,
librarian and registrar, ceases her active
work with the institution at the close of
the present month, but will continue to
draw her salary and carry the title of
consulting registrar until the close of
the present college year. This was de
cided upon at the charter-day meeting of
the regents. Miss Smith desired an
advance in salary from $66 a month to
$75. Her request was couched in terms
that made the regents look apon it as a
resignation in case they could not vote
the increase. So says the Lincoln Jour
nal. "Maw" Smith's doings and sayings
are quoted on every hand where there
are students of the university, and, as
the Journal well remarks: "The alumni
and old students will hear of the action
with deep regret, for Miss Smith is so
closely assnciitwri with the university in
their minds that they cannot understand
why they should be separated."
Prince Henry arrived in Washington,
D. CL, 10:20 Monday morning, and was
met at the depot by Secretaries Hay and
Long and attaches of the German em
bassy. The eatire ceremony at the East
room of the White House occupied just
thirty minutes, and the expressions were
of a general nature international amity
aad good wilL After this the prince
weat to the German embassy, where he
was, at once, "at home." The first brief
salutations gave way to a royal German
weleosM. Over the embassy floated a
flsg which has never been seen in Wash
ington before, the personal flag of the
imperial family of Germany. At 11:40,
tremendous cheering announced the
coming of President Roosevelt to the
smhsssy to return the call of Prinoe
Henry. The president and prince re
Buined together about ten minutes,
being left alone at first, and being joined
by the ambassador when their personal
greetings were completed.
If all men express their true senti-
its in Seward county, in regard to
Bartfey'a pardon, one mast believe that
it would be hard work to dig up a dozen
soea who would favor the nomination of
Governor Savage next falL But remem
ber that when you throw the men out
who were iaterested in the pardon, that
you do so at the caucus and at the
eoaaty convention, for there and there
only can it be done. If you are satisfied
with the appointment of such men as
Dorgan,Stepbeaeon,Lindsey, Sizer,et al,
aad desire that they direct the destinies
of the Republican party in this state,
then stay away from the caucus and
give them a clear field. But the Blade
believes that every Republican county
eoaveatioo in the state will apeak in no
uncertain terms on this question, and
will instruct their delegates to oust the
gang that is sucking the life-blood from
the party in this state. Seward Blade.
Ex-Senator, Allen, in the ",
(Nebr.)MaO, has shattered an idol, by
declariag that Thomas Jefferson sssam
ed credit for the work of others; that he
was really a very eommon-plaoe individ
ual, aad did apt write the Declaration of
IadeaeadeBee. Very well;, what popu
list did then? The Fremont (Nebr.)
Tribune opines that it was either Jerry
Saaasoa or Aaaa Digge, bat the Coa
servative ia ef the opiaioa that It surely
mast havebeeaaeertsiarotaBd etates
saettewhooaceepohs toarteen hoars
aad sosse odd auaates, fa a
attempt to break the world
bat whose iaaate modesty nre-
ta his shoiBg TiaTis sub's halo, aatil
MahaU haaa pleated his owa burly
aa the sett, ykasaag eashioas of
the preajdeatial chair. Morton's Coa-
All the surplus corn is produced in
eight states of the Union. Argentine
and Hungary produce a little for export,
but the world at large depends apon
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas,
Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota for
its supply. No other statea grow an
appreciable surplus nor can the field be
extended. It is limited on the north by
temperature, on the west by altitude, on
the south and east by lack of fertility.
Upon the corn crib depends the supply
of beef, pork, mutton, wool, lard, cheese,
poultry and eggs to feed and clothe the
millions. The demand is rapidly increas
ing and prices will not soon be below the
price of production. Corn is used in the
manufacture of starch, glucose, whisky
and other articles of commeroa-rlowa
A statement prepared by the Treas
ury department shows that the debt of
the United States, which in 1865 was
$7R25 per capita, was in 1901 only $ia5
per capita, and that the annual interest
charge, which was $4.29 per capita in
1865, was 38 cento per capita in 1901. In
1865 the government was paying from 4
to 7 3-10 per cent interest on its indebt-'
ednees, while in 1901 half of the entire
debt drew only 2 per cent interest. It
may be remarked incidentally that these
results are due to republican finan
ciering and administration. Indianapo
lis Journal.
It is inconceivable to The Journal
why it is that there is any talk at all in
favor of Governor Savage's nomination
for governor. It certainly is 'the drear
iest nonsense on the part of republicans.
If fusionists could force his nomination
by the republicans, they might think it
a good move for them to make, but what
any republican can find in the situation
to warrant the naming of Savage for
gubernatorial honors, we are unable to
see. The sooner the talk ceases, and the
republicans of the state get down to
business, the better for the party.
What good does the bank inspector
do as long as he cannot detect bank
ruptcy or fraud in a bank? Mosher's
bank and the Bellwood bank were both
run for years by fraud and were doubly
bankrupt all the time, and yet the in
spector .could see nothing wrong. The
tact that he reported the banks all right
and sound led many innocent depositors
into the trap. A guide-board that sends
the traveler the wrong road is much
worse than no guide at all. Nebraska
The Wiener Chronicle says that farm
ers of the vicinity of Fremont have been
swindled out of thousands of dollars
recently by two -clever swindlers who
represented themselves to be hunters
from Chicago. They offered five dollars
to various farmers for the privilege of
hunting on their places, requesting that
a receipt be signed after the money had
been paid. The receipts turned out to
be promissory notes for $500.
The recent ineffectual attempt of the
democratic editors to force the populist
party to disband will make co-operation
more difficult than ever. Those popu
lists who have favored co-operation will
necessarily become alarmed and be more
cautious than in the past. The move
ment was so inexcusable that it scarcely
seems credible that it was the work of
sane men. Madison Mail (ex-Senator
B)aav awewtle ftwwt.
Every anecdote told of Cecil Rhodes
proves the greatness of the man. He
has met no obstacles which he could
not surmount, even to teaching British
sailors to pronounoe French so that a
Frenchman could understand It Fol
lowing is the stary of how he did it:
While on the way to England from the
Cape on a Castle Uner he was on deck
while passing Cherbourg, where sever
al vessels of the French channel squad
ron were drawn up In line to salute
the ex-Empress Bagenie's yacht. The
Frenchmen who were spread out 00
the yards of their vessel shouted
"Vive ImpeatrIee.,, The Castle lin
er's captain, wishing to show his re
spect to the ex-empress, got his men
ready to salute, but in the short time
at his disposal he could not school his
crew to repeat the French words.
"Tell them to say 'Beef, lemons and
cheese,'" suggested Rhodes, playfully.
and to his utter amazement the yacht
was greeted with .a deafening yell of
"beef, lemons and cheese," which en
tirely drowned the voice of the French
sailors. The ex-empress is stated to
have expressed great pleasure at the
compliment afterward. Brooklyn Ea
gle. .
Origte ef Ska PImm.
There lived at the court of Prince
Ferdinand de Midlei, about 200 years
ago, a Padun harpsichord maker
named Bartolemeo CfarlstoferL
After many experiments he solved
the problem, which bad been a puzzle
to the musical Instrument makers of
the period, how to make a satisfactory
working "keyed psaltery," and by the
method he Invented of overcoming the
difficulties Inherent In the task, pro
duced an lnstrameat which was the
uadoubtedly ancestor of the piano
forte of today.
From 1700 the date when Chrlsto
ferl made his four "keyed psalteries"
the piaao at first slowly, but after
ward by leaps and bounds, went on in
creasing and Increasing in popularity,
until how its manufacture has become
a great Industry. Exchange.
It Is almost certain that still more
determined efforts than those which
have hitherto been recorded win be
made by American capitalists to ac
quire the control of British industrial
undertakings. Firms who are sound
ed with a view of finding out whether
they are wining to sell then businesses
would do we)! to remember that the
Americans are la a asase acting under
compulsion, Inasmuch ftm they have to
dispose of a certafa amount of capital
which they are unable to transfer to
their owa country. Flaandal Times.
- h ! vmw.
By tat way. what Ms beeoase of the
airtl-laperlallsm haatnrasf ltd) not
seem to last as hwg arm as Its hv
Beented predecessor, "Cajsarlam," af
which wa heard so much la the tfan
of Grant ,
Serstttxl .- t
Bfc fc sk aa sk fc aa ai ai saisa aVsa'aV'aniBBlBBinliBBBBHar
J. E. North weat to Omaha MeadSy.
Louis Schreiber wss at" Bellwood
Dr. Hansen was in Oaaaha part of
last week.
Charlie Duffy of Mullen, Nebraska, k
in the city.
Ed. North came up. from Omaha Fri
day evening. - -
Bollie Hall visited at home ia David
City last week.
Charles Segelke went to Des Moines
Friday on a visit
P. A. Clark, the old pioneer of Madi
son, was in the city Sunday.
Carl BoeUe came down from Fullerton
Saturday, returning Monday.
Mrs. C. D. Evans, who was visiting in
Omaha, returned home Friday.,
C. W. Pearaalr can np 'from Omaha
Saturday for a short viit with parents.
Mrs. Dr. Meeks is at Kirksville, Mo.,
called there by the sickness of relatives.
Balph Turner came up Saturday even
ing from Lincoln and spent Sunday at
"Tony" Towne has gone to Hamburg,
Iowa, for a few days' visit with -home
Mr. Terry is here from Chieeao visit-,
ing with his wife's parents, Dr ana Mrs.
D.T.Martyn. .;."' .
James Fauble, Frank Baker aad sev
eral others expect to start for Washing
ton the last of the week.
Mrs. Max Ellas went to David City
Sunday called by the .serious illness of
her aunt, Mrs. Yon Lorn.
Homer Lochlin and Jay Williams of
St Edward were in attendance at the
mask ball Saturday night
Mrs. Win. Meays of Franklin, Nebr.,
arrived here last week on a visit of sev
eral weeks to her son Ernest Meays.
Mrs. Colston, a niece of Charles John
son, and who has been visiting here for
several days, returned to her Michigan
home Monday.
Mrs. Elsie Jones returned Monday to
her home near St Edward, after a week's
visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Jones returned
from Omaha Sunday, where they had
been for several days. They expect to
commence housekeeping here at once.
Mrs. J. J. Murphy came up Sunday
from Omaha, where she hss been in a
hospital for nearly seven weeks. She
will stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Fitzpatriok, for a few weeks before
going to her home in Sogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Deck arrived
here Wednesday from California where
they have been visiting since last De
cember. They are with their daughter,
Mrs. Dr. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Dack who also made the trip west are
now visiting in Clarinda, Iowa.
la the DreMlaa Hoom.
"Audrey," said Touchstone, tender
ly, "what's the difference between a
weary traveler and the tourist who
didn't stop at Niagara?"
"The gods give us joy," replied
Audrey, "you can search me."
"One falls by the road and the other
rode by the falls. What's the differ
ence between J. P. Morgan and the
Count of Monte Crlsto?"
"You'll have to show me," said the
"The count only thought the world
was his. Why Is a chorus girl like
the story that the prima donna lost
her diamonds?
"Oh. I know that one," exclaimed
Audrey. "They're both made up."
"Yes," said Touchstone, "that's
right, but what leads us to believe
that Bo Peep kept questionable com
pany?" "Give it up."
"She always had a crook at her el
bow." At this juncture the stage manager
shouted "Second act!" and hastily don
ning bis pointed cap Touchstone threw
away his cigarette and hurried to the
wings. Portland Oregonlan.
m Qaertl .
Rev. Dr. Samuel Parkes Cadman,
pastor of the Central Congregational
church, Brooklyn, tells a story of a
patriotic small boy in his Sunday
school whom he calls "Little Georgie."
His teacher had told the class of the
things that God had created at the be
ginning, and then suddenly turned to
the tiny youngster.
'What did God make on the fourth
day, Georgie?" laqulred the Sunday
school teacher.
Now the boy's thoughts were cen
tered on a new and beautiful flag his
father had just purchased, so Instead
of .the expected answer, "The aun
moon, and the stars," Georgie confi
dently exclaimed:
'tThe Stars and Stripesr'
Involuntarily the teacher smiled, and
the little man cried when she said be
was wrong.
"Well," he replied. Indignantly, 'If
He didn't make 'em, who did?" New
York Times.
MmjtMjr Xsput wak sua.
Quite a number of royal ladles are
adepts with the rifle. One of these
Is Portugal's plucky queen, .-who re
cently received the German.medal for
saving life Her majesty Is a keen
sportswoman, aad can handle her gun
with a precision which Is' positively
deadly. Queen Helena of Italy Is an
other clever shot She spends 'much
ef her time In her pretty little hunting
lodge In the island of Monte Crlsto.
aad Is as clever with the revolver as
with the rifle. The Duchess Carl-Theodore
of Bavaria" and her sister, the
Archduchess Carl-Ludwlg. the grand
duchess of Luxembourg, and the grand
duchess of Hesse are others who can
hold their own with the gun. .Our own
queen and her daughters prefer the rod
to the gun, and may be regarded as
expert nsherwomen. Exchange.
Little Pmersoo Mamma. I find aa
BMrgkul notes in daddatJoa of this
expression, which I observe frequent
ly to occur In my volume of "Fairy
tale Classics" "With bated breath;"
What la the proper interpretation?
Mamma "With bated breath," my
son, commonly-occurs to fairy tales;
your father often returns from pisca
torial excursions with bated breath.
The phrase to auch instances, however.
has no significance as applying to the
halt employed to allure the flab, bat
is merely an elastic term of dubious
rceaalag and suspicious origin, util
ized, aa I already have fctttaiated,
almply because of the aaactloa of us
age la fairy tales generally. Do you
comprehead, Emerson?
Little- Emerson Perfectly,
-Say J"4ae.
It la
Imagination, rather
ten. that
can know
Mmtj, WsapfrssB
m the Hcutty far 1
"Japan wax," as it is called, la
talned frost a true. Rhus
which hKfouBd to Japan, China and
throughout the East Indies la general.
In the Japanese language it Is caUed
haje or base. The tree commences to
bear fruit when five or sir years old
aad lacreases its product every year
tUl at. the age of fifty years a single
tree win produce 300 to 400 pocads of
berries, from which seveatysite eighty
pounds of wax can be obtatoed.
The wax to formed ia the middle af
the berry. Iwtween the akin and the'
seed, like the" pulp of a grape. It to
extracted by boiling the berries to wa
ter and allowing lt'to cool, when the
wax separates from the skin aad seed,
sinking to the bottom of the Teasel to
a solid cake The specific gravity- of
thia wax Is 70 and its melting point
131 degrees F. It Is hugely used, ei
ther alone or mixed with tallow, by
the Chlaese to the manufacture of
This tree should not be confounded
with the "tallow tree" of China, which
has a pith of solid tallow to all trees
that hare fatty matured.
TB fuktoa ef the Btomae.
servant girl happened to be en
gaged at a fambouse where the mis
tress was known to have a hasty tem
per. '
On the first Saturday night the girl
waa at the farmhouse she waa told by
the mistress to clean the boots ready
for Sunday.
The mistress, on coming Into the
kitchen later on, saw that the girl had
cleaned her own boots first, bo she took
them up and threw them Into a tub of
water that was standing by and bounc
ed out of the kitchen.
The girl said nothing, but when aha
had cleaned the other boots she threw
them also Into the water.
"Whatever possessed you to do that,
girl?" asked the mistress on coming
again in the kitchen.
The girl simply replied:
"Well, ma'am, please ma'am, I
thought it was the fashion of the
house, ma'am!" London Tit-Bits.
Lraaea aa It Was.
Haydn's "Dictionary of Dates"
makes the statement that the old name
of the dry of London was written
Lynden or Llyndln, meaning "the city
on the lake." An old tradition gives
us to understand that London waa
founded by Brute, a descendant of
JEneas, and catted New Troy or Troy
novant until the time of Lud, who sur
rounded the town with watts and nam
ed it Caer-Lud, or Lud'a town. This
bitter is probably the correct version of
the story, if for no other reason be
cause It Is an easy matter to detect a
similarity between the expression Lud'a
town and London. It is claimed by
some writers that there waa a city on
the same spot 1,107 years B. O, and It
la known that the Romans founded a
city there called Tiondlnlnm A. D. fiL
Whea Silk Was
Common as is silk nowadays. In ear
lier tunes it was a most precious ma
terial. When it waa first brought into
Europe, aUk commanded three times
Its weight in gold, and so valuable waa
it deemed that to the reign of Tiberius
a law waa passed forbidding it to all
save noble todies and prohibiting men
from wearing it on the ground of its
effeminacy. 80 unusual was it even
200 years later for a man to wear silk
that every historian of the time of
Hettogabalus noted the fact that that
emperor had a silk gown. For ages it
continued at an abnormally high price.
Charlemagne to the year 780 could
send to King Offa of Merda no mora
valuable a present than two silk coats.
The Hearts aa the Inane.
Once upon a time a man who was
playing a friendly game of draw poker
found four hearts and a club to his
hand. After a little thought he dis
carded the club and drew a spade.
"I will call thia a hand of hearts," be
said to himself, "and bet on my flush."
Then he looked very wise and laid
down f7 of his hard earned money.
Another player saw the $7 Instantly,
catted to a loud voice, and the money
at once changed owners.
MoraL A wise man calls a spade a
spade. New York Herald,
ire Tea Tell m
It you are just on the point of mak
ing a confidence. It to a good plan to
pause before doing so to note the pro
portion between the times you have
regretted giving a confidence and the
times yon have regretted withholding
It If after this you decide upon mak
ing your friend a confidant, you must
have weighty reasons for thinking him
worthy of it
The Pfak off roUteai
Colonel David Crockett reported aft
er a visit to the White House that Gen
eral Jackson, who was then president
was the most pottte man be ever met
When 'the president handed out the
bottle for a guest; Colonel Crockett
aid, be turned his back upon it and
left bis friend free to measure out his
Brink according to bis own discretion.
lamjM C
The humps of camels are mere lumps
of fat and not provided for to the
framework of the skeleton. When the
animal to In good condition, the humps
are full and plump. On a long journey
where food U scarce the humps are en
tirely absorbed, the skin covering them
hanging over the flank like an empty
In'Tarkestan every wedotog engage
ment begtos with the payment of a
'substantial cenatderation to the girl's
parents. If the girl jllto her lover, the
engagement gift has to be returned
unless the parents have another daugh
ter to give as a substitute.
rtwttmt Aactoat
A valuable find of ancient treasure
Is reported from Montalto, to Llguria.
In -the course of some works of demol
ition In connection with one of the
most ancient churches In Italy a small
underground chamber was discovered.
It waa filled with art objects dating
from the Roman epoch, for the most
part silver amphorae and vases, finely
chiseled and filled with gold and sil
ver coins of ancient Rome. Chicago
Three government agricultural sta
tions have been established In Alaska,
and from all come more favorable re
ports than were looked for. Though
the temperature tost winter reached
70 degrees below aero, rye planted to
the fall waa protected by snow, and
matured perfectly.
The only colored man who la mayor
to the Uatted States is said to be
Isaiah T. Montgomery, the weattbtojt
"Oar baby
to have natural
for the
half the peaah
Nfewehaar Mode, comer la aad OUtb
w. Vpuuuai, .iwer. ua xu. A ,
Um Vitalised Air
oaly harauem aa
thetiea. Ka
toTsa the live
wina Imam aefe
iactatthaad alia
poamreir vuaoat
Perfect eatinhM tioe, rivem ia ererr
aaiticaJar or noae? Kfauded.
SHIP. THE PABTNEBSHIP exiatinff between the
aatlersieaed, douuc baaiae ia the Hna
aaae of Hrraaa Oeeirieh A Bra., hna
bee this day diaaolTed by mutual coaaeat.
AlLaocoanto asaioat the firm will be paid by
Henaaw P. H. Oehlrich, aad eremhiae dae the
firm will be received br Arnold F. H. Oehlrich.
Febroary 1.1962. SfebS
Ia District Coart of Platte county. Nebraska.
Amhatasia Schwaibold, Plaiatiff,
Robkbt Schwaibolo, Defendant.
To Robert Sehwaibokl. aoa-reaideat defesdaat:
Yoe are hereby aotitud that on the 14th day of
February. IMS, Aaaataaia IJchwaibold filed a
petitioa aamlaet yoa ia the district court of
Platte eoaaty, Nebraska, the object aad prayer
of which an to obtaia a divorce from yoa oa the
KToaad that yoa bare willfully abandoned the
plaiatiff withoat good or jut caaeo, for the term
of more than two years last past. Yon are re
qaired to answer said petitioa oa or before
Monday, the Slat day of March. 190S.
Ahxatahia Schwaibold.
By F. M. CoonMOBAM.
Her Attorney. lSfebtf
hTOTICE ia hereby given th&t whereas, ia aa
JM action pending- ia the district coart of
Platte county. Nebraska, in which Matthew W.
Thomas is plaintiff and Soaanna Thomas. Joseph
F. Thomas, Sasanna C. Thomas, John P. Thomas.
Philomiaa Thomas, Dominick N. Thomas and
Honors Thomas were defendants, judgment was
oa the 15th day of February, 1'JOi. entered for the
partition of the real estate hereinafter described,
and appointing the anderaicned as referees to
make partition thereof, and whereas upon report
that said real estate cannot be partitioned with
oat gnat loss to the owners, t!u undersigned, as
referees, were by said court ordered to sell said
real estate as apon execution, at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash in Kami, and bring
the proceeds of said sale into court for distribu
tion, the undersigned referees will on the 2U4
day of March. IMC, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, at the front door of the court house
ia the city of Columbus. Platte county, Nebraska,
sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described real estate as set out ia the
petitioa, to wit: The southwest quarter of the
aorthweat quarter of section six. in township
seventeen north, range one east ia Platte county,
Witaeas our bands thia 17th day of February,
Eowrc H. Crakbz&s.
Auuosrcs W. Clabx,
WfebS Referees.
Will B. Lisco. Mary G. Lisco. Gay C.
ibs. Hartal;. rJarnum. Frances U.
William B. Doddridge, George W. Uarnhart,
Isaac Greensfelder and Greeasfelder. Rosea-
OU will each take notice that the under-
X signed. Helen Barnhart, plaintiff, has filed
ner petitioa in ttie district court in ana ror
Platte eoaaty, Nebraska, w gainst yoa, impleaded
with Loren E. Baraum, Stella Baraam. Luna
Hager, Bert Hager, Emma Barnnm, William A.
McAllister. William M.Corneliaa.UuB.8peice,
as administrator of the estate of Ueorge E. Bar
aam. deceased, H. 8. Elliott, aa administrator of
the estate of Guy C. Baraum, deceased, aad the
Columbus Utate Bank, a corporation, the object
aad prayer of which petitioa are. First: To have
determined aad coafirmed the interests aad
shares of the plaintiff and the defendants. Loren
E. Baraum. Lona Hager, William M. Baraum.
Gay C. Barnnm, WiU a Lisco. Mary G. Lisco,
Joseph W. Lisco and Frances L. Doddridge, as
heirs at law of Gny C. Barnnm, deceased, and
George E. Barnnm. deceased, ia and to the fol
lowing real property to-wit:
The southeast quarter of section thirty-five
(35). township seventeen (17), range two (2),
west of the th Principal Meridian: lts eight
(8)ud nine (0) ia section thirty (90). township
seventeen (17), range one east of the 6th Princi
pal Meridian; lota one (1). two (2), aevea (),
eight (8). nine (), ten (HI), eleven (11), and
twelve (12), in section thirty-one (31), township
seventeen (17), range one (1), east of the 6th
Principal Meridian; lot fourteen (14), ia section
thirty-two (32). township seventeen (17), north
of range one (1) east of the 6th Principal Meri
dian; lots five (5), six (6), seven (7). eight (8).
aad nine (V), ia section twenty-five (25), town-
shin seventeen 117). north of range one
of the 6th Principal Meridian; the west half of
the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter
of section thirty-six (), township seveateea
(17). range one (1). west of the 6th Principal
Meridian; the northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter; lot one (1). in the southeast quarter, lot
two (2), in the southwest quarter, lot three (3).
ia the southwest quarter of section thirty-six
(36), township seveateea (17), range oae (I) west
of the 6th Principal Meridian, all situated ia the
eoaaty pf Platte and state of Nebraska; also the
south half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-eight (28), aad the north half of the
northeast quarter of section thirty-three (33). all
attested ia township twenty-four (24), range three
(3j, west of the ftth Principal Meridian ia the
eoaaty of Madison and state of Nebraska, subject
to the life estate therein with which the defend
ant, Maria C. Barnnm, was endowed as the
widow of the said Guy C. Barnnm, deceased, the
interest therein of the defeadanta, Lona Hager,
Loren E. Barnnm aad William M. Barnnm. to be
subject also to the life estate with which the
defendant, Emma Barnnm, was endowed as the
widow of the said George . Barnnm. deceased;
Hecond: To quiet the respective titles in and to
said property of the plaintiff and her co-tenants
above named aa heirs of the said Guy C. Barnnm
and the said George E. Barnum, as against all
claims of whatsoever nature of the above named
defendants, subject however to the life estates
above mentioned, and subject also to a mortgage
of $7,000 apon the interests aad shares therein
of the plaintiff and the defendant. Will B. Lisco,
dated October 25th. 1901. and payable October
25th, 1902. to the order of the Columbus State
Bank; Third: For the partition of the above
described premises according to the shares and
iateresta therein of the several owners, or, (in
ease partition of said proiwrty cannot be made
withoat crest loss to the owners, that the same
be sold and the proceeds thereof divided be
tween the owners of such property according to
their several interact and shares; Fourth: For
each other and further relief as equity may
loa are required to answer said petition on or
before the 17th day of March, A. D. 1WJC
Alfrkd M. Post.
Attorney for plaiatiff.
Dated February 3. 1902. S.feb-4
Lincoln, I Denver,
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco
and nil points
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
8t.TjoaJe and all
points Bast aad
nuiira DxrAar.
No. tt Passenger, daily except Saaday. 7:15 a. m
No. S2 Accommodatioa, daily except
Batarday. 40 p. m
TBAiHs Aaarvz.
No. a Pssseager.dsily except Sunday. 940 p. m
No. SI Accommodatioa. daily except
Saaday 1 P-
84 Columbus Local lr.
102, Fast Mail
0J8 a. m.
IjK p. m.
M0 p.m.
6, East era Express..
2, Overland Limited J.?P- a-
4, Atlantic Express. m.
26, Freight... - i3u a. m.
22, Freight, MkWp. m.
No. 1. Overland Limited
No. 101, Fast Mail
No. 3, California Express
No. S. Pacific Express
No. 7, Columbus Local
rio 23a areiajtii..
aoaroLK brakoh.
No. 63. Passenger.....-..-.
No. 71. Mixed ttt?-t--
.121 p. m.
.1140 a. m.
..7:10 p.m.
. 1:10 a.m.
. 8:40 p. m.
.425 a.m.
.70 p.m.
. e.-w h. m.
.1220 p.m.
. MOp. m.
No. 64. Passanjs..,.. ........ ......
No. 72, Mlysd ........-.
Bo. 6S. Passeae
No.7J, Mixed
: m.
SjWp. m.
No. Ml
No. 74. Mixed
.1 - - , t J
J Magazines for Passengers T I
IpfsSf j jtKlk II j - " Burlington I m
111 - ttwrist slcqnaa; car yon I . :
3 will find haM a done I M
TvKl aaagsanarv and as amany I Wt
I IxT&nBar BBmU.m2i.SLsr JMmiUated papers. I Jt - If
I MTmrn-vaannrnviyy It a bat oie ti' I W
I Wf!Pf5WVBma-mV''.'l semi fcatnra that ' - M
f f 131 fff 1 BaaV .BBBBBBBBBl. BB1 .L Wrii.Kj . . BBBI
m i ta I 1 anHammmmmnm3.. Bal aamms wc imnniwi an warn:
I I A S 1.1 f aammmmmmmmmmm Bmf - OvvJfnnwd ExttirSMM I Bml
UfJL 7 1 1 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmR POOJar VTk CakvOC- ' . IS
KMmCav7MBfBnmPBnmR5Bnml -'Othersare: ecoao-' I .
BilsWaVVmmaV iy; clriiilmrn; scenery, - .-' j
Wr? Vkaramvaane Jaammmw al the fact that the I 3 J
WS$&MitBB excursions are in charfe I - aa
ISfHRSBBaamvammmmmf of experienced excursion - I ; IK
I JBnmmVammBBmmmmmmmBP COmdta I I I M
1 sanwB tors. I' . M
I W Bmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms Bml finmmmml
bbbbbbbbbbI :
From Omaha diree naws a week. Thinagh .to Saa FraacMco BBBBmmmmam m Ham
aadLosAagelcs. Folder giving fciMiafetmilina aitilidoarcqaett. H IB
Write iur one. H ! . lOT
I J.-Fkancis. General Paaeager Agent. Oiaha. Keh. II -Bn
Ssnn-Bnnnnnnnnnl am9 " .11
Wheat, old GOto
Corn, sheUed-TJr bnahel. . . 49
Oats, $ taiaaeL .
Rye bnahel 46 '
Hoge-ir ewt. 5 000 5 60
Fat cattle-Vcvrt 2 500 4 00
PoUtoee-ybaeheJ.. ...... 1 10 1 20
Batter V !. ' 15&18
Eggs y dozen. 180
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. . C. CASSIN,
rsorurroH. or the
Omaha Ifcat Hirke.
Fresh, and
Salt nJrHeats-s
Game aad Fish i& Season.
aaVHigaest market prices paid foe
Hides and Tallow.
The oaly graduated
Dr. Daasler. the celebrated Ere. Ear. Nose aad
Throat Hpecialist. has f or the past twelve years
HiaiM? PIKCMI V. IMV K7, CU. ..W OM.
Throat aad successfully treats all these riisMass.
1 -...l.. . .tt. P. V Waa
His wonderful system of correcting error of
sight has given better vision to hundreds and
saved many from blindness. Cures granulated
lids, inflamed lids, pink eye, pterygium, cata
ract, etc. The doctor fits glasses to correct all
defects of vision, cures and relieves headache,
indigestion and dyspepsia. Cross eyes in chil
dren straightened without the knife. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. All consultation aad examina
tion free. The doctor is at his otBce ia the
Berger Block.
A Def emae to Weak Eya.
Glasses are a defense to weak eyes.
They ward off blindness, headaches aad
indistinct vision. They sapply what ia
lacking in the eyes make a combination
which forma a perfect eye. At the
slightest indication of weakneea, or
trouble, consult an optician. "Exami
nations free" it won't cost a cent it
eaves yon money. We are opticiane
reliable ones.
Jeweler and Optician.
Cimyucer ul
Nitiiy Piilie.
Also does type-writing sad
wili carefully attend to all
the business intrusted to him.
W Would respectfully solicit a share
of yoar beeiness.
Over First National Bank, 1st door to
the left. IHaprtr
W. A. McAixistkb.
W. M. Coaamxree
(Mace. Olive St., fonrth doer north of First
National Bank.
aeteraad ood repataHoa la each state (oae ia
thia eoaaty required! to mprsseat aad advertias
5d avmUfciMdwealtlwbaaiaeaa hoaseof aoUd
tSJSSlSSSSvilmn SttUS weekly wiS
mil addlUoaal. ail aayaUe ia eask aaaa
Wsdaaadaj direct froaBlmadeanesa. Hotaaaad
saw, aw Caxtaa ailasCaseass. Umaal
Wain Wirt...
EYerytlsiBg ia Mir lfavt'
aad e TerytlsiBg garatef..
Warns Baaie Her.
Best rse-skaeiag tkt
A lie llae f Baggica.
Carriages, etc. -
m am ageat for the old
Colambae Baggy Coatneay, of Gotaat-.
baa, Ohio, which is a saJfetsat
tee of strictly fret-class goods.
or soatk of Chicago ask your local
tieket ageat to roate yoa between Oataaa
aad Chicago via the
the shortest line betweea the two cities.
Trains via this popalar road depart
from the Union depot, Omaha, daily,
ooanecting with trains from the west.
Magailcently eqaipped trains, palace
sleepers sad free recliaiag chair cars.
Inning cars sad buffet, library aad '
emoldag ears. All trains lighted by.
electricity. For fall iaformatioa.
rates, etc., addr
F. A. Nash,
Geaeral Western Ageat, 1&04 Fi
St, Omaha.
H. W. Howsxl,
Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt.
Now is llii! Time
are prepared
mfake the foUowin;
dubbing rates: -
Chicago Inter Ocean (semi
weekly) and Columbus Jour
nal both for one year f
3 10
Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly)
and Columbus Journal both
one year for. 175..
Omaha Weekly Bee ami Co-'
lumbue Journal oae year....
Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly)
and Columbus Journal, one
Jurbr. 2-
Subscribe Now.
. i
.. - J
g-a-jatw . s-K-jit .q. ? -: 'w.-Z ?. - r?-, . ; -
i -r
t x TE un
." y "C'