itPlff EHS3 "IaZS "-gjCSSSSS -. -T .T-s-V 'AJ1 : -C - 33i3: :-- -2S2AJ' - : iTfrvr jrse-?,. v---. Y "fwC;- 'V. X. J . "3 v-""fcV j. -i . :. -. j- - iri --sr k it J c-T 7&35ifcsx r r I& ' K. s- 5y m lA lZF j6S. " ' s ' - Ce Comlftp Imtrtmt WHOLE NUMBER 1.659. VOLUME XXXII.-NUMBER 47. 5 s COLUMBUS.NEBRASKA. WEDBESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1902. . Y J ' V- 3. :!: - . MISS STONE HELD RAKMOM PAID OVER BUT NO DC . LIVERY AS YET. WIATH FELT. AT WASHIICTW Failwra f the RandiU to Keep Faith i the Came Uncle Sam will Sanc tion No Further Nefotiatiena with the rifantfa. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 22. It Is eatiiaated at the state department that fifteen days have now elapsed ilnce the money for Miss Stone's ran som was paid over to the agents of the brigands. At least five days have elapsed be yond the time fixed in the stipulation to place her in the hands of her friends. - There la no explanation" or the delay. It is hoped that physical conditions, such as heavy snows and adverse' weather, may account for the failure to secure her delivery. The of leials are loath to believe that ther? has been a breach of faith on the part of the brigands, but even if this were so they do not regard themselves as Blameworthy for having trusted them. Prom the first the United States gov ernment has been adverse to paying' ransom, but in response to appeals from every quarter reluctantly author - ired Mr. Leishman to deal with the Brigands. However, if it turns out that the brigands have broken faith and that they have either taken the ran som money and spirited the captives away again, or that they have killed them, then there will be no further at tempt to deal with the brigands on the ; part of the United States government, but its entire power will be directed upon Turkey and upon Bulgaria to pro cure the swift and complete extermina tion of the brigands, regardless of coat or effort. LORD PAUNCEFOTE IS HAPPY. Isthirian Canal Treaty is Favorably Ratified. ' WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Final rat ifications of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty giving England's assent to the con struction of a canal across Central America by the United States were exchanged at the state department at S o'clock this afternoon. There was very little ceremony about the ex change. Copies of the treaty had been prepared precisely similar, ex cept that in fact the signatures were inverted in one copy, and these were formally exchanged between l.ord Pauncefote and Secretary Hay. a "pro tocol being signed formally attesting to that fact, which will form part of the records. Lord Pauncefote was in the best hu mor over the successful outcome of the labors of himself and Mr. Hay. He regards the treaty as one which will do much to prevent friction in the future between the two peoples. It has been suggested that with the completion of this great work the British government might regard Lord Pauncefotes services as ended, but it is learned that this is not the case. Lord Lansdowne. the secretary of Toreign affairs, has signified to Lord Pauncefote his desire that he shall remain in Washington for an indefi nite period. DESCRIBES THE WATER CURE. Funston Den'res that Officers Counte nanced Its Application. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 22. General Ea.l4.Aw;ji- C.i0.j"t ?rt tcpritfiinr tb& "water cure," a forni of torture charg-1 ed against the soldiers in the Philip pines, said that he had never seen the "water enre" applied, but he had heard it described. "The victim is boond and a canteen forced into his mouth." said the general- His head is thrown upward and back and his nose "grasped by the flnsers of the torturer. Strangulation fellows as a matter of course. When the victim is about suffocated the application is re leased and he is given a chance to talk on recovery or take another dose of it The operation is .brutal beyond a doubt, but hardly fatal'. "The charge which I have just re futed at the request of the war depart ment was most vague. It was made by a soldier and to the cftect that he had helped, administer the water cure to ISO natives That is the kind of rot a soldier is apt to" write home when business is dull and he has three or four beers" under .his jacket to help his imagination. Nothing of the kind ever occurred with the knowledge of the officers or ever occurred at all. for that sutler." ' Acnuittrd of Murder Charge. DENVER. Feb. 22. W. P. Flanders of Lyons. Colo., who has been on trial here for' the murder of Mrs. -Nellie Hardifer. was acquitted by order of the cowrt- The charge was that the two had decided to. die together and tVt Flanders administered the poi son to the woman and to himself. The court decided that the evideace was ,. Tit- wmMim vifd hnt Flmn- w-w .-.. . - ders recovered. Mrs. Hardifer the wife of a Denver contractor. Merchants Seek ST. JOSEPH. Mo, Feb. 22.-Tae re- j tail merchants of Kansas City aad St. Joseph held a meeting here today, at which orders were given for the prep- aratioa of a bill which win be iatro daced at the stoat session of the leaio hctsre. givhsg merchants protection' agataot deadhoats aad overtaxation, AH aMraaasmt of the state will he Jean the oraaaisaoem with i- - PREDICTS NEW LAND LAW. Representative Hanks Eapscts Lefie- lature te Atfopt Torrene System. LINCOLN, Feb. 22. Representative H. H. Hanks of Otoe county predicts the adoption of the Torrens land trans fer system by the next legislature. Mr. Hanks is author of the bill creating the Nebraska Torrens commission. He was in Lincoln and examined some of the details of the commissioners re ports. "Rasing my opinion upon what I had read and heard of its work in other states, I believed when I introduced the Torrens bill, and do now, that the sys tem would be adopted by the next leg islature by an almost unanimous vote," said Mr. Hanks. "Several states have adopted the Torrens system of trans ferring real estate and I believe it is but a question of time till every state in the union will have it ia operation. England partially adopted it in 1863, -ad by a provision passed in 189? it ts now practically compulsory. This certainly speaks well for the system. Wherever I have found it once in oper ation it has never been repealed. The register of Cook county, Illinois, writes me it is working easily and satisfactor ily there; that transfers are made in a very short time and at a small fee." NARROWLY ESCAPE BURNING. Three Boys Have a Close Call for Cremation. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Feb. 22. The two-story residence of Chris Kninals, five miles east of Grand Is land, took fire at 1:30 in the morn ing and burned to the ground, together with nearly ail of its contents. The Ire started in the second story, where Kniphals sons were asleep, and were it not for the fact that the elder boy happened to awake just in the nick of timer all would have per ished. When the boy awoke the room was all aflasse aad it was all he could do to arouse his two brothers and escape with their lives. Nothing whatever in the second story was saved. In one of the boys clothes was a pocket book containing S35. Before the flames reached the lower apartments the family succeeded in saving some pieces of furniture, though but very little. JOHN FREMONT, INDIAN, DIES. Member of the Council that Ceded All Eastern Nebraska. PENDER. Neb.. Feb. 22. One of the best known characters of the Om aha agency died Tuesday of a compli cation of diseases and old age in the person of John Fremont, as he was known to the white people, or Chas-Nin-Gah. as the Indians knew him. He was a member of the council held in 1854, which ceded all of east ern Nebraska except that portion re tained as the reservation to the white men. and in that year went to Wash ington to see President Pierce. Dur ing the civil war he assisted the Uni ted States government in the war with the Sioux. Just a few days before his death he was married according to the white custom to the Indian woman with whom he had lived as man and wife for many years. He did this that no controversy might arise over his property, which amounts to consider able. Skull Stops the Bullet. SUPERIOR, Neb Feb. 22. While Frank Yetter, a young German living southwest of Superior, was examin ing an "unloaded" revolver, the pis tol was discharged, with the usual re sult, and the bullet, a 38-caliber. struck him in the forehead between the eyes and became embedded in the bone. A doctor chloroformed Yetter and dug out the leaden pellet, which is as flat as a nickel and about as large. Girl Has Aged Man Arrested. CHAPPELL. Neb.. Feb. 22. Maud Taylor of Lewellen, a girl between 17 and TS years of age. swore out a war rant for the arrest of John Reno, charging him with illicit carnal inter course, but before the sheriff could serve the warrant Reno sold his stock and left the county. He was followed, however, and captured at Alliance and returned for examination. Gees Insane Over Religion. ULYSSES. Neb.. Feb. 22. Mrs. Minke Aden, residing four miles north east of this place, became suddenly insane last Sunday. When her condi tion was discovered she had undress ed and burned the clothing of her 2-year-old child and was in the act of killing it. Religious excitement is said to have been the cause of her r loss of reason. Will Grow Sugar Beets. VALPARAISO. Neb Feb. 22. The sugar beet industry is agitating the minds of the citizens of Valparaiso. Several thousand dollars have been subscribed to carry the project to a successful conclusion. The company proposes to cultivate 200 acres of beets the coming season and has or ganized, with John Oeschger, sr, as nmitot bb P. Smith of this Tir j -- . is president of another company re cently organized here for prospecting. Boyd County Settlers Gratified. BUTTE. Neb Feb- 22. The people of Boyd county are highly gratified over the action of thestate board of educational lands aad fends Is award- imp; to settlers ia the Fort rinisTT military upoa by laws aboat suae y beingin coaStct with state school mad selectieas. The-, of the hoard saves to the. settlers their the mad settled - ta iini "' " NOWMARTIALLAW SAGASTA WILL ESTABLISH MILI TARY RULE. A NATMNAL CRISIS IS General Weyler Confers with Queen Regent and the Military Authorities Prolonged and Deadly Riots Pro duce a State of General Disorder. MADRID. Feb. 2L Premier is preparing a decree establishing tial law throughout Spain. The signa ture of the decree, it is believed, will be followed by an extresse national crisis. It was persistently said when the chamber of deputies closed this evening that the minister of war. Gen eral Weyler. had a Ions; coaforeace withrthe queen tegeuL jesieidaj . whichr was followed by a conference with the military authorities today. Afterward, it is asserted, arms and ball cartridges were served out to the troops in Mad rid, who are in readiness to start at a moment'6 notice. Advices received here fross Barce lona say the mob does not offer any serious resistance when confronted by the troops, but rioters are continually sniping at the police and soldiers from behind doors and windows and from the roofs of houses, dispersing when the troops charge. According to telegrams received here late tonight from Barcelona, street fighting there continues. A proclama tion has been issued ordering all pri vate Individuals to surrender any weapons they may possess under pain of severe penalty. The sale of arms has been prohibited. Forty workmen's associations have been dissolved and the members of their committees ar rested. The battleship Pelayo has been or dered to Barcelona. A pitched battle occurred in the out skirts of the city between the strikers and the military escort attached to several wagons that were bringing in provisions. The contents of the wagons were dragged and barricades were built across the road. The rails have been torn up to prevent trains from en tering the city. The strike movement has begun to spread seriously. At Saragossa most of the factories have closed on the demands on the workmen and the strikers are bringing jiressure to bear to cause the factories stil! remaining open to close. The cap tain general of Saragossa has wired for reinforcements. Official telegrams, received .herede scribe a slight improvement in the sit uation at Barcelona, and officers to night seem more hopeful. Owing to the strict censorship over news from Barcelona it is difficult to ascertain the real state of affairs there. In addition to the labor movement the ever-present Catalan home rule agitation is likely to prove a serious factor in the situation. One hopeful sign is the fact that almost alone, among the ministers and the govern ing authorities General Weyler is in sympathy with the Catalanian de mands and is inclined to study their grievances. Will Spend Much Money. NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. 21. A new round house and other improvements, representing an additional investment of at least 1150.000. are promised to this city by the Elkhorn railroad in the near future. It is said that the round house will contain twenty stalls and that a large increase will be made in the yard facilities. This announce ment is heartily welcomed by the business men of the city, not only on account of the employment that will be afforded, but as an indication of the faith of the railroad company in the future of the city. Deming Case Appealed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. At the request of ilie war department Attor ney General Knox has taken prelim inary steps to appeal the case of Cap tain Peter C Doming, formerly of the volunteer array, to the United States supreme cc:irt in order to have that tribunal determine the important le gal questions. One of these is the jurisdiction, of a military court com posed wholly or in part of regular officers. Knox Will Not Resign. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Reports having hea. rather widely circulated that Attorney General Knox had decid ed to resign from the cabinet, it can be stated that there is absolutely no basis of fact for -these reports. Against Japanese Labor. DENVER. Feb. 2L The senate adopted the joint resolution previously adopted hj the house, declaring that the interests of Colorado worklngmen are seriously jeopardized by the em ployment of Japanese at the coal mine, in Huerfano coanty. aad that "it is i the sense of the Thirteenth general assembly that the coagress of the Uni- ! tol States shall take steps to exclade frcm this counter all of this class. of r Asiatic labor.' I Paralysis Attacks Gray. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2L Justice Horace Gray el tae supreme court nas steered aa attack of paralysis, but it - is stated that there is every reason ; to expect his recovery. The attack ccurred i Taesday aight. His mind is clear, nut ae nas lose tae araacmiar m - I -'-. .. control oc a part ox aw aoay. jwu Gray- has bee well for some time I aad at his advanced age. 74 years. .siyea rise to apprehension as I TO tae onxcosse ox tae muck. SKKNESS DUE TO EXPOSURE. Soldiers in the Philippines Fail to servo Sanitary Roles. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Goveroor Taft continued to discuss the ctissatic conditions in tke Philippines toddy be fore" the senate Philippine cossjaittee. Reverting to what he had sold-yesterday concerning the health ot the American troops in the Philippines. Governor Taft said that stack of the sickness that does exist was dae to exposure and he incidentally sisde an appeal for liberal appropriations, for the, construction of barracks far the protection of oBcers and sea. Tie witness thought the high death; rate of troops ia the Philippines waa aot due to guerilla warfare, saying that it was impossible to get soldiers to observe the laws of hygiene. His ex perience. Governor Taft said, was that the greatest danger in the matter of health ia the Philippines is found ia themeglectof symptoms whidrareot generally regarded as of importance in the United States. He knew, he said, of Europeans who had spent thirty or forty years In the islands and who are in good health. He thought, however, that they gen erally left the islands for several months every two or three years. As a rule a continued residence had the effect of causing a gradual deteriora tion of health. Governor Taft said he attributed his own loss of health to lack of exercise. He referred to the prevalence of private diseases and said that certain precautions had been taken by the medical authorities in the way of supervision which was thought necessary for the protection of the troops and the public. EFFECT OF PRINCE'S VISIT. Revival of Cordiality ia Predicted by German Paper. BERLIN, Feb. 21. The Kreuz Zeir tung, concluding a column survey of the relations between Germany and the United States, says: "The royal attitude of Germany at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war has just been proved. If the sympathies of the German people were then with Spain the explanation is that ideal trait of the German character which causes Germans to sympathize with the weaker party in a fight. But we have long since got ten over that. Sharp conflicts ,of in terest exist between Germany and the United States. These, however, are not political, but are confined to eco nomic matters. Perhaps a way has at I last been found which renders possi ble a settlement of these conflicts. Perhaps the visit of Prince Henry will give occasion to this end. At any F rate much' will be gained if this visit reawakens a lively consciousness of the traditional friendly relations among the rulers and the people of both nations. It will also remove the misunderstandings which the sensa tional press has created and nourish ed. Prince Henry's visit will certainly clear the atmosphere, improve the re lation and revivify the cordiality which has always existed between the two governments." It will be remembered that the Kreuz Zeitung was one of the most hostile critics of the United States in 1S9S, which attitude it has since main tained. Treaty in Hands of Cong WILLEMSTAD. Island of Curacoa. Feb. 21. The Venezuelan congress convened this evening in the federal palace at Caracas. The presidential message was not delivered to con gress. The agreement signed yester day in Paris by the French minister of foreign affairs. M. Delcasse, and the Venezuelan plenipotentiary, which forms a basis for the resumption of diplomatic relations between France and Venezuela, is subject to ratifica tion. Tries to Open Crow Lands. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Senator Clark of Montana from the 'senate committee on military affairs reported favorably the bill for the ratification of the treaty with the Crow Indians for the cession and opening to settle ment of about 1,000,000 acres of their reservation in Montana. No Raise for Ellen. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 21. The board of regents has declined to grant an increase in salary for Miss Ellen Smith, who for fifteen years has been university registrar. She requested that her wages be made $75 a month. Continues to Improve. GROTON. Mass., Feb. 21. Toons Theodore Roosevelt has continued to improve today and it is hoped he will be able to sit up tomorrow. Scots' Greys Moot Revoi LONDON. Feb. 21. A detachment of Scots Greys (Second dragoons), one of Great Britain's crack: dragoon regiments, has been cut up by the Boers at KItpdam. Major C. W. M. Feilden and Captaia E. Useher were severely wounded, two men were kill ed, six were wounded and forty-six captured. The news-was received this i morning from Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch dated Pretoria, Wednesday, February 19. Indiana Object to Ti HOLDENVTLLE. L T, Feb. 2L Aboat twenty armed Saake ladmas threatened to bora HoMea viDe Wed nesday and Marshal Kais, learaiaf; of their intention, placed a large Bom ber of deputies oa guard to protect the : i While there were I - j strati It has for some time that the at the towao all over the Creek aatioa and serioas troable is mm, aoTsrag was aoae. "Snakes are fnceaord ap of aew f It STILL CAPTIVE -i- STONE BCLIVED TO BE YET IN BONDAGE. ?r C-: 33 UB8AI WLDsiay in Appro- -s rather of the Mieatonary y AwaJwng Teilka's Com is fJABHINGTON, Feb. 20. The state advices concerning xias naifcate that the Paris publtca- a the effect that she had been ssKat liberty ia. to say the least, pre BMBare. It Is gathered, however, from tad reports of the United States diplo- ts that the woman is likely very soon aad that the delay is"explalhed by the requirement of the brigands that they be given am ple opportunity to insure their safety. LONDON, Feb. . A dispatch from Seres. European Turkey, to the Daily J Telegram says that W. W. Feet, treas- nrsr of the American mission at Con stantinople, has gone to that city and that N. Garguilo, dragoman of the American legation at Constantinople, and Dr. House, the missionary, who are still at Seres, are growing very anxious at the delay In the release of the captives, which was expected a week ago. The Turkish government declines responsibility for the matter. says the dispatch, as the transaction with the brigands was made without its knowledge. CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 20. The reports of the release of Miss Stone are absolutely without foundation, al though her liberation is expected mo mentarily. BOSTON, Feb. 20. No word from Treasarer Peet of the headquarters of the American board of foreign mis sions at Constantinople has come to the board here announcing the release by the brigands of Miss Ellen M. Stone, and the officials have been in commun ication with the state department in Washington in a vain effort to confirm the story published in Paris that Miss Stone and her companion had been de livered to the officials of the American legation at Constantinople. Rev. Dr. Judson Smith, secretary of the board, said: "We expect that the moment au thentic news is known in Constantino ple that Miss Stone has been delivered over we shall receive word of it from Mr. Peet." Concerning the arrest of Rev. Mr. Tsilka, husband of Miss Stone's com panion in captivity, oa the ground of complicity in the abduction of Miss Stone and his wife, Samuel B. Capen, president of the American board, said: I know absolutely nothing about it. I would not be surprised if it were true that he was arrested, but I don't be lieve there is a particle of truth in the charge that he was implicated in the abduction." Charles A. Stone, brother of the cap tive missionary, also had received no information about the release. He aaid: I expect news that she is released. I am expecting a cablegram at any mo ment. It may come from my sister personally, or it may come from some oue authorised by her to send it- I think that if she has been released I. as well as the American board, would hear as quickly as would the news papers, and perhaps quicker. I fear that perhaps the newspaper corre spondents took it for granted that she was released, knowing the time exact ed for her liberation after the ransom had been paid." TROOPS PATROL BARCELONA. Conflicts Occur Between Them and the Populace, BARCELONA. Feb. 20. Two addi tional regiments of infantry arrived here this morning and the city now bristles with bayonets. Troops are incessantly patrolling the streets, oc casionally charging and dispersing mobs. Shots were exchanged. The rioters erected barricades in one of the suburbs and the troops carried them at the point of the bayonet. The casualty list is lengthened by every conflict. Industrial and commercial life in Barcelona is paralyzed. No goods arrived here yesterday and there is great scarcity of meat, bread and other foodstuffs. The university and all the schools are closed. The leaders of the work men's conventions have been arrest ed and the meeting places have been closed. Teresa Claramunt is among the anarchists imprisoned. Wants Son Back in School. TOPEKA. Kan.. Feb. 20. J. B. Bil lard brought suit in the district court to compel the Board of Education to restore his son to membership in the public schools. Young Billard had been expelled for refusing to desist from his studies during the devo tional exercises in the morning. The suit brought br Billard is the result of an organized effort to stop the C33 of the bible in the schools of the city of Topeka. Brooms Advance in Price. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Delegates of the Broom Manufacturers association of the United States, at the conclu afoa of their two days' special meat ting here today, raised the price of all brooms 25 cents- a dozen. The maaafactarers had conferred with broom corn brokers and were told that less than. IS per cent af this! year's crop was still in the hands of aad that there would bo no for eight months. GOULD GETS EIGHT YEARS. Sentence Passed on the Bel Bank Wrecker. DAVID CITY. Neb... Feb. 22. Asms H. Gould, cashier of the de funct Platte Valley State bank of Bellwood, was sentenced to eight years ia the penitentiary by Judge Sornberger. When Gold was arraign ed in the district court the court room was packed to its utmost capacity with creditors of the defunct bank, titose whose names had been forged to notes aad stortgages. and a large number who came through curiosity. When Gould was arraigned he pleaded guilty to the charge of forging notes and ilispooisi of the same. The in formation contained eleven counts and he pleaded guilty to each count senaratelr. Judxe Sornberger brief ly coauneated on the various crimes committed aad the sentences impos ed upoa criminals and said that Bart ley was- sentenced to-the penitentiary for tweaty years and was pardoned out at the expiration of six years, but he hoped the good people of Nebras ka did not approve of the pardon. He concluded by saying that forgery is a most heinous crime and asked Gould what excuse he had to offer for committing such a grave crime. Gould said in substance: "I will have to admit I have done wrong. I knew better. I was brought up better, but I got mixed up in some real estate deals and signed notes with friends which I had to pay and had to raise some money." When asked as to what he had done with all this money he said: "I have heard that I have this mon ey stored away some place. This is not true. I have not one dollar." He did not state what he had done with all the money. The court ask ed Gould if he knew of, or could give any reason why he should receive a short sentence, and he said: "Nothing, except I have a family, a wife and two children, a boy four teen years old and a girl twelve years old." The short sentence given Gould causes much dissatisfaction. Sues for Heavy Damages. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Feb. 22. C. E. Lawrence of Elk Creek, this county, has brought suit in the district court against J. G. Woolsey of Hubbell, Neb., for damages in the sum of 15.000, charging the alienation of his wife's affections. Mr. Woolsey and the complainant's wife, who has since become the wife of the defendant, are charged with having deserted their respective families in Elk Creek some four years ago, proceeding to California, and after securing sepa rations from their partners left be hind, being married. The action in the case at this time was presumably prompted by the action Mr. Woolsey has taken against the ten Elk Creek men for threatening himself and wife in Elk Creek on the night of Decem ber 26 last. Kenesaw Postal Shortage. HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 22. In con nection with the suicide of Postmas ter Louis B. Partridge at Kenesaw, it is the general opinion that D. M. Baul, principal of the Kenesaw public schools, will be placed in charge of the postoffice until an appointment is made. Postoffice Inspector Sinclair has finished the inspection of Post master Partridge's books and reports the shortage to be 1671. The Kene saw postoffice is now in charge of Mr. Norton. War Veteran Pronounced Insane. RED CLOUD, Neb.. Feb. 22. Isaiah BeaL a civil war veteran and resident of this city, was examined by the board of insanity of this county and found to be a fit subject for treat ment in the hospital for the insane at Lincoln. Mr. Beal held the rank of captain during the war and in an engagement was shot in the back part of the head, the ball lodging un derneath the skin, and was never re moved. Attempt to Wreck Train. HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. 22. An at tempt was made, a few miles from this city, to wreck Burlington passenger train No. 3, by piling ties on the track. The train struck the obstruc tion at a high rate of speed, and 'as the ties were not fastened to the rails, threw them in the air, causing no damage. Boy Drowned at Bellevue. BELLEVUE. Neb.. Feb. 22. The little village of Bellevue is in mourn ing over the loss of Roy Lee. one of its most popular lads, who was drowned while skating. For Ruin of Her Husband. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Feb. 22. In the district court here the case of Mrs. Rena Nesbitt against John Mattes, jr.. et al. was called and the work of selecting a jury was begun. This is a case where a number of saloon keepers and their bondsmen are sued to recover I10.G00 damages for the alleged ruin of the plaintiffs husband. Dr. John P. Nesbitt. There are nearly fifty witnesses on the plaintiff's side. New Bank to Open at Stuart. . STUART. Neb.. Feb. 22. The Stu art bank of Stuart. Neb., has opened its doors for business. This makes two banks for Stuart. The new bank is organized under the state banking laws aad has a capital of 123,004. with $10,000 paid up. The British columns have again come in contact with Dewet s columns near Reitx. The latter were split ap aad'dmpersedl iinniiiiniiiiinmU'l OCT IIUMawWsa. llllllllMlllllllUlltHI The judiciary committee of the Io legislature by a vote of 9 to S to recommend for passage the anti pass bilL The French government has decided to establish the new school of odaca txon for engineers in the United States at Pittsburg. A strike of the salt workers at Saa Francisco, Spain, has created disor ders. Shops were damaged aad show windows looted. The governor of the state of Wash ington will not permit appointees aa der the state administration to accept railroad passes. Young Lieutenant Furay of Omaha. ! who suicided at Columbus, O.. is said to have done so because his amaaced had become blind. ExceUenthopes are heldoat for the recoTery of Miss Dietrich, daughter of Senator Dietrich, who underwent aa operation in Washington. The Y. M. C. A. building and sev eral other business houses at Geneva. N. Y.. were destroyed by fire. Loss'. $100,000; insurance. $20,000. Miss Alice Morton, fourth daughter of former Vice President Morton, and Winthrop Rutherford were married in Grace Episcopal chuch. Washington. Andrew Tapper was hanged at Chaska. Minn., for the murder of Rosa Mixa. his sweetheart. During the past month Tapper made four attempts to end his life. While a train was being pushed up the coal chutes of the Burlington at Guernsey. Wyo.. the trestle collapsed, seriously injuring four men. one of whom will die. The Canadian parliament has open ed at Ottawa with impressive cere monies. The governor general refer red in feeling terms to the death of President MeKiniey. Robert Milroy, a well known horse man and secretary of the California Jockey club, died at San Francisco from injuries received In a street car accident two weeks ago. The big strike at the Singer manu facturing plant of South Bend, Ind.. is still on. 1,700 men refusing to go back to work until their demands for 24 cents per hour increase is granted. The mayor of Paterson, N. J., returns $33.30 sent by the Kansas relief com mission, with expressions of apprecia tion for the proffered assistance, but saying that the city is not in need of help. Several clashes of laborers with troops occurred in London after a giant meeting of the former a which it was decided to submit the question of a general strike to the vote of the various unions. It required the strength of twelve men to carry to the grave the casket containing the remains of Dennis Leahy, whose funeral has just been held in New York. The dead man weighed 700 pounds. At Steubenville. O.. two well known Hungarian business men have hand some daughters and propose to give $1,000 to two young Americans who will marry the girls. The young men must be Protestants. The Spanish senate adopted a bill passed by the chamber of deputies Feb ruary 7 providing for the payment in gold of customs duties on grains, coal, oils, petroleum and its products and other specified materials. Senator Millard is endeavoring to have an agent reappointed at the San tee agency in Nebraska. He argues that the Santees are not self-supporting and that an agent on the reserva tion Is an absolute necessity. At Helena. Mont., "Jack" Waite. gambler, ex-pugilist, ex-deputy mar shal and one of Senator Clark's lieu tenants during the last campaign, com mitted suicide early this morning by shooting. The president sent the following nominations to the senate: Brigadier general. Colonel Francis L. Guenther, artillery corps: Frank Hobbs of Utah. register of the land office at Salt Lake iCty, Utah; George Barclay Rives of New Jersey, third secretory of the em bassy of the United States at Berlin. General Funston, just released from the hospital, paid a visit to his parents. To compete with the Standard Oil company, a co-operative association is being formed in Omaha by local gro cers and outside interests, the head of which is said to be at Cleveland. O. Charles L. Tiffany, the noted jeweler of New York, died on the lSth. At Toledo. O.. William Rothwell (Young Corbett) announced through his manager that he will be ready to meet the winner of the SuIIivan-Mc-Govem fight. The ranch and herd of the Riverside Hereford Cattle company at Ashland. Neb., were sold to George A. RIcker of Quincy, IiL, for $431,000. The cattle comprise the largest herd of pure blooded Hereford's in the world and are valued at $300.CG0. Orders have gone forth that all school children ia Omaha must be vac cinated. Governor Crane and council of Mas sachusetts have decided on Jlarc'a 17 as the day for the dedication of the' Dorchester Heights monument. Rioting was renewed at Barcelona and crowds of strikers paraded the streets, doing extensive damage. It is said that the president will an nounce his finding in the Schley case in a few days and that his decision will be unfavorable to the appellant. At New- York on the ISth X. P. Mor gan k. Co. distributed a dividend of $10,000,000 to the members c the syn dicate formed to underwrite the Unitd States Steel corporation. The dividual represents 5 per cent of the $2'3O.Q00f,50 for which the syndicate was liable. ooooaaa QPOOJOPJMSJOO -I" i iKfM i CQtaafJws Y s State o Oka Hew Kit. 5 : O ' t I t o r U o o gay Cood Hota, I ' o c 4 OmCIM D OlMCTMli ISMOSn M1MHD.WW- sr martvm. wci-Maa. m. sauecsn. CMmmmm. murr l. NSMtv. MMTT MWLSV. V o c o m O000 CK0!fO-0aO-ft oko-oo o CKCeC0!Ov00 0f0O-$OO A WBektr R Newspaper Dcroatd to the .Best interests of X X 4 JS Columbus, THE . County Platte; The Stale ol -Nebraska- : THE United States; Kid the Rest if Ndkm Hat Unit of Measure with' Usb $1.50 per Year if Paid in Advance. off lscfalaasi to aot hy Doaarn - aad Ceats. Sample Copies Sent Tree to any Address. HENRY CASS. ...UNDtRTAKCB... aid Metallic of all mads of Uphotsrary ...The... Columbus Journal. to Riraish Any' fhiof Reattfcad mf a CLUBS WITH THE OF THE COU1NTRY. .'j I fays Interest oa laBstts Dexx-mtts : 1 , and $ I Msao Loso. o- Res. I . &uac : o o t -..;i tm- ? Z - AamAB PaomavCssjBsmtaa. -StmtfSKSnlmamavTa- ami Mdoa smesammaCffS wfca. mey mead kmlfvX 15he Columbus JournaJ. Mid v . X A r -- -! r .s "0 - - r j&tisv--mammmsaaaTSkiifca 5-jAt -;- . -. vg'-vJ , -i. jt. . &M-.jr .- ,:r . t -r? --r.'P-. amammmamim rt'i5' ':Jft.-.: -ir'JL'ji"r-ri; jt . . .rij1. : .- 'fxZJP -r f3-,w-.r"5V.-' i--i-aJ - "- . -- ll ! I -.Vfc.rr4 -S-:- . r-'j&gr,--------, tert'J'A' . J..e4rtafefc.Jta...'i.- -.-- !&-. i. -CvS. ,tiS2f.t- -i,3M1 J.- Vj:.