The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 12, 1902, Image 2
W t j- . - ' "m.. - ,. f.(Av''.5 .' V17 i C - " J. .- S- . , '7 - ,- 1 V -"'.. v i, .v. 1 ' T ' 1. - t hi. 1$ RtNaHull.UNi . CoIumbtisfimrttaL OsrisinalMiav Ifelw. at tke fiilamaaa. ffshr. en iftiy- if WXDMnBDAT. FEBBUABY tt. It. Nebraska Press Associalws, Iinoois, May 6 aad 7. Thirty-Fourth Annual conTeutioa of the National American Womaa Ssffrage a oriitioo, Washington, D. 0, Febra- HJ12-1& - Lffal SftMM. America ia a tolerably free coaatry when yon think right down to the foaa- datkm of things, aad act accordingly. The Jocbhai. haa had thirty years' ax- perieace in Jiandling legal notkwaot all . deacriptiona, and takes thia occaaioa to any that it ia thoroaghly equipped for thia aort of work. We desire that yoa remember na when yon have work of thia aort to ha done. When yon do the paying, yon have the right to place the work. Special atten tion given to mail orders. Call on or address, M. K. Tmm Co., Jonrnal Offce, Columbus, Nebr. It ia aaid that Prince Henry speaks English like a native. The monthly pay roll of the Fremont public schools is S&567.76. The rural free delivery carrier force of the United States amonnta now to Thodoasbs of cattle in aontheaatern Colorado are dying of exposure and starvation. ."The Indian achool at Genoa ia. likely to get an appropriation of 9G6J900 from the government Chornux. Crnr is talking of adopting the initiative and referendnm method with reference to ordinances. Thhodoke Booskvzlt, l, ia aerioaaly m ef pnanmonia at Proton, Haas, where he haa been attending college. Mas. Astje STouTEsnuno, a resident of Dodge county for twenty-eight years, recently died of paralysis. She born in Germany in 1811. Court Tolstoi, the great reformer, haa had a relapse, aad ' ing from heart failnre and inflammation oftbelnags. He ia in the Crimea. A fcoas by ire Monday at Springneld, Ohio, foots ap 9500,000, insurance $800, 080. Tbe Ire started from the explosion ef ansae chemicals in the Champion Chemical plant. The United States is to have a new political organization called "The Jus tice Party." The executive committee have decided to call a national cooven tion to meet in Washington, April 9. The celebrated Dowie-Steveasoa case haa been settled out of court, the basis supposed to be the payment of $250,000 to Stevenson. It enema the case waa fought because the charges made reflect ed on Dr. Bowie. Am. war taxes, except that on tea, are to be repealed after July 1, ia the word from Washington. The estimated sur plus in the treasury for the year ending then, ia 11(000.000. The taxes to be repealed amount to about $77,000,000. The elevator owned and operated by the Nye A Schneider company at Dodge burned to the ground Friday afternoon; ' loss, fttyOOO, covered by insurance. The Ire evidently caught in the main part of the elevator, but from what cause is not known. A TU'EHTy. thousand dollar loss by fire Sunday at St. Louis Mo, besides eleven lives; $300,000 at Brooklyn, N. Y.; and tan mOBea at Peterson, N. J are a part of the record for that day, which waa eertaialy n severe one upon the insur- Pouce Judge Beeka of Omaha haa it necessary to have a working ieC.drunknnness,andhereitie: -A eauditiou produced by drwking fiajswa, maker auiritoua lienors, which ahaM be manifest in aay deviation from . psrsjal carriage or conduct Peeet, Iowa,- ia having considerable trouble in regard to smallpox. Saturday i Courtney was inad $100 and nutted to jail for contempt of the city council vaccination order. The case will be appealed, and Courtney haa also sued the city for dsmagea for : the furniture from the aeathouee itha ago to the Karris hotel, which, he claima waa the cause of I of the OsttAjnxATiox and courage are. what ia aded by the republicans; not an organ- i that ia a one man power for each rand weakeniag, but an i that takes m and recognizes of strength and that develope the working power aad uses the of every one that joins the Voters more than bosses; victory aft the.peaai more than pie are aomaof the elements that give party strength, of South David Anderson, president, is : quite' a stir there in regard to uha seta af the achool heard. The league . esBslerad am attorney to maks n thor. jaugh isisatsialina.aad the publication yi'IueumI am the rasocds, ahowa am am f atairs nertmaly. to asm up 0y netobefoUewed by d it w the eftheold- JHHi W sBBjgseMMUaESBaV irmmgwrn aav F nsBansBuummB X aBBmmBBBBB - - -" -- -- . rib IrtnifliiirfOT JHMJsUs- . SCrawaV ewe tnT UTighi 55 jqfjaurax. u fa sass !, yw svuWa nsauutan seananusEC nuvwanul wstauthe league aanut urgei SnVsnVuEBi eNBEaVva BupKwaESHfX VcWwiunT uuhsv wBESEaNvam at fml n -'-- tatnniT-' st.aU money ms tAwfeMed far what aawnssa. TMlssujgifhiHStiuTtHSt teas method asvsssssnfj lEHUrhilnHn saatisssf the XXX! naitfktf With Swiator AllisvaeratrvlliBg tfce seate appro friatifMs caauaiitt, Speaker Miiicrantwrat f the hawse tf represeatatiTes ani Secretary Shaw ia charge af the Treasmry lepartiieat, the Iowa 'Me shemli eat a noteworthy f gare im ctatempofaieaas federal polities. The Ohio aotioa of goiac; after erery thiag ia sight has heea iaiproTefl apoa farther west. Philadelphia Seeori. ACCOMPLISHES THINGS. We have always liked the Republican party bscauas it has an object in view anal accomplishes things. While the "twin relies of barbarism, polygamy and slavery," at which the republican party aimed its first arrows, have not, in effect, altogether disap peared, the measure of their meanness ia leaaaaiag every year, ss the expanding goodness of the party policy in '56 to 165 ixas itself in the minds of thinking peo ple ass distinct force in the moral de ration of thspsopleof the United States. All along the line of the history of tbe party, it haa contended against wrong and aham by right and by substance. Tbe real prosperity of the country haa been ever uppermost with tbe sovereign voters of the republican party, and the record made by officials representing republican constituents at the national capital, has been n grand one for the nation, and one. which demonstrates that no political party in our country's his tory baa begun to be its equal in far reaching national policies. Among the very latest achievements of the party ia the acquisition of the Dan ish West Indies. EPITHETS THAT KILL. In passing on a divorce case the supreme court of Iowa has taken occa sion to say something on the subject of causes for divorce. It was in the case of Berry against Berry in which the wife secured a divorce. The supreme court aaid: "It is to be admitted that the showing of cruel and inhuman treatment is not as overwhelming aa is sometimes made in eases of this kind, bnt after due deliber ation we think it sufficient. Some women may be so constituted that loud mouthed curses upon themselves, their parents and friends, and coarse insinua tions against their wifely virtue, will be received with perfect equanmity; aa to them, while it ia not cruel or inhuman treatment, it does not endanger life. But women who thrive upon such treat ment are rare. With a husband, n atroag man of violent temper or profane or abusive tongue, and the wife a woman in frail health, and of weak and sensitive nerves, it does not require murderous blows or thedisplsyof firearms to endan ger life within the meaning of the stat ute. Upon such a woman every curse and foul epithet falls with ss killing effect aa a atroke from a clenched fist. Cruelty of this land is good grounds for divores." Judge Btan of 8L Louis, in charging n grand jury recently,' told them that crime ia a menace to civic and political life. "It ia anarchy, for it strikes an inaiduous and deadly blow at govern menf Thejudgeevidentlyhadinmind the charges of bribery in connection with the suburban railway legislation. rhMlifRsI n ml. 5 MlanettawaVJaMi sTatiee. To the patron of High school lecture course: Kind FnrEKDs: The Inter - State Grand Concert company will be the next on our lecture course. As you know, our printed tickets grant reserve seat privi leges upon the payment of ten cents. This in the past haa been enough to pay expenses, but under the present condi tions we fear a loss unless more people avail themselves of thia privilege. Pat rons of the coarse are almost unanimous in their desire for the new auditorium. Expecting that you will all aid us in the payment of these increased expenses we have arranged for the North opera house on February 14. Tickets can be reserved at Pollock's. First floor, 10c; first bal cony, best seats, 10a The single admis sion tickets will be 50c, 33c and 25c The only way thia fine new auditorium can be provided for the comfort and conven ience of our patrons is for them to lend a helping hand. Thia ia really a test aa to what accommodations the patrons of our lecture course will enable ua to fur nish. Thanking all for the very liberal support given our lecture course in the past, and assuring you that we have a good musical, number in n very com fortable opera house, I hereby request your continued support. Tours respectf slly, LH.BuTEi.ti. By IdDA Tdbveb, Secretary. I'lastituts. Carl Bohde furnishes the following program for the institute to be held here Tuesday, February 25. The aesaion will begin at 130 p. m.: "How I grow cattle on my farm" Mr. Waa. Ernst, of Graf, Nebr. "Growing Alfalfa on the Farm" Mr. John Bremer, of York, Nebr. "Conserving Moisture by Cultivation" ltr. L. D. Stilson, of York, Nebr. EVEHIXa 8BBSX AT 730. "Horticulture topic"-Mr. a H. Bar nard, of Table Rock, Nebr. Stereoptieon lecture, 'The Nebraska 8chool of Agricaltare"-Hon. EV. For ell, of Kearney, Nebr. There ia no doubt but that these imeti tutea nrs valuable gatheringa to farmers Columbus has heretofore had several which proved exceedingly interest- to these who took part in the discus- aa well ss to those who listened. The isrrsaaiiia value of land in Ne- makes it important to every aad abn to the renters of tbe same to search out and put into opera tion the bast methods of agriculture and stoek-rsisiag, so aa to secure n good rate of interest on the money invested, or tbe bast results for tims and labor. The Joobxac believes that the insti tute may he made a decided good, neat, clean in the tine of E e caUatTHsJotTEEAL :xxxx! SfSCfSSSfl A. G. Bolf waa in the city Monday. Budy Miller was down from Fullerton Thnrsdsy. Miss Cora Graves went to Silver Creak Saturday to visit friends. Miss Marian Richardson is visiting her friend Mrs. Garrett Hoist. Mr. Lewis Richardson of Clarke was in the city Friday visiting friends. Miss Moiue namsDurg of Ularka is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Garrett HnlsL Mrs. Lury Terry of Chicago with her daughter are visiting the Martyn family. Mrs. Joe Kranse of Genoa came down Saturday called by the sickness of Miss Bertha Krause. Richard Ballard of Madison was in the city Monday on hie way to Denver and Pueblo, Colorado. F. A. Woods of Seward, formerly em plloyed in the Snow store, was in town from Saturday to Monday. Miss Lillie Keating is quite sick with typhoid fever. Miss Esther Johnson is teaching her school, in the Ives district, in her place. Rev. A. L. Mickel of Omaha, formerly of Columbus, was in the city between trains Saturday on his way home from St. Edward. Misses Hattie Selsor and Louise Matthews were here Sunday, leaving from here for Chicago, where they apend about four weeks. Ruby Rickly, Mary Morse and Madge Cashing are all on the sick list. Miss Eulalia Rickly ia teaching her sis ters school this week, near Monroe. Wsather Isusrt. Review of the weather near Genoa for the month of January, 1902. Meaateaperatareof the ith ..2155 .. W . 16 . 10 AUBadoaamemoata law year Highest temperatareoaStB Iioweat do aa 27th below aero t'Jfluta anamjS sTau Qbajbv VlUUtu UamjE VUtAEBa ISBAJIUf High wisda daya... ............ .... Smaw fell daring poctioaa of -days iBcbeaof aaownuL Doaameswth last year Rata of netted saow Do aamemoeth last year. 5 . 14 4 4 .. S.W .. L10 .. 0L24 .. 0.05 Prevailing winds from N. to N. W. Lunar halo on the 21st In Oalra'a Streets, The Egyptian dry of Cairo Is un doubtedly sue of the most picturesque place In the world and not the least of Its attractions are the varied and oXten musical street cries which assail tile ears on all sides. Not only the ttteet musicians who tap their tam bourines to the admiring "Allans" of the crowd, but the merchants and peddlers contribute to the chorus. A fruit seller, basket on bead, with grapes and ngs, will saunter by sing ing In a quaint minor: "Oh, grapes, oh, sweet grapes, that are larger than doves' eggs and sweeter than new cream! Ob, angels food, delicious figs, bursting with houey. restorers of health." Another street cry. which may be heard iu the main street of Abbassieu (a suburb), contains the folIowiuR enticing announcement: "Tomorrow, O people. I am going to kill a camel. Tbe doctor says ita young and healthy. Oh, Its flesh will be as tender as tne quail and juicy as lamb. Its price Is but 1 piasters (7& cents) the pound. Do you love the sweet flesh of a camel, then come early and be satisfied!" Not the least pic turesque figures in the streets are the city police, in their neat white and red uniforms in summer and blue serge in winter. Chicago Daily News. FhjrsieUuM Have TivaMea. As a rule you can never take a wom an at her word. A Louisville woman and her husband went on east for re cuperation. It was their intention of interviewing a leading physician be fore they came back in order to get bis opinion of the wife's health. She had been far from well, and finally con cluded uotliing would satisfy her but the verdict of this medical celebrity. Accordingly husband and wife called by appointment ,upon the specialist. "Now, doctor." said the woman, "I want your honest opinion. I like can dor and don't wish to make the trip here to be told any falsehood about myself." This sounded very open and cour ageous, so the expert went to work. He looked at her well, asked ques tions, made a minute examination of the case and finally Inquired. "Did any doctor ever tell yon you had so and so?' "Only one, tbe horrid brute," was the reply. "I have been to ten or twelve and he was the only one who was so Ignorant and rude as to tell me such a thing, and I discharged him at once. , . "Dicnarged him," exclaimed the ex pert. "Why. madam, he was the only one of the lot who told you the truth." .Louisville Times. TWaa. "What became of' your brother Bill, who never could learn any history and always insisted that Benedict Ar nold discovered America?" inquired the Former Resident "Who? Bill:" responded the Per son addressed. "O, he don't live here any more. He made a million dollars out of a historical novel that had Adam for its here and Juan of Arc for the heroine.' Baltimore Ameri can. A Quebec paper figures out that In the United States and Canada there is spent yearly the enormous sum of $15,000,000 on gob?. Thia Includes the cost of clubhouses and links, their maintenance, the wages of caddies and servants, the cost of golfing suits, sticks and balls, and other expenses. There has-been some controversy ss to the identity ef the youngest mem ber of congress, but there Is none aa to the oldest In either branch. That distinction belongs to 8enstor Pettss of Alabams, born In 1821, and in the house to Grow of Pesnsylvsnia, bom In 1823. The expense ef gas sad electricity furnished on streets, in public build ings and in highwaya in New York city ia s round $3,000,000 a year. Ah English authority has estimated -that If all the Inaabitsnts of the Brit ish Isles should decide to attend church a a give Sumdsy 25,000,000 would be crowded out far luck ITEMS Or" INTEREST. Forests cover one-tenth of the face of the world and one quarter Europe. . The national forest reserves ef the United States now cover' ariareavsf nearly 47,000,000 seres. v t ',; New York citys to havij s ehlldreaVs theater, patterned after one IsV Boston, which pays good dividends. ' A Tonawanda (N. Y.) milkman has been struck three times by the same train at the aame railroad crossing: Ia 1909 fhe' Eiffel tower becomes tbe property of the city of Parte sad will then be used for Its weather bu England has 'had a benKtax ' ever since the twelfth century. Last year Tt yielded tbe government the sum of $67,500,000. Of one thousand parts of the moon, 57C are visible to us on the earth; 424 .- parts remain hidden absolutely to man's eyes. The first newspaper is said to have been the Boston "News Letter." tret Issued In 1704. It was a half-sheet; 12x18 inches. -, . TelTa good ctory and stick to tt," Is aa old maxim that is illustrated In a story that to going the rounds tbe Blslto. A certain well actor floated into his home one mora Ing about 2 o'clock. The wife of bis bosom was waiting up for him. He told her he bad been out all the even ing with one of their friends, Charlie R, sad then related sn interestias: fairy story of how Charlie had taken a crowd to supper, bow funny ..Char lie bad been all tbe evening, ,how wen Charlie looked In bis new suit, how he said this, that and the ether. After telling a 15 minute story, to which the gentle partner of his joys aad out of work periods listened with respectful attention, but cynical mien, he paused for breath. Then she. In a confident now I've got you tone, said: "Thafs a lovely romance you've been giving me, and I hate to spoil it, bnt Charlie has been here nearly nil the evening' waiting to see yon about an engagement. He left only about half an hour ago." The teller of the tale, looked rather dased for a moment as if he had been struck. Then quickly gathering him self together he assumed a bold front, with hands in his pockets, head thrown back and, In defiant innocence and em phasizing each word, said: "Well, that's my story, and I'm not going to change it for anybody.' Clip per. T Jelcea With, av Moral, "During the civil war," said aa ex army officer, "the authorities for, some reason were anxious to move troops up the Tombigbee river. Word wss sent to the engineer In that district asking what It would cost to run up the' Tom bigbee. That official got gay aad re ported that tbe Tombigbee ran down and not up, a Joke that promptly land ed his head In the basket; ss tbe mat ter was serious. "At the bombardment of Charleston It was extremely desirable to bring to bear on the city an extra heavy gun called by the men the Swamp AngeL The gun took Its name from tbe swamp In which it stood, snd to move It through that boggy morass was aa en gineering feat of extreme difficulty. However, the commanding officers were determined to have the gun brought within range of Charleston and issued orders to that effect At the same time they sent word to the engineer having the matter in charge of requisition without regard to trouble or expense for anything necessary to accomplish the desired object. His first requisi tion called for men 2G feet 6 Inches In height Another officer promptly took the matter In charge, from which It can readily be deduced that It Is not a pay ing Investment to make jokes hi the' army at tbe expense of your superlora.1' New York Tribune. A Cratraat In CMks. In an article contributed to a London paper John Strange Winter, who hat been living for many months past la Dieppe, compares the French to the English cook, rather to the detriment of the Utter. "In the French kitchen," she says, "there Is no waste. It would seem that the French mind does not run to waste or revel In It ua tbe lower class English mind invariably does." The French cook will not only do a bit of the housework, but she will do It cheerfully and as a matter of course. "You cannot buy your French cook too many pans,' and her soul loves copper hi her kitchen. Certainly an English cook would grumble If she was expect ed to keep a kitchen full of copper pans bright snd clean, but a French one haa them In a condition akin to burnished gold. Her pride is gratified If her kitchen walls are hung with these or naments, and even if she does tbe greater part of her email cooking In little enameled pans she will dally rub up the copper onea which bang; oa tbe wan." Saw Caje It. . He was descanting with vigor on the exceptional quality of the dinners that sre served at one. of tbe fashionable dubs of Brooklyn at. a very low figure for a first class meal on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Equally toothsome luncheons could be had on other days of the week, but dinners la course only on those days. "And why on only those three daysT queried the New Yorker, to whom tbe delights of life In Brooklyn were being rehesrsed. "Wash day. Ironing day and the'girl's day out," quickly responded one of tbe todies of the party. Thafs no sort of a conundrum to n woman who bus ever had the care of a bouse. Better try a harder one next .time unless yea hap pen to be in a stag party." New York Tunes. -an risa." Mrs. Tburlew says that Cardinal Wiseman went to dine with some friends of hers. It was Friday, bnt they bad quite forgotten to provide a fast day dinner. However, he was quite equal to the occasion, for be stretched out hie bands la benediction over tbe table, aad said, -I pronounce all this to be fish," and forthwith en joyed nil the good things heartily "The Story of My Life," by J. C. Hare. TJnde Beuben I-jea com f town tf git a couple o sideboards aa thot I'd drap In tf see y on. City Niece Why. Uncle sTeubcn, what do yoa expect to do with two side boards hi your house? Uncle, Reuben Say, V m tafkhi about my farm wagon. 'Wast air you talkta about? Columbus State Journal. btae does not cesse to as It to a chemical product Is not aa Irish, but aa llsh dish. taTarkey,hutIa The man who tens yea al he, last half so bad aa the msi to tell yea all he thinks I IFL.OODED WITH " r wi -- . r-F fTHE COLD SNAP Saturday night froze and bursted the water bt . pipes over our store, and the water; poured through,' the ceil ing and soaked We are marking them according to condition; some are only damn, others wet or oiled. Calico 3Jc worth 5 and 6. Percale 5c worth 8 to 10a LL Muslin 4c. Fine i bleached ? at 5c Brea. Goods according to condition at half value. Rugs, Tarns, Furs, Underwear, Hose, Faavinators and lots of other things you can use, priced so you will take them. we nau just received a smpmeni or our Silk Tissues, etc. They are wet and MUST GO WITH THE REST. NOT A YARD OF WET OR SOILED GOODS WILL BE KEPT. Must clean it all out as quick as possible. PERSONALS. 'A. H. Copeland, tbe first train dis patcher in tbe world, is at present liv ing at Chenoa, an Illinois village. Edwin Leniare, tbe organist of St. Margaret's Westminster, has accepted the position of organist of Carnegie ball. Pittsburg. Tbe archbishop of Canterbury has just celebrated bis 80th birthday. Ills Health is now thoroughly restored, and he is as active as ever. The death of the distinguished his torical painter, Egisto Sarrl, is report ed from Florence. Among his best known pictures are, The Duel of Dante da Castlglione" and 'The Flor entine Poets." Miss Harriet Tilden Browne, who died recently in Bostonleft more than $24,000 to charitable and missionary organizations, including $10,000 to tbe domestic and foreign missionary so ciety of tbe Protectant Episcopal church in the United States. Ita Drawback. A minister having preached a very long sermon, as was his custom, some hours after asked a gentleman his can did opinion of it, to which the lattr remarked that ' 'twas good, but it had spoiled a goose worth two of It" Tke Drasslst Wark. There Is a druggist in one of tie sub urban districts who advertises:' "The doctor prescribes; we execute. Such advertising cannot fail to ap peal to those who desire to be execut ed. Boston Journal. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTa To Will a Liaoo, Mary . Liaco. GnyC. Bar anni, Maria C. Barnara, Frances L. Doddridge, William B. Doddridge. George W. Barehart. Isaac Graeasfelder aad Gieeasfekfer. Rosen thal A Co.: TOU will each take notice that the onder X sigBed, Helen Barahart, plaintiff, has filed her petition in the district court in and for Platte county, Nebraska, against you, impleaded with Loren K. Barnuns, Stella Barnunt, Lona Hager, Bert Hager, Eatma Barnum, William A. McAllister. William M. Cornelius, G us R Speice, as administrator or the estate ot iteorge E. Mar- num. deceased, a. a. KUiott, aa administrator or Kate or uay u. Barnum, deceased, and me and the Colombua State Bank, a corboration. ararion. the object and prayer of which petition are. First: To have determined aad confirmed the interests aad shares of the plaintiff aad the defendants. Loren E. Barnum. Lona Hager, William M. Barnum, Guy V. Barnara, WiUB. Liaco, Mary G. Lisco, Joseph W. Lisco and Frances L. Doddridge, aa heirs at law ot Guy C. Barnum, deceased, and Ueorge K. Barnum. deceased, in and to ine lot lowinar real nrooertT to-wit: The southeast quarter of section thirty-five (SS), township seventeen (1), range two (2), west of the Sth PrineiDSl Meridian: H4a eurht (8)andniae (9) in section thirty (30). township seventeen (17). range one east of tbe Sth Princi pal Meridian; lota one (1). two (2), seven (i), eight (8). nine l). ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12). in section thirty-one (31). township seventeen (17), range one (l), east or the eta Principal Meridian: lot fourteen (14), in section thirty-two (32), township seventeen (17). north of niMaMfll Mst of the Sth PrinciDal Meri dian: lota five (51. six (6). seven (7). eicht (H). and nine (9), ia section twenty-five (23), town ship seventeen (HJ. norm ox range one in . west of tbe Sth Principal Meridian-tEe west half of the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of tbe northeast quarter, and tbe northwest quarter of section thirty-six (H). township seventeen S7). range one (1), west of the6di Principal eridian; the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter; lot one (1). in the southeast quarter, lot two (2). in the southwest quarter, lot three (J). in tbe southwest quarter of section thirty-six of snnnfr south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-eight (28), and the north half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-three (St), all situated in townshiptwenty-foyr (24). range three (3), west of the Mi Principal Meridian ia the county of Madison and state of Nebraska, subject to the life estate therein with which the defend ant, Maria C. Barnum, was endowed aa tbe wiifew nf thM aaid Guv C. Barnum. deceased, the interest therein of tbe defendants, Lona Hager, Lona K. Baraam and, William M. fiaraam- tobe nKia mUn tn thm Ufa estate with which the defendant, Emma Barnum, waa endowed aa the widow of the said George E. Baraam. deceased; Second: To quiet the respective titles ia aad to aaid property of the plaintiff and her ft tenants mlw nimmi aa hir nf the said Guv C. Barnum and the aaid George E. Barnum. as against ail claima of whatsoever nature of the above named defendants, subject however to the life estates above mentioned, and subject also to a mortgage or of limimi Sth, 1908. to the order of tbe Columbus State Bank: Third: For the partition of the above described premises according to the shares and interasta therein of the several owners, or, Ua naititina of laid nranerty cannot be ukiat mat InM to the iwMn. that the same be sold ana the proceeds thereof divided be tween the owners of sack property according to their several interests and snares; Fourth: For such, other and further relief aa equity may Youare required to answer said petition on or before tbe 17th day of March, A. D. 1WS. AuraxD M. Post. -- Attorney for plaintiff. Dated February 3. 1902. Meb-4 Sill or Exchange. I HATE oae Urge, black Belgian StallioM, 0Me large CleTelaai Bay Stallioa aad oae large Clydesdale Stallioa, far sale oa reasoaaale terns; or will exehaage for live stock. Call aad see Before yoa pur chase. GEO. H. WIN8LOW. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. THE PABTNEB8HIP existing between the naderstgned. doing business in the Arm xaaMr&ramaDaklrlek & Bra. haa been this nay dissolved by merest roassnt. All aeeesamaaaiast the irm will be paid by n P. H. Mlriea. aad evarstaiaaT da tke araiwill beraeeivad lajr Arnold P. BVOBklrkh. . amkuuu r, xt. UBaiiBMjn. HERMAN P. H. OEHLBICB. smnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmn. Fskraary 1, 1SSJ. t - -?S?1 thousands of yards of goods. -- We must get these Before Our Big Spring W H TIME TABLE, COLUMBUS. NEB. Idacola, Dsnvsr. Helena. Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland. San Francisco and all points Wsat. Chicago, St. Joseph. Kansas City, St. Louis and all polnta Baat and South. TRAINS DEPABT. No. 22 Passeugar, daily except Sunday. 7:15 a. ra Ho. jz AccoDMHoaanoa, daily except Satarday. 4J0p.n TSAIXS AHMTE. No. 21 Passeatrr.daily except Baaday. 90 p. m No. 11 AosoauBodatioa, daily except Saaday TIME TABLE U. P. R. B. BAST BOUHO, BUIX UXK. Mo. 84 Colambma Local lv. SJSa. m. No. 102, Fast Mail 142 p.m. No. a. Kasm Express.. 2:Mp.m. No. 2,Ovarland.Iimited ,... 5J8p. ra. No. 4, Atlantic Express. 4:45 a. m. aV aPlWCM.. ... Kr Bm No. 22, Freight, 10:10p.ra. WBST BOPXD, MUX USE. No. 1, Overland Limited. 124)1 p. m. No. m. Fast Mail 11:40 a.m. No. 3, California Express 7:40 p.ra. No. .5, Pacific Express 1:40 a. ra. No. 7, Columbus Local 8:40 p. m. No. 23, Freight 4:55 a. a. MOBFOLK BRAXCB. Depart J ila J". sjSS OJ1SJ aB, , ass Arrive aUI3V P Ua JV P amia No. 63, Passenger... No. 71, Mixed ... No. 64. Passenger... No. 72. Mixed ... ALBION A5D OEDB KFIDS BBAHOB. .Depart No. 09, Passenger 2:15 p. ra. No. 73, Mixed 8:45 a. ra. Arrive No. 70, Passenger 1:05 p.m. No. 74, Mixed 90 p. ra. Norfolk passenger trains run daily. No trains on Albion and Cedar Kapida branch Sundays. Columbus Local daily except Sunday. W. H. BKSaunr. Agent. Now is Ibe Time TO GET YOUK HEJM-MAUffi -AT GREATLY We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates: Chicago Inter Ocean (semi weekly) snd Columbus Jonr nal both for one year $ 3 10 Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly) and Columbus Journal both one year for. 175 Peterson's Magazine and Co lumbus Journal one year..... 2 25 Omaha Weekly Bee and Co lumbus Journal one year.... 2 00 Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly) and Columbus Journal, one year for. .- 2 15 Subscribe Now. m Mm m I 22" out of the way it mm, Stock arrives. . . new spring wash UoodSr-nne urganoies, nature, X.AS1 B Get aboard at Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, or any other station at which the train stops set of at Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, Fresno, Bakersfield or Los Angeles. There 's the whole story of a trip to California with one of the Burlington Overland Excursions. No changes; no delays; no bother about tickets or baggage; porter to do your bidding; experienced excur sion conductor to look after you; fast time; finest scenery on the globe. ' Folder giving full information mailnl tfi rrqncvf. Write for oar. I. FA-rj;. Genera! rntrager Agent. imh.i. Nel. COLUMBUS MABKET8. Wheat, old 65J Corn, shelled-$ bnahel . . . 49 Oats,bashel 38 Bye Vbnshel 46 HogBVewt. r006 5f Fat cattle-W cwt 2 506 4 00 Potatoes-V bushel. 1 10 1 20 Batter-V Fj. 1518 Eggs V dosen..... 180 Markets corrected every Tuesday st ternoon. IR. PASSTFR, The only graduated EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST. HOME OFFICE: COLUMBUS, NEMASKA. Dr. Dassler. the celebrated Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, has for tbe past twelve) years nude a npecialty of tho Eye. Ear. Noae and Throat and successfully treats all these ilisissts His wonderful system of correcting error at sight haa given better vision to hundreds and mtmI many from blindness. area ajaaahted lids, iaHamed lids, pink eye. pterygium, cata defect of vision, euros and relieves headache. ract, etc. The doctor fits giaaws to correct au indiaestion and dyspepsia. Uroaa eyes in can. dren straightened without the knife. Satisfac tion guaranteMl. AUconaltatioB and examine, tion free. The doctor is at Ida oSce in the Berger Block. Glasses are a defease to weak eyes. They ward off blindsess, headaches sad indistinct vision. They sapply what im lacking; in the eyes aasaa a combination which forma a perfect eye. At the slightest indication of weakness, or trouble, consult sn optician. uExaau. nations free" it won't cost s cent it eaves yoa money. We are opticians reliable ones. L T. " isnam tt sTaSBBBBaawaai Im Jeircler and Optician. J. M. CURTIS Cimyiicir Hi Nttary Pifelic. Also does type-writisg sad will esref ally attend to all the business intrusted to him. tsaT Would resnectfally solicit sahare of yoar basineas. Orer First National Bank, 1st door to the left. 18aprtf W. A. McAlhstkb. 1. M. cosbbxiss I ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ooxiUMvoa, SlSaatf T D. 8TIKE3, ATTOBJrBT AT IA1 Olive Srtoaita door north of FIrat COLPMBP8. NflBasWa fi SSy fvii, &"j&?a sS Vat s 4-r n ";.tf5f!!v -k 'p ItoffeavM to Watak Eyas- WATER 142 !&! 4 j ; r. i T U Of ? ' ,l. . . A- Blacksmith and WtgHWlfk. II Everyta-Iag ia r list aM eYerythiMg gMaraMteta1. Waeaas Marie t rttor. Best ree-smttiMg ! tha city. A f ae Haw f Vwrig99, etc. CO 'ftglH1, ' ant agent for the old reliable Colambas Bnsxy Gocnnsny, ot Oslasa. baa, Ohio, which is n ssanoeat tee of strictly firat-claaa goods. LOUIS SCHREIBEIt Socttr IFGOING EAST or soath of Chicago aak your local ticket agent to roate you between Oaaahn. snd Chicago via the the shortest line between the two cities. Trains vis thia popular road depart from the Union depot, Omaha, daily, coansctiss; with trains from the west. Majrnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers and free recliaise; chair esrs. Dining; cars snd bniet, library aad smoking- cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information ahoat rates, etc., address F. A. Nash, . General Western Agent, 1504 Fasasss - St,Omaa H. W. HowsiA, Trar. Freight aad Pass. Agt. - . C. CASS IN, raorsiBTOB or tbb hik MiUrt HCwfat PVesh and Salt 3eats 6amt and linSfUOa. Bmrnighaar. market prieea paid far Hidss sad Tallow. TfaamCNTH ST.. O0LU1IBU8, . . ffZBRABCA. Ti WAMnmktBBALfKanBMa OF CMAB-. ' " ! I ' r i-Tfant mi liiaislsa .wt.yssss aaamv ac sbmbbi V waaBaBSas; snreeC rrusn asna enasaa. maaBsaBn aar BntnMe nteiaaiaaTMnBaa Baaw,saa;aBBBBaamamBBB,taisBBm ISaBjm :? It n eti j i -jr v aan L Z? -.. vn.. Ji-.ii'