T.-fc XI'j'nWWKlWyV -"- --JW -. j .-JrtJi. .at.?-; ,t u i - -i Jsr"v " - rmm ??l-srrrc,-r'"-fli. w-S- r . 1 ?wbbk un9 u. ..-w-aBr. . ."r --jgsrs. - -v-v-v svrRT7-. -j : JCZ&" j' j'- w.vt.-j fcijremt?z'-r-- xTj5riE4i -i,- y jv - 'fk- .. ?: s-i&Tcg? --? .J 4. " "A rnV --? l "T"l WSaSSTBBWSBBB'u.'. jae. i" p i i i w i i .1 i i 'wm w i i in MBI ' mm n .N 3r?sfSsfesArss - ?F'Jfrte4.?'- v jBBBBBMaaannnnni : : T" - . . ft-' - aB 9aBaa aUvltUXL Columbus gouruat sy7- ...m.ti tail. . WDDUXU. JAXTJABT. (XXX! Opeateg ap the tariff i rae seheiale is the iawV risMe slg-tal fr am Msatlt ipn mil its ether frOTa Ims. The present tainT is a distiiet saecessmati Meatiteiw'itktlieliigliestpisfcrity. Tariff tiakers are the eae-ties of settled hasiaess eaiitias. St. Laais Glaae-Beataerat. (XXXXXXX! rTaJenAL. "not Aim i roakrit. ST nBT-BAIB FjJkJB. tftSS Gath'rtacapr. Iatlwdewy Neath the alary.Tiaee of UMtTBM Kaferaaka rXateTeacbera Association Lincoln, Jan. 1,2 and 3, 1W2. SUte Volunteer Firesaenw meetiBg,NebraataCity, Jaa- 21, 22 and 23, 1002. . - Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' Aseo ciataoaBaseriBg, University chapel, Lin coln, Tswaday, Jaa. 14, 2 o'clock. Thirty-Fourth Aanual convention of the NaUoaal American Woman Suffrage sasoristifTn, Waehiogton, D. O, Febru ary 12-18. Lacalffetieai America is a tolerably free ooaatry whea yoa think right dowa to the foaa datioa of things, and act aooordiagly. Tn JocaMAi. has had thirty years ez Berieaee ia haadliag legal aotiesi of all deacriptioea, and takes thisoeeasioa to say that itis thoroaghly eqaipped for thia sort of work. We desire that yoa remember as whea yoa have work of this sort to be done. When yoa do the paying, yoa have the right to place the work. Special atten tioa given to mail orders. Call on or address, M. K. Tcbxkb & Co, JoarnalOCee, Colambns, Nebr. With gsintaglipairitom LMraadItas Bm of fcrowa aad ttesmpia -iwr. ImtttmrnttfimmrieH Bad tmo hm Mas aaa Mmv The Zionist convention in session at Basle, Switzerland, resolved to establish a faad of 1,000,000 to be devoted to the of land in Syria and rai- It is noticeable that the St. Joseph, Mkaoari, hog market iatorferes with Sswth Omaha receipts more than it doss with those at Kansas City, when the i jast the reverse. Tn storm of Tharsday Bight last is said to have done great damage to small ehirr-r near Seattle, Washington, and Vaacoaver, B. C. The highest velocity of the wiad was thirty-five miles an hoar. OPPORTUNITY'S FORELOCK. Tn Jouaxri believes that electricity m to come iato iacteasid ose as years go byt which fact makea it all the more siiiiisaarr that people should become as familiar with' the general principles of electricity as they bow are with those of team. Development has been wonder after wonder daring the last decade, aad almost every day bring something aston Wiia to fc not in the inner circles. The tiaaemisskm of power for industrial puiposns promises an almost complete revolatioa, more than was effected by atta-. The New York San remarks: . "Today, power generated Ion th .Ynba river, California, is used industrially 200 miles from its soarce. It is running the railroad shops in Sacramento, the presses of the daily papers in Oakland, and the am hinarj in flour and woollen mills, smeltiag works and mines. It is supply ing more than twenty cities and towns with illumination, uapumpingwww. tn irriMiioD ditches scores of miles from the water that supplies, the power. The percentage of power lost-in trans mission is not stated, bat it is said thst all these many wheels are being tamed at a cost less than that of steam produc tion on the Pacific coast." For years Columbus men have reeog-1 niaed the situation and more man a quarter of a century ago Judge L N. Taylor with others very ably called attention to the favorable location we enjoy here for utilizing the immense water power of the Loup, and it is now probably the most favorable time, so far in the history of Columbus, to reach out into the surrounding region, and employ the advantages which the natural situa tioa so strongly suggests. Axdbbw 8. Dbapeb, president of the university of Illinois, in a recent able address 'at Syracuse, N. Yhad this to say, which ill meet a hearty response throughout the country: "Beyond ques tion," he said, "we are trying to do too many frig- The quantity of work a child doss under duress is not so im portant as that he shall do something because he likes to do it. I believe that the literature in common use in the schools makes it for culture at tne ex panse of strength. I am for culture, but not at the cost of manliness, of independ ence and power." east of the city aadjaat across the liae in Colfax eoaaty, receatly sold his farm consisting of "about . 120 acres -to Mr. Kretzyki, who owns -had adjoiaiag. The price was some cents above 161 aa acre, the sum including all of the live stock, farm implements, aad all hoass hold f arnitare which could aot bestowed away iato tranka. Mr. Oehlke returned only recently from a tour ia California. While there he. bought two acres of orange., land about twenty-eight miles from where J, H. Bead aad family reside, and .where Mr. O. and family have arrived at this writing, for they left Columbus last Thttrsdsy evening. HmTa ha Has aa4 lt m ia . . La aadHus8hr. Fa&.Cofe.D8.aT.lfM. Hamshrty. tfrom tto Seamen. ' Dr. Chss. Oietzen and wife came up from Columbus to spend Christmas with Mr. Oietsen's family. - Conrad Fuehs and Felix Krist have purchased the Burris half section south east of Humphrey, paying $45 per acre. Dr. Metz - received a visit from his brother Qua, of St Louis, yesterday and today. Miss .Lottie. Hockenberger, a cousin from Columbus, was a guest at the same time. The three-and-a-half-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolf died last Mondaymorning at about 8 o'clock, after an illness of only two or three days. The cause of the little One's death was bowel trouble. - Dr. Condon has made a skating rink out' of the lawn tennis court much to the delight of all the youngsters. It makes a nice place to skate, and some of the older ones have been seen watching the sport of the young people with envious eyes. . 1 think," he began aa ha haMal a pedestrian, "I think I made a mlstari with the cabman who drove bm te the Corcoran Art gallery . I am quite sure I gave aim a 10 bin, but he mast have miatakea it f or a $2 bUL" ' "Aad yea hope to lad him agalaT asked the asaa of the stranger te' the city. ' . .":' -Why. yes, I have hopes." "Well, yoa are about as greea as they amke 'em. . That cabman deliberately swindled you oat of many dollars." "I can hardly believe It He looked so honest and truthful that I-I" "That' you ought to have asked Mat to hold your watch and the rest ef your money! My dear old Josh from the cornfields, let me say" At that minute a cab rattled ap, and the driver dismounted and aaldt "See here, old man, there Is a mis take.. You probably meant to give1 ass a $2 bill, and I thought It waaoae whea I gave you $1 in change." - '- But I think It was men, my cneav; Ne; It was-a. twenty, and I hafi been driving about for half an hour to find you and restore the money. Here It Is." "And what was It you were going te say to your- dear old Josh from the cornfieldsr asked the .old maa as be turned to the wise person.'. But the wise person was there, no longer. He was flying tor a car as If running for his life. Washington Post. xwfelL welL" remarked tM n futon to the caw With the led hern, "yon wind me ef a bicycle that has been In ceUWon withseme- cow-eeaaeo nwwu to lnaalre. -Whyr l bserve," said she, "taat ana as your handle bars la twtote."-PmIla-delpbia Press. A good book and a gasd woman are excellent things for a man who can appreciate their value, bnt tea many ten lodge bath from the beauty of their coverIag.rChIcaie flewa, . fen wIB never know what It is te be sick and tired of good advice until yon have rue a newspaper 20 er M years. Atchlsen Glean, COLUMBUS MABKETS. Wheat, old Own, " ear 55el aanVwfa. aansav viuem Oete,hueheL 40 50 5 4041 5 65 3 004 4 50 aJllO 141 Markets corrected every Tuesday af- Hogs y cwt.... FateattWHicwt z unnniv pnnnl lll'll I ntlwLnf mLnfnVwJ - IVaw anvlaaWavm Wall waw waw wkw war . Batter-V t).. . OaUfmia. To accommodate the iacreasing travel to California, the Bnrliagton Boutehas added to ita aarvioa saother weekly excursion, in' tourist 'ears, personally conducted. The Burlingtoa'a through car service to California as follows: Staxpabd SLXsrmns-daily, Omaha, Linoolo, Hastings and Oxford to San Francisco, connecting at latter city with fast train for Los Angeles. - Tounmr. 8uaMs peraonaUy con dnflted everr Thursday aad Saturday, Omaha. Lincoln. Fairmont, Hastings ud Holdraoe to flan FraaoMco; every Wednesday aad Thursdsy, Kansas City, St JoMoh. Wvmore. Suoenor and Ox ford to8anPraacieooaad Los Angeles. All these cars run via Denver aad Salt Lake City, passing the grand panorama of the Bocmes by daylight . It you're going to .'kdiforaia, you will be interested ia our new 40-page foWer, "California Toars-1901-,2." .It m free. - J. Fbaxcb, -v Oeoeral Psssenger Agent. lldecB Omaha,-Nebr. unmanmnnmnnwEmn nmnmn The largest voA moat complete line of HolkUyGoodaintliecityiiiitreoT ed amd no w on sa a oiir itore, the o Vd Hoist fc Adanis itmnd, on BleTeiith St t prices that startle you. Aspuutfinour store is converted into a veritable DR. DAJ8SLER, Ths only graduated EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALISTS HOME OFFICE: HOLUMIUS, NEtRASKA. -, tteeelefantod Ere. Ear. Not Uat.hMfnrtke pact Urriva aad " off the Eje. Ev. Horn aad kUali ttwaaimiM. It ia claimed that a new preparation eslled4ijeazo2BAwiapsrfect intestinal that will destroy all filth like those of cholera, dysentery I typhoid fever, without injury to the 1 & ttttitiifti ffi. i i i annemmaJhWBnnmnn AJams-lecnsr. Bur tea democratic editors were pres eat at Colambns to form a state associa tion. The rest have monkeyed with fusion so long that they dont know whether they are democrats or pops. Norfolk News. A nnxcH scientist declares that users of .pillows and bolsters are committing enicide; that by the horizontal position ia sleep absolute rest is guaranteed, and thm ia due to the fact that in-such a pnejtiim the ligaments of the neck are aot strained or distorted, the lungs easily perform their proper work and the heart beate regularly. The brave democratic editors who met ia solemn conclave at Columbus last to discuss and agree upon mess- for the salvation of the party in state ought to mske their report before the brethren make other arrange ments. If the democratahaveany notion of gettingtogether the matter should not be delayed a minute. Lincoln Journal. I discussing the apparent political situation ia Dodge eoaaty, the Lincoln Jenraal takes occasion tossy that LD. could not have bean elected with Thompson, and further that "it it always impossible to elect with or without Bosewator, always impossible to elect with or without Thompson.'' Nick Naokwoast came down from Lynch, Boyd eoaaty, Taesdsy on a -visit at bsspareate and other relatives. Nick weagnged hi the' live stock business at Lynch and is greatly elated over the 4aat that a railroad is to be built into that town the coming spring. The road will ha an extension of the F. E. A M. V. and will he the list railroad built iato ity. Howells Journal. Hiss Lore Becher, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus. O. Becher, was mar ried Thursdsy at 12 m. in the Episcopal church, to Mr. O. E. Adams,, jr., of Omaha, Bishop Williams of Omaha offi ciating. The bride, leaning on the arm of her father met the groom and the Bishop who entered from the vestry, Miss Nellie Evans playing the Mendel ssohn wedding march. The bride looked like a queen in a handsome gown of cream silk, carrying a boquet of bride's roses.- After the ceremony, which was witnessed by relatives only, the wedding dinner van served at the home of the bride's parents. The couple left on the afternoon train for a short visit in Den ver, after which they will be "at home" in Omaha, where Mr. Adams is a prac ticing attorney. Miss Becher is one of the Columbus girls of whom we are all proud. Accomplished in many tal ents, she has always made her home work the best part of her work. Miss Becher has been oneof the leading mem bers of the musical societies of the city for a aumber of years, and one of the best workers in the Episcopal church. She will be greatly missed, not only in her home but by her many friends in the city. The guests from out of town to the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Adams, srn and daughters .Mrs: Felt and Miss Adsms and son Don, all of Supe rior, Nebraska, and relatives of the groom; Miss Lore Leach of Hebron, Mr. aad Mrs. Hamilton of Omaha, Mrs. Josephine Miller and daughter Julia of Omaha, Mr. Gas. Metz of St. Louis, Ma, and Jess Becher of 8ioux City. The couple were recipiente of many hand some sad valuable presents. Becher, 'Hockenberger k Chambers, real estate agenta, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk since our. last report: Csth. Lusche et al to Jos Mar ty, lota 1,2,4, bl 232, CoLwdf 90 00 Eliz Gilsdorf et al to Hy Gils- dorf,swt6-20-2w,wd 4210 00 John McGuane to John Hen- ' nessey,w2 set, 1-18 2w,wd.. 2400 00 ThosM Back to same, w2 se4, l-18-2w,qcd. 832 85 Nellie M Ray and hue to Lena M Edwards, w2 sw4 20-18-2w, wd 250000 C J Stryker to Frank Fernus etal,nw4 9-20-1 w,wd....... 7200 00 Mary A Henaley and hue to Bridget Costollo. lot 3, bl 3, Highland Park-add CoL wd.. 00 00 Eliz Gilsdorf to Guido Gils dorf, pt sec 18-20-2w, wd 5630 00 Same to Annie M Kiassen, nw4 6-20-2w,wd 6574 00 Same to Eliz Hemmer, w2 w2, -18-20-2w,wd . G9R2 00 Hans Hsassen to Carl Hell busch,se4ae4 11-19-1 w, wd.. 2250 00 Jos E Dischner to Frank J Dischner, w2 sw4 set 14-17 le 1000 00 Frank J Dischner to ' Jos E Dischner, e2 sw4 se4 14-17-le 1000 00 Franz Wendt to Wm Wendt, se44-19-lw,wd -7200 00 Same to Otto B Wendt, ne4 9-19-lw,wd 640000 It is probable that the Farmers' Tel eaheae line will soon be extended from North' Bead to Fremont. A sufficient it of stock has already been sub- to build the line as far as Ames and it is expected that Fremont will take the matter up aad sabscribe enough steak to build the liae the remaiader of the way. When thia ia done every town in the county except Hooper will be by the farmers' line and aa the runs within seven aulas of that i probable that Hooper will alao the circuit Fred Eaaoa r the stock subscription far theliorth Bend-Ames line and we anmnratand raised the required amount without difficulty.-North Bead Eagle. Total f54S8 86 Hafels Bawling Alky. Highest scores and prize winners end ing Xmss evening: Ten pins of 200 and bettor Jasper Nichols 209,202,212, 201; 200, 215, 215, 204; W. B. Henry 221; W. J.Gregorius 201; L. H. Deidrieh, Omaha, 204; W. H. Benhsm 201;. Gus Becher 221; Psul Both 204, 200; J. H. Oxnam 202; Chas. Segelke 203;' Tom Scott 205; George Hagel 206, 200, 219, 222, 221, 212, 201,224,206,215, 206. Five Back Dr. Gietsen 82. Nine Pins J. H. Oxnam &, 10. Rubberneck Dr. Gietsen 126, 127; J. H. Oxnam 131, 134; Geo. Hagel 128. Four Back Dr. Gietzen 78; J. H. Oxnam 78. Oreem got Bestful to tne Byes. It seems as though cherished notions were no sooner on aa appareatiy arm foundation than some inconsiderate Iconoclast- comes along and throws them down. People have for many years supposed that the color green was restful to human eyes and have been referred to the green grass aad green foliage' that nature has been no prodigal with for the benefit of wearied vision. Now, according to a German profess or of Berlin, nature wasn't thlnklag of human eyes when she made her pro fuse verdant display and that her col or scheme waa carried out abaolately wnrdleaa of the visual needs ef hu manity. He says tharfreen does net protect the eye, aad be denies that It has any' beneficial effects whatever. He declares that green paper, green shades, green glasses, green decora tloas and green umbrellas are all a mistake and that by Increasing: the green light we are simply provoking a nervous disturbance. He says that each of. the colors tires n different set of nerves of vision, and therefore looking at one particular col or saves one set of nerves at the ex pense of another. The best' method, he says. Is to dim all of the rays of light by smoked or gray glasses, which rest all of the optic aerves.-Ne w. Turk Herald. Safe Wirto Watch, riarhts. The colonel and I sat talking uader a shade tree In front of the town ponV office when a dogfight started dowa the street x "Come onr I said as I sprang up. "Come this way," replied the colonel as he seized my arm and drew me Iato a doorway. "But I want to see the dogfight;''-1 protested. "Yes, I reckon you do, but you also want to keep clear of the shooting.' -. ' "Why should there be any aoootfngr "Because one dog has got to lick tf oth er, and the owner' of jibe licked dog ain't goln to let It rest that way. There they gor Ten minutes later we stepped out; to find one man lying on the ground with .two bullets In him and some people carrying away a second with halt a dozen. "Dogfights are bewtlfnl affairs," amid the colonel as we walked away, ''but the safest way to see one In Kentucky Is to wait till If a all over and the dead carried off." Chicago News. Holiday ntm-ltrlinftan lattt. ' Greatly reduced rates for the holidays, between Burlington stations within 200 miles. Tickets on sale December 24, 25,31 and January 1. Good to return till Jan uary 2." Ask nearest agent, Burlington Route, for details and information, or write to ' J. Fbaxcis, General Psssenger Agent, Burlington Route,. 2 .Omaha, Nebr. two Pafers fee Print of Pna. Every person who cute out and sends thia advertisement and one dollar to the Omaha Semi-Weekly World-Herald for one yearn snbssription More January 31st will alao receive free of charge the illustrated Orange Judd Farmer, Week ly, for one year. No commission allow ed. Regular prieeofboth ia f2. Address ' Wzkkxy WoaxD-Hnnaitn, 25deoftt Omaha, Nebr. Dr. Tkraat asteiauat. n .i.i.t u.wMaifallr tmata Hm -weadsmu smiiw eamcuse nc t iaht has better tWou to hnadnd aad ttBttfl BMBW WVVI mmWBBmmmmMm jUXWm MMBMIII lies, laftmrl IH-. piak ne. pterygia. eaU metcte. Tfce doctor ate SlJM; to correct all defect of vistas, caiea aad nlterea headache, iadfanetkta aadajspefjeia. Cross eree ia eWU dnu atiaisK0al WiUtoat the.kaife. Bstiafae tiea caanateed; AllcoafRiItatioBaailezsjBiaa tioa free. The doctor will b at his oaVe. BeisarBlkfiDBitbe 1st to 5th of January. Blacksmith and Wagon Work... New Year Domain PROBATE NOTICE. Ia the aatter of the estate of Rank H.O'Doa- Nottee is hereby ciTeB,that the. ctsdltofa of IBS MaiiHuwns OK hereby KlwiU Ererythin i or line anal eTery thinp ganjraateew. Waeras to oraler. Best lierse-shoeiag the rity. ' A fie liae of Carriages, etc. Buggies, am agent for the old reliable Columbus Buggy Company, of Colum bus, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran tee of atrictly first-class goods.- and now ready for your inspection. ny useful and beautiful goods suitable for young and old and their cheapness cannot be matched. Come in while the assortment is complete, make your pur chases and have them laid aside. Tour attention is called to our added stock of Hardware, mftirfag ours one of the most complete Hardware stocks in the state. Sole agents for the Badiant Home Base Burners, the genuine Beckwith Bound Oak Heaters and THE MAJESTIC RANGES which have no equals as hundreds can testify who use them. Complete line of Cutlery and Tinware and everything kept to a first-class store. Our Tin Work is Guaranteed. C.S. E.4STOX. J. HEADQUARTERS Jd fatal, before bm. eoaaty Jade Platte Dial inlaw i eoaaty. Nebraaka. at ay for bea,aaid ranattaa aeat aad eoaaty. oa the MUi day of Jaly. ttStat Socio a.ak.asid day. for taa parpoee pwaea their elataaifor PTaiiaattoa. adjastawat aUowaaea. Biz noataa an allowed for taa enditon to preseat their claiaw aad oaa rear for the adaUa buatriz to settle amid estate htHB the Nth ,day of Jaaaarr, IMS. aad thia notice ia ordered pab- Ueaedia Taa rountana Joobhai. for foar eecaUre weeks, prior to the Nth day of Jaaaarr. MB. r.T l T. D. BoaisoM. sbaiI lWeo4 CoaatyJadss. NOTICE OF REFEREES' SALE. the Democratia editors print sswh santamsnts as folloir, there w evi dently n rhssf of some sort brewiag. Herald, aowerer, from to be fair: Theo- t was a nonnlar maa w the ho necame msmdeat, bnt if that , The Fremoat SBnWS JHaMMVVM - , , m m aaa Vaaaai WBaVi nVamal maanaVnnannauasVnBanwaV mnaanVa nnmnffaSv antS SBm amnannW aaf9BnMnaavavBfnnVa ransnaanaang the sistsa of the arid land - .--zAt- :- - . -m. ,f The Mi mil J ... sim.-m mma. Iba neBK awaaisHBt snsSKSQ p-s wmmmMWmWm.mmmmmm m T lfe aaa aaaw asBsn an the attsataoa we do- IL aaMaJ'aBBaMsWihsTialknBonnanav 8haUeawkT O pffv aarseajt as aaai way wmj Vm Mttm. --' '- irrisstish Era aad FlaSSSS mr. "" MMtbaM Wkv tmrnaBsas bpk v lam BBsasnansBan. ansa, lanyawj. . vtajy, m.mwmmmmmm s -.--.. aaJM&haTrsmamsnensawl OfeesHasoTwry r---' ZT- -.. -- i?r- . - . ", TT: T .' i thaw smna. Wseh?: - - wPBBs; aa-wwai - , m&&?t - aVawwnanTaww JBawB. MandTidnity. Ed. Brocklesby aad Cland Grorer of Colfax coanty droro np to Silver Creek on Monday before Christmas, where they eat tarkey with the letter's parents. C J. Osrlow and Frank Dischner will start tomorrow. Tharsday, for Holt coanty. They will stop at Emmet, Atkawson and also visit sbont Stnart, where the former has some land interest and the letter will bay some land in the coanty, if he ands what suits him. Director Eagel was repairing the blackboards at the school house Friday with liqaid elating. He thought the aaathtir a little unnropitions for climb ing the flag pole, from the top of which he wished to snsaond the flag rope. Joe Driaaia also refased to climb for the same reason. The school board is now looking for better days. . . Mr. Cox, the watermelon man who lives on the lowland canal just east of the city, aad who is an indnstrions, hard worker, is now eagaged in laying the foundation for a new house, jast south of the old-style dog out, which has serv ed him admirably for a .residence the east three years, and we venture to that he will nuke other perwianeat withia the next year.. Christmas was observed in a befitting -nsaan- hereabouts as far as we' hare been ialormed. A. Anderson of the M. E. church of BieUand aad his family t the day with Mr. aad Mrs. V. a Stsvsasoa two aulas north of thecharch. laienad Mary Herring ia devouring tarkey at Mr. aad Mrs. Mian Dinasaaw north of the city on PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction on'' the C. 8. Esston farm 7 and a half miles south and 4 miles west of Columbus, 9 miles north and 1 mile west of Shelby, 11 miles.'west and one-half mile south of Bell wood, on Wlwtlwn Jliflii 15, 1902, Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m the fol lowing described property, to-wit: 7 head of cowa, 1 Shorthorn bull calf, 1 calf two months old. 60 head of .horses consisting of broke horses as follows: 1 sorrel team weight 9000, 1 bay team weight 2500, 1 span of mules weight WOO, 1 brown mare weight 1350, 1 black team weight 2000, 1 sorrel horse weight 1150, 1 brown horse weight 1150,'' 1 dsrk bay team weight 2000, 1 bay mare weight 1060,' 1 bay horse weight 1060, 1 gray horse weight 1000, 1, gray 'mare weight 1060, 1 black horse weight 1100, 1 bay horse weight 1200, 1-bay saddle horse weight 960, 1 bay driving mare weight 900. Unbroke. 12 head of two year old colts, 20 head of good young bones and mares three years old and over, wejghiag from 1000 to 1150 pounds each, 2 seta work hsraess, 2 sets siagle. harness) 2 wsgoaa, 1 hsyraok, 1 Deeriag corn har vester, baa only fat 80 seres of com, 1 riding lister, new last spring, 2 disc csl tivators, 1 cultivator for listed corn, 1 disc pulveriser, lead-gate seeder, 1 road wagon, 2 tongnelsss cultivators, 2 six-teen-inch wslkiag plows. Freelaachat noon. Tbjbmb: One yearn time oa good bankable Botes, with eight- per coat interest from date. Taos. BnanoAx. Fat ? Take 10 cents to the nearest avail able savings bank and deposit It to your credit Keep.lt np until you have n dollar. Don't wait to do thia until you have a situation. Do It now. If yoa have change for car fare, walk. This Is the only way to aave money. If you wait until your salary u raised, or until you happen to have an errand near the savings bank, you may be dead before you lay by a cent There la only one way to aava ateaey. That Is to begin nowv New York. Journal. ' . A Little altect,' At one of tne railway construction works In Glasgow the other daya cler gyman who takes a great Interest la the members .of his flock eagaged. at the cutting saw one of them entering a drinking place. He .balled him, but Fat simply looked and walked In. Waiting till, be came but ,tbr reverend gentleman accosted him than; "Pat didn't you hear me caning!1 '' . Yes, yourravrlnce, Idld, button I had only' the price of oner Ex change. ' T-' IhTOTICE is hereby sirea that whereas ia aa aetioa pradiar Ta the diatriet eoaH for Ptatta'eoaTNebrUa. ia whieh i the Good ttnaaritaa Hoepital, a corporaUoa. ia ptaiatiff. aad Jolia Bolter aa iaaiaepeiaoatodefeadaBt. JadswMat was oa the 9th day of Deoeaiber. ISM. eaterad for the, partition of the real aetata hmWfter deacribed. aad appoiatias the aader eitwed aaiafenea to auka paitiUoa thereof, aad wbereaa, apoa report that aafcl real eetate caaaot be partitioaed withoat treat kaa tothe owaera, the aaderaicaed aa referees were by amid eoart oraerea to eeu wMiwaoww "."" ezeeatioa. at pabUe aaetioa. to the hisheat bidder, for cash ia haad. to osdersisBed refer, ees wifl, oa the Nth day of Jaaaary. M8S, at the hoar of oaa o'clock: p. a, of aaid day, at the ffoatdoorot thecoart hoaae ia the efcypf ? laaibaa, Flatta eoaaty, Nebraska, sell to the hisfaMt bidder for ia hand the fouowias deacribed real eatan; as set oat ia the peUtioa, to-wit: Lot No. S. ia Btock No. eaeityof Co laadwa, Platte eoaaty, Nebraska. Witaeaa oar haadathia 7th day of DeeeaBber. ISM. na, O. Bsvaaa, Hasavir.J. uooammKaaBB, . Kownf H. CBAnaxBs, . Ulee-S Keti LOUIS SCHREIBER. Soettf J si SB A TOOTH BRUSH aitfale. WeaaowacoanileM aiannrieea.5aS0c Weaaveadolt's bDvbcsia hard, awdiiua and soft bristles.. Chii aea'salaisuaMaamaBdaofttaisUea. AUofoor bettertwoabrnahesarsfflaianteed. Iffoaadia aavawvaawKavewereTandprJeaekwarlBlly. PROBATE NOTICE. Ia the eoaaty eoart of Platte eoaaty, Nabnakar la taa watteror ne eanwe oc ona umaua Notice or aaai aeniewMSjc aaa 1Vtheenditora,heiis.lessteM aad o'bera ia teteated ia the eetate of Soros (Mease, Take notice that JaUaaOIsaaa has fM ia the nail. Mt nnt of ale doiaaa aa artaiiaif trator of the. eetate of Borea Heaaa.de eeaaad.aadit ia ordered that tbe auae ataad for heariac-oa the- Sad day of Jaaaary, 1S3S, before the eoart at the hear of 2 o'clock p. at at which tiawaay person iatarested aayappear aad except to aad eoateat the saaja. ' Thia notice is ordered ctaa ia TnCounracs JotJBBAl. for three eoaaeeativB weeks prior to Saddayef Jaaaarr, MB. Witaeaa au haad aad the asal of .the ooaaty eoart at CeTaaibea, thia 11th day of Decenber, WM. " X. U. HOBiaqa. anWwaal wl - BKKjOawlnaVJarZ Wawan BnWwanliWHm'S BBBB BBBmk I. wnjBBJBBBBl BBBS BBfl BBBSaB3S 'a TSBBBBBBBBk.SBBBl WaBAYHBIHII !11MOIaVSe9 0I p-n.t lMaCaaaaaUVasUfornenaDd rfOll IVlDf; Boys, made of ChaMohlinrd with flannel. y-m-S aaaiaMaCaaBsala Vests for Woasen t" nWf HCCn and Girhvaadeof Chaawis covered wtth French Sanwtl. Perfect protection against cold and sadden chanm-agalnst cooghs. colda. ppeusonia and JlcSwtandlana; tronbfcs. Jut the thing- for children going to school. Price, S3.ee. C'uildren'HBiaes, S2.ee. POLLOCK ft CO. JFCOINGEAST SKAI.. . IS dee S Coanty Jade. TIME TABI.E, COLUMBUaNEB. - CmmMmt Do the Ii No, the dtlsen would positively not buy-any of tbe hair restorer. . ' Do yon thlnk.ybu can make a moa fcey of mer be hissed, with asperity. - "Oh, not at aD,". replied the vender cheerfully. - "We- dont pretend to. ba. able to restore the hair lost la the proc ess of evolutionr. . .An' Innocent bystander' cracked n faiat smile, but otherwise all waa stilL Detroit Journal. . sent taa early eveaiag day with the jonng folkaat of Mrs. Caroline Barring. a got some little token it bnt wo do not know what r Conrad Oehlke, who Ifcai ire wlsa The Iraiea PasMte will asU ita naes for the Helidaya at Oreatly For dates ef to whieh tieaon.will be sold, asmly to W.H.BaaJLuaa,Ageat -. S A visitor to a cemetery nt leuth ys- N. tt, will And the foOewlag spea n gravestone there: 0.la sat west assaantasan . Aad lett hear I here aD Bloat? . Oa. cruel fcte. to bs.aa bua4 ' Te tate sat tor aad bar I ibaektai ga tasks, !.- Lincoln, Chicago, Bt. Joseph, Kansas CHy, St. Louis and all pointn Baat aad or south of Chicago ssk your local ticket agent to ronte you between Omaha and Chicago via the riGi2 Wwmmm jS$roMit , g aWSJw-' na, ButU, alt Lake City, Portland, an- Francisco ill pointn AST. No. 22 No. SI natarday. No. a No.M .daily axeeati 7SSr ..7:15 a. i axeept tau p. i TBAnrs aSBIVB. '.daily rat1 gaaday. MS p. at except 148 p. a s TIME TABLE TJ.P. B. B. " aisTSOCB. aunt iias. No. St rotate Lseallv. .... a. at. IfO Haas aruwaC ! Zt IWa p nal MO .WHawllWna atolwaWM ZUff. .' No. 2,OTiiliBiLbaJted... W8p. m. No. 4. AtawaaSBXarsaB... .. Wj No. SB, sraisat..... ....... .,,...,... J a, ai. No. XS,graiaat,..,....f...-,-tsaip. as. Bouan, sum USB. the was n bright girl at Mewat Hot yoke ceUege. It hspenad that' day that they had- hash for anpner - neat baDa the next morning for break fast .Tea, she said aa aha ghmead at taa tabls; "Beirlew of Revkwa thai JonrnaL Taa world la patJently waJttng the advent of taa awn who can explain whyababyaeTfwsnmtenlayJnthe scuttle until alter x naa.aeaa far cosanany. No. LOiwlsTilpitsd.. Mo,m,raKJsau. Ho. x,uauari No. S.Faeiaej Mo. 7,JaBjaa Mo.a,rfiaWt. No. at No. 71, No.ai. Na.72. . AuaovAsa .121 p. ; MM a. . .. 7sw. p. as. . 1 a. at. 4 a '. aaa IMp.m. M.m. Arriva tump.m. 9-Mp. m. lASnAMBSBBASCB. Na.7S,- Na.7S, Na. 74. sain. aaa. am Arriva lMvy Mw. aaaaaa TPJaFar) ' the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from tbe Union depot umans, aauy, connecting with trains from the west Magnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining cars and buffet library and smoking cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc, address ' F. A. Nash, General Western Agent, 150ft Famam St Omaha. H. W. Howkm, . Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies; Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons; Rock Island plows and cultivators; Bock Island cornplanters; Cadet cornplanters; Little Engine, the new lister, where the operator can see the corn drop while planting; Jones' Lever binders; Jones' Chain mowers; Jones' Self-dump hay rakes; Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes; Walter A. Wood's mowers; Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills; Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines; and all other machinery needed on the farm. Call and see for yourself. We wish vour trade. HENRY LINKER, ''V" . C. CASSIN, raoraiBToa or fffjnVMMfal aWara"lww nwaawawannsn Fresh, and Salt Meats-- WHEN IN. NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills, Eavelopes, Catalogues, Handbills, Statements, Note heads, letter heads, Meal tickets, Tewl blanks. Yhutiag cards, hfileh checks, Baniness cards, Dance invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations. Or, in. short nTJS5i?L Call on or address, Journal, Columbus. Nebraska. & aSadJaaTailaiy SiUM .waritte tth BBit?,-V aU payable ia earn saah arslfaeet froaa haad oaaeea. Hassa aad eatf Game and PiAinSeawm. Now is the Time TO GET YOUB EEMB-MilH AT GREATLY MrHigbest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, SSaprtf NEBRASKA J. M, CURTIS Justice of the Peace. CUT Would respectfully solicit a ahare of yoar business. orncz: Over First National Bsnk, 1st door to the left. 18sprtf D.8TME8. ATTOaUTBT AT LAI OUva St. aiMtaira ia First Natioaal BaakMdY y- Craawaea. Nnaassa-a W.A.MCAIXII w.atCoassxisa ATTORNEYS AT LAW, kwi Rales i We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates : Chicago Inter Ocean (semi weekly) and Columbus Jour nal both for one year f 3 10 Chicago Inter Ocean (.weekly) and Columbus Journal both one year for. 1 75 Peterson's Magazine and Co lumbus Journal one year..... 2 25 Omaha Weekly Bee and Co Iambus Journal one year.... 2 00 Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly) and Columbus Journal, one . JvJnnT avareaaaaaaaaaaae.easaaaaa afi ' Subscribe Now. K 9 i -v J it i 7 b'i-f? -V- ir "Zr jrrwJ P ,ST' UT f-F' ,!- TLja:?wwS!ras..S2Ki&--J rrMt .wsm. . . . .- , . M aaaagga?aagfetS J&gJsa&d&i&&&S&& .- .yv i-s SV.-Jrt?-- - -- .. r .-0 At. ? - . z -.vicjc-- -- zu i j--'-1- '!.. t? t? . , e- i e -.s. - V - T- flsf -Pk-X. - m .-"TT-w- -.-"- r c e - V- - i -- -aJ -