The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 25, 1901, Image 3

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    " ,.- "
hulst ft Adams,
Columbus fount!.
Iki lis Skf
Cncktry, Qieeiswari nl Glasswart.
Our Dry Goods Department is 'an entirely new-feature,
hence our stock is jierfecily new and includes many novelties.
It L well selected and complete, and we invite a earful inspec
tion of its merits.
We have laid in the largest line of rich cut-glass for the
holidays-ever brought to Columbus. Our Grocery Department
i as ever, strictly up to date and' complete in every detail, al
ways fresh and inviting. The justly celebrated Chase & San
born Teas and Coffees as well as the Ferndale canned Fruits
and Vegetables always in stock.
Careful attention given to all orders and courteous treat
, nient guaranteed.
Hitlst & Adams,
llth Street. Tel. So. 26.
The volume of our business
having doubled the past
year is indicative of
We now wish to sincerely thank
our many friends and patrons for
their liberal patronage and wish
you ALL a very Merry Christmas
and a prosperous New Tear.
Please bear in mind that our motto
ibr 1902 will be the same as 1901. "Al
ways your money's worth or your money
f-i' 2l'-
Don't try to decide on your gift
purchase until you have looked
over our latest list of pretty things.
Gifts for Father,
, Gift for Mother,
Gifts for Sister,
- Gifts for Brother,
Gifts for Sweetheart,
Gifts for Friends.
All pretty combinations
of the novel, useful ami
ornamental standard
goods at low prices.
Watches, Rings, Opera Glasses,
Kodaks, Toilet Sets,Fans,
Chatelaine Bags,Brushes,
Button Hooks, Cologne
Bottles, Toilet Articles,
Mirrors and Garters.
Shaving Cups, Shaving
Brushes, Shaving Strops,
Cigar Cases, Smoking
Sets, Silver Mounted Sus
Ienders, Letter Books,
Match Boxes, Soap Boxes
Military Brushes, Cloth
Brushes, Traveling Sets,
Watch Fobs, Stick Pins,
Etc., Etc.
ED. J. NIEWOHNER, The Jeweler.
To your entire satisfaction that it is to your ft
advantage to do your fall and winter trading u
in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and ft
Shoes with us, would you not say: J
Well, that is just what we can do, and all
that is necessary for you is to look over our
stock and get our prices.
Jrischliolz Bros.
Dr. Pl, dentist.
Mielenz for best photos.
T-Christmas! Kodaks! Nisvoansr!
No trouble to saowxooda at fteow'a.
Blaake's Caflee at Graj's.
' -Duty fsad stors far all kinds of
Dr. Kmbuu, dsatist, Tnirtasnth
street, tf
Crowds of people in the city Satar-
day shoppiBg-.
Biggest line of toys ever shows is
Columbus at Snow'. -
Mary A. Wyatt of Madison has been
granted a pension of $20.
Compare our prices and qaality on
cut glass. Ed. J. Niewobner.
Dr. C. H. Gietaen. dentist, in Bar
ber block. Thirteenth street, lm
Christmas proseats for old and
yousg, in great Tsriety, at Snow's.
Chriebaas OSes' cheaper than ever
at the White Front Dry Goods 8tore.
Fetor Daffy is suffering from nearly
a score of "Job's comforters" on his neck.
For fine watch repairing, call on
Carl Froemel, llth St, Oolambua, Neb.
Dm. Itartyn, Evane k Geer, offtoe
three doors north of FriedboTs store, tf
Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus
Jocbkax, one year, in advance $1.75. tf
Dr. Hans Petersen, physician and
surgeon, office formerly occupied by Dr.
Baker. tf
Orders for feed promptly attended
to at Daffy's feed store on west Twelfth
Do not fail to see oar 6-foot galvan
ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Dnssell k
Son. tf
Dslls ! Dells ! Now is yonr time to
get Christmas Dolls. Follow the crowd
to "FitzW
Dr. McKean's method of making
aluminum plates pieces them on an
equality with gold.
The Italian orchestra furnished
music for the assembly dance in the
Maennerchorhall last Thursday evening.
Standard Fashion Sheets are fur
nished by J. H. Galley. December
supply just received. Call and get one.
It is possible that 1-cent letter pos
tage may be an accomplished fact during
the administration of President Roose
A truly marvelous showing of hats
for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, that are
well worth double the amount, at J. C.
Died, Friday last, infant child of
Thomas Brannigan, this city, aged 2
days. Burial Saturday in the Catholic
The Epworth league of the Metho
dist church will give their monthly
social Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Burke has received
through the local lodge here, the $2,000
due her from the Ancient Order of
United Workmen.
Carl Hoehen has a first-class drag
store on Eleventh street in-the new
Gluck building, neat door west of Hoist
& Adams' grocery.
Dr. Yobs will move his office fixtures
soon to the Irrigation office recent
ly purchased by him, east of Frankfort
park, and on Olive street
The Michigan foot-ball team passed
through the city Sunday, bound for Cali
fornia, and will play at Pasadena, New
Year's day against the Stanford's.
The High school pupils presented
each of their teachers, Profs. Kern,
Britell, Weaver and Miss Graham with
a book each as a Christmas offering.
For family use in numberless ways
a useful and valuable remedy. Price 25
and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock k
Dr. Paul, the painless dentist, makes
a special effort to save the natural teeth
and to correct irregularities of them.
His charges sre very reasonable for reg
ulation, $5.00 and upwards.
Yernon Erskine went to Madison
Friday for his father, J. E. Erskine, who
was unable to go. There is no reason
why Yernon should not in time, make
as efficient a traveling salesman as his
There are three girls from 3 to 10
years of age, whose father wishes to see
adopted into good families, as he is
unable to provide for them, and they
have lost their mother. Inquire of C. H.
W.Dietrichs. 3
Committees are now at work on
various portions of the Methodist Epis
copal hymnal, and already several hymns
that have been sang by Methodist con
gregations for scores of years, are de
creed to be left out of the proposed new
OINTMENT has been thoroughly tested
for many years, and is a positive care
for this most distressing and embarrass
ing of troubles. Price 50 cents in bot
tles. Tubes, 75 cents. A. Hsinti and
Pollock Co.
Friday, H. & Elliott returned from
Lesdville, Colorado, whither he had been
called by the serious condition of bis
mother. She suffers greatly from a frac
ture of the hip joint ceased by a fall.
The attending physician gives ao hops
of her recovery. ' .
Tuesday night of. last weak thieves
broke into M. G. Hudson's dry goods
and grocery store at BsUwood aadjtols
kid gloves, a lot of silk and velveteen
goods, sad a number of certificates of
deposit frees the safe.' About $900
worth of goods were taken.
An attractive woman thrives on good
food and aanahiaa, with plenty of exer
cise in the open air. Her form glows
with health and her face bloosaa with its
beauty. When trembled with a
habit she takes a few doses of
BINEtocleanse her system of all
parities. Price 50 cents. A.Heiatzaad
.both erf Haatphrey; Fred.
and Miss Wienie M.
both of Monroe; Ellis J. Williams sad
Miss Beao WflKsma of
A. Slaachteraad
Genoa; Clarence H.
, Bleak farm leases for sale at Tn
Joobstaii office, tf
DoUs! dolls! dous! from' t oent to
$10, at Snow's.
-' Dr. L. a Voss, HosMopathie physi
elan. Colambns. Jfeb.
Yow will find just the thing for your
wife or best girl at Snow's. .
-. A few more' bargains in docks, at '
50eonthe$. Ed. J. Niewohaer.
Tvnfnew dwelling krnses for aaleoa
the installment plea, a bargain for
Becker, Hookenber & Chambers.'
Alice Wise, who hai
affected with typhoid fever, was reported
Monday as very much improved.
W.T.Bicklyand eon, now ia Omaha,
will open a meat market in the bafldiat:
formerly occupied by J. M. Hoaahan.
- A rain set in here Monday after
noon at 2, and it looks aa thoagh the
snow would be all melted in a abort
Ernest Daasell and Trod. Cartia
went to St Edward Monday to do
plumbing work on Nels Haseelbsch's
new house.
' Wm. Schils makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market tf
A crowd of young people of this city
will have a tree at the Armory this Tues
day evening, with the nausl deoorations
and furnishings. '
Dr. Dassler, the only graduated eye
and ear specialist ia Colambus, at his
office in Berger block from the 22d to
the 26th of December.
See Hardy ALund if yon have leaky
roofs. They can sell yoa the stuff for
mending at a less cost than 'yoa can
bny shingles. tf
Carl Hoehen invites you to call and
see him for anything in Ins line, st the
new drug store, Eleventh street Fresh
goods, prices reasonable.
Ed. Roeeiter went down to Omaha
this Tnesdsy morning called by the
sickness of his brother Tom, who is
suffering from pneumonia.
-Cmt rioe tales. For De
cember, bargains, bargains. Now is
your time to save money. E. D. Fitz
patrick, the White Front dry goods store.
Envelopes with yonr return card
printed on them, for 50 cents a single
hundred; for larger quantities, and dif
ferent grades, call at Thz Jodkkal
office for prices.
Died, December 20, of lung fever,
Boss, daughter of Albert Hegge, aged 6
months. The funeral services were con
ducted by Bev. Brann, 11 o'clock, De
cember 22, burial at Duncan.
The annual meeting of the 'stock
holders of the Bismsrk Creamery Co.
will be held the first Monday in January
in the Council chamber, Columbus. All
stockholders are requested to be present
Invitations sre out for a dancing
party at the Maennerchor hall Friday
evening for Mr. and Mis. Clspp of Fair
bury. The entertainers are the Misses
Morse, Miss Cushing and Mr. C. J.'
The congregation of the Presbyterian
church gave-Rev. Becker a pound sur
prise party last Friday evening, and
brought many wholesome things for a
Christmas offering. A pleasant evening,
was spent by those present
Prof. Weaver is spending his vaca-"
tien at bis home in Morrison, Illinois
Prof. Kern will spend part of his vaca
tion with his brother in the southern
part of the state and will attend the
State association in Lincoln.
Robert McCray while working at
Baker's ice establishment Saturday,
slipped and fell, his side striking a block
of ice, injuring him internally. He has
suffered considerably, but was today
(Tuesday) reported as improving.
Mrs. McFayden, widow of the late
John McFayden, whose death occurred
at Genoa -a few days ago, accompanied
her daughter, Mrs. E. Compton, to Cedar
Rapids and will remain with her until
after the holidays. C. R. Outlook.
Mr. C. M McGinnis and Miss Jennie
Saffron were married Wedaesdsy even
ing last at 7 o'clochy-at the home of the
bride's mother, Rev. Monro officiating. ,
The couple have the congratulations of
their many acquaintances for their
future happiness.
Worms take refuge in the mall in
testines, where they can easily multiply.
destroy these parasites. The verdict of
the people tells plainly how well it has
succeeded. Price 25 cents. A. Heints
and Pollock & Co.
Henry Moeicka of St Bernard last
week through the Farmers A Merchants
bank real estate busiaeas purchased
Otto Bora's farm consisting of 200 acres
which he paid the snag sum of $11,500
for; this makes it $5150 an acre which
shows Platte county land is worth living
onl Lindsay Post.
Remi Miller, who had been a resi
dent of Nebraska for thirty years, for
merly living in this city, died Thursday
of last week at Shelby. His affliction
was dropsy; and his sge 76 years, -fle
served six years as a soldier, and was in
the Franco-German war. We believe'
thathe was also a soldier in the War of
the Rebellion on the Union aide.
CM-Cafferty, who had been here
several daya in the interest of McLaugh
lin Bros, of Columbus, Ohio, went to
Hamphrey Thursday. The horse that
he has been offering to sell for $300,
thoagh only two years old, weighs 1,800
pounds and took first prize at the Pan
American exhibit, in a class numberiag
forty-eight, one of which has since sold
for $5,000. : - -
Papa was catting Freddy's hair very
well, bnt waa not quick at the job, and
Fred, who m 6 years of age, found the
function very- tiresome. At last he
said: "Are yon nearly done, daddy?0
"Very near; I've just the front to do
now," replied the father. Tn fraid,"
sighed the martyr, "that the back will
grow again while you are cutting the
front" Stray Stories.
Mrs. J. F. Belford waa called east by
the sadden death of her brother D. F.
Traiaor ia Ottawa, Illinois, on the 14th.
Mr.TnuBorwasan able attorney of his
city, and 43 years old. Hehadffaushed
eaas ia court defeadiagamaa tried for
wider and waa taken to a hotel oa
account of illness Afterward, when the
broagst him of the jury
the prisoner, Mr. Traiaor
I clapped his heads ia ior and sai
I weald rest and take a good alasaw Aal
feaad dead ia bed. I
aoM thsirpropsitj heta. aa4 are prepar-iaa;-ta
move to Liaasla. Tn Joubjuii
commsaaa them to the good graces of
Liaasla. people, and joiaa their hoata of
friende here ia wishing them health and
Wednesday eight Ed. Maker' had the
misfortaae to lose thirteen calves. In
sttemptiBg to cross 8hall creek they
broke through the ice aad warn drown
ed. v Mr. sad Mrs. F. Siems aad Miss
Emfly Eipas departed oa Tuesday for
Jennings, Louisiana, where they, will
the holidsys.-PUtte Center
I hoar later he
aad danger lark ia the vital
The blood becomes vitiated and
the general health a wkbrauaed when
ever the atomaeh aad liver fail to per
form their Inactions aa aatare intended.
HERBINE will tone up the atomaeh
regulato the liver, where other prepara
tions only relieve. Price 60 cents. A.
Heinta and Pollock k Co.
Roy Rhone, wife, aad aoa, Robert of
Kearney are in the city to make their
annual visit to the Farraad family. Mr.
Mapes, father of Mm Farraad, is also
here.' Robert ia aow manager of the
American school of music in Council
Bluffs, bat will reatga aoon to take a
better position in Kenans City.
' Mr. EUk J. Williams and Mies Reno
Williams both of Monroe were married
by Rev. Luce in the Methodist parson
age last Taesday. A peculiar circum
atanoe of the wedding waa the fact that
the bride did not change her name and
that the names of the father of both
bride and groom were the eame, John
Williams. - -
Master Georgie Staab, son of John
Stabb of Boheet who waa operated upon
for gun ahot wound of the thigh on the
day after. the shooting by Dr. Alger of
Leigh, assisted by Dr. MoKinley of
Humphrey, was operated upon a second
time by Dr. Alger owing to involvement
of the knee joint Dr. Dewey gave the
chloroform. Since then the boy is fast
recovering from blood poisoning. Leigh
J. A. Baird of the Cedar Rapids
Outlook has been traveling in the west,
and writes to his paper describing a
visit with M. H. Barber, for some years
formerly editor of the Nance County
Journal at Fnllerton, Nebr., now living
at Boise, Idaho, and engaged in the
sheep business, comingto his home from
his ranch about once every two weeks.
Mr. Barber's many friends will be glad
to learn that he finds his 1,000 sheep
good, paying property.
"Ide" Brindley Thursdsy morning at
about daylight the thermometer being
about ten degrees below zero, broke
through the ice at Stevens' lake and
went down into the water np to his neck.
He got out all right, bnt was by no
means slow in making tracks for the
Baker ranch three miles north. On the
way out he met Spencer Ripe, who
proffered for his use the team and wagon,
but he very forcibly declined any outside.
help, and treked northward just the same
as an old soldier would have done under
like circumstances the best he could,
to keep warm.
.Wednesday evening last Adrian M.
Newens gave one of his unique enter
tainments as an imporsonator. at the
opera boose to a well-pleased aadience.
I-Mr. Adrian knows well juet how to strike
the varioas chorda of sympathetic feeling
in the human breast, from the quiet, dry,
inside laagh to the hilarious outbreak;
from the solemn to the mournful and
the tragio a whole show in himself, bnt
on this occasion he was assisted very
nicely by a junior High school orchestra,
whose part was very pleasing to the
The youngsters with. their sleds Sat
urday were improving the situation for
fear the increasing warmth of the sun
might soon cnt short their enjoyment.
If there had been a mountain or even a
good-sized hill nearby, there would have
been no better fun than to slide down
and walk back up; as it was they could
only take turns in pulling the sled, or
wait their chance and ask the driver if
they could hang on behind. The driver
who responds "Yes," has his sbounding
thanks in the evident vigor of the sport,
and' the fact that it recalls childhood
scenes of similar "fun alive."
- Blozy Borsch, who had lived eigh
teea miles southwest of this city for
twenty-four years, was killed December
19.. He and Jack Lisco were at Osceola
purchasing Christmas goods snd were
on their wsy home, when their team be
came unmanageable and ran away.
Three miles north of Osceola they ran
into a tree, killing both men, Lisco living
but a few minutes one having his fore
head cut open, the other his neck broke.
Mr. Borsch leaves a widow and six
children, three at home and three mar
ried. The funeral was st Duncan Sat
nrday morning at 10, Rev. Stanowski
officiating. We could learn no further
If every msn snd woman who does
business of any sort would study st least
the fundamental principles of Isw and
apply them with good judgment to the
practical affairs of life there would be
fewer troubles than now. Among recent
Nebraska decisions, we note: A transfer
made for the purpose and with the in
tent of defrauding creditors being of no
effect as to the latter, no advantage can
accrue to the vendee, as agsinst'them,
by reason thereof. Hence, although the
judgment debtor may have been indebt
ed to the vendee at the date of the
fraudulent transfer, the latter is not en
titled to a lien on the goods for such
amount nor to have it deducted from bis
liability aa garnishee An action to
foredoae a tax lien ia barred within five
years after the time to redeem from the
tax esle has expired.
. Twelve of the twenty-eight demo
cratic editors of the state met here Fri
day to organise "for the social and
material welfare of its members, and the
better and snore harmonioaa promulga
tion of democratic principles." The
membership fee is one. dollar, the anneal
dues one dollar, aad the time of meetiag
the first Tasaday ia February each year,
a W. Bowlby waa elected president; J.
H. Johannes vies president; Jamas Tan
r mtasy mma tnasaiar. j n. swal
low acted m secretary of the temporary.
orgaaiaatw. The next masting will be
held at Lincoln. Daring the day, the
haafaaai affairs of the associstion were
considered, and ia the eveniag the viai
tiag editors were the guests of theeitt-
of Colambae stsbsaqaet at the
Mayor Ragats making the
To be perfectly satisfied -with a homemade dreotvbe
sure to make it by means iof a Standard Pattern. Our
December supply, showing autumn and winter sty las
has just been received. Be sure to inspect these pat
terns before deciding on your next dress.
505 Eleventh St.,
Cuti Mr OstseaatkT.
I saffered for a namber of years from
stomach troaMe and a aevere form of
headache. After taking a month's treat
ment of Dr. Q- P. Mesks of Colnmbus,
Nebraska, I consider myself cared.
Asthvk Watts,
2 Monroe, Nebr.
George Winslow sold his large farm
west of town Mondsy to Dr. Hansen.
George expects to go to Holt county and
look for n location near his father. With
his many other frieade here, we regret
to aee George leave as.
Praise the bridge that carries yon
over either a flood or congh. BAL
brought ao many over throat and lnng
troubles, such as coughs, colds, bron
chitis, etc., that its praises sre sung
everywhere. Price 25 snd 50 cents. A.
Heintz aad Pollock k Co.
Sheriff -Byrnes "returned Sstnrdsy,
bringing back from Walla Walla, Wash
ington, Thomas M. Leffler, wanted here
on a charge of converting hie employer's
money to his own use. He was released
on a writ of habeas corpus at Walla
Walls, snd rearrested. At Rawlins,
Wyoming, on the return, the train stop
ped near a wreck; after a meal, the
sheriff, not knowing thst some of the
vestibule doors were open, Leffler was
sllowed the privilege of getting a drink
of water and escaped out of a side door,
bnt waa recaptared at Granger, Wya,
and is now in prison here.
x Goods.
To buy Woolen Goods of all kiads,
ETS, COMFORTS, aad air good
- for protection against the cold..
On Monday evening some fellow
burst open Mrs. Severn's barn in the
rear of her new residence in Bellwood
and stole therefrom about twenty bash-
els of corn.... Fifteen teams, seven of
which were from the valley, assembled
at Mr. Thaysr's fsrm Tnesdsy in the
shape of a husking bee snd shucked
almost his entire crop of corn. Mr.
Thsyer is still improving in health, and
the action of his neighbors in taking care
of his crop greatly pleased him. A
friend in .need is a friend indeed. ' Mr.
Thayer treated bis visitors and their
teams to dinnsr and supper. Bellwood
It is a pleasure to speak commen
daUy of a good thing. It is as much a
pleasure to the writer as it is to the per
son in whose interest the good things
msy be said. That kind of a feeling
exists in regard to the concert given
last Tnesdsy evening, by Prof.
Garlich8, High school orchestra of
Columbus. -This hsppy company of
young people, about twenty in number,
is a well drilled and highly talented
band of musicians. Every number given
by the orchestra as a whole was applaud
ed most vociferously. Miss Gslley
fsvored the audience with a couple of
most excellent vocal solos. Her voice
and manner-were most pleasing. Miss
Pohl rendered two violin solos most sat
isfactorily. Other individual numbers
were successfully given. Prof. Gsrlichs
was generous enough to fsvor the audi
ence with a few of his choicest violin
selections. It is a commendable enter
prise on the part of those who were res
ponsible for bringing such talent and
high-elass entertsinment to-our city.
Schuyler Sun.
George Young, whose home was near
North Bend, died there Tuesdsy of last
week, bis death said to have resulted
from an attack of the grip, from which
he had suffered at intervals for several
years. He was born in Scotland, March
30, 1823; came to America in 1850, locat
ing in Lake county, Illinois. In 1856 he
moved to Nebraska, reaching Omaha on
the 4th day of July, and located at his
residence in Dodge county soon after
wards. In December of that year his
wife died, leering four children, the
latest born, Seth WM an infant only a
few days old and the first male white
child born in Dodge county. His wife
was the first white woman who died in
the county. In 1859, Mr.Youngjnarried
Miss Elizsbeth Sloes, who died the fol
lowing yesr. In 1869, he married Miss
Jeannetta Morrison, who died in 1872.
He again married,, in the fall of 1879,
Miss Anna C. Kelley. His sge was 78
years. The funeral services were held st
10 o'clock Fridsy morning. Rev. Swan
oflciatiag. The deceased was well
known to- many of the older Joubxal
readers, and be was highly respected by
all who knew him, for his integrity, inde
pendence and fidelity.
DR. O. T. MEEKS, grad
aato under founder Dr. A. T.
Still, and American School of Osteops
thyi Kirksville, Mo. Take this opportu
nity to learn NatureVway of curing
disease other than artificial treatments
(a scieace). Learn about Osteopathy
and its priaciplea from the Osteopath,
not at second hand.
Make this oaa thing to do today, not
Chronic diseases a specialty. Liters
tare free. Consakstioa f ree. OSceone
door wast of Methodist church.
eeteraed ood ifpeUliuaia tufa state one ia
Bator SIMS weeklr with
au gmw ia emtb Nth
aeaaeBMM. Hone aad
sgar, m CartSB mUMiBg. QfsMD . llaseM
For all members of the fiuarilr, to
suit the various wishes,. and bought
for the special purpose of pleastag
our customer?.
Staple ul
Wishing you a Mery Christmas and
a Happy New- Year, we are yours
Ladies' Coats.
A lot of New Samples at Bar
gain Prices.
Jfc A line, drop head Oak Machine, with all the lat- p
sg- est improvements, warranted for 10 years. In- -W'
2. troductory price, only 15.4)0. p
F. H. LAMB & CO.
Our Coal Wagon
X-bk tist,
ttsMsffM .if ttsl
HswUnv V HwV
-,HHIIH ii I i TV in
f23S&jdum WMm i
We are delivering Pa. Hard
Coal either Seraatoa r Lehigh
for $10.50 per tea.
Hard Coal per ton at shed..
Ouita " "
R. S. Lump " '
R. S. Nut " "
HannaLurap " "
C.C.laimp " "
Jackson Hill " "
Trenton " "
. 9.00
. 7.25
. 7.00
. 6.25-
. 7.25
. -7.00
School officers will fad ia the ahve list the hest aad
stroagest heatiag eoal ia the world.
Magazines for PaSSdlgerS
is Mrl I -inisBdfflsL
II tBapw HSP(5L i iw.
Bnl I iBaKaBawjBW ILarJBaaab mbv I Vb
II ' x HjmS' 4aWJi)
Hi i . w BBVKaaal .BaWasaasaaBaaBBaBBaaaBaaamr
Bail i i f av mz m Taaaaaa. i . araaaaw . sasa
II AyTTBjSBSABfc!-:'','- 4K
II r'wnn!Wy2i
mil M I affSnaVaHJaW
Br R ' aWaaVaaVaaWaaWAaW
nafaYns jJHaaaaaaaaj kmmRmwKtSmmmmW
fcgtjfilVlalBMSjBBbBf excursions are in charge II
iVBaJSaaBBaaaaai of experienced excursion II
II SBaaaMflawaaaaawaT conduc- II
I 9 tors aaaaaaaVJ II
From Omaha three tiaes a week. Tfcroh to Saa Franctieo B&V&fAaH II
J andLcsAageies. Folder giiring full iafcxnatioB sailed oa request. aaBBBBBBB IBJ
I write lor one. BaBBBBBBB IBJ
J J. Franos. General FassesserAseBt.OaaBa.Keb. m Jl
In every Burlington
tourist sleeping-car yoa
will find hall a doaen
magazines and aa many
illustrated papers.
It is but one of
several features that
make the Burlington
Overland Excursions
popular with Califor
nia travelers.
Others are: econo
my; cleanliness; scenery,
and the fact that the
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