yvnrii 'ZS- v- fnpJ irw . "J " w " -"let5 "aw" -a is!-- ' -.' L . Ks .' j 8 a-.nMM..:wMw rarnartrratmxaWCMMlmmB .: a ... 3 K 'f fV DRY GOODS, ; ; ;jv; groceries; ! CrackMy: Qneiswirt aid Glassware. " ""QurDjrr'Gjods Denartment. i an eritirery-new '-feature, -" .liejfct; rtifr .stock i -perfectly new and includes many.nqvelne-.. .h. L-w ell Ui-ecteil and complete, and we invite a. capful inspec- ".tic;Q"if k -merits. "- . h.." ". Ve hav.e laid in the -largest line of rick cufcglasi. for the "joolidavs ver brought to Columbus. Our Grocery Department " -.$. ."ever, strictly yp to date-ami complete in every detail al-"-av ixesb. and inviting. The justly celebrated Ghax dr San ." born Teas and Coffees as.-well as the Ferhdale canned Fruits - .and Vegetable always, in stock. - " :- Careful attention, given to all- orders, and courteous treat- pienc guaranteed. - Htjlst St AiAMa -.. .' Iltfc Street. Tel- -6- INARCH MONARCH Fruits and Vegetables. Preserves and Jams. It is this excellence of quality and the great number of dif ferent items under this uni form label, that distinguish the MONARCH brand, above all others. Money can not buy better goods because they are not put up ... . Wf Invite iRspectiin. We Urge CeiparisiB. Prices same as last season at GRAY'S WXB5Z8DAT. DECEMBER 4, ML shown in' entertained s DtIPauI; dentist:'" ' . ;-" " . -"-JEelenz for bestrpfastos. . ".'. " So trouble to show good at Saow. Wakes at Gray's. Duffy's: feed store for aU" kxaaa of feed: . " ... -. Dr. Sanmina. street.' tf " ' Biggest line of toys Cofcrmbus at Saov'a. Mia8...Bie 'Sbkdaii friecde Friday evaniag. You wfli'fiad joat the tkxa for your wife-of beat girl at Scow's. Dr. CLH. 'Gietxen, dentiit. in Bar ber block. Thirteenth, street. 1m - Coriatmae preaents for old and youngr,in great Tarkty, at Snow-'a. Miae Matilda Schneuierof Duncan is clerking, in the Ton Bergen store. Make your chickens layeggi! Get ground bone at Duffy's feed store, -tit For fine watch repairing, call on ' Carl Froemel, 11th St-, Colmaabua, Neb. Dra. Martyn, Evans J: Geer, osace three-doors north-of FnedhoTa store, tf Chieago Inter Ocean and CcrLOCBCS'J Jocsxii, one year, in advance SL a: tf Dr. iTana Petersen, .physician and. surgeon, office formerly occupied by Dr, Baker. tf, Do not fail to ate our 8-foot galvan ized steel miH for $3100. A. Duaaell Jk Son. tf Henry EngeL, one of Platte county's best farmers, made this office a business call Friday. John Evans, living about-nine miles west of Platte Center, is afflicted wilb appendicitis. Dr. McKean's method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. Dr. X Newman, the eye specialist, will be at his office at Thurston hotel to at- Jl.it a news, it'a at Niewohner'a. Blank.farm''leaacB fbc aaieat' JocBsaii eoe. . tf . - . ; DoUa! doUBl'doDal from' 1 east tiaatSriowa , .. J. -DrUuCYt eiaiuWnbda,yeb. 'rfTkii ineatTawio'Shaater for the. lea atoaey is, town at J.-C. Fdlmaa'a. .Mail EataaaDawaon-k? agatn aac oaaVaick at ier kosae west of-the eityv ' Oraeri for .feed proasptly atteartad toat DwnVa feed store ok wast. Twelfth street. 'Earl C Brink, the. Betiabto Fiaao Tuner,-will be in Coluaubus December 10th.to20tL . " ' .' '. Dr. Woodward, a proaament otiktn; of Seward,, suffered a severe" stroke of L Mis. JoaepWTOlbriaeii;.aged t'Sg yjMiawaw 1 ED. J. NIEWOHNER P Jeweler m Colmnbtts F X Sec. J0 wirisifi&s Rtsfflls IS aTHX THE Gold Watch TTE ARE SHOTTDsG- BEATTrFtX SELECTION? OE Solid Gold i High-Grade Filled Cases In all sizes. Not a stale pattern among them, every one the special product for the holiday season of 1901-2. GOLD FILLED WATCH $12.00 UP, 14-KARAT SOUP GOLD $1830 UP. Anv movement you plea.-e. The .greatest selection of "Watches in the State of Nebraska- All bourhtfor suot cash at the verv lowest price. TOR YOUR BENEFIT. ED. J. NIEWOHNER. IF WE COULD PROVE To your entire satisfaction that it is to your advantage to do your fall and winter trading in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes with us, would you not say: II ii T. 1 YES, WE WOULD? Well, that is just what we can do, and all that is ufirwii for you is to look over our stock and get our prices. WILL YOU DO IT? from the 20th to 27tb of December. Standard Fashion Sheets are fur nished bjr J. H. Galley. December supply just received. Call and get oue. L. A. Exinz has purchased the job department af the-Columbus Times, and will at once open an office here for Job work. .John E. Johnson of Creston and HTgs.y:Ua Sharpnack. editor of the Cres ton Statesman, were married at Fremont Wednesday last. Eev. Wm. E. Van of Kingman, Kan., the new rector for the Episcopal church, is expected to begin hie work in this city about January 1st. The old boys at the Soldiers Home Grand Island, will be partially fed from ten barrels of sauerkraut that hare been put up for the institution.- Judge Hudson and his estimable wife observed the Judge's 79th birthday anniversary at Silver Creek Thankagrv ine, with their son Horace and family. For family use m numberless waya BAELARD'sf SXOW LINIMENT is a useful and valuable remedy. Price 25 and 50 cents- A Hemtz and Poliock & Co. The general monthly meeting of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Hemtz Saturday afternoon., the 7th. The music department will have charge of theprogram. A nouse full of prominent Germans of the city gathered at the fine new resi dence of Carl Bohue one nignt recently, for a house warming, and had an evening of rare pleasure. Thanksgiving evening, Mr. and Mrs, George Morkerc near Richland invited the neighbors in to a feast and a good time generally. The occasion was en joy ed by a host of friends. William W. Novell and Miss Alfrida Galbraith. of thin city were married at the home of Wm. Novell on Tuesday, Nov. 2C at 7:30 p. m, by Rev. G. A Luce, pastor of the 3L E. church. In the Tacoma, Washington, Sun day Ledger of November 24, a picture of the residence of Dr. Fred. J. Schug, for merly of this city, appears. The paper is a very creditable production for the west. Notice to Woodmen. There will be an election of officers of the M. W. of A at the next regnlar meeting Tuesday evening, Dec. 10. All neighbors are re quested to be present. A W. Clark, Clerk. TABLEE'S FTJCKETE PDLE OINTMENT has been thoroughly tested for many years, and is a positive cure for rhia most distressing and embarrass ing of troubles. Price 30 centa in bot tles. Tubes. 73 cents. A Heintz and Pollock Co. George Zellar has sold his 196 acre farm to a "lan named Scow from Saun ders county for I8J300. Said farm is located near Shelby and about two. years ago George purchased it from Dr. Hewit for 56.000. This is makingmoney pretty fast. Bellwood Gazette. Next Friday evening the Columbus City Band win give one of theirnrst-clsss entertainments at Platte Center, assisted by Miss Julia Walker (Black PattL) The. JorssAZ. assures Platte Center neighbors that they have a very enjoya ble evening awaiting them. John Huelif. who-has been publish ing The Anzeiger at Norfolk. Nebraska. and who is well provided with type, presses and material was here last weak looking over the field with a -view to' establishing a German republican paper here, for which he regards the field a good one. Mrs. L. B. CaHand and family left Wednesday for Desdwood, S. D- where' J they, will engage in the same bostasss as while here., the- bakery. Mrs. CaHsnd made satisfactory settlement with the insurance company before lasriag, receiving all but S50 of the aaoownt insured. 1T"b Kate McGlinchywas taken to the Columbus paralysis reeesfcly. ".... Dr. "N. Newman, the eye specialist. will.be at his office at Thurston "hotel Dec 22d to Dec 24th. . ' . Two new dwelling houses for sale on the installment .plan, a bargainfbrsoeae one. Becber. Hockenber k Chambers. ' Wm. Schxlz makes boots and ahoes in the.best styles, and uses only the very best stock that .can-be procured 'in the I market tf An opera glass will make one of the most appropriate -Christmas .presents thui year. Ed. .J, Niewohner'has a nne rtsient. ' Dr. Daasler, the oniy.graduated- eye land ear -specialist in Columbus, at sis 'office in Berger block the 15th, 16th and 17th of December. See Hardy x Lund if you have leaky roofs. They can sell yoa the stuff for monf"g at a lees cost than you can' buyshingles. tf -Cmt price sale. For De- cember, bargains, bargains. Now is yonr time to save money. E- Dt Fitz patrick, the White Front dry goods store. I want to move all clocks out of the house in the next few days, if prices will do it. 33.75 for $7 clocks; S450. for 39 docks: S6 for 312 clocks, etc Ed. J.. Niewohner. Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 centa a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, mY at Thz Joubsxl office-for prices. Anton Paulson was arrested Sunday by the sheriff of Bocne county supposed to be implicated in recent hold-ups near Lindsay, Sherhf Byrnes sent a deputy after him Monday. The second section of No. 6-was de layed Monday afternoon, and went through town without stopping. It looks a little unusual to see trains pass- l ing through at that rate. Fire at 2 o'clock Sunday morning destroyed, barns-belonging to John Bing ham at Schuyler. Eight horses and two mules were cremated in the ruins. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Chief of Police Schaack and Night Police Nelson went to Schuyler this Tuesday morning to serve as witnesses against two men arrested here by them about a month ago, and now under trial for burglary at Schuyler. Worms take refuge, an the email in testines, where they ean easily multiply. WHITE'S CREAM YEEMD7UGE will destroy these parasites. The verdict of the people tells plainlyhdw well it has succeeded. Price 25 cents. A Heintz and Pollock Co. The entertainment given Monday evening at the Maeunerchor hall trader the auspices of the Boyal Highlanders was a decided success in every way. It is seldom that money is refunded and people turned away from an entertain ment, for want of room, but such was the case Monday evening. Frank Baird returned from Colum bus Tuesday. Mr. Baird has sold his- farm and intends to go to the Pacific coast for his health Dan Jennings sold nineteen head of hogs last Friday that averaged 260 pounds each. The hogs were seven months old and brought 35.40'per hundred- StEdward Advance. An attractive woman thrives on good dqak TfcsbJsod bin iisms fitMt.ai' ami. 3HKlBuflffiSHSHHH' tfeegsawral health swadarauMd.shsa Sj ' . ."BF Jul fh NMTh aad Iirar fail .to wmr-t&M ..'. - V-fe ssrwisSi HOME HADE PRESSES:;; ?:;;! WHlatethe-EyerwhereiDthsr-iersra-igH . ' .. . ' .,... ' '". '''''WS1 4srifrwPrk50a-its..A. MM' ' - aaMsfbCociros.-.. . U' .-. To.be perfectly satisfied witH a home made dre, be K LteadGstestIoFS '': ' re to make it by means of a Standard Pattern. Oar MK at 430, sc qck" .sowsmasiioau Hews. B December supply, snowing autumn and winter stylos Kf-. ? Tra:1 L SS S "" naaiust been received. Be sure to mspe thew pat- eaatttyvXowav'wd was trawalnffwawMor .!B - ' . - ' -. . - . -. . Ti -z- - .... . ""'"L- . his j-akh. a. is.f -m -ota-r, fbr m . .--: .terns before deciding on your neztreaK. .,:: mx wrothwaisflttewssMtsrsV J.B.Laitat M ."."-' '-'HE Lihdeac, Ibwa;. awdM. Lair of .atow, s THESE ARE THE ALWAYS. REUAILt STANDARD FATTERMS: ... ' ,7 IB? Coioraiw-m the city. Sstmrday.asd v ''-. R: ' 4RT v m . mt'- mmmiM1 " Bl 32B. LMf 'RCaRkw- B3VaB7RwiRbRRLBSTsawwBsaTl- awRa We - REe B .7. . ....- - . " -- " '-"RBfc"" .RRf . ....'- : - - - afe - son '94SWB sr jtz.- .71 -uu. ct .j . ew irvmiiB wtwh .- . - m - JyJ'J. XLii eiiLJJL- cu vrvru mm nwa awMst- ae vTcSRJRjRIRRRJRRJRRRRHRBHBMRRBpBpJpjpjpj . 3EJSR3ISrW5i2iS5r,,Skt5r'J RjwSQRw) tkebsdyof tke. Iow 82 years, dasd Monday at the- rsaidwire of Joha8ciolx,caaesd from old see. .She of Joseeh Olbriach. .Irving screes the Loud sad has bestrioa a in Baker City, Oregon, aad a daughter, Mrs. Eeywa, oC Cajraeron. Wis. Funeral. wrilMaeid today, Wednesday, at .the'hosie-af Mrl Scholza relative of the ilniaiinl. Bey. Brann officiating, af-t-erwkeA.mterment will be made in the Duncen cemetery. From the Schuyler Sen of the 29th we clip: .'The game of foot bell bet wines Schuyler and Bell wood -played at the latter town yesterday reaolted very dis-sstso-aslyjtoosr team. The score stood 66 to 0 in. favor of Bell wood. It is nearly as bed as the -suae between Grand Island and Geneva. The score there was 100 to 0 in favor of the former ... Hon. George- Sprecher, Colfax eoonty'a oldest man' and highly .respected citizen, died yesterday afternoon at the. home of his daughter, Mrs. John Dane, in this city. A full account of his life and character will be given in next week's issue. He celebrated his 92d birthday about a month ago. At F. W. Mauden's place, about five mSes northeast of Platte Center, last Friday evening; Jessie Bieaon. the nineteen-year-old son of E.B. Bisson. suffered the-loss of his right-arm to the shoulder joint, being eaught and mashed in the corn-shredder, with which they had been at work. Drs. Pugh and Moore of Platte Center, and Drs. Martyn and Evens of this city were called and attended to the case, and the patient is reported (Mon day afternoon), getting along as nicely as could be expected. Mrs. Bisson, mother of the young man, returned home Satur day, from a sorrowful trip to Iowa, called thither by the last illness of her son by a former husband (Charles Merritt), who, in a' runaway accident received injuries that ended fatally. Is their double affliction, the family will hare the sincere sympathy of all their acquaintance, and for the young man in the loss of his right hand and arm, will go many good wishes for his future welfare in his affliction, notwithstanding that for the present it may seem overwhelming. 130 00 13 00 330 00 Hockenbcraar Jr. Chambers. real estate 'agenta, report the following real estate transfers filed' in the office of the county' clerk since dor last report: Pioneer Town -Site Co. to Hilda ptoat lotCLmdeay, wd f 1-tO-OO Same to Adolf Johnson, same.. 1-tf) 00 Matilda Peterson to Ed "Regan. pt lot all lot 9, bl 9 1st add to PI Center, wd Union Pacific By Co to 6 M Slavinski. lot 4. bl 18,. Jack son, wd , -.- Wm T Allen to Lucy A Cock son, lot 6. bl 11 Highland Paricwd. T B Peppock to John Ericson. lot 28, bt A Monroe, wd. , . . 1000 00 E H Chambers to Al Stenger, lots 3, 4, bl 105, Col wd 100 00 Mary G Flory to Anna D Flory, ee418-19-4w.wd...-- Henry Luhker to D T Martyn. jr se se se, pt ue se se 13-17-lw,wd Mery Potter to Alfred. Potter, n w ne.. e2 nw 17-l&4w. wd - . 1LW 00 Same to Wm J Potter, e2 ne 17-18-4w,wd. M B Clark to J D Collins, lot 2 bl 161, Columbus, wd.. Jonas Eng to Frank Eng. se4 6-19-4W, wd . Eliz. Grossnicklaus to H S El liott, pt lots d, 9, bl 3, Smith's add to Columbus, wd. A FINE . LINE OF i Cookinsi Heatiigf -a t2 V Q . ., - 2 i STOVES g 1 00 13773 00 960 00 350 Off 1000 00 1200 CO Total. ... -SS421 00 ItnLLIlGTO 10TTTI. The Lindsay Post of a recent date speaks of a hold-up. about two and a half miles southwest of Lindsay one night recently. Whde returning home from town after being in with a load of oats, Alfred Swaoson and Wm. Johnson were confronted by two. masked men. who demanded at .the muzzle of a gun what money they had in their peawmos, and some 127 soon- changed hands. Several months ago Charles Sump, who carries mail between Genoa and Lindsay, was hailed at night and commanded to give" up the mail, but drew his gun and was allowed to pass. Swan Swansea; accompanied by a hired man, was held up and relieved of $25 two miles south of Lindsay, and John Gogan has now had a similar experience. Sheriff Byrnes has arrested Clarence Peterson, eighteen years old, arraigned before Justice Cur tis on complaint charging assault with attempt to rob Thomas Gogan on the night of October 25. He plead not guilty, and case was continued to- De cember 13. Bond was furnished by his father in the sum of $500. Alio' a Complete Line of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. 8 FANCY AND STAPLE - GROCERIES, All first-class and fresh. JATX AXD MOCHA COFFEES CAN "0T BE BEAT, The; Wst soods tor the least nosey, at Hen P. H. Oehlnch's. X ISikSfmf, OpmSti tfct Urn tptra x I 8 r f i 31 f- n Mschholz Bros. pmnied by her psrwits and Dr. Martyn, who had beeneaBed in eoaeultatkm by Dr. Burgess in' view of the development of serious complicalinws in her' case. V McGlinchy ar undergoiag a very trying ordeal and has patiently eadared much sufferiasr aad it is the of .all that she may he gaieady food and sunshine, with plenty of exer cise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beautv. When troubled with a costive 1 habit, she takes a few doses of HEB BDJE to cleanse her system of all im purities. Price 50 cents. A Heintz and Pollock A Co. The David City Press says that Thomas Wolfe has moved his plant into- his buildine. two doors south of the" laundry, and will start a republican paper... Mr. Judson, working with Doty's gang near Columbus, had the misfortune to get hurt while alighting from a train last Friday night, having one of his shoulders dislocated. Lawrence Hitner, son of Frank Hit ner. who has been suffering for some time with an abscess of the lung, was taken to Columbus Tuesday of last week, where he was operated on by Drs. Evans. Martyn. Geer and Hansen. He remained in Columbus-from Tuesday until Satur day when he was brought heme by-his father. His oondition at present is reported as being favorable for a speedy recovery. We are in receipt of a circular announcing that in the near future there will be begun at Albion. Nebraska, the publication of a monthly magazine called "Ideals."' which promises to mark an era in. the literature of the middle west. There have been ventures along this line, notably in California and .in Iowa, neither of them, however, so well consid ered and an such solid foundations as "Ideals The new magazine is to be SI a year, with WIQard F. Bailey , managing editor. 'We hope the Ideals Company Publishers wis realize their highest expectations of success. A force of men has been at work-the greater part of this week potting down gas pipes on each side of the sqaare. The gas win be manufactured-at Derby Cos. store bailding Several of oar citizens- have signed a contract to .have gas put "in their stores' and dwellings aad store have promised to patronize th& just as soon as taeysse itkindof alight it gives. Our water works is also about completed at a cast of about fLQDfl. -The'aamptngengme is six horse-power and it is believed will io good work when thoroughly I with good hose. .BeHwood yoa will eexve, is putting on a heap of but there sn thieg Bagel s lawfiag Alley. Ten pin scores of 200 and better, for the week ending Nov. 30: Jap Nichols. 206, 247, 203, 204. 201. 202. 252. 201; Paul Both 223. 220; Will Baker 216; Gus Becher212r Geo.Brodfuehrer208; W.J. Gregorius 230.201; Hans Elliott 20L 212; L. Schreiber 218, 212; William Both 212; Fred Saffron 202; Geo. Hagel 213, 239.' 202..203. 221, 211. 208, 218: 200, 201. 21-L Bubberneck J. H. Oxnam 123 116.. 106: Geo-Hagel 136; Paul Both 108, 112; W. J. Gregorius 109. STBXKXS XSD 3PAB2S. Jasper Nichols spread himself a little too much with 252. It was a nice line of strikes and spares and a fine little prize he won; the boys call him Qld Sharky now. W. J. Gregorius thought it was about time to win a prize, so he made seven straight striker and wan second prize with 230. L. Schreiber looked up at the high score board, and thought it was about time to swell up and he did; in two straight games Louie made 430 points. Hans Elliott rolls once in awhile him self. He is giving points- now-a-days instead of fc"g Seven straight strikes can't be made by every one, but Hans did it. and scored 212 points. ' George Brodfuehrer don't think it right to pay for a game if he makes 208, but he did the other evening, (and we .paid for a window light.) J. H. Oxnam likes to play Babberneck, and so do lots of others, but Joe won a nice prize with 123 points. Tkxacfa Carsta Califsrmia. The Burlington's through car service to California is as follows:. StasdaSd SmptM daily, Omaha. Lincoln. Hastings and Oxford to San Francisco, connecting at latter city with. fast train for Los Angeles. TorssT Slzxpebs personally con ducted every Thursday, Omaha. Lin coln, Hastings-and Oxford to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. Tockot Sxzmas personally con ducted every Wednesday and Thurs day,. TTnnnan City, St. Joseph. Wymore, Superior and Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Denver and Salt Lake- City, passing the magnificent -mountain scenerv of Colorado by day-j light. The tourist sleepers are of the very latest design. They are wide restibuled and lighted by gas. The seats have high backs, and the aisles are carpeted. The linen is clean and of good quality. If yoa expect to apend the winter in California, it will pay" you to. write for -California Tours. 1901-2." a 40-page fol der which will be ready for distribution early in November. It contains just the information the California traveler needs maps of California and the various routes to it; a list of California hotels; estimates of the cost of a month's stayz information in regard to excursion trips.! climate, out of door sports, suitable clothing, etc. Free. J. FRA5C3S, General Passenger Agent. 6uov9 Omaha. Neb, TOmww?fwmwft!K Specials in Ladies' Coats; w A lot of New Samples at Bar- -y gain Rices. '5 I OUR SEWING F MACHINE SENSATION, f w- A nnc, Imp head Out Machine, -with all the Tat- aa - esc improvements, warranted for 10" years. In- aw m rroducwry- price, only $15.1)0. J F. H.LAMB & CO. 3 14444444444444444444444444444444444 PUBLIC SALE. C E. Davies will have a public sale at his premises, one and a half miles north- 1 west of the city. TTOSDAT, JKTTaTHl 17, 190L Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m 10 Grandly bred Shorthorn bulls of the Cruikachaak breeding, and 8 females: 6 Duroc-Jersey boars; 25 Prize Buff-Cochins, among them one that took the prize at the State Fair, and- at the David City Poultry show, and others with high-scoring cards- The cows and heifers are straight in t with my famous Scotch bull". Fame's Heir. C. K. Davies. T. CCAXiAHAS. Auctioneer. Our Coal Wagon Hiis ti siciri war tfcMglrts if Am Ttoiiiat Ua thf RoaftStatf Tariwy sail the Meosasgrxvlthiaes. ..Ertilaai!h? P Eaffi, ' wBBBaa- ujl a1-amaww-ataaw awawa? aws.lT aahJH . t raxwicw "- Ve are ieliverims Pa-alard Coal either Scrantoi or EehJch for S10.54) per ton. Kanl Coal per ton- at hed.'.l0.rft) Jaata We won't bother yoa but a moment. this extraordinary offer. Until Janaarylst, 1902, we will give a hand- som Axauneter rug free with every ear pet purchased .from us amounting to. $15 or over. Our line of holiday goods wul arrive' during the next' 10. days. Tan win fad the latest designs of toDet aad shaving sets, collar and cuff boxes, pic ture franes, albums, etc We have made arraageaienta with oar earpet hoase to pat ob exhibition at oar store during the month of December a large line of. rags, aad ITw Tngtuii art squares, which will be sold at prices to defy all eompe tttaoa." The Fair, Eleventh street. I Cawiey Mr. Hagh CamabeU of Momne has for years from eaQeasy aad a of atoameh tcomhle. After Cslamwis Pualic Sekoak. Field 177 Per cent Attendance 96 Williams. ...194 - 97 lahcoln 136 - 97 H.Parkv-... 54 - -95 Sabarbaa 17 S6 ffighScfaool27 - ."-97 Total 845 95 Number of visitors 46. M CaVSTUS FFU. One of our fine hand-colored dollar aad a half Medallions free with each dosen cabinet photographs from now until Jan-1,1902. at Saley's Art Studio. Ouita .-.':. : M- R.S.Lumnr . r'- 'tt v"' " -r"..'r.25. r r. ?. ynt - '-: .-; 5 -' - v. ' ?-0Qy Hanna Lump ' ; .;, .-.'-','-' -- C. C- Lump " .; " ,; V ' -. .1;- -7io Jacki Hilt ' w. ; ' -: ;;--'; 'Mr-1 Trenton-' K: ' ?' '-,. .?$ I in the aboe list the. bst.'ad" stromsetheatins coal ii the world. C. A. Frame the bridge that carries you over either a flood or cough. BAL LABD'S HOBEHOOfD STBTJP has brought so man? over throat and lung troubles, such as coughs, colds, bron chitis, eficv that its praises are sung everywhere. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz aad Pollock k Co. Ton can bay blank farm leases at Tax Joraxax-omce. good form, two for 5 cents; 4ve for 10 cents. WASTKD-OTVjflUL PE8S05S OF CHAK mtTtmr mad. moad. BaasazuiB iB.aiA win fan in tfeis wn iwiwii) to iLiHtwut aad adenm- U tmmmmmm wmlthT rnnnrm boaw of solil mwmaml Wjliig Salmtr tSM ymklj wjth. mxammm mmmoammu au vmiimim ra ema. em&C Magazines for Passengers J r- i i - a , t v ' aLLLL si I avaasB&--Bi Lt I Jiaaaaaaaaal bbv taaaawaaravawaaaaaaaaw' r ' JBaaawav9aaawsaaaaaaa9 TPaaahaaaaaaaaaaaasV 'Hssaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaav l Bvavavasaa7aejBBBBsaaw I " W . -:' r aw)1 1 awl 3 In ever? Burlington tourist, sleeping caryou will nnd half a dozea magazines and. as many Hlustrased papers. It is but one or several features tnar make the Burlington 'Overland Excursions popular with Caffiror- : na trxreless. Others are: ecoco-" my; cleanliness; scener?. and the fact- that the excursions are. in-charge of experienced excuraien conductors. m From Oosha tnres sates a ek. Tlmnh w Ssa'rgsacart Wnlc for'oic. - ' . .- , .- - .. :f -.-- - . ...Cf e -.--r: - . -. -1 s .-"k. .. . - ---: t Ai W . e rrrtS fay the' hospital aad that is a is rrsarawi witfc JJr. ti. r. ttafc Arx. Oirn'-j. Xe. BTIopc EaaideOatleek. stT . . . . WimwmmTdumUfiambtmtLamam. -Eorad J. Flaxes. GcacrI rw: sx