JP- sMsGeakMa xsoooooooooooexxx: I iMayuIism.. fc BST3ati dolumbus JornmaL "We aaeara Presiteat fteKialey; we also keaerei aia., aai the maaaer ef his ieaih saeali awakea U the breasts of oat people a keea aaxiety for t the eoaatry, aai at the saaie tiaie a restate aarpase aet to he JriYea ay aay calamity from the path of streag, orderly, popalar liberty which, as a aatiea, we hare tkas far safely troaV' PresMeat BooseTelt. - . . .&FB. Columbus Nekr. t the ForttMem, CoIbiIwm, Meac. Mil sutler. ET- p.x THIRTEENTH, St., COLUMBUS, . NEBR. sooooos: ',' -m, i i" " t ; " . 4T . . ' BSTAVLISK& - i-la - " iintvtotU7t ty.Aj a. x. trout a. - i - . . . naa)tor BOMoaxrinw: n ataaw atftaaia .atiBB 0X BBSBtaa.A....-.-j...""",""" 2 XliMS'BBwBtBS.''.. - fr . '.. -. i.' v t- . 'e.. i 5 . ."- ' WXDyESDAY. NOVEMBEE 2. HW. saaaAaawawaaaawawai JOUBJT. a in W. to tals' y fa pall r Ctaiiac.lraita. vVP aaaaaaaaaarsiaw1 jotomai ;.' : . " t': lpoajltryShowVPavid(HfoPe(U7.. . Hwtlto.r. ;". ". . :" ""-"'."lfticluef prodnct of orange couritjr, "" " " -VCiUtoniuC.iBtl peanut.- ..' '. ? . . "".;.". .It is always aafe forpuUic officials to "TBoanply strictly witti-law. . .. :: "' : , ".-:. " -. Ttat cornstalk disease-is playing havoc " . - .Witfr WUe herds near Callaway. Neb! - " - ;. -. " f l The Fremont Herald, democratic, says . I .'": -;it does not pay to flirt any more -with ':-:'.- thpopmIists. ' . .:.-":;: .. FrVcBofBnuineBmallpoxtheughJ ;- . ." .. of a very-light" form, are- reported in tne t ' " southeastern part" of" Nemaha' county. ".-- - An earthquake in Cantonhnry district, V :. ' Wellington New Zealarid;1ia8 detaetst- .- -'" ' .ed.the tdwnshfp of Chejicft. Many peo-" .- .."- 'ple wereinjured. .' WAMFB-J.MtiVicKEBpf ortn uena 'isthe' ijnVentot ot gasoline engine that .promises to be a great sncoess, financially jwell otherwise..".. - - .::'!'? "- i;&ttiqiniT Roosevelt .would not . ..;; ':-: ; Uhink.of purchaB'mg-docked horses for . if: J .' his' raadiiy barriage,- -It might, be worth --,;- -'"-. inquiry, and why ehould he? .. : ' -'".-".-.-?" VcJooscIBlufW had tf serious siege . -. -:-:.i V.tlisj winter from 'smalrpqx and is again ." ?'.;- ..-.. UiriiaehecL-'Claims filed last year, on ""-.''. V"":'"accoht-of .the- contagion aggregated y"ry:-::,8B6:.-v -''' :j. : ; C'---.- - Te- .United; States commissipner of " ;:-i;': -'tatiMics -fijnires the Iosb for twenty " '-:. ' '. 'i; ;- yews ebduig . December. 31, ' 1900,- by "v '''v'-'.'.'.aifcikes'' and-lockouts at not les? than ?-. '."''WQHK&bC ' " '.-:. V. !;-. Pwmideijt'Boosevect is making an . ..v" - " " excellent '-record,-and.' we believe will "-":; . . V'iatisfy tbff people of the United States, :-S.. TvVr-" 'I at-least as ..the ordinary business of --.-: :.";;. thprewdential offioe. V ?' ;,."". . " ". .E.Carnsgle brahchof the Free Pub- V:'." . "" r "lie 'Library of St Joseph, Ma, w about "T .y?- - 1.V - to be topened. .Mr. Carnegie's contribu- -"" :J ""I". : 'iiim was S25,O0(l- 'resent planB provide .."' ?:' '."':.' ''.for a capacity of about 12,000 volumes. --. : :-..-- . -F m . '"' -.,"' J .:lTeemB that termspf agreement have - - ;".' :- . :. Jiaally been reached between the city of ,. ..JV"" r'iJsaabaand-.the Union Pacific Railroad ..i.".: -.coaapuy, both parties making some con- "-" oesBioQS.'and now. work on new. shops !...".V-. ."- wiU soon begin. -:y::'-: .".- " Newkibk, the county seat-of Kay . :-": -.coiinty,. Okjaiioma territory, was de- ;- :....y ".". -airoyed'fty fire Saturday night, loss, $80,000. No waterworks plant. The :''-'" ..; fre was-caused by the-explosion of a taaoline can in a restaurant. ." The United States wilflead all eoun- tries thisVear in foreign exports, in for- :" -eigu trade balance and. in its treasury , s- surplas. Under each conditions con tin- ' " ued prosperity may be confidently ex- . .psctedi Si-Louis Olobe-Democrat. THE'report of the Isthmian commission ". will be 'placed in the hands of the preei ' dent at' the end of the week. The com . ' mission' favors, the Nicarauguan project, ' the .'cost of vhjcli is 'placed at about '-'three-fourths. the cost of the Panama " project. ' . -. At Chicagp; Nov. 7, the fourth public sale of Short-horns made by W. D. Flatt "'of Hamilton, Ont.:, one bull sold for a $5,100; one cow for 85,000. No animal of the entire herd? 'sold 'for less than '400. while but four of the entire number -went "below ftfiOO. Wallaces' Farmer, " Novels.'- . .' ' Rbv.Henrt Bowmax, perhaps the old est Methodist, preacher, who was active i. thejpulpit up to the time of his death, died in Bipo'mington.Illinois,lastThurs- day, aged 95 years. He .preached for seventy-seven-' years and became famous thioaghout' thie '.south -for -abolition ' -iitteraBces during thewar. " - .. ; . r- . . The Swiss government has- named- a amission to adopt 'regulationsfor pro- against destructive hailstorms which' at times have devastated entire '-districts. Stations will be established '.where cannon will be fired against the "kB'pending clouds. France, Hungary 'aad Italy have already. taken similar ejtiwi. . ' M , . The Schuyler Quill, populist, review- iag results of the election in Colfax eotaty.and the state, deliberately states taw efSakm that fanoa; having served its pwrpose; it should now be abandoned. The Quill believes that the populist, if . toeaVaot conscientiously join one of the' old parties, should stick to his princi ples and go-it alone it-necessary. .Not- having put it back before the eisctaon returns came it is now pretty i that Porterthe very righteous pop of state who took home with ...hist a good deal of money that ought to hfeihe. been turned into the state treasury, " -.will never tarn it over. His chances for - getting another whack at the treasury' ' by reason .of preaching reform, are very - isw bow that the state is unquestionably ' jsi the republican column. Ord Quiz.- saasaM - "Mb. jCakkbqie's recent remembrance . of has old and trusted employes was. sen siUe as well as' generous. Hehasselect- . sd the WnMties who have been withhim Bssay jeers and presented .each of them witk aa smffint of Steel boads the inter- ... mt ef which equals the salaries they .'have fcejea gettiBg in the works. It is ' a, Mly doubling of their salaries while they work, it is a guarantee,. if they hold oa totbe.boo4stof a perpetual : to tkesa and tnetr Betrs hw iw; far good, equal to what they in their best daya.' -8o Andrew Has "- Mk bv the seea wBo by hist ia his daya of storm ana i laberasioBSwerejner bjs The Omalia Bee'in an editorial in Sunday's issue, calls for the resignation of State Treasurer Stuefer, alleging that he has not only failed to comply with the resolution of the. last state republi can jQonVentlon in giving a monthly exhibit of the amounts and whereabouts of the public money in his custody, but has been,."in collusion with an irrespon sible broker and caused a loss to ..the school fond of at least $3,200. ' On Monday,-State Treasurer Stonfer gave out a statement in regard to the Burt county affair in which he denies absolutely any .wrone use of state funds, and goes into. 1 all particulars of the transaction, so far as. concerned -hjuiself. Me closes ms statement thus; "The charge made against 'me in this particular is an un warranted assumption. I am not even given the benefit of the principle upon which the administration of justice has been founded time out of mind, that a "man is to 'be presumed innocent until proved gailty. The whole charge is unjust,' malicious and without founda tion in. fact I have handled public funds to the best of payability and judg ment I think my record will compare favorably with that of any of myprede cessors. I have turned into the state every dollar of interest that has accrued dn state f onds. I have never derived a cent of profit in any way beyond my constitutional salary." ; Considerable damage was done in Utah hy earthquake Wednesday night The shock was apparently the heaviest at Beaver 3ity,.where the Mormon meet ing house, the court house and the Bea ver academy were badly damaged, espe cially the last-mentioned building, the walls of whidh show great cracks. Chim neys were toppled over and plate glass was shattered. Hardly a house in the, town escaped damage, many of them beimr badly cracked. No fatalities are reported. Another slight shock was felt at Beaver Thursday morning. At Cedar City, Kanah and Parowan the shock is reported as being very severe; plastering was shaken from walls and brick build ings were cracked. The best estimate places the number of voters disfranchised by Maryland's new election law at 42,000, of which 12,000 are white democrats, 8,000 white republicans and 30,000 negroes. Not a word of protest or denunciation, how ever, has been heard from the great dem ocrats in these parte who have been so loudly proclaiming the right of the Tilipino to' self-government Tneir eagerness to extend the guaranties of our constitution to all the inhabitants of our island possessions seems to have blunted their perception of constitution violating at short range, when the pro hibition0 against disfranchisement on account of color is ignored to re-estab? lish democratic control of border states. Omaha Bee. If we are to judge by isolated cases of longevity, and by a new doctrine gaining ground here and there, that people may, by observing fully the laws of health, greatly prolong their lives, the new era shows signs of approach. Lady Cather ine Jane Carew, grandmother of the present Baron Carew, died Tuesday of last week at Woodstown. Watorford, England, aged 104. She was a guest at the famous Brussels ball on the eve of the battle of Waterloo and was a noted beauty at the court of Louis Philippe. yimmiiimHWiMwHimiHniHtfqaMg I SsMtifsal it'll. 1 5 I wiHimunaninmrmHmtwmHUHMtw The gas street lamps were lighted Tuesday evening for the first time. While not giving as much light as a good arc electric light, they were exceedingly brilliant, and owing to their being placed low down they lighted the walks for a block or two very nicely. Much favora ble comment was heard relative to. them.... Never before at this time of year was there ever so much building in progress in Albion. There are now close to a dozen new houses in process of erection, and new ones are being started every week. There is not an empty house in town, and the prospects now are that next year will be a repetition of this In the amount of new buildings erected. Albion News. . Onr best information is that Satur day evening last Smith Hilliard, who lives several miles east of the city, was in on business, and had bought some goods for the-family, but in the mean time was considerably under the influ ence of liquor, bis team taken in charge by the police and put into the Brunken barn on Eleventh street, and ,Mr. Hil liard left in the mow to sleep off the 'trouble. One of our informants tells us that he cannot understand Hilliard's actions, except .on the supposition that besides being drunk he was under the influence of drugs. It seems that after rousing up,' he hitched his team of -mules to his buggy, and started going north of the Lindell .to the Union Pacific track, following that west and at North street turning south, breaking the right hind wheel of his buggy, presumably by a short .turn while next the rail. The next trace The Journal reporter finds of him was at Tony Henggler's, nearly eight miles north'of the city on Sunday. He had been at a stack where he. had doubtless spent the night, having walk ed the distance from here and driven or led the mules. He was told where he was and started on the direction home. The "first rumor was that there had been a narrow escape from death by a Union Pacific engine striking the buggy. So far as we. can learn, however; there no train 'concerned. Envelopes with your return card printed, on them, for 50 cents -a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif-fereat- grades, .call at Tax Jocbxal for prices. erssl iieKtif. J. B::Gietzen was in Central City Sunday. ' Mrs. J. O. Boeder visited in Lincoln last week. Paul -Hagel went to Albion this Tues day morning. Mrs. Leo Qietzen of. Cornlea is visit ing relatives here. - Miss Freda Pilling visited in Grand Island over Sunday. Ole Steinbaugh of Council Bluffs was in the city Sunday. 'Ed. Fitzpatrick spent Sunday with his sister, in Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. AL Batler moved to Humphrey last week. Lida, Rena and Gladys Turner visited in Fremont last week. Miss Ott of Laramie, Wyo., returned to her home last week. Mrs. A. Ifland went to Cornlea Mon- day toevisit her brother. Mrs. H. Hookenberger went to Omaha Monday to visit relatives. Miss Eva Hockenberger of -Denver is visiting relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gietzen of Hum phrey spent Sunday with Dr. Gietzen. Mrs. Minnie Steinbaugh of Omaha came up Wednesday to visit with rela tives a few weeks. Miss Gertrude Wh'itmoyer left Mon day for Detroit where she will spend a few months in study. Mrs. S. A. Waddell arrived here Friday from Illinois, and will make her home here and in Schuyler. Miss Anna Tarpy has returned from Ireland, where she spent nine weeks visiting. A brother of her'e returned with her. Miss Alice Wise returned Thursday from Bell wood, where she had been three weeks working in her profession, as trained nurse. Miss Betty Brock went to Norfolk Saturday morning to visit her friend. Miss Louise Schmocker, who is engaged at the W. T. U. office at that place. Mrs. Betournay of Beatrice was in the city over Sunday, accompanied by her nieces, Madalineand Marguerite, daugh ters of John Keating. They returned home Monday morning. Pel Ctaaty. From the Osceola BeeonL Mrs. J. H. Hartman of Medicine Bow, Wyoming, was buried at Beulah Monday of this week. She was a daughter of Joshua Finecy postmaster at Beulah. She shot and killed herself last Friday during a fit of insanity. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman grew up in Polk county and have many friends here. F. M. Stone was up from Shelby last week and informed ns that he leaves this week for California for a year's stay and if he likes the country and finds some thing to suit him he may remain per manently. Mr. Stone is one of the old est settlers in the county and says he drove the first nail in Osceola thirty years ago. A .bad case of glanders in horses was found two miles north of Shelby last week by Dr. Byera at the home of Mr. Roush. A mule was nearly dead with it and a horse had it also. State Veterina rian Thomas of Lincoln came up and examined the case last Friday and his diagnosis agreed with that of Dr. Byers and the animals were at once killed. It is sincerely to be hoped that the disease has not spread among the horses of the neighborhood. Real estate is still on the rise in Polk county. Tuesday of this week several places changed hands at good prices. C. S. Webster sold his quarter northeast of town to John Wagner of Thawville, Illinois, for $3,000. W. H. Cottrell in the same neighborhood sold his 2200 sere farm for $9,000 to Fred Albers of Clear Creek precinct. Mr. Cottrell then bought the old Her quarter just on the edge of town for $7,900, from the present owner John Faulk. What Mr. Faulk intends to do we do not learn. Mr. Webster will stay on the farm until May 1, 1903. Hagel 's Btwliaf Alley. The second match game between the "eharkys" took place Tuesday night, a large crowd being, present to witness the bowling. The game was captained by G. J." Hagel and Will Baker, each now having won a game. The pujilio will be more than interested in the next game of the giants. Following is the score for Tuesday night's coatest: BAGEL'S TEAM. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totals. Hagel 125 152 128 405 Nichols 159 172 146 477 Geitzen 145 16S 157 468 Segelke 147 112 1 378 Wass 110 176 146 432 Total 1 "T78 7 MTO BAKER'S TEAM. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totals. Baker 158 163 150 471 Becher MS 136 128 427 Saffran -. 127 135 167 429 Comils 143 137 158 438 Gregorius 132 173 182 487 Total 7J6 741 785 2253 Caxit sf TIaamki. We wish to express our siacere thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness shown during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mas. August Ifxano and Family. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends, the employ of the Union Pacifie Go. and the A. O. U. W. lodge for their kindness shown during the sickness and after the death of our father and nueband. ElJZABBTM BUKKK AMD CHILDKZX. WANTEDSKVERAL PERSONS OF CHAR acteraad good repntataea ia eat state (oasis this oonnty imaUM) torawwral . i old tslablishul wltl ly&aatMM noassocsoua expenses additional, all Bfyabte i. each wodsJoBWdiiccttcvwiBwaaaBfeaB, Hone aad - S-u-Mk. CmsbJsbBwBBwL wSjfcawBm BBwtfwBBBwBBTT sBwBBBBsVbBBb'bBbV rm loss aslf asttrantnl rra r t-1 "t ataa asT. M Castes BwlhHay. CBeasa. lists iaurtal SIMM BSISTV MlBjm WIS LT 1H find it necessary to FIXTURES AND LEASE FOR - Seal Estate Tfaaifers -Becher, Hockenberger & -Chambers, real estate agents, report the following, real estate transfers tiled in the office of the county clerk since our last report: Paul Hagel et al to Nebraska: Iowa Creamery Co, pt se ne. 2-18 le. $2400 Same to same, pt se ne, pt ne se7-18-le,wd ..,.... 2450 00 Same to same, pt se se 10-19- c . le,wd 12000 00 Paul Hagel and wife to same, pt lot 1 bl 119 Columbus, wd 12000 00 F N Stevenson to same, pt ne ee 14-19-1 w, wd 2450 00 Geo Hellbusch to Carl Hell s buscq, n2 n w 7-19-le, wd. . . . . 3120 00 James E North to George Leh-. man, w lot 7 bl 59 Col, wd. 1000 00 George Lehman to Wm Mc- Ever, wi lot 2 bl 87 Col, wd. 20U0.0U Martha Hewson to CD White etal,undl-5e2sw2217-le,wd 640 00 Geo P Billups to Kasper Peter son, s2se80-203w,wd. 2250 00 Jacob E James to Jno H James, ne28-19-4w, wd...... 2500 00 John H James to Geo Sheets, ne 28-19-4 w, wd 5000 00 Wm T Gorman to Delia T Gor man. Iota 7 and 8 bl 127 Co lumbus,wd low uu Total... .$49452 00 Dea4 Letter Carle. In po8tofflce transactions the lack of Ingenuity and even of .ordinary com mon sense is astonishing. The curios of the dead letter office include envel opes legibly cross marked ''Return If not delivered" or "If not called for In five days, return to sender" without a word of further specifications. Others bear names -without .topographical data: "Hermann Kemper, painter and decorator, successor to Ritchie Bros. e Co." Worklngmen, foreigners especial ly, often seem to credit mail clerks with the gift of geographical clairvoy ance: "Jan Jansen, at the miners' boarding house, or, perhaps, stops at Mrs. Baumgarten's place" no town to hint about the state or county of the mining camp. "Please deliver as soon as possible" some such letters are marked and seem ..often, to have been plastered with an extra stamp In the hope of Inducing the carrier to give the matter his earliest attention. Cincin nati Enquirer. Appeals f Fear. The appeals to fear have well nigh ceased, and yet there Is no fact which we are so compelled to see as .the fact of retribution. The law of retribution works In our present life. We become aware of it In our earliest infancy, and we never become developed in charac ter until we have learned to fear that which Is evil and to shun the conse quences of sin. There Is a sense of righteousness In all men, and all men know that unrighteousness brings pun ishment It is fair to assume that what Is a part of man's very structure here will continue hereafter. We may I give up entirely the notion of a mate rial hell, but we cannot give up the doctrine of retribution. Suffering must follow sin, and therefore to. appeal to fear Is not only legitimate, but it Is in accordance with the structure of man's nature. North American Review. Why WlBvra ReJlccdU Mr. Wigwag Did the new carpet ar rive all right? Mrs. Wigwag Yes; It came Intact Mr. Wigwag Hooray! Hip! -Hip! That lets me out! . Mrs. Wigwag What In the world are you talking about? Mr. Wigwag Why, didn't yon aay it came In tacked ? Philadelphia Record. tune. Vcrilraa mt Jack Jill. An English clergyman has written the history of Jack -and Jill on a new and original plan. The first four pages of the book are numbered 1, the next four 2, and so on up, to page 8. The stories are so arranged that any page marked 2 can be read after any num bered 1, making good sense. In the same way page 3 can be read after page 1 or page 2; page 4 will follow page 1. 2 or 3, and so dn through the eight Application of the laws of per mutation shows that the book thus contains 63.&3G stories of Jack and JUL Mat aa OM Aeaalataaea. . "Do you mean to say that thehorse ran away with you?" said Mr. Meek ton, aghast z "Yes," answered bis wife. "And wouldn't stop when you told him tor "Of course he wouldn't" "Well, Henriette, I don't know what to aay except that the horse wasn't ac quainted with you or else he wouldn't have dared to act in tnat. manner. Washington Star. Aaeleat Cant aiael. ' The manufacture of cast steel in In dia can be traced back for over 2,000 years, whbe there are also ersmplrw ef wrought Iron work nearly as old. Near Delhi, close to the Kutub. there la an enormous wrought iron pfflar which weighs ten tons and la ever 13)0 years da. - .-,, Worth of new seasonable merchandise to be closed out regeUdlew 6t cot, giving the people of Columbus and vicinity a rare opportunity to get tiieir winter supplies at less than the cost of manufacture..' Having arranged .to "enter "the. wholesale business, re dispose of this stock:'. Prides have been revised without relation to cost or move it quick, after sale begins. move it auick. IssitMSsr first cssm first tsrwssl. Produce will not be accepted w -.- . - - TIME TABLE; COLUMBUS. NEB Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City, Portland, KamsasCity, 8t. Louis and all points Bast and oath. San Francisco and all points West. TRAINS DKPABT. No. 22 Passenger, daily except Sunday. 7:ir a. m No. S2 Accommodation, daily except BatQTday. 4:30 p. m TRAINS ARRIVE. No. 21 Passenger, daily except Sunday. 9:00 p. m No. 31 'Accommodation, daily except TIME TABLE U. P. R R. KA8T BOUND, MAIN LIME. 8.i ColnmbnB Local lv. No. 6:38 a. m. 1:0ft p. m. 2J0 p. m. 5:18 p. m. , i$& a. m. HO0 a. m. 10 JO p. m. No. 102, Fast Mail No. 0, Eastern Express.. No. 2, Orerland Limited No. .4, Atlantic Express No. 20, irreigtit. ... wo. m, r fuibmi, . . . . ....... WK8T BOUND, MAIN LINE. No. 1, Overland Limited No. 101, Fast Mail No: 3, California'Express. .:.... No. 5, Pacific Express No. 7, tkilambos Local No. 23, Freight.. NORFOLK BKASOn. .11:12 a. m. .11:18 a. m. .. 70 p. m. . 1:0 a. iii. . 8:40 p. m. . 4Ai a. hi. Depart . 70 p. m. . 60 a.' m. Arrive .1220 p.m. . 9:10 p. m. No. 63, Passenger. No. 71, Mixed . No. 61. Passen No. 72, Mlxi ALBION'ANO CEDAR RAPIDS BRANCH. Depart No. 69, Passenger .'2:15 p. iu: No. 73, Mixed' Arrive. No. 70, Passenger 1:05 p. m. No. 74, Mixed 9.00 p.m. Norfolk passenger trains ran daily. No trains on Albion and Cedar Itapids branch Sundays. Columbus Local daily except Sunday. W. II. Benhax, Agent. BtJRLIsTQTOH BOUTE. Through Cars to California. The Burlington's through car service to California is as follows: Staxdabd Sleepers daily, Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and Oxford to San Francisco, connecting at latter city with fast' train for Los Angeles. Tourist Sleepekh personally con ducted every Thursday, Omaha, Lin coln, Hastings and Oxford to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. Tourist Sleepers personally con ductedevery Wednesday and Thurs day, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Wymore, Superior and Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Denver and Salt Lake City, passing ' the magnificent mountain scenery of Colorado by day light The tourist sleepers are of the very latest design. They are wide vestibnled and lighted by gas. The seats have high backs, and the aisles are carpeted. The linen is clean and of good quality. If yon expect to spend the winter in California, it will pay yon to write for "California Tours, 1901-2," a 40-page fol der which will be ready for distribution early in November. It contains just the information the California traveler needs maps of California and the various routes to it; a list of California hotels; estimates of the cost of a month's stay; information in regard to excursion-trips, climate, out of door sports, suitable clothing, etc. Free. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Gnov9 "' Omaha, Neb. A TOOTH BRUSH is sn irdispenaable article. We show a complete assortment at all prices. 5 to S0e. We have adult's brashes in bard, medium ana son oruues. init area's sizes ia medium and soft bristles. All of oar better grade brashes are guaranteed. If found in any way defective we l reiuouiir L price cheerfully. Ctmar af iawf rtaiili Vests for Men and rrwi tVlslBf Boys, made of Chamois lined with flannel. glm-s- stsaBMsri Caaawls Vests for Women f lTlVC VUCVll and Girlsnadeof Chamois covered with French flannel. iwfiwt nmteetioB asainst cola ana sadden chaiietB sralnnt magna, colds, pneumonia and 1 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVz BvS eSBBBBBBSBS m'dSikK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWl VaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai BBBBBBBBBBaPBW 'aaBBBBBBBBBBwi BBwBB MjIk fc lap S- aaBBBawl bbbyL IilitooidsBMPsH BBBBBBBwfaV . JXxwSlsBB$S 7.. lBBBBBBBBBwi BwBwT uMlMXA 'fWuIllBBBwl BBBBHtL, WBlSIsM ifiBKsVF;BBBB bbbbTOMBbwI; f arlsfclfl wawi Bawl TBlllsIP Viiaafaf H BBBBl awBBaf- J BBBawBBBBBBBBai aBBBH BBBflnwBBL 4v a BBBBwvWaBBB Stmx9i llmtAf liiMni all chest and lung troubles. J out tne uung lot children goins to school. Children's attet. .. POLLOCK fc CO. Nothing will be reserved. - . ttt a mhmm auasuia ' aftOi m 'A AA.L. x?UJKCHftttKg NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will. William Westphal. de ceased. In the county court of Platte coaatj-, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska to the heirs ami next of kin of caid William Westphal, deceased. - Take notice, that upon filing of a written .in strument purporting to be the last will aad testament of William WestphaJ. for probate aad allowance, it Is ordered that said nutter be set for hearing the 3d day of December. A. D. 1901. before said county conrt, at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m., at which time any person interested may appear and contest the same:, and dne notice of this proceeding is orderel published three weeks successively in The Columbus. JouaxAL, a weekly and legal newsiwper printed, pabiished and of general circulation in said county aad state. In testimony whereof, I have hereanto set aay hand and official seal at Columbus, this 6th day of November. A. D. 1W1. rt 1 T.D.ltoBifON. Iskal.j i3nov27 County Judge. NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will, Thomas Lynch, de ceased. In t he county court of Platte county. Nebraska.. .The State of Nebraska to the heirs' and next ot kin of said Thomas L.ynch, deceased. Take notice, that noon filing of a written in strument puriMtrlinK to be the last 'will 'and testament of said Thomas Lynch for probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 22d day of November. A. D. 1901, liefore said county' court, at the hour of- 2 o'clock p. m., at which time may lerson interested may appear and contest, the same; and due notice ot this proceeding is or dered oublished three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing in The Columbus Jocb- sal, a weeuyana legai newspBpcn-pnauxj,iivi-lished and of general circulation in said county and state. In tratimnnv u-henof. I have hereunto set Bl hand and official seal at Columbus this 1st day of November, A. D. 1901. r 1 T. D. KOBISON. (seal. 6novS County Judge. NOTICE PBOBATE OF WILL. Notice prohat of will, John W.T.Schmidt, de ceased. In'the county court of Platte conaty, Nebraska. ... The State r Nebraska to the heirs and next of Kill OI BIIIU rfllllU Tt.X. OUIIIUU, uevcoocu. Take notice, that upon filing of a written in Hlrnmiit miranrtini' to he the last will and testament of John W. T. Kchmidt for 'probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter be set tor hearing theZitn aay 01 xiovemoer. a. is. 1901. before said county court, at the boar of 2 o clock p. m., at which time any person interested may appearand contest the same; aad due notice of this proceeding is ordered published three weeks snccesHiveiy prior to saiu aay oi ncsr ini in The t'oLrrsiuus Journal, a weekly aad legnl newspaper printed, published and of gen- rnu circuimiiiu in ihiwi wuuij ouu "ir. In tr-itiiminv wliprenf. I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Columbus this 2d day of November, A. D. 1901. SKAL.J T. D. Kobisok. ('ounty Judge. nov3 PROBATE NOTICE. In the connty court of Platte county. Nebraska: In the matter of the estate ot Katie BL Hpaa hacke. deceased. Notice of final settlement nml nmHiunt. To the creditors, ieirs. legatees ami others in terested in the estnto or Kntio M. Hpanbacke, deceased. Take notice that Hernmn (J. Irfieschen has filed in the county court a report of his doings as executor of the estate of Katie M. Bpanhacke. deceased, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 7th day of December, 1901, liefore the court at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same. This notice is ordered given in The Columbus Joubnai for three consecutive weeks prior to the 7th day of December, 1001. Witness my hand ami the seal of the county court at Columbus.this llth day of November. 19U1. lsr.AU J 20aov3 County Judge. IFGOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your local ticket agent to route you liet ween Omaha and Chicngo via tho fC'C& fMoamm StMll the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from the Union depot. Omaha, daily, connecting with trains from the west. ! Magnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining cars and buffet, library and smoking cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc., address F. A. Nash, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. H. W. HowEtt, Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt. M. C. CASS IN, pbopbiktob or tbb Omaha Meat Market Fresh, and Salt !Meats. Game and Pish in Season. 10tHighest market prices paid foe Hides and -Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA ISSBttf BflSBffiS&i value, but with one object, MUM JUS. UJU5U. MOT - Fremont - Normal - School .. - and Commercial I nstit titg TWEMOWT. COURSES OF STUDY. 18difsreat front which better con or better iaatractioa. . MASSES. The school for the masses. No examination on entry. , Can entoh at . J any time. Text books reatedV In this item we. save onr" stuile'rity." enough money to pay oar fare 200 miles. OFFICIALLY KECOGMZED. :.. ; : 4 -.-.: State SwpsriaUadsat Fowlsr raoogsized' the school, July. 1.r, lN)f.. " CuBBJMStatoC9artu1eates,goodfor2 years, .1 years and lite.-; PHABHACY COURSE. The beat aad most complete ia the west. State recognition. Kx': :""-."""- -. pease Brack less than ia other schools. Students may devote Uiiif. ;- .;";-. entire tWM or take other work la.eonnection without extra cost.- -COMMEBCIAL COURSE. Thorough, practical aad ap-to-date. Actual business the entire yeaV. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. No school offsra equal advantages. A sis months scholarship for. S30LO0 aad if we have not secured a position, you can stay one month- longer free of charge. MUSIC COURSE. " " a a " Piano, Organ, Violin, Maadolia, Voice sad Harmony. nntIUlTa.SaUI,lM1 ; W. H. 8KaaraQTaTa,Vn. Tint Watt Saw, Ibl SEND FOR CATALOGUE. COLUMBUS MABKETS. Wheat, old 57 Corn, ahelled-V bushel. . . S2 " new, ear 45 Oats,VbaaaeL 35 Rye bushel 45 Hogs-cwt 5 00 6 15 Fat cattle-V cwt 3 000 4 50 Potatoes-? bssheL 90 1 00 Butter-? fx 1518 Eggs ? dozen. 184) Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. Blacksmith and Wagon Work... ETerythiig ! ear Hie ami eierytkiap giarMteH. Wage e t ertler. Best Wse-shoeiir ia the city. A lie Hie ef Carriages, ete. Baggies. am aswat for the old reliable Columbus Buggy Company, of Colam bna, Ohio, which is a euateient guaraa tee of strictly first-class goods. LOUIS SCHREIBER. 2Socttf H. G. PERSON, Buggy Doctor, Will pwarib aad ofraloa CajTriaaw. tjem, Wafoaa. Flow. Btteaiaary. ere. is tatioa fraa. Head yoor aick aad crippled Tthickw for a ieaae ot life, to ibj faoaatel at CtllwMISt Mlftlllf laaTtarmtoa. j D.STIBE8. TTOaUTBT AT LAI OfJee, Olive BtA BB-etabe la lint Matioaal w-w Covamm. MaaaaBSB. W.a.'McAXisTBB. W.M.CoaBBUVB ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ooxrasoa, to rial M. V. to select your work,; No school offers'- - CLEMM0NS, President;- MMBBJSJSBBjasjSJM HHtrHCHIlN I I. WSS CWIIIIIWAII, I S IATE OF TUK '. I lima Ciisenatirj of Iisic s omcAao. Trailicr of s piano, vh:k ciririnu:, S okban, aktopsin;im;.: 5 Kemdbxck: Home of Kob't. Haley. CulamlMii, Nfl.. S' MrWHMMHMIIIIIIIIIfllS 9 !BBWIMaSw)MHlHrMI(lii feHrM ; B EST SERVICE. J5ST EUUIPMKXT, E Ii91 ISAlflS, EST TRACK. EST ROUTE :TO: I CHICAGO!! I with direct '. 5 ceaaecttes far - AH fttoip. Eastiri Cities, f S via -niK E i Uniofi Pacific ... and '.,;.,! I Chicag A North-West tiTi la, S I Unas. ' S Passengers destined -for . --E IS proauaent cities east of the -E-Missouri River should pat- ' -roaize this route. s The through trains are Sol- . E s idly Vestibnled, elegantly -E"; equipped with Double-.- ! Drawiag Room and Palace- "-.- X Sleepers, Dining Cara,meal3 .: E' E a la Carte, Free Reclining '-E. s Chair Cars. '" ."x. For tickets and call on fnli informntion":s. 1 tf W. H. Bbxrast, Agent. ;s , J. M. CURTIS Jistice of tiie Peace. -o taTWould resaeetfailv aoiiVif . oi;.; - -i " rr;" J I Over First Natiaaal-Baak, let doort6. . .the left. l&spftf. I' yoa wish gaodi aeat, clean . week done ia the liae ot ariatiaf, eaU at Xo Jofraa caacev " : - I : : .- --. . - . Iiaeela Journal FL . ' n-f t - ja&ftgSgeasga- ageSt. ;; v -t. & rj-sste- r&& .y-v.-; g-rflHt -g. --gvyawfrr?-?--