The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 13, 1901, Image 3

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j .-.
1 Cnckery, Qieeiswirc i Blittwiri.
y v. .; Now. located five doors east of the old stand or. Eleventh
;" street, in die mammoth new store, the best -and biggest in the
: : count v. Everything new, fresh and .reasonable, . and .'a' 'larger
i assortment tlumever before .......
--:-. :; . Call and inspect our new
- iiiA, wnicn we sen ai prices
" HH H
It is this excellence of quality '
and the great number of dif
ferent items under this uni
form -label, that distinguish
the MONARCH brand
above all others. Money can
not buy better goods because
they are not put up ... .
Wi livitt lispKtiM. Wi Brp CMparitti.
Prices same as last season at
Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies;
Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons;
Rock Island plows and cultivators;
Rock Island cornplanters;
Cadet cornplanters;
Little Engine, the new lister,
where the operator can see the corn drop while planting;
Jones' Lever binders; -Jones9
Chain mowers;
Jones' Self-dump hay rakes;
Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes;
Walter A. Wood's mowers;
Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills;
Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines;
ami all other machinery needed on the farm. Call
and sec for yourself. We wish vour trade.
To your entire satisfaction that it is to your J
advantage to do your foil and winter trading u
. ft in uiotmng, uenis
; il .Shoes with us, would
WaiI thai-..- ie iiicfv vxrhnrf-.
:ft tit is hecesMury fbr you isto look over our.
-&' -tnlr'nr1 trot- Aii.nniWMi' -
R : :?T1,T: "" BV1' " .
U " ' -r -v "
; Itl. YOU
Lit " . ' -,-. J I
line of fine CHINA and CUT ' -i
maiare ngni.
Fruits and
Preserves and
-urnisning uooas ana
you not say:
vtiro. m . tr etvwl '11.
. . '
BwMa bhM l Ml
LaiBBMa I I bbbw sbt
. Dr. PaaU. dentist'.
-T-lBalMiT'fdr twit photos. .
' Djr.. jranwu,' dm!; TBrteeeth
atreefe. if .
; -Toe ahoald seats new liae of booha
ataiaow5,- :.., ': ; :.;..
outdoor jrork..
.':-rJ. IL Frevert of FlaUa OwUr.wa
in the aty.Seadsy. . v :-.
f -laA.ltlUkaiKcWwith
. Clear aad
tka ckmdy aad hot-
I)r.aB. OieikW, diatik,ni Bar
bbIoek,TkirtathtrWt:.. 1m -
7-Bring yonr babi to -WaldiaL it you
waat thaja pabtofrapaad oomctly. ' '-"
. .H-LAmaa'a aaw Wiok additioa to tb
Thnratoo' kotal iaaaariajfeoaiaktioa.
RyJM watch- iMiiian, call oa
Carl YtommI. 11th Sti Colaaibua, Mabl
Dra. Martyr Evaaa A OMr,elei
thwe door north fPriadhoftatora. tf
Chicago later Oeaaa aailOoKViiMJa
JonaxAK, onayaar, in adTaaoa fl.75.; tf
Biahop WilliaaM ia azpaetad hara
next Sanday to preach ia tbaEpiaoopal
chnreh; ... s
Do aot fail to aaa oar 8-fobt galaa-
iaadaiaalauU far ttJ0QL AiDaaaaUA
Son. tf
Hakt k Adaaaa ara to hava tha aaa
of a new warahonaa totha raar of tba
Jim Fraziar haa rataraiad from tha
northarn part of tha atata whara ha haa
been bayiag cattle.
Dr. McKaaa'a jnathod of
alominnm platea plaoaa them .on
equality with gold.
lira. Gay a Barau haa left the
oity for OalTeaton, Tazaa, where aha will
make her future home.
It k reported that the laad deal be
tween O. I. Hill and Oebqre Morkert
haa been declared Moff .M
Gerhard Loeeke aad aoa have ra
tnrned from their trip to Europe, which
waa a Tery enjoyable one.
The acenery case oa top of the north
end of the North opera -hoeee ia batne;
coTered with ateel aheeting.
Jay Henaley eatertaiaed a nambar
of his little frienda Saturday afternoon
to a anrpriaa birthday party.
Onion aoap cooked for aa hoar or
two ia coaaidered a preoioaa raatorativa
to wrecked nervoua ayatema.
All thinra coaaidered there ie prob
ably no greater railroad in the United
States than the Union Pacific.
Charles E. Moree haa retaraed from
Waahington, and we bear haa parchaaed
land near Wenatchee, wiUi the expecta
tion of moving to it ia the apriag. .
Frank Dieohaer ia eajoyiag the open
air again, having recovered from the 31
neaa that eent him to the hoapitaL
Standard Faeaion Saeeta are far
niahed by J. H. Galley. Deoember
aupply jaat received. Call and get one.
. C. S. Eaatoa moved a good portion
of .hie hardware atdok to the aewetore,
Saturday laat, eame atreet oae Mock
. In Piatte ooaaty it would eeem that
the 3-ply political, party, ia aaother year
wUl be redaced to 1-ply, aad that dem
The bright light eeea to the weat of
the oity by ao maay people Sanday aight
waa fromabarBiagetxawataekoB Pat
rick Murraya farm.
Great, enthaaiaatio crowd greeted
the Nebraska aad Miaaoari foot-ball
teams Satarday, at Oaiaha, 51 to 0 in
favor of Nebraska.
; Rev. Miokel, formerly miaiaterof the
Methodist church here, now of Omaha,
will preach next Sanday morniag aad
evening in the If ethodiat ehwrch.
There are numeroaa predictioaa of
aa open winter, baaed oa varioaa conjee
tares aa to balancing of the eeaaoa, a
winter following a dry eammer, etc.
Preliminary mosearo are being ta
ken' for the organisation of a Baeiaeas
Meo's Club for the iatereet of the city.
The call for a meeting ie being namer-
oaaly aigned.
removes the unhealthy tiaaae apoa which
worma thrive; it briaga, aad quickly, a
healthy condition of body, where worma
cannot exiak Prioe25oeata. A.Heints
and Pollock a; Co.
The veterana will alwaya find aome
thing interesting for them ia Campfire
Sketchee foarth page of Tin Joubxai
Sheridan at Wiacheater" corracta a
mietake that baa beea.carreat eiaoe
Reed wrote hia famoa poem.
Never try.toeoax a cold or eoagh,
aee the remedy that nafailiagly eoaqaera
SYRUP ia the great epstflo for all throat
and- lang -troables. Price 25 aad' 60
oeata A. Heuttz aad Pollock; a; Co.
this city Satarday laat betweea theBeU:
wood aad.CMumbM teaaas did aiot' ma
terialise, the former playiag a game at
Ballwood with the. Medics of .Liaooln,
resalting'ui a tie, the ecore being 5 to fi,"
The'Fremont Herald ia deeaoaratic,
bat. in reierenee co-tae camnaiga ia
Platte coanty, and in partiealar, to that
for ahwia, it eaya: ' UU there w aay
reaaon.why an osacer ahoald be taetrict
ed to two tarma it ahoald apply to tha
Now it iatbaCaaadiM fever; George
Meiaaer haa retaraed from tha North:
wast Territoriee,.where he haa boaghi a
lot of Uad. 'George Dopaoa aad Dr.
Frisk are talking of mskiag.a tripap
there, atarting next' .weet
Grove Herald.
Broom com ia varioaa ia
year; raaguig.from 966 to.tlaO-aar ton
aastmiookiBgap. Theraiemgolitia
somewhat of a.epeoialty.or it aright be
driaable for-mora tarmers to try it.
Special work, proparly bagaa aadpar-
aaed, iatba awat prottable.
' Rev.' J. t MrTagfcha,
Hoapital aaaooiatioa of 0aha.waala
the dty.Satarday, oolleotiar Maariff
tioaof a.aew.banldaag as OmAm, to east
ia all some Mi." . Dariag the lest
at tha
-13 ssartps,a eefits at Weldiay Pi.
dia: - .'."-... lm
'-"Barry.Lyadim'r-loaaof 6a rigara a?Mf HomtopathM physt-
Uoiambne. Meb. .
money ia town at Jl.'Cl Eihmi
' Wigiriae Lawia had a
fat haga oa-tha South' Omaha
- -i A eeriie of meetiBge m baiag haliT at
taaBaatMcharbegU'aiagleat Sobp
dayeveaiag:, Servioea begin ;at 70,
. Twbaedwalliag.hoaeaeforealeoa.
the iaeteUmeatplaa, a bergeia for.
Fred: .and. Joseph Hofmaa aad
George Calah waia arrested soadaby
the 'police aader a charge of .draak.aad
dmordarly.: -. . .
VrCaaiiay Maeoo,. who. baa been- in
Greeley siaisaviagQjlJUBbsXwas ia
tbwa'Satarday:and.Sanday'on'aia .way
,' '4-Wsm; Schilt amkas' boota aad
in the bast styles, aad aasaoaly thaverjr
Deststockthatcaaba procared ia the'
aaarkei, tf ;- :
- ".--80 Hardy k. Land If yoii have leaky'
roofs. .They baa sell yoa the-etaa? for
nitaiisg at a less 'cost' than.yoa caa
bay shingles, "tf .
. " --Suppose there. had beea' a marder.
iaataad of .an aesaalt Sanday. nighk aad
tha iajared asssilsnt had panned fur
ther ia-the path ofievsagewhere woald
.The Saakaspeare aad parliamactary
departsMBt of .the .Woman's elnb met
last Tueedar evening with TOea Galley.
Prof. Kern aaa promissd to pilot the
bars through the study of Jalius
. HERBINE sweetens the breath,
Brightens' the eye and clears
plexion without' the slightest .ill 'effects
whatever, and enaares the natural bloom
ot health.- Pride 60 oenta. A. Heint.
snd Pollock Ca "
Ladies of the Presbyterian chnreh
will give an oyster supper, at the hoine
of Mm. Yanaletine on east Fourteenth
street Friday evening, Nov. 15th,'be-'
ginning at half past 5 o'clock..-Supper
90s. An invitation is extended to all. -
Letters have been received herefrom
"Sm. G. W. Corey, who is in Sugar Grove,
Pa., by friends. He is well pleased with
his, new home and says the surrounding
country is very, beautiful. The city is
but seven miles from Chautauqua lake.
Rev. Corey sends regards to frienda here.
Many people are suffering fearfully
from indigestion or dyspepsia, when one
single bottle of HERBINE would bring
about a. prompt and permanent cure.'- A
few doses will do more for a'weak stom
ach than a prolonged oonrse of any oth
eramdieine. Prios 60 oenta. A.Hemti
and Pollock Co. '
Miss Mary. Besob, eldest daughter of
Mr.' and Mrs. Mathias Besob, who live
just. south of Ballwood, .was suddenly
stricken down with typhoid pneumonia
about the beginning of last week, and
died Wednesday, Nov. 6. A .practical
nurse waa called from the Sisters' hos
pital at Colombo.-Gazette. '
The lsst flrstlsss shower of the
Leonide swarm, "the .shooting stars,"
ss oa November 14, 188 aad if or long
it was held that 33 years waa the recurr
ing period, bat now it ia thought to be.
34 aad lengthening. The last display
as in November, 1867. Astronomers
say 1 a. aa. to 2 a. m. Nov. 14.
For all fresh eats or wounds, either
on the human subject or on animals.
excellent; while for oorn-huekera' aprain-
ed wrists, barbed-wire cata and sores oa
working horses, it cannot be too highly
commended. Prios 35 and 60 oenta. A.
Heinta and Pollock A Co.
A telegram from Topeka, ffsstss,
says that apple growers of Chase coanty
have joined in a request to Secretary
Coburn of the agriealtural board to fiad
them parehaaera for their apple crop.
They say they have apples to bora but
no bayers. What's the matter with
bringing a lot of them to Nebraska?
John Brook, sr., was treating his
frienda Friday to the cigars saying that
he was celebrating the third aaaiver
aary ot the birthday of his twin grand
children. Dewey, he said, when. asked
what he waa going to be when he became
a man, replied "A soldier." He was
born while his father way away in the
Marriage, licenses have been issued
since the 4th by Judge Bobieoa to the
following: Chan. Roberts-ahd Anna M.
Litrins both of Batler coanty; John
Clochon and Mary Jaworski, Cdambaa;
Frederick Meyer and Louisa Schomaker,
Platte county; Victor F. Palmatier and
Clara Jansen, Creston; Robert .'Wendr
and Aaieua Krause, Platte county.
.There ia probably no discs so more
distressing ando annoying, than 'piles.
MENT is daily curing esses of years',
standing of itching and, bleeding pileel
The care begins on the first, spplication,
a little perseveraace -makes the. .cue
complete. Prios 60 oeata ia' bottles.
Tabes, 75osats. A. Heintx aad Pollock
co. - -. ;
' '- w
WJater coming on apace, all prep-
aratioas are being banned. The
rale of soais oarefur people, "Never
undertake to plaster after October 1,M
has been often, aad will yet be ignored
this year by scores ot Nebraskans. As.
fsvarable for bwBdiag'aa the.year'haa
beea, there have not been summer days
eaoagh to. complete, the improvemeats
wanted. . - .'-.'. ;." '
. ....
. .Oar information ia that George A,
Hosglsad has'pajchaeed.'the.himbeV
plaat" of John EL- KaaCaua, soata 'dt
Gaasa faraitare store,-and will shortly
saake thathaaouartera for his basinees
hare,' which has bsaa- done onder the
msaageaaent of D.. Schapbach. TU
alaat'coaaists of 'a qaartar' block (two
fuH lotaX.aa okoe. three aod-aixad
ssdasadastoekoflamber. -J"
: .'-4-The Catholic charch is being psiat
ed aad Tom 8ses, the nervy paiater, as
lie climbed to the top of 'the steeple.
fast high, proved- hia abilityV to . ha
"arackrap aad.. look down -on comsapa
Whea.Tom arrived at the gold
at thBttopymade of-zinc, he foaad
a hole, shot through it and the' wasps
ap their abode inside. A
bhem 100 feet from earth wss
a wateoasa fight bat Tern sad ass
paiat brash wqaaat-Ulyssss Dsmatsh: 1
FieW, WQUama aad
Higkkwd Park, Baial aad Hajh SaaaaL
The"earoUmeat for
far ceai-of attaadaaoa, W.
-Srtarda? U, tk
ot the oity,. waa
byauvely host of people,
- -rThs pabbe lihrsiy wiU sooa he m
shape far the pablic, Tka rosea, waioh
as shove theF.H.Lsmb A Go; store,
wfll be ppsaid ia a taw dayato the pas
lie. laa book have all.beeareDovered
aad.a diag-list is aowbsiag priated.
Ksb Fsaaia Gear .will' be ths librariaa
dariag thia.wiater; ".
aty.Baad wfll give, their next
rideveeiaLNovember SS, at
theopera 4oaea. ' Amoasf tha soecial
features aa the program am three' soWs,
by the: reaowaed holoist . Jfiss Julia
Walker, .ths.Blsok Patti:'! AUb two
aambsrs by Proi Gliehe'Coaoert Or
ehastra. . . : 2k- . ; :-;.: ..
-Eimefa'. JtrgV setirtissmiat in 'to'
.day'a'Jooajui speaks for, itself, aad it
will. doubtless benefit yoa to reed it, if
jroa desire parcaaeing aaythtBg' ia their
lis: -They expect to go iato the' whble
aaW basiwaas, aad' fiad it neoassary to
seU their $12,000 stock' of saaaoaable
goods. ' ThesaU begina Monday next
Charles MaCuae, yeara ago a priater
in this pity, latterly of, David Qtj, ia at
C,-Wyomfc;and'Bakiag arraaga
sajavasVshere to smbark. aa a aew eater-'
prise as publisher 'of a democraUe paper.
Ha has ss.ahaadaai experieaoe alosg
all baas of aewspaper work, aid will
doabtlass kasp.his gait in. the newer
A woaadmada by a rastynail or aa
old. spjiatsror.aaytaiag of .the kiad,
ahoald be sataratad with turpentine.
.This is both safe aad aootbiag aad will
avoidall danger of blood powsaiag in
ordinary esses.-. Theee little woaade
ahoald reoeive prompt sad aarsfal atten
tion in all cases, as it does' not 'pay to
endanger oneV life by not' properly oar
ing for a woaad made' by a tasty aaU.
-Central Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaworski' gave a big
oalebiation at their hosasiaaoathssstsra
Columbus Wedasedsy. Tharsday sad
Saturday in' honor of their' daughter
Mary'amarrisge to John Cbochon. The
saarriage ceremony" waa performed in the
Catholic. charch. Wsdaesdsy morning.
Large erowde daaoed aad fssatedallday
aad aesrly all night Several handred
loaves of bread were bsksd.for the acoa
sioo, and over one hundred cakes.
Wsi. Semple, oae of the wotkmea
eagsged in tearing down the U. P.
railroad bridge, had the misfortune Sat
arday to have a large piece ot iron tall
on hia right hand mashing the fingers
badly. Physieisaa' amputated tha tret,
eeoond.' and ihird .fiagats aad ' it is
thought. the thamb and Uttle finger can
besavecL'.Hewaa tskea Monday to the
hospital, .where he- will be cared' tor.
Sample's' home is in Oamha, sad he is
The ninth annaal ooavsation of the
Fifth dariet ot the Christian Endeavor
union began its, seasons .at Fallertoa
Friday evening last, Miss Bessie Sheldon
of this city presiding. A-'soag servibe
wsatbUowad by an address of weloome
byRayof UPreebytariaa charoh
ot FajUertbn and response by Miss Mia
nie Beaker, ot Cdambaa, after which
Rev. Edward Hart Jsaks of Omaha gave
his lecture; "A Great. Day Dream aad
What Came of It"
Aagast Inaad disd Thursday morat
ing but; at his rssideaee in this city,
after an illaess of some six wssks of
typhoid pneumonia. His sge was about
50 years, and he was bora ia Maryland.
Hia home had beea Colambas for the
past twenty year. He saarried ia Illi
nois. Mia '.Hannah Kantxelman, who
with their three -sons, George, Charles
aad Oliver,' survive him. Faosrsl ser
vices Satarday were'eqndaoted by Bsv.
Manro. Interment ia Colambas cem
etery.' When the Norfolk High school foot
ball team arrived in Colambas Satarday
they found the groande rather wet, bat
were desirous thst the game, should, be
played.. The Colamboa boys, however,
were either afraid ot getting their feet
maddy or were frightened by a superior
showing of strength and the' game wsa
called off. The Norfolk boysreoeived a
generous reception at .the heads of their
hosts and speat a pleasant day, even
though tba object of their visit wsa aot
realized, sad .came back .with warm
praise for: the eatertainihg qaahty of the
Colambas boys. Norfolk News.
- Mrs; Balloa was pleasantly sarprised
Thursday afternoon by about- thirty
lady friends loaded with books, pretty,
Mefulgifts and' baskets of good things
to est ooaung. to celebrate her birthday
aanivenery.. Mrs. Balloa was for many
yeara. one of the best teachers the city
had and we befieve she is the oldest ree
ideat teacher of the ..earlier days. She
haa lost none of her interest for educa-
tioaalthingaandkassskeen a concera
ia tkoae sbout her .si when'; she taaght
the .primary. room in-.thV. First ward;
Her friea'ds. hope to oslsbrate maay'
more birthday saaiverseries.
4The Art departmaat of the Womaa'a
olab" past-with Mm-Herriok Friday ; at -.teraooa
with' a huge attendaaoe preseat.
Mimes Lore Becber and' Vara- Kramer
and Mm. Herriek all gKfm descriptions
of the artiatic part ot the Pan-Aaiericaa,
aad other members told.of. interestiag
items of the Fair. Miea Wiggins said a
cousin of her fatber'a, Mra. Frank Fish
er, who is sa advaaeed artist in playiag
the. pipe organ, gave- the recitals dariag
Jaly, when ssveral 'of the'Colambas
peopw, were' there. "Mia. JMx
read aa excellent paper on
soalptora. Mis. Herriek and Mrs. M
er awprissd; a diversion ia
ths prograavny serving 'rsfreshmsnts. ;
. ; Ail.lhat'B child wants is a chance to
grew aad to leara byexparieaee hia da
ties' toward tie world. ' Oar duty, tof
ward- hia, -ss'.wissand.'r'sabghteaed
to be eonsiBtswtiy.kind- and
iscaass be. has 'sensitive
fssliasj, jaat a we '.have;; to be teaderr
as he iedependeat; tpbe patient, be
caasshs partakea of. oar .own faulty
aataia, aad loriag, becaass only in the
atmosphere ot low caa goodaeas'flowr
ish. Bat, above all, we ahoald be. the
watohfal atoteetbraof has aataral rights
aad: privileges beeaaee he ia little sad
osaaot' protect hiaisilf-Flereace Hall
Waassrsmrh i the Novemher WoaVawa
:To Piy.satisfl home mioW drcs, be
mire to nisike it lym
,; : lemDer supply, showing autumn and winter styles
-'.:.' , has juit been iceivecL Besure to inspe pt-
505 Eloveiith&t.; '".
Oae ofour fiae haad-cotered dollar
id V half Medallions. tree;. with .each
dosea' cabiast photographs. from, now
until Jaa. 1. 190t, at Saley'a Art Stadio
': W. H. Sslaorof Geneva, Nebraska
:wae in.the city Tharaday, aeeompsaied
by-Mrs. Sslsor. They were oa their way
to Hamphrey to visit frienda, aid were
the geeets wsiU here of Robert .Ssley.
Mr. Sslsor was a very weloome osller at
JouBMax.hssdqasrtstsL- The jouraal of
local eveata that we have bean issaisg
regularly for the past 1,643 wssks, have
beea always, gladly weloomed at. his
plaos, aad' he telle as that we' cannot
know how much tha" paper'from the old
home M:appreeisted by them.'.:'Oa his
iaqairiag of A..M. Jaaaings, we read oar
laat letter from-his old friend; .now-at
Fitzgerald, Georgia, aad could see that
it was almost like hearing him talk.
Veteraas are veto, Botwithstssdiag dsff
eraaoe'of Utitade and' politics. -'
-Mrs. Partheaia Nealy hss "sued tor.
divorce from'Joha N.Neely a well known
railway sasn, settiag ap dssertioa sa Urn
groaad'for asveriag the matrimoaial
knot Mrs. Nssly who is the daaghter
of a prosaineat attorney and ooaaected
with two ot Osiaha's .pioneer "fsmilies,
has been oosapicaoas ia maafcsl circles
sad tor soma time saag at Trinity oathe
draL She wadded Mr. Neely in 1818 aad
until some months ago when they separ
ated eke takiag their child aad going to
live with hsr pareats, Jadge aad Mrs..
Bowbmb at the Bachelors-nobody had
a saspicioa that evea aa iaoompatibUity
of tempsrsmeat exieted. -The hasband
bas lately chaasied- his uesitioB goiag.
from a city ossos to oae that keeps him
travelieg on the road. Omaha World
Herald. Hog cholera ssssas to be oae of the
aaaolvsd probleses, if we are to jadge by
thslosssswersadabeat Every . once ia
a while, it saakes way with about aU the
hog of a viriaity before it stops ita dead
ly work. The Leigh World, in the fol
lowing paragraph, recites anew a fact in
the history erf hog-raising: VHog cholera
has not abated ia the neighborhood ap
to the prsssat tisss. For. the-past year
cholera .hssbssa' ia evideaos ia, some
parte of the aeighborhood, aad the
effects ot it are .easily: noticed on the
aurket Very few hogs are comiag iato
sasrket ia Leigh at prsssat aad the few
that are eomiag are of a very poor qaal-
ity, either beiag too yoang or foe thuu
The lest peraea's hogs to have thedia-
ls a W. Draper south of town. P.
F. Wullsehleger has ako rsoaatly lost
a number.''
On hearing that aa assault had beea
committed 8aaday evening ia" Frank
fort' park, tka trouble being between
two married men coacerning a woman,
a Joubkal reporter stsrtsdoat ia search
ot the truth, sad found that a traveling
maa from Omaha had beea going astray
while in the city, was caaght where he
ought not have beea, aad was oomewhat
severely dealt with. Not beiag killed
outright, bat considerably disfigured, he
reported that he had been assaulted ia
the park by two bums, adding a slander
on .the city police's good name to hia
own infamoae eoadact while within the
city's gstss. One's character, for the
saost part, deteraunesone's sssocistiona.
aad all together saake the life we are
aow .lrriag. good, bad or indifferent
Afiucted while ia .the line of duty is
often commendable, bat what shall be
said ot diahoBor crowaed with infamy
and mortal injury?
magal't BtwiiBf Alley.
High scores. aad prize winners week
ending Nov. 9:
' Tea Pins-Score ot 900 aad better,
Gas Plata 235; 902; WiU Baker wins
second prise at 228; D. C. H. Geitzea
200, 205, 206; Fred . Haarasler 202; John
Corrals 907,900; Jap Nichols wina first
prise 201, 222, 296; Geo. Brodfaehrer
201; W. Partridge 207; Gue Becker 200;
W. A. Bordea'90t; W.J. Gragoriaa 90s,
214, 221, 200;' Geo. Hegel 902, 217, 909,
Mw. ' - I
Rabber Neck W. J: Gregorias .123;
If. C Oelto 12f ; H. A. Graves 180; J. H.
Oxaam wins a prixe, 136, 127, 130, 137.
Five Beck-Dr. C. H. Geitsea wine a
The "skarkys," captaiaed by'Hsgel
aad Baker, bowled their first match
game Taesday eight with the followiag
let."' 2d.- Sd.- Total.
Hscri'- - M - 1 1
ffliwlw ' 'US 1SS 1M , 478
aaaCasaaassV aF arv JaW W
UaJKaaaam Jb3 j30 .aJrS hs
Warn.:..'. UZ US' SM
. -Tokil .W"73S 712- S4S
. '.Vk. ' at Si. Tomb.
BJeviHi :... 191 IIS 'MS 413
Bakar US " UB US ' 41S
B.ak ... - - fja .ma m . ja
HHh ............ ..... MW ' ww a.v .- vW
Gn. .. IsW 12S - 1M. Ol
QlVfO e aass) JsaS VP
" n - " i.
X3aBm fc tim wasm W9 ZlaV
halls tor sale.- ! waat you
to see thesa, -whether yoa wish: to bay. or
aot-It will do yoa good to. look at
these. They are for ealest:priceeguar-
aa'tssd to be as. lair .as ia Iowa, at retail;
tf aat DAvntst.
Wwail soa wpatafina is tam.aHtH (oaaa
SMa eoaaty laaaisa) to runnat aed aaWtfm
fsisniil aiaatas'. Balaty SM.m aaUy wftk
iisjsiii aaWlliBil.-aU isli .jeaaia aaefc
BU-i-aa fsaisaY BBaaafi aaaaaaBiaal .aaiwAaak BsVn
aMsssaa aasj aaaaasaBj aaassMSMaMsMa aaMSMSMSMsaa 4sMaMaMaMv
. 'Also a Complete line' of.
V 1-
All irst-elftss .ami fresh; JAVA ANO M04JHA
COFFEES CAN NOT BE BEAT., Vke best cwMh :fr
the least Werner, at . - ,.' --:"- - ;;; " -
" " . " - -
IMSiTtttf Ifprttite
Specials iii
' SB H
. , .n
bm " fan
A; lot of New Samples at Bavr-
sm . S
..MS- A fine; drop head. Oak Machine,' with nil the Jat-. m
- est improvements, warranted for 10 yean. . In- P?
. troductory price, only $15.00.-- -:. W'
F. H . LAM B & CO; 3
Here We Are With
se99sbbT A MP "l " m
HwavnhTBwaY jM sMa" . ejB
Schawl otlf wh will law ia the ahafe list the hest
stroBgestheatiMeeaal jathe.'warli. ; ..
-.' saaaa&v
SaaMM -.
.- Tba ecieace' of osteopathy althoagh
cempsjatively -new yet, is
accomp'behea woadere aad
respeetfally.nrge yon to investigate, and
to ihrn ead'we wUl. be tvj glad to far
aish sayoae so desiring, with literatare.
trsatiag oa the eabjeci, AUhno'wn cnrr
sble.-djss'sass 'both acnte aad chroaic
are'sweasssfany 'treated by-this wonder-fid-ecieace
aad. who. have been- pro-
aea'aced as iacarableby other'
. .-1'
isrt etesf
aaaaaaaaaaaa- am
Oor Coal Wagon !
. We are deliferiac; Fa. Hare
i'aal either Seraatr Leklrk
far $10.50 fertaa.
Hartl Coal yer ton at -shed.
Ouita u . " ..
R.S. Lump. .. " - " .
R.S. Wut ";' " "' V- ..;.
.. .9.06
.-. ; t & .
..".-" 7.00
..- &,
..- 7.25
. . O.dO
HannaLump " "
C.CVLump "" "
Jackson. Hill'"' r,
Trenton " "
SPECIALIST and Expert Optician .. - '-.r ',
. of 1607, .1609 -Douglas st Oniaha,' i - -:'
will beat my store Fridaj aad Sat- - vV--"." . -
' artay,Xv.23aBw 23. Two days- ;..-" -.;- . ."
only.-Consult (he Doctor nbout Tour . .-:--'. "- '''
p.M .-.:.- --' . ... . ' . - -'-.-' -
- " ..-";- .r. .-.- . -. . --r :-.. .
;. CemfjiHaiiaaaExaaja-;:: . .Txm :"'-.
: ; Fra ! . .
Only enrabte cases are accepted by naJ
if: yoiw sot. oae amenable toroaV .
Finbed of treat
mt we wUl fraaUy iell -
yoa so, and if" we caa benefit yoa to aay -.
exteat'we will .aiao.iaform yo: ot:the
faetl; WeelhargeBWfcr.eithercon';
sultaUoa or- examination.- If you are;-
- ; - .- ..-:.-..-afiucted.
eall sad leara oar' opinion 6n-.:
yoar ease.'-1 A tady .operator ia Chariof ".;
-eV MBVaaavaW Ji Wa
.OsseatFowrteeath etreei"
.- -.:'
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St. z.
--: - -. . -
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'MBMbTMs a"eBM4MBaiSMejB ssaaaaBBjajy Bats'
- . .' " .
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rp." -5
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i,i:y-r--. -
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