s&555SSa. .-.i50-ts--. . -.- ji-TiiJ'Vf: . ?- , i N. Jnf-'i'.r -----?; ,3-c ' '' .--- c'-if,V-v J"-.-v 3." --": - -V J- i -cr -- " , K$ . .. t ....- i- l i V,-'- .V . .. .. . '. - l J r - - t - - . - r- r - . - .. " - w - " -,.-.. - ; J '..." ' : z sJ t- I -v- .. - . s .. SL- il : Mar 11. IXXX1 iASdE)Efa&SABCKk&ftsSSf39nsaAI(S9svSfta noma nnH 5 ii. . isL lnmhn?uvtvL fW. - I aaweyVist the JftiitiBTw; Olawsaa. S.nrae -ijjal WaBavAaaWaT -. r7 - " v . . " : ... . ; wkiwiut. MovpayE uwl . r, DtW Oity, DepI 17. 18, 14;1W1. . l4fA m to Jeet two Uiifed SUIw Boom' ooBt j dslMtodtlM-eatira pop- HABMok: fa. iMtkioned for ' tra ". It war ft glorioria Tietorjr pretty moft IT aroiudvftiMpt in Fbtto tmmlj.. ' : - ' . . . .KftfeuftCft.ii fftpJdlyftdTftsiMftiii tk mftfttitr ftftil xeftWeao et W dftirj ikfti MftjorityoB joiat bal- lot .far Uftitod wiuW.tfcirty.. Slfttoi ftMMtor ift Iowa Mm Eva Taomao, ft Nebraakft girl, the Idas of BftldBg the carnal theaatkiBftl flower. " . fjrEtvk-TMojTaAsD.ftiftjority for the ffpftftTMftiitfttftte. ticket ift Nebradca ia , pretty food, considering- aH thiafta. r.. iT'.aeNM there ia ft epecies of lanee 'spider ia dklahWa, the bite of which ia i-ftf that of a iftttleaBake. Tbk village of Tower, Mianeaota, hat fha dietrnctioB of erectiag the irat aon , ia honor of WUUam McKinley. . Tax atate treararer baa inveated $10, 'Mrof the troat funds ia . Waahingtoa V.eoaBtjrboBda,wbieb bear S per cent .9M department of botany at the State ' University owaa a very old and rare book em bsiaay; baring been written is Loa doaiillSlg. ,' FsfPAT. the fog lifted from England, MBsle damaged in ooUie- arriricg at rarioaa porta. iisssrioMfstftUtiea. W may have 1-csnt iy yeara, if the present rate of is .the rereauea.of the postal teoatifti ; .Im postal card in honor of the late Tiasiilrsf McKinley will probftbly mark tbs bagiaaiag of a aeriea of each yeas Tarn last Telegram did an tat of crowing jaat beoaaseof Platte ity'a democratic majorities. Uadaly jfthtlsat ia a phrase admirably flttiag . -. Tarn' stamp sale at the Omaha poat- . esVw for the month of October was -larger than it has erer been before ia the hiBtbryof the poatoaea, the total .tansipN baing $303009, or orer $1,000 par day. . - Msi. Abckibau) White of New York Cforsaet death in an anaaaal manner Friday. .A elip on the floor of the bath room caaacd her to fall backwarda, her .haad striking the edge of ft marble basin, frsntariag her akalL Foa the flrst time in twenty yeara Bsoae eoaaty electa all republicans. ' Disintsgratioa has set in with a tsb- with the popuUsta and next year will go repiblicaa by flfty L Albion News. that the city of St Louis has lufsetariag anti-toxin for the prswsatioa.of diphtheria, and that the smjs ef it hss resalted in ehmsdeathaby with stereo, other children with the same ailment, with alight 'chaacaa of recovery. -' AaTsnm P. Gosjux of Mary land wfll WSs SJS"JSBB -SvV "iaWMBMMXawasv ef. the U. a senate. Nearly erer sa ft boy he was pagsia the sen s', has been aroaad the capHol ia capacity or other. He .was flrst m 1881, lsariagia 18HL believe that there is coal of the Blae river, have spfXSO.for-the purpose of lading if they are right ia their prediction. MfrosmllilfordhssbeMiseearedto the drillkujf aad operations will be this week. Dorchester Star. lasTMosdsy State Treasurer Staefer $1000 Washington eoaaty i aad reduced ths psraisseat funds ts ahsst fl$fijim He will ssoa hive Pomglsa cosaty. There i ts.hs no causa for worry over ths BS'thetmaa: Pilot.- . mTsw" - tb of October Wells, shipped oat 138 car- products, assay of them sa heavy aa 60, i increase oT25 October, 1900. When ths im- ita sjowbeiag made are com- ths estsut will be largely-ia. kmrlarOailL . lFaaythiagthecbastitatioaorUws 's Masxsskft prevsats.a.ststs the treat faade ia ths iatsrsst said 'on' sseh by ths basks it is ef the that the nsesssar to be submitted aad the so that.. ths-state shell ths faH ajsasfit t its sry.-aisH jnuw ias moa AhbsttANiemsn . . '. r Ihmtssbm hss ressltsd from aacisatiac ataaysfhsiticsitms. Ths Stats HartJ. 'SNasuavBi "avasnsr wsbbhs iavt m sor .j. . '.... j. t. . saasiy wsieasaas aaytasag wason 'ansa- BSBjsWalSBVSBBB Ats thwrs. sst sassy . . . . . . . . .- . - jjhifl ts sashs saisfil stsdy sf bsc& Mini ths Uaiimaaty at Nimi flkfcssl at iniaaifia whish spsss isia)lnUtltfl. .'Buasia and Japan are making great preparations lot war, the former building VoMels in France, Italy, t3rennany, Den mark and the United States. . . . ... . . . . ., The .Worjd-Herald .iaaistr that. The Tribvas. whose editor was a member of lbs platform eommittssof the rspabu- ean stass coareanon, naa ivputuaimi ui ptahk calliag for public atatsmsata of the jwiftfrr of funds held by .casto- iass) of pabbc BBoneys. . The Tribune baa dons abtbing of the kiad. Ifbelierss that demand of the repsblicsn platlorm a just and resaqaa blsxms sad that it should be complied with.- ..'. -. .. ...-..: ' State Trsaaarer Staerer-ims not yes ass so with respect .to the money in the ssrmsamt achool rand. Ua aaows it to bs,auBply.aon band.? mai iiis railabls is erideneed by the fact .in his flrst report' there was shown to be a balasjcs of $367,000 on hand. At the aaeoad resort, made by him a moots later, tberewss out viud,um. xninag Urn' thirty days. iaterreaing be bad re duced the balance litHMW oy ine pur: chase of wtarest-bssnaa; esconUea ror thsbsftsfltsf the pftbuc.scaooisorine stats. This si the best showing made in years, yet.it doss not comply th-tbe itrW.litWaBdsDiritof a plank of the Tspablioaa . state platform. That the puuwraftda are aowias m:jmpmjm wall ssstred by the indemnity bopd I tor tLaayS5tr girsn- by Tresaurer Stsefer. It is ft ejssstioa more particularly of ethtcs aad .policy. Treasurer StoaTer should comply with the' demand of his party platform. The above we clip from the Fremont Tribune,, and it probably expresses the thoughts of the great body of people of all parties in the state of Nebraska. The republican platform was very clear, plain and eaaphatic, and, so far as cnsto diaae.ot public funds were concerned, the principle enunciated seemed to meet with hearty approral, even of the oppo sition party. The public's affairs,surely, ought to be' known to the public, and a treasurer, be he city, county or state, will please the people, by giving, without tint, the' fullest information. Only the exact truth can fully fill the bill. The law ia the guide, but if an ofEcial makes a law unto himself, he is liable to get into trouble, soon or later. Thie general principle is just as appli cable to democratic oflknala in" Platte county, as it ia to Porter, now of Mer rick county. A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. The campaigns' that culminated in the elections of Nor. 5 were fought mainly on national issues. In Iowa the issue was between stalwart Republicanism' and Bryanissa. Straight-out Republi canism won by a plurality of $0,000, airftiast a plurality of 56,000 in 1899. In Nebraska the real fight waa orer plat forms, the democrats indorsing .Bryan aad Bryaniam, and the republicans standing by the issues of 1900. With only minor candidates in the field, the republicans carried- the state by a plu rality of 10,000, against a republican plu rality for governor lest year of 861. In Ohio the democrats ignored free silver but .declared 'against the expan aioa aad'tarif policies of the republican party. Governor Nssb, on a platform favoring the McKinley policies, waa re elected by aAplurality of 08,000, against ft plurality of 49,023 two.yeara ago. In Paaaaylvania the democrats evaded na tional and state issues and united with the disaffected republicans against the republican state organization. On Una platform of, evasion they were defeated by a plurality of 55000. Ia Massachusetts the democrats went to the country on a violent anti-expan sion, anti-republican platform. The repnblisana carried the state" by a plu rality of. over 70,000, against a plurality of 98,000 two yeara ago. In New Jersey the same isones were presented, and the republicans elected their governor by a plurality of 8,000, against a plurality in 189Rot 5,499. In Rhode Island the fight waa on national issues, and the republi cans carried the state by a plurality of 5,000. In Maryland there was a personal as well as a political issue. In all the states, except Maryland, republican candidates and republican policies were matched against demo cratic candidates, and democratic poli cies. The result is a vote of confidence for' the republican party and a vote of confidence in President Boosevelt, who, more than any other man, rep resents the republican policies and pur poses of this day. Inter Ocean. OUR MERCHANT MARINE. The republican party has .always ad vocated protection to all the commercial, agricultural and mining interests of the UBited States. Many things have been accomplished by .the party of progress, bat one of her unfinished 'teaks calls loudly for vigor ous action by our statesmen, and every sad agam the need is made em- The -following from the St. Joseph News is obs phase of the many-sided problem: "One-fourth of the see-carrying power is ia ths haada of thirty large compaaiea of various nationalities. On ly one of these is Americas, and it cos trols osly 81 ,000 tons Tout of the total 5j6MgOQO tons controlled by the thirty. companies. In the last decade England has built '4,838 steel steamers, with a capacity of. 9,793400 tonac. In the same time Anerica has built only. 465 steam. ar with a capacity of 743,000 toes, sad 198 of tbesBsfeaWa, representing 450. 000 toss, wars for the irdaad'eosameroe of the Great Lskes." "' " soaree it may ths siablie caa readily behWthftt Prmv ideat Roosevelt will follow origiaal lines uag am int anaual meassgeto It may be in brevity, as be kiBMslf, .How many hare I. read? Or. How much of the vast array of mtoric fasts eoa- digss meats! Ms?, and thus qsaatiouiag, he aiightwsU deeidetOBuke hia imnn at all sjssiblswBaiatsatwith it of might read, meditate aad with the hat cm mas ghascas over the! sadism it go at that, . .1 sstanUy aught as brief ss aelaaratatsmss thsBstiss. Thus, tea . - ixxxsdoe; FktU Cawt y, Qaeial. ,y Total votes, 3257. Majority for Hol leabeck 985;-Ha wx by 08; Baystoa fiOO; PhiUipa542; rUUecwaa 4sV;ByrBSS.tl3; Moors. 595. Ospk Jess has sssjoritiss agftiast PhUUpe ia Third ward Colam bua, Biamark,. Sbermaa aad Walker; George .'Brodfuehrer agsiast Byrass in' BiamarK, Shall creek, Burrowa, Monroe, Wood vtlle and Walker. ;' FhilUpa! total vote in ths eoaaty waa 1862 eoly 104 less than-Hollesbsck's, aad yet his majority was .413. lass thas ths bead of the ticket; Byrass was sat The county eapervisora .sleeted are: Districts 6 and 7, Ernat, majority 981; District 2, Bender. 48; District 'VKisr- nan, 2. ... u :, Shannon's majority for assessor in ths city, waa 61. " . A FAairas named Shatter, liviag below the bridge oa the Iowa eide,left at Joha bob Bros, store afew'daya ago a basksfr of what seemed to' be a rrhss 'bstwsbs eats and rye. He called it "spelts' aad aaid he had been raising it for a year or two on the saadk bar; aad. that it was better for; hones, in his' judgaaeat, than oats. Esra Johnson, called. J. Sterling Mortons attention to the sample, aad Mr. Morion' sent some of it down to Wsshiogton to learn what it waa. The department of agriculture answera, this grain is not the spelt proper at all,-aad is correctly called emmer. -1 bare known of its cultivation in Iowa for'serersJ years. It is .grown to largest extent probably in North and South Dakota, where it has proven to be an excellent grain, particularly in hardiness and yield. Experiments hare shown alao that it ia likely to become one of ths best grains for stock feeding. The grain waa intro duced by the department two yeara ago from Russia, but hss been grown in ths northwest for a number of years. Ne braska City Tribune. " Bepobts have recently, eosss from France that might well make 'anyone believe that it is possible to head off a hail storm by .putting cannon ball through the threatening cloud. These reports sre very explicit. They purport to be only the record of experiments tried frequently and in many localities. It is aaid that in sassy viae'diatriote ths method waa found in ths highest degree Bucoessf ul;'and.in some sections where's hail loss had to be taken into the account every year, there baa been in:the past year no loss at all. Thevitioulturistsof France,. Germany and Italy are ao im pressed with the apparent reaalta of ths experimratothattaeyareaoontobolda congress to' compare notes and thor oughly discuss 'ths whole matter. Omaha World-Herald. Eabl Li Hmro Cfcuira, the. celebrated statesman ef China, died at 11:15 Thars dsy mornjng attar a liagsriag fllasss. It ia supposed that hissscossaor ia obsm will be lass friendly to Usssia. He was born in 1823; distingaiahed ia youth as a. literary man; entered the pablie aer vice, and.commanded, 1860-63, the army co-operating with the troops under Gen. Gordon in the suppression of the Taep ing rebellion; in 1882 he was made vice roy of the province in which, Peking ia situated, and minister of marine; became prime-minister. He visited this country several years ago, and was noted here for his habit of incessant questioning. "Unkbcesbaby taxation ia unjust tax-, ation" ia a saying whioh commends itself to tax-payers everywhere. Now, if Platte county officials or any of them have been in the habit of doing or neglecting to do. anything the law requires of them, thas adding to the burdens of the people, let the habit be discontinued at once. You may not be freed from punishment for what you have already done, bat you will have the satisfaction of present good intent, and future commendation of a clear consciousness of duty done. TAKnra the whole situation into poa aideratioa repaUieaaa have a-great deal to feel good over in thia county and the Becord predicts that the fssionists have carried the coanty for the last tiaae, and in the language of a prominent populist yesterday, fTbe populists have elected their last eoaaty ticket, is Polk county." The fusion state ticket carried the county by only .130 while they had over 400 last year and .850 two yeara ago.-Osceola Becord. r (kftittml, f.nil. s isajl -A taU,arkBvrith dark mustache, and wearing wprkiag.olbtbss with head kerchief tied aroaad his asek, aad eieaea hat. forged ths same of W. T. Ernst to several 'cheeks lsst Thursday aad .pre sented thrm tn irffrrast mnrnhsnls Eacb-cheok waa for $8 aadpsyabla to John Johnson and iaaaeh store ths aaaa made a small purchase, preteadiag that be badno cash and aa it .was after 6 o'clock the aaerehaata cashed the cheeks withoat any doubt of the genaiaanam of the signsiture.' .The cheeks were not brought to ths bank before Saturday; so that the trick was aot knowauntU that day: Tbemerehaata who wars tricked are: Tbeo. Jnsdhof, J. H. Qaller. H. Oehlriok J. Oreissa aad M. Cassia. Chsctewaroakmaraasatsd to Frisch hok Broa-aad aCerick bat wars aot cssbed. Ths saasi.:had a part asr. with hisasaaaotBiediamaaie. Noolaahaa yet been fostad of has whstssboats. .. Cy Ansdjoursed msetiag was held. Nov. U at which Secretary tt Karseabrook fllsd a list of ths Basses of honorary aad The bond of Carl F, proved sad a druggist's permit ordered mioilim':-; " '1, ' WrgT) A0-WT AT LAW Tni i nif fifPifrTraaeaiiar iTaaef af r?- aiiaiJ aaaen'- !?r . . ."7 -' ass iibmmw nuv areaamrmr, ueaesex aamaeau. sawas; .ausyaam wets m t,u a hj. 4.LU ..iM lie ism aiwMasaL air aiaWi la eaafc aaaa . ' ' ' W PaatV ATaSBBBBBBS SS SBBBBBgWS) WgWamVSBI aWSBBaBWSaVSBBBBBl WSJsRtesMRRRf wRwfRRR llwRwft iRRRR CRflwRwaV eRwRRwRvSaaamt' aTawSaemn, sTaweteaen, aaa ffamaawanlawa faa VV $12,000 find it ; necessary FIXTURES AND LEASE FOR S ALK - Prices have been revised without relation to cost or Vstiue,butmthoneobject,to ... .. move it quick, ttsjssjisf first cssje fMtKjA JScSJSSSU?Li? ?Rft? . after sale begins. . :; MK PTTBCnBLASES MUST BE CASH. wwyw massm . Committee an etreets aad rsportins upon a astitioa signed by C. J. Scott and.otbera-prayiasj-for ths' con struction of sidewalks on North street, reported that the premises affected had been inspected, and recommended that ths petition be granted aa to ths aids, walk on the west side of the street, aad farther rscommsnd that ths petitioa be aot created for a sidewalk oa 'ths east aids st- the present time. Report adopted. Ths petitioa signed by Henry Hoek- enberger sad others prayiag for walk waa granted. The petition of Fred. U I rich- for removal of obstructions from allay ia block 163 waa approved. Ths bills approved, and-warraata ordered for. payment amoaatedjto Sl.361.63. amoas the largest of which wers for salarissr of oaaoials, .elestrio lights $132.80, sprinkling atresia $115X0, Telegram- Ca, priating, $82 Uafoo PaciBc, freight ou coal, $148.. la William A. Burks, bred and respected member of this ledge, has, ia obedience to the call ef ths 8aprssas Master Workaua, dspsrtsd this life of toil aad sot eriag oa for oae of peace aad, happiaaas absvs, ad .. Whereas, Uunag bis msmbsrship w this ledge, he has, by hie acta aa a work man, ahowa a keen apprseiatioa sf las principles sought to be disssmiastsd'by this order, therefore be it - -''' Bssolvsd, By tbaiaaaabsraof Oolaaabia Lodge Na286A.au. W that we his untisiely death; that Wsesteadlo nai Dsssavsg wus.saaoauoxsa oar am .cere sympathy, aad aa a farther mark of esteem direct that the charter of thia lodge be appropriately draped for3 a period of thirty days. " Louts Hauv J.GtBacHKV G.W.PHIUJF. Mrs. William Dawaon and daughter Blanche were Qcoaee visitors. Satarday. Daniel Murdook ia patting a woven wire fence around hie place, alas tmild ingsbarn. Blore Bros, .are quite busy baling' straw those days. Have finished making a second lot of sorghum. Qaito s number from Oconee attended the lodge meeting of the' M. W.'Aat Platte Center, Saturday night The farmers are getting-out their eora thia fine weather and flad .soaae fielda taming oat much better, than they expected. Mrs. J. a HHliard died about 10 o'clock Sunday morniag after a long- illness tf over a year. She was- s great sufferer. She leaves a husband, oas daaghter, Mrsl Won. Tmeloveof Monroe, and three eons; Smith, John and Robert: They have ths sympathy of neighbors and friende ia their beresvement. ' lumxnioTbs iouti: :' .Tarwtfk Can to OalifsTaia. ' The Barliagtoas tbroagh csr service to, California ia aa follswa: STANDiaD SiXBTBBS-aily, Omaha, Liaoola, Hastiags aad Oxford to 8aa Pranciaso, eoaaeetiag at latter eitj with fast traia for Los" Angelas. ' v 'jxhibibt- tuxarmas personally cob dacted every Thursday Omahs, Lia coln,' Hastiaga aad Oxford toSaa Praa ciaoo sad Los Aagelea. j-" TouamT Sutapran personally, con ductedevery Wedaasdsy, sad' Thars day, Kaasss Ctty.St. Jossph, Wyasore, Saperior and Oxford toSaa Fraaaisflo and Lba ABgelea. AU these eararua via Desver aad Salt Lake City, paaaisg ths aiagajaceat mountain scenery of Colorado. by day light .. .-. Ths. toarist,'slespera are of. ths vary bitest derngn.- They are wide vestibuled sad lighted by gas. The ssaU have high backs, aad ths aisles sre carpeted. Ths lines iaclssa aad'of .good qaality. If you expect, to apsaal ths wiater ia Oaliloraia, it. will pay you to writs for "California ToslWl- a 40-page foV asr wsjsB.wiuas rssay ror asNnoatmn early ia November. Iteoataaas jaat ths iafbrmatiod theCaliforaia travelsraesds -saapa,of Cabforaia.aad thsvarioi routes, to it;- a bat of Oalilorais hotels; estimates of ths coat of a mbath'a stay; iaformatisa ia regard to steuraasa trips'. ebmsts.oat of door sports, .saitabls clothia,eto::Pree.- ' ; Xlkawdm,' Geaeral Psaaasgar Agsat; . :.6bov9. .; : Oavaha,Neb.: OtCSAB- saawawamawsaal avauflsl BBBBBSBmaBfDga aga'SBJsBBm ajaaaB. gnaaa Sh mj H & K B, ElMERSi THIRTEENTH,. ST., COLUMBUS, NEBR. mm Worth of new seasonable merchandise to be closed- out! refrdite of icost,. giVihg- the. ; people' of Columbus and 'vicinity, a rare opportunity to get their wihte supplies at less "than the cost. of manufacture. Having arranged to enter, the wholsie budnss,.we ltd dispose of tm stock S erMMl 'fteartifn. $ . J. B. Gietzen waa in Lincoln Saturday. Mia. O. L. Baker ia visiting friends in Omaha: . . Ed. Loseke went to Fremont Monday to attend the' Normal. ' Mm. Bobert Wagner went to Omaha Monday to viait friends. Mrs. Homer Bobinaon returned Friday from a Visit to Chicago. Mrs. Tubbs of Iowa m visiting-her sister, Mrs. U. R CooliJge. Joshua Finecy of Beulab;Polk county, visited friends here Monday. Miss Louise Matthews of Schuyler visited friends, here Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bey Martyn of Humph rey vautsd relatives here Sunday. Mrs. George Thomazin of Platte Cen ter waa in ths city Saturday oa business. Mis..W. MoFayden returned Friday from Sioux City, where she visited friends. Miss Nell Harris of Central City went to Omaha Friday after a viait to her sis ter, Mm. Boberta. Dl M. Condon of Denver came down from'Sioux Tity Saturday and ia visiting his BMther, Mrs. Condon. Horace Fobs started. Friday for a trip to western states, with a view to pur chasing a farm. He will visit Washing: ton, Oregon and. other states. A PUMPKIN PIE SHORTAGE. Tarn to troable ia the eoantiy, . cThere is troable ia the town, Aad 'tis jastthe'sott of troable That won't at oar bidding down. For the anasw sadly tdto as That the pampkia crop is shy And that means tasra'U be a shortage ' Ia thetootheoaM pampkia pie. thas this viand Been a featara of each feast, Tickling palates of aH eaters, From the highest to the least. It has held a place of hoaor Next the faaMdThaaksgiviag bird, Aad oa all oreasinns festal ' Everywhere its praise was heard. WebeamatothiakaboBtit Verjr early ia the spring; Oft we talked aboat the pleasure That the aatama days would bring. Many times oar months have watered . AewecoaJaredBpthescene Of oar teeth ao slowly closing " Oa the pampkia pie between. Bat, alaiL for "expectations - Of what aatama had ia store, Aad, alas, for phae of feasting Based oa pampkia pie galore. For the crop baa badly fooled as, , Aad oar sorrow is profound, ," Aa we face the pampkia shortage, Mot enough to go aroaad. Of the cause there's no ase talking; That to 'neither here nor there; We're eoaf routed by conditions. Aad for theories doa't care. We are troabled by this shortage, .' Aad we're thlakiag. aa we algh; . Life to aot so mack worth living -When one caa't get pampkia pie. -Pittsbarg Chronicle Telegraph. Envelopes with your return card priated on them, .for 50. cents a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif fereat, grades, call at Taw Joubnai. oatce for prices. . . -Blank farm leases for sale at Thk Jornaai oafoel tf . Blacksmith and s Wagon Work,., - Ererjiwisg Ih oir 'Hie aks Tery thiag gRaraateH . IWacaSw's Maile to' orier. Rrt-kwrg8hoeiair isi th eity.. m . - ; 'A 'e ' Hair) of HiiffaTiefi. CarrlftgM, etc. .. tRTI 'am agsat for the old. reliable Colsjabas Baggy; Company, 'of Colum baa; Ohio, which ia.a suafcient 'guaran tee of 'strictly areVcaiaa goods.'. LOUIS SCHREIBER. Seertf D. anags. .First Hatieaal , aBefsSTtii awsB i OXTT m Nothing wUl be reseryei Morn wi sgr rS-GIsWSH!GlJa,aW8i, NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice ice probate or will, WUUam Wcatptial. de- oea Mfd. la Ihe'county eourt or ruuttf cooaijr. Nebraska. The Stmt of NvbriMka to the Mrs an.1 next' of kin of aaul William Wtphal. deceased. Take notice, that upon aling of a writtea ia fttrament parportinK to be the last will and testament or William Weetphal. for probate aad allowance, it i ordered that aaid matter be set for heartak the 3d day ot December, A. D. IBM, before said coanty court, at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m, at which time any person interested may aoDear and contest the same: and dae notice of this proceeding is orderel published three weeks successively in The towmBOH Jocknal. a weekly and legal newiaper printed, pablfabed and of ceaeral circulation ia said eoaaty aad state. la testimony whereof, I have hereaato sst my hand and oalcial seal at rolnmbos, this Sth day of November, A. D. 1H01. sui.. T. u. Koaisox, -Unov2T ('oaatyJadffe. NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will, Thonuu Lynch, de ceased. In the county court of Platte coanty: Nebraska. The State of Nebnwka to the heirs aad next ot kin of said Thomas Lynch, deceased. Take notice, that upon filing of a written ia strameat purporting to be the last will aad testament of said Thomas Lynch for probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 22d day of November, A. D. 1901, before said county coart. at- the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m., at 'which time any person interested may appear, aad coatest the same;' and due notice of this proceediac ia or dered published three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing in Tbk Columbus Jocm. XAL,'a weekly and legal newspaper printed, pas. lisbed aad of general circalatioa ia said eoaaty and state. Ia testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand aad official seal at Colambas' thia tot day of November. A. D. 1WL rAI i .s. T. D. Robmow, 18SAL.I gj ttoBBtyJadge. NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will. John W.T. Schmidt.de-' ceased. In the coanty coart of Platte eoaaty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska to the heirs' and next of kin of said John W. T. Schmidt, deceased: , Take notice, that upon filing of a writtea ia strameut purporting to be the last will aad testament of John W. T,. Schmidt for probate and allowance, at is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 27th day of November. A. J. 1901, before said county coart, at the hour of S o clock p. m., at which time any person interested ma aDDear and contest the same: and dae notice of this proceeding is ordered published 'three weeks successively prior to said day of hear- tag ta rax coLimacs JorawAiH a weekly legal newspaper printed, pabiisned aad of gea eral circulation in said coanty and state. Ia testimony 'whereof. 1 have hereunto set mr hand and official seal at Columbus this 2d day of November, A. U. imu. r.s-sv.1. - - T.D.BoBroit. 6aovS County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the eoaaty coart of Platte county, Nebraska. Ia the matter of the estate of Herman Ladtke. deceased. Notice of final settlement aad ac count. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested ia the estate of Herman Ladtke, de- CQRawBU Take notice that John Qoetz' has filed ia the coanty coart a report of his doings as adminis trator of the estate of said Herman Ladtke, deseased, and1 prays the coart for. the allowance of said report and distribution of. said estate and it ia ordered that the same stand for bearing on the; 19th day of November. 1901, before the coart at the hoar' of 2 o'clock p. tb., at which time any person interested may appear aad ex. cept to and contest the same. TBI! is notice is ordered siren in Tax CoLmnrm JocaxAt. for three consecutive weeks prior to the Nth day ot November. 1901. Witness my hand and the seal of the eoaaty eoortat Columbus, this iid day of October. 1901. SKAU T. V. HOBIHON, SO act 3 County Jedge. PROBATE. NOTICE. In the coanty court of Platte coanty. Nebraska: la the matter of the etttatt of Frederick Ser ber, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate' of Frederick fterber, deceased. 'Take notice that Minnie Oerber has filed ia the county coart a report of 1it ihiinRs as adminis tratrix of the estate of Frederick (lerber. de ceased, and it is ordered that the Kime stand for hearing on the 18th day of -November, 1901, before the court at the hear of 2 o'clock p. m.. at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same: This notice is ordered given in Thk Colcxbus JotraSAL for three consecutive weeks prior to 16th day of November. 1901. Witness my band and the seal of the eoanty coart at Columbus, this Sith day of October, 1901. n,., i T. D. Robisomy L8KAL.J a) nets County Jndge. . C. CASSIN, raoraiRoa or tbk lkniliiL Meat Marhl WaWaSawsrSS awVawSsV aveWSVSwawtvIV .Fresh and Salt Meatsss Game and Pish in Season. warn wsbsbbbbbwb; saaBBBBweaaf sja aawewsBas bbbbbb aaywBSBBaywsuuuaBi . awHighest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. TrHRTEENTH ST., COLUlfBUS; ... -. NEBRASKA " ZSaaDltf " : H.G PERSON, Buggy Doctor, Will preseribe and oi Carriages. Bac- wagons. Flow. jae.-t;oasak tatioafine. sick aad cripbled veaieles f or.a ts my hospital as. '. . OpBoske RwRtwwRRwRsVsWb wRVwRlwaTRRRil ua mmm :.: RaZBafKmfsl Frempiit ;- Normal i School arid FmSM OMT. Comrneraal ARE HIGH 8H00L GBABES ACCKFTElrJ " :- Yes. Ws accept High School grades sad grades from Colleges 'of. .:." good reputatioa.: - ..''.' .v.: ' ."T a J Hw Lftig Will it Take taGeta State tr iirater ; : It dspeade upon jour staadiag whea jroii enter school and'tke. grads . ' of Stats Osrtifoats yoa desire. " You will W accredited. with all .work-; -V: properly done, sad ws will advaaes yoar iaterssts as rapidly as yoa :' . become proficieBt ia ths subject mstter gbns over." - -' - VV ' . . - . . - ... .- -.... .-? ARE TEXT BOOKS RENTE Yes. ....;.: ;:;V;v; ;: . CAN YOU ENTER AT ANY TIME? - . . "...-." Vaa " "-."" -,' ' ' ' ' . -.' Dw Yb Graat bialaaiaH m nnisliiig; .ofsi 'ifHiiil Yes. All those receiviss; a A degree is conferred WHAT ARE YOUR RATES? ' .T."V-. y. ri- -" .Tea weeks schooliag, iaslad'iag'kiardrrofmU'toi-aade light, $3a75; thirtyix weeks schooliss;. paid ia advance, ihcJaxtHnjr' -' . . board, roesa, taitios aad electric light, t; foty: weeks: aeboolre. if -" . - paid is advasce, iscladtag board, roam, taitjoa aaJ.ectric Kght.." - : $108.75; Uty weeka schoelisg.if.aeid ia adraBCiacIadvag boaTiJ," -". " -" room, taitioa aad electric light, $123.75? attyweeav.sebeanng.itjiaia . ' in advaaes, iacladag board, rdosa. taitioa, electric .bght, hot water ' heat aad city water attachments; $140.- - V . .-.:..' - : .-." '- " WHAT MUST STUDENTS FURNISH? , ' -' Towels, eoeaforter or blanket. fast fattSSm,SSt.'3 lStt. Biesat fall tea, Brr. at, aW. nmwaawTwa.lai.il. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. COLUMBUS MAEKKTS. -. Wheat, old ......... Corn, sheUed-9 bushel.. Oats, V bushel. Rye V bushel Hogs fp cwt,. ........... Fat cattle V cwt Potatoes-? basheL Butter V sV. Eggs V doses. Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. TIME TJLEUEU -COLUMBUS. NEB. TjIbcqIb, Chicago, 8t. Jossph, XsasssCltyf St-LowissjadaU poiats atast aa4 atts, SaULaksCUy, aottlaaa aa all Taanrs sarABT. No. 22 .Ur except f sVeSHy 7J5a.m 4JSavat M.ai MS . Mo. S2 A Hatarday....... TBAias Aaarta. No. a Pasaeager.dsily ezeent 1 No. 31 Accommodstioa. dally P TIME TABLE C.P.RR KAsr aotrsB. aunr uxa. No 8.1 Colamase Local lv.. vlewS & Rw aws Rt Sal .... 2JSp. m: eP vjsss Ba'Rw No, No, No. is:, ra Mail. iKHtaifnem.. 2,Overiead 1 Untiled. No. .aueaue Mo. as,rretgnr.. No.22.1reicat.. - wSv aTs Ms RwZRs'M' Ma maim inra, No. I. Overlead Limited. .v..U0a. at. XwO lv9 aTeaVK eWaWSU aU3Rv as MB No: a,lilornUgRress-... ;.-7Sa.m. No.'3. PaeiSelUBeMS... .:...lSi.n. No.T.Cakmbas Local .;..:... StS). m. AO SSf fs"R4RjS)e fef 4fwaWS , aoarou sbasob.- MO. Ma aeawMaBvMgwsa sPav B Arrive.. 10 lit aTsaawRRsnawafeaeeee-eeee eaEHP Rf RB A?Oss2a tm RUZ0Q 'eM'P Ml, . AioxASDcavAaBAnaeaaAaca. No. as; Mo.:7S.; No: is: il5p. I " wUwSr S BBS) Arrive- No, 74, Miasd 4m eese -i aeWSV Rf MsT sTleW" Ma rudailr: '- ':-'.- Norfolk No trains oa All ijesarj .Celambas Local daily aawat w,n. Aasat-. W.A:McAujstsb. ATTORNEYS AT I.AW, 57J S SOS 1 at 34 44 5 0DA5 15 3OO0 4SO 5 90 1 00 1518 ' 18 .. -. -"-..." niMi IJLLIilJ rawwwsWSsis'BSw&sr. MTMWLAMKA. .' ';:.- I .;; . Stats Gsttifoats Wili receive a ttproruk whsa course completed, requires Jr.; .."-'.- , Institate W. H. CLEMM0NS, : - a . - P'Httihm- .. .. Htl', rirwWavaWlal 1 ' v : v. -.V.SV-: - :tATT?.OP-.TIOI. earn gysrysmafc sTeNas" 35 Traclicr of- -IS" PIANO, OBAN, vt4;R'i!Lf'i:rKK. .V's 'j AkT4)F;siNJ.NtJ..y5 s RaaiPaMcx S. Momeof Kob't. Adey . LneJey..-i,olamKusNe1i3s .-' -"..-'" --l .. .. .. ",.!" '..:;' m- ?Vssssssasswssnaissaa W ,'. . :." ; ". -"-- --- .a - '. ' "-: . -:' ':r..' t IWat B est seryme: "a-. EST EQUIUENT; I v. .:--. EST-TlAfN'S. .,;:';,-::. kt TrAraT: ESTKaiLTE-: 'TVr cmmG&n .- --t-arf--r--'.: tjmi w . ' ;, csaasatisaifsr. -l.t. ..'": .-. e . ems. rratisjl ia. Cili, 1 VIA TIlK.fzips. v -iiivr.-v: . . -. - -. -.. ' -....-. '-'' . a-wsi ..- destiaeif-for-' Mpmisestcities east ojT. the " :Msaaoun;Biver. should pat- reaiasthie route.. .- .Vi-' Ths through iraine are Sbi- ; .ldTy.yeStibaled, elegantly equipped, w i t'-h TJTq u. b r DrawiagjJioom .sad-Talace' Sleepera, Dising Pars,mesls.-. a-la. Carte, Free Reeliaiag. . Chair Cars.- -"-.. J.ltCURilS i- . o-- . 1st. deer to isa:.WiMi--- Us left aaaolf- I . - . .""T"" . "'.'V " -. ' For ticket aad rHlivinforatatioIi -' " -. call oa;. ; -: ; '. . ?. ;- -. . . j. g . . 2 . tf ;. -.. W. H. BEKHiai. Agent. .- :;;. PPpHpPPPjpPHMMMMaaiaianmsBmssasaiBAMa "wearamiBaaMBiwiaaiaawBaawaBl v. - - : -. -- " . : r "".. ..- , i " ' ' "... ... w .- v '.:: :- ...;.-r.- i -. . . .. j-. -1 ' S) i i ;. . . - . J-. ....- . .. -t . - - - - . - I : ..- r ' --.- .:." " . . f- w your asamsaa.. .....-. --.-. '.I ." - "- -. - .-T- .' - ABVBraPsaisaaBW ?"" - "" MwaT - I' i . f . . t 7i - . V.' '& -X...S ..-.. aswasTJ. ffaawBfMnlwrwMau. aaal anwaaJawawawawawawaw aaTfT aaUnafl waaajaBBBBB erasweaawmawswat wawawsmsawrwaawaass4T ewawBBBBBBBBBBBaay awsansJC Bwaam ST. . v 3 sa, vav sawe e s . . pseaw, eiese, . - .. . - . ... . ... . ' z' . : : .... . . '-;, - " :-':;:-. -- --" :.v .-v. '"' -" .-...-V :.-.--.: ;. . . - - J,: - :" : " .:,-V. " . ', V - " s . " -. ,.. - ' . .. S E -X-7Zj 'St.-J. S ... -i1 .-. -.v.J .. V -s.i?3.T..."- -S ?i- u: - - --?i.- V t 1 3 "-."- w T - mr 1 . t. " "T . r 5.S.iH .., t. " .ry.!r'vffT-. . -ah-Vyi, f"Sr. ., - m - jt-". --- - .- - - w - -. - -, . f u, -f -- - , y ---. -4" " " r' " i-" -i. s - w