-- st e, SWV r yrw "w..--'v.--.J.,--. C 8.,: r R A S 5f ' -v. ."''-'.-"?i9 --. -V ' -.-. ;$,"' 111'- - --'$ l'. --- m & h mm MmUASkmtkWm mtohM.1 .She Ctm Mtkf Ymt ! x r. Mum, . t f W. C. T. V citjr.-M. witk a eAy..biatied blcadag. -tae nps of. laoMMicM vpon ;6f wa -who Mft been itootend. to their.'fui)lies when life bnag by a thread; aad by. thowaad of .othcM' wlioM wlraxy,- acHag: limbs 70a 'havo gmiekeaed-aad whoee paias -yom haro tokea- away. , . . -. " Ilcaow whereof I apeak, for rhara raeeledaach.-nlBable benefit mwlf" lihi ae af ldla K.Haic- 1 TecetoMa .CaBPoiiBl afcd" 'yearal hare kaowadoaeasof wt-. awha.hare aafle'red with displace ai,OTmriaa tkvmbksr 'vleetatioBd , iaaaasaiauoB .Who are 1 , well tday;'simply-tkroiigh'ibe vae of ' -'jewODSipoand. IfaaVH.F.Kceopss,' :.-l4" MoGee S,- Kansas Oty,:Mo.w MBB96 J&ftftJf flftwoitetf0pMiApf let Mt JmhAml" "- IW Imitate to wriUr to Mrs: Piok- wnii.iinderstaba' yonr'.-ct V aaa wiU treat, yon with -ueraarice-ia zcee, aaa bo -'; TROSE WHO -BATE-'ntttEO -IT -PI.UM ao other. ' IMiance'. Cold"- Waitr' ' -atarck-hj(.rii-a eqiiml lir.QiMntl'ty orQul- .":. Hjr 1 ..- orc40 cenU." "Other braads . -. rP" W ". r q ;. ; . Vi - ' ' -;"3ayisieah -things is. the oae-b&d ; . --Jiabtt .caltirateil-'mosi -.assiduously By 4he-ardrac;e' woman. .-.- " .r -.' lapji BB'wlgftiB'sfesfe fertas atr UJ taftr yeini arKrs. Tom.VRomiS. ''".&$& Kin. . 3Elsi:S;am' n. Plittam aiaa.A .-a-a bba w . -Okas Mm. PnrnAv:TW world fi alias great icforiMn; thoir mi aad-taamujlia-e iathaeateof teMt mW aaaUx mmmS ""Bmi Law -"mam BB wM ma . '-s9m. 2W wJ -fl Voml - bS H "S aaW Sbbbbbb -aW H r OM mmml M bB P affaBmajSmmj sari , Ba- Vbw' xb1 Mm'- -1 LbWbv ' AaL BBm BBaBmm JbbI' ak jppSpppppppH r'--' ?- m-S-rm sr -r-FVas daw- - -. - -. - .'" "" ;--"Chi:oac-kickeX'sivfe'llre:iodmany- - - ; ,. aa -ajnrar boost, .; -" . ... . - -. V..O " -.. .? '-f, L; , ' .. --.. . ; FVloh. and o1)rtln-rfe beoDla alona: aafer from -neoinlKla'or-.rtiiraautliiriK ja; they' can mlways jwejue. WIia -iMI aia.iaemselTes.- -- If asaa;1u6. iksotonla Thesis seldonv." troaWM.wlth-nlKhtmai.-:' ''. '-.' .-.. s f vatta ccothks tvooK: Tafe-Uawr " . . Ifnhpitaa Cross BaDBlae. KwiUmAe .ib8 whtoTaftskow. "3 ozgadoigB S cents. ;jntrical.aiMgtas uted inmiahig. :in tawcoumry..-ls eUmated ..to Ue--wortbabwil;-, $100,000.'- '- -.' . . -nw..wJseis's-itiisyiiisaT sr -flereamna tMUAikabruwi Uessswreiseeji !- tdr'electricttf rentllaioTR . '"'$. Iadia'-te'nhead.jfne-iupply; -: nVOlsstiMa nacc.-iroaMdr! .-roJsm.7S Wfcof Dr. Kftae's Omt Nam - - taUtrnncsia iiWiirAijkd - -- .M . .. - k ". Biun(ui.ai Mnm :',--1er-wiid have -no' desire! "for VU vawlUnnd:.no:'deflKbtta. heaven. - - .ithAht-ADEtES-BYES cbtor .at lk.weol or cpttorilpe-f cefly'at one boiiy . .-- fM'iyy''10?- Per.fhekejfe;; : -Jfijc.-lrlse-.gttl always earrailges.'Uio -parlqr.frirnUu're' Immediately, 'after-'a :wa"agada.lus.-called.'-.---.'- .-. .', Trininr that Costs, SC sbu frc itLt DKAUcas txansfexu. - . -... . 1 liysjmiajgeaijKi IN WET WEA-THED '"!' !A:3e;;haN( WEARS WKRIcPROOP OJVIraiO aiiM BX ML B auUrrTUTE.caruraaaBs.J Msmasi-uLLLtNe orwaiomJibiiAji --'----'-l rtjat-tarWir tba'a WalfaCe McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIOH 1 aatbM latitat I aaoarst taamteaaf at C the ttoaaaeh. Ia 1 akMrden It la aa lavalaahlai Mtfcrbeat Faratdaaa. thctasu nu ca, aav Task. W,!.tJU-4)MAl-lA. ' Na.44-ifi 'm ' . iSmSi.iBai:i m SS BBSr SB ' .--'': . " -M'.: .. .faiODacitateil .for . amj.-fra . . - i . -- -t--tT' x' "T -atftsv Jon datf - -j -".. S '. " ". - -f --i f;.-.: . "-!V?, " . : -.. :' ; f ' - ","- v- -"-. "2 ' ---J- - cmThwa-'-""- ' -1 -. .MMBBssrSssa ivea .e'i "- .'V; :' '-' : 1 1 . - aVwcsfssri'eBt smv "-"5 ' ' ."-' J-v".'!" !''-; 'i--ssi sms. tfcs.: mosey '!" -t 'Ji " - ". '"."'-'iOi--':" .""lce-sc Bjae.c;-: 5 iwAAfliMaxAyMUKjNiaa -:TV - TLvhT a ' as.aC -" mara aa . -1 vaavmaaau.Haawa -aaa - - aa . wgr ' m wLjnummmnk SaSSa. asasreaaaaaaSSaTasaim amlT SNaaSMBt '.-ammmulma rasac,' JB amnai BIb VBamaakmsflBaTBBaaW flBBk VaaBBBBai smmsl amtaVmaaaV Bm maT sBTBjHBwte p H HHB a FRAM AND GABDEN. ATTEM OF HfTEHEST TO .' OVLTHMOTlL . How deep wW . trees root? umr 'to. Impossible to give -i time, as aot sufladeet data toj tato collected to give the laformatloa de sired' w for a stagle varist-.' Bat -the deptkof rooting of .moot ptoats to fond oa teveotigatloB to bo far'B-reat-er taw baa been, ssnaajepad. U the ap compaaylag lilastiaUoa, wo now. a peach tree' that was growa at tlie-Arl- soaa afctamt station. T1m sof. or. art to showa to the depth of Hfwti at which poiat the soil water or. water l taWo to found la thto cm -It will he aotei that the 'roots roast a death of .14 foot, aad aro thea-twelve feat aaojre I the water table or solid -water lata TKo iym. wrpfcteat jr MfnP oaFaV muttF.'trte: eolL Vlt.win also -be noted that the spread' of (ho tree la: ao wise'-corre-' apoadsto the. spread of tho roots -la Ithv sblL: It aaa beoa a popvlar.-faacy tatt the spread of. the' -branches of a tree repnieata'tho spread of Its-roots: This" fallacy. sfioald -hare- been .'x plodod withbet tho aso of .dlagraini. bat it has aot beea. -We ill. know that wbep. trees, aro growa - la - tabs .the brich'esV-coTer'.a sqaare'.. area- .yery mack greater -thaa-tM'sarface of' the' tab-. The moax'iaiportaai. leaanm-te.be-learned from, thto Wastrsatoa to that, aotl of prpper'textara' to able ".to. sap-, pbrtjtreei with . -rery . Uttto' orface moUtacs. :ThUeapUlns -why some of. oar .'apple, aad peaeh orchards hare beea little aJTerted" by thadroaM'that. bare; destroyed other, ecoaomlcplaata. at 3Ti UMf a 'receat'dCoaTontloa of narsery ie'n. Professor ii H. Bailey said: ' :.I?aote from.' memory aad toay aot. be'.qaJU-'acedrsto ia'flgarea -ia .every. instaaoe.-OiUy -onetree In flye' llres to yiejd. aay fruit Only 'one tree in ilM. tbat ilres glyes..aaytaiag like. ; good jresaIts:.The'16ss-ot seedste eqaally'as reat. Thes facte indicate, great care less'nsss. or lack of experience ln'plant-. Ingrtrees.r: seeds,, yet the -loss- to ao (rreatef thita that- whlfth sees to pe ear to' the anaal -forees'- of' latere, thoagh th.aatare; there -Is-'ao- waste ofsabstence; Thartibla hatches, -any dt yoang birds each seaaon. .If all tke'yoaag Uted ia tea years the fa crease.from pd -pair-'of.--hlrds 'woaM amphat to M.tW birds;-thW the world woaML bd 'rtrerraa.wlth' .robins. :ljs-aa tare pot oae seed ia -oap tlKmjsand llres tq. make . a plant or-' tree; sad .ofthose that" Tire aot. oae -ia'.lMaivr reaches the blcospmlag dge: Nqt one Pah egg .-ot-eet: hatches, sad .bat .-.tew. that'j hatch stxrme long -, enough to 'reach Watnin'mpif. :.' If. aitt .'the '.flsh .,eggs -hatched aad all yemng. ashes iired-the wafers of tao earth would bjecoiie' solid wlth-fah. so ai'to IApedev.nhTiftittion. ' It-ls" aot the fault"-of qarserymeih 'thaf more trees -sola sad. planted fla ifbt'Qvj to produce -abaadaat'harTeots 4 bf ane-truiti- Jfanyplsa.te.rs do act dp' as. well as" they -know how to do, ia. planag.' trees. If -every punter made all.jof his .:trees! live, and 'prodaoBv'ras they .mbjht the nmrkete would be flood-1 ;edl -John-Burrows. cctders' the. -per-.sppalltyDt each tre-aad vine. As .-we .passed -over- his 'place ; -he would re- ,mark; "Thto.teee or viae aejeds mora J pruning, uus vine "was prunea too closely. 'that-one -aeeds spraying; .the otther-aeeds having Jte fruit thinned." etc.. He .knows-.the. persona) needs of ach -time sifts., out all. dross," tance nurserymea- shonid be- watchfuL- if poor' varieties are sold they will lie discarded later. If you sell poor-trees yont trade will dlmlnlalL The careless blantiag of srees by the orchardisf crea'tes-a bMger demand from 'aursery men, -.While it to ybar duty to Instruct the ffult "grower who plante' your jl'rod-''uctsyoa-are aot respoasible-if that jspia aegtects your advice. :0' ar -alfalfa. -'.--. of. diversiaed weather has .served sdmirably to om pbaatse. tho desirability of growlag- al falra fa the middle .west and also testi fied, forcibly to .Its adaptability. The wonderful perforaunces this year of this widely exploited plant have at tracted atteathm aaew to Its .worth, it ha-rlak already, yielded two, three or four 'cuttings, aad the stoeknaaa .who. was Bosssased of evea a small acreage to ta aa oavlahlo sltuattoa. The la teUlgea't Kaaaas farmers, whose state far aad-away leads afi others la al falfa production, are constantly betier teg their conditlpas-and chances for success by devoting larger areas to tt culture, as Is conspicuously indicated la OBsctel. stetlstles compiled by -tho State Board of Aarlultara. .For ia atance, the Irst cdtdal notice was taken of alfalfa by the board la MSi. whea the total retnraod was JU84 acres; this year its fold extends over 31t.dM seres, saowiag the paeaome- .nal Increase ia the tea years of over 828 per taat, thto year's lacrosse belag 43.134 acres, or more thaa 15 per cent' over one yearago'. Kvea whea arst considered of samcieat importaace to be omctolly recognised as belonging to Kansas' repertoire of cropa a caavass of the returns toy that fear (1891) shows' that with the three exceptions, of Atchison. Johnson aad Miami, each coaaty devoted more or less land to" te " growth, Finney county leading with-5.717 acres, while the' counties ranging -Between that number and MM seres were Kearny, Ohase. fcloud. Gray, lroa, Sailae. Sedgwick aad Wh bsaasoe. had of those claiming aa at-all Uan was among the havtaa; two acres. Now. while not tho foremost, Finney 'has" 12.545 aad Linn 21. aad the three coaattos siBrioaed as having aone la 1891 have a total of C21 acres. Alfalfa seems to Bearish la well alga all sections .of the state, aad after a arm .foothold caa be -safely rated apoa ta' produee-from . two to foar.cattiapa whether the '' " - MTWmrimri-' . j.lm ' tf n -! wi wiyries' 1181 'WWLLi Nl w "Ujwll ll.lL-kl mTbTbTS2-i- 1 RvY r!. ! -iml .- A. Vl ? f -K. SsMmsas?1!1 .-"-!!" JfSPISaFmBSSffciW Atr. . . ' I 1 i al- MM i , Batata MB VMm OP. MmW ' VfMm'MffmmrwmBBTI OA mmb mmj wv vc 0a7 wctpo ;w flSHoV "flftaBoT flBSfllBoT o)HflojWBolHflflooS to this remarks!!, ikk'aal taw Ugh of all. Bortoao It Jadltlom thug to do.- D. Co- af Vf mtUf At taa IBIaoto fltata Valr thalwaataeharaeef a eJfcieat latonaattsa oa the actoaee of cora alaatteaj to know how a aMChlaa lf that- Wad shoald work now how to Impart-his la oaa dtoratoloa with a bystander ha aota the words of. a aaeaksr.at tha Peoria cora caralval list year, 'tot1 which, ho said, "The. corn yoa hrlaf to exhibit to not the cora that .oa stalks where sereral stain etaad .tofether ia a hill; It to fna or two la a hill; then why: not hate 1 Of -con aad tower stalks la a aUir ln this roaurkmach trath, hat also aa of-error. The acleace of to oae that reaalres Thoaraslatltyof.sUlhs has Torylaiaeh to awl$h the jtoM of comrboth seed had stalk. ;- The cora planters, now on the .nsir ket are perfected to-sack aa exteat taat they" will drop as amany kernels la a place as to accessary; sad' this places the.solatjoa of the proMoai. laiiely la tho hand of .the man doinr the plant in. 8oame of the machines will drop two kernels la oae pmee aad three la the aext an contlaae.'the'alteraatioa - - " -- - - w .-. - ladetattely.' Thfa atTsaaeaaeat to yery pood for.-rich groaad. . IMs . Great psogfess to belBg made la tao preparatloas .for' the second 'lateraa tloaal.Uve.' Stock KxpoaiUoB. to be held ia ChicagoNovember Nth to B cemberTth. ' .- ..- . One of -the most .im'portaat features that will, laterest the live stock people, of the country is the series 6 sales to be glVea during' the exposition.- Front December 2d' to th there .wUl be ssios of pure-bred, cattle which -promise to include the very bee( types that have ever- beea .raised. JBqaajly .'Importsat : are- the sales whlch'ara being arranged .lot the -other di'vtoloas-of Ue great ex .position, 'and.' this' will-form aa 'im portant chapter fn'.the history- of -the animal Industry pf the world, . Ia staking aspeclal- bd for .tike ex hibiUo of car' lots of 'caltle, .sheep, aad.swtae, tao-insnagement-of'-th.ex-positloa hs$ stirred, up the traasporta tl'oa." lines -to aa -.unusisal degree' and 'special prorisloA are ' siaa" for the. "handling sad. care of thia braaoh 'of tths . expoaltloC . Effoubi are. beiaf. .nkder-to aecure the best.plsh fordemt onstratIag.-'aot' only :the maintenance of the 'highest standard -of prices.' but. atoo. the benefits. -.directly derived by the 'growers aad breeders -. from . the sacriflces they may'luive-BiaJI'e at'seme earlier tisle in order to advaace'ihe. breeding aad'staadard of live atock.- : Dafteg'the:last low tyoara we.-have' heard a great - deal, -about the .'salt bashea-These arepiaats brought from" AastrslW and ' -Introduced -'latp.' our leserts. They have, proved to. waterless wastes dad aro fairly- good fodder pteata.. Plots :jof thent'were, seen grorlng':ii'..the for-. ago' plant exhibit;': neaV tho' jGovera-. meet building., at the. -Ban-Americaa. expoaltipB: Wa iliukrate two of these plants. :'.:- . .c -tb irst'is the Aastraliaa salt bash. "This- to a- poroaaial sad gaows to tho hetghc of If inches, forming a Oitck mat over .the ground. The branches extend laterally lye' to eight feat and a.alagM- plant will twenty. sdusrevfeK'of grouad, .This varlety.of-jsslt bush produces a larger .quantity' of. forage, thaa. any - others.' Sheep are especially fond of it,. and It is Relieved that- lt'ten'ds to' produce a high quality of wooL The'.'seed .wfl) gsrmlnate-and 4ae--paat wmcB9ake a -luxurious growth In. tap presence of an amount of alkali that would--prevent th.e "growth of cereals. or' other' forage -crops. Thd analysis -.snows a htgn content or proxera.. .The. second illustration is of .- the Mealy or 6ray'salt bash. It to a. low-, growing Shrubby perennial attalalng a height if from one to two feet The plaat' to. coarser than the Aastraltoa salt bush and shows a teadeaey.to be come woody, especially . at the basp. sad to' lose (to lower leaves growing close together. " ' Joha Cowale: Oae cause of feeding cattle to lack of the conveniences.- for, while . buildings feed troaghs. hayracks, etc., may bf of the plainest and cheapest construe tion, cattle will not gain f esh without shelter In bad weather; and a dirty, wet bed Is aot conducive to the laying on ofe flesh, sad without troughs and racks much of the food will be wasted Leaves have breathing pores, through which moisture sad air are absorbee' and vapor given off. They are so small aa to require a good microscope to discover them; and- they vary Jo different plants from MOO to 17t.Mf on a square Inch of surface. I " ' -'WoaMa-t Iaslst'aa Jsstlea. "My '.lawyer," said the colored pris oner to the Judge, "hex. axed fer jus tice,but I wish you'd des gimme, tec years en call it squarer Atlanta Con stitution. The orange'tree to very, fruitful; s single tree will produce 20.000 orangef fit for us?.- A good -l'emqa. free wil' produce fcflOO- lemons. .- " . . . . The United SUtes consumes annual ly J57".OWO00galka of coffee, whlcl amounts to over" 8125 00.009. The coal cf the be-rersg s coosumed yearly bj the United St:tes amoufats toJbrow than enough to maase the affairs of s action. Sydaey. 0 -boa-t-j tl-e forgest p-al- try ilant for ra'sig broi'ers In tbv world. One min -airKs lOidM a yaai that f-tch from. $1 81 25 a' ptir. Bomeqmos- cover " at " mV t 'mill !" "- -.vfmKJDaBaMttvLtL. IBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSasaSasaSaavCakSrSM 9-msaBasBasHKR - 'mmmmmmmmr?-. x ; -rtB-? ' ..-- ".'' am. 1 ifcwiinm.iaii -. f maV m 4msaW.aKBWmakar. saaVaaBaaRsmaaHaa. WaWlBr aa jjaar ' 'It to lauoontoio to anvo bv flator protects ratua, with doaa roesas.aad pure air. This Is true of the work la tho tho dairy as ws aa Tho. osmeryto suited to tho ceatrel M thaa the farm. house, bat U spite Of that .fact assay xrosmertos aro aot kept dean nor aro the'ateaaUs with which, the .employes work kept doaa. Tot' with live steam, aad proper a raagemeat .of steaming boxes ao aoed' of allowiag dirt to tote: Ifrequlres some acionco to wash Jteaslls arogarly. Tiaware should aot her plunged lata hot water at trsthut should he arst riaaed ia lake-warm water. After tho milk has saT tho vessel may bo la uaotssUehaadrcaa may be used. ..After -the washing has been thoroughly doaa tap taat riaatag should be ia boiling hot water, the Veasel should ho put iato the teak aad taomugaly steamed till all bacterial life has dlaappearedl .As a tost touch expose .the tlas-to suallght. I It U. bellaVed that oaa of tao bast ways of deanstng dairy glassware to'to soak It la water heated gradually aad la which' has beea.: dlssolveda quantity ofalkalL After soaking tiU the gmsp is appareatly dean, riase-it- la hot water aad allow, it to draia.' Tho heat lathe glass will dry it The or dairy buUdlag should bo dally with, eoap and hot water. Where separators are used tho slime shojald bo dally burned up. This wni;deetroy the disease germs that too ottea exist ia. It; ft ha been found that ia very. many cases tho gems oTUberculoais exist ia immense quantities la this. sUme, The germs being suite heavy are. thrown: by tho ceatrifugai moUoa. into: the tofuaa.- It tho refuse bo 'simply, thrown, out of doors' the germs becope dry aad Jtoat ia tho air to bo breathed by anTmals aad humaa 1 beings .aad -perhaps bo 'carried lato the milk aad milk products.' Burtlag is preferable oto burying la an cases. . - '-'The following-suggestloas as to tho aethods to be -paed Ip .creameries aro, thd result of 'experience. sad will ba found useful:- Dp '.aot spare, tho scrubbing brdsh-ia deanlni the creaja- ery.-. Brushes aad soap, though. used la considerable quaatittoaj.arp moaey will lavestod. ".- . . Aa qld cream ery man sayr that -the refrigerator:, room should' be denned had aired' once. "a week. Some. of. "the refrigerator. f rooms' are kept in -a foul' condition,-the' -manager, evidently desiring; aot. to qts .turb the' continuity of .the low temper-, ature.' ' Jffiven at' a -low tmppsrato;re -it Is possible for dirt to .exert a bad ia tuenfe on- the products -that, are da posed to it! The germs, though latent, for - time; auiy .becotod' active whoa exposed to' a -temperature' suitable for .their development. ...-,.-Taeskfst-milk tank .should have constant -atten-. lioa." The" manager -.df the creamery. dmacV afford .to have it become font . sooner or -later, that fohiness will, oobrought .back' to the- creamery la the milk- of the patrons that' use their": sweet milk .cans" for the purpose' of. 'lakjag home the skimmilk. la .warm lireather, at least; the aUmmilk teak should be- emptied- every.. 'day. and" washed out, and care must.be taken to io-the wprk.thoronghly." Thto.'is oae' of the greatest.sources of .bad'aavo ia batter.' . ";;..- The cans trf'tha ,-jatrons shonld.be also kept'. la mind and the creamery nianager'.caa "well .afford to have them ttwroughiywashed aad" jsteamed' out., frequently! ' How-. fte will depedd'oa cotadltleaa aad the degree of cleaaliaess prevalea the-patrbas. , ; Taarry anak-YWIaV . Professor Deaa of the Guelpa. Ex- oenmenv.statioa. says .that no. that'gives less thaa '6,000 pounds of milk per year- should -be. retained In. the farmer's herd of milch cows,- Thp standard, set by.' the.' professor is one easily in reach. of all' the. farmers now -living in. dairy sections, .or In -sections .'whero-'beez prodtfctlon has" aot beea made the main thing In stock raising. .Taking' the -year as . a", whole, ,000':. poundsf a year means only an average of about 16; pounds of milk per.day or about eight, quarts, an-average pf-. tour-.quarts. at a mirxing. .uertainiy this .to a moderate demand on. the .performance. ptV the' cow. Of course we realise; that duriag a part of the . year tho cow is dry,1 but this period'to aoc oftea iMi.thaa ainonth In dura tion, and j or the' arst alx months, the jnilk -flow to sd large that the' average for- the. year Id not dificult to xeach. Tha facmer will flnd'it very -easy to ascertain, the: weight .of hto aijlhv and nq'such. experienee' to required o in the case of thd Babcock- milk- test Kv"ery. farmer that keeps milch cows- should .hats scales la his bora for the weighing of the -milk. . The men' that follow their ttillk yields cpntlnually. say that -it requires less than a min ute, per coir per day to do. this. The faraM.r.cap then act -Intelligently. At the end of p yeare caa tell what; his, cows-are doing la the way of'produe-' ins .reveausv Of course the.comnara- tive 'richness of the a&k shoald be' known, .but' this may be ascertained by periodic tests-for fat. Even. with out' thto test-the-. scales '.will do good: work In snowing tho fanner what his ' cows are anus. AaJHiaote breeder of swiae aa-rar Having selected the bseed, yoa saoultf use great care la tho .choice of breed ing anlntate. Let them be the specimens sad not the .culls or those that will not sen. No successful breed er does or caa sell hto best female aal mals. They are worth more to aim thaa to anyone else, especially If ne expects to.remsia la the business. The. best and most profitable aalmato are those yon have raised yourself aad whose ancestry yoa know. T. J. Van Matre: A life-long experl- enca and observation have coanmed me In the belief . that there to no branch of farming or stock-raislag conducted with a reasonable amount of judgment and persistently staid with one year after another that will do bet ter by the farmer.than hog husbandry; provided always that your ' farm Is adapted to cora aad clover, timaau these are the mala' essentials la the cheap prpductioa of pork. A busnei ox corn.maKes roar aad one-half gallons or sptrfts, making u cost lStt.-ceats at M cents a. bushel-. for corn. At. 45 cents the spirits cost 1ft cents, a difference of 34. coats. There's ao lye- will -wash out a lie. Dialect siories were-probably invent ed by a country editor .to enable him to dispense with the services of a proof-reader. , There are aaumber of laky per- , seas who get oat otlalahJag hp posiat ah ngaostics. .' latrospectioa Is a fault chiefly by taasgiasttve womea. without at. fto.MMi CMSbI VMBi0OB ABA 9&9F aTJsTraa. Staaford Waits to oaa of the largest eeUoctors of aatique statuary ia Amer ica. 'Mot only to his house ia Oram marcy park. New York, a veritable masLsm of Greek sad Roman art, but the laws is filled to. overfowiag with other examples. nr STAJtcwiNe can be obtained oaly by ustas. Defiance aXarca, Besides cettlas- 4 for (Jt-tbo cooaiag required. men kave reasons for doiaa tbiagai sad- some have excuses-. fetal asplteaUoas. as they caaaot reaeh the rvrttea ec um ear. -raereuoaiyoas Mt is sy ceastt- is.eaased by ae coaditloa of the taaTsbe. Whea wens UniBK f tb When rats fuse isisSaawd yea sstb seombuae sonad or unpeif eet near- aTB seambUas sonad or laiperf eet near- lag; aad waea it Is entirely closed destaess. Is Ihevmalt, aad aaless the IwftswtasUoa eaa be aa uis taoe restorea-toJts aorauii .hearlas wUl be destroyed. forerer: lost of tea are canted b catarrh. white, iisothiss bBtaa,uUlaated eonditioa of taearaesssarfsces. . We will sire OasHasared Dollars for aay ease St Deafness (caused by catarrh) that caaaot bs eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.. Sead for 9UCVJaos"S frML F. J-CtfEVBT A ea, Toledo. A. .aoiAsyDrueslsts.75c. -t' . 'Baa's raaUly PlUs are the best- a la Jaaraallsaii.- Through the door -of journalism, lfariba' Crawford has attained'the. fine .pqsitiba he holds as a' novelist. .His trst'-aovel,- "Mr. isaacs," was .pub lished twenty years' ago. He now 'lives a great 'deal of his time in; the United-. states. He .was 47 years old on Aug ust 2. ' . . ...- . Cave af iaa Ceaaatexlea. '. Many penoits 'with delicate -skin "suffer areatly la winter from chapping. Fre quently the. trouble .arises- from -the use ..of. Impure soap and cheap- salves. The face, aad hands .should be washed tnly In dear, hot water with Ivory Soap. A lit tle mutton tallow o almond oil may be used after the bath .to-soften the skin..- ELIZA It. PARKER. . . '-Still hln. Btaekbara. .. M'rs. Mary Blackburn,- for many years' a clerk in the war department' at Washington, has resigned to become. the: 'bride' of Senator-elect Blackburn, "of Kentucky. Mrs.' Blackburn is. the widqw.pf the-late Judge H.'.H, Black- ourg or-iarunsburg, w. va., a distant relative' oil Senator Blackburn.-. A gpod'heatt-is like the sun; 'for it ahines bright and never charges,- but-keeps-its.course truly ,-Snakespearo." -' ''" t - ! . . - - - . . -.: ? --. - ; --.. .. -....y.-: .7. ; .- v -. : ' .... --...r. - : .- -. -.-..:. ..t:y -.- '.: - ': . .-. -v .- ;: -..,rr. . mP""??11111111111111'1-'-1111-1-1- " FreeTobaccoTags H """rW1""I""""ll"""1""Bll"""i"',"1"w sBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsmmmmmmma BasT .-- BVj Sjma sa ..sPshv Bb tm a. .aaaw.aaaaaawaa. . 'Z w. ... V - - . U . . '-i aa - - - - . 1 .aaa - r --!- - .. j.- pa - - -b 1 :sSa' '? ' mtaaV- ' 7m " ' BsVaaP- ' ' "-' ' ' -' '- ' -' f . -" '-. J "W ..' - - If " 1 " X:' MI7':: "'----f7 - J . JT7-IL M Pl -' VJBatesiv. -.--;.; :Vv?.';:;ft:' '" 'llPI JafalJaV3r M I'M ! i" rnPII ' 'W Btt -f' ' -' ffiCfilPl&aSyHH ' ' M' ' ---'''" ' - J IP-P STAN DARD NAVY" lH llll B ZBBBavf MV Bamm Bamm Htfu .VBasT " t" . mBaBBBBBB". BBl" -" . Ba " Ast M '' m. .' a - Satv" . sa "assw am "- aH ". -am-" llMr'aaf - ' -s &' - -.- -.'."'- -. -"-' r" M ' aittn'aV -TtWL sdsF ..'BV - '"llTiaaf-- .. .-.- - - ?..;.- -..-'-..- Ft .aVl BT TWBaV s Bm rlaaV mamamatmaTsaw mamT "-i I r afwlrwaT aM Ta,a7 fc avcmv -VVaMMTav am aBathv Saaammsmmmav mm mat mmmmaama amaaaw .aaw .asa, aaaassa, M.'mTA Ba " -bb. prnmr , TMBmamP)VaaBBmam8aT--mmmk. mmaj :M JUW7 H "Jt- -:-' - - -- BanaW v"BmmT mVBaa BaaBaMMaaV V aaTJ BVMaaaV BBsaW atam amV-aaaaaml maamV ataW WW. Bf. IBB . mmVaMa8BnBaaamaX.CmBh Baal -- am ' -: :""' iXW7- - vII'bLIU''Ub11H:- -: V- -." --v-...-.:: v-'-.-Vr "fT VtAr,p - pH mH bbbbbbbbbbI Kaal mmBsmal aamVB"BPam BsmaumYI maaf Wmm " VsP " PssBs MH aV1. .-".' . :-BMsy fsmpy -mmpy mj "VMf.mT mMasr.H m -" .- wr. :: -Am & ,r next, m- V-.- '' "17 AI-BI- - Hrh,ffaVffff aTjaflflmw As aaas asa m o- a ssaia- - - - .-".i " -- ".-. m r . iJasfl . ImllllEal.BalaTBBIIV At ATI I la I urmr-- -.llmBB-Sa. -St ic.w-. r-. -:---. - -- C-"- . ... vveK fLZkm..- lltovilamlmTifflmlll mfltlJa1llfl I A. fife -. I s'l ) mm mpj - - - 1 x- - -aj pwmi-m B BB1 BBBB B B ml pmiKsl B B B BB SI : BBB Brvaar a ' B- r IBB . .. ' - - IPfi ir Tiri ywl'llIVIllr iwllallflsL JWaLafll'- 'T """ ''""T -5. B--''-..' mma as. 1 s- wmmmnm9 . v -.- - - - a ' ' BlLII l 1 -. - . " mm . " tl. mma . z, .. .-- - I " "'SUMBMpaml -' ' ' ' Iti-l-l- -" i::-' yt'-w . 1 ":-:-: --; A WWk : "WBBfSrlliiBt illllp ilip ' I LvJ'- lllaw ' ' ' '" ' I 111 1-V; I m k : -:'"' -: &ba i'iBi4 l:-";''K'::-:t "1 y Lim' JmW Wo:HI raWSIWwS BI a?CasfiC3w BW I Irfct. Wy -Jail I - J " -'- 'W ' a jtaaw. Ml J (B B w"m3PmL "I Baa"-" ; "."- .M Baal JmrTt&4a HjlT lmBaJw fJB. AaTafammm -" " .., . . aafp I Lt itH plB.A "I PhMuthM'' mH' " "-"- - - "."-- ' AmVCT I ' :-:-- .; IT II. P L.VMI1III -WBl- ::F81-Ia:v.:BV-'--E -v B aTPT Jia'Sa' fili- I ' " -mrti-l - sjm Bnis . la TB - - -. as tx eaasLaw' am- . -?-"-"" aVB. 4W)act. - t: '' --aSfr1 .aWalalWAaa'lflaBaiAa.flaa7 fl aLaUAkl . xr mmo wwf sir: - -, BsaaaawT-. Bf'.- -,- C - - '"-"Mr.. - - - - ,.i -w- '.'ia '. " 'aI . -- -. St "---'.'-- --'m-'.V aaa I la)l'!?BBBBi ' M ' aM a"a Vllfl.l aTWM" atiaa.VTaVfirt'i atWttat '-A -A." -.---,''.-. B-: .-I" I - r--. rS- ' bKAIIbtlC I W lal ::,S&V::Vvt-:S: . marsrr itrmm,Mrrn BlUrBlfl IPBII .-BB . BWTnSa. -- .. .;- BBJ- .. .- B --.- M maVxBsBBamammvimwaaasBsaaa : - -- . . - - 7- . v . ' mmz -mvh 'TN.'- .- - my-. -my . I EsJSsammaalamaimgg V--f ll--Jl titfar ''' pT 2''J. m-V Pa mam2r3v7WSaBSamaaaaammsasaaaaBwem II " . JJJv . . wl - JJsmnua2!lYr9i afl -"(-.. '-raT . ""- aKaWCSC::rmpaa- jb ITaa. if?k.AaV. ""-"7-SMWel.. ..- -.:. ---.- --i.-- -aB T aaV - aBpmmmmBmmmmamB-aaaBasaaaaaaiBBanmmmmmmBwBmT mmsTr 1 J. "m amraa sama - -.' aaa amma - jb M aPiaMfrflMMBBMBJ: . . .Qood Luck,'---Cre Bow,"' OM Honestw,M. xSti-f-w- ' - z:''-'- -- ;:-:-!v-.-lm: f aTB BasaavBBBaaiaiaBBBBBBBaaBaaBaaaaaaaalBV aii"a asTraaTP-ar . m - .- mal---- mi maw-sfa---smmmmmaaTcmmmmmi Traaa .... saraaw. w - aar mar - MIC--- acaSaBaaaaaaaaM .. BS... .1SJ. t ..Ct.l.l. ft .. D 'j..: W.M M-'- . . - - - aW BBJ H-----mBmBBBsBaBJ -mwwi ttvimimui, -,"m,kiCi .-msiniwinv,. .sBBamBaT ' ml . --'-. - B BalSait!SB9LaaaBaBBBBBBBB3BaB - - sSBaaaaaa BT K ' VmmKE'SSSEQ "Planet," Neptnaev" y Razor." . Tcrinetgar issjfiSS. . W BaMaT-: v ---.---. .-; seat ' sBHBBBsCJlssl aawmmmmi .,;.., ,-... .r . ' ' - JSJMBIEWv " .:-- 'AaaT -'.-' B mmnsaaanmaamamamamaami --, -vie TSfiwuiy. a- as f-au-BamawfamaTi mv'- -' Bm -. mr .mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmBBBi bjj - f77JfeMPvfBc-T - -bst' dMBBBBBBwasMMM TAOS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECUR1NO PRESENTS. E ' OT-VdJX. .. ' ' ' - . I mwa, . Our new illustrated a, --r : .. :: -: .v - mH ,l-,aaaaaBaaHaaaa"Bv "" BamamVl1AaaBBB amm mmV H .STrTrmlVQsm afe-a. - A 1,m A at 9 at Itrt 'All faNAffa1"!1 PrntPja-" mat. A "-. H -- mH- L -wwaWal. ??9m LAIALUUUC W KKCSmid M B .-. - :...:;: : .1 rTH iim for 1902 - Iiiifcl':'v. B lM&SaVaT 1 vTi ll- 7 B j V ?fl 9ueMM0m - ' ftm I PrBa&aSZ lr JBi wiB nchMS any articles not shown here. .It will containthe . W M 9 J4 ks. - '.'...-'..' '.' IXaflsq YaW T 4wiV ttractiveljrtc Presents erer offei for" Tags, and. wiU " .." V" U 1"' ""- ' -'"' " l fflfldsswafxA vST 1 jEJw be sent by maU oa reoeipt e postagotwo cents. "" kl, ft 4 11 i T jh fl. .Bal--' KrPjrtW S&Ss&r (Catalocae will he ready tomaikar about January tst. 1902.) A VbiliLJ MflaV, ' ' ' - '' ..-W- B jft-- t-1 m .- . w HrjaaWsYl'sT'Un rmmmrri- - bbj bb-- aa aajaaff. Jr a a.BBBBU aB aaa am - sjgiw, fk - 'ammaamamssM'yvammi . mi- mw .' ' tmwsasar.df rrossmte forTsas whf atapijW-WaY.jdtaVtpwa; . " !LZ2&m: '"' --:;'.'-:" fc- ajTTT 1 i ' COarniTKITAX TOBACCO COMTAWy. . BW maP9BBaVBa H - '-'I' . M7ir i,Mt Ti " 1 ' ' ' L ." v aflPr- . - -:i.' '. --- mH mmKaa-a- WJmBaaaaWasSaa-BV BaVaTBaRaat aaaiaaaaMaaaaaaaBaBaBBBSBaaBBBBBBaBaaaaaaaaBaBiBBBBaaBBaaBBaiaaBBaBaBaaaaBaaaBBBBBaBBaBaMMaiia ASM M MM1 mamamaUL-!!!ri'aTLJBBBBaW-7 MMTaTaBaM m bs ' MJwBaaaCfe3sfSg" I - . Wfto your aaawaad aekeM4'pa outside of package.- .--j ..-"-. H" --.'-"."'-'- ksaS-J K"1! ' CoatalaiairTavLaisef-athaandrahaWiataforFresentate ' PW-'.sv ''W-FBaBaV -. Sal , ' .-' ." Vi --.-',"-" ' BBmTaTZlJ&ZI-- -:"- - .-1 . -V- K,,Kw"ftlMBaaaaaaaaaf' .-.- .---"V"- 1 - .- C. Hv. BROWN.- - . '. ws: , '...- T- . -. --,:r- -I-" B m ,a - Bl " W . 'agTrT 11 if mi amma 4241-rkoB Aire. tt B -.- ". ".s 1 --' - . maaa"AsiampmamaP -j "l nsas ffln - ?yic.afcJaMJmMmmiv .. -- --1" Bm"-ni. - - ' ' -- - ' ' - - . lTiStTE ' -'-": K'" ;. "i- . . v v : : ' T V .;-"::- -'. ai-A1,- "-, -----..- ,!' mam a " BBSamw aaami - tb Baal - -g-afj -jj a-, VmMTfr mW ,. B -- Bsm aaaaaasaamamar-3ajaamBx msamaaV maaaaaaaa amma, BBSV B BV B -JcBa' 4ii-aaBB . aKj ..-.. - - BST- - -...BB V BHal ml - M. -''BBaaaBiPT f--"aaataaTfc - 1 7 tn---- rnr-" iiTBTBmaaaaMBaiiTiniiiZ . ms .- . ar- a - . .mi mi aa-.sTiiimaMBsmmmmasBBBmaBBK vjafcj -- i - i . .aawPaBaaiBBai72B-nBE-r!?-- am -...--- - .a aau ftVS . lBa9a. S. aaP bibI ' AT - " Sa M ".-,S5Sr aatr it'iBL -ra-29aWl - - - " 5 aas " -I"-"-.-.--'. aa11-- I M 4 ?jlb"btT scam lias --" -saa-rmw. . l Jr - -z-L4FMBiJtBG3mmmm .B ; .- B - bW a-ggmBaa --tKaw -waaaata -sawn a ' ' M W'va --r-J-g-aMaTB--SsmMjr'-"31?jA :W "' 'H -' .Ja I w2mW vimuasxzMmcam. 'aMdW " atiSav sU-';'b ,B''-aBBafes3? ml -- -'"-' C?J8 -'-"m -"- B H wMaaaaaaa" a-saasss. MBVa-a. afl LMBr asa-saa-aBaaaaaSBwSavB BBaAVXat AmstAflmaT AaaaV ami amaa art ??aaa..-a's maamta--iM j maaa! I -i - B mm -mi aanw- aaa. akar aaaaa'a" -.- -. w y . . -anB--sf BL- B - M M b -aaaw Bawa . imgrnMSM aais H- - -.-..-- amaat w MmT Jmmff amaam -- "p""". ' mv m mm aP-8 - mmmamWBammMmteWMMmmMMBBBBBBBBBBaaaammmmmaaaammmaaa H" Z- A . H ' - U "1B""""""VV''B"''-V v:----:.-' -V--J-. I -.- ....-..- .. awt .m All tao world loves to tough at the lovo lonoiSxiaac are reaa a free by Dr. H. sT..Oreeas of this are so liberal theor are coaUaually giving .Uemselres away. Clear watte clothes are a sign uusaasnuui ases new vtosb Lacge 3 os. paehage, ' Whea a Jromaa mrrles a reforsl aim -the poor fellow against heroic ltreatmeat. sairt Tho shirt waist proved, a groat ta veation. Nearly every womaa wears' one. The oaly incoavealeace about the shirt waist is the. trouble ia "Ironing caused -by starches' that produce .that hard,, nerve racking '.effect Puis si's starch coatalna'a chemical fagredleat that does away with thp trouble. Ask your grocer for It. Sixteen-, package' for Id cearVbUde 'by -Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha, Neb. .Thd young-maa on a. salary' of K a wek ia apt to Urjnk his' beat ghrl dear er thaa' he caa afford.. . iThUamEplaltolnlnilifl Successfully treats all curable- diseases and b junes.ofthe .. rnrE,EAfNiaMTIHrMT, s . . jaeiaaias- S OoaiaTtous aad laeurable eases not asaUt i ted. Patteau boarded, BBrsed aad .treated.' i Wrlfe for saaoaaceaieBt. . I DR5..aARTJENeCOOK..' - s swassss asasarass Msissesacs. aa-oaabSjsB. ; tmmmtmtmmmmimmmmttmltmmmmmmmmmm wumwwsi aeaf aa. phelps Bwsaws. msmUlVWk BssCsLT SssffsBama. irhe does, aot aril U,tut a hi BUMLiat for yoat a Canal tranblr, wa wiU'Craa asadTonaXrlai nil ssOPwtS Miltmltr.0.1 EB&SE&EBESt: 5 aBaffMaamaaW itsWSsaP '--INmamaw i court. ama s i umpjm ml amsmi ma am -avsjak rwm tmmmwmmummjmmt BsTmamaVoT H a m.A - V SBjKM-s-a- BmAmaamBmamwVBr BWaB mmramVsmmv L: M 2? f-lH.lmal . VO???llNlmBlal JBamauuFtaHF '-5?V' afitanmBsIaV I SS -fSOJl && H AFe&f-TAO, jFSSSi Pmat-mmaBeal mal WamaT msmsBsi r ahsysw aw W.m aaaaaaaaaamW WaaffF VBB"BVpmVZV?,.mBasafsmEamBmsmBmBa amT-s1tr mWrV'fcssl-VfX -"" l , m" ,stFVn2amalBasHi9SBvB CAJORiSieSTJtiVsr fXI thai the .11. JUtP-AlAy . Sara 1 a aiMiiii iti 1 m ffg. aaa Bcvm mm mmam - --- ..- "i - t- '-?-m bb. -. . -k an. ms masst ass w" .aammmmar. msBamsa-aaanaaaas-sBaasaw ur. wl smaaaaaaBmiamakamaiemimamw aan-mmmaaar .-maaam mamm TmaaaaaaasaBm sarV aaaaaw M mmwwmmmimmmmrm aw sasmmmamwammmi BaTBL saw aaPaa mal BamaaaPH B Bsmf !- TaJskftMMssaMmm lillsf &m WsVH Bflkm Pf H rB ' flsBaaf BsBsaaUUamVmX Amsmaaal M Hh PSBdWa aBmBasf yJaV U"&T?IT!9& W p M MV sTmaS mBllmS'SSSfSSSSfmm3L BamBsaflv M - I'saHB RamTal wKSXRSsXSSV I'USkS-BZPSA-mraSBpFiuv awl.1 BamaavBl . aW sssaw---.---n.-- . -- - - -! -.ttssw amamm -mj aaraff mmj 1 awi at-Tan .oaB?v7aHHV BprlfpHf"vL9Bvaa)aaav Jiaaav ana . I sPn'iSl aayelytw-aaasiatsaMSSitaaaiirs SJ Uaa te3i aatfSHOraaa"aiaawvBavBafiviaBffSaaiaBa-BtfrnHKaaai- PJ Pas' S IS "af waaasyawoawsfssf c aaalaf sas? 4SMaPS"WssMVsaSffav PJ - I ' Way'.' " m -aat--- aaa l'?"-"w--'---',a,h--asaaa m. I "v wm? 'wBYB'WmBaaL' S?? ? ayaajLer ajtaa aaS sja aaaV- Wamrsl I A aaa"&( PaiafrVmBaW ? asasa.TSs aaaass. adKfl"!! meflSmmjK'. A Vs it- x5S. SS 2J"zHarB' TB' aVSsavaljBal- anaBBaaoa?' FtaTaa W- eaatsjs saaaisaa . SwYaWaavawl ..-. ' ' . ' . - . : : ' :: MBBBMBj-tatc-aamstaii" . ' ' ' ' " BiBasVaWaWaWaWaWaHMamaTaWaml- aaaVaasaasaasaasaB . LwmsaBLaanaaasaVBHBsVH ' DHamesflBamaamVaWBafBiBl H BmamsUaamWBaBBBmanBaaSB CsamWrnamaTSHmssamaaammalai SBtfHBaaaHHaWaYmannnmBmsmi EBBBlBsffAasBmaSalamlmTAaaVaSB BBnBlnQBamBmVBmimmBjBnBBT rai - 11' f -- -..v ..-.'' JIBarmasaaMB-samajBaaiK m- -. Hwa?. -m- .-. msmVasamTaaaBBmaawiamaaaaB i iBsflvSBmmaHmsK ' W.hetter"'starca-tht '-. IB(wsrf BaVBamsamafmsamaam mwMI mVaXBaVoasVrnH V to tho whom storr. DV ' S Jfc; M-X : JBR ' amaco - Sterca, ld.-aai. '. lHlfa--aBasiaV: 'MSI " ,' ' 1 "-" V" ' OP-0 isBsV ?: WW - ' - r. ! ceata.-. u ..-.; -T- 1 .-. - av m amnvwamamamra ml r wi am W SaV wta iaa Bw ' aW aS B mMk ' v . ... MmTJiamamamaVSyBa. JP .aSSKSBBamaamwlBSaa . adBaasfsamamnammaamsmBr -J ' ' IBBWBBBSBrlBmiBBmmarBaamWaUS m -aafvaTaWKBamaVYsmBl ' AfhaaW mBmamwamaVBnai "- XNm't .forgaf It a better masasSmamw maV aaaaaaaaaaamamWawa&mmmmmmmmm bbj hh tm m ....... '-m,y BaBfr - . quality. ..aad. .eac-inlrd. . ' aBsl ,asSBmvK0u1w3aHaLffsM :-mwref.lt ' . . nai fmBaBprS' wwcm -:- ;---;v ' BYBasa"mBa mamaW mma " - "'maaaa'akava" . 'mWaf Was asamTamal BsbBWbTWbV ' BsaaVaVBmPJ WaVaaVaVBaW WBaVaaVaVaVBaVaaVaVaaT SaaaBaaawaaBaal BBaaaWS pBamaVmW l"MmsgpJ$HgggSfe' .B . Z " w T n z . 1 BBaBaaasB Wtoti U-i l-nterfc CsV, a"oavBM9naVWaMi BHTVW " Vrso fmwF Wm .RXwa) v'aVavaVmm lwfaPaavflBjMBp MJflHMa' lev, Nfrtff fctd , lyMOCi, ; : : -! .' - ; . : . - S-. -- .:-. -sy: 5aLi- I 'r - - . X. " a-. - -- -v-J- ,-rf J: . t-.- jsC -gg5-g-y-S'- . . .- r ,-t .-.'f:--r.'f '.a." :y -S.,.TiJ,--aaJ-. t . ..- -, - i. --i.iiiji ClBaWaaiafta-aaMaahaaM .-;.- - , j. -a. r--rvj-. 'VifS-fii &3. J-4. ;- .-?.i -", - - -i!