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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1901)
-. - .-v ? t "- .t-: " - v'-CSr 'J1' -'$ii-t .-; i 4" .- - f "- ;.' ." "I - . . if . . ?-. .- 1. I- " .. r"4. t..' . IB- if. " - - .- . Carrie Water at'We-terle. . Aa imterartlHK'clrcunMteHce la the -life -of the late George C. .CTiAmberlaia. of Greenwich, Cbpn.,who haJut died at 'tte " age -of95. years" and -4 -months; 'was -that as a'tipy of-9 years old he carried water to sqldiers" at the battle of Waterloo; add'-saw" JNapoleoa.-slioitr,. .lyafterr'- ' I '. ''- - ' '. IIM1.H ri I V VI : 1 1 r1 J t ii - ' -. Ve ttsfethe"'bst Iea -" beef, refill the.essenee "-fjqjn-iCaadcoiJccnUafelrto " . -Oe -atrcnoost.'-la 4uoflrice'f.onff Ext' JtofhejeoBceisJnqossnde--' :' ,, . - . .- --.- - ". : . , ....- Ubby Atla ftbe;Vorld. " .-. 'I "!. B J I i-. ..- :Bew praps, srrr ox-i Jtitiics, sjbii tjmjj-. ( ( where foriocts.'instamps. "Our Bbofc . . iet;.'"Hpv; to.'Maike Gopd'Tfeags 0 " -Eat. mailed Tree-- . -- .. ----- Eat" mailed tree.- ' Libfc McNeill & libby,; CHICAGO. ' .' '.. if u sit ...'. H: l.l MJM i :;:"iii :Tif BEST E WORLD DEAR.THDTEAItflAII i --..' iTHpUGHOfTEDIllXTtft A5A5APMT tMTtCrWMi ktNC(HCMtHCNTAliONATl A MEAT COUNTRY "The-eya if -all-Aiiierjoa' .nre turicd . to rd-'JSoth 'Dakota" imagh.Iacenr.'xirops. jat- harvested. O-ver :80;ip0;( .'fiushelaqf wheat and ltt.006,diW):t)"a-srieTs-bt. flax.. good -torn--and-- abundant: gHsfecs-'.i "Thousands " of Xarrnerrs''rtee'4-H,.-t9:-1 Tjushelff-oC hax -per'acfe-.on-new: brCokinKi-.-nyf brnglig: them' ?l-25,a" .bUBbelr-' -TilnJt;-ojt-iyoui: -ef-.tlnj:frea' gty?fnn)ent' an'd;and..raU?inK ' pV'prA:fo h"n..first -.briraldnKJ'v'-- ; .- There" Ir plenty of'fJQOd'Rbvernm'eht.ftind" Iii.-oui. n.. is-pvir "k.c"..M.f . "-i'""'. I.'.'..'. "-o- nit .'thriSnrr"t T:in "If-VOO. rwanrfe..laya."'or;;-tife--rook1ng- J(r xp04. DUSincsa jocaaons; jwrjit; t. ;- j.aKiu, xi& Ageiit. Soij";Jne:-!vI;Jfin8appUaSIl8j . nAADCV .llEw-DISCOVtltT:. iriTta. g tJTr.9 'l,-fvJckr!lIef ndcare--ot CM. - DoeK or tclltnintws.ana itr nfriip t'Wp'.?-" -(fCW--WB1- P-HlL5Tj,ynt!ca:t,rom. -intBi-tu-Xrsi. fuiry-lUuMiiW.- E?trtnB,- riviKat paid.' .-Crr-dM gfn.- litjk&f for J:uTck wbrfc. .Otattlt jriNrt FKnT. Fend le ceuU- for potute t .fii'or'i rirtrcTwr Th? J lllfli 1U DL AUtlLftNILhnd l.r ? Tf.fl- ??..-? J!L-i...:.w "... f xrord tfc-f.ui p!y..O:i!etC-hi's ! l!e.hid .--fercorrnpimtjciue: -'Wtivjuit.iaSe Ishritiln niFfcle rJ- 'fclt?.-' -Write yp pritfpecjlm. -TTt!il 8ffit .- 5jjtcrvlrCIK-K-. arUjr;l'iU'.lhc;' i 'r TractdMt r Br- Ol " ''r - f1rl,-V llroarn Great 4teiaeJyar. " "J .H. Epl gp4r ih'4 rf KcCTfrrtpt er'Addte- - , . AM 1 1? &" lywyf-FW y SHOES 1TSUI.Iti-E.- For3aercTluuimfaJirt"eccC nffeat'ary' V-Th potatioa. ofW.' -J))KUa3J)0 ' eartat:execUed aO jotbeir tttakeaaol' ana sbu jnoa lor airrio. pmmwi suu inrinjprirri inn c2cucuvrei0T'uu.u'i" tecn-won b merit lone. - W-JDonftlaa. aaoea have to'eiv jpetrcrvatief action, than.: Other 3.0O axfd3.90-hbe becauae hia-re-xiUticmor-tbc best S3X)0 and-:?v30 aBoaraiaat be laaintijincd:. rhe--t4aiidad Has. slwav-r beetf pj aecd to. iKH , Viat ue wearer.receiea 'aioro.-valne roc IwIdoiict. la. the W.--Ii'l0URla5.,s3:.QQ nd 3.0 7. ii-DJrola-jificaTi more $3O0.arid J3.50 Tkian ififk aA"rl rpt:"i"'iMtt'KanV uanan;:oiaer wo mairuiBcmrcr. v.-.awy-. ... -& vyv.a.. Kg."v aa-atLaai af jefS SaiS . f Aa A aaTg IhvttalBcat w mtiiu; w . l veacuw hm-a t raaa -racce munma aenota.- ra-.aj,at rtUfti-u w. LinNjai n mat .Mia Ta-rraar to-nL-and cierr- direct t jtgatMijBij-" oa veedatof Rtaiaat tBu.aoaiuoMitarrnaM. at a rMifii mnimii iwt wear.- Take am-ate-ataM at loo an yEKflfilKLSe tOliU Oar' aTrrmofrom Hatoftamw -rhe kae aiad laack famltykna-. mi wniiuin Miwii WHll w extract wMbeef - BBBnBBBai! l - rBB""B""auiv j""-j " ' W - siicity FUnPIEL: VfN:Til '.- hS .:.. ., -": J .!-. IS SEX : '..fait-ik .- IWOJwMri-J : -.m ? -. " mmflm-wm -;' ilAL .-" JtrBnfa tTB"" J zS3Z'.y'J- C- . Wati ti 4atcrjr6t.-JC Slide-toetandhefu. j-inj Jsn.octa'tintl.T6uHii "r -i l'K - kJaBWVMr- .."."ta'iitSna.- DOWS Haa H Tl' Cttnrtof-6?.:jKp'e'.tit any itrjee.'K " . -'"V - bTbw atf iinF I """ BaataMafyTlaWnaaa'hnini--r",iTfrii -k"?ti . BaaKv' . j "1 :flF' - i-- BaBaa,aaBt--aMBaMtBW- " Ja auaaajaf aaaaaB aaa TaaaaaBBaa-aBBBF-- . C4JU am l CQ- aYWaaiWmi.WlaJa.aXi ---." - - -' TON Aa'Mfieriaf MnrtiMtaU ' tUBf Ilcatica Tk4s raaec W.Kf. L).-OMAHA' -" " N. 4I-19I "B . " - -BaaTaTa aaw BIB CAMPMRE 8KET oob. SHORT STOIwES FOft- THE '' VETtAAW. ' ACrMt TkMl ef War KaHra a ; tea. Veraaeat --- Maay Artictoa 7rraa -Vim. Wtjeckjaf tka .itayat avaga - -r-AraaM-a daaeitlir: -: .. X3PK 8-rAKT8PIOIJ-.-mJ!aT. ' b W, can 'you ee. by. tho'dawh'a barly. - ' light;;'-V'-"'..." V- '.- ": " 3CPhat spafrrdudly w.e hhiled' At ttiflWli Aiirhfa "tasfc fe'reamink? -.""' .-:'..-. ."Whose broad slrlpe3- and"b'rt:jht:afaCte: oW."'e"'rani'parts-.:weJatcheaeW- -. '- WiiihtW-aireiiniiw;': ."-.: .tnranen xne-iernou-uKJtv- A"Q-tnekets,"rM:klare"'"tlr -bomba. . v-"burstlpg.ih. air. '.":-. -. .- " " Gave.prWthrgh. tie Might that our JOAm was. still. "there,; jO..dbes that:'sti'Mpa.hgleA banriir Vet-waVe'-- ... ' .." V". "- :." :0eV the- land' "of "tfee "tree, and 'tfie.hosae, 1 'A:ti-k firav'? ''-'-'" "?,-.;-. .. ., ... vt uic .-;. -... -. .. . .--. On .the ehbte dfanlyfcea, ttrpugb- th'e. . -. - ttists.of the deep; -...-. Where 'thfeioe' h"auhUrhosf itfdtfea 'dread "- '"-sirencerKbosesr,"-V-- What is." that which" the breeze-QUir : .: .1 -'r -Lm. x- -.- " -! . .-inp cowering siecp,- - - . WasitfiUully bldwsf halt-conceais.- nau " -:a":s5.ips6s?- T ''l .. :J-.. . ..-. Now .it. catches' "..gleam-of llbe niorn- fng:s;firstr.b"eia,-' Elafull'rfory'rellectedtmow "shtrnfts-oril .. - - - lutt'yTWI .- .1 -.uiestrejini, TIA the. starrSMHglcdijamBOT' O. hg " - ;niiay.t wive;" .' :. .; '. .-";-.: ',. "0;er: the iaridtot andthe1oaier. Arid.wneTV'thathawh"cro:yiunt . . ineiv -swore-. -:--.-. .? T-hactthe Kavoc; f;wat5nthe''battle". ;.- -.-- contusion". - - ----v." - -' - -"honie. iinid-'a" country- shojiUi-. nave ..- -.- -s..aoinoTe!.'-;., - -.-.. . - .J Their iloodas..irasnedi" " ";-'r-footefep;s,polluUbn-;?. v:?V :" :5ft "ref u'ge",c.bu"ld"' aav"e'"tliehir(6ilng- and.. . 'i- ."slave; -:--., -." -V ":""'.". .';.:--jV;v .BT.QP1. tti&.'.'jerfpf." "of :" -death ;?Jod .jfthe. " "-:' '.-goonv.-of the-'graye"."-":.- jf '.. : . And-'th'e.'starspaipgled- JtamMr'in.iri.-"" :'- :.WpVllaJllwaVe ;'?... '' -.": .O'er 'the:46jne of -jthe.freeand Aha land ; r " .:bf"'lJie".'bTavei -.-.-. -"-""; '.- .-" V- -. Q.;thus;be' e'iirer'erv-.wh'eafireemeh .shall: d :.-: -.. -.:... 1 ? ":-. -:stand Beteeii. th'ejr;tidved'. toinfr-and -the- V'.-' fwari-deOTlatl'odU -'' "' .';-."."r "'.:' Blest;'with';.Vict'oiT'and.pBa rVbea.vep-jrescuediaiid ". V ..-:"" i Trafee-' 5the;-jpbwer 'that'- hmaderand J2&&y&$'-?. flST-W ' ?hr: J" ' - - 'i -iX ; ji "L"--" .,IICBCI U JfMVf -. AndJthis'.beour naotto ,.ln-.God-te Our .'--" " .--trust?? -.:'" v?: "'"!: ! "And'. the. star-spangleji .banrief In '-MT uuijiu oiiau waiC)' . -.. ..... .'OeiTtbeilaiid-of' the- free .and the Jiptne; : "..,-"..6f: f;bj?Lve;! -V-" .- '-"-;:-"-:;:j'- .-"H-- ':-y ---'--'-':-Prancl8 Scott;Key'f'- : -. :.-- .. .-. - '': .-- .--. --r- ' .. - .- - - V; I . . j "-;"," -risp or.-wAltrj-Eick.":.-.".. : . -The.- gTeatest'-fled -or'-rehes V-f known -on ..take, Champlaln .-was -made Wedriesda'v- afternoon-" by; "J. 'Gi: Fair 'con -of? Evanstori" IUi; -.and'. a fp'ree. of I "Wen '.whp have -beeja"""enjp"joyed..fdi'some. tirn''ecity water.w.orte;sa"y-thi.---.. .---,,, .-, tkAia "" --.--: Vi..lll-i..-l i.- "cvi:, li?.11 W denlaJ;..that.Browna Taiff; was - .Buriln"sto'n;'."Free xess.. Mr.." Falcon- is V -divjer. .of :."inuch .'experience, apar "ljas' r-'deVoted- some time . to- searching ' for Relics.-aina'dding- all. sbrte; ofywQrk;Pn "aer waterJ 'Be;completed-hls. worJe-fdr-the cfty'ife'er .'days; a'go,' hut "ii'po.n" belfi'g ihfonnjpd.rof; theldcatloa. of. the rschppner ; Royal' Sayagt.. which" .-was sunk, south;-. Of Valcour. island :in .-1776;; 'Tie r. "ifitim'rried - .t6'Vinryes.tigate-: .' the -wfreck. .--and--lf .pbsslbte.V secure, some . reiickT' ...'-r".u'.Vr-r- -: 4 ": .-,-'.- - - ;.- WUR- a-iorpe-qi:.-menfc-a..oarge -.wiui. derricks 'and all iequlpmehts :for he.: .w'orkhe"wentto. "the ishrndLiyrednes-." I'dav aftenioon.:AyheJi"he-xeached.-.the hbttoni of. the bike ih:brottwtenty::feetJ of wter.iie dUcovered the welbdeflned oiitiiaeaLof.'th.'s6on'"i-:-He 'three cun."carriages,-a quantity 'of cjui- noh ' balls, and soaje 'amairer-artlclest' I. With the aid f the;4'erric"k the "retfes 4-were-noistea-to me aarge.ana.oreugni. to -"turn .city; -me raree gup - carnages are jne mpBi:rat.eresiHig;panB.--.oi-uie-. flpd. Althouglr much, eatehby-rust and' -.damaged by action 'of the. '.water; they , Atllr retajn.:ther:'origInal t drm -and; ap". neanuce. ibc .. amwnauiiticu. -ui- wood and" iron;; tod jn. inypiadss'the--wood 1 'e"aten'-away";u"ntf "'jihete.-I-iis' ; hardly" enough left-to. .hold the Btrucrj tureiogeiBer. .pow-paraut- jy.petrifled:andviaalmosfas: solfd'as k rock.: The Iron birfs'andbolts.dfthe: carriage are Corroded and covered with" L lafge.-:bunch?9-0f nVsOme? of ";ihen-be U ilkii "SSAmrhr Inroa air '' imtmwk'tr.. Act I 105 s.aaAft . .sckftv. . aw $ . 1M.0 juny '.-jhe carriages' .are' titfo.'fet' high;', three feet, wide: and -tour ieefc.;"iQng.- .They-; .weign,in-ine;victnicy ,01 zw pounas :.e"aclr.-. One" of -the '-carriages has:'-been gvenUa"-thixJty:of.'"Sqrilngton-byMc.-- -Fareon..-. oat.xJie.;purer two were boxed :"u.LliAiJHJ 2S2rj Ji.w1.j ". a.tJ'l:ra-Va.m- 2 ... . . ..- ..:.... ... - jeaicru auu uililijcu iu .mc- -hruuLU 'sbnliEin -IhsatuUoo'at Washington.-' Hr.'thelghf,.'- to look Eaicori spe'pt abbuttwo boursinaearchj for-tbefr Vindication, to the" men. who pr.. tae relics, an aside irom -tpe carr .rtag?s.secrea...:jiiia.ui..-.-inny .-caaaon: balte.'and.sfapt: Among- them-are; chain' sb'pt,-".Dar..-8h6t,"- tape . shot and! -solid--shot He also secure, a 'rib.'otthVbbat dnd-'spme.'Hs-jEing. -ft is. make -another -'-rieit tp 'the spot ..where the. -boat waa-auaW' arid... if-possible, - !getspm'e. : more". IriteJtirig "relics,. " A larg.-tiuriibero't peOple'aatherjed' at the dock to see.-the.rellcs. Althpugh" several' "previous "attempts have bitei'-.n-iAde'.'to- get: portions .pf -the- wreck they- have-' -peep: un'succ' one br.'twO ex- 'ceptioas;'. beri ."smaHVarticies, such- as. a". fe.-snot-Wd '-all' pieces'. pf:.!wpod: from the. boat wej-e-.takenr From-a .his-' - torical .staridpoinf 'the. .find is a": most Kartfable. one; -and. further'-. deielop. meats-may lead-to the. discovery of, the pairs' .Ot General;: Arnold, which., were '.lost.'dt-the.time"of the "battle.:" ".? .. ;-.- :"- y ' V ' "' .:". '"-. -iw aoanr maoanirs FAarrr. " '.. pp'roachlak the trdo'f bis- dayr la" Ian obscure. llhje Tillage ia-Wiscbasia U.a. man who. oalyreceaUy .fiat aS. larpwledged that bwaS'wHk John. Brown-At. Harper's Ferry Moae'-'of .Osawatbnie raiders. He aacaped "at the. time of .JohnBrotra'a-captHrebut returned in -disguise, "and wait preheat 'at'.:'fdie -xe!ritron;of.'Browri " aad' hia' companions, .this' mantis Jacob Wiid-: nef.fapd "bis 'bonne .is -in ".New -Lisbon: Sa -far as he. knaws..he; fs -the. only surv4ror..of John- Broirn's' .'party.-;rte lives'-a .quiet .and- retired- iife 'because': of age and poof-health,. aad for many" years be coasceaie'd .the fact bf;.his par ticipatibB in", the- Hatpef's" Ferry raid, rearing .that- It would".-create a preju dice against-him. Hrs.lnIad. Is :as dear as to the'stirfing" e-re'hts of i83f "as it-was.At"lhaj-time."h'e sayraad heat-res' from-memory this, account of the .at tempt, to causeA-feneilic9'aa-Mmg'-the-slTes:.";OnSundaj, October X,'.lKt. John .Brown and our njren. crossed the' raikoad.bridgeQver the'-potomae rlver tae United Ststes tka railway trala. of citlaaas. aat. free jtkey coWd fi, aa4 kald the tow for aaore than tweatjr'-fbmr hoars. The talajTaph limes atars cat ami, araai seat ta the alavea. with the expactatiea, that they wald rise t oaca,'aeori--imir' to" their previoas aaeesaeat; bat j.this for'.sopM reasom ttaksowm to aae uey rerased to do. The. attaatloft was th ukexpededly atadccritlcal for , -aad our leader -ordered-" plcketa'.to be eatablhjhed .to 'warn, us of- the cofaiac of the'-clUseBS;- who. -were arialBg. against- na.- .They attacked '.the' araeaal "aext day. .saw" them coarlag irQha..'Brdwa gave-us positive orders aot to. begin aosrjlities, so we aeM'oar' Are until attacked.' The nrst-aaetswere. &. "the ? course. -t ob. We returned the Are,- to thebest of -our ability. and 'succeeded-in' holdhK them at. bay for arOme. It soon-, became apparent to us;r- hawave'c. that:' the building 'could : ot b aialnralrml aaa'liial niiir "aaaa'l aot be" aialntained against .our assail- l; -whose .nnaoers were :lacreasiag every mauie. .swine or out bm-.ivn heart: then and 'attempted to escape. One leaped, into the-'river' aadVawam desperately- -Tor -'the-other shore, but before feachlag It he. waa.woMdeC.Be managed td:scframl)Ie-Oft apo-ia,.rock in .the river, and .threw' p. hla haaids Ja token-of -surrender.-; A.v.VlrKlHiaH wadfed "out to-him: arid 'while he'stUl had biji ba.nds'ln the air ta yirgjBltl snot-him through the head. allHag turn la coldhlood. It.was'a.r-iel deed. iWd it ronv4nced -toe'.rest of 'ua that -no merev woald:lM-ii1uMr-k.tA titi If mA fell-' . '. . . - -r - T into -.the 4ahds-ot-the':itize-u. At the suggestion -.of oar iehder. we '-then' a3Mmdeaed-'fae..araeaal.for.aa eagiag hoase that stdod near by. taking wHh . use -.pur wade'-.aad'iie.priaopers:.. "We remained'threan of Monday. and 'Moaday:hlght.'On Tuesday mo'rn'ingwe yieara'eA.that. Go'lpnal'lfobert. B," JLeh." witn- a fpgc0-or marines and spmjMaha. trTOD8,"W:arrlved;viUd that,, backed'. by-Uref.Vlrglnla mlUtiaVlke i -was about" to .-"attack as." ' This, information 'was brought 'tb. ds'- bjrtwo; negro "women". wuu impiureq.- jona-nrgwa Jro-aaaae-aia-'csoape. ;oite of-ttfem. offered him-'her .d'resa :ahd 'jiuggfed': thht'bUckeri hjifibahdrand Jibe as", "a disguisa, -buC pp told her tbat'.he conli' not go, .'The' other.made. the isakie-.oA'er'to "me;aadr, i haa'ohly.just pQton ber gpwn whefl; pthe; attack- was made: Brown aad told-: us to dQ.'whatee'rseeined" In ur Judg mettt to-'.ibe-.righ'i'aad.'l'dldadt care to'.aacritfcerniy.- life'withput. ai'.etort.'ljL-When-.'tAe!atUcka)M:'n L Jumped: roughaxear' .'window aad :jojnejrth:two.a.ero: women, -who had. preceded-'ine out ofthe"windowThey- lea me.ta ailttle MTe'-.'abo've the-ierryj; where l .was for seventeen days, they supplying a"e with itrouid be.fp ."foVme -ta: attep&t' to: crott 'the.river: and ."get "awajr: I- mads " cross the. river, and .get away. tbe. tttempt, ;but iny; disguise wasdl" cpvjeredon the AjAer slde;.a4Jd:ltj:hai; hot.hadln tny :pbdoc,Bsaion a few pieces ot gold., with. wMcb:Jto'rhi. .myself fiwjould-.liave'been.turaed oye'r'to the.'sha;the-allows -with' '. MrV WHdner returned.-, to .-Haxper'a Feriy7:d?ea X k-'negra"..woniin,''. and "Was- .present. ,t tbe:-executfoii''.'ptt' rember;2S of jtojan Browaand sK.of his'.coni'parii6n!3;-..H could do. nothing; for thenii- and -'dl4 not .betray" blsf 'pres-' ehra'tp'-them;-"lifr. inspired.-by AboUUonistt in the North or that. they had: anything to do 'with 4U-.Me.iiMisuj Mjavaynu urpwa nimaeij cbn'celved toe ideaiof -llbraUng-thB"; 'siayes." and'hiB; f pllowecs,- all strong an tltsVTe""meHt;efatertn: pb; "the belief -that the negroes: would :ail. rbi$isup:s:t.orice- and! with "aastot--. ance't.gain ' freedom:-Irom bondage." WhQe he;ydoes'.v.-dot..bel.leye '.thjat ;' the 'famous: fUrper's "T'erigr. ( raid was a dl-. rect''secessibn' arid' -the civil ; war, :Mr' 'Wlldner- says that, it; It .did have an. important part tn bringing' on that siruggle"; this- ulU-tiate-.emancipa-'. ilon" of the .slaves brings glory, enough T bri'h'lmExchange.'" : ' '.?;.; - .TIaTI'TJTI'W.WAa.'BBROi:. V .Milit::experts"-generaily. bf.'jate iT--beeff- recoKnlzinir-as imtkartant 1 the fact, that pome.of the-greatest mil- --.- . -.". "I5. .-.I hfary." achievements in , .-htetory'-haTe. been -made byT men .ot. small statqteV- jnotabiy among these "dUnrputlw "terOes being Alexander and: apoieon, wmie tin-ottrowa -history.. Gens.- Sheridan,- jWtef.antl finstbo have beefl. Jess remarkable, for;; their.inches'tbaa.'-for their ijluckl .it'. is-donbtjhii-.'... whether some of the most'f amous merijfn- army history "cdiild" have got intp-ihe service If he height "tio.w dem'arideil' of enlisted. men "had'.heen atest for thein to. pass:: .The-r-world-co'nq-neririg -soldiers -.who. followed. Napoleon; W Jena,. agram and'-MoscwV;-we'r6,:.ItfUe fellows,-: not; one in ten' of whom .would hate, had .V xharice.of iehlistmeiil'.iri; an American or- 'Brttlih -reginierit: -but . they -'.knew.' their j"Jie."and ithe" stalwart. warriors' of Austria- ai)d: Prussia icQUl.d" triot "stand." before, them. .-.No'.restric' tionsr peing piacea -.on omcers -as- to-. wear swords. .The. time may .ome .wheff .the rifle.' carriers also-, will be" .'a"hIe-to.'"pro'?e''.the. truth, of? the ojd .say- i'ng. tbat '7ok can't! tell "by .the. length of his." legs iipw far", a frog can -umpr-ra .fa"ct..-new."Tegulatio.ns lowering-the lim'itatkms as.'to. the heiaht Pf recruits 'Have. alrdy-'beWfoybrebly": coasld-j ered by. the army leaders ef several, na-r tibns. .".'-. --:--.-' ". - . " .-".. .. "''' .-.....- ; .-Ta-rtre:aa'.Baialael'res, ? .It Is -two Tears sirice' the Swed'isn1 gun -now at -Sandy; "Hook was .'ordered, and B will V probably." be. six months jmore before it will be' ready for trial; asan emplacement- for It.muqt be bunt cm. the lines of. the Army gua, .except yiat iis.cauDer-u.eigBieeB lnenes. Tne trick; of: .the -'aann'n.' in the!.: projectire, .whldC.u:aasumedt-to:Aolve the "probleat qf'; fifing .high: explbsivJes.';;- '"'. "... Xayai;.Staitaa.a Ckarfeataa. ..-Th"Bt. United!' States'-goyeirament re cently took 'formal posseaaiPri "of the site' which'... kas'.' been- secured' for 'the luval sm'tioB -at Char)estoa, tf, C.',' and the rtdlng;)'f the fag marked the first OccupaUba. The dry dock, the plana for rhich hye already bepii approved, wUl be erected at a cost.bffl.25D.9M. - . -: .r .'. aiai5agiag. .'.'. - iCow- that the st.eamer ef curskm. was nearljr! over;, and' they could .'see. the' lights of tfee city 'dancing on the wat ers of -the lake;' the-joMg;nuui grew serfous. "-'l should. like." -he said. "to pursue' theacquaintaace we havebe -guAlia so. casual a way on. this boat and-arith. your permisaipB I-ahall -rear tore to. call npom you n't your home.'" "But" I doat even kaow your name,'' protested- the maiden; with becoming dinUeace. "My.aame," he replied "is Eddy.". And the frieadly darlaeaa.-hi'd the bluah .that suffaaed her cheek si she responded softly: -"Ton may call Eddie." -. .. . j-toypew t laMiaWr 'alaTaaaa-t DAIBY AND POULTRY. HsTIXiTmQ CHAFTEfai FOi OUR : PAJML RCAIltPJa. .. 1 , It Is said- that this tape kaojm technically as taeala came to this country . frost Bluroye. yit it Is" aow one of the isVbat.coai atoa "parasltas. of aheea. While 'it .at aaaallr aaaodated with other- paraalt. la the iatestlaes of .tbe;aeap, it mast be'- regardedT-as the cattaa 'of ooasidar able injury- and evea fatality, 'It 'Is easily recognised' on- accpaat ot Its breadth and great sfayax esed lve yards -In length aad at the. broadest part is from" ' oaeaalf- to. thrtefbartas of an', lack Wind, it Upers away to a Ahe' polar atthe head, and.'thls part4t'-the worm hi of strong texture, so -that'-the "head aad aeck-.feel ilka tjipi,-or. in "'uuter' . worms' ia other, animals iik'e'-a wif nalL. We. notice It aVostla fall aad Winter, but It Is rpallr preseai la the mteaUaeh at all times of. .Ue jr'ear. .constantiy" ma'tniing segments.. walch paas.'aaayVin;Ue'-drppp'iigsiaad spread Infection to other, sheep.: As 'thVeoa-' dltioas &.tae.-siaingand autmer re yery favorable far. the. existence of the embryo- outside of the boir. sheep majr-J become-badly this time had r show symptoms' of tae"preaeace.-of the woe -warms in. late summer or nut. Low'wee psatiu'es "are-supposed tp be "vt aLuraue. iur - prvaucina; .myv woTm.dlaeasee; but! we. should most fr. the. -pasture .'that .has -:been" years in! grass- and dverpajtared. by sheeb.. -year after year. The.oaly" de t.ermlnirig. that! sheep are Infested with' ' ttpe '.worpiSi apart' from- poet mortenv ewtnniaiHui, .ig ine appearance..oi--ine-.JOiribi .'o ..aegmen'ts- In. -ihe- maaUPfe. Unless Ai number of the' parasites are prasent no iridlcatf on' of .disease- will be-bbaerved-,- butwhin! present. in coa slderb1e.Tjrumbers .'in. xounjK himbs' .emaciation- is" speedy Arid ''may- prove fatki. v Dr. . Gourtlce. meAflons'.-.findlng'' .fourteen, sduit .worms ta'one'.bVmb. four' months -.pjd: aad thaV-the iium'ber'-bf iadMdu' -present"-may be ' from, '2 .'or J .it s.seiqom.. npwever, that qipre .'than - Ire? -of sfi-ajra 'jBhsenre?!. . Symptoais -tf ;-dWae..;da.'not "appear "' Jnatil.-the 'paraslter reach .nsid'e'rabTe size,, when -thajr partially block: up the Intestinal"! tube and - jrobabiy'- cause' LconsideiableirHtaaonj.VThe affected- .lamb;casea;6 ttrit,-becomes weak and., emaciated and ..--nay:-Anally -dl ft)mrehaupii.;.lriiate.'8tags. d "rhbea is! a: prominent ''symptqni :-Thy m'u'cua-'membrahes.-are .pale"! tho wbbi .beopmes deprived of off and Js easliy polled but, .and the appetite at Arat .gbod-Jn Wtet s.tag:becomeir impaired: rOthej:- diseases.!.- riiay:-..apervene-. and .cai-rjr off.ithe already deblHtated ao saaj. ,"The appetite of ajfected' aaiBkals maj-for .some- time. ;eontinue gppi more food and. Mn'ki.bebig taken than . when free from 'parasites: - To" prevent rnfectlon wlfh tape worms." new-'pas-'; tores wd"fresb.'.drink1ng water should. ir:-pcIe,be'suppUea.;. Overstocking arid cthe . -ase.- of. low,, wet pastures should be avorded.vMedIcJnal tniatnini' Is V'te! effective. If tie taken 'n hand eArly:-..Fbr'. the destraotiba of this parasite! ieverai prVpaxaUpris .are recOrnmended.':"- 'ore'.iinistering medlcrpe,. food;- and ' water' ahpurd '-"be" Withheld for twelve- hours: pr '.more,'adrisable tb fpllbar.the Upe. -rprm" medictaein three or four "hours' with a full dbseof stor'blL- -.Areca;. aot- powdered, ln-':ene-4o'-liree' drachni doses; aoe.shieldvfern In two ounce dbafeA-kuaao. in '-one'- and'- one-half. ,5o:two. dfachtn' doses, arid plcrate of h-mtash-in from. 6. to 2d. gialn.dbes' are the .-preparations-most highly recom mended: The plcrate! of potash Is" said; :o be. very effective; but if properly- id- ' s V - .- .. - I xunisierea.- no.aouoi: any-01 tne-aDovej wui give gpod;resut&. uu or turpen tine la aiso.mnca used. 'After using -bis .remedy for tbe .dtrucUpn! of the jtomach irorms . sheep : ha!ve been ob served to' pass laK.riumberr-of.tape Wprms In the-treatment of-badlyafc fed-'jibeks'-'the' Animals'1 should -'re" deface the best of-care;.arid,Ja addition U: being, supplied with generous diet; ;OTppsed'.6r,.sucli ;-fobds... as 'crushed aats, bran-andoll cake,.- it; a well": to ri'-fe .-A'ioIcv medlbfrie In the feed. For b$f.latter purpose lt.wlllrbe found. ben-, s'ficfal to mix -for each -sheep -a tea-', .spoonful. pf a -mixture.of ' equal parts of dried suiphate. pf Iron arid-ground gingeV.-.TOOt ,iif the,, feed "' .twice .dairy antii they begiritq"." pick up,-after 'which it may; be given 6nce:' daily, for. .some'Ume longer. rKeep.a good.; look' jjiii.fpr segmeata.of tape, wprias about; this tlriie of the. year; arid it Uiey.'are rioiicedat-pnde. coinmerice treataVerit suggested. above. :'" .. . ": '- Chara'eter'af'- Dairy re4et.rMia-ailaaa' k . Professor ."Henry Of uie "Wbconsn; Experiment -Station . wtitea; to. Hoard's itaryinan of the. Increased " use.of iiiage for making milk. He 'says: ..:; .-'"The', prejudice 'against: ailageikade milk, hhs " not '.yet ; entirely 'died out- though it .is. rapidly.. paaSlng. " The' edict '-ftrhich went, fofth from". one ofj th'e;'mIlk-coridenserieaabbut-a score: of years ago that no mlik frpm silage-fed fcpws. would : be !rlved. under. -aal! circumstances, .was 'taken- up" by- ether xondenslns;' factories "aa they -sprang Into 'existence.' "Doubtless-the proprie tors regarded .this, as the easiest -way.' pf'seWiag whatotnerwiee ailghf aiake uoIe..-..Th!ii.unras6.riable ruling has' done' much to .prejudice -bur.-'people against silage for the dairyman, .'An interesting incident almost an .acei- dent, : we . might say;' occurred . "some time, since,' which has proved cbnclu- slveiy the Injustice and folly of such a- sweeping- condemnation :-ot. an-eaeel-ieht! feeding stuff - A coridensing. com pany in Michigan. -owns -factories ' in Lansing- and Howelh.'" The' Lansrag factory, first bulU-, was' aot" feeeivlag suiBcient' milk.' from : the ' farmera for foil operation 'and was'therefore'eager to -secure, a- targef' suppiy!"' tae'.sailk front, a ceftala farin was found to' be. .large'; In! amount" and satisfactory' W quality, "this farmer's milk bird' been, .'repeatedly praised by those whose duty it -was to watch' quanUty-and.qualir. .Nothing .'had-, ever been 'said- about sUa"ge-pfodoced- milk,, for. the sabject had n.ever'-been considered, thepftlcers thought,- in. that community.- "To the 'surprise and doubtless the- coasterna-Uon'b'f- the oflc'lals It was one day earned that the- railk'from tho farser which has-been, so much praised for' atKaadaace aad ' quallty'was ' from silagefed- oowa Here was. a" crisis! Should this turned. 'down? If his milk was.'accepted. what should be said -About other fhrmers aatoptlag" his practice of feeding' silage? Choos-, lag the -sensible .course,' the -factory accepted the -situation,, and-.the out come was a pamphlet, of nearly a hua-. ated aagea.' treatiag of the' eonstrnc tloa of silos, the growing of silage cropf.fllliag the silo and feedis? the Bteta.aa ta..tha Caca mt.iiwm Usah aaA-rapMrjB. .' ' ipkjats.waca pbjtcea! la tka hantrof each aad. evary iatrea af taw.coa4aaahmg compaay. A lettat ! racatvei from aaV sjHhbritatlve soares a couple -of years since stated that about eas third of the milk received at tat Laaatag ooaaeaaery was them btiag prodaced by allage-fed cows. - Dariag a viattto the Bast sbme Mme' aface the wfitar found silage vAed ss the maba' roughage on many ot the bast dairy farms. Milk that brought from. 8-. to U 'cents a quart -under, special stands ia New' York, 'fibstoa' aad other ciUea,' was 'from- silage sohrces: ' Oa- maay. Eastern dairy farms' tte butlneas would hate- abahdbaed aot for" the pile." Where timothy hay.aella fr6m.l5. i flf per toawaat cbald the mllk-pro- dacer doHasutthe-silage?.. Baastrteias.fae C Aa egg substitute. has been-manufactured from skjm rallkv -itjls.sald to contain the casein' and. albumen of the milk mixed with .'a-Httle flour, and is. put -dp In: the form of a -paste-or powder: Such material ,1s evidently, rich in. protein, .and;' sccordlng ta re porU appartriUyrelUble, Ii .used In considerable quantities .by Q'akera and cohfectipners.:in place of -fresh eggs. . .- Bgg aubsti totes have-betu devised Whith consirt of mlxturea of animal or vegetable fats, albumen,', siarcnor (rouncpipriag nxatter", .and-AQme leaT - ealng "powder In.sddlUon tb-tte'.'min-; eral'ntteii:.slin;ilar to. those fbundin -the egg.-.. Such products. are uesignea to reaeatble-eggs 'ih'c6jnposltio'n .;. '"' Other e '8U"stJutea...bave. been; marketed wWcb .contain U We .ot-no-. "albumeri, htft apparently. -consist quite largely of starchrrcolwred -mpTe" of less wfta .some yellow ''substance,; These- .gc'.afe; specially reepnim'jndea. -for.- maxing cusiaras- ana puuuuio buiuhu in 'appearance toithOse.iArhlch" fresb". enra -are. used. -Thero Is no.;jfe"aoniO ktwoaet. sueH prpdu.cts.'carinot.oj mae--8o xnai.mey. ,wh .uv...cov-. hwhotesbme-;- The-. . must "not be- overlooked that in the diet they anr, not-repIAce -fesh"a9g8,.sm"ce .thteyVdo. obt ebnUm'5muclrnlt3rOgehous". -matter of. fat;. As"-recjE"tiy':'plnted:. out lri-:orie:l Of ."tae-. memcai journals; -yiur way. 19 an .Bripbjtknt, -matter. If such. an. egg" sobstitote-is.-.'uaed; in."th.e.;diet -of-. in- valuls"eJally'.if:thti.'cp the ea'sub8titut"eis-adtkoowri;a'nd: It 4s employed irlth, the beltetbaVIIke. etAinan-abundcfofpio, I '-'-..- -:'. : gried ;:':.- .-f;:' -." '"-." 'A-re-H-.ofc'-"5eilarto"eritof; .cuttufesays: 'nVrerit". iaeithbdsr 'of : erippfatlnk: or ' 'desiccatlii: eggs! 'have iin -"proposed,. and..:severai- products-. Wbifb' claim to - "piepa'?ed lnfthb"'. wa;y"arb.n"ow:'on" the market". "itfsaald. tfiat ltheegg--is-.:(fcled :ijx of out of; a vacurini, -usually by a. gentle" heat-or' by cufreni-of -air.V"-Wheri:: placed, on. .tile " market .'the- dflod- g;- Is . usually- ground.' -'.oemetimes ...saiv.-.sugajv-- or. bptt;have been-'osedVaspjces Sn's'h material ' Is! 'merely - egg :frp'nk' L which the'bnlk" of thjewater ha3s,.benr- iVmoved.'- - If- the' process Oof :manufac-r tufa :ls such -that' the "f esdlMng" product is- palatabl'6 arid "'keepwe!ll'; -value of -Tapofit"d.. '.eggs" orider"' many-.- cir. cum6tances is eviderit ' --- -' '; -'' ' Tnla-mafeirial .fa osiid. ;ly : bakers.: to somo .extent, .:as." being- cheaperwheh fresh'.eggpATO.bigh In price. It' also Used ln..prtvisloiiIng iampff and'-expe ditlo'ris. slacfr desiccated:fbbds;haye.tte. thdvahtage. of Kighf nu.tiitlve value.- lioproporUon to their, bulk. than. the preparirig evaporated! aggif.o-tuEf pound wi'ir.-fumlsh. nutritlvp material .equiya-t . lent to about, f pur ppuridspf fresb 'egigs; 'epf tie corimefclal pfodu fece:ntfy.tesid."-appaTi': to-be'"dfle:d: eggpparsely'.gfJ-Hind- "For" use; it was ; thoroughly; mixed with a-smali -quari:. ' tlty.'of water. .'. The mixture 'could then be:; fried 'of. made'into ' an -OmeleteCi! . and was". found-ibb-fr'.'re'ry "pajatabie!!-' closed' resembling' iii taste;-the; am-' dishes "made-from fresh,. eggs. '.- -.-".' ..... .' .''rtaellea'Wgaaa'.Jrat,- . - " Don't allow, drapghts in your Iofti aa phseons-ate -yery susceptible to. cold. -. : -Be" sure-to funilsh-.ypnr.blrdaashaT-:. low tub ixr bathe. in, arid. tie; will apt 'tjpuble.-yo'Ur-wateT;Jbncketl" -." - .: .-Don't" feed:" your, plg- ieons; .'aa lri."many. cases- evil results- have.been known .to-follow.thls-prac-. flee; , .v .-- -. . ..v;.r A handful: of :beinp. several .tiinep aj weea will oe reiisnea. oy ine oiras, aaa. b.'a'h-'beaefic'&i--' -" ". !-Tlr tobacco steins for nesting:-; They.: are grand, for keeplngdown ' yex(bfn.; "Ckm't breed bbth'ilce arid. pigeon's; - ,... t-f..fattcIaa'.-'ire'--'tfouble-" the. plumage- bf'-their pigeons ;. becoming- soiled "with-'taK. .'Sweet oil ..'irin.xeH; ; :";' r ' J :. ':'.;"' .. -:' -". New -.beginners'. In "pigeon. calture., constantly inquire whicb is; the beit grit.'.- for i;. pigeons .'Orir .experience-! teacher-us that "rio-. better grit "cau be! provided -than bid mortar. : .' . "In arranging yoor"ayia-."see. thai "the perches are.a'rrariged'lpw. If the birds haye no .-high .perches to fly 'to' when' you nter'thaloft they -Very, rap-' idly !get accustomed, "to" your appear;;. ance!.amprig; them,; and: therefore; be--cbme tamef :" . ...".': ;-:.-!r. :-...'-. ..Young ' fanciers are sometimes at-a- ibss to knbw .where to: buy; and-' pro:'- cure Jhelrvblrds at-l)ird stores. ,Our. advlep ;ls. to write a reputable' dealer and" send' him .-your "order.-- They may" cost you a little mbfe.-but whe'n.pur-" chasing 'aiTO-f. buy the;"'best; as they are -the' cheapest id .-'tho end! Offf.'s. Farrii arid;.Poultfy' Review. j.' .-;.! -.IA "case .of 'smallpox recently on' a Lake Ontario stetmef running between-' .Alexandra Bay- tod- -Oswego;. N.-.Y;,' 'caused a .panic among. the..600'.'excufr sionists Aboard;-''- ,it. was ,reporfed"-.on the boat that '.an effortwould be made to Q-oartatine toe. steamer and the'ex-. c'ursionists were so terrified that a rush -was riiadeat Oswego to get off.. '.Many. --wQmeV-wfere-'.crushed; arid "there. Were :many -narrow 'escapes' from drowning" so eager were the people to- getJoff the boat. .- ' M.I ' From January 1 to July 4;' 1901, there. Were shipped from Argentina- 25,444,90 bushels of wheat and ltfiOifiWt busheie of. 'corn, against 5406,000.' bushels 'pf wheat arid ll,u'2,O0iO- bushels of corn during the corresponding part of 1900 It thus, appears .that during 'the first. half of 1901 the exports of corn; werc over one-third greater than during' the first half of .r900. but the exports :ol wheat were considerably less Chan half. As great' '.'-"' Reports of commerce, in Porto Ricc. show a big increase during last year, theexpofu' exceeding th'o3e 0.0898-by 300 per cent .-.' Asparagus is 'efficacious tn- kldne dllments to an extent that' fs not yet, J rerhaps, teoro-ghly appreciated.- ssma .materials . .wnem-.-.iresn.- aresn i ter-mpw -aai aonc-Know.noiinn :au eggs xontaln About " Vs?!' ':' V- " ; ":'i Aisi.:tt!'s4-'iii I ?;:;"- J'"vV--!'y . A-": An Qrawlag Tall. "No aattoais iacreaaiag la height-! aad weight so' rapidly asthe Bagllah. says a British jouraaL The proof of. this is shown in statistics recently col lected of tka height of le.We boys aadJ mem. "At the age of 17. these areraged S "feet 8 laches: fa the-age of 22.-5 feet t lachesj at 17 they weighed 1Q. stone z pounas; at zzr 1 sxone is pounus. in. Afty-years "the average has. gone up for the whole aatloa from S feet 7tt. leches. to 5 feet. 8 inches. The -aver-. age height of the .British, upper classes at S yearA of age- is .5 "feet, 8 inches, of the farm laborers 5 feet-7-3-5 inches. The criminal- class. Bring dowa ."t'hV av'erase. as their height .is -.but 5 feet .-4-5-1ftchea.' ' '.'-"..-' aBBBaBBBaaaBBBBBBBnaaaHBlHBBBBBBBBBBB .-- ; .- - -. : . walMwakl la Faaa af BUIbm; . H'Paderewski, like' mbiiais-of. less note." has hia hpbby-riarirery.bilr1' liarda. "H" . play" every-day Kea: uc.caji ajiaiv iuc iinie f ivai yrac- '-. ticing. and "composing; arid is a pefy' ; fair -ciiel'st ' "1 -.thini I like -bill&urds,''" be 'says, "beca,use it. 'not .only; exer-: ctsea my'.eyeand.hand'andkefeps tbem:--.In.'tralning eVen'-hen.I anr'amiisjjog myself, but 1t-alB6:'pVoau'ces-'to" me the' f.delKate and: reflned. artistic feelings-- which-1 hav--,so -Often .to express, on. o piauu, auu.jrufu, ufr -luouiutv,-. play .my favorite G&ppln!- - -.- :" '.The .politeness' idf, A mean-mak; is I -always.. more -or -less .aisagreepDie. . - . - -.. '. -- -. --.'. ."WRgNCHc-pi .t - .".v. CasM Gentemem .-.severely "wrenphed. my foot arid "ankle The ipjury was .very pairitui; aind the .consequent -: -inconvenience.- ..- toeing ..obliged: to keep-' Jo 'business)',' was.Srefy trying:- -A-rrientf recommended' St. I Jacob's Oil, aad I take g pleasure :fn informing; you -tbatone application .,-was sumci.en-; loenecr a.compieie.-cure;. vTo.. busy map; to i'mpie an'4 effective 'a. re'raedv 4a i!rivalua"Dle."and;i; -shall ' los'a.nof "opportunity, of .-suggestliig--tbe, !!qse" 'of:str':ja'cob's:-.OiL. VoufsJtruly.; .Heiftryr"-J, .jt-lrsu -Manager'- tba."-.Cy.cles. .Co.,::J vSt. '.noTer- ynr. inra -the'.eieev'eless bodice arid - bare'' f for. dinner; but the - mode.- is.Tiot; -con. ildered-ferreet.".: -.-"";.:.. f.'v "'": V"' ?:- --":-. r. '-iC . ... ' .. ' - -. --." ANarJPreaaa.ii Koblllty:.. '. . rgj Among -the: nurses-' who-.recently :f t. ceived . a tdecoratiori ' .-and ' certlncate. fro-'Quen,.'Alexkidral6t-Mar!H) neuser -.was-utdy -Hennoine'-Tempiex tuacxwooa . second -. aangnter. -Qr - vtne ' Marouis-' of Diiffef fri.: She studied riurs- -.'frig- at; the'heisei:n(tephai''.and.;iB; a - member "of tbe Qneeri'.'VIctOrtoJub'ilee- I -.wurses. -. uespne-. ner -ranKi sne prerers service: iftihe: hospital; to Ten'tertainr irig at ajsKitcrcfuiictibn."...-.;. .r.-V.--.-;" ". : . .V. Oeherpaa-aea.eral'-r'aJ; ."'G!.enerai..W;'.J,'lmei"wlten-hV.-fe:-.-fifed '.forth- !-dire"ctorate:'bf.ih'e-:k'JD . Grande Wes"terV-"riril.roid;a.-fe-w-.": weeks' .ago distributed . .among .the -mpjoyejr A.000 .shares of the:i"stock.'bf.:tKe'-road: :At.tha;t:Jtim;e:1toe stpckl.was qubted at fQA: and. thevah-.e pf f'g.from.ip.000 totVicePresi'deBt Dc,aqwtf.t6'.tbengl.e.."sHare; to .'each-. of the. riainb"r"!-eflaplo5:eso-;"y i ' .- H . , ... -.-; ...Xa-BpaJC-.-Larala?-- -.;:.- - . ;i'How:a-"6m-.did.-"n".-v6te::1n' the' j-e?entlyV--electJo'dt:2";-.". asked '. .thV GeQrgia."judge of whom- Frahk 'jSfariton" ellji-i .-The .prisbtfer.?;--;'IUjat.-; "Ariswef .th.e.-qu"estlbtt!':--ybw- -"many- times.' did you :vpte.'.-.arj3:T:pm;:: :judge',"atri't you. know' irie'lOrig. -enotfgh-- ;..01Jrra Kowv; -. Commenting'' -upori :'-the"- 'prosbectf v.b .uuvMiuK- .iu.-iue u-jujic --ui-.H.-recreauon- pier -on-:the .-Dejaware" river. . a-'Qyakef" qity paper says.::-; "Ijfvjkrij .eity-father; miy years .ago. naa . proposetr-spendirrgr ine puDiic.viunag-on.sucn a-inttjg.-a.a Te'creaUon.pfer. fce. .wbirlu'eitneh.-ha-ire been derided:, as.- a: sentamej-ttaliat .and-- a .avJaaa Jah -a4r . aa m -nan a mm m m J, -f Jl B 1st :-- ... -.... . .-- -.- --- --:: . ; - . -' Aapt.aer Bjk'Dfairter. :".;'. . !Uke !:nuiiiy"'"6theri; American's -wnp ihave.; ."wpn-.'-a fortorieiii' the.Vriitea StAtes;' Charles-T:: Yefkes. of ChicagoV and. Philadelphia, "js5pebdirigimbsfc"pf hjs -time aridibon'ey Ab"road,and-lhirilia Jof;. -making -.perntapent;T.esJdende;''-fit Mndon. ; "'.' ;....-.:'... - .' - :""' ".' ; .'A Taailfy. q'aice. -...:-.. r;.-.; .;' 'V.ohn $t French, .has ;6ee'n--rejelcted!; age of Uiyear-J'to-thefflce-df .clty.'elerkvof Galcnar, HI:;- which: fie: has" held "ipr: -fort-r- yea'ra: : HlsV'fa'thai'-. .'waa the city clerk -for f6'uf"-yearsT'be--: fore him. and-.diedVin olDeeV.V- . .-i -" A.MarMC:thatt:'BtaUekBA- !,... '--A!;h"orse; -owned-ria' Cblesburg.-'.ky;!'! 'haadevdbnedrttivbrOus'l'a'cl'inatioas-' LHe-rejo id dfriln'gr-'o'n- spring.; cickr- -! ens . anqi recently, ate -jroprteen.-.ror.; square, meat.-. ne. aoes notsiapto .dre. move me -. ieainers. .- -'.-. -. ..- - -vt- : "Srrir.m'eCr'l.'Tlepta--ArlrWtirt. '".. Tbe'cdOsultijiK .a'rch'ttc'e&o'f .-the.-clf'y. Of'Marqtiette Mlob.vis a"-'w"pman",-"-Mrs. .. i ir.iA aitA. u-i-.-: j :.' iilM fl. i. iuvic(. auc. un3-.idiu.uui S!LIUUaH for :. jack's' -a -'boulevard, '--a. '-nbrnial. school,' a: prison .and"severaT- railway, stations.: " "- ;.-. -'.. ; V " :.: ---'.' :-";: . ' -.--. :,.' -. - '. : r- ' -" ;.. Brooklyn. -n;-T:. "sSerit," 6th'.-ARF-ICT,'D' ; HEADACHE POWDERS' HAVE. GAjJii-. EL THERIGHTOF AVAT!- Th- are --ther kind-people wantTT1mpI. 'harmless anil' Auv.yin.ynecrive. . i-n uarneiti- ica-1,0; . A. tf .." b!u oiixnncinjuyrBryinu ntuck -.-. ,-.. . , . - -. -' 'V; Wa'aa l.eae Top 'dice'.Da'a;.''-".-- -;j" ' A'Brooklyn "woman- hasbrbuKh't suit' 1 against' the- Rapid.-Transit oom'pariy of; uisw ti-cj. -iw y,vip uiiiuugcj lui inning- her pet:-Pomeranian; V- . .' '.Thrf'lSeiae ot C'ro'aa'ail'oB.- '-. Japair',ls"the ;doiin'try. whte.'the.-.cre""-; mation. -or- corpses 19. practiced- on the largest scale'-'. The. custom-.-dates back aboutrX266 -'years.' - . .'-'-i.. :!'". atriVpaix'-a;. Ceatriaatloa.' -"" .M-rs..VHe"rmaa. Harris..'").s.t; -38T years of age- the.-mptqer -of .'eleven Hvirig. children;-, whose ages" vary- frp"m." l8.'yeSrs to 6..m"oqtbs. '. v ." "..." ..." -. -.-. - -- :.- "- .-:?? aa'fa. ,",-. .-. '.Fromi .MThe;-Remfniscencea. -sbf-' -ihff -Bishop of lnhesoU":-;.;An -iridfan agent;, who was a- militia "tfofbnel, de? -sired' to; Jnrpress,-the rndlaislwjth- the"".' 1 magnitude .of bis dlanltr,. -Hedressed- himself in full uniform- with -bis s'wd'rd, .by Ais .side and risihg'-'in' tba;counc'll told. them that One reason '-.why the". .Great Father had had so .much trouble with his red children-was that he bad seat ci'viHaas tothem.' -.Y6u are' war-- fiors-,"" he'-aald; " "and.-when".theSreat" ! Father. saw. me and said: -i.wlll send ..tpis .man, : who is ' a 'great, warrior; to ' my : red children,- .who are ' warriors'.-' and "they'wili'heaf- h'is' words". ";,-An old- chief -arose,' and, surveying -: .the speaker from --head.' to foot, said ' calm ly';' ''Smce"."r.war.A'-s-l'bpy Ihave heard that white' men' have great war flora. ' J- have always. 'wan ted to 'see one;-- 'I 'have-looked upon; ;bae,. aad now lam ready to die.". FOOT'AND ANKLC V ' 1"but"XljaveV'S' -!""7-."-". A "short -.time, agb.v.- .: '- -:lr"iipr)-!QU snaon, agianu, ..-.--.-. -. ..-: .-. " iHoiutTiiiieuicuiiMii.ine. woriu iia ie-vivw;--uuu. w"M"cinviirt iw.-.---.- -.'-. --Tj Jacob's 011: hr-safe ana -sure 'and . ".HhanaliJlM endorsement..- A'o.othet medicine bus sxum. a.TCCord ot cures ..--- v. , t 'faillng.-''"eoriquers.pain. :;..; .oi:K.malfl. troubles. .;Jefo. .to, miy.auyouier.' .- .-.- The -ainter w -t'iiiHihWM:ftB-t ,v,'" ''.T V",, V"- -";',? '-,- -, ir-- ;;-' ": ...- ....: .':, TOng.,..siee.veis...or...toslerYes -end- ;-. --"-;-."... .--.'---. .? -,"",'-: V.":"-V-C -Crr-.,.-'-.-:-.- .- -,-:'- ."-." ' -"--." ' tthe elbow. ' Some women-affect .--.- -'-"."' .-- ..." '-.:. --"'-. --.-; --"--. ,:--. -r---.- ""--;. -?.;- -. :- ...- . - -,- --:.--"-".-' Fa Boston mopey. expended on -the park Is aa 'evidence of common. sense. - . - ... . aa-SJBaaaaaaBBBKBeBBBSB-a BaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaBBaav4m .a-aaananMaaBBaBaaw sBTBKBaaeaaBaaaaw'-'' a --- aBaaah.- wiBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm aaaBBBBBBBBaaaHaaBBBaBBBBBBV aaw kr .tT 'awnBaBaBaBaam SJrT aBBkaBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm I -ftLBaflB. Jr BaW"aBBBBBBBBBBBBaaV aaf " -"aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - M ' BBavSaTflfi3 BBBBT' "-r BBBBBWB''BBBBaQils?9B9 M . BBBW BBWaaV VS SeBBBBBBB IwBWBUfcW w raTaAaaaw "tW-BBBBKaBBaaBBBBBBBBB aW Mu9JaawaaaSBBBBBBBBV "Hth fSBK 4fHHkBBa04aBaB9aBTa7BTR. avaT ma. aaay BBSaaajBaaS-Saa -ESSnBjBrwFa bbbbbh I -' UaL-AT f- .' SaDaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBW. UaW aHaBBBBPaaWSaBBBBBBBBBM LanTBBBVaVuC BBBBaSSaBBBBBT M lnBBBBBaaaK JkAY BBBDnaBaJBaBBBBBBBBBBm nV " naB-atCam KValJsaBBinnlVnBBBBBm 1 VL " .BaBaBBBBBBBBBBCKaBBBm dBDuK0v4BBBB aJBBBBBm MaBBBBBBBBaaaBffS ' ' BWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm .li KB&J0kWWJ ftmWJkk BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaS TaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayYvaj aawj tf YmwCr Jmw MMr? fkmkWW aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkweBBBBBBBBBBBBBBar 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM Of AMSmBBBBBBBBBBBBK " aaBBwiPaVml aaTss 4mJmw . T km. saaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa" bbbbbl1MpW LaaBBWV "BBw. .aaV "RaT "n"a"B""a"BmBaa " RHaaaBBat . saaaF S "' ' - ' . "- MrsV .ElleiT: Ripley, Ctfapd ..Array. p ttie 'Rdublio, Nqyl7JV 2zz':. f 3" : :k -i ot&i&yiLi. N:! E.f:. $gmn&peii4 -yMMrS:: ' - Strongly ":Endpr!"";,-Idi."-;:K: i, T .'j - ! I " aTr? - - J" " - c - , .--.;.. Vf'-. . - ..- '..". ".-T "t -"-.V --'.:----.-.:".. ." - -. "-.":".-:" ."-"'v - .-.".- -.. .:.--."-i)EA M-f-s'-FiN-iwrtAsrYour'V . -" : :!"- - ' e V " -""! " 'r .- ' "il-'.-'-j ii'" -'- "u """"' r "-'-"x-Tr "i" -it - .r---". """-!':'''uiciuii jju. wiy. wuiiju, uiiui;ciiuiKau.ii4t.vyiiivi(;iLMicA-it:i---iiia': .-"theittedicine" Kad""genuinej:. merit ahdivas lurell rWorthrrecoinmendiiT'j. : -, "-: V . .tp.pther.5u:k w.prnen. ..-:.- .: - -... .. -: .; :.-;. :,-; --. '.-.--:-.---.- --" -.- .-.'." - -": " ForVfiftetoA'ars I have teen yonirdcnd":;.I.:I'9hevcf .Tittenybu "':: V: :. "-"; ' ' .'-.- .-.- -'.'. -yart-ir j thv-nrilv real rclianifc Temeriv-t-know At tnr n iif,lr.wirrr-iiv-. . :.-! .. . . i - . -" . -. . -Z - - . . --. -. -Ta-- . : - .Has.n0t".leii'-"reli'e'jGd '.ii !ttired'"i -Pinktiaiii's Vegetable C.6mivmT.,'hi:.:.C - :--.--:2 .-':' ' ".". r'yo-u hlive birpFft-neahltlQ Tiuhdreds-ofwomcnra jfrnneapplia'aa".-!-''.-'.-.' , ' -you haveno.oubt'tbbfhera'-oyrtlTCCourrt Ripley-V";. v--1-V:"--v Ju- " - """" :w:-':"ia-' " "-- '': ' ' :'.: .-. ",."-:-..--"-.. .-fouw avxtaa.iir -uu&:4iJuvr4 xij:Jiax AVA-MaA-uraiw- ". .-.-wnen .wome-nc-aro-troiiiMettu.irre V- .--: . ;tyeoKpelrrIdMtaisp1afeni of ttftwohi.tliat' peaf"- -'"-".-::- -: '.':mgo''rii.-!fe flie-"o.VafiirJ, l'Xw.-b'H-.fl'JturenceJ., - -'-"--. . ..v. - . . -.v . . .. ,-. .... .. .. - v... --. v. :.- . -- .-. .-- -- : general. de.bilityV-'iriai-!5tv fJhonld "a:"r :--"? .-: '"remGnfi"bor .iheiie- is:rpn-trieft aiHl'-ifrie romed.f.' ; -Ilydlai ; E,'. "P IhfchaiH's ! -.-. -". - VeffetAble) Cbriipomif at-onwwmj'tres "lch "tirdjjiVirciC- -"?:-:- "1 "-X''-l ' T': arms -.-.:. .-'.-... :-' ----v -.--..-.,: . .-.---.--. - .-.-.; ..-.':. - -a - o ',- --v . -; -.--.. v..: H "- .aBBBBBraBBB - "'"''' BRRRV' -. , . - - - BBBBBBBBBtaawT " . -l- ri' . - -. .-.- BBBBar. " il ." - - aBBatr .- -.-'T---, - - oo BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV .TSBBBBBBBkr ABBBBBaaaaa, - -tfaBBBBBBaaw.. .BBBBBBBBBTL "" .-".-aaTaBBBBBfe.- .aBBBBBBaBBBBBBv aBBBBBBBB .. --..v - ; k., "-,"- ."'-:. v - '. v ' r.-.-'A'-ta.ijbr'k.i'gbBd". press vcpjr kC is !;pul-. lisfreij'abfoad. "."!-";:'-'-.V? -'V-'"-"." -"::. r:"!!'It"'"ls-;-thy..p!nly".,:ci!r"e.-"ior SmajfBg-;' .Bi'thjingv t Ssj-tfatliig.;" Peojt, arCavk' olnfl Tiiv traWaf A.rlr rSa "JiJl Anfa - Fobt-i3fs8;-.a -powder, to Ifeff 8h.a"k!eri-'in'tb- -"the ahoesl- "At- a'M-:DruKJ?ls"ts;'aTid:- Shod. areas,. Allen S: .Olmsted,' -LeKp'y;. JVT. f :i. --.-.-: - i ,- 'hf.x;. '-: .;-.-. -' f. L.-'Pi .taj?"-.'TA-fcii-'r-'A"r-v!p.l-i- nJI'eJ.gas.-oAip"a.ny!;..' ' '. ; .-" ,--"' """ C'" .- . . . :-' .-- - '":A"KVnt'-andiolIoit"T-ould-"BblifiiI";t'o-"read adVOVkf- ffoHielrold'-i'liTsi.'-t:-. .m tfifs aflWr. ."-..v.....j...--.:. - ..- .. i.-.- ":rri.'Kr--- -.n.-Ki.H- '. . .". 14 -I . nl in Kk nina Av. .aBf I akiaiVk . H'fptlf . tnh'nvtp "r6ali?e. . JZ -".'.": f V ..'if -Xoo !: BUi;-: Br,tE;- "-A:;nran-caiine"venbe.'A- trUateerit'Iey! . man; -in --mariner"is a,trire.geifi." flema'n!' -at-! Keart.-'CfaaIes.''Dic.k"2ris., - -.;' :' V. .". .-. X.r.-:rJ'"-Vi-H C ART RID G ES IN ."-Jiu:s"toor'-byinailfbr theprice;-'. Sample f or Ke Bosfager.JC. " '-. . iTJT:'; -. -J---'.-. .-'-" .-::"..--...-- ...-, :-..- t-.-,.vv --.---": .--,-.--. .-- .".--.,--.-- -. : .. ;-,; - :----.-- -i .--..-.'-"- .--- -..."-.r-,-V.-'""-- '---..-'" -:-.':--- --,--.. -.---v4 :-. - ..:-.".--.---- ..-i-j -. -.--v -.-::- -.--..-.-.--- -- I ":.." -..'. -. -.-:-."-.--- ." -P.. -. :' - - - '.----'..''--. . -...-:.: i". -..- -- V "-- - .-.--., l Jt"- - ...:.- .-. -".;." ..- .-.- - -- - --.. - Z - ". ''fi"e'ed';rts.s.felXlUue,"t"n5.-ct Ball Riiie." t-J4rge 2.":KcTf3go--jIyit'cnfs.--.--.:.-. .-.: . fr-vr- -.; .,,-. -: -f .', j-'-.-....--.. . .",-"'."-.. . .-.- .""-Vi -." .v.-.' -lesiliato Rprlngal.,-.0.-..;afBdL.-ati.raw".--. '.- ;.., -wc'" ;yqur'.. not i&fffi i"-Tfe-inii 'f1 v-: -Vfi i ri f - :"--1;?t'M? t-" "iir. .'?:--:3d' ?:'???:! '-.V:;f- . - - rr"dt,WifrhvtfiC -'.'.'v - '. -.-.- :;;:-i-Vr --."-. -x-.: :"-: - .v-m"7s-"to-.-iinfljii.. aaA.' vVfivra.- oaiiaV-r- '-.-r "- .v. .-.-. rwjvnaiwut-rfcnqsfesp r-.--Theel vice may ' -4"' "--'" v" -- "v: -":..:-.". :?--"-'-' v.-.'-l -.noMKsfatkKiwj'-.BirJciJKsioi.--.- :"-":".:'.i "-, tTirtne'imiiitynIjust's "-""-: -J " '. frQ"rh"".-22'tb '..5DJoe"wiIreiuWtBl"ack or -Smokeless- Powder". ; ... modern- oianncryby.exact macbmeiybpiratedby.sfciircd experts?'!.. '-; THEY WOOTWHERB. YOU H0L& IN '- -V." WW $5 Rf.:R.-""h---h'P:--- "v.cBithrsanTOur-ii.eMteW2M.tob')r..orf"iIor:. besifl'spltiDtr taem-OJfcom-it'Ls'.'oh..-Meri.Woftren, McKINlVEY MEMORIAL; vWCTIWESv,piy.fE;iii. . .Senu-vour name and ad(-ress.'-wniA'us agreeing to.seH-.1nem.a3ti wwrji usiae-monrj -vm'rniv.lnn nTi1-f-i-Iir Cnrul..rnn- tJio-'n'tliimi frt-p.'fin rhanrrjmreDaiik slat -GfrAftD. :St.0e0; -?ad PKIZE. $500; 4rd.HRHe.-.S2S0.t yuU ..pirticulursr-frthci ptcturoa: Write to..n.i!WT mew fr.OSO t;aa. I ' ' 1 "" I- ' ' .T -- fiECESNOCOONWG i PfiGVWECfSR?- MPURr-GStSTO ifwaiSBffi aa!nk "QmmmTmmmmmmmJm aB!lki m . m aaJ-aar"V S. - "A ..- x - -a,',.-- . St aa -Maaaj--ZsawaVB7k tfrm? ". bTbz' -aBgmfisBV. - ' BBBaflVABBBaaBfaaBB9BBByaB'. aBBawV affaVjaaBBBwO 1U aBawaHaaaBl aBaw, . aLaUHBBBalaavnV Glpiaih aLadies AH; . "ff'vy t . V - vrroKn ams jt. - - Y. - th.c;:faitbfi."4iseif - Lvdia 13.i' .'.1' " J-. rind .'."- - V -" ---': " !iv, -. rcTMfSH Exltr - '--. ' - -V..--. A" flheMahrtjiatii fl n.--.'. lsheil.up'h-oJ'itefeil - .. Kunna Cbalr. .orilr .v 1 .75; w..rth 8)3:M -..' "E.v eY ' lioiI'caepcr. r -'-: - -vHC-.'BaB' et(oiB.--.-ior - . .. .o-iro.- 'Oale'r'at "once ." . :.Tne-.Hom .Kurnjanar,- vjC-aitic Aix.araJl'for '.- .; aWJgue.: --.: Cheaper Than Passes. ; : t- -s ,-r r . -.2-T - .- :. -- - "Abbfav ma?aV9A afT:r "! 'r)':.Mm- BBBBB " 'LLmmJLWar " '"am BfBBBBahaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,rMjFj'jPffEPfir"''iB; ' bbbbbbbbbwRRbbbbbbbbb : ". 'Mm -.".mSal . -ATsi'v --:- "f ai B . . a- bl 9.m'. --.-. c.--"-"m" - - W . -. . v. I. -.. - - -.; :'t.'--fa4Kna-(ollii'. aad. - Ka'tan -.-.-.-.- 'K. l""-:"l --. :"-!,."B5i"jtilSeJ,t::; ;;23;--s3 iP?V? ;-'iv;-'s. :.:'-""C - -;"""";. On -saltf' Spp"4Cr.- ."'p.:'30";'Ps.t: 'Tf-.V .' -'- """. V ..i;-'i...:c.iBii!iVif.'V'iOv..";ar "';; .;. - mai4 .f:aa-rn-ufi. ssuhv-sbbiu sivmrar. "-.., rfivrtth. -Toiir'sit "iXfu.ohjiili lXAtt,Y'l -. ALL- fiil.lRF R S :- ALWAYS ASK FOR THEM OMH PRIZES! fhtic anrniinf-ln.lfSil.-avi,a tnlh'ir soHrilnri" Boys an?llrihu;veata'c-in'ce-or"alifctJjr.. leis .vour-.r ..-. PHiZE, " r. Fie hcnt..'rJt'J tne. :rl0SHaUj CUIpl-CQ., ' I ' ""' " ' "' . seal. .,-: CHiCAep. iLt- '.1 -- - -. ' :--. .-Ieflan.ce'.'v-.StHr'ch:" S -.g'.vea ; - : " a.:JautllJih;--M'"ff'!rand vastlri"g..y. . -.-.finish to-'t'ie-.goada'riuimakbs-';.-'-. .-- .- -... -. . ,-"v" " -: -.". -.. - "'-th'e'm "lcok".like"?ncw.. ,'V; . -' o::.-. -"--.-;. ,---.-'. -.'.-".-:- -"- "-."-.---." v ..- .''-. A cQTd'-wal'er.rsra'.rch-TnccdSj :-. .- np. cc6kinj?rBi?T 'to' !-....-;.-. ;""-'."." ..-."t- "stickr'rdoes .'.-inot J -3".:. ".'streaKn" cbi6FeJ!l-.gaous.' V c-.:;.. ri. '-. -..i":. ; '-.ArWaJe51a:W.-'' .'"' .bmaviiat; Nebraska.'" "" ?:"i . .;:! If. ."j-p C'r-""jgrocer. -dbes "Mot..". - .--c;kVep It. end:fls-;bis:Bam.e and.". V "' ..-! w!p.wUi';s.a.a.-"ypu!'. -.;. J-:." --age-Zrca.-""; .-. :-....- .V -..?.- -V-.-"--.T .-.-.--- I ..""- .-.- SB -f m . . . ,--- . r . .. .-.. K - r -?4 v- r?F- . . - Li:L'!-a25C?!. Z ZZZ -s,rvXjf- -?v . r- . ? .. -. . -tL--.