Sv.-:.i.iatci-t,''?7y tw,-; .. i -y j'T':'?'"K';ts'?:"'' vggasssssa&z v ; -.-.:- f7" .. o .--- ." - --.- . o . ?;.---. s. -:-: ...-- ' --- -- :-- -i- ---. ' .'-" .-' " . " -..t..r . -4F-- 1 ".". ..We epect;fo-niove. iiit pirrnek. biiildifig. not' U'ter than :'Xe"tober 15, and .untH then we 'bargain's' jtd' offer, as ' Ve!'?-"t9,Uke2r"iBYor:opr-"entirlynew and large stock of fjpaney'hiiia,- plain -a.nd decorated, newest patterns in Cut Glass'fiil1 liue.of everything riew: in CVbc&ery,' Glassware "and 'Qiiewwvare'." . ."."-. :V.-"-- .-;.;"..-,'--;... ". .-; . . ,; 2. sets ON LY;ljaid'soihelyJdratedSeini.-Porcatii dinner'. '; set;. -'H'egular price J.$12..50,-pint')rice, $10.00.- ... "- ".-";. y. .'1 ONLY:. .et me, regular"." pniee; $11.00," -present; priced' :".8.7-".'. A eW.ltai.idsrtndy decorated'-pieces' of "Semi-Porcelain,. rVuicli a.?- Ciesmeis,- Pratters,, piates.Water-.Pitchers,"- Vegetable ';Dislieand oth'er at '20 per jpe'nt off Trom regular. prices, ;bich ' '--will. make them di'eaper ihan .tiie'.cpmrnon; whfte.:w.a;re.-7. .'" " : WAJTrOR OUR DRY GOODS. - -" ' 1 .... . ! . . c , v. . . i.TJiiis;iMti . J . "" "" " .---- ..2 f . .- fof'.AtfY, 'tf rNr;::V:B (an. If Yiii are Looking far Either i &m a- RiirtiAi' Cook Stowe "-.S. -tf . -. -" - -5- "".""...-. ..-- .-...- -. .-. o". -." - . . - J-" s .--.- ". "" . ' .... - o, . i t - .". :,';;;I.rices-:."arjB .-fcnrvJiaii.';lasoh;from ,$-2.5'.:upx 'We 1 have the -." "?' '" -:. ?-.:"! ' : ":-. ."7 .'" .- v"-'-:" .. .i" -." -- . -.- - ' IJSttIPEER:? -.'i: ! ; " fliis e-iias.iiyu;arrn:AST : : i --r :- .NVENrENi3E of .PRICE: -W6.lVav-j:':.:lme.-"ofV.0IL-,: " ; : C""--" : ' MEAKKS hit'lXsrihmoHhleiVfCiriU ' - ' -. -."- -. - j. - - ".." t .. - -. .- ... r -IT i ---:--" -- , Intifehell andpld ffickpry wagons; I'Rc&indpiowsiaiaid tivators; Ga46teornplanters; vV:s" .--:?' . -Vf IattleEngine,:the new ones Chain mowers; Jories' Woddnse and Ae iokall-Tres gaUne y v: l"- r-V' .-AnAialljoth'cr'inaiclm V;.f"-'."d..sfofcV - - - TIMItEMTI : vOAiWIMPvf . i(NWbMsK 'l -55" -.& tz: -.o-" .V 1 a EYE, EAR, NOSE AND naWitW'trell-WWB Ej. Bpimli; jsU gndmte of the .t' h6ol ia Ti&o took ar two jreats'.conn ta-.Erbpe.. Bis wtm&xtol- Mtcm of comctiak km cif"baadmis -better ViaioB. jud lmiki from bliar&MM.-: .- ?-:-raa fbeeeletested Er;jEu. lor.e VH1 : tO'Mrnetall feeU Ci i :t. .--... Maadexaatiaatoonfrce, : U1 ae at tbftrbome oBc nft SjTAllMMliati ADAMS' ";. - V j " Mi. siiov Yjoaj THEMOStv MJSSOURI.BJVER,- .". : lister. Call:. '.!"-." . . f:-; .' -: .";- STIEET. IKppUMUu ?i THROAT SPEOAUSTS. Noie aJTbKMit 8wUIkt, hariBc awde a.ejis n ini HMniiij-owtt all rtiiwtn.ot the Ere. of tlie tiaiaa: fM sad nliim kiorfmR.' :-j; ' :. - . -.. . -rr. .. -".- . . frett tae S9tk.te taa-lat e(-caca" Steel H naio Ui olttmbusfouruaL WETDHKSDAT. OCTOBKK. M. M. MMeaz I or beat pkottta. ' Dr. Nawnaai' deatut,. ThirtotAth atjeet. tf . -Oak heatin atoraa at EaadM'a. .Galiaoon. - '. 2-?t ' ' -Feof.aUkiBd6oMtaaayo.aad tDjitvaftedatom.:' . ' 8.lfcAlliatar of Baikry wis u.tbA.citTTbaraday. . Brine ni yow job work.. "W- will endMTpr to.plMaayoal ..-..: .-PoimtOml 'Clibioa MinMaoU potatoes' at.OrayL "2t ' ""-r-Make your own jadwtasf Call at Snow-'a and aee the inateriaL' ' The .brick' work oQ 'thevlfortk opera house is neariaa; completion.-. " Chalee, Taylor waabueily, eaased Satttrday tseliveruclrait trees: t ' . 'DrlC. H;.Gietsenf dentist; In .-Barber block. Thirteenth street" lm. ": . .-Attorney Drake of Hamplirey.wae in the city Thursday on basiness. - - ': MnV-E. H:iDliaml)ets,;who..has been: Very sick the past-week, js.impnmaft. r-Ijee'KouUiw returned bboie Prjday. from his trip with tbesaerryo.rpandV' : '. -4P6r- line, watch replurias;, caH . on Carl Prpemel, llth St, Cblaiobui, Neb.' .- Dim laartyn,' Eaas k Oeer.'osaoe thrdoorrnorth of FriedhoTs tora.'.tf -H-Chicago Inter .Ocean and'OoKUaiSM' JovmjtALi one yeart. uvidvanoe $179.- "tf . . Mn..Q J.Oarlow wjl entertam friends Thursday, and Frida? aifiernoona, "-Dp not faii to aee.oar 'foot galfmn: faedateel miH for f32m A. Dasaell A 8on.'" tf '..'" ..- HisB Bessie, Shannon .began teech- iwr her first school- sonth of the rivers, .Monday.-.-'. "- "...;!- '-"":-. .- - Mr. and; liri.Aagt' WrirdemW on .Thursday iaatlQst'byeath their infant son, aged 24 hours.;.' ." : "" '. ." . iDr. "Mckeen'a .metlipd of 'making aluniinnm'..i)lte8 -piaoes thorn on' an equality' with Igdld. . -" -'..'. '. ' JR-' Arnold- has &eif appointed-to eacceedr.' Baker .as one of theeommls- sl'ofient.of insanity. .--"'" : ' "'. . ''i.: -, .- ' - :. : .- : I'' -. - --f-Miifl Emma- Dawson is stowly gain'-' ine strength -from iier loBfirsenotuillnM -of-many'-'moa'ths''' duration.'' .. ". .- - .-.-s-A new briek sidewa1k.'.on IhcT. north' side xtt the bKwkVhere;Way-l: Falrchild. and Henry liubker doihn'sinwii..' i . .;.;Tk.: Hatsoiit)f: LeigVwis. here: Torsday ..and, puchased' pf-Charlea Taylor a. carioidof; icatt Wfatten; .-. . . .' ..'St8ndard;.Fashmn8neeti Are fur- pished "-by :.;"jl '&. 'Galley..- 'C'her. :'s'upply joBl-'received.. ..-Call and get'one.: wnocsenperger moved jnto. njs hew, nea'con:mku8dweUing'JUi:-the nofth'part-of. the city one day last week;' 'Ua6i-'Beall is gping. around with? hia left eye in; Aliogn account of get-. ting jtomepjaste.r-'ih it -Monday of "last ....MfRafriyavea'card party.Satur: day. evening to' about- thirty- friea'ds.- jhhoi .vara. nuni . won iirBt - prize, a '". The .Park';livery and boafding.'barn .is kept' ''now jby D.R-JeffepVtnd he is .prepared ia give satisfaction id .his line.' T;Mm:aiid;see.. -'.:;;... ..".-' :""- 1. -: Rev; Munro expeciata hold, church BerviceeT id -.the'tCobgregalioaal '.'church f Sunday. -ThiiwiU be the ntfe, many weeks, daring hia ioD.illneemr - ' .'. ' ' '". -- - -- - .-"..-". .-.."-' -. .-. . i y-J.'Sj. Freeman of thia-vtty-u agejtt for. the.ealerf'irriga.lan in Idaho on the upper Snake, nver--fliiia)' per ;acre;fn:clucuperpetUid:wih't -- Charjeeafinef Jias.iiad a tecent.let :-Trpm' Gapt:' Ba-aVEort-.Biley; aniyH,-in wmcu np Byepan oi. utegopq health of : his' family, ' and -enjoy.meb't 'of- his life in the new position. .-. .""- :Rf."v. OarU'cha";- haft -Wgutiaed juv orchestra of fifteeQ' pieces .which is bow meeting "regularly f Qr-.practice ihd. fej toe" time' "ibe new -'obera;U6ase ..M-'oom-pletedTirill. be "in readiness:' tnuac''pIay..U8& ' '. :" ."We;havft"s-'t'he."fr.' thefaibtstraggle for. existence seemed :almost' en'ded, iusckated: and -aade; ... ' . " - . ... strong by the ose-of WHITES CBEAM VERMIFtJGE; Fiee' 25 ' dents.: A: Heitttiand Pollock A Jo:, . "i- . .5 . "." "" " rWe.ef pect:to"lave a'ssissmsn atoar Btore.'on Friday, the ldth'with a mano f acturer's - line -ot -' ladiessuita, : jackets) Bkirta1c- . If in needianyttrngsptojiil inithit. yn..bef'tor:MTe.W0rdfdr all ahd Bee'.theni. F.'.Hi''LamhA'Co4'v-V'-There fa. of paving tne'bs.- iness porlion'of the atreefsof 'the.dty- t' -good work, to be -begun arly next. season. . It is only natural ihatahoughtr pf this kind Bul(TploW'loiaft8 estabjie'hraBnt lhe street grade. -'-.'-' A very' vy '-rain Thursday Vorn.: uwaapreceded and tollow by pooler Weather taa.had been -tWrab for asV eral.weeki.'. The;gatteraat'thsidesof the newly-graded .Tenth! street "ahwed in places a. foot -depth of -waterjust'after. thVrain. ." .' "-:'. "'.'. "' .- :. '"-' -Wednesday lastwhUe adathw.a seTHng.;machme'- need: for." stitching, leather Win. 8chili had the iiiiefertaae lo have the fore fihgerpf his right hand caught m-stfCh: a-miiflner. that' ttogawayy. .needle ...passed' ttfrbuih ;Uiat 'nsm'bar. causing avery painf ul woand.which .bled ibrofpselyfor several hoirp. - ". '--"---.-.. ' " The;naine of poaaibTe apppinteas for .judges andclerka of clsctiojiajhonid' be.forauedtbei clerk of the dktrict court,- andishould be in by th.Taeeday', thJl5th, aa- appoinjtaenui have to"be made; by Oetpber .201'. 'The ' law. is' new the session laws 6t t90ia.CQpy "oTWhlch should be in awery jostise'ls'ofEoti.'' ...".".-'.-.-.-.!-..-: ;: Weeec'by the Follerton; Post, that W; the 17th cJ.Septmber,:at Chicago, IieT Lord and Miss Saiy,.were' joined in" the holy.--bonds' of- wedlock- Taat JexFBirAX. .unites with Mr! Lord's -many old-time friends here, in congratilationa, Mr". Lord, has business interests at Dea ver, Colorado, and FaJlei,;Neraeka, wi.ih residence at Denver... "-" . -A houetderot the dtysaaests that if the city aathoritiss require propr erty holders to keepsid'ewalks 'firm' from .mad and. snow, what-wowld pa wrong in the city setting tbe'exaaiple by eleaaiag the .street and- alley rrossthgsT'.'A sua with teaai.and server Friday -op Tenth street.cleared the croasiagiaabowl three auautes,ajaaadeaflooi'job-otit. - Laundry stoves at Ensden'a.. Gas O. Becker was ia Omaha Mon day on business. ' DrL. a Tosh, Homeopathic phyai oian. Oolombua, Nebw - A carload of fine' "Colorado potatoes at Hulst A-Adams'' grocery.. .' The 'Jerome .case was still on hands : Monday before Judge Grimison. L Iffland,.who was seriously ilTwith typhoid fever, is reported aa better. W.J.Bryan is advertised to speak in Fullerton the afternoon of Oct. 24. . - . Wm. Newman has -declined to' ran for supervisor on the'pp'pulist ticket. Mrs. Fred. Cortta is at St Mary's hospHali where she underwent an-opera-tion,' . ;' "'-Mayor. Bagatz' is in . receipt ' of . a package of Paris; postal views from D. E. Thompson. .. . Your team fed hay and yourbaggy put in shelter for J5c at the Park'livery and, boarding, btabla. 3 -. The family of Jacob .2inneck'er will move-in a'few weeks from thefairm east of -town to the .city -home. . ... '. "--J. E. Hoffman .opened Up- his new botcher.aho'p Friday in the Fitzpatrick .building opposite the park, '" . -Some of the biggest scores this pset week, bava been made, at -.the Bagel Bawling Alley.' Fine' sport. -. .' 1 -rrAt.ihe planing mill,' Hardy A Land haveibeen putting on-.a "new -roof, and improving things in generaT. . -- -"-8ee Hardy A Jund if yotf have leaky, rpbfa: " They can mend, .them 'at lower opst than you can buy ibingjeaV'-.' W ."' --"Dennis SulKVan attended the Broth erhood, of .Railroad Trainmen. 'associa tion, which met in Omaha Sunday.- Sr-Two-new' dwelling .housas' for sale on the. installment' plan, a bargain for some one - Becher,- Hpckenber A Chambers.. ' .- 'Mies :Annjr.'Hoehen' is .unable to teach on .Recount 'of;mck'nee;and."Miss .Gertrnd'e.Whitinoy'er ia taking iter pface." ..TIib most popular'hats for girls.: are the: Aaglesel-y- and '.'.'the. new Mexican just arrived from Chicago. JirCL'-FiUmah.' ' '- -"rDN: Miner baa.juBt'.completedr.tbe. carpenter work on Ja virtually hew dWeU- uigon-the' Dickinson ' farm. -'east'-of .'the ' citv. .' - -. ---. ?".:: '.- -; v- ;. .:;: -.. . ..-HudlphV-Kummer.'who'has- hij.iui" .attack of . eiya.ipel-ifffiidpro'ying;. -He shows'-.great vJgor'.--for a man trf.-hw- age; 75:years,.' """.:". . :"- .:':. . .'N -itias "ellfe. Lynch waiff paired, f rom "her-' school Mon'dsv bvthe esrious'-flltieBs of her; fher,"MrvLyQ0h', ifcho-liv'e'en. r' r" heU cjeek;'. .: . ..:' '; - .-' ..TTpne.hnndred and twenty acres -of landnnder 'the 'irrigation. 'ditch for. aide I at a' bargain..- -Beche'r, Hock,enberger . A Chambers - . :. - " "". ;'."" ''.'-' ' ',-T7r"v?inScMlJB makes -beoia. and shoea. in ther beat styles, and-uses'orily the very best stock;-that'ean" W.procqrad: in 'the market.' -tf ' .- " -. " -":'"-.. .a ' TJie LiterdepMtmentof the-.Wo-man's Club will -meet with Mrs.- F. A. BUsjche on. Saturday af terncwd, Oct.: 19, t instead of Oct. 26.. -: . . -:. - ;."- . v .- :' -t-Chaa- -Miner had th'e .plaster ..cast .remoVe)l'frpni.9 arnflloadaiy, ahd.ex? .pMts.'tpbeab)etou6etneinja"redn Jber in' about' a week.. . - - " ". ' .. ' -TCounty - Attorney O'Brien-, was jai'- r Cheyenne; Wyoming, 'several' days' last': weeav-,i.visiii-.wiin-aia..oroin;er tcoDerc, who had 'been afflicted withjiver troubled :-The .'Leader says- that the -0oyern ment indian'school' at. Genoa-now has' 341 pupils,' the' jgreateet ' number-.'einbe. tbadministratidn there of WBl Backuk .JFrak' BridelL wWtakea. suddenly, ill Slinky mermmV, and has net beerr at ;'aW-'place-pr- business ainee. We'-have .not "Jieeti able,tb learn "the nature' of.'iiiB aUmeni ;- Ty C' ! 'C v '-":':'-":- "-Messrs,". Whuftob ;aiid.Oorve' .a daimattheMaenneroborIllast day eveaingl'to si large crowd of ' fjriedi TheOmaha.Itaiian' orchestra furnished the muaicu'r:-'-;-: C-'- :". .:..":".-";;.-"..- '. -For".aairi four" good-. horses.' weU lirpkainge.Qrpuble,lsigeen.ou farm purposes, and. will be sold atsTery: reasonable figures.;' Inqnireat'tbe.'Pkdc' livery stable.. .- "". ""-" '; . -: ' -bhnSchrAm'of ttie, Wa tbta.'who. had stopped in Colahibuaa few days to Tiait. relatives, ok his way from. New Tork, started last ,Wedneaday for his' westenihome. ' ' - " -."" .. .: ." o"- C. The: words of SUr Spangled . "Banv:: ner" will be found on the fourth page of t0day7a Johwa yNptlujuchiWOrider that sentiment and.-tune are jBUch'fafOr itea.witb Mdtdiens.-' h "" '. -. ' "Ohder.'date of Henoea, So. Dakota October iE.M .Thomas wri.teius that. he-is- to'move 'from, there.: but does 'nbfr J yet know where. he jwill settle He'ienda . best.regards :to all his old -friencfev ' . -1 '. - BevvBecker of. Deerfield, - Wisconsini' pastor of the ' Presby terisif. cbHrca. naa -moved to the cuy with- hrs I z t. -j- - . ? .r :.-".' . - wife and children and : they 'are at presV J ent with, the family of .W..W.rMcFayden. :' Slri-Morris JA, Brp'wn jconnty..caHed Saturday .ajovnxAti beadquairtersi He Ippaa.'bit grayer ithan- he did when .he .was theaffaol'e and ve"ry eCdientTpriyiie' secretary of 'Senator iSaundera in-'tb early 80'a; .Heevidentlyepjo hia. life In" the! country. . ,-. .; .;". "; ' . .' .'". '." '. -Corn-hasker.spramed'wmta.' wire .cnts.burr'.bruisesi' Be'vere'lac-' erationa' and external '.injuries .of. any J land are'prinptly and happily eured by j applying ; .BAJ-jLAKPS: SNOW LINI: MENT; riM.25an'd$ecent: A. Heiat Bd'Kikx!ic'5p;: .-::'". ....:' . Hifoldtbb-eightonthsroldvsonof Mr. and Mm Walter Baler.died Thrira; day morning, after.' 4 fs' diyV iUneaa. wita.cnolera lntantttm. .-.- Funeral.serticea Were held Friday; afternboa at the Jibme,' oondaoted by.Rev. Boe'-'lpainte. have the sinci sympathy of theirmanv! ftisAdav- '."- ."'. '"'. . .:- .Samuel .Mi" Barker,. -well-known' ia' many Jdnaxii! readers of JE1atte:6anty-, havingUved here yearaagb, and .engaged extensively iir tB.feeding olheepnaart ueaty, owa as aooui. 11 o'clock Satur day Iaet,.Oetober 12, at his home, SUver Cre,; Nebraska: : Mt.. Barker served two yesap'residen't of the state board' of agrieultarik mid was .for a number of years a -member of the board, -. Heiras 74 yeara'of age and had suffered fbrmore Uiaatwomonthr;with..diabetes:'' " WAKiKD-ftoXlUkAL PKKSOM8 OF CHAS-1 acteaad tope tepatatioaU each Matafoa ia this eoaatv teqaind) to npnmmt aad adrertiM old ekabUriiwl welthy bBiiawa hoaw of soUA artel ataadiac Balaiv fl8.e waeUy wa waaaaiMy OMOc naai juaa obomu n KanaiarifiiaTiiiiitaanaiaaTalop: iaa,vBaW4S9 Bar. Lass, the new pastor of the Methodist church, moved hit hoaeahold gooda to the parsonage last week. The family ooasists of himself and wife. ". Arthur aad Florence Eastoa attend ed on Saturday last a party at Otto Summer sear 8ilver Greek, for his daaghter Stella, in honor ot her tenth birthday anniversary. Bora, Moaday October 14, to Mrs. L. A. Ewing, a son, weight 'tan pounds. Mother and son, waU, aad the father aa modest aad aoachalant at could be ex pected' ander the circumstaaoaa. The pablio library will be opened ap in a room ia the Barber block about Nov. 1, aad a librariaa put ia charge, the room to be open to the pablio two days aad two evenings in the week. -7-Work on the Lehman building, aa jlilittmn tfttlATkaMtiui Lt.l U WA .... wmm w MM ...WBIOTWU WWI)lWi WW I "igaa, a goodly portioa of the brick wall I ror the baaameat having bean completed last week. Chas. Davis has the contract. The Union Pacific company imme diately after the fatal accident to Mr. Wagner (heretofore noted in Tan Joua nalX fixed the track so as to prevent such an accident in the future, if possible.- '-. .Miss Buehta and Mr. Boninger of David City visited Mrs. Ernest DasasU Monday .on their way to Kearney, where ihey will attend-the Rebecka graad lodge' meeting."'-Mia. B. Jenki'naoa and H. J. Radeon will attend. from' Colam bua. ...'. Scott's and Eohojs' forces of men last'week wor.ked an til-10 o'clock aearly every night and one aigfat all- the. night long, to hurry up matters..: Hardy A Lund's 'force worked Saturday, night under-the electric lights till 2ia Sunday.. - ';'. -..::.'. ' ':". f.-' A "stitch in time sives-nine," aid a dose' of' BALLARD'S HOREHOUND STRUPjat. thebeginnitig-of cold wiH save you. many:.weary hours and. even days, of dis'tressing.'snd harassing cough. Price 25 , and OQ.centa. AiHeintirand Pollock' A Co.- .; "- ' '.- . -J. ..V . "'.""--E. fi.'Jpnkins.nhder'date'of October IV writes from Maqnok'eta; Iowa, a city; about. the sle ot Columbus,, and which has made -many impto'vements 'since' his last visit:in-J891, -mthe .Way of brick DOBiaess.. nouses,. awe in. une 'cottages, many of -them; having. been bn'Ut.-in. the last three y ears.- ." : " :; ... ': . -. . - . -. - -Happiness depends very much on ihe- condition of ..the. liver -and' kidneya .'t'nejUsoT.iife make, but little. imprea- jsbn i oh": those-' whose; -digestion ia good. You can regulate your liver and kidneya with; .HERBINE. and Jen joy; health, and buoyancy .of. spirits' Price. 50 bents. A. Heinta and: Pollock A Co. -.' '..' ."". .. 31ireth6usraoot'nebp'8ufr- eringu'ntold tortureirompUes, because of the'-popularimpreeeioathat they canV. cot be cured TABLER'S BUCK- EJE PILE OINTMENT wfll cureihem and- the - patient-- will remain., cured Price .80. cents, inrbblttea. Tubes, 75 cents.: .AiHeints aad PpUbck ArCo., .. ; :'--Mrs. ;l; Gerfard ientertained a .few friends' Thursday evening former jraest; Mm;-- Boyd: of. the .Hawaiian Islands. Cunos from, (hat island. were abown;'ad talked. 'oVer ; and". refifeshmenU eerved,; copswtW of Hawsiian. dried frulCeto.' Mrs. Boyd iaetill in'the city, on socouat . HIHHUW IjWHip IIWUOUW. . TBrO..Jessan, a- helper in the U: P. wrad: bouse, waa.atjuck' on-the head: :laet."W!edheedaJr evening ;by 'a;. esnd craiie which slipped snidfelU' ThVskclf was; cracked, in; three' plaees. He-.Was takenJtothe hospital and isnow getting alobg nicely. "He hto oeeh here since April. -. Hie home isin Rochester, Ind. :":Atfalw).M:'cMJ:V.; thfr great forage I crop;, for a .large section'. Of the west; Specially, for all thsemi-;arid belt;' It.has noqual aa a beef," mutton,, pork an.d:h6ney"'mak"erwherever it: When' tt'cpmetf to-be Abundant in Ke-.' braska, a great stride toward the f utare welfare of the state will have been taien l-The.particUlare have not as. yet been reeeivedof the death of .PeUrFranciaat his .:irancL:iiearVBrock, "fXUV'Mondiiy. nhjht.of.twkexoept tlmt'be was ahot twice in the a-stage dri named: Russell,, and. .that death;, was. ins'ttotanebha. v- Mr. Francis WMUwried to Misa; AUce; danter. of Mrarid.Mrs.. G, W. Elaton of this ;city, who has the sympathy. ;of. jil her:.friena in' her 1 bereavement.;-. -.".-' -.. ohri'EM,.wbbm bja father. had .ftnVf nuhed. jnjbney. ;to attend jicbobl at 1 the State ttaiyersityr "gave- hwfwd :paent. the other day. a cjean.$20QWa' giftrand thoaVwho doa'tknbw Mike aa well as ire do, niight'-suppose :.there .wasn't ;'mach! 'sentiment about him.but we' yehture'-to say that thia will be a y.ajiar school fatid.toonef-the'-biggest .hearted'men thatas m'ae.tbese .prairies' a for, the abode oj. civilized people.'-. :" '' .v-J-0.u.r 'mtm sirtaa-aiell-aeof car- ts raaw Yf olemais are fcere. We skowtlie latest pafter8 of all .graces' of carpets aBioir prices : are. the lowest of imy atoase im taie cinr..- .a ftaRflsome rigrL f ree witk every carpet ' iiole-avy tnpMHtiiig to $l&r oer. rtefore pircliftsiis e 8 4t! call . No extra chm for seWMj.'. eitTfets: -Tke v.t. tr KlereHth street; -v. ';'.:" 2 . ' Central City baa passed a'strict cur few Ordmanctetake. imaiediate effect. 80036", geijd pebple; 'e'q.uestioiiied"iB; tr:own'':muidil whetbrw iihe oarfew 'ordinances shooJdnVbe made applicable to. all ages and both aexes. It is well "enough tohaya'gobd.hvwa.and toenforce them m a resaable manned bat afteri "all :id. the eentral. truth" of-good character- is :deep wiUun-forVas- he' thuketh in his heart:. ed is he; is'va efrriptare saying worthy of all credence, as atoo,-"He thkt . id. slow, io anger- ar better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his'apuit, than . he. that takth dty."-- "-.' r-y '.'' ' ' : .' . St.' Michael church, a Gothie struc ture,of magnificent "brick jfiniply'.freacoed," morning, October 22, by Bi.' Rev. -Bishop Bichard: ScahaeHof Omaha.' Rer. KOsech is the priest. is charge. The church is 110 feet long, 45 feet wide; and the'steeple 110 feet higk The, public 'are cordially invited to be present. Dinner .will be served. .-.The congregation for whose coavenionce the: church- his been erected, contains 110. families. Aa extra- train will leave Co iambas that meraiag at. 7 o'clock; rate 4 reduced to 80c for rouad trip. IXJMXaM A BRIDAL DRESS The October Designer allows a bridal toileti not ex travagant. but very charming neveiA TMttinm. for bridal dresses can always be had in '-'oats, 'pvpmr pattern department. :"'- '.'-.. . . "." v- .- -. --'" -.-- THESE ARE THE ALWAYS RELIABLE STANDARD PATTErWi. 505 Eleventh St, sSStmam wytasss Ed McDonald, ale'aa about GO years old, whose home is ia .Butler county, was' injured here Saturday afternoon by the Vanaiag away of his. team, beiig thrown from the wagon and dragged. The .left, aide ot bis .bead wb scalped and there was aa -iBJurjr.-.behind the riobt ear ' He bled -coaaiderabiy. - He i--wm 1 -.- . - received . attentipo of aargepaa -arid;, is noWatSt. MaryV hospital doing as well as cpald be expected '. '.'' ' ' :'- " ; ! " --"..Jacob Brook, jfci'wkowM. conduct ing" the separator atatiocat Ofden'baach for'HageSteveaeoo; gpsa to.Gathrle, Iowa, today totakev"chaigof"if;sUtmn there for the.Nebraeka-Iowa Creamery oompariy.: Mr, Breese.wiU add.the.Old enbaaekstaiipn to hWcare, ao J Fred Ernst, wffl lookafUieeke and Boheet Wr K. Lay gosa to Omaha this week to ddsbaM.prepanttoyy work, in;, hja- line, fpir tnesajneeompaey:-V.. -' . " ' DBrurikenColambuNebraaka, ia irithe city visiting relaU tee. ...Be. has Bjaoa viait to some of our ..large:; citiee in the east arid New-York; where he has m-' brother,'! whom ' be had not .seen for thirty-fire years; MrBruuk-M:oneOf the. oldest settlers ol Plattecounty.Ne-. briwka, and reports the .cropa;.-very favorable'. in. his oourity-. Hewitt leave for his horn Friday-Imrfeng.IoWa HakeyWOct. 11J Mr. Braaken return ed here". Saturday, and eipreasdlB as weU.pIeased with his'trip. . '."' :' ; '-OJuWa niimberof towii:pebple.Were in ' Clarka "Wednesday, to- attend- the "ahoot! therWamong them'john.Pbilard, Charhe Hester, ;t.. Stodord, . Elliot Xundy, Lester .Gater..'and Frsd Robb took part in.the.shooUng. -TMythvided second mwy bstweM:tneeivesrrrice ronce on;.'bia$r rpcks,;and once on: Bye bir Leitesgain gotaclear second on blu rocka, and .tied Gas. Schroeder; of Columbus;, fpr; second place, on ;)iye birds.; vFred Robb did. likewise with Schroeder. Sihrer Creek Times.". -" -..-GeorgeSttt,ji;su8taiBedlulinjU! Monday noon that has laid hisa hpv'. . He iira sUd wjateliiagjthe i worfaneaat the' North opera hbawbenW foot lipped, and! he felloa a. jowU He did not' at' first feel-.muChpsin.biii. before Teachinjf the high ephocdlW became very I nick "todwent :to Dr.- Martyn;s rtfiVse 'where: be -ires ltept: for several;., heorrs. lie wae :nhaUe"to.'ta3k: anjd ;Until . thie Tuesda - vmorng""'heViiuavered" '' -gVt- dea).; .It ia'aupposed no ; more. .senoae ibjuries are saatsmedthanVthree broken tfbs..;. ;-. :. :: ...... :.y-'-:--. .-.--. : .' . . . .'.. e - ' - . - '3 .';rin;.tni October number of .the N; braaka Teacher: there mVpibhsh.'sn; interesting .paper by MieeElixabeth Sbeeban ,of : thai city.wtiUedPicturee and'HoW'to .Use.."reeu" "!Tne:-artictoy -we beUevewaa taken from a papetread bjyher in NewmanOrovebat pae:of ;the monthly meeting ''of the. coanty.insfi- tttte) rilleMdierehaycoBi valUeof goodpictu'M.iwurlaci th yof'pgmm.d.toairarpnia little' wonder, becaaaej; lfte music, they' 'i'ajunivefsal'lugaiag fufl orgsetions!; ": '.Tf-);: ' I . .rW. Hirdyi"-"of Lejgh. "stopped :dv6r Sunday;: bert. 'with ola" son, Cl C. He went Monday' to Hyann GriutcouhtK to attend theCowboys'Canjrral October l,22snd23,aatWguet of his yotingV est sohr.Ai H. who is said :ib'be one of tbefihest sbota icf'ie world; andia. to ghre.: there ismpleeot.. his . skill: .V.The father m" Mmself a geniuam;ha; way, ae. weku'a. fortunate. maniWhkhm lter than being V man ! of forturie"r escaping; death" by th:. bullet; -in;. the 'arajjv'aiid'dssith by..'fa'lli"gwn-:iato' and. drowning; in .'laii' 85footvWell, .'and livWteinter'bothbimeelfahdfrTObi witt'bia.-nonaw,' which. ;be accompanies bn.' the; violin , -"May; heVliVe.; 16ng.;ahd piypwy y -: v.'rV-r::-;..;;. rrTiaa jouaxALhss heretofore' p'ub- lliebed the new lawin: regard todratrdv- ing' weed: oa the. public highways. Farmera hero and; there in; the $Mii are. making .objection io the 'part; assigned them," and.a.'oompahy; -of f hem ;in Polk count j purpose making a teHcase to see whether :they can;- be made to. work; out .thevppti;tax, ifornothingtne weeds on the roads along their 6ramisea,whicb roads are sapppsed to be onder'-the exduairecontrolo the pveneer:.... IaddeataHyi' they- mV-dis cass the qaejition aa toUm.actaownert ship of: the lend. -A-friend suggests thst if 'the' discBssidn -should .slacken,;, the single land, tax propositioeaaight also be hroaclted, for the pttrpo of exercising taeloveof dispUUtion..; - : ." i. George MerkeH-rMurned. Monday froalhis'';west,:sad-'giTea's gfowihg acebaat of the Weaatch Waaaiagtofj ooun.try where. tny;.raiae app-peacth eav pesis.'apricbte,' rimias,'. grapes and English' waJiaata m:great abundance, the firstnamed: betng their moat, profitable product. Wsxhava learned that.Charles Morse bght .1) acrei; 20 an -acre, abpat seven aiiiea southwest of Wenat; ;che VMbrkort-aaw,ah acre and a half of tosBatoea'ifro'm'.wiiich had been' sold, this-seaaoh' fB00r.withv piles of ; green, loners yet on theviaesL The farmerii mxv well-to-do; live- well,"-have. -plenty" -of aiOaey,'1an.d spend considerable time; haating -' and- fiehihg. "He .visited 'Port; land, Salem, Seattle, etc;, but says their jssetioaa .are too wet for. him. -MrA"Way aad Mr. Morse Wiir probably be back aext weak.-.. . bSStfsflaav.wsevsavuc(9stevak. GOLITMBtrS. rcta BfttaS? "I " . ... -.- -.- - - . --. : --.-. ' ; 11 - . . . . 1 .. i i . "T-' t :r7 . --.; . -. . ' : '.." . ; i a? --.".. - ' : .--..---."-. '---."--.--.--. ;'- &' . .aSaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVJ " " aMaaaaV -Baat- - SffC : n-.'..: "...- .-.:-.- -7.. - -TT i- -.-36 J- ...'" - "- "."-.. , " -- ., ' " -r ": '-.-"',- "---"Car : V ' - - g - C3 '. '. ---.- ..- .- -.-: '.-: v- T ' .- - - .-jp6- -. flaw ? $ .. .. - ." . "- . . -arv -3C -. -f-. . .-.---v- -- ..-".- ...". i : ----.-. .--". -V" -' ---liar-: s m ... .. . . aaaa aaeBs v.. aa. 4aaTflaBfla(BTs .- .,.. fC B X- -:..:- - - .:..,-: A-- JlliW --. .:.;' " -.-.--.. aaf. ' -" V - ar' - aaSa " ! I. -as saw I aall flm III. aaw bbbbbI aw I- L . 4?3 t3f Br ml Sal as aa I IbbIm BSl I W'm - .BBl BBam ami aSaW .Crf.-- : ftlft gVjrt"p.'tVf': g'alB,,'- ''' -UES'' :--.;.:, - v:'..?-"--T-T:,--'---T-:'?j- - --:-' ?. .'--"- WH.' -.:.' :.y-:- :-".- ....-.:-.--- ' ;.:.. - -::.: .;:-;. S g SpliGiting va :; BCJoaj BS - -.-. . - --- - i -- -...-.---. - ..--. . . -. .-.asc - C ""j"jajMiajjiw"i"aa'a'.-' aa-- " -. -"".. '".! . ---- ..-...-- -. -- .. "- ..--..--i- .j- --:. - - -C9.-' "'''-', '-":- " j.V -;.-:"" "-V-. ' - .--""-." - '":-.'."?'-'"' ".:"-.';. '.""." -.7" ?."'-' aaa'T.t- ----.- v.- .-. 4aas . ." saaVr? ; &.: im.-' --'"-":- -:i-,-'. : .": :'"--'.'..;"-?", '"'.z' "" ''' 'Jm- - Saaar" . ?. .. - . . ?aaw , ..." " .- " - " .- -- . . .aatBaaaw ""-V --" V- -.We"". IraprtCTavSa-ajiie liae; ''.ot$m '. '?':.'' -SafcDress Goods', (llai9;aAdTrMBiBg9':.Taie .-' -5 : ." 'fin&t: tiMote - ' ."-"'"Npw"iQti;le-a"tb"e."price'; .-;-:- . . :- ' !: .-..;. r-;-.---.. .;: ,.:.-'.-c ; - :-. V;- -".----."-.- :"'J- .avflflaTB araarWauMBBtlaTfi -. - . ..------ - UUlf OCWIIIIi MACHINE SENSATION. A ffn; .dropbead Oak McniBe, with all the lat-.; restfmprbvcm'ehteaiTaBt frji'uijtbiy'pric r.on.iylS;-1 -"'" .,.: z- ""-X"-r mm&M$m&a&. - . -v Here We re Witk mmmmmom L flfe liaiii I f? asKBB9B-v i w aai - ' . . IsS'SBSsT JmtS 1 r- r t"SBglJ g-j--' ' ' ; iJfliflgKaBajBaTjmamsi -, .. -.-y lyKsj iBanCTBBESHcVa&tj'aaaal' flBmaaaaftflBB : BBMm BflVSflVSaaWBs BaaaaaaaT aaaaaaaaaaaaaMBai BBBBV4aBiWiaaBBBw!9v BraVmaaaW ' .aT ." aTat! -ISJmaaaaal gSHJII &l!&P&yj. ;'V ." i3i" :"Jac"n".tefl::v;'-:";i !!""! v--"7.:fti"-:' r'k- -".-"i- -" fc!SJk - -: - ' - W-hfiT- -r ; .-:-'i0 'aufrrVS stroagest Heaiias coai m t ie DvhA; .bbbbbbbbbbbCT .aBBWaawaawasmah. aawaaaaaaaBtat aaBBwamvaa-a-aaai Ammm -r - .-: ' aflVPaTSflW. mTSflBfMaTSBm J.- . . BmvFflarlBaL '-Saaav''aBBal SBaaaawaBBBBBTaa -aaaaaaaaaaaaTaaw BaaTamaTamTmaTaTaaTi " aVfll .afla. :fllBmBBBaB,- aJ aaaa" aaw - IBbbbbi-'-' BaaBTaBaV fllBB!CrrflBBW-. bbbbs7"bw""". VBBBLJiflr IflaaPBafll bV-''1 ..-"JJ mffBVHt "BBBrlCam " bbVKibi LwAt - "1.. . - --..- . " ""V ; ... ". ; " " v-v." .;". --. SgJftaaaawL-- -' ':flHPh9mmmmmmmmmmmHh.V ' ' aaaaaaw'3flBaaaaaaaaa '-' -aflSPtfBIBHTBHTB' :-. "BiaaSSafsH- flaaar '-'HBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav PT 'd'?SBBBBBBBBKSBBaH ff- SSaaawlaaaaaaaaaaamaa . .tmaaBjBwaaBaBBBBBBBBjTp '' '-PBWma"a"a"aWlflMlM - . 'rsjBjB-BBSgS wBr. ... '''-IfPjlHH'St -...- - aBaaaBjt ' .- . --. -..... ... . . .. OjnUy 'i hTTibPATHTv ' ..'; : -.! . ". - ,"" ..-:-.--- r'The sciencelof ..osteopathy .although1 comparatively new. yet,- 1a- one': that accoaipliBhee ironders-;and .we most repectfuy urgeyou to investigate and :to; th e'nd.we 'wUl bevery gYad-to fai' nish anyone;, so desiring: with ; literature ,treating-OB the; subject. ;.All:ltnbwn car- abfe diseases both .acUte. and ChrohiC are anoeeasfully: treated by this 'wonder ful, sdehoe 'and wao have 'beea pro. Bounced s incarable- by pther aastadda .have, respoiadsd 'easily-, to .thm.syateam. MJWlfSM T7ijaii.w-jBiwn-iiiyi,BNar.'iiiia.- frimmTries:.. a. 'tite ymarket "! -'-. Vv" . n . .- Oif CmI Wife ! :'.Werari. 'sTallTerrrMr bal-either HcraitMwra ior iw. f er ton.; : . rtfa'ia'inBVi ..''3tv;.-M? IB-ut'lVS'T'VV :- v ' Jaclupn;jfifl 7:0(r TxeVton --' -v.'-va . ;. .. woria.v.vV . o . - :-VV-vfaL-::fi5fit.:- . THE - EMiNENT EYE SIGHT '-': 5 SPErAUST aad Eipert CMkw ' 'I607i. 16 ?lMlaa:rtr;4Saha; r: Cwill be ai'ttyat.-Mrl'aaat. Hay, Xot, aWW. Two days': 1- dnljr..: Coriaalt: the. Doctor about your et-:.V-':r-'Vv".V.:t ;";-".-- : : CQwHtitMiM T--WFrWr Qjalyjcarable csaareseaestid by. us;.; if -youni'.ia ao4 oas s'msasiis;;.fe';osir--eaoftTttm.atW ' yodsovaeif. weaa jmt yew'teaay: extent :wewiil:afiifefmyoa Of :tae"; facK . We eaa"fB..aoUuaf :tpr etthercoa-' sultatiea . or:.smfcm.iiptioa. " -If 'jeja-. are aiKcted- caU aaIeara am ypar.eaas:A-h.ofsfato"r.ia"i ladies' d'fsrt meat. . O. R afaams, D. a , . ---- -.-.. -V. r - . ' -r .- j-:: -: .-..-.- ". - - fr. :l fmrnfFjiM