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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1901)
1 :rrv" a ' Hj m HEADQUARTERS ' FRESH GOODS ..Xaxgre Til-ne of Taxs fox Tig sCffEct: ''SHssmsaW jubbTbB 51' vttfffIM Ej&nEiSt i Jsfasaw2hl IbbM bbbWbsC?bbbwb. aataBBaBBaaBAVfmAM)mBfI3Hbb&YflH . nmirat co and even vigorous appetites are ' impaired by the depressing heat, those little deUoaciea and food preparations offend in our unequalled collection ot cbcioe groceries meet the emer gency moat .admirably. Hap pily these '-discoveries in satis faction require little or no cooking, and can be served di rectly from the can or package. We secure all the new things aa fast as brought out, always leading, never following. i t Everything Kept in mmom in Omr Idme. REMEMBER that we are sole agents for CHASE k SANBORN'S celebrated COFFEES and TEA8. :3TA full line of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QUEENS WARE -anil GLASSWARE always kept in stock. Columbus Journal. WKDMBDAY. BJCPTKMBCB Is, is seriously sick Telephone, 3C. ,,i,mm4iwMu HTJLST 4c Grocers, - . 4 . COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. llB Blanke's . Coffees . Represents the product of years of expe rience. They are the result of the most careful handling and attention that ex perts can bestow. They can't help hut be good-THE BEST. Faust Blend Ts a HIGH-GRADE COFFEE pos- sessing a rich, delicious flavor not known in any other prana. ' In fact, FAUST BLEND HAS NO . EQUAL. For sale at GRAY'S. I Miss Pearl Lohr witk typhoid fsrtr. Dr. L. a Voss, Homeopathic pkyei eUaColainba,Neb. Mis. darsnos Sheldon entertained friends Saturday evening. Wasted, sewing by the day or piece. Nellie Hawk, Grand Pacific 2 Drink Blanket coffees, always uni form, always the best, at Gray's. Mrs. Walter Soott who had been suite sick for eevsrsl'-dsys, ia now im proving. -' The beautifying of arsu snd band is described in the September Designer; This augacine is for sale by J. H. Galley; -Sausiamar Goods, wrappers; etc. Bargains, Great Bargains stE. D. Fitxpatrick's the White Front dry goods store. Wax. Schili makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very' bast stock that can be procured, in the market tf The Myrtle Vinton theatrical trotrpe are billed to appear at the opera bones Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this week. Ed. Clark has been laid -up on ac count ot being hart by a falling board while at work on the Gluck building, a few days ago. John Hoffman, about the first of October will open a meat market on Thirteenth street in the east room for merly occupied by Herrick. Fob 8am 200 acres ot good farm land, north of Genoa, in Platte county, for sale at a reasonable price. Call, on Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers. Amateur camera snappers will find something ot interest to them in the. September Designer. It describes cari cature photography. This magazine-is for sale by J. H. Galley. Rev. Bein ot Genoa preached Sun day morning and evening in the Congre gational ohurch. Bev. Munro is able to be around the house, but is still too ui to assume his work as pastor. Clint Gray, the official weather ob server, reports a slight frost Monday night. The weather bulletin Tor today, Tuesday, aays: "Fair tonight and Wed nesday, heavy frost tonight!" A Chicken Fry. Ladies of the Pres bvterian church will give a chicken fry Wednesday evening, Sept 18, beginning at 5 o'clock, in the building formerly occupied by F.W. Herrick. Sapper 25c Ladies, here is an item in millinery that's worthy of your attention. Tou can buy a French fur felt hat for the same money you will pay elsewhere for a common wood felt See them at J. U Fillman'a. tf Mr. Whitney, the aged veteran whose home is now at Aurora, webr., is in the city shaking hands with his old friends. He is looking in good health, and says he has disposed ot his property in Kansas The republican county convention, in adionrned session, meets this rues- eameawtodoaGXa . II HEADQUARTERS SOR Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies; Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons; Rock Island plows and cultivators; Rock Island cornplanters; Cadet cornplanters; SS whUe planting; where the operator can Jones' Lever binders; Jones' Chain mowers; Jones' Self-dump hay rakes; Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes; Walter A. Wood's mowers; Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills, Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines; hemryTubker, TWRTEEsTI STtKT, COLUMNS ttMUMfc Remember the name, Monarch Monarch Mohabch! Mielenx for beet photos. Ladies' 60c shirt waists for 26c at The Fair. Dr. Neumann, dentist. Thirteenth street, tf Blank farm leases for sale at Tn Jocbkal ofl.ce. tf St. Edward expects soon to inaugu rate electric lighting. Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, oSos Olive street. tf Bring us your job work. We will endeavor to please you. Monarch canned fruits vegetables, fish and meats at Gray's. John Jaworaki is helping this week in the U. P. express ofloe. Dr. O. H. Qietxec. dentist, in Ber ber block. Thirteenth etreet. lm Window shades complete at 25c in allcolars. The Fair, Uth Street. Win. Hoeffelman and family of Grand Prairie were in the city Friday. For fine watch repairing, call on Carl Froemel, 11th St, Columbus, Neb. Dm. Martyn, Evans k Geer.ossoo three doors north of FriedhoTs store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus JoTiBKAik one vear. in advance $1.75. tf Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A.DuesellA; Son. tf Miss Emma Dawson has been seri ously sick at her home west of town the past week. George D. Meiklejohn passed I through the city Mondsy on his way to Fullerton. Dr. Meeks has moved his office to one door west of the Methodist church, Fourteenth street. Dr. McKean's method of making alnminnm iilates places them on an equality with gold. The weather is not too hot for bowling because of the electric fan in operation, at Hegel's, tf A heavy hail storm with high wind struck Silver Creek Thursday, doing much damage to windows" and trees. Dr. J. E. Paul, dentist, southeast corner Olive ana xnineeuw street, Rooms 1 and 2, Niewohner block, tf We are still giving away a handsome rag with every carpet or linoleum bought from us. The Fair, Eleventh street. Brick work on the Gluck building will doubtless be completed this week. Tt. will make a handsome business house. Pointer pups for sale. Full-blooded, short-tail pointer pups, two months old for sale, $5 a piece. Call on Mat. Allison. Standard Fashion Sheets are fur nished by J. H. Galley. Heptemoer day afternoon, as we go to press, ana supply just received. Call and get one. doubtless do good wok The Genoa Leader says that Julius Phillips has petitioned the village board of Belgrade for a saloon license at that place. S. a McAllister of Humphrey was in the city Monday on hia way to Lin coln, where he goes to attend the supreme court. The new boiler for the city water works is to be built under the super vision of the Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Company. Carl Hohen left Monday for St. Louis, where he will purchase stock for his new drug-store in the new uwck building on Eleventh street. The total amount of bills sllowed st the last meeting of the city oouncil was $1330.80, those above $100 being for electric lights, sprinkling and coal. Any one wishing to gather plums for themselves can get them at forty cents a bushel at Mrs. E. J. Young's just north of town. First that come get me best. Property owners whose frontings are on lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5, block 85, have been directed to lay sidewalks of flsg stone, concrete, vitrified brick, cement or tiling. At Easton's atore there is on exhibi tion a squash weighing Tl pounds, raised by L. Barnum, and not under irrigation, that is sttrscting considerable attention. Columbus Township has msde a proposition to the city to ssll thetown- For this season of the year. recipes will be of use. The Designer for September contains several. Tnw mag azine is for sal by J. H. Galley. -Herman Oehlrich. started Sunday, aooompaaisd by Mrs. Oehlrich, for Chicago, when he will purchase his stock c&crooeries and hardware for his fine Dew brick establishment on Thir teenth street WAHTID-8KTJ y ttaliHMOM.Or CHAf- faUrfal TeSaTfcwwSJiia uluSiri mitlnsil. all nsjssls ia-aasrwh cOSSmsol iues , rusui PATTERNS SCHOOL GIRLS. Endow nM isshujH i mtwr. 31ft Oaxloa Boildii -If you are troubled with inodorous breath; "heart born, flatulency, headache, acidity, pains after eating, low of appe tite, sersistent'melsncbolyiorltow spirits. You need a tonic, a few doses of HEB- BINE will give you the recuperative force to remove these disorders. Price GO cents. A.HeintzaadPolkickACo.' W. A, Way, Charles Mors and G. W. Morksrt started this Tuesday even ing for a trip to Portland, Seattle and other western cities Mr. Moras goes to look .up a location for a possible future home, and will probably stay two monihs, while the others are going .to look at the country and will return in ahnnt thi'ritv dsvs..Mr. Morksrt will visit relatives. . . Pawnee Bill's Wild West show gave an afternoon entertainment in the south .west parfcof, the sity Friday last There was ; commendation on every hand for Just at the time when people are beginning to of school again, The Designer for CWL" gpecial article regarding Aprons for School Girl It is for sale in bur Pattern Department Wt Ins a FaV Um tf Simltri MtorM Jtri RtMhei. ,t jr. 505 Eleventh. St., COLUMBUS; 3i' PJV.Wi-isGW ship hall for $175, or to accept $75 for the use made of it by the city ss a pest-house. The old-fashioned quilting parties are becoming quite popular again, com bining pleasure and use, it would be little wonder if the -old times should come again. It anybody had doubts about it be fore, this sesson hss certainly proved for the party, considering all the conditions in Platte county. The program for Thursday's memo-, rial exercises hss not been completed, as we go to press Tuesday, but it is under stood that the addresses will be.' by Msyor Henry Bagatz. W. M. Cornelius and W. N. Henaley. Corn-buskers' sprained wrists, barbed-wire cute and sprains, or cute from any other cause, are quickly healed when BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is promptly applied. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heinte and Pollock k Co. -TABLER'S BUCKEYE J' OINTMENT is not a panacea, but is recommended for blind, bleeding or pro truding piles, and it will cure the most obstinate cases. Price ou cenis in littles. Tubes. 75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. Miss Anna Tarpy, sister of Miss Mary Tarpy, started Ttmrsasy ior an .fenlAl visit to Ireland, probably remaining all winter. Miss Tarpy had not expected going until a very short time before leaving, so that her trip will be a surprise to many friends. Thousands suffer with, torpid liver, producing great depression of spirits, indigestion, constipation, headache, etc. I HERBlNEwill stimulate.the liver, keep Ha hovels regular, and restore a health- i hnnvannv of soirits. Price 50 cents. A. Heinte and Pollock k Co. Henry Viner, living seven miles northeast ot here, sold his farm last Tuesday to Jos. Raitz, of near Tarnov, at a conaideration of $45 per acre. i one ot the finest eighty acres 01 iana w this section of the country oeing moa ernly improved in every respect Hum phrey Leader. w MnDtard. Ben Baker and Mike 8weeneyof thia place and Joe Parson, of Petersburg returned Toesdsy evening from their trip to Cansda. They have all secured a claim ana repuri. . that, under favorable conditions, e- eryfavormblefor their future career. i,ka can raise plenty of good apples- - el will lesve for theirnew borne is not decided yet.-Lindssy Pes. Last week during the special sale or ;::::: DRS. NEWMAN & DA5SLER, if the trees be planted ana properiy cared for. No spring time of favorable weather ever found the intelligent farmer buster than he now is. The soil k just right iinr a foot deep if needed, and there has been no better time in the year for digging post holes. Announcements have been received here of the marriage last Wednesday at Inwood. Iowa, of Mis. Olive C. Slow HI- PmMt J. HCOIU iw wuF Am. 75 25 6 4j00 mIK 11. J 7W ' 'iiltf'jM SpSa and will be at home in thia city after Sept. r .t.i.tinni and best wishes -EAR, N0i AM) THROAT SPEOAUSTS. 15 ut a ioolg i Columbus. . .. . .-.oathewxteeiTIj number ofcttfe. and ."JB. vmar cost- i 2?---25 muSttom bUad ot.Americ and PJoody a&u JS5Z!&t wlU be SSSMSr-S TiSt. number of --"TTrf--il .tfc. 1 U. hseme bmm Mm. , , kdeese. iadis-tioa. ..UC OFFICE. n juBsrox iiotei. . . ., His Wmitmrv j. ,:l , , 30. CongratuiaHons are extended. Take life as it comes, and make the most of all circumstances, but riM a oaa cough or cold, take BALLABDS HOREHOUND SYRUP, the best known remedy for quick relief and aure cure. Price 25 and 50 oente. A. netnw u Pollock k Co. Don't forget that next week is the week Drs. Newman k Dassler the eye. ear, nose and throat specialists, will be in their ooe in the xnurswn """-;- per advertisement, from tne -- lit of each month. Ses their advertise ment elsewhere in this paper. -A reception was tendered Sunday .... u.u.uiui Man in n. ereningat ne m--" L7 Bucher and his daughter, lately reijrned from a sojourn in Europe. Vooal end instrumental music and ehort efesches uMm features, impreaswsw ! k Places they hud visited. nncher. followed by Majeotic stoves at C. S. Easton's 410 . i..mi,m m served. Sixteen steel - old. On Wednesday atMlKW ue . . tlight flurry was caused by the paste board atove pipe that was being used, catching fire. Some one had put on an extra amount of fuel which started the blaze. ..Theater, the ten-weeks-old infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones was found dead in bed Sunaay monuiw The child had Buffered since birth with heart trouble. When fonnd dead by the . w ho was still wsrm and had evi dently not suffered any at the last, Funersl services were held, Monday .ft-moon in the Methodist church, by Rev. Corey, after which the were interred in the cemetery. .i ww,nd nhild Mr. ana m have lost by heart tronble. Prof E. E. Blackman of Boca, who has become acquainted with Columbua neonle througn nw '"'" - in this locality, has written alenginy . . .. k.nA Pawnee Le-I article -i wf . -: -- ...,, -and." which appears w J. Sterling Morton's paper. The Conservative, pub lished at NebraskaWty. r. i;u mlB "The legend was told me by CspL th. North, who hss heard it often in the original Pawnee tongue. 1 nave tried to reproduce it exactly as told by . . m mLAA fmn urn iuwiouvov . J I ": .i.nni.1 Mad to the Con- Indian amwij lairf-aTforuoopyd.tedStpt.l2. . the pluck anddetoruuuation of the man agement' in doing the best they could undr very discouraging circumstances rain and mud. "There were far more people' present than .could have been reasonably anticipated: At the' Episcopal church Sunday evening, although no special announce ment had been made,' there was a goodly congregation present, and' Rev. Weed's sermon had special reference to the death of President McKinley. The choir fur nished appropriate music, "Lead, Kind ly Light" and "America," being among the. hymns, and "Nearer, My God, to Thee," a violin solo by Prof; Oarlichs. AV XKttburner, the, tailor, had an experience the other day while repairing and pressing, a pair of trousers that almost scared him baldbsaded. He was pushing his big iron over the garment when there was .a sudden explosion ia oneof ihepocketi On investigation he found a handful ot cartridges and' one empty ehell with' the smoke still curling from it, but he could not find where' the bullet went. Newman Grove Herald. A. dispatch to the dailies from Cedar Rapids,. Nebraska, Sept. 12, said: A heavy hailstorm, accompanied by wind and lightning, came up at 7 o'clock last night.. The storm was worse north and east , In several places the hail was four to five inches' deep. Trees were barked' and, corn was stripped of its leaves so that nothins remained bat stalks snd ears. . Many windows were broken out Six inches ot rain has fallen in a week. Ross Cain of Newman grove who secured the naval cadet appointment on a competitive examination held under the direction of Congressman Robinson to nn a full fledsed naval cadet. He recently passed the entrance exaauna-, tion iat. Annapolis .very successfully,. . .-. MyrtieVinton and a good company have the boards in a creditable repertoire or entertaining comedies. The perform ances have, all been enjoyed by fair audiences. Madison Chronicle. John Brugger arrived in the city Monday evening and has been greeting his old friends in "Platte county, his for mer residence for .so many years. His present home is a fine establishment just outside the city ot Portland, Oregon. He looks in excellent health, and as though he had been enjoying life to the full in the far west. He is the guest of his son M. Brugger of the Columbus State Bank, and' expects to return home in three, or four weeks, The Clevelsnd, Ohio,.Leader of the 14th gives portraits of E.JX Fitapatrick, and R L.' Boseiter.-wiUv a character, sketch headed "Comrades for fifty-two yearaV The article tells, of their child hood, spent, together as playmates, oi their enlisting together, and each nurs ; tha nthnr through siokness when shot in battle, of their coming west and living neighbors, of helping each other politically, and of their .returning to Cleveland to visit oia naunis ana wuu the G. A. R. reunion. Th next term ot District court begins November 18. The names of jurors drawn for the aame are: "August Diedrich, John Pittman, jr., Henry Luere, Columbus; Ed. Marmoy and J. Jf. Uel fdrd, Columbus township; Seibert Hei bel, Sherman; Louis Robert, Creston; Chaa. Ofe, Creston; P. Uleaeon. neu Creek; F. W. Monden, uraoa rnune; Conrad Fuchs, Humphrey; Frank Kry xki Butler; Arnold Lemp, Loup; P. Schilr; Lost Creek; M. E.Cooney, Bur mwa: Nick VanDyke, Granville; Tom Gleason, Monroe; W.E. Ohlson, Monroe; Watsori Thomazin, Joliet; Edmund Miles, "Joliet; Jos...Korth, St; Bernard; Frank -jKieran, Woodville; C. H. Blech- er. Walker. Last Wednesdsy afternoon at about three,- the corner stone of the North Opera House was laid with the impress ive ceremonies ot the Masonic crsft. under charge of Grand Master Evans, who of Columbus lodge snd other local Masons. The copper casket deposited in the cavity of the stone holds for future generations who may tear down the structnre to erect a greater one on the site, copies of Columbus newspapers; copies of the Omaha Bee and tbe worw- Ilerald; the roll ot Rnaimnuui now Holders; samples of 1901 Americsn coins up to the value of twenty-five cent; an assortment of poitajje stamp.-; n roll of the' city and comity offisial and of the membnrship of Lebanon' Masonic i.,i,' and a steel enjjrsving of Jonas Welch. r;v nd Platte county officials were present by invitation of Lebanon lodge, u.nv 'ritizens were witnesses, for the first time, of the Masonic ceremonial, ii.;i. ku mme to be' a favorite one on neb occasions: The use of the corn, the wine, the oil; the square, the level and the'plumb, not alone a natural objects, fc - Mmholsof spiritual truths, etn- bodyiag the apparent ana w thing of Masonry, formed a picture not won to be forgotten by thoss who were present. ' The ceremony took place at Tkm ..dthiMt corner, the stone bearing I the iaeoriptioa Seftemberll, 1901." To the People of Cohtmbue: A great and good man has, whUe mingling with the people of whom he was one and in whom he had the utmost onldeBce,beea laid low by the hands of an assassin. Aa attempt has been the very lite of our natioa itself. mubhdxst i'arawT bdwR Thursday next, Sept. W, ie the dsy on which all that ia earthly of our be loved president will be laid in its last resting place, and I would most respect- ftilly recommend thst the people of Columbus, out of respect to the memory ot the departed president, appropriately drape their homes and places ot busi ness and dose their respective plsces of business between the hours of 12 m. and 4 p. m., Thursdsy, Sspt. 19, and that the people lay aside their usual avocations and refrain from performing any kind of Ubor between the said hoars. Appropriate memorial services will be v-u . th nnn house, at 1 o'clock n. uu Thursday, the 19th of September. All are invited to attend and by their presence testify to the many good qual ities, the humane apirit and the noble character of one who was nearer the hearts of the American people than any other man of our time. Hkssy Raoatx, Mayor. Columbua, Neb., Sept. 16, 1901. A special brand of OUTING FLANNEL this week. Jgjg g troductory price is 5 CEWTS - -It is wortn more, wjbkw g lowed to rebate 25 CENTS g on s41 Heidersin Fltxi-6irilt Cwsits UFNE TIE 2h IF THS MITI. Bemember the prices after that. dates Regular S F. H.LAMB & CO. 44444444444U44444444U4444444U4i Here We Are With Our Coal Wagon ! ! 08T10PATHT. The science of osteopathy although comparatively new yet, is one thst .nmniiahas wonders and we most respectfully urge you to investigate, and to this end we will be very glsd to fur nish anyone so desiring with literature treating on the aubjecL All known cur able disesses-both scute ana enromo n ...i h. thia mnnAfiT- are auocessiuujr v ful science and who have besn pro nounced as incurable by other methods have responded easily to this system. Onlv curable cases are acoepiea vj u, if yours is not one amenable to our method of treatment we will frankly tell oo and if we can benefit you to any extent we will also inform you of the fact. We charge noining ior ---sultation or examination. If you are -fflt Mil and learn our opinion on your case. A Isdy operator in charge of loilina deDartmect. G. P. Mkeks, D. O. Office, Fourteenth etreet, first door west of Methodist church. m t Ttromrn returned home last week bringing his three-year-old trotter who csrried off first money in the three yesr old 2:30 trot at the State fair in 2:27H The next meeting of the circuit is to oe nem ai i v.... nA ahA will so there. She hss won nearly every race she has been in since leaving home and is surely a good ani- i xb nnriarBtand that Mr. Brown has refused a very handsome offer for her, $2500.... One ot the most destruc ;.. h.ii storms for vesrs passed over the east part of Polk county Wednesdsy .rimr about 7:30. It began about two miles east of Osceola and extenaea essi. beyond Shelby, just how fsr we could not learn. The corn crop is entirely destroyed where it was the worst. The fruit is slso all gone, and window glass in north windows were all broken out. Wm. McBeth was in early this morning with several sash to oe nueu. aw Sntddr got caught out and had several u .. ;n hia hand, with which he was holding his horse. He had a cow quite badly cnt alo, and says that an hour after the atorm ne meaeureu b u stone which was six inches in circum ference. Osceola Record. I iaSSTBOItlS BBhbWSbKSBbV .aWW Z!BSSSSsl saamsusmawmassasBmsssamss"' --r- 1- m-m fmi JbbbbbbsIbbbbbbbbbbbub tKfeiMaaaaaaaaaaaaV lOjully . We are deliver!. Pa. Hard Coal either SeramUa r Lehlgli for $10.50 aer tea. y Tae best eaaklag staie raage eaal always aa haai. aa4 are Tkresaers aad faraiers imTitei ta call aad select freij oar large stock of STEAM COA C. A. SPEICE. VI" pi TER THE EMINENT EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST and Expert Optician of 1007, 1G09, Diuiglas t Oniahii, will beat my store Friday aad Sat- -arday, Oct. i aud 5. Two days only. Consult the Doctor about your eyes. , Consultation anil Examina- tion Froo ! which the congregation joined, withllt ."" . . .-- -it .t;.l.M nfTin three cases oc Burglary. rainaciouaannreciationof the full senti ment of the tender yet triumphant lines of the majestic hymn. Rev. Olcott pro nounced the benediction. Tuesday evening ot last week about thirty persons were present by invita ; ot thA rMantion room, St. Francie academy, the occasion being the organi- J fa nQ ne-tion but they are both fit sub eegsged lately in three cases of burglary. When questioned by a Herald reponer if they had yesterday complied with the law regarding truanoy front school, the Miller boy, who was barefooted and dirty, replied that he had observed it in the forenoon but not in the afternoon, aad the boy atated that he had nni twan near the school st all. There Notice had been given a day in ad vance that memorial services would be held at the Methodist church Sunday evening in honor of-the nation's dead president, and, in consequence, a large nnwatioa of people was present. Thranshout. ths exercises were listened -jsz i sw ?.------ itsjx lion w "j remains This is Mrs. Jones lent. hih SnDerintendeot Kern of the pub lic schools read from msnn-cript a brief sketch of Willum MoKinley. and hia oareer as a soldier. clinjr with the sen timent that not as a soldier would bis name appear amon the great mn in J hiHtorv. hnt a a civilinn. ilevoted sine- j - ly to duty in evry station in life he was cl1ei nti.ii to occupy, alwtys conscien i u ruithfnl. hikI h lover of peacf. . .- , ,1)p lfeHHiirr. VV . MoXlliBwr. cominit'iuor n -r. uMt O. A. R-. followed in remarks upon the nobility of chancier of the dead nrMri.lant and denunciation of the crime that bad brought universal grief to the nation. Rev. Cory spoke of the mar trl nresident as peculiarly faithful in .11 his relations or Hie as sou, aa rnwuauu, as citixen; of his ancestry as religions people, commending his life to Ameri csn youth aa well worthy their imitation a9 to loyalty to conviction, devotion to truth and to amy. iwo iwui.-... appropriate to the occasion naa oeeo ' a ! iiiiiimiimai zation of a scnooi iur ii nnrm Dr. C. D. Evans, in a neat speech, stated the object of the gather ing to be the institution of a school for the training of nurses. He spoke of the rood work that had been accomplished -. at the hospital, and it was appropriate that these exercises should be somewhat in the nature of commencement exer cises also, and referred to Sister Ful- gantia, who was presemeu iuo i diploma of the school in recognition of her very fsitbiUi ten years . Edgar Howard was called upon for an address, and briefly eulogized the work of the hospital; spoke of the influence of woman in tho world, and highly praised the Catholic sisterhood for their religious fidelity to the dnty sssigned by themselves'. Fupus io me cui. mnst be members of the Franciscan sisterhood, or those intending to become soch. The lecturers will be Drs. V. l. Martyn, C D. Evans. F. H. (Jeer. H. A. Han-en. D. T. Martyn. jr., J. C. McKin ley of Humphrey. A. E. Moore of Platte Center. J. H. I.wery f fiirl- The l-w.T ..f truata Mf- fHUier MHTKClli- IB1MIU . ..--- mu. Sister Airidi.Si--r Innn.en!n. who it gli aecretMry. md U.'". Mwriyn. ov-an- nnd Qwr. The ntow nre: Prwi- Dr. U'irtvn: vn;e-preii.wni, r. Dr. Hanten. .nir iik institution, fie i-t-- were . i an elaborate bnnqnt in tho aswniMy v,m where all enjoyed themselves with feasting and listening to the sp-eches of Father Blaroellinns as toast mnster and the responses of Judge I. L- AUwrt, G. W Phillins and Father Byerson. ine school starts with a membership of twenty-two. and the brightest prospects for a career of usefulness. The Fremont Herald gives details of the lives of two boy burglars, seed 9 snd features or w&icn are 12 years, some r .. .. l. .!.., Iia laat hvmn JTTttmv whieli Pred.t McKinley i of more than local intere as riiowing a being thst h uT ur. ' ItfencT.and suggesting, if not a reai- aE' - te -" - jecte for the reform ecnool ana ins sooner they are sent there the better. This is the conclusion arrived at by the Herald, and there can be little doubt but the Reform school is one of the most important stations along the line of corrective measures. If at all possi ble, however, prevention is much better in every respect thsn cure. The first ! tendency of the child towards a vagrant- life is evidenced in a shirking or caiiaiy duties in the home, snd a determined effort to carry the policy of shirking to greater lengths, aad apply it ia every direction. It ia thia tendency and deter mination, unchecked from witnm or without, that hardens into misdemeanor and crime, a growth more or less unoon- acious in the victim until an unforssen crisis comes thst may open hie eyes to the wrong be has been doing, aad to the catRbtrophiea that yet lie before him. Show the very yoongeex sniraer dm wrong thought; correct his way. and keep him thns in therirfbt path, whether he undertakes shirking the dutiW st home; r trn wy from school, or sbfrks hi slnly nen in mruooi. aiu looni niiture-Hierf is hIwvh a good futiudation nMu whii-h to build fr character. Since - riling the frr ,it.r. e art by the Fren.unt Tribune. that th rn.yit Lave adiuilt'd that tliny bad bruk.m into n.fwer than liventorw within U.e past ten d.y". with an attempt .... , ..... IJ tuiv ImJ at Hixtn. xo wfj'w "f be-n taken to the reform school at Kearney. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE ia essentially tho child's tonic. It im proves the digestion and assimilation of f.-nl. strengthening the nervous system and restoring them to the health, vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to cnua kood. Price 25 cento. A. HeiaU and Pollock k Co. -Cleea old newspapers for sale at this . Ui if 1 1 Peima. an eveniu enjoyed by uU E t&w1ii.iAA im tor the kBto. HSfSC3L saHiMtwd. aSSSIrtL galwd- O CuBjnnsfri"-' Dr. Newman