The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 11, 1901, Image 3

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' -A
V -
'Bf - , i"Ts " asapaiew rnnv
K VnaMnaBSfcav anmn. -- -I
Taos Jbce:4 E2-
unpaired- by the
beat, those little
food preparatkx
oar unequalled
pUy UWM dlSCOVWrieS in
faction require little or so
cooking, and can be nerved di
rectly f rom the can or package.
We eecure all the sew things
as fast as brought oat, always
leading, never following.
Everjrtldms Kept im
in Our lime. -
REMEMBER that we are sole agents for CHASE k SANBORN'S
ebrated COFFEES and TEAS.
&- full line of GR(X)ERIE& CROCKERY. OITFTCNftW A m?
nd GLASSWARE always kept ia atock."
elephone 26.
. -T , t , . i i
f TW'friWWK
. Coffees .
Represents the product of years of expe
rience. They are the result of the moat
careful Handling ana anencion mat ex
perts:can bestow. . They can't help but
gOOQ-lXXXi JJiwi.
Faust Blend
sessing a rich, delicious flavor
Knot known in-any oxner oraiiuu
In fact, FAUST BUSJNU has u
EQUAL. For sale at
plenty of it.
The Fair.
street nf
at dreads that which ke does
at Tka
Dr. L. a Tees, Homsopathie physi-
Wanted, awwiag by the day or pises.
NslheBawt Grand FeciSe. 2
Baal H. D. Hagel made a
trip to Platte Center -Monday.
-rOriak Bis! coffees, always uni
form, alwaya the best, at Gray's.
Andrew Zrb ecpsets to attend the
State Uaiversity at Liaoola this year.
- .wsHsaJOMaaaaooeptsrta
in the dry goods department at
Taeation and-
is tiring a week's
vieitiag' relatives
Gas. Snake
Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies;
Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons;
Back Island plows and cultivators;
lock Island cornplanters;
Cadet cornplanters;
little Engine, the new lister.
.where the operator can see tne corn uruy - r "
Jones? Lever binders;
Jones' Chain mowers;
Jones' Self-dump hay rakes;
Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes;
Walter A. Wood's mowers;
Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills;
Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines;
. and all other machinery needed on the farm. Call
and ee for yourself. We wish your trade.
"L Jfr&M' - tan VVnanT I srsf rswsr fc-
HOME OFFICE. 1 GolUmbUS. . '
a?w of cit"" sV hS'SaSrlKSr hS ??7K. to-i-
et;tt7!Tlca and Previously took a twomt 2S?BJStoi arf 5Tf?:bstwUlt
nr'? error ..f :!. i.f -r. --- batter ".rs. widBlty. ""
" Sewmnn : . r''-'""" S
.Blank lam
JOGBXAfconta. tt
Dr. Baker, physkUa
UUts street. tf
Brine s yonr job work. We will
adearor to please yoa.
Monarch canned traits Tiatrtilsa.
nah and ateaU at Gray's.
Loais 8ehwan was in OaMhaTaara
day and Friday on baeiaees. '
Dr. C. H. Giatsen. dentist, in Bar
ber block. Thirteenth street let
-Miss Bell Kins of David City is an
apereatibsiaFaiataaatere. -
Window sbades'ooBplete at. 25c in
alloolara. The Pair, 11th Street
For fine watch repairiojr, ceil on
Carl Frosmel.llth St, Oolaaiboa, Neb.
The police Sanday eight took in five
Indians who belong at the Genoa school.
-Da Martyn, Evans Geer.oaace
three doors north of Friedhofa store, tf
Chicago Inter Ocean and Oounrsos
Jouknai one year, in advance $1.75. tf
Fred. Plath and John Stovicek at
tended the State fair at Lincoln last
A party was given Mint Lillian Bar
ney last Tuesday afternoon by her
Do not fail to aee onr 8-foot galvan
ized steel null for $32.00. A. Daasell k
Son. tf
Hiss Buby Biokly commenced teach
ing her school east of Monroe Monday
of last week.
Miss Hattie Selsor of Schnyler will
begin her work Monday as trimmer at
Fillmans store.
F. A. Matson and family of Madison
were in the county last week, visiting
friends at Monroe.
Dr. MoKean'a method of making
aluminam plates places tnem on an
equality with gold.
Harry Hold, night operator at Lock
wood has a lay-off to attend the militia
encampment at Omaha.
The weather is not too hot for
bowling because of the electric fan in
operation, at Hegel's, tf
Some think the grass now will be
good enough for fall pasture and in
places for a late crop of hay.
The Scbaffroth monument at
Beardsley's is ready for inspeetioa, but
will be shipped Friday to Grafton.
Dr. J. E. PauL dentist, soatheast
comer Olive and Thirteenth 'streets,
Booms 1 and 2, Niewohner block, tf
We are still giving away a handsome
rug with every carpet or linoleum bought
from as. The Fair, Eleventh street
Standard Fashion Sheets are fur
nished by J. H. Galley. September
upptyast received. Call and get one.
B. McTaggart recently purchased a
quarter section of unimproved land
northwest of Cedar Rapids at $15 per
Several Columbus boys are now at
work for the Union Pacifio company at
Millard: Ed. Kohler, B. B. Lane and
Mr. Webb.
John Hooper went Sunday to Salt
Lake City, having a month's vacation
from his duties aa express sgent at the
TJ. P. depot
"White beans closely follow the
price of potatoes, being used to a consid
erable extent to take the place of the
tubers in times of scarcity."
L. B. White of Lexington on his
return from the State fair Saturday,
atoDoed long enough to see G. K. Da vies'
stock of thoroughbred cattle.
SAuanacN Waktxd to look after our
interests in .Platte and adjacent conn
ties. 8slary or commission. Address
Tne Victor Oil Company, Cleveland,
Geo. F. Kiefer, who has had charge
of putting in the new telephone system
here for several months past, has resign
ed his position to find other work in
electrical lines.
Good words are spoken all around
concerning Captain Jena and E. a Mor
row, candidates respectively before the
republican county convention for county
clerk and for sheriff.
Mrs. Jennie Walker went Monday to
.. motion as teacher at the State
institute for the blind at Nebraska City,
salary $50 a month. Her many friehos
will wish her success.
V. Fanlkner shipped this week the
largest cerof corn ever aent from this
atstion. The car contained 80,000
pounds of com, and the honest farmer
who sold it got $65.00 for it-Sohnyler
-The rain has beea again geeerel ia
Nebraska, and of coarse everybody is
cleaned with the prospeetfor purer air
i liability to malarial ilia; a new
-rowth of lawna and pastures; a good
Condition of soil for fsll plowing.
a a. !.&
Take life as u cornea, aw -
of sll circumstanees, bat for a bad
"ST c cold, take BALLABD'S
HOBEHOUND STBUP, the best known
M7 r nuick relief and sure care.
PrioV25 and 50 cento. A. Heinto and
Pollock & Co.
-The Omaha Bee says that plana for
next year's supply new "4pV
.u-TTnion Pacific are now bamg conma-
. -nd Miedficetious are being pre-
.SZ-"""P " ' i " TT-irtef
luao wui visit a number of OmumrnmmmtM"
ft. .l mm -Z3hmi
?manfita' !..-. .. j.a- r.. H WTlvim eV.w7Za
down to the
j-adoa Marwe
. m Monday to
Argn" "T- ., n.kahMahiTilf
moreaeamiu. ---"-....r
tiase for esverai
. ia 91 Tears old,
diodes be m w-a
wed thwa.1
starts this Taeaday
with a party of ten to
people for Wheatland, Wyoming.
E. M. Snamawk ie to get
vaccine attar of the government, to
apply to aattle exposed to black-leg.
J.G. Reeder returned Saturday from
his sad trip east, gettiag to his old home
ia time for the funeral of bis aged father.
The bsantifyingof arms and. hands
ia described in the September Designer.
This augaaine is for sale by J. H. Galley.
' The militia of Hamphrey came down
Monday to accompany the Columbus
crowd to Omaha thia Tuesday morning.
sfcuBftJuMr CrOOslt wrappers,
etc. Bargaias, Great Bargains at E. D.
Fltzpatrick'a the' White Front dry goods
of?v - . '
An extra nice bunch of fat hogs
were purchased here the other day by
Wiggins k Lewis, for which they paid
Wm. Schilx makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and. uses only the veryj
best stock that can be procured in the
market tf
Get a number onr.Eaeton's buggy :
drawing before Sept 7th, as it will sure-,
ly go on that date whether whips are all
sold or not Just a few left. 2
The cattle that Arnold Oehlrich
marketed Thursday at South Omaha
brought him a fairly good price, and the
young oattle brought good money.
Saturday last was the day set for
the drawing of the. buggy at Easton's
establishment It went, on No. 91, to
Peter Dischner. Its value was $55.
Adolph Lusts returned a week ago
from Oklahoma. He has six months to
make improvements on his land there,
and may not go back for some time.
Bev.Bhineof Genoa will preach in
the Congregational church next Sunday
morning. Bev. Munro is steadily im
proving, but still confined to his bed.
Fob Same 300 acres of good farm
land, north of Genoa, in Platte county,
for sale at a reasonable price. Call on
Becher, Hookenberger and Chambers.
We see in the list of premiums of
the state fair that J. Hess of Newman
Grove secured a premium for separator
and gathered cream butter. His mark
ing was 94.
D. McDuffie had a good time back
east, bat from what he says, some might
infer that he had been living almost
wholly on Michigan peaches, sinoe he
left Nebraska.
Will Sohram started today (Tues
day) as traveling aalosmin in the south
em part of the state for May Bros, of
Fremont His friends will wish him well
in his new work.
On the first page of today's Joubnal
will be found the chief portions of Pres
ident McKinley's address at Buffalo
Friday, and particulars of the attempted
murder in the afternoon.
Amateur camera snappers will find
something of interest to them in the
September Designer. It describes cari
cature photography. This magazine is
for sale by J. H. Galley.
Ladles, here is an item in millinery
that's worthy of your attention. Yon
can buy a French fur felt hat for the
same money you will pay elsewhere for
a common wood felt See them at J. C.
FUlman's. tf
-Judge Hollenbeck has held that the
balance of the fund in the case of G.C.
Barnum v. Geo. E. Barnum for an
accounting, properly should be placed
with the administrator of the G. C. Bar
num estatej-Gns. B. Speice.
Corn-huskers' sprained wrists, barb
ed-wire cuts and sprains, or cuts from
any other cause, are quickly healed when
promptly applied. Price 25 and 50 cents.
A. Heints and Pollock k Co.
Trains from the west on the main line
of the Union Pacific were about fifteen
hours late Friday and Saturday, on
account of a big washout Thursday at
Paxton, where three miles of track and
the road bed were carried away.
OINTMENT is not a panacea, but is
recommended for blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles, and it will cure the moat
obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in
bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. A. Heints
and Pollock Co.
Miss Boasa Wiggins entertained
about twenty young lady friends Thurs
day afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss
Courtney Dale of Omaha. The after-
was spent memly in a guessing
and amateur palmistry. At six
o'clock supper was served.
Thousands suffer with torpid liver,
prodaeing great depression of spirits,
indigestion, constipation, headache, etc.
HERBINE will stimulate the liver, keep
the bowela regular, and restore a health
ful buoyancy of epirita. Price 50 cents.
A.Heintc and Pollock k Co.
The Maeonie ceremony will be that
a at the layiag of the corner etone of
the North opera bouse this Wednesday
afternoon. The Grand Master, Grand
Secretary aad GrandLeotorer of the or
der will be present Besides tne mem
bers, thereare expected visiting brethren
from Schuyler, St Edward and, Genoa.
at least, aad perhaps from- David City
and Osceola. The ceremonies commence
at 2 o'clock.
One of our city exchanges says that
a aoorlv-cud laborer almost fell dead
the other day, because he gave his seat
ia a street car to a well-dressed society
and she thanked him twice
a sat down and when she left
U Columbus had street cars.
awch aa iaddent might occur any day,
far as the manner of .thanks m con-
withoat injuriously
through Vim city
It there haTe been any serious blun
ders madein the gredieg of the eity by
the eagiaears, aew is a good time to
make it known- and have mietabse
Bert Strother of the Monroe Re
publican waa in the dty Monday. They,
too, had three and n fourth inches of
rain, aad
for fall
The Platte -ooeaty
convention will be held the Sfth aad
2fth in the Methodist ehureh in thia
city. The program will be printed later
For these who have canning to do at
thai season; of the y
rseipes will be of ana.
September eontsins several. Thia mag
anas is far ssU by J.- H. Galley.
-Mrs. Frank Gerhars entertained
gentlemen and lady trisaew Monday
evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. Ger
hars of Omaha. Mrs. G.O. Bums enter
tained last Friday evening also for Mrs.
On our last press day Tata Joubxaa
force, were gladdened by one of the Inset
water "melons that ever disappeared in
our chapel. It was large aid laeoious
andthe gift of oar valued friend, Charles
Chapin of Oconee.
Walter lfaok,oneot the specialists
for the Majestic Stove people, is ia the
city, and will be at Easton's store to
answer 'any' questions eoaeernmg the
Majesties Sea the advertieemeut else
wherein this paper.
" -Rev. Corey will bold an "Old Folks"
service next Sunday morning. Every
body ia invited and a special invitation
is extended to the aged. Next Sanday
is the last Sundry before conference,
which will meet in Wayne.'
A aubscriber of Ths Joobxai. Calls
attention to the fact that there are quite
n number of persons in the city whose
fences 'extend into and obatmot the
streets, and one, at least, who has a
building partly on the.sidewslk.
The ten weeks old infsnt son of Mr.
and .Mrs. Clint Stevenson northeast of
town, died Saturday, snd waa buried
Monday morning, funeral services being
1 held from the house at lOo'clock. The
child .had been sick since its birth.
. There was 1.90 inches of rainfall
here Sunday. During the past week
there was about three inches in all,
leaving the ground in excellent condi
tion for fall plowing. To thia is to be
added for Tuesday morning M inch.
We hear of a modest Platte county
farmer who has a small field of alfalfa
from whioh this season he had a first cut
of six tons to the acre, a aeoond of four,
and expects yet another of three tons to
to the acre, before the close of the
fVanuusB uaunnuunnuHnVnuMBl$KuVununuuuusnnunnuuua anuunnurna
Just at the time when people are beginning to think mm
3M of school again, The Designer for September has a g
- special article regarding Aprons for School Girls. It H
jH is for sale in our Pattern Department K
mnDuuuuuul auuuuussnr
nunu Mf a Mama a EmM I mfl TlasiJassI aaaa a a sa-a a Hft
WM Wt Mff a.rM UN m IWSjasjni ranlwrsjS vBjsi Bj8j$j$JrffJVs . . mg,
3smm nnnnm
wGnnn bbbbTsT'
flnnm ununnp
Hnu unnnnc
9 505 Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, HEHR. H
janununusnl . . . nununununum
is essentially the child's tonie. It im
proves the digestion and assimilation of
food, strengthening the nervous system
and restoring them to the health, vigor
and elasticity of spirits natural to child
hood. Prios 25 cents. A. Oeiatx snd
Pollock A Co.
The old folks' meeting which is to
take place at the M. E. church next Sun
day is to be the real old time kind, no
organ, hymna to be lined, no choir, and
the ladies and gentlemen are to sit on
opposite sidds of the house and not eveu
look at each, other. At least that is tht
waytbey used to do in the good old
days of our grandfathers. Osceola Rec
ord. -i-Toeeph Crites. one of the pioneer
citizens of Plnttsmoutb, died Suiday
eveoiag, September 1, in that city. fter
a protracted illness. He was born near
Bloomsbnrg, Pa.. February 24, 1831. and
had been a resident of Nebraska for
twonty-six years. He was a resident of
this city some twenty years ago, snd
very much respected by those who
knew him.
On Thursday, Special County Judge
Howard held that under the Nebraska
constitution there is no authority for
the appointment of n special county.
judge. This, in the matters of the Bar
num case, referred to in Thx JounNALof
last .week.
Friends of Wilson Bice, eon of W.
W. Rice will be interested to know that
be has purchased a residence property in
Canon City, Colorado, and moved his'
family 'there recently from Homiok,
Iowa. Mr. Bice has a position in a dry
goods store.
Night Policeman Meehan, when in
quired of as to the pistol shots late
Sundsy night said that he didn't locate
them but supposed somebody was shoot
ing at a dog or alas, being foggy, an
incoming Union PaoiSo train crew may
have used explosives.
A new boiler manufactured by Kin
ney at Omaha is to be put in place at
the city waterworks the last of this
month or the first of next It is to bo of
one hundred hone power, and we are
told is to cost about $1,400. The old one
has been eondemned.
actor aad goai icpstatioe ia oath state (one ia
this eoaatr leqaired) to lepwatat aad atmctias
old established wealthy baaiasM kosm of aalid
inancial stawrtlas oaienr weakly wlta
expeasea additional, all parable ia eaaa aaaa.
Wednesday direct from asaa omen. Hoi
carriage fandshed.whea accessary. Refa
Kaeloaa salt addrsassd etaaipad aaTalope.
ager.SW CaztoaBaUdiacChieaco. llaasss
Agnes, the six months' old child of
Ephriam Pilling of Creston, died quite
suddenly Monday of last week. It will
be remembered that just a week previous
Lillie Pilling, an older sister of the child,
died"from a burn while attempting to
poor out water from n tea kettle to make
tea for the baby.
Farmers who have irrigated corn are
now through until time to pick it All
those using water this yesr are pleased
with 'reenlts, the only drawback being
understanding how to handle it properly.
But in a few years this difficulty will be
overcome and irrigation reduced to a
system. Monroe Republican.
The idea suggests itself to the
Leader that there is no better point in
Nebraska for a canning factory than
right here in Genoa. All kinds of vege
tables can be raised in abundance under
the ditch. Let's see if we cannot secure
a canning, factory and have it in opera
tion by this time next year. Leader.
If you are troubled with inodorous
breath, heart burn, flatulency, headache,
acidity, pains after eating, loss of appe
tite, persistent melancholy, or low spirits.
You .need a tonic, a few doses of HER
BINE will give you the recuperative
force to remove these disorders. Price
50 cents. A. Heintz snd Pollock k Co.
The time is past for very cheap farm
lands in this section of Nebraska, aad
prices seem steadily rising, A good
judge in such affaire thinks that for the
next five years one dollar an acre each
year may be ssfoly assumed ss the ad
vance. Those who are thinking of in
vesting will do well to investigate and
art at once.
F. T. Walker has a sample of gold
quartz from the Adrian Gold Mining and
Milling company of 8pokane. Washing
ton, that assays $357.15 to the ton.
Some specimens from the same .mine
have assayed as high as $3J367 to the
ton. Mr. Walker holds 10,000 shsres in
the company aad there are held in this
city, all told 100,000 shares.
William Bueher and his daughter
Pauline returned Sanday from their
several months' sojourn ia "Europe well
pleased with their trip and yet glad to
get home. Mr. Bacher'gives a graphic
description of the meaner ia which the
With the larger engines, it is notioe
able that the Union Pacific company are
hauling nearly twice aa many oara, at a
higher rate, of speed than formerly,
while the new cars in some instances
have double the capacity of the old ones.
The heavier engines have required
stronger bridges, more solid tracks,
lengthened sidings, snd greater expenses
An Omaha visitor Thursday tells us
that the people of the Metropolis are
making big preparations for Akaarben,
and expect a better time than they had
last year. He also says that most of the
people from the west and north, bound
for the State fair, got off at Fremont and
took the Northwestern, showing thai
Omaha should have a morning train to
the capital.
fi T - - SsnaWmaaal awtShsa. aWT
nan. L I "l JTU" I JTi$SnmJaanFkg I Mm
sbb I bSTMIsbSsbbS I jVfesnTaunnsr anX m m
JHKamnswssjssjwBgBas Hj In-pj3l lJanwanananaBJrlani
f W- JSt I w sal 11 -- -afBaKr
W m BnBBnnWauBVaHlpssaw"BaBV a
Attorneya W. M. Cornelius and J.D.
Stirea ware in Omaha lie4waah.Tnsnday,
looking after the city's interest in the M
street oase with the Union Pacific com
pany. One of the attorneya for the
oompany was abssat from home and, as
Mr. Reeder of this city, one of the attor
neya in the case, was also- necessarily
absent, the hearing was postponed, but
no dsy fixed, ss yet
Judge John J. Sullivan of the
supreme court was iojnred Thursday,
the result of s sby of the horse he was
driving, when near the sheep ranch north
of this city, the buggy being overturned
upon himself sad wife, the latter of
whom was not injured. The Judge
suffered a fracture of the right arm just
below the shoulder, and it will probably
be six weeks before he will be himself
again entirely. He rests easy.
A letter from E. H. Jenkins dated
at Perry, Iowa, Saturday, tells us that
their party (Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins snd
Mr. and Mrs. John George), will leave
Perry for Chicago Sunday morning.
That part of Iowa is still in the grip of
the drouth. Some farmers will have a
fairly good crop, while many others will
not have half the usual crop. Perry, a
towa of about 3,000 population, has
nearly 70 miles of cement pavements.
High scores at Hsgel's Bowling
Alley week ending Sept 7: Ten pins
W. A. Borden 182, 186; George Brod-
fuehrer 181, 187; Harry Lawrence, 183;
Wm. Both 188; C. W. Jens 181; C. A.
Lucas 201; J. T. Hogan 196. Nine pins
a W. Jens 7; M. C. Calto 7; G. A.
Sehroeder7; Fred Huesse)er7; George
Brodfuehrer 7; W. F. Schram 7; W. N.
Henaley 7; F. A. Hagel 7. Cooked hat
W. F. Sohram 35, 43; W. NA Henaley 35,
41; Fred Hueszeler 41, 42, 48; G. J.
Hagel 51, 58. Four back-Harry Law
rence 70; W. F. Schram 72. 73, 76.
The perfection of all ranges is reached in the range that will work
equally well with hard coal, soft coal, wood or cobs; bake, roast, broil,
seethe or fry to perfection, heat all the water you need almost instantly,
properly used last a life time, and save its cost price.
does all of it, and will not clog with ashes and clinkers, allow smoke aad
soot to escape into the kitchen, crack or break, or subject you to the ex
pense and annoyance of every other range.
Made of MALLEABLE IRON and best open hearth cold-rolled
steel, 10 to 50 per cent heavier throughout than any other range. Flues
lined with pure' asbestos, and the entire range rivited with the best Nor
way iron rivets. Air-tight and dust-tight. This explains why a Grant
Majestic Range will, da its work in half the time, and consequently with
half the fuel.
Majestic Cooking
T -.
yr -r v- ?
We want you to come in ANY DAT THIS WEEK and see
the Majestic in operation, have a Majestic biscuit and a cup of delicious
coffee, and see the proof of the claims made for Majestic Ranges by a
man direct from the factory.
...A Set of Cooking Utensils Fm...
With every Majestic Range sold during this week a set 'of ware made
of heavy copper, nickled, steel and enamel, well worth $7.50. One com
plete set absolutely free with each Majestic Range sold this week only.
Majestic ranges are made in every size and every style, to fit every
condition and every purse. We want you to come in and see the range
at work glad to show it to you whether you intend tobuy or not.
C. S. Easton,
Gub G. Becher snd daughter, Lore
N., returned Wednesday from their trip
east, where they journeyed leisurely,
mostly by water, enjoying the trip
immensely. They were in Canada, and
aa far east ss Nsw York City, snd ss far
south as Washington City. Daring the
heated term, Gus saya that the capital
eity is deserted by about half its usual
population. Being used, sll his life-time,
to the large horizons of the prairie coun
try, Gus remembers now with vividnesr.
the many small farms 'of the ea-t, with
their half dosen eows.a fsw sheep, a few
stacks of grain, etc.. but does not wonder,
either, that so many people fill the east,
because it seems to be a goodly country,
and, mostly, people enjoy themselves in
the very luxury of living.
Here We Are With Our Goal Wagon !
nnrMwii t naaXaJa nsiasi the hnndeada
Mf-uea. witaww jmuj ww- Bw. ..... -.... B
the health of the laborer by the least I of. traaksef the
J. A. Dowdeo of North Bend gave ns
s very pleasant call Wednesday last. lie
forwerh was superintendent of public
schools st North Bend, bnt the last two
years has been sojourning in the west,
mainly the coast state. At Napa Cali
fornia, be seems to have found a model
climate, a productive soil and congenial
people. In Californis, in a day's travel,
ean be found a great variety of natural
conditions, too numeroue to mention.
and many of tbera fartoo trying for
daolicate experience, aad certaialy those
contemplating removal from Nebraska
ahoald at least coacider well the good
land bad qualities of the place they as-
1 pact to call ul
1 aNMyiteH
InjfeggM VsaaSBSamsnaSMBSanB
jpjEpf JM an .-SstBML
. aasssk aaaasBSBi a
CB -nti - mM? -
aaaajajsnuna- rssfaHmss aaanr aw wawaasaaw
r anananssnanananananaUft???"
We are delivering Pa. Hard
Coal either Seraataa er Lehigh
far $10.50 per ton.
The hest coakia; stave aBa
faitpe coal always oa aaaa1.
Threshers aad farmers, are
iavited ta call aad select frem
our large stock at STEAM COAL.
SPECIALIST and Expert Optician
of 1607, 1609, Douglas st Omaha,
will beat my store Fr May aad Sat
urday, Oct. 4 aad 5. Two days
only. Consult the Doctor about your
CoflSMltatian anal Exawiin .
. t
1 1
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j., ar3'
sn iii ek- i n . -I"' "lwl,a,, ' TssVssnsw
n:n,.di?ee. of taeer.
wiuiOT. MOBMNi
CompiirrL:"1 ". SSrZStiSJTSim . "SrfsUy - 4s4X