The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 04, 1901, Image 4

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Csss-l Geaeral Gaesther of Fras
smya that, accordlac-te the ex-
pariataata conducted by Mr. H. Jsaesea
em Moaat Maac, It ia astaeeesssry
te erect poles for'strhi&Btefcseoas
aaa tetesras- wires in saow covered
ceaatries. If the mow ia several
laches thick it serves as a good insu
lator; the wires can simply ha JaM
down and be ready for transmission
af mi-swaajM: The coaaml geaeral adda
that stlaMsx experiments twith esaally:
favorahit remits' were made on Mont
yea te Celtic Garb.
sUi ia
the revival of interest in
not confined to the
formation of classes to study the old
toagwe or societies to print books
written in' it, but there has even been
an attests made to resurrect the anci
ent garb of the Celt The eldest son
of Lord Ashbourne is the leader in the
dress phase of the matter, and cs give
emphasis to his faith he wore the scar
let kilt and fawn mantle which are
among the costume's leading featarea
at a late society-gathering. Its ad
vantages in the way of coolness were
acknowledged and it waa also voted
pictareeawvbnt farther than this the
impression it made is not recorded.
A Sea'e Derotloa.
Wallace, Mich.",' August 26th: A.
striking example of a man'a dutiful and
attentive care of his mother is seen in
Mr. Oscar Swaaaon of this place.
Mr. Swanaon'a mother has suffered
mnch with Kidney and Urinal.Trouble
and Female Weakness. Her son has
oeaght out and procured for her every
thing that he thought -could possibly
benefit her.
She did not improve, till at last he
bought her a box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills. In a few days she was complete
ly cured, and her 'faithful son has the
reward; for his loving efforts, in the
knowledge that she is now strong and
Yale's Swleadld Orgaa.
Tale is to have the finest organ In
the United States, for which $25,000
has been promised by Mrs. John S.
Newberry, of Detroit, who gives If for
a memorial to her son.
slier after asingAllerA Foot-
a powder. It makes tight or new
-unr. Cures swollen. hot,sweatinir.
aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and
bvnioaa. All druggists and shoo stores,
tSe. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad-
i Allen S. Olmsted, ue &oj, a.x.
Be sure you are right then pause a
loment for reflection.
La Grippe conquers lire Wizard Oil
conquers La Grippe. Your druggist
sella Wizard Oil.
Children born in summer are taller
than those born in winter.
BfeWa Tatar
WeeewrOae Hundred Dollars reward for any
ease of Catarrh that canuot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Care.
F. I. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, a
We. the aweralgiit-d. hare known F. J.
Caseey for ate last 15 vaan aaa believe hint
perfectly boaerable la all business transaction
aad aaaaclally able to carry out aayobliga
tfoaawiirte by tbelr firm.
WeatfcTruax. Wholesale Druggist. Toledo.
O.; WaMinc. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Drasfiats, Toledo. Ohio.
HaU'aOatarrbCuro is taken Internally, act
lac direct.' apon tbo blood and mucous s urf aces
of Um ayatrm. Testimonials bent free. Price
T5c per bottle. Sold by all .i-uggist&
Hall's Faailly Pills aro ihe XmsA.
The most populous country, accord
ing to area, is Holland.
Use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes
dean and sweet as when new. All grocers.
It may take all time to determine the
value of one seed.
Ptooa Can for Coaswsaptioa la aa Infallible
Iciae for eowgks and colds. K. W. Samus
Grove. N. J., Feb. 17. 1900.
Tou cannot build a house without
spoiling a brickyard.
I a to le or Cbaar of Ratio
To purchasers of starch. Heretofore
they have been paying 10 cents for 12
ounces of even much inferior goods to
that turned out in Nebraska and
known as Defiance starch. Now, how
ever, the up-to-date housewife who has
an eye to money saving, insists that
her grocer shall give her Defiance. It
costs less and goes farther than any
other starch made. At your grocer's.
Made by Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha,
'rtml flaVMnUL
m Liw kkC'e, SISSawHie Baiidlnc.Omaba.Xeb.
R.J.Oawgni.i:epreeBtattTc. Et'datWab!iurton
D. C Utl. Vaeral Golda Book oa Patenu PREE.
BsBsr"BMsrpMa"l siiiOTWTi w.:
JBItOIVIl Wulriastaa, .
ADIEU wrm vikwto MARRIAM
awftWIBO wfUSad It to tbelr aaraBt&WtS
.Oct lit of commoBdeatt ta enormosa.
,ua E. OS ac,liw
'ataatrtaEThlswfMsft Eft Wlltf
W.N.U.:OMH. MM-i-
sT J
t y2M3r
ia ssmal .
r J smmwtsmasaW
m A!LssBsmm
is Trie siwum uwe
' jam gii smmmMATR poma s.
vn ' a
The national encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, at Cleve
land, will undoubtedly mark the cli
max in gatherings of the bronzed, aged
and battle-scarred veterans of the civil
It brings together scores of old
any of whom will not neon
hand for another encampment Those.
who have outlived the awful vichsl
tuiea of their campaigns, however, and
have enjoyed the calm of industrial
and business life since their cam
paigns closed, will be there in surpris
ing numbers. Those whose means or
opportunities do not permit them to
attend the gathering of their comrades
will be there In spirit and sympathy.
Depleted numbers, the advanced age
and accumulating Infirmities of those
vho survive, the disappearances of
posts by the death of members will
end in the not distant future the his
tory of the grand army an organiza
tion that has had a career that stamps
it as unique in itself, without refer
ence to the exceptional nature of the
great events from which it took its
rise. Held together entirely by com
munity of sentiment and a. spirit of
mutual helpfulness, its existence has
been a perpetual reminder of the
strength of the bonds and the intensity
of the patriotic spirit which united the
men engaged in the war.
First O. A. R. Post.
The Grand Army of the Republic has
had a life of about thirty-five years.
The war was over and the re-united
-nation was just beginning to take up
the work of peace when the first post
was formed. The origin of the order
Is traced to a meeting of veterans at
Springfield, 111., during the winter of
1865-66, when Dr. F. B. Stephenson
who was a surgeon in the Fourteenth
Illinois Infantry, took the initiative in
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ffole of the G. A. R. Encampment.
The only national W. R. C,:home in
America is located at Madison, thirty
five miles east of Cleveland. The na
tional meeting of the W. R." C. has
never before been held within 150
miles of this institution inhabitated by
heroines of the civil war, and many
members of the W. R. C. who go to
Cleveland will no uoubt avail them
selves of the opportunity to visit the
home. Special train will be run for
the convenience of visitors to the in
stitution. National headquarters, of the G. A.
R. have' been established at -the. Hol
landen hotel. In the afternoon of next
Monday at 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock
respectfvely the executive committee
of the National council of administra
tion and the council itself will hold
meetings. The business session of the
encampment will be held on Thursday
and Friday, September 12 and 13, at
10 a. m.
The thirty-fifth encampment of the
G. A. R. will open September 9 and
dose September 14.
Vera let te tTwaatUfaeterr.
PEKIN, Aug. 9. The imperial edict
forbidding the importation of arms and
munltioae of war is not satisfactory
to the foreign ministers. A meeting
of the ministers has been called to dis
cuss the edict Itigaores the fact that
the prohibitioar applies to the govern
ment aad that it is part of the Chi
nese punichawat. The edict makes it
appear to be merely the government's
voluntarily prohibiting the Chinese
subjects from Importing arms.
M miMjikl f ir -srs-l saw p ' "
H D III I www FSmhT Ofc e 1
JMtm?n I11t9AN easary
iVt Wr Mr M IWl III U nlfewWa sVmfaT
perfecting a veterans' organization.
The first pest was formed at Decatur,
111., on the evening of April 6, 1866,
and this, with two posts established at
Springfield, adopted tho principles
which have been the cardinal doctrines
of the organization.. Ever since the
first national convention in 1866 the
annual gatherings were not officially
styled "encampments" until the follow
ing year the Grand Army has play
ed an Important role in the history of
the nation. It has done much for the
relief of its own members. It has done
much for charity, and it should not
be forgotten that in several instances
this eharity notably during the times
of the Mississippi valley yellow fever
outbreaks and the Charlestown earth
quakewas directed to tho relief of
former enemies. But most of all it
has been a beneficial factor in keeping
alive the sentiments of loyalty and
Such an organization is without
parallel among the societies of war J
Lwa -- aMawiwmw-wtaB6BwWB-sy.a B ZM ,n lrv Isw-U 3 sf wTw-w wa . wwwms-
veterans the world over. It has no
predecessor and it cannct have a suc
cessor. It sprung " from conditions
which are not likely to repeat them
selves in any country or at any time.
It is doubtful if many of the casual
The great breathingf place of Cleve- , Among the many reunions in con
land Irs nnhiiP Rmiarp has Wn made nection with the encampment will be
the court of honor, which will be
radiant with the glow of electric lights
at night and resplendent with the na
tional colors. Grand Army emblems
and flowers. Illuminated and deco
rated arches will be scattered through
out the square. The soldiers' monu
ment will also be illuminated with
clusters of electric lights. In other
parts of the city handsome day and
night decorations have been prepared.
The other organizations which will
ho:d their annual business meetings nt
thistime will, be the Women's' Relief
Corps, the "Ladles of the Grand Army,
the' National Association of Naval
Veterans and its ladies' auxiliaries,
Union ex-Prisoners of War-and its
ladies' auxiliaries, the Sons of Vet
erans, the Daughters of Veterans and
the- Society of Union Army Nurses.-
In Ohio there are 647 Grand Army
posts with a total men-ership of
27,501. Buckeye veterans are lying
at the rate of 1.000 a year.
Geraaaay Jtxact Toe Mwefa.
LONDON, Aug. 29. A dispatch from
Paris says: A telegram has been re
ceived from Prince Chun stating that
Germany has determined that he,
when received-by Emperor William,
shall bow three times and -that the
secretary of the mission and subordi
nates-shall prostrate themselves anil
knock their heads nine times oa-tks;
floor before the cmp;ror. Chinese en
voys here appealed "to the Genua
minister to secure a change.
readers of history fully comprehend
the magnitude of the civil war, tho
wonderful courage it revealed and the
intensity of the feeling which gave
thousands of men year after year to
the battlefield. The veterans alone
are able to appreciate just what pa
tient courage and endurance were nec-
to-llve through the years of the
rebellion. Considering the nature of
that experience it is not surprising
that the bond among the veterans
should be strong. Their reunions com
memorate events which loom large In
the world's history. It is the memory
of these things, and in the reflection
that the Grand Army must dwindle
with saddening rapidity, that the peo
ple take pleasure in doing honor to the
old soldiers.
A Splendid Selectloa.
Cleveland has been making ample
preparations for the entertainment of
the old soldiers, and as they arrive
they will find the latch-string out and
the glad hand of welcome extended.
More than 300,000 visitors are expect
ed to be in the encampment city dur
ing the week, and it is the aim of the
citizens of Cleveland to make it a red
letter event in the history of the town.
Free quarters have been provided for
from 25,000 to 30,000 veterans in school
houses and halls, similar to the plan
adopted by Chicago, and which worked
so successfully last year.
The Forest City is a place of ar
mories and monuments, and has many
points of historic interest. Foremost
among these isrthe tomb of the late
President Garfield, whose home was In
Mentor, only twenty-four miles from
Cleveland." The .mausoleum is located
in Lake View cemetery, on a high
piece of ground, and is the Mecca of
many visitors to the city. The statue
of Commodore -Oliver Hazard Perry,
the hero of the battle of Lake Erie in
the war of 1812, was dedicated Sep
tember -10, 1860, the anniversary oi
Perry's great victory. Some years ago
it was removed from the public square,
where it had been originally placed,
and taken to a beautiful spot in Wade
park, where it now stands.
In the very heart of the business sec
tion of the city stands one of the
grandest soldiers' monuments in the
United States. Within Its walls are
relics of wars and the names of de
parted heroes chiseled in the marble
surroundings. This 'monument will no
doubt be one of the greatest attraction'
'at the encampment and will doubtles
be visited by every veteran in attend
Locpted but two blocks from tht
public square is the Central armory, a
large and magnificent building, where
campfires by the veterans will be held
It will also be a principal headquar-
those of the Michigan Cavalry brig
ade. First Vermont and Twenty-fifth
New York Cavalry regiments and the
Fifth New York Heavy Artillery. The
president of the Michigan Cavalry
Brigade Is Gen. James H. KIdd, of
Ionia. Anotner reunion will be that
of the first brigade, third division,
twentieth army corps, at one time com
manded by Benjamin Harrison, after
wards elected president.
President McKinley has accepted the
.invitation of the G. A. R. committee of
attend the reunion and has named 'the
-days on which he will be the guest of
the city. He will devote three days to
the encampment Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, Sept. 10, 11 and 12. A
public reception will be "tendered him
in the Chamber of Commerce audi
torium on -Thursday, Sept 12, at the
close of the business session of the en
campment for tbst day.
A : foot of honeycomb contains
about S.C00 cells.
Death of Por-aer Jwdge Hyatt.
WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. 29.
Judge Hyatt, prominent in democratic
state politics until the break in 1896.
and a leading attorney of the state.
also grand high priest of the grand
chapter Masons of Iowa, is dead.
Aatfcwr Owaa a Yacht.
T. Jenkins Haines, the author of sea
tales, owns a yacht of his own, which
is, most of the time, his home. He has
beea a captain of a merchantman and
Is consequently an expert silor.
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Vw-tw-Dato Wats Ahwat
attew. f the SeU aa
Thereat rUewltare, TlUcwltara aad
The Hew Rateaa ef Peraatrr
On the first of July the Divknoa of
Forestry aad tares other' scientific di
visions of the U. S. Department of
Agriculture were advanced to ha
reaus. This was provided for by ths
last session of congress, which appro
priated for the expenses of the Bu
reau of Forestry during its first year
$185,440. The appropriation for the
Division of Forestry during the year
just ended was S88.520. For the year
1898-99 it was 128.520.
-nese ngures show how rapioiy me
xoresi wora or tne government nas ex-
panded of late, and also how well it
has commended Itself to congress.
There was a time when the practical
value of the scientific investigations
carried on by the government was not
fully understood, and farmers were in
clined to think that the money spent
on experiment stations and chemical
laboratories was of little benefit to
them. Now tho caje is very different
The improvements in agriculture due
to the work of .the department have in
creased the value of the farm products
of the country by many millions of
dollars annually. As this kind of work
has proved its -practical utility, con
gress has shown Itself generous toward
it. The readiness with which congress
has increased the appropriations for
the Division of Forestry is the best
evidence that forestry has proved its
importance from a business standpoint
The change from a Division to a
Bureau' and the larger appropriation,
will make possible both an improved
office organization and more extended
field work. The Bureau will be pro
vided with a much .larger office force
and will be organized in three Divi
sions. But field work, not office work,
Is what the Bureau exists for. This
work has been going on during the last
year from Maine to California and
from Georgia to Washington. It In
cludes the study of forest conditions
and forest problems all over the coun
try, the giving of advice to owners of
forest lands, and the supervising of
conservative lumbering operations
which illustrate forest management on
business principles. This work can
now be greatly extended. Private own
ers of some three million acres have
applied for this advice, which in every
case requires personal examination,
and about 177,000 acres have been put
under management This land Is In
many tracts, large and small, and Is
owned by Individuals, clubs, and cor
porations. Several state governments
have also asked the aid of the Bu
reau. But the greatest demand Is that
of the Department of the Interior of
National government, which has asked
for working plans for all the forest re
serves, with the enormous total area
of about 47' million acres.
WJseeatla Hartlcattwrtet
The summer meeting of the Wiscon
sin State Horticultural Society will be
held in Madison, August 20-21. On the
evening of August 19 there will be a
meeting of the executive committee
for the purpose of attending, to import
ant business.
The first public session will be op
ened at 9:00 Tuesday morning, August
20. The apple outlook will be dis
cussed by prominent fruit growers.
Smsll fruits will be discussed by A. L.
Hatch and Win. Hanchett F. C. Ed
wards will talk on Lawn Decorations.
Tuesday afternoon will be a plum
session, with the following papers to
be read: Planting and Cultivation of
Plums, A. D. Barnes, Waupaca. Prun
ing .of Plum Trees, Win. Toole, Bam
boo. Seedling Plums, E. S. Goff, Madi
son. Preserving and Canning Our
Fruits, Mrs. Jos. Trelevan, Omro.
The Tuesday evening session will be
given up to the ladies.-who have pre
pared an Interesting program.
The program for Wednesday as ar
ranged by S. H. Marshall and Prof. E.
S. Goff Is as follows: Take cars out
to University Farm buildings first
thing in the morning. Go over them
and down to the orchard in time to see
that and have picnic dinner about
11:30 In grove on banks of the lake.
Dinner to be furnished by the uni
versity. From here walk along lake to
university boat house, back of gym
nasium, reaching there about 3 o'clock.
From here a trip will be taken around
the lake and landing at Mr. Marshall's
farm, where supper will be served and
farm inspected. Boats return in time
for evening trains.
There will be the usual exhibit of
fruits and flowers.
The Farmers' Review urges its Wis
consin readers to attend the conven
tion. All will be welcome, Including
the general farmer that grows no fruit
It .Is a mistake to suppose that horti
cultural societies .are for large com
mercial fruit growers only they are
for all that are interested in horticul
ture. Wisconsin farmers will beneflr-
themselves by getting into closer touch
with their 'state horticultural society.
r.'shUaw the Chlaeh Stag.
Tb Ohio Experiment Station Is re
ceiving letters indicating an extensive
outbreak of chinch bugs in certain
parts of tho state, and In response it
is sending out smsll packages of a fun
gus culture In the hope that it may be
of service In infecting the bugs with a
parasitic fungus which, under favor
able conditions, has been found to be
very destructive to these pests.
This fungus, however, requires moist
weather and masses of insects for suc
cessful operation, and it is feared that
it may not act with sufficient prompt
ness during the prevailing dry weather.
The following remedy Is therefore
offered as probably better adapted to
existing conditions, this remedy having
been suggested in 1895 by Prof. S. A.
Forbes, State Entomologist of Illinois:
"Dissolve one-half pound hard or
soft soap in one gallon of water, and
heat to the boiling point Remove from
stove and add two' gallons of coal oil,
churning the mixture with a good force
pump for fifteen minutes. When the
emulsion Is formed, It will look like
"To each quart of this emulsion add
fifteen quarts of water, and apply to
the cora la a spray preferably before
10 s. m. or after 3 p. m. The bugs
should be washed off so that they will
float in the emulsion at the base of the
plant A teacupful'to a hill is gener
ally sufficient, but the quantity must
vary with the number of bugs Infest
ing the corn."
The progress of these bugs through
a field nay be obstructed by staking a
shallow, V-shaped trench with the cor
ner of a hoe and filling it with coal
tar, the tar to be renewed in two. or
three days. They may also be des-
9 '
Hsrswtth ww- illastrate two species at
ths tshaceo hora worst. A retort of
tk DwpartaMBt of Agricwltars says af
i th,. .rhere ,, two species of large
i sphinx moths whose larvae or cater-
pillars, eat the leaves of tobacco, to
mato and allied plants, including oc
casionally the Irish potato. These
caterpillars, from the fact that each
bears upon one of the posterior seg
ments of its body a rather stout
curved horn, have become popularly
known as hora worms. Tobacco grow
ers do not distinguish between the two
different kinds of horn worms, and for
practical purposes it is not in the least
necessary that they should distinguish
them. As a matter of general inter
est, however, it may be stated that the
hora on the end of the body of Caro
lina Is red, while that of Celeus Is
black. Both are green la color with
oblique white stripes on the side of
the body. These moths of the two
species may be distinguished from the
fact that Carolina Is darker and the
orange spots along the side of the
body are more vivid.
Both- species occur from Canada to
Florida, and as the region of the to
bacco culture fails In the north, both
feed upon the tomato. Generally these
worms are not too numerous to be
kept down by hand-picking.
Prrwarlaa the Wheat Field.
At this time of year farmers are
plowing for fall wheat or preparing to
do so. The ground is perhaps a little
hard at this time for the plow to do
good work, but the rains that have
now fallen should go far to preparing
the land for the operation. It makes a
vast deal of difference about the con
dition of the land as to the ease of
plowing, and it will pay every farmer
to take advantage of the conditions
when they are right The saving to
the horses Is no small factor. When
the ground is in right condition for the
best work to be done the moisture in
it is sufficient to make it easy to cut
but not enough to make it stick to the
That the seed bed should be well
prepared Is the consensus of opinion
among all cultivators. Pulverization
is necessary. if the soil is to be made
capable of giving the best returns.
Poor plowing and poor preparation
generally is responsible for much of
the shortage in the wheat crops. It is
evident that if the land be left in clods
the soil In the clod will not be reached
by the aXr, and the elaboration of plant
food will not go on so rapidly as will
be the case where the whole is broken
to pieces. Even if the roots of the
wheat plant succeed in penetrating the
clods the amount of food found therein
will be less than in other and better
prepared soil.
When the wheat field is to be ma
nured before being plowed, it Is better
to put on the manure, spread and plow
it under at once. This will incorpo
rate it with the soil. If permitted to
lie on top of the ground for a consid
erable time it will dry in lumps, which
cannot be readily incorporated with
the soil, or if incorporated will not mix
evenly with it
Clrewaaveatlaa the C'ot-Wor-j.
An exchange gives the following
method of protecting plants from cut
worms: Cut newspapers into squares of 3
inches. Take a needle and thread and
string about 100 pieces by one corner.
Tie the string tight, so loose side of
papers will spread apart. Attach string
to a button on your vest Pick up a
tomato or cabbage plant with one hand,
tear off a paper with the other and wrap
it around the plant so a part of paper
is under ground and a part above. It
is quickly done and will last- until all
danger from cut worms is over, and it
Is effective. I have saved acres of to
matoe plants this way when worms
were abundant and plants scarce. I
might add the reason for plowing early
in the fall to keep free from cut worms.
The beetles are said to lay their eggs
under any litter on the stubble ground,
as well as in sod fields. Early plow
ing leaves a clean surface free from lit
ter and no eggs are laid. Harrow down
after plowing:, as a general rule.
The P-aaaylTaate right ea Olea.
The battle over oleomargarine in
Pennsylvania seems to be going in
favor of honest goods, at least in the
domain of legislation. The oleo bill
recently passed is about as stringent
as the New York law. Whether or not
it will be enforced is another question.
In the past the State officials entrusted
with the enforcement of the law neg
lected, it. to-such an extent that they
were accused of being in the employ
of the oleo makers. The scandal
growing out of this alleged connection
resulted in a change of officials, and it
may be that the effect of the agitation
on the new ones will prove salutary.
It Is pretty well accepted now among
horticulturists that In replanting
transplanted plants the earth should
be packed as hard as possible over and
about the roots. This packing brings
the earth into close contact with the
feeding roots and the air spaces are ob
literated. With a little moisture the
plant can soon get into growing con
Latent Buds Only a small portion
of the buds of trees formed one year
grow the second year; the rest remain
dormant or latent for years, and are
made to grow and produce shoots only
when the others are destroyed.
Indolence is to the mind what rust I
to iron.
WABAssr. m.
tttet Bunaie aad return S13.S9.'
S31.M New York and return S3LSI
The Wabash from Chicago will sell
tickets at the above rates daily. Aside
from these rates, the Wabash run
through trains over its own rails from
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago and
offer many special rates during the
summer months, allowing stopovers at
Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Aak your nearest Ticket Agent or ad
dress Harry E. Moores. General Agent
Pass. Dept. Omaha. Neb., or C. 8.
Crane, G. P.- ft T. A.. St Louis, Mo.
Ia India and' Persia -sheep are used
as beasts of burden.
Via, Wlaalewra seethlag Syraw-
Tar cMldrea taatt'ar. aofteai taa gnmt, reduce! r
aiBi-tlM. aliaya paaucaraa wladcollc. Scaoottle.
The art of conversation consists in
knowing where to begin, what to' say
and when to stop.
8hoald be In every home. Ask your grocer
for it Large 3 oa. package oaly 5 cents.
Tacitus is praised by eerybody be.
cause he praises nobody.
Are Tea Valag- Allea'a Peet Baae
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, Burning. Sweating 'Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad-
AUen S- Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y.
Like the measles, love Is most dan
gerous when it comes late in life.
utshoot all other black powder sheils, because they are made
better and Iosded by exact machinery with the standard brands of
powder, shot and wadding. Try
W .affiTl
-f7TRK- iBaaaawF " Wt
saw - aaaaaLsBBaf awaaaBBwi BSWBWaawaaaBeawe
.Bwh' aaaawnv
SBBBaaaaaa aaaaaawBSSBaawa
awtjM2sf lisssssM' 3V
Js W m j
' f bmmWfifyl II if
SBBBBaSBaT -!!a- 1 wL -ffs-eawf
a Bw7 yeaaaaawX. '
aawaaaaaae '''y' -
Millions of Mothers
T TSE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cutkura Ointment,
II the great skin cure- for preservings purifying', and beauti
fying the skin of infants and children, for rashes, itchings,
and chafing-s, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dan
druff, and ths stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening,
and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cutkura
Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflamf-ation?,
and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in the form
of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative,
antiseptk purposes which readily suggest themselves to women,
especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those
who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifkrs to
use any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin,
scalp, and hair of infants and children. Cuticura Soap combines
delicate emollient properties derived from Cutkura, the great skin
cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh
ing of flower odours. No other medicated soap is to be compared
with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp,
hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how
ever expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of
the toilet, bath, and nursery Thus it combines in ONE SOAP
at ONE PRICE; the BEST skin and coniplexko soap, the BEST
toilet and baby soap in the world.
Complete External and Internal Treatment far Kvary Humsui.
a a CoaalstiBg of Coticuju. Soar, to cleanse the skla ef ersaaj aad
111111I sealea and aoftea the thickened cuticle: CtmcuBA Onrra-STwa
MIIIIIjIII -TB lasttnUyallayttcBlng.lDflaminatloD.aBd lrrttaOoB. aad -mi- mX
Sr mm heal, and Cdticcba Resolvekt. to cool and cleanse the MomL
Tr1B w)B I Bring, aad aaaalllaUosr skin, eealpjutd bloot
wf hair, when all else falls. Sold throughout the world. British De
Boss. 27 and 28, Charterhouse 8qn Loadoa. rones Dauo aso
Frost, Boston, U. 8. A.
S0Z0D0NT fK A. Teeth a Breath 25!
At all by Mall ffrtlMprkf.
Cwaacteibythe Sisters .of the Her
Cross. Chartered 1855. Thorough
English aad Classical education. Keg
alar Collegiate Degrees.
Ia Preparatory Department students
caref ally prepared for Collegiate course.
Physical and Chemical Laboratories
well equipped. Conservatory of Musis
aad School of Art Gymnasium under
direcHoB of graduate of Boston Normal
School of Gymaasties. Catalogue free.
The 47th year will open Sept 5, 1901.
mrectkess f the ACAKBY,
MMaeUoa to both rider
exua lose aadwUataUMakirt.
adrraattaw-nder. Kaattr caaT-iiai
-aasia wawraiaaf. Look r
niMK-ai. -- nn
lfyoar Stater doeaaethanre Exeat
star Bread, write tot cataleswa.
R. B. SMrrtn a sea, set i
them snd yoa will be convinced.
To Buy the best Is not
always easy. A lavish
display of cheap and
gaudy prexnktffis often
makes a poor article
look like a good one.
With Defiance Starch
ate no premiums, but
you get 16 ounces of
the best starch in the
world for 10c. It needs
no cooking. Simply
mix with cold water
Don't forget it a better qua!
ity and one-third more of it
At Wholesale by
McCord-Br&.dy Co.
and Paxton 6, Gallagher.
Omevhev. Nebraska.
' kar.TR 1
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