The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 04, 1901, Image 1

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    'nN. rx--JwfiS?ss:
ato (fohniunui - Jfflttriml. :M
Ccrpcraricn 05cials Claim, to Eear ircm
"WW ijVir - Sk:
Son-Union Dwaatratioa U a Bis D-conrmslas-
t. Xfce Striker They Claiaa.
Bowtrcr, Tsar BaaJu Are Steady
' PITTSBURG. Pl, Aug. 30. Officials
of the raHIs of the United States
Steel corporation that were dosed by
the strike of the Amalgamated asso
ciation stated today that they- are re
ceiving 0227 applications from former
employes for work. The announce
ment that the company would start the
mills nonunion has. the officials be
lieve, caused a -weakness in the ranks
of the strikers- The strikers claim
that their ranks are unbroken and
strong as ever F
One" of the steel oficials said today . tie people, or the great majority, de
that there was a zeneral mistake be- I sire peace and safety and are doing
in- mad- reardm the time it would & 7 help the troops attain
TV.-., to train inexperienced men and
yWn"- titt! caTiahle of operating 1
miH machines. This has been be-
. VfrMk w j- - - w
lieved to be the
case so Icn that fe j
taka the trouble to prove it
. T. j- .- jr. ,-f h I
,ISZ. it ts iiV U!i4ii.."
saW, to have new men placed in posi-
tks rar will zive them a
chance to
lM-n rh VillKi work and many of
th- men who held menial positions
in"th Union mills are to be taught
-kiPed work with which they are in
a m-asur- familiar through long as-
n-3T4n -rith the workings of the
mills, ft is confidently asserted that '
,. ... ,
V - moir -inthc rtrr IT -Bflll If
possible to produce many new men
and plenty to rr-- all the planis that 1
are idle and which union men have j
refused to take held of. The strikers 1
-r.,.- ; -rm rVc voire to Acconolish .
vf " " j
Reports from all the mills show that j
cteadv sains are being made in the.)
force of nonunion men. The strikers
claim to have induced six nonunion
men to desert the Star mills today
and to have shipped them back to
Chicago, whence they came. On the
other hand. Superintendent Piper of
th Star plant announced tha. he is
, ra ,,
rrlv readv to start up the othe-
nearly .eac. u - f
mfiis in the plant and the men are
. . . ...-.-ts -n
now waiting for the improvements uj
. . .. .ztx T,, r-ho
be completed in the mills, in the
c , . ,
Painter mills the work is progress-
7 . . , M-,-nris n-p
vzz smoothlv and no assertions are
. - ,... j
resorted. New men are being secured,
. ;-,i CT- -?a
though the company officials say na.
. . ., v -, ,.
."- -. i, n chA I
homes cf the
ti, e t-iiii2s vi w-i.
men at wars ana seen. ;a i-iAic ji
t remain from the plant. The last
tw miBs in the Painter plant were
to have been started today, bet it
was found impossible to have them
ready and the starting was postponed
far a few days. Pickets about the
t s-.c"n-"ur'r!Tri--in ulant in Aile
rr claimed to have turned back a
new man today who was bound for
-v nc rT-T thfl!i this there was
-t-l. i -jj-s--.r rrTior in Law-
r-evili- "todav was the successful
sirtm- of the Guide mill in the low-
e- union mills of the Carnegie co
pany. The start
to the officials.
. , ja Q-t-nTfi"2-
cretTT I - - -
.DENVER. Aug. 30. The
A la-imr;
Association for the Advancement Oi.
r- - ,-..-i.,j ,- vi- here to-'
Eight when the general committee,
which is the governing ooc. -
association, elected the following of -
Seers: President A P. Hall, professor
of astrsnomy. Harvard university;
general secretary. D. T. McDougaL
New Yerk 3ocanical garden: secreuiry
of the csoncfl. H. B. Ward. University
of Nebraska.
K jaltr to B Fenced la.
BERLIN. Aug. 3 The forthcoming
meeting between Emperor Nicholas
and Emperor William will occur at
.sea &ZL Dantzig. Emperor vv iTnam re -
maining en board the German imperial
yacht Hohenzoilem during the maneu-
vers. A special railway station has
been built rear the wharf, so that the
kaiser's train may stop quite close to
-the sndge leading to the Hohenzol
lem. The grounds will be surrounded
by a high fence.
jlu the mith to B Th-r.
GUTHRIE Oki Aug. 30. Today a
call was issued for a
Guthrie en October 21
convention in
of all persons
in Oklahoma nam
Smith to e2ect
arrangements for an arjnual reunion.
There are 200 Smiths
m tne tern-
Taft Retarn to Wnaila-
MANILA. Aug. 30. The errii gov
ernor returnee here today from the
mr - w a - -.! - ,;
ICTviucial governments, abolishing the
cumbersome governmental machinery
of thee smaller provinces.
Forto E co Benscc Deeiaiaa.
sicner of Internal Revenue Yerkes. in
an amendment to a recent circular
Telative to articles of merchandise
nrcugnt rrcm r'crto sico, states tnat
such. articles as are subject to inter -
al revenue tax when brought xo the
United States for censumption may
""Is reshipred to a foreign port without
pnyaent of xax. Due socles, however,
.'stcald be filed "by the eoasignee with
tas cauector ox custosss. -
north. e is pieasec - ii cuiiui- j sflaugnessy, aeserters rroHX tne Lni
ticn of the parts of the country vis- t ted States army post at Fort Leaven
itec. During his trip he established f -srirth. Kan. were arrested at Cascade
civil governments at La Union. Hocos this morning hj Deputy United States
(south and north), Abra. Cayagaa. JMarshal G. F. Gastafson of this city.
Isabella. Zembales and 3occt. He 4 The two deserted tcgather Angast 10
forges; shortly to amalgamate the I "n -a-ere caught working en a farm
Hall .f Io
Grow Jmr
mt tmrnTrnm
SAN FHAXdSCO, Aug. 30. Con
gressman Hull Of Iowa, rhar-ma of
the house committee on military af
fairs, "who has arrived here from a.
five months tour of China, Japan and
the Philippines, is deeply impressed
with the possibilities of the new
American possessions in the Orient.
He says:
If I was a young man I don't know
where I would rather so than
to tie Philippines. For a. man of
j brains and industry the islands open
a rast prospect in most every line of
business for one who has the grit to
so there and stick to ic.
The mineral, agricultural and tim
ber resourcesof these islands consti
tute a field of commercial enterprise
that is practically unlimited. Of course
the present conditions of brigandage
make it exceedingly unsafe for people
to settle in the islancs away from the
nmtwrlo" rf the Tnilitarv riosts. But
this end.
! 0f course, it is impossioie to mae
& Anglo-Saxon out of an Oriental,
tfcererore tae iiupino ttiu pronaoiy
"c "" -"-. --
broad sense that is understood by all
term conveys to tne man 00m in
U1- ou-iieu cuiies ui. wiu.r iu.Tiu-
But as socn as he gets 2. sufficient
! ucation and becomes a little more
J impregnated with our ideas and loses
!n:e of the ideas acquired by a 300
rears' association with the Spaniards.
the Filipino will be a citizen in spirit.
patriotism, industry and education and
snll Ho -nrnrTTiv nf Tiartieiratilis to the
to tne
- . z 1-
fullest extent in all the
benents of
this government.
"Of course, we will have to govern
them with firmness as well as with
kindness. I TfrvnV that 40,000 troops
is about the right number to keep
r some years to come."
Kal;ht TempUn Select Btnry BatM
Stoddard o Tex.
LOUISVILLE, Sy Aug. 30. Today
for the first time since the conclave
, z , .
1 Knights xemplar began here the visit-
jcs adTantage
a the pleasure anc sight-seeing ex-
,.-. .
cursicns which have been on the pro
f sram verv da. With no all-absorb-
i- - w- ua-- i . .JT
mg feature to occupy their tune, the
, . - ,
, kniznts a? their women went for
-" "
ndes on the Ohio nver. took excur-
4 . . .
1 sions into the country to see the home
of a-entckv
farms, the battlefields of
lennessee. Mammoth Cave and Cum
berland Gap. These excursions to Ten-
j nessee were made inviting by the low
rates cf railroads and many people
i took advantage cf them,
; The grand encampment today elec
I ted Henry Bates Stoddard of Bryan.
Tex grand commander, to succeed
iSeeben H. Lloyd of California-
Colonel George M. 3Ioulton of Chi
cago was elected to succeed Mr. Stod-
; master.
' rie. vv. n. -ee
Rev. W. H. Rugg of Rhode Island
,as advanced cne rank to the office
of grand generalissimo, made vacant by
tne eieviiun ut luiusi jiuiuiuu.
i : m3 D. JiCiiSii Ui. v-uitoiu.u fa
; elected to strcceed Rugg as captain
' general, while Joseph A. Locke cf
Portland. Me the junior grand war-
, . t-.. ,nir?.a cjanifT" mnH ttnTfart
i -- " - "i "w e -
j xmioil j
B KepmBtd
j in the Deal-
i CHICAGO. Aug. 30. Nearly thirty
nIo. Tnnfarrnrars 0 the United
j 5tates vere sessiori all of today in
. Auditorium apt, discussing
fo a cooijcation of all of the
plow interests in the country. After
the meeting it was given out that the
proposed consolidation was practically
, a sure thing and that $50,000,000
would be represented in the organiza-
ticn when it was completed.
The New York Guarantee and Trust
; company h-a made a proposition to
j g pjof manufacturers to engineer
j t,e dea q- a irge rzajority of them.
it is said, has signified a willingness
to enter the combine. It is under
stood that when its charter is secured
the headquarters will be in New York.
Ooject to Beta? .Adjndz-wi Iaaaae.
ONAWA-.Ia.. Aug. 30. Victor Du-
j bois, a wealthy farmer wno has lived
I j Pairview township. Monona county.
' foj over thirty years, was adjudged in-
sone by the commissioners cf insanity
. am sent to Clarinda. Through his
attorney, W. L. Smith, he has taken
an appeal to the district court cf Mo
nona county.
Fort LrTtorth Deserters Caafhf.
30. Geoixs H. Peters and Maurice
I -m - v . e-
of Peters aunt near Cascade. They
were taken back to Fort Leavenworth
ithis aftemoon-
Talk of Webraaka
DENVER, Aug. 30. The Aftirrinra
Forestry association .completed its
work today and adjourned sine die.
At the naming session Prof. A. D.
. fTnpfrfs cf Morgantown, W. Va, dis-
1 tw -insect Euemi of the Forest
I prodactsJ He gave xaany valuable
mttt ch how to combax the- pests.
.p-. Charles E- Beasey of LfriTn.
Xeh, read a paper on "Twaaxy Na-
tire Forest Trees cf Nebraska. The
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. A bulle
tin was issued by the eessus bureau
giving the school TnP, voting and
foreign-bom population of the states
of Missouri, Montana. Nebraska, Ne
vada and New Hampshire. There are
in Nebraska 3S5.2S4 persons of school
age, between 3 and 20 years. Of this
number 105,042 are native white males
and 101,042 native white females; 8.54S
are foreign white sales and 5,429 for
eign white faTna7 There are S53
male and 928 negro females of school
age in the state and 660 males and
S34 females of other colored races, in
cluding Chinese, Japanese and Indians.
The aggregate males of militia age in
the state is 235,572. of which 179,10
mWvm vtfA 2T CTQ fnnai hira i
, ' , ,w o, I
2.010 ncroes and 23 other eolored- 1
The males of voting age number 301,
009, cf whom-20.S92 are native whites,
90.925 foreign whites, 29S negroes and
976 other colored. Of 301,091 adult
Tn; in the state, 293,703 are literate
and 7.3SS illiterate. Foreign-born
adult males number 91430. of whom
S5.410 are literate and 4,720 illiterate.
Of foreign adult males 54,267 are nat
uralized. 14,372 having filed first nat
uralization papers. 4JS54 are aliens
and 17,537 are of unknown citizenship.
Omaha has 30.5S3 children of school
age, of whom 2.755 are foreign born,
14.77S males aT! 15.S05 females; 28,
751 males of militia age and 34,520
males of voting age- Of the voters
11.490 are foreign-born and L352 col
lit. Cora C.atixns to Show ImrproT
seat la Xott Icllti.
LINCOLN, Neb Aug. 3L James H.
Spencer, observer temporarily in
charge of the crop service, has issued
the following bulletin setting forth the
condition of the crops throughout the
state for the last week:
The week has been warm, with
light showers in most localities. The
daily mean temperature has averaged
6 degrees above normal throughout
the state. The daily maximum, tem
peratures have ranged from 85 to 95
The dry weather of the previous
week continued, except in a few small
areas, where an inch or more of water
fell Nearly all sections, however,
received light showers during the
week, and these have proved cf some
benefit to late com and pastures, and
where sufficiently heavy have placed
the soil in condition fcr fall plowing
All sections are now in need of nin.
The aim weather of the last week
has caused -early com to mature rap
idly. Considerable of the early plant
ed is being cut for fodder in a num
ber of southern counties. Late corn
continues to show some improvement
in most localities.
Fall plowing is progressing rapidly
in the southeastern section; in other
localities the soil is generally too dry
to plow, and this work s beng re
tarded. Reports indicate that a large
or an increased acreage of fall wheat
will be sown. Haying is nearly com
pleted in a number of northern coun
ties and the crop is good.
Schwab Gets Ceatr.1.
M. Schwab has secured the controlling
interest in the Bethlehem Steel com
pany at a meeting cf the beard of di
rectors. Max Pam. representing Mr.
Schwab, arranged for the transfer of
$4,032,000 through Drexel & Co to the
Girard Trust company. The Girard
Trust company is acting as depository
for the stock.
The X. - G. Kaeaatpaieat.
LINCOLN. Neb Aug. SL Old Fort
Omaha has been selected as the site
cf the annual encampment of the Ne
braska National guard. Adjutant
General L. W. Colby issued the order
on the approval of Governor. Savage.
designating Fort Omaha as the place
and September 10 to 20 as the time-
Gor.d by a Ball.
YORK. Neb- Aug. 3L C S. Ed
wards, who lives rear the city, was
trampled and gored almost to death
by a bulL Edwards was driving the
cattle from the feed lot to the-pasture,
when he was attacked in the narrow
lane leading to the pasture.
Stroac a Xctoraaka, Staa.
gam Strong, whose murder by Grant
Crumley at Cripple Creek is the sen
sation of tSe mining regions of Colo
rado, was formerly a Nebraska boy,
being reared by relatives at Wood
SateM. mm tfc. Traia.
George Ulrich. 35 years of age, com
mitted suicide in a closet in one of
the Missouri Pacific coaches e? the
northbound passenger train shortly
before the arrival in this city. The
deed was comfttitted with a 32-caIiber
revolver., the ball entering the right
temple v causing almost instant
death. UMch's home was at Colby,
jtt, where it is said his domestic
relations were unpleasant.
PareHgfct HJ mz Wi
DAKOTA CITY, Neb-, Aug. 3L
As Mrs. John Harnett, living about a
mile south of Hubbard, was preparing
her noosday ttiT she was suddenly
amfrcntad by a man at the door, who
with draw rculcr ordered- her to
remain Quiet while he ntaftirtTt the
house. A thorosgh search cf the
premises secured him about $7. Mrs.
Hartaett save a deseripticsi cf the
tmi Tasx as far he has aot
mm is in
lehmka lepuMkaai at Liaeaix
mate Him an Fifa laBat.
rm lAuors Tt makeacmke
tefc f Trk C
ity vm
Ttetat far Sai
for KcBt
mi t.
For Supreme Judge
S. H- SEDGWICK, cf Toric.
Fcr Regents
H- R. GOOLD, cf Ogallala.
C J- ERNST, of Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Aug. 23. The republican
state convention, held yesterday, plas-x
... ... 1
ed in nomination the above ticket-
State Chairman Lindsay lowered'the
gavel at 2:25 ?" the delegates came
to order promptly. The official call
was read by L. P. Ladder:, acting as
sistant secretary, and Chairman Lind
say then introduced Judge Baker, who
had been selected by the state com
mittee for temporary- chairman of the
Baker addressed the conven
tion at considerable length.
There being no contests, the lists of
delegates as submitted to Chairman
Lindsay were accepted as the accred
ited lists of delegates. L. P. Ladden,
John T. MaHalieu and W. S. Haller
cf Washington were elected assistant
secretaries. On motion of John C. F
McKesson, Chief Justice Narral was
made permanent chairman.
On assuming the chair Judge Norval
said "I appreciate more than I can
Pxpfo?Ti the high compliment you have
paid me and I t" you for it from
the bottom cf my heart. You do not
want me to make a speech; what
you want is to nominate our candi
dates and formulate cur platform. I
?m personally acquainted with all of
the candidates now before this con
vention and I i confident that which
ever one you name will be elected
I ttiV you again and ask your fur
ther pleasure.
Chairman Nerval announced the ap
pointment of the following for the res
olutions committee: J. C. F. McKes
son cf Lancaster. A. E Cady of How- 1
rd. E Rosewater of Douglas, W. T.
Thompson of Merrick, Ross Hammond
of Dodge, T. O. C Harrison of Hall
J. F. Presson of Seward, Francis Mar
tin cf Richardson and C. B. Luttoa of
On motion of N. D. Jacksonof Ne
Iigh the convention proceeded to vote
formally for a nominee for supreme
judge. The first ballot disclosed five
candidates Eames, Calkins, Davidson.
Keysor and Sedgwick- The result of
the first ballot was: Davidson, 352;
Keysor, 301; Barnes. 243; Sedgwick.
295ii; Calkins, 17L Necessary for a
choice, 640. Judge Dickinson, not
withstanding his withdraway, received
four votes, these coming from Adams
The second ballot also failed to nom
inate, the vote being: Davidson, 3S7;
Keysor, 312; Barnes, 221; Sedgwick.
155; Calkin, 14S. Oa this ballot Da
vidson gained thirty-five votes and
Keysor increased his strength by elev
en votes. SecgwicJt lost ten votes.
Calkins twenty-three and Barnes twenty-two.
On the third ballot Madison coun
from Barnes to Sedwick. Bocne coun
ty's twenty-two votes were cnansec
ry also transferred eighteen votes
from Barnes to Sedgwick. Antelope
and Dodge made similar changes. The
vote was: Keysor, 40S; Davidson. 403;
Sedgwick, 329; Calkins, 124; Barnes.
14. Necessary for a choice, 540.
On the fifth ballot Judge Sedg
wick was acrainatsd.
Judge Sedgwick addressed the con
vention as follows: "The court cf last
resort is of high importance in a free
state. It is independent cf either
branch of government. Xo man is
too capable for such a position. No
one could hope or expect to perform
the duties of judge of the supreme
court perfectly. If the people of this
state ratify your action I will certainly
appreciate the responsibility of the po
sition and do all that I can to justify
you in nominating me- Gentlemen
of T"g convention. I sincerely thank
you for the high compliment of this
The roll was then called for two re
rents of the University of Nebraska,
resulting as follows: F. L. Goold.
Ogallala, X130; C. J. Ernst. Lincoln,
L027; Rising. Ainsworth. 505- Ernst
and Goold were declared elected.
J. C. F. McKesson, chairman, re
ported for the platform committee, aad
after debate the resolutions were adop
ted bv a vote cf 99S to 168.
Fmsh at War Peaaitan.t.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. Director
General Fcst s. la charge of the De
partment of Posts in Cuba, was at the
War department today. He stated
that it was exspected the trial of
Charles W. Neeley, ckarged with the
misappropriation of Cuban postal
funds, would begin at Havana about
October L Mr. Fcsnes is here on. a
vacation, hut is consulting with the
authorities on affairs pertaining to
the pestoffice department of Cuba.
ia TJods. Cautr-
FREMONT, Neb.. Aug. . An an
alysis of numerous specimens of sugar
beets giuwui, in this vicinity shows an
exceptionally large percentage of su
gar, with, "a purity also above the av
erage. T
la.. Aire." . WTTFara
nsar TJewitt, was kHi-
by beiag struck by a Milwaukee
1 traia. whe driving
Sxtam. a fanater
as Tt iwl wmn rjumt
SC Iff CwAitlM
Wkkk It Vm
LINCOLN, Neb Sept. 2, 19GL As
more or less controversy has resulted
fro my actios is. graating a limited
parole to Joseph S. Bartley and as
II desire that the public may hare
am intelligent understanding of the at
tending circumstances, I will state
Briefly the substance of the conditions
ftyen which such action is based.
t was actuated in granting a parole,
limited to sixty days, because I had
kftowiedge that after Mr. Bartley's
retirement from office he maintained
that if grveft. a year's time in which
te realize oa his arrangements he
would be able to pay the state every
dolalr due it. The fact in a space of
afecut fortv days after he surrendered
I & nSi- tn hut nrnuanr a talld in
over 1150,000, 20,000 of which was
paid on the day of his arrest, strength
ened both by his statements, repeated
ly made to me, that he would pay back
every dollar of his shortage, and my
belief that if given an opportunity at
this time he would undertake to carry
out his promises, with the object in
view of relieving the taxpayers and
of removing tfrfc painful account from
the pages of the records after four
vears of exnensive litigation from
which not one cent has been recovered
from either the principal or bonds
men. I granted the parole with the un
derstanding on my part that he. Bart
ley, was to proceed to reimburse the
state and in addition was to render
an accounting of the funds lost in
banks from which he was unable to
recover, which materially reduces the
amount published by the newspapers
as having been misappropriated- Hun
dreds of people of various political
affiliations had petitioned me to grant,
not a parole, but a full and uncondi
tional pardon, and among the peti
tioners were many of our oldest and
most respected citizens, but I was un
able to justify in my own mind such
an act and granted a parole for sixty
days only, conditioned as above stat
ed. I have given Mr. Bartley an oppor
tunity to right the wrong and my ac
tion as regards the extension of fur
ther clemency in the premises shall
be conditioned solely upon his compli-
ance with m;
requirements as herein
set forth.
(Signed.) EZRA P. SAVAGE
The Oldest C.auada.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Sept. 2. One of
the men to be expected at every "re
union is Comrade Henry Masterman.
who is said to be the oldest soldier in
the state and certainly the oldest upon
the camp grounds of Camp Lawtoa
last week. On the Sth of this month
he will have been chaplain of Farra
gut post No. 25 at Lincoln for twenty
two years. He was elected chaplain
at the organization of the pest and
has held the position by unanimous
vote of the post ever since. He held
the office of department chaplain for
one "term. He has officiated at the
funeral of 159 comrades. During the
civil war he enlisted in Company G,
Twenty-eighth Iowa infantry, and was
the oldest soldier in that regiment
His son also enlisted in the same reg
iment and was the youngest soldier
in the regiment.
Hoc Maarled by Car..
TECUMSEH, Neb, Sept. 2. The
southbound Portland express train on
the Burlington route run into a drove
of hogs near Smartville. A number
of the iTngT were killed, their car
casses being ground into the machin
ery of the locomotive in such a man
ner that a half hour delay was oc
casioned at this point to give the
trainmen a change to extricate the
WIU Iimi a Geod Cora Cray.
CALLAWAY, Neb, Sept. 2. Com in
this locality is way above the aver
age over the. state, and a great deal
better than was anticipated a few
weeks ago. One farmer, who a short
time ago gave up his com crop, says
that the same field win, since the
late rains, yield from ten to twenty
five bushels to the acre. Similar re
ports come in- daily from others.
Killed ia Wheel, of Thresher.
BLOOMFIELD, Neb., Sept. 2.
While working near a threshing ma
chine west of Bloomfield Monday Wal
ter Clements was caught in the wheels
of the machine and terribly mangled.
His right arm was severed from the
body. He died scon after. Mr. Clem
ents was 20 years old- He was un-married-
Civd War Veteran Dead.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb, Sept. 2.
William Morrow, an old veteran, died
from the effects cf a gunshot wound
received during the civil war. He
served with the Fifteenth Iowa-regiment
for three years, was a member
of one of the companies which, acted
as a bodyguard for General Sheridan
at the famous battle of ShUch, and
took an active part in several other
noted conflicts- He was wounded in
the battle of Atlantic in 1567.
frail Attack- X
CHADROX. Neh- Sept. 2. Three
school teachers from Illinois were
camped Troon White river, west of
town, when a gang cf Italians who
were employed upon the railroad fell
upon, thw without pruvuearion and
severely beat them with shovels and
pfrtaTFi'. One cf the teachers was
struck is two nlaces with a pickaxe-
He was brought to towx in a preeari-
iniTt3f? , asd
-qayPfr, fh-r
sot nre.
? 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 ::: :::::: t ! 1 1 : : : i
Artus A. Henry of Des Moines, la.,
fcas been reinstated as an Industrial
teacher at the Fart Bathold Indian
school. North Dakota.
E W. Carieton, dry editor of the
Joplia (Mo.) Daily Globe, shot himself
through the heart and died almost in
stantly. He was 42 years old.
A monument to commemorate the
fifty-fifth anniversary of the peaceful
annexation of New Mexico- to
the t
United States was unveiled at Santa
Fe. N. M-
President Lcubet of France has con
ferred upon President W. H. Harper,
of the University of Chicago, the dec
oration of the French Order of the
Lesion of Honor.
Montana's auction sale of- three mil
lion acres of state lands will com
mence in Careen ccunty, cf which
Red- Ledge is the seat of government,
on September IS.
Mrs. Louise Sheridan, better known
as Louise Davenport, the actress, died
in San Francisco from cirrhosis of
the liver. She had lived in extreme
poverty in that city for several years
Among the passengers arriving on
the Hong Kong Maru from the orient
was Rear Admiral L. A. Beardslee. U-S-
N, retired, who has spent the past
year in Japan and the Philippine is
lands. The oil developers of Texas are con
fronted with rather a serious proposi
tion in that the Texas legislature
shows a marked disposition to tax
them 2 per cent on their gross earn
ings. B. F. Jossey, United States Chinese
inspector, was accidentally killed at
hsi home in Tucson, Arizona. The
coroner's jury returned a verdict of
death by the accidental discharge of
a gun
All the girls of the bookbinders' un
ion employed by the W. B. Conkey
company at Hammond, Ind, number
ing about 250. struck because their offi
cers who had been discharged were
not reinstated.
The Oklahoma City club has raised
the required bonus guaranteeing the
building of the Oklahoma. City & West
em road. All papers have been signed
anj actual construction of the line will
socn commence.
The board for the selection cf ftar
military instruction camps will net oe
chosen until after the return of Gen
eral Miles from a trip through the
west. General Miles left Washington
last week for Buffalo, and a week
later goes west oa his aaaaal inspec
tion tour.
A dispatch received at the general
land office reports that the total re
ceipts from the sale of lots in the new
towns in Oklahoma to and including
August 24, aggregated $559,427. The
sales were distributed as follows. Law
ten. LOSS lots for S35LS05; Ana larks.
L043 lots for 5179.245; Hcbarr. 1,123
lots for S12S.377.
Tax collectors for the city and state
of New York and the state of New Jer
sey are closely watching the work of
valuing the estate of the late Jacob
S. Rogers, who left the greater part
of his $5,000,000 or $5,000,000 to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is es
timated that the tax on the estate will
amount to $LOOO.0O0.
M. Loubet cf Montelimar. France,
addressed a deputation representing
the municipality of Montelimar and
in the course of his remarks referred
to the forthcoming visit cf the czar
as urovine that in both Russia and
France the union of the two peoples
was considered a powerful pledge for
the security cf peace.
On behalf of the British govern
ment the Rothschilds have just an
nounced the payment cf the coupons
of the Transvaal 5 per cents, dating
from the actual annexation.
r.frs. Amanda R. Hippey. one cf the
Lest known workers in the Methodist
chiirch in the United States, lied of
Bright's disease at Manitou. Coin. She
was a co-worker with Susan IS. An
thony and Frances Willard, a?d en
joyed a TinrfonaT reputation as a 'ham
picn of "woman's rights and of temperance-United
States Collector of Customs
William Hoey was arrested at Nogales,
Arizona, by a deputy United States
marshal for conspiracy to smuggle
Chinese from Mexico into the United
States- His hearing g been set fcr
The abstract of the condition of the
sational banks of Indian Territory, at
the close of business en Jul- 15, as
reported to the comptroller of the cur
rency, shows the average reserv? to
have been 329 per cent, against iL51
per cent on April 24.
David Simon, father of United States
Senator Simon, died at Portland. Ore,
of old age. He was in his S2d year
Robert R. Spencer of Mount Ayr has
v, pir etateaa cf the Iowa re-
publican state central committee for
the ensuinz year.
The Marquis Ito of Japan has aban-
doned his proposed. American tour.
The thirty members of the Kansas
delegation to the national G. A- R. en
campment at Cleveland. 0.. will vote
for General Daniel B. Siskles for de
partment commander.
Suing a former employe for C5.G00
damages on the charge that he spread
disaSecticn artcmg the, ether wsrkmen
and was thereby largely instrumental
in causing a strike, is the latest novel-
- ty ra tne many laher troubles in and
near Chicago
The Northwestern Indemnity asso
ciation, a fraternal benefit insurnnce J
organization- with hearitiaartsra at
LowelL Mag . has applied to the in-
sarance department for nppcintment
-t a receiver to mae cuarge ex its at-
j fairs.
I . - - u , T -i
S Waica Tata. Beta z au. w
f Wi
Wkn Tkfarsty. j O
What is probably the most sragniar !
plant erer discovered has fceeft fuuftd
by E. A. Suverkrop of Philadelphiav
Mr. Suverkrop has for some years
keer& making journeys to South and
Central America, where he has search
ed for rare orchids and other plants.
je a7waT-nS orchid which has now
heeft found by bi- is a plant which
take3 a drink of water whenever it
feels thirsty by letting down a tube
into the stream beneath it. Ths tube.
""Then not in use, lies, colled up am. top
1 of the plant, One hot afternoon Mr.
f Suverkrop sat down to rest beside a
lagoca en the Rio de la Plata. Near
by was a forest of dead, shorn trees
which had actually been choked to
death by orchids climbing cactus.
In front of hiat aad stretching out over
the warm waters of the still lagoon
was a .braac at one of these dead
trees. The branch was ahcut a foot
above the surface of the water, and
rioting upon its decaying wood were
orchids and cacti, the plants which
had caused its death. Here and there
were clusters of the common p!anta
del ayre," and twining all around it a
network of green cacti- Among the
orchids was one different from the
rest, which immediately caught Mr.
Suverop's attention. The leaves were
cf the shape of a sharp lance head.
They grew all around the root and
radiated from it. From the center or
axis of the plant hung a long, slender
stem about one-eighth of an inch in j
thickness and one-quarter of an inch
wide. The lower end of this stem was
ia the water to the depth of about
four inches. It was unlike any orchid
Mr. Suverkrop had ever seen or heard
of, and he went nearer to examine his
discovery. He touched the plant,
when, to his surprise, the stem which
frar been in the water gradually con
tracted and rolled itself up in a coil
on the top of the plant- It was a tube
and as it rolled Itself up it deposited
the water, which had been taken in
by the part of the tube submerged, on
to the roots of the plant. The discov
erer now watched the plant, and found
Tfrt when it was thirsty it let down
its hose Into the water and dipped up
the stream until its thirst was satis
fied, when the tube remained coQed up
like a hese until it was time for the
orchid to take another drink. Gener
ally the coiling process is slow, the
plant drinking like a a gentleman and
taking its time about taking its re
freshment. But if the plant is touched
the coiling process is accelerated.
Traveler la Cairo Vlatrs Retort Where
the Drag- I Smokrtl.
A German physician describes his
visit to a den of hasheesh smokers in
Cairo. Hia gd was a donkey boy,
who could speak German. In a dark
and dirty alley they came to a lighted
doorway. Entering, they passed
through a room filled with men play
lug domincs to the smoking-room.
"Here," says the explorer, "we were
welcomed like old acquaintances. The
room was hiled with smoke of pecu
liar aromatic odor and the smokers
were in a very happy mood- On the
walls were Arabic inscriptions and
pictures of European beauties. In one
eomer was a stone bearing a mass of
glowing coals- A man cut up some
tobacco, another filled a clay pipe bowl
with ir, a third bit off little pieces cf
brown hasheesh paste and laid them
down en the tobacco, a fourth added
same slowing coals and attached th
bowl to a narghileh or water pip
which he then handed to his neigh- '
tor. The pipe passed from mouth to j
mouth, eacn ttt taking a few whiffs
and expelling tne smoke from nose
and mouth.' The German physician
declined the proffered pipe and or
dered coffee. All the smokers talked
and laughed incessantly. Mcst of
them were young or middle-aged men.
Suddenly an elderly "min rose to hii
reet and stood staring at the Soar.
with a vacuous smile. He was a
hasheesh wreck, an imbecile. "He is
a philosopher,' said one of the others.
and a general l3zzh. followed.
A Profaae Interraptloa.
The late Father Petit was one of the
best known priests in the Milwaukee
diocese. It may well be said that he
was a fine representative cf the pio
neer priest. With a wide experience
and an appreciation of the humor of
a situation, many interesting stories
are told of him On one occasion he
was preaching in St- Raphael's church,
Madison, of which he was paster. It
was a fine summer day and the win
dows were open. In an adjoining va
cant lot z. number of boys were playing
a game of basebalL Father Fetit's
sermon was on heaven and me means
of reaching there. He had just come
to the end of a passage. "How, then.
shall we reach heaven? he asked, and
paused in a solemn manner; Just
then came noatmg tnrougn tne
church window in a high-keyed voice,
"Slide like the devfl. slide!" "t was
cne of the boy baseball players Teach
ing a base runner. Current Jtsra-cr-ra.
Adrie. About "WriTias 5tari
In a letter about storv-writinz. sent
T Louisa M. Alcctr to a young au-
ft i . ff . TTT 3
'. pnousneu in iue
Ladies Home Journal, she advises him
to introduce his characters at once, as
that instantly interests readers, and
says of her own early workr "Instead
af describing places or people I plunged
into the heart of my 3tory and opened
rt with a conversation. letting xhs ac-
tors unfold the plot and themselves )
dramatically. From that time my
goods sold weH. and this was the se-
cret in a grt measure. T vrpr? to f
..U.e SUbim UUI.U fcJUU i .l,l&, (UU 1
the art cf taking a very simple event
jt character cf the corr??c and pathetic
that exists in what we call human na
ture. Put your own experience into
your tales and they can't fail to be
3i i us tk. Socp.
Scp may be served on the taa! or
from, a aide table., or brought to the
table in soup-plates. The hostess tsu
ally serves the soup. Ladies" Ebaa
lit OH MtaMte
State Jta.
Bk fci Th. Stats.
Ji Ji w
Ml Cftfcap, NcwYulL
Ast Al Trwrsaf- CssswlrtBSU
Sells Steamship Tickets.
Si 6oc4 Hotes,
sod bclps its ajctcners
O o
the? ecd
Jt Jt
eews am oiasort
umum. -
wm. .uch. vica-
- nuseaa. CMmwn.
cc-c-rb-6-os cr o-f o-r c-r c-c-sc-
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