The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 28, 1901, Image 1

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Eepcra trzn. Steel flans Limeaiea
Etrnrtu cf Ccstencmr Tercet
Aicamat.u oeiai say riai oat-
ce win b Harrii-c-ri to I
Start Taisc Ir Biafci es tao Ci
plalaed Project.
I methods cf using well water for irri-
' PITTSBURG. Pa Aug. 24. A sum- ssstg -purposes. Mr. Dobson is en
mary cf the steel strike situation last I rxvzaziz.z investigations of this sub
night shows about ue following con- -ect applications filed at his
- tion- . office are receiving prompt attenticu.
This city Star Hill Tto mills run- -re stats board of irrigation has
ring; strikers say five more men left jurisdiction over flowing streams only
the plant and. joined their ranks, bu- ( and it do nothing more than as
.maaagement positively denies state- eje- those who wish to use well water
inert. for irrigation Several jolluh ul-sys-
Painter 31111 Four mills running, terns depending entirely upon, wells
Tire lighted in the bar mill furnaces. f or tie water supply are now in oper
ant failed to start as expected. . ation and Mr. Dobson believes sim-
Peuusylvauia Tube Works Mill j'ir methods might be adopted else-
idle; machinists say they will quit to
night. AH Carnegie mflls running fail.
lleKeespcrt Deimar plant idle and
no attempt will be made to start it be
fGire next week. Everything else
Irondalr Mill running with same
f sree as yesterday . 7,-a" two turns
and assurance from th manager that
mare men will b1 added to morrow
Wefisvill. Situation unchanged;
twelve mills running.
Lisbon Fires started in tin plate
plant. Mauazer Evans says everything
ready to start, with plenty cf men.
Strikers voted today to remain out
and the mill is strongly picketed.
Wheeling Everything tied and
no apparent indications of an attempt
te start any of the milis.
Bellaire The National Steel com
pany's idle plant will, it is said, be
started early next week by a full force
o men
No late advices have been received
by the Amalgamated officials from
either 3ay View or Joliet and the sit
uation at these points is considered by
them to be snehaneed.
The conference o' the labor leaders
at th omces of th Amalgamated as
sociation was the leading feature to
day. Tb officials of the organization
aH sinned pleased with the way thing?
'ere movinz and oc of them said;
In another six cays you will see a
oecided chanze in the strike that will
tell wits effect on the mist and aid
in hurrying the final outcome of the
"strike. Just what this change is to
be was net said, but it was inferred 1
that th
commr event hinged upon
the conference that was taking place.
Two sessions were celd by the con
ferees behind closed doors. After j
the adjournment of the first session,
none f the participants would give
out any information of the proceedings
further than to say that the leaders
had been called together for the pur
pose f having the situation thorough
ly explained to them and to have some
action taken lookmjt to the aid c:
the strikers, morally and nnancially,
by all of the orgam
nous represent-
Keportra to Haxe Drelded to Graap the
Bethlehem tel.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 24. A check
.for $4,000,000 is said to have been
received by the Girard Trus. company
te be paid stockholders cf the Bethle
hem Steel company on account of the
controlling interest m the company
en which Charles M. Schwab holds
an opnon. The Girard Trust com
pany is acting as a depository for
the stock. Omcials of the company de
cline to furnish any information con-
deeming the reported receipt cf the $4,
000.000- j
At a recent meeting of the stock-
holders cf the 3ethlehem Steel ccm-
pany it was arreec to sell to Mr
Schwab at the rate cf $24 a share and
he was given an epeen until Aug-
set 26.
The total amount cf money involved
in the sale is said to be 517.000.000-
The reruiar monthly meecng- of the
directcrs of the company will be held
Tuesday and it is reported that Vice
President McHvain w31 be elected
Russian Troop 3Iobmzia;.
g?,r??wTi: z. f.i a dispatch to
the Pent Bleu from Vienna says
According to advices from Galatn.
twenty P-nssian torpedo beats and sev-
eral dispatch boats have arrh
at tae
n-iacrs- 3&i-r n-rii 'RjTssi-i rroons are
commencing to mobilize along the
Turkish frontier.
o-rericn rtne Tocethor.
MSHORE. Prussia. Aug. 24.
"tt:t Edward arrived here at lunch
time and was met at the railroad sta
tion by Emperor William, in the uni
form of a 3ritish admiral, and the offi
cers of the heacGunrters staff. The
yi-Tg- of England wore the uniform of
the Dragoon guards. After cardial'
greetings the sovereigns entered an
cpsn carnage drawn by four hand-1
some horses and were driven to the;
castle, where they had fcmcheau.
lavs State Pair Opens.
DES MOINES. T?g- 24. The Icwa
state faf- which wSl continue for
seven days, was formally opened yes-
tereay. witn. a larger list cf exnibitors ,
than, has been entered upon the books
of the assccatian- in years. Entries
for exhibits closed last night at mid
nigat. The attendance has consisted.
largely of visitors the cpening day whe
are sr31 engaged in arranging their
goods. The program
- -f-nJMaadayi
does .mx begin
Dtt Waatfcar Sfcows to Far
Its Gft
LINCOLN, Aug. 24. The dry
weather of July and the resultant
damage to ersss ia. several sectious
of the state have caused Nebraska
farmers to iistUj renewed interest
in the subject ef Irrigation. State
aaieer Dobson has received many
applications for water rights along the
Platte nver during the lasr two weeks
i and inquiries are being made daily
seller and with good results.
Expcrlaoata In Sanajf Floor Gold at
Hastiac Pro-ras Frnttfal.
HASTINGS Neb., Aug. 24. The
test of Sour geld made at 3nckton
on the Blue river was a rood success
and proved a big surprise to the
Chicago parties -who are here with
their mill for extracting gold. It
was much richer than they expected.
A run was made with 300 pounds
anc me mm nau no Lraum ui
rating the gold from the sand into
the quicksilver vats. The workmen
are compelled to snut down for a few
days on account of some of the quick
silver entering into one of the cylin
ders. J. F. Hoyt. the inventor of the ma
chine, said that yesterday's test was '
a great surprise to all. as it showed
nearly $15 to the ton. This is so
much better than they had anticipated
that all concerned are very much '
elated over the test and axe quite anx
ious to have the mill in good running
Coadition of Xebraaka Bank.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. The ab
stract of the condition of the national
banks of Lincoln, exclusive of Omaha
aad Lincoln, at the close of business
on July 15, as reported to the comp
troller of the currency, shows the av
erage reserve held at 34.40 per cent,
against 37.4S per cent on April 24.
Loans and discounts increased from
51S.5S3.304 to S19.SS3.559: gold coin'
?.a 9 a3 -fiW T-i kIA Tn tT? .ifl- '
totai specie trom i.4.si4 to 4i.uo4.
25S. lawful money reserve from 31.
627 .590 to $1.622.525 : individual de- '
posits increased from S21.51L245 to .
To Fcd Cattle ia Colorado.
SUPERIO?., Neb Aug. 24. C. E.
Adams has just returned from a trip
to Colorado, where he has purchased
.r 5.000 tons of ensilage. This feed wa?
put Ti-p by the Longmont Packing com-
rwir. 'Who OW"T?S the laraeSt SilOS in
' - .
the world. The Superior Cattle com-
' pany will feed cattle there this win-
Por Cattle Stealing.
LINCOLN. Aug. 24. A requisition
from the governor of Wyoming for the
return of John Turner was honored
and an extradition warrant was placed
in the hands of the proper authorities.
Herman is now under arrest in Chad
rcn. He was wanted in Converse
county. Wyoming, to answer the
charze of cattle stealing.
Third Carriajt of Alfalfa.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. Aug. 24. Lex-1
TTgrnr; and vicinity was visited with
a good rain. Plenty of rain, has fallen
within the last few weeks to make 3
third cutting of alfalfa a profitable
cue. Farmers of Dawson county for-:
tanaze enough to have grass land or j
an alfalfa field wQ be well prcvidec I
irirh hay.
i Lisataiar Bar w"- j
! 3r.r.AfrTrL Neb.. Auc 24. me hea.- .
lest ram storm c. the seascn eu cere. xices j- Archbishop Seane are that
accompanied by much thunder and iis fcome-comius -xill de delaved a
lightning. During the storm lightning , ao:::il ore. " He is slishtl-v" indis
struck some wheat stacks belonging j Qsed Germ2T a3d ho
to W. A. xtolmes. burning five of them advised by phjsiciaas -,ot -c eoae
to the ground. ; . after hot 5 The ardl.
.-.- ..
Barn aad Hore Bcrafd
nilUrir- ea au. ;-. in-
large bam belonging to Durvey rul-
ton was discovered to be on fire and i
before the fire depa
lent reached the
.4, -i r t?5 rir
a team cf fine horses, together with a
' large qurmtity of hay. were bumed.
H art While KIdlasrthe Bampcn.
FREMONT. Neh. Aug. 24. 3ert
3rcwneIL a 15-year-old boy at Fre-'
mont. aH a couple cf bones" in his I
right foot broken while riding en the
bumpers at Filger. He was taken to '
his home in this city
Laaxer of braka Wins.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. Joseph
H Langer cf Nebraska has been se-
lected fcr consul at Sollingen. Ger-'
many, and his commission win be is- i
sued in a few days.
Possoaed by a Watermelon.
PLATTSMOCTH. Nelu Aug. 24. A
10-year-old boy named Willie Em
mens. who lives with his parents near
r-is city, was taken violently iH a few
days ago and the symptoms indicated
that he had been poisoned in some
manner. Investigaticn showed rfra-r he
Van pTri a portion of a watermelon
stolen from a neighbor's ysrn and
which contained a small quantity of
poison. Two other boys whe are sonic
of -the melon were net affected.
a sum? OF
11 1 1 (
It I J illl i 1
Mais Ser Predominate in Jecruka and
S"ffgribcrag State.
Taa Stat of
Sariaklad With
CkUiMUd Ja
tag- 3arr ta Caasr.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. The cen
sus bureau today issued a bulletin
giving the population by sex, nativity
and color for Group 5, consisting of.
the states of Nebraska. Missouri, Mon
tana, Nevada and New Hampshire.
According to this statement the
males predominate in all the states
except New Hampshire, Ia the .lat
ter state there are 20S.209 females
against 205.5SS males, the percentage
being 50 J. females. In Missouri 5L4
per cent of the population is composed
of females; in Nebraska. 52JJ per
cent: Nevada. 6GJj per cent, and in
Montana. 5LS per cent.
The percentage of foreizn-bom pop
ulation in 3rf! of the states mention
ed is as fellows- Nebraska. 15.5; Mis
souri. 17: Montana. 27.6: Nevada.
23.S New Hampshire. 2L4.
As to color, crer SS per cent of the
population, both in Nebraska and New
Hampshire, are white, while in Mis
souri 94 per cent. Montana S3 and in
Nevada 93.5 per cent are white. In
the last named state there is a consid
erable proportion of colored, com-
Ml aarl ia tarwaly
5tffi WkUa t
aucao ataka a 8w-
:-rpri5ed maHlv at Indiaa5 d Chmgse
I:, Moi:t2:ia the cajo g comprised
, i,-,- of wj.; chines aai Ja-a-
nese. while in Missouri the colored
element is practically all of negro de
scent. In Missouri there are 15L234 ne
groes. 443 Chinese and Japanese and
130 Indians: in Montana, 1.523 ne
groes. i.739 Chinese, 2.441 Japanese
and 11,343 Indians, in Nebraska. 5.269
negroes. ISO Chinese. 3 Japanese and
3.322 Indians: in Nevada. 439 negroes,
1.352 Chinese, 22S Japanese and 926
Indians, in New Hampshire, 662 ne
groes. 112 Chinese, 1 Japanese and 22
John J. Gillaan. Formerly of Nebraska
Lefislatare. Shot Dai ia Lincoln.
LINCOLN. Aug. 27 John J. Gilli
lan. ex-representauve to the Ne
braska legislature, was found mur
dered on the street at 10:30 o'clock
last nigbt. The body was discovered
lying across the curbstone at Seven
teenth and G streets by Walter L. An
derson, an attorney, who happened
to be passing that way Three shots
were heard a short time before and
two men were seen running east from
the vicinity. Copies of magazines
carried by Mr. GLUilan were strewn
along the sidewalk, his shirt front
was torn down the right side and a
bullet wound near the collarbone and
two others in the breast completed the
story of the tragedy.
me sound of Seeing feet and a cry
f-m ruiacrriin n- tMa. frtw-TTlT-wl
- ' - - "- ""-
to aalt followed quickly after tne
shooting. All his valuables were still
on the person of the dead man. show
ing that the murderers did not have
time to complete the work cf rising
hi: pockets.
Sheriff 3ranson. acting in the ab
sence of Coroner F. A. Graham, took
charge of the body.
Any one of the three wounds in the
breast would have been fataL
Sealer Clears Bis Skirts.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. Captain
Thcmas F. Schley. Twenty-third in
fantry, has made an official reply to
the War department regarding the al
lesed interview credited to him in the
matter of the Schley court of inquiry
Captain Schley says that he has had
no interview and has talked with no
person for publication whatever. He
also says tnar some remarks made by
him in a private conversation were
picked up. distorted and extended.
ArrhbUhop Keaa Kerara..
dxuQCE. Ia Aug. 23. Late ad-
bishop s indisposition is not serious
1 i.u tiiers ii u uiau ibr airva.
Crocker to Sail Ar: S-t-
LONDON. Aug. 23. Friends of
Richard Croker. wbo saw him today.
j assert that he intends to sail for New
! x era. August 4.
Wcrid-Wide Copper Combine.
DENVER. Aug. 23. The News says:
Mining men cf the dry accept as true
the reports that a world-wide copper
combine has been formed and campeti
ticn in buying copper win no longer
be known. The combine is said to
have been effected between the Amal
gamated. Calumet t Hecla. Senator
Clark ari the Roth srh fids. Papers
have been signed covering a long term
of years. The financial management
wfll be in New Tcrk.
Pardosed by the Prcaideat.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. W. R.
Thcssason. a bey- wiio was convicted
in the eastern district cf MT.wjuri of
passing a $20 ccunterfeit silver cer
tificate and en November 1L 1SSS. sen
tenced to be imprisoned ffve years in
the vaniiri penitentiary, was pardon
ed today dt the president. The trial
judge stated that, he imposed a Iang
sentence because he understnod that
the pTisanex's mother desired a loag
l Eentsnce to refers, him.
Flare Wind Storm
ad Trats at
EL RENO. OkL, Aug. 23. A wi4
and rain storm amounting almost to- a. t
tornado nearly demolished the new
town, of Anadarko. W. P. Levis of
WeatherfonL Tex., and John Antone of
Paris, Tex and Dr. Mayse cf Wich
ita, Kas were killed by faWny build
ings and a number of others were in
jured, while about twenty buildings
were almost completely wrecked and
hundreds of tents and great quantities
cf merchandise were strewn OTer the
prairie. The town people are-busy this
Bornisyand soon the wreckage win se
cleared away" and buildings replaced.
The damage will amount to several
thousands of dollars, but cannot be
estimated accurately at this time.
Known, injured:
Sam. PNelsoaV Fin it City,, may-nci-i
Dan Warren, Story county, internal,
but not serious.
Several others were reported injured.
but it is believed none will die. j
The storm struck at asout S o'clock,
and came up without warning. John
Antone was killed in the lodging tent
and grocery store of his sons. located
just west of the postofSce. The post
office building, a rudely constructed af
fair, collapsed and fell over the tent.
Antone's three sons succeeded in get
ting out. but their father was caught
by a large timber and crushed to death. '
W ? Levis was killed in a tent by '
the side of a saloon building being
erscted on the corner of Tenth and
C streets. He leaves a wife and three
children. He was a painter. Dr. ,
Mayse of Wichita was killed in his tent
by an unfinished house blowing down
on him. Dan Warren, a young man.
was injured while standing in a tent
near Levis' place, being knocked from '
his cot by a timber.
Prcaideat of Zeaador Warms Tiatioaa
Keep Haads Off.
NEW YORK. Aug. 22. The follow
ing dispatch, addressed to the Associ
ated Press, has been received from
General Alery Alfaro. president of
QCTTO. Ecuador Aug. 2L War be
tween Colombia and Venezuela is im
probable. The union cf the conserv
atives in both republics with a view
of exercising absolute control has led
to conficts of a transitory character.
The president strongly condemns any
armed intervention in the internal af
fairs of the republics. ALFARO.
Protocol Still Uaaicaed.
PEKIN. Aug. 23. The Chinese peace
commissioners have not signed the
settlement prctccoL Prince Ching.
president of the foregn office, tele
graphed to the emperor requesting
an edict empowering him to sign, but
no reply was received. He telegraph
ed aga:r. today in stronger terms.
Hung Chang has had a serious at
tack of sickness, the result of over
exertion in connection with the con
ferences. He is better today.
Tooat Train Wrecker's End.
JANESVTLLE. Wis Aug. 23. Will
iam Kinney the U-year-oId son cf a
railroad watchman, was sentenced to
day to the Industrial School for Boys
at Waukesha for wrecking a train on
the Chicago. Milwaukee &. St. Paul
road. Young Kinney, who had previ
ously ditched a train by thowing a
switch, loosened the brakes an some
freight cars, which, running down a
steep grade, crashed into a freight
train, causing a serious wreck.
President Another Expo.
BUFFALO. N. Y Aug. 23. It was
announced this evening that President
McKinley. accompanied by Mrs. Mc
Kinley. Dr. and Mrs. Rixey and other
members cf his household. wiH arrive
in 3uffaIo on the evening of Septem
ber 4. They will be entertained at
the home John G. 33bum. president of
the exposition company
I ,
Starts "Prisco Steamers. I
-v TT3 4 VY-Tsr-n r-i . v '
It is stated positively by the Examiner '
that by the end of the present year 1
the Santa Fe company will abandon j
its trans-Pacific steamship line from
San Diego and wti establish an ori-t
ental service from this port, with con-
nectiens fcr Central and South Amer-'
ica. I
3CoTea Tlcnaa's Bedj-. J
BUFFALO, N. Y Aug. 22. The I
body of Senor Vicuna, late Chilean
minister, left for Washington tonight
in a special car over the Pennsyiva-1
nia railroad.
ants Oar Woaara Lawyers.
DENVER. Aug. 23. The general
council cf the American Bar associa
tion has decided that women are not
eligible for membership, in the asso
ciation under the present constitution.
This decision was reached in the ease
cf Mrs. Jane 3. Ott cf Dyersville, lal
who had. applied, for membership. The
council was almost evenly divided en
the question. It was finally decided to
let the matter go ever for a year and
then take the question up agr;
Tera so PWcas by a
DENVER. Aug, 23. A special to
News frcm Phoenix. Arfr . says: The
remains of John McCarty, fish ana
game ccmmisEioner cf Arizcna. who
has been 'ggg for seme rime, were
found in the VrmgnTTa- mountains
near Flagstaff today by a searching
party. He had. been literally torn to
pieces ay a bear,, presumably, that he
had tried to kflT. McCarty was a
proszinent Ariaonian. comins to this
territory twenty years ago.
Pisidest Thinks He Gas. End
Sari StrimT.
BTTSBGB&, Aar. 22. President
Shaffer said tonight that he has well
defined plans to bring tue great strike
to a close. This is to be done by
bringing about such a crisis in the dif
ferences betwesai the steel corporation
and tiie Amalgamated association as
will fore a settlement. Just how all
this is to be accomplished is a mys
tery, but it will not be by arbitration
or litigation. In answer to questions
about the numerous stories going the
rounds of mediation or arbitration Mr.
Shaffer dismissed all by saying:
"We have not heard from the other
side. We have not placed anything be
fore them and know of nobody acting
for either side cr an any side. We are
not hunting for arbitration. Arbitra
tion, representing both sides, might be
worse than the strike itself. Two will
ing champions, one for either side,
might have a worse nght in choosing
a third party and in settling the differ
ences than we in the continuation of
the strike.
"I have told the ether side that, per
sonally. I would consent to disinter
ested arbitration in the hands of such
public men as Archbishop Ireland,
Bishop Potter and Seth Low. Although
I did not. as an officer of the associa
tion, suggest such a move. I was will
ing to advise it."
A squad of non-union tin workers
are scheduled to arrive in Pittsburg at
1:50 in the morning, their destination
being either Demmler or the Star tin
plate works.
Seven strikers were arrested near
the gates of the Pennsylvania tube
works in Soho. When the whistle blew
at 5:30 a crowd of about L500 gather
ed to give a arm reception to any
workers who might come from the
milL None came, but the crowd be
came noisy and the large force of po
licemen on hand ran the leaders, all
foreigners, into the mill office and
called for the patroL
American Federation officials offered
bail for the prisoners, who are charged
with disorderly conduct, but the mag
istrate refused to accept it. The men
will have a. heariugln the morning.
Jfo Developments or Gatas for Either of
the Conteadin- Par e.
prTTS3CRG Aug. 22. The strike
situation was not materially changed
today. The feeling of irritation at
Wellsville has been increased by the
appointment of thirty strike breakers
as special officers to guard the plant
cf the American Sheet Steel company,
and the police here have had to dis
perse noisy crowds at the recently aed
up plants, but there has been no seri
ous trouble at any pomt. It is assert
ed that an attempt was made last even
ing to fire the Monongahela works cf
the American Tin Plate company. Ac
cording to the story told by John
Schuster, general labor boss of the
plant, a pressure gauge was knocked
off of an eight-inch gas main and
burning paper thrown into the place
with the Idea of destroying it with ex
plosion and fire. He says he plugged
the break before the brand was thrown
and saved the works. The strikers in
dignantly deny that they had anything
to do with any plot to wreck the plant
and are inclined to discrecit Schuster's
story entirely.
The promised break in the Carnegie
properties has not yet come. As far
as outward appearances go ihe Lower
Union mill in this city has not been
affected, but the strikers insist that
they have seriously impaired it. The
strike leaders are trying hard to gain
a foothold in the Clark mill, which is
running with non-union men. but that
property, too. seems to be going at
practically full capacity. It is quieter
at Duquesne. but the fight for suprem
acy there is by no means over.
VeyrI Preston of the United States
Steel corporation was in the city again
today and conferred with the officials
cf the Carnegie company. He and the
ether officials are srm silent as to their
plans. The somewhat shop-won. ru
mor of peace has again been revived,
nut the mildest suznestion of it at au
thoritative places produces long and
positive denials.
Drowad io a Taaaet.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 22. Five men
were drowned last night as the result
of an explosion cf gas in the tunnel
leading from, crib No. 2. where the fa
tal accident of last Wednesday oc
curred. The work cf staking the shaft
at crib No. 2. which is five miles from,
shore, was completed yesterday. Five
men were at once put to work digging
a turn0! toward crib No. 2. when the
accident occurred. The bodies were re
covered. 3Settls sacs for St5,et).
LINCOLN. Neh Aug. 22. Andy
Nettles. the colored man reported
Iia.tly injured in the Rock Island,
wreck in Oklahoma the nine of the
recent land cpening. today brought
suit, aaainst the road fcr S5.000 dam
ages alleged to have been sustained
is. that, wreck. He decalres tne ac
cident was the direct result of care-
fr-'fflesB of. employes of the company. L
Nettles says le. was injured in. the
n I nu hA.?r i. -u ' 1-3! n,g ie
ajTUa Sea PaM OS T set
H a B ma! Way.
'lfi ' n .j.. 1 k 1 T 1 WAa1 ' I
tk Wmk !
it lata:
HUMBOLDT. Neb Aug: 27. Hum
bolax people were shocked to learn that
Will Bracelcn. one of the party of for
ms Busters who left here three years
ago for the Klondike had perished in
the wreck of the steamer Islander off
the Alaskan coast. The information
so far is meager, but authentic, and
comes from "Bracelen's traveling com
paaioc and partner. Ed Dennis, to his
brother, John Dennis, who returned
several weeks ago from the gold fields.
The message was dated Juneau. Alaska,
and forwarded from Vancouver August
19 and reads:
"John Dennis. Humboldt. Neb.:
Been in wreck; injured some; will re
main a few days to try and recover
Bnceiex.'s body. ED DENNIS"
The case is a. particularly sad one, as
the young man is the eldest of a fam
ily ot eight children and for many
years was zhe main support of his wid
owed mother. Mrs. Sarah Bracelen. in
the rearing and educating cf her fam
ily. Most of the children are now
grown, however, tne eldest brother
being Prcf. Charles M. 3racelen, last
year principal of the public schools at
Blair, and two sisters being teachers
in local schools
One pathetic feature of the case is
that each morning since the receipt of
the last letter the mother has kept a
warm breakfast fcr the homecoming
of her son and each meming when the
Portland train fr puLed in one might
have seen her out attempting to catch
a glimpse of the returning traveler.
Pares Well Is Distribution of Addltiaaal
free Kara! Delivery.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 27. Superin
tendent Machem of the free delivery
service has concluded the work of pass
ing upon the number cf rural free de
livery routes which are to be establish
ed in Nebraska up to and including
November L The service is to be
equitably distributed throughout the
state, and. according to the figures
made public. Nebraska fares well in the
allowances made as compared with
other western states. Rural free- deliv
ery will be established October 1 at
Kearney with two carriers: at Elk
Creek, with one carrier: Geneva, two
carriers: Waverly. one carrier: Crete.
Gne carrier, and York, two carriers.
The service will go into operation No
vember 1 at Grand Island, with three
carriers; at Minden and Greenville.
-wiTh Sour-carriers ibtst ai-Mail iiiL.
DQier. with two carriers each, and at
Beatrice. Colon. Graftcn. Peru and
Fairbury. with one carrier each. On
September 1 there will be 109 rural free
delivery routes in operation in Ne
braska, with 260 pending apphcaaons.
Rural free delivery win be establish
ed at Yankton. S. D.. October 1. em
bracing ninety-six square miles, with a
population of L533. Simon Price. War
ren Osbcm and L. W. Godfrey have
been appointed carriers.
Land 5al by Union Paeidc.
OMAHA. Aug. 27. Angust sales of
the Union Pacific land department thus
far aggregate 93.440 acres, as against
52.(W0 acres sold m July. The drouth
had a depressing effect upon sales gen
erally during the lastwionth. but the
clouds of doubt have rolled away since
the exact conditions have become
known, resulting in. a largely increased
demand for the lands of the central
west. One sale made recently is that
of 3.S4Q acres cf grazing land in Colo
rado. Freachor Sue fcr DiiMt'
YORK. Neb.. Aug. 27. One of the
last cases on the disaict court rec
ords is frcm 3radshaw. Rev. Harmon
E. Metier, pastor of the Christian
church at that place, asks that C 3.
Palmer and his son pay him IIjPOO
each for alleged defamation of charac
ter. Smallpox ar 3flih.
LEIGH. Neb.. Aug. 27. Two cases of
smallpox are reported two milese east
of town at the home of John Genden
gar. The victims are a son and daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Golen Gen
dengar. They were exposed to the dis
ease at Fremont.
Boy Kasilax for Cattle.
SUPERIOR. Neb.. Aur. 27. C. E.
Adams, president cf the Superior Cat
tle company, closed a deal with the
Longmont Packing company. Long
mont. Colo for 6.000 tons of ensilage.
This is the entire output of the com
pany this season.
Ksitraioa of Land Titles.
LINCOLN Aug. 27. Judge A. W.
Crites cf Chadrou. W. i Hand cf
Kearney and F B. Tiptcn. the com
mission appointed by the supreme
court to investigate the Torrens sys
tem of regisa-atiou cf land titles, wfll
probably make a rnp to Chicago to ex
amine working? cf the system in Cook
county. Judge Crites has been chosen
president of the commission and 3Ir.
Tipton secretary. A report must be
prepared before January 1. 190L
aatco!f Wlanrrs of Land.
HCM30LDT. eb.. Aug. 27. S. 3.
Boost. n old soldier who drew- claim
No. 533 in the El Reno district, has re
armed from Oklahoma, where he se
lected a fine quarter cf land five miles
frcm Hobart. He is enthusiastic over
the new country and will seen, go down
again to take up his residence. He wfll
also work as a carpenter, for which
there is great demand. Vincent. Earek.
who drew 2J32 in the same district,
left to make his selection.
i iz i z 1 1 z i z z iz in z i : 1 1 1
t : 1 1 r 1 :::::::: f n 1
The war department has been in
formed that the damage to the bat-
teries at Fort Morgan, below Mobile,
rroBi me szcrm iasz wees: st mj -
The postoffice department has order-1
ed the lease of the building owned by
J. B. Clark, for use of the postoCce at
Red Oak fcr a term of ten years at
$$30 per anTTm.
The Rev. Handley Carr Glynboule -
Norrisean. professor of divinity at
Cambridge university, has been ap-
pointed bishop of Durham in succes-j
sicn to the late Dr. Wesn'ott. t
Over 2.000 carriage workers were
notified by seven shops at Cincinnati, J
0 that their services are not neededTi
now and that their places would open ,
in Sepsiberras nen-nnion shos-
The American Sugar Refining com-'
pany and aU the independent com-1
panies have reduced all grades of re-
fined sugar 10 points to the basis of'
5.25 cents for standard granulated.
F. H. Crodan has been appointed a '
clerk in the postoffice at Fort Dodge.
W. R. Spence. a substitute clerk, and I
Arthur L. Hayward. a substitute let-'
ter carrier, in the postoffice at Atlan-
Ex-Govemcr William J. Stone.
chairman of the democratic national
committee, wno has Deen seriously uiic . . v-VT
at his home in St. Lcuis for the past! cc-?crCo-r c-r c-?d c-rO'?o-jc-4C-three
weeks, is reported as much bet-
Thd contract for building the Indian
school at Genoa. Neb., has been award
ed to J. 3. Herman of Norfolk. Neh,
at $23,595. The bid for hospital has
been rejected and win be readvertised
The widow of Senor Canovas del
Castffio. the late premier of Spain, is
dead. Senor del Castillo was shot and
kiHed by an anarchist at the baths of
Santa Agueda, at Guesalihar. August
S. 1S37.
The German government has order
ed the cruiser Vinetta. now off South
Africa, to proceed to Venezuelan
waters, to be in readiness to protect
German interests if an emergency;
should arise.
" American coal has ousted British
coal from the Swiss market." says a ,
dispatch from Geneva, "and the Amer
ican syndicate is confident of evenai
ally obtaining a monopoly of the en-t
tfre coal market. '
The second of the new submarine
boats for the navy was launched at
Elizabeth. N J The vessel was named
the Moccasin bv Miss Grace Dav of
'Virginia, sister-in-law of Senator Mar
tin of that state.
A dispatch from 3asse-Terre. Island
of Guadeloupe, says that the town of
Grand 3ourg Island of Marie Galente.
in the French Antilles, has been de
stroyed by fire. The town has a popu
lation cf about 15.600. 1
Wireless telegraphy has scared an- ,
other triumph. This ame the inbound
lined Lucania has signalled the port
of New York when fifteen hours out
and has sent a large number cf mes
sages ashore without errors.
Nelson H. Gates of Nebraska fell
frcm a cliff in Williams canon. Colo-.
rado and was instantly killed. Gates
and familv. who are summering at
Manitcu. were engaged m mountain
climbing when the accident occurred
Julius C. Beige, president of the St.
Louis Shovel company, confirms the
reported consolidation of fiv of the
largest shovel manafacrenng concerns ,
in the couna-v. with a captal stock of
55.000.000. The new company win be
called the Ames Toot and Shovel com-
T' , - , -
The tent of tne Pan-Amencan cir-
cus. which was exhibiting at Port Ar
thus. was blown down by a high wind. .
The tent poles fell upen the audience
and a number of people were injured.
The American minister. Mr Conger
is urging Washington's attention to
the persistent occupation cf Tien
Tsin university by the Germans, who
refuse to vacate- the building Gr pa
rent, thereby preventing Dr. Tenney
from continuing his educational work,
which the Chinese desire him to re
sume. .
Alfred Gilbert, the sculptor, has
been declared bankrupt at Louden. His
liabilities are not revealed. ,
Scitarr Hav will leave fcr Canton
- j
for a general conference with the pres
ident on subjects which have engaged
the attention of late.
Queen Sophia of Sweden is agarr: J
seriously SL
Robert P. Evans of Summerfieid.
Kan.; William W. Gaunt sf Holden
and Daniel E. McCoOum of Bccklin.
Mo- have been admitted ts practice
before the interior deparanent.
Edmaud Audran. the French com
poser, is dead, aged -53 years.
A standing committee of the Ger
man agricularral council has agepted
a resolution demanding the double
tariff system in the case of agricul
arral products.
The story telegraahed over the coun
ar that John CampbeH. the veteran
horseman, known on every western
track, has been offered 516.000 a year
to- take charge of the racing stables
of the czar of Russia, is denied by
Campbell in every paracular.
The 3eriin Lokal Auzeiger, revising
the report that the German govern
ment intends to establish a colonial
army cf volunteers, declares that
Count von Waldersee has been ecu
suited and tsat the project will be car
ried out seen.
President Linhlom of the civil ser
vice commission announced today t't
the entire police deparanent of Chi
cago is to be Investigated. The ses
sion? wfll be open to the prBc and aH
charges brought against the police will
b taycrgs.Tid,
TtK M Mac.
State fiirat
Oldest Baric fcs th SZX&.
J Pjjyj
o 7
t -
teres oq Time
j j j
Ctocap. NewYtrt.
Sells Steamship Tickets,
Stops 6cod Hotes,
mod hdps its customers
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eavicaas a3 2iCToa.
LSaasaa 3aaa3. pais.
wa. aucxaa. vica-Meas.
m. isueu. caauiaa.
c miUT.
j o
A Veekiy Republican
Newspaper Devoted to the
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County of Platte,
The Sate cf
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