The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 21, 1901, Image 1

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Communication With Lnciania Kept Up
for Nearly Fonr Hours.
Fasseagers of Steamer Are Given a 8am
aary of World's Happenings 8I.ce
They Left Queeastowa Several Day.
NEW YORK, Aug. 17. The Cunard
line steamship Lucania, Captain Mc
'Kay, which sailed from Liverpool for
Xew York August 10. was spoken
through the medium of wireless teleg
raphy by the Nantucket lightship
shortly after 6 o'clock this evening.
The Herald shore station, to which
came the wireless message from the
lightship is at Siasconset, a favorite
summer resort on the island of Nan
tucket. On the highest part of the
.village, known as Bunker Hill, is
erected a mast, built in three sections,
with its truck rising 165 feet in the
air. At its upper end is a spar known
, as a spirit or yard, which carries a
vertical wire of the Marconi system
380 feet above the ground. The in
struments which complete the install
ation are in a cottage 100 feet distant
from the base of the mast, and be
tween it and the sea an uninterrupted
moorland stretches for a mile or more.
Forty sea miles away, bearing about
south, the Nantucket lightship is
moored as a safeguard to vessels
crossing the dangerous shoals of this
vexed area and as a point of departure
and arrival for vessels crossing the
northern Atlantic or coasting along
the western seaboard. On board this
vessel a spar has been fitted to the
original mast and from the tip of
this, 10C feet above the sea plane, a
wire is suspended similar to that on
At the Siasconset wireless telegraph
station the instruments near 6 o'clock
this evening recorded ie signals that
were being sent out from the light
ship searching lor Lucania. Finally,
about C o'clock it was demonstrated
that the two vessels were in commu
nication. To make absolutely certain,
their circuit was temporarily broken,
to ask the lightsu.p If Lucania had
been heard from. The answer came
hack that the steamship had been
leached. From that time until 9:40
messages were sent in a stream from
Lucania. There were occasional in-
terruptions for adjustment, but in a
general way it may be said that the
conditions were favorable and that
communication for nearly four hours
was unbroken.
From the Nantucket lightship to Lu
cania was also sent a summary of the
news events of the world that had
happened since the steamship left the
other side.
The following message was among
those received at the lightship from
Lucania and then transmitted to the
land station. It is signed by Captain
McKay, in command of Lucania:
"All well on boaru. We are 287
miles from Sandy Hoon. and with clear
weather expect to reach New York
harbor Saturday. Please inform Cu
nard agents. M'KAY."
Consult With Several Friend Regarding
the Court of Inquiry.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Admiral
Schley, who arrived here' with his
- wife last night, will remain until the
court of inquiry which is to -investigate
the Santiago campaign completes
its work. The interim between now
and the opening of the sessions of the
court, September 12. will be devoted
to his side of the case. Today he
had his first consultation with Judge
Jere Wilson of this city, former Rep
resentative Raynor of Baltimore and
Captain James Parker of New Jersey.
Admiral Schley wil go over every
thing relating to the matter with his
counsel and place them in possession
" of every fact pertaining to a thor
ough and complete understanding ( of
the events of the campaign which are
in controversy. Admiral Schley de-
. clines to talk about the case.
Gatu- T.ttr Violat on ("barged.
DES MOINES. Aug. 17. William
Wagner of Vandalia has been arrested
on a charge of violating the sta'e
game law by shipping quail out of the
state. George A. Lincoln of Cedar
Rapids, state -game warden, has insti
tuted proceedings against Wagner. He
will have a hearing in Justice Dun
can's court in Des Moines at aa early
British Farmers Fear Americas.
LONDON. Aug. 17. There has been
a recrudescence on the -part of the
Irish and British farmers against what
they term the practical monoply of
the London meat market by Ameri
cans, and the Board of' Agriculture
has promised to inquire into the mat
ter. The agitators assert that the
American importers of cattle have so
influenced a corporation in London
which controls the markets that they
absolutely control the trade.
C!oidbnrr in California.
BAKERSFIELD. Cal., Aug. 17. A
terrible cloudburst occurred at Teha
chapi, doing an immense amount of
damage. All connections by tele
graph and telephone are severed and
it is impossible to obtain particulars.
Four or five washouts resulted and the
Southern Pacific and Santa Fc rail
road trains are dtained here until
the track is in shape for traffic Scores
of men are at work repairing the
tanage. A heav jrain felL
Goad Craaa or Faar Craaa, It to Gate to
B. m HaaiaMr.
LINCOLN, Aug. 19. For thirty-two
years past, good crops or poor crops,
the Nebraska state board of agricul
ture has annually presented to the
public at Its fairs the products, re
sources and possibilities of this won
derful young state, the flower of the
"new west," a region of country known
until a few years ago comparatively
as a barren waste. These products
have been found, on actual examina
tion, without superiors anywhere, both
as to quality and yield. This year
corn and vegetables have been badly
scorched in some parts of the state, it
is true, and yet in many other parts
they are good. Small grain was never
The fair management is going right
along with' the fair as usual. Sep
tember 2 to 6 is tye date of the fair
and on that occasion one of the largest
crowds ever on the grounds is con
fidently expected. The management
has improved the grounds lately pur
chased by the state by the expenditure
of $18,000 for permanent improve
ments. The wing of Horticultural
hall, destroyed by a wind storm, will
be rebuilt. A new woven wire fence
has been placed around the whole
grounds, all the old buildings have
been repaired, painted and put in the
best condition.
September 5 is Woodmen day and on
that occasion the handsomely uniform
ed drill teams will contest for prizes
ranging from $25 to $75. Three priies
will be given for the best drilled
teams. There are 40,000 Woodmen in
Nebraska and a host is expected on
that day.
Secretary Furnas announces that the
outlook for exhibits was never' better.
Let the people all attend this great
fair and with their families spend a
few -days' recreation profitably and
State Veterinarian Called Bat Coald Do
Nothing for Taeaa.
PENDER. Neb., Aug. 19. Fred
Smith, a fanner one mile from Fred
Glister's, lost four head of cattle from
anthrax. Mr. Smith did not realize
the tearfulness of the disease and
skinned one -of the cows. He let his
hogs have the carcass and inside of
two hours forty-five hogs were dead.
His big dog ate a portion of the car
cass and died in a few minutes. Mr.
Smith cut his finger while skinning
the creature and when he reached
town his hand was swollen stiff. He
was persuaded to go to a physician for
treatment. The doctor is unable to
say whether he can save him, but the
swelling seemed to be checked some
what before he left town for home.
Christian Kadeavor Conventloa.
The sixteenth annual convention of
Christian Endeavor for the state of
Nebraska will be held in Omaha Octo
ber 25-27. A large gathering is an
ticipated by the 1901 committee. Prof.
Excell of Chicago is engaged as musi
cal director. Father Endeavor Clark
will be at the opening meeting. Other
speakers of note will be present. En
deavorers throughout the state should
plan to be in attendance, as they can
not afford to miss the great treat in
store for them.
1901 Press Com.
Cattle Poisoned by Cane.
HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 19. There
was a wholesale poisoning of cattle at
the asylum for chronic insane. A herd
of thirty-five cows belonging to the in
stitute had been feeding in a field of
corn planted for fodder and as there
was a slight sprinkling of cane
amongst it the cattle ate it with the
corn. Nine cows died.
Slept With Gas Taraed Oa.
OMAHA, Aug. 19. John W. McBride
registered at the Midland hotel and
in the morning was found in his room
dead, with the gas jet turned on full,
the door locked and the window and
transom tightly closed. The man was
a stranger in the city.
Faraas County Fair Caaceled.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., Aug. 19. The
officers of the Furnas County Agricul
tural society have canceled the date
for the annual fair on account of short
crops and hard times.
The postoffice at Michigan City, Ind.,
was entered by burglars, who forced
open the steel vault and steel safe,
securing $80 in stamps and $100 in
Will Build Sew Court Hone.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 19.
The county board has declared the
court house bonds carried, selected the
new site upon the condition that the
offer 'of a strip of. adjoining real es
tate be made good by the donors with
in twenty days and have let the con
tract for the lithographing of the
bonds. Architects' plans will be in
vited at once and the work of con
struction begun as son as they are
Fares Haad Heir ta Fortaae.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Aug. 19.
Herman Kester, a farm hand in this
county for twelve years, recently re
ceived a letter from a law firm in Pa
lataka, Fla., informing him of the
death of a brother there and that
Herman was the heir to his estate. It
coasistsot a fruit farm' and other
property, worth at least $20,000- A
letter fron .Herman verifies the m
portHe wil go south fo view his
f i at ? i --ff . '
Omoeni 8oofw a Yew Mark for Ambi
tions Trottisr Steeds to Emulate,
Caaasploa Stalllea Covers Mile la S:S
1- Befer am Iataseaa. Crowd la
talta of Beceat Illaaaa ta. Akket Aal
mal MakM a Btardy Hhawtag.
NEW YORK, Aug. 16. The trotting
interests of the Empire City have not
received such a boom in a quarter of
a century sa were developed today at
the Brighton Beach track, when un
der the auspices of the New Yorl:
Trotting association the champion
stallion and champion gelding. Cres
ceus and The Abbott, came together
for a purse of $12,000. The Abbott,
with his record of 2:03 of last sea
son, and Cresceus, with his mark of
2:024, made at Columbus, were to
decide the question of which was the
one to go down in history as the fast
est trotting horse now living.
There was a larger crowd present
than ever seen on a New York trot
ting track. The grand stand was sim
ply packed and this despite the fact
that reserved seats with admission
cost $4, while boxes holding four per
sons were all disposed of at $30 each
In addition to the regular admission.
While the seating capacity is but 3,500,
It was undoubtedly a fact that close
to 5,000 persons were jammed into the
Every available space between the
stand and the track was packed to
its utmost capacity, and the paddock,
infield and cheaper 'admission field
contained a legion of people. It was
estimated that fully 15,000 people were
present The weather was simply per
fect for the great trial and the track
was like velvet, though probably a
second slow. Several times during
the afternoon both horses put In some
preliminary work, and each time they,
passed the crowd there was great en
thusiasm. Coming down the stretch it was a
battle royal, with The Abbott very
close up, but Cresceus with his bull
dog grip kept on with nostrils ex
tended and just managed to beat his
opponent .by a half length in 2:03,
the world's trotting record in a race.
To say that the announcement cre
ated tumultuous applause only faintly
conveys the meaning of the expres
sion. A little over half an hour had ex
pired when the two grand horses came
out for their second trial and were
started under the same conditions that
existed in the first heat -They were
sent away beautifully, but The Abbott
had not traveled a hundred yards be
fore he made a disastrous break and
before he could recover his gait Cres
ceus was in front The Abbott, once
settled, made a grand effort to over
take his opponent but the son of
Robert McGregor was out for victory,
and kept on, passing the quarter in
31 seconds; the half in 1:02; the
three-quarters in 1:35, and came rush
ing home the last quarter in 31 sec
onds, doing the mile in 2:06. with
The Abbott back of the flag.
As the race was best three in five,
Ketcham consented that Cresceus go
another heat. This he did shortly be
fore 5 o'clock, accompanied by a run
ner for the first half, where he was
joined by another runner, and he did
the mile in 2:05, the quarter in: 30,
the half in 1:01, and the three-quarters
in 1:34. ,,
CoatailMloa Has aa Basjr Task.
MANILA, Aug. 16. The United
States Philippine commission was pre
vented by the weather from landing
at Iba, province of Zambales, and ar
rived at San Fernando, province of
Union, today. The commissioners met
with an enthusiastic reception.
Joaquin Oriegas has been appointed
The residents of the province are
unanimous as to the advisability of
establishing a civil government in
that district
Theataaoa la Coavleted.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Fourth
Assistant Postmaster General Bristow
has received a cablegram from In
spector General of Posts in Cuba Fos
nes stating that the trial of E. P.
Thompson, formerly postmaster at Ha
vana,, has been concluded and Thomp
son convicted. He was sentenced to
pay a fine of $400 or serve six months
in prison. Thompson was accused of
causing' to be issued money orders in
his own behalf.
Caaal Baslaeaa Closed Vp.
LONDON, Aug. 16. In the house of
commons, Mr. Perks (liberal) sought
information regarding the course of
the Nicaragua canal negotiations, but
the under secretary of the foreign of
fice. Lord Cranborne, was only able
to confirm the dispatches of the As
sociated Press on the subject He said
that unofficial communications were
passing between Washington and
London, through Lord Pauncefote, but
no formal reply was received.
Call aa the Prealdeat,
CANTON, O., Aug. 16. Ex-Senator
Thomas H. Carter of Montana, presi
dent of the St Louis exposition com-i
mission, and ex-Governor Francis of
Missouri, chairman of the board of di
rectors, arrived here and called on the i
president It was understood that they
officially requested the president , to
issue a proclamation inviting the na
tions of the world to participate in
the exposition. This he will bo doubt
do shortly.
fceadar at Iasargeata la Fravlaee at B
taag-aa Barreaders.
, MANILA, Aug. 16. Second Lieuten
ant Walter S. Grant of the Sixth cav
alry, while .scouting with a detachment
near Taal, Batangas province, has,
made what the military authorities:
consider to be tha most important cap?
lure since Aguinaldo wu made pris
oner. Grant captured Colonel Martia
Cabrera, his adjutant and six other
insurgents. Cabrera had been grow?
ing in power for some time. He con
trolled all the insurgents in southern
Batangas and also those west of the
city of Batangas. .v ,
Colonel Panganiban, a captain and
twenty men, with twenty-six rifles and
considerable ammunition, have sur
rendered to Lieutenant Smith of the
Twentieth infantry near Luzon. They
formed a portion of General MalvarS
command. After taking the oath of
allegiance they were released.
Captain Policarpio, a lieutenant and
five men from the Sixth company of
Malvar's command also surrendered
to Colonel Baldwin, refusing at the
same time payment for their rifles
and revolvers, saying that they sur
rendered for peace and not for money.
Lieutenant Evans reports that he
has not seen or heard of any insurg
ents recently on the island of Min
doro. He reports the burning of a
camp, however, and succeeded in cap
turing thirty tons of rice. He says
the people in the valley of Rjan re
side in the fairest farming country of
the islands. The district is thickly
settled and plentifully supplied with
cattle and rice.
General Chaffee is greatly pleased
by these accounts from the province
of Batangas and the Island of Min
Three Taeasand Jell.t Workatea Vet.
to Obey Shaffer Order.
JOLIET, 111., Aug. 16. The four
lodges of the Amalgamated association
employes of the Illinois Steel company
at the Joliet mills by a unanimous vote
decided to obey the strike order of
President Shaffer. The conference was
in session from 3 o'clock in the after
noon to 9 o'clock at night before the
decision was reached.
The steel mills were closed at nobn
to enable the members of the associa
tion to attend the meeting which was
called by National Assistant Secretary
Tighe after his arrival here. He was
accompanied by Vice President Davis
of the Fourth district Both men
presented the side of the association
to the local members. It was argued
that in order to secure the organiza
tion of non-union workers in the east
it was essential that the western men
would have to join the strike move
ment Mr. Tighe also appealed to the fealty
of the men to the association. He
urged them to be men and stand by
meir union, mis remarics were re
ceived with enthusiasm and caused the
vote that followed.
This action will close the entire
steel plant here, throwing out of em
ployment nearly 3,000.
Rebels Are GradaaUy Cloaiar la en that
City and Coloa.
KINGSTON, Jamaica. Aug. 16. The
British steamer Darien has arrived
here from Colon and brings reports
of heavy fighting Monday on the out
skirts of Panama and Colon. The reb
els were steadily advancing on the
towns proper. A large number of men
had been wounded.
A large number of wounded men
belonging to the government troops
were taken to Colon Monday. This is
regarded as an indication of the per
sistency of the rebel attacks. The
converted cruiser Namouna has been
found practically useless, owing to the
bulging attempts to mount heavy guns
on her.
The Darien brought forty passengers
who were obliged to leave Colon in or
der to escape the danger and to avoid
conscription. The British consul at
Colon has entered a protest against
Jamaicans being compelled by the
Colombian government to fight against
the rebels.
Power Have Sift-aed Protocol.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Chief
Postoffice Inspector Cochran was no
tofied by telegraph that Inspector
Houck of the St Louis division ha3
caused the arrest of Walter Strat
um for complicity in the holdup of the
Missouri, Kansas A Texas train on
Wednesday morning near Caney, I. T.
Stwbba Place Shaataker.
Stubbs has selected T. M. Schumaker
to be traffic manager of the Oregon
Short Line. This is the first of the
prominent appointments that Mr.
Stubbs has made since he took traffic
management of the Harriman lines.
Mr. Schumaker had the general freight
agency of the Union Pacific on the
coast and will in all probability be
succeeded by Chas. Clifford, general
agent of Union Pacific in Cincinnati.
Sticama P.rsae Hiaa.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug 16. GoV.
Yates accepted the resignation of C.
H. Payson of Watseka as a member
of the state claims commission. Pay
son was appointed by the governor a
week ago. Records in Kansas show
that Payson was for eighteen months
an inmate of the Kansas state peni
tentiary, having been sentenced May
13, 1880, in Cowley county, for de
frauding Mrs. Lena McNeil, and was
pardoned by Governor St John.
Wttttrn Amalgamated Lodges Berating
to Quit Work Axe Disciplined.
ye Mace They Oleehey Bias KxeaUlea
Mast FoUow They Wea't agree,
Theefh Their Aid Was Expected la
Crlaallac MUte.
CHICAGO. Aug. 15 There will be
no strike of the employes of the steel
mills in South Chicago. This point
was settled last night when the men
refused to reconsider the action taken
Saturday night, at which time they
decided to stand by their contracts
with the mills and refused 'to join
the strikers. After they had declined
to reconsider. Assistant Secretary M.
F. Tighe, of the Amalgamated asso
ciation, who came to Chicago with the
intention of securing a revocation of
the action of Saturday nignt, if pos
sible, declared that he revoked the
charters of both lodges of the Amal
gamated association in the South Chi
cago mills and declared the men out
side the organization. The men greet
ed his announcement with laughter
and cheers. Mr. Tighe arrived in the
city Wednesday and spent the day ar
ranging for a secret meeting of the
two lodges of the Amalgamated asso
ciation to be held last night The
men gathered at the appointed time,
but there were so few of them in the
hall that the end of the matter was
a foregone conclusion. By far the
greater number of the members of
the two lodges had gone to work in
stead of coming to the meeting and
only a handful was present. Mr. Tighe
made a long address to the men, giv
ing them the story of the strike from
the standpoint of the Amalgamated
association and asking them to help
the men in the east by quitting the
mills in South Chicago. Several
speeches were made by the local mem
bers of the association in reply to
Mr. Tighe, the general trend being
that the men considered themselves
bound by contracts with their employ
ers and that they did not think that
it was their duty to turn their backs
on these contracts at the bidding of
the association. At 11 o'clock a vote
was taken on the question of recon
sidering and by an overwhelming ma
jority the men refused to reopen the
question. Mr. Tighe then announced
that the charters of both lodges were
revoked and the meeting dissolved.
After leaving the meeting Mr. Tighe
expressed himself as greatly disap
pointed at the action taken this even
ing and said that be will go to the
Bayview mills at Milwaukee and also
to those at Joliet He will repeat the
program at these places, explain to
the men the causes of the strike and
if they then decline to reconsider their
action in refusing to join the ranks
of the strikers he will declare the
charters of all their lodges forfeited
and rule the men out of the associa
Carr Say Volaaie Haadled Ha Iacreased
a Haadred Per Cent.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. G. W.
Carr, assistant superintendent in
charge of the railway mail service in
Hawaii, was in conference with acting
Postmaster General Shellenberger to
day. He says the volume of mails in
Hawaii has increased fully 100 per cent
since the American regime began.
Save for himself, two inspectors and
three clerks from San Francisco, the
entire Hawaiian postal system is ad
ministered by resident officials and
employes. The postmasters through
the islands, besides the native Hawa
lians and the Americans who were
there before the American regime was
installed, include English, German,
Portuguese and other nationalities.
Maker of Bad Money Canght.
TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 15. Hreman
Johnson, an employe of a local print
ing firm, was arrested yesterday,
charged with making small coins of
less than $1 denomination. The pris
oner confessed and informed the offi
cers where the moulds and dies could
be found on East Twelfth street
Lyttleloa Maeceeds Kitchener.
LONDON. Aug. 15. The Daily Mall
reviving speculation as to the date
of Lord Kitchener's return from South
Africa and as to his successor, says
it understands that he will return to
England about the middle of next
month. Lieutenant General Lyttleton
assuming the chief command.
Arisoaa Get Well Soaked.
EL PASO, ex., Aug. 15. All the
southern portion of Arizona has suffer
ed from high water for weeks and the
destruction of property, especially of
railroads, has been enormous. The
Southern Pacific and the smaller mi
nor roads have suffered many wash
outs. The "Burro" road, running
from Benson to Nogales, has been un
fit for use for several weeks and near
ly every day fresh floods destroy parts
of the tracks. Repairs are being made.
Barg-Iar Caught la the Act.
MILLERSBURG, O., Aug. 15. An
attempt was made to rob the James D.
Adams bank here this morning and
the robbers are now surrounded in a
strip of woods fifteen miles west of
here. The burglars were heard at
work by Dal Shoup, who lives next
door. They took flight in two rigs,
stolen from a farmer. They were lo
cated this morning and a part of Com
pany I, Eighth Ohio National guard.
mas gone to assist in their capture.
Stata KagJaeer Dobsoa Flgare It Worth
to Nebraska Laad.
LINCOLN, Aug. 1?. State Engineer
Dobson has issued a report which will
convey to the public an accurate idea
of the Importance of irrigation in
Nebraska. Figuring on a conservative
basis he estimates that the increase in
land value, due to irrigation alone,' is
not. less than $16,988,000. There are
3,924 miles of irrigating canals in the
state, constructed at an estimated cost
of $4,773,984 and covering 1.698,831
acres of land.
The report shows the irrigation in
each county and is as follows:
S 63 a
x a
3 a j3
a a
x r e-i
: . s
. - - X
: : o
Antelopa .. 1.2$ 1.2CO 21a $ 2.130
Box Butte. 25.8 12.920 6.7G0 67.600
Blaine .... 115.0 152.C25 62,510 625.100
Buffalo ... 34.0 20.;92i 15.34-1 153.440
Boyd 4.8 3.600 663 6.630
Banner ... 12.3 1.53S 1.160 11.600
Brown .... 24.9 6.166 5.390 55.900
Boone 4.5 l.:00 230 2.500
Chase 73.2 31.146 12.685 126.830
Cheyenne . 24S.1 213.636 96.448 964.1S0
Clay 3 73 70 700
Cuming ... 5.0 11.334 1.S00 18.000
Custer .... 52.S 42.899 16.590 163.900
Cherry .... 93.0 43.S59 19.122 191.220
Colfax ....j 6.0 2.300 2.000 20.000
Dundy .... S7.7 23.177 ll.SOi 118.040
Deuel 2S5.6 474.03C 105.6S3 1.036,850
Dawson .. 211.3 331.927 19S.1S0 1.9S1.R00
Dawes .... 274.1 138.003 53. ISO 531.906
Douglas .. 29.0 33;400 19.341 191.410
Franklin .. 7.5 3.096 785 7.S30
Furnas .... 43.0 40.5S2 12.490 121.900
Frontier .. 5.0 490 100 1.000
Garfield ... 23.7 17.502 21.000 210.000
Hall 9.0 11.000 12.6001 126.000
Hltchcok . 90.S 30.921 22.937 229.570
Harlan 5 90 160 1.603
Holt 69.7 76.292 33.294 332.940
Howard .. 61.0 83.000 95.6S7 956.S70
Hayes .... 111.2 209.230J 16.210 162.103
Keith 172.0 87.696 30.230 502.300
Kimball .. 31.3 10.405 2.393 23.930
Kearney .. 33.7 S.369 3.400 34.000
Keya Paha 74.7 18.2S2 6.462 64.620
Lincoln ... 3S5.8 578,833 210.345 2.105.430
Lancaster .3 430 50 50t
Logan 5 50 26 260
Loup 63.3 67.905 2S.310 283.100
Nance 201.5 240.400 123,225 1,232.230
Otoe 3 222 40 400
Platte .... 82.3 30.100 2.493 24.930
Polk 1.0 100 60 600
R'd WlH'w ' 28.1 22.203 7.345 75.450
Rich'dson .7 150 80 SOO
Rock 13.7 1.7391 695 6.950
Scotts B'fLl 33S.8 1.233.966 239.910 2.399,100
Saunders . 73,0 22.950 26.150 261.500
Saline 13.0 11.140 6.363 63.630
Sioux 154.8 47.601 14.633 146.330
Sheridan .. 15.2 5.613 SIS 9.1S0
Thomas .. 57.0 15.620- 6.300 63.000
Valley .... 110.0 293.5051 208.SSS 2.0S8.8SO
Wheeler .. 33.3 52.CO0I 12.1761 121.760
York 5 223 40 400
Totals ... 3.921.3;W,773.9S4!l.698.S3i!$16,98S.310
Chrlstiaa Eadearor Coaveatloa,
The sixteenth annual convention of
Christian Endeavor for the state of
Nebraska will be held in Omaha, Oct.
25-27. A large gathering is anticipat
ed by the 1901 committee.
Prof. Excell of Chicago is engaged
as musical director. Father EnOaavor
Clark will be at the opening meet
ing. Other speakers of note will be
Endeavorors throughout the state
should plan to bs in attendance as they
cannot afford to miss the great treat
in store for them.
1901 Press Committee.
Deales Pardoa for Tralawreeker.
LINCOLN, Aug. 17. An application
for the pardon of George Washington
Davis, the colored man who was con
victed here in 1891 of wrecking a Rock
Island passenger train, was denied by
Governor Savage. On the petition,
which was signed by a large number
of Lincoln professional and business
men. Governor Savage made the fol
lowing entry: "This case thoroughly
investigated. I believe the party guil
ty of the crime as charged and there
fore deny the application."
Falls to Retara Team.
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 17. An im
posing looking man, with a dark Prince
Albert coat and light trousers, hired a
rig of August Jens for a few hours'
drive around town and has not yet re
turned with the team. The horses
were sorrels and the buggy a light one
with red running gear. The officers
have no trace of the team or the man.
He was 35 years old and of clerical or
professional appearance.
Llacola Girl Elected Director.
BALDWIN, Kan., Aug. 13. Miss
Ada G. Heaton of Lincoln, a graduate
of the University of Nebraska, has
been elected director of the Woman's
gymnasium at Baker university, the
Methodist school here.
Month Oaaaba Cattle Company.
LINCOLN. Aug. 17. The Vinta
Hereford Cattle company of South
Omaha filed articles of incorporation.
The capital stock is limited to $15,
000. The incorporators are: A. F. M.
Laughlin and George Harvey.
Cattle Poisoned by Cane.
HASTINGS, Nb., Aug. 17. Several
cattle were poisoned at the asylum
for the chronic insane. A herd of thirty-five
cows belonging to the institute
fed in a corn field planted for fod
der and as there was a slight
sprinkling of' cane amongst it the cat
tle ate it withjbe corn. Nine cows
were dead. A veterinarian was call
ed as soon as the cows showed symp
toms of poison, but he could do noth
ing to relieve them.
Celebrates Goldea Weddlac
BLAIR, Neb.. Aug. 17. Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Arndt entertained over 175
of their friends it the opera house on
the fiftieth anniversary of their wed
ding. They were .married at Bremen,
Germany, on the eve of their depart
ure for America. They came to Cin
cinnati, Ohio, where Mr. Arndt engag
ed in the' manufacture of cigars. He
came to Blair in 1871 and followed the
same business until about eight years
ago, when he retired.
Tweed Rcsaoaslal far th Tiger.
Th origin of the tiger as an em
blem of Tamwanr is said by W. C.
Montayne. a coffee and spice dealer
!n New York, to date from the time
when William M. Tweed, then fore
man of "Big Six" fire company, took
a fancy to a picture of a royal Bengal
tiger in his father's store in th TJOs.
Tweed adopted the emblem for the
Aracricus club, and it soon was accept
ed Ty all Tammany. Tweed had the
tlgtr's head" woven in the centar of the
pailor taiBet of the Americus club in
Its sportv club house at Greenwich.
Conn., and it was painted on the old
Band engine of Big Six.
- -
Pardeaable Krasloa.
Some evasions of the inheritance
tax law can hardly be regarded aa
wholly unpardonable. General Di
Cessola, of the New York Metropdli
tan Museum of Art, says that Mr.
Charles R. Curtis informed him some
time ago that he had made provision
in his will for a bequest of flO.OOO
to the museum. Lately Mr. Curtis
called again and saitf: "General, . I
don't think I will leave you that $10,
000. I will give it to you in cash. The
inheritance tax will take up 1.500 or
$2,000 of it, and you will not get the
benefit of the whole amount if I leave
It to you in my will." And he handed
over the cash.
Tot Womea Troobles Toe.
New Baden, 111., August 12th: Mrs.
Anton Grlesbaum, Jr., has been very ill.
Female weakness had run her down so
low that she could not do her house
work. She had tried many things, but
got no relief.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, a new remedy,
which is better known here as a cure
for Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Dropsy,
and Rheumatism, worked liked a charm
in Mrs. Griesbaum's case. She used
three boxes and is now a new woman,
able to do her work as well as ever she
was. Her general health is much im
proved, and she 'has not a single symp
tom of Female Trouble left.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are making a
wonderful reputation for themselves in
this part of the state.
A Governor's Vet.
Governor Odell, of New York, has a
pet water spaniel of which he is very
fond. The dog is well trained, and
among other tricks will pounce upon
a lighted match and extinguish the
flame by blowing on it as a man does.
I do aot believe Piso's Cure for Conramptioa
has aa equal for coughs and colds. John T
Botkr, Trinity Springs. Ind., Feb. 15, WOO.
Accuracy is the twin brother of hon
esty, inaccuracy is dishonesty.
ladles Caa Wear Shoes.
One size smaller after usingAllen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new
shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot.sweating,
aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and
bunions. All druggists and shoo stores,
25c Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Heven bless women for not beins
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
When the fight begins within him
self a man's worth something.
Stat or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, ,
Lucas Countt. f
Frank J. Cbeney makes oath that be Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said linn wilt pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
aured by the use of Ball's Catarrh Cure.
Strom to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this Cth day of December. A. D. 18S&
(Seal.) a. W. o REASON.
Notary Public.
Ball's Catarrh Cure Is talcen internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surface
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, X
Sold by Druggists, TTic
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The life of the son reveals the love
cf the father.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co.. Chicago,
sends song book and testimonials for
stamp. Get Wizard Oil from your
Abyssinia was converted to Chris
tianity in the fourth century.
A False Impression Corrected Fan
American Exposition Railroad Fare
and Hotel Rates Low as Could be
Buffalo, N. Y., July 30. A joint
meeting of railway passenger agents,
hotel and newspaper men was held
this afternoon with the view of adopt
ing some means for correcting so far
as possible the impression that ap
pears to prevail at distant points that
railway rates to the Pan-American Ex
position are high and that hotel rates
in Buffalo are excessive. The confer
ence revealed the fact that Buffalo can
accommodate two hundred thousand
visitors in its private houses and hos
tels at rates ranging from fifty cents
to two dollars per night, and that, no
one need pay more than one dollar
for a first-class lodging in a private
house. It was also shown that the
railroad rate is lower than for any
former exposition for a five, ten or
fifteen day ticket, according to dis
tance, being at the rate of one fare
plus one dollar for the round trip,
from all parts of the country. The
Niagara Falls cheap, one-day special
excursions of former years, when
trains were overcrowded and everyone
subjected to great discomfort, are re
membered only so far as the low rate
is concerned, and this is quoted as
showing what might be done. The
passenger agents assert that the pres
ent half rates are as low as can rea
sonably be expected. An extension of
the present limit has been looked for,
as it gives too short a time for anyone
to see the big exposition, but it has
not yet been modified. Other points
which the representatives of the pub
lishers' association will lay stress
upon are that the Exposition is com
pleted in all details and that both
Buffalo and the Exposition are well
policed and as free from dangerous
characters as any city in the country.
A joint committee was. appointed to
deal with, questions affecting the Ex
position and the proper welcome and
care of guests. The Exposition has
had in operation for some timo a free
bureau of information for the conve
nience of intending visitors.
Affliction and physic should be
Judged by the effect rather than by the
The man with but a single idea al
ways has ah exalted opinion of him
Isrv wTC sKNawarre
State IBank
Oldest Bank in the Stata.
& Pays Interest on Time
Deposits i
Makes Loans '
o . c
I Onafea. CMcift, New Ytt k.
S Aa1 AM ForeJfsi Castries.
o Sells. Steamship Tickets.
I giys (Bood Hotcst
and htJpa its customers o
when tiey need bcttxA
U ' S
q oppicbmIand DtniOTOMS.
& taaMoan sirra?. pnis. o
5 m. a'auoaaa. oasHian.
O v
A Weekly Republican
Newspaper Devoted to the
Best Interests of X v
County of Platte,
The State of
United States,
and the
Rest oi Nukial
The Unit of Measure with
Us is
per Year, if Paid in Advance.
But ovr Limit of Usefulness is not
Circumscribed by Dollars
aad Cents.
Sample Copies Sent free to
any Address.
Coffins and Metallic Cases.
Repairing of all kinds of Upholstery Goods.
Columbus, Neb.
M llWas
is prepared to Furnish Any
thing Required of a
sSSaaasl saaaaaaaala P aaaaaaaassf
1 16 I
1' 4
.. a
. A. I
- v
V ,