The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 07, 1901, Image 1

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Lawtn, Otis., Amuat Bratd Propor
tiM in Single Day.
Taey Flock Id rrom El Keao After Laad
Letter? is Concluded Foar Hsadr.4
Baslaess nsBiti, Bank and Newspaper
la the List of Katerpr.scn.
PORT SILL. Okl.. Aug. 3. A town
Of 10.000 people, to 1e known as Law
ton, has grown up Just outside the
fort limits within a night. Following
the close of the land lottery yesterday
at El Reno thousands or home seekers
w ho drew blanks started for the three
pontg. pjgked ojut by the federal gov
ernment for town sites in the new
country, namely Anadarko, Houart and
Lawtpn. A majority of the people fa
vored Lawton, which is twenty-five
miles inland, and tonight thousands
are camped in and about the proposed
townsite awaiting the sale of lots Au
gust G.
Already Lawton has 400 temporary
business houses, including a grocery
firm and a newspaper, and three streets
have been laid out. A national bank
has been projected. Every form of
gambling known on the frontier is
being ran wide open, side by side with
fake shows of various kinds, and to
add to the picturesque scene 1,000
Comanche Indians hae pitched their
tents nearby.
EL RENO. Okl., Aug. 3. After the
last of the 13.000 names were drawn
from the wheels last night the great
boxes containing the 134.000 names of
unlucky applicants were taken to the
school house. There the work of
drawing was continued, but no record
other than numbering the envelopes
and notifying the owner of the name
therein is being made.
It is thought no less tnan 20.000
names a day will be drawn from now
on. The last numbers giving a home
stead to their owners were drawn in
the El Reno district by C. H. Halbrook
of Portland. Mich., and by Harvey F.
McLaughlin of Arkansas City, Kan., in
the Lawton district. The closing scene
vas tame and unmarked by any kind
of demonstration. The streets today
are lined with piairie schooners laden
with household goods and all are head
ed south. The town which last Mon
day accommodated about 40,000 visit
on? is nearly deserted today. Last
nignt's and this morning's trains have
carrit-d away hundreds who remained
for the close of the drawings. The
commissioners who will have charge of
selling town sites will leave today or
tomorrow for their districts. The
sales will begin on August C.
It Is for Rejection of Application for
Renewed Lease of lauil.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. An answer
to a brief filed at the interior depart
ment bj- former Senator Thurston,
lepresenting the Cherokee Oil and
Gas company, seeking a renewal of
valuable oil leases in Indian territory,
has been filed by R. C. Adams, repre
senting the Delaware Indians. About
11,520 acres of valuable land are at
stake A hearing which had been set
for August 11. when the question of
renewing the leases was to be taken
up, has been postponed until Septem
ber 11 and the Delaware Indians will
seek further postponement until after
congress meets. The brief of the
Delawares asks the rejection of the
application of the Cherokee company
in its entirety and claims that the
company does not present a fair rea
son "why it should have eighteen sec
tions of land, covering the hemes and
improvements of persons who have
prior and permanent rights."
Hold L'p Hand.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 3. A special
to the Star from Aikausas City. Kan.,
says: "Two highwaymen held up
eleven harvest hands in the railway
yards here and secured $105, seven
watches and some other jewelry. The
harvesters had been in Oklahoma and
were on their way to work in the
Kansas fields. They were asleep .in
an empt3 freight car. The highway
men forced them at the point of re
volvers to stand up and be searched.
Krueer Mar Visit America.
THE HAGUE, Aug. 3. People who
are in close association with Mr.
Kruger say that up to the present it
has been decided that the Boer states
man will visit the United tSates.
Finest of F T Art.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3. John Barrett,
formerly United States minister to
Siam, was in St. Louis by invitation
of President Francis of the Louisiana
Purchase Exposition company. On
account of his long diplomatic experi
ence in Asia and his acquaintance with
Asiatic countries and statesmen, he
was able to give the committee on
foreign relations some valuable advice
in regard to interesting nations of
Asia and the far east.
Cabinet Members Go Fishier.
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Secretary
Hitchcock left here tonightlor an out
ing in New Brunswick and New Eng
land to cover probably a month. At
Montreal former Attorney General
Griggs will meet him.
Ran Over by the Cars.
PERU. Neb., Aug. 3. Sherman
Kauffman of Brownville was run over
by a freight on the railroad, where it
is4 supposed be bad gone to sleep.
There is little hope for his recoTrj
Gets First Award
laartaa Kead.
OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 5. Decisions in
the prize letter contests of the Bur
lington road for the best letters about
Nebraska have been made and the
prizes awarded. Five hundred and
forty-six letters were received in all.
and twenty prizes, ranging all the -way
from a trip through tne Yellowstone
park, valued at $100, to small cash
prizes of $5 each, were awarded.
The letter which won first prize was
from a Danish-American, farmer at
Aurora, and is the more remarkable
from the fact' that the writer deplored
bis lack of knowledge of the language.
He came to this country penniless,
owing the money which he paid for
his steamer passage. Today he is a
prosperous Nebraska fanner worth all
of 140,000.
Those'whb won prizes are:
First Priae Paid Holm, Hampton,
Second Prize M. W. Miner, York,
Third Prize H. H. Shedd Ashland,
Fourth Prize J. H. Wengert, Juni
ata, Neb.
Fifth Prize A. K. Brower, St Paul,
Sixth Prize George D. Carrington.
jr.. Auburn, Neb.
Seventh Prize F. D. Mills, Wester
ville, Nez.
Eighth Prize W. H. Wagner, He
bron. Ninth Prize Rowlen Shepherd,
Lushton. Neb.
Tenth Prize J. W. Wilson, Oconto.
Elevnth Prize Mrs. D. C. McKil
lip, Seward, Neb.
Twelfth Prize R. W. Story, Pawnee
City, Neb.
Thirteenth Prize H. P. Best, Ne
ligh, Neb.
Fourteenth Prize J. A. McRae, Cen
tral City, Neb.
Fifteenth Prize Andrew Warner.
Harvard, Neb.
Sixteenth to Twentieth Prizes
Five prizes of $5 each: S. S. Peters,
Beatrice. Neb.: Will M. Maupin, Om
aha. Neb.; J. E. Storm, Hyannis, Neb.:
D. A. Card, Ord, Neb.; Miss Mamie
Austin Humphreys, Franklin, Neb.
Iasaae Over Crop Fears.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 5. Suffering j
under the hallucination that the drouth
of the past weeks was sent by the
divine hand as a punishment for some
grievous wrong which she had commit
ted. Mrs. Edith McLean, wife of a far
mer a few miles north of McCook, has,
been committed to the hospital for
insane. For many days she had feared
the destruction of crops on her hus
band's farm farm and when she saw
the corn begin to shrivel up she lost
her reason.
Physicians' -Certificate.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 5. The State
Board of Health issued physicians
certificates to sixteen osteopaths and
twelve allopaths. C. W. Abel of Ful
ton was refused a license because he
did not present a diploma from a med
ical school of required standing.
Gold Find by Superior Men.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 5. An Idaho
paper reports a rich gold find in the
Goose Creek mountains near Oakley,
made by a couple of Superior hunters,
Henry Sparks and Bert Gosney. Sam
ples of the ore assayed 85 per ton in
gold and $20 in copper.
Hand Caagbt In Thresher.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Aug. 5. Wil
liam Petrashek. a Bohemian farmer,
living three miles southeast of here,
had his right hand caught in the cyl
inder of a threshing machine and bad
ly disfigured, although it is thought
the hand will be saved.
Three Win Farms.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Aug. 5. Of the
sixty citizens of this city who regis
tered at El Reno last week, but three,
so far as known, were successful in
the drawing. They were S. B. Bobst,
V. Marek, and Charles G. Carter.
Filler to Have a Bank.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 5. The town
of Filley. which has been without
banking facilities for some time, is iO
have a new institution, one which will
at once command the confidence of the
Saperlor Man la Wreck.
SUPEROR, Neb., Aug. 5. August G.
Kline, the Nebraskan reported injur
ed in the Rock Island wreck at Krem
lin. Okl., is a resident of this place.
His hand was crushed.
Liable for Poisoning Birds.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 5. "Persons
using paris green or other poisons for
the purpose of eradicating grasshop
pers and chinch bugs are exposing
themselves to prosecution," says Game
Warden Simpkins. Notice was receiv
ed from Dawson county that the use
of poisons by the farmers there was re
sulting in the wholesale death of birds.
The game law provides a fine of $5
for every song or Insectivorous bird
killed or injured.
Brings Salt for Damage.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Aug. 5.
Kate Borne has begun suit in the dis
trict court for $3,000 damages against
the Missouri Pacific railway, alleging
that the road is responsible for the
death of her husband. The suit brings
unthe death of Borne, which occurred
in this city about a year ago. no
was run over by a train one night
while lying across the track asleep.
i He had taken off his shoes and plac-
I ed them at some distance.
Amalgamated Aasoriatiea Turned Down
by Osfporatisn's Chid;
Kxeeatire Beard Makes stecjaest After
bluffer's Report Kvcry Mill Whttl to
Tkreassard Ketallatlea to to Be Com
plete TIe-ap.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 2. The Commer
cial Gazette tomorrow will say: "The
Amalgamated executive board last
evening received by telegraph a flat
refusal from J. Pierpont Morgna to re
cpen the wage conference where it
was broken off at the Hotel Lincoln
nearly three weeks ago. The powers
ofthe steel combine insist in this com
munication that the only basis of set
tlement will be on the terms -which the
financial backer of the combine. Pres
ident C. M. Schwab and Chairman El
bert H. Gery laid down at the meeting
with the Amalgamated executive in
New York last Saturday.
"A member of the executive board
said last night: 'The terms are denom
inated by those who have the best in
terest of the organization of the steel
workers at heart as the most unfair,
the most unjust ever proposed to any
body of workingmen by a set of em
ployers or a corporation. The terms
are such that the executive board of
the Amalgamated association cannot
accept and has already gone on record
to that effect'
"Tomorrow morning the answer of
Mr. Morgan is expected by mail. There
is scarcely a fragment of hope that
the Amalgamated association will back
down from its well known position.
The leaders of the workers will, in re
ply, outline their plans to the steel
corporation for a continuation of the
great struggle. They will include the
stopping of every wheel possible in the
works of the combine and the exten
sion of the strike in all possible di
rections by the Amalgamated associa
tion. "Today may develop much, but if
the combine cannot be made to waver
through the influence that will be
brought to bear, the great conflict will
probably be fought to a bitter end."
After two days at patient waiting, at
about 5 o'clock last evening the Amal
gamated men in waiting at headquar
ters were informed by telephone from
the Carnegie Steel company's offices
that the answer from the New York
headquarters of the steel corporation
vas awaiting them. Hasty prepara
tlons were made to adjourn and get
ting to the Carnegie building without
letting the newspaper men know what
was in the wind.
President Shaffer, in making his exit
fiom the headquarters, was asked if
he would return. His reply was, "If
ic is necessary. I will."
Shaffer. Williams and one or two
others, by making long detours, avoid
ed the reporters and reached the Car
negie offices unnoticed. The reply
from New York was shown them and
without much comment the members
dispersed with the announcement that
the matter would be presented to the
entire board and action taken without
Jfavjr Department Declines to Modify
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. The de
partment has refused to accede to Ad
miral Schley's suggestion that the lan
guage in the fifth specification in the
precept to the court be modified.
The admiral in his letter challenges
that specification, which states as a
fact that he disobeyed orders, and
suggested that it be modified. The
department in its reply declines to
make the suggested modification on the
ground that according to the official
records Admiral Schley himself ac
knowledged that he had disobeyed or
ders. The disobedience of orders was
an established fact, whether unwilling
ly or willingly.
Fall ares Decreased la Jaly.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Reports to R.
G. Dun & Co. show commercial fail
ures in the United States during the
month of July 867, with an aggregated
indebtedness of $7,035,933. Compared
with the same month last year there
appears most gratifying improvement,
ar- failures were then 793 in number
and 19,771,775 in amount The de
crease occurred principally in the
manufacturing class, where last
month's insolvencies numbered 155 for
$3,240,128, against 183 last year, owing
Warmest Jaly In Kansas.
LAWRENCE, Kan., Aug. 2. The
weather report of the University of
Kansas says of the month of July that
it was the warmest month of any
named on the thirty-four years' rec
ord. Its mean temperature was 36 de
grees, 8 degrees above the July av
erage. The nearest approach to it was
July, 1868, with a mean temperature
of 85 degrees. The mercury reached
90 degrees on every day of the month,
sn unprecedented fact.
Gonlds Are Directed to Pay.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Judge La
combe in the United States circuit
court handed down an order directing
George J. and Helen M. Gould, receiv
ers of the surplus income of Anna
Gould (Countess de Castellane) to pay
the installments of the principal and
interest past due upon three mortgages
on property of the Castellanes on the
Avenue Du Bois de Boulogne in Paris
and their chateau, formerly property
of the Duchess -Naoilles.
Kitchener Reports Mare Alleged Atreel
ties ot the Baemy.
LONDON, Aug. 2. A dispatch fromi
Lord Kitchener, dated from Pretoria
today, says:
"French reports that he has received
a letter "from Kritzinger (a Boer coaa
mander) announcing his intention to
shoot all natives in British employ,
whether armed or unarmed. Many
cases of cold-blooded murder of natives
in Cape Colony have recently oc
curred." Another dispatch from Lord Kitch
ener from Pretoria, dated today, says:
"On July 28 an officer's patrol of
twenty yeomanry and some native
scouts followed two carts and a few
Boers fifteen miles from the railway
at Doom river, Orange River colony,
where they were cut off by 200 Boers,
and after defending themselves in -
small building they surrendered when
their ammunition v,is exhausted.
Three yeomanry were wounded. After
the surrender the Boers made the na
tive scouts throw their hands up and
shot them in cold blood. They after
ward shot and wounded a yeoman. The
remainder were released. The Boers
gave as a reason for shooting the yeo
man that they thought he was a Cape
'boy. Evidence on oath has been
taken of the murders."
Call TJpoa the Government to Make War
Upon the Foreigner.
CANTON, Aug. 2. Violent anti-foreign
placards emanating from the Box
ers have been posted on the Christian
chapels. The placards protest against
the imposition of the house tax, saying
it is only exacted in order to meet the
indemnity to be paid to the powers,
and proceeds: "If money can be ob
tained, why not make war on the for
eigners? China is not yet defeated.
It is only the government's eyes which
are blinded by disloyal ministers. If
we refuse to fight, then it is a case of
being too greedy to live, yet fearing
death. How can the steadily studied
military arts be used except against
foreigners? How can we otherwise
employ our regiments? During 1901
much money will be collected through
lotteries, gambling and general taxes,
but they will never be satisfied. There
fore, should the house tax be collected,
we will demolish the chapels and drive
out the Christians."
Annonncemeat ot Cost Greeted With
Irish Cheers.
LONDON, Aug. 2. In the house of
commons today Lord Stanley, the
financial secretary of the war office,
leplying to a question, said the cost
of the war in South Africa from April
to July 31 was 35,750,000, partly
chargeable against the deficit of last
year. The actual cost in July was
1,250,000 weekly. The statement was
greeted with ironical cheers.
The chancellor of the exchequer. Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach, said if the war
continued at the same cost for the next
three months it would necessitate
spending the whole of the reserve he
had provided for financiering the third
quarter, but he had reason to hope that
this would not be necessary.
Loaded Can at Zola's Door.
PARIS, Aug. 2. A small tin can.
containing several cartridges and
with an unlighted fuse attached to it,
was found yesterday evening at the
door of the apartment house in which
Emile Zola, the novelist, resides when
in Paris. The police who examined
the can say that even if the fuse had
been lighted it would only have pro
duced a detonation resulting in no
damage. The officials regard the mat
ter an a practical joke.
Defeat the Bevolatloaists.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Senor Don
Augusto F. Pulido, charge d'affaires of
the Venezuelan legation, received a
telegram from the Venezuelan consul
general in New York, General E. Gon
zales Esteves, confirming the report
that the 5,000 revolutionists were de
feated in San Cristobal on Julv 29.
Major Wm. E. Alas jr.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Acting Ad
jutant General Ward has received a
cablegram announcing the death of Ma
jor William E. Almy, Porto Rican reg
iment, at San Juan today, from appen
dicitis. KlmberlT Is Excused.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. The navy
department has granted the request of
Rear Admiral Kimberley that he be re
lieved from duty on the Schley court
of inquiry. His successor has not been
Bank -Bobbers Retara All.
GOSHEN, Ind., Aug. 2. Private de
tectives employed by an Akron, O..
banking institution have made an im
portant arrest in a gambling den here
They recovered about $16,000 in cur
rency and gold coin. The two men
who were captured had rifled a vault
in the Akron bank ten days ago and
had since been shadowed. The bank
directors, fearing a panic, did not
make the loss . publicly known. The
robbers returned all the money.
Xelsoa Defeats Stilsoa.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Aug. 1. Nel
son defeated Stinston in a twenty-five
mile motor-paced race at the Coliseum
tonight. Early in the race the rear
tire of Stinson's motor burst, putting
him back two laps, which was the dis
tance by which he lost the race. The
time was 39:24 3-5. Stinson was dis
satisfied with the result and challenged
Nelson to repeat the conditions at tL
Coliseum' two weeks from tonight for
1509 a side.
Fixe Masked Men Bait Baltimore k Ohio
Ever Hear Chicago.
Miss Express Departmeat Becaase of Its
Caaswal Position Bobbers Threaten
te Take the Life of the Engineer far
the Mistake Made.
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. The Baltimore
4 Ohio passenger train from the east7
which was due to arrive in the Grand
Central depot, Chicago, at 9 o'clock
last night, was held up by five masked
men at 8 o'clock between Edgmore and
Grand Calumet Heights, Ind., thirty
one miles out from Chicago. -,
One of the mail cars, which contain
ed no money, was wrecked with dyna
mite. The attempt at robbery was
made after the two mail cars had been
detached from the train and run a
quarter of a mile ahead. The failure
of the robbers to make a rich haul was
due to the fact that the express car,
which contained the train's treasure,
was in an unusual place. It was the
third car in the train. After wrecking
the mail car and obtaining no booty
the robbers disappeared in the dark
ness without attempting to rectify
their mistake. The only loot that they
carried away with them as a result
of their adventure was the gold watch
of the engineer.
The train was the New York an-1
Washington vestibule limited. Most of
the trainmen were shot at and had nar
row escapes from the bullets. No per
son was injured, either by the dyna
mite or firearms.
Just before climbing into the cab
the three men commenced to fire with
their revolvers to frighten away all
assistance. The shots produced the
liveliest kind of a panic in the sleeping
cara, where the passengers made every
effort to hide their money and valu
ables before the robbers could get at
them. No attempt, however, was made
to rob any of the passengers.
After mounting the cab of the en
gine the robbers, covering the engineer
and fireman with their revolvers, made
them step down and go back the length
of two cars. They ordered the men to
uncouple the first two cars, which wa.s
done. They then hustled the two
trainmen back into the cab and, still
keeping the engineer covered with re
volvers, directed him to pull up some
distance from the rest of the train.
Engineer Collins ran up 200 feet and
was then directed to stop. He did so,
and while one of the men remained to
guard him the others jumped off, and
hurling dynamite at the door of the
car which they judged to be the ex
press car. burst open the door. Hastily
climbing in to get at the safe, they
were astonished to find that they had
broken into a mail car. They threat
ened the engineer with death for not
telling them that the cars which he
had uncoupled were not express cars,
and ordered him to return at once and
uncouple the next behind the baggage
cars. Climbing once more into his cab
Collins backed his engine down,
coupled on to the third car, which the
fireman was made to uncouple at the
rear end, and still with the muzzle of
the revolver at his head Collins was
ordered to run down the track as be
He drew away from the balance of
the train about the same distance as
on the first occasion, and the robbers
still leaving him under the charge of
one of their number attacked the
other car. When they reached it they
found to their great wrath that they
had opened another mail car and that
it contained no money. The train had
been delayed now fully thirty minutes,
and, fearing that if they delayed any
longer, help would be coming to the
train crew, the robbers gave up their
attempt to rob the train and ran into
a thicket of scrub oaks at the side of
the train and disappeared.
Keatarkr Dronth Ends.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 1. The
drouth in Kentucky was broken last
night and this morning, when there
were heavy rainfalls in Frankfort
Owingsville, Danville, Paducah, Shel
byville, Paris, Carlisle, ancaster, Nich
olasville, Burgin, Versailles and Hop
kinsville. Siege of Baenos Ayres Ended.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. The stata
department has received from the
United States legation at Buenos Ayres
telegraphic Information to the effect
that the state of siege declared in that
capitol an July 5, by reason of politi
cal disturbances, has been raised.
Attempt on Life of Qaeen.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. A dispatch to
the Herald from Aix-Les-Bains says:
Maria Pia, queen dowager of Portugal
and mother of King arlos, has had a
narrow escape from assassination. Her
majesty was taking a course of the
baths here, but was so perturbed by the
attack upon her that she left Ai
hastily for Rome. Details of the at
tempted assassination are not obtain
able at present The police are said to
have no clew up to the present time.
damped from Train aad Escaped.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1. John Wil
lis was arrested here last evening
while attempting to have a money or
der cashed at a postoffice sub-station
Willis is said to have escaped the cus
tody of officers who were taking him
to the state prson at Jacksonville,
Tenn., to serve a fifteen-year term. It
is said that, although manacled, he
leaped from the window of a train
moving forty miles an hour and made
his escape.
lute Veterlaarlaa JaTestlmUlas Cattle
PENDER. Neb., Aug. 3. Dr. W. A.
Thomas, state veterinarian, was called
to this place to inspect a herd of cattle
belonging to Fred Glister, a prominent
German fanner living south of this
place, which is infected with a malady
which has so far caused six of his
feeders to drop dead in the feed yards
and others are affected. Dr. Thomas,
after making a close examination, pro
nounced the disease anthrax, or splenic
apoplexy, confirming the diagnosis
made by M. M. Parish, the local veter
inary surgeon here. A part of the herd
has since been inoculated against the
disease by the latter gentleman, who
will inoculate the remainder as soon
as additional vaccine arrives from Chi
cago. This is the only instance where
this disease has shown itself In this
locality and every means will be
adopted to prevent its spreading, if
possible. Should it be carried to the
herds grazing on the Indian reserva
tion located in this county it will
cause a large amount of loss, for it is
pronounced to be a very contagious and
fatal malady.
Those Who Lose Cattle Are Asked to
Beport Immediately.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 3. To the
People of Nebraska: The season for
less of cattle from sorghum poisoning
Is approaching and the Nebraska ex
periment station authorities are anx
ious to investigate as many cases as
possible where deaths occur, and in
seme instances they will purchase and
turn animals on dangerous fields and
watch the symptoms of the disease
which causes the death of the animal.
It is hoped that by holding an imme
diate post mortem the cause of death
may be determined. Persons losing
animals pasturing on sorghum will
confer a favor on the experiment sta
tion by reporting deaths immediately
by wire or telephone at our expense
and every effort will be made to give
assistance or find the cause of death.
E.'A. BURNETT, Director.
Ansley Sees State Becents.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 3. What is
believed to be the first suit ever insti
ted against the regents of the Stat"
university has been filed in district
court The plaintiff is Prof. C. F. Ans
ley, at one time an instructor in Eng
lish. He resigned his position to go
with Chancellor McLean to the Iowa
State university. His resignation was.
according to its own wording, to take
effect at the end of the school year,
1900. It was filed in June and accept
ed at once by the board of regents.
Now Mr. Ansley claims $250 salary h
asserts due him because the regents
had no right to accept the resignation
to take effect at once. The action is in
the nature of a mandamus to compel
the regents to allow his claim.
The Governor In Demand.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 3. From all
parts of the state come invitations re
questing Governor Savage to speak at
old settlers picnics. He has five invi
tations for August 15. He has disposed
of one by persuading Deputy Attorney
General Norris Brown to speak at Ver
don. Governor Savage desired to go
to Pawnee City, but remained to attend
an important meeting of the board oi
health. Several cases dealing with al
leged infractions of the medical laws
had to be decided.
Grasshoppers Dying Off.
LEXINGTON. Neb., Aug. 3. The re
cent rains in Dawson county will ma
terially help the vegetation of this vi
cinity. The grasshopper fungus has
not been tried sufficiently to be of any
help to the destruction of the plague
In Keith county a swarm of black
grasshoppers landed and in a few days
a farmer reported that the "resident
hoppers" were dying by the bushel. No
further trouble is feared from them.
Capt- McGlntle Withdraws.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 3. Captain
William S. McGintie of Company E,
First regiment, Nebraska National
Guard, has announced his intention of
withdrawing from the service and his
resignation has been accepted by the
adjutant general.
Krag-er Is Comlaa Sore.
LONDON. Aug. 3. "I am informed
on good authority," says the Brussels
correspondent of the Daily Mail, "tha
Mr. Kruger's visit to the 'United States
has been absolutely decided upon. Ir
will take place probably about thc
middle of September and he will be
accompanied by Messrs. Fischer. Wea
sels and Wolmarans."
Nebraskaa Killed ia Oklahoma.
LINCOLN, Neb. Aug. 3. Charles L.
McCIain, a resident of Lincoln until a
few weeks ago, was killed in a wreck
on the Rock Island near Kremlin. Okl
He was sitting on a step of a crowded
smoker at the time. The car was hurl
ed from the track, and a heavy truck
rinoned him to the ground. He lay in
a prostrate position for over two hour?
before relief reached him. -He was a
young man about 22 years old. born
ir Lincoln and graduated there.
Death Fallows Operation.
ANSLEY. Neb., Aug. 3. Mrs. Chas.
Hare, wife of a prominent business
man of Ansley, died at the hospital at
Broken Bow following a surgical op
eration. Colambas Boy Gets Oae.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Aug. 3. Adoli
Luers, a clothing clerk, is the only one
so far among the Columbus contingent
who went to Oklahoma who was suc
cessful in the drawing.
i 1 1! ii i n 1 1 1 s-H-1 i i : 1 1 m
n n 1 1 : 1 1 1 n i : i n 1 1 in
Bishop John Moore died at bis home
in St Augustine surrounded by all the
priests of Florida.
I. M. Piatt for forty years a leading
clothing merchant of Dubuque, died on
a train near Warren, 111., of apoplexy
Georga W. Yenowine, one of the best
known newspaper men in the west,
died suMenly at Milwaukee, Wis., aged
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, widow of
the late president and her daughter.
Elizabeth, are spending a season in the
Richard B. Taylor, aged 80, and Mrs
Margaret Houston, aged 60, were mar
ried in Lincoln. The couple met only
six months ago.
Thirty-four insurgents, a majority of
them araaed with rifles, have been cap
tured by the First cavalry in the Ba
tanzas province. P. I.
At Elko Nev., a heavy shock of
earthquake was felt. The vibrations
were from north to south and lasted
three or four minutes.
At Fairmont, W. Va.. Fountain Gor
don, a negro, shot and killed Belle
Campbell and fatally wounded Mat
tie Simpson, both white.
The comptroller of the currency has
authorized the First National bank
of Alexandria. S. D., to begin business
with a capital of $25,000.
Governor Savage of Nebraska has
granted requisition papers for Bridge
Allender. who is being held in Holt
county on a charge of stealing horses
in Idaho.
The state department has received a
message from Consul General Stowe at
Capetown, stating that he will leave
there for the United States on a steam
er sailing August 7.
Major Frank L. Dodds, judge advo
cate of the United States army at
Omaha, arrived at army headquarters
to relieve Captain Erwin, who has been
acting judge advocate.
Mrs. Carrie Nation, in jail under
thirty days' sentence and fine of $100
and $48 costs, refused free pardon
from Governor Stanley, because the
fine wag not remitted.
A forest fire in the province of Jet
land. Sweden, has assumed great pro
portions. Three thousand troops have
been ordered to assist the men who
are combating the flames.
Rear Admiral John Irwin, retired,
'died at his residence at Washington.
D. C. after an illness of several
months, due to a complication of dis
eases. He was 69 years old.
The St. Frances mill, owned by the
Canada Paper company, and its con
tents, valued at a quarter of a million
dollars, were totally destroyed by fire
at Windsor, Ont. The plant was well
Edward J. Kelley. commodore of the
New Rochelle Yacht club, who was to
have entertained Admiral Schley on
his yacht, died suddenly at his cottage
on Premium Point of hemorrhage of
tha lungts.
El Verde Rio Oil company filed ar
ticles of incorporation at Ogden, Utah.
The paid-up capital is $1,500,000. th
company owning nearly 3,000 acres of
petroleum land in the heart of ths
Green River, Utah, oil fields.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Yerkes has ruled that in cases of es
tates coming within the legacy tax law,
the assessment of the government tax
must be made on the value of the es
tate on the day of the testator's death
Acting Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General Conrad directed the establish
ment of a first postoffice on the island
of Guam. It is located at Guam, thc
chief point on the island, ranks as
fourth class and Antanasio Tarano
Perez has been appointed postmaster.
Capt H. N. Royden of the Twenty
sixth infantry, now at San Francisco,
has been ordered to Omaha to relieve
First Lieutenant Berry from recruit
ing duty.
The Philippine insular government
has saved $250,000 by the passage of
an act virtually declaring the stone
quarries at Ma ri vales, in the Bataan
province, public domain, and authoriz
ing the utilizing of the stone in the
harbor improvement. A Spanish com
pany claimed to have established title
to the quarries.
The announcement is made that
"Mark Bennett, superintendent of the
piess department of the Pan-American
bureau of publicity, a well known
newspaper man of Buffalo, will go to
St. Louis for the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition company.
The president has granted a pardon
to John F. Johnson, former president
of the State National bank of Logans
port, Ind., who was convicted of mis
appropriating funds of the bank and
other violations of the national bank
ing; act.
Miss M. A. Hawley, Miss D. D. Bar
low and Miss Witherbee, Baptist mis
sionaries, who have just arrived from
Yokohama, report that for the first
time in the history of Japan there h&s
recently been a great revival of all de
nominations in that country.
W. W. Carpenter, a farmer, near
Fort Supply, I. T.. committed suicide
because of the failure of his crops.
Dr. Mllo B. Ward, one of the fore
most surgeons in Kansas City, died
from a complication of liver trouble
and enlargement of the heart.
In consequence of the establishment
of free trade between Porto Rico and
the United States the Jamaican govern
ment is being urged to further and se
cure the ratification of reciprocity
which is pending between Jamaica and
tha United States.
Funeral services over the remains o
Mrs. Caroline Pitts Brown, wife of
Judge Henry Brown of the Unite!
States supreme court, were held at the
home of Mrs. Brown's brother-in-lav.
General Henry M. Duffield, at Detroit,
I State jfomt I
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