The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 31, 1901, Image 2

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Inmtms f 0 itraaL
Columbus, Nebr.
at the FMtofioe, Colaa
IDSSf A6wSsTe aw
ail attar.
itutiwttu$ujiij lLLmmin.
or subscbxriob:
Oae year, by mail.
Ctaing I? tats.
State Fair, at Lincoln, August 30
Sept 6.
Central Nebraska Assembly, Follerton,
August 14-23.
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo,
New York, May 1 to November 1, 1901.
IcfftMicai State Ctmramtitm.
The republicans of the state of Ne
braska are hereby called to meet in con
vention at the auditorium in the city of
Lincoln, Nebraska, on Wednesday,
August 28, 1901, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon, for the purpose of placing in nom
ination candidates for the following
oflces to be voted for at the next gen
eral election to be held in the state of
Nebraska on November 5, 1901.
One judge of the supreme court; two
regents of the university of the state of
Nebraska, and for the transaction of
such other business as may regularly
come before said convention.
The basis of representation of the sev
eral counties in said convention shall be
the vote cast for Hon. John F. Nesbit
for presidential elector at the regular
election held on November 6, 1900, giving
one delegate for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof, so cast for the said John
F. Nesbit, and one delegate at large for
each county.
The entire number of delegates is
1,303. Platte county is entitled to 17.
Ed. Journal.
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed in said convention, but that the
delegates present thereat from each
county be permitted to cast the full vote
of the county represented by them.
Notice is hereby given that each of the
even numbered senatorial districts in
the state is to select a member of the
state committee to serve for a term of
two years. (Signed.)
H. C. Lindsay,
Chairman Republican State committee.
John T., Secretary.
Eubopeax crops are much below the
Thebb is already an unusual scarcity
of vegetables in cities in and near the
corn belt.
Cool persistency will achieve more
than violence nine times out of ten.
Boss Hammond.
It is said that in 1880 mankind used
277,000,000 tons of coal; in 1900, 4,020,
000,000 tons, nearly fifteen times as much.
Cleveland and Bryan are both has
beens, but Bryan thinks it hard that he
is also a never-wuzzer. St Louis Globe
Democrat Old oil experts are claiming the Nio
brara region as having better oil indica
tions than Texas had before the actual
flow of that liquid.
The mill of the Weirhause-Denkraan
company and yards at Davenport, Iowa,
were totally destroyed by fire Thursday
with a lose or $100,000. The other losses
aggregate $300,000 more.
Citizens of Seward county have decid
ed by a majority of 150 votes that the
980,000 court house bond proposition
it come again. Dry weather was the
principal cause of the defeat
John L. Collins, Thursday, was
caught between the elevator and shaft
in the Masonic temple, Chicago, and fell
200 feet to the basement, fourteen sto
ries. He leaves a wife and child.
The big dry goods store of J. F. Phe
lan k Co. at Sioux City, Iowa, was totally
destroyed by fire Thursday, supposed to
have been started by the sun's rays in
the front show windows. Loss $80,000.
The Standard Cattle company have
been busy the past week threshing the
crop of winter wheat, and reports a yield
of thirty-f ve bushels to the acre. The
wheat is being loaded into cars and
shipped aa fast as it is threshed. Fro
st Tribune.
Seventeen mining claims in the vicin
ity of White Pine, Nevada, owned by
JaaMs A. Carton (Mrs. William McKin
ley's father) daring his life time, are now
pronounced by experts aa very valuable,
ao that the president's wife and her sister
an how millionaires. The ore assays of
the Ely claim, nearby, recently showed
as high aa $10 a too.
Mas. Mast E. Dickens surprised half
a dozen men in John Beachler's policy
hop, Leavenworth, Kansas, and before
had recovered their composure,
1 policy wheel into a hundred
with a hatchet Her boys had
gambled in the place. She threatens to
very policy shop in the citv
1 the authorities close them.
In the August Review of Reviews Dr.
Shaw discusses the great steel strike in
its various aspects and comments on
many other matters of current interest
at home and abroad. M. de Bloch's
recent address at Paris on the lessons of
the Boer war is reviewed, and its appli
cation to the military situation in the
United 8tetes, as well as in Europe, is
pointed oat
R M. Allen, president of the Stand
aid Cattle company of Ames, Neb., and
also connected with the best sugar in
d try there, arrived in Omaha yester
day from Wyoming. He said that pas-
there is superb and that the
are taking unusual steps in
rta derive the most benefits possi
ble from this fact They are buying in
Nshraska all the cheap cattle they can
lad and am taking them up totheWy-
grounds to prepare them
beet. Mr. Alien thinks
twill be a great deal of money in
this season, as that state
now an opportunity in graz-
which has never been equaled.
Omaha Beei July 26. J
Altf-FlMMlMkat tk Uto snpsslta
mrmiw the wnw a jww
JOUBHAIi r O awtsia f THE
JOTJaUTAJL. Up to this date, yew
1 rlytlan as fdlwMNOtel fcr.
W. J. Bryan insists that Mark Mania sfcviM he
MvEaiMtei frr the PresiieBcyfcjrtfce Reaahllcaa party
in 1904. -This he regards as his hest jeke, hat it is far
fro feeing as good a oae as the resatitioi his
art that he is capable of giTing political aw vice.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Count Tolstoi is as frank with his
pbysgciana aa he has been with other
people. He has been dangerously ill,
but a cablegram from St. Petersburg,
under date of July 28 says he is improv
ing, but his physicians are unable to
diagnose his trouble.
"You good folks," Count Tolstoi said
to his doctors, "know all that medical
science teaches, but, unfortunately, that
science itself knows nothing at all."
A few days ago Count Telstoi said to
a friend: The carriage is already at the
door and I must go." Then later, after
he had slightly improved, he said: "Ob,
I am allowed to wait awhile."
The chief cause for alarm concerning
Count Tolstoi lies in his extreme weak
ness. His body is emaciated and his
skin is sallow; his eyes alone retain their
brilliancy, while his mind is perfectly
Reab Admtjul Schlet, calling Secre
tary Long's attention to the criticisms
gainst himself contained in Maclay's
history of the navy, says that in his opin
ion the time has come to bring the entire
matter under the "clear and calm review
of his brothers in arms." It is supposed
that a court of inquiry will be organized,
over which Admiral Dewey may be
called to preside.
The Weather.
John Pfeifer of Plattsmouth died of
In many places work is practically
suspended during the middle of the day.
Freddie Stocks, a boy ten years old,
was overcome Monday by heat, and died
today at his home near Scribner.
Stock raisers of Leavenworth county,
Kansas, have concluded to sell their
stock or move it to places where grain
and hay can be procured to carry them
over the winter.
Dr. William H. Hatch, one of the old
settlers of Lincoln, was found dead in
his room, his death caused by the
extreme heat at least thirty-six hours
prior to the discovery of his body.
At Omaha Phillip Kruger and John
Pfiefer died from heat; M.G. Thoma was
prostrated, and George Staley driven
insane. The air was freighted with
humidity, increasing the danger of
Slight sprinkles of rain, just mere
sprinkles for a moment or so, reported
for Tuesday, July 23, from Hastings.
York, Morse Bluff and Colon, and a good
shower at North Platte. At Columbus
and Fremont the fall was exceedingly
Alfred J. Swanson, in the employ of
Charles Nydel, three miles northeast of
Winside, was overcome by heat while
shocking wheat He died before a doc
tor could reach him. In the neighbor
hood it was the twenty-fourth day with
out rain and only twice during that time
had any dew fallen. The hottest tem
perature during the heated term was
114 degrees.
Reports to St Paul from all sections
of the states of Minnesota and the Dako
tas show that the heat wave continues
with, if anything, increased intensity.
Many stations report this day as being a
record breaker, with maximums ranging
from 100 to 108. Bismarck reports a
maximum temperature of 106, the high
est in many years. The heat has had the
effect of maturing grain much earlier
than usual and in northern Minnesota
and Dakota the wheat is about ready to
cut Work in the harvest fields, how
ever, is carried on with great difficulty,
many prostrations of men and animals
being reported.
Fine rain at Broken Bow and Nio
brara; a good general rain over most of
Keith county; an inch of rain at Long
Pine. A good rain at Baasett, and corn
will probably be a fair crop. So little
was the rain at Omaha that people out
doors said it was from the hot water
At Fort Dodge, Iowa, many workmen
were obliged to quit work because of
excessive heat At Audubon, la., Paul
Hansen, working in the harvest field,
was overcome by the heat at 5 o'clock
and expired.
About 5 o'clock p. m., a shower of rain
laying the dust, at Beatrice.
A light shower at Grand Island. A
heavy rain in some portions of Hall
county, and none at all in the rest
A light shower at Pierce.
Perkins county was visited by a good
soaking rain.
Thermometer in the shade at Sutton,
109. A coal dealer found his coal bin
on fire by spontaneous combustion. A
wheat stubble near town caught fire
from concentration of the sun's rays by
a small piece of oval glass acting as a
Two good showers at Wilsonville.
At Elwood, the drouth was broken by
1.06 inches of rain.
A heavy ahower of rain at St Edward,
the first in over a month.
This day's advices to the weather
bureau at Washington from the great
corn belt were the most encouraging in
tae past forty days. A rail of tempera
tare followed the rains, no maximums of
100 degrees being reached. The late
oropswill naturally be helped the most
Up to midnight, at Cincinnati, there
were nine deaths and thirteen prostra
tions due to heat The temperature was
97 degrees and the percentage of humid
ity unusually high. Belief came, from
westerly winds.
St Louis was one of the warmest
points in the United States 98 degrees.
The Rocky Mountain regions of Cele
rade reached best via the Union Pacific
provide lavishly for the health of the
invalid and the pleasure of the tourist
Amid these rugged steeps are to be
found some of the most charming and
restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes
nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate
that cheers and exhilarates. The
tUaOBE rxcuuioir rath
put in effect by the Union Pacific en
able yon to reach these favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
time or money.
pins $2.00 from Missouri River, in effect
June 18th to 30th; July 10th to August
31st inclusive.
The Union Pacific will also sell ticketa
on July 1st to 9th inclusive, September
1st to 10th inclusive, at f 15.00 for the
round trip from Missouri River points.
Return limit October 31, 1901.
Proportionately low rates from inter
mediate points.
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application. I
9t W. H. Benhax, Agent 1
William Spate Suddenly Faces Death
by a Ruthina Ewfiae.
This community was shocked Monday
morning on learning that one of ita
oldest citizens had been fatally injured
by being struck by an engine attached
to a through freight train on the Union
Pacific, the accident taking place on L
street, about six feet west of the side
walk, the body striking the graveled
earth, just south of the main-line track,
and from appearances of effects upon
the left side of the head and left shoul
der, death was caused by the hard fall
and the dragging. The scalp was torn
from the skull, and the clothing from
the shoulder, on the left side of the
bodjv Our best information is that
while walking near the track (be was
exceedingly hard of bearing) not being
aware of a train near, in making a atop
to cross the track he was picked up by
the pilot, and for a moment stood upon
it, on the north side (the engine was
going eastward), and then by a sudden
jerk was whirled to the ground on the
south side of the engine. The spot is
very close to where Mrs. Disohner was
fatally injured.
The body was taken to the residence,
two blocks south on the same street,
but the spirit had left ita mortal tene
ment Coroner Metz, who arrived at noon
from Humphrey, summoned a jury con
sisting of Messrs. Held, Gluck, Roen,
Asche, Funk and J. Greisen, who after
hearing the testimony of Wm. Boraman,
Mrs. Charles Ball and daughter, Miss
Florence Ball, Peter Greisen, Louis
Petsch and L. Merriman gave their ver
dict that, between the hours of 8 and 9
o'clock a. m., July 29, William Speioe
came to his death accidentally by being
struck by a Union Pacific engine.
The funeral services are to be held at
the residence this morning at 10 o'clock,
Rev. Weed officiating.
William Speioe was born in Chester
county, Pennsylvania, May 18, 1823.
He came to Nebraska abont thirty
four years ago, and this has virtually
been the home of himself and wife ever
since. They resided temporarily, a short
time, in the Black Hills and in Califor
nia. Within the past year they cele
brated their golden wedding. A boy
and a girl were born to them, but did
not survive childhood. The widow sur
vives to mourn the loss of a true and
faithful companion. Deceased was an
elder brother of Judge C. A. Speice,
well known to many Journal readers.
William Speice was a man who prob
ably had no enemies. He attended
strictly and conscientiously to his own
affairs, and was highly respected by all
who knew him. While thoroughly un
obtrusive, he was true and faithful, and
his hut utterance "Oh God! Lift me
up," let us believe, is now fully answered
by his presence in the Land of the Leal.
Flv Hnadnd Harass EsUnlted with
i. Great thaws.
Ringing Brothers have five hundred
magnificent horses, and they will be seen
with the big show when it exhibits in
Columbus, Saturday Aug. 10. These
superb animals represent many years of
careful selection by expert horse buyers
and breeders, and the expenditure of
many thousands of dollars. Every kind
of high-bred equine is represented, from
the smallest Shetland pony and the
proudest Kentucky thoroughbred to the
pure Arabian stallion and the most
massive Shire and Percberon. It is from
the Utter strain that the draught horses
are taken. There are two hundred and
eighty of there magnificent animals, and
they form one of the most striking and
effeotive features of the imperial free
street parade. They are utilized for
drawing the massive dens, cages and
tableau cars, and are the subject of con
stant comment and limitless admiration.
The ring horses number one hundred
lithe, shapely, proudly-stepping thor
oughbreds. Every horse among them
has a famous pedigree. They are the
perfection of equine form and trained
intelligence. The trick horses number
sixty-five matched and thoroughly train
ed American and imported animals. An
equal number of Shetland ponies, the
delight of the children, and the cynosure
of all eyes in the parade, in the gorgeous
spectacular entry or the mammoth horse
fair, complete tnie remarkable and un
equalled display of fine stock. These
horses are presented in a -hundred dif
ferent performances. There is the gor
geous equestrian entry; the numerous
principal riding acta, which serve to
introduce Miss Amelia FasJey, the great
est, rider that the world has ever produc
ed, and twenty-nine other famous lady
and gentleman riders; O'Brien's wonder
ful sixty-one hone act, in which this
notable school of horses perform to
gether in one ring, at one time, under
the direction of one man; Mme. Noble,
the most famous of all high-class menage
riders and her handsome thoroughbred,
Jupiter; and a series of thrilling and
hotly-contested hippodrome noes, in
which the blood and speed and sterlinc
staying qualities of the great racing stud
are put to a successful test In addition
to the magnificent array of high-class
acts that serve to exhibit Bingling
Brothers' superb stock to such signal
advantage, there is a a great three-ring
circus performance, utilizing theservices
of three hundred high-salaried artists; a
aeries of trained animal displays, includ
ing Ringling Brothers' latest and biggest
novelty, twenty elephaata simultane
ously performing in one ring, and scores
of other features entirely original with
this great show. The only living giraffe
is exhibited by this great show.
A personally conducted excursion
party leaves Nebraska, Kansas and Colo
rado pointa Tuesday, Aug. 90, for a 10
daya trip to and through Yellowstone
The cost will be loss, considerably less,
than $100. That asaonnt oovara every
expense of the trip railroad fare, sleeper
both ways, meals en route, hotels and
stage through the Park.
Booklet giving full iufonaatkm mailed
on request. J.Fbukm,
I Strs! SesTti.
fc-afc-- m.n.n.m.m.1
Ernest Dnssell was in Genoa last week
on business.
Mayor Ragatz returned home Monday
from-his trip east
Lydia Bloedorn of Platte Center
waa in town Monday.
Miss Leta Young of Genoa is visiting
the family of Leo Borowiak.
D. F. Davis, editor of the Silver Creek
Times, was in the city Sunday.
Miss Jennie Wiseman visited Mrs. GeoV
Willard at St Edward last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chambers have re
turned from their trip east to Buffalo.
MMort" Murphy is taking his three
weeks' vacation in Seward and other
Mrs. Winston, mother of Mrs. U. Rob
inson, went to Clarke Friday to visit
Mrs. M. T. Bohman of Schuyler was
the guest of Mrs. Fml Hoppen over
Sunday. J
Mrs. Perry Loshbaugh and daughter,
Eva, returned Friday from a visit with
Ohio friends.
Mrs. W. J. Williams and mother. Mrs.
Steinbaugh, visited in Omaha, returning
home Friday.
Mrs. W. T. Allen returned from Omaha
Thursday, accompanied by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. L. J. Lee and daughter Miss
Lottie visited in Sibley, Nebr., returning
nome xnursaay.
Mrs. M. K. Turner and daughter, Miss
Lida, went to Norfolk Saturday to visit
Mrs. H. A. Rowe.
Miss Frankie Barnhart of St. Louis,
Mo., arrived here Friday and is visiting
at Loran Barnum's.
Will Rickly spent Friday and Satur
day at home with his parents, from his
work in South Omaha.
Miss Esther Johnson returned Thurs
day from Chicago, where she has been
for several months past
Miss Abbie Keating returned to her
work in Norfolk Saturday, after a two
weeks vacation at home.
Mrs. L. Snow of Columbus and sister,
Mrs. Julia Vineyard are visiting friends
here. David City Press.
Frank Richardson of Clarks was in the
city Monday. His brother William re
cently returned home from Mexico. - -
Mrs. J. C. Byrnes will attend the wed
ding of her cousin, Dr.Gietzen and Miss
Emma MoDonald in Humphrey today.
Mrs. Melia Linda of Omaha is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Die
tricha. She is accompanied by hex
young son, William.
Mrs. E. O. Rector and son Jessie have
returned from a six weeks' visit in Wis
consin, Mrs. Rector returning Friday
and Jessie several days before. ,
Miss Maud Woosley visited her friend,
Mrs. W. S. Taylor, at St Edward last
week. Mrs. H. G. Cross gave a family
reunion dinner in her honor, Wednesday.
Ed. and Miss Emily Ragatz and Miss
Lillie Hagel returned home Thursday,
from their Buffalo visit, Mr. Ragatz
staying until Saturday. Miss Ethel
Henrich, who accompanied them east,
stopped in Rochester, Indiana, to visit
Miss Marjorie Williams.
Denver, Criwnl Creek, CeleraaW
SfHriaga. Great aa Growing: Citim
Tk Ceaamerelal Ceagreas.
Ed. Journal: Having recently re
turned from a trip to the famous mining
camp of Cripple Greek, Cola, where I
was in attendance as a delegate to the
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress
that met there on the 16th and adjourn
ed on the 20th inst, I thought perhaps
the readers of The Journal might be
interested in hearing something of this
wonderful mining camp and the coun
try surrounding it.
In journeying towards the west after
leaving the great grain fields of Nebras
ka, the traveler is ushered into what is
known as the "cow and sheep country"
which extends almost from North Platte
to Denver. This vast territory is dotted
all over with large herds of cattle, horses
and sheep; there are very few towns of
any importance from North Platte to
Denver, and the 197 miles from Jules
burg to Denver has but one town of
about 1.000 people. When one reaches
the Colorado capitol he meets with a
different country. Arriving there in the
morning the writer naturally was anx
ious to see the great city of the west,
and after breakfast took the electric car
over what is known as the "observation
line," where the passenger rides 27 miles
through all the prominent streets of the
city for 25 cents. This is well wor(b
ten times the charge and should not be
missed by parties visiting Denver.
After leaving Denver over the Colo
rado Southern for Colorado Springs, the
weary traveler ia refreshed by the cool
air from the snow-topped mountains
piercing the skies, a Titantio sentinel
among the Titans, is Pike's Peak, which
can be seen 100 miles away, and whose
snow-capped summit was anxiously
watched for by the early Argonauts
whose slogan was "Pike's Peak or Bust"
in the daya of '59. Along this road one
is awakened with a feeling of awe and
veneration at the scenery which he ia
drawing closer to at every turn of the
wheel, passing tnrougn many thrifty
towns nestled olose up to the foot of
these mountains, one can see thousands
of people from every section of the coun
try enjoying the cool mountain air,
fishing, hunting, etc ..
Upon arriving in Colorado Springs the
tourist sees one of the most beautiful
little cities in the west with its fine
shade trees, parks, wide clean streets,
and fine residences. There are no side
walks in this city, as the whole city is
paved by nature and one can just aa well
walk in the center of the street as on the
sides. " Colorado Springs is known as the
"City of Millionaires1 and is said to be
the wealthiest city of its size in the
Union. We were told by a friend that
it was not fashionable to be in more than
ordinary circumstances any more as the
millionaires were so thick they were
considered too common.
On leaving Colorado Springs we took
the new railroad known as the short line
over the mountains to Cripple Creek, a
distance of 45 miles by rail, but only 15
miles by air line. This road over these
high mountains ia one of the most won
derful pieces of railroad engineering in
the country. After leaving Colorado
Springs yon start up into the sir at the
rate of four feet to the hundred, or bet
ter known as a four per cent grade, we
rode for two and one half hours and
seemed to be np over the top of the city
we naa ten, ana m mating ine nrteen
miles one goes np something like five
thousand feet before he reaches Cripple
Creek, and at the highest point you are
over 14,000 feet above sea level It is
vary cool going over this route and a
good warm suit waa not out of place,
wnlM the people or rveorasga ware trying
every soneme so ansa ineiraiouMS. The
grand scenery on this road can only be
pictured by seeing it To try to explain
its beauties, and the wonderful works of
nature would take more time' and space
than yon could give aueh a subject.- I
will say however, that should any of the
ramArm at Tnar nrmr mp an A fViln
Irado they cannot afford to miss this
most wonderful trip.
Upon arriving in Cripple Creek V
found a well built city of about ib0OO
people, nne pared streets, and toe best
lighted city in the west Every one
seems to be busy, and there is plenty of
money always on hand. I bad the pleas
ure of seeing a real gold brick in the
window of one of the prominent drug
stores. I looked at it a while through
the window and I must confess it looked
good to me. -1 concluded it would make
a-nice thing to bring home and tell Link
Lee and H. J. Alexander that I got it
Lout of the Beaver mine at Grand En-
csmpmenf o-I ventured in to ask the
owner what waa the least he would take
1 and 1st me put it in my grip and take it
home, ne gently informed me that it
would cost me $7,600 (all cash) to get the
brick. I did not bay it. Cripple Creek
has ao such a thing as Sunday, every
thing is run wide open on that day as
well as any day in the week. The people
know no Sabbath, nor can they distin
guish the tones of a church bell from the
sound of a dinner gong.
When I reached this 'Golden City" I
found the place pecked with people from
every state west of the Mississippi, and
it was estimated that there were over
70.000 visitors in Cripple Creek during
the week of the Commercial Congress.
The city was decorated throughout with
the national colors, the bands played
"There'll be a hot time in Cripple Creek
Tonight," and everything was "push and
jam." The meeting of the Congress waa
called to order at the time set and nearly
every state in the northwest waa well
represented. The object of this Trans
Mississippi Commercial Congress is
principally for the building up of the
commercial interests of the states west
of the Mississippi river, and among the
principal questions taken up at this
meeting were. Semi-arid regions. Water
ways and Harbors. Pacific Cable, Trade
.with the Orient, Beet Sugar Industry,
Encouragement of Home Industry,
Relation of Live stock interests to the
Forest Reserves.
Good roads and drainage, oil fields,
irrigation and many other questions re
lating to the interests of the western
states. This was the twelfth session of
the congress, the first session being held
in Galveston; the next session will be
held at St Paul and Minneapolis. Minn.,
in the summer of 1902, and as the object
of this congress is to promote the ma
terial advancement of the western half
of the nation, and as such, it is regarded
as a tremendous factor in voicing the
sentiments and advocating the welfare
of the western portion of our republic. I
have no doubt but the meeting at the
Minnesota capital will be one of the
largest ever held by the organization.
Frank T. Walker.
licklamd and Vicinity.
The drouth broken.
The corn ears listeu with joy.
Bars. Chas.Galbreth spent Sunday with
Mrs. Thomas MoCann.
Mr. and Mrs. Vbss (nee Lillie Welch)
are rejoicing over a daughter bright and
Despondent farmers revive again;
hoarded grain goes into circulation and
business booms.
Qeorge Drinnin and ladies of Platte
county attended divine service here
Sunday evening.
Miss Lucy Nevotny, a servant in the
home of George Mentzer, is suffering
with a severe case of eczema.
Bev. C. C. C. Boric, pastor of the M. .
church here in 1894, was renewing old
acquaintances here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bluoe and family con
template going overland to attend the
Central Nebraska Assembly at Fnllerton
August 14-23.
Saturday afternoon the clouds over
shadowed us and blessed us with a down
pour of rain, which promises us corn,
and dust is no more on the fly.
Bev. M. Anderson goes to Sargent,
Neb., Saturday to be present at the ded
icatory service of the new M. E. church
at that place and at which Bishop Mc
Cabe will officiate.
Lincoln Park, Aug. 7 to 15.
Thousands of Nebraska Methodists
look forward with keenest pleasure to
the annual sessions of the Epworth
The location is ideal, and the programs
can always be depended upon to amuse,
instruct and elevate.
This year's Assembly will maintain
the high standard of previous years.
The program includes such lecturers
and entertainers as Eli Perkins, Col.
Bain, Mrs. Chant, Bobt. Mclntyre, Fred
Emerson Brooks, S. R. Stoddard and
Sam Jones.
Half rates to Lincoln, via the Burling
ton Route, Aug. 6, 7, 8, 10, 14 and 15.
Tickets good to return until Aug. Id
Oatiag far Busy Bnsiness Men.
Yellowstone Park is the place to go if
you can get away from yonr business for
only ten days or two weeks at a time.
The trip there and back can be made in
little more than a week. And such a
week! For enjoyment, novelty and,
interest it will eclipse anything in your
The air is delicious cool as cool can
be. The scenery is magnificent, and the
150-mile stage ride past geysers, boiling
springs, lakes, and canons is enjoyable
in the highest degree.
Write to J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha,
Neb., for folder giving full information
about the Park. It contains a large map
of the Park, as well as a description of
the principal points of interest.
Excursion rates daily ask the ticket
agent about them.
The first white man to set foot on
Utah soil, Father Silvestre Veies de
Esoalante, who reached the GREAT
SALT LAKE on the 23rd day of Sept,
1776, wrote in his diary: "Here the
climate is so delicious, the air so balmy,
that it is a pleasure to breathe by day
and by night The olimate of Utah ia
one of the richest endowments of nature.
On the shores of the Great Salt Lake
especially and for fifty miles therefrom
in every direction the olimate of cli
mates is found. To enable persons to
participate in these scenic and olimatio
attractions and to reach the famous
FIC has made rate to OtiDEN and
SALT LAKE CITY of one fare for the
round trip, plus $2.00, from Missouri
River, to be in effect June 18th to 30th
inclusive, July 10th to Aug. 31st inclu
sive. Return limit Oct. 31, and $30.00
for the round trip on Julyl to 9 inclu
sive, Sept. 1 to 10 inclusive.
Proportionately low rates from inter
mediate points.
For full information, callonoraddi
9t W. H. Bexhav, Agent.
CktiM Art Ikortktfii .
Eighteen bulls for sale. I want you
to see them, whether yon wish to bay or
not. It will do yon good to look at
them. They are for sale at prices guar
anteed to be as low as in Iowa, at retail.
tf. C.JLDa
America's Greatest Circus Coming
mmwmwl mwmwmwmaBmmmwT mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmmmwf Jnmwi
Can. IN
IS Acraa at Ta
i MsrvasM
Weak. Na attar Skew aaya
II alllHTS
areas: At
1-4 Me Race Track. Wtmwmwmwmwai.
Daas. Lairs aa Cans mwmwmwmwmwhw
easts. It Acraa at Tats. mmm wmmmmmmnv
STAI KlrwMHtt. ,W ImwmwmwmwmwmwmV
ParfanaersafeBeMNMa tn awmmwamwmwmwmwamwh
FaateraAct. ajsjsj mnBBmwMwamwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwaV
"-''"'"""' nifif SKsmnmmmmmmu
31 MBIT MIMS Saras , IWmwmmmmW
orgasms, an iBtrasaciBg far tae First Tuna fBmwl HfamwmwmwmW wmwamm
aa Ann rice fJi II mrrBl CmwmmwF wmwmwmW
Macr the Werftf has Bvar Bin framr lam wnmw mmmmmmn.
at Oae
Ne Omar Jfcaw has Tfehw aa J
at AH l
- fuclacti. "BOMB M
T YBABI ONE." a oraaa TrMe
aa a TraaMassas Ravlval af the
i at tae Aacwata.
csajBBctiaa mi tne ssvar mamj wmml Mmmv w5ST mV'
12 Years,
"Reserved numbered seats and admissions show day at Pollock &
prices at down-town office are exactly the same as charged at regular ticket
Wheat, W bushel 54g
" winter 51
" new .r2
Corn, shelled bushel . . . 43
Oats, 3? bushel 30
Rya IP bushel 43
Hogs-3? cwt- l 5 00
Fat cattle- cwt 3 00 4 50
Potatoes- bushel 500
Butter $t t. 1115
Eggs dozen f
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. Osteoufttky, the Dregless Science.
It is a means of curing diseases, with
out the use of drugs or the knife, by
using the hands to remove any pressure
on the nerves, arteries and veins, so that
the circulation of the fluids and gases of
the body will be restored to a normal
condition. It is based on a knowledge
of the anatomy, physiology and chem
istry of the human body. Osteopathy
cures all curable diseases.
The suspensory treatment cures curva
tures and all abnormalities of the spine,
when all other methods fail. This device
is something new, and we would be glad
to have those who have spinal troubles
call and investigate this new treatment.
Consultation and examination free.
O. P. Meeks, d. O.
Nelxk II. Mekks, D. O.
Office: Mrs. Merrill's 'residence. Co
lumbus, Nebraska. tf
When you wish good, neat, clean
handsome work done in the line of
printing, call at The Journal office.
On account of the very low rates made
to Colorado points
has placed in service another through
Pullman Sleeper on train: No. 3, for
Denver, leaving Omaha at 425 p. m.
daily, and continuing until September
10th. -
This service affords passengers the
rery best accommodations with the
greatest possible comfort.
Beservations should be made as far in
advance aa possible.
W. H. Benhax, Agent.
Boat Special fetes Via Uiita Pacific.
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo,
$15.00 round trip, limited to return
October 31st On sale July 1st to 9th
and September 1st to 10th, inclusive.
Chicago, $17.20 round trip, limited to
return August 31at On sale July 23,
24 and 25.
For further information call on
W. BL Benhak, Agent.
Tuesday, August i, 1901, at 2 o'clock;
p. vu, sharp.
at the Dnncan poat-oSmand addressed to the
aadarsiBBcd. for a town-hall for Butler town
sMa,andtobeIocatedin the village of Daacan.
Flans mad speciBcatioes may be ssea at the
olnw of Berber. Hockenbericer ft Chambers, in
Cohnbaa. The boildimr is to be completed by
September 1. 1801.
Aboad la the sum of $220 for the faiUtfal
ii i Tim i i of the contract most accompany
the bid. Spot cash will be paidoa completion
of the bBUdUur aceordiaa to contract.
We reserve the riht to reject any and all bide.
lSJall BnildiajrCom.
Oaka, OUre St, ap-atalra ia First
CtflTU, $3,7M,tM.
IstfeaMmg ake anma wmmmmmmmmmmmmW
WarM-Pamens lLmm XfaHkw
CBAICK AmwmwmwmwmwmmW
Has y ta, BMBfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfm
Werira meet MM amnmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwE
Mi fSHMmwmmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwal
fit WureKamwmwmwmwmwmwmwmf
Btatai erem Msiy. Basra ianimnmmmmmmmmmmj
aw as VJmmw TnmW wmmmw hommmV
snwiB aH b k n
wwmT 41 S m II V taw
wag. sjaaer the Mracusa nina lBu wessal ImmW iM emam n naj
Witt fwf m V TUKSA
say. wtm fmf TB laaY ml MaUM mn
ri- fli'ife m mfm otvw ww
Beame PHalaji. IPJ law VMS Ml ammTmU.
iron J a
setts aaa Aim mwlUBWsCSSsmVmfe
tlml Price.
WIUj kxhibit at
Of the condition of the tumbus Land, Loan
anil Building Association of Coiuinhu, Nr
britslu, on the ?Jth day of June, 11.
First mortgage loans f 82,000 00
Htork loans. ...
8,613 U5
Ileal estate
Furniture ami stationary
" cVIf
Delinquent interest, premium tuitl
! vr9
Hxpense and taxes puiil
Other avaetti
.$ 107.HM 00
Capital stock, paid up $&),7B3 60
Ueaerve land None
UndiTidetl profits W.BttJ 20
Due shareholders on incomplete loans None
Other liabilities i 20
Total $107,MMOO
Balance on hand July 1, 1800 $ 2,188 40
UOv9 . JU.o2 W
Interest, premiums and fines 7,151 US
Lians repaid 4,700 00
Total $ Jt,6i7 0.1
Loans S 33,000 00
Expenses 713 10
Stork redeemed Nose
Cash oa hand 8,91 86
Total $ 44,827 OS
St at of Nebraska, aa
Platte County, t8"
I, Henry Hockenbericer, secretary of the
above named association, do solemnly swear
that the forepoinfc statement of the condition of
said association, is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
IIknbt Hockknbkbokb,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d
day of July. 1801.
V. H. Weave. Directors.
Phillips. County Clerk,
By John Gbav, Deputy.
31 jul St
Eye Specialist.
Practice Limited to Emm of Refraction.
Dr. Newman, the well known Earopean Eye
Specialist, who has toured the west extensively
has decided to locate permanently ia Colom
bo, making this headquarters from which to
viit a number of eities and tnwna in thia
section. Dr. Newman is a graduate of the best
schools of America and previously took a two
year coarse in Earope. His wonderful system
of correcting errors of sight has given hun
dreds better vision and saved many from blind
ness. Dr. Newman will visit a number of the
towns and cities of this vicinity, bat will be
la his
ef eaeh i
Dr. Newmaa its glasses or all defects of vision.
His glasses can headache, indigestion dyspep
sia. Complicated cases specially solicited.
Cross eye ia children cored withoat the see of
medicine or tMKaiie. rJatmaotloa guaranteed.
Consultation free. lOjantf
Removed !
has removed his
omce and resi
dence to the
fourth house
north of Fried-
hoTs store. All calls ia oity snd country
promptly attended to by night or day.
Telephone No. 59. 17aprtf
W. A. Mcaxusm. W. M. Coainxra
ta'aAlsEf"lv r BBaHL
nwanwT JnsXl? UlRnwHnwanW
a LsWti aLLws9nwsPSv '
a . . ,- " snnv
unausv! ipfc5?5nBw.
eB7swv Wa2BvBbv)
Columbus Hug. 10.
Co.'s drug store. Unlike other shows,
wagons on show grounds.
Omalia Heat Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats-
Game and Fish in Season.
JflFHighest market
Hides and Tallow.
prices paid fox
Blacksmith and
Wagon Work...
Everything in our Hae
and everything guarantee..
WagOHs Made to order.
Best horse-shoeing in the
A tne line or Buggies.
Carriages, etc.
tWl am agent for the old reliable
Columbus Buggy Company, of Colum
bus, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran
tee of strictly first-class goods.
with direct
connections for
i All Priieipal Easfiti Citits.
s Union Pacific
1 and
Chicago 4 North-Wtstcrn
2 Passengers destined for
prominent cities east of the
- Missouri Hirer should pat-
B ronize this route.
S The through trains axe Sol-
s idly Vestibuled, elegantly
t equipped with Don hie
I Drawing Room and Palace
Sleepers, Dining CanLBaaala
I ForUckrt. Md Ml Wortta.
W. H. BmauaT, Agent
'g . 4-