. vi . 1- IE .. o o i . ti 5 o a - ae Bala Aaeaecva a Aaataer. It is not usual for a ship on the high seas to elect to cast anchor on the deck of a passing steamer; but that is what a four masted schooner did recently in the Atlantic The two vessels grazed in the fog. and the "catted" port anchor of the schooner caught in the steamer's deck "by a .fluke." It fastened to an engineer's state room in such a manner as to bar his exit, but fortunately the chain parted just as the room was being ripped into fragments. The schooner followed the steamer to its destination to recover her anchor. Her Laadable Atabltloa. Colonel G. B. M. Harvey, the pub lisher, " tells of meeting the young bride of a well known Keutucky fam ily, who said: "I'm glad to meet you, because I'm thinking of writing a book."' "Of what sore?" asked the colonel. "Oh," was the answer, "something like 'Les Miserables,' only 'more lively." How He Headed Off Sharpshooters. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., does not intend that Idle Hour, his new homo at Oakland, L. I., shall be photo graphed without his permission. .He has accordingly had pictures taken from every possible point and copy righted the results. Couldn't Work Hiat for a "Teasple." A civil engineer employed in Salt Lake City received recently from the cashier at the works at which' he had been engaged his first week's, wages, less 10 per cent. He asked why, hav ing worked a full week at agreed rate, there should be any deduction. "It's the tithe for the Temple," was the answer, and on further inquiry it appeared that it was usual in Salt Lake City for every citizen or work man to pay over to the eMers a sum representing a tithe, or 10 j-er cent or his earnings or gains. The engineer said that he knew nothing about the Temple or the elders, and that he cared less. He added that he would have his full pay or know the reason why. "Oh. it's entirely optional," said the cashier, pushing over the bal ance. Woier.'iil Cate In Indiana. Buck Creek, Ind., July 15th Mrs. Elizabeth' Rorick of this place had Rheumatism. She says: "All the doc tors told me they could do nothing for me." She was very, very bad, and the pain was so great she could not sleep at night. She used Dodd's Kidney Pills, and she is well and entirely free from pain or any symptom of the Rheumatism. "Are you still using Dodd's Kidney Pills?" was asked. "No, I stopped the use of the Pills some time ago, and have not had the slightest return of my old trouble. I am sure I am completely and perma nently cured." Many in Tippecanoe County who have heard of Mrs. Rorick's case and her cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills, are using the Pills, and all report won derful results. Royal l'Utol Shot. King George of Greece, has lately taken up ptetol practice as an amuse ment and is developing a considerable talent in that direction, s-j that he was able in a recent tournament to defeat some of the best snots in the kingdom. Asa Taa Ualaa: Allan's Foot Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen, 8martlng, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Teach your child to hold his tongue; he'll learn to speak fast enough. Clear whito clothes nro a sign that the housekeeper ues IUsl Cross Ball Blue Large - oz. package, " coats. An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince. Mr. Wlntlowa boothing yrnp. "For children tet!ng. sof teni thezumi, reduce lr flasuiimuon,mlU)palB.curcs'wlndcoU& 23cabottla Do good to thy friend to keep him to thy enemy to gain him. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only "16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Seminole War Fennlonera. In the Masonic home in Walling ford. Conn., there resides one of the four veterans now alive of the Sem inole war. He is Charles Benedict, an old Mason. He is ou the list of Nncle Sam's pensioners. Two other surviv ors of the war, and all one the pen sion roll, are Samuel Hart, of Rock port. Mass., and Samuel D. Calkins, of Norwich. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR THE WABASH. Effective July 10th. The Wabash is placing the first of the large order of equipment, consisting of two baggage, 8 combination pasenger and baggage, 30 coaches, 10 chair cars, 3 cafe cars and 2 dining cars into service. The trains running from Chicago leaving at 11:00 a. m., 3:03 p. m., 9:15 p. m. and 11:00 p. m., respectively, will carry this new equipment. Much comment has been made upon the elegant broad vestibule chair cars in this service. In addition to this extra equipment, the Pan-American Special, running be tween St Louis and Buffalo, leaves St. Louis at 1:00 p. m., arriving at Buffalo 8:20 a. m. Returning, leaves Buffalo 1:30 p. m., arrives St. Louis 7:56 a. m. This train has been equipped with fhe large broad vestibule chair cars and cafe library and observation cars, something entirely new, an innovation in the passenger service. Busephalus, the horse of Alexander, hath as lasting fame as his master. FRAGRANT ftoOPQNT BaaWBaaSf HaJal BBaasillalatA mm thai OTIWI aaaJSSJSJ MnlHIII IWl PS1 Tuft Month UneUtUtMiPOWBOt.TSc .9 At all Mora, ar far Mail forthenioa, HAU.AHUCKEL, N aw York. rrtBlTbABMtaAa'a a?v Wat sera faa.aati " aisnaa Vkea iasvenafl Uvsrtissaeats Kiacly HestiM His rasec W.N.U. OMAHA Ns. 39-1901 awLSTfeJi? &' B BTFte.Etillwij m antTa MiPbmt. Maw B pr BBar-Biaa aBBBaaaaaW atBalka BaaaaBBaaBath-W. V a i . z . . . BSBaBBBBaWBBBBBBBBr JBsmBaaBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBBBBBmBaaBBBBBBBBBBaBaBBBlBBB laaaaaBBBBBk J bbbbbbbi a aaa laaawJHaa nKAi . aaaae iriaBBBBBBBBBalneaBSJL (t VT:TUSg- YlJEaaaBaBagaaBaal Old Glory. Flag-Day Verses by a Milwaukee Boy Twelve Years Old. The folds of our protecting flag Enshroud us. when we stand To fight for freedom, justice, right. In this our glorious land. We think of battles fought for it, As on its stars we gaze. O, wave your own, your country's flag, Its glowing colors raise. Great Lincoln and great Washington Fought for Old Glory's right. Great Webster and great JefTerson, Great Grant fought with their might So give three cheers and one cheer more. Aye, aye, that's what we'll do, And wave huts to our noble flag, The red! the white! the blue! Paul G. Gregory, aged 12, in Mil waukee Wisconsin. IIUtor!c Plata Warm Oat. The steel engraved plate from which has been printed every commission to naval officers for the last fifty or sixty years has seen its last service, having become too much worn for further use, and will now be laid away with the sacred relics of the navy department It has been noticed for some time that the commissions printed from this plate were becoming less clear cut, and when Capt Sigsbee received his last commission his comment on the sub ject to Secretary Long induced that of ficial to take up again the matter for consideration. After lengthy discus sion Secretary Long sent for the of ficials of the bureau of engraving and Instructed them to take a copy of the old plate as nearly as the rules of that bureau in reference to counterfeiting would permit The engravers wished to change the plate by putting new and improved guns in place of the old "Long Tom" in vogue in 1830-40, and the new warships for the old sailing vessels, but to this neither Secretary Long nor his assistants would agree. They wished to preserve the style of engraving of the period in which it was made, and retain all the old ear marks of that date As the matter bow stands the new plate will be an exact reproduction, save for some slight changes of shading and so on. The old plate was made by the American Bank Note Company in New York in 1830 or 1840, and is considered one of the finest and most artistic pieces of engraving belonging to the govern ment Having seen service for the he roes of both the Civil and Spanish American wars, as well as other men of long and faithful service, it is re garded with reverence by the navy de partment The eagle at the top of tho commission has a lean and hungry look, and not the appearance of being a near relative even of the well-fed, pompous-looking bird that adorns the bank notes and government docu ments of today. The flags, guns, boats and other naval equipments are all typical of the period of the navy sixty years ago, while the figures of Nep tune and Nereid, plowing the waves with their star horses, beautifully con ceived and executed, make it one of the most elaborate and imposing docu ments of the government Washing ton Star. The Cost of War. During the last century the art of war has shared in all improvements. But improvements in the art of war have not reduced the cost to those in dulging in it; they have rather in creased it This fact, though, has not lessened the number of wars in the nineteenth century. No other ten de cades of history cover so many great conflicts. Recall the Napoleonic wars of the early part of the century; the Crimean war in the middle, our own great Civil war, the Franco-Prussian war, the Turco-Russian war, the Chino-Japanese war; and then" read the names of some of the "littlelwars": The long Algerian war, the civil war in Spain and Portugal, our war with Mexico, Great Britain's wars with China and with the tribesmen and hill men that Kipling tells of. the Spanish American war only three years ago; Italy's war in Abssinia. Think of the Seminole war. and the yearly conflicts with the Indians. There is no doubt of the century having betn war-like, and its total cost is very close to $20, 000,000,000. Just how much is a bil lion? It is one thousand millions; but that fact Is not expressive. There are only 3,155,673,600 seconds in a century that is, six dollars have been spent on war for every second of the cen tury. If we take Archbishop Usher's chronology, and consider the world to be 5,904 years old, we find that the na tions have spent on war during the nineteenth century at the rate of six dollars a minute since the creation. The moat costly building In the world is the Church of San Pietro in Vati cano, known to us as St Peter's, Rome. It has cost not less than $70,000,000 since its foundation stone was laid, yet nearly three hundred other churches of equal cost could be built out of what the world has spent on wars dur ing the nineteenth century. The world spends upwards of $530,000,000 a year on education. If it spent thirty-seven times as much, it would not equal the war expenses of the past century. The population of the world is estimated at 1,500,000.000; the money spent on war between 1S01 and 1900 would give to each man, woman and child alive to day more than $13 as pocket money. If a man counted 200 a minute for ten hours a daysix days a week, he would have counted one million in 8 days 3 hours and 20 minutes. At the same rate, he wouhl need 8,333 days, 3 hours and 20 minutes to count one billion, or 26 years, 195 days, 3 hours and 20 minutes, not counting Sundays. To count "twenty billions would take 532 years, 150 days, 6 hours and 40 min utes. R. Gordon Butler in Home Mag azine. Orr Lores Grand Arar- At the thirty-fifth annual encamp ment, G. A. R.. Department of New York, held In Rochester, Charles A. Orr of Buffalo was elected commander by a large majority; John H. Swift of Union, Broome county, senior vice commander; Daniel M. Hulse of Can sJalfua, junior vice commander; .Dr. John Parsons ot New York, medical director; the Rev. John F. Tinker of Poughkeepeie, chaplain. Council of administration A. R. Penfleld of J. D. O'Brien Post, No. $5, Oswego; Joseph Porter of Skillen Post, No. 47 Rome; M. J. Cummlngs of Devin Post, No. 148, Brooklyn; James Owens of H. B-. Claflin Post. No, 578, New York, and L. L. Hanchett of J. M. Brown Post, No. 285, Jamestown. Thus far two staff appointments are announced General George B. Loud, New York, Inspector general, and W. H. Boughton of Troy, adjutant general. At the time of his election Comrade Orr said: "Next to my wife I love the Grand Army more than anything else on earth. For the past twenty-five years I have been much of the time in official positions by the vote of the majority and the warm support ot my comrades, t have tried during these many years In pub lic positions to do right I have also tried to do all in my power for my comrades, their widows and orphans, and shall continue to do so to the end of my life. I assure you that I fully appreciate this high honor you have conferred upon me and shall not be satisfied with myself when I leave the position of department commander if my comrades and friends are not satis fied with my administration. I have many friends warm and dear, to re member, and so far as I am able I cer tainly shall not forget them, and here I thank them all from the bottom of my 'heart" vara Tast far Caaalaatas. The young men who have been se lected to be examined for transfer from the volunteers to the regular estab lishment, as well as those candidates who receive appointments from civil life, are coming against a pretty severe examination whenever they are sub jected to the prescribed tests, says the Washington correspondent of the New York Times. These young men must first show that their military record, if they have one, is good; that is of the first consideration. If in this the men can pass muster, is "all right" in mathematics, and makes a decent av erage in army and drill regulations, he may depend upon getting his commis sion. Then there is a very rigorous physical examination, as thorough and exacting as that to which recruits are subjected. The examination to ascer tain the educational qualifications of the candidate include English gram mar, mathematics with algebra, the solution of equations of the first de gree containing one unknown quan tity; the use of logarithms, the ele ments of plane geometry, plane trig onometry and surveying. Added to this the candidate must tell what he knows in answer to questions in geo graphy, outlines of general history and history of the United States, the con stitution and the elements of inter national law. Physical aptitude and moral character are considered. No candidate will be passed who shall not have attained an average of 65 per cent in each subject of examination, and a general average of at least 70 per cent Veterans a Orchard Planter. A force of 100 men, most of them veterans of the National Soldiers' Home, recently set out 27,000 apple trees on the farm of ex-Governor Mor rill, in the southern part of Leaven worth county. Kansas. When these trees were planted there were 64,000 trees set out in one compact body of land, making it the largest distinctive apple orchard in the United States, and, so far as known, in the world. Three years ago ex-Governor Morrill purchased 889 acres of land, and, with the aid of Francis Goble, a horticul turist started to plant the largest ap ple orchard in the country. The land and rapltal furnished by Governor Morrill, while Mr. Goble acts as sup erintendent. They are to share the profits equally for 15 years, and then Governor Morrill is to have all. They expect in one good fruit year at any time after the next three years to make enough money to pay for the en tire expense of planting and caring for the 64,000 trees. EtIU of the Military Step. Dr. Colin, of the French army, has published in La Salud the results of his investigations regarding the ef fects which the regulation military step of the disciplined soldier pro duces on his health and on his con stitution. The regularity of the mili tary step causes an indefinite repeti tion of the shock affecting the bones and the brain which is much more prejudicial than that produced by an irregular walk. Dr. Colin attributes to the regular and uniform repetition of this shock on the same parts of the body much of the pains and diseases peculiar to the soldier. During the march of a single day this shock is repeated 40,000 times, and the 'strong est men, who can walk a long dis tance without fatigue when using the ordinary step, yield to the tension caused by the military step after two or three days. Gen. Fltxhngh Lee's Daetelaa. General Fitzhugh Lee has decided to enter into business in Richmond, Va., where he will henceforth make his home. He has not decided as to the nature of his future work,' but it Is believed that it will be of an indus trial character. He does not hesitate to admit that it will be hard for him to keep out of politics, and in a talk with an interviewer who asked him if he would ever become a candidate for office he was noncommittal. Xew York W. K. C OMeara. At the department convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, held in Roches ter, N. Y., Mrs. Jennie P. Shepard of Seneca Falls was elected department president and Miss Masie S. Greene of New York, senior vice department president Captain Frederick Stanley Maude has just been given the post of mili tary secretary to the Governor Gen eral of Canada. He Is the son of the late. General Sir Frederick Maude, V. C, and a near relative of Cyril Maude, the well-known actor. WiiPiieer we have an over-production cf food and clothing the poor must go hungry and ragged. Suppose now that when God has an over-production of blessings, would he let the world go ro the devil? The mission ot the world is to work. If you are not working yon are a traitor to creation, a sponge in the tub of toil, a blank shell in God's box cf ammunition." FARM AND GAEPEN. MATTERS OP INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. ra-te-Data Htata Aaaat Calttv. ttea of the 60U aad Yield Thereof" HarUcaltue TlUealtare aad Flarlcal- Haw to Sell Fralb ft. M. Kellogg, the well-known fruit grower bf Michigan, writing in his an nual catalogue on the way to sell fruit, says: Never give the market a thought un til the berries are ready but spend your time growing such a grade of fruit that customers will wait for your coming. You will not have to run around to drum up trade If your fruit is right you will not have any trouble in arranging with the .leading dealer to handle all you have. Get a heat circular letter printed de scribing your berries and have one left with every family who is a customer of your dealer, telling then! where they can be had. Have notices put id the papers to the same effect Pack your fruit honestly in a nice, clean box and don't forget to put some big berries in the bottom. The people will find them and give you a good deal of credit If you ship to a distant city secure a re liable dealer in the same way and have a neat stencil or label which shall act as a trademark, so that people will be come accustomed to it and insist on having your brand. You will have no occasion to make consignments to a commission house but will be put to your wits' end to get enough fruit to supply regular customers. If you -are so fortunate as to have common fruit, do as the other fellow does: sell it for what it will bring but never put your name on it so that people shall find out that it came from your establishment A good reputation Is a splendid stock In trade. It gives you the advantage on the mar ket and causes people to pass by the other growers and patronize you. Have a neat letter head and bill head to use when you have occasion to write to a customer or present a bill. Take pride In your business and do business in a business-like way. t have made most money selling direct to private families. I never failed to secure for customers nearly every family on all the principal streets. Other growers would tag around after me and offer my customers their ber ries for two or three cents less per quart, but I paid no attention to them. Always Insist on a fair price and back it up by a comparison of values and you will have no trouble in get ting and holding customers. Be firm and courteous under all circum stances; don't get angry if they do quit you, but express your regrets and leave them in a mood in which they can come back without prejudice. It costs nothing and it is pleasant to be known as a gentleman with whom everybody likes to deal. Don't cut prices but look up new customers if you have a surplus of fruit Don't peddle indiscriminately from house to house but have regular customers whom you supply daily. Insist on a good price for fancy fruit and you will always get it You will rarely or never lose a customer, but you will keep on getting more patronage as the quality of your fruit becomes known. Nine-tenths of the people will buy the best fruit they can get, and a reasonably high price cuts no figure if they can only know where to get a regular supply. Any grocery man will tell you he always sells his fancy fruit first and the low grades last The word goes from one family to another and to their friends in dis tant towns, where families will club together and have several bushels shipped daily by express and divide them among themselves. I have al ways had a large trade of this kind. When selling one kind of fruit en gage the next coming on, so as to have everything sold in advance. You will soon find all your time occupied in selling fruit and directing work, and you can hire the drudgery done by people of less enterprise.' Pay your men good wages, so they will prize their places, but let them understand that everything depends on first-class, careful work. When they see the drones being weeded out they will take the hint; and don't forget the worst use you can make of a man is to quarrel with him and call him hard names. Just say to him kindly that his services are no longer needed, and let him go. A neat personal appear ance is a good stock In trade. Wear a good business suit and keep your shoes blacked, and be In condition to approach a wealthy family and make a good Impression, and never offer a customer berries in an old dirty box. Keep your wagon as neat and attrac tive as possible. Improving the Seed Cora. The Illinois Seed Corn Breeders' As sociation takes pride in pointing to its record of one year from its primary organization. From the moment of its first meeting it has constantly kept before the farmer everywhere and in every way the importance of improv ing the Seed Corn of the state. By presenting the matter before the va rious Farmers' Institute meetings and at all gatherings of the Live Stock men" the interest in this respect has been greatly awakened and today no subject is more strongly fixed in the mind of the corn growers than the necessity of the improvement in seed corn. We believe there is no matter of greater importance before us than the Breeding of Corn for Seed and Feed Purposes. Since it is well known that all the available corn land is now under cultivation, that we have not in ten years materially increasedthe yield and have not at all increased the quality, and that against this fact that in ten years corn products have great ly increased and exports of corn from 31,000,000 bushels in 1S91 to 210,000,- 000 in 1900. We must raise more bushels and better quality per acre if we are to keep up with the onward march of progress. F. A. Warner, Secretary-Treasurer. Thla va. Thick Cora Flaatlar. How thick should corn be planted when it -is to be used for ensilage? This question is of considerable im portance, as the thickness of planting has a direct bearing on the yield pos sible. No absolute rule can be given that will suit all soils, since it is evi dent that light and heavy soils will behave differently, and that difference of fertilization also has much to do with the result At the New Jersey Experiment Sta tion last year one acre of ground was divided into one-fourth acre plots and planted to Southern White corn, June 8th. The corn was planted in drills on all of the plots, the drills being three feet and six inches apart Plot 1 was planted at the rate of six quarts of corn per acre. The stalks stood ten inches apart in the drill. Plot 2 at the rate of five quarts per acre, the stalks standing twelve inches apart Plot 3 at the rate of four quarts psr acre, with stalks fourteua inches afart Plot 4 at the rate ot three attarti per acre, with stalks sixteen laches apart The results were entirely In favor ot the thicker plantings. The yield of silage tern on plot 1 was at the rate el 0J3 tons per acre; on plot i it was at the rale ot 7.T$ tons per acre; on plot 3 it was at the rate of 7.49 tons to the acre; and on plot 4 at the rate of 7.48 tons "per acre. It was noticed 'on plot i. where the corn was planted the thickest, that it took the moisture from the soil more rapidly and suffered more from the drouth than the other plots. The ear were also noticeably smaller on piota 1 and 2, where the corn was planted thickly than, on the more thiniy seed ed plots. The experimenters express the opinion that the thickest planting is the most profitable for silage cotn: We are sure that some of our sllof ists will disagree with the above, but know also that others will sustain the cbnclusidns reached. Some want to grow a goodly proportion of grain with the stalks and such will plant at wider distances. On the other hand, the writer once heard, H. B. Gurler remark that he intended, to plant closer and raise only stalks, find ing it more profitable to buy the grain needed than to raise it, taking into consideration hie increasing necessi ties for silage. Bread ar tVladaor Beaa. (VIcia faba). This ts the "bean of history," 6r that which Was earlier cultivated. This bead grows erect, about itt feet high, has a sqdare, reddish stem, and the leaves Are made up of oval leaflets. The pods are broad, thicker at the end and generally curved and pendent, con taining thlcklsh, bulging seeds. Sev eral varieties are grown in tiurope both for fodder and for human food, BflsBBBalsBIBIBIUBflA BBBBIbBBIBIBIBIBIBW BTod or Windav beta. but it does not continue as long in bearing as other beans. It is said to be more generally eaten there by the poor than by the wealthy, but, as it has a distinct and agreeable flavor of its own, quite different from the kidney bean, it should be better known among us. It is gathered when full grown, but unripe, as it is then best flavored. The Broad Windsor is perhaps the best known of the cultivated varieties, but it is less successfully grown in the United States than in Europe, the cli mate being apparently unsuited to its best development It is imported to some extent in exchange for varieties grown here. Defroitlng of Meat. In the foreign meat trade great in terest is being manifested just now in the discovery of a new method of defrosting meat As everyone knows, meat which has been preserved by freezing invariably presents a flabby and washed-out appearance on being thawed by the ordinary process, but by the new method discovered by Mr. A. H. Chapman, sheep farmer, of Ku row, the defrosted meat presents quite as fresh an appearance as the fresh meat which has never been frosted. The new process consists in wrapping up the meat in a waterproof and air tight canvas while the carcass is be ing thawed, and this method is said to be altogether successful in prevent ing the loss of freshness, which al ways results when frozen meat is thawed in the ordinary way. It is estimated that at present thirty tons of chilled and frozen meat are con sumed weekly in Edinburg alone. It is therefore easy to see the huge pos sibilities that there are for any per fected system which will bring over the meat in better condition than can be done at present. North British Agriculturist Brick Freaerves. The Australians, it appears, are put ting up fruit preserves in the form of bricks, and the United States Ag ricultural department has become in terested in the subject, as it is believed that in a country, especially in Cali fornia, where fruit is so plentiful, that a vast industry can be developed in preserves put up in this form. The process consists simply in compressing fruit-pulp into bricks and wrapping them in oil paper or other similar sub stance that will keep out the moisture. The method has the advantage of do ing away with glass or tin packages which are necessary in liquid pre serves. It is also hoped that the brick preserves can be made to taste like fresh fruit, but complete success has not yet been attained in this respect In his efforts to grow crops the in telligent farmer must ever try to con ceive and add to the stock of avail able plant food in the soil. The fer tility ofa soil is measured by its pow er to produce crops. A soil may have many hundreds of pounds of plant food per acre, and still be unfertile, while another may contain little plant food, but may have that little in an available form and thus be produc tive, i. e., fertile. A favorite way of applying wood ashes is as a"top dressing to mowing or pasture lands. This encourages the growth of clover and some of the bet ter grasses with a tendency o crowd out inferior kinds of grasses, weeds and moss. The heaviest precious stone is the zircon, which is four and one-half times heavier than an equal quantity of water. The lightest is the opal, onlv twice as heavy as water. Kangaroo skins to the value of over a million dollars a year are imported from Australia to the United States. Who is in the right fears, who Is in the wrong hopts. ft Walk it Is a tact that we owe prac tically all of ear improved breeds of live stock to foreign countries it. is a matter tor satisfaction that at least oae breed of swiae has originated 1 America;, We refer 6f. course to the "'olaadCaiaa breed of hogs. Certaln '. too, this is & breed well worthy of .e fame It ea attained not only hero at abroad, for exportation of live jniamals for. breeding rarpoees ha been carried om to sosm extent ot late years, and it may be said that if forf elgn consumers of American pork and to produces knew that the Poland :hina furnished most ot this product aev, would more thoroughly appre iate .the. breed as an American "in? titutioi;" It is pre-eminently a lard og. but at the same time the staple roducer bt farm bacon and hams and jf a great proportion, ot all pork prod: ucts In the market Yet while it is an American breed pure and simple it is known by the complex, perplexing name ''Poland-China"! What had Poland to do with its formation? Not a thing that we have been able to dis cover and China had almost as little. When the breed found Its starting place back In the rich Miami valley Of Ohio it is said that in 1816 John Wal lace introduced to that county ,rsee breeding hogs called "Big Cftlrimi" They were bought in Philadelphia and were said to be from China or bred from Chinese stock. This is the only trace of China we can hnd in the early history bf the breed and facts regarding any Polish blood having been used are entirely absent so that it may be taken for granted that no such blood was utilized. It is evident then that our native breed ot swine is poorly named tor while it Originated In America neither the Pdlaks nor the Chinese contributed anything to its success or formation yet receive the credit In its designation. The breed should have been called the "Miami County hog," or possibly the "War ren County hog," as it was once called, or should have been given some other name more correct and American than PolandMChina. It is now too late to change the name and "P-C" will stick to the breed in all probability through out the future. Though the name will remain the same add has since we can remember it, the breed itself has changed and will continue to change In some slight respects as the result of continued breeding towards a de sired standard. The first specimens of the breed we can call to mind were much coarser than those of the pres ent day and had more white spots up on them, in fact some of them showed about as mdeh white as black as may easily be seen by referring to some of the old cuts of Poland-China swine such for Instance as those published by A. C. Moore of Canton, 111., and other early and extensive breeders. It would seem to us too that the hogs have grown shorter and blocker, a fact that cannot altogether be consid ered an Improvement except for lard production; it certainly has not made the breed more prolific in breeding indeed it must we think be confessed that the breed is less prolific now than twenty years or more ago. It has much Improved in head and ear being neater and finer and this may also be said of the bones which are less in bulk and possibly stronger in texture than when "all corn" was the prevail ing method of feeding. In capacity for lard production this breed has taken the lead of all competitors and as an all round farm hog, for feeding and killing it has very evidently given universal satisfaction so that along with our breed of trotting horses, also an American breed, we have at least two examples of successful breeding which will successfully compare with anything the foreign countries have been able to contribute. American corn made the Poland-China. Ameri can corn is fast becoming cosmopoli tan in its utilization as a food for man and beast and may yet change the type of the foreign breeds of swine should it come to be fed in large quantities. Too much corn has proved dangerous to our swine but the increased foreign demand by increas ing the value of corn will reduce the amount used for swine feeding in this country and inevitably lead to im provement of our swine the first im provement being increased prolificacy of the Poland-China. Reviving- Urowalajr Chicks. It is now the time of year when sud den showers are frequent, and some times a sudden downpour, and lots of us poultry raisers have found chick ens and poults out on the range, and it is impossible sometimes for us to get them to shelter without a half hour's warning, says a writer in Poul try Tribune. Before this season we have brought in drowned chicks by the apronful or dozen after one of those showers, some dead,' and others died because I didn't know how to ap ply warmth. I have been taught since by an older head to double a piece of carpet or other thick cloth and cover the bottom of a warm oven with it, put the wet chick on this, and those that seem dead immerse all but their heads in warm water, have it so warm that you can barely hold your hand in it, and hold the chicks there until they can move themselves easily. You wiil be surprised to see how soon an apparently dead chick will revive, if you have never tried this remedy. But alas, this remedy will not bring a dead chick to life. ' After you take them from the wa ter, wipe them with a dry cloth and put them in the warm oven to dry. We do not have all this bother with brood er chicks, for their mother is always In the same place, not a gadabout all over the farm, and the chicks know which way to run when they need pro tection. We intend to do away with hens for brooders as soon as possible, because artificial brooders are not half the bother and we raise the chicks. Olaaaaaa of the Feet. The feet of fowls should be looked after, and any serious injury corrected by proper treatment Cuts and cracks may rapidly heal, or they may become centers of inflammation, which cause lameness. Such .inflamed spots are hot and swollen. To allay the inflamma tion hold the foot in water as hot as the bird can bear, then apply to the injured surface an ointment composed ot boric acid 1 part and vaseline 5 parts. The feet of fowls are subject to corns, due largely to narrow perches. See that' the latter are broad and flat Corns become greatly aggravated, pro ducing a condition known as bumble foot The affected part is hot, painful and swollen, or 'the swelling may sup purate, which when it breaks causes an ugly sore. Soak the foot in hot water to reduce the inflammation, then apply a flax seed poultice. When the in flammation is reduced apply the boric acid "ointment Keep the foot band aeed. If the swelling has formed .an abscess, open the same with a sharp knife previous to the above treatment British farmers ana dairymen are to day milking over 4.000,000 cows, and producing annually in their dairies e 99 AAA AAA irnrth of milk, butter and cheese. taa Shah . Aateaaealie A builder of motor cars In Liege, France, has just sent to Teheran am open carriage ot the landau shape. Or dered by. the shah, at the price of $20,000. It has. seats for five, one ot which is the driver. The body is painted royal bine, and the " wheels carmine; The seats are luxurious, springy and covered with pearly gray satin. Two handsome lamps stand out well from the driver'B seat; the frames are silver gilt, and the glass .panes beveled; they are decorated in the middle with the lion and sun of Per; sia: Green and red will go together. Give a man plenty of greenbacks and he can paint the town a deep red: ladles Caa Wear SI One size smaller after uaingAUen's Foot Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot.sweating; aching feet, ingrowin; nails, corns and bunions. All dru?gists and shoe stores, 25c Trial package FREE by mail- Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. If you would be reveng'd ot your enemy, govern yourself. taaaderlas Thla Dreseea, -To launder the exnuisite creatioaa of linand lace in which this aeabon, abounds haa become quite a problem, yet the mott delicate materials will aot be injured if washed with Ivory Soap and than dried in the shade. But little starch need be ased. ELIZA R. PAPKER; A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy. No family, shop. ship, camp or per son should be without Wizard Oil for every painful accident or emergency. But I mean such wives as are none of the best. X am sure Piso's Care for Coasanpttoi saved say life three jears ago. Mrs. Tnos. Robbiss. Maple Street, Norwich, N. V.. Feb. IT. 1900. As charms are nonsense, nonsense is a charm. Ilall's Catarrh Cora Is taken internally. Price, Toa Hope resembles the head of a pin and disappointment the other end. DO TOUR CLOTHES LOOK YEIXOWT If so, use Red Cross Ball Blue. It will make them white as snow. 2 oz. package 5 cents. If a man looks upon the wine when it is red it is very lihely to cast re flections upon his nose. It is one of the unsolved mysteries how two men can exchange umbrellas and each invariably get t he worst of it. DO YOU SHOOT? uu tuu onuui f If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for WINCHESTER GUN CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns sad Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Sead at once to the Winchester Repeating Arm Co., Now Haven, Conn. BABYS gWTjiAO BATH MILLIONS OF MOTHERS USE CUTICURA SOAP ASSISTED BY aJTI CURA OINTMENT THE GREAT SKIN CURE For preserving-, purifying, and beautifying the skin of infants and children, for rashes, ftchings, and chafings, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping ot : falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red,roagh, and sore hands, andfor all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or on enshre perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to Women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can Induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. Guticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derhrcd fromCutkura, the great skin curev with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. It unites in ONE SOAP a ONETRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap and the BEST toiled bath, and baby soap in the world. CftirXlTI KXTETCAL A5a OTKBJUL R4S fcmm Consiatlng of Ccthxka Soap, to cleanse taa akia of crests llllirilril aaascaicsaaaaorteatncmtticaDedcatlcto.CCTiecrKAOucT. timVlll 11 xz3T,tolnatMUyauritcBinc,inltamBaUoB.aBd iirita- L.. m tion,aad soothe and beal, aad CtmcuxA Resox.yxxt. to TlIF FT co1 nd cleanse the blood. A Sctglz Set is often soM- IIIL ULI cient to cure the moat tortariar.dufirarlac;. itching, bara- tar. and scaly skia, scalp, and blood humors, with Ian of ftalr, waea an etoe tails. Sold throughout tie world. Britiaa Depot; lMQtWBSBBr A 80 lT-3S. ClSfUr houaeSqEoadaa. mnlwoA39CMMM.QmrmrKm,1tmmhUtA. WANTED, SaLESiEM.SS:HS -"- men to sell trie Dcst-snown nursery tOCk In thO United Stat. Liberal Commissions paid. .Cash adraaeeA weekly. Write today for particulars, givinr references. Oregon NUTMfy CO., IslStTI, OrstJOn BUY CORN AND prices. aena ior our dook. J. K. COMSTOCK ateesae af Aatl-t'atea re4lt t a letter to his father at Spring lekit Mass., Frank Bellinger, a soldier serving la the Philippines: bitterit' de nounces, the temperance people f3r having brought about ttie abolition" ot the canteen. Deprived bf beer and whiskey; many soldiers accustomed' to drink have taken up the Viic Flliptnd drink; 'beno;' as a substitute: It not only physically wrecks those who drink it, but in many instances makes' them permanently insane. Delllnger cites tases where soldiers have gbue crazy from indulging in "beno:" Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 or package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. . A Iricked hero will turn his back to an innocent coward: . Ask your grocer tor DEFIANCB STARCH, the only 16 oz.. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starcn cpii tains only 12oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A woman may love flattery and yet dispise an awkward flatterer. bftEATLY REDUCED RATES via vTABASH R. R. $13.00 Buffalo and return $13.00. $31.00 New York and return $31.00 The Wabash from Chicago will sell tickets ai the above rates, daily. Aside from these rates, the Wabash' . run through trains over its own rails front Kansas City, St. Louis and CbicaRO ami offer many special rates during the summer months, allowing stopovers at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad dress Harry E. Moores. General Agent. Pass. Dept.. Omaha, "Neb., or C S. Crane, G. P. & T. A.. St. Louis, Mo. It might be well to remember that the oldest families are likely to have the most to be ashamed of. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE! STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent Ftarch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. You can rely on a man keeping his word when it is to his advantage to do so. There is plenty of room at the top but as soon as a man gets there he tries his best tb occupy it all. SCALE AUCTION 3 vjuNtssrasusm m ssr ' aaSBBBal .. - ' J i&E&S fz:;u '$?& ,..' al'Satada! IKPT..I rmZ I Ziat' TaXiTTOTT fB BTUT alfEOS, OATS!! poaala yowr investment ia eirty days. ConJl tioas warraat hiehr scccesbxxi. SIXCCLATIOX." sent free. it CO., Trasses' wu., CHICACO. .!-. .- r ? PS""353S3KXV7"SWK l;l"i. mwiiwwii