The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 24, 1901, Image 1

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MaHaVi Estcrj 5o: to Be Used a:
"ArzaTxlis Acacsnrr.
lie Admit tht Hh Lanrs- ' To
AbntiTf aad sys Proof sbeeti War
5oc All Shown Too United states Ofllc
1.1a as Tbrv Slioold Have Cru
WASHINGTON. Jniy 20. Tn sec
retary cf the navy nas decided that
the third volaae of Madams history
o' the Spanish-American ar shall
not be used as a textbook a: the naval
academy unless the obnoxious lan
tHage it contains in characterizing
the action of Hear Admiral Schley is
eliminated. The secretary says that
it tc-oald h? manifestly improper to
have a history containing scch intem
perate lan5Eae as a textbook for the
cadets. Ke -will inform both Com
mander XVaintvrisht. who is in com
mand cf the naval academy, and Mr.
Haciay .4 the anthor cf the history, cf
his decision In this connection th
secretary says the proofs of the en
tire volnme re net submitted to
him by the historian. He received
only the proofs of the third chapter
that reiatinz to the mobilization cf
th Seets which contained a snmmary
of tfce oaieis arhich he. &- secretary
of the navy, had issued in makinz
the naval preparations for Tar. That
chapter was satisfactory tind he re
turned it to Mr Maclay -xtih his ap
proval. He says he never satv the
accoent of th battle of Santiago and
the criticism of Rear Admiral Schley
nntil niter the book "as published.
Mr. Maclaj teas appointed to his pres
ent position in the Ne York navy
yard Aesupt 23. 1500. having been
transferred from the lighthouse ser
vice. Arra NaTal Clique.
BALTIMORE. July 2v General
Felix .Asms. puWisher of the Balti
more American, has telegraphed the
feile'R-ing tc President McKmley
THIliam MfKinley. President. Can
ton. Ohio. "Mariay's Hiscry of th
Navy" is the standard in use at the
naval academy. In the third volume.
jest issued, the historian charges Rear
Admiral Schley "-ith being a co-xard.
a liar, a caitiC. an incompetent and
insubordinate. In an inter iear in the
American this morning. Maclay. the
historian, who is a navy department
clerk, classed as a laborer, and at
tached to the 3rocklyn navy yard,
says that proofs of this Third volum5.
irhich ssoaW have told the most glori
ous story in all our naval annals,
c-ere submitted to Secretary Lons and
Acxniral Sampson and approved by
them in advaaoe of publication, also
that l-oasr pet him in his present po
sition afte- he had read and approved
this scurrilous attack upon Admiral
Schley. These proofs -xere also sub
mitted to Admiral Dexey. ho refused
to read them.
If aazht ere needed to convince
any fair-minded man that a clique in
the nsvy department has conspired
to traduce the hro of Santiago and
that th -ousptracy ras carried into
execration whSe this brave and gallant
oScer "was suffering expatriaaon or
" the fever-infested coasts of South
Aiserica. this should fumis it. Will
yoa. Mr. President, m viex of all this.
sit quietly by and permit these con
spirators so continue their diabolical
wsrk? Every jusnce-loving American
appeals to yoa to intervene in the
name and for the sake of fair play.
Next to being right all the time.
xhich ao man ever -xas. the best thing
-is to find out as soon as possible that
yea- are "a-rong and riaht yourself im
mediately. FELIX AGNUS.
Publisher Baltimore j
Grdr in Rlocdr Battle.
DENVER. Colo.. July 2 A special
te the Ne'ars from Sidney. Neb., says:
Greek and Austrian graderr met here
in deadly combat. Six Greeks -a-er
wounded and one Austrian -sras killed
After a drunken rcrx the Austnans at
tacked the Geeks -oath knives, re
velvers and clubs and completely rout
ed them, after severely -xoundine six
of their number. Rade Lubovic. an
Austrian, was killed.
Bobbed sad Drop Dead.
WICHITA. Kan, July 2. After be
ing rabbet! on a Cheetah train, return
ing from EI Reno. F. R. Smith, an
aged man from 3onham. Texas,
cropped dead in a crowded coach. The
. body "sos placed in a seat and taken
to Oklahoma City. His wife and
daughter were with him.
Hn. IIisiu is safely Over.
QUEEN5TOWN. July 20. Mrs. D.
Hanna. who is a passenzcr on the
Canard "liner Campania, from New
Tork tc Liverpool, -when interviewed
on the steamer in Queenstown haroor
by a representative of the Associated
Press, said her trip to Europe was
entirely one cf pleasure and that its
duration -would depend on circum
stances. She asserted that she was
net aware of having left Nex York
ciry under sensational conditions.
Htt Rain In Part of Texaa.
HOUSTON, Tex July tQ. Heavy
rains are reported, from many parts cf
Teaxs last night, today and tonight,
wnile the rain is not general, near
ly aH sections of the state have ben
reached and a large portion of thr
ccttcn country has been soaked. The
reports from Denton. Fort Worth ana
Temcu in northern Texas say that the
do-srnpour covered a -sride area in fie
Tidnity of these towns. Other sections
need rain.
It to Stow Cteced ud la SI
Mm a Blov.
LNCOLN, Neb., July 22. The state
board of equalization completed the
tax lery by counties The rate for
the general fund is 6 mills; for the
nalversity fund. 1 mill Owing to the
increase in the assessed valuation ot
the state, -which amounts to nearly
C7G0.0M. the university fund will be
increased this year by about S2.5S5
over last year. The levy by counties
is as follows
' University
Anteiop- ....
Easar ...
Boone ....
Box Bun- ..
Bart ....
Chyena ...
iMkota. ......
rMcl .
Fraaiciin ....
Puras .
Hair.Uton . .
Harlan ... .
Hi" .. . .
Ho-xard ...
JeUersoB. ...
Johnson ....
Karaey ....
Kva Paha .
Klsiball .- ..
Lancaster . .
Mcpherson .
Nemaha. ....
Nucxcli? . .-
Oto .
Pawnee .....
Polk . . .
Hed WlUo-x
Sannders . . .
3cJtr Blclt
Seward .. ..
Sheridan . . .
heran ....
a. ha yer
Thurston - .
t"as ajsston
VVa yn-
T.313.71 L533.M
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.4i!- vssz.z:
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X.lZi 2305
11311. f 2.3121
535 74 121.74
'".2S l.s44.43
5.4-37J-" L2S1-4S
12.S37.2S 2.757.47
2.44 2
""551 ::
2.45.71 '
2. - -
iii .r;
21. .
7Ji..U a.7l
m fw
She DriTe la Death.
LINCOLN. Neb July 22. Mrs. Dan
Johnson, postmistress at Rokeby. a
small town about twelve miles south
west of Lincoln, while driving across
the Reck Island track within a mile
of her home at an early hour this
morning, was struck by a special
freight train and received injuries
that resulted in her ceatl- Opinion
is prevalent there that Mrs. Johnson
came to her death as the result of de
liberate action on her part. She had
had a great deal of trouble with her
neighbors, who made her the victim of
constant persecution.
HrTttint Har Crrp.
BAS5ETT. Neb.. July 22. Ranch
men in this vicinity are making ac
tive preparations to begin haying
and inside of ten days th harvest
will be well under way. At nrst i
was thought that the heavy lat rains
had injured the crop, and whil this
was found true in some instances, as
a reneral rule the fear was unfounded.
Cow Drags B-r to Death.
"RTAHOO. N-h.. July 22. Chas. 3IH
ler. 10-year-old sen of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Miller, was killed while leadinz
a cow to pasture. He tied the rope
around his body and the cow ran.
dragging him four blocks, breaking
his neck and greatly mutilating his
head and face.
Enrin Seta Fire to Wheat.
STROMSBURG. Neb.. Jaly 22. As
John Dritzler started to thresh some
wheat for J. A. Frawley. two miles
west of here, the engine set fire to
the Seld and burned twelve acres of
fine wheat.
ooc Starts For Fhllippiae.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. July 22. Rev.
Mr. Montgomery of "Wayne. Neb., i?
visiting in Lexington. Neb, prior to
going to the Philippine islands, to
take charge of the Presbyterian mis
sion schools.
hciri Trace Staaer-.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July 22.-
BeL a farmer three miles from this
city, was robbed while working in the
-neld. Bell is a bachelor and had over
S100 secreted in a trunk at the house.
The thief stole S3T, but 2I net find
the balance, which was in another
part of the trunk. 3eII drove to Bea
trice about midnight, secured the
Fulton bloodhounds and they traced
the thief to this. city, where he was
located. He settled the matter.
Karens Still Bsrafd.
RAVENNA. Neb July 22. The
Ravenna Souring mills burned m the
ground with 7.600 bushels of wheat
in the bins. This mill was bm"- by
C. Seeley and was one of the L-esr in
the state. The fire caught in the third
story after the fire at the Burliiisti
I tinned heated term, there was net
j sufficient pressure for th water t:
, sav it. There was about $13,900 n-jsurasse.
Pcrtfcna cf PhHrppiaei Xetsa t"lksir
Tim Tars, of GuTfrsafnti
riOT iliiy f ot ratvmcAL cote
Tkiw Seatka Trtel ikmmi Tmmt Iatoad
tn Fail To drasp tkm Ifct-iwimf
tla StiU SBBildtn Saie BcizaTca
AtteaiBMd Aroud lalmad f Cttm.
3IANTLA. July IS. The United
States civil commission announced
today that after three rn-nths' trial
of a provincial form of government
in the islands of Cebu and Bohol and
the province of Batangas. Luzon, cok
trol of those districts, owing to their
incomplete padncatioa. has been re
turned to the military authorities, it
having been proved that the com
munities indicated are backward and
undeserving of civil administration.
The provincial and civil officials of
these designated districts "will con
tinue their functions, but are now
under the authority of G-en. Chaffee
instead cf that of CiTil GoTerno
Taft. as heretofore. General Chaffee"
has the power arbitrarily to remove
from office any or all provincial or
civil cScials and to abrogate any sec
tion of the laws promulgated in these
provinces. The residents cf the
island cf Cebu have protested, but
without success, against the return of
that island to military controL
Several islands near Cebu are be
sieged by the insurgents. The in
surrection en the isiand of Bohol has
been renewed and insurgent sentiment
in the province of Batangas is strong.
General Chaffee has ordered a bat
talion cf the Thirtieth infantry to be
gin the occupation of the island of
Mindoro. The province of Batangas
will be occupied by the entire Twen
tieth infantry.
H. Phelps Whitmamh, governor of
Benguet province, who -was recently
ordered to Manila for investigation
of certain charges presented again?
him, was before the Philippine com
mission. Mr. Whitmarsh denied ev
ery charge made against him. The
result of the commission's action in
the matter will be knows Saturday.
goathirnt SliMoari and Oklahoma Share
in ntMd Downpour.
KANSAN CITY. Mo.. July 15. Fur
ther good rains following those of yes
terday fell after midnight last night
and during today in many points in
the southwest. Still more is predict
ed. The area covered was principally
in southwestern Missouri, central and
southern Kansas and in the central
part of the ndian and Oklahoma coun
try. The heaviest fall was in Sedg
wick county, in which Wichita is sit
uated, and where nearly two inches
and a half of water felL The rains
have increased the prospects of half
a crop of com, and wen: further
toward making good pasturages a
However, but little rain is reporter
in northern and western Kansas, and
some points are still suffering a drouth
that extends back from four to eight
Threaten Im to Paekars.
CHICAGO. July IS. Packers
throughout the country will lose hun
dreds of thousands of dollars each
year if a decision announced by
Judge Kohlsatt in the United States
circuit court is sustained in thr
United States supreme court. The
court ruled that .borax dees not con
stitute the manufacture of a new ar
ticle. For this reason, he held, the
packers are not entitled to a rebate
on the tariff duties.
CoL Hoi;Und Ak for Rain.
Colonel Alexander HogelaTtd. father
of the curfew, spoke en municipal re
form in behalf of children in the
First Methodist Episcopal and First
Presbyterian churches here. He took
occasion to refer to the continuation
of the drouth in Kansas and Nebraska
and other sections. He invoked the
Lord to send needed showers on the
stricken districts and -urged Chris
tians everywhere to pray for relief.
Coaelaat Held for Startler.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 19. Ned
E. Copeiand. charged with the mur
der cf A. C Rcdgers on a train near
Rawlins last week, was given his pre
liminary hearing at Green River. He
refused to engage an atromey and
would make no statement He was
held to the district court on the
charge of murder in the first degree.
Saath Dakota Cload Banc
HURON. S. D July 1?. Parties
from the west report heavy rain a few
miles from Highmore and west of
Harfold. At Harrold there was a
cloudburst and three inches of water
fell in a few aunutes; the town being
flooded. There was damage to the
Chicago & Northwestern roadbed.
Sheep were drowned, cattle stamped
ed and some were killed by lightning
In a few fields small grain and corn
were washed quite badly.
Taited States Coaaml Daad.
"WASHINGTON. July IS A cable
gram received at the state depart
ment announces the death at Gibral
tar of Horatio J- Sprague, United
States consuL Mr. Sprague had been
censul at Gibraltar since May 12.
1S4S. His son. Richard L. Sprague.
is the vice and deputy consul at
Gibraltar and it is announced at the
state department that he will be ap
pointed to fin the vacancy caused by
Ms father's death.
Caitos Scat Ceaaal Oeaerala Kcpwrt
tb Tlcld.
WASHNGTOJf, July 1?. Tae Kate
department is is receipt of interest
ing reports concerning the wheat
crops of Russia and India. According
to a report from Consul General Hol
Ioway at St. Petersburg there are
good reasons to hope that the wheat
harvest of 1S01 will exceed that of
1S00. The spring wheat is more
premising than the wintei crop, the
latter having suffered heavily from
varioss causes. However, it is stated
that the loss in the winter crop will
) be balanced by the amount cf spring
wheat sown.
Consul General Patterson of Calcut
ta states that the wheat yield of India,
as a whole, is estimated at 5JSS0,000
tone, 5i per cent more than the de
cennial average, aad this under art
verse conditions, such as cold weath
er, hail. Insects and rust. The ex
port of wheat from India this year,
the consul general says, probably will
be greatly increased.
Consul Fee at Bombay estimates
India's harvest for this year at 5.590,
000 tons, or L70.Q00 tons more than
last year. The estimated area of
growing wheat fcr the year is 22.
500.000 acres, being a'oout 5,'JW.WO
mere Tnari the previous year.
argentine Active AAintr Introduction ot
Taroat and 3f octh DUeaae.
WASHNGTON. D. C. July 19. The
United States minister a: Buenos
Ayres haa forwarded to th state de
partment a degree. Issued isj the Ar
gentine government, prohibiting the
importation of live stock coming from
foreign countries, of the ovine, bo
vine or any other species tnat,in the
opinion of technical authorities.
might carry infection of foot and
mouth disease. There is a provision
in the decree, however, that such
stock coming from foreign countries
whose official representations certify
that such disease does not exist in
their country, and that the necessary
precautions have been taken to
avoid infection, are excepted from the
application of the decree The de
cree says that all animals which are
shipped before the decree was issued
will be submitted to forty days quar
antine after their arrivaL
Droath Caoaes shortage .Estimated at
Fifteen Thousand Tons.
MATTOON. I1L. July IS. The
scramble between the Union Supply
company, or trust, and the agent of
the big eastern manufacturers not in
the combination for possession of the
broom com yet in growers" hands
reached a climax today, when $123 a
ton was offered. The Kansas crop is
a failure and it is estimated that there
will be a shortage of 15.000 tons.
Fifteen thousand dollars worth of
brush was bought in this vicinity Sun
day at almost any price demanded.
Broom com men cf experience say the
brush will rise to 5o0 a ton.
To .Te05e Kill in 5.
DENVER. Cola. July IS. Confirm
ation was received cf the report that
the Radcliffe hotel, cabins and other
buildings belonging to the proprietor
cf the Grand Mesa lakes were burned
yesterday, a mob of seventy-five
men, all residents of Delta county, set
fire to the property. The incendiar
ism was intended to avenge the kill
ing of W. A. Womack by Game Ward
en McHaney last Monday.
Electric! Worker Strike.
WASHNGTON. D. C July 19. To
enforce a demand for an increase of
pay to JC.50 per day all the men em
ployed by the electrical contractors
in the city failed to report for work
today. They number about 125. Two
contractors, not members of the Con
tractors 'union, signed th agreement
today, the Contractors union last
niaht decidinz to refuse tli" demand.
Itabooic Plajrse Abroad.
GIBRALTAR. July 19 The orient
liner Ormuz. Captain Cead. from Sid
ney. N. S. W.. for London, which left
Colombo. June 2S. arrived off Gibral
tar with two cases of the bubonic
plague on board. She was lefused ad
mittance to the harbor ana proceeded
toward Plymouth. .
aooc Their Own Wounded.
JOHANNESBURG. July 20. In the
course of an inquiry condrcted under
oath here, various non-commissioned
officers and men of the British army
confirmed the statement that the
Boers shot the Beer wounded at
Koot Start's for Omaha.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan. July 19.
Elihu Root, secretary of war. com
pleted bis inspection of the Fort
Leavenworth reservation and passed
the afternoon with his staff examin
ing maps and plans. The only de
termination yet arrived at is to push
the work of improvements ar the post
until it will have a capacity of caring
for about 3.000 men. The details for
the contemplated improvements win
be worked out at Washington. -
It was announced at the meeting of
the Glass-blowers' association, at Mil
waukee, that the date nd place for
the conference with their employes co
the new wage scale frg"? been fixed for
July 29. at Atlantic City.
The San Francisco Labor council
j has passed, by a nearly unanimous
-rote, a resolution advocating in strong
terms, the rejection of Andrew Car-
negie's offer to that city of $739,900
j for a public library.
GflKxona Earns Pall Over Kajar Portias
f tie Sevsoweet,
"Joed Caaaet Be Ktlaatd. bat Will
Prave Iatsaeaae Iaaarea at Least Half
a Barvaat roar Begiaa la Waatcra
ana aad Sweeaa to Saiaaaari.
KANSAS CITY, Jaly Is. Generous
rains fell this afternoon over the big
ger part of the com belt of the south
west. They came just in the nick of
time. The good that will result to
late corn and to pastures cannot be
estimated, but it will undoubtedly
prove immense. Scatteilng" showers
fell over the southwest last night and
tris morning, but in most places up
to noon continued accounts of intense
teat were reported. The rains began
m western Kansas about I o'clock this
afternoon and traveling east had
reached the Misoursi line by 4 o'clock.
Reports from many counties assert
that today's rains, following what lit
tle had fallen within the past forty
eight hours, will insure at least half
a crop of com and make pasturage
sure. The storm began in Kansas City
fchortly before 5 o'clock this evening.
The fall continued for over half an
tour and caused a decided drop in the
temperature, the weather bureau re
cording S3 at 5 o'clock, against 100
at 3 o'clock.
TOPEK.A. Kan.. July Is. The rains
that have fallen in Kansas last night
and today have practically assured a
com yield of at least 30.000,090 bush
els, and the yield may be even better.
The state is under the influence of a
lew barometric condition and more
rain is expected tonight. Correspond
ents from numerous Kansas towns in
reporting rain say the sky is overcast
with clouds tonight and more rain
within a few hours is certain. The
drouth in Kansas has been broken and
with it has gone the excessive hot
srelL It is the opinion among those
who" have been watching the weather
conditions that the season will be
more favorable to crops from now on.
Good rains are reported tonight over
portions of eastern and central Kan
sas, and in each case is mentioned the
tact that the rain is not through.
Emporia, Hiawatha. Clay Center, Ells
worth. Salina, Atchison, Sylvan Grove,
Great Bend, Concordia, Quenemo, Ot-
J tawa, Fredonia and Osage City are
among the places favored with rains,
which ranged from one-half to two
Secretary Cobum of the Kansas
Board of Agriculture is enthusiastic
over the result of the rain. He is sure
that the com yield will reach at least
half a crop if the present very favor
able weather conditions continue.
The manner in which corn has held
it own during the drouth was some
thing remarkable and is a source of
wonder to the farmers. In some places
it has had no moisture for over two
months. It has made almost no
growth, but the leaves have been kept
green and the tassel kept cfL Weeds
could not flourish in the dry spell any
more than the corn and they were
easily eradicated. The fields are there
fore clean and have a new lease of
life since the rain.
is What John Barns Expects in
NEW YORK. July 15. The steel
strike in America is attracting much
attention in England generally, and
while long articles are being printed
in the newspapers on the subject, no
comment is made in the editorial col
umns, according to the London corre
spondent of the Tribune. John Bams
has been less reticent, fcr he fore
casts an American Armagedon with
the revival cf the old anti-slavery feel
ing and the transformation of trusts
into state organizations by the politi
cal power of the hordes of workmen.
Financiers watch the quotations
from Wall street, and are unmoved
by socialistic trades. Combinations
are felt to be on trial in America, and
if they survive the great conflict with
organized labor concentration of capi
tal will be promoted in England.
Last Furnace Closed.
PnTSBURG, July 13. The last fur
nace in Linsay & McCutcheou's mill
was closed dow at noon. As soon
as all the men had let the mill, sev
en deputy sheriffs were stationed
about the plant. The open hearth and
billet mills of the Clark plant were
running today.
Secretary Cridler Beevveriac-.
sistant Secretary of State Cridler, who
has been ill or several weeks, was
sufficiently recovered today to be re
moved to Seabright. N. J. He was ac
companied by Mrs. Cridler.
Thresher In jary U Fatal.
Daniel Drum, who was injured by
a threshing machine yesterday, died
just before the doctors arrived to am
putate the limb.
KesiatratioB Total at KU Bcao.
WASHINGTON. July IS. The offi
cial report on the Oklahoma land reg
istration received at the Interior de
partment tcday shows that the regis
tration at El Reno was S.565 and at
Fort Sill 3.209- This makes the total
registrations so far 55,159-
Judge James H. Sellars. candidate
for the democratic nomination for
governor, committed suicide with
morphne at Crawfordsviiie. ind.
mcn Ordered ta Bajta Work an the
w Shads.
LINCOLN, July 29. The state board
of public lands and buildings com
pleted the purchase of the state Jair
grounds and the board of agriculture
immediately ordered the builders to
Begin work an the new live stock
sheds an4 harac The grounds will be
enclosed by an improved wire fence
and all of the main buBdinss now
standing will be repaired and repaint
ed. AH of the expense incident to
putting the grounds and buildings in
shape for the next state exhibit will
be paid cat of the balance cf the ap
propriation of $35:000 made by the
Secretary Furnas said that every
thin gwould be in readiness by the
openiag day of the fair. The various
ceattraeters har tec iaareaaed wita
the importance of ther duties and tiny
hare agreed to exert every poer to
haTe their work completed by Aug-"
ust 25.
The warrant which was delivered to
the Nebraska Exposition association
for the state fair grounds was after
wards sold to the state treasurer for
investment of the permanent school
Bade af rakaavn Staa Foand Coder
Bistn at sUaeela.
LINCOLN, July 20. An unknown
man was found dead in Salt creek un
der a Rock Island bridge two milts
south of this city. It was at first
thought he had been murdered, but
an invetigation soon exploded that
theory. A wound on his head was
thought to have been made by a bul
let, but Corcner Graham insists that
it might have been caused by some
sharp piece of metal in the undergear
ing of a freight train.
Coroner Graham and a jury examin-
', ed the body aad after listening to
the testimony of the section workmen
returned a verdict, finding that death
came from unknow causes. It is be
lieved that Graham was riding under
a freight car and while asleep or from
exhaustion lost his hold and felL
Nebraska Paymaster to Serre Two Tears
In the Orient.
OMAHA. July 20. Major Bradner
D. Slaughter, army paymaster here,
has news that he has been ordered to
the Philippines for service. Major
Charles E. Stanton, now in Manila, is
expected to come here to relieve him.
August 13. Captain William R. Graham
will be relieved from duty in the Phil
ippines to also come to Omaha.
Major Slaughter is not surprised,
and. in fact, is quite willing to try a
couple of years on the other side of the
It is expected that Major Stanton
will net be able to arrive here and
take charge before September L
Major Slaughter will be accompanied
to Manila by John A. Lottridge. his
chief clerk, who came here from Lin
coln at the besinninz of 1S99.
Plaia-riew Farmer's Snicide.
PLAINVrEW. Neb.. July 20. The
body of William Dibbert. a prosperous
German farmer who lived six miles
northwest of here, was found hanging
to a rafter in his granary. Mr. Dib
bert had been afflicted with kidney
trouble for the past year and during
the day had worked in the harvest
field, but when he left th field at
night he failed to show up at the
house. He was found by his mother,
having hung himself the previous
Child stntk by tishtninj.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July 20
The little daughter of Hnry Stack,
aged seven years, was struck by light
ning while playing in the back yard
in this city. Her hair was badly burn
ed and she was seriously shocked, but
has good chances cf recovery.
Depaty Game Warden.
LINCOLN, July 20. Governor Sav
age has named Captain J. T. Richmond
of Johnstown as deputy game warden,
to serve without compensation. It is
the intention of the governor to ap
point at least one deputy for every
county in the state.
Toiaf Xaa Die on Train.
ALMA. Neb.. July 20. Jesse Mc
Guire, of Garden City. Iowa, who was
accompanied by his mother, bound far
Colorado fcr his health, was taken
from the Burlington train dyinz. Se
died shortly after being placed in the
Danslis; from a Halter.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. July 20. The
body of John Denmead was- found
dangling -from the rafters ot the bam
Gn his place north cf town. A doctor
was summoned and gave as his opin
ion that the man committed suicide
by h?ng'rg' and that the deed was (
done at least three days before the
body was found. Denmead was a
farmer in fair circumstances and had
lived alone for some time. His wife
had died several years age.
Site for EaeasaBsaeat.
LINCOLN. July 29. -Adjutant Gen
eral Colby, accompanied by CoL Will
Hayward and CoL Harry Archer, will
leave Lincoln to go to the lake region
of Cherry couaty for the purpose of
securing a site for the annual encamp
ment cf the Nebraska national guard.
I thas act been definitely determired
that the encampment will be held in
that region and the final decision will
not be made until the party returns.
i: t M1U1IU
Alonzo H. Stewart, doorkeeper of
the United States senate, wa married
at Atchison, Kan., to Miaa Grace
Colonel George Quick. SS years old.
of Freeburg. I1L, has brought suit for
divorce against his wife, also an octo-
The United States army transport
Sumner, with convalescent soldiers
on beard, has sailed from Manila for
San Francisco.
J. Pierpont Morgan has just bought
the Chilean section of the trans-Andean
railway for ninety thousand
pounds sterling
Christopher Anderson, the aged man
who shot himself on the grave of his
wife in the cemetery near Nebraka
City, Neb., died.
It now seems that there is small
probability of an agreement being
reached between France and Great
Britaia over tb Newfoundland ques
tion. The Massachusetts Republican state
convention hs been called to meet
in Boston 'October 4. Governor Allen
of Porto Rico will be invited to pre
side. August Newman was blown to
pieces and Henry Ernest badly hurt
by the premature explosion of a blast
of dynamite at th city quarrier at
Quincy, I1L
The Retail Clerks' International
Protective association of Buffalo pre
sented to the International Association
of Machinists the sum of flOi to aid
in its strike.
The Wabash Cooperage company's
plant was destroyed by fire at Terre
Eaute, Ind., causing a loss cf $20,000.
with J9.G90 insurance: $6,000 on build
ings and $3,000 on stock.
The budget committee after a pro
longed and critical discussion at Mad
rid, has decided to shelve for the pres
ent the proposals of the minister of
finance suspending the coinage ef sil
ver. John H Bacon, a Milwaukee news
paper man. accepted an appoint
ment as vice consul and clerk to Con
sul General Rublee at Hong Kong, and
will leave for China in about three
Richard S. Berlin, a well known real
estate dealer and manager of the Ber
lin Investment company at Omaha.
Neb., has filed a petition in voluntary
bankruptcy. Liabilities. $51,990.52; as
sets. $370.
Safe Expert Charles Walze frs dis
cotered that the cashier's time Icck
of the vault in the mint, at San Fran
cisco from which $30,009 was stolen,
does not operate and has been out of
order for some time
At a m-eting of the Leadville. CoL.
City Library association a letter was
read from the private secretary of
Andrew Carnegie, dated from Skibo
castle. Scotland, stating that he would
give Slw.OOO for a public library for
that city, provided the city would fur
nish 52.009 a year to maintain it.
The sales of coffee on the New Tork
coffee exchange for the year ending
June 30. aggregating 7.3S3.000 bags,
against 3.S79.S09 bags in 1909 The
sales for 1S99 were 4.0-J9.599 bags. The
transactions the past year exceeded
those of 1909 by 1.503.509 bags, the
gain being partly due. it is said, to
the large crops abroad.
The dead bodies of Mr. zzid Mrs.
Robert Prange. of Omaha, were found
beside a public highway, half a mile
south, of Lake station. St. Joseph. Mo.,
each with a bullet hole in the head
Clasped in Prange's right hand was a
revolver. It is supposed the man kill
ed the woman and then took his own
The will of Hugh Tevis. the young
San Francisco millionaire, who died in
Yokohama recently, of appendicitis,
while on his wedding journey, has
been filed at Monterey. It divides his
estate, estimated at $L009.G09. almost
equally between his widow. Cornelia
Baxter Tevis. and his 9-year-old
daughter. Alice Boalt Tevis.
Capi. Putnam 3. Strong, quarter
master department. United States
army. San Francisco, announces that
he has resigned from the army for
personal and financial reasons.
The managers of the Newport. Ky
racing track decid-d to declare off
all further races until October L
George C. Tilden. a well known min
erologist. while in Salvador went in
sane and was committed to the Cali
fornia state hospital for th insane.
John Costain was killed near New
Albany. Ind.. by John Turner while
trying to kidnap Mrs. Turner
Jlmister Rockhille has been instruc
ted to support Japanese application
for an enlargement of their indem
nity from 3o.000.009 to 49.009,009 yen.
Edward H 3Iartin. formerly a lieu
tenant in the United States army, who
pleaded guilty a few days ago to a
charge of passing worthless checks,
was sentenced by Recorder Goff. of
New York, to one year in the peniten
tiary. Robert H Greeiy. secretary of the
Spokane. Wash- chamber of commerce,
was found dead.
Lockjaw caused the death cf W. C
Johnson, president of the state board
of pharmacy, at Manhattan, Kan. He
accidentally stepped on a rusty n
"King Edward. Emperor Nicholas
and Emperor William will not only
meet at the great review near May
ence about August 15." says the Ber
lin correspondent of the London
Standard, "but they will exchange vis
its at Darmstadt."'
The census hurean hag issued a bul
letin on the population by sex. gen
eral nativity and color in. 1909 in Illinois-
Following is a summary:
Males. 2,472.752; females. 23.?.7s; na
tive born, 3,554,503; foreign bom. Ki-
?-v-s-r-i i-
I Ike M leiaMc I
State Sank
Oldest Bosk U th Stale.
Pays Interest ca Time
Deposits 1
Makes Loans on Real
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aha, Cfcfcata. McwVart. 6
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Sells Steamship Tickets, -
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T m. tnuesK. casmib
K. .J.
cd'VCt-yO-b-f c-sO-wOrC-rO-rC-'o
A Veekiy Republican
Newspaper Devoted to the
Best Interests of t JV
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County of Platte,
The State cf
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United States,
and the
Rest of Mankind.
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Columbus, ieb
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thing Required of a