The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 12, 1901, Image 3

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    - -" a '
i :
-" AND EXPERT OPTICIAN, wfll be at bt store
T-ujLe 17, IS aa-- IS.
Consult the Doctor about your eyes.
Consultation and examination, free.
0 m ' Yotas truly,
It is money in your pocket to come and get prices. Do not
5nret the
W handle all kinds.
From fiuvw
laaa'n aize.
old to Umit H
for Ladi-s5 and Boys. The
latent; stylen at all aged and
We sell tie best fitting cor
sets, the Pandora, Kabo and
others fcr young or old ladies.
Buya aaita tmm SI to as. Youc
aHo amta boa SB to tli. Mca'a
ait fram SI to SX-- UmsxcsIW
Hilm Mill
laac aad kM pants aiao
A coax OBclT on
trouble to b Srmd.
Children's, Ladies' and metis TTsdervwr
Beits, TJaibrellaa, lid sad Silk Glewes
Uiisiatlrti, flaJf Skirts,
Lf Ok Mitts.
Do fail to come and see the Ruga. Bath Bugs aad Carpets in Bras'
set, Tapestrv and Ingram. Call and see for yoaraelf. We wish your
trade. Qnakry and prices will make customers.
Just Received Another
Gar of Potatoes. Fine Stock.
ia by far the most valuable, and
you have learned by thia time
probably that the beat ia always
the cheapest, in groceries as in
everything else. Our price marks
are not the lowest, bat every com
modity we sell is worth the money
we ask. and yon actually save
money in the Ions; run by pur
"harnir from as. If there is any
desirable thins; in the grocery line
we haven't in stock, we will get it
for van.
The advantage of trading- at Hnlst Adams is quite evident when
yon stop to think that their assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Qneensware. etc is the largest in the city. Every article that leaves
this store is guaranteed in every respect to be the best goods obtain
able for the money. Our well-known aad loag and favorably tried line
of Chase San do re Coffees sneak for tnemeeh
and cneaper than lota of inferior Coffi
that cost more. Come and
In the selection of eatables it is most essential
to know that what we buy for table use is pure and
wholesome. Especially is this true when it comes to
buvinr canned goods, of which there are so many dif
ierentbrands many of them being put up as cheaply
as possible without any regard as to quality ox punty.
It is therefore quite important that every housekeeper
should be familiar with brands of unquestionable merit
and absolute purity, put up with great cleanliness and
alwavs reliable. Such a brand we have in the Mon
arch seeds. They have been gu the market for over
thirtvvears, every item of which is fully guaranteed
It is "a "most comprehensive line, in that it embraces
more items than any other line on the market.
In order that you may see what degree of
perfection has been attained in their preparation we will
have an opening at our store on Wednesday, June 19th,
190L. when we will eut and serve Monarch goods all
dav (beginning at 10 a. m. ) and cordially invite your
self andvour friends to call on us on that date, assuring
vou thatno pains will be spared to make your visit
both profitable and enjoyable.
Yours very truly,
Mir kkihu e.
Columbus Journal.
IfialariT: for best photOS.
Go to Gray's next Wednesday.
Duty is always larger Than oar-J
I. Glack was at Platte Center Toes
day on business.
Mrs. John Wiggins has been very
sick the pst' week.
Blank farm leases for sale at Tax
Jockux. oCoe. Xl
Dr. Baker, physician aad
sOirfe street. tf
Get ashirtraist hat- it is
Fan alive at HageiV Bowling alley
Dr. Nnaiit, deatast, Thirteeat
street, tf
Mrs. John ?" tn will entertain
Tharertay aftsTneesu
TSmw featheca, aew pillows and sofa
ptUova at Herrick'a.
Trr Ti P Toaa, ITisMeiipsrliTi physi-
fnraitare at Heracks.
-Irhfai yosu- job work. We will
trip to Oeaasaa WeeaMSslaT.
Ike i Bawl iii lor the Oehlrich
HpsrisT prlw eat all mimn at the
Beyal, Ma. Eva Martsa. swsacer.
Pot fte waSeh EspaerJac; sail o
Cari, Ti i il, Uth at, Piilsailiiii, Sebu
For sale, a
horses. Inquire of C SEastoo-
Dr-C-BL Gsetsee,. decdast, in Bar
bar block. Tkkteeath street, lm
The nxst new r ' of the season
here were on the aarket Thnmlaj.
Dra. Martyn, Evaae V Gees;
three doors aorth ofFriedhoTs store, tf
Frank, son of John G.
now employed at Halat &.
ChTrsfn later Ocean aad CoLCMMca
JbcaxLL. one year, in advasoe $L73. tf
-C a Hardy was at Lssrh lest week
and attsedsd the FJeper-BTyland wed
daav Do not fail to see oar 8-taat gutrma
iasdstaslmiU for S32JHL A.Daesell
Son. tf
Tssf -year's potatoes are aowootof
the marker, and new ones sell for 92 a
Dr. Haaghawout, formerly of this
city, has moved from Fnllerton to Cedar
The hxst of Jane found John Free
man eating wmesap apples of his own
uWhen you want to scrape the paint
off glass do it with nirkela that are worn
Jos. Muff was here Monday to hand
in his assessor's books for Humphrey
A good, young, fresh, Jersey cow for
sale at 330. A splendid milch cow. C
Far a night's lodging or a good
meal, no to the Lindell hotel. A- Hen,
The doug recital by J. L. Lawrence
Monday night was an exceptionally tine
entertain uitrnt-
Eev. T. L. Sexton will preach in the
Presbyterian church nexr Sunday, morn
ing and evening.
For sale, eight you n;r beauties, peJ
iereed Belgian Hares, by Frank SuiiUi
xCo. Price $12. tf
Dr. McKean's method of making
aluminum plates places them on an
equality with gold.
Lawrence Hon! came home Friday
from the State University, where he is
studying the law course.
Henry Gase. jr.. went to Batncv '
this Tuesday nurainz to attend tht- I
State "Cnkiertakers convention.
J. E. Lake, a cousin of C. J. Garlow,
came out from Fairmont. West Virginia,
and is attending the county institute.
Dr. Dave Martyn is in Humphrey,
looking after Dr. McEnley'a patients
while the latter is on a vacation trip.
Fred. W. Herrick has put in some
very nice up-to-date iron beds, polished
beds. You should go and see them. 2t
I have on hand several refrigerators,
that hare been used but a little; will
sell cheap. John Eusden's second-hand
store. 4
Mrs. Gus Schroeder and Mrs. Gus
Speiee will entertain Tuesday afternoon
at the home of the latter, to a euchre
Mrs. Homer Bobinson entertained
lady friends Thursday afternoon to a
euchre party m honor of her guest Mrs.
About sixty pastors and delegates
are in attendance at the Columbus Asso
ciation of Congregational churches in
Albion this week.
Another nice assortment of showers,
so that muddy streets and roads have
been in evidence, the entire visible veg
etable world showing its appreciation.
J. E. Lake of Taylor county, W "va
arrived in the city Saturday evening,
and will be a student of the law placing
himself under the direction of C. J. Gar
low, esq.
Dr. Huntingdon, Chancellor of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University at Lin
coln, will preach at the Methodist church
next Sunday evening. Everybody will
be welcomed.
Envelopes with your return card
printed on them, for 50 cents a single
hundred; for larger quantities, and dif
ferent grades, call at Tsz Joubsai,
office for prices.
Dr. Terry, the eminent eye-sight
specialist of Omaha, will be at A. B rod
fuehrers store June 17, IS and 19. Con
sult the Doctor about your eyes. Con
sultation free. 1
J. R. ''ampbell was at Xorfoik Wed
nesday. The country between this and
that looks one, but evidently around
Norfolk recent rains had not been so
copious as ours.
Wells Hard of Central City have
erected an elevator at Duncan at a cost
of some 316,000, which wOl be an excel
lent thing in a business way far oar
western neighbor.
Julius Ernst says that while the
vicinity of Doncan. last week was having
a tremendous downpour of rin with
some hail, oae mile north of them the
fall of rain was slight.
Auction! Auction! Large sale of
shoes and underwear at Hooahan's store
near First National bank. Saturday after
noon, Joae 15, to be coatinned every
Saturday until closed oat. 2
Dr. Boy Cornelius has located at St.
Edward in the practice of his profession,
and doubtless will make a success of it.
He has passed through the preliminaries
in a very creditable manner.
Look toward the east about half an
hoar before sunrise and see the comet,
said by observers to be the brightest
visible to us in nineteen years; is cf an
orange color, and has two tads.
Many women fail to digest their
food, and so beeosae pale sallow, thin
aad weak; while the hritiTani. fnaln iii
and beauty of the skin and complexion
depart. Remedy this by taking HEB
BESE after each meal to digest what
yon. have eaten. Price 50 cents. A.
Heintz and Pollock Co.
We call your special attention to the
advertisement of the Gray Mercantile-
Co. in this issue. They will open aad
i la on. the date pariind the Moxabcs
line of nwaort goads, aad wish that all
suy see by actual test their superiority
over all other lines The proof of the
paddng is the chewing of the string. 1
If the stoaaacfa pnifniniii its fonc
tioas actively aad regaiariy, the food of
which it m thereeeptadeis fnaafonced
into blood of a aoariahiwg qaallty,
which fin iiiaaoi Tiger mad warmth to
the whole boor- HEEBTSEgivea toaa
to the stomach and pnaamii
Prioe SB
For salaya goad sua? eaa at
jcmb. Inquire of CL S. Eastort
GotoHagol's bowKag-alleyforthe
of aaanaeaiont eoaabiaed with ad-
Mia. (LErasaer eatertamed Friday
afternoon to a euchre party for Mrs.
Hale of Sioax City.
The shower of Friday foraaoon, the
third of the aeries for last weak, waa a
The Soaa of Herman, on accoant of
the wither, paatponad their picnic-from
laat to Beat Sunday.
Ton can bay blank farm leaaaa at
Tax Jog-dux. oasce, good form, two far
5 casta; 4ve for 10 cants.
Wanted, a girl for geaeral anaae
work. Inquire of H. P. Coolidge, at
Gray Maccaatile Company. tf
IiboriuaSUab of Leigh was broaght
down Friday to St. Mary's hospital,
where he lying very "ik,
I still have room far a few more
horses and colts to pasture. Inquire at
hardware store of C S. Easton.
Rudolph Summer of Red Cloud was
in the city part of laat weekrviaiting old
friends. He was in good health.
Rev. Henry Zmnecker has recently
graduated from the Wesleyan University
of Lincoln, the Methodist schooL
When you wish good, neat, clean
handsome work done hi the line of :
printing, call at The Jouhxai. offiw.
HasjeTe Bowiiag alley.
Sam MeFarJaad retaroad
of laat week from hie trip to
verymaca aleaaad with
BevuMaaro will deliver a
chfldrea flaailaj mnrnfag aad
See- the apart at
in thai
of the
in the dty
frraa; Tsx Jocwauz
At Goaapaay a?a tara
Sanday afteraoon Otto Fagal
the hamorawith a aeoreof 31 oat of a
L. Clifbrd, traaamrar at the U-P.
freight depot, takaa the place of W.H.
Banhaai as agwat for Coiaintwia, duriag
the lattera trip east.
A.G.Rolf whose home is in Pake
tine, bat who has been sojourning in
California the past wiaterr m expected to
start for home thia weak;
C. E. Way started Saturday for
Mason City, Iowa, expecting to take
position with a gram dealer as book
keeper and stenographer.
Remember Tuesday and Friday
forenoons at Hagels Bowling alley are
special Ladies days, but they are by no
means limited to those dava.
Dahty Dresses fir Sumkr Tk.
These do not need to laat kmr: ther are not eniMtM-l t
1 long, but if yon are away for the holiday anywhere,
wayofagown. TodothisecononricaQynse
f JameCan'.llofC.ancilBlun' .I.wu,
Last Sunday was tht SfryHcnd ? ami mjsionHr m ch-ri of tiiii stti.
annrversarv of John Wmirins birthday
also the twenty-sixth of his son Jack.
Summer Goods, wrapper?.
etc BargHinji. Great Bunrtins at E. D
Fitzpntrick's the White Front dry goods
A clear eavintr on tnrnmed hat5.
sailor?. Jeshorns, handkerchiefs, corsets,
stockings or underwear, at J. C. Fill
man's. tf
The July Designer fcr sale at J H.
Galley's has very nearly 20 ppcerr.l
articles in addition lo all the style for
the mocth.
Wm. Schilz tuakct- booti and ahoes
in the best styles. and uses only the very
best stock that can be irocnr-d in the
market, tf
Standard Fashion Shrts showing
ihv Litest styles fnr jsumniiT wear are
aiven away free by J. EL Galley. Call
and jret one. tf
Mothers who would keep their
children in good health should watch
for the first symptoms of worms and re
move them with WHITE'S CREAM
YERMTFUGE. Price 25 cents. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
Came to my premises near the city,
Sunday, May 19, a white steer about one
year old, dehorned, branded 0' an the
right hip. The owner will prove property
and pay expenses. Joseph: Vrrvw
for ch Latter Dy Snints. pnaehed here
'Sunday, morning nod evening.
The contract for E. C. Hockenber
gar'a new rt-sulence in the Becher addi
tion has been let t Fuitn Enis. .rt
will be commenct-d in u v-fk or two.
Foe Sale 200 acrw f ood farm
land, north of Genoa, in Piatt connty,
for sale at a reasonable price. Call on
Becher, EofkenberperandChaaibere.
ThnUijh MiiBii mistake a pir of
tinners shears snd n lanfe screw driver
were pStced in i ur bujnrv and earned
home, lat t Wislmsday. S. P. Drinnm.
Mr. and Mre. W. E. W-Ub retnrnetl
Sunday n:ght from thir weiidiag trip.
They will liv oj Nebr ak:i avewn"1, cor
ner Lous& south of lr'-.l:-dist churh.
ifthnir for untlunir. OhII .it J.
11. GaH-y'a and a-t a stijndini F.vahion
Shet for the mnnLh of Jnly It wiil
interest yon if yon have any dreeiiiak
ingto do.
If you are troubled with that moat
uncomfortable dinnann called piles don't
neglect it. Don't let the complaint get
a arm hold. Every day the disease is
neglected it grows worse. Commence at
PILE OINTMENT, the relief la im
mediate, and core infallible. Price 50
cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
Oar full supply far July has jut been received and show
a uage naraoer or cuanty creations tor Summer
505 Eleventh St.,
AJeixr Bn.-t3 j.,iit Jis3 !
Bmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'SB'Ti--"'- j-saBmtMeTmWmlBBCatBmmmmmmmmmB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapaaaaaawK; t???- -s r-raBBBaaaiiBr'vwaaaBBa5aESBvaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBm
'ttt tlttTvTl
WILL be fitly celebrated with, all the old time enthusiasm,
splendor and patriotic fervor of Columbus citizens and their invited
guests. Thoughts will wing backward full across-one centurv to the
days of 1776. We are to have all kinds of harmless amusements,
laugh-provoking races, parades, dances, speaking, fireworks without
let up. A great time is assured.
Gov. E. P. Savage i? to be the orator of the occasion, and he
will, no doubt, please his hearers. Ke is an able man, a good speaker,
the chief executive of our state, and it will be a rare pleasure to hear
! linn ssi sti -isi ss--sa a-sa w j j a m tI 3 mtM y1 xt9
Children'slay exercises were given
Sunday evening in the Methodist church.
An interesting program was rendered.
The contribution given was for the edu
cational fund for Methodist colleges.
Charles PearsalL chief clerk in the
office of U- S. Marshal Mathews at
Omaha, has returned from Lake Okoboji,
where his family are established in a
cottage for the summer. Omaha Herald
The quarantine for small-pox has
been raised at the State hospital for the
insane at Norfolk, also from the Queen
City hotel. Norfolk latelyhaa had over
seventy buildings nnder quarantine.
Have you ever had your eyes exam
ined by an expert? If not, why not?
Costa you nothing. Dr. Terry of Omaha,
the eminent eye-sight specialist and ex
pert optician, will teat your eyes free at
A. Brodfaehrer's store. Jane 17, 18
and 19.
Mr. Plath thmk3 that about $2,000
would be necessary to provide an organ
ization with appliances for boring a
LOOO-foot welL Why not organize a
company and cake conditional orders for
wells. We ought reach artesian water.
coal or oil.
Charles Ball with a force of men and
Cecil Moran, son of O. S. Moron of I anis has completed the work of excava-
Creston. attempted suicide Sunday by
taking strychnine in chewing gum. An
tidotes were administered, and the
young man is considered out of danger.
Bert Ellis, who has been digging
post holes two to three feet deep lately
at the farm, says the dirt will ball all the
way down. He doesn't believe the soil
has been better in ten years for raising
tion for the addition to St. Mary's hos
pital. The excavation is 126 feet long,
east and west; the east hqlf is 50 feet
wide; the west half 48 feet wide, and all
four feet deep.
The disturbance Sunday at the Bo
rowiak saloon was sufficient to nir
the ringing of the police call. We have
not heard that any blood was shed. It
seems to have originated in the right to
At the J. N. Dineen sale of horses
in the city Saturday, 35 head were sold,
colts ranging from $25 to $30; a span of
workers $200; for the saddle $100 to
$150; a pacer $810. There was a large
crowd present.
Writing to a friend. Fred. Hauter
says to tell his old friends that he is now
traveling out from Cincinnati, Ohio,
doing a fair business, and that some day
he will get back to ''old Columbus right
aide up with care.'
The Sanday game of base ball be
tween the Grand Taland and Columbus
nines resulted in a score of 12 to 0, in
favor of Grand Island. Th game at
Kearney Monday was lost by the Colum
bus team in a score of 6 to 0.
Garret Hoist, a well-known young
bmanaas man of thia city, member of the
nrauHalat Adams, is to he married to
Miss Mary C. Mitchell, a charming and
accomplished young lady of Clarks, the
ceremony to take place June 25.
Henry Milter, who lives south about
fifteen milea, four years ago planted
apricots, mostly the pita, and now has
some four hundred trees which promise
a great crop this year. The same year
he planted peaches all now bearing.
Judge Duffy was called upon to
defend Tim Wfleon of Silver Creek from
a charge of larceny laat week. Wuaon
was the man who at a dance here July 4,
two years ago. stabbed Arch TiffiTrw
He was declared not guilty of. larceny.
You feel better at once after using
HERBINE, joa enjoy your food more,
aad yoa. get more noarahmeat aad m-
faree oat of what yos eat.
Hf-iKBlAE makes yea atroag,
sell liquor on Sunday being challenged
by an outside party.
To save mending, avoid breaking;
and to avoid suffering, prevent coughs
and colds by the timely use of BAL
is a safe, sure and swift remedy for all
for all bronchial ailments. Price 25 cents.
A. Heintz and Pollock Sc Co.
Mrs. Bothleitner, an aged lady of
97 years, who suffered a paralytic stroke
six months ago, died at St. Mary's hos
pital Thursday, the foaeral services
taking place Saturday morning at 8
o'clock, barial in the near-by cemetery.
She had lived in tiys country twenty
Prof. C W. Crum of Madison and
Prof. O'Conner of Norfolk were both in
the city Monday and made plana fcr the
examination for cadetabip to A rmapnija
which will take place in Norfolk next
Wednesday. About twenty examina
tions will be given. The same gentle
men will assist m the gynarfnn for
state teachers' certificates on Thursday.
Friday and Saturday at Norfolk.
The Clother House changed hands
Tuesday, landlord Frevert stepping in
and landlord Clother retiring to private
life. This hotel has always borne a
good reputation and has enjoyed a
liberal patronage, and Mr. Frevert is de
termined to keep up the pace On
Monday evening, daring the thunder
storm, the barn of Paul Gertch, living
about 8 miles west of Platte Center was
arrack by lightning, killing three valua
ble hnraw aad destroying the barn id
con tea ta. The barn was iasared for
$500.. Kb mauraace was earned an the
etock Born, Moadey eraaiag to Mr.
D. H. CarrJRV a aoa aad a
Imported FAME'S HEIR. No. 150,, weighed 1,000 porxDs at fockteex mosths' old.
Owxed bt C. K. DAV IKS, Colembcs, JTebb.
Formerly at Silver Creek, this state, I have located at Columbus,, as a good distributing point for the
nes I intend to build up here,
which will be sold to farmer? and others at the most reasonable, living rates.
one interested call on me, or address as above.
"I will be pleased to have any
Plans for the new auditorium were
ordered Monday of Henry Toss. The
stockholders wish to sell some $2,000
more stock, having originally $15,000
($3,000 of which is the price of the site).
There have been $2J00 donated. The
seating, lighting and scenery are esti
mated at $i500 to $3J100. According to
plan, there will be a little store room in
the front ffiry also a lodge room and
ante-room, IW3 All the appointments
to be Ant rlaan The front to be of
jiriweriiT brick with atoae trimmings.
Sunday morning it was found that
nrva men incarcerated in the connty jail
h. by watchful industry, and careful
timing of their program of exercises,
avoided the vigilance cf their jailer,
drilled a few bolts out of a plate that
patched a former place of similar exit
through the iron cage into the corridor,
aad theace through a hole made in the
brick outer-wall under a south window,
had taken leg-bail, and retired to "parts
unknown. They were: Dan Lyons,
suspected of robbing the postoffice at
Humphrey; James Stetson, awaiting
trial for shooting with intent to kill, and
Thomas Young. Joseph Herman and
Stephen Johnson, implicated with Stet
son. It looks as though there had been
assistance from the outside, as it is now
remembered that there were last week
some suspicious looking strangers
around the building. It was thought
that four of these men were wanted
elsewhere for crimes committed. While
Platte county has. doubtless, for the
time, escaped the pleasure and expense
of boarding, lodging and caring for these
gentlemen until their day of trial, more
or lees delayed according to circum
stances, as suggested by a correspond
ent to one of the city papers, but that
mode of roaanniig carried to iza logical
sequence would suggest that a still
cheaper method of procedure (for the
county) might have been found in acci
dentally leaving a door open. This
would have saved still more for the
county, because old Platte would not
have been compelled to call for the ser
vices of a blacksmith on the iron-steel
cage and of a mason for the breach in
the walL It is the unusual and the odd
things that are calculated to call atten
taon, and "people will talk, sometimes
asking questions that even a strong
endeavor to answer will revolutionize
methods and customs.
i Read What I am
Going to Do.
Oatasaajta-f, the Drugiam Sc-'emce.
It is a means of coring diseases, with
out the oae of drugs or the knife, by
using the hands to remove any pressure
on the nerves, arteries and veins, so that
the exrcalation of the fluids and gases of
the body will be restored to a normal
coadjtion. It is baaed on a knowledge
of the anatomy, physiology and chem
istry of the hnman body. Osteopathy
cores all curable diseases.
The suspensory treatment cares curva
tures and all abuormaritie of the some,
when all other methods faiL This device
is something new. aad we would be glad
to have those who have spinal troubles
call and investigate this new treatment.
Consultation and examination free.
Gv P. Maxsa. D. O.
Netxa H. Mnors. D. O.
OSce: Mra. "Merrill's residence. Co
lumbus. Nebraska. tf
From the 20th of May to July lac with
every earpat or liaoleum purchased from
as amoaaatiag to $15or over we will give
a hawdanme raz. We carry the largest
aaaiple Kate of carpets, Iinoieams and
base cwrtaaaa of aayhoase in this citv.
Carpeta made aad laul free of charge.
The has
and get a Buggy Free. For every 100 whips
sold for cash ax ?1.00 each I am going to give each pur
chaser of same a ticket, and the Iuckv one in the drawinjr
will get the Buggy. So you have one chance out of 100
to get a buggy free, besides each purchaser of a whip gets
value received for his money. The drawing will take
place as soon as 100 whips have been sold, so you will not
have long to wait if you come at once and select your
I also extern! you a cordial invitation to come and
look us over, because everythinrr I have L- for your benefit.
Fly season is here and you will need Screen Doors and
Wire Screens ibr your windows. Poultry Netting tor
chicks. The Great American Ball Bearing Lawn Mow
ers ami Lawn Hose, the Progress Refrigerators, nothing
better made. Call and see my new line of Gasoline
Stoves, they are the finest in the city and my prices the
best 83.50 up. I have something new in the way of a
Gasoline Stove with a lamp attachment. Call and ee
it work.
Also just received a fresh, new line of Masury's
Paints and Varnishes, and the best, stock of Farming Im
plements and Machinery in the market, consisting of
Avery Corn Planters and Cultivators, Janesville Disc
Cultivators, Rakes, Standard Mowers, Champion Binders,
Sweeps and Hay Stackers.
Call and get my prices and see for yourself.
C. S. Easton,
1 Keatskotoos Herd
Shorthorn Cattle-
": Foundation laid from some of the best herds of Iowa. Mam mil
"E and Nebraska. Th Crmckshank EnlL
Levi the Great, 159284,
I By Grand Victor 1 15752,
at head of herd.
half months old.
This bull weighed 1160 pounds at thirteen and :
f UT Five young bulls of the very Snest breeding for sale, in-
speetion or correspondence solicited. Farm, two miies east of
E Genoa.