r- M N. . , E x Jist Received Another Gar of Potatoes. Fine Stock. to X 10 4k3T27? 10 01 10 . 01 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 10 01 to to H 5 J?I . ! Jt 1 W. JMl jf h rsr i The advantage of trading at Eulst i Adams is quite evident when you stop to think that their assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Qceensware, etc.. is the largest in the city. Every article that leaves this store is guaranteed in every respect to be the best goods obtain able for the money. Our well-known and long and favorably tried line of Chase x Sanborn Coffees speak for themselves. Tiie-sr -re Tiie Best and cheaper than lots of inferior Coffees that cost more. Come and see u. HULST & ADAMS. TELEPHONE 2& to 4to to totototototo totototo totototo toto tototototo totototo totototo xtototo tototo toto tototototo to to 01 YES There are other places where you can buy Gasoline Stoves and Refrigerators, but there is no other place where you can buy the Jewel 1 Qnlcfc-meal gasoline Stoves, OR THE Herricfc ana Ma BeMierators. The provision chambers of the Alas ka's are white enameled, the very latest thing in refrigerators. We ask you to visitour Hardware department and you will see on exhibition the most complete line ever shown, in feet more complete than all the stocks of our competitors combined. Quality guaranteed, and pri ces risrht. GRAY MERCANTILE 00. Telephone 27- Columbus Journal- WEDNESDAY. MAY i UWL Soldier's Day. Flowers to-day for the soldiers grave. J c:... ,r., rhiira a-hrc sleen the , kjucn fc-i kk-.w -. sr brave. Flowers to-day, forever and aye Let memory hold the soldier's day. Little feet. come, gather round Where the soldier's srave is found. Little fingers, crown his rest With the dowers you lave best- 223 ' . Mielenz for best photos. He conquers who endures." . . . Eammocka and croquet sets at Snow's. - rBIank farm leases for sale at The - Jocbnai. ofSca. tf William Schreiber is putting- up a new bam at his farm. ' Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, office Olive street. tf ' Gee a shirt-waist hat. it is the latest, at J. a Fillman's. tf Xew feathers, new pillows and sofa pillows at Herrickrs. Dr. L. a Toss, Homeopathic phyai-, eian. Columbus, Xeb. 'Bring us your job work. We will j endeavor to please you. Some more nice new birds-eye maple i furniture at Hemck's. " Mis. J. H. Pope of Silver Creek died Tuesday May 21. at her home. - . For sale, a good heavy span of work horses. Inquire of C S- Easton. Arthur Pohl has a position with, the . Sehavland-Johnson Co. at 31adieon. p H. Jenkins was at his Madison county ranch a portion of last week. - " For a night's lodging or a good meal, go to the Lindell hoteL A. Men. -. proprietor. ' The monument in the park will be draped on Thursday for the Decoration 'Day services. The premises of Mrs. Kohler have jbeen quarantined for small-pox. her daughter Emma being afflicted. I still have room for a fe more - horses and colts to pasture. Inquire at " hardware store of C S-Easton. Every once in a while The Jocbsal is implored to call attention to some de fective walk or other in the business portiou of the city. The Humphrey Leader says that D -L. Bruen will now stand up for democ racy only, and that Mike Schneider has small-pax in a light form. Mrs. S. C Allen, one of the old set tlers of Butler coafity, coming here in 1S75, died at "her home in David City Saturday morning of paralysis. -W W. Mannington of tim vicinity of Moaroe "was in the city Saturday paying his taxes. They had a light frost in Ids neighborhood that morning, doing- no special damage. It was thought best to quarantine M. Cassn's residence premises Friday as TTStirr suepiaoc. for small-pox. that pi ofcsMy being the afticrion waicfa has is by far the most valuable, and joe have learned by this time probably that the bests always the cheapest, in groceries as is. everything- else. Our price maris are not the lowest, but every com modity we sell is worth the mossy we ask; and you actually save money in the long' run. by pur chasing from ua. If there is any durable tfrfng hi the grocery Hn we haven't in stock, we will get it foryou. f J COLUMBUS, NEBR. Beautiful books for the graduates at. Scow's. 3 Sun bonnets. 1,000 at Oma ha priees. at Fitzpatrick's. Ice cream Wednesday evening 10c, - ust north, of Fnedhots. j f . . " " sale at $30. A splendid milch cow. C. i S. Easton. Ice cream will be served Wednesday evening in the bunding- just north of Friedhors. Fred. W. Herrick has put in some very nice up-to-date iron beds, polished beds. Tou-fihould go and see them. 2t Came to my premises near the city, Sunday,. May 19, a white steer about one year old, dehorned, branded wO" on the right hip. The owner will prove property and pay expenses. Joseph: ilicEE. Cyclists should always carry a bottle ofBALLABD'S SNOWUXIMEXT, in case of accident, if applied immediately. it will subdue the pain, prevent swelling and discoloration, and quickly heal the wounds. Price 25 and 50 cents. A-Heintz and Pollock r Co. Bheumatism is conceded to have its origin in a poisoned condition of Use aadtobe mogt saceeerfniij tt. HEBBISE, which acts upon the lTBrr jedneys an d other blood purifying organs, thereby divesting the system of the offending agents. Price 50 cents. A. i Heintz and Pollock. t Co. When the liver fails to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties, the digestion becomes im pair- red and the bowels constipated. HEB- BDiE has a direct action on the liver and excretory organs, and a few doses will cure any case of biliousness. Price 50 cents. A. Heintz aad Pollock - Co. Don't despair because you hare a weak constitution. The vitalizing- prin ciple of TTRRRTNE will assuredly strengthen it. In every drop of HEE BESE there is life. There is a stimulat ing, regenerating power, uneqoakd ha the whole range of medicinal prepara tions. Price 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock Jt Co. Children who are weak, fretful or mmbteome shoold.be given a feTdoea of WHITE'S CREAlff YEEMD7UGE. They will than become strong, healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be happy and Iaagkiag-all the day long. Price 25 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock i Co. Great Bsrsaims U all keary zmi. We mmst hare rMi fr oar big stack t stria? SMis. Coaie awl sawe aney. Tae Waite-Fr-at Iiy Gms Stre. E. B. Ftemat riek. tf -Piles are sot only most painful,, but also very daagerosB, as -the mflswefl nodules are very apt to sake on. auuufr nent action and caacer of tate rectaaa. is produced. They should be cured. TAB TIER'S BUCKEYE PILE OtSTMEXT will cure the oOcwtHmbattlea. Takes, 75 so Get your preaents for the sradaataa at Snow's. For sale, a good heavy span, of work: horses. Inquire of C S Easton. Dr,C-H. Gietzec dentkt, in Bar ber block, Thirteenth street. 1m Dra. Martyn, Evans r GeerTosaca three doors north, of FriedhoTs store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Coixxars Jockux, one yaarr in advance $L73. tf Dressmaking dose in parlors of Grand Pacific hoteL by Mas Ida Cedar For sale, eight young; baaTrtfas, ped igreed Belgian Haras, by Frank Smith i;Co. Price $12. tf Dr. McKesns method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. 1.000 ladies' wrappers at less tkaa Oaiaka prices, at . D. Fitipatrick's. I have on hand several refrigerators, that have been used but a little: will sell cheap. John Eusden's second-hand store. 4: L Gluck has had a grease trap con nected with his dwelling-house to the sewer running westward at the rear of his premises. It is to be hoped that Columbus may have no useless contentions; no un necessary conflicts, but go along- in the even tenor of her way. There are little prospects of old sol diers having Decoration day services at David City because of the expense and trouble to th- old comrades. Ch:irles Hndeon, jr. of Wyoming, son of Charles Hudson, has been here a few week3 visiting his father and family, returning to his work today. S. C. Smith, through his agent. .T G. Eeeder of Columbus, has donated u half lot m the rear of the M. E. parsonage, to the church Silver Creek Times. Fob Sat.k 200 acres of good farm land, north of Genoa, m Platte county, for side at a reasonable price. Call on Becher. Hockenberger aad Chambers. Through some mistake a pair of tinner's shears and a larjre screw driver were placed in our buggy and carried home. last Wednesday. S. P.Drinnin. Don't forget this is the week to see Dr. Xewman. European Eye Specialise, from the 25th to the 1st. on Eleventh street, opposite Hulst Jt Adams' grocery store. Those who like to. work with horses far profit are being encouraged by the prices good driving teams are bringing as high as 31.000 for quite a number of them. Charles Harber of Leigh was brought into Schuyler Wednesday charged with breaking into a farmers house near Leigh, while the family were away in the field. Something for nothing. Call at J. EL Galley's and get a Standard Fashion Sheet for the month of June. It will interest you if you have any dressmak ing to do. The Joxtbsxl is pleased to make note of the fact that after being under a mortgage for some eighteen years or so, the Telegram was last week relieved of that burden. Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a single hundred: for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, call at The Jbtrs2ux office for prices. We call attention to the Keatako toos herd of Shorthorn cattle advertise ment of Bobert C.Anderson near Genoa. Hunt up the advertisement in this paper and read it. G. W. Elston is very much pleased because the business in horses is picking up at a good rate. He sold eight head last week and bought four, with plenty of offers both ways. There are all kinds of opinions, with all kinds of people, as to what the laws ought to be. but it is a safe rule of con duct always to abide by the law, whether you like it or whether you don't like it. A petition hza been given to the city counciL signed by nearly all the property owners on east Fourteenth to have a walk put down on the north side of Fourteenth between North and Olive. President McEinley and party went through Columbus this Tuesday morn ing at 4:15. The train did not stop. On account of the serious sickness of Mrs. McEinley, the train makes as few stops as possible. The funeral services for Martin Baumgartner were held Friday morning, 10 o'clock at the Saints' chapeL Bev. Braun of the Groetli church preaching the sermon. Interment in the Colum bus cemetery. Rev. Cory goes to Schuyler next Sunday to hold quarterly meeting- for the presiding elder. Bev.OIcott will preach at the Methodist church, at the morning service. There will be no preaching service in the evening. We have not seen Mr. L X. Heater to talk with him. since his return home, bat learn that several weeks ago he was married to a southern lady, and that now he expects soon to give up his work as a traveling salesman. The Schuyler Quill says that Miss Olivette Bowers, formerly a compositor and reporter for the Telegram of this city, has accepted a position in the office of the Evening News, a daily paper at Fairmont, West Virginia. Governor Nash and his party passed through the city early Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Fairchild of this city, who had friends on the train, ac cepted a special invitation to visit with them while en route to Omaha. Everybody is speaking of the per fect day Sunday was. In fact, we have had a goodly somber of each, days the last few weeks. Taken one year with another, it would be diMcult to find any country excelling Nebraska on. a general average. Dr. C. DEvaas is now the owner of the corner north of Friedhors store-on Thirteenth street. 86x98L He is to re move the bwildiaga shortly, but Tint JbcKcm does not understand that he intends to erect a new-one on theaite at least this season. Members of the Baptist charch gave a reception last Friday evening- m. the church, to Bevoach aadfaaury.. who have recently moved to the dty Aboat oae hundred people van present, al though the waataaa ire Do not fail to see oar 8-foot ned steeLaulI for SSSiXL Son. tf Xou buy M"fc" farm leases at Tff Joraxu: office, good form, two for 5 cents: five for 10 cents. Mislim aaaerwear. Tke prettiest ia twa. See tkeat at E. D. ntzpatriek's. X st3I have room for a few more horses and colts to pasture. Inquire at hardware store of CSEaatcn. - ! Spria? aad saauaer mis all ia. Seetkeau TkeWkite Froat Dry Gds Store. When yon wish, good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at Tax Jocssxl office. The June Designer for sale at J.H. Galley's has very nearly 20 general articles in addition to all the styles for the mnrjEfa Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured m the market, tf Standard Fashion Sheets showing, the latest styles for summer wear are given away free by J. H. Galley. Call and get one. tf It is no w proposed in many places to muzzle the cats so as to keep them from killingso many birds as they have been doing of Iat1. A Iigh man had some hiw dust hauled from thu city for nse at his hv house. Almost anything t !e found on the mHrket. We could even furaisn a president, zovernor or the entire sn preme bench, on occasion. week ago Friday Wm. Cnoli-keV son Willie, a lad of two yr:ir, randn of 3Ir. and Mrs. II P. Corlid.re fell from a porch at his home m Ptattsmouth and broke his arm in five places, two above two below, and one place in the elbow. certainly a very unusual iind of frac- ture. It seems a little strange, bat there was a man on the streets Saturday morn- ing wearing a fur overcoat. Many peo- pie. no doubt, wish they hat! not taken down their heating stoves. Yet there has not been frost, and fruit and grain have not been endangered by the cool weather. A ladies' fishing party comprising six Central City ladies spent the League mating in San Francisco in greater part of a week on the Loup, be-. July, and the Exposition at Buffalo all ing joined by their husbands on Satur-, summer, will help swell the crowd. day, the entire party returning Monday. . From present appearances it looks as The Nbnpariel says they report splendid j though the west may have her share. luck, and brought back some unusuallv . , , , , io., !, -r, ' Seven o'clock Saturday evening the large nsh stones. t , , , - , j police "-" a passage at arms with some -Prof. Kerns, of David City has ac- tKmpg? wfaom were foUoving far cepted the position of superintendent of, xhB purpofie of arresting-they had been the Columbus schools. This paper re-. a noisv gnag nea; B. & jl Ae grets this from the selfish motive that baU p.k hofaoes fired at officera? the Professor is a valuable man to have a bldl striking && bagSy, The fire in Butler county. Columbus has robbed was returned. and ono of the tramps was us of a scholarly christian gentleman f hlt m (he f of the lee. This one and whose name and influence for good has j tonr others were aad cared-for, gone out over the whole county.-riys-1 two Qthers aoc without a sup ses paum. ( pQggd hit one limping away. THE NATIONS NATAL DAY WTLL be fitly celebrated with all the old time enthusiasm, splendor and patriotic fervor of Columbus citizen? and their invited jruests. Thoughts will wing backward full acro one century to the days of 1776. We are to have all kinds of harmless amusements, lautrh-provokinir races, parades, dances, speaking, fireworks, without let up. A great time is assured. Bemember Tuesday and Friday , More money has been raised than forenoons at Hagel's Bowling alley are ( for several years past for celebrating the special Ladies' days, bnt they are by no ' Fourth of July. The executive commit means limited to those days. I tee are Henry Bogatz, president; Bert W. E. Wells, foreman of the Argus office, will be married this Wednesday morning at 9:30 in Madison, to Miss Verna M. Seelev of Madison. Visa Seeley is a daughter of Carl T. Seeley, lormer eaitor at tne unronicie. jhhh Delia Wells, sister of the groom. wQl at tend the wedding. There are about ten families quar antined in Norfolk for small pox. The public schools were closed at noon Fri day although the rooms had been dec orated for closing day exercises. The town seems to be well exposed to the disease. It is best to obey the quaran tine law and avoid so much trouble and sickness. Several weeks ago a man named Baker stopped at Lindsay to buy cattle, representing a Sioux City live stock company. The local sports got up a match game with fists between Baker and a hobo, in which Baker was victor. A complaint was filed by the county attorney and sheriff Byrnes found his man at Ord, and brought him in. Frank Hegr a young man employed by Andrew Lambert, in the running of a corn sheller, had the misfortune yester day afternoon to have his hand caught in the wheels of the machine. The fleshy portions of the palm were all torn off and the entire hand badly lacerated. The accident occurred on the farm of Joe. Smatlan. Schuyler Sun. Monday, June 10th, John Lawrence Knowles. bass soloist of Trinity church in New York City, will give a recital at the opera honse in thai city. He is the possessor of a beautiful voice of wide range, the control of which he ia master. Those who wish to hear a rare musical treat will remember the date and secure seats at Pollock's drug store for 30c -The deputy revenue collector was doing buatness down at Spur, the little station between Brainard and Valparaiso, yesterday. It seems that there is a fel low down there who has been running a bootlegging- bosinesB the past year or more, and he will now probably pay the piper. Just what the deputy did wither to him we-have not learned. David City News. . The praaent State Superintendeatof acaook aeysr nhe eighth, grade hi a place for the satBfectory, mtelligeat cocple - turn of all common school snbjects. aad it is no disgrace for a pupil to remain there two years. I believe no other oae caareh. A band, leading a proceaauHi thing woald raiae the staavdard of oar at several hundred children and a nom ahacaool work ae rapidly and so thor- her of yoaag men an horseback with. oagalyae to keep aboat aotyaer eaat frige, naet taonwhopat the outafcnta of oCoax pupiiB ia the eighth grade two Faa. alive at HageTs Bowling; Bey Dr. Sasaunn, dentist, Thirteen street, tf For fine watch repama, call o Carl FroeeaeL Ilth. Su ColambosNeb. Bowling- b a healthful, imnafiant, an agreeable pastime. See the spect at HageTs Bowling- alley. Mrs. Fred Gottachalk is still very sick, and is being cared for at St Mary's hospitaL She was one of tie sturdy pio aeers of this country, full of energy, and with. large capacity for brrafneaa' The naVen of the Boyai Arcanum aamiilinii, of this city, August Diet- Lricha, W-A. McAllister and J. H. Gal ley, of this city paid over to the widow of. Michael Weaver, deceased, Monday, three thuTf" dollars, the full amount of his policy in that order. L Gluck is getting- ready to put down a brick sidewalk in front of his three business lots on Eleventh street. where the excavation for the large bosr neas house is. The walk for the present will be iqfr? eight feet wide, to line up with the north edge cf the walk west of it. Bev. Miesaler preached his farewell sermon Sunday before leaving for his three months trip to Europe. He will not start however until after the first of June, and will be gone about three months. Bev. Dahls of Schuyler will preach occasionally in his chnrch Left I during- his ahwnw. j The lram of has ball Wedn-5dny I lar at Genoa. bet-.v--n the Co him!n. nine aad the Gno-i Indians resulted in , :i -core of 5 to l in f.iv.ir of O'lnir.bi: , SjuuLiv. brr. l--trHn Colnmbii? nn' ' Divi.l City 12 to 7. in favor of Columbus, i and Ulys?ep.S to 7. in favorof Columbus', on the 10th inning. tLe 9th beinsr a tie. a W. Allerton, accompanied bv hi 5DC haVfl lateIv bn ooklnjr after their badtKj mtprest3 ln lhld partof tL state 3aj!i the Cedar Rapids Ontl.wk. He is a 1-, i u . : ni-... ' East of the Mississippi he own? about 30,000 acres of land, besides what he has m the west -Lmds and mines, one of these latter saving him a net income of SLO) a day. Railroad travel this season promise to be much creater than usuaL Reduced rates have been sivu to a Iarze cninber of conventions already, and the Epworth m m m Galley, secretary; George Fairehild. treasurer; O. L. Baker, C. L. Stillman, Carl Kramer, L. F. Phillips and Sam Gass, Jr. Ragntz and Kramer are com mittee on sneakersr Stillman and fral- Iey Qa ...j, .j PhmiTJg Qn dancing; Baker. Stillman and Fairchild on Fireworks; Gass, Galley and Still man on horse races. Miss Anna Trainor, who has been teaching the languages in the High school the past two years left far her home in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Trarnor ia a graduate of A"" Arbor, and is among the most accomplished teachers the Columbus schools have ever had. She is a fluent linguist and an excellent interpreter of the languages. Her res ignation from the school here is a loss to pupils. A large number of friends were at the depot Wednesday to say gcod-by. Mis3 Trainor is a sister of Mrs. J. F. Belford. Frank Micek has been taken to the reform school under an indefinite sen tence. Ee seemed to have an uncon trollable propensity to take things thai did not belong to him, that is, he con- tinoaHy violated the law in, that partic ular, many different people suffering loss of valuables by him. It is to be hoped that where he has gone, he may be taught self-control; mastery of his evil propensities; the value of right employ ment of his time and talents. There is no doubt but the boy has talent which if rightly self-directed, would Tnafr him a useful citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of Schuyler, made quite an interesting- ex hibition of what can be accomplished in a combination without special fore thought or design. The man had driven a. team to Columbus, and the wife came after him, and went for hfm, She was horseback and didn't hesitate to go upon the sidewalk after her man. She also convinced him that he had been drinking more than was good for either his health or that oZ his wife and eight small children. They went off toward Schayler together. According- to a dispatch to the Omaha Bee. Humphrey was in holiday attire Wednesday, the occasion being a viHt from Bishop Scannell of Omaha who was accompanied by Fathers Xnel- ler of Bavenna. Gongies of Petersburg, .Srhnnettgen of fiowells and Hyseith Schraeder of Columbus. Thev are here j to eonnrm a class of ISO in the Catholic towa aad eacarted him to the The DESIGNER for June has just been costumes. in great variety are kept in stock by us, and all the ladies who are interested in home-dressmaking should not fail to visit our Paper Pattern Department. tl 505 Eleventh. St., fuuiUWUiitiWUUWUUU -A- Neiv Envt3x-pxlf33 ? BBBBBBBBBBBaaaF "TI : ,...,-,:- . iMBaaBBBBwP'' aaBke TKjri aBBBBaHBBBBBBBBV"LavVaiaBTX aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw aV -S ""'-' -mJaW aaaaaaaaaiaaaaac a 1 . gsBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV jAUt r3Pc jaMHaw-r- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam--j gy.- ibaattJi-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBB i "- astrsri-. BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 3r iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt-' Z- HaBBBBBBal BBBBBBafv'!' T ,aBBBBBBBr''eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBc' v?C-'' .iaaaBBBBBBai aaBBBBBBBM '-BBBBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBa aaBBBBBBBW aaBBBBBaC 9C - aBBBBBrPBaaaaBBBaBBaaall aaaaaaaaaaaaptraaaaaacSg ", v-iT 'aBaBvtBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBar Bs-uBasliri4KiHc' -c JH5 "- .bbbb1bbbbbbbVTw''vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBaBKreaBBVBBBplS MgBtmKt " i&iMaBBBBBBBBBBaT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBar-WziaBBB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBflaBESPlr jf4jw BBBBBBBBBBBBfMarBBBBBBBkaBBae BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBbBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBE9Eac!BBB3feBaB9P'Ba MMBBaBBBBBrTflBaTBarjrjaajnlslB IitponxED PAYEE'S HKI K, Xo. 150,963, weighed 1,000 porsus .j fouiiteex months' ois. Ow-ed by C. K. DAVIE?. ConmcBUH, Xebe. Fonnerlv at Silver Creek, thi state, I have loeated at Columbus, a a good distributinir piint for the busi ness I intend to build up here, THE RAISING, BUYING AMD SELLING OF THE FINEST. BEST -BRED CATTLE AND HOGS, which will be )I1 to inner anil other? at the mot reasonable, living rates, one interested call on me, or addr-ss as above. . I xne iweutn anniversarj oc tne rip worth League wa3 observed at the Meth odise church last Sunday evening. The church was decorated witli Sowers and an appropriate program was rendered. The special features of the evening- were the winging by Mr. and. Mrs J. Zrakine, of Columbus and the instrumental music on guitar and mandolin by Miss Edith Weaver and Mr. Kay West. It was an interesting and instructive meet ing and all present felt that it was 2ooI to be there Schuyler Quill. E. E. Bisson was in the city Satur day, and gave Joubsai. headqnarters a very pleasant hours calL He was in a somewhat reminiscent mood, and zave a graphic description of his youthful years passed in the south, in ante-bellum times. The slavs-drivimr scenes: the whipping-post, the auction-black where the young child, the slave mother, the field hand or the skilled mechanic were sold at so much ahead. 310 to 32.CC0 and the fact that Mr. Bisson occupied a por tion of his time in teaching a school in .Louisiana for a slave-aoluin; commu nity. When he remarked that war was often a moral puriner, we con Id well 1a1i.lwa t'K' m. wia naTT-lTl'Tr nirtftwnT those scenes; his work afterwards in lS61-"3 as a soldier of the republic, and the changed conditions of these times. In a letter from A. M. Jennings Fitzgerald, Georgia, under date of May 21, he says: "We have been havins , strawberries over a month and have them yet; new Irish potatoes far nearly J that long; all other kinds of sarden stuff. Peaches will be ripe m a few, days. Grapes are going to be a large crop. Dew berries are npe and black berries soon will be, but they are acheap fruit here. If they ripened before straw berries, they would be more nsed, but who would eat a blackberry or a dewa'X berry when strawberries are plentiful0 I " now sit under my own vaie and zxz tree, both of which I planted. The cold snap we had here in April caused some of the fruit to drop off. but there is plentv vet, and without it the trees would have been overloaded as the average man hates to thin out the fruit. The contract has been let for twenty cottages and they are nearly completed, We ship strawberries now by the car load." We understand that Miss Anna Barney and a young man named George, Lucas, who came here with the Eaw-i kins-Biobert3 show, were married at Columbus the first of the week. .. . Sher - iff Leach went down to the river one night this week and caught Andrew Bartushocir. pulling hah out of tne nver . with a net. He took the net and desires ! to mform all people who have nets that hereafter he will push prosecution tzz- t oroaely against all who use seines or) nets ha the river contrary to law. LThere are a few-boys in town who are t am using themselves at times by killing bird. It would be well for them to be caref al aa their sport may cost them con-) sideraJble trouble. We published the ra-1 cently pniawd law in regard" to kfllingj birds hx a previous issue, and we here-! with give it again for their benefit: Kill- hut the following named birds is forbid- $ den at any and all times of the year:, Robin, larav thrash, blue bird, king bird, jay. swallow, wren oriole, woodpecker. yellow hammer, cuckoo, yellow bird bob-1 olinav or other birds of like nature that ' promote agriculture or horticulture by f feedacgon acorious worms and insects.' The p amity for a violation of the-law is a neve of 95.00 for each bird killed, ori 1 a the coamty jafl. notj JMH DRESSES many charming effects ior women s and children's STANDARD PATTERNS 0000000000000 0000.0000000000000 ...ANOTHER... 1 FEEE BUGGY ! 10 0 0 0 0 Going- 0 ,' a 0 0 B lUY OXE OF 3IY 0 0 0 0 and get a Euggy 8 Read What I am g sold for cash at S1.00 each. I am going to give each pur chaser ot same a ticket, and the lucky one hi the drawing wili get the Buggy, so you have one chance out of 100 to get a buggy free, besides each purchaser of a whip t value received for his money. The drawing will take place as soon as 100 whips have been sold, so you will not have long to wait if you come ac once ami select yetir whip. I also extend yau a cordial invitation to come and look; us over, because everything I have is for your benefit. Fly season is here and ysu will need Screen Doors and Wire Screens for your windows, Poultry letting for chicks. The Great American Ball Bearing Lawn 3fow ers and Lawn Hose, the Progress Refrigerators. nothing better made. Call and see my new line of Gasoline Stoves, they are the finest in the city and my prices the best 53.50 up. I have something new in the wav of a Gasoline Stove with a lamp attachment. Call and see it work. Also just received a freh. new line et 3fasury's Paints and Varnishes, and the best stock of Farming Im plements and irachinery in the marker, consisting of Avery Corn Planters and Cultivators. Jauesville Disc Cultivators, Rake?. tantiurd ifowet. Champion Binders, Sweeps and Hay Staeker?. Call and iret mv oricte and ?ee for vourself. I 0 0 ' 0X 0 0. 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0X 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' g ' J g t a 0 g 0 t g ! J la g C. S. Easton, COILCrBT7S, jNTEIBR. 0. ' tmmuwimiiimwmim tuuarmmn E E Z 00ii0i0iMi0MiMi00ig0fiTmMX0MMlM0g02 00r0000'i000'0'000100101010'l 0X0101010101 0101 Keatskotoos Herd Shorthorn Cattle.. Foundation laid from some and Xebraska. The Craickshank , Levi the Great, 159284, By'Grand Victor 1 15752, at head of herd. half months old. ?"Five young bulls of the vry finest breeding for sale, in- s spectiou or correspoadecce sciici:d. Farm, two milts east of Genoa; s 1 ROBT. C. ANDERSON. 1 SB received. It shows COLUMBUS, NEBR. liVi ill ii Ti!tTtTt'i"TYt11 kaaaaai 4444444444444444444444444 W&1 will be pleased to have auv 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. 0 to Do. 0 M0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0. X0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0. 0 01 0 0 0 S1.M VHIPS FOR CASH Free. For every 110 whips 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 90 0M 0 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 X 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 X 10 01 01 10 . itHtoimimiBtniuiainnwmintmtaamimr of the best herds cf Iowa, Missouri S BuIL This bull weighed HfiO pounds at thirteen and adRrlfrTYarCo. fearf . at. :i&S !- i Loacaaa jus. j