The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 15, 1901, Image 2

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. 9
Established Mat 11, 1870.
- olumbusgounxal.
Columbus, Nobr.
Entered mt the Postoffice, Colambas, Nebr., as
aaooad-claes mail matter.
iMMftVAisMujsly K.X. TUtm sM.
Oas year, by mail, postage prepaid $LM
Six months
PatlVt) flftOfttfiS a
WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1901.
r- kkwiWi f THE JOUB1T-
AIc-Flaaae leak at tke data saw its
mar it am tke laayar af
JOTOUTAL araa tke mmarclmaf
JAIIBMAL. TJ ta tkis data, Y
a is pata ar aeeewea asr.
Cemisg Brnti-
State Fair, at Lincoln, August 30
Sept 6.
Central Nebraska Assembly, Fullerton,
August 14-23.
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo,
New York, May 1 to November 1, 1901.
Legal Voticei.
America is a tolerably free country
when you think right down to the foun
dation of things, and act accordingly.
The Journal has had thirty years' ex
perience in handling legal notices of all
descriptions, and takes this occasion to
say that it is thoroughly equipped for
this sort of work.
We desire that you remember us when
you have work of this sort to be done.
When you do the paying, you have the
right to place the work. Special atten
tion given to mail orders. Call on or
address, M. K. Tcbner & Co.,
Journal Office, Columbus, Nebr.
What will Omaha's mayor do next?
Dcbikg the last year 4,000 Swiss emi
grated to this country. It is said that a
much larger number are likely to come
over this year.
The cold rains in the region of Chad-
ron have destroyed the grasshoppers
that were so numerous there and so
threatening some weeks ago.
R. S. Wilcox of Omaha was elected
department commander for the ensuing
year at the G. A. R. annual encampment
Thursday night at Flattsmouth.
Robert S. Woodtakd, aged 59 years,
died in San Antonio, Texas, Tuesday of
last week, of leprosy, so say Dr. Elmen
dorf and City Physician Paschal.
A xjttmc child at Wakefield drank
some butter coloring, from the effects of
which it died in great agony, and yet we
have heard say it was not poisonous.
Dr. Ella E. Summers of Franklin
county, is said to be the only lady coro
ner in the state of Nebraska, having suc
ceeded her uncle, who died in March.
Howard L. Bubket, one of the veteran
business men of Omaha, dropped dead
in the yard of his residence in Omaha
Sunday. He had been afflicted with
heart disease for some time.
Prof. Ned C. Abbott, whose home is
in Fremont, has accepted a position as
one of the teachers in the Philippine
islands. The appointment is for three
years and carries a salary of $1,000 a
William Colles, an inmate of the
soldiers' home, died of hemorrhage of
the lungs last Wednesday. He was
77 years of age, sergeant Co. C, 86th
Illinois volunteer infantry during the
Civil war.
James Hawks, charged with decoying
Miss Birdie Moore out of the state for
immoral purposes, was convicted Tnes
day of last week at Omaha. The prose
cution examined ten witnesses, the de
fense none.
In the last ten years, it is said that
New York city's gain in population ex
ceeded that of London by G40.894. The
St. Louis Globe-Democrat figures that
at this rate the American city will take
the lead by 1920.
Jacksonville, Florida, now places the
value of property destroyed by fire at
$14,000,000. Mayor Bowden has sue
cumbed to the mental strain of the past
few days, and is delirious. Other cases
of prostration, due to the big fire, are
Northern Pacific stock sold at $1,000
a share last Thursday. At 1:40 the same
day 60 per cent was bid for money.
Bankers had a conference and agreed to
lend $16,000,000 at C per cent. J. P.
Morgan & Co. claim they control North
ern Pacific.
Beatrice has had a considerable shak
ing up. Three doctors made the rounds
of the city Thursday together, and found
only one case of chicken-pox, the other
fifteen all being smallpox. The board of
health decided to close the schools,
churches, lodges, and stop all public
Fobmkb President Grover Cleveland is
credited with having made $400,000, and
hia companion in speculation, his former
Secretary of War, Daniel S. Lamont,
who is vice president of the Northern
Pacific system, is said to have made
about $1,000,000 by the rise in Northern
Pacific shares.
Friday, evening a set of boilers at the
Highland hoist, Lead, S. D., operated by
the Homestske Mining company blew up
with terrific force. Ed. Breteford, engi
neer of the dynamo and air compreseer,
waa pinned down by a portion of the
boiler and was almost instantly killed.
He had been in the employ of the com
pany seventeen years.
There are now living the widows of
three former presidents of the United
States. Mrs. Harrison lives in Indianap
olis, Mrs. Grant makes her home in
Washington and Mrs. Garfield makes her
hone in Mentor, O. Buchanan's niece
sad Arthur's sister, both prominent in
Washington during the administrations
of these presidents, still survive.
The millions and tens of millions of
dollars which the government has re-
eeived from the west through the sale of
its pablic lands, give that half of the
c tisnat the right to expect liberal
from Uncle Sam in the re-
of its remaining arid lands
which oaly regains the ouuaing oc sior-1
sue reservoirs to make fertile and popa- J
loss. Clerks Enterprise.
rfta Cf
Our national prosperity depends upon
the steady employment of every wage-
earner at a decent wage.'
The probability is that Nebraska will
have an admirable governor in Mr.
Savage, who has taken hold where Mr.
Dietrich left off. Mr. Savage is built on
the homely plan of the horny-handed
farmer; he has not been educated in
courts, he has not spent his days in halls
of dazzling light; he has communed
with nature a good deal, and has come
to the same conclusion that David
Crocket arrived at that it is be6t to
know yon are right, ann then go ahead.
He will not be very popular with some
of the politicians, because there is noth
ing of the oily-tongued stranger in his
make-up; he is a man of few words, but
every word fie uses drives a nail. He
has been unable to see the sense of say
ing yea when he means nay, and conse
quently bis promises are good, although
he is slow about making them. Although
he has something of the air of the hus
bandman who arrives in town on circus
day, anybody who sizes him up as a fit
subject for green goods operations will
be badly left; he knows a hawk from a
handsaw a mile's distance, and he is an
excellent judge of men. Being honest,
fearless and patriotic, he will make an
excellent governor, and Nebraska repub
licans will be pointing to him with pride
before he has been in effect very long.
Walt Mason in Lincoln Journal.
The sudden illness of Mrs. McKinley
caused an unexpected change in the
President's program. Mrs. McKinley
needs rest, and Dr. Rixey made the fol
lowing statement at C o'clock Sunday
evening, at San Francisco: "Mrs. Mc
Kinley stood the trip from Del Monte
much bettor than I expected. Her con
dition is not serious. She will stay here
at least a week and have perfect rest. I
think by that time she will be able to
continue the journey. She has been
gaining strength all afternoon." The
day after leaving New Orleans a bone
felon appeared upon Mrs. McKinley's
finger. Her hand became swollen, gave
her considerable pain and produced
fever, which prevented her from sleeping.
Dr. Rixey lanced the felon twice and
gave her some relief in that way.
Another stop in the progress of the
United States toward its destined posi
tion at the head of creditor nations is
indicated by the taking for this money
market of the whole issue of a loan
negotiated by the city of Frankfort.
The amount is not so very great, $3,750,
000, but it is the first time that the whole
issue of a long term bond of a German
municipality has been placed in New
York. Money is cheaper here than there,
and a portion of the large current in
debtedness of Europe to the United
States for manufactured goods, as well
as food and raw materials, will be settled
for by this bond issue in place of money.
Chicago Public Policy.
William Watson met with a painful
and what might easily have been a
serious accident, last week. It was the
clothesline story. Mr. Watson was
trimming trees with an ax and the ax
caught the line and landed on the side of
his head, cutting him quite severely and
knocking out a tooth. Mr. Watson says
he can understand how the head got cut,
but the losing of a tooth is a mystery.
Blair Pilot.
For a year past the artesian well in
the United States custom house at New
Orleans had been clogged up by gas
which prevented the piston from work
ing. Last Wednesday engineer Fink
turned on the faucet of the reservoir and
touched a match to it. A clear flame
burned steadily, and it is pronounced the
best quality of illuminating gas. The
well is 800 feet deep.
1 Sfcoiiianal fatal.
y I
A record run through Nebraska was
made Friday afternoon by the Union
Pacific fast mail, which covered the 153
miles between Grand Island and Omaha
in 150 minutes. This time was ton min
utes under the previous record. The
speed was made possible by perfect
weather and the faultless operation of
the huge locomotive, No. 1800, Mike
Decker at the throttle. The train left
Grand Island behind time and took a
sixty mile pace on the outset West of
North Bend the train was covering 75
miles of prairie an hour and between
North Bend and Omaha reached the
eighty mile mark for some distance.
The mail drew into Omaha on time at
5:40 o'clock, having made as rapid along
distance run as any train ever accom
plished in the west. Central City Non
pareil The Nebraska State Sportsmen's
association held their tournament at
Lincoln last week. The weather was
fair for good shooting. We give, follow
ing, from the Lincoln Journal a list of
the very high men in the shooting, show
ing the number of breaks out of a possi
ble 220: Gilbert 21G, Powers 215, Herr
215, Burk 198, Sanders 205, Rogers 197,
Simpkins 189, Bray 212, McDonald 193,
Townsend 203, Waddington 204, Raines
189, Kliene 208, Mcllreevy 190, Schroe
der 192, Shaddock 184. The officers
elected for the coming year are: Presi
dent, Geo. W. Loomis, Omaha; Vice
President, G. A. Schroeder, Columbus;
Secretary and Treasurer, H. S. McDon
ald, Omaha. The next annual tourna
ment is to be held at Omaha, the date
being left to the Omaha sportsmen to
Here is a portion of what a man gets
by going away from home on business
occasionally, and there is nothing to do
but submit. Bixby of the Lincoln Jour
nal for Saturday is responsible:
Moses K. Turner of The Columbus
Journal was in the city on business the
first of the week. Turner is one of the
oldest newspaper men in the state, and
his biography deserves to occupy a con
spicuous page in the history of Nebraska
now in tne bands of tne intelligent
printer. He started the paper, of which
he has been editor from the first, a trifle
over thirty-one years ago, and hasn't
missed an issue or a meal from that time
to the present moment. When he came
to Nebraska he was in the very blush and
hey day of young manhood and as full of
hope as he is now full of years and wis
dom gained by gobs of rich experience.
All these years he has printed one of the
best local papers in the state, and has
raised a large and very excellent family.
At one time Mr. Turner, though a repub
lican, was elected to represent Platte
county in the legislature, and afterward
came near breaking into congress. Of
late he has been jogging quietly along,
disseminating the news of central Ne
braska with undiminished accuracy and
zeal. "When the roll is called up yon
der," if men are rewarded according to
the deeds done in their days of nature,
Moses K. Turner will be assigned a
cushioned seat in the parquet, right
alongside of Elisha and Joshua.
One of the neglected things of last
week's issue of The Journal was a fail
ure to mention the special edition of the
Telegram of May 3. containing, besides
the usual summary of local news, a
special, three-page write-up of the city
and of many of its business firms. If we
could do &o, we would duplicate in quo
tation all the articles of the Telegram's
issue, but as we cannot, we give what is
said concerning
A review of the business interests of
this city wonld be incomplete without
favorable mention of The Journal, one
of the oldest newspapers in the state.
Indeed we believe it is the oldest under
one management. It was launched in
1870, and from that day to this has never
missed an issue. M K. Turner & Co.
were in charge at the start, and have
continued in control until now. The
present makeup is M. K. Turner, editor;
Miss Martha Turner, associate editor; J.
A. Turner, foreman; G. W. and F. C.
Turner, compositors. Through all the
years the paper has battled for republi
can principles and for the good of
Columbus and Platte county. It is dis
tinctly a family newspaper, always clean
and pure in tone, avoiding sensationalism
of every type. The business policy has
always been "live and let live," its man
agement holding that there is room in
the world for all who come into it with
good intentions. The people of this city
and county owe much to this staid and
reliable old newspaper, and the liberal
patronage it always receives is proof that
its efforts are fully appreciated.
a 'SI
lerst Hal Aewttair.
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J. D. Stires is in Omaha this week.
F W. Herrick was in Genoa Saturday.
W. Talbitzer of Monroe was in town
Miss Anna Gass visited in Schuyler
Mrs. Gould of Bellwood was in town
L Gluck and son Ed. were in Omaha
Ed. Westcott of Silver Creek was in
Columbus last week.
Mr. Lembach of Utica spent Sunday
with the family of Frank Borer.
Prof. O'Connor of Norfolk was in town
Thursday on his way to Kearney.
Mrs. Wilson of Genoa visited Miss
Bertha Krause two days last week.
Sarah Hulst of Omaha, sister of G. W.
Hnlst, arrived in the city Thursday.
Misses Elsie and Lena Segelke of
Omaha will be here today to visit rela
tives. Sam. McFarland and family leave to
day for Mapleton, Minn., to visit several
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howland and
daughter of Silver Creek were in town
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stillman and Mrs.
J. M. Ruffens were Lincoln visitors
last week.
Miss Lillie Deegan has returned to
Red Lodge, Montana, after a visit to her
parents here.
Misses Hattie Selsor and Hulda Woods
of Schuyler spent Sunday with Miss
Louise Matthews.
Dave Martyn, who graduated last week
at Creighton Medical college, Omaha,
returned home Wednesday.
The Misses Clara and Kate Clark of
Craig, Nebraska, arrived in the city
Thursday to visit their cousins, Lida
and Rena Turner.
Jonas Welch and W. S. Fox went to
Hot Springs, South Dakota, last week.
Mrs. Welch went to Norfolk to visit with
Mrs. Fox until their return.
Miss Sophia Kaufmann returned home
Saturday evening from a visit to Hamp
ton, Nebraska, accompanied by her
cousin, Clara Herman of Stsplehurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner visited
The Journal families Wednesday and
Thursday, on their way home to Perry,
Iowa, from Idaho, where they have been
the past year.
Weather Iftrt.
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month of April, 1901.
Meaatemperatareof the noBth.
Mean do same month laat rear . . .
Highest temperatareoa 38th. ...
Lowest do oa 2d aad Sd
Calm days
High winda days. ,
djsar oaya .......,
Fair daya ,
Cloudy daya
Kain fell darinx portions of daya
laches of rainfall.
Do same month laat year
Inches of snowfall
Do same month last year.
.. 27
.. 15
.. 10
.. 7
.. 2.50
.. 5?
.. 2J
.. 0.60
Heavy frosts and ground slightly fro
zen 3d and 6th.
Slight ice on 17th and 18th.
Lunar halo on the 29th.
Vetica.Afaiajt TrifaaiaTl.
Ray P. Brigham, road overseer of Road
district No. 25, hereby gives notice that
those who trespass upon the public
highway under his charge to take there
from sod and dirt will be prosecuted to
the full extent of the law. Quite a
quantity of this work has been going on
lately on the Meridian liae road. 2
f pteial lalt.
SOladiestailormadesaits. We bought
a manufacturer's line of sample suits at
one-half price. All the latest styles, no
two alike. Worth from $10 to $25. All
on sale after Tuesday at $4 to $10.
1 F-H-LambACo.
Tke lailrtad Xtctimg.
Mayor Ragatz called a meeting of the
citizens Monday afternoon in the coun
cil chamber to discuss with the U. P.
officials the location of the new freight
depot E. Dickinson, general manager,
R. W. Baxter, superintendent, and Edson
Rich, attorney, were all present.
After the officials of the U. P. had ex
plained their present plans, an open dis
cussion was called for by the mayor.
R. W. Baxter olaimed that the amount
of switching across the' streets would be
reduced by their new plan of tracks. ,
, L. Jaeggi thought the depot should be
placed east of Schroeder's mill or on or
west of the present location. He said
that the switching of the engines was a
constant annoyance to farm teams, that
brought grain to the mills, and that in
the day time, when most of the switch
ing was done, was when the farmers
were in town.
G. A. Schroeder made about the same
L. Gerrard thought the railroad com
pany ought to know what they were
doing and thought if they said there
would be lees switching done by the new
plan of tracks that they knew what they
were talking about.
I. GInck said he thought the depot
should be east or west of M street.
With the freight depot on M, there
would practically be three streets cut off,
M, L, and K. He said there were very
few people who went to the freight
depot, and that it would be just as con
venient to place the depot a few blocks
east or west of M street. ,
S. C. Gray said there were undoubtedly
two sides, and if both were fairly con
sidered, both the city and the railroad
company should be benefited. Mr. Gray
called attention to the present location
of the freight depot, having been an
injury to the surrounding property. He
said the company talked about their not
doing so much switching near the depot
as at present, but he could, not see how
they could get their freight to the depot
without switching. Mr. Gray closed by
saying I do object and shall object to the
depot being built in the business part
of the city.
J. E. North said he was willing to take
the word of the company's officials who
were successful business men, and said
he was always in favor of improvements
for the city.
Mr. Dickinson was asked if the com
pany would accept the proposition de
cided on by a committee. He said that
they would listen to a proposition but
not promise to accept it.
After considerable discussion on both
sides it was decided to leave the appoint
ment to the mayor of a committee of six
citizens to confer with the company's
officials. Mayor Ragatz appointed G.
W. Lehman, I. Gluck, L. Gerrard, Geo.
Scott, A. Jaeggi and H. Oehlrich.
No specified time was given for the
committee to report to the council.
Real Estate Transfer.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers,
real estate agents, report the following
real estate transfers filed in the office of
the county clerk since our last report:
Pollock & Evans toGottobLau
ner, pt lot 3, bl 85, Columbus. $2000 00
Stella G Chambers to Chas K
Davies, n2 nw4, n2 s2 nw4 13-18-lw.
Emily L Kenyon to Henry Wilk,
lot 10, bl 9, 1st add to Platte
Center. (575 00
I Wnrdeman to Anna Wurde
man, s2 se4 se4 sw4 36-20-le
and ne4 nw4 1-19-le 591 00
I Sibbernsen to Rosette Schar,
lots 1, 2, bl 143, Columbus. ... 230 00
E A Gerrard to I Gluck, lots 8,
9, 10, Gerrard's sub div of nw4
nw424-19-2w. 7500
F Freerioks to J P Hansen, lot
3, bl 0, Creston C2000
E A Brackin to Sam Grover,
lots 1, 2, bl 263, Columbus. ... 20 00
Lydia J McAllister to M C Cal
to, lot 5, bl 99, Columbus. .... 800 00
James Carrig to H F J Hocken
berger, lot 3. bl 236, lot 8, bl
246, lots 6, 8, bl 251, Col 500
Total $9516 00
From the Democrat.
Dr. Condon will begin the erection of
a house, barn and other buildings on the
land east of the U. P. track next week to
be used by bis renter.
Mrs. F. T. Walker and children and
Miss Lillie Deegan of Columbus, were
guests of the John Walker home Wed
nesday and Thursday of this week.
Miss Deegan expects to leave next Tues
day for Montana to spend the summer.
Henry Gietzen fell from a ladder at
Norfolk last week, spraining his back
quite severely. He came home Friday
evening and it was necessary to meet him
at the train with a buggy, as he was
unable to walk. He is now getting along
alright, we are glad to state, and is able
to get around quite well with the aid of
a cane and a crutch.
Califermia Sates Ope to Srerytae.
The low rates to San Francisco which
the Burlington Route has made for the
Epworth League meeting in that city in
July are open to everyone. They are the
lowest ever known. From Omaha, for
example, the round-trip rate to San
Francisco will be only $45. Return
limit, August 31. Through cars will be
run and stop-overs allowed, going and
It is not too early to make your plans
for the trip. To obtain full information
about it, write to J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
G. P. Meeks, D. O. N. H. Meeks, D. O.
Gentleman's dep't. Ladies' dep't.
Graduates of the American school of
Chronic diseases and deformities a
Literature furnished upon application
free of charge.
Consultation and examination free.
Office Mrs. Merrill's residence, Four
teenth street, Columbus, Neb. 4
Removed !
has removed bis
office and resi
dence to the
fourth house
north of Fried-
hofs store. All calls in city and country
promptly attended to by night or day.
Telephone No. 59. 17aprtf
bbbbbbbbb&TIbbbbw JbsiT
Cla-ara aa Clews.
"Valuable clews toward the detec
tion of criminals are obtained through
an examination of cigar stubs," sfld a
Scotland Yard detective 'This applies
to those who smoke cigars, the scabs
of which they carelessly throw away
In the street or elsewhere.
"If you pick up any stub and exam
ine It closely, you will be able to lean
something as to the personality aad so
cial position of the man who threw It
away. In the case of criminals the
first point to be considered Is the ami,
ner In which the end was cut off from
the cigar. If a knife or any other In
strument was used for this purpose,
then this Instrument will doubtless be
found on the criminal; If. on the other
band, It was bitten off with the teeth,
a thorough examination of the tip will
show what kind of teeth were used for
this purpose.
MA man with a row of even teeth will
bite off the end of his cigar squarely
and evenly, whereas one with Jagged,
uneven teeth will bite it unevenly and
In such a manner as to leave clearly
visible the marks of his Incisors. By
comparing the marks on cigar stubs
with the teeth of suspected criminals
prosecuting officers and detectives are
able to obtain Information which they
could not possibly obtain any other
way." London Answers.
BTexteaa Letter Writers.
Perhaps there Is no more character
istic sight lu Mexico than the so called
"evangellstas" who ply their trade In
the Plazuela de Belem and the Plazue
la of Santo Domingo. Those who oper
ate In the former spot make a specialty
of writing letters to the Inmates of the
prison for their Illiterate relatives on
the outside, but the "evangellstas" who
may be seen any day In the Plazuela of
Santo Domingo do a general business.
They write love letters, blackmailing
letters and all sorts of letters for those
who do not know how to write at a
rate of 3, C, 9 or more cents, according
to the length of the missive. They
also undertake without extra charge to
write the address on the envelope and
to attach the required stamp, but for
the latter they make an extra charge
of a cent. It Is hardly necessary to
state that only very Ignorant people,
who are totally unacquainted even
with the simple formalities of mailing
a letter In addition to not knowing
how to write, have recourse to the
evangellstas for stamps. Mexican
fllhcrlaa Laxarles.
The three great luxuries In Siberia
are churches, theaters and museums.
Even the smaller villages can usually
be sighted from afar by means of the
white walls and the towering, dome
shaped cupolas of their churches.
These are all amply supplied with bells
whose rich tones roll In majestic har
mony over distant hill and vale and
break the monotony of the peasants'
daily toil. Inside these churches are
highly ornamented with paintings, and
they are presided over by married
priests, who take a deep and genuine
Interest In even the poorest of the flock.
Aa Aaaatcar Critic
Here Is a schoolboy's criticism of Sir
Walter Scott in an examination paper
which the New York Commercial Ad
vertiser vouches for: "Walter Scott was
a great pott When he was dyeing, he
felt It coming on, so be wrote sum tuck
ing lines which he ment for himself:
"Toe war was loaf the wiae" waa eaU
tke aalaatral was lateral old.
0 may we all feel the same wen
Heath catches hold of us."
Llk His Father.
"Charley, dear," said young Mrs.
Torkins, "the baby Is trying to talk
again. It's wonderful how he takes
after your'
"What was he talking about?"
"I think it must have been politics.
He started very calmly, but In a few
minutes he was as angry and red In
the face as he could be." Washington
Anaesthetics were known In the days
sf Homer, and the Chinese 2,000 years
ago had a preparation of hemp known
as "una yo" to deaden pain something
similar to our modern cocaine.
Wheat, V bushel...: 58
" winter 560
Corn, shelled bushel . . . 33
Barley, bushel a0$
Oats, bushel 23
Rye- bushel 37
Hogs V cwt 5 150 5 25
Fat cattle-W cwt 3 00 4 25
Potatoes V bushel 750
ButtorHp 1). 1115
Eggs $ dozen 9
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. BTJIXnrOTOaT 10UTE.
$25.00 to California.
February 12, 19, 26.
March 5, 12, 19, 26.
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.
Lowest rate in years.
Applies to San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Sacramento, San Jose and pretty nearly
every other important point in Califor
nia. Through tourist sleepers on all the
above dates get aboard at any station
in Nebraska at which train stops; get
off at Los Angeles.
See nearest Burlington ticket agent,
or write J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb. 6feb-12t
In the coenty court of Platte county, Nebraska:
in taeBUKteror the estate of Elisabetb
Notice of final
settlement and
To the creditors, heirs, legatees aad others in
terested in the estate of Elisabeth Schaad, de-
Take notice that Henry T. Spoerry has filed in
the cooaty court a report of his doings as execB
torof the estate of Elisabeth Schaad. da ceased,
ana u is oraerea max uie same sraaa ior near
injr on the 31st day of May, 1901. before the court
at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m at which time any
person interested may appearand except to and
contest the same.
This notice is ordered Riven in Tax Coumatw
Jodbxal, for three consecntiTs weeks prior to
the Slat day of May. 1901.
Witness my hand and the seal of the coantr
court at Columbus, this 13th day of May. 190L
T. D. RoBiaoir.
County Judce.
In the matter of the estate of James McAllister,
deceased. Notice to creditors.
Notice is hereby a-iven. that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, before me. County Judce of Platte
county. Nebraska, at my oSce in Columbus,
said county, on the 28th day of November, 1901,
at 9 o'clock: a. nu, of said day, for the purpose of
preaentinit their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
resent their claims and one year for the adrain-
MX montns are auowea ior uie creaitorsto
present tneir ciatms ana one year ior we admin
istrator to settle said estate from the 28th day of
1901, aad this notice is ordered pab
i bushed
iaTiiK Colubbtb JouBXAi. for foar coasecatire
weeks, prior to the 28th day of Mar, 19W.
T. D. fioBUOff,
Stopr4 County Jodse.
Otto, OUT St. aptaira in First National
Bank Bid's.
i-jr Co&maos, ummmaixa.
alt Lake Ctty,
aa Francisco
sH. Joseph,
polata Bast aad
11 points
go. a PawaasBr. daily xeapt Baaclay. 7:15 a. i
No. tl AconaiBtoaartoa. dally except
Bataidar..-. 430 p.!
tbaiss Aum.
go. a Paanastr. daily wept Soaday. 0sOOp.i
No. SI AccoauBodatioB, daily except
Saaday 77. .V. l:80p.i
No. 8.1 Colaariia Local It. :.
No. 102. Fast Mail 1:10 p. aa
no. a, Atlaaue Kxprasa. zaop. ra
No. 2, Overbad Liadted 5:28 p. m
No. 4, Chicago Special. 4.-40 a. ta
No. 2a.FMsat. 8:00 a.
No. 22,Freicat, HhlOp. m
No. 1. Overbad Limited. W-JWa. at
No. 101. Fast Mail 1130 a. m
No. x. Pacific Express 8:55 p. in
No. MVIo.Bpseial 1. a. ra
No. 7.ColasriMs Local 8:24 p. ra
No. a. Freickt 70 a. ra
xoavoix bbascb.
Ho. 6S, xnaaaeasar...... ... TxQ p. ra.
No. 71. Mixed ..................... 8KB a. ra.
No. 84, Paastamr 1250p.ra.
No. 72, Mixed liaOp.ra.
no. ee. xvsseBssr. ... ................. .13 p. nt
No. 73, Mixed ..................... 8:15a. in.
No. 70, Paaaeaser 1KB p. ra.
No. 74, Mixed .-0Op. na.
Norfolk passenger traiaa run daily.
No traiaa oa Albion and Cedar Kapids branch
UOiBBDna liocai daily except twoaay.
tl. HENBAX, Agent.
BJawWBwRPwweWaWaswal I
1 Tk PAVr
Epworth League i
San Francises, Calif., July, 1901. 2
will, be S
The fast trains
of the Union
Pacific reach
San Francisco
thirteen hoars ahead of all com
petitors. If you are in no hurry
take a slow train by one of the de
tour routes, but if you want to fret
there without delay take the his
toric and only direct route, the
Uaien Pacific.
from Missouri Biver, with corres
pondingly low rates from interior
points on the Union Pacific.
All Abeut California
Hew to Get There
and full information cheerfully
furnished upon application.
15m7 W. H. Bekham, Agent.
or Bouin or umcago asa your local
ticket agent to route you between Omaha
and Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two cities.
Trains via this popular road depart
from the Union depot, Omaha, daily,
connecting with trains from the west.
Magnificently equipped trains, palace
sleepers and free reclining,, chair cars.
Dining cars and buffet, library and
smoking cars. All trains lighted by
electricity. For full information about
rates, etc., address
F. A. Nash,
General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam
St., Omaha.
H. W. Howell,
Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt.
The American
Has authorised a Settlers' Excursion
rate of $25.00 from Colambas
Pnllman Ordinary Sleeping Cars are
ran Daily via the
These cars are the most comfortable,
commodious means of travel for large
parties, intending settlers, homesoekers,
hunting parties.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application.
tf W. H. Bkcham, Agent.
Justice of the Peace.
V Would respectfully solicit a share
of yoar business.
Over First National Bank at rear of hall
W. a. McAtxiTsa. W. M. CoaasLre
WaaUBIta OOBllXU1.
Columbia, Victor and Ideal buggies;
Mitchell and Old Hickory wagons;
Rock Island plows and cultivators;
Rock Island cornplanters;
Cadet cornplanters;
Little Engine, the new lister,
where the operator can see the corn drop while planting:
Jones' Lever binders;
Jones' Chain mowers;
Jones' Self-dump hay rakes;
Jones' Hand-dump hay rakes;
Walter A. Wood's mowers;
Woodmanse and Aermotor windmills;
Jack-of-all-Trades gasoline engines;
and all other machinery needed on the farm. Call
and se for yourself. We wih vour trade.
The Weekly Inter Ocean 8 1
I Best Political Weekly in the I
United States.
! Always Ewiai, Aflrays Aima, $1 Per Tear. I
1 11" nCuKlj iniBl UCBID paper ill the country, contain-
5 ing all the news, and high-grade current literature.
A Fiw iff Its ExciNMt Littmy Fiatins An: I
Able Editorials on Live Topics.
Well-Written. Original Stories.
Answers to Queries on all subjects.
Essays on Health.
Fifty-Two Paptrs of 12 Largt Pages
As much good reading a a large magazine.
I Dally later (kin, $4 pefftar
Now is the Time
We are prepared to
make the following
clubbing rates :
Chicago Inter Ocean (semi
weekly) and Columbus Jour
nal both for one year $ 3 10
Chicago Inter Ocean (.weekly)
and Columbus Journal both
one year for. 1 75
Peterson's Magazine and Co
lumbus Journal one year..... 2 25
Omaha Weekly Bee and Co
lumbus Journal one year....
2 00 1
Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly)
and Columbus Journal, one
year for. 2
Subscribe Now.
Mar 24-31, 1901,
From points east of Denver, Cheyenne,
and ib Kansas snd Nebraska. In order
to give those attending this meeting an
opportunity to visit points of interest,
aa opea rate of one fare, for the rooad
trip, will be made to all poiata ia Ne
brasks from Lincoln.
For farther information call oa
24apr5 c W.lLBsnuic.
Articles on Home Topics, on New
Books, and on Work in the Farm
and Garden.
Also Short Stories of City Life, of
Army Life, of Life Everywhere.
I Daily Hi Sulay, $6 per year
PROFBirroB or tub
U& Me&t Market
VaBawBwnwB avssTwwV nnnlllvl
fYesh. and
Salt Meats-
Game and Fish in Season.
nVHighest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
Blacksmith and
Wagon Work...
EverythiHg In our line
and everything guaranteed.
WairoMs made to order.
Best horse-shoeing i'h the
A ne liae of Buggies,
Carriages, etc.
WI am agent for the old reliable
Colambas Buggy Company, of Colam
bas, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran
tee of strictly first-class goods.
with direct
connections for
All PriKJpaf Eastin Citiis,
Union Pacific 1
and S
I Chicago 4V NoHh-Wtsttrn I
Unas. 1
Passengers destined for
Sromment cities east of the
hssouri Biver shoedd pat
ronize this route.
The through traiaa are Sol
idly Vtfbaled, eleiranUy
frawuur Rooaa mmA -dui
tiaed for s
eat of the
SlemDiBiait CSaflaaseals
jLftf 5
Chair Cars.
I PifonMtio 1
H. BxiraaaT, Agent.