"et ; - rnjj; .J-VL x i i X AaTH afsT .. - HL ? li fe . v: -i'-: 9 r- & m, UaTl.fear HU1ST & ADAMS "Wish to announce to the public that they have purchased the Henry Ragatz & Co. large and well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., And will take charge of the business FEBatUASY 1st, 1901. To the patrons of the old firm, they extend greet ings and ask a continuance of their patronage, also to all others they extend cordiaL invitation to give them a share of their patronage, assuring all that they will receive prompt and courteous service, square dealing and the best quality of goods the market affords. The same force of clerks will continue to wait on customers for the new firm. Telephone 26. Eleventh Street, KXKKKKKKKXKXXXXXXXXXXSOOSXX rTTc3lrtrrVYTTrT ic yiumwugvnv. j WEDNESDAY. FEEttUAEY 13. 190U - TIME TABLE U. P. R. R- EAST BOCXD. 3J.MX XXSX. No , . No. No No No No No 3 t Colombo Local lv. 11E, Fat Mail d. Atlantic Express. . 2. Overland Limited. i. Chieaiio SpeciaL id, FifiKht. 2T, Freitjiit. .. 6:10 a. m. . U0 p. in. . .. :aop m iSp ni . .. 4:40 a m. rtrOO a. a. ... 10:10 p m. arxsT bocnd, siAia ine. No 1. Ovfriand LiaiiUnL No. 1UL Fat Mail No 3, Pacific Erpnt No 5. Colo. Special No 7, Columbus Local 'o 23. Freitr'it NOBTOLE BRANCH. No iJ2, Pas-Mnrer... No It, Mixed ..10:30 a. m. . 1120 a. ai. . 43j p. xn. . 1:15 a m. p--t p. in. 7aX) a., in. Depart . . 7:110 p m dnX) a. m. Arrive . liiOp m. "No. S4. Pawwncer No Z. Miied . 1UU p in. ALfllON SD CTDA3 BAPXDS BRANCH, j Depart J No 89. PawH-ncer -M P ni- I So3, Mired 6:45 a.. ail ArriTe j No 70, PattsenRer lafi p m. No 74. Miseii 9dOp.ni Norfolk paewnaer trains ma daily. .No trains on Albion and Cedar Eapidx branch Saniiay. Colombaa Local daily ezrept bandar. W. H. BErciAX. Apent. TTATR T A TttJE, COLUMBUS, NEB. Xincoin. Cmaha. Chicago, St. Joseph. Kansas City, St. Louis and all paints East and South. Denver, Helena. Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland. San Francisco and all paints "West. TBAEtS DETA3T. No. 22 PatHtenser. daily except Sunday 7 jj a. m No. 32 Accommodation, daily xcept Saturday. 4:30 p. m trains ashixz. N. 21 Passenger, daily except Sanday Sa)0 p. m V ! ommniljiriim- dailr flXCtfDt Snndily fc30 P m COLUMBUS Wheat, f? bushel 6g winter 5t1(S Corn, shelled bushel. . . 2S Corn, ear e? bushel 29( Barley, $ bushel M? Oata, bushel 20 Sve bushel 37 Hogs cwt. 4 S0 -i 90! Fat cattle cwt 3 0Q3) 4 25 j Potatoes 3 bnshel 4045 Butter- 12U Eggs dozen. 1-S Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. Snow again Thursday. Mielenz for best photos. Tomorrow, the 14th, is Valentine day. Q J. Garlow went to Beatrice, Mon day. Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Mark Carraher of Madison was in the city Sunday. Blank farm leases for sale at The Joubnal office, tf Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, office Olive street. tf Dwelling house to rent. Inquire of W. A. McAllister. 2 Adjutant General J. N. Ellian went to Lincoln Monday. Dr. L. C. Toss, Homeopathic physi- cian. Columbus, Neb. Dr. C H. Gietzen, dentist, in Bar ber block. Thirteenth street. 1m The thermometer Saturday morning early registered 10( below zero. Arnold Abts has gone to Creston. expecting to make that his home. Drs. Martyn, Evans i Geer, office three doors north of Friedhors store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Coixacars Jnr-raAT. one Tear, in advance SLjo. tf For fine watch repairing, call on Carl FroemeL 11th St, Columbus, Neb. .. Wiggins Lewis shipped a load of hogs to the South Omaha market Mon day night. Dr. Geers new building on Thir teenth street is enclosed and ready for the tin roof. Valentines at von Bergen's from 1 cent up. Envelopes free with. 1 to 10 cent lace valentines. February 1. Frank Brichacek com mitted suicide by shooting himself in the head. Howells Journal. Frank Bridel has leased the Hoppen saloon property, corner of Eleventh and M streets, and taken possession. Ice is being hauled from W. T. least's pond to the Bismark: creamery, mmi l"o to the brewery in this city. 039 X Columbus, Neb. X -Do not fail to .see our 8-foot galvan ised steel mill for $32.00. A.Dussell,fc 'Son. tf Louis Lachnit visited with relatives and friends at Humphrey the first of last week. Dr. Naumann extracts more teeth painless than any other person in this county. tf The U. P. sent a double-header train load of horses from here to Sioux City yesterday. Hulst Jc Adams delivered groceries Saturday in a align, something out of the usual order. Fob Sale Thirty sows, coming in in April; also 25 tons of hayin the stack. Frank Arne. 2 They are putting in electric light at Humphrey a company of citizens own ing the plant. Dr. McKean's method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. Thomas Connor has disposed of his farm and offers his personal property for sale Friday, Feb. 15. The new deal of the Union Pacific promises to be an excellent thing for all the cities along the line. Tou can buy blank farm leases at The Jocbsal office, good form, two for 5 cents; five for 10 cents. George Schram was down from Mad ison Sunday. He is well pleased with his outlook for business. Every one who could make the raise of a horse and cutter was out Sunday enjoying the fine sleighing. Don't forget, yon who dance, that February 22, at the. opera house, the Hookies have their dance. The Gray Mercantile company have purchased an engine of Henry Lubker. to run their store elevator. Twenty-five witnesses for the state have been subpoenaed at Platte Center in the Nick Gentleman case. Oscar Burns is visiting in Osceola this week. He expects to go to Holt county on or about March 1st. The Hook & Ladder boys, will, as usual, have a first-class costumer here the day of their masquerade ball. Saturday morning the sun shone out clear and fair, and the snow was of suffi cient depth to make good sleighing. Nebraska land is steadily rising in 1 price; even in Holt county the increase ! in the past two years is 25 per cent. I Jack rabbits to the number of 40,000 have been ordered from England of one of the South Omaha packing houses. When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at Tax Joubhal office. One of the best farms in Colfax county, belonging to Fritz Nieman, was i sold last week for fifty dollars an acre. A marriage license was issued in ! Lincoln Saturday last to Joseph Mostek of Columbus and Vera Kula, of Lincoln. T. H. Adams of the firm of Hulst k Adams, is moving into one of the Mur dock houses on west Fourteenth streeL Should the jury system be abolish ed? was the question for debate by boys of the High school at Fremont recently. Dr. J. a Clark, dentist, fine gold fillings, crown and bridge work a spec ialty. Office in North block, Thirteenth street. tf Miss Bena Turner made the trip to Omaha and back Wednesday. She had occasion to consult the Columbian oculists. Mrs. Mary TL Pugh has begun divorce proceedings in the Can county district court against Dr. Pugh of Platte Center. Wm. Schilt makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf Messrs. Murdock & Watts were tak ing an invoice of stock Saturday, Mr. Murdock having porch ased Mr. Watts' interest. Mrs. E. L. BoMter and Peter Mc Caffrey, sister and brother of Charles McCaffrey, conductor, went to Omaha Thursday. Ed. "Rnsoiter and George Fairchild. also Mw Mae Boaaiter attended the funeral Saturday, at Omaha, of Charles S. McCaffrey. February 22 is the date for the Hookies7 ball, and as usual, just about everybody are making calcula tions to attend. The ladies of the Methodist church at their supper last Wednesday evening' cleared 982. after paying expenses, which were abont $11. Tou can buy shoes at a very low price at von Bargen'av Yon wOl get a ticket for a free onnanskna irith 1$1 cash for shoes ap to MarehaEth. 4 5.000 chickens, ducks and turkey wanted every week for export. Joffjr Sckxoceex, Agemt. rhriht Ftrfin. Ifrinr nrwr "Bfrilsarf . will have a sale February 27, of farm implements, horses, hwfara, koweeknld goods, etc 3 February 16, G. B. Speiee, referee, will sell at the U. P. stock yards, a bunch, of cattle belonging- jointly to Qmy C and George E.Bernum. To be closed out for cash, sea's. buckle Arctics $1, boys' SOc, ladies' 75c, misses' 60c, children's 50c Other good bottom prices at Hooahan'a. 4t Alfred McTCillipe and Wm Davy Gerrard of Bellmood were aurried at David City Wednesday, Judge Skike officiating. Bellwood Gazette. Thursday MIsb Grace Woods, substi tute teacher in primary took charge of Miss Sheehaa's school, she betas; absent an account of her mother's fllnnat At their last meeting directors of the Commercial National bank authorized loans in sums of $500 and upward to be taken at the rate of eight per cent. Kearney officers raided a gambling place recently. Three boys were arrest ed for gambling, and a fourth for owning the place and allowing the gambling: Thomas Williams of this city has received the appointment as farmer at the State asylum for the insane, at Lin coln, and has entered upon hie work. Valentines, valentines, lace, card mounts and drop valentines, also valen tine novelties. Don't fail to look at von Bergen's assortment, Eleventh street. Rev. C. A. Weed of this city has de clined the call from the Episcopal church at Nebraska City to become its rector, which means that he will remain here. Peter J. Barnes, a pioneer of Madi son county, was in the city Monday on his return from Chicago, where he had been to purchase a fine blooded horse. Rev. H. C. Meyers, at one time a prominent clergyman at Schuyler, after wards we believe, preaching at Denver, recently purchased a farm near Stanton. William Albers of Shell Creek town ship, a well known farmer, was brought to the hospital Friday afternoon, a very sick man. and is now under a doctor's care. The coffee served at the chicken pie supper, given by the ladies of the M. E. church on last Wednesday eve, was pro nounced first-class by alL and was donat ed to the ladies by the Gray Mercan tile Co. 1 There are, only three aorta of people in the world nowadays; those that have the grip, those that have had, and those that expect to have it. Fremont Tribune. WANTED-ACTIVE MAS OF GOOD Char acter to deliver and collect in Nebraska for old. established mannfacrnring wholesale noose. $900 a year, sore pay. Honesty mors than expe rience required. Oar reference, any bank in any city. Enclose aelf-addrcasod stamped envel ope. Mannfaituiera, Third Floor. 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago. IZxnch Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, call at Tim Joitbsax. office for prices. The eminent eye sight specialist, Dr. J. WilL Terry of Omaha, will be in Columbus for one week, Feb. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. Consult him about your eyes. Consultation free. Eight freight cars were attached to the Albion passenger train Monday. Business on the branch roads from here has always been good, but this kind of double train is unusual. It is said that one of the smallpox patients is afraid of catching the measles from one of the others. It is authoritatively reported that all three are getting along finely. In a quite lengthy article in the Lin coln Journal of Thursday last, Dr. B. J. Kendall tells how he knows that con sumptives will be helped and cured by drinking milk strappings. A close observer says that in Nebras ka good crops invariably follow a winter with plenty of snow. According to this, this section should be blessed with abundance the coming season. When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will give prompt relief. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. We are told that Hale Lindsay, while working at Frank Olcott's, south of the Platte, Monday, had one of his hands nearly cut off by a steam saw. We did not learn farther particulars. Walter Eggleston fell from a load of straw Wednesday and suffered a fracture of his skulL Walter Brooks, who was with him, lighted on his feet, and was not so badly hurt. Creston Statesman. One of the livery teams at the funeral of Mrs. Drinnin Tuesday after noon of last week; took a run after the pall bearers had got oat of the vehicle, doing no special damage, except to a front wheeL C. Funk recently marketed at South Omaha a cow which brought him the snug sum of $76.99. The animal weighed 1770 pounds and sold at $435 per hun dred. She made a pretty good steak, for Mr. Funk. Schuyler QuilL The village of Edholm, seven miles west of Linwood, Neb., was wiped out by fire Monday morning at 5 o'clock, consuming the postoffice, blacksmith shop and a general store; only light in surance. The fire was caused by the bursting of a lamp. Frank Proses bought the Verba farm of 290 acres last week, paying $41 an acre for same. This place is fire miles northwest of town and is one of the best farms in that section, there being 90 acres of fine hay land, 60 acres of pasture and 130 under plow. Schuyler San. Yon can help anyone whom yon find suffering from inflamed throat; laryn geal trouble, bronchi tie, coughs, colds, etc, by advising the use of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND STBUPr the great rem edy for coughs and colds. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock fc Co. An exchange says: "A boy can sit still on a sled sCxinches square, tied to a sleigh moving eight miles an hour, but couldn't sit still on a sofa five aunntea for a dollar. A man will sit on an inch edge of aboard and talk politics for three hours; put him in a church pewforforty minutes and he gets nervosa, twatts and goestosleep A man will fill bis cheek with filthy tobacco juice until it runs down hat earn; feels good; batahatrxa the hatter lolls hiaa." TO Jriends and COLUMBUS, JTEBRASRd, February 1, 1901- WeJtave sold our stock of groceries, 'crockery, glassware, etcfo Hulst Adams- For the liberal patronage received from the good people of Columbus and vicinity, ice urish to thank them one and allr and assure tJiem that although temporarily out of business ice icill continue to make Columbus our home and ltope to do our share to wards it3 up-building. We retained our books and wish to say that parties owing us on account should make settlement with us. Those who have a credit will please call and receive the amount. We have opened an office in the basement of the Commercial Na tional Bank building, where parties having business with us can find us during business hours. HENRY RAGATZ & CO. Captain E. C. Hockenberger, of the Evans "Riflpo, not only passed bis ex amination but, among twenty-eight cap tains and lieutenants, only one captain led him in percentage, and that by onJy four-sevenths of one per cent. Three of the lieutenants failed entirely. Dr. W. H. Slater, a veterinarian, who recently moved here from "Iowa, was taken to the pest house Wednesday, making the third case of smallpox in the building. Mr. Slater's home has been quarantined, his family having been ex posed to the contagion through him. Wednesday evening last, at the home of the bride's parents five miles east of St. Edward, Frank O. Nelson of Platte Center and Miss Bertha Greig were married, Bev.E. B. Fung officiat ing. The new couple will make then home at Platte Center. St. Edward Snn. Are you nervous, run down, weak and dispirited? Take a few doses of HEBBLNE. It will infuse new energy. riAw Kfe into the exhausted nerves, the overworked, brain or muscular system. and put a new face on life and business. Price 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock iCo. M. Weisenflnh will have a public sale at 'Duncan, Tuesday, Feb. 19, begin ning at 10 o'clock, of horses, cows, hogs, chickens, farm implements, household goods, etc 310 and under, cash. Above $10, six months' time, bankable notes at eight per cent, two per cent off for cash. Seebilla 2 A telegram Thursday from Merced, California, says that-as a result of the heavy rain of the last two preceding days, the city was under water, from three inches to three feet standing hi every yard in town; every cellar filled, and business at a standstill. Stand up for Nebraska. Don't let the hand of time paint wiinkles on your face. Keep young, by keeping the blood pure and the diges tive organs in a healthful condition. HEBBINE will do this. Health is youth, disease and sickness bring old age. Price 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. County Treasurer Becher is sending out statements of personal taxes delin quent with the addition that "same must be paid on or before February 29, 1901. Executions will be issued and placed in the hands of the sheriff promptly after said date for the collection thereof by distress, if not paid." A special to the Omaha World-Herald from Monroe revives the old claim that there is coal underlying the country northwest of Monroe, so asserted by John Gleason years ago. Mr. Gleason had seventeen years' experience in min ing, and his observations have strength ened his belief long held. C. A. Brindley, who has been at Humphrey several weeks, returned Sun day. He has been interviewing the pioneers in the northern part of the county, a goodly number of whom have moved into Humphrey, which. Mr. Brindley says, is gaining rapidly, in the amount of business done. A citizen of Platte county owns a half section of land for which he paid seventeen dollars an acre. Samuel C. Smith, former land agent here, several years before he bought the half section, offered him the whole of the very same section at $450 an acre. Nebraska land is certamly-ucresamg in price. Hans Elliott says that at a sale for William E. Humphreys, Joliet township; horses sold well, from $47 to $100, cattle not so high as last year, hogs high. The amount of sales was $117430, about the half of it cash down, the balance banka ble notes. George Dopson of Newman Grove, and Mr. Elliott were the clerks. Here is a genuine bargain. 160 farm, 100 acres cultivated; 60 acres pasture; 6-room frame house; barn for 8 horses and 10 head of cattle; granary; ice house; wind mill; wefl. Owner will take $3,600, if sold at once. Very eas terms. If you want a good farm, en quire about this. Nebraska Land and Loan Co. Bargains ! Great BargmJas im all keaTy eis. We aimst Mare raftaa fer r fcig stck f sf ruir so4s. Ce asi sire Bomey. , Tie Wkite-Frait Dry Go4s Stare. . D. Fitzjat riek. tf The Columbian Optical Co. of Omaha have arranged to have their expert, Dr. Terry remain hi Columbus for oas week this visit, Feb. 18, 19, 30, 2L 22, 23, 24 You can consult him privately about your eyes, 8 to 10 a. ul, 4 to Tp. rnat his office, the Meridian hotel parlor, or at A. Brodfaehrers jewelry store, dafly from 10 a. m. to 4 p. au Caasalaatiam 2 OUR Late Fatrtms. As to the Nebraska i Gulf railroad project, which will very evidently be a good thing for this section, if it shall come to a successful, practical and active existence, as projected, we learn that the survey has been finished from the Platte river near Havens (between Silver Creek and darks) to Concordia, Kansas. There is probably no disease or con dition of the human system that causes more suffering and distress than piles. TABLES BUCKEYE PILE OINT MENT cares them quickly, without pain or detention from business. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. The special train on the Union Pacific which brought the Souea Band from Omaha to Fremont made the run in forty-ax minutes. The best time that has ever been made is forty-one minutes. If the wind had not been so strong in the face of the train, the probabilities are that the record would have been tied. Herald. Mortgage indebtedness record of Platte county for the month of January, 1901: Thirty farm mortgages filed, $43, 510.95; same released 67, aggregating $65,195.13. Seven city mortgages filed, $2,673.80; same released 8, $4,900. The chattel record shows 72 mortgages filed, $19,38L50; same released 52, $12476.74. No deeds in foreclosure filed during the month. Supervisor Liaco tells us that there was no truth whatever in the report cur rent in the city last Wednesday that there was a case of smallpox near his farm south of the Loup a man traveling through. The report was traced down to its reputed origin, and found to be without foundation in. truth, or any excuse at all for the falsehood, manufac tured from start to finish. Miss Martha Turner left Wednesday morning tor Chicago where she enters the Art institute in that city to take a term in a profession of which she is a natural adept, and we feel sure a bright and promising future is before her. She will be missed in this city of her lifelong home most of all by our esteemed con temporary, Thk Jocbsal family but we hope not for long. Times. Nervous children are almost always thin children. The "out-door-boy" is seldom nervous. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is the best preventive of nervousness. It strengthens the system and assists to that sort of flesh, which creates strength and power of endur ance. Price 25 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. To make hens lay, says a writer in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, take one tablespoonful of ground cayenne pepper, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, ground fine, and two tablespoonfnls of oyster shells, ground fine. Mix this with enough corn meal dough to feed twenty or more fowls, and they will produce twice as many eggs as usual This will make hens lay in winter as well as summer. Otto Hembd and Miss Mary M. Adamy were married this Tuesday morning at Saint Bona Ventura church, this city, Rev. Father Marcelinus of ficiating: The weddmg celebration and festivities took place later in the day and evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adamy, ten miles north of this city. A host of friends extend their congratulations to the happy couple. .Henry Thomson sold bis farm of forty acres five miles northeast of town to Jas. Fiala. The consideration was $40 per acre. This deal was made by C. W. Smith. It happened that A. L. Norris sold the same piece of land at the same time to another party and it is now a question as to who has a right to thai muchly sold property. This is a great country where farms can be sold while you waiL North Bend Eagle. The funeral services for Mrs. J. H. Drinnin, (mention of whose death was made in last week's Jocssax,), were held at the Congregational church, this city, Tuesday afternoon of last week, Rev. Munro preaching an impressive sermon, the choir singing: "Nearer, my God, to Thee"; u Abide with ma," and "It is not death to die." The pallbearers were: J. B. Taylor, C- G. Hickok, C. C. Sheldon, Mr. Engel, H. E. Babcock and B. S Dickinson. There are aot a few people who are opposed to vaccination for themselves, just at thai time. They say they would rather take their chance of catching smallpox or whatever it is in the light form it is going-, than of getting some vile disease through vaccination. It is our understanding that the manner ia which the vaccine matter as now pre pared aad applied, is all right in every Years ago the preparation was t,aad there ware thea severe blood lisusw, the faraatarea the the third ilin lof the Platte : Saturday aad taraatsaa to take that straetars out 2 are aot taken wheat a thaw oseaxs. The water tram tamchaaaet has hacked up and part of it is raaaasa; across Baker awaad, cutting oat the grade m a couple of places. Weds aatley the work of build-1 mg temporary bridges over the places was begun aad the eroaautg will no doubt be safe when this is completed.-1CIarks Enterprise. Matthew Brian, am old settler of Polk coaaty, later of Fremont; leaviag there about a year ago for Moaataia Grove, Bear Hawaiaal. Mai, died at the latter pkea, Saaday; Feh. 3. The re mans arrived hare Wedaesday moraiag and the faasraL under the charge of the Columbaa branch of the order of Bea Hut, of which Mr. Brian was first chief; took place Thai ails afteraoon. The services were conducted at the lodge room, br Dr- L. a Toss chief of the order, oration hy Fast Chief Garlow: Almost aamberiees are the aoddsats recorded from ceaseatrated lye and car bolic arid. Tos much care cannot be OTsrcieed, especially where there are little caildrea. Iadesd, wa heard re cently of a "ehild of larger growth," man-grown, who, eomiag- home from hie work late ia the eveaxag; picked up the tea pot oa the back of the stove, took a swallow from it aad yelled oat to his wife "What did you leave in this tea pot?" She was going to cleanse the tea pot, using some lye water, leaving it to heat on the back of the stove. Table Talk ia a magazine needed by housekeepers everyday, for it toarbea the art of good cooking and of wise and economical living. The February issue contains several excellent articles, among them "Winter Luncheons," "The Art of Living Well," "Pandora Box," "The Boquet Garni" and others. The regular departments of "Housekeepers' Inqui ries" and "All Through the Year" are filled with useful information. Recent issues of this magazine will be sent free to any of our readers on application to the Table Talk Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. We are told that a-number of former Clarkson citizens, who have been resid ing in Wisconsin, are preparing to return. They find that it takes an endless amount of work to grub out a farm in a section of country that ia covered with old pine stumps and underbrush. They get the land cheap, paying from five to eight dollars per acre, but when one stops to consider that it takes fally fifty dollars' worth of work, and sometimes more, to clear an acre, it isn't so cheap after alL Then, too, after the land has been cleared it does not begin to compare with good Nebraska prairie. Howells Journal. Nicholas Gentleman was arraigned February 4 oa the charge of murder and plead "Not guilty." Since that various motions have been made preliminary to the trial by jury. We understand that the accused is fully prepared for the trial, and it is doubtless begun as we go to press, 2 o'clock this Tuesday, Feb. 12. Earlier in the day a special venire of 50 had been ordered by the judge. Mr. Gentleman's attorneys are: Beeder k Albert and McAllister k Cornelius. For the State, County Attorney O'Brien, J. M. Gondring, Judge A. M. Post and Attorney Dolxsll of Fremont. Judge Hollenbeck, presiding. Mrs. Nora B. Lewis and her minor children are plaintiffs in a suit against Fred W. Horst and Louis Loerke, saloon keepers of Madison, and George M. Smith of Humphrey, and their bonds men, are defendants. The petition in the case sets forth that Lewis, her hus band, came to town on the morning of August 31 and alleges that he drank in the saloons of the men above mentioned and became intoxicated, and recites the accident and its outcome, in which he was killed. It further states that the deceased made $1500 a year with which he maintained his family. The amount of damages sued for is $10,000. Madtson. Chronicle. This Tuesday evening at the opera house, "Nevada" or "The Lost Mine." presented by Evans Rifles Dramatic club for the benefit of Company K. Home talent. At Maennerchor hall Wednesday evening, will take place the auction sale of lunch baskets prepared by ladies of Columbus, the purchaser in each case, eating with the lady who prepared the lunch; a voting contest to determine which young lady shall wear an elegant gold watch; also a voting contest on the volunteer firemen, which one shall wear the fine gold badge provided. These voting propositions are to continue Thursday and Friday evenings. Thurs day evening, supper at Maennerchor hall, 25 cents. Friday night, a grand ball at the opera house. Farm land in this county touched another high mark in the deal recently cousumated whereby Wm. Dawson came into possession of the J. A. Hinshilwood farm in Cedar valley. The price paid $40 per acre is the highest yet paid for land five miles from town and when the fact that the farm is not what ia con sidered swell improved one is taken into account one readily gets a good idea of the value of our farming land With each year sinca the drouth seven years ago the price of land has been steadily advancing and the present good times have given to it an impetus that will continue to shove it still higher. Ne braska promisee to push to the front in near future as she never did before. Fullerton News. It seems to Thx JotrasAL that in every community there might well be sustained with profit to everybody a good literary association meeting at least one evening in the week, for mutual enter tainment and benefit; In just such in stitutions for the discussion of subjects of current interest, many of the statesmen of this country have found their first practical train ing for public life, and the first strong incentives to the study of men aad nations; of customs, laws aad his tory. The eomiag years are to be more than ever devoted-to sound, practical affairs. We are living in a time which m becomiag more aad more scientific. The desire to quit conjecturing and take up proofs; to throw guessing aside, and begin to know, ia the longing of these rimes. Public dicrnminn of public affairs has been the one prominent feature of civil liberty ia the United States. that dammaaon has been falL free sad fair, the Bessie have beau vigilant of without it, nsaiainsitiea SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT ! I have arranged with the Columbia Optical Co. of Omaha to have Dr. J, WILL. TERRY, AT MX STOIX FOS ONI WEEK, FEBRUARY 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. DV TEBBX will be at my store, eaah p. m.. ONLY. For iwaademriag to ha has arranged to have eafae hears at to 10 a. au, aad from 4 to 7 p. au, duna Consult the Doctor shout your eyea CONSULTATION mud DR. TERRY has worked for past two years. All speak i Trusting you will avail yoarseir af "Iting au expert about your eyes, I KKKXXXXXXXXKXXXaOOaXX H I. GLUCK. D. M. NEWMAN. X THE NEBRASKA LAND AND COLTTMBTTS, We are now located on Eleventh Street, opposite im Mr. brlie's vasee, X Where we will be rkid to see old 3tf have a large list of farm and citv v at 5 per cent and small commission. V I NEBRASKA LAND AND LOAN CO. I Q ELEVENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEB. 0 SOOQSSQCXXSQgSOQQesaOQQQQQQOOOe CItTIItItCCfHgtIth S etswal fitmixtra. S L. A. Ewing was down from Hum phrey Sunday. Chaa. L. Stillman is in Omaha for several days. Mrs. Mathewson of Chili, Wi&, is here Tutting her mother, Mrs. Millet. Miss Frances Sheridan of Lindsay, has been visiting friends in the city. Mrs. W. N. Hensley visited with her daughter Meta at Lindsay, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Clark of Omaha were in the city over Sunday visiting at Judge Post's. Miss Martha Turner of Thk Jocbsai. force started Wednesday for Chicago, for a month's sojourn perhaps. Miss Susan Leedom of Albion passed through the city Thursday on her way to Gothenburg to visit her brother. P. H. Kohl of Wayne and D. W. Ziegler of Monroe, both delegates to the Woodmen convention at Kearney, were pleasant callers at Jotxbxal headquar ters Monday afternoon. Death of Charlss S. McCaffrey. Charles S. McCaffrey, conductor on Union Pacific freight train No. 19, was very severely pinched about 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, at Millard station, and taken to St- Joseph hospital in Omaha, where he died at 4 o'clock Thurs- dav afternoon. The Omaha Bee gives this brief account of the happening: "At Millard a draw head was pulled out between the waycar and the Markel commissary car and he had gone in between the cars to fix it, when, it is said, a train came up from behind, bumping the waycar and crush ing the conductor's chest." Peter J. McCaffrey and Mrs. B. L. Roe siter, brother and sister of the injured man. went from here on receiving a tele gram, and stayed to the funeral, which took place Saturday. We are informed that the deceased was about 40- years old; had been a former resident here engaged with the Union Pacific for about twenty years, the past bix or seven having lived at Omaha. He leaves a wife and three children, their residence being on South; Eleventh street. Omaha. Mr. McCaffrey was well and favorably known here, and the family have the sympathy of all in their severe affliction. Demtk af Mrs. Daniel Jenny. Died, Tuesday, February 5, 8 o'clock, a. m at the home of the family, sixteen miles northeast of Columbus, Mary, wife of Daniel Jenny. The cause of death was heart failure, the result of pneumo niaan illness of three days. Funeral services Thursday at Shell creek church. Rev. Walters preaching; interment in the near-by cemetery. Mary Maud Payne was born in Frome, England. March 29, 1S4I. She married Henry Maw, 1866; the bad four chil dren, Henry, who died at the age of 9 months, Elenora, who died at 4 years of age, and Jessy and Robert, who now live in Platte county, Nebraska. In 1879, having moved to America, she married Daniel Jenny, who was then and still is living in Platte county. They had three children, Charles, Violet and Fred erick. Charles died at the age of five months. Violet and Fred, still live at home in Platte county. She was S years 10 months and 8 days old at the time of her death. A. Cars. We wish to teader heartfelt thanks to Bcsghbors and other friends for their many kiadaeama in our deep affliction. 2. H. Dmxscns axd vamzlt. day. rsam 10 o'efaak a. au to 4 e'e eaasalf the Dr. eh t tasareyei The Jaandmm Metal farisrs, tram 8 ofr sack day of this vaat te rtlamhaa EXAMINATION FREE! LOAN CO. NEBRASKA. Henry aUgatz' Grocery Stare,' friends and manv new ones. Wej propertv ibr sale. Moner to loan. 3c more than two haadvsd per mCslamhusii list Hi sis is" kirn lanlailal sail! that meat eaemUeat nppertnaity of sea remata years vary resfseoauy; NO DOUBT ABOUT IT ! Tou can buy the best farm implements for the least money at our store. We are headquarters for the most modern field weapons of husbandry in the market. The behind-hand fellows always have a hard time of it. Make farming easy and profit able by using the results of invention we offer at figures on the leveL Dsstk of Mrs. lama M. Mselkr. Mrs. Anna Mary Moeller died February 7, at 9 o'clock a ul, of lung trouble and dropsy, in her home on the farm of her son, Gottfried Marty. Funeral services Saturday at the Loseke church. Rev. Freese officiating; interment-in the near by cemetery. Anna Mary Simon was born in Switz erland, July 6, 1S37. In 1862 she married Benedict Marty, and to them were born four children, two sons and two daugh ters; one of the daughters died at the age of four months. May 1369. Mr. and Mrs. Marty came with their family to America, locating at Columbus, Nebr, where her husband died three weeks later, of typhoid fever. June 1. 1870, she was married to Henry Moeller, who died in Baltimore six years ago, while on a journey. Two sons were born of the second marriage, Louis, now living in Platte county, and Frederick of Colfax county. Scksal JTstts The January number of the High School Reflector came out last week. Fin. B- Howard. late of Papillion. be gan school in the Ninth grade. Monday. Miss Vesta Slater is absent from school on account of her father's sick ness. A number of the pupils have been vaccinated, and arm-striking is not now a pleasant form of exercise with them. TO TH2 PUBLIC: The High school Lecture Course com mittee wish to thank the people of Co lumbus for their liberal patronage and thus to express their appreciation of the hearty co-operation they have received. Respectfully,. Florence H. Kramer. Secretary. sTATEorrr aarxiPTs. Sale of tickets S3 05 Baserrsd ssata 113 3D Bsemptaatdoer... - 34 00 Total S05 35 xxmsKS. LctnrarB aad eBtarrainraenta. Opera boos and printing 35 OS d0 35 Total 405 35 OnhaadFeb.3 f 100 CO A. D. Bscxxa. Ti isnnr. MAajoazs Wrxixuas. Ch. Aad. Cam. From. th IVnokias Glass. Geo. Alexander returned from Nebras ka City Monday. Jim Fraxier came up and got the San ford cattle Monday. The public sales come with marked frequency, aad all bring good prices. Mrs. Chaa. Stillman of Columbus vis ited with her sister, Mrs. F. K. Strother, this week. Isaiah Lightner is very much better than at our last writing and is in a fair way to recovery. Be sure to take and read a local paper. There is scarcely an issue bus you will find one or more items that will amply repay you for all the expense. You may be about to take a journey for instance, but when you see, by the local paper that a big bridge on the proposed route is down, you defer your journey and save time and expense. Or. a sale is advertised, at which you may be able to buy exactly what you want, and cheaper than the usual market, and also help the man who perhaps was compelled to sell, get a better price through your bidding. Or there may be many suggestions of better ways of managing than you have known; enlarged views of life that will be of untold value to you. Your home paper is presumed to be at work for your best home interests. For all kiada of 5SAT I sww VMHIMH JOB ? mv & Li. jet - -r - - F . -i.-T. ! " s. --- SjsjgJig