t: - -" .""- .I!r "" " " . " --"'-". . -" ZJ " "- "'''' ''-'.- fc v .;.-, t"- &r -. - -;- -. Is 4. o- SISTERS OF GOOD SHEPHERD Im Pmi far CMgbs, QtMs. Brippt aid Catarrh A GaagresMMufs Letter. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiw .-. BBBBBBTBBBBBBBSfsfiBik ' v a. rfej. :bbbbbbbbbs6b9i1bbbbbb'bV jn .BBBBa BBBBBeaSaKSm&r: aaBBBaVAV-BBk x?'v lyMpy0' ''bbbbt's' 'i i'v pSSSTiE aBBaLAV Ba. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm BjWJP8BvBinMll)B aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf fsHH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV iilp i HHIiBMiill I (II ArBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM SBBBBBBi?ffEi asuraujpaMjtfipBaaaaaaaaaaaBa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbTI ajBasaBjS?tfB7Ec aBBEiafBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBla. 4aBBBBBBvS9BSflKaflBBBBB 9flB3P9i " IN every county of the civilized world the Sisters of the Good Shepherd re known, -.'ot only do they minister totfaespiritual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to their care, "but they also minister to their bodily needs. With so many children to take care of and to protect from climate and disease. these wise and prudent Sisters hare 'found Peruna a never-failing-safeguard. Columbus, O.. July 10, 1900. The Peruna Medicine Co.. City: Gentlemen "A number of years ago our attention was called to Dr. Hart mans Peruna.- and since then we have ased it with wonderful results for grip, coughs, colds, and catarrhal diseases of the head and stomach. ,For grip and winter catarrh espe cially it has been of great service to the Inmates of this institution. Sisters of the Good Shepherd. The following letter Is from Con gressman Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio: The man who takes a drink only j when he has occasion to is apt to be an expert at manufacturing occasions. If you have never used Garfield Tea, the riclnal herb medicine, send to the Gar aeld Tea Co:, Brooklyn. N. Y.. for FREE AMPLE.-Garfield Tea cures. An bid bachelor says that a widow "will jump at an offer of marriage Quicker than she will at a mouse. Dr.BnlTs COUCH SYRUP Curat -a Cough or Cold at onot. Cosqaera.Crotip. Whooping-Cough. Bronchitis. Grippe and Consumption. Quick, sure results. a.ttr pmu on cwmiBt . sepwsiac. TlrtfJiM't Eyt Water. For Top Prices 6hlp Tonr SASR AIS rOl'LTST To Headquarter B. W. Ickra Caaavaajr. Bauer, tec. Veal. Hides and Fur. Potato , Onfoas In V.TamA I.41IA- aearaiaa. trraSaaSOlEW DISCOVEIYi elves aWlmVatvlvS B auickTeliefandcaresworst ! hook or tcetitnouiau and 10 bats' treatment C B. B. CRUX'S BOSS, B K, Ataxia, Q. THE MSTUYE CHICKS .iron amy rail or eg. Taat'swfcatyoa want ana inava wnax yon ret wun tae I L ILSav Hatch IrMHbatfjr. l. Thousands la ose. Send forbandaoraa frea eataloeue containing in poultry raising Tiewa. Bara Hatris lawiaatar CW. Clay Ctmttr. Mea. Catholic Agents OUTFIT FREE WAKTTD Mn or Women, Town or Cooatry. SOAUrftmiO NEW. Wrltoaonce. Addrwa C P. ft L. CO, CaHaa Blcx- Chicafa, W. FltEElECTRlCBaTOrrll WU HTUI Ml SREEWEAIBBJ IliUHMJ'WfB'SIIIISSI.H furuuh the sttnaliM and only uoauataa auskiat oaccuBUITalBnalcaaxn to any reader or tfais paper. momumej la aavsacn t aa other treatments. teats. Can aasaaH ataar ataa aaat, aaaaaatas sa'naiMn TsTI aaa CMC for ttaaMailBMBta. XI8CUaSorauBerrou Bad disorders. For eomnleta nrssli its siiMssAsisnsi SCAKS, ROE9UCK CO., CMcasc. k TNI OF THE WOULD ir.YODa OWI FIRESIDE The Stoddard Illus trated LectaresTen . Jtapcrb Votames 4-.OOQ Vietms. This work has had an enormous sale; old on easy payments. I Geo. Lr.Shum&n &Co. 315 Derbern Street JaChicgo WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL Tours to Florida, .Key West, Cuba. Bermuda. Old Mexico and the Mediterranean and Orient Rates for the round trip to ssany -points' south on sale first and third Tuesday each month. To Hot Springs", Ark., the fa ..tnous water resort of America, HAXT JUTES i on sain every iay in tne year, now on sale to all 'the winter Tickets resorts el the south, good returninjr. until jBBe 1st. 193L Ft rates, descriptive mat ter, pamphlets and all other information, caU at C. & St. L. R. R. Cltv Ticket OUcc 1415 Farnam at. (Paxtow Hotel NT write HARRY E. riOORES, C P. & T. A., Oaaaka, Net). IN 3 OR 4 YEARS If too take ao tobt I homes in Western Caa- I aca, tbelaad of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets, cirtns experiences of tansers who have be come wealthy in grow iar wheat, reports ot delecates. etc. sad tall aUt-nus ia- a-, tu-rcaac d railway rates earn fee attcn to tae &apennteca-w ex saiiBiiBi ox interior, miawa. to M.-V. Oeasett, Ml N. V. .Nee, W.NrrO OMAHA. N. IIf! 'yuXte Jlv Wm Wm vom UssatgBaljL tBJSflBlH'l The Peruna Medicine Co.. City: Gentlemen I have used several bot tles of Peruna and feel greatly bene: fited thereby' from my catarrh of the head, and feel encouraged to believe that its continued use will "fully eradicate a disease 'of thirty years' standing. David Meekison. Dr. Hart man. one of the best known physicians and surgeons in the United States. was the first man to formulate Pc- ru-na. It was through his genius and perseverance that it was introduced to he medical-profession of this country. Send to the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufactur ing Company, Columbus. Ohio, for s free book written bv Dr. Hartman. LOW RATES TO THE SOUTH. Excursion tickets at reduced rate, are now being sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee tc St Paul Railway to the prominent resorts in the South, in- i eluding Jacksonville, Fla,, Mobile, Ala., ' New Orleans. La., Savannah. Ga., El Paso, Tex., which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st, 1901. Information regarding rates, routes, time, etc., can be obtained oh application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway. New York city owes more by $60, 000,000 than all the forty-five states in the union together. Joseph H. Vance, general librarian of the University of Michigan from 1854 to 1856 and librarian since 1883, died of pneumonia at his home in Ann Arbor, Mich. During the interim of his two official capacities he practiced law. Eat plenty of fat, to feed the cells which destroy disease germs. STOCK MEN ALL GOING. The fourth annual convention of the National Live Stock Association at Salt Lake promises to be the largest and most Interesting gathering of stockmen ever held in this country. Salt Lake City is going to cover itself with glory in the manner in which the visitors will be entertained. The con vention will be held in the Assembly ball of the Mormon church and a grand concert will be tendered the delegates and visitors in the Tabernacle on the first evening. The programme of the i entertainment committee -contemplates I events for each evening of the canven - tion and after the convention adjourns, , there are excursions to the mines and ( elsewhere. Colorado is going to send a large aeiegauon ana tne Denver As Rio Grande railroad will run a special train, leaving Denver Sunday, January 13, which -will reach Salt Lake City the next day in time for the committee meetings. The fare for the round trip will be $18 from Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and one fare from other points in the state. Those con templating going should engage sleep ing car accommodations at once. Write to S. K. Hooper, general passanger agent, Denver, or see any Bio Grande ticket agent It will be a delightful midwinter trip, and no stockman who is interested in the industry can af ford not to attend the meeting. agg5.a.M!B! tniiinnmiurf'jlMtmHuUuu'ii..mWinvtiujuti.w. ,i.u,mi 4tM "MSEaia It timutmtvm'ilin.ijmu &w ! UM'JtNW AVdabteftepacaiioaforAs laagiKStoBaiBatMlBoweTsof Promotes Digestionfeeifus laessandnestXratauis neither OpiupOCofphine iwrWueraL IwtNarc otic . -w- Aperfeci Reraedy forCaMtipa. Tion. Sour Stosach.DiMtaa vonscConviHns,rcverist mm and Loss OF SLEEP. aaaaBBBBaBVawsaxBBBBaaaaaBaBB.' FacSaaale Signature of EW YORK. EXACT C0FY OF SfRAPKR. Congressman Meekison. Dewer Are Gaea t Cfcartea'aet. The navy arch la New York City la awt ye,t to depart iato the rahblah heap though It is to he dlapoaed ot as rabbish, for President Oiigfeaheiater of the municipal coaaeil says that nn- pater the city charter there is ao other 'way. So the south, Carolina later- sza&e and West Indian exposition will receive the trek, which wiH-be taken down with all the care possible, -and. transported to Charleston, where it trill ha reconstructed: Caar Im't a SaorUaaav" Unlike most royal, personsgra of Eu rope, the 2saf takes no pleasure In' shooting, -or other fonts of-hunting. This diaiacllnation, long attributed' to his uarobust physique, is believed .to be an inheritance iron his mother of ' the Danish t'.islike of entailing suffer ing on animals. It is said that a boy who robbed a bird's nest or tormented a -cat or dog would be ostracized in a Danish village. . ' ... Referred. HIaBta Oaa Wfco TKaaw. .A new bit "of Washington gossip tells how -one day-last winter Senator Chandler, of New -Hampshire, being about to enter the senate chamber from the public corridor was accost- v ed by one of two little girls, who had rendered In .there. "Mister, what does it cost to go in there?" said the child. At that moment Chandler saw Clark, the Montana millionaire, can ing around the -corner. "Ask that man," said, the New Hampshire man, "He knows all about it" Londoa'e "Taapeany Tab. "The 'tuppenny, tubes are a great institution in Iiondon, especially- for Americans," remarks a New .Yorker, , who had just returned 'from 'the other side the other day. '"They are among the chief attractions; and It is a fav orable diversion to purchase a ticket for a shoot through them. The tickT ets are almost counterparts of, our ele vated railway tickets in New York. The 'tuppenny' tubes," as ho explained, "is the name of the underground rail way. They are doing a great business in London, and there will be more of them soon. Americans promise to have control of nearly all the systems. Try Magnetic Starch It longer than any other. will last Running water often gets its start from a spring. Ihere Is a Class of Feopte Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all' the grocery stores a newpreparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes thejilace of coffee.. The moat delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try It Ask for GRAIN-O. The fewer airs Some musicians can play the more they put on. Your clothes will not crack if yon use Magnetic Starch. A pessimist is a person who doesn't expected the expected to happen. Toa Caa Get AUea's Foot-Kaae Frea. - Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet Makes new or tight shoes easy. A cer tain cur-; for Chilblains and Frost-bites. At all druggists and shoe r.ores; 25c It is a remarkable fact that only sen sible persons ever agree with us.- . If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try It now. You will then use no other: No matter how changeable a man may be he always wants a little more change. Thirty minutes Is all the time res quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES. Ambition is often but another name for happiness, work and disappoint ment. O. H.Crabtree. Des Moines. Iowa, will on reqnes zplala all abnut ibe Gladiator Gold-Mining com say; extremely Interesting; write ate. It is not what we are but what peo ple think we are that counts in this life. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take . axativz Bboju. Qcikisb Tablets. AH irujrgitts refund the' money if it fails to care, ' E.W. Grove's signature is on the box. 23a. ,. That the only good Indians are dead Indians, does not apply to the Indian only. $148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for catalogues. Schmoller & Mueller. 1313 Farnam 1 street, Omaha. Keep your bedroom window open all night. Dyspepsia Is the bane, of tae humsa system. I-rotect yourself against its ravages by the use ot Becman's Pepsin Guni. Do not have your bedstead against the walL Captain A. W. Bently, 92 years old, the oldest Odd Fellow in the United States in point of membership and one of the originators of,the Daughters of Rebekah, died at his home at New Al bany, Ind. His wife, 85 years old, survives him. CUSTOM For Infruits and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years K alair BBBbB1 .sfmr "Jam .samT WlM BBal h .Tt ll rF atf mm FAEH AND GARDEN' MATTERS OP INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS. TO tTa-ta-Data ttaevsrf ffew M1-M4 MwrtScBUwa, TltfaaUan aaa ESe4 r XJama oa Aela Sat'. ' V At the Rhode Island College of Ag riculture tests' were made to ascertain the value of lime on. acid soils. Some of the' results were 'as follows:' HEMP. The growth of this plant Is decidedly helped by liming. BARLEY. ' (From Germany.) ' The followlrig Is a record of the weights of total crop taken immedi ately upon cutting: - . Pounds. Unlimed sulphate of ammonia PlUW . a aVs2v Limed sulphate Of ammonia plot. 035 Unlimed nitrate of soda' plot 0.10 Limed, nitrate of soda plot....... 0.95 Pounds. Unlimed sulphate .of ammonia, JslIU t aSaVW Limed sulphate of ammonia plot. 7.75 Unlimed nitrate of soda plot.... 4.75 Limed nitrate of soda plot 12.30 BARLEY. (Mansbury.) Pounds. Unlimed sulphate of ammonia plot . 0.65 Limed sulphate of ammonia plot. .6.50 Ualimed nitrate of-soda plot. ....'. 2.55 Limed, nitrate of soda plot ...7.50 The experimenter saysr "Regardless of the fact that a long Interval of time had now elapsed since lime was ap plied, the limed plots, as in former years, gave, in 'every instance greater returns than the unlimed ones. Nitro gen' in nitrate of soda proved decidedly superior to nitrogen in sulphate of am monia." OATS, The trial of bats' was made for the pdrpbse of ascertaining if benefit from lime would be 'still noticeable several years after its-application.' -The oats were cut at maturity and weighed im mediately without, drying. ..The results follow:. , . , Pounds. Unlimed sulphate of ammonia plot 10.26 Limed sulphate of ammonia plot 43.25 Unlimed nitrate of soda plot .'.'.. 12!0i) Limp filtrate of soda plot 1535 SPRING RYE. - - Pounds. Unlimed sulphate of ammonia plot . . :..:.....;..... .2.20 Limed sulphate of ammonia plot.. 135 Unlimed nitrate of soda plot 2.05 Limed nitrate of soda plot... '. i... 2.45 The results indicate no benefit from lime upon the sulphate of ammonia plots, and the good growth upon the unlimed one is" in harmony with previous observations, which go to show that spring rye can withstand acid conditions exceptionally well, COW-PEA. (WhippoorwilD The experimenter says: Certain legumes, such as clover and. alfalfa, are almost failures upon our acid soil unless lime is employed. Others, such as Serradella and the Lupines, have invariably been injured by liming, at ieast.at an interval of a year or two after Jts. application. The soy (soja) oean has been found to be admirably adapted to our acid soil, and, owing to the great promise of the cow-pea, especially for use as green manure, it has been thought best to test it in this particular. The following weights are those ofundrled material: . i Pounds. Unlimed sulphate of ammonia Plot". .". 73.0 Limed sulphate of ammonia plot. .61.0 Unlimed nitrate of -soda plot.-. . . . .69.5 Limed.nltrate of soda plot... ...... 65.5 It will be seen that lime proved in jurious in connection with nitrate of ;oda and with sulphate of ammonia. In fact, the greatest yield was obtained upon the unlimed .sulphate of ammo nia plot where beets', lettuce, spinach and asparagus cannot exist Next in or der is the yield from the other unlimit ed plot, which from Its manurlal treat ment 'Is naturally less acid than the unlimed 'sulphate of ammonia plot Of the two limed plots, that which is most tcid gave a- greater yield" than r the other. These results show the great adaptability of the cow-pea to acid soil. J-eeallsrUles of Calirorala Procteeta A report from the Agricultural Ex periment Station of California slates 'that analyses show that the protein content (flesh-forming ingredients) is I uniformly higher in eastern vegetables man mat. yieiaeu oy the California product, and the same is true regard ing the flours of that state, which contain more stardh than eastern riours, the fat percentage of both be ing about equal. The report also states that Califor nia apples from high elevations con tain at least four or five per cent more sugar than eastern apples, and even the valley apples have two to three per cent more sugar than Euro pean apples. The American Pippin, from Amador county, grown at an ele vation of 5,000 feet, showed the maxi mum sugar content, viz., 15.85, and with this the highest amount of acid in the juice 56 per cent The yellow Newton Pippin grown in the same county ranked next, with 13.51 par cent of sugar, and a high acid con tent Analyses of the pine nut (plgnon) of California and comparison with oth er nuts, shows that it .is exceedingly -rich in albuminoids containing nearly twice as much of this nutrient aa the ordinary walnut, over 50 per cent more than that yielded by the almond, and nearly 25 per cent in excess of the protein content of peanuts and cheese. It rates lower in fat than the walnut and the almond, but higher than either-peanuts, or cheese. The pine nut retails for 30 cents per pound and Is largely used by candy 'manufacturers. The Evils et frea Seed Olatrltalloa. In his annual report the secretary of agriculture states that In carrying out the mandates of congress In the line of free seed distribution, the 'de partment will exercise greater care than- ever before to '2cure a high standard of purity and germination that will place these seeds above the reproachr that they were old or in ferior stock that had been palmed ol on the government by unscrupulous seed dealers. The secretary also says: "There Is, however, another improve ment which I propose to inaugurate In the congressional distribution. The department has maintained for some yeara.past a trial ground, in which it has made comparative tests of the standard varieties of .vegetables, and also of many of the novelties which are placed on the market by A atari ran seedsmen. These experiments have shown that each year there are of fered new varieties of established aa periority, which the department with out difficulty can secure and distrib ate. By proper handling, these novel ties can he purchased at prices litue If At all higher than those of the coas aibn varieties heretofore included iat thenaore, it will he raeaaibred that three years ago, with the permlsslaa of congress, I set apart from the seed appropriation a fond' to be devoted to the introduction of new and vala- faMa aaaufa and nlanta frnra fnraisra countries. The planta thus introduced have been tested by the various state experiment stations, by properly qual ified private experimenters, and by the department Itself, most of our own experiments having been conducted on the Potonioc Flats testing " grounds, placed at our disposal 'two' years ago by authority o congress;- and' by per mission of -the- secretary of war. ' Several-planta 'thus -introduced have, as heretofore reported," demonstrated their capacity of -Increasing the-agricultural products of our country by millions of dollars annually. Some of these seeds should be. very widelydls-" tributed. - It 'should,' therefore, be the policy of the department to introduce into the congressional. seed;, distribu tion new varieties of established su periority developed - In trie -United. States or Imported front foreign coun tries, -to-distribute -these varieties for one or mora years until they have been sufficiently brought to tbe.attention of. the people, and .then, to discontinue their distribution, leaving the demand thus created to be supplied through the ordinary commercial channels. In this way the department will be enabled to carry out the original intent of the seed-distribution law,- will furnish seeds of the highest character, and will avoid the evil of competition with the regular seed trade. By-rradacts of tba Bacar Baas, In a report to the Department ot State on the beet sugar industry of Germany, Mr. Geo. H. Murphy,' vice consul at Magdeburg, says: "The in fluence' which chemistry has exerted upon the production of beet sugar haa been very great and- has rendered pos sible' the victory of the beet over sugar cane, the production of beet sugar in the world being now twice as large as that of cane sugar. No other existing industry is subject to such thorough and scientific control. In German 'sugar factories there are now 'employed about one thousand chem ists.' who give their undivided atten tion to furthering the interests of the industry. . "The utilization of waste materials in the manufacture of by-products has had a beneficial effect By cooking molasses dregs after the removal of the sugar a potash is won which is preferred to all sorts in the soap in dustries. From the parts of the same material which contain nitrogen, cy anide of potassium Is also produced. This substance is much used in mod ern gold mining in the Transvaal, and also to a growing extent in the Unit ed States. It is believed that a meth od will be found -sooner or later for using electricity in the clarification of beet juice." Concerning the utilization of sugar beet waste as manure, he says: Until recently no satisfactory pro cess haa been found for utilizing the waste materials which accumulate' ao rapidly in German beet-sugar factor ies. The questions found most difficult to 'solve were: 1. How to reduce to useful form the valuable ingredients remaining in the mass. 2. How to obviate the -unpleasant odors. 3. How to safely-dispose of the dan gerous waste water. These difficulties were seriously felt, especially in establishments producing sugar or alcohol from molasses, the residuum known as brown lye or mo lasses dregs being a substance which 'it was found difficult to dispose of sat isfactorily. When emptied into rivers either directly or through sewers, it is said that a certain result was' the death of a small percentage of the fish in such streams. When the lye was re duced to saline (Schlempekohle) or potash, the products of combustion escaping through the .chimney spread odors so offensive as to cause annoy ance and discomfort in the vicinity. It Is now claimed that these evil-smell-, ing products of combustion contain valuable manure stuffs, and, further, that the manuring of fields with waste material, of this sort Is- advantageous, because the. soil thus receives back in. easily assimilable form useful matter of which the beet deprived it in- its growth, especially potassium and ni trogen. This molasses lye cannot however, be conveniently used as ma nure, owing to the fact that the large quantity of water which it contains makes its transportation too ex pensive. Furthermore, It cannot be used in a concentrated state On account of its inconveniently stiff and syrupy form. It is accordingly interesting to learn that a process has recently been in vented which, it is alleged, obviates all the difficulties mentioned above, in cluding bad odors, dangerous waste water, and inconvenient form. By this process molasses lye is changed into a dry substance which can be stored and eventually easily scattered over fields. A recent issue of- the Han over Journal of Agriculture and For estry gives the following analysis of the product: Nitrogen, 3.22 per cent of which 2.74 per cent is nitrogen soluble in water (of this 0.7 per cent in ammonia nitrogen and 0.09 per cent saltpeter nitrogen); phosphoric acid, 0.13 per cent of which 0.04 per cent is phosphoric acid soluble in water; pot ash (soluble), 10.74 per cent; car bonate of lime, 25.99 per cent Frereatlar Potato Seas. Potato scab can be prevented by the use of corrosive sublimate or of for malin on the seed potatoes. In tests made this year at the Vermont Ex periment station the potatoes treated with corrosive sublimate showed less than 4 per cent of the crop scabby, and those treated with formalin showed 9 per cent scabby. In the same soil and from the same seed, un treated potatoes came out with 41 per cent scabbed. An increase of 37 per cent .in the measure of first-class po-, tatoes ought to be worth any man'a time, Grapes la Sawdaat, Grapes packed in sawdust keep bet ter in cold storage than packed In any pther substance unless it be cut cork, snrh a Is ud by Rnropmn growers when grapes- are to be sent to the United States., Red varieties of grapes keep longest with white second and black third. For best results In cold storage, the crop should mature slowly and the climate moderately cool with a regular temperature. After a long time, drains sometimes get oat of place through some subsi dence of the ground. If not attended to the injury slowly increases and at last an extremely damp state of ground is produced. An English authority says that thousand-headed kale, is cultivated the same as cabbage. It adapta itself to a wide range of soils, and has been" aVaaavta? AA 41 4 aVaalf a! tfaYiai'lrW Vvtfl TIC CtUKE OF UFE la the most iaifortaat period ia a ws ui tialstaavse Owimg to me aim Baethods of livina; not one -tromam km a tlsousand approachea this perfectly natural change witl'Kmt fixperieajeinf a train of, very annoying ana tisaes painful symptoms. ' Those dreadful hot flashes. the blood surging to the heart util it arnms. ready to burst, and the- faint feeling' that follows, soBaeUmea with chills, if 'the heart' were going .to aibp.Mr good, are synmtososef a daav geroutv 'nervous trouble. Those, hot. flashes are just, so many calls from nature tor neip. xne nerves are ing out for assistance. "The cry should be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was pre pared to meet the needs of woman'a system at this trying period of her life. It builds up the weakened nervous 2 stem, and enables a woman to pass it grand change triumphantly. " I was a very sick woman, caused by Change of Life. I suffered with hot flushes, and fainting spells. I was afraid to go on the street,' my head and. back -troubled me so. I was en tirely cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Jexxib Noble, 5010 Keyser St, Germantowa, Fa. J Fitr starching fine linen use Magnetle Starch. Some people think it is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.. AHiCH MARK. The New York Almanac for 1901. Is sued by Chasv H. Fletcher of New York City, has set a high mark for similar publications during- the new century, and shows remarkable enterprise on the part of the publisher when we consider that It Is intended solely for free distribution. The numerous publications of this char acter are usually gotten up with the sin gie idea of cheapness, white the thought ot expense 'has certainly been set aside In the case of the New York Almanac. The artistic colorings of the cover, the accuracy of its calendars and. its fund of. information all go to make it well worthy of perusal and preservation. It has in numerable hints for mothers as to the care of children. A unique page is the "Baby's Record" page, which is in blank, to be filled in with -baby's name, date of birth, cut first tooth, etc. The whole is a very creditable piece of work and may be procured at any drug store or direct on request, free. Taxes are like hurdles, you fall on them if you can't jump them. Doa't Get rootaore! Get rOOT-EASE. A certain cure for Swollen, Smart ing, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions: Ask for Allen's Foot Ease, a powder: Cures Frost-bites and Chilblains. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y". How weary -the shoulders of these self-thought Atlases must be? Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the -world. When a sure-thing man takes an other in out of the rain it is apt to be a questionable transaction. Ban Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease or Catarrh that casuot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props-, Toledo, a We. the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe hint perfectly honorable in all business transactloas and financially able to carry out. any obliga tions made by their firm. . West A Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.: Walding, Kinnaa A. Marvin. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing direct: v upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prise iSeperbottldi Sold by all l-u?gist3. Hall's Family Pills'are the best aaaaaajaBBaBaaaa Before the bud becomes a rose" it must arise. , Many 'jokes have 'two sidi?s, ttQj3 laugh and the cry. In Prussia an income tax- is levied on all whose income exceeds $225, a yerr. FIso's Cuie is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the thro it and langs. Wat a EKD&ur, Vanbnren. Ind.. Feb. 10. 190X Education is composed of little things. Garfield Tea has permanently cured countless cases of chronic constipation, and many diseases arising from a clogged system; It cleanses the system and puri fies the blood. Some people seem to think that they have an inherent ability to make mis takes. A tIkotdos growth ant the original color gtrea to the hair by Pakkxb's IIaic IJalsam. HMDXBcoasa, the beat cars Set corns. IScta. Watch the three D's drinking water damp, and drains. LOSS OF MEMORY is often derived from an unlooked for source the Kidneys. Odorous urine -or that which scalds or stains is an in fallible proof that you arc progressing towards Bright's Disease or one of the other forms of Kidney Trouble all of which are fatal if permitted to grow worse. $50 mrard will be nald for a of backache, nerroosness. aleeo lcssness. vreakuess. loss of Tl tfillty. Incipient kidney, bladder and urinary disorders, that caa sot be cured by MORROWS KID-NE-OIDS tsa great scientist diseoTcry for shattered aca iniB impoTcruut.-u wwu. mnsmas-a alCTk IOWA jj ajj a j irra r- aa- .p- aazaal fcr aUd-ao-olds. la witttaa; plsaae caclose stamped addressed Agra. j"j rmii ajxj j mw. . .. .-.. .Mrs. Boot. Henderson, W. Market St.. Beatrice. Mr. H. U Satan, 1810 Ohio St.. Omaha. Xeh. wnilan Zlfiuseraan. 2313 White St.. Dabaaae. Fraafc Baaa. 2ad St., East Dubmrue. Mrs. Sanaa Hancock. ZS nth St. Dabaaae. V. D. Ifcgle. M5 Iawa St.. Dulxsoae. Morrow's Kid-se-oids are not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at tfty cents a box at drug stores. - 4 CO.. CHEMISTS. filal,,l. . atsammVamBaaaw AmBfeaSk- r if Mas. Jsssts Nobul fiAnm "wa Y'fr3f mmmum-BB!r. mmmmaM! Vvms BBBM2t'9 If , r aSaAw. I r" B.aW'W!mW v - -.52BBB2s!vaw .aSrOba'aBB9fe?0aB u'kffoejea'a'fliBflBaBAKmaakBBX' .sSSfiBHSaammaan ""jsasaji satt"afaafa. .BaBis'sfaAw .""""""s'saTBi a"5d'"'2w aaaasmt.l(ajBWaBBa - aW t VatfBRaar fc"By ' f Jt" il--'' v y v bW .bbf k .V M BBBBBBBBBBamBBBBBBW",,aW I " I. "'v - y - -' -- i "saaaaaaaaaa m k. S I .ati " f " a" M W k ar .m 2 J "W alv. Wjaa gg ssaassT .BBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBaaaaaafBBBBBBBBBBBBBvBBBBBBBBBTr .BBB asasBSBSBSBSBSBSBaaT BasBSBSBsasTBaBBBr .aBBBBaTBSflrFr THPVASBa9Baa9prpaayaBBwBaBaBaBaBaBy SKINTORTURES And every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with futicura TSIIAK And a single anointing with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. This treatment, when followed in severe cases try mild doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool and cleanse the blood, is the most speedy, perma nent, and economical cure for torturing, disfigur ing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hair ever compounded. Millions of Women T TSE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted By Cutkura Ointment, ' w for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can in duos those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beau tiiiers to use any others.' ' CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh ing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving', purifying, and beautify ing the r-"v scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, vis TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skitvand complexion soap, the BEST toilet and BEST fcaby soap in the world. Complot Extomal and Internal Tremtrnont far Every Humor. . Consisting of Ccricuaa Sear (25c.). to cleanae tba aala of cmate aaa (pcuxa sies ana oitcn tne aeal.aadJ Ccnctra A aixoxB Bar la often mCCT CI OC teaing. burning, and scaly skin. scalp, and blood faumora, with lota OX 0CI flssttf aalr.whcaaUelaefiiU. bold taroagtwot tae world. Use Magnetic Starch It has no equal Hit a block with a club and its shinny; hit a head and its felony. HOUSEKEEPERS as a rule find it very dif ficult to get up their linen in a satisfactory manner; chiefly owing; to the USE of inferior starches. By using- nagactic Starch you will find it a simple matter to "turn out1 aa good work as the best steam laundries. Your grocer sells it. Tryitonce. It costs only 10c a pack age. Insist on getting UHEIK STUCK uockfbm cuticle utmrna. Uiktmht ((Oe.V to Instantly allay Hcbing, inflammation, and irritation, aad soothe aaa Rbmm.tkxt (iOc.). to coot end cleanae the blood. sulrclect to cure tae most tortnrtnsr. dMnrin . Duty is the privilege of living. Eat little meat and see that it it cooked. :::::? Requires no CoowiWGHSrll STTfF MICE WHEN IwUBiSMMAMMIal riRsr musnt new tmmimmtmai mrmomiwHm MANUFACTURED OWYBY wene stjuo wmiammm. OMAHA. NF?? 'JT TRADE MARK 'wll X ttif cftia-riMlfffail TfrtTlMlflB. Far- sE2r-V . 'j.'-'.' ' tz.j&H-s'xSi: i,b&i sfBKwMaL' T i" -ii iflW T-f,JL,-aWslt"llBTC8- jaa- t--ypiaijSjejaTtl flllri " ' Mli VtMwTWnJlKTVrtMmmMiM (JT'T. r- J rr -'. BBBRaaaaa. -. m. mmr-- " is t iiT I rB UTI In" irrr i- I ! B T " r -- - t'?.A: - Tt - , , , if , 1 .i ila iiirT" YrX .- ,