-u-v ,-.-. ' J- . T-- -" -- -- W ' - "ASfr-2ftr -J5Sfr5.r 5 ::" - ' -fTifSfrf: ftnfj- i-- " i -.'7f -- .4 r ,- . ii r XX 55iooooooQooxx9Qooooooooe Hi I Copyright lS9 by The Steiu-Iiioch C ' w 9941 Then we have those Clay aad. tiersaaa Worsted. A Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20. They are something unsurpassed for STYLE and FIT ami genuine fabric just the article for a Weslwiag Sait. It' just'the time for Fall Overcoats. Drop in and quiz us about our Top Coats. We have them at $9, $10, $12, and up to $20. Then it's not too early to think about heavier Over coats. In a Men's' Kersey, black or blue, we can fit you out at $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and $18. For style and excellency in quality there's nothing better on the market than our Men's Oxfferfl Overcoats, ranging in price from $2 to $22. BY THE WAY, have you thought about the RaiHy Day. We mean one of those cold and ugly rainy days, that come along during the fall and early winter, when a Macaiatosk feels so comfortable? We have them ranging in price from $3 to $18. a YOUHH VKUV TBULV, QREISEN BROS., COLUMBUS, OTDBR SOS ggXXXSOQO0OO$9QOOQOO&QQaQa Henry Eagatz & Co., THE LEUINI ax tjs C9TRi6Hi isor ''-ifaUwaU Bl c aVtaTlTI 11 ii SiiaVajsaBev WE ANNOUNCE THAT OUR STOCK OF Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., Is more complete than ever and invite one and all to come in aad inspect it. 'All '-. of the leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be fomnd in our store, . including all of the latest novelties, and we offer, for the first time in Columbus, - the famous FERNDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab solutely the best. Jn "fine Teas and Coffees, Chase & Saxbobn's, as usual, take the lead. We sell the celebrated Log Cabin Maple Syrup and warrant it to be the best Yon will find onr Qaeensware and Lamp department very complete and can easily find what you want. Persons buying in large quantities will do well to call on as as we have the right goods and will make the prices right. Careful atten tion and courteous treatment accorded to all. a-fc Jiltphni No. 26,. Eleventh Street,' - Columbus, Nebraska. Columbus Journal. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28. IM0. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, c? bushel 58 " winter 55 'Corn, shelled bushel . . . 26 Barley, "& bushel 30 Oats, bushel 18 Rye $ bushel 35 Hugs-V cwL 4 25 4 40 Fat cattle-Vcwt 3 00 4 25 Potatoes bnshel 4045 Butter t) 1518 Eggs dozen 18 .. Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. Mielenz for best photos. . Dr. Nauinann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tt New goods, new, neat and clean. Herrick. 3t Blank farm leases for sale at Thk JocaxAb office, tt Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, 'office Olive street. tf Fifteen cases of scarlet fever are re ported at Fremont. Dr. L. C. Voas, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Neb. Dr. C. II. Gietzen, dentist, in Bar ber block, Thirteenth street lm Drs. Martyn, Evans k Gear, oMce three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus Jockxal, one year, in advance $1.75. tf David Carrig of Platte Center was a county seat visitor Friday on business. For fine watch repairing, call on Carl Froemel, 11th St, Colambus, Neb. Mrs. M. J. Russell has gone to Chi cago to settle up the estate of a daugh ter. Do not fail to see onr 8-foot gahraa iaed steel mill for $32.00. A. DnsBsll k Son- tt , S. E. Marty started Friday for Chi cago, called thither by the illness of his Dr. Naumann extracts more teeth painless than any other person in this county. tf Bring us your orders for job-work. They will receive prompt and carefal attention. Cleveland will be the first city in Ohio to nse voting machines, says the Cadis (O). Sentinel. Jisa Frazier has returned from a ks' trip into Holt coaaty, when i bayiaff and shippiag cattle. 1 Tour AtientioL. IS CALLED TO THE FACT that we sell CLOTHING at the same price as the "cheap tailor," and give better material. We sell cloth ing of the same material as the high priced tailor, and sell at lower prices. For instance: Our ele gant lot of Men's 8uits in FaaejT Stripes at $7.50, $10, $13.50 aid $15 will fit like a "taHar aie." - . . . RR IRKEIS. A Careful Groceryman fills your orders with precision and promptness. We not only do that, but we fill them with the choicest and best quality in this line that can be procured. We are expert judges of TEAS AND COFFEES, and our i'aaaea1 Goads and Table Delicacies we procure from the most reliable and best manufacturers. Snow Saturday. C. K. Davies of Silver Creek was in the city Friday. George Speer of Norfolk was in the city Friday, on business. William Moore has ninety acres of winter wheat up and looking fine. Genoa schools have been closed the past two weeks on account of diphtheria. Dr. McKean's method of making alnniinnni plates places them on an equality with gold. C. G. Hardy was at Leigh last week putting np storm windows that be had manufactured here. Dussell & Son have the contract for the plumbing on Attorney Critchfield's residence at Fnllerton. Remember onr 16x20 portrait frames; we sell at $1.00. Canvassers sell at $2.50. Herrick. 4t A social was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Thursday evening for the United Brethren church. William Dolaad is suffering at home with a crippled right foot, caased from a sprain while at hk work. Mrs. E. H. Chambers entertained members of the Episcopal church choir at her home Friday evening. When yon wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at Tn Joubhai. oflce. Bring yonr orders for job-work to this oSce. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed npon. The Sisters of St Francis Academy gave a supper to the members of the Catholic church choir, Sunday evening. Dr. J. C. Clark, dentist, fine gold fillings; crown and bridge work a spec ialty. Oflce in North block, Thirteenth street tf Wsa. Schilx makes boots and shoes in the best styles, aad naes only the very best stock that can be procared in the market tf There will be a Thanksgiving ser vice at St Boaaveatara'a Catholic charchinthis city, Tharsday morning at 9 o'clock. A. W. Armstrong received word last week of the death of his brotker-ia-law, Robert Moon, at Bueaa, California, the Blanch, little danghter of Mr. aad Mrs. Wsa, Da weea, celebrated her birth day annivstsnry fcp entertaining a few friends Saturday. -Kil 1n Wi are always to the front with new tkiaejs new colors, white, fancy and hjht shsdss, fitted to yonr hand aad F.H.Lam40o. Owing to failing health I am pelted to sell my livery outfit Will be sold at a bargain if taken soon. Inquire at bam. W. N. LauaHUOB. Formerly Baker's barn. The A. O. H. will give a ball Thars day evening. J. H. Johannes, editor of the Biene, was in Omaha, Lincoln aad Beatrice last Friday aad 8atarday. - George Berney returned home Sat urday from Switzerland, where he had been the past six months. In order to clean up' oar immsnss winter stock, we will reduce the prices that will make you bay. J.C.Fillman.1 Beginning with December 1st, we will close out everything in the line of trimmed hate at cost Mrs. Eva Mar tin. 1 Spillman Rigga is to give the second entertainment of the High school coarse, at the opera house Saturday night, De cember 1. Pillow tops, battenberg materials, fascinators, silk mittens and a nice line of straight front corsets' at Mrs. Eva Martin's. 1 Charles B. Jscobs, son of Daniel Jacobs of David City, is dead. He was a soldier in Manila, enlisting in Co. F, 39th Infantry. S. A. McFarland is heating his saloon and opera house at Lindsay with steam beat and regards it much cheaper than aay other kind. W. D. Askine of Lincoln was here several days last week. He thought he might come back here to live, some time in the near future. John Doersch of Neboville, who has been in Europe the past three months, was to sail from Bremen, Germany, for home this Tuesdsy. In all Columbus no-values equal ours. The grandest exposition of new fsll designs ever shoajn here, now to be seen at J. C. Fillman's. tf We have put in stock the finest line of couches west of Omaha. The neat est indestructible couch made. Call and see them. Herrick. ' 2t Married, November 20, at the Mer idian hotel, this city, by Rev. William Hauptman of Genoa, Thomas Hosre snd Miss Fsnnie V. Thomazin. New soft-top mattresses any size at $1.90; iron beds $2.75; springs for same $1.50. These are new, clean goods, not mixed with old goods. Herrick. 2t L. F. Gottschalk, who was em ployed in engineering work for the Un ion Pacific in Wyoming the past year, is st home again, and expecta to stay. Arthur Stull left yesterday morning for Chicago to visit his father who is still very sick at s -hospital in that city but is somewhat improved. Osceola Record. Committees are at work for the Fifth Annual ball of the W. Y. Biseell hose team, Christmas night December 25. Doubtless they will have a grand success. The corn crop in Polk county is a large one. At present, all the old cribs are full, and many new ones are being built .to hold corn yet to be husked. Funeral services for Lucile, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.E..J. Meays were held at the residence of the parents Wednesdsy last, Rev. Corey officiating. The remains of David M. Erskine (who died at Norfolk), passed through the city yesterday to St Paul, J. E. Erskine and family accompanying from here. Invitations are out for the marriage next Wednesday evening of Miss Nellie Post eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Post to Mr. Howard A. Clarke of Omaha. Fixun fob Saul Jumbo, high pat ent; James, .No. II; B. B., half patent Baled hay and feeda of all kinds, de livered to sny part of the city. Conley & Geiser. tf J. D. Stires has moved his lsw office to the rooms on Olive street recently oc cupied by W. T. McKean. J. M. Curtis has moved into the rooms vacated by Mr. Stires. -WANTED-ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD Char acter to deliver aad collect ia Nebraska for old established manafactBiiac wholesale boase. SS00 a year, sure pay. Honesty more tbaa expe rience roqnired. Oar reference, aay baBk ia aay city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envel ope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Dearborn St,, Chicago. 12mch The Humphrey Democrat says that Mr. and Mrs. John Eimers expect to leave for California the first of next month, where they will make their home in the future. A 240-acre, also an 80-acre farm, both well improved, between Humph rey and Creston, are for sale for a short time. Enquire of Becher, Hockenber ger& Chambers. 3t Envelopes with yonr return card printed on them, for 60 cents a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, call at Tn Jouknal office for prices. Wanted, man to deliver and collect in Colnmbns, and vicinity. Salary $60 per month. Reference and security re quired. Address L. A. Warren, 80 Brow nell Block, Lincoln, Nebr. 2 Knowledge is wsnted of the where sboats of Fred. Jndson, his father hav ing died recently at Fnllerton, leaving a valaable estate, a share of which the young man is entitled to receive. Foa Raarr. In a few days, the rooms now occupied by Dr. Daealer, furnished or nnfnrniahed; also other furnished rooms with board. Seasonable rates. Mrs. C. Cashing, Eleventh street Jadge Griauson has held that jus tices have jurisdiction in eases of assault or assaalt and battery only aa examining magistrates, can impose no fine, but simply bind over to the district court Rev. Webster from Central City will preach at the Methodist church this Tuesday evening. The first masting of the Evangeliatie Rally. Meetings will contiane throughout Wednesday, No vember 28. HERBINE sweetens "the breath, brightens the eyes and clears the com plexion without the slightest ill effects whatever, and ensures the natural bloom of health. Pries, 5$ cents. A. Heiatz and Pollock k Co. Saturday last the literary depart ment of the Woman's dab met with Miss 8heldoe, and after aa Thanksgiving program, sad which the titles of books ted by object npon a table, (Mm Dr. ias fergmessmgX ts Wnrdemaaw fifty heavy hogs, making quite a lengthy wagon train Monday morning, were purchased by Wiggins A Lewis, the well-known deal ers northeast corner of Olive and Ele venth streets. Missed from my premises on election day. a bay horse weighing about 1400 pounds; black mane aad tail. Any one knowing of bis whereaboata will confer n favor by informing W. T. .Ernst, Cdumbas postonVe. 2 I have recently had a telephone pat inmy house aad any one wishing fresh cut lowers can have them on short notice by telephoning to No. 95. Also, take orders over the long distance tele phone. Mrs. A. J. Smith. 1 Frank Boettcher is home to spend Thanksgiving. Frank has a position in the machine shops st Cheyenne, Wyo. He aaya Dave Smith ia insistent fore man, and wishes to be remembered to nil his old Columbus friends. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE removes the unhealthy tissue npon which worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, a healthy condition of body, where worms cannot exist Price, 25 cente. A. Heintx and Pollock k Co. Never try to coax a cold or cough, use the remedy that unfailingly con quers both. BALLARD'S HORE HOUND SYRUP ia the great specific for all throat and lung troubles. Price, 25 and SO cents. A. Heintx and Pollock A Co. Will. Hensley is enjoying n week's visit with his home folks, expecting to return today or tomorrow to hie duties at the auditor'a oMce, Union Pacific headquarters, Omaha. He had an oper ation on bis left eye and has been using a bandage over it Mra. Burke, aged 65-years, wife of M. Burke, one of the old settlers on Shell creek, died Tuesdsy and was bur ied Thursday of last week, services being held in St Bonaventura Catholic church at 10:30. She leaves a husband. two daughters and one son to mourn her departure. We ommitted last week to mention the inspection of Union Camp No. 134, Sons. of Voterana. Colonel CO. Stull of Osceola was the officer. When the members of the G. A. R. post arrived st the hall they were given a surprise in the ehspe of a fine lunch. All had a good time. - Mrs. G. B. Speioe and Mrs. Robert Wagner entertained the members of the ladies Orpheus society Friday evening to a card party in the Orpheus hall. Louis Brunken won the gentleman's prize, a box of cigars, and Mra. Gre gorious won the lady's prize, a china cup and saucer. J. N. Heater came np from the south last week and visited friends at 8t Ed ward. While at St Louis, Mo., the other night at a republican ratification, it grat ified him a good deal to note the atten tion bestowed upon Nebraska. Every once in a while would come a transpar ency "What's the matter with Nebraska? She's all right!" Miss Maud Miller of this city and Mr. Leroy Hanson of Cedar Rapids were married Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Corey officiating. Mr. David Boyd of this city and Miss Ethel McCombs of Grand Island, acting as groomsman and bridesmaid. The couple went Monday to Cedar Rapids, where they will their future home. Many people are suffering fearfully from indigestion or dyspepsin, when one single bottle of HERBINE would bring about n prompt and permanent cure. A few doses will do more for n weak stom ach than a prolonged course of sny oth er medicine. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. Central City bad a big ratification meeting and among the special features was refreshments, given out in a thous and "full dinner pails" which were passed smong the audience, and it waa intended that every one should get n pail contain ing a Japanese napkin, two sandwiches, a doughnut and an apple, which with coffee provided a very comfortable lap supper, says the Nonpareil. Heart socials are getting to be the proper thing. Paper hearts are num bered, placed on a wall, one at a time, and the gentlemen desiring to wound a heart, are given aCupid'abowandarrow, required to stand ten feet nway and shoot Twenty-five cente, first venture, ten cents each subsequent attempt The numbers on the hearts correspond with the numbers in the lunch baskets. Say, have you noticed those swell Box and Automobile coats so many ladies are wearing? Well we sold most of them, and have a few left, but what we wanted to tell you was that we have bought a lot of last year'a jackets, just a little different from thin year's styles, and aay, you can get them at one-half the price. Good sensible costs, worth $10 for $5. Ask to see them. F. H. Lamb A Co. An explosion in Jacob's shoe store at Madison Saturday, startled business men in nesrby buildings. A half hour after the fire was lighted there was a load report followed by pieces of iron. A torpedo, similar to those need on rail roads, had fallen in the coal and it ex ploded, tearing the atove ia pieces. The doable firebox waa wrecked, the doors knocked off and several lengths of pipe were flattened. We have just received a new sample line of strictly nil-wool carpete, which we are selling at 50,55, 60 and 65 cents n yard, also new patterns of linoleuma from GO cents n square yard upward; a new line of window shades, best opaque at 25 cente each, in plain colors. Men's, ladies' aad children's fleece-bned under wear and hose, at the very lowest prices in the city. Thebest quality of standard caliooa at 5 cente a yard. We pay yon the highest price for eggs. The Fair. -John a 8precher of Schuyler was in the city Saturday. He will hare the dis tinction of serving our neighboring county of Colfax ia the next legislatare. Being a former republican, he has of coarse many elemeate of good principles in his make-up, aad the public eaa con fidently expect good work from him, at least along non-partisan linen, Whan parties are about evenly divided in n deliberative assembly, the minority have n batter opportunity for faithfally serv hnxthn pubhe, than when tan awjority learned to be For all fresh cute or wounds, either on the hnrnaa subject or on animals, BALLARD'S 8N0W LINIMENT is ex cellent; while for eera-huakera' sprained wrists, barbed-wire cats and sores on working hnrsss, it cannot be too highly commended. Pries, 25 and 50 osate. A. Heinta and PoUook k Co. There is probably no dint ass store distressing sad annoying than piles. TABLEBH BUCKEYE PILE OINT MENT ia daily curing eases of years' standing of itching aad bleeding piles. The enre begins on the first application a little perseverance makes the cure compute. Price, 50 cente in bottles. Tubes, 75 cente. A. Heinte aad Pol lock Co. Thirty yeara ago it was not an un common sight in Columbus to see the pipe of peace passed around from Indian to white man, indiscriminately, but last Saturday one white man met another at a street comer, aad taajag a freshly lighted agar out of his mouth, placed it in that of hia friend. Customs change somewhat, but human nature ia much the same ia all generations. The Monroe Looking Glass gives a description of n fine new stable recently built by H. J. Hendryx, and remarka farther: "Thee he baa a horse (present ed by s wealthy friend in Chicago) that can take the breath from an ordinary man when he saakes a brush, be is n bay aad has a record of 2:23. We imagine Mr. Hendryx will be fixed to enjoy him self if his business does not keep him too busy.' - In? District court Judge Grimison presiding, Mrs. J. O. Fillman waa granted a divorce, with the residence property in this city; n quarter section of land in Butler county snd a section of land in Boone county. The 8tate vs. Thandel, charged with burglary, jury disagreed. In Gillespie vs. Hollersn, plaintiff given lesve to file amended petition in ten days. McAllister vs. Reins, on trial Tuesday morning. Word waa received here Sunday morning of the death Saturday night, 1030, of D. M. Erskine, of St Paul, after an affliction of sixteen years, the last two of which he was totally disabled. He was 50 yeara old and for fifteen years had been a traveling salesman for Paxton k Gallagher of Omaha. He waa an elder brother of our townsman, J. E. Erskine, who has the sympathy of all hia acquain tance in his bereavement One of the jurors who was out all night on the case of the State against Julius Thandel, in one of the small jury rooms of onr present court house, aaya be would be more than willing to stand hia share of the tax for a new court house, and he ia a large land owner in the county. It is estimated that a levy amounting to V cento an acre would produce a fund of $45,000, saying nothing of a levy on personal property. Jacob Trimpi, jr., 18-years-old, was fined $10 snd costs Saturday for dis turbing the peace. The evidence showed that he threw a piece of broken plate and struck Mrs. Baumgartner in the temple making a wound from which she bled profusely. The woman had in her arms an eight-months-old child at the time, and had the missile struck 2he child the result might have been fatal. In default of payment the lad was com mitted to the county jail. -In the case 'of the State vs. R C Fitzsimmons the case was dismissed in district court Friday on a technicality. The defendant was charged with dis posing of mortgaged property and on examination by Justice Hudson he was bound over to the district court. Fitz simmons was at once re-arrested on a warrant issued by Justice Curtis, snd the examination was continued until December 14, 1900, the witnesses fur nishing recognizance in the sum of $100 and the defendant in the sum of $200. We find the following paragraph in a late number of the Seward Blade. It shows that we have a Chief Justice who (besides being good at the law), is not averse to a line of pleasurable business that be has doubtless found profitable: "Judge Norval won seven first and three second premiums at the state fair on bis Barred and Buff Plymouth Bocks and White Wyandottes. He has 1,000 thor oughbred cockerels and pullets, which, to make room, he offers at low prices for a abort time. They will cost more later on." HOLIDAY' GOODS are now ready for your inspection, snd we flatter our selves that we can please you with our complete stock of fascinators, handker chiefs and gents' furnishings. We aim to keep up with the procession in all the various lines we handle, and our low prices insure quick'sales and a new and up-to-date line of goods on our shelves st all times. Blankets, from 50c op. Outing flannelettes at lowest prices. Call and inspect our stock cf dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes. Ascot k Btan. A few weeks since the Enterprise had occasion to refer to the presence of Mr. H. H. Hake, a auccessful and prom went citiaen of Omaha. Thia gentleman has returned 'to Cody and htvisiting with CoL Cody. It is with pleasure that we .learn that Mr. Hake will very probably be identified with Cody in a financially responsible manner, a piece of informa tion very acceptable in a business wsy aad also in n personal manner by the hosts of friends this very affable gentle man has secured through his unaffected and genial conduct during hia present and former visits. Cody (Wyoming) Enterprise. Mr. snd Mrs. M, Vogel were given n pleasant surprise by the Maennerehor society in their hall, test Friday evening, the occasion being the . Twenty-fifth annivstasry of their wedding. Mr. and Mra. Vogel were married twenty-five yeara ago in Indiaaapolia, coming to Columhns, where they were in business on Eleventh street for twenty years. Friday evening Mr. and Mra. Graf and Mrs. Greissn were sent aa delegates to bring them to the hall, where they found about two hundred friends waiting them. An they entered the Maennerehor sang a Carl Sonde, in behalf of presented them a china set, ssonnted in silver. The City Band waa present daring a por tion of the eveeuag. aad furnished maaic for these who wished to dance, and aa served in the west Mr. and Mrs. Vogel have two chil- - -. ef . took in morning. .The Bhrk foot hall practicing daily the game with the There will- be an schawl em Friday fol lowiag .Thaaksginng, it being a aUte provision that the day be n hwiniay. The students and placed a hast ef in the a eantribntien. Hear Spills the ft huutorist ni the Saturday 85 and 50 evening, Dan. 1st Ad cents. Miaa 8teUa Elliott, who ia teaching near St Edward, pssssd through Colum bus Saturday ea route to Omaha for a week's visit The monthly teachers'' meeting, which was to be held last Friday afternoon, did not occur on account of the sickness of Prof. Williams. Jack Neusaarker went to Central City weuneaaay to referee n root bull game between the Genoa Indiana and the Grand Inland High school team. The score was 23 to 5 in favor of the Indians. He reports n very enjoyable time. Koon To Mra. A. L. Kooa, Thnrsdsy November 22, s - Cart af Tnaikj. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the. neighbors snd friends who so kindly assist sd daring the last sick ness aad burial of our' darling little daughter. Mb. axd Mas. E. J. Meats. A Joukmxi reporter happening to remark that two unnsual occurrences had been noticed st the Union Pacific waiting-room Wednesdsy last, a man with n high stove-pipe hat, and a woman (here it pleased the nine ladies to ask the privilege of guessing, which they at once proceeded to doss follows:) bald head, spectaclea, pipe, bloomers, ear rings, poodle dog, monkey, snuff,' bottle of schnapps, satchel, lunch bag, snake, limburger cheese, dress pocket, big bag of money, sack of candy, ring in the nose, automobile coat. Now there are twenty of the things mentioned as thought by this company of ladies, and we know there were quite a number more, but the article was still unguess ed. It only shows what ladies consider aa unusual Can you guess any closer? The general meeting of the Woman's clnb will be held with Miss Ethel Gal ley next Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Par liamentary drill. Mm. Brindley, leader; response to roll' call, musical quotations. Program Beading of Analyses, Mrs. McAllister; piano duet; "Unfinished Symphony," Schubert, Mesdames Geer and Garlow; vocal solo, "When to Thy Vision," Gounod, Mrs. Naumann; piano solo, "Song Without Words." Mendel ssohn, Mrs. Voss; vocal duet, "Wan derer's Night Song,"Bubenatein, Mes dames Garlow and Farrand; piano solo, Impromptu Op. 142, No. 2, Schubert, Mrs. McAllister; vocal duet, "Cold Blown the Blast," Mendelssohn, Mes dames Freidig and Heinte; piano solo, Polonaise Op. 26, No. 7, Chopin, Mrs. Jseggi; vocal solo, "The Wanderer," Schubert, Miss Galley; piano solo, An dante and Variations, Schubert, Miss Becher. The weather department at Lincoln issues statedly reports concerning the weather; in the last we find the following which will be interesting to Nebraska readers of Tot Jocbxal: "September was a very favorable fall month in most parte of the state; continued dry weather in the southwestern section waa rather unfavorable. The heavy reins in' the eastern part of the state injured some hay and grain, bnt the total damage was small. No damage resulted from frosts. A large amount of grain was sown in the southern counties. The grain came up well and was in excellent condition at the end of the month. October was an exceptionally favorable month for the germination and growth of fall sown grain. Considerable winter wheat was sown during the month. The total acreage of winter wheat sown is unusu ally large, and the crop is now in exceed ingly fine condition. The wet weather in the southeastern portion of the state, together with the high temperature, waa not so favorable for corn. Husking was retarded and in the areas of heaviest rainfall an unusually large number of moldy and rotten ears were found when the corn was gathered. Conditions have been favorable generally for fall plowing. The pastures continued good during the month. No damage resulted from the killing frosts, ss practically all vegeta tion waa matured before the occurrence of a severe frost." A Jourhai. reader is inclined to question a practice of city teachers in their markings ss to "deportment" and "application." being of the opinion that, on a basis of 100 for perfection, a pupil marked 100 in "application," could not justly be rated so low ss 60 in "deport ment." He calls attention to the fol lowing paragraph in the Lincoln Jour nal of Friday: The secretary of the navy dismissed a cadet at Annapolis last week for copy ing the theme of another student and saying it waa hia own. Fifty-six mem bers of his clsss who petitioned the sec retary to pardon the- "gouger," aa he ia called ia cadet parlance, were all placed on the "third conduct grade" for their pains. This means that they will have "liberty" bat once in four weeks. The moral effect of such discipline will doubtless he plainly visible hereafter. To tell the tenth is the first requirement either in the army or navy. It may be remarked that the military ia more strict than the civil, and the de gree of aaverity which is perhaps very necessary in the "regular" asrvice,would not be acceptable to the volunteer ser vice, aad would not be tolerated in our ordinary public schools. Doubtless the ruling principle with them is: the larg est liberty, onanist ant with the average public opinion of the community.. The secretary of the navy, in the ease cited, dismissed a pupil for "copying," and reprimanded fifty-six others for asking pardon for the one. Bnt in civil life, yon cannot he quite so strict sa that the teaareof osaesof the ruler of the school-room is too uncertain aad cam to justify it Will rewmlsstwwak.hr I visited the BBHBHPnPB9 t examine- BawawawawawawawaSSBSnwaaPPiS team w awnuammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : awawawawawawawawawawawawaw of the ) B Menart awaTiwnwnwnwnwaJwnwnwaawH a Whore are You Bmyimc Your Hardware, Implements, Wag ons and Fine Carriages? Didn't you know that EASTON carrjes the largest stock ia Platte county ? He buys most of his goods ia carload lota, ships in car lots, consequently buys cheaper, ships cheaper, aad sells cheaper than any other store in the county, quality con sidered Just now my assortment of STOVES is complete frat come first served. I handle only first-class goods, aad caa serve you BETTER, QUICKER and CHEAPER than caa any other one in town. I am also GIVING AWAY oae $5S ...MAJESTIC... First 11 II IliflCli In rtr-H5?a3mnj a a I II nQvi HIS 'ESik as a a vf a Myaii ninx .bljeIs a a ONE S35 Standard Sewing Machine, For second premium, and $15 Worth of Goods, For third premium, for every dollar cash sale or paid on ac count until DECEMBER 29, at which time drawing will take place. Thanking you for your liberal patronage and soliciting a share of your future trade, I am Yours truly, C. S. EASTON. wwKwwwwwwwwa t 9erst mtl Mtntitn. $ st P George Scott was in Omaha Friday. Dr. Martyn was at Fullerfon Friday. Frank Woods was in Seward Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Weed spent Thursday in Bellwood. August Wagner was a visitor to Lin coln last week: Miss Abbie Keating was down from Norfolk Friday. Mrs. Eva Martin will spend Thanks giving in Lincoln. Miss Cooncy of Fnllerton is the guest of Miss Mollie Brady. Miss Teca Zinnecker, who is teaching near Osceola, visited at home over Sun day. Messrs. Timm and Janing of Osceola were guests of the Zinnecker family Snnday. Miss Stella Krause of Genoa visited over Sunday with her aunt, Miss Bertha Krause. Mrs. H. H. Ames of South Omaha is here this week visiting with Mrs. Robert McCray. Mrs. Mannington and daughter Mrs. Kenyon of Monroe were in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman of Clear creek, Polk county, went to Iowa Monday, to visit his father. Mra. A. M. Post and daughter. Miss Nellie, returned Friday from a visit with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy and family of Rogers will spend Thanksgiving with the Fitzpatrick family. J. R. Kelly and sister of Fort Calhoun, have been visiting at D. F. Donoghue'e. Mr. Kelly owns land in the fertile Shell creek valley. Mas. 8earlea and daughter of Fairmont returned basse Thursday after a visit to Short-Horn Bolls Merw Ball, Earl a aerea TawraMsgfcmia, iraa i ta s jean a", rORSAUEL Htran Pi Ii OwMridii premium; NO DOUBT ABOUT IT ! You can buy the best fsrm implements for the least money at our store. We sre headquarters for the most modern field weapons of husbandry in the market. The behind-hand fellows always have a hard time of it. Make farming easy and profit able by using the results of invention we offer at figures on the level. Mrs. Searles son, L. L. Searles. They were on their homeward trip after eight months visit to Cleveland, Ohio, and other cities. Mrs. Dr. Condon of Humphrey was in the city Saturday and Sunday on her way home from Omaha, where she attended the celebration of the Sacred Heart school. She was the guest here of Miss Lizzie Sheehan. Union ThaakxgiviBf Barries. There will be a union Thanksgiving service at the Congregational church, Thursday night Rev. Corey of the M. E. church will preach. A collection ill be taken for the poor. All the people of the Mveral churches sre sarnsstly invited to this i CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL! DR. DASSLER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Haa permanently located at Colum bus, Neb., and solicits a share of your patronage. Special attention given to female diseases, diseases of the womb and rectum, piles and all chronic dis eases successfully treated. "Nifht er Day Calls ia the Country promptly attended to. OfrVca Talaplioit 59. Sign of People's Dispssssry. lassatf BK. --vr uuwanmnn aaaaW'Jv 'wUwawaRk awawPsBfhw .aaPK&lwnT uwaUtI'??iflia i -?A l . c 4 I SiAHiZZrft H