The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 21, 1900, Image 3

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'i-r The Mein-BlachOft
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Then we have those CI ay art GeraiaB WartM "1 V
Suits' at $10, $12.50, $15, $18 aad $20.
They are something unsurpassed for STYLE aad FIT
and genuine fabric just the article for a W eMlag
It's just the time for Fall Overcoats. Drop in aad
- quiz us about our Taa Caats. We have them
at $9, $10, $12, and up to $20.
Then it's not too early to think about heavier Over
coats. In a Men's Kersey, black or blae, we can
fit you out at $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and $18.
For style and excellency in quality there's aothii
better on the market than .our Men's AxftM
Overcoats, ranging in price
BY THE WAY, have you thought about the
Raiay Day. We mean one of those cold and
ugly rainy days, that come along during the fall
and' early winter, when a XacEiatasll- feels so
comfortable? We have them ranging in price
pgvpiajia u bbbb jlbhVbhsx
iIIbbTbTbTbTb' 1 )bbTJMK vlS
' bbbbYbv vSBBBaVa WTHj
conaicMi iw
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Lamps, Etc.,
. la more complete than ever and invito one and all tocorae in and inapoet it. All
of tie leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be found in our store,
inclmling all of the latest novelties, and we offer, for the fret tiaae ia Colanbns,
the famous FERNDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab
solutely the beet.
In fine Teas and Coffees, Chase k Sanbobs's, as asval, take the lead. We
sell the celebrated Log Cabin Maple Syrap and warrant it to be the beat.
Yon will find onr Qneenaware and Lamp department very complete and can
easily find what you want. Persona buying ia large quantities will do well to call
on ns as we have the right goods and will make the prices right Oarefal atten
tion and courteous treatment accorded to all.
Eleventh Street,
Columbus Honrual.
Wheat, tf bushel 60f
winter 57
Corn, shelled-) bnahel. . . 28
Barley, V bushel 30
,Oata, V bnahel 18
Rye $ bushel 36
Hoga-i? cwt 4 00 4 15
Pat cattle-tfcwt 3 00 4 25
Potatoes-V busheL 4045
Batter-V I. 1418
Eggs V dozen. 18
Markets corrected every Tuesday af-
' ternoon. -
-This is court week.
Mielenz for best photos.
Mrs. George Douglas is quite sick.
Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth
street, tt
Blank farm leases for sale at Tire
JocRMAii oSce. tf
' Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon,
oSce Olive street. tf
Dr. L. C. Toss, Homeopathic physi
cian. Columbus, Neb.
Mrs. Mary McMahon was taken
quite sick last Thursday.
Dr.CH. Gietxen, dentist, in Bar
ker block, Thirteenth atreet. lm
Rev. Weed went to Blair Monday to
attend a eoBTOcatioa meetiagi
. Dra. MartyB, Evans k. Geer,osVse
three doors north of FriedhoTs store, tf
Chicago later Oeeaa aad Ccwjxbob
Jocuhai one year, in advaaoe fl.75. tf
George Fairchild startsd Monday for
tea days sojourn at Oolumbaa, Obm.
-Fhr Cm watch reaairiag. call
Carl Froesael, Uth St, Columbus, Neb.
Do not fail to see oar 8-foot garvaa-
iseiateelauU for 932.00. ADaesaUA
Sou. tf
Doable headers were freqaeat Moa
day dariag the. alest, on the Union
Dr. Naumaau extracts awwe teeth
psislsss than any ether aersoa ia this
county. tf
We think we will be ready far the
Saturday, November 34.
i8ehwarz. 1
. Brass of Liacela, state iawnB
ia the Oougmgetteuel
ary, wiH preach
0bIvbuVBb bTmKv osseljii
'The Dietrich Inaugural Marsh is
oBseT the latest nisilnslis hyFreu.
Jsjanmn at Graad Tslssd
Yfflf AiMMMB
JOMiM rTrT. .'ariSJgr: a. UJrXXX''''',BHBHaHBHaHBHaHBHaHBHaHBl
we seU CLtTMIXH t tfce
nrioe as the Meaea taikr.
Wtter material. WeaelUkrik-
lag of the auae Mttarial 1
pnoed tailor, aad adl
prices. For iaataaee: Our, ele-
lot of Mea't Bute u Fl
Stripes at 7.M, $10. MX.
mBiflSwilFft Mke a'i
MAMA " " '
from .'$2 to $22.
Eagatz & Co.,
A Careflil Groceryman
fills your orders with precision and
promptness. We not only do that, but
we fill them with the choicest and best
quality in this line that can be procured.
We are expert judges of
and our Caaaed Gaaig and TaMe
Delicacies we procure from the most
reliable and best manufacturers.
Columbus, Nebraska.
New goods, new, Beat and clean.
Herrick. 3t
Wait for the grand opening of Louis
Schwarz' new store on Thirteenth
street. 1
"In dealing with children, appeal to
their reason and their highest affec
tions." Bring us your orders for job-work.
They will receive prompt and careful
Friends of Mrs. Robert Wagner
gave ner a pleasant party Thursday
Dr. MeKeaa's method of making
aluminum plates places them on an
equality with gold. , ,
George Ifland, son of L Ifland, has
been seriously sick with typhoid pneu
monia for several days.
Miss Ethel Boyd has been quite
sick the past three weeks, at her home
ia the western part of the city.
"In the study of biography, men
become acquainted with the motions aad
structure of their own minds."
The Literary department of the
Woman's dnb will meet with Miss Bes
sie Sheldon, Saturday 3 o'clock.
Elmer Lesh of Lincoln who rep
reseats the Carpenter Paper company of
Omaha, passed Sunday ia the city.
When you wish good, neat, clean
adsome work done ia the line of
BriatJag, call at Tap Jocamii sale
your ordsrs for job-work te
work promptly dene, as sgrssd
Miss Petite Martya aUrtaiaed a
few friends Saturday to a 6 o'clock din
ner ia honor of hsr birthday aaaivetsary.
Dr. J. a Clark, dentist, fine gold
tilings, erowa aad bridge work a spec
ialty. OskeiaNerUUook, Thirteenth
street. tt
Was. Schfla makes teota aad shoes
1 the bast styles, and uses only the very
stock that can U procured ia the
Far a good set of hand mads harness
aatfcing else ia the harness line, call
mF.E Basest. He wfll make the
pries to plssss you. tf
Kaott died of leekjaw at his
n David City Tuesday of lest
It vms the result of a rusty nail
-In all Oslumbue ue
to be
mm llllgM as. l BW. UHW T -.., w KTf ' .LkL 1- -V '.. . :. ?SK HBH llllll I III II 1.1
BMMriyBakM'sWa. ' -HERBINE mKm tha bra, h :fl" Sr'l-IIIHWRiiH 3 bIIIIIIIIIIh.
The Art department ef the Women'a
elub will meet with Mm. Bevriek Friday
this eity, nawapyiat of
bus has
Doat forget that
Louis Sch1
will sail you goods nhsspir thaa aay
store ia Columbus. All new goods at
hig bargaiaa. 1
The Platte Oeuaty Teashers
ciatioa holds a sissioa at Moaroe
Saturday, November 34, hegiajuag at
1H5 p. bl, sharp.
The Genoa Second team, Indisns,of
Genoa, aad a Oolambus team wiU play a
game of foot-ball here TlmaJnuriviag day
ia the afternooa.
The psiaters aad eatp eaters are
busy remodeling the stoie'beildiag on
Thirteenth street for Louis Sohwars'
big bargaia store. 1
P. J. McCaffrey went to Liacela as
a delegate for Red Cloud Tribe No. 37
Bed Mea of this eity to the Great Oohb
cil held oa Friday last
The bachelor girls mst last Thurs
day with Miss Mary Borowiak. They
meet Friday of this week with Misses
Jessie aad Louies Searam.
It cannot be too often repeated that
it is not helps, but obstacles, not faeOi
ties, but dimcultiev, that make men aad
bring final success. Saocsss.
We fancy men are iadividaala; so
are pumpkins; bat every pumpkin, in
the field goes through every poiat of
pumpkin history. Emerson.
Civil service examinations will be
held December 15, for positions of clerks
and letter camera in Beatrice, Grand
Island, Hastings and Kearney.
Herman Oehlrich has been spend
ing considerable time lately at hie 440
aere ranch at Shelby, one of the best
stock farms ia this section of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser expect to leave
Fallertoo ia the near future aad locate
upon a large farm near Columbus given
Mrs. Fraser by ner father.-Fallsrton
Thomas Kasion, Wm. and M. Cateor
and Thos. Casak were arrested Monday
by Policeman Sohack for fighting, aad
fined $3 and costs, each, by Police Judge
Mrs. R. T. Page writes to friends
from Kearney; where she is teaching
music in the pablie schools, that the
board have raised her salary tea dollars
a month.
Fixhjb fob Salc Jumbo, high pat
ent; James, No. II; B. R, half patent
Baled hay and feeds of all kinds, de
livered to any part of the city. Conley
A.Qcioor. tf
Mer to dativer aad eolleet ia Nebraaks far eM
otwimiwi Maametarias
timcB icoairod. Oar
city. EbcIoh Mlf-addraand ataaiwd
ope. MaaaCactanca, Tkiid Floor, SMI
t t;aioato.
Ben j. Davis, now located at Hastings
as agent for the International Corres
pondence school, was ia the city Wed
nesday, on his way to Omaha, to attend
a convention.
The Fremont Heraldaaya that Sheriff
Kreader has quarantined a family near
Hooper that has a case of smallpox
among them, the afflicted person being
Miss Whitney.
A 240-acre, also- an 80-acre farm,
both well improved, between Humnh-
rey and Creston, are for sale for a short
time. Enquire of Becher, Hockenber-
ger k Chambers. 3t
Kiel loveej. We are always to
the front with new things new colors,
white, fancy and light shades, fitted to
your nana and every pur warranted.
F. H. Lamb k Co.
r-Hon. S. J. Alexander, a prominent
Nebraekan in the political affairs in the
1870's, was in the city Friday transacting
insurance business with Becher, Hoekea
berger k Chambers.
The Oolambus Milliag Co. have eaed
the Western Union Telegraph Co, for
$44 damages alleged ae incurred by an
incorrectly-transmitted telegram, caus
ing loss to that amount
Ed. J. Niewohner has moved iatohis
new brick basiaees baildiag at the aouth
east corner of Olive aad Thuteeath
streets. It is eertaialy a credit to Mr.
Niewohner and to the eity.
"Rev. Zimmerman of Lincoln was ia
the city several days last week ia the
interest of the Orphans' Home of that
eity. He always gets a hberal dona
tion from Colambae people.
Rev. Corey wae happily auiprised
Thursday evening by a large crowd of
his oongregatioa coaaiag to prayer meet
iag loaded with neefal household articles
for the preacher and his family.
-Mis. 8." & Hadlsy left Wednesday
for Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit her father,
who was reported quite siok. Mr. Had
lsy accompanied hie wife as far as Co
lumbus. Cedar Rapids Outlook.
Louis Sehwara stock consmta of dry
goods, flannel, hosiery, BBderwear,
Usakets, quilts, notions, toys, shoes aad
rabbera, and clothing of all kinds. He
asks yon to come aad avoid the rash. 1
A large part of the coafregetioa of
the Congregational ehureh gave Rev. and
Mrs. Muaro
Friday eveaing by
packages of all aorta of useful artielss to
The aaam, geed wiU aad beaiaesB ef
the Norfolk Jewraal has pesssdfrom P.
aad a half years, teW.H. Hues of the
Norfolk News. Mr. Sereeber interne the
ard county.
Uomrn Weaveru hsuszs on Fsarteeath
thaa for ssrsral yaaaheesrsput together,
Oolambus has atede a record to he
reweve4SKl vetas east m Bew-
Of these lit failed to veto
reaidsat, fit far governor, 4eu far
uXJDKaBsBmeBuamBSs eSHff BvaWa BBVaVBFBBB bbVjVbbbbbuubJp P""a"
-Many people an ssuVrmg laarfulry
single bottle ef HEBBIME weeid hrmg
HaitsWavw Be gVtswSamSh SBBmJ BaTSnBmSBBBvawm VsVsursrSjw JaV
asCms BeuBm & aPfuTflOsMjMS 00Slmvsw d'flHflT vuVSbbt
aad BaHeeh h Oe
The Harvey OA Oev
1 the eyes aedelsars the
r,aad eaeares the aataral
Pries, W easts. A.
md we suseose that the
but it may be well
to look up the belle.
Two pairs of shoes were found ia'
Spsiee w coal shed Monday
aked them as oaes she had sold Satur
day to Caesar Eraet, aad euppessd to
have been stoma oat of his wages.
At the Nebraska state board ef
phanaaey which aaetat Plat tamouth lest
Wedasaday, thirty-two . applieaaU lor
L. StUlman of thia eity as
reaioves the uahealthy tissae apon
which woraw thrive; it briags, aad
quickly, a healthy oondtioa of body,
where woraw caaaot exiet Pries, 35
cents. A. HeUU and Pollock A Co.
John T. Mallalisu, forumrly superin
tendent of the state Reform school at
Kearaoyit assms, haa beea promised the
appointment agaia, uader Governor alset
Dietrich. This will be good news to Mr.
Mallalieu'a many friends in thia oouaty:
Never try to coax a cold or ooagh,
ass the remedy that anfailiagly -boa-
qaera both. BALLARD'S HOBE
HOUND SYRUP w the great epeeifie
for all throat and lung troubles. Price,
95aad50centa. A. Heiatx aad Pollock
A Co.
A little boy in West Orange, Nsw
Jersey, was running with one of those
"penny Bereecbera" in his mouth, when
he suddenly staggered and gasped. He
had swallowed the whistle, and so far
down had it. got that he soon choked
to death.
"Col. E. L. Merritt of Springfield,
Illinois, was here over Sunday, visiting
friends, and went from here .to Grand
Island, expecting to return today. The
Colonel ia a democrat of the old.achool,
and clinga to the doctrines of Jefferson
and Jackson.
Henry Lubker returned Sunday
from Bridgewater, 8. D., where he was
called by the death of his mother. Mrs.
Lubker died Tuesday of dropsy- at the
advanced age of 71 years, aad wee bar
ied Friday, leaving her husband and
ssven children.
Wm. Prnyne shot an eagle last week
while hunting along the Platte river a
short distanoe from North Rend. The
bird is a very fine specimen and measures
seven feet and two inches from tip to tip.
It now adorns the sanctum of the Eagle
office. Fremont Herald.
Mr. Ed. Garten and little daughter
of Cedar Rapids were in the city Monday
on their way to Lincoln. Misses Musette
and Benlah Wheeler, teachers in and
near Creston, accompanied them this far
from Cedar Rapids, where they had been
to attend the funeral of their sister,
Mrs. Garten.
Major T. 8. Clarkson and Euclid
Martin of Omaha, each received $5,000
recently from Major Robert Majors, as
a token of ' gratitude for confidence
placed in him by them on a trying occa
sion years ago. Clarkson formerly lived
at Schuyler, and is known to many
Journal readers.
Mary Eden Tighe, a 9-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tighe of
Schuyler, died Friday last of diphtheria.
The Schuyler Sun says the Board of
Health is doing everything in its power
toobeerve a strict quarantine in every
home where there have been any signe
of throat trouble.
Luoile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Meays, aged four years, died at
noon Monday. About a year and a half
ago, the child was seriously afflicted,
since which time she had not been rag
ged in health. The afflicted parents
have the eympathy of all their acquain
tance in their affliction.
The many friends of Jim Mullen Ernest will, be pleased
to learn that he is recovering from the
serious accident of two weeks ago. The
wounds on his right hand are yet very
painful and it will be a naonth before he
can resume his duties in the 8aate Fe
yards. National City (OaL) Record.
F. F. Carrutbera of Hastings, state
secretary of town work of the Y. M. a
A, was here Saturday oa his way to
Genoa, where he held services ia the
iaterestof hiswork. Mr.Carratherswas
the first missionary who worked among
the Indians of Oklahoma. E. von Bergen
accompanied Mr. Carrutaers to Genoa.
' -See LowiaSchwara' locals in todeyu
JounxAL. He opeae out ia buaiaeaa for
himself oa Thirteenth street Hois
well known to huadreds of Joubuax.
readers who know him as a good, capa
ble basin osb man, anxious to please his
customers. He iavites yoa to eall.upon
hiss, aad investigate for yourself-as-to
goods sad prices.
Frank Wurdeman aad Mies. Mete
PohL both of this city, were married last
Wedaesday, ia Denver, aad returned to
Columbus on Saturday. Miss Pohl haa
beea spending the whiter with her
another aad sister ia Dearer. Both
young people are well knows throughout
the county aad their many frieada-wiah
them a happy and prosperous life.
Daa't MM palltica alto
gether, ajti daa't target tt hay
Grteeriea9 Dry Gteia, Uaier
wear, Farafeaiag Gteia, Bias
kets, CtMftrtgj Bttta, Skat,
aaw OYersktea, at ASCHE t
STAN'S, wkt will gift yaa
special eask f rieea at gtaia. 4t
a visit.. ..Miss BtoUs
tot the
of hei
to Col
iTassisy to have the
af aw right hem
tt of a seiaa-eswsea auui a
ths sympathy of hi
allaWafaM Wtf WlMf tkaaJiaia lM m " M - VVfVBlKlafff V.r a ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBbI
fc !. - - -- - t. a rxWfafMBB"lBTTrTf Ts .:. 3 .!-- , bbbbbbbbbbbh
. - -- - - - - - nisffcir K" m
alshrha aad wiatsr.
5 m TPfMllaaaaalVfT m ,B-r " aaaaaD
tatim ia ana Bfoeaunoa as an expert sal
JhatatAv autw uiii a tk. - -
hi thai Baa aad have not .the
Btanw, this affords a grand opportuaity. It is
tas we save the nest (aad aesoiatety assast) pat
aimale, eSsBtive aad harmlesB. Tweatyyeanei
Thk yean to command. Expert plate
-Qerman spoken.
The ground, was covered Monday
with a very light eoat of snow,
ia peeeebly entitled to he called
the first ef the sissoB here. They have
had snow north, west aad east bow, aad
ara liable" to have a heavy fall aouth be-
More ear tare somas, At least it often
Oa aeoouat of a theatrical eater
teiameat at the opera hoaae Friday
eveaing, the Redawa daace at Maeaaer
ehbr'hall was not so well attended as
expeeted. However, those who we)
there report an enjoyable time. Maeio
for the oeeaaioe waa f uraiahed by the
Otpheae orehsstra.
For all fresh cute or wounds, either
oar the human subject or oa aaiawls,
oelleat; while for eoru-huakera' spraiaed
wrists,- barbed-wire cats aad sores oa
workiag horses, it oannot bo too highly
ooaiaaeaded. Price, 95 and -60 oenta.
A. Heints and Pollock k Co.
There m probably no dnwaso more
istrsssiag and annoying thaa piles.
MENT is daily curing.cases of years
standing of itching and bleeding piles.
The cure begins on the first application,
a Kttle perseverance makes the cure
oomplete. Price, 50 oenta in bottles.
Tubes, 75 cents. ' A. Heints and Pol
lock A Co. "
Miss Lydia MoMahon went to Oma
ha Monday, where she will be the guest
of the Snored Heart Catholic school.
The school is celebrating their centen
nial anniversary this week end have in
vited former etudente from different
states to be their guests for the week.
There are only three ladies from Ne
braska invited and Miss McMahon is
one of them. d
Dr. Thomas G. Rowles, well known
to many Jotohax. readers, formerly resi
dent at Cadis, Ohio, died at his home in
Topeka, Kansas, November 6, 1900, sged
78 years. He was regarded as one of tbe
very best of physicians, but so sympa
thetic in hie nature that he was com
pelled to refuse to treat those who were
dangerously ill, and eventually changed
his profession.
i- Jack Robinson was in the city Wed
nesday last, stopping at Mrs. Early's, on
his way home to Dnell county, thirty
miles from Chapman. He had been to
the Omaha market with cattle. He ia a
nuui well-to-do now, with a family of
nine "children. He has control of 4,000
acres of land, most of which he owns.
He and his wife expect to pass the winter
inj California.
An uptown paper is authority for
the statement that "Uncle Dave" Ander
son contemplates the erection of a fine
brick block which will supply the need
of an auditorium and some good busi
ness locations. Mr. Anderson undoubt
edly has the capital to push such an
enterprise if he concludes to do so, and
it is hoped that be will take it in hand.
Omaha World-Herald.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of tbe Con
gregational church will bold a bazaar on
the afternoon and evening of December
19. They will have for sale homemade
candies and a large number of useful and
fancy articles suitable for Christmas
gifts. Snpper will also be served in con
nection with the baxaar. The ladies
wish to state that no article will be sold
or. marked sold before the opening of the
Sttgr, have yoa notioed those swell
Box and Automobile coats so many
ladies are wearing? Well we sold most
of tbsm, and have a few left, but what
we waatod to tell you waa that ws have
bought a lot of last year's jackets, just a
little different from thia year's styles,
aad say, you can get them atone-half
the price. Good sensible ooats, worth
$10 for $5. Ask to see them. F. H.
Lamb A Co. .
Fred. Zoll'e maayold friendeberein
Columbus aad Platte oouaty will be
pleased to know that be ia nicely located
in Philadelphia in the batcher bumness,
and is doing well. If Fred, could only
take a drive behind that old white mule
team he need to own up aarang hie old
neighbors around Wattsville, sad Bote
the1 change in the country sines he ueedi
te follow the plow, we think that he
would waat to change back to good old
Nebraska agaia. ,
., We have jest received a new sample
line of etrietly all-wool carpets, which
we are selliag at 50, 55, 60 and 85 cents a
yard, also new patterns of linoleums
from 50 cents a square yard upward; a
new line of window shades, best opaque
at 95 cents each, in plain colon. Men's,
ladies' aad children'e neece-lined under
wear and hose, at the very lowest prices
intheoity. Thebesk quality of etaadard
calicos at 5 oenta a yard. We pay you
foregga. The Fair.
' L. A. Ewiag of Humphrey aad Miss
Oelia Wagner of this, city, daughter of
Mr. and Mra-Joha Wagner, were mar
ried Ssturdsy aaoraiag at 8 o'clock in
the Cathsiie church, Rev. Maroellinas
couple were aeooat-
by Mr. August Wagner, brother
ef the bride, and Miea die Jones. The
were robed in
After the oere-
meuy the eoeple retaraed to the bride's
where they visited until Monday,
they went to Humphrey to make
agio known
theaewsuamsr ama of thia part
of the state ns printer aad writer.
hi the Bounty far several
time to visit ea
by the
worker of
Sioux CUy,L
ideaee Monday sight gave a
and grand dianer ia heeer ef
of War, Hob. George D.
MeiklejohB,toa large
y ef the
The table was elegantly aad
eomely deeerated with ferae and no wors,
aad each gaatlaman waa imiatii with
a neat, little silk ia ead a ssrastioa.
At8o'doekall were sseted, eases Dr.
Gear, who
Dr. Evans, the heat, at the head of
the table, aad at hie right, Hob. George
D. Meiklejohn, E. H. Chambers, O. T.
Roen, O E. Pollock, a a Gray, James
E. North, Gas a Becher, G J.Gerlow,
M. K. Turner, D. Sehuphaoh, Col. J. N.
kalian; at his left Henry Bagata, J. D.
SUres, J. H. Galley, Carl Kramer,.W.
M. Cornelia, J. Gluok, Dr. D. T. Mar
tyn, L Sibbsrnsen, Dr. F. H. Goer, J. a
Reader, E. G Hoekeaberger aad L. H.
Mm. Evan aad daughter. Miss Nellie,
with Mesdeme Chambers, Robisoe, Pol
lock aad Martya, assisted the host in
doing the hoaora of the oecseion.
Delightful maaie was famished dar
iag tbe banquet, by the Columbus or
Tbe diaaer wae served ia ooursss,
some twelve ia number, aad was un
doubtedly the awet dslieious aad the
Boost elaborate ever servsd in the eity.
At about 13 o'clock, the boat, actum;
aa toastmaetor, proposed the hsslth of
President MeKinley aad Vice Presideet
elect Roossvelt, to which Secretary
Meiklejohn eloquently responded, after
first sxproasing his pleasure at saesting
eo maay of hie Columbus frisnde. Hie
commendation of President MeKinley
was very feelingly epokea, aad iastsaces
given ehowiag the prssident'e strength
of purpose and aound judgnmnt under
trying circumstsases dariag theCabaa
eampaiga. The speech gave those pres
ent a BMutal visw of the country's great
president that teat a oharm to the oc
casion. Col. KOian was next called upon to
respond to The Situation in the Phil
ippines," and proosoded to tell some
things aot generally known to the public,
and some mattera of great iatersst that
came under hie personal obeervatioa.
Hie graphic description of what will go
into history aa the murder of Gen. Luna
by order of Agaiaaldo, was listened to
with intense interest, giving those pres
ent an insight into the true character of
the Tsgalo leader. Ia ref erring to the
etreagth of oharaetor of President Me
Kinley, he spoke of his withstanding the
entire nation for weeks until the full aad
proper tiaae came for atrdriag a dseieive
blow in the Cubaa affairs. He also char
acterised President McKialey as second
only to Washington aad Lincoln aaaoag
the presidents of the nation.
J. G. Reader wae asked to speak oa
the "Reserve Forces of Platte oouaty,'
and referred to the work done by the
good denaocrata, tbe hoaorabls oaes ia
1898, for the republican party, aad who
had continued with the party, aad ex
pressed the hope that, haviag the well
being of the nation at heart they would
continue to work with republioaaa for
the best interests of the country.
W. M. Cornelius was asked to respond
to the sentiment -Natioaal, State aad
Platte county Polities,' the host sad
t postmaster referriag to the fatal speech
of Candidate Bryan, "Great is Tam
many and Croker is its Prophet'' Mr.
Cornelias, after aayiag that there prob
ably was never a aaors
in natioaal politics thaa the
the political enemy resorting to every
artifice for the destruction aad over
throw of the repabbcaa party, touched
upon the local campaign, referriag in a
very felicitous aaanner to the laughable
incidents of the campaign in Platte
county, even going so far as to set the
table ia a roar, when he imitated
of the displays of ths orators.
To ths seatiauMt, "Roosevelt, the
Rough Rider," Gaptaia a J. Gerlow of
the Rough Ridera dab, wae asked to
raspoad. He referred to the Bough
Rider clubs aa haviag done a good ser
vies ia the eampaiga by ronaiag the
enthusiasm of the young
hosts of the country, many of them
inga vote for the first Urn. Mr. Ger
low referred to the seaatoriai
saying that' republicans should
two men who should be beyond reproach
for those eaaesa, aad one such we had
with, as ss the guest of hoaor oa thia
The tosstmsstar then said that for the
lest four yean we have had aaeleassat
withue whose siaeerity of
faithfaUyaad well, helping to hold up
ouv state before the nation, ia the ad
vancing lines ef prograss, poKtieal, ed
ucational aad fiasasisl, aad celled apon,
ex-Mayor David Hahnphssh. He feel
iagiy referred to the stead he had taken
for whet he rnaariliii as hi the best in
terest ef hm adopted oouatry. He be
lieved ths Urn had esaae tor thesxor
cmsofthe truest patriotism sad devo
tion to duty; ntiaae for true and loyal
asrviee. He believed that if Bryan had
beea sisals J thet as a afreet result herd
uusmuMB WwVMI sVbbvw vaHBKBTvMB UBut9VfaBnMn
the aetioe, amttaat hi the aetieuu a -erable
iatsatiewa. As it is, simjIbbbi
the old werid wfll now held u their
t- m
Ita eaaiiag aa wiatar, ajei I tktagkt yaa
....were geiag tt Mti.
at I ettttMei tt give tt my eiattnntra kttwtfB
Sept. 26 and Dec. 29,
far efery itllar'a wtrtk tf gtaia parekaaei
tr aaM aa aeeaat, taetkket, gaael
far ekaace aa aae
f Burnvmunum BBBBmdanTi suuveW F
aaaHHBaMBri I WeBuuihlB!'efj?pB V
i Aifj-jraiiLiiPBV ' ""jm 11
m bV UBssmfc BaXwafl- aTVBBBBBBmswme H I .rm
Steel, 6-hole Range, first prise; aad one
35 Standard Sewing Machine,
warranted for six years, for escond prise, aad for
third prize n credit for
$15 Worth of Goods,
redeemable any time after drawing.
Do not forget I have just received a oar loaded with Radiant
Home, Art and Garland Heating and Cooking Stoves, also a full line
of P. D. Beckwith Round Oak Heaters. I also have a fresh, new
stock of Masuryw Paints and Varnishes, sad my assortment of
builders' Hardware is complete, and prices are as low as the lowest
For I WIU Hot ke. Umdaraoltl.
"fours fox tauartnmma,
heeds and glory ia our glory.
JasMa E. North was naturally called
upon to follow Mr. Schupbacb, sad
spoke of his long asrviee ia the ranks of
the democracy aad of his sense of duty
calling him to the support of President
MeKinley, whom he regarded as one of
our best aad nioet patriotic chief magis
trates. He spoke at length of tbe time
when Lieutenant-Governor Meiklejohn,
by the firm etaad he took as presiding
OBBoer of the joist assembly, gained the
day for law aad order, aad won for him
self the just regard of all right minded
eitiaene of Nebraska. From that day,
he had watched with pleasure the course
of Mr. Meiklejohn. As for himself,
when the aoauaation for atate seaator
had been unanimously tendered him,
although without hope of election
agaiaet eo greet odds, he felt like slly
iag hiawslf naore fully with what he re
garded aa bow the truly conservative
party of the country aad againat fusion,
soeialietic aad anarchistic tea
Aa for the future, I am pleased
to east my lot with the conservative republican-party
which steads today for
juetiss, honest aad economical adminie
tratioa for the good of tbe masses.
At this time the Secretary excused
hmmelt, but the speech-nuking contin
ued until about 2 o'clock. We learn
that J. D. Stires spoke particularly with
to the eampaiga in Platte
ty, noting the eaeouragiag features
toward the future of the party
advieiag that republicans keep
ap a continuous, working organization,
kaviag ao opportunity unused to learn
of repuhlieaa policies, aad putting them
J. H. Galley spoke feelingly of the
workofPiisiiiat MeKinley in the con
duet of the war, aad aaors espedslryof
with lefsreeee to thePhOip-
we do well in every
Hart Ball, Earl tf Frt
aaawt, Ne. m,17t, alaa
atYta TktiwenjkBWtit,
trtai 1 tt Sytara tM9
You can buy the best farm implements
for the least money at our atore. We are
headquarters for the most modem field
weapons of husbandry in the market The
behind-hand fellowa always have a hard
time of it Make farming easy aad profit
able by using the results of invention we
offer at figures on the level.
of all concerned.
Henry Ragatz referred to ths coward
ly attacks upon the character of the re
publican candidate for governor, by
some ministers, and by the populist
press ia general, and was glsd that the
iaaaendoss aad suspicions had not ac
complished the design intended. As to
Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn,
he had watched his public career since
he was Lieutenant Governor, and if the
turn of events should bring him to the
secretaryship, or to be selected by Ne
braska ss cue of her TJaited States sen
ators, there would be hearty eoagratala
tioae by his Columbus friends, along
with his hosts of well-wiehero through
out thestate.
Has permanently located at Colum
bus, Nek, aad solicits a share of your
Special attention given to
diseases, diseases of the womb
aad rectam, piles aad all earoaie dis
easss auceeaafally treated.
INifM t Day Caffe in the Country
promptly attended to.
wfflot I tMaa)t 9
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