The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 10, 1900, Image 1

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S JTsxt Step Will Chm fStsm da Gf-
GtMtutit et Gmt Brttala FsHaws im
Ska iMtitofi ml America la Xakiac
Its Vasatlattsas wlta
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. The Brit
ish government has followed In the
.footsteps of the United States im the
Chinese negotiations. It ha author
ised Sir Claude MacoDnald, the Brit
ish minister at Pekin. to enter into
'relations with the Chinese officials,
just as our government did in the
case a Minister Cssger. Althoagh
Jfce fsrssal Tesesese to the last Ger
man proposition has not been re
.turned by Lord Salisbury, the United
States government hss been inform
ed that, though such an answer, may
not be made at all. being unnecessary
In the light of recent developments,
yet Sir Claude KacDonald will be in
structed to make the same Inquiries
relative to the punishment of the Chi
nese ringleaders that have been com
mitted to Mr. Conger.
The first practical outome of Spe
cial Commissioner Ro'khill's investi
gation has been an instruction to him
by the State department to co-operate
with Minister Conger in the inquiries
with which that official is now charg
ed, relative to the character of the
Chinese envoys and punishments.
The next step toward the final set
tlement of the Chinese troubles must
come from Mr. Conger and his brother
ministers. They are charged now
with inquiries into the matter of pun
ishments, which certainly will occupy
much headway will be made In other
tome time and It is not expected that
directions until this phase of the case
ha? been passed.
The latest French nolo is a distinct
movement toward the initiation of
negotiations for a settlement, while
this mixtion of. ounishnsents is still
pending. It Is probable that ex
changes will take place with the
French note as the bai, while the
ministers at Pekin are at work under
their instructions upon the subject of
punishments, but even though some
advance is made with the French note
It Is not likely, in the judgment of
officials here, that all of the complex
questions involved therein can be
agreed upon by the powers before Mr.
Conger and the other ministers are
ready to report upon their branch of
the case.
Touching the French proposals the
officials here have already received in
timation that the Chinese government
is preparing to offer strenuous objec
tion to some of them, notably to the
propositions looking to the razing of
the Taku forts and the interdiction
of the importation of firearms. It is
believed here, however, that the Im
perial government will make-an earn
est effort to meet the demsnd of the
powers respecting the punishments.
The news that Yung Lu is not to be
forced upon the Chinese peace com
mission is well received here ae an
indication of the readiness of the Chi
nese government to accede to a rea
sonable remonstrance from the powers.
Throw Sosae Light oa Dlsaatea Qass-
tlsas la Alaska.
NEW WHATCOM, Wash.. Oct 6.
It ia reported that a new boundary
marking has just been discovered in,
the disputed portion of the Mount
Baker district by members of a rail
road surveying party. They found:
the monument in the vicinity of Chil
llwack lake in the middle of a wide,
swath which was years ago cut
through the timber. If the boundary
follows the line of this swath. Red
mountain and all the disputed strip is
oa the American side- It is expected,
the report of the Dominion surveyors,
will be made in a few days. If the
Canadians claim the line is. south of
the present location, the Washington
authorities will be asked to mae a
survey. A question has also arisen as
to whether the forty-ninth parallel
was correctly fixed by the boundary
commission, and the settlement of the
matter may become an international
affair. Many mines are located in the
disputed territory.
Foag-ht Oa Top af Trala.
' ST. LOUIS. Oct. 6. On top of a
Chicago & Alton passenger train, mov
ing at the rate of forty miles an hour.
William Burke of this city and an
unknown man fought a battle to the
death tonight. The two men were
beating their way to Chicago. After
the train left East St. Louis the stran
ger drew a revolver and demanded
Burke's money. Burke refused to
comply with the request and grappled
with his antagonist. During the des
perate struggle which followed the un
known shot Burke in the side, but the
latter finally managed tc push him
from the top of the coach.
Iaasp Chimney Tract.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 4. An organiza
tion to be known as the Glass Chim
ney association has been formed by
the largest producers and general of
fices established here. It is expected
to induce all the chimney makers to
become members, to sell only at asso
ciation prices and thus stop tne cut
ting rates, which is said to have been
quite heavy and disastrous recently.
Ellerslie Lost at Sea.
BOSTON. Oct. 4. The British
steamer AmaTia, Captain Carr, from
Samarang, Java, via St. Michaels, ar
rived this afternoon, having en board
the captain and thirteen of the crew
of the Liverpool ship Ellerslie. which
was abandoned at sea, dismasted and
waterlogged. The British steamer
rescued the men on September 29 af
ter they had been buffeted- about by
fearful seas for ten days. The mac :
of the Ellerslie is Captain Lewellyn
Cook. One member of the crew was
lost overboard.
aa Its Sheriff.
GEORGETOWN, Ky., Oct. 4. When
the Youtsey case was called today in
the circuit court Attorney nelson said
hat the defeadaat could net make any
s nn tii ii i mars t till the processes of the
court aast aeea returned. Nelson
stated taat tke suatssoas for witnesses
were seat te tke sheriff of. Breathitt
and. Kaox eaamties September 1?
aad hasl not aaaa returned. The court
graated "t-Friday atoraiag to hea?
firoat the aaerlla. Judge Caatrffl de
eded t draw
taa jary w
sagar Baxtar Scares a
alt far a Stasia acafc.
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 6. Lying; at the
morgue in Council Bluffc, with a bullet
through his heart, is a man, pewerfully
biilt, black hair, mustache, about six
feet tall, aged apparently 45 years.
He was one of two men who held up
the Kansas City passenger train on
the Burlington road, three miles south
of Council Bluff3, at midnight. Ex
press Messenger Charles Uaxter killed
The two men boarded the train at
the Union Pacific transfer and climb
ed over the tfnder just as the train
was crossing the Mosuuito creek
bridge. Engineer Donnelly and Frank
Holman, fireman, who were in charge
of the engine, were ordered to slow up
as soon as the train had crossed the
bridge. While the dead man held a
revolver on the engine crew his com
panion went back and cut off the bag
gage aad Basil cars, leaviag tha day
coaches and sleepers standing on the
main line.
Acting under orders, the engineer
pulled the train half a mile down the
track, where a stop was made. Here
the robbers anDroached the express car
and ordered Messenger Baxter to
open the door. He told them to go to
h 1. Under compulsion. Engineer
Donnelly attached a stick of dynamite
to the side dcor of the car and blew
it open. In the meantime Messenger
Baxter, seizing his gun. escaped from
the door on the opposite side of the
car. As soon as the door was opened
one of the robbers entered the car,
while his companion marched the engi
neer and fireman back to the engine.
Baxter crept around in front of the
engine and seeing the rohber standing
guard over the engine crew fired one
shot, killing him instantly. As soon
as the shot was heard tne robber in
the car jumped to the ground and fled
through a cornfield.
The dead man was picked up. plac
ed on board and the train was backed
into this city. The body was search
ed, but nothing was found on it by
which it could be identified. It was
dressed in a neat suit of black clothes,
over which overalls and jumper had
been drawn. In the pockets was
found about $15 in money and a watch
and chain. Conductor William Mc
Grew. who was in charge of the train,
thinks the dead man is one George of
St. Joseph.
Harvesting' Beet Ctop.
FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 6. A number
of sugar beet raisers began getting
out their crop and will ship as soon
as possible. From many analyses so
far made it iG thought that the most
of the beets raised in this vicinity will
be up to the standard and that a good
proportion of them will run above 12
oer cent in sugar and coefficient of
purity of 75 and upward. The fac
tory at Leavitt already a as the lime
house in operation and will begin very
soon making sugar. As considerable
syrup in various stages has been kept
over from the last year's run it will
not take long after the first beets are
sliced before the factory will be ready
to snip sugar.
Nebraska, Vomu Killed.
MILFORD, Neb., Oct 6. News of
the death of Mrs. Alice Troyer Young
and her husband, who were murdered
near Pekin, China, by tne Boxers on
July 16, has teen received by her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Troyer of this
place. Five years ago Miss Troyer
left here and entered the missionary
work in China. About a year ago she
married Mr. Young, also a missionary.
Mr. and Mrs. Troyer have lived here
many years and their daughter was
well known.
Plaiaview Murder Mystery.
PLAINVIEW, Neb.. Oct. 6. The
mystery surrounding the supposed
murder of Alva Aiken, the old soldier
who was shot and killed while on his
way home from Plainvievr is still un
solved. His body was found on Sun
day, about thirty rods from the house,
lying in some weeds. As Le had money
on his person when found it is certain
that he was not murdered for his
money. It is not supposed that he
had any enemies and somp think it the
work of some drunken person.
Boy Killed by Lishminc
SEWARD, Neb., Oct. 6. Ernest
Mitchell, a young man about 17 years
old, was killed by lightning. He was
in the stable currying a horse when
a bolt of lightning struck the stable,
killing the horse and injuring the
young man so badly that he died in a
few minutes. His mother is a widow,
and. he was her chief support.
Robbed at PlalnTiew.
PLArNVIEW. Neb Oct 6. George
Hill's drug store and the butcher shop
of Howgard Hansen were robbed.
The thief entered the back window of
the drug store by breaking the win
dow. The Beatrice bloodhounds traced
him to the Elkhorn depot, where it
is believed he took the early passen
ger train going south.
For Bslldlaa; Six Bljf Craisers.
WASHINGTON. Oct 2. Proposals
for constructing by contract six ar
mored cruisers will be received at the
Navy department ujtil noon Friday,
December 7. 1900, when they will be
publicly opened.
Old Soldier Drops Dead.
DE WITT, Neb.. Oct. 6. William
Cramer, an old soldier, 62 years of age,
dropped dead in a hog Ioc on the farm
of C. H. Buck while gathering cobs
for fueL Heart trouble.
The Sacar Beet Industry.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct 6. President
Frank Burness of the Gmaha Beet
Sugar and Chicory company. Thirty
eighth and M streets, received notice
that his exhibit at the Douglas county
fair had been awarded first prize. This
is very gratifying to those interested,
as the company is a new one. About
$5,000 in machinery has been placed
in the new factory and the cultivation
of sugar beets is to be encouragrai.
Every effort is to be made by President
Burness and Manager Mack, to induce
farmers in the vicinity of South Oma
ha to raise sugar beets.
Town Saffers front Bis; Firs.
PIERCE, Neb., Oct. 3. A disastrous
fire broke out in Foster, -a town ten
miles northwest of this place, and
consumed all the buildings on the
west side of the principal street, vizr
Edwards Bradford lumber yard, and
office. George W. Mitchell's general
merchandise store, with the postoffice,
F. Synorece blacksmith shop, a lime
house. A. H. Holmes' implement house
and tke saloon. The saloon keeper
had jaat received his license from
tke cematy board, hut had not opened
Lidicatiooi Foist to Casspleta Osaoert of
Action by Powers.
Caltaa States aaa Garsaaay Flaa taay aia
of taa Same Mad Tao Caltea State
selves Preach rrsas 1 la Its Cesa-
alsts Ferss.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Proposi
tions of a far-reaching; character con
cerning China are being presented in
rapid succession to this government.
The state department had no sooner
disposed of one of these propositions
today by delivering a response to the
German government than it wascon
fronted by aa evea mora importaat
Fmpnaiti"n rmit'tod aTdJaeErjeach.
government and within half an hour
formally seconded by the Russian
The answer to Germany covered the
subject of punishing Chinese offend
ers and made known that the United
States had instructed Minister Con
ger along the lines suggested by Ger
many. These instructions look toward
securing the names of the persons de
serving chastisement, also whether
the punishments accord with the
gravity of the crimes committed and
finally in what manner the United
States and the other powers are to be
assured that satisfactory punishment
i3 inflicted. Aside from these specific
purposes of the note it Is regarded
as important chiefly as establishing
the most satisfactory relations be
tween the governments at Washing
ton and Benin.
The Franco-Russian proposal takes
a much broader scope and submits a
program under which the negotia
tions for a complete settlement can
Im carried forward. Tne French
charge, M. Theibaut, handed the prop
osition to Secretary Hay shortly after
noon today and held a brief confer
ence concerning it. Half an hour later
M. de Wollant, the Russian charge,
arrived at the state department and
handed to Mr. Hay a note expressing
Russian approval of the propositions
just submitted by France. Mr. Hay
gave no formal answer to the two
communications, as they will go first
to the president at Canton.
The Franco-Russian proposition is
under four heads, namely:
First Punishment of the guilty
Second Interdiction of the ship
ment of arms into China.
Third Payment of indemnity to
the powers.
Fourth Sufficient guarantees for
the future.
In addition, a suggestion is made
for the establishment of a nermanent
legation guard at Pekin; for the raz
ing of the Taku forts and for the
maintenance of a line of communica
tion between Pekin and the sea.
The impression here, in advance of
action oa these propositions by our
government, is that they contain
nothing essentially unfitting them to
be subjects of consideration in a final
settlement. The difficulty which is
likely to arise Iks in the placing of
proper limitations upon the scope of
each head. This is particularly true
of the subject of guaranties and. per
haps, of that of indemnity. Still, as
already suggested, each is undoubted
ly a most proper subject for discus
sion when the final negotiations are
reached, and. therefore. M. Delcasse's
broadest propositions, while likely to
consume some time in reducing them
to ultimate and binding form, may be
said to have a fair reception await
ing them.
As to the interdiction of arm3, the
state department already has inti
mated that there may be a question as
to its wisdom, and there is reason to
believe, also, that Germany will not
view that particular feature with ap
proval. But there appears to be good
reason to expect that a middle ground
will be reached by confining the in
terdiction of arms to a specified pe
riod, possibly to be fixed by the time
required by China within which to
pay the indemnity. The chief objec
tion to the proposition is in its being
permanent in its present form.
Wreck la W yomlag
GREEN RIVER. Oct 5. There was
another wreck west of this place Mon
day morning, resulting in -the serious
injury of Conductor Stevens. No. 4,
the Atlantic express, crashed into the
rear end of a freight train standing on
the main line. Conductor Stevens had
no time to jump and was caught in
the caboose, which was demolished.
Several cars were damaged and
knocked from the track and the en
gines of the express train badly
broken up and derailed. General
Manager Dickinson was near at hand
and personally superintended the
work of clearing the track.
For Caring Tel low Fever.
hundred thousand dollars is the price
which a young Italian specialist may
win as tiie discoverer of a serum
which cures yellow fever. As a result
of the experiments conducted at Vera
Cruz for ..e cure of yellow fever by
Dr. Angel Bellinzaghi under the su
pervision of the government, he has
been asked to continue his worn. The
commission appointed to witness the
experiments reported favorably and
part of the 1100,000 prize offered by
the Mexican government for a cure
of yellow fever will be paid the young
Italian specialist at once.
Galvestoa School Fonda.
GALVESTON. Oct 3. The school
board has secured money enough to
repair four school buildings with
forty-four rooms, affording accommo
dations to eighty-eight classes by
holding two sessions daily. Appeals
have been sent out to all the large
cities for funds. The four schools will
open Monday. October 22. One thous
and men worked on the street today.
Fourteen bodies were found. One
hundred more drays will be put to
work on Monday.
ST. LOUIS. Oct 5. The National
Firemen's association met in annual
convention and was railed to order by
President E. L Adlemaa of Marion,
Ia Seventy members,, representing
fifteen states, were present Mayor
Stephens made a speech, heartily wel
coming the ire chiefs to East St.
Tnnia which was responded to by,
President E. a. EUicott,
electrician of the Chicago fire depart
ment, read a very instructive paper,
in which he explained the best meth-
eds of running wires Into Tnuldiags to
insure satety.
rttrAH: rot a um simaL
ltfce Anaaaiac
Families af V.
SHENANDOAH. Pa.. Oct- 5.
cessions announced yesterday af taa
Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iroa
company were not sufficient to- iadse
the striking mine workers of taa
Schuylkill region to return to the coi
leries today. Mr. Potter, orgaalxer
and leader of the foreign mine work
ers, says he made a careful canvass
of this town last night and found the
strikers determined to remain out un
til ordered to work by the Mine
Workers' convention or by President
In anticipation cf a long strike the
local foreign unions today appointed
a committee to investigate the cases
of need among strikers' families. Or
ganizer Pottier says ttie treasuriea of
the Shenandoah foreign branches of
the United Mine Workers coataia
about $1.400,. and while this lasts-aaf-ferlng
among the strikenrwlll be, re
lieved. No cases of distress have as
yet been reported, he says.
General Gobin today stated that his
information from the Panther Creek
valley is to the effect that all the col
lieries there are working as usual and
no trouble is anticipated.
Money Expended to Sbow Amerleaa Gov
ernment's la tea don.
MANILA, Oct. 5. The new Philip
pines' commission today appropriated
I2S7.000 (Mexican) for the payment of
sundry expenses incurred by the mili
tary for the benefit of the insular gov
ernment during September, and also
donated 1.500 (Mexican) to the
widow of the loyal and efficient Fili
pino president of the town of Santa
Cruz, who was revengefully murdered
by the insurgents. The purpose is to
show the United States government's
intention to protect its friends and
faithful servants, the Iloilos, Panay
island, and its civil government.
Monday night, October 1, the rebels
killed Lieutenant Max Wager of the
Thirty-sixth regiment volunteer in
fantry, near Pavia, island of Panay.
A detachment of the Forty-fourth
regiment at Bohol island, one of the
Visayan group, has encountered a
force of the enemy, killing thirty of
them. One American was killed.
Boer Forces.
LONDON, Oct 5. Lord Roberts
has wired as follows to the war of
fice: Hart returned to Krugersdorp Oc
tober 1. He has been thirty-three
days from his base, marched 310
miles, was in contact with the enemy
twenty-nine days, killed an unknown
number and captured ninety-six. The
British lost three killed, turee prison
ers and twenty-four wounded. Hart
brought back 2,720 head of cattle and
3.2S1 sheep.
Buller has returned to Lydenburg
from Spitzkop with 1,000 sheep. There
are skirmishes with the Boers daily,
but they are small affairs.
The Dublin Fusileers-made a-night
assault with the bayonet on a Boer
laager between Pretoria and Jo
hannesburg and captured nine men
mostly important Boers, who have
troubled the district
A party of Boers has penetrated
the southern part of Orange river col
ony, entered Dewetsdorp and Wep
ener. Detachments are after them.
Taqnl War Goes Oa.
HERMOSILLO, Mex., Oct 5. Ne
gotiations between the five Yaqui In
dian emissaries and President Diaz
for the settlement of hostilities now
existing between the Yaquis and
Mexican government have failed to
accomplish anything, and the peace
envoys have arrived here on their
way home from the City of Mexico.
They report that President Diaz re
fused to consider their proposal for
peace, as he looked upon it as grant
ing too many concessions to the In
dians. Fighting still continues and the
government troops seem to be making
slow, but steady advances into the In
dian country.
Berlin Denies a Keport.
BERLIN, Oct 5. It is denied here
that Germany has made any declara
tions about the immediate initiation
of peace negotiations. Germany has
never abandoned the stated point of
the first note of Count von Buelow.
As to the second note, it is believed
here that the Chinese government had
learned from good friends of the first
note and planned to forestall by the
punishment of the guilty parties. The
first note was successful. It is still
stated that no French note has ar
rived here. Officials declare that it is
strange that it should have been an
nounced as it was if it was still to
Benjamin Campbell Dead.
Benjamin B. Campbell, a well known
attorney of Pittsburg, Fa., is dead in
this city, aged 73 years. Mr. Camp
bell sunk the first oil well ever put
down in the United States. A daugh
ter. Mrs. Margaret Deland, the author
ess, survives him.
Store Than Five Tboasaad Dead.
GALVESTON. Tex.. Oct 5. The
finding ot corpses seems never end
ing, twenty-five a day being recov
ered. Certainly now the dead in the
city will exceed 5,000 beyond the city
limits. 1.200 and on tne main land
more than 1.000.
Cassht for Coaaterfeltias;.
WICHITA. Kan., Oct 5. T. M.
Frantz. leader of a gang of alleged
counterfeiters, was arrested here late
last night. He lives at Canton. Kan.,
and Is a man who stood high in that
community. The coins are made out
of Mexican silver and Galena lead.
Frantz is said to have coined the
money. George Ball, Isaac Ball and
Frank Nolan are in the federal jail at
Fort Scott, accused of passing the
coins at Galena and Joplin.
Wreck in Wyoming
Faaeral Directors Kent.
DENVER, Colo Oct. 5. The Na
tional Funeral Directors' associatioa
began a two days' convention in. thia
city today. After welcoming addresses
and other preliminaries, the annual
address of the president. J. S. Pearce
of Ardmore, Fa., and reports of other
officers were sresented. At the after
noon session. Dr. George E. Tyler,
secretary of the Colorado state boar
of health, delivered an address oau
"The Mutual Relations of the Health
Authorities and the Funeral Directors."
BaMtaatlamppaactaent Among PW
n ia Abort to bs Formed.
m nt nciiTits wm cima
t of taa Same Seems tastes
Terrs of'Csasamm aUaa naratoay
Germany aaa taa causa
"WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. k. feeling
of buoyant optimism prevails in this
cfcty today relative to the Chinese
trembles that warrants the belief in
tha existence of a sound foundation
aased on very recent developments in
pssaillnn. negotiations. It is evidently
tas.MaTiHns anions? officials that a
jfeaMroachment among the powers is
near at hand.
The encouraging outlook has been
hransrht aoout very largely by the
harmonious sentiments which have
developed between this government
and Germany concerning the course
of future events in China. Since the
return of Secretary Hay he has had
several conferences with Baron Speck
von Sternberg, the German charge d
affaires, wmch have been of such a
character as to show that the two
governments are proceeding toward a
common end for the solution cf the
entire difficulty. The Berlin govern
ment received several days ago the
Sheng dispatch giving the Chinese
edict, punishment of Prince Tuan and
his associates. This was accepted in
the highest German quarters as a sin
cere evidence that China was disposed
now to deal with the responsible par
ties as their offenses deserved, making
a peaceful solution of the problem
possible. Altogether the outlook then
is more satisfactory than at any time
heretofore, not only for concurrent
action by the powers, butalso for a
comprehensive settlement of the en
tire Chinese question.
It is expected, however, that the at
tention of this government will be
turned to some entirely new phases
brought up by the French note to the
powers. Thera Is no doubt as to the
accuracy of the foreign dispatches
stating that M. Delcasse, the French
minister of -foreign affairs, has ad
dressed a note to the powers propos
ing a general plan of dealing with the
subject. This note, undoubtedly will
be in the hands of this government by
the time the president returns, and
already there is considerable anxiety
in foreign quarters as to the answer
the United States will make.
There is reason to believe that some
of the continental powers do not view
all of the French nroDosals with favor
and that there may be a renewal in
this note of the differences of view3
recently developed over the German
note. So far as this gvoernment is
concerned, however, there is no rea
son to believe the French propositions
will meet with disfavor.
Meantime plans are under consider
ation by which ths powers will see
that China carries out her purposes of
punishing the guilty parties. It is felt
to be proper that the punishment shall
be carried out in such public manner,
either with the knowledge of the for
eign ministers or in their presence,
that there can be no question as to
the completeness of China's repara
tion. The state department has been mak
ing some inquiries as to the extent
to which Jung Lu, one of the peace
negotiators appointed Dy the emperor,
participated in the Boxer troubles. It
is alleged that these inquiries have at
least developed something unfavora
ble to the acceptance of Jung Lu,
whose tendencies have been anti-foreign,
as a satisfactory person with
whom to conduct negotiations. A
rather guarded statement is made that
this government has "not formally
objected" to Jung Lu's appointment
leaving the inference to be drawn that
its preference is against him being so
Onteers of Tin Ion Veterans Cnlon.
WASHINGTON, Oct 4. The Union
Veterans' union, in session here to
day, elected the following officers:
Commander in chief. General D. R.
Dierenforth, District of Columbia, re
elected; L. M. Langstaff, division of
Iowa, first deputy commander; F. B.
Hutchison, division of New York and
New Jersey, second deputy command
er. The annual report of General
Dierenforth showed a substantial ad
vance In the union, both in member
ship and in financial condition. At
the afternoon session Mrs. Ada John
son, president of the Women's Relief
corps, submitted her annual report.
Villalobos Is aU Klght.
WASHINGTON, Oct 4. The navy
department has just received the fol
lowing cablegram from Admiral
CAVITE, P. L, Oct 4. Secretary
navy, Washington: No truth in any
unfavorable reports concerning Villa
lobos or her crew. Manila paper, Sep
tember 28, published false report.
The Villalobos is the American gun
boat reported lost
Was a Lincoln Xaa.
BOSTON, Oct 4. Daniel G. Wing,
former special bank examiner, has
been elected vice president of tha
Massachusetts bank. Mr. Wing came
to Boston two years ago. For eight
years he was cashier of a Lincoln.
Neb., bank.
Kates to Northwest Slashed.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Oct 4. The Greet
Northern railway has issued a circular
announcing a big reduction in home
seekers' rates to points on 'ts line.
The rates are to be effective on Tues
day, October 16. and tnerefter on
Tuesday cf each week until November
27. Froci Chicago the one-way rate
to all points east of Great Falls and
Kalispel is reduced from S4L50 to 25;
to points west of Kalispel. Mont, in
cluding Seattle, from $51.50 to $30.
The rates are for one way with a
thirty day limit and stop over privi
leges. Taa Georxla Klectiaa.
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 4. Reports re
ceived from all parts of the state to
night indicate thi.c the democratic ma
jority in today's election for state offi
cers, members of the general assembly
and local county officers will be about
50,000. No opposition developed
against the democratic nominees ex
cept in a few counties where the pep
alist organization is strongest. Little
Interest was taken in the election. In
counties where the democratic
strength was undoubted the vote was
light, as the result of th? outcome of
I the election waa certain,
vmi wns of nnot.
. SAW FRANCISCO. Oct. S. Mlas Ce
elLPayea, the young miniature painter,
who went to Pekin last spring as tha
guest of Miaister and Mrs. Conger, told
a graphic story of tha siegs a her ar
rival here.
"Of the whole elgat weeks of ter
rible anxiety and dread.' she said,
three nights stand out with especial
prominence. They are spoken of by
the besieged as 'the three terrible
aights. The first was just before the
siege afcout June 17 or IS. That was
while we were in the American lega
tion. We went into the British lega
tion compound on June 20. The night
I speak of vras one the foreigners will
never forget. All night long went up
terrible cries howls and shouts of
thousands npen thousand of Chinese,
crying far the blood of the foreign
"The second terrible night waa about
the middle of the siege, when.." after
three or four days of muggy and sultry
weather, one of the most violent thund
er storms I ever experienced broke
over the city. Everybody bad predict
ed that with the coming of rain the
Chinese would cease firing, but the ef
fect was just the oposite. It was a
night of bellowing thunder, roaring
artillery, incessant lightning and pour
ing rain.
"The third and last night of horrors
was that of August 13. the day be
fore relief came. On that night the
Chinese were fairly frantic and moved
heaven and earth to break ia and kill
us. Firing that had seemed furious
was tame compared with the hail of
shot and shell that poured in upon us
that night It came from all quarters
and seemed to be from evory imagina
ble kind of firearm. We had received
reports of the approach of the relief
column and knew that it must be near,
from the frantic attempts of the Chi
nese to slay us. We expected that any
moment might be our last, as many
breaches were made by shells ana a
determined assault at any one place
would have opened the way for the
hordes outside."
Prove Complicity of Chli
OSicials ia Oatrazas.
Frederick Brown, presiding elder of
the Methodist mission in Tien Tsin.
who guided the allied forces into the
Chinese capital, arrived here on the
Coptic. He was one of the last persons
to leave Pekin before communication
with the outside world had been cut
off. He left Pekin Jane 4 and with
great difficulty reached Tisn Tsin. He
Immediately organized aa expedition
for the relief of Pel Tal Ho, where a
party of seventy-five foreigners, most
ly women and children, were besieged
by the Chinese. About thirty Amer
icans were In the party. Dr. Brown's
family was among them. He sent his
family to Japan for safety and him
self succeeded in getting through to
Tleu Tsin on an American tugboat.
As Dr. Brown was familiar with the
city of Pekin, his advice was asked
rraardinsr the best means of entry and
it was on his suggestion that the sewer
under the city's wall was chosen by
the American? and British. The re
sult of this was their arrival several
hours before the Russians and Japa
nese. Dr. Brown said: "The capture of
Tien Tsin on July 15 by the allied
forces was so unexpected that the
various treasuries, yamens and mints
did not have time to hid their treas
ures or destroy their documents. I
was reouested bv the allies to search
the dockets and files of the various
Chinese departments, and doing so.
came across many accounts which
clearly Incriminate the highest offi
cials: A complete register of all the
Boxers in the villages around Tien
Tsin was also found, giving names and
descriptions so perfectly that when the
suppression of their pestilential so
ciety is undertaken the list will be of
great assistance.'
Hopes for Better Times.
President Mitchell of the mine work
ers has written national headquarters
here that he is confident of seclurlng
greater concessions than those offered
by the -anthracite coal companies and
the railroad companies for the strik
ing miners in Pennsylvania. Mr.
Mitchell says the railroads hold the
key to the situation and that It Is
useless to deal with Individual oper
ators. To KcmoT Dewey Arch.
NEW YORK. Oct 3. In the muni
cipal council today a resolution for
the removal of the Dewey arch was
introduced and adopted.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Oct 3. Today's
statement of the treasury balances in
the general fund, exclusive of the
$150,000,000 gold reserve in the divi
sion of redemption shows: Available
cash balance, $136,237,017; gold, $83,
311,846. Kldero Still Keep Oat.
MANSFIELD, O.. Oct 3. Dowieite
Elders Baouve and Walton attempted
to get oft he Pennsylvania train at
1L o'clock tcilay, but were compelled
by the police to continue their jour
ney. Seattle's Census Return.
WASHINGTON, Oct 3. The census
bureau announces that the population
of Seattle, Wash., is 80,671, as against
42.837 in 1830. This is an increase of
37,834, or 83.32 per cent.
Sailer to Go to Eaclaad.
LONDON, Oct 3. "Sir Redvers
Buller." says the Dally Mail's corre
spondent at Pietermaritzburg. "will
return to England, I hear, with Lord
Roberts, and Lord Kitchener will re
main in the chief command in South
DURBAN, Oct. 3. In consequence
of the Boera capturing a convoy of
Natal volunteers, burning several wag
ons and capturing the escort, the in
tended home-going of the Natal vol
unteers has been indefinitely post
poned. Harrtsaa ta Take taa Staassv
NEW TTORK, Oct. 3. Concerciaf
the report that ex-President Harrison,
who came to the city last night with
his family from the mountains,, would
make a few speeches during the cam
paign, it is now said on the highes
authority that General Harrison wi
not be asked to make any speeches,
until nearly the close ot the cam
paignuntil after Governor Roosevelt
has made his tour of New York stata.
Then, he will take the stump and
make several speeches, ar least two
of which ra to be delivered la this
Ia&atkBS Foist to Agreement Amsrng
Powers as te Best Policy.
Dissatcaes from Xarlia Stats Taat That
Government riads Sotalae; la Amerl
eaa Proposal Inconsistent Wlta Its As
atratleas Tas Omtlooa Brighter.
WASHINGTON, Oct 3. Favorabla
news has reached Washington from
the European chancellories indicating
that a complete agreement with re
gard to China Is In sight. The agree
ment will he on the basis of the prcp-
ositions laid down by Secretary Hay
in his note of July 3 and tne suDse-
finan nrttra trratinz on that SUbjCCt
f-The accord of Russia with the United
States is more complete tnan was
expected at first and the reports show
that all o. the European nations prob
ably are placing themselves in posi
tion to take advantage, of the opening
made by the United States and soon
will be ready to begin negotiations
for a settlement with the Chniese gov
ernment The Russians already have
given notice of such purpose and
while the text of the French note on
this subject referred to in today's
press dispatches has not reached the
state department the officials are sat
isfied that this is correctly reported
and that France, like Russia, is ready
to negotiate at once.
As for Germany, either the position
of that government has been msunder
stcod or it has sustained a change of
mind. Possibly the former is the
case, but however that may be. it is
quite certain from the advices which
have reached Washington today that
the German government, upon careful
inspection of the plans for a settle
ment projected by the United States,
finds therein nothing inconsistent
with the German aspirations. There
fcre it may be expected that Germany
too, will be prepared soon to join In
this common movement toward a set
tlement It may be stated that alto
gether the prospects o fan adjustment
of the Chinese difficulty without re
sort tc formal war are very much
brighter than they were one week ago.
The new developments cf the day
were few, being confind to a cable
vnm fmm Mr. Conser reciting the
Qt tMI 111 u m
departure of the Russian minister
and suite from Pekin and an authen
tication by Minister Wu for the edict
providing for the punishment of Tuan
and the guilty princess.
A Xebraakaa Promoted.
WASHINGTON. Oct 3. Four non
commissioned officers who have ren
dered good service in the Philippines
have been appointed second lieuten
ants in the regiments to which they
are attached. They are Battalion Ser
geant Major Edward C. Wells, Thirty
second volunteer infantry; Corporal
Junius L Boyle, Thirty-second volun
teer infantry; First Sergeant G. A.
F. Trumbo. Forty-fifth volunteer In
fantry, and Sergeant Major Gustavus
J. Hasson, Forty-sixth volunteer in
fantry. 3f lne Strike In fVyomlnc.
SARTATOGA, Wyo.. Oct. 3. A rich
strike was made last Wednesday In
the Kurtz-Chatterton copper mine in
the Grand Encampment district a
large body of ore averaging 50 per
cent being encountered. It had been
suriRfjsed that this mine was simply a
big low grade proposition, as the best
ore taken out heretofore has run less
than 20 per cent copper. The present
owners, who purchased the property
last December, believed the ore would
increase in richness with depth.
Knang Sn TbanUs Czar.
SHANGHAI, Sept 29. Emperor
Kwang Su has Issued an edict thank
ing Emperor Nicholas for his decision
to withdraw the Russian troops from
Pekin and also announcing his willing
ness to perform a memorial ceremony
over the grave of Baron von Ketteler,
the murdered German minister to
It Is announced from a Chinese offi
cial source that the imperial court has
ordered that the palace at Si Ngan
Fu be prepared for its reception.
A Dream Costs Tiro Leg.
SIOUX CITY, la., Oct 3. Edward
R. Akman of Manning. Ia.. was steal
ing a ride en a Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul train en route to Sioux City
and lay down in the corner of a box
car to sleep. He dreamed he was in
a ralircad wreck and heard the moans
and cries for help of persons injured.
He went to their assistance and
cuir.Den mrousrn tne enu user. iaiiiu
under the wheels. Both of his legs
were cut off.
Jati:r Lanlnc.Dl.
ROCHESTER. N. Y. Oct 3. Judge
Isaac W. Lansing, a prominent poli
tician of Nebraska, died at the home
opathic hospital today. His friends
and family in Licoln have ben no
tified. Judge Lansing Ml ill two
weeks ago while passing through this
city. He was over 60 years old.
Anthraritf Fifty Cent More.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Sept 23.
Anthracite coal advanced another o0
cents a ton this morning. Only a few
days ago the price had been increased
from $6 to 56.50 and the advance this
morning makes the price 57. Brazil
block coal was also advanced 23 cents
Soath Om iba iu First Clas.
LINCOLN, Oct 3. Governor Poyn
ter has issued a proclanmion declar
ing South Omaha to be a city of the
first class. The proclamation is based
on a certificate secured from the cen
sus bureau that the city has a popula
tion of more than 25.000. The procla
mation has been forwarded to Mayor
Kelly of South Omaha by special deliv
ery. The issuance of this proclama
tion will necessitate the holding of a
speclaLelection within six montns trom
from the data of the issuance of the
Starts In with Rassia.
TIEN TSIN, Sept 29. (via Taku,
Sept. 23; via Shanghai. Oct. 3. Li
Hung Chan? ha3 abandoned his deci
sion to proceed to Pekin and will, it is
announced, begin negotiations with the
Russian minister to China. M. de
Giers, upon the hitter's arrival at Tien
General Chaffee has designated the
Ninth infantry, the Third squadron of
the Sixth cavalry and Battery F tn
remain at Pekin. He estimates it will
take a month to get the American
troops out of China.
Pqs Uerot Tint DqbBi .
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