The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 15, 1900, Image 3

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    W"SSJ5B" "r-5F??T-iepT?S:
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Tit :'
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R ! 1 T;
Henry Eagatz & Co.,
Is more complete than ever and invite one
: r i i r .
"1 'u. HBHbbbbbbTJbbV vJHjiiKS:
BbbbbbbbV " VSaaLABflBaa
' '-BaTaTat 'vJaHIbv wrW
of ts?-kadiaz STAPLE and FANCY GEOCEEIES are to be fonad in oar store,
aeiomnir aim me isiest novelties, ana we oner, tor me nrs. ume in commons,
tfee'famous FERNDALE CANNED FBUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab
.olaiei? the bst.
In fine Teas and Gouees. Oh.: i Sasbobs's, as usual, take the lead. W
.sell th celebrated Lotr Cabin Maple Syrup and warrant it to be the best.
Yon anil tied our Qneensware and Lamp department very complete and can
,eilv umi- what vou want. Persons baying- in large quantities will do well to H
' oa is va hare the richt goods and will make the prices right. Careful atten
tion and courteous treatment accorded to alL
, ICiajaaanBB
Eleventh Street,
T olmnbus Journal.
VEINE5DAX. ACCitdT 15. 1
CU. --o.
Kiaw ntr.
"f. Luuin and all puinti
xlt LjUc Cit7.
xa frmMcvro aai all
puiaU wU
xanrvs DEP.aT.
". r: Paca-r. h.-t exn-pt stmdar T -so a. zn. j
N. 2 Accammntlaaoo. ftMlly except j
sainiAT. 4J0p.m;
TH-vrss .mini. i
. ZL Pawens-r. daily except aoaiiar 3 p. m
. 21 Arcmn-coifcman, Caily exct-pt
suiulay - - 10 p. a
JTa i tiu-uba Local It - -- d:W - -
N ius,at Jfail UMp.m
'a - (J, Aliaanc Expr-BD IJO p. ai-
N" 2,OvriaiulIj-aitl 52 p m
N -.Cticjura aprtaai. fcW a. m.
So" 2-S,Fn-Uait " a- m-
j iFrticit. KhlOp. sa.
-rxsT Eocya, stint rnnc
Na 1. Oreriaaa LiaiitL WiU a. m.
Sd WLJwtMaa IlJa.m.
X; Pirifte Et-t---b tivjp.m.
S 5. Clo. Special I:t5 a. m-
N 7, Colambua Laical - P- m
"s.ii, Frwfet lX)a. m.
Sa. 32, PaeRr 7a) p ax.
.Va ;u MixeJ dsda. as.
y KJ. Pama2r - lip m.
.la 7i JHetti - llAlp.m.
irnnwc iS3 CXDAE R.1PU)S BB-UiSH.
S. ; Fawiiirer .-- il5 p m.
Sa.ZX -lUxial o:i3a. m.
No T. P-n-eirer laSp ai.
..a ;. Mixwl WP ai.
orfoC pas-nifpr trains ran daily.
"a truas ec Alfcioc aail iar tapi'M Oraaca
Ceiaiubaa Local laily rrvpt soaaay.
J$ccieiv Jjkiires.
EST" AH actio cader tiu neadia will be
: ibf rat at y a jt?ar.
A LEBANON LODGE Nx 55. A. F. i A. M-
moata. Ail breUir-a xaTU-sd to attend
" l . J . txAJiiuw . . ci
ties. G. BrcgTn. aVc'y -aaaix
lni--rfa l-a-Jay erenrajrs ot mca i t
ic at
taeir ball an Thirueatii
Visitiair bnrfaren coniially J
W.A.WAI.N.G. .
.SVc-y. r:;aa91-tf
Geo. FtrHnnxa,
thrf WarLl nitfts rerv second aac fcorta
Smrsaxy of tii moata. -2d p. ai at L O. O. F.
Hall. Tairteatb str-trt. Eeiratir attendaace U
tsht desirable, aad all Tisitia? brstarea are cor
ually inTitad to aictt -with. as. jas2-"95
Saiab bold raraiar serviced rsery Saaday
at Z P-ai. prayer aitretiajr oa Wedaeaday eTenia
attaeir cbiteLeoraerof Ncrth9trt6taad Parific
Arenne. H art coraialiy iaTiGid.
iiiai-9 Elder B. J . Hcdsojt. Pmaiiiwct.
Scaoal st 9:20 a. a. Cbarca evrr Snadr
at Il-U) a. o. Christiaa Eadtfaxor at 7 JO p. as.
Laities Aid Society every arat Tbarsaay ia tae
acta at tie caarca. IlaiiJ4
bnshel -
4 COt 4 55
3 00 4 S
Corn, shelled 1? bushel. . .
Oats. V busheL
Bf e ? bushel
Bariey. f? bushel
Hogs gJ cwt.
Fat cattle ? ewe
Potatoes g bnsheL
Batter 1.
Eggs i? dozen .
corrected every Tuesday af-
Af?AUr- for best photos.
Dr. Xanmann, dentist, Thirteenth
'street, tf
A bi? reduction in Page fencing at
Eastons. 2t
Blank farm leases for sale at Ths
Jocrxaz. office, tf
Dr. Gietzen. dentist. Thirteenth St
over Stires' store, lm
Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon,
office Olive street. tf
Dr. L. CToes, Homeopathic phys-
ciac Cnlarnhns, Xeb.
. An "immense" rain at Staplehnrst
and Eaerald Saaday ajght.
Lee Beatty of the vicinity oFJIoe
roe, was in the city- Monday.
DtE. D.McKJean deatst, over Pol-
lockts. 13th and North streets.
Seaasor T was in the city Sun
day on hm way hosae to lfadiiFnn,
Chicago Inter Ocean aad
Jorryrvr., one year, m advaace $L75. tf
Ton that need stock sealee. call oc
H-Schaater. Ee can save yoar
Dts. Martyc, Evaae Ar Gear,
A Careful Gioceijman
fills your orders with predaon M
promptnes. "We not only do rt-t, bat
we 511 them with the choicest and best
quality-In this line that can be procured.
We axe expert judge? of
and our Caaaetl Goods and Table
Delicacies we procure from the most
reliable and best manufacturers.
'f -w-w
and all to come in and inspect
Columbus, Nebraska.
Tiraaiiag Caal.
For the best (Trades of threshing' coal,
go to W. A. Way ir Co. tf
Ed. Happen is confined to his room
I with rheumatism.
Judge Hollenbeck held a short ses
sion of court yesterday.
Window shades 15c, 20c and 25c at
the Fair, Eleventh street. 2t
Dr. C. H. Gietzen. dentist, in Bar
ber block. Thirteenth street, lm
Special sale, one week only, JW
Davenport for $30. Hernck.
i H. M. Kidder of the Scribner Bas-
tier is in the city on business.
, . Tr, , ,, . ,. . ,
This Wednesday the Catholic church
win ceieorate Assumption iay.
H. L. Adams and Ed. dark atten-
j ded the reunion in Genoa last week.
I&ead a story of yoan? McKinley on
the fourth page of today's JotrasAL.
Frank D. Anderson's hnTTmh"Id
j goods were shipped to Omaha Saturday.
For line watch repairing; call on
Carl FroemeL, 11th St Columbus, Neb.
A three-room house for sale, on Six
teenth streeL Inquire of C S. Hudson.
Do not fail to see our S-fooc galvan
ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Duasell .fc
Son. tf
Ernest Dcssell was at Central City
the first of the week to figure on some
Dr. Xaumann extracts more teeth
painless than any other person in this
county. tf
Ladies, see those nobby summer felt
hate, just arrived from the east, at J. C
Bnne us your orders for job-work.
They will receive prompt and careful
Go to C. A. Speiee for your thresh
ing coal, and get coal that will make
things hum. At
A steam lanccfa will run aqh day
on the Cedar near the Assembly grounds
at Fullerton.
Another splendid rain Sunday nyrht
adds to the favorable situation of things
in this section.
Just received, a good line of aoron
at 5c a yard. The Fair,
Eleventh street. 2t
A. DusselL who was recent! v in
the crops OTer there were
lookmsr vers nice.
W.M. ShotW
Shotwell of Lincoln.
town Thursdar, looking' for land
grazing purposes.
Fred. Stevens started the erection
of a dwelling-house north of Dr. Nan
man's last Friday.
The old maxim is that a woman ia
no older than she looks, and a man no
older than he feels.
Dr. McKean's method of making
aluminum plates places them on an
equality with gold.
Extension brass rods for sash cur
tains 5 cents an 10 rt-nta ABh at The
Fair, Eleventh street. 2t
Go to CL A. Speiee for your thresh
ing coal, and get coal that will make
things hum. 4t
Mrs. Ed. Clark returned Saturday
from Genoa, where she had a lsach
stand at the reunion.
Don't forget the adjourned repub
lican county convention today at the
court house, 2 o'clock.
J. Gaza and J.T. Hughes of Sioux
City, were in the city Friday looking far
good hay lands to lease.
The children in the accident at Fre
mont Friday were nephew ni tiifti of
Sam Kavich of this city.
Mas. Ed. Morrow, living a fewaulea
east of this city, is m-niwiny from a
serious spell of sickness.
Dr. CL H. Gietzen, grfaatf jeaner
Barber block. Coiambaa, Neb. lm
Editor Paschal of the Tslaniiai, re-
tnrnedFrniay-froaa. a week's visit to the
northwestern part of the state.
Miss Nellie Pheaey entertained a
few frreads Friday evening in celebra
tion of her birthday aaaxvecaary.
"Bring yoar- orders for job-work to
thisosfce. Satatfactiao.gaaraateed,aad
'the bae of
acatsat;, call at Tka Jbcxaui, eaaea.
faatily started
to Bodwwerr S.
D esaactamr te h aw
Prat Garfieaw has goa to North
Platte, aad will take aart in a
of hat
oaaes have aaeuad rassaa at Mr. Bermka.
Weaver ANewaassL have Seek 8a-rig
aad other coals. 1b.
GotoC.A.Sfeaee for yomr thresh
ing coal, and. get coal that will
fhiagn ham. it
We hear that rawpold Jaegjri
about to build a baauess hiiaai ji
of M. Cassia's as. aarth Thirteaath
Dr. Clack, the
did extract teeth
.pain. Oaaee, North
biock. Thirteenth
street. 2t
For the next thirty days, we will
sell yon an all-wool, ingrain carpet at
56Hc a yard. The Fair, Eleventh
street. 2t
For Doroc Jerssva and Durham
cattle, choice bred, of either sex, call on
or address at Silver Creek; Nebrw CLK.
Daviea. tf
We. Schifc makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and ueea only the very
best stock that can be procared in the
market, tf
Sup't and Mrs. Wilihuns are ao
journing at their farm in the country,
and Mrs. Herrick is their guest for a
few days.
One fare for round trip to Central
Nebraska Assembly at Fullerton, Aug.
11th to 20th. Bate good for 13th. 11th
and 15th.
The Central Nebraska Assembly at
Fullerton, will open on the 11th, and
close on the 20th. Thoaaands of people
will be present.
We see by the Outlook that J.D.
Kern, who sold his property here to
George Barnum, has rented a residence
in Cedar Rapids.
For a good set of hand-aude htimasn
or anything else in the harness line. iill
on F. EL Bnscfae. He will make the
price to please you. tf
E. E. Piper and Miss Grace Goodell
of Buda, were married Saturday week
and came Wednesday last to the city to
make this their home.
Martin Bioedorn was in the city
Friday, and looks not very much differ
ent from what he did twenty years ago,
and he is now 83 years old.
Mrs. Boy Bhone and son Robert,
favored the Methodist congregation with
some excellent music on the guitar and
mandolin Sunday evening.
Baptist church. J. D. Pulia, pastor.
Services August 19th, 11 a. m., 3 p.m.
Subject, morning, "The Singing Life;"
evening, 'Our Teto Power."
Sophia Johnson has purchased the
residence property on Sixteenth street,
better known as the Carlson property,
of Peter Swansea, price $550.
Arthur Connelly plead guilty of as
sault on Alfred Smith at Lindsay, Aug.
1, and was fined 35 and costs, amount
ing to $14.50, by Justice Curtis.
A lady subscribing for Tax Jockxax.
to send west to her hasband, said,
"Please be sure to mail it regularly, as
he goes ten miles to get his mail."
Henry CBean tells us that there
was quite a good-siied crowd in atten
dance at the reunion at Genoa last week.
CoL Kilian was one of the speakers.
Tylle Jfc Glur, the cigar manufactur
ers on Twelfth street, will move their
business plant the first of the month to
rooms above Asehe A Byans groeery.
The management of the Assembly at
Fullerton. has decided that those who
cannot get tickets beforehand for the
last Sunday, may get them on that day.
You can subscribe' for The Jocbxai.
whenever you are ready, subscription
books open during all business hours,
and always room and welcome for one
Jast as the G. A. B. reunion closed
at Genoa last Saturday the commander,
H. Lewis, received a telegram telling
him of the death of his aged father in
P. H. O'Callaghan of near Platte
Center, made this office a pleasant call
last week on business. He stands up
for Nebraska and keeps posted in mat
ters general.
Envelopes with your return card
printed on them, for 50 cents a single
hundred; for larger quantities, and dif
ferent grades, call at Thx Jocbsax.
ofice for prices.
Stevens - Mardock have leased lots
of Fat Murray for five years on the
northeast corner of Quincy and Thir
teenth streets, and will conduct a livery,
feed and sale stable.
At Gondrings lake Monday even
ing a picnic party from here was com
posed of Bev. and Mrs. Hayes, Dr. and
Mrs. Naumann, J. M Gondring and
family, J.B. Geitzen and family.
Parties from Norfolk. Lincoln and
Albion say there was no rain at either
of those places Saturday morning. At
Humphrey Sunday evening there were
hailstones as lag as chicken's eggs.
J. W. Tanner of Fullerton was re
nominated by the faeioniBts as tneir
wnmiiata for reprossctiuve from the
Twenty-fifth (or hoat") district, com
prised of Nance and Platte comities.
Mr. aad Mrs. Snow have moved into
then? hoase. recently part-based of H. L
Mardock, and we understand that Hud
has bought lots west of Mr. Beeders
and will build two residence bnnggs for
Setarday.A-Scott was bitten by a
dog on Eleventh street, aukingawound
about an inch long, that has given him
considerable pain, but it is not sup
posed that there will be any serious re
salts. John Sh"g- of Seattle, Wash-, a
former resident renews has saharription
to Tzz Jocbxal. which he has bean re
eatvanr far a anaaher of years. Mr.
gifei n js cave of the strong baaneas
aten of Seattle.
Saaeriateadeat Leavy will shortly
begin the- erection of a hack bamaesn
building 22x75 fast, one story, with
baaeaMBt. on FJeveath street cete door
east of Martys. Charles WardcaasB
drew the alias
Extresae hot weathr is a great tax
anon the digestive power of hahias;
when paay and feahfe they ahnald be
given adeeeof WHITE'S CSEAXTEE
MTFUGE. Price, 2? cents. A. Heintx
aad Pollock i Co.
Mia. M. A-NiecoUs, foraaady of the
vnaaaty of Letch, Neacaaka, is how at
the hoaae of her
elected to the Eepablicao Cewaty
vwtion held April 34, will be held m.
Gntambmv Wedaeaday, Aagaat 15th. 2
otioekrp-nv at the CaartHeaae.
By order of
Joss WfiSGoav
L. G. Pattaresc arrived at the eitv
Saturday from North Platte, in
dance with an im lrrsiaaf -
here before, with Mr. Borraaa of the
Argaa. He will take a tsainnrsry aoaf
tksnonthe Argaa.
Word from Mr. aad Mrs. Mr TL
Spoerry aader date July 36, at Schaix,
Switzerland, says they stay there two
weeks more drinking the waters with
good results, so far. They sfndfsg
greetings to comrades and friende.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church gave- a pablic ntceptioa Friday
evening at tae hoae of H. S. Elliott for
there pastor, Bev. Weyer, and his newly-
wedded wife. Befreahments were served
and a pleasant evening spent by those
R. A. Tickers and family of Vir
ginia City, Mont., arrived Wednesday
for a three weeks' visit with relatives
and friends. B A. is-now engaged in
the publication of the Alder Gulch
Times at Virginia City. Monroe Re
publican. John B. Geitzen. of Columbus, says
the Fremont Tribune, was in the city
yesterday on 'bnninnsn Mr. Geitzen is
oae of the old pioneers of this coanty
and city. James Balding was associated
with him in business in the early days of
For digestive weakness, nervonaaeaa,
pains in the side, flatulence, dizziness,
wakefulness, headache and other annoy
ing accompaniments of coativaneaa,
HEBBLNE is a prompt and unequalled
remedv. Price, 50 cents. A. Haiatz
and Pollock Co.
Misses Bessie Sheldon and Minnie
Becker were among town friends Satur
day and left that evening for their' Co-
lnmbus homes. They had been enjoy
ing a few days' outing at Mrs. W. J.
Williams' farm home northwest of town.
Platte Center Signal.
Two train loads of soldiers passed
through the city Saturday morning.
bound for San Francisco. They be
longed to the Fifth XT. S. Infantry, not
knowing whether their destination is
the Philippines or China, They have
been doing duty in Cuba.
For mosquito bites, bites or stings
of insects, animals or reptiles, apply
counteracts the poison in the wound,
subdues the inflammation and heals the
flesh. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A.
Heintz and Pollock Co.
If you waBt to -iTail yamrself
ef presemt low prices ob yoar
winter's supply of HARD
COAL leave yomr orders at
OMce $9.50 per toa deliTerel
iii yoar aia for the choicest
HARD COAX im the Market
Lehish orScraatoa take yoar
ehoiee. Price will hold good
till September irst.
August Bcettcher and Fred. Stenger
returned Thursday from their trip east.
August says that he was well pleased
with his tour. They were on the go all
the time, and in the three months they
were away, they probably traveled 20,
000 milep.
Plump cheeks, duahed with the soft
glow of health, and a pure rnmphrrinri
make all women beautiful. HKKkiB
imparts strength and vitality to the sys-1
tern, and the rosy hae of health to the
cheeks. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and
Pollock i Co.
F H. Jenkins, who has had consid
erable experience with stock, and aoeae
against the ravages of black-leg, recom
mends the following as a preventive r
sulphur, salt, and salt petre (palverized),
one-third part, by measure, of each to
be fed with ordinary dry salt.
Joe Mahaifey played ball with the
Stars at Humphrey Sunday. We learn
that he will take charge of the Signal at
Platte Center, about September 1st, suc
ceeding John Clark, who hae managed
the plant in good shape. Clark expects
to attend the State university.
Although the dast and rain storms
did moch to make living iTFm ijji ew'ailtTij at
the G. A.E. reunion at Genoa last week
a grand time was reported and on
Thursday there were 5,000 people on the
grounds. Among the speakers of that
day was W. A. McAllister of this eity.
It looks now as though the Union
Pacific company will be content to place
their freight depot on ground between
streets inetead of on a street, and ru
mor is that it will be placed between
Olive and Platte; another rumor is that
it will not be built this year. We think
that the depot will be built.
A number of people will attend the
Assembly in Fullerton this weak.
Amwfr those who have already gone
are: Prof. BriteU and family, Misses
Ethel Boyd, Bertha aad Maggie Zin-
aecker,Emma Eagatz, Lida aad
Turner, Ethel Henries- and
Wfliiams and E.
Oar Richland mi iifnsiiaal in
forms us that the large barn of
HnagTand, living three aulas aorta
R-rhlaad,, was strack by Kyfatnr.g;
day night aad hnraed to the groand
together with two tone of hay in the
loft. Mr. -r"-'? mad
faithfully and, saved tan head of
and foax aata of
Mrs. L. Gerrard entertained a large
erowd of yonng Tadiin Friday
from 4 to S o'clock, her
Jennie and Clara. Weaver,
bhwism i. Two little waiter gals, dnr
iag the afternoon, hrosjejht in a large box
laaymg tae i ijhissbmii had left it
or verse ahont
i ahnald draw fraaa
hen. The reanlt
After Seat L
. Call at eea
W. A. War 4 Co.
preached Saaday last
festival near Hooper. He
of the
charch, 300
to the Fraaaent Herald
they aarhaae have
) the list of
to be sent
into Nehraaka includes Gov. Roosevelt,
aad Senators Foraker, Beveridge and
Allisnn, anddaaena of others of the
"big gmna' of the party."
Dr. J. CL Clark had what might have
been a serioas accident Sanday even
ing. While rrrtasiag a culvert south of
St-Francis Academy the tongue of the
carriage felL striking the edge of the
culvert and breaking, frightened the
horses into a running pace, but they
were soon quieted and no other damage
E. CL Hockeaherger has been elect
ed captain of Co. , Nebraska State
Guards, and on Friday nighty the Co
lumbus City Band, after their concert at
Frankfort park, serenaded him on his
newly-acquired honors. The leader of
the band will doubtless make an excel
lent captain alao, if called into active
Mrs. MaaaJHgton and Mrs. Talbitzer
of the aatghhorhond of Monroe, called
at Tax Joenxat oaace one day last week
on baataaaa, and on our inquiry for news
Mrs. Manniagton told as that the good
effects of irrigation are very plain to be
seen in their corxu-aiany of the stalks
supporting two good ears each. Eighty
bushels to the acre is the estimated
Constipation, impaired digestion and
a torpid fiver, are the most common ail
ments that are responsible for that tired,
listless, fagged-out feeling that makes
the summer a dreaded period to so many
people. HKttBISifr will cure constipa
tion, it improves the digestion and
arouses the liver to normal activity.
Price, 50 centa. A HaintT and Pollock
Piles are not only in. and of them
selves very painful and annoying, but
often greatly aggravate and even cause
other grave and painful affections, and
should, therefore, not be neglected.
MENT ia a great boon to sufferers as it
will cure them. Price, 50 cents in bot
tles. Tubes, 75 cents. A. Heintz and
Pollock Co.
It is said that Theodore Turner of
Bennett, Nebr., has sank a well about
four hundred feet and found no water
to speak of, bat among other develop
ments were, afa depth of two hundred
feet, a vein of coal sixteen inches in
thickness; at the depth of two hundred
and eighty feet, another vein of coal
three feet thick. The coal is said to be
of excellent quality.
W. H. Keller of David City drove
over here to take the IT. P. dyer Thurs
day morning last, having received a tel
egram from a pnynnan at Anderson,
California, that his son Elmer had been
badly injured in a railroad wreck, just
how bad the telegram did not say.
Elmer was here, says the David City
News, a few weeks ago, and left about
two weeks ago for Portland, Oregon.
Sunday last, Hohl's -Never Sweats"
played against Swartaley's iSeldom
Fed," near Oconee, an interesting game
of base ball, resulting in favor of the
-Never Sweats" score -23 to 10. Same
day at Humphrey, the Stars of this city
played a close game of base ball with a
Newman Grove nine, the Stars winning
on a score of 3 to 7, getting the purse of
25. There were about one hundred
went from here on a special train.
The City Band gave their weekly
concert Friday instead of Wednesday
evening, in the park. There was just
enough rain Wednesday evening to pre
vent people from staying out doors.
These concerts are becoming more en
joyable every week, the band is forging
ahead with their part, and these weekly
functions are adding to the social en
joyment of the city, the fact being that
the City Band are entitled to the heart
felt thanks of every citizen and the
--stranger within our gates" for the ex
cellent work they are doing.
Satarday morniag last, Aagast 11. a
complaint was filed with Justice Curtis,
charging WTB. Dale with feloniously
converting to his own ase $140.65, be
longing to the Tontine Mercantile
Association of Lin cole, Nebr. A war
rant was issued on the complaint. It
seems that Mr. Dale was collector far
this institution, and neglected to tars
over the amount collected. Mr. Dale
was here Sanday and we understand
has gone east. We have not been able
to learn anything farther with refer
ence to his side of the transaction.
Peter Swaason tells us that he be
lieves the disease afflicting hogs in his
neighborhood (Richland), and which has
taken so many, and against which every
supposed remedy was used in vain, is
not cholera, bat fever, showing the
symptoms of typhoid. The Herman
Oehlrich herd, a loss of 2S0 cut cf 400
head ia about the average rate of loss in
the neighborhood. Sanday evening,
directly after a dash of lightning, he
noticed a fire seemingly directly north
of Richland and several miles away, and
which looked like it might be a barn
burning or setting cf grain "f-aks the
fine being big, and lasting an hour and a
Every self-respecting and enter-arising
dty aad town iatakiag note of what
is going op ia the world, and every boai
aess man has this general fact to eon
aider and likewise to deal with. It is
the tfcTfcr-r and contriving to meet
rnaditihan that gives the ordinary baei
aaas awn ao rest an til he solves hm
arehieeas, or he be sabaaerged ander
the wave of pn-gi i that sweeps over
him. The Matasl Telephone corn-
far faafsnee. are giving theoid
niiithiaii to thxak abont. At
Mf-Conk, this state, a new company have
let the contract for coaatruction. and
will alaco ahoaea in all the nrincioel
aad a large number of
the east of maintaining aad
sstiiLL said to be abont. 25
aaMS-th. Other towns will watch
the price will advaacc
asaeeyeraall aw tsiaaiaaate
at a aaaaass.
of the Mam aii I synod
Evaaifesieal Latharan
ana west
to see iaac howmneh -ahoat"
. M.aaaaaaw
Free Buggy i
i WJHtaW ia
K A,rHaHBilHaKM I J4
? I iarite yoa to call at the Hardware store, hay a dollar's worth of goods or may
K a dollar oa accoaat aad set a chaaee to wia the FINEST ST7E1ET erer offered for
X sale ia Colaathas. Chaaee sood froat
Saturday, July 21, 1900 to Friday nigbt Sept. 14, 1906
K Drawing to take place Saturday, September 15, 1900.
$ Ton can always find a full and complete line of Builders' Hard
0 ware, Majestic Steel Ranges, Garland and Radiant Home Stoves,
8 Masury's Paints and Oils, a full line of Implements, Studebaker
$ Wagons, Hoosier and Fuller-Lee Press Drills, Sandwich Corn Sbel
0 lers, Champion Binders and Mowers, Standard Mowers and Rakes,
0 Acme Sweeps and Hay Stackers on hand; a carload of the Finest
S Buggies ever shipped to Columbus; in fact every kind of Farming
C Tools for the benefit and convenience of the farmers, and prices
0 that defy competition. Call and see for yourself and be convinced.
0 Tours for business,
K - -w affEafhaCSaVaWaa.9 SVLaP.CV a NEBfcUSaU.
Hard Coil. f
Order your hard coal of Weaver ir
Xewman, $9Jx) per ton delivered until
September 1st. lm
There has been considerable com
plaint on Eleventh street since the rain
that the water in the gutters has no
maanfi of running off. and the horses
must stamp, and thus the mud gets
splattered upon the windows and out
side displays at the stores, and also upon
the pedestriane as they pass along. Of
course, it is only a temporary inconven
ience, like a small leak, in the roof which
lets in only a little water during a heavy
rain, it indicates a necessary improve
ment and repair. A sewerage system
accr-mm"3"" the entire city; an es
tablished street grade, and good gutters.
-Pore warned should mean fore armed."
David Xeaie of Fort Calhoun, pat
entee and proprietor of the Anchor rip
rap, was in the city Saturday and gave
The Jocbxai. a calL He travels over
the country in the interest of his busi
ness, and evidently has a bit of a gold
mine productive in the ratio of its de
velopment. The rivers and streams of i
the country are engaged in washing f
away the land and carrying more or less '
cf it off, and Mr. Neale has invented a (
method by which this washing is not
only stopped, but by which -made earth
is acquired from the iiowing river and
the stream does the greater part of the
work. He tells as that seven years ago
he put in some ripraping on the Xrap,
and it is doing duty all
has a $10,000 contract at Bird's Point,
near Cairo, HL Mr. Neale patented his
method nine years ago. and is evidently
a genius.
All Jocbsai. readers who know of
his services here, and more especially
those who have, either regularly or irreg
alariy heard him preach. wQl be very
sorry to learn that Bev.Dr. Palis has
handed in his resignation as pastor of
the Baptist charch here, having accept
ed a unanimous call cf the First Baptist
congregation at North Platte. In addi
tion to the salary is a parsonage, an al
most indispensable adjunct in these
times to the church properties. Dr.
Pahs is a very excellent sermonizer, as
all attest who have listened to his preach
ingclear in thought and application,
and with a particularly strong hold
upon the scriptural truths, a man who
believes that the kingdom of heaven is
within, and that one of the highest of
man's privileges is to know what is right
and in truth be guided aright.
While we had very pleasant weather
here Sanday, the day closing with a
splenoid rain, some parts of the east
-aw-a gnaWfng- terrihlv- with tin heazJ
Toledo. Ohio, one person crazed hy the
heat, drank carbolic acid and died in a
few hoars; another attempted to jump
into the river- At Fremont three per -
sons Lost their lives through the heat.
At Sandaaky there were three deaths
and acs urtwt Atfons. At Chicago, UL,
were act deatHq, and twentynve pros
trstioas. three of which will prove fatal
It was the eighth day of the torrid spelL
Ih New York City and vicinity thirty
three aeTBOBB daed from prostrations.
and three children in falling from fire o'clock this Taesoay. services at tne
escapes on which they had crowded, to German Evangelical church at 3 o'clock,
get some relief from the torturing heat. Bev. ACeesIer officiating.
At Philadelphia, 3 o'clock Sunday after-
aoon the thermometer registered 10O6 Qeatje A- rTaaginrt lays Tie Co
degreee. being within one degree of the ' IamaOJ lamier Co'l !kat.
highest temperature ever officially re-' The business and property cf the Co
corded there. Two deaths at Cincinnati .. iambus Lumber Co. has been purchased
the irst in seven days of intense'
There were nine prostrations, one
of them aeribas.
tae hottest aty
yin the coantryfor the
day, the
maartfriaar Kw Plain tKArmnmatAP
wm --"- 1 1 " -wm mi -.w-.
9L.for the first time
h. X. I I I bbbbbbbbbbbbbI
aanaaaaW. aBBaanaBBBa aCnaV w aai I r A. aaaadf m mt "aaTfkjieBW
bbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbT saf si "bsbbbT eat laaH M B S sbbbbI bbbbbW
hasn't located all the desirable property
we've some choice bits on our beaks far
sale at prices that appeal to the people of
common sense. The properties are located
in fertile sections, well watered and drain
ed, handy to market and shipping points
and at our prices and terms are decided
iirouinnin sunns
Tnirteemta. St
Thursday evenins last, 7-30 at the
family residence on Fifteenth and North
streets. William. Terrell and Miss ilarv
W 1 F5r
right today. HeN-Tnrere united in marriage by
Eev. J. P. Tost ot the Methodist church.
in the presence of the resident relatives;
Mrs. PnscQla George, eldest sister of
the bride; Airs. Anna iloore and daugh
ter, of Perry, Iowa, and Aliases and
Alice Plamb of thin vicinity, and Mrs.
Yost and daughter Elsie of this city.
The ceremony was the brief but im
pressive form cf the Methodist ntaaL
' i
After consratalations. refreshments f
were served and the guests accompanied
the bride and srcom to therr newly-
famished home on Seventeenth and B
streets, where they were received by the
jovial neighbors in a serenade lasting a
few minutes, and hearty congratala
tious on the marriage, and a cheery wel
come to the neighborhood.
Xae happy couple nave the neartyj
good wishes of their hosts of friends for j
a prosperous life journey. !
Death, of
Alary, wife
of Henry O. Eodehorst,!
after an illness of three weeks, caused
by a malignant carbuncle on the neck. ,
died Sunday morning at 7:30.
She was born in Germany, and was-
I about &t years old when she died.
family moved here in 1556 from
' name
near Chicago, and have resided
' eTer
since at tneir name nortnot tne
1 Mrs. Eodehorst was a devoted
and mother, and will ever hold a warm
place in the memory of her friends.
Besides her husband, she leaves four
sons. Henry 0-, Ernst. viM:.-irn
John; two daughters. Mrs. Dietrich !
Bartels and Vr- Louisa MoBchinror. all
married; and fourteen grandchildrec
Funeral, from the residence at 2
by George A. Hoagland cf Omaha, who,
for many vears hae been
tr T.Ba.
.- .. . i.
lumber dealer in the state. The busi -
jneas wffl be enlarged and there will be
nn Kanaa fn ta nainirfamar-'
w - lX J,W . MV ITH WW I I IBBn,C4.fcCa Mb
David. Schapbach will remain in
aad the concern will be in better
aaBB - tiv
Tou can buy the best farm implements
for the least money at our store. We are
headquarters for the most modern field
weapons of husbandry in the market. The
behind-hand fellows always have a hard
time of it. Make farming easy aad profit
able by using the results of invention we '
offer at Scares on the IeveL
' terial and lowest prices in the market.
We are zIad to nnaacial
t strength of such men as Mr Hoagland
' cotne Co oar citr aad former corn-
I P have 9Wnreii a footing that will
n,,i a ccoa cegmnmg icr tne exten.
sive trade that Air. Hoagland will reach
for in this section.
tT Drowaan.
Monday evening at Gocdring's (better
known to Jocas-iz. readers as McPher
scn a) lake, one of the Schayler party of
picnicers lest his life.
The particulars we have are that he
f went into the water, got beyond his
i depth, suddenly went down, and not
I being able to swim. was crowned before
help could reach him.
i The young man (whose name, car in
j formant. Mr- Gcudriag. could not givs).
was about 19 years old, said to be a
friend of Mr. Xieman's of Schayler, aad
f a student from Harvard aniversitv.
Old Timm Cams
The annual reunion of the old asttlers
of Platte county will be held in the
opera hoase at
DAY. AUGUST 2S. 1900.
AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M .
Bring yoar oaaaets oc rancn, plates,
I knives, forks and spocaa.
-Leaner promptly at.l o'clock. Afl
' ""- "" -fcrf"- -'u.' rsqutu-u
to bring their families and eat dinner at
the opera house. Tea. coaTee, sugar,
cream and lemonade will be fnrniabad
to all, free of eharge.
No collections. Ev-
erything free, and everybody welcome,
whether aid or new settler. Take a day
ofi! and have a good, old-fashioned time.'
At fi o'clock p. m the Presides Mrs.
W. W. Mannington. will -H the meeting
to order.
Invocation, Bev. Joel Warner of Cres
ton. Address of welcome by Louis Held.
Mayor of Cblambus.
Addresses will be delivered by the
following old settlers: H. J. Hudson. C
t i JimJCC W . X mtir-rr LJWji.t.rU Uii J-.1.-
11. r t -. i . .
, oeor-re w . traiiev. . k. ijaie. w . a.
hfcAiiir - Jahn M TTi-lVv. Joh Walk-
erv George a Tramaa. Eev. Joel Warner.
t- . r
k-n-- -, -. v-
E. A. Gerrard and Gay C Barium.
We will
. rt
13, WBL Stand ap for
Bring as
aerthofFriadaofiatare. f
antheB.arM.laf a
yoar joo wane
wasaietof very
than ever to offer the bast
M .
. .-." Asaa