The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 25, 1900, Image 3

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    I" " aoapwaeaeaaaiPamaaOPWaeSPaWSae"
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f Saw
ffenry Ragatz & Co.,
Groceries, Crockery,
-. .T-j-more complete than ever and invite one and all to come in sad ieapeet it. All
' ' or the leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be foud in oar store,
iaclnding all of the latest novelties, and we offer, for the fret time m Colnmbas,
' -the famous FERNDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab
solutely the beet.
In fine Teas and Coffees, Chask A Sasbobs's, as usual, take the lead. Wis
.' sell the celebrated Log Cabin Maple Syrup and warrant it to be the beat.
" , ' You will find oar Queenswsre and Lamp depart meat vary complete aad caa
easily find what yon want. Persons baying in large quantities will do well to call
,,oousag we have the right goods and will make the prices right. Carafel attea-
"- tioa and courteous treatment accorded to all.
Eleventh Street,
Columbus journal.
Salt Lake City,
Saa FraaeWa
aaiata waat.
Kiaux City.
St. Laaia aa4 all BIaU
.cast aa4 Math.
So. r: PuMnognr. daUr except Saaday. 'JO a. i
i.K 32 Accimmoiition, daily aziwpC
Smtardaj. . ...430p.i
'So. 21 I'iuin-vr. daily except Saadai. 8:00 p. i
N. 11 Accommodation, daily except
Saaday ... -. 1 P. i
So.';.: Colamboa Local It 6:0 a. m.
No. 1C, Fa-t Mail U0 P- -
No '4, Atlantic Expreua. 2:10 p.m.
No. 2. Orerlami Liinitl
No. 4.Chicato SptiaL 4: -sa
No. 26, Freight. tHOm.. m.
.No. 2Freht, . - - 1000 p.m.
west BonxD, xaix Liar.
No l, Orerland Limited. 10 JO a. m.
-No. 10U Faat Mail 1130 a. m.
'o S, Pacific Exprei - o P- m.
No 5, Colo. Spaal IM a. m.
No. 7, Columba Local ,-. 8i p. m.
SJ. 23, Freight . '
a, Paaaerwer
7L, Mixed ........
... 7:00 p. m.
. djBOa- m.
1250 p. m.
HI. Paaaeiizer ....
72, Mixnd liaup. m.
!No.9, Paaaenser 205p. m.
So. 73, Mixed fl:45a.m.
No 70, Paaaener 10 r. ixx
No. 7; Mixed ..... 5W P.m.
Norfolk paaaesxer trains rna daily.
No train on Albion and Cedar Bapida branch
Colombo Local daily except Sunday.
W. H. fiETHA, Aseat.
.rif &titts.
t-All notice under thia headins will be
esarged at tbe rate ot ST a year.
a LEBANON LODGE No. 58. A. F. 4 A.M.
am oA.l.. ..n'na "W Wa4?waaia.T in aaea
fLX month. All brethren inrited to attasil
"v C. J. G.low. w. a.
Gca. G. Bscmb, Sec'y. 3jmly
:- meets Tneaday eTeniBa of each
-week at their hall oa Xhirtcaaxa
atraet. Viaitimr brethrem cordially
United. W.A.Wat,N.G.
Gso. KAiacaiu, Sec XyaSLtt
V the World, meets eery secoad aadfoarth
Thursdays of the month, 7 JO p. nu at L O. O. F.
Hall, Thirteenth atxeC &enlar attendance ia
"very diizable, aad all Tiaitin brethren are cor
dially inrited to meet with as. jaaa-TK
Saint hold recnlar errice eTery Saaday
.at 2 p. m- prayer meetuur on Wedaeaday ereaiss
at their chaoeL corner of North atreet and PaciSc
Arena. All are cordially inrited.
lSiniei Elder H. J. Hcseos,
X School at a. m. Chorch every Saaday
r 11 -0B a. m. Chriatian Eadearor at 7J0 p. m.
- Ldim' Aid Society erery first Thoraday ia the
month at the church. lmor-at
Wheat, boahel 60
new 55
Corn, shelled- bushel... 291
Oats,VboabeL 19
Rye-Vboshel 39f
Barley, V beshel 25
Hogs- cwt. 4 G0 4 70
Pat cattle-V cwt 3 50 4 25
Potatoes bosheL 50
Butter-V t. 1216
Egga T docee. 7
. Markets corrected every Tuesday af-
Mkeienz for best photos.
Did yoa ever try Schoetsg's cigars
Dr. Xaomann, dentist, Thirteenth
P.J. Hart has been sick for sev
eral days.
If yoa like a delicious cigar try the
Blank farm leasee for sale at Tarn
JocasrAi. onace. tf
' It is ao much nicer to have good,
. Dr. Baker,
oeece Olive street tf
Pan! Hoepeavjr.,
qaite sick
' DT.L.C.V.
eisa, Golambea, Neh.
Dr. R. D. MrTeee deatist, over Pol-
loesfs, 13th sad North
The DePioma 5e cigar ia made only
by E. Srhnetag, Colambeay Nek.
Yea that aead stack scales, eell
A Careltil Grocerymmn
fills yoar orders with prednoa aad
proaiptaess. We aot obIt do that, bat
we fill them witk the choicest nad beat
quality ! this liae that caa be arocared.
We are expert judges oT
aad oar Cane Gi aad TaUe
Delicacies we procure from the most
reliable and best auaofactaren.
lw eCVly
Columbus, Neln-askft.
Try Scaoetsg's DePloau.
Fitzhigli Lee ae ciar.
A big reduction in Page fencing at
Eaeton'a. 2t
The best 5c cigar in market is the
Mra.Wm. Steinbaagh is qnite sick
with peeeBoonia.
Dr. Oietzea, dentist, TMrteeath SL,
over Stires' store, lm
wThooghts are ae birds, they nest
only where they find food.'
Dr. C. H. Gietxen, dentist, in Bar
ber block, Thirteenth street, lm
Peter Davy goes to Hamphrey next
week to work oa the Deeaocrat.
E. Schostag; Colambaa, Nelx, au
afacturse the beet cigar ia the state.
Chicago later Ocean aad Colubtbcb
Jocaatsx, one year, ia adraace $1.75. tf
Rednced prices on all grades of car
pets for the next 30 days. The Fair. 2t
Born, July 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Danlap of Franklin, Neb., a daughter.
Dr. McKinley and one of hie chil
dren at Humphrey are on the sick list.
For fine watch repairing, call on
Carl Froemel, 11th SL, Colaaaboe, Neb.
A three-room house for sale, oa Six
teenth street. Inquire of C S. Hudson.
Rev. Neaaaarker went to Eagle
Saturday, where he preached on Sen
day. Do not fail to see oar 8-foot garran
ized steel mfll for $32.00. A. DaseaU k
Son. tf
Special sale of 1,000 yards of the
best calicos at 5 cents a yard at the
Fair. 2t
Rev. Yost goes to Albion today to
attend the Epworth League cooTen
tioo. Fare and one-third round trip, Ep
worth Leagae, Albion July 24-26, on
U. P. 2t
J. D. Kern has sold his foar lots in
the eastern part of the city to George E
Otto Leimbach underwent a rery
serere surgical operatioB at the hospital
A few lawn and porch settees sad
chairs left, that we will close oat cheep.
Herrick. 2t
Dr. Neumann extracts more teeth
painless than aay other person in this
county. tf
Brine; us your orders for job-work.
They will receive prompt and careful
One farmer says: "Assare me of no
loss by cholera, aad Til make a fortaae
oat of hoga."
Rev. Wm. M. Stiles of Dee Moines,
preached at the United Brethren charch
Sanday evening-.
There ie to be soaae plumbing done
at the Second Ward school building by
A. Dassell A Son.
Dr. McKeaaa method of
aluminum plates places taea
oa en
equality with gold.
Rer. Hayes and wife of Oakland, lav,
are expected here today oa a visit to
Dr. and Mra. Naamsaa.
Daring- July aad Aagast we will
ell all-wool ingrain carpets at 5SX
cents a yard. The Fair. 2t
W. E. Cole, in the city Wednesday,
reports cross as kxaking' very fae ia the
neighborhood of Mbaroe.
R. A. Baldridge ef Fallertoa was ia
tewa Thnrsdsy oa his way to Grand Is
land to locate ia baeiaesB.
FOR SALE, a good, therciacaheed
Sameahire ram. Call oa or address fl.
LaserAOoL.Daaeaa.Nebr. ata
The coarse of stady for the city
rhaege at
the haade of the eomauttes.
Patriotic day! faatral Nehranka D"',""! . ??! - ""
As-eaablyFnllertea, Aag. 14th. Ex- JJJ weeaer in the leher muosa of
earsioa rates. Particnlers later. 1 Omaha. .
-Lrr.H(tI-kii.ti Waiet Jnhsene retaraed Friday
Barber'bkawIalwaBalIr fn Grai Mead, wasta ha had beea
oaroer omcc, n -iiamiai. aea. Am estsa.lee Mhreh. Beaidse receiv-
Editors Dale aad Benaa, of the T!v"jaT " ii -
"T ... iag a neaaaaa ef $8 a awjath far the
Tmaes aad the Argne, reseaKtnery, were r mmA -. tae Paaaaaaaaa. he
aNtOanhaSntareayaaheaaaesB. LL-zH ""
y got$75aBBal fey.
Briac year orders far jek-work to Ws hen ef seem al elil rirmarr Trhr
thmoBsee. SataaactaeaaTaawanlaeaLaaal """" . , T '.
twaaaW taBaaawanaa, saaaaamawanawamawnwA aem assMaBBi 4 ftaaaaiw BBaWftaaaBBBBteaf aSaaaaaVmr awav aaBaaaC
eisl aseaif lly dee,ae agreed apeeu ,ftsrtheheeaef the pans, in .1 that they
has ! ai i weak deaa a the aae ef mjmm Jtfcs sawaej smssisailj weaL
arBmteaaeaM rt Tarn Taai nail saVe jj --
ew iwswaWa-aaaafK KmHWrnm aaaweaanrrav
Baatist caareh, J. D. Palis, aaatar. MnMttadeaare awtfrs; aae ef the
Services Jaly aftev 11 s. m, aahjiw. umaom: mug k.. .sseemaieaa ef the
ashes beea wertaacie the U. P. afcesav feraaastaaaaeef aeaw.
Tie tutu! , IIIIIm ! layTMrsaMOHlIav. f - TH1 WnHTlR Jwi?3T
aa -- 1 , B , , , , , -, i-irinrir wbbpw esss eawawawawaur aB Bew'vBsnBsaBBaB)saesa)e JBHk0BaflesfeBaBTSB staw
W. A. Way Co. tf reaanlifciaihii.MiekTTiisiatOalaaK Aaajaat esslietj Alter Bepteaiaer let, g y haea leaetaa al the I ' Hi precty- &?&& L
fn ie In falj iimimlul W Mi" tiutmmm "" mSmm mm ndt ?l SAmdf U ymm mi WM?W " -- - W? " P
TiMr ' "-irr sisi'ii awss "- to McKialeyaad liiiiilt easse.ereatt aatslsphoasSeLSL sale si jrinstkit mill tathe juphef -JCICL fclWlC
1 : T . etaev AgwaatBterrsjiafieiasa If W. A. Wat A Co. '- -v - -"l "' 'rntiil a3JTlessOtlJ.
yormac eaay sesl asaaaar aBer- 9mnmjmmUitmhBftmm gaajm : " - Ji-taBaJ . . nl inrIL T,TTTrH na irate BMPSBSy
-For Daree Jceaeja aad Darhaai -Bera, Jaly 21, to Mrs. Waiter tot frees aaaejer, ahaeaga led abaad- Serewereeeeea eWaTittf wheat LJtTtt! mmSf&SUBmiJ
1 p v v v saAsasv aesE esBBrap aaarHBaaaaa aaaasasT aBaBrBBBBB SBsaaa sveBsaBaBasaBsa saaaaaaaaaaaaaeaBaaB a aaasBaaaaaaaaaaaajBaeaai
DeTiss. tf iag eoaLaadget eoel that will asaha deeaaa, W wseesa. A fcer dease of Has Schaed er thai esaatr. aad leV fffll MITIasstlf ft 1 HIsssstH esssBSS-BW
-WSdahTaka. beaten .tee J"- " WBn OEIAM TZBMIFUC wiU
kiA- tw,-,, HiiueiMed atLhe f " "ST T kil " "" heaia ta tarree at ease. Price. 35 a-, - T . , TIIH UllC, iRsBBaH
f. l -ji-- - i- . AG0 tutfllaufa 4
Freak Fagard, the ibla mas ager far
Bagel A- St.v aesue at Geaeey was ia the
city Taseday lest sad gave Tea Jocaaai.
a pi teelL
The raiae have not ealy beea good
far core, bat for everythiaej alee, iadad-ing-
prsparisg the groand for plowsaej
for winter wheat.
Fiiragnnilaatnf luiiil amis hiinsea
or saythingeieein the hare ma line, call
ooP. 1 Rasche. He will make the
price to please yoa. tf
12x14 teats, tee days for $2, at the
Ceatral Nebraska Assembly. For other
information address, WUIard F. Bailey,
Cedar Rapids, Nsbr. 1
Another free baggy at C.-S. Ees
toaa Bay a dollar's worth of goods or
pay $1 oa aceoaat. Look oat for adv.
in Jocasix next week.
The Oseoa T eerier says that Hsary
and Albert Yoang left last Tuesdey for
Oklahoma, prospectus; in view of going
after n homestead at the opening:
There are L315 childrea of school
sge ia district No. 1, which includes
qnite a number oatside the city limits,
for whom only one teacher ia employed.
Anna, wife of John Boe, died Wed
nesday, July 18, at her home ten milee
northwest of the city, aged 58 years.
She leaves a husband several children.
Rev. Butler, the pastor in charge of
the Episcopal church, has beea quite
sick the pest week. J. D. Stires read
the services Sunday, morning aad even
ing. Doctors Martyn and Evans of this
city, with Dr. Bardick of Chicago weat
to Albion Satardayaad operated upon
a nephew of John Peters for appendi
D. K. Pittinger. a prominent yoang
farmer east of Albion, fell from a mow a
distance of aboat eight feet, while mow
ing away hay on the 13th, and broke hie
You can subscribe for Tax Jocaxai.
whenever yoa are reedy, subscription
books open daring' ell business hours,
end always room and welcome for one
A. W. Clark tells as there was a fine
crowd of people at the log--rolling of the
Modern Woodmen of America at Madi
son Wednesday, and that all passed off
Envelopes with your retorn card
printed on them, for 50 cents n single
hundred; for larger quantities, and dif
ferent grades, call at Tax Jousxai.
oaace for prices.
Threiiiig Ceal
Weaver k Newman have Rock Spring
and other coals. lm
The Orpheus society held a picnic
and dance at Stevens' grove Sunday,
for their members aad families, at which
were about fifty couples. They report
an enjoyable time.
We see in the premium list of the
Boone county fair which will be held in
Albion on the 19th, 20th and 21st of Sep
tember, Late North is to be jadge in the
horse and mole Haws
I have just received an assortment
of floral designs of different kinds, lodge
emblems, etc aad I am now prepared
to famish the most artistic designs on
short notice. Mra. A. J. Smith. tf
"Cody," the Wild West showman,
came oat, July 14, in a Colombas, Ohio,
paper, in big- head tinea, for McKinley
and the prosperity that republican rule
has brought to the show boeineea.
HERBLNE clears the complexion,
gives buoyancy to the mind, cares head
ache, regulates the liver, and is, in fact,
a perfect gaardiaa of the health. Price,
50 cents. A-Heintx and Pollock A Co.
The police are notifying' people in
Lwcola that if they wish to listen to
political street ilmraanTnas, they mast
get off the sidewalks, aad take to the
atreet, if awt nha adddle of the road.'
Was. Buehsr of this city, sad Adam
Smith, who lives ia the Shell creek val
ley, have iiarrhanril the Turner ranch
oa the Island, 640 acres, one of the finest
stock ranches in this part of the coantry.
This evening. Jaly 24, at 7:30, there
is to be a meetisg at the Thamtoa hotel
parlor for the pernaee of orsaaating-a
golf dab. A postal card to the editor
aaya "Come, aad brine others- iateres
ted." For sale One Niehole-Shsphsrd en
gine with sssarator aad iadsaeadent
stacker, ia good roaWKtinw Iaqaire at
E. P. Sweariagea's ia Folk coaaty, near
Clear creek, or at thia aeaee. Easy
terms. p-xt
The Schayler News, after twelve
weeskeaeesaad toha aablhmed. D.
F. Davis, iarmerly editor ef the Tele
gram here, ana the flilmhm. aad he
will now oaea n law otto at the
H P. KH I will aeasTj the'
Price, 69 seats. A-Hsiatz aad
A Co.
who live oa
eielly liable to many aeridaatal cats,
sal rapidly
is applied. Pries, 25 ead 50 cants. A.
Heiatx aad Pollock k Co.
-Jadge A. M. Post left Thnrsdey
evening- for his new field of actioa ia
Masks, his objective point being- Eagle
City, where he will onsdate as United
States district attorney. It is aadsr
stood that he will be home to vote.
Angora goats, aa farm aeimale, are
coming- into great favor. They are
prized tor the wool aad asset, sad rid
diag: peetares of objectionable growths,
sach as bashes, weeds, dork sad thistles
They caa be very quickly fattened with
First Regiment bead, Fallertoa or
chestra, Seandinaviaa Qnartette, Prof.
E. F. Miller of Chicago, at oaa time
leader of D. L. Moody's choir, sad the
big- chorus at the Ceatral Nebraska
Assembly, Fallertoa, Aae;. 11-20. That
WANTED One yooagr naa from
Platte county, Nebr, to prepare for the
coming- railway mail service examina
tion. We furnish everything', inclading'
books and maps. Address, eocloatng
stamp, Inter-State Correspondence In
stitute, Cedar Rapids, la. 4t
C. S. Easton, at Lincoln Monday,
ssys they had a big- rain there, bat none,
aboat Ulysses. The coantry nroaad
Stapleherst that was struck some deys
ago by hail, has recovered qaite a bit,
end he thinks maeh of the corn that
waa left will make half a crop.
Go to C A. Speice for yoar thresh
ng- coal, and get coal that will make
things ham. 4t
Charlee Cockson started Saturday
for England, where he goes to accom
pany his mother home. Our readers
will remember that Mr. aad Mrs.
Cockson went over to London a few
I weeks ago and that Mr. Cockson sud
denly died, just after arriving-there.
There is no longer an excess for any
one to endare the torture inflicted by
PILE OINTMENT will care them, n
remedy so moderate in price and ao ef
fective. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tabes,
75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co.
Henry Gaas has invested in a new
hearse, technically calkd a funeral car,
bought of a manufacturing firm at Cin
cinnati, at a cost of $700. It was used
for the first time last Sunday. The
hearse in use by Mr. Gass for the pest
eight years, has been sold to a Schuyler
The Central Nebraska Assembly,
Fallerton, Aag-. 11-20, is the best place
we know of to spend a ten days oating-.
To the enjoyment of listening to one of
the best programs ever offered in the
west, is added the pleasure of "camping
oat" amid some of the finest scenery in
the state. 1
Alex Irwin, brother of W. J. Irwin
of Genoa, was poisoned from eating
canned salmon, so ssys a dispatch from
Cape Nome. One other former resident
of the Black Hills was also a victim to
the poison, and two others were serious
ly injured. Mr. Irwin was about 50
years old and unmarried.
Wm. N. Heneley, jr, was pleasantly
surprised Friday evening by a number
of friends invited by his sister Mies
Raby and Miss Letitia Speice. The
evening- was spent in social games. A
delicious lunch was served at 11 o'clock,
after which the party broke ap, wishing
Mr. Henaley success in his new venture.
County Jadge Robieon handed
down bis decision in the Barnum case
Friday, statin that it is his belief that
a gaardiaa is needed for Gay C Bar
num, his large .property interests not
being aafe in his own hands, while there
is at least doubt of his sanity. Gas. B.
Speice was named as guardian. Mr.
Barnnm's attorneys have given notice
of appeal
Go to C A. Speice for yoar thrash
ing coeL and get coal that will
things ham. 4t
Friday evening- a benefit bell
given in the opera hoaee for P. J. Me
Caffery, who lost one of his feet ia a
railroad accident while ia the employ
of the Union Pacific aa brakeman. A
large crowd was present aad all ea
joyed themselves immensely. The
Msennsrrhnr orchestra furnished the
mwBC, sad ss usaaL discoareed some
fine selections.
A. E. Phinney, a resident of Colum
bus about sevea years ago, later of Sea
Dieego, Calif, died saddealy at his home
from a stroke of. apoplexy, about two
weeks ago. He waa aboat 62 years old
sad leaves one eon, Earl, to moara has
loea. Mr. Ead Painaey wrote to H.
Marriocfc telnag of his father's death
and that he took the remaiaa beck to
Yirgiaia for bariaL
Doctors Martyn, Evans k Gear have
provided themselves with a faOS, X-Ray
machine, 24 plates, Sfiaches ia diame
ter, receiving it Moadey, bat net yet
having: it ia oaeiatkia
caa be done with it era atmaly
one, aad it has beea
tioa to the fsrffirias foe
regard to the
Wedaeadeylest Madisoa hada
with the Annas! Wo
day was perfect, the
the displays good, the
The tag of
aad CTaiaaea waa waa ay
$1 the
a aaeaaaaa aa aaia iiaai naa nuiBBBa anafiai aeaaBBBBW
ubibbhb, prate
I riai fag saat tii ireasahiaj ae hewiBi
thaa fiOeea yeans the srasr,it esseee,
atoea, aasaasHrasKKcux. a a -rasaatMr there and at m -Miumsva, arinaanai v"
that we
steek yards were to he moved farther
west, sad the freight depot pissed where
the stock yards bow are, bat we conld
the rnenor to ae aataoritative
we eoacJade, baa e greet
BasaT nther tainee an -ra--- ht kmr
... i a aa
a warn am
As tW threshing of the small
it a apparent that the yield
ia toraiag oat much better thaatheee
tfmatsa made while the crops were still
growing- ia the fields. Fred Bergman,
living- oa the Ives place a few miles
aorthwest of the city, has done hie
threshing sad finds that winter wheat
yielded him 31& baaheki to the acre aad
eieoeta50behela. Nebraska ia still all
Dr. Clark, the Columbue dentist,
will msfcs the following prices from July
18th, aatSAaaaat 18th: A set of teeth
$8; a good sat of teeth $9; best set of
teeth $10; gold fillings $L50 ap; gold
crowae$5ap; porcelain erowne $4 np;
avlver fillings 75c ap; eemeat fillings 50c
up; bridge teeth, per tooth $4; teeth
extracted without pain 50c. Omce in
North building, Thirteenth street,
west side of stairs. tf
A new German Lutheran charch
dedicated in Platte Center Sanday.
The following persona from the Lutheran
charch here wsat up to attend the ear
vices: Mrs. M. Loaske, Mrs. Paul
Hoppen and daughter Miss Anna, Mrs.
Ealiagerand daughter Miss Anna, Mr.
aad Mra, Baamgart, Dr. and Mrs. Miesa-
ter, Rer. aad Mra, Miesaler, Carl and
Wm. Both. The visitors were royally
entertained while there.
Before Police Jadge Curtis, oa com
plaint, of Joseph Ryan, a fine of $10 and
costs, amounting in all to $14.75 was
imposed upon John Baehneli for "dis
turbance of the peace.'' A complaint
growing out of the same disturbance
waa made before Justice Hudson, for
"il t with intent to do great bodily
injury," and he was held in $200 bond to
appear at the next term of the district
court, Walter B. Henry signing hia
School-omcers generally are coming,
year by year, to appreciate the fact that
the true object of school work is to
prepare pupils for the things of actual
life, by teaching them how to think.
The ability to ask questions and find
the answers, and that concerning the
affairs of ordinary life is what ia to be
cultivated- The intelligence, the learn
ing that counts, these times, is the kind
that is a part of the life, and not a mere
thing-of the books.
Decidedly the most interesting game
of bell played here thie. eesnoa took
place Thnrsdey afternoon at the grounds
of the home team ia the esstern part of
the city, whea the Stars of this place
met defeat at the hande of the Indians
from Genoa, by the score of 6 to 5. The
home team played under somewhat of a
disadvantage, as two of their beet play
ers were unable to take part ia the
game, on account of ailments. Next
time the Stars should win.
Census enumerators met with some
queer things in the prosecution of their
dnties, says the Seward Blade. J. J.
Hamlin, the enumerator for J township,
informs oa that he found one case where
the wife of a farmer gave birth to five
children inside of one year. She first
gave birth to triplets, bat they all died
inside of eighteen days. She next gave
birth to twins a few deys less than a
year from the birth of the triplets. If
aay other county in the state can beat
that we are ready to hear from it.
The Boone correspondent of the
Albion Argne, specks of the death
there, July 11, 1900, of Myra Hemple
man, born at Colomboa, Nebr., June 10,
1877. She was cared for through all the
pest year, which was one of constant
sickness and suffering, in the home of
Mrs. Cramer, and a cherished daughter
or sister could not have had more pa
tieat, watchful, thoughtful hinrTnfea
thaa ahe received. She leaves a father
in Omaha, a brother ia Fairbury, and a
yoang brother ia Genoa, who came
oftea ia the last days to see her, and
who was a great eceafbrt to her. Fun
eral asrvioes were conducted at the
charch by Bar. Cbappell Thursday
Under date of July 9 and received
July 22, H. T. Spoerry writes:
"OreetiegB to all oar friends. We sre
nsmejstativsly wett. Weather wet and
chilly, with very few fine days. The
aioantaiBs are covered with snow down
to-the lower Alps, sad Rigi wears a
goodly-sized snow cap. Yours in F.C.
ndL" The postal card is pictorial,
with rspiwBBafatiiias of Wstterhom,
Bger, Kleins Seheidegg, Moach aad
Jaagfraa moantaias; a gleteehergrotte,
the edelweiss, the national flower, the
whole "Grass sae dea Bemer Ober
IsaGrsetiaga from the Berne upper
eoaatry. Pietares aad word deeerip-
oiag- a great deal to make
tathe world one of the greatest
ea the globe.
of Tax JocasAL, do s
to look well
that lead into this city. A road
the partiealar that it
as its weakest link. Bed
a fear, stake bad
calverts sad aaeertau
y pnraose, sad a
looking, oat for
will had it pay to leek
While we do aot
that it is the daty of CoJemben
in Polk
ty, far iBBfisre, we do say
da maeh toward having it
SJk . . . r L. ,
! orariM .&
that they caa
riyt, BBdaeharm tosayeae,bat
It the etnasarh, liver sad bowels fail
to perform their faaetieae regnlarly aad
aataraliy, the bleod hinissie coatami-
with imsemtiea, aad the whole
r iT
the daaordsre prevalent daring hot
thsr. Price, 50 cents. A. Heiatx
Pollock A'Co.
Mrs. Margaret Garfield, of Yalpe
raieo,m vanning awrsoaPkOo and wife,
of Bone Creek, says the David (Sty Press.
Mother Geraeld ie now peat 82 years
old and is hale aad hearty. She is oae
of the real pioeeers of this connty. She
came here ia 1857 with her husband sad
rssasined until sevea years sgo whea
aae weat to five with her daughter, Mm.
AaukBdaNeleoa. She is a half sister to
Uncle "Jim" Blair aad ranks with aim
and hie wife as the three fir eettlsrs is
Batler coaaty.
The old settlers of Platte connty
will hold n reunion eosae time ia Au
gust. That reminds ua that some grand
reunions aead to be held ia Lord's grove
in the southwest corner of Batler
connty in the years gone by. The psst
two years it has not beea held. Since
that enterprise was abandoned no other
set of men with public enterprise have
taken aa the matter, yet the spirit of
fellowship kept slive Jy sach reunions
should not be allowed to die oat.
Batler Co.
"Everlastingly keeping at it" ia what
counts ia bnsineas, and all lines arecon
stractsdoa the same basis. After the
flies came ao thick and fast, the amount
of sulk received from the individual
cow, notably Toaaaned, sad of coarse the
sam total at the creameries waa per
ceptibly cat down; and when the dry
weather est in, aad it began to be a
qaestioB whether the oats could weather
through and the com could come to ear
withoat farther rain, there was no hiding
the fact that Nebraska dairy prodacta
were being worsted. Bat note the
change! A few light showers, then n
few more, a good rain once in awhile
and then some, a downpour while yoa
slept, aad even some on Sanday remind
iff yoo perhaps, that if yoa really work
six days of the seven, yoa can well afford
to give all a rest on the Sabbath, and
what do we seel Perhape never a more
pleasant-faced people than aince the re
cent rains. Cheerful is no name for it.
Gratitude is nearer the mark. Thank
fulness, real, heart-thankfulness to the
Giver of all good gifts for rain, which
represents to human kind so much of
their welfare. Thirty years in Nebraska,
the writer has sssa ia the ooantenaaeea
of her people, mueh of "thst light that
never was oa asa or land, bat in the
last fortnight, it fairly scintillated. No
place like Nebraska. No place like
Frank, son of Ladwig Ignarska, liv
ing about a mile north of Tarnor, this
county, waa struck by the train Sunday
evening and killed, dying almost in
stantly. Both legs aad one arm were
broken, and his heed hurt badly. The
lad waa aboat 10 years old, washerding
cattle, and it seems difficult to aay just
how the accident happened. One pas
senger on the train saw the lad and
supposed he was six or eight feet from
the passing car. The next seen of him
he was awinging around on to the track
from the rear end of the last car, when
the train was stopped. The accident
happened aboat 8 o'clock. Our special
correspondent writes us from Humphrey
from which we gather some additional
particalars. The mother was raving
crazy Saaday night, ao that they had
not been able to get a statement from
her. She was seen running from the
boose, which is near the track, imme
diately after he was killed, so she may
have seen how it happeeed. A traveling
maa standing on the rear platform aaw
him, and he waa whirling over and over
in the middle of the track, aad this was
the first any one knew there waa an ac
cident. No wheels pissed over him, and
everyone who has seen the child and
seen how he was found thinks he most
have grabbed at the handle-bar on the
rear coach, caught hia hand and waa
thrown witk sach force onto the track
that be waa instantly killed. He looks
like there was not a whole bone ia his
body. Some of the traveling men were
crying yet when they reached Humph
rey. They said his mother was the most
terrible sight they ever saw. We learn
from another source that Coroner Metz
held an inqaest at Hamphrey. and that
the railroad eompaay was censored for
not having the right of way under fence.
Mara Ceal.
Order yoar hard coal of Weaver k
Newman, $9.50-per toa delivered until
September 1st. lm
My, Iaaeeim
Eacoaraged by the phenomenal suc
cess of three previoae seeaioas, the man
agement of the Nebraska Epworth
League sssembly has arranged a program
for the 1900 mneHag, of which they may
well be proad. It ie believed that ia.
variety, interest aad real worth, it sar
psssss anything of its kind ever placed
before the people of Nebraska.
Those who attend this yeara assembly
will have the eemortaaity of hearing
faek Bobersoa, fresh from thebettle
fielde of Soath Africa, Bishop Hamilton,
General O. a Howard, Geaeral John B.
Gordoa, Bishop Galloway, Major Hawks,
Maad Balfiagtoa Booth aad a host of
teachers, lecturers
attractions are iwewniTTy
Soath Afrieaa Boy choir and
Arioa lady quartet of Chi-
to Tiiafoln via the Bar-
evary day from Jaly 31 to Aag-
m ceeanqaeaee dsimitstsd
Ml raaifcaiiTi fur ila aaXran
a ffeBtewAamse tur nsi aemcaery
ia caring the ailmsats of aammsr. aad
xneaasssaBB avc,
fis 'BBBaaaawVimBBBBXeBBaBxaalr aa. jbb
J. D. Kara goes to Cedar Bapida today
Ed.FiUaetrickweatdowa to Omaha
CS.Eastoawss ia Liacola Monday
F. P. Joaaaoa of Fallertoa
in the
city Saturday
Miss Mary Kyle from near Monroe
in the city Saturday.
Mra, Sarah Watts of Wattsville
the city Wedaeeday.
Dr. aad Mrs. Bardick of Chicago, are
visiting at Dr. Geere.
Mms Mary Coaaidiae of Platte Center
is visiting her brother.
Dr. aad Mrs. Baker retaraed Saaday
from a trip to Colorado.
Maase Bessie aad Eugene Byrnes are
visiting in Platte Center.
Mr. snd Mrs. Yost of Omaha are visit
ing their son, Rev. Yost.
Dr. Harry Beerbower of St. Edward
was in the city Satarday.
Mrs. Lydia Wikoa aad daughter of
Gardner were in the city Thnrsdey.
Mrs. Jalia Walker of Soath Omaha ie
visiting her mother, Mra, M. Murphy.
Mra, Jamas Walker and soa have beea
visiting with the family of F. T. Walker.
Ed. Begets returned home Friday
from Wisconsin, where he visited rel
atives. Mrs. Isabel Bardick of Harvard,
Nebr., is visiting her daughter, Mm. a
J. Scott.
Mrs. W. W. MsnningtoB of the vicini
ty of Monroe wee ia the city Friday and
Will Henaley started Satarday for
West Point, N. Y., when he will attend
the military echooL
Mies Mamie Morgan of Hamphrey, is
making a visit with her ancle, F. T.
Walker and family.
Missus MeGleach of Cedar Rapids,
snd Jalia Martia of Albion, are visiting
Miss LOlie Keating.
Mr. and Mra L H. Britell returned
home last week from several weeks'
visit with relatives in SL Edward.
Frank Cooncy peesed through the city
Wednesday on his way to Washington,
after a visit with his folks nesxGenon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Geitzen of Cornles,
were accompanied home Wednesday by
Mrs. Gietzen's sister, Miss Clara Schroe
der. Mr. L Janing of Osceola wee in the
city over Sanday, returning home with
TffTsana Maggie, Emma and Mary Zin
necker. Mr. snd Mm. Meldrom of Rapid City,
Sooth Dakota, am in the city visiting
with L L. Albert, on their way home
from Minnesota.
G. E. Stiles snd family are being vis
ited by Rer. Wm. M. Stiles, his father,
snd Mrs. L. T. Coldren, his sister, both
of Dee Moines, Is.
Colmab, Alsace, Jaly 9, 1900.
M- K. Tamer, Deer Sir: I wae glad
to receive some news from Columbus
this morning, sad especially to bear
that crops look well in Nebraska. I waa
oat into the coantry yesterday around
Colmar. aad foaad it quite different.
Grain ie very short, especially barley
I measured some that was not more
than a foot aad a half high. Fanners
am all complaining they had a very dry
spell in the spring. At present they am
getting plenty of rain. The vineyards
and fruit trees am heavily loeded with
fruit an enormoas crop will be gath
ered if nothing comes in the way, which
is not liable, as it is almost too far ad
This is a beautiful coantry: for cli
mate, and variety of fruit, grain and
trees, it can't be beat, in tact, it is a
regular garden-spot with all its beeuti-
fal flowers snd scenery mountains
right by the door.
The basiaess people here sre very
easy-going and extraordinarily polite,
but the farmer, oa the other hand, has
to work day and night, and can make
no headway.
They aay that the United Stataa snips
grain to this side cheaper than it can be
raised here.
I have beea in London, and twelve
days in Paris. The exposition is not
nearly ao large as the one in Chicago,
but more compact, the buildings more
neatly finished. One mimee the electric
lights at nights, and the fireworks they
had at Chicago and Omaha. Ia fact, it
is all dark in the evening, but
lees it is crowded every day aad
ially in the city. Tickets could be
bought for U ceats. Yoa woald sveet
HMO, womea aad evea little girls oa the
road all the way from the city to the ex
position; trying to sell yea tirksta,
Frees, them we weat to Switzerland,
sad had oar
a book from the rauroad eompaay, sad
they woald tack the aaetare ia the hook,
aad with that wa ceaid travel through
wham yoa
who rides ia treat or the
aha rides behind aardrmag- or
leaving the doora of this
it. He knows he has a stvksh
rig; knows, too, that it will ma easily aad
SBaoothly, dsaa candy aad stand aay i
onable strain. Carriages, wagons
deys, sssoad-elesB, ell for $&50. It is
the saost coaveeieat tbiag I aver struck.
At Straasberg, Mr. Bcettcher sad I
sspsmted oa the Fourth of July,
aa extra bottle of wiae to
Fourth, aad thiekisg what a
yoa people mast have ia America, Mr.
Besttcheclsft with the train at 7 p. nt,
for Bertie, sad from there he goes to his
folks at Island Rugaa, Germany, aad ea
the 20th of Jaly we am to asset again ia
Berlin, where we will spead acoapleof
days, aad oa the 29th 'of July, wa will
sail from Hamburg oa the -tmatr
Deatscausad, the biggest steamer satoat,
making her secoad trip.
My compliments to all my friends. I
am ia the best of health, enjoying my
self first-rate with my old sehoolmatsc.
Hockeabergar k
real estate ageata, report the following
real estate transfers filed in the omce of
the coaaty clerk for the week ending
Jaly 21, 1900.
S Posardte P Miller. lot IX Nk 4.
Smith add to Colamba. wd f aa OS
Joliae Pom to LV6raree.n2 a 21-
2B-l. wd SSSUS
Joe DokmeatoCarie Doamea.aad K
of ai aw iJS-iw. wd. 3M0w
Wm K Lee to Catk T immnar. wi ae
t-I4v.d MM OS
Pioneer Town Site Co to J W Care, pt
oat lot B. Lindsay, wd. Wt OS
J G Montao to John J Salliraa. lot S.
Holmaa'a oat loss to Cotanaos, qcd. US 08
R P Drake toCatk Hesdenoa.aei.eS
see. set swi 3-tw. wd
JBlsmieeto toH M Esslestoa. Iota
I. 2. blk a aad lot a. bin 2. Crastoa.wd
Robert Moras to ZT Moras, aw sw
a os
K M Lymata to J Mack. I acre ia ae
138 08
Joka Moatrille to Mary Moatrille. Iote
7. a. blk U7. lots 3. tJ, blk 1. aad Iota
1. 3. S. blk 298, Colomboa. wd.
Be ten trassfere. total
. S12.1J2 08
AlicTniif fa
Fallertoa ie to be congratulated on
securing the first meeting of the Ceatral
Nebraska Assembly to be held August
11-20. It will be a greet affair. The
tree use of the grounds, which comprise
one of the finest natural parks in the
state, has been given to the Assembly
people, and the citizens have signed a
$500 guarantee, The managers am
putting in a $1,000 program which would
be hard to excel. A partial list of
speskers, including some of the finest
talent in the U. S-,wiII be published
next week. All railroade in Nebraska
will offer excursion rates and expenses
will be very low. The secretary, Wil
Iard F. Bailey, Cedar Rapids, will answer
all letters of inquiry.
Lead far Sale.
Council Bluffs. Iowa, July 17, 1900
To whom it may concern: I have been
authorized to dispose of aa much of the
Auguatue Frank Eetate lands in Mer
rick and Platte counties. Nebraska, as I
can find buyers for, and I have author
ized Mr. John Sides of Carson. Iowa, to
represent me in the sale of these lead.
And he will receive offers for land which
he will submit to me and I will then
refer them to the party having charge of
the estate for his acceptance or rejec
tion. Mr. Sides is also agent for the
U. P. lands. W. J. Davxspobt.
Headquarters at the Silver Creek State
Bank, SUver Creek, Neb.
tf Johx Sioaa, Agent.
Card at Thanks.
We wish to express heartfelt thanks
to friende and neighbors, as well as to
the kind ladies, the pall-bearers, and all
who so kindly came to oar assistance
during the sickness, and after the death
of our beloved mother.
Hugo Schaad.
Mas. Gottbzbo.
Hutars, Take Istice !
The public are strictly forbidden to
hunt npoa the whole of section 8, ia
which is located the Irrigation Pond.
Any persons trespassing will be prose
cuted to the fall limit of the law.
15-aoT-y W. T. Easarr.
Fitzpetrick will give
you goods at Onialia
prices. Follow the
crowd and see.
If jam waat ta avail jaarself
f f reseat law a riees jvr
Waiter's smfflj af HARD
COAL leare yair ertlers at
Bee $9.50 per tea delirered
ia jear hia far the choicest
MAntov COAL ia the market
Lehigh arSeraataa take year
ehaiee. Price .will hold goad
till Seateaahrr irst.
. .
- '