The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 27, 1900, Image 1
"igr s .' y mrrmiL v kje VOLUME XXXI.-NUMBER 12. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1900. WHOLE NUMBER 1,572. dtttinte 51 j- j CLASH AT TIEN ISM : Chinese and International Forces Engage in Sharp Fighting. IATTIE fOR fIVE WHOLE 1AYS Eight Hundred Americans Are Ami Defeadrrs of IXcsieced Cliy Shaar, Director of Telegraph, Cable. That Foreign Ministers Are Safe. . LONDON, June 23. The silence of Pekln continues unbroken. Four ' .thousand men of the allied forces were having sharp defensive fighting at Tien Tsin Tuesday and Wednesday, with a ..Prospect of being reinforced on Thurs day. This is the situation in China as set forth in the British government , dispatch. "Eight hundred Americans are tak- . ing part in the fighting at Tien Tsin," say the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express in his cable oi last even ing, "and they apparently form a part of a supplementary force, arriving with Germans and British after the conflict started. It is impossible to estimate the number of the Chinese there, but . they had a sui prising number of guns." The information appears to have been brought by the Jnitcd States gun boat Nashville to Che Foo and tele graphed thence to Shanghai. The Chi nese are deserting Shanghai in large numbers and going into tne interior. Iteports from native sources continue to reach Shanghai of anarchy In Pekln. According to these tales the streets are filled day and night with Boxers, who are wholly beyond the control of the Chinese troops and who are working themselves up to a frenzy and clamor ing for the death of all foreigners. The English consulate at Shanghai is said to have received from influential natives reports of a tragedy in the palace at Pekin, though precisely what it is is not defined. The consulate thinks tuat Admiral Seymour, com mander of the interantional relief col umn, was misled by information from Pekin, and consequently underesti mated the in his way and the Chinese power of resistance with Maxim guns and Mausers, ihe consuls at Shanghai still believe the foreign ministers at Pekin safe, although Jap anese reports received at Shangha. al lege that up to June 15, 100 foreigners had been killed In Pekin. The Daily Express says: "We un derstand that Mr. Reginald Thomas secretary of the British embassy in Washington, is to succeed Sir Claude McDonald at Pekin and that the rea son of Sir Caude's recall is the break down of his health." A special dispatch from Vienna says: "Li Hung Chang has wired the vari ous Chinese legations in Europe direct ing them to inform the governments to which they are accredited that he is called to Pekin by the empress to act as inteimediary between China and - the powers to negotiate a settlement of the points at issue, and he instructs them to beg the powers to facilitate his mission by declining to send fur ther troops to China. Sheng. director of teiegraphs, wires from Shanghai to the Chinese legations in Europe that the foreign legations in Pekin arc safe. It is reported that the British government will send 1.500 ma rines to China, and possibly, accord ing to some of the morning papers. iu.000 of the regulars now with Lord Roberts. STORMS DELAY TRANSPORTS. Bapposed That Logan Will Leave for Tttkn on the ?4th. WASHINGTON. June 23. Quarter master General Ludington has receiv ed a cable message from Colonel Mil ler, ouartermaster at Manila, saying that the transport Hancock, which had been unavoidably detained by contin uance of storms, had sailed on June 19 for San Francisco, and that the transport Wan en. which had been or dered south by the major general com manding, would sail from Manila for San Francisco on June 1. No mention was made of the trans port Logan, but it is supposed that it will be ready to start from Manila on June 24 with the Ninth infantry for Taku. as previously predicted by Gen eral MacArthur. It is understood here that the movement of the regiment to Manila from Tarlac, Concepcion and other stations on the Manila & Dagu pan railway has been delayed by the prevalence of severe storms in the in terior. Arrested for Swindling-. NEW YORK. June 23. Edward M. Logan and Charles P.'Coates, alias Charles M. Smtih, who were arrested several days ago on a charge of swind ling merchants in this city and other cities out of thousands of dollars, were irraigned in the Center court before Magistrate Medio today. It is said that seventy-five victims have been found. The men were arrested on a specific charge of swindling, in connection with a store at Peekskill. Detectives brought into court two large bags filled with complaints. Witnesses from different cities testi fied to sending goods to the store run by the prisoners in Peekskill and later in Philadelphia. Among the companies represented to have lost are the Le high Shoe company, the McPhall Piano company of Boston and others. The prisoners were held in 6,000 ball, each for further examination on next Mon day. Railroad Transferred. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. June 23. There was filed in the office of the county recorder of Macoupin county today a deed from Stuart Brown, mas-ter-in-chancery of the United States circuit court for the Southern dis trict of Illinois, to Charles H. Helm enz of St. Louis, Mo., conveying the Litchfield. Carrollton ft Western rail road property, which runs from Quincy to Litchfield, for the sum of $85,000. Also a deed for Charles H. Heimenz and Clara Heimenz, his wife, to Edwin S. Layman, conveying the tame property for tne sum of $175,000. Whole Towa After a Keg-re. ROCKPORT. Ind.. June 23. Theo dore Gunsauld narrowly escaped lynch ing here. Last Wednesday Grant Rosa, colored, was charged with insulting a white woman aad the town was ex.-. cited over the Blatter. Gunsauld In defending Ross made remarks that were considered as a reflection on all white women of the town, and when he discovered that a mob was being collected to take him. he got out of town. There is much excitement, and it heUeved Gunsauld would be lynched if he could be found. - IAS EYE GHEIRAL ON STEYN. Lord Koberu to Mot Coaceralag HImmU With Enter aad Moth. LONDON, June 23. General Steyn's force in the Orange River colony are for the time drawing most of the at tention of Lord Roberts, rather to the neglect of Commandant General Louis Botha and President Kruger. The severance between the Trans vaal and the Orange River colony was completed yesterday, as Lord Roberts said it would be by the arrival of Gen eral fuller's advance guard, under Lord Dundonald, at Standertoa. The wide knot around the 6,000 or 8,000 men under General Steyn will not con tract. Adroit maneuvering and brisk fighting are likely to take place, be cause until all resistance south of the Vaal is at an end. the British line of communication will not be safe. President Kruger's principal condi rendered to General Baden-Powell, are back on their farms and working peacefully. General Baden-Powell rode with only 300 men from Mafekinc. and he made the last section of his ride to Pretoria with only thirty-five. Lord-Roberts met him in the outskirts of the town and escorted him to the presidency. General DeWet's farm houses have been burned by the British. General Buller has issued a special order eulo gizing the services of Strathcona's horse. Captain Jones and the brigade from H. M. S. Forte have been ordered back to the ship at the admiral's request. President Kruger,s principal condi tion for immediate peace is that he be allowed to stay in the country. There are 5,000 British sick and wounded at Pretoria. Mrs. Reitz, wife of the Transvaal state secretary, and her family, who arrived here enroute for Europe, had so little money that tne Dutch consul purchased second class steamship tick ets for them. MAY MAKE TRIP TO HAVANA. rroeeedlag. for Neely'. Removal to Caba Are to Be Taken. WASHINGTON, June 23. It is un derstood that the United States at torney at New York will take action within the next day or two looking to the prompt removal of Neely, the al leged embezzler of Cuban postal funds, to Havana for trial. Judge La combe, before whom the case will be brought, expects to leave New York on July 2 and it is his wish that the mat ter be disposed of before his departure. Some days ago the government sent to Havana for copies of papers wanted in the case; also for a certified copy of article 401 of the old Spanish-Cuban laws against the crime of embezzle ment. These papers have been re ceived and forwarded to United States Attorney Burnett, who will prosecute the case. There are two indictments against Neely, one for violation of articles 401 of the Spanish-Cuban laws and the other is under sections 33 to 57 of the Cuban postal code. The former case is said to be the stronger and it is probable that he will be tried first un der the indictment for violating arti cle 401. Officials here expect that Nee ly's counsel will take the case to the United States supreme court. MORE TROOPS IE NECESSARY. Mile. Say. the Government Will Care for Its Citizens In China. CLEVELAND, June 23. General Nelson A. Miles, who came here to witness a test of the recently invented McClain ordnance, in an interview re garding the Chinese question, is quot ed as saying: "Our government will be prompt to act in that matter as soon as the true rituation Is learned. This country will be equal to the emergency, and when decisive action is taken it will be of such a character as to be effective. The trouble in China is most serious and the result is most difficult to pre dict. What is likely to result from the uprising is certainly a very serious proposition. "The United States will send enough troops to China to protect the Ameri cans there and American interests. More troops than those already detail ed will be sent to China speedily if the situation demands. The dignity and rights of the government will be upheld." Blonder of Postoalee Department. WASHINGTON, June 23. It has been discovered that through an error committed in the state department there is now no postmaster for the position of postmaster at Honolulu. Several weeks ago the president nom inated John M. Oats for the position of postmaster at that place and the nomination was confirmed by the sen ate. It is now learned that the man appointed is the brother of the one whom it was intended should fill the position. Joseph M. Oats was formerly postmaster general of Hawaii and the intention was to give htm tne office at Honolulu, but through an error the name of his brother John was sent to the senate. John M. Oats lives at San Francisco and has no desire to go to Honolulu. The commission will be cancelled and Joseph M. Oats will be appointed. Are Holdlas; Their Owa. CARACAS, Venezuela, June 23. The Colombian revolutionists have occu pied Baucaramanga, on the Venezue lan frontier. Cacuta, a town in the de partment of Santander, also on the Venezuelan frontier, continues in pos session of the revolutionists. Roosevelt Will Not Reslca. NEW YORK. June 23. B. B. Odell, jr.. chairman of the republican state committee, had his attention directed to the statement of an ardent partisan of Lieutenant Governor Woodruff that Governor Roosevelt would proably re sign, making way for Woodruff in the executive office, the expected result be ing the nomination of Mr. Woodruff for governor. Mr. Odell said: "Gov ernor Roosevelt will not resign. He will serve out his term as Grover Cleveland did when he was nominated for president. There is no reason why he should resign." Mast Fay rare to Kaasas City. ST. LOUIS. Mo., June 23. The ex ecutive officers of all the lines running into Kansas City have decided that no free transportation shall be issued to o." from Kansas City on account of the democratic national convention, July 4. This is imperative and no ex ception will be made under any cir cumstances. The railroads feel that very liberal concessions have already been made in the way of special re- Sduced rates for the Kansas City con vention aad they cannot afford' to car 1 ry anybody tree. CAMATES ARE NAMED McXinley and Rooeevelt Are Leaden for the Eepublican Party. ENTIISIASM IS UNrRECEKNTEi. FecllBg ' the People Finds Vent la At most Riotoa. Oatbarst Delegate, aad Spectator. All Cheer Work of th. Twelfth Repabllcaa CoareaUoB. Pmi.AnRI.PHTA Ttim. 99 MoKIn- I ley was nominated by acclamation at 12:44. The roll was called and each state voted for McKinley all the way down the roll. 1:59 p. m. Roosevelt unanimously nominated for vice president. The convention adjourned sine die at llX P. m PHILADELPHIA, June 22. Presi dent McKinley was unanimously re nominated for president of the United States by the republican national con vention at 2:44 o'clock yesterday and an hour and ten minutes later Gov ernor Roosevelt of New York was unanimously selected to stand beside him in the coming bajttle. The scenes attending the selection were tumultuous. Such unanimous demonstrations in honor of the nomi nee of a national convention have not been equalled perhaps in the history of politics in this country. It was a love feast, a jubilee, a ratification meeting. There was a setting of the spectacu lar performance. Bright peonies at tne end of the stage made the brightest of color. There were no preliminaries. The wrangle expected over tne ques tion of reducing the representation in the south was averted by the with drawal of ex-Senator Quay's proposi tion. The great ball became quiet as Senator Lodge, standing before 15,000 eager faces, gavel in hand, announced that nominations for president of the United States were in order. The read ing clerk advanced to the front of the platform. He was about to call the roll of states for the presentation of candidates. When Alabama was called a thin, red-whiskered delegate from that state arose and surrendered the first right to speak to Ohio. Amidst a tumult of applause Senator Foraker went to the platform and when quiet was restored began to speak first thanking Alabama for its courtesy in yielding, but attributing that fact to the overwhelming popu larity of the candidate. As Mr. For aker continued he was repeatedly in terrupted with cheers. His announcement that the nomina tion of McKinley was equal to an elec tion in November brought vociferous cheers, the gallery spectators joining in the enthusiastic demonstration. The impatient audience called for a vote, it apearing that there would be no other candidates. It took some min utes to restore order, Chairman Lodge vigorously pounding his desk and ap pealing to the assemblage. Just as Alabama was called, the first state on the roll call, ex-Senator Quay started out of the hall and there was a disturbance of cheers. Partial order was restored and the roll call pro ceeded, each delegation as called cast ing their votes for Roosevelt unani mously. At the conclusion of the call Chair man Lodge announced that Governor Roosevelt himself, who refrained from Roosevelt had received 929 votes, one ing. This delegate was Governor delegate in the convention not vot voting with the New York delegation. Chairman Lodge's announcement that Governor Roosevelt had been nominated for vice president evoked a burst of applause that fairly shook the great steel-girdled building to its foundation. This closed the final business and at 2:24, on motion of Mr. Sereno E. Payne of New York, the repubican na tional convention of 1900 adjourned sine die. Roberta Is Foand Guilty. SALT LAKE, Utah, June 22. The jury in the case of b. H. RoDerts, on trial for unlawful cohabitation, re turned a verdict of guilty. Roberts, in an agreed statement of facts put be fore the jury, admitted that he entered into a polygamous marriage with Mag gie B. Shipp and lived with her and his legal wife, Sarah Louisa. It Is claimed that Roberts relies on the su preme court to reverse the verdict on technical grounds. Fatal Fire ia Roaad Hoase. BAKERSFIELD, Cal., June 22. The Southern Pacific roundhouse at Kern City was burned and the remains of Patrick Quinn and Byrd Gilmore, em ployes, were found in the debris. They were killeu by the explosion of an oil tank, which started the fire. The loss to tne railroad company will amount to 1400,000. Twelve engines were de stroyed. Loar. Distance Weddlar PRINCETON, Ind., June 22. Rob ert Lockhart of Covington, Tenn., and Miss Katherine Cline of Patoke, this county, were married at noon today by.long distance telephone. Coving ton is 30 miles south of here and has direct telephone connection. The marriage was set for today, but owing to business matters the groom could not leave home. Hlxth Cavalry for Manila ST. LOUIS, June 22. Troop M of the Sixth cavalry, Captain Cabell commanding, departed from Jefferson barracks today on a special train over the Missouri Pacific road for San Francisco, whence it will sail for Ma nila as soon as transports can be se cured. At the same time 234 horses belong ing to the troop were loaded on a special stock train and shipped to Portland, where a transport bound for Manila awaits them. An officer and twenty-seven men accompanied the stock. Desperate Sltaat'ea at Kamassi. ACCRA, June 22. Sir Frederick Hodgson, governor of Gold Coast col ony, according to reports from Ku massi, was wounded in the shoulder during a recent sortie from .the fort. It is also rumored that eight officers were killed. Provisions at Kumassi are scarce and there are many wound ed. The investment is so complete that no one is able to leave. Great privations are endured by the native population. Day by day the noeltion is becoming more precarious and ) there are no prospects of relief, j OLNIOAT AS TARfeET. CklaoM RtSemea Hak. Ua.aecM.fal At tack ob Meaoeaey. LONDON, June 22. The United States gunboat Monocacy was two miles up the Pel Ho river when the international fleet began the bombard ment of the Taku forts. According to the Shanghai correspondent of the Dally Express it was shot through the bows. The correspondent says that Chinese riflemen on both banks of the river attacked it, but unsuccessfully. The scantiness of authentic informa tion with regard to the situation con tinues. Admiral Kempff's dispatch announc ing that Tien Tsin was being bom barded was prominently used by the London papers and commented upon as indicating a change for the worse. The British admiralty does not be lieve the report of the death of Ad miral Seymour, commander of the in ternational relief column, and semi official assurances are given that there seems to be not the slightest evidence to back up such a report. It is pointed out that Admiral Seymour had suffi cient supplies to enable him to get to Pekin or to get back. "We are hopeful," says the semi official announcement, "that since he has not done the latter he has done the former." A dispatch to the Associated Press from Shanghai uated yesterday was: "The consuls met today to consider the situation, which in the absence of news from Pekin is looked upon as particularly threatening. Grave fears still exist as to the safety of the Eu ropeans in Pekin. It was agreed to wire to the senior consul at Che Foo to communicate with the senior officers at Taku, asking for immediate assist ance in communicating directly wit Pekln, which they believe can be brought about through Sheng, director of telegraphs. They advise that Sheng be asked to explain the interruption of communications. The stoppage of trade has thrown 10,000 coolies out of work at Shanghai nuriNO pcace proposals. Those at Maalla Submit Term, to Mae Arthar Which are Accepted. MANILA, June 22. Two hundred Filipinos met this morning in Manila to determine honorable and decorous methods for securing peace. The re sults were submitted this evening to General MacArthur, who accepted them. The leaders of the meeting will use their influence to induce Aguinaldo to accept the arrangements. If they are successful, as they hope to be, they believe Aguinaldo will issue or ders in conjunction with the Ameri can authorities, for the cessation of hostilities. The meeting, which was the first of the kind since the days of the Fili pino congress, was composed of the distinctly revolutionary element, the "Americanists" being lacking. Thirty political prisoners were released from jail this morning in order to attend. COUNT MURAVIEFF IS DEAD. Noted Rasslan Minister Stricken With Apoplexy. ST. PETERSBURG, June 22. The Russian minister of foreign affairs, Count Muravieff, is dead. Count Muravieff had just finished his morning cup of coffee and bad or dered his lunch when he fell in an apoplectic fit and expired in a few minutes, between 9 and 10 o'clock. PARIS, June 22. M. Delcasse, the French foreign minister, on learning of the death of Count Muravieff, im mediately wired the French ambassa dor to Russia, Marquis De Montebello, instructions to express to the Russian government the "deep sorrow felt by the government of the republic for the loss of this devoted servant of Russia, who was also a true and en lightened friend of France." Less Pay for Fighting. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 22. Tho impression prevails in the paymaster general's office, war department, that the Ninth infantry which is to proceed from Manila to China, will incur sub stantial money loss in doing so. By the act of May 26 last, congress pro vided that the United States troops on duty in the Philippines, Porto Rico and Cuba should be allowed 10 per cent ad ditional for the officers and 20 per cent additional for the privates. As China is not one of the places specified where additional pay may be given, the Ninth infantry will lose a very sub stantial sum of money by being called into extra hazardous service. Increased Pay for Navy. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 22. The Navy department has issued a general order under the terms of the last appropriation act increasing the pay of naval officers on shore in Porto Rico, Cuba, the Philippine islands, Hawaii and Alaska by 10 per cent and for the enlisted men of the ma rine corps ashore at those places 20 per cent. Same increase to be com puted from May 26 last. Both Colamns at Pekia. BRUSSELS, June 22. The Petit Bleu states that a telegram was re ceived yesterday by an important Brussels firm from China, saying that Admiral Seymour's relieving force and the Russian column entered Pekin si multaneously. The legations were re ported intact and all the Belgian resi dents are said to be safe. Rate Committees Meet. CHICAGO, June 22. By an agree ment entered into at the meeting of the presidents of the western roads in this city, the rate-making power of all lines will be vested entirely in the ex ecutive officers of,' the roads. No line party to the agreement will have pow er to issue a new rate sheet until it has been submitted to the local committee where the business originates and has the approval of the highest executive officer in charge of the traffic of the interested roads. Japan's Secret Preparations. LONDON, June 22. The Daily Mail, in its second edition, published the following from Yakohama, dated yes terday: "Great secrecy is maintained regard ing Japan's military preparations. Fif teen large transports have already been chartered and eighteen warships are mobilizing. A field post service from Taku to Pekin is being organ ized here and will proceed immediate ly. Chinese military students are leav ing Japan." I MISSED HIS BEARINGS Ton; Farmer's Harrow Escape iron Death Hear Auburn. WE OWES MS LIFE TO IIS ROUSE Oxford W1U Have a New School Ralldlaf liOap River Bridge. Near Rarw.ll Are Lost la a Flood Llghtaias; Kill. Yoaas; Mas Near Osmaad. AUBURN, Neb., June 22. Fred Dy sart, a young farmer residing about five miles northeast of this city, in at tempting to cross through the floods which cover the Little Nemaha river bottom here, missed the graded road and got into the ditches at the side of the road and into the wire rence adja ceat. He was thrown from his horse, soby-8tanders state, at about the time the horse left the grade, but clung to the saddle horn. The barb-wire fence ripped his boot from top to heel, caus ing very serious and possibly perma nent injury to the limb. But for the assistance of persons who were near he undoubtedly would have been drowned. He was returned here as quickly as possible, but nearly bled to death before medical attendance could be had. mils' Wife Has Faith. BLAIR, Neb., June 22. Mrs. Hills, the young Nebraska wife of Rev. Row land P. Hills, who was arrested at Tacoma, Wash., about two months ago, is now in jail in Blair under a charge of bigamy preferred by his English wife, arrived here and, in company with her brother from Florence, vis ited Hills in the jail. At the time of his arrest in Tacoma she was left with her friends there, where she has remained to the present time. She will make her home with her parents in Florence until the trial of Hills Is over. She trusts implicity in the rev erend gentleman and both express themselves as satisfied that he will be acquitted. Death of aa OldSettler. CRETE, Neb., June 22. Mr. T. A. Beard died at the age of eighty-two, at his home in Crete. The late Mr. Beard was one of the first settlers in this city, having come to Crete in the early days. He had lived in Crete for about thirty years. He leaves an aged wife who still resides in Crete. The late Mr. Beard filled the office of post master in this city during two admin istrations. While in that position his duties were performed very accepta bly. Ask Bid. on School Ralldlag. OXFORD, Neb., June 22. The bundl ing committee appointed by the Board of Education to superintend the con struction of the proposed addition to the school house here is now ready to receive bids for the same. The plans and specifications call for three large rooms of brick. It is hoped to begin the work the early part of the coming month. Bridces Are Washed Away. BURWELL, Neb., June 22. The re cent high waters took out two of the Loup river bridges near town and peo ple are now compelled to ford the river to get to town. This makes It Incon venient, because about twenty miles of country is cut off. The Loup river was higher than it has been for twen ty years. KlUed by Lightning OSMOND, Neb., June 22. Guy C. Blackmer, 19 years old, son of A. M. Blackmer of this place, was Instantly killed by lightning in an electrical storm. His young brother was in the spring seat of the wagon, but did not feel the shock, while Guy, who was standing back of him about two feet :u the wagon box, was killed. flowe Clt:zen Attempts Saiclde. STELLA, Neb., June 22. William Kite of Howe tried to commit suicide at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in a fit of melancholy brought on by the re cent death of his only boy. He cut an ugly gash across his throat. Physi cians from Stella and Auburn nave been sent for. Beatrice Fight in Court. BEATRICE. Neb., June 22. Nellie Alvord and Mrs. Audreye De Wolf, as sistant matron and teacher at the In stitute for the Feebleminded, have be gan suit for $10,000 against C. W. Stew art, W. H. Dearing and'McEntee Tor assault during the melee at the insti tute last Friday noon. Man and Horses Killed ADAMS, Neb., June 22. Luke Pet erson, working for Paul Sorenson, six miles south of town, was killed by lightning about 6 o'clock Saturday evening. Six head of horses were also killed by the same bolt They were In a barn, which caught fire. The blaze was extinguished. Hart-nan Taken to Penitentiary. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., June 22. Sheriff W. D. Wheeler has taken Fred Hartman, the young man who was sen tenced to two years in the penitentiary by Judge Paul Jessup for robbing the home of Mike Mauzy, to Lincoln. The Cass county jail is now vacant. New Mill for Red Clond RED CLOUD, Neb., June 22. Ground has been broken for the "erec tion of a new steam flouring mill, 36x 60 feet and three stories high, with a capacity for making eighty barrels of flour per day. The mill is being erect ed by Mr. R. B. Kummer. He has pur chased the latest improved machinery and the mill will be equipped with all modern improvements. This is an en terprise that has long been needed. in Red Cloud and will be a great conven ience to the farmers. Street Fair for North Platte. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., June 22. The Commercial club met recently and after fully discussing the prospects for the proposed street fair decided in favor of the project and fixed the week commencing September 3 as the time for holding it. A committee or the club, which has made a partial can vass of the local business men, report ed that $1,200 bad already been sub scribed and that 9600 more could be secured. This will make a total of $1,800 as a fund to start the enterprise and it is felt that with this amount the success of the fair will be assured. FARMERS TURN THE RIVER. rhlrty-twe Armed Farmer. Take Tweaty Saeare Miles From Nebraska. JACKSON, Neb., June 23. An armed band of South Dakota farmers was on guard yesterday while a channel was cut through Rininger's neck, or as it is known on the maps, Bruighers Bend. South Dakota swooped down on Ne braska, switched the channel of the Missouri and new 200 Nebraskans are on an island in South Dakota made up of about 12,000 acres of the best farming land in the world, which has heretofore been the domain of the Antelope state. Intense excitement prevails over the affair, but it has been a bloodless war so far. The men who formed the in vading army are well known and un disguised, so arrests will follow at once. At present South Dakota is victor ious and has forcibly annexed square miles of fertile Nebraska soil. Five miles north of Jackson the Missouri makes its big bend across Reninger's neck. It is but eighty feet wide, while the river must flow fifteen miles around. The farmers on the Dakota side have lost hundreds of acres of fine farms and for two years have made vigorous night efforts to cut the channel through at the neck. Within ten days twice has a ditch been cut across and again filled up. Thursday night at 9 o'clock thirty two husky Dakota farmers all heavily armed and equipped with dynamite and intrenching tools, crossed the river and by working all night opened a ditch twenty feet wide and fourteen feet deep. All this forenoon a strict guard was maintained and no one save one farm er going for medicine was allowed to cross. A rapid stream was crossing through, which is eighty feet had a fall of eight feet. The heavy gumbo soil, twenty feet in thickness prevented fast cutting. Across the raging waters seventeen heavily armed men were on guard, while over the river in Dakota were fifteen more. A half hour later they embarked in boats and rapidly rowed away. Another half hour and the rrlghtened neighboring farmers began to gather while Sheriff Sides and Constable Daley, heavily armed, came too late to make any arrests. From the wil lows of the adjacent Dakota shore and distant row boats the Dakotans kept strict watch, though but one shot was fired. A vigorous effort was made to fill the channel with trees, rcJcks, brush and dirt, but with the force of Niagara all were swept away. Considerable fear is entertained lest there be exceedingly high water at Sioux City. No suffering will come to those on the newly made island, as all the farmers were heavily provi sioned for just such an emergency. Their successful attempt recalls a similar night raid by Nebraska Ger man farmers eighteen years ago, when their farms were being washed away at night. They cut a channel across Sioux Point in Dakota, forming Mc Cook lake and shifting the channel to eight miles of Daktoa shore, where it still remains. What results the present serious change in the channel will effect are unknown. Some predict dire harm, while others think benefit will accrue. Thus far the war has been bloodless, though many threats have been made. The leading conspirators are Known and arrests will speedily follow, and tonight some 200 of Nebraska best cit izens are South Dakotans by conquest. Incendiaries at Wrt 1'oltit. WEST POINT, Neb., June 23. The old frame livery barn which was re cently moved to make room for a brick stable on Main street, the prop erty of Julius Thiele, was destroyed by fire last night. The incendiary was seen by a citizen escaping from the barnyard a few minutes before the fire started, but was not recognized. West Point has one or more firebugs, whose hobby seems to be the burning of barns and warehouses, no attempts as yet having been made to fire dwelling houses. The citizens have organized themselves into a vigilance committee for the detection of the perpetrators of these outrages and are prepared to make if very warm for the guilty party if caught. Bridegroom Meets With Accident. OSCEOLA, Neb., June 23 Rev. Fris by L. Rasp of Atchison, Mo., who came here to be married to Miss Alice Jjik-s of this place, met with a severe acci dent while riding from the court house, where he had procured the marriage license. He was driving a team of spirited horses, which became fright ened and ran away. Rasp was thrown out and his right leg broken below the knee. He also sustained other Injur ies of less serious nature. Large Crowd at Chautauqua. BEATRICE, Neb., June 23. A large attendance is reported at the Chautau qua and many visitors from around the state are coming in to go into camp during the session. John Dewitt Miller was the main attraction and today Prof. Riddell and the Wesleyan quartet will be the principal enter tainers. Hotel Changes Hands. CHADRON, Neb., June 23. A real estate transfer of considerable import ance has occurred here. The large Blaine hotel, which has been managed for a number of years by E. D. Satter lee, passed into the hands of Fred Rust Boy Foaad Unconscious. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., June 23. A young lad named Mateer, nephew or Sam Henderson, was found living on the sidewalk near the Second ward school building in an unconscious con dition. Soldiers Earoato West. TABLE ROCK, Neb., June 23. An extra trainload of soldiers and supplies passed through here at 8 p. m. on the Denver line for the far west. There were seven or eight passenger coaches and several carloads of stock and sup plies. Street Fair for Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY, June 23. At a meeting of business men held here it was decided to hold a street fair this fall. A sum of money sufficient to make the event a success will be raised at once. ORDERS SOWERS TO DESERT. Charge Made Against Chiaese Gevcra meat by Germaa Omclals. BERLIN, June 21. "The responsi bility of the Chinese government for recent events," said a high official of the foreign office today, "is now clearly proved. It has been ascertained that 10,000 Chinese troops who deserted to the Boxers did so under the direct orders of the Chinese government. The promotion to the highest positions of notoriously anti-European officials also points in the same direction. This is the war of China against all foreign ers, including Germans, and the point now is to go aheau vigorously, quickly and resolutely, no matter what the final outcome may be." An inspired article in today's Kreuz Zeitung says: "Prompt and effective measures may be taken, even if a vol unteers corps from the regular army is sent out. as the present German forces are insufficient." The Berliner Tageblatt, which relia bly reflects the view of political circles "A.paw.exwUca is unable in time of peace to promote envoys accredited to it from its own subjects, has ceased to exist as a state. We do not doubt that all the cabinets are inspired by a determination to save what can be saved." The government has ordered the German consul at Che Foo to establish a hospital service by sea between Che Foo and Taku immediately. The gun boat Luchius, which arrived at Kiel yesterday destined for South America, has been ordered to proceed to China and is hastily preparing to sail tomor row. The new armored cruiser, Fuerst Bismarch, is under orders to be ready to sail for Chinese waters within a week. The naval authorities in the shipyards at Kiel are showing extra ordinary activity. An order has been issued directing that marines whose terms of service expire next month shall be retained in the service. Major General von Hoepfer will command the battalion of marines sent to China. SEYMOUR S AT TEHIM. British Admiral Fore His Way From Coast to the Ctpltal. LONDON, June 21. A news agency dispatch from Shanghai, dated June 20, says: "After an arduous march and fre quent fighting with the Chinese Vice Admiral Seymour arrived at Pekin Sunday afternoon. On five occasions the Chinese attacked the column in great force. There were many mounted men among the Chinese, but most of the natives were badly armed. At times they fought with admirable cour age and bravery. The losses of the Chinese during the march are estimat ed at 500 killed. The losses of the for eigners were trifling. "The exact state of affairs inside Pekin it is impossible to describe, in view of the many conflicting reports, nothing having been received from the legations or foreigners there. "Surprise is expressed at the fact that a large force of Indian troops has not been ordered here." The British admiralty has received a cablegram from Rear Admiral Bruce dated Taku, June 18, via Chefoo, June 20. After a mere mention of the cap ture of the forts at Taku Admiral Bruce adds: "The Chinese admiral was present with the allied fleet, his flag flying from a cruiser. At a meet ing June 17 he agreed to anchor with the fleet, putting out his fires. No news from the commander-in-chief and the advance guard. Heavy firing was iieard at Tien Tsin the night of June 17." In conclusion Adimral Bruce says: "Three thousand Russian troops com manded by a major general are here. My communication with the allied forces are most harmonious." REF0RTED ESCAPE 0E KRUGER. Boer President Said to Be on Sea, With Substitute la Car. LONDON, June 21.-4:20 a. m. A member of the British House of Com mons, who has had an important con nection with South Africa, is telling the story of a telegram alleged to have been received from Capetown, which says that Mr. Kruser lias really es caped and is already on the seas bound for Europe and that the person occu pying the executive car is not Mr. Kruger, but is a substitute. The British have penetrated the Transvaal territory as far as Machado dorp. Passengers who arrived at Lou renzo Marquez tell of heavy artillery being engaged and that the Boers abandoned Machadodorp, retreating northward. President jiruger is still at Ukmaar. Boer bulletins regarding General Dewet's operations along Lord Roberts' line of communication assert that two convoys were captured and 30 workmen with fifty military men taken prisoners. it is reported from Lourenzo Mar quez that a resident of Koomatipoort has been arrested and shot by the Boers for complicity in the breakdown of the Malana bridge. President Kruger's unstamped sov ereigns have been offered for sale in Lourenzo Marquez at 20 shillings. Advices from Pretoria, dated June 17, say that an official warning has been issued to the effect that any fur ther wrecking of communications will be followed by the demolition of the farms on both sides. Hodgson is Reported Well. CAPE COAST CASTLE, June 21. The garrison at Kumassi is still on half rations. Sir Frederick Hodgson, governor of the Gold Coast colony, and his wife, who are besieged there, are well. The Ashanti ammunition Is giving out. Trolley Car Wrecks Wagoa. CHICAGO, 111., June 21. A trolley car running at a high rate of speed tonight struck a farmer's wagon car rying fourteen persons at Ashland and Wabash avenues. Seven of the occu pants of the wagon were injured. Two of them probably will die. Injured: Frank Deering. internally injured, may die; Francis Masach, injured "internal ly, may die; Mary Garlach, back hurt; Joseph Michaled, back hurt; Tillie ( urcynk, body bruised; Lena Zendra ick, body bruised; Michael Pi r by la, hit by part of the wagon, legs injured. Others were badly shaken up, but were able to go home unassisted. Pardon for Filipinos. WASHINGTON, June 21. -Secretary Root said tonight that the text of the amnesty proclamation will be pub lished tomorrow in Manila and Wash ington simultaneously. It will be signed by General MacArthur and Is done by direction of the president. The proclamation gives a free pardon ta all Filipinos who have participated in the rebellion against the United States, the only condition heine that they take the oath of allegiance and ! acknowledge the sovereignty of the United States government. It ex cludes no one, except those who bare violated the laws of war. Columbus State Bank mmlsmml am mtsma lamam npiBwiniQBi -mmllMlMamtft BUYS GOOD NOTES attan.amMMaawaa The Columbus Journal. 4 Weekly Newspaper devota to the Wt tatcraaU of Cwmmjs, Th duty of Platte, Tin Stiti of Nebraska, Too United States, -AKDTai REST OF MANKIND. TBI UafIT Of M M4IUBB WITH US $1.50 a Ymmr If PmM In Advance. emr lhmlt pf neefelneee la not cir enaMeribei. ay Aallan mvieenta. UXP1 RY OA8S, LLUL tlfUlHtiC eawiAmiia GoiomDis Journal PBIKTWG OFFICE. PaWT FAPBRS LsuntmQ-msum. Pleat ft. ft. Imr, Tie Preefe, H 1W KB, Calal en tTAvrra, Wm, atccm mml---m--------mmvSff. UNDBBTAXBR ? Oaflmfltmmi CJOUMTftY. 1 i 1 fc, . -Nl Je JakiS&K-i