The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 20, 1900, Image 1

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Members of Foreign Legations Are Keally
Prisoner! in Pekin.
General Tans Declares That ae More
Foreign Troops Shall Enter Capital
Legation Capable of Making Defease
Cnless Attacked la Force.
LONDON, June 16. This Is the sit
uation in China as it appears to the
Shanghai correspondent or the Daily
Express, cabling last evening:
"It is really a state of veiled war.
The members of the foreign legations
in Pekin are virtually prisoners and
the Chinese troops are only restrained.
from attacking them "by fear of 'the
legation guards. Meanwhile the min
isters are unable to communicate with
the officers commanding the relief col
umn, which is making an enforced
and isolated halt before Tien Tsin and
Pekin. The walls of the capital are
guarded by 100,000 imperial troops.
The gates are heavily defended "with
modern guns. General Tungt acting
.under orders from the empress dow
Hgcr. says no more foreign troops have
or shall enter the sacred citj
"On Monday the ministers sent a
demand to theTsung Li Yamen that
the gates be opened, declaring that
otherwise the foreign troops would en
m ter forcibly. To this no reply was
given. A second message went unan
swered, or had not been answered
when the latest news left Pekin."
Sir Claude MacDonald's latest mes
KagK says the legations are capable of
m-staining an effective defense unless
attacked in force. Russia, this corre
spondent asserts, notwithstanding as
surances to the contrary, sides with
China. Some foreign troops are al
lcady reported to be In the environs
of Pekin and the attitude of the Chi
nese troops i3 increasingly menacing.
The streets of Pekin are full of peo
ple clamoring for the death of the
foreign ministers. Even were the
Tsung Li Yamen disposed to restrain
the violence of the reactionaries, it
if? considered highly improbable that
they will be able to hold them in
check. For the foreign ministers the
crisis will arrive when the relief col
umn comes in sight of Pekin. It is
still felt here that the foreign force
is wholly inadequate to battle with
the hordes of Chinese troops massed
outside the gates, which now include
the imperial troops from Shan-Hai-Kwan.
A disquieting element in the situa
tion is the fact that although the i
Russo-Chinese telegraph line from Pe
kin. via Kiakata (eastern Siberia), is
working the transmission of messages
is rigidly refused. From Tien Tsin it
is reported that the foreign forces in
the harbor will attack the Taku forts
and if necessary bombard them.
The international column appears
to 1h Etill at Lang Fang, engaged in
. Kinwly repairing the railway, which.
according to a dispatch from Tien
Tain to the Daily Mail, dated June 14.
.cannot be effected for weeks. The
force is short of provisions and as it
. is without field transport it must stick
to the railway. The report that
the mixed forces will seize the Taku
forts is taken to mean that the for
eign commanders expect no aid from
the Chinese government in repressing
the disorders and are determined to
secure Taku as a base from which to
LONDON. June 1C 4:42 a. m.
The Hong Kong correspondent of the
Times, under today's date, says: "The
southern provinces of China are still
quiet, althought there was a slight dis
turbance recently against the Catho
lics in the village of Tai-Lek, near
Fat-Shan. There are some misgivings
r.t the idea that the military authori
ties are about to cause a further de
pletion of the Hong Kong garrisop.
tjuemados Infested, Where the American
Troops Are Stationed.
HAVANA, June 16. Yellow fever
lias broken out at Quemados, where
the United States troops are stationed.
Thus far there have been fourteen
cases, three of which proved fatal.
At present only six are under treat
ment and all are expected to recover.
Two soldiers, who married Cuban wo
men, were attacked, but they recov
ered. A sergeant of the signal serv
ice died. Major Frank Edmunds and
Mrs. Edmunds were both stricken.
Captain Cues of the signal service is
in the detention hospital under sus
pension, but it is likely his disorder
Is not more serious than malaria.
Havana City is exceptionally clear,
only three cases being under treat
ment, which is less than was the case
during any month of the winter. Gen
eral Lee is taking every precaution to
prevent troops in the barracks from
contracting the disease. Dr. Harvard
believes that the fever at Quenados is
under check. It has been several
years since there was an outbreak
Martin Resigns as Premier.
VICTORIA, B. C, June 16. Joseph
Martin last night resigned tbe pre-
.micrship of British Columbia and
lames Dunsmuir was sent for by the
lieutenant governor. After a confer- '
ence of an hour's duration Dunsmuir
accepted the position vacated by Mar
tin and was sworn in as premier this
afternoon. Mr. Dunsmuir will form a
cabinet on non-partisan lines.
Wanted for tioeuel Marder.
An unsuccessful attempt has been
made to arrest John T. Powers, under
indictment as an accessory to the
murder of Goebel. A posse quietly
formed and left town for the home of
Powers" brother-in-law on Poplar
creek, but a rumor had been sent xmt
rhead and Powers had left the house
v.-hen.tbe posse arrived. Despite Pow
ers' caution his attorney. F. D. Samn
fon. said today that Powers is not
evading arrest, but is willing to in
trust his case to a fair and impartial
jury at any time
tteneral Maeahala. Surrenders.
, MANILA. June 15. General Maca
buius has surrendered to Colonel Em
erson H. Liscom at Tarhfc with eight
officers and 124 men, til armed with
rifles. Senor Pedro Baterno. former
president of the so-called Filipino cab
inet, has beem released temporarily
and is now conferring with Senor Fe
lipe Burcanaro. former minister of
. commerce, with reference to the tat
ter's peace platform.
Two hundred men of the Eighteenth
Infantry ho are sick are returning
by the transport Hancock in charge of
Captain Lewis.
flllllT i
OMclals at Washington May Draw (Juea
Bcmey Marian.
WASHINGTON. June 16,-Owing to
their natural reluctance to employ
troops save as a last resort, sad the
disclination of the War department to
supply such troops except under pres
sure, the officials this afternoon were
considering an alternative proposition.
This contemplated the putting out of
commission of several of the big 'ships
attached 10 Admiral Remeys fleet,
notably the Oregon and tne addition of
the sailors and marines so released
to Admiral Kempffs landing force.
The big ships carry, on an average,
more than 300 men apiece.
There Is a growing belief that it
will be necessary o organize another
expeditionary force at Tien Tsin to
assist Admiral Kempfs column, which,
with limited supplies, will be in severe
need very shortly unless It can
force its way through to Pekin. The
Jfouocacy arrived this aftei
Takue and if there were an emergency
by pushing on up the river she ebuld
have reached Tien Tsin before dark.
The Monocacy on such a short trip
could easily carry fully 300 men in
addition to her own crew, so that the
safety at Tien Tsin probably is as
sured. Secretary Root declines to discuss
the military aspect of the, situation.
To the newspaper men tnis afternoon
he admitted that the general Chinese
situation was discussed at the meeting
of the cabinet today and Secretary Hay
furnished an the information be had on
the subject. The secretary was asked
whether it had been Anally decided to
send any troops to China from the
Philippines and replied that It had not
Agree to Leave th. Q nest Ion of Rein
statement of th. Men.
ST. LOUIS, Ma., June 16. By a prac
tically unanimous vote the striking
street railway men decided today to
accept the new proposition presented
by their executive committee and to
empower the executive committee to
settle on the basis of the clause regard
ing reinstatement without reference to
the union.
This action was brought about
through the influence of Samuel Gom
pers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor, who arrived in St.
Louis last night and was present at
the mass meeting, which, was held at
the West End coliseum this morning.
A new plan of settlement is, there
fore, now in the hands of the executive
committee. It differs little from the
other propositions, except in the para
graph which provides for the rein
statement of the men.
Troops Under Fansten Score Victory
Orer Enemy Under Laeaaa.
MANILA, June 16. Upon informa
tion furnshed by Major Wheeler to the
euect that General Lacuna intended
to attack Papaya, province of Neuva
Erija, General Funston. with staff of
ficers. Captain Koepler and Troop G
of the Fourth cavalry and half a com
pany of the Thirty-fourth infantry,
repaired to Papaya General Lacuna
was found with 500 men occupying a
ridge south of town. General Funston
attacked him vigorously, sixty Ameri
cans charging the enemy under a hot
fire. The insurgents fled.
On their attempting to make a stand
later Captain Hoekler, with a detach
ment of troops, charged and scattered
i them.
The pursuit over the rough country
lasted until nightfall. Twenty-two
of the insurgents were killed. One
American was killed and one wounded.
Major-G.aeral Rtceires Hearty Welcome
at Bis Home.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., June 16. Ma
jor General Elwell S. Ot:s -.-.-as given a
warm welcome in this city, his old
home. There were .at least 100,000
strangers in the city. General Joseph
Wheeler reached the ci'-y about 'noon
and was given an enthusiastic recep
tion. The celebration reached its climax in
the parade which took place in the
afternoon. Tbe United States .army
was represented by about 1,200 men
of tbe Fifteenth infantry and the Fifth
and Seventh artillery, she regimental
band of infantry heading tue regulars.
The marine band from Washington
was also a feature of the procession.
Regiments of the National Guard of
Pennsylvania and New York, several
separate military companies and many
civic organizations were also in line.
Secure Disselatl.a of Qaaraatiae as to
Plt of District.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., June 16.
In the United "State circuit court Judge
Morrow rendered a decision in the 'case
of Jew Ho against the board of health
of this city, dissolving the general
quarantine of a section of Chinatown
now enforced by the board of health,
owing to the alleged existence of
plague in this city.
Judge Morrow held hat the quar
antine was discriminatory in its char
acter, inasmuch as only members of
the Mongolian race were held within
its restrictions: that the method of
quarantine tended more to increase
the danger of contagion from the
plague because it quarantined a dis
trict instead of the houses within a
Mala. Fa.I in India.
CALCUTTA. June 16. i;a:n fell con
tinuously in the Darpeelin district for
three days, ceasing at 4 o'clock-this
morning. Several slight land slips oc
curred and a number of water'pipes
were broken. ..
Maeh Wanted American.
BERLIN. June 16. The Berlin po
lice have advertised for the where
abouts of R. E. Haskell, a German
American shoe dealer' who opened
stores here a year ago, but recently
disappeared, leaving his business
bankrupt and liabilities to the amount
of 80,000 marks.
Kralls rail of Skeletons.
LONDON, June 16. Reports .from
the White House Harrison expedition
to Abysinnia, show that the districts
around Lake Rudolph and Stephanie
are deserted, the inhabitants having
either died or left the country. The
kraals were discovered to be fall of
skeletons. .
Latrar Cos to Canada
CHICAGO, Jane 16. In the United
States court of appeals today the or
der denying Coant Toulouse Latrure
a writ of habeas corpus was aSrmed.
Latrure will be taken back to Canada
Every Portion of Empire in 8tate of Fer
ment and lestlesBKM,
Several of Kareaoaa Power to Scad
force. Fear, Frsaefc aad English
Celllslea Chlaes. Steamer Ladea
With .f War Clears From
LONDON, June 15.-4:25 a. m.
Observers at Cheyenne and Tien Tsin
think there Is a great deal more trou
ble ahead for the concert of powers
than merely reaching Pekin with
1 2.30 mec Sertotis""dIstorbances are
taking place at Yunnan-Fu and Meng
Tse, as well as at other points at a
considerable distance from the capital.
The whole Chinese empire seems to be
in a ferment. The Intentions of the
empress dowager are still equivocal,
with a balance of testimony on the
side of a determination to expel the
approprlators of a part of her coun
try or to lose her dynasty in the at
tempt. It is related of her that on
Monday following the murder of the
chancellor of tbe Japanese legation
she was roused to a sense of dange'r
and went personally to the Yupg Ting
gate of Pekin. where she advised the
rioters to disperse. But she took no
steps to apply force and the appear
ance of things is more threatening
than before.
While Admiral Seymour with the
international relief column is forcing
his way to Pekin. several of the pow
ers are arranging largely to reinforce
their details at Tien Tsin. Germany
purposes sending 1,200 men. Great
Britain sent 600 from Hong Kong yes
terday and 400 will go Sunday. I tab
has ordered 1,000 to hold themselves
in readiness. Russia, according to a
St. Petersburg dispatch of Wednesday,
has decided to bring her force at Tien
Tsin up to 6,000. Thus the combined
forces at Tien Tsin will probably soon
be about 10,000 men.
The explicit statement made yester
day afternoon in tne House of Com
mons by the parliamentary secretary
of the foreign office, Mr. Broderick,
with reference to the identity of opin
ion among the powers upon the ques
tion of the application of force and
the method of applying it is accepted
by all the morning papers as quite
sufficient for the present, and the hope
is generally expressed that nothing
will happen to diminish the harmony.
An incident, however, has already
occurred, involving the British and
French at Tien Tsin, which nearly
ended in violence.
Board Will Recoaaasead Chance ia Con
dition of Entrance.
WASHINGTON. June 15. The
Board of Visitors of West Point has
completed its work and one of the
board. Representative Slaydon of Tex
as, was at the War department today.
Mr. Slaydon says the most important
conclusion reached by the board was
a unanimous recommendation that the
examination for entrance to the acad
emy be raised materially, so -as to ac
cord with the first year's work.
At present the entrance examina
tion is framed under an old law and
Is so elementary that cadets readily
enter the institution. Once inside,
however, they are confronted with a
very different course and 33' per cent
drop out the first year. This is a hu
miliation to the cadets who fail and
also a source of confusion and ex
pense. The Board of Visitors felt that
it was quite unjust to admit a cadet
by an easy examination and ihen
force him out of the academy by a
rigorous course.
Divorced Parties Mast Wait.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 15. Judge
Belcher filed an Important opinion,
in which he holds that marriages of
persons divorced in this state, con
summated within twelve months after
the decree of divorce has been made,
are invalid and that in the eyes of
the law such persons are unmarried
The opinion will be a blow to hun
dreds of California couples who have
married at Reno., New, within the past
two years under the belief that a mar
riage outside of the state nullified the
Famoas Mexican Dead.
CITY OF MEXICO, June 15. Presi
dent Diaz was chief mourner at the
funeral of the famous lawyer and
statesman. Don Justo Benitez, a full
brigade of troops escorting the re
mains of one of Mexico's greatest men
to the tomb. Justo Benitez was a close
associate of the president in the cam
paign of the army which General Diaz
created and ultimately led to victory.
He took great interest in the progress
of the United States.
First Vessel to Chaar Flag.
bark Roderick Dhu, formerly Ha
waiian, sailed from this port for Hilo,
Hawaiian islands, today under the
American flag. It is the first vessel
to change its flag since the annexa
tion of the islands by the -United
States. Instead of clearing from the
custom house to a foreign port, as
heretofore, it cleared to a domestic
port, or coastwise.
Negro. Shot from Amhash.
DALLAS. Tex. June 15. Henry
Williams and his son. William, , col
ored, were shot dead from ambush in
Brazos county while plowing in a f eld.
Officers are searching for a white man
who' is believed to have shot them.
The eldest Williams fought through
the civil war as a confederate soidier
snd made such a good record that he
was a full member of the Confederate
Veterans' camp at Millikin. .The
white confederate soldiers are enraged
at the assassination and threaten
vengeance on the assassin when cap
tured. Cheat. DtMrtaate. Prises.
LONDON, Jane 15. Joseph H.
Choste, United States ambassador here,
distributed the prizes at the twenty
fifth anniversary of the foundation of
the Leys school. Cambridge. . Mr.
Choate said education had been the
chief industry of the American people
from the beginning. The educational
processes in Great Britain and the
United States dUTered, but the results
were the same. He believed thatGod
had entrusted to these two nations,
each in Its way, to advance mankind
Iw k wun, bibki asu buuic. virilization.
Eaglaad Awake, to Fact that
Africa: U Nat All Mem.
LONDON, June 15.-3:30 a. m. That'
Commandant Genera: Louis Botaa
should have been .able to stand fot
two days against Lord Roberts and
then to retreat without losing any guns
of having any of his men captured is
taken to mean uat he has a force
which tbe British must st..l recokn as
formidable when acting defensibiy
Tne pacification of the whole Trans-'
vaal, especially .the wide -spaces fai
from the railway, is reckoned a busi
ness requiring months, rather than
weeks. Meanwhile everything goes
well for the British arms. A Boer
bulletin issued June 12, at Machadorp,
said: '
"Both wings of the federal forces
tuched the advancing enemy at 10 a.:
m., east of Pretoria. Fighting con
tinued until dark. The enemy, though
in overwhelming numbers, -was checked;
alOTga-liaexrtlimy-8ix jalles-aad-the
burghers succeeded in ariving back
their right wing five miles. Two bur
ghers were killed and ten wounded."
Another Machadorp announcement is
that the nrst regiment of General But
ler's force attacked Almond's Nek and
was "annihilated," but as the .British
were in overwhelming numbers the
burghers were compelled to abandon
the nek.
A dispatch from Lourenzo Marquez,
dated yesterday, says: "President
Kruger is holding on to his gold and
is issuing paper notes from a press
in his executive car. The Boer gov
ernment's coin stock is exhausted and
it is now paying out plain gold 'disks
unstamped. Some who have declined
to accept notes have taken their sal
aries in gold bars.
"The Boer government is still pay-
i ing out much gold in that way."
President. Steyn is at Unitkop. His
presence there is supposed to account
for the Boer activity.
I'olice Are Re In rued to Their Regalar
Boats, While More Cars Raa.
ST. LOUIS, June 15. The predic
tions made that yesterday witnessed
the beginning of the end of the great
street railway strike were corroborated
today when the police department
withdrew its officers from all the cars
and power houses of the St. Louis
Transit company and returned them to
their regular beats. The Transit com
pany continues to augment its force
of nonunion employes and its transpor
tation facilities at a rate that promises
to see tne system in full swing before
many more days have passed.
Much interest is being shown by the
general public in the coroner's inquest,
at present in progress over the bouies
of strikers and a citizen killed last
Sunday by members of the sheriff's
posse comitatus. The testimony ad
duced at today's hearing does not deny
that Deputy Sheril Marsh shot Fred
erick Bohne, the citizen in question,
but the witnesses disagreed as to the
deputy's provocation for shooting,
'ihere was testimony from about thirty-five
witnesses, consuming three
hours, after which the jury returned
a verdict of homicide. A sensational
feature bf the inquest was the con
flicting statements made by witnesses
as to whether Police Lieutenant Stack
ordered the deputy sheriffs to fire on
the crowd. Several of the deputies
testified that he ordered the posse
guard to shoot, while Stack declared
he did all in his power to prevent the
deputies from firing.
Cuban Capital Tahiae; Great Interest in
Mayorality Bace.
HAVANA, June 15. Havana now
shows a lively interest in the coming
elections. Both candidates for the
mayoralty are doing their most to se
cure votes. Meetings were held last
evening and this evening and others
have been called for tomorrow after
noon. The proceedings were varied
with music and last night continued
until after 12 o'clock. The national
ists claim they control' 14,000 out of
24,000 votes. On tbe other hand. Senor
Aulet, who is managing Senor 'Estrada
Mora's campaign, says he is sanguine
of success. General Julio Sanguilly is
also of the opinion that fttora will win
on the strength of his record as acting
General Alejandro Rodriguez, the
nationalist candidate, refused to ne
interviewed, but seemed to be very
hopeful. He said that in any event
he would not discuss the political fu
ture for publication until after Sat
urday. Tbe managers of his campaign
have been emphasizing the fact that
Rodriguez is the candidate of General
Gomez, which is undoubtedly the fact,
despite the fact that he is equally in
favor of all. The nationalists have
claimed that they are working for the
independence of Cuba. They Bay:
"Vote for the nationalist candidate and
independence will come quickly."
It is asserted that Rodriguez has
openly confessed his desire to be may
or, because he is convinced that the
first mayor of Havana will be the first
To Lower Price, of Steel.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. June 15. The
beam pole or combine of structural
steel manufacturers meets in New York
today to reduce the price of steel to
correspond with tbe decline in the
cost of raw material. The present
price is 2 cents per pound, and it is
proposed to cut it to 2 cents, or $5
a ton.
Knead Fortaa. la Moaament.
WESTCHESTER. Pa., June 15. In
order to preclude tne possibility of a
contest ever his will after he is dead
John G. Taylor of this place is now
engaged in expending; a fortune of
$100,000 in monuments. Mr Taylor's
avowed purpose is to use all "hi3
money in improving Lafayette ceme
tery, on the heights of Brandywine
battlefield, a short distance from the
spot where General Lafayette fell
wounded in battle. The bodies of Tay
lor's father, mother, sister, .wife snd
child are. buried there. Quietly and
without ceremony Mr. Taylor yester
day unveiled his fourth monument.
Casta Blew em Gold Baste.
NEW ORLEANS, La., June 15.
News received here states that Presi
dent Iglesias of Costa Rica has sent
to congress a decree making legal the
circulation in that country of the
money of the - Uniteu States;
also of the gold coin of Eng
land, France and Germany. As a con
sequence the value of Costa Rica
money improved here 110 points from
330 to 220 discount. The Costa Rican
congress is now engaged in forming
a national banking law which will
conform to tbe new gold basis system.
lot One Word If oemd From Threatened
Capital in Twenty-Fear Hears.
' Am Tralaed oa Aas.rlcaa Mlssloa
aad British Legatlsa Or.r S.wSO) lit
slaa Cavalry at Taka Mlalater Ceag-er
Koaorted to Hav. Asked far iArgo
Maaiber of Marias.
LONDON, June, 14. 5:03 a. m. Pe
kin appears to be completely isolated.
None of the morning papers or news
'agencies have a word from there di
rect-today. The latest message re
ceived In London is the one announc
ing that the Chinese are entrenching
outside the capital.
, LONDON, June 14. 1:20 a. m. The
Chinese are entrenching outside of Pe
kin to oppose the advance of the in
ternational column. A dispatch from
Tien Tsin, dated Tuesday, June 12,
"I learn that the Chinese have guns
trained on the American mission and
the British legations.
"Two thonsand Russian cavalry and
infantry with -artillery have landed at
The Shanghai correspondents report
that United States Minister Conger,
by courier, asks for 2,000 United States
The question of provisioning the re
lief force is already difficult and it is
predicted at .Shanghai that it will be
come acute.
The leading members of tbe reform
party, representing fifteen out of eigh
teen provinces, are at Shanghai. A
dispatch to the Daily Mail, dated yes
terday, says they are sending a peti
tion to the United States. Great Brit
ain and Japan, praying those powers
to take joint action against any at
tempt on the part of the other powers
to partition the empire, and they im
plore the powers thus addressed to
rescue the emperor.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg says
the ships of the Russian Pacific squad
ron on the active list, as well as those
at Vladivostock, have been ordered, to
proceed with 'all haste to Chinese
The foreign office confirms the re
port of an engagement between troops
of the international column and the
Boxers on Monday.
It says that about thirty-five Chi
nese were killed.
Not Likely to Do Anything to Displease
the Powers.
LONDON, June 14. In regard to
the reports that Japan is about to de
clare war on China, it was learned
by a representative of the Associated
Press at tbe Japanese embassy today
that the attitude of Japan in the Chi
nese crisis is to cooperate loyally with
the European powers. In tbe exist
ing situation Japan would not be will
ing to see any single power take the
The murder of the chancellor of i
the Japanese legation at Pekin is re
garded as likely to lead to serious
complications, but no decision has been.
reached by Japan as to what political
measures will be necessary to meet
the situation.
Relative to the reports that the Jap
anese minister at Pekin is pressing
for the recognition of a Japanese
sphere of influence to include the prov
inces of Che Kiang, Fo Kein and
Kiang Si, it is pointed out that Japan
has already obtained a promise that
the province of Fo Kein should not be
alienated, while Kiang Si, situated at
the mouth of tbe Yank Tse river, is in
the British sphere. Japan is not like
ly to take a step which might be -distasteful
to Great Britain, whose in
terests in China are similar to those of
J wish Association Discusses Phases of j
Important Subject.
CHICAGO, June 14. "The Prob
lems of Jewish Charities in Small
Cities," by Rev. Dr. I. Calisch of Rich
mond, Va., was the first paper read
at today's session of the national con
ference ot Jewish Charities. Among
other papers read was one by Mrs.'S.
Piske of Denver, Colo., on "Progress
in Jewish Charity." The report of
the committee on uniform records was
then taken up and discussed. The
conference will conclude this evening
with the election of officers and the
report of the committee on resolu
tions Rabbi -Edward Calisch of Richmond,
Va., delivered an address before ad
journment strongly denouncing the
practice of giving 'sumptuous charity
balls, banquets, fair bazars and sim
ilar entertainments. He criticised
rich people who "join in charity work
with a view of gratifying their own
vanity in seeking to be known as lead
ers in philanthropic work."
Director Devon Hart.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 14. Direc
tor W. S. Devqe of the bureau of ani
mal industry of the department of ag
riculture, who arrived at Cody City, in
the Bis Horn basin, last week, to make
seme investigations, was thrown from
his horse yesterday and seriously in
jured, sustaining bad cuts on the head
and face. His injuries are not fatal.
Fir. Besalts Fatally.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., June 14. The
ranch house of Milt Benedict near Ish
awood. Big Horn county, burned Tues
day, and the little 3-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones, per
ished in the flames. Another child was
rescued but may not recover. The
cause of the fire is unknown.
Mrs. Gladstcae Is Dyiag.
LONDON, June 14. It was an
nounced last evening that Mrs. W. E.
Gladstone was not expected to live
through the night.
Investigate Daath.
8T. LOUIS, Mo., June 14. The in
quest over the' two striking street car
men killed by the sheriff's posse dur-
f ing the riot Sunday evening is in
progress. A large number of wit
nesses will be examined. -
John Goettling. a union man, died
this morning as a result of a bullet
red from a Transit car during the
riot Jane 7. This Is the eleventh
death directly due to the strike. All
hat two ot the Transit company's lines
will be run tonight
Failara of Lara Bahert. to Msatloa
Prisoners Caaoes Some Comment.
LONDON. June 14.-3:50 a. m. The
dispatch from Lord Roberts clearing
up the situation at Pretoria and among
tae'communlcations stands alone. Mil
itary observers, noting that no men
tion is made of prisoners, assume that
General Dewet got away with his
forces practically intact.
General Buller entered Volkshurst
Wednesday, passed through Charleston
and encamped near Laing.'s Nek. 'lue
tunnel was not much damaged. Both
ends were blown up, but the engineers
think that repairs can be effected in
about four days. The advance troops
of General Buller saw the Boer rear
guard four miles distant yesterday. It
was estimated that 8,000 Boers were
withdrawing. The townspeople at Er
melo counted fifteen guns.
Three hundred Free Staters, released,
from guarding Van Renan's pass' have
gone to join President Steyn's forces
in the eastern part of Orange River
colony. General Bundle has sent no
tice to the Free Staters that unless
they surrender by June 15 their farms
and other possessions will be confis
cated. President Kruger, according to a
dispatch from Lourenzo Marques, keeps
a locomotive with steam up. attached
to the car in which he concentrates the
executive offices of the government
and that he intends to leave. Macha
dorp soon and establish the' govern
ment at Neil Spruit, in the mountains,
a fine defensive region.
Last, for St Days Ead'ag With l.SOS
Dead and S.OOO Woanded.
NEW YORK. June 14. Official ad
vices were received in this city from
Carthagena and Bogoto. giving detans
of the revolution on in Colombia. The
complete overthrow of the rebels in
Santander has been confirmed. In
which place, after a severely contest
ed battle, lasting twenty-one days, the
government forces remained complete
masters of the field. The casualties
were 1,800 dead, belonging to the en
emy, 2.000 wounded and 1.800 prison
ers of war, besides Implements of war
in large quantities, which were taken
from the enemy.
Among the prisoners taken were
General Vasayas Tomas, a prominent
rebel leader, who was put aboard the
steamer Alice and is now on his way
to the prison at Poca Chica, on an is
land in the bay of Carthagena. The
revolutionist general Avelina Rosas,
was captured at Cartago and the rebel
lion seems to be virtually at an end.
Sheriffs Meet to Confer.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 14.
The Interstate Sheriffs' association,
representing Colorado, Illinois, Iowa,
Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebras
ka, North and South Dakota, Wiscon
sin and Wyoming, began-its ninth an
nual session here today, with 150 sher
iffs present. The day was scent in
I hearing speeches and papers on meth
ods of identifying and carlng for
Several states are after the next
convention, but Missouri seems likely
to win. In the absence of President
J. W. McPherson of Marshalltown, la.,
Vice President W. S. Seavey of Denver
Forced to Swallow Poisoa.
SOUTH M'ALESTER, I. T.. June 14.
Myron Clark, who couducts a dairy
near the mining camp of Haleyvllle,
becoming suddenly insane, drove his
children away from the house and
then' deliberately prepared a dose of
strychnine aad forced his wife at the
point of a revolver to swallow the poi
son. He stood over tbe writhing body
with his weapon and prevented any
assistance being given her, Keeping
everybody at bay until she died. After
the tragedy Clark disappeared and it
was reported that he had afterward
killed himself, but a telephone mes
sage just received states tha't he is at
large in the woods in the vicinity of
bis home.
Not la Piiwllexed Clans.
NEW YORK, June 14. Under a de
cision announced by the board of clas
sification of the United States general
appraisers hospitals are not entitled
to import surgical instruments free of
duty. Paragraph 368 of tbe present
tariff admits to free entry philosophical
and scientific apparatus, utensils, in
struments and preparations wnicb are
imported not to sell, but for an insti
tution established "solely for religious,
philosophical, educational, scientific or
literary purposes."
Mlaers'Get Shorter Day.
BUTTE, Mont., June 14. Miners' un
ion day- was celebrated today and was
the most memorable in the history of
the camp. During the exercises in the
opera house following the procession
letters ware read from Senator W. A.
Clark and F. August Heinz, the latter
the head of the Montana Ore Purchas
ing company, granting the miners in
their employ their request for an eight
hour working day.
. Crashed Dews to Death.
WILLIAMSPORT. Pa.. June 14. Six
i men were killed and another fatally
injured on a logging railroad a. Cam
mal, about thirty-six miles from this
place. A train jumped the track in
some unaccountable manner and
plunged down a 300-foot embankment.
Both fireman and engineer were in
stantly killed, as also were four Ital
ian laborers. The cars and engine were
smashed to kindling. The county cor
oner and an undertaker left this city
at midnight for the scene.
Firebug at Expcsitioa-
PARIS, June 14.-4:30 a. m. A small
fire broke out yesterday in the Vin
cennes section of the exposition, burn
ing the floor between the German and
Austrian exhibits of locomotives and
Drouth is Broken.
HURON. S. D., June 14. The sever
est drouth period this country has had
in nine years has been oroken by an
inch aad a quarter of rain. The storm
was quite general over this section,
and will greatly benefit pastures and
Bis TTctlas May Die.
SIOUX PALLS. S. D., June 14. Jos
eph Koetxle of the firm of Koetzle fc
Schopff, saloon men of this city, was
arrested about 11 o'clock with tne pro
bability of having a charge of man
slaughter preferred against him. About
a week ago It was alleged he forcibly
ejected William Dowdell, a wealthy re
tired farmer, whe lives here, from his
saloon, aad is said to have struck him
several severe blows with a" club or
other weapon. Tonight Dowdell'a con
dition is serious, he having become
paralysed aad unable to talk. His
i death Is expected before morning.
City Authorities of Gratd Ismast Dis
cover the EaMemlc.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.a June 16.
Dr. Kirby was sent to the Soldiers
home on the authority of Mayor Piatt
to investigate rumors of a smallpox
case there. Dr. Swigart. the home
surgeon, was at first inclined to resist
the Investigation, but finally consented.
Dr. Kirby found Wellington Watkintf
In the pest house in a state of disqua
matlon, when contagion is said to be
most likely. Watkins. who had nursed
the first case, had previously been vac
cinated, but was affected with a mild
attack of the disease.
Dr. Kirby reported back to the city
officials that at the present stages of
the disease it might spread, but ap
parently every precaution bad been
taken at the home. Food has been
passed over what soldiers term the
dead- line" for the past eight days
and as far as tbe inmates are con
cerned quarantine regulations appear
to have been upheld since the death
of the former victim. The city's
Board of Health, however, are not tak
ing kindly to the idea of withholding
the Information of the disease from
the official body, not to say the public.
Watkins has had a nurse, but as far as
reported no medical' attention.
V. M. C. A. Boy. oa a Tramp.
FAEMONT, Neb.. June 16. Fifteen
boys from the Junior Y. M. C. A. of
Omaha, under the direction of Physi
cal Director J. B. Barnes, are in Fre
mont! These lads formed what they
chose to dub the "hiking club." They
went by rail from Omaha Monday to
Schuyler and started out to walk the
distance back to Omaha, hoping to
reach there today. While here the
boys were entertained at the Y. M. C.
A. and yesterday afternoon played a
game of basCoa.l with the local Y. M.
C. A., team meeting aefeat to tbe tune
of 14 to -1. The boys were in good
spirits and have been enjoying their
tramp hugely. Fremont will be the
only town made. At other stops they
will rough it in bay mows or straw
Dissatisfied With Assessment.
MADISON. Neo., June 16 The coun
ty board of equalizers has been be
sieged during the two days of Its ses
sion by a large number of persons
from NorfolK, who are dissatisfied with
their valuation. Norfolk is handi
capped at present by her low assess
ment valuation and will get but little
benefit from the assessment just made
for there is very little difference in
the total valuation.
Death of Child Mother.
ALLEN, Neb.. June 16. Pearl Whit
ford, the 12-year-old daughter of Audre
Whitford, is dead. At the last term
of district court Obe Williams was
cleared of the charge of statutory as
sault upon her. Recently she gave
birth to a nine and a half-pound boy,
the child dying soon after birth and
the child mother soon followed. The
community is much worked up over
the affair.
Danish Lutherans Conclude.
BLAIR, Neb.. June 16. The annual
convention of the United Danish Evan
gelical Lutheran church of America
closed after a ten days' session. About
five hundcrd delegates from all parts
of the union were in attendance, and
were well pleased with the doings of
the body. Many questions of interest
to the church were brought up and
thoroughly discussed by the delegates.
Knd of a tone; Saloon Fight.
LONG PINE. Neb.. June 16. After
a session lasting three days the village
board granted a saloon license to F.
8. Cook. The town has been dry for
some time and this has been one ot
the most bitterly contested cases for
years. An appeal will be taken to the
district court and the case fought to
a finish.
Two Fatal Accidents.
NELIGH. Neb., June 16. Two
deaths have occurred this week as the
results of accidents. Frank Belmer
was badly injured in the brick yard
some time ago, which resulted in
paralysis and later in death. A son
of C. E. Spaulding had the misfortune
to fall from a platform and hurt his
skull so that he died.
Dismiss Iart ridge Case.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 16.
W. A. Partridge, the man brought up
from Kansas City on the charge of
stealing a horse and buggy from
George Brantham of this county, has
been dismissed on preliminary hear
ing, the evidence being insufficient to
bind over. Partridge was brought to'
this city on requisition papers some
days ago.
Faaeral Directors Flalsh.
LINCOLN, Neb.. June 16. The Ne
braska funeral directors closed their
convention with the election of officers.
,P. F. Bell of Norfolk was chosen pres
ident, Harry B. Davis of Omaha secre
tary and George Brown of superior
treasurer. The next convention will
be held in Beatrice.
Battle Creek Store Bobbed.
MADISON, Neb., June 16. The gen
eral store of George Zimmerman at
Battle Creek was burglarized this
week, and $150 worth of shoes taken.
Tbe store was entered oy a skeleton
key. As far as 'known nothing was
taken from tbe hardware stock.
Death from Brake. Heart.
rett Anderson, colored, aged 42, died
here of what the physicians pronounce
a broken heart. Anderson's wife, to
whom'he was devotedly attached, died
December 31 last and since that time
he has brooded constantly over her
loss. Physicians were consulted and
stated that medicine would do him no
good. He formerly resided at Platts
moutb, where he accumulated consid
erable property.
Christina Kadeavor Coaveatioa.
AURORA, Neb., June 16. The an
nual district convention of the Chris
tian Endeavor society is now being
held in this city, and a large number
of delegates are in attendance from
all over the district. The convention
is being held In the Christian church,
which the Christian Enaeavor society
of this city has procured for the meet
ing, and' has made elaborate decora
tions, consisting of flowers artistically
arranged, mottos and emblems of the
and helpa ran
The Goiumbus, Journal.
4 Weekly Newspaper dercOA i y
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