- " ' -3P"3!K!nr'"-- "TfW.!,3!-',4-"W- i IK II- a EL ti. . .. ii , - : r .. 1.1 ;. m I:,-.- wk ' s ii . ?" 'i I r I if f r ftr' w. w Ncarlyevcry one needs a good spring cine that will remove impurities from the system, strengthen the digestion.and bring back the old force and vigor to the nerves. '' A perfect Sarsaparilla is just such a medicine ; a Sarsaparilla that contains the choicest and most valuable in gredients; a Sarsaparilla accurately and carefully made, and one that experience has shown is perfect in every way. "The only Sarsaparilla made under the personal supervision o! three graduates : a graduate in pharmacy, a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate in medicine." JLCO a bottle. AH drvgists. "I am perfectly confident that Aycr's Sarsaparilla and Pilb have saved my life by taking them every fall and spring. I have kept them in the house for the past twenty years." Eva N. IIart, Buffalo, N. Y., March 29, 1900. DEUCIMIC 6eiTflirFMs!M rcnaiuno double quick Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent. M New York Avcaue. WASHINGTON. D. C I "ST. LOUI3 CANNON BALL." Leave Omaha 5:05 p. m.; arrive St Louis 7:00 a. m. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? MANY SPECIAL KATfcS EAST OR SOUTH. Trains leave Union Station Daily for Kansas City. Quincy. SL Louis ana all Points EAST OR SOUTH. HALF RATES to (PLUS $2.00) many South ern Points on 1st and 3rd TUESDAY of EACH MONTH. All information at CITY TICKET OFFICE. No. 1415 Far nara Street (PAXTON HOTEL BLK.) or vriite, HARRY E. MOORES. City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. a?$v$?$9?$$$$$$$??$$$$$$?$$$?$$ 1 examine the Package! J? In view of the many misleacinej sr.d unscrupulous imitations of Baker's '" r"fc-rl ...U:U V-.. ?.. V . .1 1 .. r. ... 1 MWbVMUk. vwi.i.i uait icj.iSjf uccii sary to caution consumers arainst these attempts to deceive ar.d to ask them to huu :i;aw iuic mai u nas on me iront a yeuow label, with our name and place of manufacture. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., DORCHESTER, MASS., I f I M ana cur trade-mark If your rocsr does not keep the genuine article, please let us know, and we will endeavor to cut vou in the wav of & TRACt.MAIIIC. Eettinj; it. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book, mailed free to any ap plicant who mentions this paper. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited, Dorchester, Mass. CSTASLIftMCD 1783. A NEW TRAIN EAST The"New York aw Boston Limited" VIA BIG FOUR NEW YORK CENTRAL TO EASTERN (Effective April Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. vJl. lVJUAS PEORIA INDIANAPOLIS .. CT CINCINNATI COLUMBUS, O .. CLEVELAND, O NEW YORK BOSTON 'KNICKERBOCKER SPECIAL" still leaves St. Louis at Noon. Ask for Tickets via Big Four Route. C. L. mJLTXZr. Ass't Ger1 Tmas. AgC LLoula. Iow arc the children this plaining a good deal study as well as usual, and are tired all how is it with yourself ? Is your strength slipping away? Do you 'tremble easily, are your nerves all O unstrung, do you feel and have you lost all ambition? That's Spring Poisoning AYERS For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Some people seem to have a genius for doing the right thing in the wrong 1 v.ay. Don't you. forget to close doors behind lam sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved mr life three jears ago. Mrs. Titos. Romnss, Maplo Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1903. Don't neglect the care of your own room. JUNE 1 A BARGAIN DAY. ' Fnnn News, one of America's best live Mock nnJ farm journals prico T0 cents a year, has adopted a new and original plan to get into new homes by iuakii:g an un usually low price on certain Fargaiu Days. Tlio tcst offer yet is to send it oue year to all who remit I5eentstoFnrm Xeivs.Sprinj Celd. Ohio on June 1, next ISnrgmu Day. IT you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then ure no othcr C?lm seas make careless sailors. pui ujjuu mo inartei, we una 1: neces examine every package they purchase, 2L "La Belle Chocolatiere" CITIES. 23th, 1900.) .0 : .6 00 A. M. 30 A. M. 25 P. M. 00 P. M. 10 P. M. 55 P. M. : 55 P. M. : 50 P. M- o 9 WARREN J. LVNC!. GcnT Pass. Agt, Cincinnati. spring? Com- of headache, can t easily fall asleep. the time t And dull and sleepy. medicine; a medi IN THE LAKE COUNTRY of Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Min nesota and Michigan, there are hun dreds of the most charming Summer Resorts awaiting the arrival of thou sands of tourists from the South and East. Among the list of near by places are Fox Lake. Delavan, Lauderdale, Waukesha, Occnomowoc, Palmyra, The Dells at Kilbourn, Elkhart and Madison, while a little further off are Minocqua, Star Lake, Frontenac, White Bear. Minnetonka and Mar quette on Lake Superior. For pamphlet of "Summer Homes for 1900." or for copy of our hand somely illustrated Summer book, en titled "In The Lake Country," apply to nearest ticket agent or address with four cents in postage, Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago. 111. Where the heart sinks the hand can not succeed. Binder Twine at Low Prices. iryou want a special inside price oa binder twine, cither Sisal, Standard or M.mil.i, cut iliis notice out und mail to Semis. Kofiiuck A Co. (Hinder Twine Department). Chicago, stating about how much twine you wilt rcjuir jnd how sooa you will want it. and thev will save ou m one v by quoting vou a price thit will either .secure your order or crMjiel the party who supplies you to sell to yoa at a lower price than he otherwise mii Walking in one's sleep is a peculiar trance-action. Tsx Onla-o! Try Oral-l Ask your grocer today to show you n package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of -?ffce. The children may drink it without in Jury as well as the adult All who try It. like it, GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c and 25c. per package. Sold by att grocers. Dignity always begins where boast ing ends. SEE TO THE WALLS. A Danger la Schoolroom al How to 1'reremt It. Owing to the gathering of so many different classes of persons therein, the interior walls of churches, school houses, hospitals, etc., are apt to be come repositories of disease eerms un- I less preventive measures are taken. I These walls should always be coated with a clean and pure cement, such I as Alabastine, which is disinfectant in 1 its nature and more convenient to re new and retint than any other wall coating. The first cost is no greater than for inferior work, while re newals are more easily and cheaply made. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS MINOEPENDEIICE ASSURED If yen take up your fccnes in Western Can rria. the land of plenty. IilutratI pamptaletx. .:lvi:ur expcr.ence'i of fanners wno have be come walthv in crow ing wheat, reports f delegates, etc.. nr.d full lntonnation as t reduced railway rats can be had oa app'lcation to t.ie Superintendent of IromUration. Department or In ericr. Ottawa, lawkAa. or 10 it. V. Uonuiti. 801 Nov York ZAtt Sid?. Oaaaba. Neb. A Swallow la oae of the eartlaat terblnctB or aprlaf an eqaalrsora indication la tbat feellnc of lac gBiddcpraafon. llaeyawaUowa of HIRES RNIHw t fbr a sprtac teele aad for a BajaKer . saBM Br B wan. n ma t ot ftrmtwmt mttnt Bw fc hva W. N. U.-OMAHA. No. 211000 bi jjftitflWfll 11 Bjjh M H BVTVnar. pom wm r. .... mm BavBaa fmWkmmmmtttWLlmmmmWkmmmmmmmWUkmmLmmmmmmWtmW--mmWLttWm-W-- Mi MB muK ml tat Mas. PM BBMUatA&taMaOood. CaotSI FAEM AND GADN. MATTRRS OP INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. 5ema Vp-to-Ttt ninta Abt Cat ttvaUaa ot tha SoU aad TWIda Thavaor HerUcaltan, VlUcaltara aad Florlcaltare. Ilortlcnltaral ObaerTatloa. Wo believe tbat the orchard should be )ept clean. Dead wood should not be permitted to accumulate oa the trees, and after it is cut off it should not be permitted to lie around on the ground. It should be raked up with the dead leaves and burned, and this should be done at least once a year. The fence should not be permitted to become a windrow of rubbish and weeds should not be permitted to grow unhindered along it This harbor for insects and fungous diseases should be abolished or never permitted to exist It is about as hard to convince some orchardists that they should spray js it is to convince others that they should insure their houses against fire. The two acts are in a way similar. The expense may be looked upon in either case as insurance. The man that sprays his orchard may never see that he has escaped disaster. He may never appreciate the good he receives from spraying. His enemies are so small that he does not see them ap proach and perL-h with the poison tbat has been placed in their way. But whether he sees the results or does not see them, they are there. The writer this week went past an old orchard that had long ago seen its usefulness. It is in the midst of a plowed field and bears evidence ot being cared for to some extent But it should be cut down and used for firewood, as it has passed the period of profitable bearing. No pruning can recover it. Most of the io?3 are gone and those that remain are filled with dead wood and multitudes of twigs. Yet the old man that is stUl holding onto it remembers the day of his youth and of its youth, and still hopes. If an orchard is to be there at all it should be a new orchard. Without doubt there are many such cases of de parted glory on the farms of Illinois. The fruit growers cf the north seem to have an advantage over the south ern fruit growers at the present time. It used to be thought that the men that went to Georgia and Florida had taken to lands of eternal sunshine and to the growing of fruit where condi tions were so favorable that failure could not result But during the last few years the fruit plantations In Florida have suffered repeated disas ters. The orange groves have been cut down by cold again and again. In Georgia the immense orchards of peach trees that promised to swamp the northern markets have been killed back to such an extent that it will ba some yeais before they regain their normal conditions. In the north fruit growing has not suffered 20 extensive ly as in the south. Jlmgnn Weed. Among other names, this plant Is called stinkwort and stinkweed. The jimson weeds are rank, ill-smelling plants, with large, funnel-shaped flow ers and prickly four-valved seed pods. They are mostly weeds tbat have been introduced into the United States from Europe and tropical America. The species illustrated here is a stout, smooth, busby annual, two to five feet fjtn. 82- Jimson vcd (Datura ttrnmmivm): loworing spray; t, trotting capsule both t'jitd natural size, high, with a coarse, green stem, large, fiaccid leaves, and white, heavy-scented flowers two to four inches long. Cases of poisoning in adults arise from excessive use as a stimulant or as a medicine. Children are sometimes tempted to eat the fruit if they are permitted to play where the weed is found. Children are poisoned by eat ing the seed and by playing with the flower in the mouth. One or two in stances are recorded in which cattle have been poisoned by eating the leaves in the hay. Jimson weeds should be removed from vacant lots by mowing the plants while in flower or by cultivating the soil. The Weotera IlemloeV. The western hemlock is to be tha subject of a special investigation this summer by the division of forestry and a party of experts will spend several months in the Puget Sound region making observations and measure ments of that species of hemlock. Al though one of the largest and mo3t widely distributed trees in the Pacific northwest. It suffers from the preju dice against the eastern hemlock, a closely allied, but much inferior species, and for this reason has almost ro commercial value. It grows at its best on the ccol damp slopes of tho Washington and Oregon mountains, where it is frequently 100 feet high an 1 i0 feet in diameter, or even Iargerr Jn favorable situations. It occasionally forms a dense, pure forest, but is more often mixed with Red Fir, the most important timber tree of the north west, and is usually left standing by the lumbermen because there is no sale for the lumber. The wood of the western hemlock is less apt to be shaky, is stronger, more durable, aud more easily worked than that of the eastern species. The bark is said to contain much more tannin. By the present method of lumbering, immense -quantities of hemlock are destroyed annually, for it is left to be burned by the fires which frequently follow the removal of the fir. It is believed that if this hemlock can be given its trua value before the public, logging meth ods may be modified, and even if the market develops slowly, there will bo a greater effort to prevent waste. An Important feature of this investigation will be to ascertain tho rate of growth and the time required to produce a merchantable stand. The western kern lock possesses .remarkable powers of reproduction and may be counted oa to reforest logged-off areas. Cattea-8ed Keel as Han F Bulletin 109, North Carolina Experi ment station: Cottonseed meal 'Is so rich In pm'eln that It is one of the best foods with which to "balance" ra tions. It has become a standard food for cattle and sheep. Why not use it for horses and mus! thousands of work animals in North Carolina can be better and more cheaply fed if cotton-seed meal is used for part or all the grain. No experiments that we know of had been made when we be gan to agitate the question, though some cotton-seed meal feeding to such stock may have been done. Two old horses were secured for the purpose of ascertaining the effect of cotton-seed meal in a ration. They were fed a good ration for ten days, consisting of clover chaff threshed out with crimson clover seed, corn meal and ship-stuff. One horse gained and one" lost weight on this ration, while both were kept at usual work. No. 1 pained 1.7 pounds daily, and No. 2 lost .97 pound daily. The ration fed during this period to both horses is given as No. 1 below. During the seconu period both horses gained weight, No. 1 at the rate of 1.6 pounds per day. and No. 2, 4.1 pounds; or, if the apparent loss in weight of No. 2 during the first period were due to reduced stomach contents, conse quent on change to better than pre vious ration, and this gain distributed over two periods, it would be equiva lent to 1.56 pounds per day. The dally weights show irregularity and falling back during the first period; but when two pounds of cotton-seed meal had replaced two pounds of corn meal and ship-stuff of the ration in the first pe riod, there was an almost regular ad vance in body weight After the first two periods the same chaff was continued two days and the grain changed by reducing corn and ship stuff one pound each and increas ing the cotton-seed meal one-half pound. Then, with the grain fed reg ularly as thus changed, timothy hay was fed in place of the chaff. Horse No. 1 refused the bay, and ate only what meal he could pick off, leaving hay, saliva and meal in excess of the hay feed. He was discarded after four days of this kind of feeding. Horse No. 2 was continued eight days, al though he nearly held his weight Nei fter horse showed any symptoms to indicate that the cotton-seed meal dis agreed with them, but both objected to late-cut timothy hay after crimson clover straw and chaff. Immediate Care of Plants. If we wish to move a plant shrub or evergreen to some other place on our grounds, we use the greatest care to take up as many as possible of the fibrous roots, carrying with them a considerable amount of earth to en sure a greater number of rootlets be ing in an unbroken condition, choos ing if possible a time when the soil is moist, that earth and roots may re ceive as little disturbance as possible. If we see our plant roots bristling with little white feeding rootlets we have more hope of the future results. And yet the carnation grower desires to re move his plants when all the dirt will fall off. We must carefully consider the con dition of our plants when received and at time of planting. They may have been so packed as to give us foliage bright and fresh in appearance, but with roots dry and leafless. We must then put them in a cool place, dampen the roots and sprinkle freely with fresh soil, examining in a few hours and cutting away dead portions, for new roots can only come from those that are alive. In the meantime we must prevent wilting of the plant, if we do not wish to sacrifice any of its present growth. Sometimes the nurs eryman packs so loosely tbat nearly all is dry; or else he packs so closely that decay has set in, when our knife must stop tho decay. If trees or shrubs are large it is impossible to grow them with any amount of fine roots so they can be packed safely !o ship. William Toole, Earaboo, Wis consin. Prospect for Frnlt In MUsonrl. The prospect for fruits in this state has not materially changed since my last report in February. The strawberry crop will be less than half of last year. The raspberry will not give more than half a full crop. The blackberry will be a good one never better. The currant and gooseberry will fruit about as usual. The grape gives promise of an abundant crop. The apple prospect is bright and we hope to see one of our usual good crops again, and be able to supply the markets of our land. The pear buds have not been in jured thus far. The peach buds have been about one half killed and the trees are short of their full amount of their bearing wood, hence we can expect about a half crop from our large orchards. The plum will hold its usually good crop. The cherry buds are all sound thus far. The quince crop will be a good one also. L. A. Goodman, Secretary Mis souri State Horticultural Society. Ewes Disowning Lambs. Why Jo ewes disown their lambs? Sometimes it is because the ewe has not been able to secrete the milk necessary for the sustaining of the young life, and this is the way nature takes to compel the ewe to turn over her lamb to some other mother. If the farmer wants to have laying fowls this fall he must have pullets now and feed them so they will mature In a few months. It is not difficult to get eggs in the fall provided the pullets be mature enough to lay them. Some miscreant out in Kansas chopped down a cornstalk and felled it across a railway track. Presently it was discovered before a train came along, and no lives were lost Kansas City Journal. Purpose give definiteness and dignity to life, the man with a noble purpose grows to the level of his purpose. Rev. J. F. Carson. Presbyterian.Brook lyn, N. Y. He who believes in nobody knows tbat he himself is not to be trusted. The peach crop is all right if it isn't killed any more than usual. Food for reflection was never known to put flesh on anybody. The sea of matrimony swamps many a courtship. THE HEALTH Of YWJK WOMEN "Dbab Mas. PnraHAai: I am sixteea years oM aad asa troubled with my nnthlysiekaea. It is very irregular, oecarriag only once in two or three mtoaths, and also Tery painful. I also after with cramps and once in awhile main strikes sae in the heart and I have drowsy headaches. If there is any thing yoa can do for ate, I will gladly follow yoar advice. Miss Mabt Goxbs, Aptos, CaL, Jaly SI, 1898. Pixkbam: After receiv ing your letter I benn the ajse of your reme dies, taking both Itvdia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier. I am now regular every month and suffer no pain. Your medicine is the best that any suf fering girl can tnke." Miss Mast Goxas, Aptos, Cal., July C, 1899. Nervous and Dizzy " Dkab Mas. Pbikhau : I wish to express my thanks to yon for the great benefit I have received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound. I suffered constantly from ter rible sideache, had chills, was nervous and dizzy. I had tried different kinds of medicine but they all failed entirely. After taking three bottles of Vcgetablo Compound and three of Blood Purifier I amall right. I cannot thank you enough for what your remedies have done for me." Miss Matilda. Jkxpkx. Bos 13, Ogdensbarg, Wis., Jnne 10. 1399. Starch fteWnfcr KaBaificf NeCttUac It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp as when first bought new. Try a Samplo Fackaeo You'll like It if you try It. You'll buy It If you try It. You'll use It if you try It. Rotd bv all Grocers. Don't spend your salary on fine :lothes. Are Yea Ctr Allen's root-Fa? It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting. Burning. Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 23c Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. Leltoy, N. Y. England's annual dcwfall is equal to Ave inches of rain. A Hook of Choice Keel pes Seat free by Walter Ifeker & Co. Ltd.. Uorches'er. KaM. Mention UiJj paper. Seventeen per cent of the watchmak ers of this country are women. In 1S50 all were men. Try Magnetic Starch it will last longer than any other. At Whakarewarewa, New Zealand, there are geysers, hot springs, boiling pools, mud volcanoes and waterfalls. Magnetic Stnrch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Three dangerous courses the course of time, the course of true love and the race course. Mr. WlnsIoT-'s Soothing Sy-np. For rhlldrea teething, noftrii the (rums, au-es In ktianiatlM:, aliea paib.cnre wlndcollc 2c bottle In a card game a good deal depends on good playing and good playing de pends on a good deal. S20.00 A WEEK AND EXPENSE: toagentssellingour household poolx. Hell on sight. Write C. H. Marshall & Co., Chungo. Man soon wearies of the worship cf humanity. rRSX39 nta Baism Is the favorite for dreIcx the batr and renewing Its !!fc and o:r. HilEBCo!t.s. the best cure fur euros. IScts. Some men believe in drowning care in the flowing bowl. Hall's Catarrh Core Is a constitutional cure. Prico, Toe. One cup of butter weighs one-half pound. asm BbbBT Vasm WWW I ''7fc Mm m faaaS5S?e&MBB 9 SAmSmmmmJIr WINT j si ca '. V" off violence, but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wail, strengthen the muscles and restore healthy, natural action-buy them and try them. You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels wiU oe promptly and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work. CURED BY fc CANDY CATKARTICgj ' r- -LIBdJgK! i&g JOc. LJfm""MilT T II n Hi i 25c. 50c. VoUymcdymortelsuffcrinzfromfaovcI troubles and tco poor to buy CASCARETS x:z win csaa .- c '. . , Addr To aay n.ca inor Comptnyt Chigo or New York, mentioning advertoact ged paper. H CARTER MEDICINE CO. WINS. Obtatae lajemctiea - la Case lavelvlaa; Slaaadatloei of Labels. Brent G00J. president of the Carter Med icine Company, yesterday received a tele gram from his lawyers in Chicago. Messrs. Lowden. Estabrook & Davis, informing him that a final injunction, with costs, had been granted against the Chicago Label and Box Company. .This company mokes a specialty of mannlacttirnic: labels, boxes, etc., for druggists. Tlio Carter Company has boen following them through tlio courts for two years en tho complaiut that tho label com pany was making ioiulations of the labels of Carter's Littlo Liver Fills. They have now obtained a final injunction with costs, and tee cost aro very large, as the casobas been submitted to a Master in Chancery for a final accounting. The Carter Medicino Company li.n been the first and only one to prosecute printers or encriwers who have prepared such laltels and wrappers. It marks a new departtiro in infringement case, and their victory is one of great importance to tho whole "pro prietary trade," and also of mterci-tto retail druggists. New Yoi:KPaus, M.vr 2, ltHW. Two cups of granulatcu sugar weigh one pound. FERTILE COLORADO. The Denver iz llio (J ramie railroad has just published a second edition of "THE FERTILE LANDS OF COLO RADO," which gives a concise descrip tion of the vast area of agricultural, houicultural and grazing lands located on its line in the state of Colorado and the Territory of New Mexico, and full information as to trie stock inter ests, the sugar beet industry aad farm ing by irrigation. It Is a truthful representation of the numerous and wonderful products of the ceil In that portion of the country and Is of especial interest to all who are in terested in agriculture or kindred pur suits. Copies of this book will be sent free on application to S. K. Hooper. G.P.A.. D. & R. G. R. R., Denver. Colo., or any official of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal Doa't regard it a burden to he oblig- inj Do Yenr Feet Aclie and Rnra? Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot East, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns. Bunions, Swotlen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 23c. Sample sent FREE. Addrc3S Allen S.OImrjted.Lelioy, N. Y. Four tcaspoonfuls equal one table spoonful. Your clothes will not crack If you use Magnetic Starch. Two tablesnoonfuls of fluid equal an ounce. . i-i i RfcuireFTipr-'irCTSji'ii ! v r- Tr? ifSfffeDi'JTTCrM tmULViXAiZ AVtgeiatle Pr enacnlionror As similating IhcFocdandRcguIa ling theStouMcte ardBcurels cf Promotes Digeslion.Chee?iir nessandResLConlains neither Opium.Morphinc nortfiiicrol. JtoT AIiC OTIC . jtpesfoidiysttan.rncuzi RxbV Stilt- Li Ctuton'JrAccit fimifStd Stupr Apcrfcc! Rcineiiy forConsIipo fion , Sour Stotiwch. Diarrhoea Worms .O ivuisions .Fevmsh ness and Loss of Sleep. lac Single Signature of NEW YOUK. V pi I Kii5tf5'"aiTarraf "r afm &m Rl H Sill H HllsiiM V I HI! Ill i fgiDJ& B llnlll I EXACT C3PY OF WRAPPER. I AolTWU M UflllaB the ccriTavi eowpartv. Wf row city. aMayawpgM4agaptgManjpEViTipBaaa M Causes bilious head-ache, back-ache and all kinds of body aches. Spring is here and you want to get this bile poison out of your system, easily, naturally and gently. CASCARETS are jrst vhat you want; they never grip or gripe, but will work gently while you sleep. Some people think the more violent the griping the better the cure. Be careful take care of your bowels -salts and pill poisons leave them weak, and even less able to keep up regular movements than be fore. The only safe, gentle inside Spring cleaner for the bowels are sweet, fragrant CASCARETS. They Ann't force out the foecal matter with fciUHU!iM?!iSa - The debilitating drains and tlischargcs which weaken so many women are caused by Ca tarrh of tho distinctly feminine organs. Tho sufferer may call her trouble Lcurhorrhoca, or Vcakncss,or Female Disease or some other name, but the real trouble is catarrh cf the female organs and nothing else. Pc-ru-na radically and perma nently cures this and all othet lonnsof Catarrh. Itisapositivo specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining cf the organs p?euliar to women. 1 1 always cures if used persistently. It'is prompt and certain. II afflicted u& I ThonwzfiT Ej Water. re cjrea. u nDODQVNEW iKSCOVERY. rfr VHVrO 1 niilclcrnllsfandftireaworat case. IWk of toftlmonlalt. ami la l4Vs- tretttneat Sir. DX. H. H. bKSCVS MM?.. Be K. AUaata. Sa. ALUM1KUM CP.bAM SEPARATORS aii.l up i)-i.i:e i!mrii. Iho Iwp.tra- tir l anie tr!c periertlr. C. Ilarrtt. Allegheny C..l'a. I'lreulanfree; wrl'w nuk-kly. ; I KSON -STKWAKT-MrU. 0..2llMoi!h,l'H. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 &3.5Q SHOES "Vgfi Worth $4 to $6 compared . wun oincr manes. ladnrsed by oyer j,ouu,uoo wearers. Tiiramuino InveW. L. Dougus name and prces stamped en bottom. 1 ake no substitute claimed to be as Rood. Your deiler 1 should ke!t tliem if. not. ire i!l send a pair' on receipt of price snd i;c extra for carmce. State kind of leither. siie, and width, plain or cap ti. Cat. free. uanurc " u uulm' anut lu. orocion. anas. CSSTOSIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TT LE JL ALL DRUGGISTS il ErNtl 1 rtl ll fi f M ircs XStadl nvr S fxb AW ITW I iu Hi Frji k-y P.I M ' : Wi 4 " J I - -T".