The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 23, 1900, Image 3

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L leLij E
t aMLaME? Visas M M
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tSTssL bbbtbbi bvSbb
-BBBBw -BBBk fc!3 '
?hw 'BBBBBBteapV.."XaaflBBE BTtr"Sl
SBealaeBsaBJWPBB.fc'$r m
J.- more complete rhan ever and invite one and all to come in and Inspect it. All
of the leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be fonnd in our store,
intrlnding all of the latest novelties, and we offer, far the first tone in Columbus.
ih famous FERXDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab-jsaKl-ely
the best.
Ianne Teas and Coffees. Csase Saxbors's. as usual, take the lead. We
sell the celebrated Log- Cabin Maple Syrup and warrant it to be the beat.
Ton. will find our Queensware and J. amp department very eompleLe and can
eisily dad what you want. Persons buying in large quantities will do well to call
oc iis as we have" the right goods aad will make the prices right. Careful atten
tion tmd courteous treatment accorded to alL
JtlepfcHC Ni. 26
Eleventh. Street, - Columbus, Nebraska.
Columbus 3oumaI.
tiarala. nVaTtr.
Caiaru. lutx.
si.J-eph. -Wt Lake CI IT.
Citj-. TanlMad,
rant aad cmta. yoiata it.
id all
No, Pjuajnr. daily ezerot Soodar
7:20 a. 3-
o. SI Accumajodauuc. daily ercept
Stftjuiiay. . -.. . . . 4:50 p. m
THAT3M Aaarvx.
Xij. 21 PanafiCJOT. daily ezcept Sunday 9sW p. si
No. 2 Accniamodatioa. dally xcept
aanday . . .. t50
5:U"ilnnibcs Local It.
llC. Fat-t Jtail
6. Atlantic Expn -
i. Ov-riaail Liinitl
1 fhifii?Tl Crnii!
5:0 a. 31.
lzlO p.s:
2i0p a.
5:2s p si
4: a. m.
2a.Freiidir. Saul a
ru Fmiithi, UhlOp
WXST EOC33. auux IXHX.
L Ch-eriaad Lisiitd. 10:31a
101. Fast Mail
2. Pacinc Eriv-
3, Colo.ipaal
7. Colamaon Local
22, ?rsiaat
5on?oii BHAacai.
rt-gfl a. m
d p. 3i.
Iit5 a. m.
24p. 31
7:00 a. 31.
TaWp a.
ddO a. a.
12i0p a.
113Qp a
Mired .
l. PasseHir
7- MfctHd
AiHios ro czsas a.i?nhi bhasch.
69. PaMirauwr
72. Mixed .
2Uap a.
6:15 a a.
0. Panirer laBp a.
4. Mixed iiWp. a.
Norfolk par-enrr Trairw rna daily. ,
No train on Albinn aad IVdar Bapicw arisen
Coloabua Local diuly ecpt acsday.
Socittv Mofires.
jyAil noUc- and- thus hrtadiajf
lajironl at tiia rate of $2 a year.
a LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. A. M.
.Brtralar aertin5 2d W-daesday in ca
1UT aonta. All brethren inTited toatrend
C J. Gasijw. W. M.
Gua. GL B.-TTxn. Swc'y- 2ujnly
Tcpfciis-r Tnaj of eacn
-ws"k it liittir nail an Larcensn
street. TLutinjr bn-Taren coraiaSy j
taTitnd. W . A. Wax. N. G.
Gko. FAracarLD, Swr'y. 27jan31-rf j
tar World, aeeta -rery second aadlocrta-
TTE- S "rfS-JzScJz F;
tut desirable, and all vieiline brethren are cor-1
dialiy inrite! to a -wita as. jaa2S-'S5
Saints hold rearalar serrici Try scsday
at2 p.,a prayer mw-tuur ca wdaiay evecia
tnuuu. Allar-cordianriaTiied. '
Elder E. X. Hrssoa. Prs'ideat.
Scbool ar !fc a. a. Chnrch rery Sunday
-" at HiB a. a. Cnribnaa EadeaTor az 73J p. a. t
Ladim Aid Society every srst Thcrsdayia id
aocta at tiie cnarcc laor-M
Wheat. $ bushel -. 50x
Corn, shelled bushel. . . 27c
Cora, ear bushel 27i5
Oats. ? busheL lsx
Bye bushel 40c
Barley, "f? bushel 233
Hogs cwt 4 30 4 65
Fat cattle ? cwt 3 50a 4 25
Potatoes ? bushel 0c25
3ntter ii. 12cl5
Ejjgs 5 cozen. 9e
Marketa corrected every Tuesday af-
. .tcrnoon.
Enquire of Herrick.
Flags at von Bergens'- 1
lawln- for best photos.
. Freexers at von Bergen on Eleventh
streGC -
Dr. Naunrann, dentt. Thirteenth
. strat. tf
fnl.?8 -arritiag- ifcxid at von Ber-
gHLBm'. 1
Blawk fmrm leases for sale at Thz
' Jocssai. ofiee. tf
, Dc Baker, physician and surgeon,
. oSce Oure street. tf
." Dr-L. C Tobb. Hoineopathsc phyai-
-cian, CciuaabaK,5eo-
PIANO FOB SALE. For particu
lars aiauge of.DgHinnwTrr 4t-pd
Dr. E. D-JteKean dentist, over Pol
" .. lock?, 13th aKd-NorthatreetB.
-Xoc that seed stock: acalee, call on
-. H-Sehaster. HcansTeyotiaioney.
' Dra. Martyn, Evans fc GeeevoSee
LIuul iltm 1 uilli iirTTtiniTnTT ntnrr tf
H. JHsndryx ot Mbcroe se bwng-
nf ri rwimriatfr far doatTepre-
iSivPlane avi N
affatz & Co.,
A Careful Groceryman
fills jour orders with precision, and
promptness. We not only do thai, hut
we fill them with the choicest and best
quality- in this line that can be procured.
We are expert judges of
and cur CaMed Gamete and Table
Delicacies we procure from the most
reliable and best manufacturers-
Some cool days the past week.
Presents for the graduates at Snow's.
Ice cream freezers at von Bergen
Broe. 2t
Hammocks and croquet sets at
Hammocks in abundance at von
Bergen Bros'. 2t
Our new car of furniture was a
beaaty. Herrick. 2t
Jay Cashing has a poeition with the
Gray Mercantile company.
We have ordered the second lot of
ice refrigerators. Herrick. It
See the elegant line of goods suitable
for presents for graduates at Snow's.
For hne watch repairing, call on
Carl FroemeL 11th St Columbus, Neb.
Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan
ized steel mill for S32.0Q. A. Duseell i
Son. tf
There is a scarcity of dwelling and
business houses for rent, all over Ne
braska. Eev. Weyer of this city and Eev.
iNickten of Monroe exchanged pulpits
Wasted A girl to do housework.
Inquire at the store or residence, of J.
H. Galley. tf
A 16s20 picture frame, 6 in. wide,
same as peddlers sell at 52.50, we sell for
S"L Herrick. 4t
If you are thinking of getting an
aluminum plate, go and see samples at
Dr. Naumann's. tf
Bun Cochin eggs for sale for hatch
ing, one block north of new High school.
W. J. MitchelL 4t
Henry Roebuck started Monday for
a summer's trip to his old home, Hagen
burg, Germany.
Dr. McKean's method of making
nlnmiTiTTm plates places them on an
equality with gold.
For nags, paperfestooning, welcome
streamers, shields with mottoes, go to
von Berzen Bros'. 1
' Dr. Toss was elected president of
! the State Homeopathic association at
their last annual meeting.
Thomas Canrey returned Monday
from Cheyenne. Wyo.. where he has been
working in the U. P. shops.
J. E. Eanfmann. formerly of HmiT-
ton county, is here and is intending to
,. T . v-.
I u "-c iujuici mimm-no.
Batiolph Miller went to Fullertcn
Monday, to take poeition as cashier in
the Fullerton National bank.
Ai li la caeap-onn. lanncure jo
' 2 "6 have put in some of it and the
prices are cheap-John. Herrick. 3t
j An electric railway hne is again
I talked of between Omaha and Fremont,
as was the case several years ago.
-..,, 1.11.
The Catholic school have
a vaca
tion Thursday on account of special
church services for ascension day.
Harry Clark came up Saturday from
Aurora, wnere he wooes at cigar
) making, to visit a few days at home.
When you wish good, neat, clean
handsome work done in the line of
printing, call at Ths Jocbsax. office.
Miss Maud Tannahill of Norfolk,
won the first prize in the State High
school declamatory contest at Eeamey.
-r-a. t7t Trairaa boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
G.W.Brownof Cedar Rapids-passed
through the city Friday on his way home
from Oamha. where he had been a couple
of days.
For sale, cheap, one lot and seat
cottage, one block: from. Frankfort
square. For particulars, apply to Bech
er, JaeggriCo. 4t
Baptist flmHii J.D. Palis, pastor
Services May 27th, 11 iel, 8 p.m.
Morning, "Love for God's Hoosef evea
ing, "Quo Tadir
For a good set of hand-aade huTnaa
or-anythiag else in tae hn-rna I7n call
on F. BL Rasche. He will make the
price to please you, tf
The ladies ot the M. E. church will
give an ice crssax social at the hosae
of J. E. Ernst Wednesday afternoon and
evening, AH invited.
ifcr batrtiTPg non-setters. Call en or
address Mrs. Otta iumerr 7 anise
east of Silver Creek. Nebr. 4t-pd
For the resaauhder of this year we
firmfph Tax Ccrarxscs Wzzsxr
Jocium. and. the Tinrniw SeBU-Wsekry
Jcurmal.forfLiO cash down.
The Ladr Union of the liKhodaat
charch will grre a tea at Mrs-ErasCs
Wednesday afternooc frssa 3 to 7r aad
froHi7tolQ. Ice cream aad cake wiE
beser-sd. The paUae is sarasd.
Paul EageL
Sioux, City Monday
proved iuhealththat ah
James Naylor is
cottage oc his half block on wast Fif
teenth street.
The aaaw of the aew Uais. Pa
cific sidrna; about two -nilas esstoftajs
-eiry-is Warrick.
. Dr.EhoderscdMr.Weichof Graad
Taland, were the asata of W.J. Wias-
ton over Sunday;
J. TL Sauth aad family hare re
turned from Stanton, where he recently
sold his stock ranch.
. Freda PiUing west to Missouri
Y&lley,. Ia, Monday to work for the
Union Pacrfie in the lunch rooai there.
The city schools close the year next
Friday. All the week will he taken up
xith examinations and 1 Isss ilsi ex
ercises. Henry Meister of Hanphrey is at
the Sisters' hoepitaL He was acovght
dowu for treatment, harmg burst a
blood veseeL
L A Whiteley, who was hare with
a large herd of horses, sold twenty-ire,
and went with the remainder Satarday
to Sioux City.
Boone county singers, notably those
of Albion, Cedar Rapids St, Edward
and Petersburg are talfTty of a grand
musical feativaL
The cloud over the son Wednesday
forenoon for two hours seeau to have
been a local affair here, probably a
Jensen, the man who was injured
accidentally at Platte Center some weeks
ago and suffered the amputation of a
leg, is recovering.
Frank Thomas of Co, E, regimental
color-bearer First Nebraska, has been
appointed one of the census enumera
tors for Polk county.
May 12. Mrs. Agatha Leibert near
Albion was drowned in a water tank on
the place, supposed to have been during
a temporary fit ot insanity.
The true test of civilization is not
the census nor the ace of cities and
crops. no, but the kind of man the
country turns out. Emerson.
The republican state central com
mittee will make their headquarters at
Omaha this year, having rooms on the
second door of the Iler-Grand.
James Daugherty's little boy got
lost Wednesday evening, and for quite a
little while it looked as though he might
have trouble in finding his folks.
Dr. Naumann can serve you hi any
thin? that is known to the dental pro
fession. Aluminum plates, gold plates,
crown and bridge work, etc, etc
Ed. Early has bought a cottage at
Eureka Springs. Mcl, and after a few
weeks. Mrs. Early and her son John ex
pect to go down there for a sojourn.
Johnny Brown of Schuyler, who was
so badly hart by being run over by a
stalk cutter that his life was almost de
spaired of, is reported as getting well
Our refrigerators will consume less
ice and do better service than anything
else in the market. Call " see tfry
and you will be convinced. HerriHc 2t
For rent, a dwelling house, near
depot, in good repair, five rooms, pos
session given at once. For farther par
ticulars inquire atTns Jottbsax. office.
A few more of the Failor stock of
thoroughbred bulls and heifers left and
for sale at C. K. Davies' place. Address
Silver Creek post-office, or better, call
personally. tf
We carry the moat complete sample
line of Carpets, Linoleums and Mattings
in the city. Our patterns are the latest
and prices the lowest. The Fair, Elev
enth street. 2t
Two fire escapes have been placed,
at the Meridian hotel, one at the north,
the other on the west malrfng a very
desirable addition to the equipment of
the premises.
Miss Louisa Key, who has been a
resident of this city for the past year or
two, left this morning for Omaha, where
she enters the Clarkson hospital to study
for a trained nurse.
At the Methodist church next Tues
day evening. May 29, Freeman Bros, will
give the Passian Play." dminnvn
25c, children 15c This company comes
to us highly recommended.
The Bachelor Girls gave Miss Em
ma Segelke a surprise birthday party
Saturday evening; The time was passed
in guessing games and a refreshing
lunch was served about midnight.
August Boettcher andFred Stenger
took the train here last Thursday after
noon, and Thz Joras&L will follow them
to keep them posted on home news
while they are traveling in Europe.
The Fullerton Post a aataority for
saying that Jack Martin has aad eaosgh
of Cuba and will return to darks; that
he says it costs too much to live down
there, and the work: is too exacting;
The Gray Mercantile Coataany hare
opened up a new departaieat at their es
tablishment, a line of groeeriee. The
store is very neat aad tasty, and conven
ient to their other lines of hnaimaa
Mrs. A aBalkHtaaa been ra-eleeted
principal of the High school at Schuyler
for the coming-year. Sept Baxgett has
been at Schuyler fire years and was
unanimously re-elected for the sixth
The Art department af the Woaaaa's
club will meet with Mm. KaiiA Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. "W- A. He-
AffisterwilL lead the aasetiag with talks
on masterpieces. Artist's gaaae by the
One of A.Daaaell's hocaai
an injury the other day by
upon a broken gJaaadaaE in As alley
and cutting an artery in the hiad fioaC
The ordinary remedial ware tsnaafa to
stay the blood.
JahnLangiey,a Coimnaaa aoy,
been given the pnaitihtt of
torintae-Bw-ir M-depet at York, a
sponsible Boajtina. John Isaraed the
wane under AgeatCsa: aad
good woriciB hejag- ad 1 aanji
jjont yoa. enow yow aanalrt ex
amine the leeaerg
Tz as morn ice a
made. We aha:
TwrSaas refriawratac Call
Amr wisaiBer to bay the IJ aetwa.
the Moaxoe had. 5a asctma 25,
IT north, range 1 west, leave btbe
foe aaate with O-Lv-Baker. Mr ttnaroe
here asoat the auddle of
Jaaau 2t
MayLaFever died at Leigh
May 17V after a very brief nissss, of
mewing? tig. She was m the
year of her age, Leign
FredBiaaier at addag aftae large
bay window-to the west of has raBidfnre
so Eighth street. With the aew ad
dition to the east they bare a very com
fortable home.
Thrnaa Dischuer received a net
sum of J3J500 as damages from the Un
ion PHfr rgiTrnart for injuries received
in a collision some months since. W. N
Heaeley and Judge Post were Ids attor
neys. Poamblv-it will not be so very many
years until we shall see double-tracked
railroads between New York City and
San Francisco. The d'Htance as far as
Oaaaha will probably be covered this
The Doty graders who have been at
work east of this city on the Union Pa
cific for several weeks loaded up five
ears and pulled out Sunday evening for
Wyoming and work on the Sherman
Mrs. a A Lntz, Mrs-D.Schupbach.
Mrs- F. Bridell and Mrs. S. E. Marty
gave a coffee Thursday evening, at the
home of S. E. Marty. A neat sum of
money was made for the German Pro
testant church.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a lunch and ice-cream
and Ma, Friday evening from 5 to 10,
in the Brugger building. Twelfth street.
You are cordially invited to come.
Lunch 15c. Ice cream 10c
WilL Ernst hag 24 different varieties
of pigeona, some choice tame rabbits
and a goodly number ot pea-fowls, and
to the latter has been adding this week.
He says they are very good for indicat
ing a change in the weather.
Some ten days ago little George
Brown, son of Ellis G. Brown of Hum
phrey, was bitten in the face by a bird
dog. No serious effects are anticipated
from the wounds, which are healing.
There will be two light scars.
Sunday, June 3d. the German mem
bers ot die Ep worth league of Duncan,
this county, some thirty in number, will
entertain members of the circuit at their
lodge. They are expecting guests from
Osceola. Kalamazoo and Madison.
Mrs. Fred Gottschalk had all pre
parations made for a trip to Wyoming,,
where her husband is a civil engineer
for the Union Pacific railroad company,
when she received ward of a small-pox
scare in the camp, and she has given up
the trip.
You do not help to
pay high rents if you
buy Dry Goods at the
White Front Dry Goods
Store. Follow the
Ex-Queen Lilnokalani of the Ha
waiian Islands and party passed through
the city Thursday to San Francisco. It
is said th ex-queen will remain in Hon
olulu unto. December, when she returns
to the United States to complete her
business affaiTw.
Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs.Herman
P. H. Oehlrich left for New York City,
expecting to take a tteamer there Thurs
day afternoon for Europe. They expect
to travel pretty extensively during the
summer, passing a considerable part of
the time at Paris.
Cyclists should always carry a bottle
case of accident, if applied immediately,
it will subdue the pain, prevent swelling 1
and discolcratian, and quickly heal the
wounds. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
Joseph Fisher and Miss Anna Ebe
nig were married this Tuesday morning
in the Catholic church at S o'clock.
Mi "RVwig came from Germany last
winter and has been making her home
with Mrs. L. F. Gottschalk. Mr.Fisher
is one of the members of the Columbus
City band.
Columbus is looking forward with
anticipation of much pleasure during
the summer months from the Wednes
day evening ccccsrts in the park by the
Columbus City band Notwithstanding
the- fact that four instruments were
lacking, the entertainment was a very
enjoyable one.
Marriage licenses were issued the
past week by Judge Eobison to the fol
lowing couples: Wm. F. Keller of Cum
Tnfwgq county and Miss Dorothea van
4,kwn of Humphrey; Andrew Nelson
and Mas Caroline Anderson of Newman
Grove; August Anderson and Miss Sarah
Get ready for the census man. His
work is all laid out for him. There are
a multitude of tMrig it is his duty to
inquire about, The first census of the
United States was taken in 1310; and
has been taken every tenth year since.
The population in 1510, was 7239,Sclrin
Father Easton has been a pretty
sck man the past two weeks. Sunday
afternoon last members of the Junior
leagae of the Methodist church appeared
at C.S.Easton'8 residence, and treated
the elderly member of the church to two
different hnes of pleasant surprise,
seags and dowers.
The discovery of a new baciilufl has
been announced by a noted German
ariwitatt and has wife. It is called
eoaeothrixrmethystes and was found m
exported from British Guiana. It
Eve m a fluid of 70 per cent alcohol..
It ceases asveie intestinal troubles hi
thoae whoaae the mat.
"RheamatJaaris conceded to have its
origm m a poawmed condition of the
T1I11111T iiiiITiiImi iiiiwT inn iiwafiiTTi lii'iil
d by HtMBlXE. which acta upon the
Hwi, kjfameys and other btsod purifying:
cmbbbv thereby divestmg the systeaxof
the off eadxog agents. Price, 50 cents.
A-Hsattz aad Pollock 4: Co.
lacs lost a $0 hflL blown oat af
ma naart at a street comer m a exty.
Calling a friend's ntfm to the fact.
he eat a piece of paper the size of the
btlL aad let the wind take it from
Folfewmg- the direction it
corner, and fixed the
two peases of aaaer Iriaar aaistiT,
eoasaanyag- sa. a
"they attracted.
by which
was ia the city
farm was reeently
thought beet to
of the estate.
CMJdrea who are ws
troubkeesae ehoeid be giv
fretful oc
They will then become strong, healthy
and. active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes,
will be happy and laughing all the day
long; Price, 25 cents. A, Heintz and
The republican delegates to the
national republican convention met at
Omaha the other day and organized by
electing W.F. Guriey as chairman, aad
Geo. B. Dara as secretary. Henry
Bagatz attended the meeting from here.
They leave far Philadelphia on the
evening of June 15.
There are thousands of present and
former employes of the Union Pacific
railroad who will rejoice to hear that S.
H. BL Clark, is regaining his health. Mr.
Clark was never too big to listen to the
just complaints of the humblest man. in
the employ of the road he managed.
Omaha World-Herald
A false alarm ot fire was given Mon
day evening, intended to test the new
well The notice to water consumers
published elsewhere is the direct result,
awn we are told the violation of the or
dinance was such that bad there been
an actual fire, then could have been no
satisfactory stream, to put it out.
When the Ever fails to secrete bile,
the blood becomes loaded with bilious
properties, the digestion becomes im
paired and the bowels constipated.
HERBINE has a direct action on the
liver and excretory organs, and a few
doses will cure any case of biliousness.
Price, 50 cents. A Heintz and Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Herman P. H. Oehl
rich left the city Saturday afternoon
last for their European tour and as their
departure was rather hasty and being
unable to see all, they take this method
of saying farewell to their very many
friends until they can greet them again
on their return three or four months
Dr. G. F. Keiper, superintendent of
the state asylnm. at Norfolk for the in
sane, has notified Governor Poynter
that he will not be a candidate for re
appointment, and expects to sever his
connection with the institution at the
expiration of the present term, July L
when he will have served four years.
Norfolk News.
Sunday night three bums in a
freight car in the east part of the city
lined up seven of their unarmed com
panions on one side of the car and
robbed them. One endeavoring to es
cape was struck on the face with a pis
tol, but got away and sought the police,
but nothing was seen of the gang when
the police got there.
Monday a young horse attached to
a buggy in front of John Honahan's
store on Olive street, got frightened at a
Union Pacific train, broke loose from
his fastenings, kicked loose from the
buggy, leaving it between the railroad
tracks on Olive street. Louis Schreiber
mended the buggy, and the stranger
proceeded on his way to Sioux City.
Don't despair because you have a
weak constitution. The vitalizing prin
ciple of HERBINE will assuredly
strengthen it. In every drop of HER
BINE there is life. There is a stimu
lating, regenerating power, unequaled in
the whole range of medicinal prepara
tions. Price 50 cents. A Heintz and
Pollock i: Co.
PmnkWelch at 10:30 Monday night,
near W. T. AIlen'3 was held up by a re
volver thrust in his face and a demand
for his money. There were two men one
tall, with a stiff hat, the other short,
with a slouch hat. Frank had a dollar
but had it in his hand when he put up,
and told them he didn't have any. In a
moment they left going towards Hagel's.
Piles are not only most painful, but
also very dangerous, as the inflamed
nodules are very apt to take on malig
nant action and cancer of the rectum, is
produced They should be cured. TA
MENT will cure the most obstinate
cases. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes,
75 cents. A Heintz and Pollock Jt Co.
We made mention last week of the
purchase by the Commercial National
bank, (who had a second lien on the
property) of the livery bam and two
story brick, known as the Abts property,
on Tnirteentn street, ainee tae pur
chase at the sheriff's sale, Herman Oehl
rich has bought of the bank, at an ad
vance of $400, making the cost to him
The Latter-day Saints will hold
conference for the Northern Nebraska
District commencing May 25th. at 7:30
p. m. continuing Satarday and Sunday.
Services at 11a. m., 230 and 8 p.
Saints chapel, corner of North street
and Pacific avenue. Elder Fred. A.
Smith of Lamcni. Iswa, presiding. AH
are cordially invited to meet with us.
H. J. Hudson, pastor.
On Thursday last J. W. Jerdon.
j while plowing on Louis Zinnecker's farm
east at the city, unearthed a 3-inch
rusty sheTIt that had probably
lying six inches under the gp'urid there
since 1363. fharirn Hudson savs ht
he has seen the artillery men shoot at
night into the air toward Ernst's from
the eastern, part of the city , Just for the
fun of it. This ball looks as thoaghit
might yet be able to do some exacutkm.
Mike Mrfiangwiin, who waeforsaeriy
foreman, of the Union Pacific coal castas
here, and went from, here to Choyr
and was holding a similar position there,
lately had trouble with a workman
under hhn for iTiJaifmiTiMii 1 of orders.
and was struck with a pick by the work
man on Wednesday of last week. A
North Platte paper speaking- of the mat
ter said it was rBBaored there that the
injury received by "yTaagfrlfn had
proved fatal, bat. they eoald had no cea-
ef the report. He had sorely
y haxt.aBdaad
erowda af people, who
interested, hr the pathetic soags
taeyaitaed. ap a gaod many
Sasaerof Ciiai il Ttlnffi Ts
Wniassday aad Thaxa-
Baaaaaaai usamHiT with the
ttlsaiaaf af tan aatate af ha
aokL aad it was
- . . .r.-- -
in aaarGaetfe Fairaaflde laaTha 1
on T-mth iieer, eail hr-tawd hm last.
The batty waa earriad to LH-Leevya
raaTdaaee aaer ay: aad later tohaai te
BKaaatrj aeri. akee tana aad a half
years age aievsi to CelBariie far hat'
aawltli heart tnariils wee hie iBaartiina
seat forhaan. to take eaacsja of hie heat
neae whale ha hiaisaif weoid seawayia
Europe, etsrtTse; from here Meaday
week, aad rmrffea- te aefl fram New
York City Moaday this
they had
and he
Mr. Backer wee 58
aid, a
Switxeriaarf, aad
nh Thursday sad that the bariai wfll
take pleae hare friiiay.
Mr. BadMr waa a qsaat. thaaghtful
man, atteadcagetrJetlytohie
and waa of a
ment to ewfce amaty meads sad ao sae
uuea. He will ae saaearsly maaxned by
all who knew hiau
So far as we hate aaaa aUe to
the nasese af thaae aaaaaaJed to take the
U. amuses are: First ward Joan Wig
gins; Second Chariee xUsedorn; Third
Gus Becher, Jrr Coiambaa township Aa
son O'Connor; Batler aad Lowp, Joseph
Olbrich; Granville and Humphrey, New
ell South, and Philip Bender; Shell
Creek Wm. Connor; raamirr H. H.
Hunrfflnan; ftWrninnFil Lsaachea; Lost
Creek Fred. Hoars; Ihmuws Harry
Ma. W. J. Wiaeton eatertaoed a
house fall of trieadn Weaaeedey after
noon. The perty was a May-day gath
ering and the idaa was carried oat fram
first to last. Heart shaped card invita
tions were seat to each guest in a tiny
basket. The hoaae decoratibas were hi
red. Agueaemggaase was played. Mm.
C. L. Stillman wiuniag first prize, a
china plate, and Mrs. G. W.
second a basket of reading A
pTpamnt afternoon was passed.
J. E. Kaafmann has jinn eased kite
5 and 6, block lis, east of the opera
house, of the Columbas State Bank,
iLOGO; the W. A. Way property, oa.
Tenth aad Kummer streets, tiOOO, aad
the two lots adjoining that on the weaC
of J. G. Becher, coaafderation fTOO. Mr.
Kaafmann expects to locate a lumber
yard on the corner east of the
house. His family eoawsta of himanlf,
wife and seven children, and they expect
to be here as citizens by the mffrft" of
A. M. Jennings writes fram Fitzger
ald ua under date of the 16th that Mr.
Swain has sold out and will leave for
Nebraska in a few days We are in the
middle of the strawberry iwaenn. Hare
been having them for a month aad a
half. Dewberries are getting ripe, and
blackberries soon will be, and there's
lots of them. The peach-growers within
25 miles are sending here for help to
gather their crop, offering $L50 per day
and board. The work will oommeace
about the 1st of June Doc McAllis
ter's pension has been allowed at 96 per
George W. Turner writes from Phil
adelphia under date of May 17 that he
had seen Harry Bightuure, who has a
nice position with Browning, hong Co.
His sister, Maud, waa recently married,
and his father is mentioned as a candi
date for mayor of Camden. In talking
with Fred Zoll about Mr. Bightmire, he
said Mr. R. was held hi high estima
ticn there. Mr. Zoll is still in the
batcher business, and is doing and look
ing well Mr. and Mm. Wm. Burgees
are here attending a meeting of Friends.
I saw A If. Bargees on the street daring
"Mrs. Page, who came to our dob
from. Columbas last fall has been elected
assistant leader of the maatc department
and brings to her work plenty of enthu
siasm and real delight in the task of
studying music, or doing anything with
it, for she ia a thorough musician. The
department ia more largely attended
than ever and all the members feel that
tins nas been oae oc the bast years."
The foregoing we clip from, a February
number of the Omaha Woman's Weakly,
which had until now aeeaaed our aotiee.
The friends of Mm. Page are glad to
note her maeJral saccear in the metrop
olis. Mrs. J. B. Gietzen, leader of the
literary di.aeifaii nt of the Woman's
club, entertained them Satarday after
noon. Omcers were elected for the
coming year, the department dividing
into historical aad literary sections.
Mies Lyda MeMahon was elected leader
of the historical studies end Yam
Sheldon leader of the literary.
.Gietzen, the leader for this year, has
made oae of the beet loaders of the
Woman's club aad her inffaeace has
been felt throughout all the depart
ments. Mrs. Gietzen presented each
lady with a hor de lis, the French na
tional dower, history of which country
the deaartment have been studying the
past year. Quotations were read from
baad-aatBted cards with the nor de lis
in. one earner. Bsfin-u retaxniag hoeas
the ladies ware eerved with an elegant
The Womsafs dab of the city enter
tained Mrs. Agpetaon, the state presi
dent of the Woman's clabs, Friday
afternoon at the hoaae of Mrs. A. M.
Post. Mrs Imeariiia huT iililnaaiiiT rtin
dub of Hamahze
and waa to have aome to Gotomi
the Friday aoan tram, bat aha
the tram and had to be brought over
land which delayed the mmbag about
to the Iadasa waa
of the ad-
ef oaxdayare ea
sed of
the weaeesc's ehaha are doueg all
tifymg aaeeeta, eaildisg public libraries.
After the talk,
Ethel GaSayaawe a vocal esWtiin
ef which were baaaxifaliy
jBvxag- over thaae ef peat years.
For One Week
One-naif Pound with Every Sale of OneandOnaV
hauf Pound of
Deictous High-Sfifc Coftas
Don't fail to take advantage of this opportunity to zet a Coflee
that is sure to please yoa. OXLT Df 05EPOTDJD PACK
AGES, so that you may know what to- get next time. This af
ter applies only- during .....
MHaiy, May 21 ti
Peerless Xeeka zmi Jara.
Meaaafo Jar Bleae ....
Oriental Bie
You're a Wise Man
One reason for saying which is that your experience proves to
yoa that we sell you excellent goods at lowest prices, and desire
your custom.
Kb better goode in their line anywhere in the city. A new line of
Wash Goods and Ladies' Summer Underwear, complete hi every
particular. We not only aim to please, but do please. Groceries
always of the best an hand.
hasn't located all the desirable property
we've acme choice bits on our book3 far
sale at prices that appeal to the people of
coalmen sense. The properties are located
in fertile sections, well watered and drain
ed, handy to market and shippinc; points
and at our prices and terms are decided
duncelybred;afew well-bred sows left
for sale. Call soon. aE.DATizs.
tf Silver Creek. Xebr.
Haatsn, Take Motiee !
I sbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. sbkL raCsBaBBCILB
JtfcJ lwW lKaaBBaiamBBBBB
KWSBjBaf. tT BaBfcaeBBmXr1-.
The public are strictly forbidden to : day. a. strange Lid. not yet out of short
hunt upon the whole of section 5. in , clothes, was oinc through the city, with
which is located the L-rsraticn Pond ( a exalted opinion of his own import
Any persons trespassing will be prose- ace. polling away at his cigarette as if
cuted to the full limit of the law. aj. Qu hand at the business, aad Judg-
15-nov-y W. T. Easar. j jg by the peculiar color of his skin, the
ju- AiMyr. j habit was- by no rear's new with him-,
At Vatrn TtT, rrwtW Jndge ' l such co aluable material
Hughes made a decision that may be of ! them to throw themselves away on so
mtereet to many JotrasAi. readers! Thej''filh7- z13- Te3T icjunous a habit.
widow of Lather Rose sued the Modern ' E011'- be a slave, boys.
Woodmen of America for the face of a Arnold F. H. Oehlrich bought at
I2L00O policy which the order refused to ' aheri2s sale Monday. 3ays the Ciarka
pay beeaano Boee took orders for a
wholesale liquor and tobacco firm.
Judge held that soliciting orders was not
eeDhig liquor as a beverage, and declared
the poocy valid. It is saio: tae order
will appeal the case.
Next Monday morning. May 25th.
there will be a total solar eclipse in the
aoathern part of the United States, but
here is will be only partial. 70 per cent
of the sun's diameter being obscured at
the maxhnum phase. The computed
time at Creighton University observa -
tory at Omaha is 6 hours 45 minutes 5
eds a. m and the end 5 hours. 3
minutes. 32 seconds a. m., central time.
Get IiiiwT jfinsrn ready. Several peo
ple we know have permanently injured
their eyes by looking at the sun without
the proper guards.
A man stealing a ride on a Unicn
Paeinc train Satarday evening, got his
riatht foot hurt here, when the train
slowed up to take water. Somehow his
foot waa caught under a wheel and tne
ieae considerably torn.
He had a trav-
mlrmir Trfcnr- 'WTth him who helsd Wm
. .i.- t ; t. -. -.-
UUU Lilts IlimiJCX uu n-. u; auu ucu
dsaerted h-t the injured man saying
that his ecmpaaibn had stolen, from, him
a9?-) wiuMi he had azoTeed. ixirm nnc t
ofhispoeketa. TV h tnJ
he weald go after a doctor and his
and theft were not suspected
until it was shown that he didn't intend
to coats back. The injured man is a
rTeiiffli",a He refused to. go to the Los
affcal, bat walked with the policeman to
the Jail, aad at leet aceetratswas staying
to he ready for travel
He claimed
Only We CMfer
Satiriay, May 26.
aW r" aaw -lSP
aBBBaaaaaSar Lf'SJaSarT'B
bbbbbbbbV i - Ea? aaaBBBBBBBal
stirs the breeze about you as the carriage
spins alone Having a vehicle worthy of a
place amonc the Ieadera oc the road ;rivea
pnde a bas? to rest on. Our fonr-wheelera
combine tht bees ef buity with those of
strength. Every style we show is a picture,
nedim; only a horse or team to become a
moving reality.
Also keep afrtS hne of Farm Implements
and are acent for the Jones Lev-r Binder,
simplest, strongest, easiest runnmit Binder
Brine ns your orders for Job-work.
! ai arom?- acd aireful
Cigarettes are doing more to injure
young-lads than is commonly supposed.
' A cas -xas verr noticihL the other
Enterprise, the Spanlaiaa tract- of 340
, acres lying- w.jst of the Hartvefl. school
house in distnet No. 7 for $L33). He
ajgo recently purchased of Mrs.G.W.
, Hulst the quarter just north of the Had-
field quarter for 52JJ00 and this now
makPH him. 73) acres in one body. We
understand Mr- Oehlrich is raking
these purchases with a view to entering
the stock feeding- business on a large
scale. It is Just such men and euter-
j pnaes that help to bring prosperity to
j0nr farmers by providing a home market
, fo- heir products. We are glad to see
them. locate in our vicinity.
A man will have a coat witn at the
very least four pockets; a v.ssc with six.
and pants with five fifteen, nr aE. while,
as we have lately been told, it ia a very
fact that women generally have no
pockets whatever. We confess that we
don't understand it. at alL Just last
ltVa,i? W3S-
a woman in town who
bought a ticket to Omaha, a-d af-
uer"arua "ati guae so tae cospiiai. anc
2 Z 3 . ... T . ,
Lead lost the ticket out of rurrn some-
thow. didn't
know how nor where., and
sue was very nearly distracted over the
logs didn't have money enough left to
buy another ticket. Of course, if she-.
had had fifteen pockets Eke the average
man, ana had pur the ticket in one of
them, and remembered which one of the
fifteen it waa. she might still have lost
the ticket. But it Just illustrates again
the fact that women argue differently
from, men to defend the fashion of not
having- pockets, but carrying perse is.
h-nfl the woman would say there is one
only chance of losing it, whereas with a
man's ffftwsn aarhars, there are
' -i
. .