isr ajsT .-f :-V- - - if "S. "MC"""- - -yr? v is?-'. .---tv , -o, """.:.' "!-V-'"a5r-' T- ; -.v.- -yv ---? .r n-" ."" - c j r. I . W. f .1 K; i. j - i Brabubebb Mat 11,1878. Columbus Qonrmt Columbus, NaVbr. Fatal ml at thr PoatoSce, Couubbbb, Hescaa iBiilBtitar. iMtBlWBBWBUTS tf. ...X.X.TSXSSBBC. or bcbbobirxox: OBeyBMT.byaMipoBtBgB prepaid fLSf Six aoBtfas 3 TbIW BOBtUBBl BBW WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11. 1M. TOUatW- tha JOURNAL mrmm fka Us to tUm bBtttr Call tar lafrtlieaa State Caaraatita. The republican electors of the serenl coBBtiea of the state of Nebraska are hereby called to meet UcoBTeatioaatLincola.Nebraaka.May2.l89e. at 2 o'clock p. bu, for the purpose of eelectiag f oar delegates and four alternate delegate! to the National Bepoblioan Conrentioa. which eon Teaes is Philadelphia. Jane 19. MOO; also to place is BOBtiBatioB candidates for the followiag eaVet: Eight presidential elector. goTsraor, lieeteaaat-goTemor. secretary of state, treasurer, aaditor of public accounts, attorney-general, coaaBussioBer of public lands and building, saperiatendent of public instruction. The basis of representation is one delegate at large and one delegate for each 100 votes and Bsijor fraction thereof cast for Hob. M. B. Basse for jadgeof the supreme court at the election bald U19W. Platte' aad near-by counties are entitled to delegates as follows: Boose- U Merrick- 11 Batter- 14 Nance Colfax 8 Platte- 12 Dodge- 20 Polk. MsdlaoB 17 Stanton 7 There are to be IOCS delegates, the largest, DoBglaa.wiihM. Lancaster 58. Gage S4. Cass 24, etc Ed. Jochxal.1 It ia recoBtBteBded that bo proxies be allowed, bat that the delegates present cast the full Tote of the delegation. The county ronTentioBs in the several counties held for the purpose of selecting delegates to this convention shall select the county committee and officers thereof. At the state coBTention the state central committee men from the odd numbered senatorial districts ' will be selected for the ensuing two yean, and the new state committee will hold its meeting at the close of the state convention. OblaxdoTxftt. Chairman. J. T. Mallauec. Secretary pro tern. KcfmMican Craaty CoaTamtita. The county convention of the republicans of Platte county. Nebraska, is hereby called to meet in the Court House, Columbus, Nebr., at 2 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday. Aprfl 21, 1900. Tbe apportionment of the delegates is as fol lows, based on the vote for M. B. Reese, giving each township and ward one vote at large, and one vote for each 15 or major fraction thereof: City of Columbus AI-TUm ImI at ta ate fVMto mmttfmutTUB First Ward 7 Humphrey 3 Second S Butler 3 Third " 9 Loup 2 Columbus tp 5 Lost Creek 8 Bismark. 4 Burrows. 5 Sherman 4 Granville. 5 Creston. 6 Monroe 6 Shell Creek 3 Joliet, 4 Grand Prairie 2 St, Bernard 3 Walker 6 Woodville 4 The convention is called for the purpose of I ilscing in nomination candidates for the All owing county offices: County Attorney. Representative District No. 24. Delegates to the State republican convention to be held at Lincoln May 2. 1900. Delegates to the Congressional convention to be beldatNorfolk April 25, 1900. Delegates to the 25th Representative conven tion. Delegates to tbe 12th Senatorial republican convention. J. G. Kexdkb, Chairman. L SlBBCBMSKS, Secretary. Cvatiag Eraati. Knights Templar Grand Commandery, Lincoln, April 26. Republican state convention, Lincoln, May 2. G. A. R. state encampment, Beatrice May 9. Straight populist national convention, Cincinnati, May 9. Fnsion populist national convention, Sioux Falls, May 9. Republican national convention, Phil adelphia, June 19. Democratic national convention, Kan- City,Jnly4. Omaha has three cases of small pox. Japan wants a foothold in China oppo site the island of Formosa. Gborqe Maxwell, a former resident of Fremont, died recently at Golden, Colorado. No date has been fixed for the publi cation of Admiral Dewey's proposed political statement. It is said that 100,000 barrels of Amer ican apples were sold lately in Liverpool, England, in a single week. The British North America and West Indies squadron is to be increased by a battleship, two cruisers and several tor pedo boats. Gloom is again beginning to pervade England over the situation with the Boers, the latter showing great activity in harassing the British. The fear of a great war in Europe is ' amid to be one cause of the great increase of immigration to America, which for the past year has been immense. Last year the American people ate 2,000,000 tons of sugar. Of this the American Sagar Refining Co, otherwise known as the trust, made 1,385,000 tons. If Bryan cannot beat McKinley, no aaa caa. That waa said before, when the two aaen contested. The Jotjxkax will not consume any time trying to coafato it The fact that more large cities have gone republican this spring than ever before in the beginning of a presidential jew, is a pretty sure indication of what the result will be next November. Advices from 8ydney, Australia, say that rata have spread the bubonic plague there, and that a war on rodents j in progreai. The plague is now in the New Hebrides, four deaths having occurred. There has not been an execution in the navy since 1849, and it is a striking fact that of the numerous soldiers sen tenced to death for military offenses daring tbe war with Spain, not one was execnted. RoaWJtT E. Davis, a 8tate University atndaat, disappeared Taesday morning of last week from hia place of business ia Lincoln, the Home restaurant. Hie Bach worried over -his dis- Tma total area of Cab is about 45,000 ajaaaroauls. Of thai 15,000 qaaremilea am awdeared aad aaexplored forest; 7BWstaareHules are devoted to pasture; IMWsaaare miles susceptible of catti Tatisa bare never felt the plow, and only abaat lSjNOseaare aiflea, or a little mora e-foarth of the satire area, are or ttttXttQQZXXttXXXXttttXttQQttX The situation at Middlesboro, Ky., is alarming. A clash of the authorities, Sun day night, resulted in Policeman Moseley shooting Deputy Sheriff Cecil, and himself being later killed by unknown persons Much excitement prevails. Wataiaftaa lcwi lata. The bill for tbe relief of tbe settlers on the Otoe reservation in Gage county has at last passed congress. The senate bill was pnt through the house after Mr. Mercer had made a strong plea for its passage. Mr. Stark, in whose district the lands are situated, was content to stand back and listen to Mercer. The settlers paid anexborbitant price for the land at the sale several years ago, and this bill in effect remits or cancels the excess. It is rumored that the Omaha arrange ment whereby Rosewater and Webster have divided up the loaves and fishes, is not satisfactory to Senator Thurston and his friends, and that they may offer some -opposition to the arrangement at the state convention. They say it may finally result in Mr. Rosewater and Mr. Webster being both left out in the cold. The bill for the relief of Mrs. Stotsen berg has been recommended for passage by the house committee, the pension allowed being at the rate of $40 per month. A bill for the erection of a public building'at Grand Island has been added to the list of measures in congress that may turn out to be a collection of air castles. The democrats who are weeping such scalding tears over the Porto Ricans are still advocating the disfranchisement of the colored people in the south, and the Nebraska fusion members stand ready to support anything the democratic caucus decrees. F. A. Habbisox. In the Third congressional district there is strong talk among republicans of nominating Major J. N. Kilian for congress. The major is probably the only man mentioned who would stand a fair fighting chance of beating the pres ent fusion incumbent. When congress declared war against Spain, Captain Kilian, then editor of the German Biene of Columbus, dropped his goose quill and grabbed a sword; and he didn't let go until the gallant First Nebraska had been many times baptised in blood, and was ordered home by the secretary of war. In the mean time be had been promoted for meritons conduct on the field, and tbe title of major he will proud ly carry to his grave as an unsolicited reward of merit from the great country of which he is an adopted son. The major has a thorough education, and would be certain to carry a great part of the German vote of the district without regard to politics. Lincoln Journal. From Austin, Texas, under date of Sunday come harrowing accounts of dis aster by flood a raging river one mile wide and swollen far beyond its natural banks. Between thirty and forty lives have been lost, besides property beyond estimate. Heavy rain had continued from Wednesday night to Sunday, the downfall averaging six inches in an hour. The river at Austin bad risen forty feet within ten hours. The breaking of the dam shortly after 11 o'clock caused wild excitement in the city. Over one hun dred homes are known to have !een swept away; one village of tenters was obliterated. Losses are noted at San Antonio, Waco and other points in Texas. A goodly number of people have been inclined to blame Dewey's desire for the presidency on Mrs. Dewey, but it is said that she insists this is not just. Mr. Dewey has the same right to bo a can didate as any other American citizen, but he has been used to a very different kind of work than practical political maneuvering, and the outlook is against him. Perhaps, if he could secure his election to the democratic convention as a delegate, and, at an opportune time in the proceedings, make a speech that would lift the convention off its feet, he might duplicate the Bryan feat of four years ago, but this is not at all probable. A Denver telegram under date of the 5th said: Snow has been falling all over the state of Colorado for the past twenty four hours. The warm weather makes the snow so soft that it clings to trees and electric wires, breaking them down. Much trouble has been experienced in this city. Telephone, light and trolley wires are down in various parts of the city, many telegraph and long-distance telephone lines have been disabled. The street cars are stopped in many lines in this city. Thirtt-seven incurable patients were taken from the Norfolk asylum Saturday to the Chronic Insane asylum at Hast ings. Of this number thirty-two were men and five women. This swells the number at Hastings to 700 and caused the superintendent to open a ward in the new wing of the hospital. Tbe Norfolk asylum will now be beseiged by many counties demanding admission of patients held in confinement awaiting room at Norfolk. Madison Chronicle. APaTTBaT. Dewet'b trophies from the Philippines are estimated worth $100,000 and he has decided to place them in the Hall of History of tbe Smithsonian In stitution. Admiral Dewey will have tbe distinction of being tbe only living American to whom a historical case in the National museum has been assigned. It will be on exhibit for not leas than two years, with a likelihood of being removed. never South American journals declare that emissaries of tbe United States are buy ing up large tracts of lands in Bracil, Peru and Chili, for the purpose of get ting a hand in local political questions, with the ultimate view of annexation. Friday last, Frank G. Simmons effect ed a full settlement of his shortage as postmaster of Seward. The bondsmen were not called upon for what they were liable. Some of his friends were inter ested in squaring the account Tins story of Lapido, who attempted Wednesday last at Brussels to assassi nate the Prince of Walea, is regarded as an endeavor to shield his instigators. He declared that he committed the act XXXXXXXXXXXXX Lieut. Hobbok has offered the state of Alabama a relic of the Spanish-American war. It is a flag pole, composed of part of masts from Tthe Don Joan de Austria and the Almirante Oquendo, and the flag he hoisted on the Maria Teresa when she was floated. Gov. Johnston has accepted the gift, and it will be erected on the capital grounds. W. A. Beckwith. a young man of Omaha, who has for some time been troubled with melancholia, committed suicide Monday morning by shooting himself through the bead, in a toilet room of the Withnell block. yiHiifminnHtttwniuawauiHivaa3 Sbfcitifital steal. 1 I i W1WI4irfrftUmi!URMfrlBlla City land Coaeert. The third and last of the series of con certs .-is to be given Friday evening, April 20, at tbe opera house, beginning at 8:15. This will probably be the best of the series, so far as tbe mnsic is concerned, for several reasons, mainly that they have the advantage of experience before the public and mora time for practice. All can look forward to a rare treat so far as tbe music is concerned, which is of course the main thing at a concert. However, a jewel to be fully appre ciated, should have a fair setting, and, for the first time in public, the band will appear in their handsome new uni forms for which they are gratefully in debted to the generosity of Columbus patrons. It has been intimated that sometime, in the near future, the band may con clude to entertain their friends in some of the nearby towns. If so, they can ex pect a hearty reception. Following is the program: 1. March Casey on Parade. Blanilford Band. 2. Trolley Polka Sutton Band. 3. Serenade The Old Church Or gan Chamber Band. 4. Trombone Solo Selection Rubicon Martin Schilz. 5. Cake Walk Topsy's in Town ' Crosby Band. fi. Andante and Waltz Daugh ter of Love. Bennett Band. 7. Porto Ricon Dance Rosita.... Jetni M. Mvmid Band. 8. Song Selected Miss Tena Zinnecker. 9. Descriptive The Trumpeter's Dream Wilton Band. Synopsis. Represents a Trumpeter dreaming of his daily duties in camp, lie first sounds the Reveille call which awakens the soldiers aad begins tbe routine of tbe day's work. The Band then plays a quickstep which is follow ed by the favorite bugle calls used in the united States army. 10. Overture L'Emotion Arr. by Ripley Band. 11. Violin Solo Selected Prop. E. H. Garlichs. March The Union Forever... Scouton Band. 12. District 44 aad Vicinity. Small grain nearly all in. The indications are now that there will be plenty of apple blossoms this spring. The farmers, encouraged by the good prices of pork, are trying to raise a good number of pigs this spring. John Curry is straightening up his house and building a new kitchen on the north; his place is the one formerly be longing to Dan. Sheedy. Winter wheat will be cut and harvest ed except patches where the ground was too dry and lumpy for tbe seed to grow last fall, and in the latter case we would advise planting to corn, using a good liBter and planting from the 15th to 20th of May it will be a pleasure to raise corn there. At Home Farm during last week, there was marketed from 4 milch cows, 37 pounds of butter, besides the family's consumption, and about 16 gallons of sweet skim milk per day, and half as much buttermilk for pigs and calves, and as butter is a good price it makes a good showing for bossy. Farmers' wives, hereabouts, are getting in earnest about raising chickens for profit We believe one is safe to say there will be 100 chickens raised and marketed this year, while 25 would be a good average heretofore. Beally, Colum bus consumers are situated so they can live on the best and healthiest. ww faaajvJsRvSBk saaaBayaaajm a Review of the weather near Genoa for the month of March, 1900. Mean temperature of tbe saoath Mean do same saoata last year HighestdsilyteBtperstureeallUi Lowest do oa the Mth below aero V4LUb1 faWB"BP esse Jjlsgls wHmOm'itmfmm BaCa? QaUa Fair days . .aW .2UB . 71' 5 S . 14 . M 7 S . 9M 6LSS , ace 2.90 Cloudy days Kataieu iU daring portioBe of days Do same month Is SaowthiamoBta, DosameaooBthla Prevailing winds from northwest Very sleety on the 5th, trees covered with ice. Lunar corona on the 6th. On 27th rain with thander and light ning at 4 a. ul, wind soathweat On 31st heavy frost, ground slightly frozen. Hutars, Take mita! The public are strictly forbidden to hunt upon the whole of section 8 in which is located tbe Irrigation Pood. Any persona trespassing will be prose cuted to the f oU linut of the law. Becher, Jnggi J-Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the o&oe of tbe county clerk for the week ending April 7, 1900. John F. Neemerer to Frederick Nee. meyer, awl eel 2S-lt-lw, wd $ 100 ; John Saapek toC. H. Sampek. jr., lots ! S and 4 Biddy's sab-divisioa of out lot 5, Columbus, wd. 100 Hugh McCarvill to Henry McCarvill. w2 Bel and seine. tt-20-Sw. qcd K 10 Wm. E. moors to Frank P. Shelles, part swl awl 17-304W. wd CO 00 Pioneer Town 8ite Co. to Haas Chris- teases, lot 24 blk 12 rst additioa to Lindsay, Nebr., wd 19100 Avis Zeigler to Sadie Potter, lot 1 blk "A" Monroe, wd 550 00 Fidelity Securities Co. to Grant . JohnsoB,wSsw33Mw,wd 1500 CO Mary Schaefer to Albert M.Hall, lot S blk 7, Ocoaee, Qcd 00 00 Henry L. Adams to Lorena B. Evans, lot 7 blk 57 (except w. 8 feet of s. H) Colambtu.wd. 3000 00 Henry L. Adams to Alica M. Gear, part lot 8 blk 57, Columbus, wd 200 00 Ten transfers, total. t 6,807 00 DU10C JERSEYS choicely bred; a few well-bred sows left for sale. Call soon. C. K. Daviks, tf Silver Creek, Nebr. OSTOXlXsV. TalKiaiYlilllWarBtTS The Way to go to California is in a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted, via the Burlington Route. You don't change can. Yon make fast time. Yon see the finest scenery on the globe, I v ;-o,Mo;i.;.W'1 Your car is not so expensively furnish ed as a palace sleeper, bat it is just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules; Pintsch gas; high backseats; annifortued Pullman porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly, is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri river to the Pacific Coast, including a stop-over of hours at Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake City two of the most interesting cities on the continent For folder giving full information, call at any Burlington Koute ticket office, or write to J. Fbakcls, Gen'l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TIN KM Yh Bin Ahnrt Bactt Bears the Slgaatareof Do Ton Want a Calendar? The biggest and best calendar ever issued by any American railroad is now being distributed by the Burlington Route. It has twelve sheets, one for each month of the year. On each sheet is a striking illustration of some feature of the Burlington's service or of, the terri tory reached by its lines the govern ment fast mail running at full speed; a tourist car on its way to California; engine 1591, the largest passenger engine in the world; a library car; a compart ment sleeper; the Burlington station at Omaha; a dining car; a monster freight train; Estes Park, Colo.; the plnnge bath at Hot Springs, S. D., Yellowstone Falls, etc. The drawings from which the pictures were made are by Louis Brannhold, of Chicago,and cost several hundred dollars. The size of the calendar is 22x28. The dates are in big type which can be read at a distance of 50 feet For busi ness offices the Burlington calendar is simply invaluable. Purchased in large quantities, the cal endars cost the Burlington Route 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing, etc., they represent an investment of about 35 cents. Our price is 25 cents 10 cents less than cost. Write for one; stamps will da If it is not satisfactory, send it back and your money will be promptly refunded. J. Francis., General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 7t-mar-21 jBV.aa1VOTl.XJa.. .Hi sat Yn Km Mm ha Te Chieaga aad the lait. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as tbe great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that tbe "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. ' A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, eta, please call on or address F. A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Neb. $116 far Letters Aatat Ytfeaaka. The passenger department of the B. M. R. & B. offers thirteen cash prizes aggregating 115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars of the contest, which is opea to all, can be had by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebraska. 7-mar-3 Most women with" female weakness aaffer dreadfally from piles in addition to their other pains. They may be cured by using TABLEB'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT. Price, SOcents in bottles, Tabes, 75 cents. A. Heints and Pollock Co. ' m .aa aaaBBBassB mm a a Tiiummmimm Z&tfZ&& I Was "SwIawaV He sat In the reading room of a Chi cago hotel with a notebook aad pencil In his hand, and after wetting the pen cil on his tongue a dozen times with oat writing anything he turned to the man on bis left aad said: "I want to get at an expressloa, but caa't xhink of it I want somethiag synonymous with avalanche." "Would landslide do?" "I've got that" "In what sense are you going to use itr "Well, I'm running for alderman at a special election hi my town, and I want to make a memorandum of how It resulted." "Oh, I seel Yon could say you were snowed under." "Yes; but that's hardly strong enough." "Buried out of sight." "That's better, but lacks strength." "How badly were you beaten?" "By over 300, where I ought to have had 450 majority." "Then I should put It that you were literally swiped off the face of tho earth." "Thar good thaf s the Idea. That's strong and euphonious and has rhythm In It Yes; I was on the ticket and sure of election. I bad $500 up that I had a walkover. I was swiped, and there are not enough of my mangled remains left to fill a thimble. Thank you, sir literally swiped off the face of the earth and be hanged to me!" Wash ington Post. TralBB. Warry, Disease aa Death. Late trains are a source of annoyance everypouy. rne umisn aieaicai Journal dwells upon the very serious result produced by them upon the health of travelers. The rush to the station to catch the train which may perchance be punctual; the weary wait on drafty platforms or In stuffy wait ing rooms; the dilatory journey all these, we are told, add seriously to tbe labor of the day even In the best of times, but when the weather is cold and damp they are still more Injurious and In that they are largely responsible for those "colds," as they are called, those conditions of depressed vitality which are the starting points of most of the acute diseases from which men suffer and from which the elderly and the feeble die. The ancient Mexicans used wooden swords in war that they might not kill their enemies. NOTICE. In the district court of Platte county, Nebraska. Roth A. Kksyox, Plaintiff; vs. Fbamk G. Kkntox, Defendant. Frank O. Kenyon, said defendant, will take notice that on the 8th day of March, A. D., 1901, Ruth A. Kenyon, the plaintiff above named, filed her petition in the district court of Platte county, state of Nebraska, against said defend ant, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of divorce from the said Frank !. Kenyon. and for alimony and for the custody of Lottie Kenyon. the minor child of said Frank O. Kenton and Ruth A. Kenyon, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. Yoa are required to answer said petition on or before tbe 30th day of April. 1900. Dated the 17thday of March, 1900. 21mchl Ruth A. Kxnton . Now is the Time -TO GET YOUR mn.iuim AT GREATLY- We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates : Chicago Inter Ocean (semi weekly) and Columbus Jour nal both for one year $ 3 10 Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly) and Columbus Journal both one year for 1 75 Peterson's Magazine and Co lumbus Journal one year..... 2 25 Omaha Weekly Bee and Co lumbus Journal one year.... 2 00 Lincoln Journal (serai-weekly) and Columbus Journal, one year for. 2 15 Subscribe Now. Rein Rates m A CmaUeate riaar. The Spanish royal standard Is most ipllcated. The red and yellow of the 8panlsh flag Is said to be derived from this occurrence: In 1378 Charles the Bold dipped his fingers In the blood of Geoffrey, count of Barcelona, and drew them dowa the count's golden shield hi token of his appreciation of the hitter's bravery. Tbe shield, se marked, became the arms of Barce loaa, which became part of Aragon, and Its ansa were taken by that king dom. Now te tbe royal standard: In the first quarter or upper left hand part of the flag are the arms of I.eon aad Caa tile, the lion aad the castlo: the second quarter Is taken up. one-half by the arms of Aragon. one-half by the arms of Sicily. Tbe upper third of the quar ter (directly under the first) show the Austrian colors, the lower two-third Is divided between the flag of HttP gundy and the black lion of Plautier: the upper third of the fourth quarter shows the checkers, another Uurgtiti dlan device, while the lower two-thirds Is shared by the red entfle or Antwerp and the golden lloti of Brabant, and on the top of all this tire two ahlelds, ons showing the Portuguese arm, the o fli er tbe French deurde lis. Considerable of a flag that! Gat tfca Wats. A Camden lawyer put up a bluff suc cessfully not long ago. A client came to him and explained that a young man had bought a watch from blm on the Installment plan. He made one pay ment gave the watch to a young lady and skipped out. The client wanted to know If he could recover the watch from the young lady. The lawyer said that he could not without spending more money than the watch was worth,, except the young woman could be bluffed. The client said a bluff would be paid for if successful, and the lawyer posted the following letter: "Dear Madam The watch recently presented to you by Mr. Blank was ob tained surreptitiously from the estab lishment of my client, and unless it Is returned by next Tuesday morning 1 will be obliged to, very reluctantly, dis patch a judicial functionary to your residence with process." The watch was delivered the follow ing morning and the'lawyer received a fine gold chain for writing the letter. Pittsburg Dispatch. The Sweatee Aalaaal. If the sponge as brought up fresh from the sea liottom were a familiar object, says Dr. Ledekker, few would be In doubt as to its being an animal. When fresh, it is a fleshy looking sub stance covered with a firm skin, and if cut it presents somewhat the ap pearance of raw meat. Its cavities are filled with a gelatinous substance call ed "milk." American sponges, and those of all other parts of the world, are .inferior to the sponges of the east ern shores of the Mediterranean. The finest of all sponges is the Turkey toi let sponge, which is cup shaped. The American sponge most nearly ap proaching it in quality is the West In dian glove sponge. Youth's Compan ion. Gold at Cape Home. If you want information about the Cape Nome country, how to get there and what it costs, write to J. Francis. General Passenger Agent, B. & M. R. R. R in Nebraska, Omaha, Neb. 4 Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, call at The .Touknaii office for prices. When yon wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at Tint Jodrxai. office. 0.E.STEINBAU6H, Blacksmith and Wagon-Malt i n g Shop. HOB8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY- WATER TANKS, all kinds and sizes made to order. Your Patuonaue Solicited. Thirteenth St., next door east of Commercial Nat'l bank. 10jan-3m The - Overland - Limited miKTtOS9 To the PACIFIC COAST Than any other line. n. ( 57 Hooas to San Francisco us" 1 58 novas to Portland FROM MISSOURI RIVER. finkly ayciPPXD Doable Drawing Room Palace Sleepers. Unset gawking and Library Cars with Barber Shop and Pleasant Reading Rooms. Dining Cars, aieais a ia i. arte. Pintsch taght, meam neat. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call on W. H. Benhav, 31jan-3m-3eow Agent. . C. CASS IN, PBOpairroB or thb Omaha Meat Mei ITresh. and Salt Meats- .. Game and Pish in Season. Ja9Higb6et market price paid for Hidea and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., H 4kSMCSaaaaV 'aaCaW an KaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaM k VIA .BaMMrlafBanV MjByijBaTAfcj B H J,. !BV-" r NEBRASKA BBBa aBBBBafaBBBBB&EaBama IbBBBBb! aj NtofrjaBCOYIC. tkJK'SartoBBich.DiaCTtoea. I V6raawAnytiswns.Fcvcnsh- awacaailOSSOr StfEP. WSeeB3rnaaBr7ef I gBBV gfsssasBamsss" BaBBBBB I pcact cowr ori i H laaaj iiaawP '!!innnjvm0infif$ffi4fififif&i The King of Reference Works THE SEW WCKSES COITION OF The Encyclopedia Britannica "--s-awTl Ji paedia Britannica in a house gives the place an intellectual tone. A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor tunity for successful home study and development as this master piece of literature. There is no more instructive reading on earth than that contained in its go volumes. To a life whose current runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just now you can secure the Encyclopaedia Britannica For One Dollar Cash paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made. You will be surprised when you learn the LOW COST. Here it Is: The complete set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): No. i New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper. $4?-oo First payment, One Dollar (ll.oo) and Three Dollars ($3.00) per month thereafter. No. 2 Half Morocco. Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00 First payment, Two Dollars (feoo) and Four Dollars ($4.00) per month thereafter. No. 3 Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Boole Paper, $75.00. First payment, Three Dollars ($3.00) and Five Dollars ($5.00) per month thereafter. A reduction of 10 is granted by paying cash within 30 days niter the receipt of the work. V, 1 I 8 Knowledge Concentrated w ""'f ggga w m yi I. .- '.yaaaw upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. 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