p;"? - 1 k jgu - j - i.? , -t 1 ' ' tiT --" " '- ' 1 mmrcl .llllilLJiljpgptfl 1 (lalinute i . sana SaW aw r- , A W ' VOLUME XXX. NUMBER 50. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1900. WHOLE NUMBER 1,558. -. J H x . - - 3 : v. MOVE ON TO PRETORIA 'General Boberts Promiies to Soon be in . - tie Transvaal Capital. HHL SEARCH FOR THE ENEMY Soldier of Clement and I'ole Carre w i Will ;arritoa Btoenafontein Maajr . Burghers Rare Kx pressed Their Iatea lioa of Laying Ilowo Their Arm. LONDON. March 17. With the rail nay communication to the Cape in tact. Lord Roberts will in a very few lay be in a pos'tion to begin the ad vance nn Pretoria. His deep political tatuition. combined with hi bold strat egy, jk having the result deaired in th v-uithern sections of th Orange Free tate. which arc rapidly calming down .MiueKing i now tne oniy point lor ,.oagreS8 thia action of lhe standard anxiety, and as it is known that a force , oil company is in direct violation of has lft Kimbrley its rlir may be i the provisions of the Sherman anti annnuneed before many days pass. The trust law and punishable by fine and fficary of the rcliinina; column is , imprisonment and the attorney general Isrighfnrd by the fact that it is partly j is hereby directed, in accordance with A-nmposod of rc'.ni . the provisions of that act. to direct In th lobbies of parliament last th" several district attorneys of the vvenlng it was rumored that Lord Rob United States in their respective dis- ts is about to issue a proclamation i trirt to tnutitnrp nrnrpilincs to brine . , .. . ..anouncmg mat Tin- loimer svstem ol government in the Orange Free StaK i; alKilished unii prouiii!ig the Freo Siafis who immediately surrendere"! One consideration. It is understood that all the conn tic ntal powers, with one exception, un j nmpromisingly refused to Intel vene ! he exception v:n$ Ru-j-ia. whose re ally T.-as rouched in lss firm language : "hough, like the others, she decline! o interfere. It is .-,:i5d the pope als-; as appealed to. but hp declined to d :ny thing beyond writing a letter t, lhe jioCn. appealing to hr to stop th further effusion of blood. Dr. Leyds' Torus with ICiag Leopold were 'jui:e H'tile. The poihMitv f the destruction of Johanue-shtug is still discussed here, but it is stated that the French and Jrrman shareholders would offer i Jirong protest. The latest development of the sur lcnder of Hlnemfontein show that th"1 approach of the Hritinh -aused a i-tam-P"de. Thirteen tmin. each composei f forty cars, and all rtamnied with l!oe-i. hii'T.ed noithr.ard just before 'h,. line was cut. Mr. ffeyn would have been comjellei f surrender, but he juetended that h- "as going l isit one of the om posts. Mid at midnight took a carriage which was wailing for him oiit-ide th town Mid thus e-capoil. The IIors got th" 1 ulk f their nagons and militarv snre aw:i. Lord Ilobe, ;s ih occupation ntonient iriiy eclipse iu i interest the militniv situation. It Is believed here that the commander-in- hief of the Hritish forces in South Africa will soon push on to Pretoria ln:r Great Itrit.-un is quite content ft t li-ten for a few dars to the acclamation ' ' the people of Bloemfontein and per mit th. troops to enjoy a few days' iit before epectiug further sue s-;. 1 ord Roberts made a quaint speech o the Guard" at Bloemfontein todav. " -"' f si.x.s- , liandlinsi troop8 .ire lloing spienrtij work tliere the eivil pioblem- at KMemfonteiil n hev are somi(1 an,, healthv and in 1-1,1 Ti. m'im- Tl "'"!,?II,u,y. ! quite as good shape as thev would hen i.:"1!' Ulr vTnf at home, engaged in similar ser I lie tlransr' ! ree !iti :i. .-ot t thn llrii . . . - . v nn. in nis nrst congiatulatory woidj j tne executive man3ion totiay. in con . he expressed piido in their splendid ference with republican leaders, prin march of thirt -eight miles in twenty- cipal among whom v.ere John W. eight hours, and sau- ample assurance Verxes of Danville and I). V. Lindsey of his ultimate de-ign. ' o.' this city. "Through a small mistake." aid ) It is understood that a memorial to lord Roberts. "I have not been ab'e J President McKinley. asking him to in to march inio Bloemfontein at th j terfeie and take a hand in the political bead of the i.njjadc. as I intended. 1 , r0iit"sts. was the subject of this con rrom.s" ott. hottev-i. that I will leal , frrencp. but as everal of those .ailed you into Pretoria. , 5nto ,he ronferoa(e ,h,i not arrive, a ' decision was not reached as to the ex- TREASIRY HARD AT WORK. I al terms of lhe message that win be - - . , sent to the president of the United ... - -T., I'unlinc tlie Old l.on; Term Kitnil ('ir ilie C'r.:ti. ' WASHINGTON. .March 17. The ofi ficials of the treasury are overrun with i v--ork as the result of the passage of the new financial bill wh'rh inv.lv i -" t:if flln.llTISr Of nl.l ln.r tnrm !.nnlr . . into new gold bond bearing '2 p-r cent ; ifterest. The applications for the ex- ( change of old bonds for the new up to the time of closing the department to- day. amounted to about $27,000,000 all but $3,000.0000 coming from National "banks. The clerical force in the office of the comptroller of the currency is busy examining applications for au thority to establish national banks !nrior the new law. erv manv of v . .. w . i.vf cuiue worn small towns wnicil trinerto were ueuarreu irom National , bank privileges by the national bank 4 act. About 200 of tnee applications. ' have been eceived. and today favora- i ffle action was taken on a number of them. A considerable number of state i banks have applied for authority to convert themselves into national banks. BRYAN NOT TO IE PRESENT. A-5Crtinn Made that He Will Star Awav From Santa Citt". KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 17. I? asserted that W. J. Bryan will not be here during the national convention ir. July. The hotels have been anx ious to entertain the Nebraska dele- gation. because it was thought Mr. , ,,.... .i u.. u iui i oiiier .e- To be Indian agents G. W. Hazlett. braskans The manager of one of the Navaho agency. New Mexico: James .. hotels said today that while the sub- H. Monteath. Blackfeet agencv. Mon ... committee of the democratic national ; tana. William R. Honnell. Pottawat- I""""! 'as m Kansas City Mon- n,mie and Great Xemau K ii .iuu i u'juxia.t iit; uau received in formation that Mr. Bryan would not le here. He declined to give the ' source of his information. ; On a .MijMiion for Tailor. WILLAIMSBURG, Ky.. March 17. Former Congressman Finley. father of 'former Secretary of State Charles Fin ley, who is charged with being acces sor;." to the Goebel murder, says that his son is not absenting himself from the state to avoid arrest, but is on a mission for Governor Taylor. He said (Ibp.rles had visited republicans at In dianapolis. Lansing and Washington. 1 5 secure funds for Governor Taylor to carry on the fight and to enlist the aid c! cunrresmen. I Tue Horloeker C'ae. .HASTINGS. Neb.. March 17. Miss Viola Horlocker, who has been confined In a sanitarium, at Jacksonville. IIL. incc last summer, when she was ar retted on the charge of having at tempted the life of her employer's 5 wife. Mrs. Charles F. Morey. by send.- 5 Ine Preaiuent uemS autnonzed to use inc her poisoned candy, will arrive lhat sam for "public education, public in Hastings tonight. She is aecom- ! works and other governmental and pacieu y ner sister. Mrs. H. Dnrant public purposes." Mr. Allen (Neb.) Chcever of New York, formerly "Zora I cffeieil an amendment to the bill de Gladys Horlocker of Hastings. . daring that the constitution extends The Horlocker case will come up ia over Puerto Rico by its own force, but .the district court xt Monday. ' J it wa8 iot, 3 to J7. . ? .. .. K LOW AT STAMAR1 OIL TRIST. Coeg-ressataa Fltsrerald Hmti It run for Violation. WASHINGTON. March 17. Repre sentative Fitzgerald of Massachusetts tonight introduced the following reso lution: "Whereas. It appears as a matter of public record that the Standard Oil company paid in New York on March 15 1900, the .sum of $17,000,000. this amount being an extra dividend in ad dition to the regular quarterly divi dend of $3,000,000. and. "Whereas. It is matter of public record that this last dividend is $5. 000.000 in excess of the labt quarterly dividend paid by this corporation, and. "Whereas. It is also a matter of pub lic record that the price of kereosene oil. the sole means of lighting used by the middle and poorer classes of people during the period of time between the declaration of these dividends, was in creased 3 cents per gallon, constituting a tax on every honieTn the land, therefore be it 17 a... !! Tl,.i in tltA nninmn et ItUHl I tu, i uat. lit llACT UUIUIUU VI , .... ... ..., .w , c- -- c tlie above named volator of the law t. justice." WHEELER Af TER HIS SEAT. To Ak to Be Mrurn In a Re-rent ttie After Hi JCriismt Ion. WASHIN(;tON. U. C. March 17. tleneral . "s.. lpr a i;et' in this city this morn:i.t iron Atlanta. Ga. He '-a i I'-d a ihe uar department ! this afternoon. In the absence of I Secretary Itoot l:e n,1.rtd formally to Adjutant Gei.Ttil C'orl "n. thus com plying with Jj? i rd-r I om the de partment, whk-h brought him from Manila to Washington. The general was in the uniform of a brigadier general of the volunteer army. He looked the picture of health: lietter than when he left Washington for Manila. He gave General Corbin a brief description of the conditions in Luzon when he left. He insisted that th war was over and that noth ing more was to be done except to run down a few guerrillas and irregulars. There was difficulty in this work, he said, and there was danger, too. but its prosecution was not '"war." Am buscades were frequent and annoying and it was not easy to tell whether the hidden force was strong or weak: three or four men had been mistaken for a company in some cases. lhe general said mat the American vice, this was owing i:i a measure to the excellent care for their men exhibited by officers and to the watch ful precautions of the stiff of the a liny. TAYLOR TO M'KINUY AGAIN. Another Atral to tt AililreHrd to tlie I'mtitlrnt. FRVNKFORT. Ky.. March 17. Gov ernor Taylor spent the entire dav at ,- .. Mates. I iiovernor tayior reiuscu lonigui to j tate the contents ir th import of the ! j.nnl tn President Alelvinlev lint ir is aid that Governor Taylor has ex- , . -i t- .. ..., .;... t .. i""-.""' -.- ,u. w. .. ut. u. A ctiiQl I lirifl ; f tTrwt iml o Ic frtT" cnn - """. " w.,,,.- ...... . -x, .. ..,. port in the way of recognition of him rovernor. Moimr lae Miiall Hill. . WASHINGTON. March 17. The first private bill in the house under the new rule was considered today ' wo hours were spent in the discus sion of a bill to pay Representativ Swanson $1.7fi9 for extra expenses in- erred by him in hij contest in the 191. IUUA1 ts:", UUl IU lfl(l t'J till. fts rtrnervicc? lt.vt fltA t.ttl .? ,,!? tnate1 abandoned. Six bills of miuoi importance were passed. Itr.TMii on I'uerlo Rico. FORT WORTH. Tex.. March 17. Colonel W. J. Bryan breakfasted here, en route to Nebraska, today. Com menting on the Puerto Rican tariff bill. Mr. Bryan said: f "It is frequently true that an object lesson is needed, and it is fortunate ! for the country that one has been given prior to the election. No one ! can doubt theadrainit-trations so-called i expansion policy, which really means J imperialism." Senile Con Urination. WASHINGTON. D. C March 17. lhe senate today confirmed the fol- lowing nominations: sas. Postmasters Illinois. Charles Q. Whallon. Newman; S. B. Moody. La Grange. The Otiajr Vote in Two Week. WASHINGTON. March 17. Mr. Hoar in the senate, renewed his re quest of yesterday that a date be fixed foi the taking up of the case relating to the eating of Mr. Quay, and asked that the time be fixed at two weeks J from next Tuesday, the consideration o: the case not to interfere with appro priation bills, conference reports, un finished business or the Spooner bill conferring authority upon the presi dent to govern the Philippines. The request was agreed to. Seaate Passes the Relic r Bill. WASHINGTON. March 17. After a debate, at time spirited, extending over parts of two days, the senate today passed the Puerto Rican relief bill. As passed the measure carries $2,093,400. WATERING THE LAND HOW IRRIGATION IS PROGRESS ING IN IDAHO Htoetoforo Ar4 Kegloo Blft Rapldlj TrMfannd la to Oard.aa raraa.rs Boctatlea la Bfaay Iaitsace Oara the Irrlcatlac Work. (Buise, Idaho, Letter.) Moat of the people who farm in tho rainfal regions suppose that the irri gation of land is a complicated process and that the art of doing it can only be acquired after years of experience, whoteas. as a matter ' of ract, it is about the easiest and most simple work the western farmer has to do. In most caaes the children attend to it under the direction of their parents, and any boy of 10 or 12 can do a man's ork when it come? to irrigation. The western farmer is wholly indif ferent as to rainfall. He doesn't de pend upon it In the least. The water that interests him is that which flows down into the valley from the melt ing snows in the mountain ranges. These waters he diverts into great canals which run along the rim of the valley about the irrigable lands and are tapped at stated intervals by what are called "laterals" or sub-ditches which flow from farm to farm and out of which the farmer takes the water for his fields. In some cases the waters of these mountain streams are acquired by the community of farmers along their course, each one holding as many shares of stock in the co-operative canal scheme as he owns acres of land, and being entitled to so many inches of water for every acre of his ownership. This is the usual plan. But when the construction of thp main canal, owing to engineering difficulties, is too expen sive a piece of business for the farmer to afford, irrigation companies under take the work and build the canal into portions of the country where large areas of land are to be reclaimed. These Irrigation companions are "com mon carriers" of water and furnish it for a nominal price per acre per an num to the farmer. Sometimes these Irrigation companies own large tracts under their ditch which they sell in small farms with the water right, to settlers at a nominal prices per acre. In other instances they do not own land at all. leaving that to be acquired by the settler under the various acts of congre? . Perhaps no portion of the Union is now n.iking such active progress iu irrigation development, or is receiving sa Urge a quota of immigrants as southern Idaho. There are millions of unoccupied acres in that state which only await settlement to become as productive as the lands upon the Nile. Efforts arc being put forth by the state authorities to bring the advantages of these lands to the notice of the eastern farmer, and the several railroads of the state are engaged in the work. Perhaps the easiest and the best way to acquire information is from the General Passenger Agent of the Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake City, from whence conservatively prepared pamph lets descriptive of irrigation meth ods and containing reliable informa tion about the various localities now open for settlement, are being mailed free. The time is certainly not far distant when the unoccupied public domain of Idaho will be entirely taken up, a con dition which will be most unfc.tun-te to those who delay taking advantage of the rare opportunities now offered. Household ltookUerjiin? A prominent Eastern manufacturer, with a $10,000 a year family on his hands, undertook to establish a sys tem of bookkeeeping in his home. He bought a gilt edged, kid covered ac count book and all that went with iL He explained single entry bookkeep ing to his wife, and she agreed to keep the accounts as directed. There were only two entries in the boo. when the husband banished it. They were: "Received $230 from M " "and spent it all." hoo. I'It! Street fakers arc selling models of house flies so natural that, when they are fastened on a necktie, the impulse of the friend of the man wearing the fly is to brush it off. Then the fly wearer laughs, and that is the joke. Municipal Itatli lion?. Under a state law the voters of New York cities may direct the municipal authorities to erect a public bathhouse. Buffalo provided one in 1897 at a cost of $14,800. It was used last year by 81.79:1 persons, and its running ex penses cost the city $2,370. The Sympathetic- Qorrn. Rev. Arthur Robins, chaplain in or dinary to Queen Victoria, says of the queen: "Nothing could be more touch ing than the personal concern her najesty has in the condition of every member of her household. Every home of every retainer has something in evidence of the sovereign's sympathy. Not the humblest servant can be sick or sorry without her solicitude find ing some expression of commission suitable to each individual case. ;inl n any is the time that I have seen the i oval lady in her own carriage making her own inquiries at some humble suf ferer's door." "I'nrle John" Mlioulrl Hare It John Campbell, of Warren, O.. a first cousin of the president and familiarly referred to as "Unele John.' is a candi date for postmaster at Wan en. He is the proprietor of a famous eating house and is said to bear a remarkably close resemblance to the president. Kis father was a brother of the presi dent's mother. Runs Hi Klerator for Fan. William B. Bradbury, the millionaire hotel owner of San Francisco, amuses himself for an hour or more every day by running the elevator in his hotel. Opening of Mysterions Koxr. Two mysterious boxes will be opened this year at the British museum. One was left in 1S54 by Mr. Douce, who had been keeper of manuscripts, to be open ed January 1. 1900. and no one knows its contents. The other contains the papers of Lord Broughton. better known as Sir John Cam Hobhouse. Byron's friend and three times a cabi net niinii.ter. He died in ISM. leaving his diaries, correspondence and mem oranda to the museum, with directions not to open them till 1900. A. woman's conscience Is dead in the IMtter of appropriating! hotel welg. HYPNOTISM IERINI A CRIME. Mrs. Lade At-cutes. foiuiaiore of If ieidlHg an Occult Inltaente. LEXINGTON. March 17. To the as tcnishment of the immense audience that filled Smiths opera house to wit uss the trial of Frank L. Dinsmore fcr the murder of Fred Laue the at torneys for the defense announced Thursday morning that they rested their case. It was fully expected that a number of witnesses would be ex amined on the part of the defense and others in rebuttal on the part of the plaintiff, but when B. Jakway of Kearney gave his testimony and Prof. J. W. Dinsmore. superintendent of schools at Reatrlce and half brother of the defendant, answered a few ques tions relative to the engagement, df! Dinsmore to Miss Bloomfleld, they i cited. When Mrs. Laue was placed upon the sta:-.d for the second time she ap peared without veil, but her eyes were shielded by a pair of large, blue eye glasses that completely preented any expression of those orbs from being seen. The confession made by her and s. ern to before .ridge Brown was in tioduced in eidence. as was her testi mony before the coroners jury. She was cross-examined by Judge Hamer on the two statements thus made and leiterated her statement of the day before, that what she told the coroner ah dictated by Dinsmore while un fer his influent but that her eori-fci-sion sworn to before Judge tirown v.-r.s the truth. 1 he opening argument was made in behalf of the state by W. A. Stewart, tunty attorney of Dawson county. His argument was a grand peroration r.Ml contained oratory at times that a fleeted every auditor present. Mr. Stewart closed with an appeal that the ji'ry consider the ruined home, the diabolism of the crime and lender a verdict that would bring condign pun ishment upon the perpetrator of the most damnable crime ever shown in th annals of this state. Stewart was followed by E. A. Cook for the defendant. He took up the testimony as given by the witnesses for the state and dissected the same, especially that given by Mrs. Iaite. stating that her evidence did not prove any seduction or force on the part of Dii smore. but that the illicit relations v-cie voluntary on the part of Mrs. Laue. Mr. Cook was followed by Thomas Hamer. for the defencse, who took up tin- evidence relating to the life of the defendant and the character of Mrs. L-.ue. He graphically portrayed the scenes surrounding the tragedy. The closing argument of the after noon was made In behalf of the state by Mr. Nye. I'roiiiiiit-nt K:iilr:! Al:i Die. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. March 17. 'liake C. Howard died at his residence in this city yesterday. Mr. Howard entered the service of the Union Pa cific as traveling engineer in 1SGS. He came to Grand Island in 1871. having been appointed general foreman of the locomotive and car department ot the I nion Pacific shops at this place, in which position he continued to serve th- company until his death. He was s: director of the Grand Island Bank ing company, president of the Equita ble Building and Loan association, a member of the school board, a Mason ii. good standing and of high degree :iitl a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Horlocker l'ae i Called. HASTINGS. Neb.. March 17. Mis Viola Horloiker. who has been ton fined in a sanitarium at Jacksonville, Hi., since last summer, when she was anested on the charge of having at tempted the life of her employer's v'fe. Mre. Charles F. Morey. by send ing her poisoned candy, left Jackson v :11c yesterday for this city. Her case will come up in the district court rext Monday, as it is the first cai.e on the docket. Olit Citlren of Lincoln Dead. LINCOLN. March 17. Austin Hum nhiey. one of the oldest residents of the city, died here of pneumonia. Mr. Humphrey had been a resident of Lin coln for thirty-two years, being asso ciated with his brother in the hardware business most of the time. He was 67 years of age. having been born In Rich reld. O.. in 1S3.1. Nen- of Itrother'pi Heath Kills. SUPERIOR. Neb.. March 17. Early yei-terday morning a young man of the name of James Peer died of mea sler across the state line in Kansas. His brother. John, was quite ill of the same disease, but was rapidly improv ii g until informed of his brother's death. He began to sink rapidly and died during the afternoon. Nelraka soldier Biiriert. BRADY ISLAND. Neb.. March 17. The remains of Alvin Elder. Company G. Third regiment. United States in fantry, who died in the hospital at Manila August S last, of malarial fever, vere buried from here with military hnnors. The body was interred in the National cemetery at old Fort MePher son. Siiiriilcil lijr I'oimod. OMAHA. Match 17. A stranger who ir.ay be Albert Braun of South Omaha was found dead in room 35. at the Dewey hotel yesterday morning. Two empty morphine bottles and a whisky class on the washstand indicated that h had swallowed an overdose Inten tionally or otherwise. Intruding .Soldiers shot. VALENTINE. Neb.. March 17. This morning about 3 o'clock Cicero H. Thompson, proprietor of the Owl sa loon, shot Arthur London and Austin H. Miliaman. both privates from Fort Niobrara. Thompson, who rooms some distance from, his saloon, "was suddenly avakened by parties forcing entrance into the door when he jumped out of bvd and began firing his revolver, and of the five shots fired three entered the head of London and two Miliaman. London is mortally wounded, but the electors say Miliaman ma- possibly re cover. Three Roads in Default. LINCOLN. March 17. The time al lowed for filing answers in the state's etises in the supreme court against the Burlington, Fremont. Elkhorn ft Mis souri Valley, and Chicago, Minneapolis & Omaha railroads expired March 12. and according to the rules of the court all of the defendants are now in de fault and are liable for the full amount of the judgments asked. These are the suits instituted by the attorney general about a month ago to recove ries for the violation of an order is sued by the State Board of Transpor tation in 1S97 restoring carload rates on live stock shipments. m il 10 ul I U Capital of Orange Free State Delirered into loberts Hands. ENGLISH COLORS AT STATE Rat Made Specially for the l'urposa bj th Wife of Lord Roberts Boers Offer Only Feeble RejUtaac Brigade ia Xonr Ea ramped on Charming Estate t Coaiasandlac the Town. CAPETOWN. March lo. (New York World Cablegram.) The expected op position to our entry bf Bloenifdntein ! resolved itself into 2t miscellaneous sniping. The cavalry division, swee'p la's around west of the town from1 Ilenwberg; overcame the slight bppo bition there at S o'clock. Tne enemy had prepared formidable entrenched positions along the kopjes three miles south of the town, but finding his flank thus turned by the cavalry ad vance retreated precipitately, leaving the spades in the trenches. Consequent upon the enemy's re tirement the line of Infantry's advance was altered by heliograph. The bri gade is now camping beyond the kopje at a charming estate, commanding the town from the southi The cavalry occupies the low ground surrounding the town. The laudrost met Roberts outside the town, handing him the key in med iaeval fashion. The inhabitants filled the streets and the market place, many wearing the British color? and cheer ing the entry of the various troops and horse. The chief sentiment is apparently anxiety as to what our rule may mean. Every kind of atrocity is at tributed as among our intentions. There is no scarcity of common food stuffs and rich herds. Forage is not abundant, but chaff and oat hay is to be had. Hunter Weston and ten men sue teeded In cutting the railway north of trwn. thus isolating about a dozen locomotives from the Transvaal. These machines are reported injured, but their repair is not likely to be difficult, making the capture of the greatest importance. It was the out come of an exceedingly smart piece of work, causing yet another surprise to the Boers, who are reported to have quarreled with the Free Staters' agent as to the proper defense of Bloeirifori tein. The rest here will prove most ac ceptable to man and beast, including i-pecially the transport animals. EIGHT MORE NEW WAR SHIPS. Three Hattleships. Three Aruioreil am! Two Protecteil CruUers. WASHINGTON, March 16. The house committee on naval affairs reached u definite and final decision today as to the number of hew war ships to be authorized by the forth coming naval appropriation bill as follows; Two seagoing coaxt line battleships of about 11,500 tons each, tu cost ap proximately :t.600.00'' each; three tirmored cruisers of the highest prac tical speed and most powerful armor and armament, to cost approximately f 4.000.000 each: three protected cruis .is. to cost about $1,141,000 each. it was determined not to provide any gunboats, in view of the opinion expressed by Secretary Long and Ad miral Dewey that General Otis recent I in-chase of serviceable boats of this character met present gunboat require ments. The committee decided to authorize tj.e secretary of the navy to contract for armor at a price not exceeding $:4." per ton. This applies to the emergency armor, about 7.I0U tons, leuired for the battleships Maine. Missouri and Ohio, now in course of construction, and not to be the vessels authorized but not begun, nor to thoe contemplated by the present bill. TO AMEND CONSTIIUTION. lnr;res to Have 1'ower 0er Monopo lies and Combination. WASHINGTON. D. C, March 16. Representative Ray of New York, chairman of the house committee on judiciary and at the head of a special subcommittee on trusts, today intro duced the following joint resolution, proposing an amendment to the con stitution; "Resolved, etc.. That the following article be proposed to the legislatures of the several states as an amendment to the constitution of the United States: "Article XVI. The congress shall rave power to regulate and repress monopolies and combinations: to cre ate and dissolve corporations and dis pose of their property; to make all laws necessary and proper for the exe cution of the foregoing powers. Such powers may be exercised by the several s-lates in any manner not In conflict with the laws of the United States." To Open ColeTllle Iteserration . WASHINGTON. March 16. A proc lamation opening the northern portion of the Colrille Indian reservation in Washington to settlement has been prepared, but has not yet reached the signatures of the secretary of the inte ifor and the president. The reserva tion will be opened six months afte. the proclamation is signed. A larg number of mining entries have already been made on the reservation. l'nllman and Paritic Road. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 1C Tea Southern Pacific company will re linquish all interest in the Pullman cars on its system on the first of next Konth. It was officially announced today that a new contract had been entered into between the Southern Facific and the Pullman comany. Pacific and the Pullman company, purchase all of the railroad's sleeping car interests aid will in the future operate sleeping cars over the South ern Pacific's lines under a mileage agreement. 3fr Arthur Makes Capture. MANILA. March 10. Fiores. Agui naluo's secretary of war. has surren dered to General MacArthur. Agulnaldo's infant son. who was cap tcred in November, and who has been suftering from smallpox, is dead. District of Columbia Bill Pa -.!. WASHINGTON. March 16. The Dis trict of Columbia appropriation bill, arrying 10,008,378. was passed by the house today and a bill granting the ::Lcr.doned Fort Hays military reser vation to the state of Kansas for ex periment station, and formal school purposes. WTCATHffl MiiMtiii A 1 lUil AMERICAN TRANSVAAL FOND. AHI WMwj aatf Orphans mi tha feeer. A pathetic appeal t the cOmaittee of Africander and Bond CieitSHer af parliament waa issued at Cape fir Oct. 10, 1899, aigned by Messrs. N. F. DeWaal. Joseph N. Hoffman. J. H. HWineyr, Thomas P. Theron and D. j. A. Yah Zrl; which aays among other things: "What may. what can,- we colonial Africanders do in this sorrowful time? Join in the work ot warfare with" th weapons? The law and our duty a British subjects forbid this, even should other circumstances not oppose such a course of action. "But what neither the law nor the duty of the subject forbids, and what, moreover, agree in every respect with ail principles of religion and human ity, is the offering of help to the wounded.- t0 the widow jh4 the orphans.-' In the name of the Africander bonJ. on hehaif of the citizens of the Sfcmth African republic and their noble al'y. the Orange Free State. I appeal to all Americans to show their sympathy with the brave people who are now, in the words of John Hancock, liter ally offering all that they have, all that they arc. and all that they hope to be. upon the altar or their country, fighting to the death the arrogance rfhd imposition or the great British empire, in order M remain free and independent, as did our American forefathers in 1776 and 1812. THERfi WILL BE NO BOER WOUNDED ON THE BRITISH-AMERICAN HOSPI TAL SHIP'. Send to me your subscriptions, small and large, and I will serid the amount to Mr. C. C. de Vililers. Cape Town, the honorable treasurer of the committee of the Africander bond, to be expended under that appeal, i sent $2,000 on Feb. 23. 1900. GEORGE W. VAN SICLEN. American Treasurer. No. 141 Broadway, New York City. Feb. 21; 1900. The Haptist Was "It." A Baptist and Methodist minister tere by accident dining at the name hcuse; says the Columbian, As they tlidk their seats there was an embar rassed pause, the hostess heit know ing how to ask one mnister to sdy grace without offending the other. The small son quickly grasped the situa tion, and, half rising in his chair, mov ed his finger rapidly around the ta ble, reciting: "Eny mene niiny mo. Catch a nigger by the toe." He ended by pointing his finger at i the Baptist minister and shouting. "oure it!" The reverend gentleman accepted the decision and said grace, but it lacked the usual solemnity. Oae Woman's Work. A litmy little women utepped into one bf the big New York hotels the other day and tbokddwn from the witlis several railroau time table, sub stituting others that she brought with i.rr. She flodtisd preasafltly fo th? cierk behihd the coUnteY. and nMreHed out. "That s Miss Flora Stulb." said the clerk behind the counter, in an swer to an inquiry. "'She has been do ing that for about a year. There are men doing the same work, but they cannot cover the ground, and this young woman took to it on her own account. She gets a salary from the railroad companies, and makes a pret t good thing out of it." Another "Orator." Terry McGovern, the featherweight champion of the world, has developed Into quite a speech maker in his travels- on the road. He can now deliver nn address of reasonable length, and ! can make himself heard. But when he first tried to orate he was not a bril liant success. When matched to meet Pedlar Palmer. McGovern went up to W'aterbury one night to box. "Speech!" yelled the crowd, and Terry made his maiden effort as follows: "Gent. oh! er I'm ready to fight, gents. I'll do rny best to win. Oh, er I'm glad I'm glad I'm going to fight for the champ pionship. My backer'U back me to a standstill, too. See!' Then something choked him and he was led away. Ex-Speaker Reed says that of all sinners, liars are the worst. "The are properly disposed of." he says, "in the eighth verse of the twenty-first chapter of Revelation." Knkiu Trlbnte to His Father. On the tomb of John Ruskin's father at Shirley, near Corydon. England, is the following characteristic epttah. placed there by his devoted son: "He was an entirely honest merchant and his memory is to ail who keep it dear and helpful. His son. whom he loved to the uttermost and taught to speak the truth, says this of him." The largest body of water in th world having no outlet in the ocean ia the Caspian sea, it being 180,000 square miles in extent, meat to be used as food. "Bathjnc Towel" Powell. Dr. Haig Brown, the former head master of Charterhouse, writing of the school days of Colonel Baden-Powell, says: "I notice that the name is in variably mispronounced. That 'a in Bifflen is generally given th sound of 'ah.' but it should have the usual sound of a' as in 'Bathing Towel.' which was his nickname among the boys at school. Genius only commands recognition when it has created the tate which i to appreciate it. Froude. Ironing- With Electricity. In the laundry of an insane asylum at Pontiac. Mich., electric irons instead of gas irons have proved to be pecul iarly adapted for insane asylum service where most of the work is done by the patients. There is no chance of their setting anything on fire with the irons and as the irons are kept at an even temperature they do not require the exercise of judgment in changing them. "Wealth gotten by improper ways will take its departure in the same way." Mrs. J. Coleman Drayton, whewe name was somewhat prominently be fore the public a few years ago. was recently conversing with Harry Lehr. a Baltimore society man. whose some what sedate manner was not altogether to her liking. Anxious to get rid of him she snapped out: "Now, trot along. Mr. Lehr. you are altogether too ladylike." The Baltimorean bowed courteously, and moved away, saying: "I am so. sorry I can't bay as much for you, Mrs, Drayto," THE CT-iTU LOSER i Attorney General Defeated in His Actios Against Omaha National. MOTION OF DEFENDANT SliSTAINEi Jmdf Baker Holds that ActUm or the Saprease Co art la Equivalent to Af raslaa Mia Decision Exceptions hy (he (Hate KensIaUceace of Hartley's Defalcattffwe. OMAHA, Neb.. Mdreh J3. In the case of the state against the Ohjii3 National bank and J. H. Millard, tor the collection of $200,000. Judge Bake has decided in favor of the defendants. a-The did wheirthe caae .was-ecfgiBally. tried by him prior to appeal to the supreme court. In making thi decision Judge Bak er; explained that he could not con sistently do otherwise in view of the action taken by tho supreme coort. Oae Imlee had sustained his origin.-! , ruling-, another had overruled it anil the thin! member or the supreme bench had taken no action at all. therefore the trial court in this la stance could only follow one of the three members. As each member of the supreme ccurt took different positions in the case it would be impossible. Judge Baker said, to follow the ruling of that tribunal as a body. The appel late court belt equally divided on tne proposition. Judge Baker held that such division is equttalent to aflirming the decision of the lower court. Such, h declared, is the uaiveriWl rnle. JiiclgA Baker's ruling puts the case back where It was before it was taken to the supreme court. The return made by that body were peculiar, in asmuch as the opnIn was divided be tween two of the thret? member of the bench and there was nothing said in the mandate about a new trial ia the district court. This was one of the points brought out forcibly by the at torneys for the defense. Tue state stU has the right of appeal from Judge Baker's decision. Attorney General 3myth, represent ing the state, noted numerous execp tons to Judge Baker's ruling. Snorn of their legal verbiage, the substance i the attorney generals exceptions is thai the verdict is not in accordance with th? !w that there is no author it:, in law td snstain such motion as was filed by the defendants; that the ruling is contrary to the supreme court mandate; that theree wan no ver dift upon which to base judgBient. and several other similar assertions. This case grew out of the defalcation of ex-State Treasurer Bartley, it Dc iDg alleged that he kept an account at the defendant bank, of which Mr. illard is president, and that there wa irregularity in the manner in which h: drew deposit from the bank. Ceasns Will Sliow a iain. LINCOLN. Neb.. Marrh 13. In re sponse to a request from an eastern ncwKuaper Governor Poynter bas esti mated the total population of Nebras ka to be J .260.524. This estimate based on a comparison of the vote ca.! at the general elections of 1889 and 1S99, and shows an Increase in the population of 107,t;il. Assistant Di rector Wines df the census bureau ha also asked the executive department for .nimilar information and the detail of the method employed in making the estimate. It is generally believed that the cen sus of 1900 will show a larger popula tion, but if the same proportion or tin people voted for the head of the ticket last year as in 1889 the estimate of Governor Poynter is pretty nearly ac curate. Tn 1889 the total vote was 170.174 and the census of 1S90 showed the population to be 1,058,910. The vote for the head of the ticket last year was 203.535. -. Hodjr is laterreil. LINCOLN, Neb., March 1.1 Infor mation was received by the adjutant general that the remains of Arthur E. Diehl of the Fourteenth United States infantry and a former resident ot Cairo, Neb., had been returned to the United States from the Philippine is lands and Interred in the National cemetery at San Francisco. The rela t:ves of Diehl recently made inquiries at the state house concerning the whereabouts of the remains, with a view of having them shipped to Cairo. Diehl died in the hospital at Manila after being discharged from the ser vice. Intlian -Method of Burl-tl. NIOBRARA, Neb., March 13. A sample of the civilization of the ab origines of this country was given here last week. An Indian woman was taken suddenly ill and died. Her tribe laid the body out and notified her hus band, who was in the Indian terrritory. The remains lay in the house for two or three days, until decomposition had begun to show plainly. A coffin was then procured, the body placed in it and deposited on the open prairie still awaiting the arrival of the hus band. In a day or two the body of the woman burst and being noticed by the Indians a board shanty was erect ed around the coffin. The next proce dure was to procure all the bones pos sible of her departed friends and place them in the shed around the cof Sti. Died in a Hoi I. FAIRBURV. Neb.. March 15. Cor oner S. W. Dodge was called to Day kin to investigate a death which oc curred two miles southeast of there under suspicious circumstances. The victim was Henry Mtillr. who lived alone in a hovel. Some boys happened to go to his house on an errand and fcund him lying on hisface on the floor. A neighbor was summoned, who arrived on the scene just before the unfortunate man expired. As no evi dence of violence was presented it was declared that the man came to his death from heart trouble. Talk for Deaeoaesses Hoeae. EAGLE. Neb.. March 13. Miss Brown, representing the deaconess' home of the M. E. church at Omaha, preached here in the interest of the hospital department. She is a flu ent talker and succeeded in getting a good collection. Farmer Bexin -Sprint Work. BROKEN BOW, Neb.. March 15. The farmers are putting in wheat and the xrase is starting. More snow fell last twinter than usual and the ground is in excellent shape. Ulilll TmOLDRCLUBLB. Columbus State Bank (OlaWCaU-JiamtJMauU.) ItylaaMiTteDQBiti ; lata LbbiiBhI Estate, fSLLS ITIIHIBIP TICKET BUYS GOOD NOTES tai caatMMfa whra t&a aMJ tvnesM an ontxcToa ftan QzsutABD. Prea't. aV aL Hsanr, Vic Pre'. tP' M. BauaoEB, CashUr. fanr trAuvrxa; Wit Btrcsutrnv The Columbus Journal. I aV Waakly Newspaper devoted 'to th hat Interests of Colimtas, Tda County of Platte, Tto State of Nebraska, Be United States, -Arm the- REST OF MANKIND; ;r trcriT or measuhb with us $1.50 a Year, If Paid In Advance. Bat oar limit of naefalneaa ia not cir cnauoribed by dollars and cents. faaaate Cayftaa earn free ta axy a4 ree HENRY GASS, Cofls-i : -i t Mttallu : Cues I Ufhal Columbus Journal PRINTING OFFICE. PEST PAPERS OOUMTRY. mm wmwa raavn tm Qaawla. CMcac Nw York m a rars4fm CMmtrIir",'' mjvV MfA A aaL TOTDEBT A TTE R ! fcSt',