i . V ft .. l. - L V - - :?..- :p. R Henry "WJIK LEAMM IMCOK. lp"""BSBaVv tHiS.' k il . ,. yi tat4cTii . -WE ANNOUNCE THAT OUB STOCK I3 more complete than ever and invite one and all to come in and inspect it. All :of the leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be found in oar store, - .including allot the latest novelties, and we offer, for the first time in Columbus, the ramous FERNDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES wkich are ab solutely the best. la fine Teas and Coffees, Chas 4 Sahbors's. as usual, take the lead. We .ell the celebrated Log Cabin Staple Syrup and warrant it to be the best. You- will find oar Qaeensware and Lamp department very complete and can. easily find what job, want. Persona buying1 in large quantities will do well to call on is M we have the right goods and will make the prices right. Careful atten dee and courteous treatment accorded to all. I SSSHSBWSnJ Eleventh Street, C ohtmbits gaunial. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14, M8Q. B. Jt M. TIME TABLE. ww, Hclcaa, Wtaaha. Cfcicaa. it. Jra. Cltj. t.lta aad all aalaU aat aa4 voatk. Salt Lake City. Partlaaa. Saa Fraseiaca aaa all paUtawMC Tm-irs9 SEPAST. No. TPaMner. daily exempt Sunday Nn. 32 Aeouamudatioa. daily except 7 JO a. 31 daxanlay. . - ... 4:30 P- m txaxss Aaarrx. N.1: 21 Paaaempr. dally except Sunday 9:00 p. m No. SI Accommodation, daily except Qnmiay . . .. .. . 1-30 P- m TIME TABLE U. P. R. E. XAST BOC3D, X-VCf LEOt. So. i.Z Columbcut Local It. No 102, Fat Mail No 4. Atlantic Kxpnma. . No 1, Overland Limited. No .-Oucairo SpeciaL S:ifl a m 1J0 p. m SaJHp m 4-45 p 31 4a a 31. . d.tX) a m So M, Fwutfit. N 2, Freight. . .. Uhiup m WXST BOCJTD, XAUf LI3X. No 1. Overland Limited. No 101. Fut Mail .- .. No S, Pacific xpre . .. No. 5. Colo. Special hot 7, Culambais Local No 2S. Freurht NOttFOLE BBAA'CB. No S3, Paaaenirer No U Mixwi ..llaC a m 11:3s a m . 658 p. m. . 2J2a m ioao p m Tax) a 31 Depart 7:00 n at a-aa m i Arrive 1250 p m. HJOp 31. No W, Paaaenaer So 72. Mird . .. lUiQj uro cxdax bapeds bbach. Depart No . Paaaniurpr iJP No 73, Mixwl 6:45 a. a Arrive 1.-05 p 31 9-00 p 31 Ha 70, PaMnr N.) 74. Mixmi Norfolk paaaettpr trainii ran daily,. No train on Albion and Cedar Rapid branch Sundays. Colasibo Local daily except Sunday. W. H. EvinsJL Aent. gieit if Jgthtes. SaTAll nodeea under thi heading will b ehargwl at the rate of $2 a year. LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. A. M. rRecolar meatusa 3d weaneaoay in aaca aoBta. All brethren invited to atread C. J. trASLOW. W. SU Gca. G. Bscaxa, Sac'y. 3BaiT WTLDEY LODGE No. U, L O. O.F., lBu Tneaday evening oc aacn k at their hall on Thirteenth atreec Yiaiun brethrea cordially; Invited. .AAi,a. i. Geo. FAracHm. Sec'y. gjanffi-tf IIOHJMBIAN CAlfP No. 55. WOODMEN OF V the World, meet every ecoad and fourth Thnradaya of the aoath.7J0 p. nu. at L O. Q. F. 1H L Thirteenth street. Rea-olar attendance i very desirable, and all visiting brethren are cor dially invited to with a. jan2S--95 REORGANIZED CHTRCH OF LATTER-DAY Saimta hold regular aei iu.ea every Sudaj at 2 p. w-, prayer nMenngoa Wedaaaday eveaiac at their chspei, comer of North street and Facile iu. All are cordially invited. IXalSB Elder H. J. Hrnaos. Preaideat. firaov REFORMED CHTBCH. Sunday V3T School at 9 JO a. m. Church every Sunday at ll.- a. ai. Chrisbas Endeavor at 7 JO p. nu Ladise' Aid Society every first Thursday in the moalh at the church. 14nov-4 COLTJSCBUS itABKETS. Wheal, old "f? bushel . . 49 Com, shelled f? bushel . 22 Corn, ear fl bushel . . . 22 Qta f? buafceL 1S Bye bushel -ill Barlev. V boahel 25J Hogs-V cwt. 4 353 4 50 Pat cattle t? cwt 2 S0 3 55 Potatoes- bnaheL 3) BaUer- tx 1417 Eggs f? dosec 12 Markets corrected every Tneaday af ternoon. Enquire of Herrick. Do not forget Myers. tf ' District court next week. See Gates Bros5, cattle and horses. Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth, strajat. tf Fine-job work dene at Txx Jocssax. Wxadow shades from 15c upward. Dr. Baker, physician and svrgeoa, oce Olive street. tf isrmoaBeter 6s below zaro Satax- - aw j amrsmc ir :au Dr. L. C Toaa, Hoaaeopathie phyai- eaa. Goixaaboa, Xsh. - . Dr. B. D. Miisa deatist, over Pol lock's, 13th aavd North streeta. afl 1 Era Lasfcfeaagh satertaiaed a party of friiwiiia Wtdasariiy Drs. Msrtya, Evssai k ..tawa6Vxsaorca!7ridhofw store, tf . Oar aew assaple liae of earaetswill sasw be ic Wait lor them. The Fair. For aaw watch rwpams, call oa Cad Fm !, 11th St, Colamboa, Xeh. m ifX Eagatz & Co. A Careful Groceryman fills your orders with precision and promptness- We not only do tht bat we fill them with the choicest and best quality in this line that can be procured. We are expert judges of TEAS AXD COFFEES, and our'LCmjMe4 Gftw-is and TaMe Delicacies we procure from the most reliable and best manuikcturers. OF Etc., Rfwl Columbus, Nebraska. Mielenz for best photos. Miss Minnie Dishner 3 again very sick. Final appearance of Morrison's ! Faust. Chancy S. Mapes has been granted a 36 pension. Bruce, son of E. D. Brink, is under the doctor's care. Edith, daughter of George Galley, jr., is quite sick. Bayard Fuller moved last week to Durant, Oklahoma. Opera house, Tuesday, February 20, Morrison's Faust. Something new every season with Lewis Morrison's Faust. Wanted, a girl for general house werk. Enquire of Mrs. L Gluck. tf Friday evening, Feb. 16, Prof. Porter and his elocution class at opera house. Gov. Poynter and Gen. Barry are expected this Tuesday evening in the city. Married Monday at Platte Center, John Gleason and Miss Bessie Higgins. Mrs. T. Keating has been confined to the bed with sickness, but is now better. Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for S32.00. A. Dussell & Son. tf The Lincoln Journal is illustrating by the use of home-made cuts, Johnson, artist. Bring us your orders for job-work. They will receive prompt and careful attention. The Hookies' mask ball February 22, promises to be a record breaker for attendance. The aluminum plates made by Dr. McKean are fast taking the place of all other dentures. If you are thinking of getting an aluminum plate, go and see samples at Dr. Naumann's. tf The Epworth League wdl give a social at the residence of M. K. Turner Friday evening. Mr. Wemple has been appointed postmaster at Lindsay, in place of Mr. Pryor, resigned. Dr. McKean 's method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. Major Kilian is department com mander for the Spanish-American war veterans of Nebraska. Special services at the Baptist church every evening this week except Saturday. All invited. A. X. Tost of the Omaha Bee was in the city Friday, stopping for sapper with his son, Bev. Yost. Several different kinds of weather here the past week, variety enough to suit the most fastidious. Prof. Porter has superior talent as an impersonator and reciter. Lieut. Governor E. A. Gilbert. C F. Gleason, agent for Kimball Bros-, Lincoln. Granite and marble for all kinds of cemetery work. Barton Photos Hft"? SaJey's. N Maney in advance. tf We have never noticed that as a man gets well off he is content to have his pockets picked Looking Glass. The Union Pacific company paid into the Colfax county treasury the other day as taxes for 1899, 96379.9L Married, Saturday last, by Judge Bobiaon, Delarm Shinn aad Miss Josie Timothy, both of Platte Center. Henry Ragatr Co. have something of interest to say to Jocbsax. readers in their new advertisement this week. We have now on hand a Kn of "regret" cards and envelopes. Also suit able for afternoon party invitations. E. von Bergen, whose physician di rected him some days ago to keep within doors, has been steadily improving. Mm. Elizabeth B. Merrill has been granted a divorce from Jay Merrill, a former resident here, later at Omaha. Bring your orders for job-work to thiaofsce. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, aa agreed apon. The BeHwood Gazette reports a number of thefts of corn and wheat lately from granaries in that vicinity. Fire escapes were placed in the rear of the Thurston hotel last week, a very valaable and necessary improvement. Wax. Srhfla makes boots and shoes in the beat styles, and aaea only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf Bed pepper is an excellent eondi meat, and its effect on the liver is tisasrlriWf Ifskrta aad intsrmitteat ehEk eaaaet eadare the prance of red BepfMr, which shoadd be apoa. every tabie,-SatMMl Health JouraaL We hare a sent oat by order of Senator Tharstoa, for free dtstrAttioa. Call aad get a package. John Stovieek above the heazaeto Schayler Moaday for his employer, Heary Gaes, undertaker. We did not learn farther. FABMEBS, ATTENTO02L Too can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvaniaed steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son for only $25JQQ. tf Mrs. J. P.Becker aad Mrs. Tiffany will give a tea at the home of Mrs. Becker, Wednesday afternoon. Come and briagyoar friends. The Butler Coanty Press has started to pabliah twice a week fnstad of once. Mr. Casper has our sympathy. Wecoald wish him a better fate. Dr. Naumann can serve yon in anything- that is known to the dental pro fession. Aluminum pTitea, gold plates, crown aad bridge work, ete etc. Misses Oiga and Ida Egger, Charles Finecy, W. B. Dale, and Wax. La Bae were among those from here who at tended the funeral of Lieut. Sisaon. We have a line of tinware, kitchen utensils, underclothing, stationery, boots and shoes. If you need anything in our line call and see us. voa Bergen Bros. Married, at the Methodist parson age in this city, by Bev. J. P. Yost, Sat urday, February 10, Clayton E. Giles and Miss Edith Archtberg, both of Genoa. AL Williams has lost two of bis children by scarlet fever, and the two others are sick with the same disease. He is a brother of Thomas Williams of this city. Few speakers range from the deepest tragedy, the most pathetic, to the light est humor, as does Prof Porter. His tact of entertainment is excellent. York Democrat. A few more of the Failor stock of thoroughbred bulls and heifers left and for sale at C K. Davies' place. Address Silver Creek post-office, or better, call personally. tf Mrs. W. C. Sutton is at St. Mary's hospital, and has undergone an operation for cancer of the breast and arm. She is eighty-four years old, and her home is St Edward. James Burrows was in the city Saturday, doing business at the court house. He eays that the recent wolf hunt up the country was not a success in gathering wolves. At W. A. Schroeder's sale the other day, farm machinery sold at very low prices; horses low, but cattle went fairly well calves $13 and $11, cows $42, year ling steers as high as $24 When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of BALLARD'S SXOW LLNIMZST will give prompt relief. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock fr Co. Down at Ulysses a restaurant was searched by the peace authorities and there were found sixty-three bottles of beer, four of ginger ale. a keg of Jamaica rum and a jug of rum quite an outfit. Tuesday evening, February 27, there will be an Epworth League rally at the Methodist church in this city. Several good speakers from Omaha and other places will Ise present. Everybody in vited. The family of J. S. Hatfield will leave next Monday for Hooper, Colorado, where Mr. Hatfield has a position as miller. The family have been residents here for a number of years and the good will of their many acquaintances goes with them. At the Beferees' sale Monday of the Yoeman land, the SO acres brought 240, the purchaser being G. W. Phillips, county clerk, who owns adjoining tracts. This land was years ago owned by Wm. Graves of this city, who entered it aa a homestead. Miss Akes Plumb left here Monday morning for Franklin county, Nebr., called there by the illness of her sister Alice, who has been making her home there the past year with her brother Henry. If able to make the trip, both will return soon. It seems from authentic report which has just reached us that our cousin's son, Chester Clark, (who so journed a few weeks in Columbus last year), was the first U. S. soldier to make the landing on Cuban soil, in the Spanish-American war. George Thomazin and his young son Bobert were in the city Monday, coming down to meet Mrs. Thomazin, who ar rived Monday forenoon from a six weeks' visit with relatives at Peoria, Illinois. It had been some thirty years since Mrs. Thomazin had been there. If the weather should prove favor able the Hookies will give a parade on the afternoon of the date of their mask ball, February 22, and we hear that the procession will he headed by the famous "Si Plunkard Babe Band,' which will be worth going miles to see. O. Johnson, who bae for the last few weeks been located at Evanston, Wyo., as chief clerk and cashier of the freight department for the Union Pacific com pany, likes the place and the position very much. We do not understand that his family will more at present. Just aa we close oar forms, we are assured that the new opera house will surely be erected, and that on the lots 66 feet east of the Thurston hotel, and owned by J. E. North, a sufficient amount having- been pledged, Full par ticulars, so soon as we can get them. - The increased business at M. C Casein's meat market has compelled him to make some changes which will aeon take place. He has sold to a Schayler party the entire inside fixtarea of his market, includina; ace box, and a new and more capacious set will soon be in place. Dont let the hand of time paint wrinkles on your face. Esep young; by keeping- the blood pore aad the efiaestivii organs in a altafal condition. HEBB LNE will do thia. Health is youth, dis ease and airrnfsa brings old age. Pries, 50 centa. A. Heiatx aad Pollock iCo. G. Holds of Central City, one of the referees ia the Yocmm lead ease, was in the city Moaday, and gave Tax Jbcaaux. a baesaeaa calL He set tled in Nebraska ia 1871, oa a stead, pnrchaaiaf; hislamber 4Halst. He has sua of the early days hi 3 back to throagh the state to OPERA HOUSE ! ONE SIGHT OXLY, Tuesday, Feb. 20. LEWIS MOBBISON'S ORIGINAL PBODUCTION OF 'FAUST' Sixteenth and Last Tear ef the Unite States. Powerful Cast! New Scenery' Com pany Carry a Special Car! Grand Cho rus! Elegant Costumes! Marvellous M-byy"' and Electrical Effects! jyNo advance in prices. 35, 50 and to cents. Seats on sale Sonday, Feb. 18th at Pollock Co. s drug store. N. B. This Company is secured under a heavy guarantee, and it ia hoped it will meet with the generous patronage it deserves, as the opportunity is seldom, given of witnessing a production so re nowned. You can help anyone whom you find suffering from inflamed throat laryn geal trouble. Bronchitis, coughs, colds, etc, by advising the use of BALLARD'S HOBEHOUND SYBUP; the great rem edy for coughs and colds. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock 4 Co. There is probably no disease or con dition of the human system that causes more suffering- and distress than piles. TABLEB'S BUCKEYE PLLE OINT MENT cures them quickly, without pain or detention from business. Price, 50 cents in bottles Tubes, 75 centa A Heintz and Pollock Co. Henry Bagatz recently received in quiries from wholesale houses in Omaha in regard to building a canning factory here. The fact that irrigation is pro curable here is what brings the inquiry. It would be a great thing for this com munity to have several factories where more employment would be given, farm land increase in value, etc Mr. B. T. Wetherell has disposed of his furniture business to Mr. F. E. Matthews, of Columbus. Mr. Matthews has had experience in this business and promises to do his best to make it a suc cess here. He appears to be a man of considerable ability and energy and we trust he will meet with the realization of his expectations. Clarks Enterprise. C. K. Davies was in the city yester day, and says that on Saturday last he sold five of the thoroughbred cattle, that he has been advertising in The Jocbxal, to Mr. G. J. Campbell, formerly manager of the Bay State Cattle ranch, who bought them to sell again. Mr. Davies is making' arrangements to engage more extensively in raising thoroughbred stock. Wherever money is expended for the public there is one safe rule and that is to see that the public gets its money worth. There have been so many trans parent, unmitigated jobs put up on the innocent that it is no wonder the air is full of suspicion, but ic is just in such times that enterprising men can go ahead and work wonders. Honest effort and capital can go ahead with anything needed - The Youth's Companion is beyond doubt one of the best publications in the world. Its good qualities are solid and useful; it has a working merit that needs only be tested to be appreciated. The last number contains a sketch by Lyman J. Gage on "Character, Credit and Capi tal," that is worth a year's subscription to any young man or woman, and inter esting and profitable to any who may read it. Having made a reference to the school building muddle at Fremont, it is in place to give the following paragraph from the last Tribune: "The school board should reject all bids for erecting a high school building and start again. The plans and specifications are too in definite for building a granary. They should be discarded and a competent architect hired to get up a new set upon which bids may be intelligently made. There is no use to invite trouble and perhaps scandal from the start.' It has been suggested to the Jora SAX. editor that he write a book entitled "Household Hints." If we should un dertake such a task, among the first items would go down the different ways of starting a fire, properly, with some comments on the many improper meth ods, and among these, the use of either benzine or kerosene would have an im portant place. Along with this would go a dissertation on gases in general, and the necessity of knowing the explosive power of different substances in common use. While Dennis Flynn was returning home from town last Saturday one of the tugs became unhitched and his team became frightened and started on the run. The wagon tongue dropped down and Mr. Flynn was thrown from the wagon. He received an ugly cut on the head and two of his ribs were broken. He was patched up by a physician and will be all right again in a short time Dr. D. A. Lewis went to Columbus Tues day to be treated at the hospital for in somnia. His son Frank accompanied him. Albion News. Mrs. Anna Warren gave a concert in Platte Center, Friday evening for her pupils, assisted by others. Prof. Gar lichs. Miss Lora Becher, Mrs. L. Jaeggi, Miss May Davis, Miss Neumarker, John Early, John Neumarker and Fred Saff ron went up from here to help on the program in various ways. Others from Columbus who went to attend the enter tainment were: Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Wal ters, B. G. Hard, Misses Emma Kersen brock, Angie Early, Chrieta Kipple, LL1 lie Ernst, Grace Hatfield, Hed wig Jaeggi, Paul Hagel and Rudy Miller. The enter tainment, we understand, was a success artistically, as well as financially. From everywhere eome the moat nattering reports of Lewis Morrison's "FaaaC" which is being presented thai year mounted in a most sublime manner. The press have been decidedly enthn staetic over the surprising additions which have been made to this play. The l-preeent production is said to sarpess all former ones and considerable has been said aad written about the vivid aad weird Bracken scene, as well as the beautiful gardea setting; which ie said to be a perfect bevy of flowers aad arranged so naturally that one almost rnaginTtt they are in haling the fragrance of the real article. Oeera 30. The faaeral of Lieateaaat Saasoa took place at St. Edward Friday last, the remains bemsr escorted from here by Sergeant John Brock, jr.TBugier Charles Miner, George Brodfaehrer and BL DeLong. former members of Mr. Season's Co. K, First Nebraska. At St. Edward depot a procession formed and the body was taken to the Presbyterian church. After noon the chareh was filled aad two hundred coald not gain admittance. Business hosses were closed from 1 to 3:30. The boys of the First Nebraska under command of Major yflfarr mirraaiT in with full uniform and took seats oa the right of the casket. After music and prayer, Ber. Trezona, of the M. E. chareh, North .Bend, aa intimate friend of the family, preached from the text IT Timothy,23: "Endure hardness as a good soldier." He spoke of the high repute in which the soldier of ancient times was held, and of the great delight with which the rank and file of the army as well as the general went into the strife. He also spoke of some of the qualities necessary to the makeup of the "good soldier, such as obedience, courage, a worthy object for which to contend, and a wil lingness to endure the toils and hard ship incident to the soldier's life. Hav ing done this he called attention to the fact that "our soldier boy," lieutenant Siason possessed these qualities and as a young soldier had few, if any superior in his regiment. In conclusion he called attention to the need of soldiers in the moral realm, soldiers who will show their coarage by their obedience to the Mas ter's calL The Album, militia acted as pall-bearers at the cemetery, where the casket was lowered into the grave, followed by three volleys with "taps" sounded by Bugler Miner. Lester was born June 23, 1873, at the homestead four miles northeast of St. Edward in Platte county. When sixteen he learned the printer's trade in Colum bus, and worked here in several of the offices and also in Lincoln. He headed twenty-six recruita for the First Nebras ka, going with them to Manila, and pro moted from sergeant to lieutenant, hold ing that rank when he was killed in a charge upon the enemy at Quinga, April 23, 1S99, almost instantaneously with CoL Stotsenberg. We condense the foregoing from the St. Edward Sun. Rentored! One block west, four doors from Schwarz & Easton's hardware store, where we will be pleased to see our cus tomers. Our line of dry goods is better than ever. One thousand yards of best calico on sale at 5c a yard. 2t ThzFaib. Are you nervous, run down, weak and dispirited? Take a few doses of HERBLNE. It will infuse new energy, new life into the exhausted nerves, the overworked brain or muscular system, and put a new face on life and business. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock 4 Co. Nervous children are almost always thin children- The "out-door-boy" is seldom nervous. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is the best preventive of nervousness. It strengthens the sys tem and assists to that sort of flesh, which creates strength and power of endurance. Price 25 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock Co. The Norfolk folks, it seems from the following paragraph in the last week's Journal, are not so well pleased as they might be with the deal they made: "There is considerable complaint on the part of mechanics who worked on the opera house building that they cannot get their pay. One or more mechanic's liens have been filed, and it is said that others will follow. It certainly seems that with the amount Mr. Warrant suc ceeded in working out of the people of Norfolk, he should pay the men who furnished labor and materials for the new 'Norfolk's pride' unless he wants the people of this city to pay all the bills on the building for the privilege of having him own it." The entire course of study from the kindergarten to the university should be the best attainable at every stage. It is just as important that the maximum of training be secured for the grades and high schools as for the university. The course of study throughout should be so well balanced as to bring into action every faculty of the pupiL The best results cannot be attained when one division of public instruction forces its requirements upon all others. The course of study for high schools should not be wholly determined by those who are interested only in college work. Nothing is truer than the foregoing taken from the Layman's Corner of the Lincoln Journal, and it is a subject that forces itself upon the school authorities of this state. The most important item of railroad news announced for several months is that on May 1 the Burlington and North ern. Pacific railroads will establish through train service in both directions between Portland and St. Louis by way of Billings, Mont. To maintain this through service, ten trains will be re quired, and orders for the new equip ment have already been placed. The new trains will carry sleeping, dining, tourist and smoking cars, as well as first and second class coaches. The Burling ton Route ia becoming a big factor in the passenger situation in the Northwest, and the arrangement now being perfect ed will undoubtedly have a tendency to make the BQlings gateway even more popular than it has been in the past. It is with regret we receive the in formation that this will be the final season of Lewis Morrison's magnificent and long to be remembered production of "Faust," though from the extensive and expensive mountings which have been given the play this year one would imagine it was just entering the field to remain for many seasons to come. Every thing is entirely new, and recent inven tions in the way of mechanical and elec trical stage craft have been taken ad vantage of, resulting in a thoroughly surprising and decidedly gratifying- pre sentatioB. of a play which so long has been among- the most successful theatri cal enterprises. As stated, Lews Mor rison's "Faust" will positively not toar after the conclusion of this season, but it will continue to live for years to coeie xa the memories of the thoaaaads who have sees it. Opera hoase, Taesday, . I lawaml fiaasaw 5 3 ttsJi WmtMOttU m tP i i linn Mi1 Ed. Hoare was xa the city Maaday. Homer DeLong- was in Omaha Saaday. John Wiggins was ia Omaha Satur- day. Mas Louisa Keyi m Clarks. visiting- at home Mam Laura relatives a S. McAllister of Hamphrey ' the city Moaday. Frank Bnssiter of Silver Creak, IB i in the eity over Saaday. Pan! Hagel was ia Omaha Friday aad Saturday c bsamaese. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. BoaaiUr of Silver Creek visited ia this city last week. Misses Ethel Hearieh aad Marjorie Wilbiaas spent Saturday sad Saaday ia Platte Center. Miss Jessie Unsaid of Cedar Bspids came down Moaday to visit her friend, Mks Lillie HegaL Mias Hattie Seltssraad Mav Leaks Matthews were ia the city Satarday. They left a the afternoon for Chicago. Mrs. W. E. Kerr of SHver Creek and Mrs. Q. H. Swartwood of Salt Lake, visited Mrs Late North last Satarday. Mra.J.aFUlmsa retaraed Satarday from Utica, where she bss been visiting-. Her sister. Mm. Teanhsffh, retaraed with her. Mr.and Mm. George Streeter of Grand Prairie, started last Tussday for an ex tended pleasure trip to Ogden, Boise City and Portland Mrs. Anna Warren, Mrs. Dr. Vase, Mm J. G. Beeder, Mas Phoebe Gerrard and Miss Anna Nichols went to Lincoln Monday to hear PaderewakL Am Ia-tortant Trasjrfar. The sale of the Hendryx farm near Monroe, 400 acres at $50 per acre, to one of the largest seed growing companies of this state was closed Tuesday last, H. E. Babcock negotiating the sale. The sale means much to Columbus, and to the farmers of this community. It is the highest price ever paid for a large tract of land in the county. It demon strates the fact that these rich soils, when irrigated, are being appreciated by non residents. It means the location of ware- rooms and general offices in Columbus, and the industry will employ, in busy seasons, over 100 people, and will dis tribute approximately $50,000.00 per annum throughout the city. It means the growing of 3,000 to 5,000 acres of seed crops in this vicinity which will require a large force of men. Diversified farming-, higher-priced land, rests rising to as high as $8 per acre, large profits from intense cultivation, will naturally and inevitably follow. It ia a step towards the building up of the home market. The Nebraska Central Irrigation Co., builders of the Great Eastern canal and of whom Mr. Babcock is the general manager, expended several thousand dollars this season putting in a large acreage to seed crops for the purpose of demonstrating to seed-growers the super iority of seeds grown where moisture can be furnished just as needed, and the demonstration was complete. The sale of this land, and the location of the new industry here result. It is the first dis tinctive victory for irrigation in Platte county. Mr. Frank T. Emerson, manager for the Western Seed and Irrigation Co., who have purchased the Hendryx farm, has been for the past fifteen years in the same business at Waterloo, Nebraska. The company will move to Columbus and make this their headquarters, a great acquisition. Schasi sTotsa. Miss Grace Dodds of the Tenth grade was sick daring the latter part of last week, but is again able to be at school. Charles Bloedorn of the Senior grade was absent last week, making business trips for his father, to several neighbor ing cities. Prof. Carey of Platte Center visited our schools last week, as the schools of Platte Center are closed on account of scarlet fever. The pupils from High school, who attended Mrs. Warren's concert at Platte Center Friday night, were: Marjorie Williams, Angie Early, Ethel Henrich, John Early, John Neumarker and Fred Saffron. They report a pleasant time. Wm. Wagner of the Senior grade will begin writing school notes for the Tele gram this week. William is an ener getic young man and will undoubtedly keep the Telegram well posted in school news. In a like manner, Laurence Hohl will contribute for the Times. The Juniors and Seniors delivered their program last Friday, a Lincoln program. The president, Fred Saffron, and the secretary, Blanche Niewohner, being absent, George Morris and Delia Newman filled the vacancies. The pro gram opened with a patriotic song, fol lowed by up-to-date current events by Louise Frader. Gus Becher 9 essay brought out both sides of the Transvaal question. Petite Martyn had a well prepared impersonation. A very inter esting' history of our town was read by Bella Ltaco. Recitations, "Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?" Arvina Luers. "Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech," Madge Cuahing. "Lincoln's 2d Inaugu ral Address," Wm. Wagner. "When Lincoln Died." Alice Lickly. "Lincoln's Burial," Rosa Stauffer. -Abraham Lin coln," Vera Kramer. "Ship of State," Tena Zinnecker. were all well rendered. "Characterization of Lincoln" was well prepared and read by Louise Tomlis. Essay by Mattie Poet was good. Esther Johnson, in a very able way, compared the lives of Lincoln and Washington. "Humorous Anecdotes of Lincoln" by George Moras, produced a great deal of TTiii-th RfladingTr, "Death of Lincoln," and "Vengeance of the American Flag," by Delia Newman, were good. Marjorie Williams played a piano solo in her usual rflnritr manner. The paper ded icated to Lincoln by Peter Duffy well read by Florence Kramer and followed by great applause. After the program was over one of oar visitors, Mm. Wbl. Speicev arose and expressed her appreciation of the afternoon's pro gram, sayiag it eras the best she had ever beard ia the High sehooL vnrmg oar other visitors we noticed Mark T. MrMshrsi, Jesse E. Rector, Bobert ry sad Fret Porter, of York, (MS TEAS IS FAST ! Be M WE WILL SAVE YOU SOMETHING ON EVERY PUB CHASE FROM OUR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WINTER GOODS ! :ONSISTING OF- lnii niltsJH, LiaMit mi A FULL LINE of Ladies, call and see our line of Fur Col larettes and Muffs, just the thine; for comfort. A new line of Men's FUR COATS, just opened up. Prices from $12.50 to $22.50. OirHitlii "SUMaliWi RtisnaHtPrios" J. H. GALLEY, 303 EleTeath St., THE PIONEER.. hasn't located all the desirable property we've some choice bits on our books for sale at prices that appeal to the people of common sense. The properties are located in fertile sections, well watered and drain ed, handy to market and shipping- points and at oar prices and terms are decided pick-ape. , JAEGGI & CO., TUateesttfc SU COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA Fref. Psrtsr Class. Grand entertainment at Congregation al church, Friday evening, February 16, at 8 o'clock. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Patronize home talent, by a good crowd. Class carefully drilled by Prof. W. W. Porter. PBoa&uc. Orduatra. - . - - - - - Gone with a Hkadao&or 3fan - . . ProtW. W.Portar Told br 'he Hoapital Sana Paolina Eliaa 5cea from Julias Camr Win. Wagaur. as.. .Bracos Lawrencw E. Hohl. aa. - . - Caarioa Who 'a Got My Golden Arm? Sana Tomer Abraham Lincoln .- Vara Kramer First Settler'a Story W.W.Portar Orcheatra ... . .... .... The Spaniah Mother .. . .. Alica Conaidiae TwoFoaa. - Eliae Bmassr GRA32 CLASS JBTT.r.. Solo - ...MiaaBirdDodtfa Scene (Macbeth) and several homorooa piec m to cloaa.by.. . W.W. Porter lifhTOTd sad Tidaity. Dave Kluck has returned from Buf falo, N. Y. Bev. Hover is out again, after a seige of la grippe. Peter Cornwell was doing business in our town Saturday. Burt Odell made a pleasure trip to ward the setting sun last Sunday. Miss Anna Yossi of Columbus spent last week visiting her friends, Mrs. Will Stevenson and Helen Hoppe. Members of Mr. Stevens' family, who has moved into the dwelling recently vacated by Patsy Carrol, are sick with scarlet fever. Mrs. Albert Cady, wife of our genial station agent, has been seriously ill but is at present better. Drs. Martyn & Evans are in attendance. Our village blacksmith has put in a new steel forge, new anvil and emery wheel and improved the interior of bis shop so he is now prepared to do better work at no higher prices. The Stevenson brothers received a bucket of 400 fine oysters Saturday from their mother at Ocean Springs, Miss. They were direct from the oyster beds and averaged 2x4i inches. One social gathering we failed to men tion last week. Edgar Brocklesby was sweet seventeen Feb. 5, and his brother planned a neat surprise party on him and those attending say it was oce long to be remembered. The Ben Hur and A. O. U. W. lodges here will serve oysters on the eve of Washington's birthday. Come out and help the lodges. We understand the A. O. U. W. lodge intend erecting- a hall soon which will be an improvement to oar town. All that saved the Fast Mail from having a bad accident in our town last Wednesday was. it happened to stop, which is an nrnanl thing. Just ss it stopped the big drive wheel fell off, the axle breaking' close to the wheeL The crippled engine had to be pushed slowly up to Columbus. Sfwdal Istiee sf Susalstism. Coixubcs, Nas Feb. 5, 1900. The firm heretofore known aa Schwarz k Eastoa, hardware dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Louis Schwarz having withdrawn. All notes and accounts due said firm will be col lected by C. S. Eastoa. Very respectfully, SckwaSZ & Easroy. P. 3. The basness will be continued by C S. Eastoa at theold stand. Thank- iag- yon for pest favors aad soliciting a coarfassawa of your patronage, I remain Toots very truly. A tlli r a - - -vw v a nnm lew Tear is AM Purchases L-ee IOPJDXAK r I BICES! COOD MS! corxnvrBus, neb. BBaBaaHaaBawSBaSBT V "iJBaBBf,"wf-"" BB?tSesSss Saaasai t 'flKrtg-BR?-r- HfelaSlif FARM FOR SALE. A good 160-acre farm under high cul tivation, good house. 6 rooms and hall on first fioor; 5 rooms and hall on second floor; good cellar. Good corrals and outbuildings and sheds for stock, hogs, etc Good corn cribs, granaries and barn. Two goad pumps. Four miles south and one-half mile west of Colum bus. Terms easy. tf Wx. T. Ar.r.ax. Cattle and Horses. We have on hands Hereford and Short horn bulls, several head; first-class milch cows, and a large number of stock cows and heifers, also several good work horses and drivers for sale. One mile east of Columbus. 4t-p Gat2s Bros. PUBLIC AUCTION. The underaigned will sell at public auction on his farm eight miles northeast of Columbus, on TUESDAY, FEBHTA1Y 20, 1900, the following property, to-wit: 8 work horses, 52 head of cattle, 15 tons of hay, 50 Poland China brood sows, these sows are choice individuals bred to choice boars, and will be a grand investment to any hog raiser; also about 50 shoata, farm machinery, household goods, furni ture, etc Sale will begin at 10 o'clock. Free lunch. For further particulars and terms see posters. Should the day be stormy the sale will be held on Thursday February 22. 2 Hzsrt Lccszr. Hunters, Take Hatice I The public are strictly forbidden to hunt upon the whole of section S, ia which is located the Irrigation Pond. Any persona trespassing wili be prose cuted to the full limit of the law. 15-nov-y W. T. Ersst. Nici ADAJfT. Briefa. Dndgpn. SaJeBilId. Envelop". Catalogs, Hand BUIa. Statements. Note Htad. Letter Heada. Meal Tickpra. Legal Slacks. ViaitxatrCards. MillECheck. Society Invitation. Wedding- Invitation. Or. in fact, any kind of JOB PBDiTDiG. Call on or addreaa. Tux JoCB7i. Colnmbca. 'braka. 0.E.STEIXBAC6B. J Blaeksaaitk aid WaOBrSakiB; Skop. HOBSg SHOEDfG A SPECIALTY. WATER TASKS, all kinds and Toca PT3oaaM SoticrrxtJ T&rteamth 3c nexs door eaac of Pill mi i ill TirT TiinY lOjas-Sm BaBaBaBaBaalBaBarBaBaB SSJaBrT9BSBBBaaa?BJBSBW aa I BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBBLa. a :'i '4 -.1' . 'v