The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 14, 1900, Image 1

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TnW attempt to BeUere Ladjuuta Ii
Areepta Te the fttatemeat
tat Another Fallare'Has neea Made
OIMM Deepens the Sazllah Capital
Malfoan la Kespoase to Joad!a;
Makaa Gaarded Statement la Coca-
LONDON, Feb. 10. London ac
:. tepu as true the statements that Gen
' cral Buller has failed again. These
. statements were passed by the British
. censor at Aden and are read in the
Hht of Mr. Balfour's announcements
in the Commons that General Buller Is
cot pressing; his advance.
. LEIPSIC. Feb. 10. The Neuste
Nachrichten prints a special dispatch
' from a correspondent who says that
General Buller's third -attempt to re-
Here Ladysmith has completely failed
SMITH. Thursday, Feb. 8. The Brit
ish, who were in possession of the
kopje at Molensdrift, abandoned it
after a bombardment by Boer cannon
this morning and retired across the
Tugela river to their former position.
A desultory cannonade is proceed
ing at the Tugela this morning, but
otherwise everything is quiet.
LONDON. Feb. 10. (New York
World Cablegram.) The English j
. public all day long had a critical sit
uatioa of Buller's forces on their
nerves. The war office, the political
and service clubs were crowded during
the afternoon and evening by men In
" search of war news.
Just after the house convened Ban
nerman asked if the government had
any war news. Balfour's only answer
was "No." In the language of anxious
lobby and clubmen it wasn't what he
' said, but the nasty way he said it
' -Then the public read in the even
ing papers the Boer report that Buller
had been driven back across the Tu
gela. This redoubled public pressure
for information and just before the
house adjourned Balfour rose in his
place and with great care gave ut
terance to this statement:
"The war office has information
pointing to the conclusion that Bul
ler Is not pressing hiB advance beyond
the point he occupied on Wednesday,
and the government does not feel jus
tified in asking him for more detailed
information, nor if they had It would
.they make it public until t'le opera
tion was completed."
This only increased the anxious
gloom of those who were waiting for
news. The experts wondered whether
- the operation referred to was
the retreat or the relief of
-Ladysmith. All agreed that the
: situation showed clearly that
the government and Roberts were
agreed that Buller should be left se-
verely alone with his present forcc3
to work out the salvation of Lady-
- smith and make good, if he can, his
former failure on the Tugela.
Many of the best informed are in
clined to think that both Methuen and
Buller have received instructions only
to keep as many Boers as possible em
ployed on the Modder and Tugela
while Roberts and Kitchener complete
arrangements and prepare to strike a
heavy blow against the Orange Free
The Leader expert says: "The Boers
report that Buller has once more been
forced to retreat across the Tugela
river. Hitherto their dispatches have
been unpleasantly near the mark and
there will be a general disposition to
believe this news. Buller's own friends
had no news from up to 10 o'clock last
night. MacDonald has been recalled by
that astonishing general, Methuen.
There can only be one excuse for such
a movement, namely, the imminence
of the march east It is beyond doubt
that the most authoritative opinion in
London regards it probable that the
endeavor will be made to force the
line on the Orange river before Wed
nesday next. If Buller has retired a
third time we fear Ladvsmith must
Caaatrr fays tit Last ateatfn ta tae
, Great Se:t:ar.
WASHINGTON; Fen. io. Majof
General Henry W; Lawton was buried
today in the National cemetery
at Arlington. It was a na
tion's tribute to a national hero
and the sorrow of i whole people was
expressed when America added the
chaplet of cypress to the brow thaf so
long had worn the laurel
The burial services beneath the leaf
less trees at Arlington was preceded by
services In the Church of the Covenant,
on Connecticut avenue, at which every
department of the government was rep
resented; including the president, con
gress, the supreme court members of
the army and navy within reach of
Washington. Lawton's old comrades of
the line and staff, the dinlomatic corns
In all its brilliance of uniform and
decoration and as many citizens of all
degrees as were fortunate enough to
find standing room within the walls.
But the crowd within was insignii
cant compared with the thousands who
braved the lowering winter's day for a
glimpse of the 1 agonTpea caisson with"
its military escort as it passed throug't
the streets. Hundreds more made the
toilsome pilgrimage to Arlington to
to bear the last words pro
nounced over the open grave, where tha
president, his cabinet and the general
commanding the army stood wita
bowed heads until the last volley ha4
been fired and the bugle sounded tap3.
It was the home-coming of a hero.
For seven weeks, ever since the fatal
news from San Mateo had been flashed
around the width of the world, ttio
country had waited to pay its best trib
ute to the dead.
La.vton, to the great bulk of Amer
icans had been the Incarnation of ths
American soldier. He had made his
mark m the civil war from the Missis
sippi to the sea and in the interval of
potential peace,' It was he who had
beaten at his own game Geronimo, the
greatest master of desert craft and
mountain fighting that the west had
ever known, and who, in the new prob
lem of tropic war, had proved the most
daring and resourceful of all the gen
erals in the field. It was in tribute
to these qualities that the Lawton fund
had in -a few weeks been swelled past
all the expectations of its originators,
for America knew that Lawton being
a soldier first and only, had left to
tnose who loved him no heritage, save
his iword and a spotless name.
For a day and a night the body of the
soldier lay in state in the Church of
the Covenant. Solemnly, when th
doors were opened, troopers from his
old command, with sabers drawn werT
keeping vigil at the head and foot Be
neath the soft lights of the altar rose
a tropical jungle of palms and higher
than the flag-draped coffin rose banks
of flowers, tributes from every auarte.'
of the land. At his head hung, in diu
folds, the dingy battle flag from San
Mateo, still on the bamboo staff an I
supported by one of the men who was
near him when he fell.
Close to the coffin sat President Mc
Kinley and on his right the secretary
of state. With them were the secre
tary of war, the attorney general, the
secretary of the navy, the postmaster
general, the secretary of the treasury,
the secretary of the interior and the
secretary of agriculture. Near by wer
Mrs. Lawton. little Manley and the oth
ers of the family, and to the left Gen
eral Merrltt, General Brooke,
Shafter and their staff officers, all in
uniform, and all Lawton's comrades
who at one time or another had ac
companied and fought with him.
t Text of tha Loumille Agreement
Hot Satitfkotorj
tioebct Law Mast tta tteialtal
Stated All Troops WlthdraWa fraai
the City aad Statloaed ia Capital
Ureaads Until After tae Goebel
FRANKFORT. Ky Feb. 8. It is
stated on sufficient authority that Gov
ernor Taylor has decided not to sign
the Louisville agreement In its pre
sent shape. He desires several
changes in it, and particularly a de
finite statement regarding the repeal
of the Goebel law.
He is anxious that a conference- be
held in Louisville on Tlday night at
which these changes shall be discuss
ed and made. The conference to be
held here tonight is for the purpose of
informing the republican leaders of
his views and advising with them re
garding the further demands to be
made upon the democracy.
Governor Taylor refused to discuss
the questions when asked if the fore
going was true.
Governor Taylor announced this
morning that he had not signed the
Louisville agreement and that no
action -would be taken before a late
hour in the day. He would say noth
ing to indicate that it was certain he
would decide upon anything even then.
"I am to consult with some gentle
men today' he said, "and nothing will
be decided until after I see them'
The gentlemen alluded to are ex
Governor "Bradley and Colonel W. C.
P. Breckinbridge, both of whom are
Governor Taylor's attorneys.
In anticipation of the arrival from
Covington of the body of Governor
Goebel. Adjutant General Collier this
morning issued orders witndrawlng
all troops from the city and bringing
them to the main body at the cap!
tol grounds. These orders will remain
in effect until after Governor Goebel's
remains have been placed in the vault
of the Frankfort cemetery tomorrow
afternoon. This was done to avoid
any possible irritation of Governor
Goebel's friends and partisans during
the time the body lies in state at the
Capitol hotel and the burial tomor
row, and to allay as tar as possible
the feeling caused by the presence of
the militia. Even the provost guard
was withdrawn from the vicinity of
the Capitol hotel. The commissary
sergeants will not be auowed to leave
the capitol grounds to procure neces
sary supplies for their men .and all
drills have been suspended until Fri
day. Only a small guard was left at
the armory to protect the ammunition.
Outside of this guard not a soldier will
be allowed to leave the capitol grounds
until Friday.
The conference in the office of Gov
ernor Taylor ended at midnight, with
out any action being taken on the
agreement. It is not likely that any
thing will be done tomorrow. The
meeting of tonight was called for the
purpose of information, and it was not
the intention of Governor Taylor to
announce his determination regarding
the agreements.
W. if Boblacea r Waitataa Mills Wife
aaa fatally tfeaaae Htartrlr.
WHITMAN, Neb.. Feb. Tuesday
night at 9:50 W. J. Robinson, employs J
by the Flato Commission company of
South Omaha, shot his wife through
the abdomen, a little below the heart;
also through the arm and leg. He
then turned the gun on himself and
fired a bullet from a 45-callber six
bhooter, which entered a little beloW
the heart) passing entirely through and
lodging in his clothing.
None of the three shots proved fatal
until today. Mrs. Robinson died, at'
'ter suffering dreadful agony. He- it
still alive, but cannot live.
November 15 last Robinson married
the daughter of L. H. Brown; agent
cf the B. ft M. railway at Hecla, Neb,
Everyone supposed they lived happily
until a few days ago, when Robinson
left the roundup and came to Whit
man. He drank very heavily, but
By tie Carload tr by tie Poind k tte
the shooting. After drinking two
large beer glasses of whisky heTtalked $? er!fpre?ted tne
e Sllrer Mill to Take Place of Freseat
Feadlac Carreaey Oae.
. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Senator
Jones toaay introduced a free silver
coinage substitute for the pending
currency bill. The substitute provides
that "from and after the passage of
this act the mints of the United States
shall be open to the coinage of silver
end there shall be coined dollars of
the weight of 412 grains troy, of
standard 9-10 fine, as provided bv the
net of January IS. 18S7, and upon the
same terms and subject to the limita
Dlaeasaea the Need of the IMagae Suf
ferer la Roaotalu.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. The cabi
net had a short session today in order
to attend the funeral services of Gen
eral Lawton.
The principal subject of discussion
was the plague situation in Hawaii.
Ir was pointed out that the necessi
ties of the case required the destruc
tion of a large number of cabins in
the poorer sections of the city of Hon
olulu and that in consequence many
of the natives are homeless and in a
destitute condition. Apparently there
U no legislative authority to meet the
situation by the appropriation of
funds for the relief of those in dis
tress and ,it is understood to be the
purpose of President McKinley to com
municate the facts to congress with
a request for authority to reconvene
the old legislature or to establish a
commission with power to do what
ever is needful at this time.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. The navy
is short of enlisted men and also of
ficers, and it is probable that congress
will be strongly urged to act as to the
latter deficiency. As tor the former
atlhough the shortage is abouc 1,009
men. there is already congressional
authorization for the employment of
more, and all that is lacking is volun
teers. But as for the officers, with the
increased number of ships in commis
sion, and the additions being steadily
Wll Relara ft AaaerUa After CluUhina;
Ilia Work.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 Judge Wil
liam H. Taft. who was yesterday ap
pointed president of the new Philip
pine commission, will leave Washing
ton tonight for his home in Ohio. To
a representative of the Associated
Press the judge today stated that he
would not remain in the islands long
er than two years and that on his re
turn to this country he would resume
the practice of law. He would not.
he said, be appointed at any time gov
ernor general of me Philippines.
He realized the fact that the mis
sion of the commission was a most dif
ficult one, but he had strong hopes of
being partly instrumental in giving
to the Filipinos a eivil goyernment
and a code which would secure to
them the fullest possible measure of
liberty and security to life and prop
erty. This he thought was worthy the
ambition of any man, and although
he did not doubt that the work in con
templation would be beset by many
serious difficulties that fact did not
deter him in the least. No great work
had ever yet been accomplished with
out hindrances, and he felt sure that
the end sought fully justified the effort
a few minutes with friends and started
alone for the Whitman hotel. It is
.not known exactly what conversation
he had with his Wife while in the room,
but she says she would not answer
his last request definitely.
He then pulled a revolver and said:
"Then take this," at the same time
firing, the shock putting out the lights.
She got away in the dark and tried
to make her escape. Runnibg to the
front door of the hotel, just as she
went out the door, Robinson fired a
second shot, this one .taking effect
in the arm and leg. At this moment
he pulled the gun on himself, the bul
let passing through his body. He fell
over upon bis wife, wno lay writhing
on the floor.
In a few minutes a big crowd gath
ered and picked the two up. It was
found tho first bullet fired at Mrs. Rob
inson struck a corset steel which
stopped its force. The bullet lodged
under the skjn, near the spine. Sur
geons extraid it It was thought
she might live, but the wound was
more serious than expected.
Robinson has always been counted
an intelligent, excellent cattleman.
The woman was Intelligent and both
had a legion of friends. A few min
utes before the shooting Robinson
warned his friends not to follow or he
would shoot
The main cause of the shooting was
jealousy. It is thought that contin
ual brooding set the man crazy. Late
ly it was learned that he had threat
ened to shoot his wife. Sentiment is
divided, but is in his favor. He says
he is sorry he did not make a clean
job; that he has one request, to be
buried with her. Robinson is still
alive, but suffering terribly.
Military Faaeral Given la Hoaor of the
Soa of "Black Jack'
YOUNGSTOWN. O.. Feb. 8. Thou
sands of citizens and people from the
surrounding towns and country passed
through the vestibule of St John's
Episcopal church today, where the body
of Major John A. Logan lay in state.
surrounded by military guards. The
sealed casket containing the body re
posed in the vestibule of the church
and was most beautifully decorated.
I was folded about with the national
colors and across the bier lay a broad
band of silk, engrossed with the leg
end "Major John A. Logan, 23d U. S.
The profusion of floral tributes was
extraordinary. Great massess of
American beauty roses, pillows of vi
olets and other rare and beautiful
flowers almost concealed the casket
and were used effectively in the church
interior decorations.
Militia companies, military and civic
organizations from neighboring cities
began arriving early in the morning
and the streets were filled with peo
ple. At 2 o'clock the casket was re
moved to the chancel of the church
and the funeral services was held.
Gttfc Maaderiea 8peaka for the Barllag
tea, aad KadeaTera to Show that
There Was Hmtct Less Came for Coaa
plalat Taaa Now Other Matters la
LINCOLN; Feb. . The question of
whether the railroads of Nebraska
shall charge carload or per nound
iratee on shipments of live stock was
: submitted to the State Board of Trans
portation for the second time within
three years. One man appeared be-
showed no effects until a little betore h? tnc J to protest against the
per pound system and only three rall-
T. H. Tibbies, under whose name the
case against the railroads was insti
tuted, failed to appear. W. E. Hib
bard of Irvington entered an oral pro
test but no other complaint was nre-
sented to support the side opposing
the change from the carload system.
The railroads represented were the
Burlington, Union Pacific and Elkhorn
When the case was opened W. R.
Kelly announced that Inasmuch as the
Union Pacific railroad was in the
hands of receivers when the order of
1897 was Issued the present officers
oi me company bad no legal knowl
edge that the Board of Transportation
had ever prohibited charging for trans
portation of live stock by the pound.
The other two railroads did not deny
service of the order and the hearing
Gen. 'Manderson appearsd for the
Burlington, discussing carload charges
and pound rates, and in conclusion
"I volunteer the assertion that never
since railroads were buht in Nebraska,
and I base this upon pretty accurate
knowledge, as I believe, of the condi
tions for the last thirty years in
which I have lived in the state, that
never during that time has there been
less foundation for comolaint and less
legitimate complaint than there has
been the last two or . three years.
Those who complain have to be
dragged out and pressed to make
their complaints, and these attacks
that have been made upon the board
and its secretaries are not based upon
any desire to advance the general good
to the greatest number cf people.
"We have nothing to conceal, so far
as rates are concerned. There is ev
ery reason for an advance, with every
thing else that has advanced, rather
than for a decrease in rates. The ad
vance on steel rails is from $1G to
S33 ;the advance on oak ties is from
43 cents to 57 cents per tie at St
Louis; there are consumed in actual
repairs- by the Burlington system 2,
500,00 ties per annum. The advance
in the cost of labor upon this system
is probably somewhere ranging from
10 to 20 per cent
"Now, under these conditions I think
the board will hesitate a long while
before it will do the unfair thing
that is suggested by those who are in
terested not in the welfare of the ship
per or the state, but a desire to ad
vance their own personal or political
Iteaaa Gleaaed Promt tha Aaaaal Key
t State Saperlateadeat Jaekaea.
LINCOLN, Feb. 10. State" ftiserin
tf ndent Jackson has completed a re
port showing tne condition of the Ne
braska schools for the year ending
July 10, 1899. The resources for the
year amounted to $4,488,653.60, which
was evenly balanced by the expendi
tures. The largest Item of expense
was salaries of teachers, the increase
being due to additions to the state
teaching force and in many instances
a raise in salaries. The report show
that there are 6,710 school houses in
the state, which number includes 141
log school houses, one of baled straw
and one of steel. Following is a sum
mary of the statistics contained in the
Amount oil hand, beginning of
County and township treasurers 3.87Z.730.42
Sales district bonds 83.587.15
Tuition non-resident pupils 83.809.S2
Local lines and licenses 628.674.52
All other sources 204.734.57
I tat Ecaiil of Transportation Will Try
to Do SoawtliiDg.
The Order to Take EIect on the seta et
Ski Bteata Probable Kedaetlei el
Faraa Prealaeta 9tICelIaaeoaa Nebras
ka Matter Here anal There.
late Bank
fa tlw !.)
Total .r.ttv- . . . .$4,489,933.69
Paid male teachers $ 664.879.19
Paid female teachers 1.833,886.49
For buildings and sites 312.264.09
For repairs 179.788.24
For fuel 391.613.61
For reference books, maps,
charts and apparatus 62.671.27
For text books and pupils' sup-
For furniture r-2.S66.60
For all other purposes 137.306.77
Amount on hand at close of
year 673,060.78
Total $4,458,633.00,
School houses S6.425.302.SO
Sites 1.661.036.19
Text books 519.699.07
Apparatus, maps, charts, etc.... 321,192.22
Other property 2S4.969.60
Total $9,215,219.98
Census Males, 190,659; females.
182.105; total. 372,764.
Scholl Mouses Frame, 5,704; brick.
313; stone. 33; log, .141; sod, 517; baled
straw 1; steel. 1; total, 6,710.
Average number of days of school
in all districts, 134; numbsr of graded
.schools, 415; number of teachers in
graded schools, 2,735; number of pri
vate schools, 174.
nn. .n T,ric;c r i ,., 0,"" "u " uuuua
...v..c ..u ..ioiuuo xil UK ICKlliaLIDE I -.! . .... : 1 1
of gold." The substitute also provides j
mat wnenever the silver coins shall
b' received into the treasury certifi
cates may be issued for them in the
manner now prescribed by law.
Taylor Will Xet iga.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. Feb. 10. 43ov
rnor Taylor did not this afternooa
sign the Louisville peace agreement.
He announced, moreover, that he hal
no intention of doing so for some time,
and did not know whether he wouli
sign it at all. On the other hand, the
democrats were confident he would af
fix his signature to the document
tenice to. which they are entitled.
I is expected that the administra
tion will make an effort to have lue
class of cadets at Annapolis increased
by, about 100. providing for the distri
bution of the new appointments
among the members of the senate.
Two Sasprcta Are Arreated.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. Feb. 10. Two
men suspected of complicity in the
murder of Governor Goebel were ar
rested in a boarding house today. The
names are Silas Jones of Whitley
'county and Gottschalk of Nelson
county. The men are said to have
slept in the executive building for a
time and they will be kept in confine
ment until sometning more definite is
known as to their whereabouts at the
time of the assassination. Both
strongly deny any knowledge of the
Bill fur Philadelphia Cable.
WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 10.
House bills introduced: By Mr. Bar
ham (Cal.). for a cable from the United
States to the Philippines; Mr. Jones
(Wash.), extending to Alaska the
United States laws on the sale of coal
and stone lands.
Kallae; oa Beat Notes.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. The com
missioner of internal revenue has re
considered the question of taxation
on rent notes and now holds that
when these notes pass from the leases
to the lessor they are not taxable
under the paragraph In scnedule A re
lating to leases. If these rent notes
are. payable in merchandise they are
cot taxable in any particular, but
when payable in money tney are tax
able only at the rate of 2 cents for
each $100 or fractional part thereof
of face value.
Aateadateat to Ceatarr BilL
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Senator
ka . .. . '
Aeison toaay lniroauced an amend
ment to the currency bill permitting
the organization of national tanks
in towns of 4.000 inhabitant and over
with a capitalisation of 125,000.
Aa Oraer by Tarlor.
LONDON. Ky.. Feb 10. The follow
. ing message from Governor Taylor w as
received today by a member of tin
"Have warrants issued for members
.of the house and put in the hands of
eergeant-at-arms to serve.'
Major Frost to Be Retired.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Members of the
army retiring board met in Chicago
today and heard evidence in the case
of Major A. S. Frost, assistant paymas
ter, who recently served as colonel of
the South Dakota regiment in the
Philippines. ' The board, it is said,
will recommend that Major Frost be
retired from active service because of
physical debility.
Major Frost entred the army as a
private September 13. 1881. as a mem
ber of Company A, Eleventh infantry.
Military Faaeral Given la Hoaor of the
Son of "Black Jark"
YOUNGSTOWN. O.. Feb. 8. Thou
sands of citizens and people from the
surrounding towns and country passed
through the vestibule of St. John's
Episcopal church today, where the body
of Major John A. Logan lay in state,
surrounded by military guards. The
sealed casket containing the body re
posed in the vestibule of the church
and was most beautifully decorated.
It was folded about with the national
colors and across the bier lay a broad
band of silk, engrossed with the leg
end "Major John A. Logan, 23d U. S.
The profusion of floral tributes was
extraordinary. Great massess of
American beauty roses, pillows of vi
olets and other rare and beautiful
flowers almost concealed the casket
and were used effectively in the church
interior decorations.
Militia companies, military and civic
organizations from neighboring cities J
began arriving early in the morning
and the streets were filled with peo
ple. At 2 o'clock the casket was re
moved to the chancel of the church
and the funeral services was held.
Flattering- Beporta or Prosperity glaee
the neorsaaizatioa.
NEW YORK, Feb. 9. The directors
of the Union Pacific Railway company,
at their meeting today, declared a divi
dend of 2 per cent on preferred stock
and 1 per cent on common. The
Union Pacific since Its reorganization
In 1898 has paid three dividends on
its $97,687,000 preferred stock, two of
1 per cent and one of 2 per cent.
Nothing to this time has been paid
on the common stock. Statements sub
submitted to the board of directors
show that the accumulation of earn
ings of the system including the Union
Pacific Railway company, the Oregon
Short Line and the Oregon Railway
& Navigation company, for the year
ending December. 1899, were $12,994,
633. These results were obtained after
charging to income for betterments
and equipments approximately $3,000.-000.
Contractors Saa the GeTerameat.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. The Atlan
tic Contracting company, J. F. Gay
nor, president, has filed two suits i.i
the United States court of claims
against the United States, one for
$709,797, and the other for $249,34'.'.'
These suits have grown out of the. con
tracts entered into by the company
with ex-Captain Oberlin M. Carter.,
corps of engineers. U. S. A., for work
alleged to have been done by the com
pany in connection with improvements
in Savannah harbor and Cumberland
Sound, Georgia.
McKlaley'e Ceaola Wed.
DENVER. Col.. Feb. 8. Captain
Arthur S. McKinley, a first cousin of
President McKinley, was married at
the Catholic cathedral in this city to
Miss Regina Quigley of Montgomery.
Davis county. Ind. Rev. Father Calla
han officiated. Mr. McKinley is one of
the leading cattlemen of the west.
Chicago Union Men Refase to Accept
New Balea ef Contractors.
CHICAGO. 111., Feb. 9. More union
men were let out by the oullding con
tractors today because they refused to
work? under the new rules, and both
sides are now looking forward to the
results of Saturday, which are expect
ed to show just where all the union
men stand. The new rules require
them to work on Saturday afternoon,
which they have heretofore had as a
holdiday. All who refuse to work will
be paid off and allowed to go. Thi
may tie up all the buildings under con
struction in the city. It was said by
the contractors that 75 per cent of the
men who were working a week ago, or
about 45.000, are now idle, through
their refusal to be governed by the
new rules.
Xeuraaka Beet Sugar 3Iea.
OMAHA, Feb. 8. The annual meet
ing of the Nebraska Beet Sugar as
sociation was held here. The situation
in Nebraska was discussed at some
length, and while some unfavorable
reports were received from the vicinity
of Ames they were not such as to
discourage either the growers of beets
or capitalists thinking of investing
their money in sugar factories. The
Ames factory was to have been com
pleted and ready for operation by
October 1 cf last year, but, in fact,
was not ready until the latter part of
January of this year. The delay, cou
pled with a rainfall almost twice the
normal precipitation, in and around
Ames, has made the starting up of
Nebraska's third sugar factory very
different from What those interested
desired. It was, admittedly, not their
fault, however, and the present and
future years cannot fail to be much
more profitable, .and therefore more
Board laaaea the Order.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 10. Following
its action in rescinding the order of
1897, establishing carload rates on live
stock, the state board of transporta
tion,' has issued a tenative order reduc
ing the 100-pound rates 10 per ceni
on cattle and 5 per cent on hogs. The
railroads, within ten days of receipt
of notice of the order, must appear be
fore the board to show cause why it
should not become effective. Follow
ing is the order In full:
"It Is therefore byb the state board
of transportation of the state of Ne
braska considered, adjudged and or
dered that the Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacfic Railway company; the Chicago.
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Rail
way company; the Fremont, Elkhorn
tc Missouri Valley Railway company;
the Burlington & Missouri Railroad
in Nebraska; the Sioux City, O'Neill &
Western Railway company; the Union
Pacific Railway company; the St. Jos
eph' & Grand Island Railway company,
and the Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany, doing business in this state re
duce the rate on cattle 10 per cent and
the rate on hogs 5 per cent below the
rates published and taking effect De
cember 1, 1899, and that they are re
quired to show cause on or before the
1st day of March, 1900, why said order
should not be enforced.
"JOHN F. CORNELL Chairman.
"W. F. PORTER, Secretary.
"Dated at Lincoln, Neb., this 8th
dayof February, 1900."
Fros Spoils Seeds.
FREMONT. Neb., Feb. 8. The beets
which the Standard Beet Sugar com
pany is working up at its factory
north of Ames are reported not to be
fa very good condition. The warm
weather of January thawed those
which were in the beet house and
those in the silos have not kept very
well. Beets that are frozen and kept
in that condition until worked up do
not lose in sugar contents. It is freez
ing and thawing that spoil them for
sugar making. The factory is running
day and night gangs and taking care
of the beets as fast as possible. It
expects to run about forty days this
season. Contracts are being let for
beets for the coming season and the
acreage will probably exceed that of
this year. The form of contract is
more favorable to the farmers than
that given last season.
Standard Oil Caae Coatlnued.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 10. The case
of the State of Nebraska against the
Standard Oil Trust was assigned by
the supreme court for the 9th as a
special order of business for February
20. It was the intention of the three
judges of the court to hold but one
sitting during the present month, but
on notion of the attorneys for the de
fense in the trust case they consented
to listen to arguments on the defend
ant's demurrer on the date named.
Senator Thurston, Alfred W. Eddy of
Chicago and F. L. McCoy of Omaha,
all representing the Standard Oil com
pany, appeared in court and asked for
the continuance. Attorney General
Smyth will conduct the prosecution of
the case for the state. If the defend
ant's demurrer is sustained by the
court the case will be thrown out of
LINCOLN, Neb., Fsb, 6. The State
Board of Transportation Ordered a re
duct's?, of 30 per cent ia the local dis
tance rates for the transportation, oi
grain. The order will take effect Feb
ruary 20, and, unless complied with
by that time, tne railroads will be re
quired to show sufficient cause why it
should not he enforced.
This action of the Board of Trans
portation, while 'it will probably be
followed by a sweeping reduction on
all farm products, is not a surprise,
as the railroads have already intimat
ed their willingness to make such a
concession, with the understanding
that the present live stock rates are
to remain in force. The cattlemen in
the western part of the state, as weji
as the farmers in eastern Nebraska,
would be benefited by such a change
In rates, and this will be held out as
ar. Inducement by the railroads for a
withdrawal of the protests against the
per pound system of live stock rates
now in force.
The order of the board was issued
on the following recommendation of
the board of secretaries:
"In a complaint filed by the citizens
of Haigler they complain among other
things that tne rate on corn from
Minden to Haigler. a distance of 150
miles, is unjust and unreasonable.
While this is the only complaint on the
corn rate filed with this board numer
ous verbal complaints have been made
that the local rate on corn and other
foodstuffs Is excessive. Most of these
complaints come from parties feeding
cattle and sheep in the western part
of the state, remote from the corn
belt, who are compelled to ship their
stock to the corn or. ship the corn west
to the ranges. We have carefully con
sidered the rate on corn and other feed
In force in this state and believe the
local rate Is unjust and unreasonable.
We therefore recommend that a gen
eral order be made reducing the local
distance tariff rate on corn, oats, rye,
barley, bran, cornmeal, mill feed, mill
Btuff, chop grain, screenings, oat nulls,
oat dut, fcorghum seed, melons, oil
cake, oil meal, corn and cane fodder
(straight carloads) and cottonseed
meal 30 per cent below the local dis
tance tariff, taking effect December 1,
1894. and now in force, and that all the
roads doing business in this state ue
served with a copy of said order and
be given ..m to show cause why said
order cannot be observed.
In complance with this recomenda
t'on the Board of Transportation is
sued an order upon the Cn.cago, Hock
Island & Pacific, Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha. Fremont, Elk
horn & Missouri Valley, Burlington,
Sioux City, O'Neill &. Western, St. Jo
seph & Grand Island and Missouri Pa
cific railroads to reduce the local dis
tance tariff 30 per cent. The roads arc
required to show cause before FeDru
ary 20 why this order should not be
aMnTata SMB9 BSABTSj 4Mf
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tMAnmmQmMMAMD, Prea'i.
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B. , Bsanr, Vic Preal.
MV BauMKB, Caahlta
asm feAviYXB, Wa Hvcaaa.
The Columbus Journal.
4 Waekly Newspaper devoted to the.
Mat Interests of
Tfci Comfy of Platti,
in State of Noiraska,
Too Uiited States,
Wreck Is Fatal to Viae.
ESCANABA. Mich., Feb. 9. Chicago
fc Northwestern passenger train No. 21."
the Felch mountain accommodation,
which runs between this city and Met
ropolitan, was wrecked in a rear-end
collision at Ford River switch at 6:30
to-night. Nine persons were killed,
three are reported missing, five serl
usly and four silghtly injured.
Depends oa Freaca Treaty.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 9. Be
fore proceeding further with the con
traction of new reciprocity treaties,
the state department will await the ac
tion of the senate upon the pending
French treaty. Should that fall, all
efforts to effect the reciprocity scheme
as contained in the Dlngley act will b?
ananaoned. it is probable, too. that
ven in the event of the continuance
of the negotiations, a 'new plenipoten
tiary must be found on the part of our
.government to carry forward the heavy
work which has fallen to" the share of
"Mr. Kasson.
A Soldier's Funeral.
NELSON. Neb., Feb. 8. The body of
Albert H. Burd of Company H, First
Nebraska, who died in the Philippines,
October 12, 1899, arrived here. The
funeral, one of the largest ever held
in this place, was held at the Presby
terian church, The members cf Com
pany H were out In uniform and es
corted the remains to the cemetery
in a body, accompanied by the Grand
Army of the Republic and the Relief
Triple Soldiers' Faaeral.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 8. The body
of Frank M. Kounse of Company C,
First Nebraska, was received over the
Rock Island from California, having
come by transport from the Philip
pines. The remains were delivered to
the undertaker and will be placed in
the receiving vault until the arrival
of the remains of Private Andrews of
Company A and Private Macey of
Company C, which will probably be
not later than Sunday. Arrangements
are being made for a triple funeral.
Moaaaaeat for Volaateera.
OMAHA, Neb., Feb. 8. The execu
tive committee cf the- Thurston Rifles'
club has completed the purchase of a
lot In Prospect Hill cemetery, where
it is expected all the deceased mem
bers of Company L, First Nebraska,
will be interred. It Is the intention of
the Rifles to erect a monument on the
site significant of the sacrifice of the
gallant volunteers. The monument
will be on an extensive scale and will
cost about $2,000. A fund has al
ready been set aside for the parpos:
and now contains $500. The balance
will be made np by subscription.
A Big Seed Industry.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Feb. 10. Platte
county is to be the seat of an extensive
se:-a growing industry. The 400 acre
farm of H. J. Hendryx. juc west of
the village of Munroe, was purchased
by George Emerson of the Western
Seed and Irrigation company.
The facilities here for irrigation and
the most gratifying success of large
and varied experiments in seed grow
ing conducted near Oconee, in this
ccunty, last year by the Nebraska Cen
tral Irrigation company, convinced
Mr. Emerson that he could locate in
no better place than Platte county.
Three of the Emerson brothers will
settle here. Contracts are being made
v.'ith farmers and it is proposed to
grow from 2,000 to 5,000 acres of seeds
which will mean the employment of
many men. women and children anil
other advantages to the community.
Will not Stop Fast Traloa.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 6. In the case
of the citizens of Haigler, who com
plained that fast through passenger
trains on the Burlington railroad, run
ning between Lincoln and Denver, do
not stop at Haigler the Board of Sec
retaries found that there is no dis
crimination in the way of train ser
vice and recommend tnac the com
plaint be dismissed. The recommen
dation was adopted by the board, in
brief the citizens of Haigler complaned
that the Burlington railroad unjustly
discriminated against them in favor
of other nearby towns. The secretar
ies found that the through trains could
make no more stops than they are now
doing and make their eastern and
western connections and give towns
along the line adequate mail and pas
senger service. If the fast trains were
made to stop at all the less important
points they would become mere local
Xearaaka Males for Africa.
CUSHING. Neb., Feb. 10. A car
load of mules was shipped from here
to SL Louis. It is said that they are
intended for English use in South
The Pare Food Law.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 10. Attorney
General Smyth has filed with the su-
I preme court the belated case involving
the constitutionality of the pure food
law. The paper filed is an agreed state
ment of facts, signed by both the gov
ernor and the auditor, and it is ac
companied by an application signed by
Deputy Food Commissioner Hibbard
for a premptory writ of mandamus to
compel the auditor to allow his claim
for salary for services performed under
the law. The auditor refused to audit
the claim on the ground that the ap
propriation, not being specific enough,
could not be drawn from the treasury.
Beth Feet Amputated.
OGALLALA. Neb., Feb. 10. Dr. Hol
Ungsworth of this place, assisted by
Dr. Lucas from North Platte, ampu
tated both feet at the ankle from
Frank Richmond, the man who fell
from his wagon January 27 and froze
his feet. Dr. Hollingsworth states that
he stood the operation well and has
hopes of his recovery.
To Muater Company K.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 10. Company
K of the First regiment, Nebraska
national guard, to be 3taticned at Co
lumbus, and. which has been recruited
by Major Killian,
Auother Child Burned to Oca In.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Feb. 6. The
little daughter, 5 years old. of Frank
Slama, a Bohemian, who lives seven
miles south of here, was burned to
death Thursday night. The parents
were at work about the barn, and the
child was left in the house to care for
the baby, 1 year old. Suddenly the
little one ran out, her clothes all
ablaze. Sue was so severely burned
before the flames were extinguished
chat she died in great agony witnm
five hours. Playing with matches it
believed to have caused her dean.
$1.50 a Year.
Waata 880,000 for Alleged SUniler.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Feb. 6. Wil
liam Nichol, living south' of town, has
sued John T. Crampton. a farmer of
the same locality, for ?3,000 damages,
alleging that Crampton publicly and
maliciously accused him cf an "unnat
ural crime."
If Paid In Advance.
Batovr limit of naefalaaaa ia not cir
cumaerlbed by aollara an cents.
fjajs) to mmj addrea
Nebraska and Gnlf Rallu-ny.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 6. The plats
and survey of the Nebraska & uulf
Railway company have Just been com
pleted and wil soon be fhed in the
various counties through which the
proposed line is to be built.
Koad Working .gnintt Nebraska.
BENEDICT. Neb., Feb. 6. If tbr.
Omaha Business Men's association and
South Omaha Stockmen would investi
gate the attitude of the officials of
the Kansas city & Omaha .. railroad
they wound find that trains' on this
road in Nebraska are run so that it
is easy to ship stock to St. Joseph
and nearly impossible to ship to South
Omaha at a profit. The officials of the
road live at St. Joseph and are divert
ing abipments of stock that belong
X'j South Omaha and has always here
tofore gone there to St. Joseph.
Ct flmt : oni i Mttallto : Catet I
affMsawa oyui
GoiuiuDiis Journal
Four Faraih Cuticle for On?.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Feb. 6. An
operation of skin grafting was per
formed by two local physicians. Mrs.
F. Marxmeyer of St. Charles precinct,
who -as racently severely burned about
the bly by fnli'ng into a pile of burn
ing rubbish, was operated on. rour
young men volunteered to furnish the
tiecessary cuticle and an average of five
square inches was taken from each one.
The operation resulted successfully
end the patient is doing well. Drs.
tingenrcldar and Samomns perfrirmed
-"ie operation.
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