rs. i iiiaaaaaaaaaailaaaaaaMauiB i i laiiaTifaaaaaaiMMMSMiBaaaaai war i aa .s - a- fi if: ri tt jei J. . - f? ft 1 & ' 3 V I iiA tr ,:..- r 18 : IP;-'-:: 4- - . . " ' .. .. 1.1 i ' . K I If I- . -.-i I . - ft I ' I V .t ' a y 1 r 1 "' I I -'7 . A solictor in a Georgia court related that he once overheard a conversation lietwcn his cook and a nurse, who were discussing a recent funeral of a mem ber of their raco. at which there had lcen a great profusion of flowers. The imrso said: "When I die. don't plant flowers on my grave, but plant a good oiu watermelon vine, ana wneu n. ku ripe you come dar, and don't you eat it, but Jes bus' it on de grave and let dat good old juice drible down through de ground." The direction of the mind is .more important than its progress. 44 Do Not Bam the Candle At Both Ends. 99 'Don't think you can go on dratoing 'vi tality from the blood for nerves, stomach, brain ani muscles, ivithout doing some thing to replace it. Hood's SarsaparUla gives nerve, mental and digestive strength by enriching and 'vitalizing the blood. Thus it helps overworked and tired people. 3wd6SaUal Tobias Barley, of Snow Hill, Md., was buried in a grave he had dug for himself thirty years ago. Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's Vms, of Atlanta, Ga. The greatest dropsy specialists in the world. Read their adver tisement in another column of this paper. Ambition jumps high but does not always land right. Mm. mnalow'a Soothing Syrap. Forchlldren tecthlnjr, Mfteas the KUtni, reduce In Basimatlon. allays pain, cure wind colic 25c a bottle. You cannot calculate the warmth of a fire by the crackling it makes. Use Magnetic Starch It hac no equal. Firht M. D. What a lot of thing" have bc'ii found in the vermiform ap pendix. Second M. D. And look at the money that's been taken out of it. Life. I My Hah I Was I Coming Out r" About a year ago my hair mc mmma rnt -rrv fssr I bought a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor to stop this. It not only Stopped the failing, but also made my nsir grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length, and very thick." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kins., July 35. 1899. It Feeds the Hair Have you ever thought nrhy your hair is falling out ? It is because you are starving your hair. If this starvation continues your hair will continue to fall. There is one good hair food. It is Aycr's Hair Vigor. It goes right to the roots of the hair and gives thca just the food that they need. The hair stops falling, becomes healthy, a?.d grows thick and long. Aycr's Hair Vigor will do another thing, also: it always restores color to faded or gray hair. Sl.COakXtle. AHfciobts. Write the Doctor If yonilo natobtuinnll the benefit you desire from the ue of the Vicor, write the I Vctoralxmt it. He Mill telijou just the right thing to ilo.autl trill send you his lunik on the Hair aud Scalp if Vou request it. V dres Ir. .. ('. A ek, low-ell, Mass. aS THE BACON SCHOOL will nutruct Students at their homes in the fundamental principles of the law.amlucli !ranilio- a constitute n flnUhed lesal education. Tor circulars address EDW. BACON, 323 MiilSt.,PeirU, III. , TUII I II I IlkW 9i.v ?rU Btt UL&lsaDh DM IBVWIaia 2 Laixrt twJ POTATO Crawrra la jatrira. Prlr Wk 1.I- tmtntlwticrGrtM, (irr as taraiMk V.m Sral 111. alirsBd lOe fw tmul.x z 11 Ilk m. CLOVERS V JI)H A. MLZKR SEEtl t O.. IJk I ROOE. HIS. (ft MILLIONS of acrcNorchoiCC asri ruUural LNDS now onened for settlement in Western Canadi. Here is ennvn the cel ebrated NO. 1 HAUD VHi;AT. which bnns the hisliet price in the marKctsof the world, thousand, of cattle are fattenel for market w:tliout beinc fed cruin, Rtid w ithout a day's vhcltcr. l?'ud for informa iion and secure afree home in Western Canada. Write the Superintendent, of Immiirrotio-i. Ol tata. oratldrevs the underi?t:eil. who ull! mail -.oil atla. pamphlets, viz.. free of com. W. V. Bennett F01 X. V. Life Huildins. Oznaaa. Xcb. MANUFaCTORED MLYBr SJUnXOARA MANUFACTURING CO. OMAHA. NEB. MAGNETIC Tk WMDER ifibiAGE. STAKUH No Boilinflr No Cookine i --. - -1 It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh aad crisp as when first bcught new. rnr a sample package. You'll like 4t if you lr' 't. You'll buy it If " ".i1 You'll use it If you try It. TlT !t gold br all Grocer. l,.wf TlMjKirs On Wattr. I I "splii'u IP! SH35 ReooiRESitoCaoKHC: mi bKbb! tmssojims-eartitKLtXiatfTfiStasa H nvr os when uCKrAStsPX' H nsTwar new BaanrxTC7ta. H rcmiKsrmuuMSRY utrasEsiMY. HH V" Crown' Ward, Mark. E. Charlton Black, the new head of Boston university's English depart ment, was a ward of Dr. John Brown, the famous author of "Rob and His Friends"; a classmate of Barrie at Edinburgh; a friend of Stevenson and Crockett, and afterward a regular lec turer at Harvard. Down at Squaahville. Uncle Josh I see Mrs. Asterbilt gave a dinner with 100 covers. i Aunt Mirandy Dew tell! What on airth did she .want with so many ta blecloths? Brooklyn Life. Ac-rouiiBodatins Street Car Driver. The Chillicothe (Mo.) street car driveis are very accommodating. Wfien a housewife anywhere along the line wants some groceries she hails a car, gives her orderto the driver, and on his return he delivers the goods. One rainy night recently a driver had a fall to take a woman to the theater. She lived three blocks from the line. Thf gallant fellow got an umbrella, walked to the woman's house, escorted hr to the car and then started down town. In South Africa the warmest month is February and the coldest is July. The temperatuie is not as trying as that of Central Europe. The rainfall for the year is light, varying from five to twenty inches. Half Kates South via Omaha and St Louis aud Wabash Routes. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month the above lines will sell home seckers tickets to southern points for one fare (plus $2.00) round trip. WINTER TOiIRIai RATES now on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all the winter resorts at greatly RE DUCED RATES. Remember the O. & SL u. and Wa bash, the shortest and quickest route to St. Louis. Remember the O. & St. L. and O.. K. C. & E. is the shortest route to Quincj-. Unexcelled service to Kansa3 City and the south. For rates, sleeping car accommoda tion and all information ca 1 at the QUINCY ROUTE OFFICE. 1415 Far nam St. (Paxton Hotel block) or write Harry E. Moores, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha. Neb. Whisky as medicine means whisky as master. Magnetic Starch Is the very best laundry starch in the world. If Delagoa bay is closed tne Boers will raid Portuguese territory. New Iiiirntitins. A very curious invention has just been patented to a Massachusetts in ventor who provides a shoe, the upper, and sole of which slidably connected, the upper being pro vided with plaits up on the side which A can be lengthened out or taken up to s.Z-Y the shoe, so that one 3 shoe will take the place of several iizes. An Omaha inven tor has just received a patent for a trolley head, the trolley wheel of which is provided with two eccentrically mounted wheels adjacent to the trolley wheel, so arranged that in case the 1 trollev wheel left the wire the eccen- tiic wheels would be engaged to in stantly throw the trolley wheel upon the wire. Parties desiring free information as to the best metnod of securing their inventions and telling their patents should address Sues & Co.. Patent Ex- , perts, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Britibh Columbia has sent a sold display to the Paris exposition. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. Oregon woolgrowers exptct to get 20 ments for their 1900 crop. Pico's Cure for Consumption has been a God-send to me. Wm. B. McClellau, Ckwtar, Florida. Se;t. 17. 1SI5. Ainslce's Magazine for February is notable for an extraordinary varied table of contents. Perhaps the most valuable contribution is the character sketch of Cecil Rhodes, by Allen San gree. Harry Thurston Peck, in an ar ticle on "This Decade's Immortal Books." contends that this is the most ' sterile decade of the century, holding that only two writers of the period will live. "The L'nited States of the World," ' by George Leland Hunter, is a paper of 1 srenr significance at this stnirp nf thp world's politics. The cruise of the Wil ' mington up the Amazon Is vividly de scribed by E. H. Coleman, while G. H. , Pavno tells of Howard Gould's transnt- l?ntic cruise in the Niagara. Both ar- , ticies nave noteworthy illustrations. , The weird color of Sablo Island has I never been better convinced than in Gustave Kobbe's dramatic picture of this ocean graveyard. Street & Smith, publishers. New York. The humors of examination papers were illustrated by Dr. Haig Brown, who. speaking at the City of London college upon the responsibility which rested upon examiners in weighing fragments of knowledge, said that the question, "What are the Chiltern Hun dreds?" once received the reply, "Small animals which abound in such great numbers in chees" The inquiry, "What is a cherub?" elicited, in its turn, the answer. "An immoral being of uncertain shape." Thomas A. Edison's first large earn I ings were $40,000. This he got from a tfiegraph company for the model of the now famous "ticker for which he has intended to ask $3,000. DR. SETH ARNOLD'S hZLft KtiW) thP fpet rt Tj -. G0DSK KILLER and is still the ltcut Coagli Kemrdy Sold. Cures when other remedies faiL Tites eood: children like It. Sold by all druggists 35 cents. PARALYSIS! Locomotor Atari t n. quered at last. Doctors amazed at recoverr of patient thought tacurahi lv OR.Cn ASfS BLOODAKD SERVE FOOD. It rile me almnt your rase. Advice and proof o retires not. MLtBi8C.224N.i0th St., rNiLANLntu,ri Grand Island Route Double Daily Service 'PzHman Sleepers and Free Updating Chair Cars on Night Trains. Tor lafarmtiaa or Rata, call aaaa m NiffK SfWfly or S. M. ADSIT, G. P. A ST. JOSEPH. MO. V Wif M W2C n x,v . txiOyy 1 K- A ?- 6 Ar.j CAMMUtE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE VETERANS. LmwtoB'a Drmrery Was Great Kcckli sera of the Dead OSeer VaderFliw f the rillplaea Twelve Mca Ctwrse Six Baadred Three Ceraered War. Home. There Is a land, of every land the pride. Beloved by heaven o'er the world beside; Where brighter suns dispense sereher light. And milder moons emparadlse the night; A land of beauty, virtue, valor, truth. Time-tutored age. and love-exalted youth; The wandering mariner, whose eye ex plores The wealthiest Isles, the most enchant ing shores, Views not a realm so bountiful and fair. Nor breathes the spirit j)f a purer air; In every clime the magnet of his soul. Touch'd by remembrance, trembles to that pole: For in this land of heaven's peculiar uracc. The heritage of nature's noblest race. There is a spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest. Where man, creation's tyrant, casts aside His sword and sceptre, pageantry and pride. While in his softened looks benignly blend The sire, the son, the husband, brother, friend; Here woman reigns; the mother, daugh ter, wife, Strew with fresh flowers the narrow way of life! In the clear heaven of her delightful eye. An angel-guard of loves and graces lie; Around her knees domestic duties meet. And fireside pleasures gambol at her feet. Where shall that land, that spot of earth be found? Art thou a man? a patriot look round: O. thou shalt And. howe'er thy footsteps roam. That land thy country, and that spot thy home! James Montgomery. Lawtoa's Bravery Was Great. I could not help but be amused when I examined the church at Paranaque, says a Pasay, P. I., correspondent of Indianapolis News. The reports sent out had spoken of the total demolition of it by the bombardment of the fleet. But, nevertheless, it is standing there peacefully, used as barracks by the soldiers. It is true a few stones here and there are misplaced, a stairway to the choir damaged and a sacrilegious shell has utterly destroyed the "heav en" above the altar. The insurgents used a small cannon from the belfry, and it can serve the same purpose for us yet if needed. Gen. Lawton's or ders are very explicit He insists that there be no firing of any kind until we have been fired upon. Amigos are all around us, and they are in great dan ger from careless firing. The general is now riding a beautiful white horse, and in this connection a good story Is told by him, how recently, when a de tachment of marines were ashore to assist in an assault they themselves were assaulted by the insurgents, and while the marines were hugging the ground and wishing every blade of grass were a stump, up rides Gen. Lawton. The men s?y that it seemed he was on the largest white horse that ever was, and with a large white hat. too, and making a tremendous amount of noise. He was laughing as gayly as the Mausers that were singing about him, and nodded and chatted with his staff. It was revelation, so the ma rines say, of what all absence of fear was, even when under the most dan gerous conditions. Shortly afterward one of his staff was shot through both knees, but Lawton did not ride away until he completed his work. He has the headquarters of his division here in town in a modest house on a quiet side street. I found it so crowded that the clerks were compelled to do their work on the porches. He often takes bis son out with him on his rides along the front, and it is an all-wise Providence that has spared them, for his bravery is splendid in its daring. Gen. Wheeler expects to get fat now, as he is getting his fill of fighting. The fore part of this week he was sitting on top of one of the intrenchments enjoying the cool of the evening. While sitting there dangling his feet like a schoolboy and with his back to the front, 'the insurgent rifles began their evening tune. The men around him were horrified to have him thus expose himself, but unwilling to stoop down themselves as long as he was sitting on top. On one side of him a bullet took out a seam from a man's trousers, on the other tide a canteen strap was cut in two. The old general got excited, and yelled to the men to lie down at once, never thinking of his own safety until one of the officers pulled him down. Twelve Men Charge Six Baadred. A medaj of honor the-highest com pliment which can be given to an American soldier has been recom mended for presentation to each of the ten surviving members of a band of twelve scouts who performed a brave feat near San Miguel de May ume Ori, in the Philippines, on May 13, 1S99. These scouts were under the lead of William H. Young, a civilian who had been a famous scout on 'the western plains of America, and whom Gen. Lawton made his chief of scouts in the San Ysidro campaign this year. On the day mentioned, Gen. Lawton was advancing on San Miguel. A small body of Oregon volunteers came suddenly upon the enemy, drawn up in an advantageous position in front of San Miguel, the right flank resting on a stream, the left on an elevation made secure by a dense thicket. It was afterward ascertained that the Filipino force in this position num bered about six hundred men. With out waiting for the re-enforcing bat talion to support them, or to be in a position to do so, this squad of ten scouts, led by Mr. Young and by Pri vate James Harrington of the Oregons, an old frontiersman twelve men in all charged the enemy's line, about one .hundred and fifty yards distant The line fired, then wavered, aud then completely gave way, to be followed up by the re-enforcing battalion, and driv en from the city and environs of San Miguel, a place of great importance. Young and Harrington, while shouting and cheering and leading the men up, were shot and killed. Waulae- of the Grand Army. From the New York World: One or the bravest "standing armies" in the world is dying out The Grand Army of the Republic, that band of gray haired -warriors whose pride and dear est recollection it is that they once served their country, is shrinking with appalling swiftness to the point where It will be only a memory of good deeds and brave men who have done them. Statistics as to the membership and death rate of the organization tell a story as touching as the tenderest fu neral sermon. They show that in a few years more the roll call will be an empty ceremony the summons to the national encampment a vain appeal to the heroe of 1861. Within twelve months the year of 1898 according to a report just issued, mors than 17,000 members of the Grand Army died. This death rate was more than double that of the previous year. If the past year (1899) has shown a cor responding decline in membership the friends of the organization have ample ground for the concern they express as to Its future. The high water mark of the Grand Army's prosperity was not reached until some time after the death of its founder. Dr. Benjamin F. Stephenson. The army's excellent or ganization, however, Is due to Dr. Stephenson's genius as a founder. It is set down to the eternal credit of the army that it originated one of our' most inspiring national holidays Memorial day. This is the most In teresting act in the history ot the army and by all means the most pop ular act of General Logan's adminis tration. This holiday, which has been celebrated with such fervor for thirty years, was originally the suggestion of a citizen of German birth, whose very name has been forgotten. It was es tablished by General Logan and the leaders of the army and a few years later made by congress a legal holiday. Too Maeh or a Salute. From the New York Tribune: "When we were at Camp Merritt, in San Francisco, last summer," said I. R. Welles, last of the Fifty-first Iowa, at the Hoffman House recently, "there were a number of amusing occurrences. You know, among the first things taught the recruits is to salute all of ficers. If the soldier is unarmed at the time of meeting the officer, he brings bis hand to his hat at six paces. If armed, and doing sentry duty, say, be brings his rifle to a 'present' until the officer has passed. To understand thoroughly my story, you must also bear in mind that when the grade of general is reached the form of the field uniform differs from that of the of ficers of inferior rank. The cut of coat and collar is different, and there are more buttons. In this particular case an exceptionally raw recruit was do ing sentry duty, when a brigadier gen eral came along. From his uniform the newly enlisted one felt he must be of high rank, and for that reason something exceptional In the way of a salute was bis due. So, first, he stood stiffly, with his rifle at 'present,' but as the general drew nearer be evi dently felt that it was no ordinary oc casion, and that he must make a more ceremonious salute. Rapidly shifting his rifle to his right shoulder, as the general came opposite him. with his left band he almost swept the earth itself with his cap, so low was his bow. The general, who was a thoroughly good fellow, said nothing to him per sonally, hut next day I noticed that a general order was Issued in that bri gade that none but experienced and trained soldiers should hereafter be placed on sentry duty." The OMcer Useless Sword. The officer is, as we all know, armed with a sword. The public naturally always looks upon the sword as insep arable from the officer. It has always, from time immemorial, been alike the weapon of offense as well as of defense, says Blackwood. It is besides the badge of rank of the officer. In days gone by the sword was doubtless a very useful weapon of offense as also of defense, but now it is universally recognized that an officer would rely more on his revolver than on his sword. If we are to carry out the as similation cf the officer and the pri vate, I see nothing for it but to dis card the sword when proceeding on field service. This is a suggestion which will probably stagger not only public opinion, but possibly also a large percentage of officers themselves. But I know for a fact that there arc many officers in India who are of this way of thinking men who have done much campaigning. Yes; the sword belonging to the infantry officer should be left behind when he proceeds on active service. The time has come to be thoroughly practical in our equip ment for field service, and all so-called smartness should give way to what is really sensible and practical. The question naturally arises: What will you arm the officer with? To carry out the general scheme of assimila tion I would reply: Arm him with a carbine the Martini-Metford for pref erence, with a magazine attached. And the Captala Still Wonder. During the retreat of the first bat talion of the Fourth Infantry from Perez Dasmarinas on June 19 last one of the newly enlisted men came back to the road from the jungle, where his company had been skirmishing. He reported to his company commander that he had taken two prisoners. He was driving the prisoners before him at the point of his rifle. The prison ers were both old men, neatly dressed, and did not look as though they had been recently fighting. The captain was annoyed. There was no safe place in which to put the prisoners. He could not spare the necessary men to guard them. He did not like to set them at liberty when to walk in any direction from the main column meant almost certain death, as the insur gents were pouring in a heavy fire. "What did you bring these men In for?" he asked, turning on the soldier sharply. "You ought to have more sense." "Well," answered the soldier slowly, "I wasn't intendin' of a-bring-in' uv 'em in, but they jess fell on their knee? and begged so hard that I didn't have the heart, Capting, to knock 'em on the hed." The captain Is wonder ing yet whether the soldier was in earnest or was only iaughing at him. Chicago Tribune. Three-Coruered Wrr. When Col. Cartwell was military governor of Norfolk under the confed eracy, in 18G2, he ordered the British consul to report for duty on the home guard. To this the Englishman ob jected on the ground of being corsul at Norfolk. "To what government?" asked. Col. Cartwell. "To the United States government," was the reply. "But you are in the Confederate states, and you must show papers accrediting you to the Confederate states of Amer ica," said the colonel. "But my gov ernment doesn't recognize you as a government," said the consul. "Very well, then, my government doesn't rec ognize you as consul," briskly retorted Col. Cartwell. "Shoulder your musket and join your company." At this the peacefully disposed consul threatened to have a gunboat come and bombard the place before he would serve. "That's just what I'd like to see," re turned the colonel, cheerily; "for then the United States will fight you, as she .claims that Norfolk is still part of the union, and between England and the United States fighting, w shall go free." At last the consul ap pealed to Mr. Benjamin, the Confeder ate secretary of war, who ordered his exemption from military duty, and the "three-cornered war" so desired by Col. Cartwell never came to pass. A Great Map on Tlew. The topographical map of the city of New York, which is to be placed on exhibition at the Paris exposition, was opened to public a day or two ago. It represents 1,000 square miles, and shows every house in the city, in cluding farmhouses in the outlying districts. A Gen froaa Lanaon. There is a young man in London so careful that in calling on his girl he al ways knocks, for fear if he came with a ring she might consider it a pro posal. Tid-Bits. Important Inventions. Patents have been allowed upon ap plications prepared and prosecuted by us for interesting' subjects as follows: To C. W. Cross, of Grinneli, for an auxiliary air heater adapted to be con nected with a stove in 3uch a manner that it will receive and direct the pro ducts of combustion and aid in warm ing and circulating air in a room, as required to maintain a iniform tem perature, by admitting cool air at its botom, heating it and discharging It at its top. An undivided hat is assigned to W. S. More of same place. To J. Morgan, of Atlantic for a plant planting machine adapted to be ad vanced across a field by horses to set out cabbage and tobacco, plants in rows at regular distances apart. A boy on the machine hands plants in succession to automatic plant holders on a wheel and as the wheel revolves it places the plants in a furrow in ad vance of the wheel by a furrow opener and furrow closers immediately cover the roots and rollers pack the ground around the roots. An undivided half has been assigned to E. Whitney, of Chicago. Printed consultation an'l advice free. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO., Registered Patent Attorneys. Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 27, 1899. The United States may buy the Danish West Indies for $4,000,000. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Boutelle will probably never return to congress. Winter Tours. you desire information Should you desire information re garding California, Arizona, Texas or Mexico, and thn long limit, low rate, round-trip tickets, sold to principal points, the various routes via which the tickets can lis purchased, or re garding one way first and second-class rates, through sleeping car lines, first-class and tourist, call upon or ad dress W. G. Neimyer, Gen'l Western Agent, Southern Pacific Co., 238 Clark 'St., Chicago; W. H. Connor, Com'l Agent, Chamber Commerce Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, or W. J. Berg. Trav. Pass. Agt, 220 Ellicott Sq., Buf falo, N. Y. France and England may have trou ble over New roundlaud fisheries. Deep Water Forts. The growing interest in deep water seaports and cheap transportation by water, gives added importance to the building tip of the city of La Porte, Texas. The high, dry 'ground of La Porte is in direct contrast with the greater portion of the Mexican Gulf Coast. Marshes, malaria a nil fevers are unknown. La Porte is to be formally 'opened' and introduced to the public February 14 to 17. when it is expected a great crowd of Northern and Texas people will be on hand to inspect the much talked of new seaport of the (Julf. So great is the interest Shown that the American Land Co.. 1SS Madison St., Chicago, acting as Northern Manager, is deluged with letters of inquir'. The Boer bomb proof. trenches at Colenso are The land of Hreatl and Hotter. is the title of a new illustrated pamph let just issued by the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, relating more especially to the land along the new line it is now building through Bon Homme and Charles Mix counties in South Dakota. It will be found very interesting reading. A copy will be mailed fre& n receipt of 2-cent stamp for postage. Address Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. The Denver Postscript's man sug gests the name, "The Hen House," for the proposed $400,000 hotel for women in New York. THE GRIP CUBE THAT DOES CURE. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets removes the cause that produces La Grippe. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. An English military expert asserts tnat tne time has come for a change in the cabinet For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Wu-Ting-Fan, the Chinese minister, in an after dinner speech in Washing ton the other night, said there were some things about Oriental civilization far better than ours, and laughingly alluding to Mr. Willis Moore, chief of the weather bureau, who sat by him, he added: "For instance, we would have cut off this young gentieman's head long ago." Sir Augustus Lackash ito tailor) My son tells me that you have allowed him to run a bill for three years. I have, therefore, come ." Tailor Oh, pray. Sir Augustus, there is really , no hurry. Sir Augustus Lackcash I know that, and, therefore. I have come to tell you that in future I want to get my clothes from you, too. Tit Bits. There can lean soul. never be a fat life on a 40 YEARS OF SUFFERING ! ICIIBAI 11 1 A Gentlemen: I have been sending to you for your "5 RCUlf ULtll A DROPS" for several parties who have'ti.sed it and who sav it is the best they ever used. One old lady lias had NEURALGIA FOR 40 YEARS, has tried nearly everything she cottld hear of without relief until she commenced ttsing "5" DROPS" and now she i.s not troubled with the Each one that has used it savs it is the best reme dy, and all join in praise of "5 DROPS." For the enclosed money please send me three large bottles of "5 DROPS," one package of Pills'and one Plaster, and hurry them forward without delay. Jan. 11, 1900. SAMUKI. SPEKGI.K, Falkville, Ala Gentlemen: My mother, Mrs. Eliza Austin, of anw at ! Fremont, Wis., has been almost an invalid for years KHcIf Mai I lalM with RHEUMATISM and for the past five years has fcaHfl not been able to walk 40 rods until she began to use "5 DROPS," about two months ago. She now walks a mile at a time and is doinir all her own work in the house, a thing she has not done for years, i on are at liberty to publish this testimonial, with my name and also my mother's. Dec 27, 18W. MRS. C. K. PCRDY, Waupaca. Wis. ItIiemotpowerful specific known. Free from opiates am. irt-rrectlr liam:Ie It iriTcialmnHtin-tantitnenuirellcr.a'Hl laioitie cure for ICbeuanatlvm. Mel tlea, .nrnlsla. Dysateaxlu. Backache. Aathna. Hay Kerrr, Ca tarrh. l.aOrlfte. Ooaas Nlreplesaleu. SerrompfM. fterronaaaa eralale Headaches. Earache. Toolbuihe. Heart UcakaeM, Dropsy, Malaria, CreealaaT Aabnea,le.. etc. MniVQto enable niftVrera to irive "Z DROPS" at leat a trial, we laf r I 9 will rend aS5c simple bottle. iirrpaiU h mail for le. A sampie bottle will convince you. .Uo.laRrebttIt-XOun-i l(.61ttl- forB.-. TRADEMARK J .Sold by u and a?ent. aGCTTSVASTtBla.Xr'TrnHurr. nrite nt to-day. SW.LXSOX RUECMATIC CVKE CO., ! ( 1C Lake St., CHICAGO. ILL Mafc MaftnL taJW mmmV Sim. M jwMBS2SSm5nBebs MrvtCLJUn STOVE CO . am-aTT"- bbSPI Michel la larU Again. Louise Michel, who has just entered her seventy-second year, has returneed to Paris. She is hale and hearty and full of energy. On one day she de livered two lectures at Bodiniere on "Concord Between Nations" and "The Traffic in White Slaves." Her voice was as resonant as ever. A man is said to have been elected to a responsible state office in Penn sylvania and to have served acceptably who could not write his name. He was intelligent and of sound business judg ment The astronomers learned just about enough from the recent non-appearance of the Leonids to prouict that the real exhibition will take place next November. The many experiments made, however, demonstrated the feas ibility of using curved l.hotographic plates in astronomical work, an im portant Item in the study of the heav ens. These plates gave excellent re sults at the Allegneny observatory. Try Grala-o! Try Grata-! Ask your grocer today to show yon a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of e?ffne. The children may drink it without in jury as well as the adult. All who try it. like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package. Sold by an grocers. No man is strong enough to do wrong with impunity. State or Ohio, Citt or Toleoo, Lucas Cocmtv, FranK J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm or F. J.Cheney &Co., doinp business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforevtid. and that said lirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIKJJKY. Sworn to before me and subscriled in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 181 ie..,, A. W. LEASON. SsEAUJ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a Sold by Druggists. 75c Hall's. Family Fills arc tho best. No man to oppress is so him. weak you can afford Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa. Loot for tbe picture of "l.a Belle Cuocolatlere." It la on erery genuine package. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. The man who starts will usually get there. to go nowhere e&& J0WAFARMSS2JKI J.NHIRALL SIOUX Civ MWULAXafCKOFTIlHll He who boasts of a that he is not used good deed shows to them. A Busy Woman is Mrs. Plnkhamm Her grmmt tiorrespondeitce is under her own super vision. Every woman on this continent should under stand that she can write freely to Mrs Pinkham about her physical con dition because Mrs. Pink ham Is A wont an and because Mrs Pink ham never violates con imence and because she knows more about the Ills of women than any other person m this country w Lydla ". Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound has cured a million sick wo men Every neighbor hood, almost every family, contains women relieved of pain by this great meoJclnem LlPORTE TEXAS j "" i f81 i ton Hay. is des titled tobcthc HOST PROSPEROUS CITY on the Gulf of Mexico. It possesses uncqualcd natural sdTuntugcs.ccogrnpuicnlly and from every point of view. Its future as a tjreat city is assured The U. S. Government is now spcndinjr a 1 arse amount of money in Harbor impiovcments. La Porte is the natural sciport for the pro ducts of the entire Middle. Northern and West ern States aud for Houston, the great railroad center of Texas. Kscursionsnt reduced rales will be run twicea month. First i"n'ral al" ot indwitv H'b. 14 to IT. iron. Write for FREE HAPS. DE SCRIPTIVE LITERATURE and full particulars AMERICAN LAND CO., 168 Madison St, CHICAGO. ARTERSBMK Haeyou tested it No other ink '-just as coed." A Good Housekeeper Always watches expenses. THE RIVERSIDE RANGE in your kitchen will save you money, save your temper, and make cookinjr a pleasure. Itrequircslessfuclandgives better results than any other Kange. INSIST ON YOUR DEALER SHOWING THE RIVERSIDE! The homeliest man in congress is Eddy of Minnesota. He rather glories in the distinction of ugliness, especially as all his other characteristics are en viable. During his" last campaign the enemies of Mr. Eddy charged him with being double-faced. He met the charge in a manner that disarmed all criti cism. ''Great heavens," said Mr. Eddy to his audience, "do you think that if I had two faces, I would wear the one I am showing you now?" An Ottawa dispatch says that trea son is talked openly among the French Canadians. tf,Mit'm?ilTSTlgCTgr"iX;toWni:f t it Itlt 1 1 II-! ! ",Wirm. t p. MIMtt,fM tt.1 wMtiarl "l x Agetab!e Prcparationfor As similating ihcFocdandBeguIa- ling tteStoiiachs and Dowels or Promotes Digcsiion.Ctecrfur nessandltest.Contains neither Ophmi.Morppjne norIiuexal. 1VOT XrVRC OTIC . Ja?;afOltn-SAHVELHTCmR fisrtph SertC- MxSmmt RxkrtU&lM- A perfect Remedy forConstipa Tlon, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPy Or WRAPPER. . el aaaVaBBaVVEaBHBi aaVaataB.afa&i HSaKwKffHaVBSI Will IB fill ild With jPPPPj BaaaaaaaBaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl Baaaaaaaaaaat aBaaaaaaaaafl aaBaaaK QJaaal aCS aaaaaaa jSajg iiP a-ril WmWbl aaaH aaamV bbbI Hands and Limbs Covered with Blisters and Great Red Blotches. Scratched Until Almost Wild. Burned Like Fire. Sleep Impossible. CUTICURA Remedies Bring Speedy Relief and a Permanent Cure at a Cost of Only $2. I was a sufferer for eight years from that most distressing of all diseases, Eczema. I tried some of the best physicians in the tEaBYn 's&'wHI . f 3bB tammm:" i Ummiaawu.. s&X!tm3E!msi V.,vv lissr-se. ' 7 t gave them a thorough trial, and after a few applications I noticed the redness and inflammation disappear. Before I had used one box there was not a sign of Eczema left. I can truthfully assert that $2.00 worth of CUTICURA REMEDIES cured me. There has been no sign of its return anywhere upon my body since I wrote you I was cured, nearly four years ago. Hardly a month passes but what I receive a letter or some one calls and wishes to know how I got cured, if I had Eczema bad, and if the cure has been permanent, etc., etc. I always take pleasure in enlightening them the best I can. JOHN D. PORTE, Pittsburg, March 1, 1899. Of JOHN D. PORTE & CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 428 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema, the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the Ios of hair and crusting of th; scalp, as in scalled head; the facial disfigurement, as in pimples and ringworm, the awful suffering of infants and the anxiety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter, and salt rheum all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Ot Remedies arc such stands proven beyond all T:ouDt. No statement is made regard- . . inj tlicm that is 1 ot jitiricl by tho "-troiip-st vidcr.CP. The jutrity and va eeUi, the power to afforl i::im"diate relief, tlii'trt.iliity of speedy ami permanent cure, tho abolnto safety a.ul great economy, have made them the standard skin cures and humor rem-dics of the civilized world. The treatment is pimple, direct, agrrcable, and economical, and is adapted to tho youiiKe-.t inf.uit u.s well as adults ofevery age. Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cut'cura Soap to cleanse the surfar.j . of crusts and scales, ami soften tho thickened c.iticle. Iry, without hard rubbing, " . . .' and apply CrrtcrnA Ointment freely, to allay itcJiing, irritation, and inllamm.itioii, " " and soothe and heal, ar.d lastly take Clticuka Kr.sor.VEVT to cool and cleanse th - " ". blood. This sweet and wholesome treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and - '.''' Bleep in th? severest forms of eczemi and other itching, burning, and scaly humor " -":-. -. of the skin, scalp, and Wool, and points to a sppedy, permanent, and economical . ; cure when all other remedies and even the best physicians fail. Cimcum Tub . " !. Skt, price SI.-3; or, CtrricccA Soir, 25c., CcTir:cn.v Oi.vtjie.vt, 50c., Cuticcka .: -: ; Resolvent, OTc., sold throughout the world. " How to Cure Eczema," free cf. th ' V.. .". Sole Props., Potter Dkuc aa'd Cueji Cokp., lioston, . "" " """17 MILLIONS OF MOTHERS rscCtrriCL'UiSoAPetcJU'slvelyforbaby'iSfklii.ecalp.andhalr. It Is notonlr thopurent .. sweetest, ami nio-t refre-hlnsr of nursery no-ip", !ut It contains delicate emollient proper? tie-, obtained from Cirricci:, the g-eat rlu rife, which preserve, purlfr, anrl beautifr '" " the .-Mn. culp, :nl lulr, nnt prevent fii-npli: .--Lin blcmi-jltp from hecomlnir erlous. For - "" V A flltretrlnsr lieat rashe-.Oiarlnir'., inflammations, and eruptions, for cru:eil, itchlnjclrrlfc. jf tlons of the rc-alp. wiUi dry, thin, ami falling hair, for red, rough hands, and ehapelesa z"f naiL. and simple infantile liu'norB. it U absolutely indiDcnsable. " ."X W. X. V. OMAHA. - 5 ItlOO Menieiaftad j"1' w..tioiiri, JaBalVdiWil WasIilnsloB, D.c! Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Ir fMnclD! Bra-.iar U 8. Pension bureau. BJTriiuriTil war. l"di!iilir-.itiii2t!jiriis.attTMjice. rOarQOV!XEW D:SC0VE3Y; rfr ar ImF IWi a n'ttck relief and cure wort R00 01 :;;infa!a's an'l 10 dais treatment DK. !!. M. IPELVS 0S. Bji K, AlUala, fca. riEz. BUURS W.itKi sjJ. Hit rAilS- Kl EcstCougtiwjTu.,. XaiteaGooO. SsoWSi laVme. EoXIbrdnjcatiu. W z 1 1 Buckle attributes the great suc ces of Scottish men of science to their preference for a priori or dc ducive " argument. The following story of similar trend was attributed to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. A Scotsman was asserting that all the. great poets were of his nation. "Well, but." said one, "how about Shake speare? You can't say he was a Scots man." To which the other replied, His talents would justify the supposition." He who has none of the weaknesses -of friendship has none of its powers. CASTBB1A for Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years CUSTOM THC CCNTSUK eOMMNT. NCUf VO CITY. country, but they did me little good. The palms of my hands were covered and would become inflamed ; little white blisters at first would appear, then they would peel off, leaving a red, smooth surface which would burn like fire and itch ; well, there is no name for it. -On the inside of the upper part of both my limbs great red blotches, not unlike hives, would appear, and as soon as I became warm the burning and itching would begin. Night after night I would lie awake all night and scratch and aimntt rrr wih 1 I lirnrr1 of f'lITT- ciira Remedies, rot them and FOR 14 cents: we wish to gain thin rear aayat Qatr mnit K .m. .SL. J li'-.P" Urden Beef, ice 1 " LaCroaoeSfarketLattiiea-T. ": ""lrr iioi " l!DyRdib, " Kir! j Ripe Cabba m . .rr !!" wtr invioo, AM ioe I Z KM'rBinn'rOnioli? too 3 " Brilliant Flower Scada, Ua Warta 1.QQ, Tor It eaata, a Aborelo Pica, wcrth LOS.wawi'l Bill tos trtC. tOBIthmrH.tZZhl treat Catalog, telliaa ail abafc rTeatva;aior,teIIiBa?allaea Z SAlUKSaWlWatUnTAn Z iponreDtoithiwtfieTOH itarnDs. We InTiw.wnn....Jl??t W snow ween joa ooe try SaV7 mecdm Ton mil n. HfT!?." 'aae phmo. .i..rV-ivao- est earllesVroBMto Giaat on artaTwET mu a. tuzn acta n i AS2:. Jl ..& . . -" ""' ? &. Bears the J t Signature XAxt tv Jr ln MaT "S6 v For Over BlSaaaCfi I e&PSH tWSki imsi ilfM I laW ' '7 1 1 1 ibI tSaK BJBJBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBB) Of ..J - 1 i -. -"V .-:,:--. I W iv-