The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 07, 1900, Image 1

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Witt' Mr. Qmckuu, General Passenger
" Agwit ef tiw P. E 4 M. V., Baii
Wht Thli Stat Xecds and Hew TV
"Sheald Go Aboat Getting I A PUb
t Work la Which Editor f Xebraak
Ato Asked to Assist.
One number on the program of the
. Nebraska Press association at its re
: .cent meeting in Lincoln, read, '.'An
. .'Unknown Subject by a Prominent Ne
.'' braskan." The president in announc
.' ing this said the prominent Nebraskan
was none other than J. R. Buchanan,
general passenger agent of the Fre
mont, Elkhorn Missouri Valley rail
. road. Mr. Buchanan wa introduced
. and spoke as follows:
"We want more people i larger
;" population in Nebraska. Hojv- are wc
'. to secure them?
"To organize a formidable iminl
..gration society, either by or through
a public spirited sentiment, or by leg-
Islatiota, Is improbable. If not wholly
impossible. To effect a like result
onrselves is winthin our reach.
"An immigration society organlzeu
en public sentiment alone, would prob
ably effervesce its sentiment in a few
speeches or newspaper interviews, and
then die out
"One organized by state legislation
would attract a few office seekers and
'politicians to fill the pay positions
who would use it as a means to po
litical or financial profit tothemselvcs,
. until the people would see its aim
thwarted, and stop the appropriations,
and thus it would reach an inglorious
end; and yet here is a grand field-
almost limitless opportunities, and fas
cinating inducements to immigration
"I probably do not love Nebraska
more than any other citizen, but I love
it wsll enough to want to show its
Hal merits to the outside world, or
neighboring states, and thus draw
from their overcrowded communities
and higher-priced lands to our sparsely-settled
communities and cheaper
"I have a fellow feeling, too, for
those who have struggled, and are
struggling along on a -farm, to get
ahead, and 1 think we may help others
and at the same time help ourselves
and all of us help Nebraska.
"When 1 worked on the farm in
Pennsylvania and Ohio, we had to
gather up and dispose of a crop of sur-
face stones before planting a crop of
grain. Then plow around the stumps
and stones and on side-hills. Tlie.i
we hoed the corn and cut the weeds
with the hoe also, till the tender corn
became the stalwart, self-supporting
Etalk the dominant plant and so left
it In its independence.
""It is different now, and in Nebras-
s.ka. with its level prairie, no stumps.
nor stones, nor roots; and where the
. farmer rides during his work, as well
: as to it; plows up the weeds instead
'"of 'using a hoe.
' "It is in sending this message, with
other advantages, abroad, that I am
"" -interested.
"Twenty years ago there were but
. 1,600 miles of railroads in the state,
." and only 430,000 people. The demand
for corn was small, comparatively, the
'markets remote and expensive to
. . reach. Now we have 5,500 miles of
. raiiroad, and markets near every
body's door; and the great cattle
ranches have found profit in estab
lishing 'feeding farms' whore much ot
- the home corn is being consumed,
throughout the state. The population
of the state has grown to one and one
quarter millions, but even this, on our
-76,000 square miles, means only seven
persons to the square mile.
"The instinct of the buffalo in choos-
ing Nebraska and Kansas as its prin-
cipal range determined the fact that
our grasses are most nutritious grown.
If good for the buffalo, they were good
for other stock, and so western Ne
braska lands are known to be as good.
.f not the very best, for smell herds
f cattle, sheep and hogs, in the west.
u fact, the stock culture and shipping
n this state startles one with its mag
nitude,. I am indebted to the labor
bureau of the state for the following
figures for shipments of stock in Ne
braska during 1S9S (1899 statistics not
yet available.)
No head.
Cattle 814,531
Hogs ........ .2,388,333
Horses & mules 21,883
Sheep 1,193,250
4.417,997 $70,459,418.95
"One important Industry I was un
able to get statistics upon, and the
vame is left for you gentlemen to
gather, compare and distribute. It is
very large and of paramount import
ance: that is. the amount or number
of head of stock of the various kinds
being fed throughout the state. It
may be assumed it is very large, as it
: is surely very profitable. There are
. many millions of acres of cheap range
land in the western part of the state
especially adapted to this industry,
and they arc being taken, or bought
up and occupied for these smaller
herds of from 500 to 5,000 head of cat
tle, or four times that number of
Fheep. No industry is more profitable,
more safe, nor more pleasant and in
dependent than this. To be proprietor
of a thrifty, well managed ranch,
"though small, with ample protection
for stock, and feed for any emergency
near at hand, is an achievement
worthy of any man's ambition.
"Nor is this temporary profit cr
business. It is a well known fact that
our meat products are decreasing; our
. herds are thinning down, while the
demand is constantly increasing. This
increase la demand is both domestic
and foreign. As a consequence, the
- price ot meat has risen so as to make
it a luxury now, not available to all.
Especially is this the case in the east
.. So it is manifest this industry is on.
' to be fostered, and the promise of
profit Is sure. Our population is rap-
idly Increasing, the foreign demand
is increasing on us especially, and yet
.. our stock product is decreasing."
"The crop growing experience In the '
. eastern part of the state has demon
strated the superiority of the soil and
climate for general fanning. Nebras-
.- ka today stands near the head of the
'Class of rich agricultural states, al
though nearly the youngest It stands.
I think, third in corn production of the
United States, and is adapted to the
other, eereals, as well as to grasses.
It is first, I' telieve. in adaptation of
soil for.NBjRsT&heet culture, and second
only in production. Its climate is
ood and healthy. Its frugal and in
dustrious fanners are growing wealthy
14 yet a iarg portion of the stats
is practically unoccupied and unculti
vated "Witaia a few years our grain pro
ducts have found foreign markets, and
higher ratfcer than lower prices Will
"Twenty years ago Nebraska corn
was used as fuel at home, and wisely
so; partly because it was cheap, and
partly Because markets were inacces
sible for want of transportation facil
ities. It will not be so used any more.
Ttea, comparatively but little corn
was befog exported from this country.
Now about 10 per cent or over of the
crop of the United States is "being ex
ported, and hence the higher nrice.
the groring value of this cereal. Here
are some' figures furnished me by the
department of agriculture at Washing
ton. I quote the language of the let
ter from the agricultural department:
" 'The remarkable growth of our ex
port trade corn, wheat and wheat
floar is shorn by the following state
ments .of the average annual ship
ments for the several ten-year periods
since 1850, and for the nine-year pe
riod 1891 to 1899:
Years ending
June 30.
Years ending
June 30.
Years ending
June 30.
Corn bu.
...... 53,643,470
Wheat bu.
Wheat flour bbls.
1891-1899 15,370,320
"This latter covers a period of nine
years and includes our three years of
very poor crops all over the west, with
higher home prices. The above figures
give the averages for ten-year periods.
In fact, our export of corn for 1898
was 208,744,939 bushels, whereas the
average above given shows anly 100,
000,000. Nebraska is producing about
10 per cent of the entire crop of the
United States. From all these figures
it is apparent our cereal products are
reaching the foreign markets of the
world in competition with Argentine,
Australia, India and Siberia.
"Another product of importance is
sugar-beets. Not many years ago
we the greatest sugar-consuminc
J country in the world had oniy of our
own raising, the cane suear raiser!
in the extreme southern state, import
ing all our beet sugar from Germany
or France. Experiments demonstrat
ed the adaptability of our own soil,
and Nebraska soil was found best
adapted to the sugar beet culture in
the United States. We now have
three large beet sugar factories in Ne
braska (one only recently completed
and set in-motion.)
"The product of the two which have
been running for some few years
amounted to over 20,000.000 pounds of
beet-sugar annually. The largest of
the two which have been running is
located at Norfolk; has been twice en
larged and improved since first con
structed, and now consumes when run
ning. 500 tons of beets per day.
"The new one just opened is located
at Ames, and has a capacity of 1,000
tons per day. The three factories arc
capable of reducing near 2,000 tons
of beets per day, or the product of say
160 acres of land per day.
"Thus far it appears the soil in the i
northern part of the state is best
adapted to this product.
"Another industry in the infancy of
development is the dairy business
one of the most profitable as well as
pleasant labors incident to the farm.
Here again we refer to the richness
of our nutritious grasses, which make
richer butter and cheese tfian is to be
found elsewhere.
"Still another infant but successful
industry, is the culture of Angora
goats: a herd of something like 2,000
is, I am advised, yielding good re
turns to its owner in Holt county, this
"I simply throw out these items and
figures as a hint at what may be found
by searching for advantages to which
wc invite immigration.
"The first settlers in this statp.
sought the valleys and the low lands,
having been taught in their geog
raphy this section of the country was
all a desert The later comers choss
the higher rolling lands, and today
we know that Nebraska valleys and
rolling prairies are all rich and yield
ing good returns.
"What we now want is to give the
residents of foreign states tne results
of the large experience which others
have worked out. and let them choose
their location and calling.
"We want to Increase our population
and that will help to decrease each
one's taxes. It takes about one and
one-quarter million dollars to meet
the yearly necessary expenses of gov
ernment, about $1 per head of popula
tion. If we can increase this popula
tion 1,500,000, it will reduce the per
capita taxes 20 per cent If we can
increase it to 2.000,000, it will reduce
the tax per capita in proportion. So
it is to the interest of property hold
ers to increase the population. - We
want to increase it for the general
benefit of the state. That its great
resources may be developed; that the
railway investments which have lent
such impetus to the settlement and
enriching of the state may be suitably
compensated; that the large trade in
terests may be enhanced; that the in
telligent newspaper the great pur
veyor of thought, the stimulus of up
right citizenship, and the scourge to
the disreputable may grow in power
and earnestness, and always for gcos.
In short, that, thrift and beneficial re
sults may follow all our efforts to
strengthen and build up a great and
good state.
The mission of the nwspaper is:
Fust to make money for its owner;
&nd second to publish the news. To
eifect the former, the latter is neces
sary. If the paper anl its owner do
not keep pace with the events of the
day,- and publish then . they will not
get the patronage, and so it will fail
of its purpose. The news published
ought to be reliable, and so establish
a reputable standing for the paper,
increasing its vales from week to
week, and it will thus enlarge its in
fluence and its income as w&U.
"The town, in an agricultural state
or community, is dependent for its
thrift on the thrift ar.2 success, and
the population of the farming commu
nity, and whtte the newspaper draws
most cl '.i adveitising income from
the town (toe merchant and the ar
tixan) yet the number and thrift of
these town folks depends on the faraft
r, and also their ability to pay to?
advertising; and so, view it as wi
may, we come back inevita'tiy to the
agriculturist for odr thrift our in
come. "The more farmers We have and tie
thriftier they are the better the news
paper field, the larger its constituency
and. as they force the town up and
increase its business, the larger be
comes the advertising patronage.
"Now, my editorial friends, every
one of you, I am sure, will bear me
out in saying that, for reading matter,
that which bears on personal history
or biographical sketch is most care
fully read; and so it seems clearer to
me that each editor should study the
farming interests fn his comntunity
and determine that he will in each
issue of his paper publish the statisti
cal result, with a personal sketch, of
at least one farmer's efforts; who he
was; where "from; when he came to the
state; his worldly belongings
when he case to Nebraska; where he
located; cost of land and improve
ments; how he farmed, or bred stock;
how he progressed and succeeded and
how he stands financially today; with
such personal mention as to charac
teristics as the subject is willing
should be done.
"I know some may object at first
to give this information, under the im
pression the valuation may affect
their taxation; but there is really no
cause for such apprehension. Never
theless to assure such objector you can
wihthold his name in the account,
simply citing the case in all its
relations, but omitting to identify in
"My prediction is that before the
year expires these persons, having
seen results with others and neigh
bors, wil be glad to have the identi
fication in the roll of honor which it
really is.
"In every community there are some
persons who will send papers to a for
mer home in a foreign State. There
are over 600 newspapers in the state;
at least 500 weekly country newspa
pers in the ninety odd counties in this
state, and so if the above suggestion
13 followed it means that at least 500
(and probably five times that number)
papers will each week go out of the
state and be scattered abroad over the
country. This, repeated each week,
will tell of at least 25,000 thrifty far
mers in the various counties in Ne
braska in one year and their personal
history. These papers will come to
my office, or to some other general
passenger agent. We will collate
and combine these instances and pub
lish them in our statistical folders
5,000 or 10,000 or 20,000 per month and
will distribute them through our
agencies all over the country, and it is
clear that in all this persistent way
"Nebraska" will get into the very air
all over the western states, and the
tid,of immigration will turn to us.
"Five hundred editors, with a few
general passenger agents of railroads,
working in a single purpose to a cen
tral aim, with their hearts, brains and
bands in the effort, will undoubtedly
bring results. Five hundred papers
will in fifty-two weeks . have given
news of an army of good men who
plowed and sowed to some purpose,
and it is quite safe to say that the
experiences of this army of say 25,000
men will reach and be read by at least
100,000 other men who will be inter
tested in just this information.
"I trust we may all meet one year
from now, and by comparing our then
information of results, be ready to re
solve to continue the same methods
for another year of fifty-two weeks."
On motion cf A. J. Langer the as
sociation agreed to accept the plans
offered by Mr. Buchanan andto pub
lish as often as possible the statistical
matter suggested in the paper.
Xebraka Briefs.
The Wayne Herald will in the fu
ture be propelled -y a gasoline engine.
The Telegraph says that North
Platte is badly m need of a commer
cial club.
Dempster's foundry force at Beat
rice are working only five days a week
at present.
The farmers' institute to have been
held at Ellis was declared off because
the Methodists refused to permit the
Use of their church.
Sidney property is advancing in
price and rents are going up. One bus
iness man whose lease expired the
first of the year had to stand a raise
in his rent from $25 to $40 a month.
A large gray wolf went up very
close to the home of Lawrence Need
ham, a young boy, near Botswick. The
boy took a rifle, mounted his horse and
gave chase. The horse slipped and
fell upon the boy, breaking his leg.
August Ring of Antelope was treat
ed to a surprise party on his, birthday.
As it occurred on a Sunday gaiety
was suppressed until midnight It
then being no longer Sunday the
guests uprose and danced until day
The Woman's club of Columbus re
cently celebrated its fourth annivera
aiy. It organized with forty mem
bers "and at different times it has had
seventy-five. Its present membership
is over fifty. Its departments at
Music, current events, literature, do
mestic science and art.
ThT new Irrigators' bank has opened
up for business in Gering, with a cap
ital stock of $10,000 paid up, and au
thorized to the extent of $20,000. The
officers of the new concern are James
11. Casselman, formerly of Lincoln, as
president; George B. Luft of this city,
vice president, and E. Eckert, recently
of Crete, as cashier.
Havelock Times: Kids are getting
too frequent in mischief-making on
tne streets late at night The othei
evening several of them stole a box
of axle grease from one of tne grocery
stores. They proceeded to another
place in the business part of town and
daubed an awning post and. door. As
a result several persons ruined seven
al pieces of clothing.
Jchn Quate, a pioneer farmer, living
east ot McCool Junction, claims that
land sharks inveigled him into a pre
trnded trade of his farm and stock
for Missouri land. On his return front
Missouri he found his cattle gone and
had vhree parsons whom he claims as
sisted in the land deal arrested, charg
ing them with larceny. Quate is an
unassuming, unsophisticated farmer,
anf. docs not believe that he signed a
deea to his place.
The M. E. church of Clay Center
closed a series of revival meetings with
a record of nearly eighty conversion
and about fifty new members aided to
the church. The pastor, Rev. F. W.
Bean, has made a good record in his
three years' ministry and is very pop
ular, which, with the assistance of
Miss Mae Phillips, an evangelist from
Aurora, 111., and Miss Minnie Nelson,
a fine vocalist, made the meetings
very interesting and effective.
Oraditiosi in Kentucky Are Vearuif 4?
Ooaflict of Armed Fmc3,
tmmwQ of. crisis is at hank
easocratle Adjntaat Geaeral Mmy Or
gaaise Wlltia of Bis Own Itockhas
Act as GoTcroo
Regular tat
Troops Uold Frankfort Voder Orders
of Taylor's Appolatee.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Feb, 3, The
first clash between the legislative and
judiciary powers of the state occurred
trday. A still greater clash is immi
nent tomorrow and beyond the possi
bilities of tomorrow lies a sea with
bkies so lowering and of so stormy an
aspect that no politician of either
party can predict where it will carry
the Kentucky ship of state.
There is the chance that things will,
an Congressman June Gayle expresses
it, "drift around all right." but there
are other chances, also, and if things
are to "drift around all right," they
must strike a counter current and
strike it soon.
There can no longer be any conceal
ment of the fact that affairs in this
state are bordering on conflict in arms
and the beginning of the crisis is at
hand. It may be that the political
difficulties will be settled by courts of
law, but the hearts of men are hot in
Kentucky now and legal process may
provide a remedy too dilatory to please
a few of the more impatient and it is
In the power of these to create a
world of woe at almost any time.
The clash of today came when an of
ficer of the circuit court of Franklin
county was arrested by the militia,
while attempting to serve a notice of
legal proceeding on Governor Taylor.
The clash of tomorrow may come
when the officers of that court attempt
to enforce the ruling of its presiding
judge. Behind this judge the demo
crats will have tomorrow for the first
tiire an active executive head in the
person of Acting Governor Beckham
r.nd, from the democratic standpoint,
a regularly appointed adjutant general
whose order the troops now encamped
around the capitol building are bound
to obey. It they decline to obey the
new adjutant general, the democrats
claim, he will have power to organize
military forces of his own and proceed
pgainst all people who defy the au
thority of his office and that of the
governor of the state which he repre
sents. On the other hand, the republicans
are fixed in their attitude that there
is an insurrection in the state, that
Beckham and his actions, his adju
tant general and his orders are thoss
of the people acting in opposition to
law. They believe that they alone
are in the right and as there can be
but one right and all else wrong, those
who show resistance to the proclama
tions of Governor Taylor are in rebel
lion against the commonwealth, iney
vrfll resist all attempt of any kind to
remove them from their position
around the capitol, resisting force with
force, and that means civil war.
Alonzo Walker, a stenographer em
ployed by the democratic attorneys,
was placed under arrest today in the
capitol ground charged with conduct
tending to incite mutiny and riot
The conduct consisted of pinning to
the door of the private office of Gov
ernor Taylor a notice that tomorrow
morning the democratic attorneys
would appear before Judge Cantrell of
the circuit court and ask for an in
junction restraining Governor Taylor
from all interference with the move
ments of the legislature, and from his
anounced intention to move it to Lon
don. Walker was at once taken into
custody by order of Colonel Roger
Williams, the commanding officer ot
the forces now gathered around the
Xllitin Itallot Act to Send Lord Robot ts
90,000 Additional Men.
LONDON, Feb. 3. Sensational
rumors are current that the militia
ballot act would be put in force Febru
ary 14, and that General Lord Roberts,
the commander-in-chief of the Britisu
forces in South Africa, has cabled for
90.000 additional men. which, it is ad
ded, the government has promised to
give him. sending 50,000 militia and
volunteers and 40,000 militia reserves.
It is also said that the volunteers
will be mobilized forthwith. It is eveq
asserted today that the cabinet has
specially dealt with these matters.
The militia ballot act makes every
unmarried man between 18 and 80
years of age liable to serve for five
Anti-Goebel Man is Killed.
MIDDLESBORO, Ky.. Feb. 3. Th3
report that William S. Wright, ex
member of the Kentucky legislature
far Knott and Letcher counties, was
assassinated at Boone Fort on ths
Kentucky river last night, is con
firmed by advices tonight from Hazen.
During the campaign last fall Wright
was an enthusiastic stumper for John
Young Brown for governor. He was a
prominent lawyer and democratic poli
tician and had made many enemies
among the mountaineers. There were
five shots and two took effect He
was shot with a Winchester of the
same caliber as that used by the
would-be assassin of Goebel.
More Ycomaarj Go.
LONDON, Feb. 3, This morning at
the Life Guard's barracks. Regent's
Park, the Prince of Wales inspected
another contingent of Yeomanry and
Honorable Artillery company volun
teers, prior to its departure from Lon
don to embark for South Africa. The
spectators included Lord Mayor New
ton, a number of city dignitaries, army
officers and many ladies.
The Princes ot Wales made a speech
to the men in the same vein as his
adress to the first contingent-of Yeo
manry at their departure from Lon
don Friday ast
Mississippi Endorses Desaecrats.
JACKSON Miss.. Feb. 3. At the ses
sion of the lower house today a reso
lution was' unanimously adopted, in
dorsing the course pursued by the
democratic element of the Kentucky
legislature. The resolution deplored
the attempted assassination of Gover
nor Goebel and tendered sympathy to
his relatives and supporters.
Xer Iowa Electloa Law.
DES MOINES, la., Feb. 3. The Ti-
tus biennial election bill passed the
lower house today by a vote of 85 to
. onn fa nmt. Aft... nt.a...4. ..4.
I. auu id null IMU 1.5JI IUC SljUaiUtC
of the governor.
Believe U la a Large Factor la
Sastalalag BU Life.
FRANKFORT, Ky.. Feb. 3. The
condition of William Goebel is tonight
considered better than at any time
since he was shot. The iron will and
determination of the Wounded man that
he will not die by an assassin's bullet
is, however, still considered the maia
factor in sustaining him, but tonight
the attending physicians for the first
time held out some hope for his ulti
mate iecovery.
Governor Goebel secured some sleep
daring the day, which increased his
strength precentibly. and thoueh un
favorable symptoms showed themselves
t times, the sick man alwayB rallied
well. Compared with v twenty-four
hours ago his condition shows a de
cided improvement, bis temperature
being more nearly normal, though
some fever shows itself. His pulse and
respiration are still high, but his kid-
BAflVa. fflfe frmtltHrfen nf wKIaK l.a hUki
Pfaa regarded, as the most unfavorable
sympton, are performing their func
tions in a more normal manner, thus
obviating in a degree the danger of
uraemic poisoning.
Governor Goebel during the day
complained somewhat of bed soreness,
and he was turned partly on his side
to relieve the strained muscles. This
for a time had an unfavorable effect,
but he soon rallied, and shortly after
ward fell Into a light sleep. His tem
perature tonignt is 100 1-2, respiration
38 and pulse 120. 'Should the wounde I
man succeed in passing through to
night well, his physicians express the
hope that his recovery, though neces
sarily slow, will be sure.
"At present Governor Goebel
breathes altogether from his left lung."
said Dr. Williams tonight "Clotted
blood has almost entirely coated his
wounded right lung, which of course
forms a natural bandage and prevent-5
further bleeding, but later will prov
somewhat a source of danger. The
clotted blood will decompose in about
eight days, and then it may be neces
sary to remove a section of a rib it
order to remove the decomposed blood.
The wound will then be drained, and
the danger will then be from second
ary hemorrhage."
Addresses Two Audiences
DarlBg th
MONTPELIER, Vt, Feb. 3. W. J.
Bryan arrived here tonight, coming
from Concord. The ride was a long
and cold one, the thermometer touch
ing 26 below, yet Bryan at various
towns stood on the platfci-m and shook
hands with a number of people, in
cluding the Dartmouth college boys.
On arriving here he went to the hotel
and a little Mer he visited the Dewey
homestead, opposite the state capitol.
In the evenine lie nrl dressed twn mull.
ences, representing in all nearly 5,000
The first meeting was in Armory
hall. About 2,200 people were present.
Chief Justice Russell D. Taft of the
supreme bench and his six associates,
all republicans, sat on the platform.
.Former Governor Dinningham was
also present.
Mayor Senter introduced Bryan, who
said he was surprised to find that
it took two balls in which to hold a
democratic meeting in Vermont. He
did not know what the people of Ne
braska would say when they read of
such a thing. In conclusion he spoke
of the interest Americans have in in
dependence and said he could not see
how any one could fail to pray for
God's blessing on the Boers, who are
willing to die for their republic.
After Mr. Bryan had finished he
proceeded at once to the opera house,
where over 2,000 awaited him.
English Troops Have a Narrow Escape)
From Annihilation.
The following, dated Gaberones, Jan
uary 20, has been received here:
"A Boer scout was captured yes
terday by Colonel Plumer's outposts
and a small party was sent out to re
connoiter certain halls. They ascend
ed the wrong kopje and blundered up
on a Boer fortress, armed with a Max
im. Fortunately they managed to es
cape without casualties.
A later dispatch from Gaberones,
dated January 26, says: ,
"Colonel Plumer used his twelve and
a half pounder on the Boer position
for the first time today. The Boers
responded spiritedly, and accurately
but cid no damage."
No Interference.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. At the cab
inet meeting today it was decided that
the situation in Kentucky is not such
as to require federal interference and
consequently the president will take
no action under the present conditions.
After the cabinet meeting the fol
low statement was made: The presi
dent has decided that no case has yet
arisen to justify the intervention of
the national government in Kentucky
and has so informed the governor.'
Christian Scientist Held.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 3. On Ihe
complaint of Health Officer Rhode
warrants were this afteroon sworn out
for the arrest of Mrs. Don Cameron,
Thomas Harrison and wife and Mrs.
Stewart, daughter of the Harrisons.
All are Christian Scientists and the
warrants follow the death of a child
of Mrs. Stewart, while under treatment
or Mrs. Cameron at the Harrison home.
The complaint charges violation of the
Lincoln health laws.
Hay Sends Money to Krueger.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Secretary
Hay has received the sum of $750. col
lected by the St. Louis Westliche Post
and transmitted to the department of
state by Mr. Pretorius, to be used for
the benefit of the widows and orphans
of Boer soldiers.
The secretary has forwarded the
money by the mails to Adelbert Hay,
United States consul at Pretoria, to
be turned over to President Kruger for
the purpose specified. Mr. Pretorius'
letter was also sent forward.
Taylor Offers a Reward.
FRANKFORT, Ky.. Feb. 3. Gov
ernor Taylor tonight personally offereu
a reward of $500 for the arrest and
conviction for the man who shot Goe
bel. In making this offer Governor
Taylor states that the authorities of
Franklin county, in which the crime
was committed, have not requeste'd him
to officially offer a reward, and ht
therefore offers $500 as an individual
Treasury Condition.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Today'e
statement of the condition of the treas
ury shows: Available cash balance.
1 $292,456,767; gold reserve, $218,983,709.
7. 1900. -
Proposition te Demand Their Besignation
Voted Down.
Three Hoar Ceasasved la Coaslderatloa
ot the Resolatloa The Debate Uote
Warai New Ceaaplalnts Agalast Rail
roads Filed for Consideration.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 1. The reso
lution of Secretary of State Porter, de
manding the resignation ot Secretaries
Laws, Dahlman and Edgerton of the
State Board of Transportation, was
voted down by a vote of 4 to 1, Mr.
Porter being the only member favor
ing, its adoption. About, three hours'
time was consumed in the considera
tion of the resolution and at the close
of the meeting some time was spent
discussing the future course to be pur
sued by the board and the secretaries.
Every member formally expressed the
opinion that hereafter whatever rates
are found to be too high they should
be reduced and that steps should be
taken by the board or the secretaries
to prevent any unjust increase in rates
the railroads might attempt to make.
The meeting was called at the in
stance of Auditor Cornell, chairman of
the transportation board, and after a
date was set for the hearing of the
complaint of Charles H. Johnson, Sec
cretary Porter made the request that
the board go into executive session.
There wis considerable opposition to
this request. Treasurer Meserve an
nounced that he did not think it wise
to transact public business behind
closed doors. Land Commissioner
Wolfe said that it would be ail right
to take up in executive session any
matter Mr. Porter might wish to bring
before the board if it was something
the public did not already know about
or ought not to know about. Mr. Por
ter refused to submit his request in
the form of a resolution, but it was fi
nally brought up by another member"
and voted down.
The debate grew very warm toward
the close of the meeting and in re
spouse to one of Mr. Meserve's ques
tions Porter said that he did not pro
posed to be catechised by any member
of the board.
Porter moved the adoption of his
rfienlni inn gnrl Wnlfa cuinnilorl Via mn
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for, which resulted as follows: Yea,
Porter; nay, Cornel, Smyth, Wolfe,
The complaint of Charles Johnson
will be heard by the Board of Trans
portation and its secretaries on Febru
ary 9 at Norfolk. It was suggested
that any other complaint arising in
that section of the state be considered
at the same time.
Ed Cooper of Vest, Johnson county,
complained to the board that the Bur
lington railroad refuses to furnish a
sufficient number of cars to farmers
living in his vicinity for the shipment
of grain. He asserts that they are
compelled to haul to the tracks of an
other railroad at a loss of several
cents per bushel.
Lincoln A. Miller entered a com
plaint against the Rock Island rail
road, alleging that it has violated the
terms of a contract by tearing away
a. bridge over one of its tracks in
Lancaster county.
Criminal Cases at Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 1. The in
formations against Frank L. Dins
more, charged with the murder of his
wife and Fred Laue, and Theodore
Nelson, charged with the murder of
his father, were served upon them.
Nelson pleaded not guilty and Dins
more will answer later. Judge Sulli
van appointed three doctors to exam
ine Nelson to ascertain whether or
not he is insane. Dinsmore's attor
neys, it is thought, will ask lbr a
change of venue, as they have been
trying to get his affidavits to show th?'.
he cannot get an impartial trial in
Buffalo county.
Plisfat of a Nebraska Girl.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 1. A pretty
girl of 16 years who gave the name of
Muriel Ashton and said her home is
at Lincoln. Neb., was found working
in a boarding house here as a waiter.
She has been masquerading as a boy
several days. The boarders noticed
that her clothes did not fit will ami
that her voice was very fine for a hoy.
They communicated their suspicions
t othe boarding house keeper and an
investigation was made. The girl ad
mitted that she had run away from
home dressed as a boy and that she
had assumed that attire the better to
escape detection.
Child Probably Fatally Burned.
W1NSIDE, Neb., Feb. 1. A young
child of J. E. Hayes, manager of the
American Grain company's elevator,
backed against a hot coal stove and1
was probably fatally burned. The
child ran across the room all aflame
and would have gone upstairs if it
could have opened the door leading
into the hall. Mr. Hayes caught the
child and burned two quilts in smoth
ering the flames.
No Vacant Rooses to Be Found.
IMPERIAL, Neb., Feb. 1 Real estate
is active in Chase county. There is
a big demand for lands to rent and no
vacant houses are to be found in any
of the towns in the county.
Killed In a Runaway.
BERTRAND, Neb., Feb. 1.
Charles Malm, a farmer who lived
three miles northwest of this place,
ieceived injuries in a runaway from
which he died. Malm started to come
to town, at the request of a neighbor
named Power, to inform the doctor of
the death of a child and was driving
Power's team. The fatal accident oc
curred within a half mile of the start
ing point His head struck the ground
with great force, crushing his sku:i.
Malm leaves a' widow and several chil
dren. XUIer L.ocatfd In Colorado.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. 1. The ms
tiry surrounding the disappearance of
Otto Miller, one of Adams county's
prosperous fanners, was cleared up
when Sheriff Simmering received a
dispatch from Miller's brother at Jules
burg, Colo, stating that he had found
Otto Miller and teas all right The
message does not give any informa
tion as to Miller's mental. condition,
but it is generally believed that he be
came temporarily insane and started
westward without any destination iu
Fate of Oae of aa Iowa Coaple Who Raa
Away Together.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Feb. 3. Coroacv
Dodge and County Attorney Denney
were summoned to Hnrbine by tele
phone to look after the circumstances
attending the death of a woman there.
Investigation satisfied the officials that
the woman died from natural causes.
The man who was with her when she
came to the village was arrested for
unlawful cohabitation. He gave his
name as J. Denning and said he wa3
a phjsician. and had been treating the
woman, whose name he gave as Mrs.
Branham, for some illness.
He was brought before the county
judge and pleaded guilty to the offense
charged and was fined $o0. The wo
man's mother was telegraphed for and
came on from Jewell Junction, la., tq
whlc'i place she took the remains for
The doctor Is much older than the
woman, who was good looking. At th?
inquest it developed that her right
name was Mrs. Nettie McConnel). Her
mother. Mrs. Branham of Hawarden,
la., arrived and identified the body as
that of her daughter. She swore that
her daughter was married several years
ago to Charles McConnell. a brakeman
on the Northwestern railroad and liv
ed in Hawarden. la. She ran away
from that place with the doctor about
two months ago. The doctor swore his
home was in Essex county. New York,
and they traveled overland from Iowa
here, stopping at various places, lie
claimed he has latge property inter
ests at that place.
Headersoa Excited Oxer an Attempted
Robbery of a Corpse.
YORK, Neb., Feb. 3. The town of
Henderson is excited over what seems
to have been an attempted grave rob
bery at the Russian Mennonite ceme
tery, two miles from Henderson. John
Regier, who was hauling grain to town,
passed the graveyard and noticing
some one digging went to inquire who
was to be buried. He found in a grave.
Frank Goosen and A. J. Nickol, two
well known young men here, standing
on the box containing the remains of
Frank Goosen's mother, who had been
buried nine months ago.
Goosen explained that the corpse was-
to be examined by doctors at York
On returning from town Regier met
another farmer, who saw one
of the boys leave, riding a bicycle, and
the other carrying a large sack on his
back, which appeared bulky.
All kinds of reports arc in circula
tion. Goosen now claims that they di I
not disinter the coffin. The sheriff
and others are at Henderson and in
tend to see if the remains have been
State Capital Xotr.
The Burlington railroad has filed an
answer to the complaint of John O.
Yeiser asking for an order compelling
it to place a gate in the fence between
the Burlington and Union depots in
Omaha. The Burlington denies that it
caused the fence to be constructed and
therefore protests against the issuance
of the order asked for by Yeiser.
TI2 suit of John O. Yeiser to com
pel ;he city clerk of Omaha to submit
the initiative and referendum to the
vote of the people bas been appealed to
the supreme court.
Auditor Cornell has issued a letter
to county clerks calling their atten
tion to the necessity of assessing all
property belonging to insurance com
panies that may be found in their jur
isdiction. The annual meeting of the Central
Whist association will be held in Lin
coln, February 9 and 10. Nebraska
Kansas, Iowa and South Dakota are
represented in the association.
Objects to Freight Clarsiflcuti..n.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 3. The Mar
ble and Granite Dealers' association of
Nebraska, which was in session here
adopted resolutions protesting against
the classification of freight rates re
cently adopted by the railroads, which,
it is alleged, increases the cost of trans
portation of shipments to and from
points in Nebraska. A committee
consisting of F. B. Kimball. Lincoln;
F. B. Alderman. West Point; Charles
Neidhatt, Beatrice; A. Neitzell. Falls
City, and I. F. Paine of Grand Island,
presented their case to the secretaries
of the state board of transportation
and requested them to use all lawful
means to prevent the railroads from
continuing the existing rates. In their
complaint they assert that shipments
formerly classified as fourth rate have
been changed to third rate and thosi
listed under class D to fifth rate.
The Industrial School.
KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 3. C. W.
Hoxie has turned over the affairs of
the state industrial school to his suc
cessor, J. N. Campbell. The transaction
appeared to be very pleasant to both
There has been but one change so far
that of laundryman, but more will be
made in a short time. Mr. Hoxie has
rented a home here and will probably
engage in business.
Taken to the Supreme Court.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 3. John O.
Yeiser of Omaha appealed to the su
preme court today from a decision ren
dered by Judge Slabaugh of Douglas
county refusing Yeiser a peremptory
writ of mandamus to compel the city
clerk to submit the initiative and refer
endum to a vote of the people cf thi
city at the coming election next spring
Smallpox Near Wyniorr.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 3. The state
board of health recently received in
formation that two cases of smallpot
had been discovered at Liberty, twelve
miles from Wymore.0 Secretary Bailev
of the board said that from the investi
gations that have been made it appears
that the cases are smallpox of a mo-,t
pronounced type, more malignant than
those at Nebraska City last winter. Or
ders have been issued to have the
strictest quarantine regulations enforc
ed. As the cases are not in a thickly
settled community the danger of an
epidemic is not great.
Deputy Kent Files Report.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 3. Deputv
Labor Commissioner Kent has fileJ
with the governor a report of the work
of the state free employment bureau
for 1899. The report shows that the
number of applicants who have been
secured employment in the variou-;
branches of industry is as follows:
Building trades, 4; iron trades. 3;
printing trades. 1; farm work, 33; city
work, 2; agents and clerks. 1; mal?
domestics. 5; domestics and housekeep
ers, 66; railroad men, S3; laborers, 2
Fajx Iitenst TIbb Dqcttx
Ot-rtw, Cfctasgw, Haw Yarkaa
ana belpa lis casteaMia whea they aesc kekf
mesas avb rnnscTOMi '
LsAraaa OxaaAao, Prea't.
B. M. Hsaxr, Vice Pre.
It Bacaasx, CaahUr.
H iTAUrrXB, Wat. at CCftUV
The Columbus Journal.
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