The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 24, 1900, Image 1

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Eaglish in Great Force Advancing oa the
mprovlted field risers roar Leaden
Hail fato noer Position. Enemy
Make 3fo Response Bombard ment
tslth Results Unknon-ri.
. TNew York World Cablegram.) Yes
.lerday evening Lyttleton's brigade, af-
"ter a heavy bombardment since dawn
by naval guns and howitzers, advanced
in extended order toward the Boer po-
sitlons facing Potgietersdrift, but, fail
mg to draw the enemy's flrd, returned.
A balloon has also been searching
the positions.
Warren's mounted troops, have also
engaged "the enemy; as officially ari-
Jiounced. Warren is again advancing
-this morning early. Naval guns are
also bombarding.
"There is every indication that a big
fight for the western roads will tako
place today, though it may have com
menced yesterday. All the artillery of
Warren and Hilyard was not across
the drifts yesterday morning and thu
ammunition train and most of the
heavier guns were probably then still
south of the Tugela. These indica
tions, as well as Warren's longer
march, point to the serious effort be
ing made today.' '
The Post expert says:
"Probably the whole British force
was yesterday on the move and per
haps fighting. Fighting when it comes
wjll be heavy and the losses severe."
IX)NDON, Jan. 20. (New York
World Cablegram.) The Daily News
dispatch from Potgietersdrift, dated
January 19, says:
"Warren's force Is moving round to
the west on a line taken up by Dun
donald. AVarren is now close to Acton
Telegraph of same date says Dun
donald and Warren have command of
an easy road into Ladysmlth and have
cut oil the Boer communication with
the Free State.
LONDON, Jan. 20. 4:30 a. m.
Every hour that General Duller delays
his combined attack makes his posi
tion stronger. Transports continue to
arrive at Durban and fresh troops are
being sent up the line to reinforce
those in front of Colenso. It appears
that General Buller's troops north of
the Tugela number at least 22.000 and
possibly 25,000, with fifty guns. Hs
total forces, forming a great outer
curve south and west of Ladysmlth
probably number 40,000.
While General Buller's forward op
erations, which began January 10, de
velop rather leisurely, the Boers ap
pear to be fully aware that they must
meet a strenuous assault. Balloon ob
servers have roughly estimated that
10.000 Boers are using spade and pick
in artificially strengthening positions
which nature has rendered easy of de
fense. Military critics in touch with the
war office think that general fighting
has or may begin soon. It is not
thought that one day's fighting will
settle the fate of Ladysmith. but rath
er that there will be two or three days
of continuous fighting.
A Durban special dated Thursday
night says:
"It is reported here that Lord Dun
donald has smashed a Boer convoy.
General Duller is said to be within
twelve miles of Ladysmith and General
Warren to be about six miles to the
The Times has the following dis
patch dated Thursday from Pieterma
ritzburg: "General Buller's wagon train is
nineteen miles in length, and embraces
400 wagons and 5,00u animals. As
some of the drifts are narrow and
muddy, only one wagon is able to cross
at a time. The officers are betting 2
to 1 that will be relieved
tomorrow (Friday.)
Gonitis Know Nothing of Reported Loosen
of Connt tie Castellane.
NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Edwin Gould,
Interviewed as to the reported losses
of his brother-in-law, Count Boni de
Castellane. in stock speculation, said:
"We have hoard nothing about any
financial embarrassment of Count Cas
tellane and. not knowing whether the
French paper. La Matin. Is responsi
ble or not. we cannot tell how much
truth there is in the story that my
sister's husband lost heavily in specu
lation. We expect them Saturday or
Sunday on La Bretagne and it is need
less to say that we shall be more than
delighted to see our sister again. I
don't know whether the children are
with them or not. In the cable mes
sage my sister did not say anything
about the babies. Their coming to
New York at this time is something
of a surprise to us, but none the less
delightful for all that."
Body of Panl Jones May lie Brought to
This Country.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The prop
osition to remove the bones of Com
modore John Paul Jones from Paris
and bury them in Arlington ceme
tery will probably receive the sanction
of congress, if all doubt can be re
moved as to the complete identifica
tion of the grave of the naval hero,
which has been so long neglected that
it has been really forgotten.
Today the secretary of the navy will
6end to congress the latest information
in the possession of the offices of
naval intelligence. The naval attache
.at Paris is still prosecuting his in
vestigations and expresses confidence
that he will be completely successful
In the end.
Remove Baa From Fruit.
BERLIN, Jan .20. The Bundesrath
today, abrogating the previous regu
lations, granted permission for the im
portation of dried American fruits and
also fresh fruits, on condition of their
.examination at Ihc Basle customs
Honolaln People Uneasy.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan: 20. An
official dispatch from Surgeon Car
nichael of the marine hospital service
at Honolulu reports the existence of
an uneasy feeling there as the result
of the ravages of the bubonic plague,
which, in spite of the efforts of the
Hawaiian authorities, appears to be
on the increase. Dr. Carmichael's dis
patch is dated January 12 and is as
"Five cases plague reported since
January S. There have been twenty
three deaths from the plague since
December 12. Uneasy feeling prevails."
Slalue Senator Makes a Rotable Speech
oa Soatb Africa War.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. At the
Conclusion of morning business in the
senate the resolution of Allen calling
on the secretary of state for informa
tion as to whether any representative
of thejTransvaal had applied to the
United States government for recogni
tlonand if such application had beeri
made if it had been accepted, and if
not why not, was laid before the sen
ate. Spooner moved that the resolution
be directed to the president and he
be requested to furnish the informa
tion if not incompatible with public
interests. He repudiated, he said, the
doctrine advanced repeatedly by sen
ators that the people were entitled to
information from day to day regarding
I the conduct of our foreign business.
A debate ensued between Senators
Allen; Spooner, Teller and Hale. The
resolution was finally amended so as
to call on the president, "if not in
compatible with jmblic. interests," to,
supply the information.
Spooner maintained that the presi
dent ought to have discretionary pow
er about giving out information.
Allen thought the matter with which
his resolution dealt could not affect
any diplomatic negotiations and that
there was no impropriety about it. Mr.
Spooner regarded it as a piece of
gross impudence to call on the secre
tary of state for confidential informa
tion for which the president alone was
responsible. Allen replied at length
to Spooner, in the course of which he
said it had been reported throughout
the country in the daily and weekly
press that the populist party had gone
to piece's.
"I say to you, Mr. President," said
Allen, "that these statements are cir
culated with a political purpose. There
are more populists in the country to
day than ever before. We can cast
2,500.000 votes and not all of those
voters are fools, either. The organiza
tion, far from having gone to pieces,
is stronger today than at any previ
ous time."
In a brief speech in opposition to
the amendment Teller said he would
not say a word that would be offens
ive to the government of Great Brit
ain, yet he felt his sympathy go out
to the Transvaal republic in its great
contest at arms with England.
A speech sensational in its interest
and international importance was de
livered by Hale of Maine. The occa
sion of the utterance was the simple
question whether a resolution intro
duced by Allen, calling for informa
tion as to the recognition by this coun
try of the diplomatic representation of
the Transvaal republic, should be di
rected to the president or to the sec
retary of state.
Hale made the question the text of
an impassioned speech, in which he
declared that nine-tenths of the Amer
ican people sympathized with the
Boers in their gallant struggle for lib
erty against one of the greatest pow
ers in the world. He declared that
the war which Great Britain is wag
ing is the most fell blow at human
liberty that has been struck in the
century. He denied that the Ameri
can people "were in sympathy with
Great Britain in the South African
war. to stamp out the liberty of a
people," and when Br. Balfour in the
House of Commons made such a state
ment "he should be met with some
disclaimer from this side of the At
lantic" He declared that the English peo
ple themselves arc not in favor of the
war. which "had been brought on by
a sharp cabinet minister engaged with
gold speculators."
Hale spoke with unusual force, de
cisiveness and earnestness, even for
him, and his impassioned eloquence
claimed the closest attention of every
Agricultural Statistics Already Being
Collected by the Burean.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 In every
case in which data for the twelfth
census of agriculture can profitably be
gathered prior to the general enumera
tion in June it will be done. The spe
cial schedules for cranberry culture
and irrigation now in circulation will
be followed immediately by an special
nursery schedule which has just been
received from the printer. The list of
nurseries so far obtained includes
about 4.000 separate estbalishments,
but each known nurseryman will re
ceive a list of those doing business
in his vicinity and will be asked to
add or otherwise correct it and return
it as soon as possible. If this is
promptly and thoroughly done the list
will be complete and satisfactory. The
inquiries are to be simple and if the
returns are made promptly the pub
lication of a bulletin devoted to nurs
eries at an early day may be antici
To Be Mobilized at Once Reports from
Marshal Roberts.
LONDON, Jan. 20. Formal orders
have been issued to mooilize the
Eighth division of the britisu army
at once.
The war office has made public dis
patches from Filed Marshal Lord Ro
berts, dated today, recording the
scouting movements in Cape Colony,
including the ambushing of the Austra
lians, when two of e latter were
knled and fourteen reporter missing.
He adds:
"A Boer deserter states that the
enemy suffered severely in attacking
French's advanced post January 15.
Seventy Boers are still unaccounted
Cape Nome Fewer Unabated.
WASHINGTON,- Jan. 20. Vice Con
sul Morrison at Dawson City reports
to the State department that the ex
citement caused by reports of the phe
nomenal richness of the Cape Nome
gold fields haB not by any means
abated. Many miners will attempt to
make the trip out of the Klondike
this winter down the river, which,
the consul says, seems a foolhardy
While Dawson has lost in popu
larity during the last summer it has
gained in wealth and much money has
been spent in making it a thriving
town, euqipped with a fire department,
sewers, drains and other improve
ments. Cabinet Fn dorses Wood.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. The secre
tary of war announced at the cabinet
moving today that he had extended
the operation of the stav laws in
Puerto Rico for six months, unless
cencress shall act in the meantime.
A communication from Havana cov
ering the action of General Wood in
removing Mr. Mora from his office as
public prosecutor was read. The pres
ident and the members of the
fully indorse General Wood's move to
purify the, public service at Havana.
Senor Lanuxa Suggests Commiaeion of
Cuban and American Lawyers.
Governor General Pleased With Result
of Ills Visit to Province of Pinar del
Rio Tobacco In Good Shape Cannot
Hold Tiro Positions.
HAVANA, Jan. 19. Senor Lanuza,
who was secretary of justice in the" ad
visory cabinet of General Brooke, said
today: a
"Three American and three Cuban
lawyers, acting as a commission could
reform certain abuses in Cuban laws
without injuring the general consis-.
tencyQf.ljheay8tein and the whole
country would gain by such a refor
mation. This work of reform is only
a uqestion of time, as the abuses must
be swept away. Many of the well
established legal institutions and prin
ciples of the United States would work
well here, especially as Americans are
coming in large numbers to the Island,
hut in the reconstruction of the Cuban
legal system the guiding principle must
be the character of the Cubans them
selves. "In Cuba it is extremely difficult to
get witnesses against persons charged
with offenses. Take these alleged cus
toms house frauds as an illustration.
A Cuban judge has a serious difficulty
to contend with in the fact that Cu
bans have not been taught the sanc
tity cf an oath. For a few centenes
witnesses can be purchased rieht and
"At the same time legal proceedings
in the provinces would be greatly fa
cilitated by the establishment of the
circuit courts, which would reduce the
traveling expenses of litigants as well
as save the time of people who live
In out of the way places."
The customs house fraud cases, it is
expected, will be brought to a hear
ing next week.
General Wood expresses himself well
pleased with the result of his visit to
the province of Pinar del io yesterday.
He says he found the tobacco in good
shape, although sugar was not so far
advanced as it should be, owing to the
expensive machinery necessary. To
bacco growers have all the plants they
need, and these require little attention
while growing. He found no evidence
of any suffering among the people,
there being work enough, apparently,
for all. General Wood congratulated
General Lee on the "magnificent show
ing" of the section of the islznd un
der his administration.
An order has been issued by the
governor general, directing that the
cases of the employes in the customs
and other branches pertaining to the
department of war, which exercises di
rect jurisdiction over the customs of
the island, there shall be exemption
from prosecution, when any such em
ploye turns state's evidence in con
nection with attempts to defraud the
General Wood has decided that Senor
Fryas, mayor of Cienfugos, who was
recently tendered a professorship in the
University of Havana, may not hold
both positions.
A commission from Trinidad today
waited upon General Wood and asked
that public works be begun in Trini
dad in order to furnish employment to
men now idle.
Anna Gould's Dapper Foreign Count
Makes Sensational Failure.
PARIS, Jan. 19. (New York World
Cablegram.) All Paris is discussing
the reports published today that Count
Boni deCastellane, husband of Anna
Gould, has lost several millions in
stock speculation in the last two
months. Just how many millions it is
difficult to ascertain. Some say 20,
000,000 and some only 5,000,000 francs.
What is said to be certain is that the
count found it impossible to settle and
that his powerful connection begged
for time and that finally several brok
ers consented to organize a temporary
rescue. The count and countess sailed
last Saturday for New York for the
purpose, it is said, of appealing to her
brothers for aid.
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. George uould.
brother-in-law of Count Castellane.
declined to see newspaper callers at
his office in the Western Union Tele
graph building. Through a represen
tative he sent word that he knew noth
ing beyond what he had seen in the
newspapers about the alleged financial
troubles of Count Castellane.
Miss Helen Gould said she expected
the Count and Countess Castellane to
reach New York on the Lucania on
Saturday. On their visit here they will
stop at a hotel.
Government Bill for a Cable.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Represen
tative Corliss of Michigan has intro
duced a bill for the construction and
operation under the government of the
United States of a cable between this
country, Hawaii, Guam, the Philippine
islands and other countries.
The bill is substantially the same
as that of last year, providing for a
government cable, except that the sec
tion creating a cable commission is
eliminated and the president is em
powered to determine the route, the
maintenance, operation, etc., the line to
be placed under the control of the
postmaster general, the secretary of
war and the secretary of the navy.
Drainage Canal Injunction.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Tho su
preme court of the United States took
informal cognizance of the motion of
the state of Missouri for leave to file
a bill of complaint against the state
of Illinois asking for an injunction
against the Chicago drainage canal to
the extent of stating to Attorney Gen
eral Crow of the former state that
some anouncement would be made
Monday next. '
Judge M. W. Springer was present
and notified the court that he would
appear in behalf of the state of Illi
nois. Carnegie Gives to Ottomsra.
OTTUMWA, la.. Jan. 19. A propo
sition was received from Andrew Car
negie today to give $50,000 for a pub
lic library if the city will provide a
suitable site and appropriate $5,000
annually for it3 maintenance. The
conditions will undoubtedly be accept
ed. Boers Blow Up Calverts.
STERKSTROM, Jan. 19. Yesterday
the Boers blew up three culverts on the
Dordrecht line five miles beyond an
outpost of the police camp. The com
mando .at Dordrecht numbers 1,000.
Conflict Between Bassla and Japan la
Looked for as Inevitable;
CHICAGO, Jan. 19. "War between
Russia and Japan is looked for as in
evitable by the naval officers of these
countries who have been nearest the
probable scene of future operations,"
said Lieutenant W. Romanoff of the
imperial Russian navy, who arrived
Chicago today. The lieutenant has
just completed a three years' cruise
in Asiatic waters on the Russian bat
tleship Sissoi Veliky and is on his way
to SL Petersburg. He contiuued:
"Just how soon such a war may be
gin it is difficult to say, but events
little short of miraculous must occur
to avert it. The Japanese are building
war ships as rapidly as possible in
anticipation of the outbreak 6f hos
tilities and Russia is strengthening hef
navy as fast as she can. That Russia
must have a naval base between Port
Arthur and. Vladivostock is conceded
and that she will try to get one in
Korea is certain. In the event or sHch
a war it is considered probaMe"1irR"s
sia naval circles that Russia will have
the aid Germany and that England
will take the other side. European
war will follow the outbreak of hos
tilities between Russia and Japan.
"The movement of Russian troops
toward the Afghanistan and British
India borders, the mobilization of
Transcaspian troops at Bakue and
Herat and other military maneuvering
on the part of Russia are taken by
official Russia to mean the beginning
of a movement to eliminate English
influence in territory heretofore held
by her, beginning at Kabul. It is cer
tain that England will have to fight
to retain her territory in the east."
Representatlre Sherman Announces
Will Stay in the House.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Repre
sentative Sherman of New York, who
returned to Washington today and
whose name has been mentioned in
concction with the office, has definitely
declined the secretaryship of the sen
ate. "I have declined," said he today,
"because the people of my district
have evinced a desire that I should
remain in the house."
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. A special to
the Tribune from Washington says:
It Is now believed certain that at the
senate republican caucus, to be held
Friday, Representative J. S. Sherman
of New York will be declared to be
the candidate of the party for secre
tary of the senate, which, of course,
is equivalent to an election and that
his formal acceptance of the honor
will be announced. The democrats
hope to have the caucus conclude to
retain the services of the present ser-geant-at-arms,
Richard J. Bright, but
the republicans, it is believed, will
favor "Dan" Ransdale of Indianapolis.
Debate on Whether He Shall be Admit
ted to Be Expelled.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Chairman
Taylor of the Roberts committee and
Representative Ltttlefield of Maine are
busy preparing the majority and mi
nority reports respectively in the Rob
erts case. They will be filed together
on Saturday. It is not expected that
the case will be called up in the house
till Tuesday or Wednesday of next
week. The debate is expected to oc
cupy two or three days. Roberts will
be given an opportunity to be heard on
the floor in his own defense. Little
field and De Armond of Missouri, who
will sign the minority report, are hope
ful that the mode of procedure which
they favor 'to allow Roberts to be
sworn in and then expel him will be
followed. The majority of the commit
tee, on the other hand, are confident
that their report will be adopted and
that Roberts will be excluded.
Must Seek a Re-Klectlon to Serve In Con
gress A sain.
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. A special to
the Times from Washington says: If
General Joseph Wheeler expects to re
turn to Washington to take a seat in
congress without formality it looks as
if he would meet with disappointment.
Inquiry has been made since the an
nouncement that he has been relieved
from further duty in the Philippines
and it is found that there is general
agreement on both sides of the house
that it has been clearly shown by the
examination of the case cf Low and
other precedents that he has forfeited
his right to a seat in congress and that
the only thing open to him is to go
back to his district and seek re-election
if he desires to continue service
in congress.
Preparing to Receive Bodies.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. The lo
cal army and health officials are pre
paring to receive 300 bodies of de
ceased soldiers from Manila, due to ar
rive here within the next three or
four weeks. The army officials have
been notified that seventy-five sick
soldiers and 135 prisoners will also ar shortly.
Indications off Fighting.
LONDON, Jan. 19. A special dis
patch from Durban, dated January 17,
"Advices from Potgieter's drift, dat
ed January 16, say that Sir Charles
Warren has arrived within seventeen
miles of Ladysmith and that the Brit
ish wounded are arriving at Mooi river
hospital by every train, indicating that
there has been severe fighting."
Neither report is yet conrmed.
Hepburn Speaks at Newark.
NEW YORK. Jan. 19. The thir
teenth annual dinner of the Newark,
N. J., Board of Trade was held tonight.
Among those in attendance were Gov
ernor Voorhees, Mayor Seymour and
Congressman W. P. Hepburn, R.
Wayne Parker and Charles N. Fowler.
One of the guests of honor was ex
Governor William A. McCorkle of
West Virginia, who spoke upon the
topic, "The Attitude of the Progres
sive South in Promoting the Country's
Foreign Trade."
Following the West Virginian came
Congressman W. P. Hepburn, who
spoke on "How Shall We Enlarge Our
Labor Field3?"
Smallpox at Marshalltowa.
MARSHALLTOWN. la., Jan. 19.
Excitement prevails todayowing to
a report to the local health board of
five cases of smallpox and many ex
posures. All the sick are negroes and
live within half a 'block of the main
business street. They have been sick
since last Thursday, but physicians
wexe not called until yesterday. Strict
quarantine prevails on the houses and
i. Ifoting of tie State Institute Held
in Lincoln.
Rsparta Received From the President
ad Secretary of the State Board of
'Ag-rlcattare- Auctions for Leasing
School Lands Riot la a SchoolMis
callaaeoas Nebraska Matters.
L LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. IS A meet
g of the State Farmers' institute
fwas held At the State university under
the auspices of the State Board of Ag
riculture. Chancellor Bessey spoke
oa agriculture in the common school
ana Regent E. Von Forell of the uni-
jBKsUy discussed agricultural educa
tion in seconaary scnoois. ine pro--
gram closed with a discourse on agri
cultural education in the university,
by Prof. J. L. Lyon, director of the
United States experiment station.
The State Board of Agriculture met
in the evening and received reports
of President S. C. Basset'; and Secre
tary Robert W. Furnas. A number of
recommendations and plans for the
next state fair and agricultural exhi
tion, which will be held in this city
in September, were discussed. Al
though no definite action was taken, it
is probable that the affair will be held
on the grounds used until it was re
moved to Omaha in 1S96.
Late Return of Philippine Hero.
LEXINGTON, Neb., Jan. IS. Earl
Bohannan, who served as a private in
the Twentieth Kansas regiment under
Colonel Funston in the Philippines
campaign, returned to his home in this
city last week, and a few days ago
was tendered a reception at the Meth
odist Episcopal church, under the aus
pices of the Epworth league.
Addresses of welcome were made by
Mayor C. F. Spencer in behalf of the
city, Rev. Dr. W. Crane in behalf of
the church. Dr. H. A. Turton in be
half of the soldiers of the civil war
and H. B. Fleeharty, former privale
recretary to ex-Governor Leedy, in
behalf of Kansas. After the addresses
J. D. Eger, president of the league,
pinned a solid gold medal to the lapel
of Bonahannan's coat, on which war
inscribed his name and number of his
regiment, the number of engagements,
and on the reverse side the badge of
the league and the name of the chapter
presenting it.
Columbus Monument to Soldiers.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Jan. 18. Material
for the new soldiers' monument has
arrived from the quarries in Vermont.
The contractors began with a force of
men and will rush the work to com
pletion. The monument will be thirty-one
feet high and eleven feet square
at the base, surmounted by a large
bronze eagle with an eight-foot spread
of wings. It will be placed in the
center of Franklin Square and on the
sides will be engraved the names of
nearly 200 veterans of the civil war.
The two large cannon recently donat
ed by the government to Baker post
will be planted on either side of the
monument on stone pedestals. A pro
gram is now being arranged for the
unveiling exercises in February.
Riot at Cortland School.
CORTLAND, Neb., Jan. 13. A riot
between the boys in the grammar
room of the Cortland public school
and the teacher, J. G. Ludlam, oc
curred just after the morning recess.
There has for weeks been bad feeling
between teacher and pupils.
It seemed to be mutually understood
that this was the day hostilities were
to be declared. Fred Young, a boy 1C
years old, and the teacher had troubie,
and a fight ensued. The scholar was
badly whipped, first by the teacher's
fist and later by the rawhide. Other
scholars joined, as the teacher expect
ed, but the pedagogue fought man
fully and held bis own with the aid
of the rawhide.
West Point Cadetshlp.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 18. Ralph
Boehne of Hansen won in the exam
ination for the West Point cadetship
from the Fifth congressional district
which was held in this city. The
class was composed of nineteen boys
from all parts of the district, the larg
est ever congregated in Hastings to
take the examination. Ralph Boehne
passed the best physical and mental
examination, with Jay Benedict of
Hastings second and Marshall Kent of
Kenesaw third.
Sale off Blooded Stock.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Jan. 18. Albert
Johnston's sale of blooded stock near
Sterling was well attended by breed
ers of the state. Prices on his Short
horns prevailed high. Forty head were
sold at an average of $155 per head,
his prize bull bringing $525. The prices
on Poland Chinas were not correspond
ingly as good, but a large number were
disposed of.
Boy Killed by Train.
SILVER CITY, Neb., Jan. 18 Henry
Charlton, aged 7 years, was instantly
killed by the Union Pacific through
passenger No. 2 from the west. He
started to cross the track and was
struck by the engine and hurled a dis
tance of forty feet. The boJy struck
the end of the depot, crushing one
side of his head. He was the only
son of A. H. Charlton.
Wolfe Will Lease LaniN.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 18. Land
Commissioner Wolfe has arranged to
hold leasing auctions cf school land,
on which old contracts have been
cancelled, in the following counties:
Buffalo, Custer, Dakota, Dawson, Dix
on, Frontier, Franklin, Furnas, Gree
ley, Harlan, Kearney, Knox, Lancas
ter, Madison, Merrick, Phelps, Polk.
Red Willow, Seward, Sherman, Stan
ton. Mr. Wolfe expects to begin hold
ing these auctions about February 15.
He will offer for sale about 23,000
acres of school land.
Aged Lady Severely Injured.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 18.
Mrs. Kiser, an old lady of seventy
years, who resides at Mynard. while
leaving the dental parlors in the Fitz
gerald block, slipped and fell down
a flight of stairs, sustaining a severe
fracture of her right thigh. She was
conveyed to the home of some friends
and the fracture rcd'iced.
At a recent reception in New York
Mrs. Henry Havemeyer had for decor
ations for one room 200 dozen roses
which were bought at $30 per dozen.
Cut of Corporal Fair and rriyate Jock
as Fow la the Court's Hands.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 20. Judge
Hunger in the fedsral court listened
to the closing arguments hi the ha
beas corpus cas of Corporal Fair and
Private Jockens and at the close of the
session this afternoon the Case was
submitted. As the case is one of the
utmost importance, involving far
reaching questions that have never be
fore been decided by any cou'f!, the de
cision will probably not be ha3A4
down for several days.
The case involved not only the rights
6f a state as opposed to those of the
civil government, but also whether sol
diers in pursuit of a deserter can he
or are authorized to shoot the pursued
after he has got out of sight and be
yond the range of the guns. The" guard
manual authorizes the shooting by the
sentinel of an escaping prisoner, but
does not in express terms, authorize
the" sbootiag of a prisoner who has es
caped. In this case it wa contended brine"
state that there is no law authorizing
the shooting of an escaped prisoner by
a soldier, that to justify such shooting
it must be shown that the men acted
within the terms of the law, that the
arrest and detention of deserters who
have gone beyond control and author
ity of the United States is committed
by act of congress to the civil author
ities and that army officers cannot per
form such service, that in attempting
to arrest Morgan the soldiers acted
in violation of the laws of the United
Slates and in disobedience Of their su
perior officers, that the order issued by
the sergeant of the guard to the sol
diers to shoot to hit was illegal be
cause nowhere justified in the manual
and that it was afterward superseded
by an officer of the day to notify the
civil authorities and place the matter
in their hands.
The federal authorities base their
side of the case on the following as
sertions: That in striking a superior
officer Morgan rendered himself liable
to the death penalty and that he knew
when he ran from the soldiers Vho
called upon him to halt that he was
taking a desperate chance; that in fir
ing upon the deserted the soldiers
obeyed the orders of a superior officer
and that they were obliged to do so
by the oath of enlistment: that the
order was legal because it was sub
stantially the same as the form pre
scribed in the manual; that the right
of the civil authorities to arrest a de
serter is not an exclusive or a superior
one; that the soldiers did not shoot
until they had exhausted all means to
arrest the deserter; that if a soldier
in the discharge exceeds his authority
he is answerable to the federal gov
ernment and that if any doubt existed
in the minds of the soldiers as the le
gality of the order it was their duty to
treat it with obedience.
Buttermakers Convention.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 20 E. Sud
dendorf, secretary of the National
Creamery Buttermakers' association.
which meets in this city next month
has opened headquarters for the asso
ciation in Lincoln. On account of an
unusually . prosperous year for the
creamery men and the central location
of Lincoln, it is expected that the at
tendance at the annual meeting will
pass all previous marks. The commit
tee in charge of the meeting has pro
vided a number of prizes for the best
creamery products. For the best pack
age of separator butter and for the best
packaged of gathered cream butter a
solid gold medal will be given. The
second prize for the same product will
be a silver medal. The buttermaker
scoring the most points will be given
$100 in cash in addition to the medal.
Tne association will give to the state
delegation having the highest average
score a silk banner costing not less
than $100. In addition to these prizes
$4,000 will be divided pro rata as fol
lows: $1,500 for those scoring over
ninety points and less than ninety-four
and $2,500 to those scoring over ninety-four
Echo off Bart ley's Default.
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 20. Judge
Munger, in federal court, listened to
arguments on a motion of defendants
to dismiss, because of .lack of juris
diction, the case of the state against
William Gaslin and other stockhold
ers of the First National bank of Alma
on a bond given to secure the state's
deposit in that now defunct bank. The
bond is for $50,000, and was given to
secure a deposit of $25,000. Bartley,
as state treasurer, however, put in
much more than the legal limit, and
when the bank failed it had $40,000 of
state money. Albert Watkins. the re
ceiver, is made a party to the case.
Attorney Main, formerly of Kearney,
and W. J. Conneli of Omaha appeared
for the defendants, and Attorney Gen
eral Smyth for the state.
For Leaning School Lands.
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 20. Land
Commissioner Wolfe is studying the
railroad time tables in making ar
rangements for holding public leasing
auctions of school land, on which old
contracts have been canceled for de
linquency. He expects to begin hold
ing these auctions about February 15,
and to continue as rapidly as possible
until finished.
He will have leasing auctions in the
following counties: Buffalo, Custer,
Dakota, Dawson. Dixon, Frontier,
Fnviklin, Furnas, Greeley, Harlan,
aoward, Kearney, Knox, Lancaster,
Madison, Merrick, Phelps, Polk. Red
Willow, Seward, Stanton, and will
offer about 22,117 acres in all the coun
ties. State Fair Managers.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 20. In case
the cash inducement offered by the
people of Lincoln is sufficient guaranty
to warrant holding a fair, the time is
fixed for the first week in September
this being the week assigned Nebras
ka by the Western Association of
State Fairs.
The newly appointed board of slate
managers to handle the affairs of the
state board of agriculture for the en
suing year is: J. B. Dinsmore of Sn-t
ton, Peter Youngers of Geneva, Ma!
ton Doolittle of North Platte, E. L.
Vance of Pawnee City and Austin
Humphrey of Lincoln.
Father Baouisartner's Funeral.
HARTINGTON, Neb., Jan. 20. Prob
ably the largest funeral ever held in
Cedar county was that at Constance,
over the remains of Father Baumgart
ner, who was priest of the Catholic
church at that place. There were ten
priests in attendance. Father Baum
gartner was the best known of any
priest in the county. He was 72 years
old. He left his church out of debt
and in good shape.
It's easy to wish for a thing, but
it's another thing to get what you
wish for.
One of the Fueat Institution of Its Kind
in the United States.
raetorjr Has a Capacity of flOO Tons a
Day Will Operate Until About March
1st Beet Growers and Railroad OaV
clals inspect the Great l'laat.
OMAHA, Jan. 16. The Ames Sugar
beet factory, formal opening of which
took place last week. i3 the largest
in the United States. Inauguration of
the work of constructing the facnry
begaa May 10, 1899. July - the nVst
machinery was placed in position ami
January 1 the factory vras completed
and ready for operation. The initial
run was made January S and the plant
has been operation since that time.
The beets already-pnchased from the
last year's crop will keep the tactory
running until about March I.
The Ames factory at present has a
capacity of 500 tons per day. It is
constructed, however, with the view of
doubling its capacity at the earliest
possible moment warranted by the in
creased production of beets. Tbo
building Is one of the largest and most
substantial beet factories in the world.
The main building is i0 by 300 feet
in size and adjoining it is a beet shed
100 by 400, a boile house 100 by 120
and a lime house SO by 150. Each
structure rests upon piling driven into
the ground to a depth of twenty-flve
feet. UDon which are solid concrete
foundations. The framework of th
building is steel, the walls brick, the
roof of iron and the floors of concrete,
rendering the structure absolutely fire
proof. The completed plant, wun iue
proposed capacity of 1.000 tons daily,
represents an estimated investment of
"Our factory." said President Leav-
itt, "represents in every particular the
perfection of t-e process for extracting
sugar from the sugar beet, lue ma
chinery Is the best attainable, x rin
cipal among the features is the eco
nomic use of steam. We are enabled
to make use of every particle of steam,
utilizing the exhaust for foiling and
the vapors for heating purposes, no
teat goes to waste.
"We extract sugar from all of the
juice that is leeched out from tne
beets. No mollasses, syrups or wash
waters are allowed to go to waste,
whereas in most factories the molass
es, representing 2 per cent of the
sugar in the beets, goes to waste. This
is accomplished by means of the Stef
U ns patent, which is perhaps .no most
interesting piece of machinery in our
equipment. It is regarded as ihe per
fection in beet sugar, and but one
other factory in the United States pos
sesses one.
"Another notable feature is that for
the size of the factory a comparatively
small amount of labor will be required.
This results from the convenient af
rangement of machinery, rendering
easy supervision of the operation by
the men in charge."
Drink Dose of Strychnine.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Jan. 16. Frank
Jelinek, jr., a Bohemian farmer, fifty
eight years old. residing two miles
east of Bruno, took strychnine, from
the eects of which he died. The de
ceased was a sober and industrious
farmer, seldom known to drink, but
on this occasion he returned frois
Prague in a state of intoxication. He
had been in the house but a short
time when he arose and said to his
married daughter who lived with him.
"Good-bye, dear girl," and went out.
Noting his strange actions his wife di
rected the boy to follow him. Mr.
Jelinek went out to the well and came
back past the boy. Going into the
house he sat down by the table and
taking a wine glass drank the con
tents, at the same time throwing a
strychnine bottle on the table, saying:
"This is the last." He was given new
milk and a doctor summoned. He
lived for eight hours after taking the
dose, became sobered and regretted his
Adams County Farmer Disappear.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 16. Mark
Richardson, a farmer who lived north
west of the city, is said to have left
the country without saying good-bye
to his family or friends. He came to
town a week ago last Wednesday anu
has not been seen since. Day beror
yesterday a chattel mortgage for 1.15'J
was placed on file with the county
clerk, made to G. D. and J. Veach of
Nelson, Neb., covering 4,000 bushels
of oats, and ail of Richardson's cattle,
horses, farm implements, etc., together
with forty-five acres cf growing wheat.
It is said that Richardson drove from
here to Nelson, sold his horse and
buggy, mortgaged his property and
then disappeared.
War Time at Skunk Lodzc.
DECATUR, Neb., Jan. 16. News
comes from the reservation that at
Skunk Lodge, when an Indian war
dance was in progress, a melee oc
curred about midnight. Inspiration
born of whisky furnished by bootleg
gers present on the grounds was the
cause. Fistic combats were frequent,
but no one was seriously hurt.
Another Ion Arrested.
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. ic Elmer
Nelson, the nine-year-old son of M. r;.
Nelson, who was murdered by nis
older son, Theodore, January 5, was
arrested at the instance of the county
attorney, charged with being an accea
sory to the death of his father.
Brakeman Ground to rieces.
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 16. E. P.
Spencer, an Elkhorn brakeman, met a
terrible fate at Howells, on the Scrib
ner branch of the Elkhorn. While
trying to cut off the air between mov
ing cars he was caught beneath tue
wheels and his body was found a few
moments later under the pilot of tne
engine, ground to shreds. The re
mains were left at Howells for in
quest. The accident occurred about
midnight, while freight train No. 14
was switching. Spencer was a man
twenty-four years old and unmarried.
This Vnft Expensive 1'roperty.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. IS. The
first case tried in Cuming county under
the new law making dogs personal
property was disposed of in Judge
Krake's court. Wlliam Nuevcrman
sued and Henry Uhing for damages
for injuries to the plaintiff's horse,
which had been frightened by the de
fendant's dog. Nueverman was
awarded $75 by a jury.
One evil of this age of electrical
progress i.i that nobody knows bow to
tate Bank
(OUtJt Ink fa tiw Itfttfc)
Pars IKtrot Tuv Deceits
aU FrJsm GMBtrtesV
ssus sTBiMnir noma
LaVaJTOSB Oxsrasow Prea't, (
B. M. Hott, VIca Preaa.
M. Bacaaza, Cashier.
trauma, Wa Bccnaa.
The Columbus Journal.
4 WmIcIj Newspaper devoted to the
ft-ut Interests ol
Tim Cofliiiy of Platte,
Tbi State of Nebraska,
Toe United States,
$1.50 a Year,
If Paid In Advance.
Bat our limit pf usefulness is not cir
cumscribed by dollars and cents. .
fsstyle CoaiM saat fMt) ts aay addresa
fMmM i aii i ItUUifl : Gases (
BMasfea CTjrtai
Columbus Journal
.aykalaa aa
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