The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 17, 1900, Image 4

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W. D. Howells said the other day in
the course of an interview that when
the great American novel came to be
written at least a portion of it would
have to be enacted on Wall street, New
York, that being a typical phase of pe
culiarly American life.
It is announced by the comptrolled
of the currency that the Philadelphia
Record will be sold for the benefit of
th ecreditors of the late Mr. Singerly.
As it is quoted at from 12,500,000 to
94,000,000, it looks like a pretty good
Proof of the Adding
h'in the Eating.
Mis not tfffuti vx say, but vohat Hood's
Sarsaparitla does, that tells the story.
Thousands of people give the proof by
telling of remarkable cures by Hood's Sar
sapariUa of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dys
pepsia, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all
other bkoi diseases and debSity,
An impure thought in the heart locks
its door on God.
A 3Taw Stan
Big resourceful Texas is famed for
Its great undertakings. The newest
and brightest star which has shot
athwart its horizon is the wonderful
town of La Forte, located on Galves
ton Bay midway between Houston and
Galveston in the celebrated Coast
Country of Texas. A happy trinity of
pluck, brains and capital is here found
. at work building up a great deepwater
seaport city. Extensive public work is
under way including wharfs, docks and
water front shipping facilities. The
U. 6. Government is soon to deepen
the channel, thus enabling the largest
ocean vessels to receive and discharge
cargoes at La Forte.
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
Sympathy and sincerity gives the
sesame to every heart.
a Bottle
Cured Me
"About thirty years ago I
bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor to stop my hair from
falling out. One-half a bottle
cored me. A few days ago my
hair began to fall out again. I
went to the medicine shelf and
found the old bottle of Hair
Vigor just as good as when I
bought it." J. C. Baxter,
Braidwood. 111., Sept. 27. 1899.
Thirty Years
Ayer's Hair Vigor b cer
tainly the most economical prep
aration of its kind on the market.
A little of it goes a long way.
And then, what you don't need
now you can use some' other
time just as well.
It doesn't take much of it to
stop falling of the hair, restore
color to gray hair, cure dandraf .
and keep the hair soft and glossy.
There's a great deal of good and
an immense amount of satisfac
tion in every bottle of it.
S1.M a kettle. All tfrattka.
Write the Doctor
If yon do not obtain all the benefits von
desire from the use of the Vigor, wHto
the Doctor about it. Address,
Dr. J. C. Ayi:k, Lowell, Mass.
TilWurc, , I
Send your name and address on i
postal, and we will send you our 156- g
pap illustrated catalogue free.
174 Wtachwfer Areas, Mm Haven, Cam.
astaawn 111 . . -
"nis ntat.
cf the AGE.
No Boiling
No Cookiiue
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and
crisp as when first bought new.
You'll like it if you try it.
You'll buy it if you try It.
You'll use It if you try it.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
Pultry, 6am, Bitter, Ens.
uji M mi ami pilcia. Basses fParile.
IS- ILbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS1 Hj
ssibw sa- aw r . . RBBRbH
jggj RcoumenwoCooKwipgilgj B9
MMsauaBaaarrfBNEvirtvnssTMa RBI
mviia iuaKFMitimi bbbbbbI
mraMBCTm, aaitMiflrAftfvim bbbbbtbTi
J--- OBaaa,saaw
The "emancipation from Rome"
movement spreads apace and gathers
power in eastern Europe, assuming
proportions which make it an object of
serious concern at the Vatican. It has
extended to 323 localities in Upper and
Lower Austria, Bohemia, Styria, Mo
ravia, Corinthia and Salxburg. Its
converts are numbered oy thousands
and so far the church hes found no
means of checking it, and its symptoms
are tnose of a new reformation.
The cotton crop is estimated by the
statistician of the bureau of statistics
to be an unfavorable one.
Important IaveatloBS.
Patents have been allowed upon ap
plications prepared and prosecuted by
us for interesting ajibjects as follows:
To C. W. Cross, of Grinnell. for an
auxiliary air heater adapted to be con
nected with a stove in such a manner
that it will receive and direct the pro
ducts of combustion and aid in warm
ing and circulating air in a room, as
required to maintain a uniform tem
perature, by' admitting cool air at its
botoxn, heating it and discharging it at
its top. An undivided half is assigned
to W. S. More of same place.
To J. Morgan, of Atlantic for a plant
planting machine adapted to be ad
vanced across a field by horses to set
out cabbage and tobacco plants in
rows at regular distances apart. A
boy on the machine hands plants in
succession to automatic plant holders
on a wheel and as the wheel revolves
it places the plants in a furrow in ad
vance of tha wheel by a furrow opener
and furrow closers immediately cover
the roots and rollers pack the ground
around the roots. An undivided half
has been assigned to E. Whitney, of
Printed consultation and advice free.
Registered Patent Attorneys.
Des Moines, Iowa, Dec 27, 1899.
It is poor charity to give the crust
that Is too hard for your own teeth.
Your clothes will not crack If yon
use Magnetic Starch.
The biggest lights are net always the
New lavtatloas.
Among the patents issued last week
was one for an apparatus adapted to
inated sign; while a
an electrically ilium
obtained a patent for
roasted. An Ohio man
coffee while being
fumes arising from
collect and utilize the
Nebraska Inventor obtained a patent
for a curiously constructed foot operat
ed hammer.
Among the prominent manufacturers
buying patents were the following:
Griffin Wheel Co., Chicago. III.
Spotless Steam Sponger Co., Cleve
land, Ohio.
American Turret Lathe Wks. Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mason Machine Works, Taunton.
Calumet Tire Rubber Co., Chicago,
Veeder Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Bali-Bearing Co., Boston, Mass.
Campbell Printing Press ft Mfg. Co.,
New York City.
Parties desiring free information as
to the method of procuring and selling
patents should address Sues ft Co.,
Patent Lawyers, Bee BIdg., Omaha,
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
A Boston Mm Pleased.
In conversation with some friends,
a prominent Boston man told of his
sufferings from rheumatism and ner
vousness, and one of his friends gave
!i.m some advice, which will be men
tioned later, and which has proven
to be of incalculable value.
To successfully act on this advice,
it was necessary to make a trip of
over 2,000 mlies, but he undertook it,
and now thanks his friend for the
advice, as he finds himself fully re
lieved of his old trouble and has re
turned to his home feeling able to
cope with his business demands, a
new man.
The advice given was to go to "Hot
Springs," South Dakota, and there
take the baths and enjoy the finest cli
mate of any health resort in America.
If this man was satisfied after mak
ing a long trip, those residing within
a few hundred miles and similarly af
flicted can certainly afford to try it,
or rather can't afford to neglect to
try it.
Ask any agent of the North-Western
Line for full particulars, or write
General Passenger Agent,
F. E. ft M. V. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Half Kate South via Omaha aad St
Loats aad Wabash Roates.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell home
seekers tickets to southern points for
one fare (plus 32.00) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all
the winter resorts at greatly RE
Remember the O. ft St u. and Wa
bash, the shortest and quickest route
to St Louis.
Remember the O. ft St L. and O.,
K. C. ft E. is the shortest route to
Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City and the south.
For rates, sleeping car accommoda
tion and all information cat at the
nam St (Paxton Hotel block) or write
Harry E. Moores, City Passenger -and
Ticket Agent Omaha, Neb.
The habit of arriving in the nick of
time might be called a nick knack.
I believe my prompt ut of Pise's Cur
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marqnetta, Kan., Dec. IS, m.
It takes a good man to do good
I Try Grain-Ot
$ Try Grain-O!
Ask yon Grocer to-dav to show m
a packaged GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult All who
try it, libs it GRAIN-O has that
rich seal brown 'of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and
tha Tnnittrlclixatak afw..V -- -
wilhont dial 1 lUMia X
15 cents and 25 cmta per package. 1
X Sold by all grocera.
X Tastes Ulce Coffee
Looks like Coffee
TawatttialjuaifciumcimyoaQBAg-O 2
4" Acceptaoialtauoa. Z
2 ' nrmmt
link. aj
HI hi Aaariaa. -
IiiwmiUdnffc, OwtMlfa-fc
BBMSi saaaUaaa mm ttat-. a - - - - . - aa
ain afka aa aBTBaaaTa ff
Vf v y t ks
Umscar UMal EXTRACT ep SMO.
Itafwai Mdiw ayd. TTiaiaaTSaaaa,
Xfca OM Stava ml Oaatatml Malay
rarraara aaaai A Daady la Um
War Mm Hla Oira Vteta, Uaai
aa Wmea.
Heart of my heart, when the day was
Bmpm sane to life with a silver tensua;
Heps beckoned love down a flowery way.
Where 'twas always morales and always
Aad two true lovers need never part
Do you remember, heart of my heart?
Heart of my heart, when the raooa was
hish. .
Work showed the way we must travel by;
Duty spoke cold and atern In our can.
Bidding us bear all the ton and teara, .
Partings and losses, sorrow and smart
Have you forgotten, heart at my heart?
Heart of my heart. In the setting sun.
We sit at peace, with our day's work
In the cool of the evening we two look
On the winding pathway, the noon's
rough track.
And the morn'a green pleasaace, where
roses twine.
Heart of my heart with your hand In
Heart of my heart when the night is
Love will sing songs of life In our ear;
We shall sleep awhile 'neath the daisied
Till wa put on the glory and rise and
To walk where eternal splendors shine.
Heart of my heart with your hand In
-E. Xesblt. in the Argosy.
The OM Steva mt Gaaw Chelay.
Gen. "Joe" Shelby's old body serv
ant Uncle Billy Hunter, la spite of his
T2 years. Is still sturdy and vigorous.
He remembers the war times remark
ably well, and likes nothing better
thaa to talk of the many fights and
incidents In the life of his "old auuss."
the famous confederate general, whose
body rests in Forest Hill cemetery.
With the exception of Shelby's expe
dition into Mexico one of the most
dramatic events ia our history aad
the thirty years after the war, whea
the general lost sight of aim entirely.
Uncle Billy was with him from the
time he was 12 years old. Billy is at
his best when he gets started oa Gen.
Shelby during the war. "Oere never
was a maa like Gen. Shelby, sea." said
Billy the other day to a reporter from
the Kansas City Star. "His sojers Jes'
thought the world of him. 'Twant
aerer 'Go fight but 'Come on, boys,'
an' he was always in de front a leadla'
'em oa. Many's the time I've brought
up a big fresh hoss for him when his
wss shot, and carried coffee aa' a bite
o' something to eat to him oa the field.
Wasn't no one else could cook for the
general 'cept ole Billy. 'Come here,
yon black nigger, an' get me something
to eat!' he uster yell, an' you bet I
did right smart He would cuss me
awful, but Lor'! that wasn't nothing.
When he didn't I knew there was
trouble on. All through the war I
tended him, and when he was shot la
the wrist at Cape Girardo I nursed
him. Lots o' men went hungry in
those days, but I generally could pick
up something for the general. Had to
be mighty careful 'bout it. for he didn't
allow no stealln. Yes, sah, I was cap
tured jes' once. Lemme see, that was
at Lone Jack. Gen. Shelby sent me to
Col. Jordan's camp 'bout a mile away,
and the feds scooped me and took me
into the Tillage, but in an hour and a
half the James brothers came chargln'
through and drove the feds off. They
pulled me out from between two
feather beds, where I was keeping
away from the bullets, and took me
back to Shelby. When he saw me he
looked mad clean through. 'Where
have you been, you black rascal?' says
he, 'go get me some breakfast darned
smart' When Gen. Shelby started for
Mexico with his 1,000 picked men he
says to me, 'Billy, you take Miss Batty
that's my missus and the children
back home, and you're a free man.' So
I left him at Galveston and carried
them 'cross the Gulf of Mexico to New
Orleans, and from there to Lexington
safe and sound. After that I drifted off
on my own hook, workin' as porter in
hotels an' tendln' bar, and I never
heard of the general for mor'a thirty
years. One day while I was working
for Jim Baldus In Chicago I heard that
my ole massa was Ualted States
marshal in Kansas City, and I let him
know where I was. He sent for me to
come back, but I guess I didn't start
quick enough to suit him, for one Sun
day when I was readin' the papers ia
the barroom in walks a man and says:
'I'm Deputy Marshal Potts of Kansas
City, an' I'm looking for William
Hunter.' Ts the man, sah,' says I.
'What you done, Billy?' said Baldus.
TU stand by you.' 'Gen. Shelby told
me to bring you back with me,' Potts
said. 'He said "that darned nigger
worked for me for more than thirty
years, aa' he's going to take it easy
now. You bring him back, and I'll
give him all the land he wants." 'I'd
go through fire and water for the ole
massa.' says I. and back I starts. The
missus gave me two horses, and I
stayed with 'em till the general died.
I done lost the best friend I had then.
An' now I'm living with Joe Shelby,
Jr.. sah. and tend his children Jest as
I did him when he was a little feller.
But every Decoration day I goes over
to my ole massa's grave and put
flowers on it in memory of the finest
man that ever lived, sah Gea. Joe
Terrast'e Haarar.
. One of the fiercest and most deter
mined fighters in the civil war was
Gen. N. B. Forrest, commanding the
confederate cavalry. His name was a
redoubtable one, and few of his op
ponents were aware of a humorous side
of his disposition, familiar to his
friends. For many years the general
loved to tell the story of an incident
which occurred near Cowan's station.
The troopers he had with him were
being hotly pursued by the federals,
and the general was galloping along at
top speed. A fiery southern dame hap
pened to be standing by the roadside,
and when she saw the flying confed
erate officer her Indignation boiled
over. Shaking her fist In scorn, she
screamed: "Why don't you turn and
fight you cowardly rascal? If old
Forrest were here he'd make you
fight!" Fortunately the, general's
horse soon carried him out of range.
Forrest's biographer relates that onee
at a dinner party, where he had been
invited as the guest of honor, there
was a loquacious widow, with hair of
raven black, who rudely interrupted
the conversation by asking Gen. For
rest why it was that his beard was
still black, while his hair was turning
With great politeness he tamed
her. "I fear I cannot give you a.
satisfactory answer." said he. "unless,
possibly, the reason Is that I have used
sty brain a little more thaa I have my
Jew la the midst of one of his
palgns a captured federal caaplam was
brought to his headQuarters. The sua
skewed the deepest anxiety aad de
pressioa. for stories of Gea. )Forrest's
severity were rife ia the unloa casta.
A little later supper was aanouaced.
aad Forrest to the chaplala's surprise,
tavited him to share It; bat his sur
prise grew to amasemeat whea the
general turned to him and revi
tlally.sald: "Parson, will yoa m
aak the blessing?' The next moralag
Forrest courteously gave alsa aa es
cort through the confederate lines, for
he wished no eon-combatants for pris
oners, sad bade hint goodby with the
remark: "Parson. I would keep you
here to preach for me, If yon weren't
needed so maca more by the sinners oa
the other side."
Bat Um Chaeaa Died Away.
Gen. Lee rode Traveler, his pet horse
that carried him through the war, te
Lexington when he went there to as
sume the presidency of Washington
college, says the Ladles' Home Jour
nal. One day he met a rusty, weather
beaten mountaineer lounging drowsily
upon the road la his rickety cart
Gen. Lee's cordial "Good morning"
aroused the old confederate Instantly.
"Whoa!" he called out to his old nag.
"Ain't that Gen. Lee?" he inquired, as
he climbed down snd caught Traveler
by the bridle. "Yes. sir," said Gea.
Lee wonderingly. "Well, then," said
the old fellow In a glow of excitement
"I wsnt you to do me a favor." "I will
with pleasure, if I caa." wss the re
sponse. "All right, you just get down
off Traveler." Gen. Lee did so, sad to
his amazement his'uorse was led away
and tied in the bushes, while he stood
alone in the road in great perplexity.
"Now." said the excited veteran. "I am
one of your old soldiers. Gen. Lee. I
was with you all the way from Mechan
lcsville to Appomattox. I was thar all
the time. And I just want you te let
me give three rousing cheers for 'Marse
Robert' " Gen. Lee's head dropped la
most painful embarrassment as the
first yell went sounding along the
mountain sides. The next yell was
choked with sobs ss the old soldier
dropped upon his knees in the dust
hugging Gen. Lee's legs, and the third
died away In tears.
A Daady la tho War.
The Hon. W. Dawson was surrounded
by muleteers, with whom he was bar
gaining to provide carriage' for innum
erable hampers of wine, liquors, hams,
potted meat and other good things
which he had brought from England,
says "The Reminiscences and Recol
lections of Capt Gronow." He wss a
particularly gentlemanly and amiable
man, much beloved by the regiment;
no one was so hospitable or lived so
magnificently. His cooks were the best
in the army, and he, besides, had a
host of servants of all nations Span
iards, French, Portuguese, Italians
who were employed in scouring the
country for provisions. Lord Welling
ton once honored him with his com
pany; and, on entering the ensign's
tent found him alone at table, with a
dinner fit for a king, his plate and
linen In good keeping and his wines
perfect Lord Wellington was accom
panied on this occasion by Sir Ed
ward Pakenham and Col. du Burgh,
afterward Lord Downes. It fell to my
lot to partake of his princely hospital
ity and dine with him at his quarters,
a farmhouse in a village on the Bid
assoa, and I never saw a better dinner
put upon the table.
How Kapeleen Dateeted m Spy.
On one occasion, while he was forti
fying the island of Loban, Napoleon
became suspicious that an Austrian spy
had gained admission to a certain regi
ment He immediately ordered this
regiment to parade drill, delivered a
speech to the troops and told them of
his suspicion. He then commanded that
every man closely scrutinize his com
rades to the right and left In this
manner a man was discovered who was
not known to anybody. He turned out
to be a Parisian, who had fled from
the French capital to Austria, had
secured a French uniform on a battle
fled, and thus did the service of a spy
for Archduke Charles. The spy was
promptly executed.
Taakea Meal la Cbtaa.
Consul Johnson, at Amoy, believes
there is an attractive opportunity for
the introduction of corn products into
China. Flour has been introduced, and
"the increase in consumption is mar
velous." "Cornmeal, grits and hom
iny," the consul writes, "could be laid
down here at a price which would un
dersell rice during more than half the
year. It is only necessary to introduce
the corn products in an intelligent way
so as to get the people to understand
their use. It would be worse than folly
to dump a cargo of the cornmeal on
this market and offer it for sale, as
millers have suggested. It must be
Introduced by first teaching a number
of cooks (who are all organized in a
guild, or union) how to prepare it and
then giving away a limited amount of
the cooked product through the public
restaurants, whivh feed thousands of
people." St Louis Globe-Democrat
A New KrUgloas Coasmaalty.
The first public service in connection
with the foundation of a new and re
markable religious community was
held at the Cavendish rooms, Mortimer
street west, London, England, a few
days ago. The movement owes its
origin to Mr. Oswald John Simon, son
of the late Sir John Simon (who was
at one time member of parliament for
Dewsbury), and to a few prominent
members of the Jewish community.
Their object is the preaching of a mis
sionary Judaism acceptable to all mon
qtheists Jewish and non-Jewish. Con
trary to the law prevailing in the
orthodox synagogue, the sexes were
not separated, and male worshipers
uncovered their heads during the serv
ice. Praying shawls were not worn,
and minister and congregation knelt
together in prayer, a form unknown in
contemporary Jewish congregations.
Balelag RMae by Gas Pawar.
The art of the ship-raiser has of late
years been brought to great perfection,
and much ingenuity has been exercised
in the various methods resorted to. A
new apparatus has recently been pat
ented in Germany by an engineer of
Sonderburg, which depends upon the
well-known fact that calcium carbide
will give off acetylene gas when
brought into contact with water. The
apparatus consists of a series of bar
rels or drums, each containing a tip
ping vessel filled with carbide. These
drums are attached, full-of water, to
the submerged vessel, and a mechan
ical device causes the water to attack
the carbide. By this means gas takes
the place of water In the tanks, the
liquid being forced out by pressure,
snd the sunken vessel is thus buoyed
ap to the surface.
When you have ao aim, you are aot
likely to make any mark.
r-t-Dato Huts Aaavt Cal
Uvatle mt taw Sail aad YtoMe
Tkaraaf BTartlcaltara, Tltlcaltare aad
BTartlealtaral Oasarvatlaaa.
The question of whether bees punc-'4
tore grapes has been discussed from
various standpoints for a good many
years, and the conclusions reached by
most thinkers and Investigators on the
subject are that bees do not puncture
grapes, but suck the juice of grapes
only after they have burst open or
been bitten by birds. Prof. R. L. Tay
lor of the Michigan Experiment Sta
tion has conducted some experiments
that would seem to put the question,
at rest His observations were that
the bees worked only on the Delaware
and Lady grapes, varieties that burst
open badly in wet seasons. Prof. Tay
lor placed 1,000 sacks on clusters of
thirteen different varieties of grapes
so that the bees could not get at them.
Toward the close of the experiment It
wo found that the grapes inclosed in
sacks were suffering more than those
that were left' uncovered, and many of
the grapes had burst open. The ex
perimenter concluded that tho sucking
away of the juice' of the grapes by the
bees is a direct benefit rather than an
injury, in that these juices are pre
vented from flowing upoa sound
trapes, snd thus increasing the amount
of the Injury by the cracking of the
The question of reforesting burned
over areas Is of Importance to all in
terested in forestry and Incidentally
la horticulture. When large areas are
burned over it 'takes many years to
cover them with anything, even with
grasses. When a small space only Is
covered, the heat is not so Intense as
to destroy all plant germs in the soil.
but in the case of great fires even the
fertility, with all seeds in the soil. Is
destroyed. Eome recent investigations
in Colorado showed that regions that
had been burned over in 1881 had not
begun to show any kind of tree growth
till six years afterward, and that thir
teen years afterward small pines only
were found, and though these trees
were found on Investigation to be
seven years old, they had attained a
height of only twenty inches. To fully
comprehend what this means one
should measure off twenty inches in
height from any object the floor or
ground and remember that this
height represents seven years of
growth. At such a rate, how long will
it take to cover that region with a
fair-sized forest? Another region was
burned over in 1890, and four years
afterward not a sign of vegetation had
appeared, except here and there a
straggling blade of grass or sedge.
Forest fires not only destroy immense
supplies of timber, but destroy the
humus ia the soil to such an extent
that it is rendered nearly sterile for
generations. Fires are the greatest
foes to forests, and their prevention
should engage the best efforts of the
A Kaw Iadastry.
From Farmers' Review: Favorable
'conditions for the growth of what Is
known as the Holland bulbs have been
discovered in the western part of the
state of Washington, in San Juan
county. This county is unique in that
it consists almost entirely of islands,
some 200 in number, surrounded by
water which never reaches a lower
temperature than 43 degrees Fahren
heit in winter, nor higher than 54 de
grees in summer. This equable tem
perature, together with the copious
rains of that region, make it possible
to achieve results in the raising of
bulbs which long-continued experi
ments In other parts of the United
States have not been able to produce.
Mr. George Glbbs of Orcus island,
after carefully studying the soil, cli
mate and temperature of San Juan
county for several years, in the fall
of 1892 planted a quantity of bulbs
which he allowed to remain in their
beds until the summer of 1S94. when
he found an enormous increase in all
varieties. Not only was there a phe
nomenal Increase In numbers, but the
bulbs had also attained an unusual
size, some tulip bulbs measuring seven
and one-half Inches in circumference.
The blooms obtained from these bulbs
are exceptionally fine and well de
veloped, and are ready for the market
two weeks earlier than those raised on
the mainland.
About 400 tulip and hyacinth bulbs
are now planted in Lincoln park, Chi
cago, which have been sent there by
Mr. Glbbs from Washington, and their
development is being watched with
much Interest by those in charge.
Preaarrlae; Fenca TmmtM.
The lime treatment is as good as
any. and the cheapest The only ef
fect of an antiseptic for preserving
timber is to remove the acids of the
wood, and to fill the cells with an in
destructible mineral deposit, thus pre
venting decay, says H. 8. In Rural
New Yorker. After much practice
with the various timber preservatives
for use in such special cases, as In
mines, and for bridges, I have not
learned of any material better thaa
common lime. It has been found so
effective in this way, that ships are
now In existence and seaworthy ia
every way, which are over a century
old, and have been all that time carry
ing ume as tneir principal cargoes.
Timber has been found in ancient
buildings, perfectly sound after cen
turies of burial' In Ume or cement
mortar. From some experience, I am
satisfied that the Ume treatment, sim
ple and cheap as It Is, is equally effec
tive as the various other treatments by
much more expensive materials.
How to Use It My method has been
to saturate the timber which has been
put into bridges, cross ties on rail
roads, and in mines for posts, in hot
lime In this way: A pit Is dug large
enough to hold a convenient lot of
posts set on end, fresh quicklime is
laid in the bottom six inches deep. The
timber is laid or set on end in this pit
for fence posts, this way is most
convenient The spaces between the
posts are filled with the small broken
lime, room being left for the lime to
swell as it slakes, and when the pit Is
filled, water is thrown on to slake the
lime into a paste, as if for mortar. The
lime, in expanding, fills in tightly be
tween the posts, and making a great
heat drives the moisture out of the
timber, and seasons it Water is added
as the lime slakes, until it is a semi
liquid mass. Then as the lime and the
heated timber cool, the vacuum created
in the timber by the previous heating.
Is immediately filled by the Ume water,
sad the ceUulose, with all the acids
which are neutralized In this way, be
comes mineralized, and decay of the
timber is prevented. There is aoth
iag aew fa this way. any more than
there was ia the advice glvea to the
leper to "so wash aad be clean." Bat
it is quite as effective a way as aay of
the mere costly chemical methods of
treating timber to increase its durabil
ity or prevent its decay. Of course, it
is necessary to immerse the posts ia
the pit deep enough to treat them as
far as. or something more than, the
timber will be set ia the ground, and
the timber should be stripped of the
Caraat Graea,
We herewith Illustrate paspalum
compreasum, better known as Carpet
grass. A government report says of it:
This is apparently indigenous along
the coast, and is slowly spreading
northward, being now somewhat com
mon in Mississippi and Alabama. It
Is undoubtedly one of the best pasture
grasses for sandy soils, and it will
bear more hard trampling aad close
(razing thaa any other species. On
heavy soils It is often crowded out by
Bermuda grass and other species, but
oa light soils of even moderate fertil
ity it will soon cover the ground to
the exclusion of all others. It Is a
grass that sooa comes In when sandy
soils are pastured closely, .and will
choke out the broom sedge and other
leas desirable sorts. It Is easily de
stroyed by plowing and never becomes
a weed. It rarely grows large enough
to be cut for hay, though oa the prai
ries of southwestern Louisiana, where
It is known as "petit gazon." it reaches
a height of two feet or more and
covers a large part of the native
meadows. The seed is rarely found la
the market hut the plant Is easily
propagated by mowing whea the seel
is ripe snd scattering the hay over the
field where the grass Is wanted. Even
If but few plants should appear the
first year, the seed will soon be spread
by stock so as to cover the entire field.
It bears heavy frost without injury,
and so affords considerable grazing
FMi B CaratC ignai 'ffawafaa Mmpmmai. a,
during the winter. It is often used as
lawn grass on soils too light and
sandy for Bermuda, and is excellent
for that purpose, though its rather
light color makes it less attractive
than a grass having a richer green.
Freeervlac Staamlaa la IJva Hteek.
By stamina we mean health, vigor,
constitution, vitality, endurance, "get
there." In improved breeding there Is
always danger of decreasing vitality,
says Wallace's Farmer. We can push
development along any line about so
far when weakness of constitution fol
lows, and the usefulness of the animal
is imperiled. We can. for example,
push butter and milk production to a
wonderful extent, but the death rate
among cows that give the phenomenal
yields is astonishing. The constitution
cannot stand this tremendous pressure,
and milk fever or tuberculosis takes
off the queens of the dairy. The cow
can be pushed to 300 or 400 pounds of
butter per year, provided she Is well
fed and kept In a well-ventilated barn,
but the danger line lies very near that
high point
We can make phenomenal gains on
hogs and can hide their skeletons In
a mass of flesh, but If this forcing
process Is continued either on the male
or female line, lmpotency and small
Utters cf weaklings are very liable to
follow. The change from the native
hog to the high-bred animal of any of
the improved breeds U a radical one,
and it is not possible to push pork
production to the utmost without de
creasing the vitality and stamina of
the animal. There is a limit to human
endeavor in this direction, and nature
says "stop." The same is true of
sheep, and in fact of all other classes
of live stock; Ie3s perhaps with the
horse than any ether because the horse
Is used hard for service in the field
or on the road, and work means
abundant exercise and the preserva
tion of stamina and vitality.
Qrasea aa Sat Soil Bladers.
A government report says: The
large areas of drifting sands along
the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf
coasts and also about the Great Lakes
and along some of our larger rivers,
which, because of their unstable char
acter, are a serious menace to life and
property, could in many cases be re
claimed and converted into valuable
pasture and meadow lands. The study
of the grasses suitable for binding
these sands has been extended along
the Atlantic coast as far south as
Florida, also to various points on the
Pacific coast and along the Columbia
River in Washington and Oregon.
Several native sand binders of great
promise have been discovered, and
their utilization in a practical way has
been undertaken. The seaside blue
grass, a native of the sand dunes along
the Oregon coast where it grows
abundantly, is said to be a good forage
grass as well as an excellent sand
binder, and has been successfully in
troduced along the sand dunes of Lake
Michigan. The binding of drifting
sands and embankments about fortifi
cations along the coast is a serious
problem which confroats the authori
ties of the war department
Change in Nitrogen. Nitrogen as
organic matter (plant or animal) at
least before becoming assimilable to
any considerable extent, must first
undergo fermentation and change to
ammonia, and then be changed to
nitric acid, involving one more process
than In the case of ammoniacal nitro
Shoeing Poultry. Bohemian geese,
the Poultry Herald tells U3. when
driven long distances to market, are
shod before starting on the journey by
being sent repeatedly over patches of
tar mixed with sand. This forms a
hard crust on the feet enabling the
geese to travel over great distances.
Jefferson county. Wis., made and
sold over 6,000,000 pounds of butter
last year.
- 1B V .
When we pay $4 a bottle for brandy
we are apt to overlook the fact,, says
a New York writer, that it is made out
of the surplus wine, the cheap, cent-a-quart
stuff that nobody but peas
ants caa stomach. This year over 35,
060,000 gallons of claret will be dis
tilled Into 2,500,000 gallons of brandy.
Wine growing and stock raising ae
the life of France. More acres are be
ing put into vines and grass every year.
Every man has his times when he
wishes he could put his life away
in moth balls till he wants to take her
Says Peruna, the Catarrh Cure,
Gives Strength and Appetite.
BamsamF-::- --v.---vA--vVi5sSS!BBfi!BmW
amaV.v---...---V"V'. TV-osSS3cBnBBaBBBBBBa.
t'iS"'f''S' SSSSsS&SssisSaBmwsMv mamsamV
m """.. T2?&??2$3coaBBaiVw2BaABBBBBBBBa
SpPHlSMmlaSPaff '
. :::Bama-:-B
.-::.BmamWaateKlS----C-C---XSS55S$S55N .'
1': PaM.sV-;slsKlf
""rlBKVamamamamamaf? Va . ClOOOO'aoO,,0NmaT7lBlBBBWIaBaCT
K ilk
KrySS BmamamatvSMvCVk
Tt a .alsmafcVNSsSsSSS?$S .amamaamaamaaaa3LVVa.
jf4KL lBSaisSSS? .amtvlSSssamBamamamamaamama
V fSSmmmmm9uni ft a50mamamamaaMalaaBaaaafaaTaa'Bk5"aw
oi. W. N. Roacfc. Uiited States Seiator frost North Dakota.
Hon. W. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota, personally
endorses Peruna, the great catarrh cure and tonic. In a recent letter to The
Peruna Medicine Company, at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, D. C,
Senator Roach says:
"Persuaded by a Mead, I have used Peruna as a toak, and I am
glad to testify that it has greatly helped me la strength, vigor aad
appetite. I have been advised by Mends that it is remarkably effica
cious as a cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh."
Senator Roach's home address is Larimore, North Dakota.
Peruna is not a guess, nor an experiment: it is nn absolute, scientific cer
tainty. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna has no substitutes
no rivals. Insist upon having Peruna. Let no one persuade yon that some other
remedy will do nearly as well. There is no other systematic remedy for catarrh,
but Peruna. Address the Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a
free book on catarrh, written by Dr. Hartman.
Water Tonrs.
Should you desire information re
garding California, Arizona. Texas or
Mexico, and the long limit, low rate,
round-trip tickets, sold to principal
points, the various routes via which
the tickets can be purchased, or re
garding one way first and second-class
rates, through sleeping car lines,
first-class and tourist, call upon or ad
dress W. G. Neimyer, Gen'l Western
Agent, Southern Pacific Co., 238
Clark St, Chicago; W. H. Connor.
Com'l Agent, Chamber Commerce
BIdg., Cincinnati, Ohio, or W. J. Berg.
Trav. Pass. Agt, 220 Ellicott Sq., Buf
falo, N. Y.
Try Magnetic Starch It
longer' than any other.
will lQ3t
The crosses created by carelessness
cannot be credited to God.
SlOO Bewaitl BIOO.
The readers of this paper will bo pleased ta
learn tbs there is at least one dreaded disease
that wnce has been able to cure in all Us
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Rail's Catarrh Curo is taken internallv.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tho svRtem. thereby destroying the
foundation of thcdtseasc.andKiTinzthn patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doins its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer Onellundrcd Dollars for
aay case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Testimonials. . .
Address P. J. CHEXEY & CO.. Toledo, a
Sold by drumists 73c.
Ball's Family Pills are the best
Strife boils us so quickly that he who
stirs it often gets scalded.
Attractive Booklet Sent Fre.
Choice Recipe for nialcln? Cm-. anl ChocoUte.
AditreM Walter Unkor & Co. Ltl.. Dorchester. Mw.
Science is a word that many use as
a wrapper for ignorance.
Fl TS Trrmtnntlr Cnrwl. Xo nr or prronmiMs artar
Snt dy' o' I"- KUne' :iet Ntrre Kntnrer.
Btn4 for FKEK S2.00 trial bottlr and tmulae.
1Mb B. tt. lail, Ltd., 121 Arch St., I hllalI phi. Pa.
Discipline3hip means giving up, get
ting down and giong on.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
drujjgists refund the money ir it fails to cure.
25e. E. W. Grove's signature oa each bos.
The world without will be what you:
world within is.
Reliable Tfelp Wanted
'Either The Humaciurinn Horn sad Sanitar
ium for Invalid and lleelth seefcera. Incorporate.1.
fend 12c Id stamps for full Information. Addreu J. II.
Teltlbaum, Treasurer. Est Laa Veza. N. M.
The real revival is sent down, not
gotten up.
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothlor Syrup.
For children teething, aoftea tho lurni, reduces fn
fiaiamalloa.aliajapain.curea wind colic zcsoottiev
The obedisnt man gains obedience.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Motives are greater than methods.
We need your assistance at aaaoidcles a thcworld the GREATEST jKMETJVtM Scleaca
has ever prodnced. and you need our assistance to secure relief for yourself and friends taroagftj
i-jr-n-ir a?S BawfcBWfcBMase a ssurelyastae American Xavy has con-
f KtasPflBwaamf I QUr fCaasBwlBaw queredand will conjueroll thatoppoaes
It. o will "5 DROPS" unfailingly conquer all diseases like Rheufltatism. Sciatica. Newralgia..
Catarrh at an kbus, AairtnA, uyspcpM. - .. -,-7-, .-.--- r .
Heart Weakness, Tootaacae. caratne. wrwims n 1 1 . Dnnumw.
j,er aad Kktaey Troubles, etc etc, or any disease for which we rec
ommend it. "5 DROPS" Is the aaaae ami the dose. -5 DROPS" is per-f -m
fectly harmless. It does not contain Salicylate of Soda nor, Opiates la
any form. The Child can use it as well as the Adult. -. ,
Read carefully what Mr. L. R. Smith, of El Dorado Springs, Ma,
writes us under date of Nov. 27. 1809. fMBaiip.! . at
also Martan Bowers, of Caraghar, NEURALGIawk
OaiO. UDQeruaicui u"-
r An nnt know how to
medlclcets. I waicuffer!nsr Intensely with NEURALGIA aad thonghtfor.a
month that I would have to die. One day a lady called to e me and brought TDt
uktaw tt fwtbree weeks and have not had aa attacK of
Bdrerttneaient of yoora niton.
1 rcoie-j 10
-oVa m El Dorado Springm, Mo., Nov. JT.B3J.
aaaaawaa apiaa A "af I Camas1 Tonr "5 DROPS' came to hand oa the lltlt of last moaasd
RHIaVwlwl I Idles wMjrtadtorecelveit fori was offermg-at tae ttave with aatout
foates. The first doe helped me out of my p!a on short notice. Bless the name of God for It It will da-
wbtcBBwTemelmraterelIefaarvetated. MAUTAX BOWERS. Box 83. Caraaasr. Ohio, Dee. 16. lib.
a f aV ft to enable suffers to aire "3 DROPS' at least a trial, we will send a sample bottle, rre
OV lata" T O pan by mall for ZSc A sample bottle win convince yoa. Alio, large bottles (39a doae
fl 00. bottles for SS. Sold b? CS aad agents. AGISTS WASTOhiSawTfTrltarr. Doatwalt! Witt BOW t
SWA3JSON RHEtX ATJC CtTRK CO., 160 t 1. Laka st, CHICAGO, n.r,.
Messrs. Houghton Mifflin Co. take
pleasure in announcing to the many
friends of The Atlantic Monthly that
duriag the last year the growth of paa
11c iaterest in the magaslae has been
greater than .at any time la its long
history. The present subscription list
is the largest on record, and the maga
zine is reaching month after month
hundreds of new readers. It is the
aim of the Atlantic Monthly to present
each month as varied a table of con
tents as possible. Arrangements have
been made to print contributions of
greater variety and more permanent
Interest during 1900 than ever before.
.-Site-h. w
situated oa GalTestoa
Bay, ia deatiaed to bs
tho start anagariaa
dty ca the Gulf at
Mexko. It la the natural seaport facta pra
ductsof the entire Middle, Northern aad West.
era states and for Houston, the great railroad
center of Tesaa. The V. S. Oaveraaiiat aaa
vated 93.eee.oee for Barker bwaravcaawvw.
Capital is flowing ia and men of wealth aad
iiiaoenco are aiakiag investments. AaiavaaV
swat la a tawa lot ia La Parte wM eat
yoa 500 per cent ta 5 years. Write far
Madison St.,
of acres of choice agri
cultural LANDS now
opened for settlement
In Western Canada
Here is grown the cel
ebrated NO. I HARD
wiivat. whWi hrin?s the highest price iatae
markets of the world; thousands or cattle ara
fattened for market without being fed grain,
and without a day's shelter. Sand for informa
tion and secure a free home in Western Canada.
Write the Superintendent of Immigratioa. Ot
tawa, oraddre ss the undersigned, who will mail
vou atlavs. pamphlets, etc. free of cot. w. V.
Bennett Wl S. V. Life Building. Omaha. Neh-
rain th!a rr SMBi
tern, and aaneaow
IFkg. Uitr UardenBaat, It
I Pkg.Eari'at Emrrald CacnmberMe
1 - LaOroaae Market Lettaca,!
Strawberry M!oc,
Warta for 14 eeata. fToi j
Above 10 Pkga. worth $1.00, w will
mail yoa free, toaothar with oar
arcat ;atalo.tllir all Sboat
apon receipt of thia sollce Aide, m
ajxiunpa. ifDiniiwnuiutHH
knowwnaayon once iry naiscr'a
eaa job win nr a wiiaon.
oa Salter's lIMrO rar
est arlisst Tomato Giant on tarth, a-
. aiLxsa aaaa co l caosss. wis.
r DmcRlat. 2Sc. amiBwawea-BB
Scientifically made
Thereforo rnz dsst.
laf B"r W T'lclt relief and cures worrt
caek. Hoot of testimonials an' I 10 DT' treattaea:
race aa. n. n. Min-s sosh. bx s, atiaata, c.
w. '. ir. omama.
No. IttOe)
express how wonderful I think; your "5 DROPS'
'" -
safTerlnu since I tools the flret do. I believe It 1
ir) ib sua rcut iu. av saiap ia uuiue. nsre oeea
Z BaVHaa
PWWbbbbT 1
1 " MDarRadiib,
1 " Early Ripe Cabbage,
1 Karl Dinnrr Onien.
S Brilliant Flowar
? aaV
1 BBfciaaaA
' V:"